Moving Up 2021

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From Junior to Senior A Guide for Parents

“I have been really enjoying Year 7. I love all the clubs that I am in, especially a capella! Throughout the year I have made so many friends! All the teachers are kind-hearted and caring and I really appreciate it! Lastly, the lessons here are fully packed with enjoyable activities. My favourites are Resistant Materials and Creative Computing.� Maia

We hope your daughter is ENJOYING LIFE at the Junior School and is EXCITED at the prospect of MOVING UP to Year 7. Although much will already be familiar (the Performing Arts Centre, Cafeteria, the netball courts and the purple jumper), Year 7 will be an introduction to a world of exciting new subjects and experiences. The ethos of the school doesn’t change as you move into the Senior School, in fact it comes even more into focus. We want to fuel your daughter’s academic curiosity, encourage her to take risks, to challenge and debate, and to further develop her sense of self. Putney High School is one of London’s leading schools, both in terms of academic excellence and pastoral support. It has an enormous and rewarding co-curricular programme for your daughter to enjoy, exceptional new facilities for Sport, Science, Art, Textiles and Music, as well as many new subjects from Classics to Design Technology and hundreds of clubs and societies for her to explore. This guide will tell you what your daughter needs to know and provide your family with important information on the admissions process. If you have additional questions, the Senior School admissions team will be pleased to help:

“So far this year has been amazing. I have made new friends, we are more independent, and all the teachers are kind and caring – they make school great! Alexia, Year 7

MOVING UP The vast majority of Year 6 girls move up to the Senior School. FORM GROUPS Your daughter will be allocated a form according to postcode – although of course that doesn’t mean she will be in a form with everyone who lives nearby. The Junior School pupils are spread across all four forms and so will have plenty of opportunity to make new friends. The Year 7 form groups are re-shuffled in Year 8.

INDEPENDENCE The start of Senior School is the beginning of your daughter taking more responsibility for her daily life, whether in terms of travelling to school, moving between classes, organising her locker, or working more independently.

We make this transition as easy as possible, with experienced Form Tutors, Heads of Year, and ‘Big Sisters’ from older years on hand to help her find her feet and guide her as her confidence grows. Although as parents, you may no longer be gathering at the school gates, you will still be very much involved. You will still receive a weekly enewsletter and academic reports; there will be parents’ evenings to update you on your child’s progress and our website, Firefly and Fixtures Pro for sport, will keep you informed of everything you need to know. Each year group will have a FOPHS Parent Rep to help connect you with other parents and to remind you about upcoming events.


PASTORAL CARE Starting Senior School is an exciting time, but we recognise that new challenges can bring new worries. Your daughter’s ‘Opening Minds’ lessons in Years 5 and 6 are tailored to helping her understand and manage the new changes and emotions she might experience and to help her find the support she will need to manage positively the move to secondary school. From the independent, enrichment projects within our new Ignite programme to the summer’s ‘£5 Challenge’ project, these are two examples of a more ‘pupil-led’ form of learning and, at the start of Year 7, a ‘team building day’ is a chance for the whole year group to make new friends and get to know one another. Every member of the teaching staff has a pastoral responsibility, so every pupil knows there is always someone available to listen to them. Pupils see their form tutor twice a day. Tutors are a part of a team with experience of supporting that year group, which includes a Deputy Tutor, Heads of Year and Assistant Heads of Year. ● P upils in Years 8 & 9, 10 & 11 and in Years 12 & 13 usually have the same Form Tutor who is responsible for their care and welfare and can be alert to their different needs and personalities. ● T he Positive Schools Programme, which begins in the Junior School, continues to form part of PSHE, giving pupils the skills and awareness to better understand and navigate the teenage years. Health education, staying safe online, relationships, sex education and citizenship, as well as study skills and careers planning, are all essential elements of their learning.

● T his term we have welcomed a Wellbeing Coach to the pastoral team. She is there to work with pupils either individually or in groups, get them talking and help them resolve any things that might concern them – from worrying about friendships to talking through concerns about the environment.


ACADEMIC LESSONS Some Year 7 lessons will be taught in form groups (of usually 27) for example: English, Classics, History, Geography and Religious Studies. For many other subjects, including Science, Art, Drama, Music and Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) there are smaller class sizes (around 22) and early opportunities for stretch and challenge, so the more able can ‘hit the ground running’. Girls in Year 7 are not set for any subject so they have an equal opportunity to develop regardless of material covered in their previous school. In Years 8 and 9, girls are set for Mathematics. Moving up the school, the average GCSE class size is 16. For the Sixth Form the average class size is 8.

COMPUTING AND CODING Your daughter will have started using an iPad in the Junior School. This continues in Year 7 when she will be issued with her own iPad to use in lessons and to aid her research, collaboration and presentation. We use Apple Pencils and the latest wireless technologies, and our secure virtual learning environment means that students have access to their school email and learning resources across campus and from home.

