Well Balanced Living

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Gut Feeling

Nourish &Flourish Begin from within to boost your body and always be ready to glow Discover diet deficiencies that are holding you back from your best Keep your piggy bank well fed and manage budget change Balanced cleanse, balance and build your best life PHYSICAL+FISCAL FITNESS | PHARMACY TO FARMACY | SHAKE DOWN THE SCALE | ABOUT TIME TO TRAVEL Well LIVING How healthy is your wealth? Don't try to find balance, c reate it by designing a life of health, happiness and freedom.

you don't find balance... create it.

We are all trying to find balance... a balanced diet, a balanced budget & the elusive work/life balance.
BalancedLIVING 2 Well

So what is PURE?

Here's the scoop.

We know that everything we need comes from the ground. PURE is committed to providing premium quality, predominantly plant-based products cultivated with the best of science and nature. This philosophy includes the avoidance of artificial dyes, colors, flavors, sweeteners, and other potentially harmful ingredients. PURE selects natural ingredients derived from natural sources or made through natural processes.*

The story of PURE starts with you.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products offered by PURE are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease and are not intended to replace any medical treatment. 3

Generational Health: Let’s Dig into the Growing Problem with Our Dirt

The fruits and vegetables that we fill our grocery carts with are markedly different than the ones our grandparents bought.

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Nearly 99 percent of the world’s daily calorie intake can be traced back to our soil.¹ Without question, we’ve been taught that fruits and vegetables are highly nutritious. That old food pyramid we learned about in school told us that our bodies require fruits and veggies daily to maintain good health. Unfortunately, no one mentioned that today’s groceries don’t live up to the nutritional standards our parents and grandparents enjoyed. Like many modern things, they aren’t as good as they used to be.

But why? The fact is, today’s harvest isn’t as nutritionally dense as it once was. Produce grown years ago was much richer in vitamins and minerals than what is available on the shelves today.¹ What’s behind this upsetting disparity? The answer lies in our soil. As agricultural practices have changed over the years, so has our food. With the focus moving towards higher-yielding, larger, and more insectresistant crops, our soil has been stripped of essential minerals and nutrients that our bodies desperately need. These modern farming methods produce beautiful, abundant fruits and veggies that are the “picture of health” but they are severely lacking the substance they contained in years past. Sadly much of our food today is empty.

What does it mean to your body if you aren’t consuming adequate nutrition from your food? According to the Institute for Functional Medicine, micro-nutrient malnutrition is associated with a wide range of physiological impairments, including metabolic disorders, reduced immune, endocrine, and cognitive function, and delayed or inadequate physical development.² In other words, if you don’t get the nutrients you need, your body may not function the way it should.

Unfortunately, weakened soil is not the only factor contributing to declining health. In addition to producing less nutritious food, today’s crops camouflage another scary truth. Our departure from manurebased fertilizers, plus the adoption of chemical pesticides is contributing to an increase in toxicity that may be responsible for a number of growing health issues. According to UC Davis, the research and science-based agricultural extension of UC Berkeley, “Increased pesticide exposure can lead to increased risk of ADHD and autism. It is also linked to reduced cognitive skills, ability to learn, and memory. Exposure to pesticides may lead to the development of Parkinson’s disease, fertility issues, and cognitive decline later in life. There is also a potential link between cancer and pesticides.” ³

We are not getting (or feeding our kids) the same nutrition our parents had.

Empty Harvest: Well Fed But Not Feeling Well

If you're not paying attention to what you are putting into your body now, you might pay for it later with poor health.

{ BalancedLIVING 6 Well

In addition to new buzz-word health issues like "leaky gut" and "gluten intolerance", chronic illnesses and cancer rates have continued to skyrocket over the last 50 years.4 Is it any wonder that obesity is on the rise? Type 2 Diabetes is now affecting our youth. It has grown from just 1% of the American population in 1958 to over 11.3% of Americans in 2021.5 These statistics continue to rise, with 38% of the population now diagnosed with prediabetes.6

So what do we do? To avoid exposure to pesticides, some choose to eat an organic diet. While organic fertilization practices avoid many toxic pesticides and GMO varieties, UC Davis notes, “Organic foods are not healthier, per se, in terms of nutrients. You are still getting the same benefits in conventionally grown foods as you are in organic foods.”³ Bottom line, while eating organic can potentially lessen your toxic load, it’s not a silver bullet. It can’t magically compensate for the nutrient deficit we all have to face.

If the easy answer were eating organic, perhaps we would be moving in the right direction - but we aren’t. Unfortunately, the truth is that many Americans are not eating ANY whole fruits and vegetables regularly.7 Talk about empty nutritionlook at the packaged, processed, and pasteurized foods consumed by most

of the population. The first four or five ingredients of popular processed foods show us that many foods consumed by Americans have been stripped of all nutrition and replaced with shelf life. Our food delivers fast, easy consumption with a hefty dose of sugar on top. There has to be a better way.

Is there an answer? The solutions to micro-nutrient malnutrition can include quality supplementation, diversification of diet, and biofortification of crops by using fertilizer.8 Being aware of what our bodies need and where we can get it is an excellent start to filling in the holes that our soil leaves in our diet and, ultimately, our health.

50Years of Soil Depletion

The reduction in average nutrient content of fruits and vegetables since 1950.1

Phosphorus -9% Iron -15% Vitamin C -15%

Calcium -16% Vitamin A -18% Vitamin B -38%

1 https://chriskresser.com/depletion-of-soil-and-what-can-be-done/

2 https://www.ifm.org/news-insights/micronutrient-malnutrition-not-limited-developing-nations/

3 https://health.ucdavis.edu/blog/good-food/are-organic-foods-really-healthier-two-pediatricians-break-it-down/2019

4 https://www.who.int/news/item/03-04-2003-global-cancer-rates-could-increase-by-50-to-15-million-by-2020

5 https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/statistics/slides/long_term_trends.pdf

6 https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/data/statistics-report/index.html

7 https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/the-state-of-the-plate-new-research-reveals-americas-fruit--vegetable-consumption-is-eroding-301233168.html

8 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fsufs.2021.756296/full

The soil provides many nutrients that humans require, creating a link between soil health & human health.

