Qais Khan's Design Portfolio

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Qais Khan design portfolio


Graduated with 2:1 Honours in Furniture and Product Design at the Nottingham Trent University. I have a true and highly dedicated passion for this field.

Design, to me, encapsulates the creation of a product, problem solving and accepting the challenge of using new materials and processes. I am determined, enthusiastic and continuously motivated to explore.

I am actively seeking a full time job that will allow me to give something back and an opportunity to develop my design skills.

ciica you want beef? vortice light iconic donkey cub kids furniture spiral pendant light tafa-dalu

I’ve build a global community CIICA (Cochlear Implant International Community of Action) through the pandemic. Its aim is to improve awareness, access, and support for cochlear implant.

With over 80 organisations and 400 individuals from 52 countries around the global, I created the content that would be accessible for our diverse audience and the intended purpose.

web development

To meet the needs of their requirements, I created a light, aesthetic and minimalistic website that is effective.

Web management delivered by updating the website including the web layouts, updating the articles, news and events.

Produced distinctive content on a social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter Created, posted and monitored Instagram, Twitter and Youtube channel
social media

I’ve created ad banners to invite people to the event and promote it across social media platforms including newletters using Mailchimp

brand campaign



Presented graphic elements, web templates, letterhead formats, ad banners, email campaigns for the organisation

I’ve produced and directed a video to raise awareness about the organisation using Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects click here to watch a video about

You Want Beef is a fast-food company based in the UK.

Role: Marketing & Social Media Executive

Created, posted and monitored social media platformsInstagram, Tiktok and Facebook.

Continously creating content on social media platforms on a regular basis with a focus on driving audience reach, increase engagement and generate conversation about the brand.

Created multiple reels on Instagram and Tiktok to help increase the interaction between the company and their target audience.

I’ve produced the social media content to communicate brand messages in new and engaging ways for social media campaign.

graphic elements

By keeping up to date with current trends, I have ensured that we post on a regular basis to attract as many customers as possible.

Delivered different approaches and design styles such as a range of graphics that have been used on billboards and food trucks that have travelled up and down the country.


Project Brief

To design a domestic commerical lighting for the individual dining room which would be suitable for everyone but especially for visually impaired people.

Project Duration: 3 month

Vortice is a domestic interactive lighting design which incorporates a simple and adjustable system. Designed for inclusion, consumers who are visually impaired are able to adjust the light source to their individual requirements. The purpose of this light is to illuminate the dining table and its enviroment while creating a convival social atmosphere.

Top cone (done by sand blasting) This allows visually impaired people to be able to feel the texture of the wood.

Cable Adjustable allows you to adjust from high to low.

The combination of aluminum and ash creates a contemporary style.

Vacuum foaming with sand blasting to give a non-glare light.


To design inclusive lighting which would be suitable for visually impaired, the elderly, and people, who simply need more lighting in their home.

To meet the needs of their requirements and by raising awareness of the needs of specialised consumers such as elderly or disabled people.

Simplified with this adjustable cable to create ease for visually impaired people when needed.



Project Brief

To design and prototype a specific furniture typology - the portable free standing storage form as typied by the penguin donkey.

Project Duration: 3 month

The Isokon Donkey 4 is lightweight, portable and can be positioned in a place of your choice within the home. Most useful within the living/lounge room it has a variety of storage possibilities, allowing family members to make everyday use of the design. Aesthetically appealing to the eye it becomes a valued furniture piece within the home setting.

Lightweight, easy and simple to carry.

Using domino joints offers additional support in the making of the Donkey adding to its durability. The base is made up of 12 mm plywood with the remainder 9 mm Aeroply.

570 395
details 430

Model scale 1:10 allowing clear design features to be shown.

Analysing design features and being prepared to resign in order for the Donkey and the spaces provided can be used to their full potential.

Showing design problems and how solutions were found.

1:5 modelling

Project Brief

To design a market-ready prototype of three new furniture designs for children.

CUB kids’ f nit e turn learn

Project Duration: 4 months

slide hide

This project was part of the European Project Semester in Autumn 2017 at the Universitat Politècnica de València. A team of eleven students from Europe and the USA worked together to design, analyse and fabricate a market-ready prototype of three furniture designs intended for children..


CUB kids’ f nit e turn learn slide hide rock block

learn slide hide rock block CUB kids’ f nit e turn learn slide hide rock block

“Slide and Hide” is piece of furniture suitable for children. It is as expandable stool that can be transformed to a playhouse.

“Turn and Learn” is multifunctional featuring a rotatable desk. Cleverly, the desk, when turned 90 degrees can be used as a blackboard. The easel transforms to a desk with usable storage functions.

“Rock and Block” is a rocking horse featuring modular cushions along with a creative rocking action.


Creative furniture concept

Modular furniture concept

The creative furniture is multifunctional furniture, where the child can perform art and crafts.

The modular furniture is a concept where the furniture can be divided and combined in various ways.

The folding furniture emphasizes the need of parents who want space saving furniture.

Folding furniture concept

Spiral Pendant Light

Project Brief

Explore the commerical home-ware market and develop a product specifically for wood fabrication.

Project Duration: 3 month

Eating dinner at home with family and guests? The Spiral Pendant light is used to best effect holding a central position above the dining table. Suitable for both traditional and modern interiors the spraying of light shadows around the room displayed from the light would be a talking point amongst admiring guests.

Fin3mm Aeroply Ring6mm Plywood 230 200 443 186 62 216 88 316 100 30 255 assembly
6mm Plywood

Developed clear design features to be shown.

Exploring to get the accurate shape of a fin which would be suitable for Heal’s.

Showing design problems and how solutions were found.


Project Brief

To design a piece of domestic furniture that brings a touch of Middle Eastern lifestyle into European style.

Project Duration: 5 month

Inspired by the lifestyle of the Middle East, Tafa-Dalu (go ahead, be my guest) is a form of contemporary modular seating which allows the host to both welcome guests who are gathering to sit on a bench and accommodate further arrivals by placing on the floor.

Made from finished solid white ash, this piece also offers a great deal of adaptability beyond the living room area.

concept 1200 700 625

Learning more about the sustainability which would be suitable for bending the wood. Making this piece more eco-friendly.

exploring process

Exploring a different process of using the Kerf Cut.

To ensure the right process is carried out in order to get the right angle.

about me

From a young age I remember having a keen interest in art and drawing in particular. At school and college tutors encouraged me to express myself in Furniture and Product design. I was fortunate to have travelled with my family to various parts of the world which allowed me to experience different cultures in its many forms and to meet an array of interesting individuals. The sight of pattern and colour adorning buildings, the smell of busy cities and the tranquil countryside are my inspiration.

As a furniture and product designer, client requirements are key to my design methodology. My aim is to be mindful of the environment, enhance the lives of people using my products and to encapsulate functionality and aesthetics.



Solidworks Certified

AutoCAD Certified

Adobe Photoshop Certified

Adobe Illustrator Certified

Adobe InDesign

3D max



Personal & Creative

Motivational Speaking




Concept Developing

Design Thinking

Design Researching

@connectwithqais qaiskhan Tel: +44 7975916294

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