“Every moment of Year 7 so far has been thrilling! I always have a friend by my side and can’t wait to try new activities. I’m so excited for my future years at Putney – I will never stop loving it! Ella Year 7

Computer Science, with an emphasis on computational thinking and problemsolving skills, is embedded in the KS3 curriculum. Students are encouraged to think creatively about technology and its positive impact on the community through app design and cybersecurity competitions. Year 7 start coding with Apple’s Learn to Code programme continuing on to Blockly programming and breaking ciphers in Year 8 and creating animation with JavaScript in Year 9. Computer Science is an option for both GCSE and A Level.

DESIGN THINKING This year Design Thinking has been added to the curriculum, allowing us to enhance pupils’ skills and competencies through the practical application of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths (STEAM) to solve real-world problems. It requires creativity and imagination to develop solutions to complex issues and provides an opportunity to produce practical outcomes that have a tangible benefit.

HOMEWORK In Year 7, girls are given homework for a maximum of four subjects each evening. Each piece of work is expected to take around 20 minutes. No homework is assigned for the first couple of weeks.

HOUSE SYSTEM There are four Houses: Beryl Burton, Kathleen Ferrier, Audrey Hepburn and Freya Stark. There are regular House assemblies to encourage girls to mix with others outside their year group and regular House competitions such as sport, drama and debating which raise money for charity.




Putney has a fabulous tradition of Modern Foreign Languages (including Oxbridge success in 2020 in German, Italian and Spanish, and in 2019 our Mandarin students achieved 100% A*A).

The Senior School Library is open from 7am until 5pm (Monday to Friday). There are books, magazines, DVDs to borrow and lots of areas for quiet study.

In the Spring of Year 6, pupils make their Year 7 language selections, choosing two languages from either French or Spanish and German or Mandarin. Latin is introduced in Year 8 and pupils in Years 9, 10, and 12 may also join a GCSE course in Ancient Greek which runs outside of the timetable. From Year 9, students will continue their two modern foreign languages and choose a third option from Latin, ab initio Italian or ab initio Spanish. NB. In order to study French, German or Mandarin at GCSE and beyond, you MUST have studied these languages during Years 7 and 8. Which means, for example, if you choose German, you cannot take up Mandarin later on. It doesn’t though mean that you must study German to GCSE.

BILINGUAL PROGRAMME We have a strong bilingual programme for speakers of French, German, Spanish or Mandarin. In Years 7, 8 and 9, bilingual pupils do not attend the normal lessons in the relevant language and instead receive tuition from a native speaker teacher. In Year 10 we arrange for tuition to continue so that a GCSE can be sat in the language one year early, at the end of Year 10.


MATHS Maths is taught in smaller groups in Year 7 to allow stretch and challenge and a tailored approach for each student. Setting begins in Year 8 and there is a ‘Mathletes’ club for enthusiasts.

SCIENCE Your daughters will be amongst the first to use the new Science, Music, Drama and Debating Centre which will open in 2021. In Years 7 and 8, Science is a combined subject: our Natural Sciences tripos enables pupils to make connections between concepts in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, as well as developing the practical techniques and problem-solving skills necessary for success at IGCSE. In Year 9, all students begin the IGCSE curriculum in all three separate sciences. Our students are bright, and this curriculum signals to universities that these are capable, agile thinkers.

TRIPS We run over 150 trips per year in the Senior School starting with the Year 7 team-building activity day, early in the school year. There are trips to support the subject curriculum as well as a three-day residential activities trip in the summer term and the option of participating in the Year 8 ski trip. Higher up the school there are trips to Iceland, Costa Rica, New York and Berlin, to name a few.


Putney teaches girls to think independently, but above all, to think differently


CURRICULUM In the first year of Senior School pupils can take part in the Year 7 Badge Challenge: an award programme with separate tasks to stretch and challenge them intellectually in subjects from Maths and Geography to Creative Computing. This is followed by the Year 8 BAFTAs, designed to encourage them to explore their creativity and to articulate their opinions in response to a selection of new challenges. PPE, oracy, entrepreneurship and debating encourage problem-solving, risk-taking and effective presentation, as students are encouraged to explore beyond the curriculum and to spread their wings intellectually. The Putney Ideas Exchange (PIE) programme is designed to amaze, to inspire and to feed inquisitive minds, offering the chance to listen to and ask questions of inspirational speakers, from eminent scientists to entrepreneurs and artists.

CO-CURRICULAR CLUBS Senior School is the time to discover new passions and, with over 200 clubs on offer, there is plenty to choose from. Clubs and Societies are not only a chance to make more friends and have fun outside of lesson time, but the perfect opportunity to develop confidence and skills such as leadership and teamwork. From Amnesty Group and Art Club to Debating Society, Scrabble and Medical Society; there really is something for everyone.