Meet Rachel & Javier Garcia Chairman

From Pharmacy to Farmacy

As a busy Physician Assistant, business owner and mom to two toddlers, Rachel went looking for good health and found the good life.

When Rachel and Javier discovered PURE in 2008, they were extremely busy parenting two young boys, working many hours at their full-time jobs (a Physician Assistant and an Estimator) and running two side-businesses they had just started (a skincare retail store and a construction company). At the same time, Rachel’s two year old nephew was diagnosed with severe autism. Hearing that he would likely never speak, Rachel decided to put her degree in biomedical research to work looking for answers. She wanted to learn more about autism, why her nephew had it, and how he could be helped. From her investigation she learned that cleansing your body of toxins and consuming largely plant-based nutrition and high-quality

supplementation was vital for overall optimal health. Thinking this lifestyle change may be beneficial for her nephew, as well as her own sons, she made some major changes. She planted an organic garden, invested in a juicer and sought out the best of the best supplements at the health food store. While this undertaking was expensive, time-consuming and produced no tangible results, she knew from her research that what she was doing for her family was necessary for their health. It was at this pivotal point that her brother asked her to take a look at PURE. She was immediately impressed with the centuries-old philosophy that the company was founded on… CLEANSE, BALANCE & BUILD.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products offered by PURE are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease and are not intended to replace any medical treatment. BalancedLIVING 8 Well

In Rachel's Words

What is Cleanse, Balance & Build?

CLEANSE, BALANCE & BUILD is PURE’s brilliant product philosophy. Nutrition was not a part of my medical training to become a Physician Assistant. However, our family had learned just how important nutrition was through our further research. PURE’s products made the process of eliminating the

toxins in our bodies and getting concentrated predominantly plant-based food and supplementation into our bodies easy. PURE became a simple way to get exactly what we needed for optimal health on a daily basis.

How did PURE impact your life?

In the first three months, our family’s results were so noticeable that we felt ethically obligated to share this gift with everyone we knew. Javier and I are not salespeople, but we tried to be when we first started sharing PURE. Sure, we saw some success, but we felt like we were eating up all our free time in the process. We became overwhelmed and found ourselves constantly answering questions about the products and the company while working two full-time jobs, running two companies, and raising our boys. It was frustrating to be so passionate about something and want to put in more work and effort but have so little time to focus on it.

We desperately wanted to figure out how to share PURE with more people, but we knew we couldn’t find any more time. So in 2010, we attended a conference to learn more about how to scale what we were doing with PURE. We heard from people from hundreds of different companies who had successfully grown their reach and, in the meantime, had changed their family’s finances and free time with products like makeup and cleaning solutions. We thought - at PURE, we don’t sell makeup, we don’t sell cleaning products, we share predominantly plantbased food that positively affects the health of every man, woman, child, dog, and cat who consumes them. We knew we HAD to figure out how to share these unique products with

more people and help those interested in starting their own businesses with PURE become successful.*

It took a few more years for us to develop a system to teach others how to find success at PURE. We believe this system can help independent business owners create side income while also positively affecting the health of those they love. We believe it has the potential to allow people to find more time-freedom to do the things they are passionate about. It’s important to note that not everyone who gets started with PURE builds a business that creates time freedom, and financial success. Many variables go into creating a successful business in any industry. Similarly, work ethic varies from person to person, and many people are unwilling to put in what it takes to truly change their lives. After evaluating hundreds of businesses over the last 14 years, we believe PURE differs from anything else. With PURE’s focus on financial and physical health, it has the potential to make positive changes in the lives of so many. If you choose to join us, you will be locking arms with a company and team that will support and guide you as you start and grow your own business. We are passionate about what we do and love to teach and lift up others as we work hard together toward common goals.

Why should someone consider the gift of PURE?

We are incredibly blessed to have helped tens of thousands of people by introducing them to PURE, sharing the philosophy of CLEANSE, BALANCE & BUILD, and showing them how they can ultimately partner with PURE to impact others. PURE is based on the three pillars of health: 1. Cleanse your body of the toxins you have been consuming since birth, 2. Balance


out your sleep, your exercise, and your PH, and 3. Build up your trillions of cells with largely plant-based food nutrition. Implementing these three steps with PURE products (in a simple routine that takes less than 60 seconds in the morning and at night) can potentially lead you to your best life. Who wouldn’t want that gift? Who wouldn’t want to share it?

for PURE’s full Income Disclosure Statement. 9
makes no guarantee of financial success. Because of the countless variables that may affect an IBO’s ability to succeed in this field, it is impossible to accurately state what an IBO may or may not expect to achieve in terms of income, success, and/or rewards. Consequently, PURE does not and will not make any guarantee of success or income.

Stories straight from the frontlines

Dr. Wunmi Osinubi

Esther Adesina

Esther Adesina graduated with a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition from NYU in 1999. She is a Consultant Dietitian who has been in private practice in New Jersey for more than 15 years. She was introduced to PURE by a doctor friend and listened to a live presentation by Rachel Garcia. She was excited by PURE’s philosophy and started putting this great nutrition in her body and that of her family as well. Within 3 months, she saw great improvements in her health parameters, energy level, weight status and general well being. She and her husband Adewale have also worked hard, putting in time and effort, to earn several incentive trips as a result of sharing the gift of PURE. Her goal is to share PURE with other family members, friends, colleagues, patients and anyone she comes in contact with. She sees PURE becoming a household name in the USA and beyond.*

Dr. 'Wunmi Osinubi ("Dr. O") lives in Somerset, NJ with her family. She has been practicing medicine for over 30 years and is board certified in anesthesiology, with additional specialized training. In her clinical practice, she recognized that poverty is linked to poor health. She has seen the adverse impact of environmental exposures and poor lifestyle on people's health. She even experienced some of those issues personally which sent her on a journey to help herself and others. She was introduced to PURE and the philosophy resonated with her functional medicine approach to whole health. When she researched the products, she found them to be comprehensive as they addressed the key areas that she works with in her Functional Medicine practice. Over time, she has seen very impressive results, reduction in symptoms and improvements in vitality and performance.*

