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The Purple Pulse

Woodhaven, United States

The Purple Pulse is produced by the Woodhaven High School Newspaper I, II and III classes. The ideas and opinions expressed are those of student journalists and do not necessarily represent those of Woodhaven- Brownstown School District, the high school administration, or staff. As a Staff, The Purple Pulse pledges to thoroughly research every article and be fair to all sides of an issue. Our goal is to bring awareness to important events in the school, the area and around the nation. We vow to be unbiased when spelling out the facts and hope to simply start the conversation. The Purple Pulse staff will be ethical and will follow laws in every case as we do not want to be a disruption, a nuisance or a “tabloid”. Our content will be accurate and if not, we will correct ourselves when need be. We, as a whole, will be an active part of our school and will strive to gain respect in the community.


Volume 30, Issue 1

October 10, 2014

Volume 29, Issue 8

May 30, 2014