MUSIC The breadth and quality of Putney’s music is renowned. In Years 7 to 9, Music is a classroom subject for all girls and in Years 10 and 11 it is a popular GCSE choice. We offer the new linear A Level, and every year girls go on to study Music at leading universities and conservatoires.

10 In the Senior School, there are two orchestras, three large choirs, and many smaller ensembles. Over half the pupils learn an instrument; a number are very accomplished and study at the Junior Conservatoires or are members of regionally and nationally auditioned choirs and orchestras. Over 350 instrumental lessons are taught each week, with a visiting peripatetic specialist staff of 27. Girls are given opportunities to compose and frequently have their work performed. The Senior Choir tours in alternate years to exciting destinations such as Budapest and Tuscany. In Year 9 girls organise and perform an opera. Concerts range from weekly practice and class concerts, to formal evening performances. Lessons are available for the full range of instruments, including drums and voice. In Years 7–9, these are scheduled on a rota basis throughout the day. In Years 10 –13, music lessons do not clash with any academic classes. There are special arrangements for players of two or more instruments. Music lessons are taught between 8am and 5.15pm.

“My first half year at Putney has been fun. I took part in lots of different clubs, such as choir and house drama, and also enjoyed private music lessons, flute and singing. Whether it’s a scene in drama, a composition in music or an experiment in science, the teachers always find a way to make it fun.” Emilia Year 7

SPORT Fitness, fun, and the challenge of competition are all central to the enormous sports offering at the Senior School. Everyone gets involved and has an opportunity to compete against other schools across a huge number of sports. All girls have lessons in netball, lacrosse, gymnastics, cricket, dance, tennis, football and athletics. Girls can join the rowing club in Year 8 and rowing becomes a curriculum sport in Year 9. In Years 10 and 11, PE options include Zumba, spinning, martial arts, selfdefence, yoga and squash sessions at Daley Fitness gym. The Sixth Form Centre has its own Fitness Suite. Tennis and netball courts are on-site. Games afternoons, lacrosse lessons and matches are off-site at our home ground, Wimbledon Rugby Football Club, which is a five-minute coach ride away. We use Wimbledon Athletics Track, have our own Boathouse on Putney Embankment, and the school has membership of the Barn Elms Rowing Club. In rowing, girls compete at the Head of the River and at the Head of the Charles in the USA – some of the biggest events in the sport. Tennis coaching lessons are available during a PE lesson or at lunchtime. Elite Tennis Coaching takes place before school. For our Elite Sportswomen, a dedicated programme offers specialist support and tailored timetables to fit in with external coaching or competition commitments.


“I have really loved Year 7 because it has been full of opportunities such as netball, lacrosse and football. I have really enjoyed making new friends and chatting with them every day and I can’t wait to try even more activities.” Olivia Year 7


ASSESSMENTS & EXAMINATIONS There are no end of year assessments in Year 7. These begin in Year 8. GSCE


Your daughter will make her subject choices in Year 9 with the majority of courses beginning at the start of Year 10. Most students take 10 GCSEs from a broad range of subjects. Our results are some of the best in the country.

Putney is well known for its exceptional teaching but also an unusually broad and flexible subject offering. Students go on to Oxbridge, US universities, top Russell Group universities, music conservatoires and art colleges.


APPLICATION PROCESS Do I need to apply for a place? No. As a Putney Junior School pupil, your daughter will sit the 11+ entrance examination but will not need to compete for a place in the same way that external candidates do. There is no need to make an online application unless you would like to apply for a Music or Sport scholarship.

What is the entrance process? Tell me about the exam and the interview. As you are aware, this year’s 11+ process was adapted due to the Covid pandemic. Every pupil entering the Senior School in September 2022 must take an entrance exam which assesses their core skills, knowledge and understanding in English and Maths. Usually, the exam consists of two, one-and-a-quarter-hour papers: one for each subject. Every child is automatically assessed for an academic scholarship on the basis of these exams. Before the exam, usually at the end of the September of Year 6, your daughter will be invited for a friendly, 15-minute interview which takes place at the Senior School, with a member of Senior School staff. Prior to this, she will have practice interviews with the Junior Senior Leadership Team and Year 6 team in the Junior School. It is important she is not over-prepped or tutored for this. Offer letters are sent by post in midFebruary, and these letters include details of any scholarship award.

“All the teachers are supportive, friendly and kind. I made friends really easily that could last my whole life! I can’t wait for next year.” Georgie Year 7


11+ SCHOLARSHIPS What Scholarships are available for Year 7? In the Senior School we offer Academic, Music and Sport Scholarships at entry into Year 7. These are designed to recognise potential and offer exceptional opportunity to pupils who are already achieving at a high level. As you can imagine, competition for these scholarships is extremely strong and each year we must disappoint many very talented candidates.

at 11+ do not need to re-apply, as 11+ scholarships run for the full seven years of the Senior School.