Dr. Tammy Jones

Tammy has been practicing Optometry since 1988 in Elizabethton, TN. She began her journey with PURE after suffering the loss of her parents. Her health spiraled down following that loss. She started taking PURE products and embraced the lifestyle changes PURE advocates for and experienced drastic changes. After seeing what largely plant based nutrition could do for her, she decided to share with family, patients and friends. The results she has seen with her patients have been astounding and she continues to be amazed at what PURE can do.*


Theresa Gonzalez lives in Ponte Vedra, FL and has been an active Cardiology Nurse for 19 years. She took a look at PURE and saw the health philosophy of cleanse, balance and build that made sense to her, but was so different from anything she had ever heard before. She began with the products and PURE lifestyle recommendations hoping to create longevity and health throughout her life. She wanted to avoid the health concerns that plague so many Americans. With little immediate expectations, but big hopes for the future, she was pleasantly surprised with PURE products. She has seen many positive health changes in her own life as well as in the lives of her husband and her two children. She LOVES knowing that she is sharing the gift of PURE with others and putting tons of fighters in her family’s bodies each and every day!*

Theresa Diamond Ruby Executive Ruby Executive Ruby Executive
BalancedLIVING 10 Well
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products offered by PURE are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease and are not intended to replace any medical treatment.

Healthcare Heroes

Noelle Simpson

Noelle Simpson lives near Dayton, Ohio and has worked in the hospital for over 30 years as an Occupational Therapist. The last 5 years, she's served as Rehab Coordinator overseeing all therapy services. When she was introduced to PURE she was battling some health challenges and felt run down as a working mom. She was immediately intrigued at the detox program, with its products and push for a healthy, balanced lifestyle. She got started and completed 30 days with amazing results! She lost weight, felt increased energy, and saw her health numbers improve. She fell in love with the products and how they made her feel. She began sharing and decided to partner with PURE. She started earning enough to get her products paid for, earned several trips and started to make supplemental income on the side. PURE has been a journey she never expected. It has brought her family improved health and an additional income.*

Dr. Nkemamaka Okpala

Dr. Nkemamaka Okpala has been a practicing physician with her husband for over two decades. She found PURE 6 years ago when she was morbidly obese and praying for answers. She was well educated in medicine, but couldn’t improve her own health. She got started with products in combination with significant lifestyle changes and experienced tremendous personal wellness results. She was so impressed that she decided to partner with PURE as a business and have the opportunity to offer these solutions to her patients. She now sees PURE as a lifeline that allows her patients to have better choices in their health journeys. She wants to overcome the false belief that we cannot remain healthy as we age and help people understand that there is a place for food as medicine in healthcare today.*

Shelbey Wise

Shelbey Wise is an Occupational Therapist at a nursing home in her hometown of Thomasville, GA. She was introduced to PURE and immediately recognized the health benefits and saw that there could be a financial benefit to working with PURE as well. Overall her family was healthy, but she had a few persistent health struggles. She ended up in the emergency room one night after losing consciousness. Multiple tests were run with no results or solutions to the problem. She decided to try the PURE detox program, with its products and healthy lifestyle changes, and has seen dramatic changes in her daily life! Another plus for her became clear when her normally busy work at the nursing home slowed because of the pandemic. She was thankful to have another stream of supplemental income to help support her family during such an uncertain time. She cannot wait to help more people get PURE into their homes and their bodies.*

Dr. Lola Adebanjo and her husband own GoodLife Medical Center and have practiced medicine in Memphis, TN since 2005. When she first saw PURE she didn't look into it, thinking she was too busy. Luckily she reconsidered and said yes. She now has more energy and lost weight by incorporating diet and exercise into her daily routines. She and her patients now enjoy PURE's largely plant-based products. She loves the mentors she's met with PURE and worked hard to earn a trip to Hawaii. She has been able to find more free time to enjoy life and travel the world.*

Dr. Lola Adebanjo Ruby Executive Gold Director Ruby Executive
Platinum Director
makes no guarantee of financial success. Because of the countless variables that may affect an IBO’s ability to succeed in this field, it is impossible to accurately state what an IBO may or may not expect to achieve in terms of income, success, and/or rewards. Consequently, PURE does not and will not make any guarantee of success or income.
http://livepure.com/IDS for PURE’s full Income Disclosure Statement.

Meet Melissa Urban

Presidential Black Diamond

Performing Well: A Gut Feeling About Fitness

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Melissa and Greg Urban raised their two grown boys in Flemington, NJ. Greg stayed busy as a VP of Professional Services, and Melissa was a group fitness instructor. Melissa had always led a healthy lifestyle and was very aware of the importance of diet, exercise and nutrition. Although she was “fit” and taught fitness classes, she was struggling to feel her best and began searching for answers. A friend introduced her to the PURE philosophy of cleanse, balance, and build, and she was immediately attracted. As she researched she learned that the gut is truly your “second brain” and the key to optimal fitness. She became focused on getting her gut health in check so she could improve her gym performance and overall wellness.

Melissa already understood the importance of cleansing all seven channels of elimination - the lungs, liver, skin, lymphatic system, kidneys, blood, and intestines. She also believed in the importance of balance in your body, from stress to sleep to pH. As she dove further into PURE, she was impressed with each pillar of health that their philosophy represented as it aligned with her health beliefs. She discovered that PURE also had products specifically for athletes called GPS. They were designed to help burn fat, retain lean muscle and improve performance in the gym. They provide a competitive edge while avoiding the use of GMOs, artificial dyes, colors, flavors, sweeteners and other potentially harmful ingredients. GPS was exactly what Melissa had been searching for.

She and Greg have been consuming PURE now for over eight years, and they love how PURE makes it easy to get high-quality, highly concentrated supplementation into your body that works to keep you well and improve your workouts every day. After falling in love with the products, she decided to work PURE full-time and now recommends the Core Plus Pack to her clients at a minimum. In addition she recommends GPS products to anyone wanting to get the most out of their workouts. She encourages clients to embrace the PURE lifestyle changes and consistently take the products, and most have seen significant changes in their health in as little as 30 days. Melissa loved the community she built while doing group fitness, but now she has built such a strong community with PURE that she truly feels like she’s home. Recently Melissa and Greg picked up their northern roots and moved from snowy New Jersey to sunny Florida to be closer to their PURE leaders, who are now their PURE family.*

How to Navigate the GPS Line


• Boosts metabolism*

• Improves endurance

• Reduces mental and physical fatigue


• Relaxes arteries to improve blood flow*

• Enhances delivery of energy at the cellular level for greater physical activity*

• Helps preserve lean body mass and protect muscle tissue*


• Boosts metabolism*

• Activates muscle*

• Builds lean body mass, especially when ombined with exercise*



• Improves absorption speed through proper osmolality*

• “Tops off” vital biochemicals throughout activity for improved endurance*

• Contains less sugar than similar products


• Supports muscle healing and growth while restoring vital energy substrates*

• Decreases soreness and increases strength after exercise*

• Includes Creatine which improves energy transformation within muscles*


• Promotes improved body composition and encourages restful sleep*

• Supports proper balance of Growth Hormone (HGH), Cortisol and Testosterone

• Helps maintain lean body mass and aids in reduction of stored body fat*

success, and/or rewards. Consequently, PURE does not and will not make any guarantee of success or income.

for PURE’s full Income Disclosure Statement.

“I was healthy and taught group fitness, but I knew I could perform better in the gym.”
See http://livepure.com/IDS
*PURE makes no guarantee of financial success. Because of the countless variables that may affect an IBO’s ability to succeed in this field, it is impossible to accurately state what an IBO may or may not expect to achieve in terms of income,

Sommer & Joby Blackburn

Sommer and Joby Blackburn are proud parents to four children and live an idyllic life in Birmingham, AL. Joby is a Surgical Synergy Regional Manager in the Neurosurgery field and Sommer stays home and manages their busy household.

When the Blackburns were introduced to PURE they were being hit by wave after wave of difficulties. They were praying for answers to many challenges all at once. Sommer was struggling to recover from some serious health concerns that kept her from keeping up with her kids. Joby was bearing the brunt of their family's financial burden and was drinking 64 oz of coffee a day to maintain his energy in the hospital. Over the course of having four children, Joby had gained 10 pounds with each of Sommer's pregnancies and was feeling sluggish and run down. Both Sommer and Joby were collegiate athletes and as they approached middle age health issues were beginning to get in the way of doing the things they enjoyed. Sommer and Joby also recognized that their son Warren was struggling in school.

When the Blackburns discovered PURE, they had a sit down family meeting and decided they were all in. Every family member down to the youngest was on board to begin making dramatic lifestyle changes and flooding their bodies with PURE nutrition. The results they saw were life-changing and more than they ever expected. Sommer saw quick positive results in her health and was back to being Mommy. She also noticed over time that she was no longer experiencing health issues that she had suffered from for 30 years. Joby gained energy and lost weight doing the PURE Detox program and was able to begin coaching youth tackle football. Warren's overall focus likewise improved dramatically.

Additionally, PURE has provided a supplemental stream of income to their family and provided Sommer with a business she could work from home while still being present with her kids. This has been a huge blessing and has helped them to lower the stresses of their previous life in so many ways. Overall, the Blackburns are thankful to have found PURE and didn't realize that it would be the answer to so many of their prayers.*

“We didn't realize that PURE would be the answer to so many of our prayers.”
medical treatment.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products offered by PURE are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease and are not intended to replace any
BalancedLIVING 14 Well
Joby's PURE Results

Finding Hope & Health

Mandy Dakas is the Assistant Principal at an elementary school in Tennessee. She has 15 year old twins and they were the reason she initially got involved in PURE. Her son had significant health challenges, and she was praying for anything that could help him be his healthiest. When she heard about PURE she knew that she needed to get it into his body. She believes that cleansing, balancing, and building our bodies through good nutrition is key in helping all of our bodies to function the way God intended. She saw miraculous health improvements with her son and then she began to see the financial benefits of working this business as well. She shared her family's successes and now people simply SEE the difference in her. Being a part of PURE has afforded her the opportunity to share something beautiful, a pathway to health, for everyone she cares about and meets. She is now helping others AND earning supplemental money for her family.*

Carey Miller is a trained pediatric critical care nurse and now stays home with her two boys in Denver, NC. She was introduced to PURE when a good friend sent her a video. Of course being a nurse, her family's health and her own were very important, so she jumped all in. In 3 months of taking PURE’s products and embracing PURE’s healthy lifestyle recommendations, she had lost weight and seen positive changes in her blood work tests. In 6 months, she felt even better than she did in her 20s, and she saw positive changes in her sons’ health as well! She began sharing, grew a large customer business and an amazing team. She now enjoys helping people change their lives whether it be their health, finances, or both!*

Jennifer Zinge

Jennifer Zinge is a mom, wife and retired Police Officer from Tarpon Springs, FL. A family member first told her about PURE in 2016. What excited her was earning an extra stream of income. She loved the idea of finding a fun way to make supplemental income, while at home with her family. At the time, she had a 2 year old, she was exhausted at the end of the day, and had several other health concerns. She bought the Family Pack because she wanted to flood her body with good nutrition, and she embraced the healthy lifestyle changes PURE promotes. As a result, her health improved and she has been able to maintain her positive results for the past 5 years. She has not missed a day of PURE products and will never go without them. She is so happy that her family introduced her to PURE and loves that they are all staying healthy together!*

Mandy Dakas Carey Miller Ruby Executive Ruby Executive
See http://livepure.com/IDS for PURE’s full Income Disclosure Statement. 15
Emerald Executive
makes no guarantee of financial success. Because of the countless variables that may affect an IBO’s ability to succeed in this field, it is impossible to accurately state what an IBO may or may not expect to achieve in terms of income, success, and/or rewards. Consequently, PURE does not and will not make any guarantee of success or income.