What standard do you need to be to apply? MUSIC: Music Scholars are usually performing at Grade 5 in their first instrument (with additional keyboard abilities if their instrument is not piano).

It is worth remembering that all pupils will have the opportunity to enjoy and excel in a range of activities in the Senior School, regardless of whether or not they hold a scholarship.

SPORT: Sports Scholars are usually competing at County or National level in their chosen sport. Scholarships are available in one of the following categories: All-rounder, Athletics, Cross-Country, Gymnastics, Lacrosse, Netball, Tennis.

We also offer another opportunity for all students to apply for scholarships at 16+ – for Academic, Art, Design, Drama, Music and Sport. Those awarded a scholarship

Any pupil showing particular expertise in two or more of these sports may be considered for an All-rounder Scholarship (cricket and football may also be included;

15 however, we do not currently offer a specific cricket or football scholarship). All Sports Scholars are eligible for our Elite Sportswoman Programme which is designed to nurture and support able athletes. This programme is available to any student competing at a high level, even if she is not a Sports Scholar.

What should a scholar expect? The award of a scholarship brings great opportunity and with it the expectation that your daughter will work to her highest potential and participate fully in the life of the school. Scholars receive the support of a designated member of staff, assigned to guide and nurture their progress.

How do we apply for a Scholarship? There is no need to apply for an Academic Scholarship as these are awarded to pupils who perform outstandingly in the entry process. NB. Music and Sports Scholarships have a separate application process. Existing Junior School parents should apply online by the beginning of November prior to the September entry into Year 7.

How are Scholarship awards assessed, and what are the financial implications? Academic Scholarships are automatically awarded on the basis of performance in the Senior School entrance examinations in Maths and English. Academic Scholarships are typically up to 20% of fees. Sports and Music Scholarship applications are

assessed by the relevant Senior School Heads of Department who will shortlist a number of candidates to invite to an assessment/audition. Music / Sports Scholarships are typically up to 20% of fees.

Is it possible to hold more than one scholarship? Yes. We have many examples of pupils who hold more than one scholarship. For further information and to apply for a Music or Sports Scholarship at 11+, please go to: Music Scholarships www.putneyhigh.gdst. net/discover/bursaries-scholarships/musicscholarships Sports Scholarships www.putneyhigh.gdst. net/discover/bursaries-scholarships/sportscholarships


BURSARIES Bursaries are means-tested and are designed to ensure that applicants who meet the school’s entry requirements are able to join Putney, regardless of their family’s financial circumstances. Bursary awards will vary depending on individual circumstances and joint household income and assets are taken into account. The maximum award is 100%.

All bursaries are administered by the GDST which outlines the criteria in their assessment for eligibility. More details can be found on the GDST website www.gdst. net/about-us/fees-and-bursaries/ If you intend to apply for a bursary, please first make contact with our admissions team to discuss the appropriate steps.


WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE EXAM? We post offer letters in mid-February and we ask for a response by the beginning of March.

co-curricular activities and the chance to get organised with uniform, sports equipment, music lessons and the many clubs and activities on offer in the Senior School. You will be notified well in advance with timings and arrangements for the day.

Offer Holders’ Fair Just after February Half Term, our Offer Holders’ Fair will give you and your daughter the opportunity to spend time in the Senior School, to talk to teaching and admissions staff and to ask any of those important final questions you might have. As a member of the Putney community, you will also be invited to a coffee morning with Senior School staff, organised specifically for Junior School Year 6 parents, as we know you will have different questions to external candidates.

Accepting an offer and deposits On accepting an offer, the deposit that you originally paid to the Junior School rolls over to become your Senior School deposit.

We’ve accepted a place – what next? Once you have confirmed your acceptance of a place, the admissions team will send you details of online forms that you need to complete. These will include details of your daughter’s language choices, updated contact and medical forms and any other special requirements.

Let’s Get Started Day In mid-June, ‘Let’s Get Started’ is a fun and friendly day where all new Year 7 pupils come together for a taste of lessons, lunch,

“We have marvelled at our daughter’s development in her years at Putney High School. She has grown into a passionate student, a devoted and loyal friend, and a tenacious participant in all of her commitments and activities… We are grateful to all of the teachers who have inspired her and for an environment that fosters independent thinking and bold choices.” Parent of Year 11 student who joined in Reception

“I feel like I have been in the senior school all of my life, everyone is so friendly and the teachers are so kind. I take part in as much sport and other activities as possible including netball and lacrosse and we do everything as a team.� Mimi

Putney High School, 35 Putney Hill, London, SW15 6BH Phone: 020 8788 4886 Email:

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