This Woman Traveled 200 Nights a Year

Kristin & Skip Hendrix Presidential Black Diamond *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products offered by PURE are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease and are not intended to replace any medical treatment. 16 BalancedLIVING Well
From a corporate pyramid to a pyramid scheme? Why it pays to take a closer look at a business model that you think you already know. Meet

Kristin and Skip Hendrix were closing in on becoming empty nesters when PURE fell into their laps. Kristin was a corporate VP of Sales for a global wholesale company in Tallahassee, FL and Skip had retired early after owning a lucrative sporting goods store. Their two teenage girls were in high school and both had busy schedules which Skip gladly coordinated while Kristin was traveling with work.

Kristin traveled 200 plus nights a year to accounts all over the world and found herself parenting her girls with Skip over the phone. If she wasn't in a hotel room, she was in an airport, and while she loved her job and was at the top of her game, she began to realize that the time she had left with her girls at home was fleeting. Of course she was always home for the BIG days... birthdays, Christmas, cheer competitions, but she was missing out on the EVERY days and she became convicted to make a change.

A friend asked her to take a look at PURE so she did the "friend favor" and agreed to watch a video. Skip was watching as well and a few minutes in he heard the name Phil Knight. When he discovered that Phil Knight was an owner investor in PURE he told Kristin they should go ALL IN. Kristin was skeptical of this being one of those "things" but she knew that Skip's partnership with Phil had been influential in his sporting goods store's success in the past. Skip believed that if Phil was aligned with PURE then they wanted to be a part of it as well.

As Skip and Kristin continued to watch the presentation and learn more about PURE, they were blown away by the low investment to start a business and the opportunity to create supplemental income. Skip remembered back to the beginnings of his sporting goods stores and lamented that he had borrowed $185,000 at 19% interest to open his business and it ended up taking 10 years to pay back at a total of $350,000. The thought of starting a business for less than $3,000 with no overhead was so outlandish that they both thought it must not be a real business. He also liked the idea of having a small-business for the tax benefits. On top of that, the investment bought them high-quality nutritional products that they could consume and could improve their health. Needless to say, PURE was a no-brainer.

When getting started in the business, Kristin was impressed with the simple system and ability to easily duplicate her efforts. It had taken her years to master her skillset in sales, while it only took her days with PURE to learn how to use those skills to start building her business. The most powerful thing she discovered is that she could help so many othersthat did not have years of sales experience - find opportunity through PURE’s independent business program. While she was skeptical of this industry and the PURE opportunity at first, she immediately discovered that it was a way to find better balance in her life, and spend more time doing what she wants, when she wants, with who she wants. She loves PURE because it allows her to live her best life while helping others achieve their dreams as well.

“I was home for all of the BIG days, but I was missing out on the EVERY days.”
Phil Knight is an owner investor in PURE.
% It took Skip 10 years to pay back his first business loan with $165,000 of it in interest
See http://livepure.com/IDS for PURE’s full Income Disclosure Statement. 17
makes no guarantee of financial success.
of the countless
that may
affect an IBO’s ability to succeed in
field, it is impossible to accurately state what an IBO may or may not expect to achieve in terms of income, success, and/or rewards. Consequently, PURE does not and will not make any guarantee of success or income.

Living in a small South Georgia town, Josh worked serving underprivileged youth while Ashley stayed home with their three young children. Nonprofit work can be very fulfilling but does not always reward financially, thus the name nonprofit. Josh and Ashley were working hard to make ends meet and trying to figure out how they were going to afford their mounting debt and unexpected expenditures like roof repairs after theirs sprang a leak. Spending more time on finding ways to provide additional income than quality time with their kids, the Paskes were ready for a CHANGE.

The timing was right when they were introduced to PURE and they wondered if it could provide the additional revenue stream they had been looking for. They JUMPED and JUMPED BIG believing that if they worked hard they could change their

financial trajectory and create a legacy for their children. Making a strong commitment to the business model of showing a presentation, following up and connecting people with questions to leaders, Josh and Ashley saw positive financial changes in their lives, and among other things, were finally able to get a new roof.

Josh and Ashley’s passion is developing lasting relationships through team building and duplicating leadership to help others find similar success. They firmly believe that the best of PURE is yet to come!

“I was spending more time on finding ways to provide additional income than quality time with my kids.”
& Ashley
Blue Diamond
BalancedLIVING 18 Well *PURE makes no guarantee of financial success. Because of the countless variables that may affect an IBO’s ability to succeed in this field, it is impossible to accurately state what an IBO may or may not expect to achieve in terms of income, success, and/or rewards. Consequently, PURE does not and will not make any guarantee of success or income. See http://livepure.com/IDS for PURE’s full Income Disclosure Statement. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products offered by PURE are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease and are not intended to replace any medical treatment.
Business owners with a big family and bigger dreams.

Growing Multiple Streams of Income

Wes Fanning

Wes Fanning is a Vice President and Branch Manager for a Community Bank in Tennessee. In addition to seeing the potential health benefits of consuming and supplementing his diet with largely plant based nutrition, he immediately saw PURE as a business opportunity. He invested in a Family Pack and never looked back. After a few months of consuming PURE products on a daily basis and making positive lifestyle changes that PURE promotes, his blood work looked better than it had in years. His doctor told him he was entering his 50’s much healthier than he entered his 40’s. He has never felt better in his adult life. PURE and the Lifechanger leadership have helped him to help others achieve their health goals. He is working toward his goal of working his PURE business full time.

Jenn VonHagen owns a marketing agency and a startup in Jacksonville, FL. As a busy wife and mom, she was all in when her sister asked her to join her on the PURE Detox, taking products and embracing the healthy lifestyle changes PURE recommends. After the Detox, she felt amazing. That was exciting, but when she explored the business, she got more excited. She saw a debt-free company, with brilliant money behind it, offering products she already trusted. She saw that PURE was perfectly poised for growth - sitting at the intersection of the desire for plant based health, online shopping, and trust-based marketing. She jumped in big, noting it was by far the smallest investment she’d ever made to start a business. Today, PURE is providing her with a stream of income that softens the impact of a roller coaster small biz landscape. Jenn sees PURE as part of her wealth portfolio and an amazing opportunity to help others.

Matt Baty

Matt Baty is a self made business owner from Bainbridge, GA currently operating four businesses including PURE. He has a lawn and landscaping business, a tree business, and a fishing guide service that keeps him busy 6-7 days/week. When he learned about PURE he was really not looking for another business. However, when he watched the presentation it all seemed so clear. Being used to working with his hands day in and day out, the idea of making money through a side business was very intriguing. He decided to go big because as a business owner, return on investment was very important to him. Since that time he has started earning weekly supplemental income and feels better than he has in years.

Mary Katherine Erwin

Mary Katherine Erwin is a trained RN living in Bozeman, MT. Mary Katherine and her husband Spence have a history of entrepreneurship from running a wholesale sunglasses business to owning restaurant franchises to managing multiple real estate projects. As a nurse Mary Katherine immediately saw the health benefits of PURE for her family She was pleasantly surprised when she learned about the business model and saw how low the investment was to get started. She was especially encouraged by the fact that she could grow this business with flexible hours and without the headaches of employees, franchise fees and overhead. The Erwin's bought a Family Pack and began consuming the products which led to powerful results. This ignited their entrepreneurial spirit and they went to work sharing the products and business model with their network of friends, family and business associates. Today they have a large customer base, a growing team and continue to see positive returns on their PURE investment.

Monique Wood lives in Tallahassee, FL and has owned and operated one of the largest salons in the southeast for the past 32 years. When she saw PURE she was blown away by the philosophy of cleanse, balance and build. As someone that lost both parents to cancer before the age of 30, she knew the importance of good health. She invested in a Family Pack and knew that she made the right decision because she had never had similar results from any of her previous supplements. She began to share and has been so thrilled with the compensation. When she was forced to close her salon doors during the pandemic, she committed to herself that multiple revenue streams were a must. PURE has been a fun journey for her, not only does she get weekly supplemental income, but she’s worked hard to hit her sales goals and has earned several wonderful trips including Italy! Of everything she’s gained, the like minded, successful people she’s met (that are now her great friends) are her favorite part of PURE.

Jenn VonHagen Monique Wood Sapphire Executive Platinum Director Platinum Director Ruby Executive Sapphire Executive

Jobs fill your pockets, but adventures fill your soul.

While many love to travel, the expense of flights and hotels can often get in the way of planning a dream trip. Another impediment is the sinking feeling of knowing when you arrive at your destination every dollar you spend on dining out, entertainment and excursions is a dollar you won't have when you get back home. Imagine traveling on someone else's dime. Imagine your flight being covered, being booked in a 5-star hotel and you're not paying the bill. Imagine having extra spending money to enjoy every moment of the trip. Wouldn't that be a dream? When you partner with PURE, by working hard and meeting a variety of sales goals, you may qualify to earn trips to incredible destinations. When you travel with PURE, get ready to have the time of your life.*

It’s About Time: Watch a Compass Not the Clock

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products offered by PURE are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease and are not intended to replace any medical treatment.
BalancedLIVING 20 Well

Linley and David Paske live in Tallahassee, FL with their two teenage boys. Despite the fact that they were a two-income household and both had well paying jobs, they always seemed to find themselves coming up short when it came to their vacation savings. They both loved to travel and their young boys were certainly adventurous, but it seemed like the only travel they could ever afford was to a modest beach rental or maybe a short weekend jaunt to an amusement park. Occasionally they would travel more lavishly with Linley's parents - who would graciously foot the bill.

When they were introduced to PURE, they liked the idea of the health benefits for their family, but they were very curious about the ability to generate additional income that might be able to take some pressure off of their budget. The idea that they could possibly work hard and earn trips to bucketlist destinations put them over the top and they made the decision to start their own PURE business. Right out of the gate they began reaping the benefits of partnering with PURE. They felt amazing,

experienced some major health transformations, and became profitable. Linley decided to focus on her PURE business full-time. It took a lot of continued hard work and diligence, but allowed her to work from home and have more freedom than she previously had.

Linley and David were excited about the idea of traveling with the company they loved, so they set a goal and focused on earning a PURE incentive trip. By putting in time and hard work, they earned their first trip and were blown away at the caliber of the travel and accommodations.

Their PURE business brought them full-circle when after many years of effort, hard work, and goal-setting they earned a trip to breathtaking Grand Wailea in Maui, Hawaii. The best part - they were able to bring their children and Linley’s parents along. After all the years of her parents taking them on trips, it meant the world to finally give something back that they would never forget. To the Paske family, making money with their business is certainly a blessing, but making memories with their family is truly worth its weight in gold.

“Making money is a blessing, but making memories with family is worth its weight in gold.”
See http://livepure.com/IDS for PURE’s full Income Disclosure Statement.
*PURE makes no guarantee of financial success. Because of the countless variables that may affect an IBO’s ability to succeed in this field, it is impossible to accurately state what an IBO may or may not expect to achieve in terms of income, success, and/or rewards. Consequently, PURE does not and will not make any guarantee of success or income.
Meet Linley & David Paske Presidential Black Diamond



Jenny Wetzel

Jenny Wetzel is a mom of 3 grown boys and proud military wife who spent many years working in education in Elizabethton, TN. Jenny discovered PURE after being sick for a year with severe stress induced IBS, dangerously high triglycerides and a slew of deficiencies. She struggled with migraines, gut pain, fatigue, and constant diarrhea. She was having to leave work and go home multiple times during the day due to stomach issues. Her social life was affected as well as her ability to take care of her family. After being prescribed a very expensive medication that had minimal results she began looking for healthy alternatives to help her gut. When she was introduced to PURE she was excited about the philosophy of cleanse your body of toxins, balance your stress and ph levels, and build your body back up with nutrition. It was a system that just made sense to her. She hoped that it would be the answer she had been looking for but didn't realize that she would truly get her life back in the process. She jumped in with a Family Pack and was so thankful to finally feel relief from her issues. After her experience she realized that she had to share the gift of PURE with others because she didn’t want anyone else to suffer like she had. Since beginning her PURE business she has grown an amazing team of partners that are just as passionate as she is about spreading the goodness of PURE. She and her husband have also earned several incentive trips which she can now fully enjoy since she no longer has to stress about her gut getting in the way of living her best life.

Rachel Webb Dan Connors

Dan Connors is a Personal Trainer in Broomfield, CO. When Dan initially joined PURE in 2015 he was in NJ. He had severely injured his wrist, and was not able to use his right hand for 8 months. After months of no improvement, he began looking for answers on the internet but nothing he tried was working. After six months he was beginning to wonder if his wrist would ever heal, and if the inflammation would ever go away. A personal training client of Dan’s suggested the Organic Sulfur and a few other PURE products. At first, he wasn’t sure. He had never heard of Organic Sulfur, and had tried supplements before with no success. He figured he had nothing to lose. As soon as the products arrived Dan began taking Organic Sulfur and the other products religiously. After five days Dan finally felt relief and he couldn’t believe it. It was then that he learned about the business opportunity. Knowing full well the power of the products Dan was in. When he moved to Colorado in 2018, he didn’t know a single person in the state. But with faith in his heart, and a hunger to build a great organization he began networking with aspirations of planting the PURE flag in Colorado. As of 2022 PURE in Colorado is growing and reaching people with life changing supplementation, as well as an entrepreneurial opportunity to build passive income.

Rachel Webb is a Family Nurse Practitioner, a mom of two college-aged children and wife to a hard working husband who keeps their home running in Chattanooga, TN. Over her 26 years in the healthcare field she has seen first hand how traumatizing poor health can be, not only for the patient but also for their families. Rachel was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer at 32. She was negative for the breast cancer gene, so she knew there must have been a link to environmental pollutants, toxins or other chemicals that turned the key for the cellular change at such a young age. She recognized the potential risks of cancer returning over the years and knew she needed to be putting in the best antioxidant nutrition into her body. She also had some weight to lose and the option of a 28 Day Detox really intrigued her. After starting as a customer with the Be Healthy pack, she knew she wanted to share this amazing company and products with others. She noticed increased energy without coffee, less back and joint pain and an overall feeling of wellness. At that point, she decided to come in with the biggest Family Pack to sample everything and get her family on the products too. As a health care provider she says she can't think of anything better than practicing what you preach. Her mantra: if you want to help others, let them see it in you first. She believes her patients and customers have to want to make a change, but feels strongly that bad habits can be broken and health can be put back together with the gift of PURE.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products offered by PURE are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease and are not intended to replace any medical treatment.

Platinum Director Ruby Executive Sapphire Executive

Susan Burch & Will Parker Diamond

From the mountains of Montana to Bora Bora’s Mount Otemanu.

Susan Burch and Will Parker live in Montana in the heart of the Rocky Mountains by Glacier National Park. Susan works their PURE business on a full time basis while Will is a Professional Educator in the Firearms and real estate industries. Will was shared the gift of PURE by a great friend back in 2016. Immediately seeing the benefits of both the health and financial aspects available with PURE, he jumped in with the purchase of a Family Pack. After about a year of consuming the products, they began to share PURE to assist others with better health and quality of life. Susan decided to leave her corporate job and focus all of her time, hard work, and efforts on her PURE business. She loves that she is able to spend her time doing something she is passionate about. Will also shares PURE with his students and plugs them in to Susan. They have been able to grow their business by helping others with their health and finances, and have even set goals, worked hard and earned incentive trips to incredible destinations like Bora Bora. They love that in addition to the health and financial benefits of PURE they have been able to make amazing friendships and memories along the way.

estate investor

Successful real estate investor Patsy Harden and retired firefighter Billy Harden understood the power of multiple streams of income and immediately recognized the power of the PURE business model. They especially loved that they could use any supplemental income they earned to fund their desire to contribute more to charities of their choice. They saw results immediately with the products and were thrilled to share the gift of PURE with their large network of friends and contacts. It was an incredible bonus when they realized that with hard work and diligence to meet sales goals, they could earn trips to visit beautiful destinations with the company. Billy and Patsy love being a part of the PURE family and are excited to see where PURE will take them in the future.

and retired firefighter ready to give back and relax.
Patsy & Billy Harden Diamond
See http://livepure.com/IDS for PURE’s full Income Disclosure Statement. 23
makes no guarantee of financial success. Because of the countless variables that may affect an IBO’s ability to succeed in this field, it is impossible to accurately state what an IBO may or may not expect to achieve in terms of income, success, and/or rewards. Consequently, PURE does not and will not make any guarantee
of success or income.

Omega 3s

Mila Micro Sliced


Daily Build Liquid

PURE's comprehensive blend offers the rapid delivery of antioxidants, B vitamins, phyto-vegetable and phyto-fruit blends that help fight free radicals. It also offers immune and cardiovascular support.*


Chia Seed

A super food and a natural source of omega-3s, antioxidants, fiber and phytonutrients.*

Brain Food

Energy Five flavors provide a great alternative to high-carb, artificially enhanced energy drinks. A proprietary blend of natural ingredients may help support mental clarity, improve focus and reduce fatigue.*

Strong Bones

& Sleep


1 2 5 6

Provides rapid delivery of calcium, magnesium and vitamin K2 PLUS vitamins D, A, C and E that work together to build strong bones and teeth, support heart function, and promote restful sleep.*

3 7

Eliminate Toxins

Cleanse Digestive support that works through the body’s seven channels of elimination to remove harmful toxins from the body and treat short-term constipation.* 4

Joint Health

Organic Sulfur This mineral is necessary for many important functions in the body and may improve flexibility and mobility by promoting joint function and health.*

Mood Booster


A great-tasting blend of superfruits, herbs and other fruits traditionally used to help the body manage stress for an enhanced sense of calm and focus.*

The core
products you’re gonna need.*
Tastesgreatand kids love it !
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products offered by PURE are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease and are not intended to replace any medical treatment. BalancedLIVING 24 Well

Ready for a Reset?

Try a DETOX not a DIET

The PURE Detox program, when combined with a healthy eating and exercise, was developed to help your body eliminate environmental toxins and waste while helping you grow accustomed to eating whole foods.

Over 90% of the sugar we consume comes from processed foods and not from sweets. The average American consumes an estimated 77 pounds of sugar every year. This is the equivalent of nearly 5 ½ full-size candy bars every single day. No one would say to themselves, “I’m going to eat 5 candy bars every day and not worry about the impact on my health.” Yet, most of us consume this much sugar without recognizing the correlation to weight gain and poor health.

If you choose to do a 7-day detox like so many others have, you'll learn to break unhealthy habits, your energy levels will soar, you will find newfound mental clarity and focus and you will likely shed a few extra pounds along the way.* Scan the QR code on the inside back cover for more information about the PURE Detox program.

1 oz Daily Build

2 tbsp Mila

2 scoops Organic Sulfur

1 stick Energy

1 stick Hydrate

1 oz of each Superfruit

1 scoop Greens

Frozen Fruit (optional)

Frozen Kale (optional)

Ice Cubes

Water or Nut Milk

Combine all ingredients in a traditional or single serve blender. Blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Pure&Simple: A smooth and healthy way to start your day. LivePURE Super Smoothie
*PURE makes no guarantee of financial success. Because of the countless variables that may affect an IBO’s ability to succeed in this field, it is impossible to accurately state what an IBO may or may not expect to achieve in terms of income, success, and/or rewards. Consequently, PURE does not and will not make any guarantee of success or income. See http://livepure.com/IDS for PURE’s full Income Disclosure Statement.
Real Detox results combined with diet and exercise.*



Get started on your health journey with the best of the best whole raw plant-based nutritional supplementation.


The best selection of products is the one that fits you and your health goals. With PURE you can build a pack of products that's just right!


Looking to get your health on track? Start with Core Plus. Experience the cleanse, balance, build philosophy with these powerful products.


If you want to see results for you and think you might want to share the gift of PURE with others, consider a business pack with extra perks.


Premium supplementation company offering quality nutrition based on science and results.


Ready to grow? Set yourself up for success! Enjoy the biggest discount and receive the biggest rewards with one of the family builder packs.


Founded in 2008 and developed around a 30 year medical practice that treated patients with food and had tremendous results.


PURE products are organically grown or wildly harvested at the source all over the world and manufactured in an FDA facility in Frisco, TX.


PURE is experiencing rapid growth with incredible corporate leadership and successful majority owner investors like Phil Knight.


Creating an additional stream of income is a wise choice in today's economic climate and there has never been a better time to align yourself with PURE.*


The wellness industry is now worth $4.2 TRILLION and continues to rise. In today's market, wellness has evolved from a luxury to a lifestyle.

$ 4.5T


PURE operates internationally and continues to expand in 7 countries around the world.


Retail e-commerce sales were 4.9 trillion dollars in 2021 and are predicted to grow by 50% over the next 5 years.


High start-up costs and expensive overhead prevent many from starting businesses. Small initial outlay and quick returns make this model ideal.

*less than 50 thousand distributors


By growing and working as a team, you can increase your individual efforts and make great relationships at the same time.

*PURE makes no guarantee of financial success. Because of the countless variables that may affect an IBO’s ability to succeed in this field, it is impossible to accurately state what an IBO may or may not expect to achieve in terms of income, success, and/or rewards. Consequently, PURE does not and will not make any guarantee of success or income.

See http://livepure.com/IDS for PURE’s full Income Disclosure Statement.


Find your perfect balance.

1 2 Product of the Products

Business Builder

PURE Preferred Customer

Discover health and happiness your way. Become a PURE preferred customer and experience the VIP benefits of whole health for your body.

• Save 25% off your favorite products

• Convenience of Autoship No minimum order, cancel at any time!

• PURE Autoship Rewards (PAR) Get 20% back on every order!

• Ships directly to your door

• Easy online reorders via livepure.com

• Access to online wellness community with recipes, support and resources

• FREE enrollment

Scale your

Partner with PURE

Go beyond the benefits of whole health for your body when you partner with PURE. Grow your network and your net worth while helping others reach their health and wealth goals.*

• Save 25% off your favorite products

• Earn up to 50% commission just by sharing the gift of PURE

• FREE personal business website

• Access to business tools, resources, experienced leadership and support

• Opportunity to earn trips around the world*

• Become a part of PURE family and connect with others like you

• Small start-up fee of $25 Ask how this can be waived!

and weigh the

See the PURE compensation plan here: livepure.com/why-pure/compensation/

Bronze Director $1,000 Silver Director $1,000 Gold Director $1,500 Platinum Director $3,000 Sapphire Executive $4,000 Ruby Executive $6,000 *The figures within this document are not guarantees or projections of your actual earnings, profits, or success. PURE makes no guarantee of financial success. Because of the countless variables that may affect an IBO's ability to succeed in this field, it is impossible to accurately state what an IBO may or may not expect to achieve. Consequently, PURE does not and will not make any guarantee of success of income, whether explicit or implied, and past IBO testimonials as well as the information included in PURE's updated Income Disclosure Statement are only examples of what can be obtained as an IBO with PURE. Past results do not represent any indication of future success or earnings. For additional information, please visit http://livepure.com/IDS. Emerald Executive $8,000 Diamond $12,500 Blue Diamond $25,000 Presidential Black Diamond UNLIMITED Chairman Black Diamond UNLIMITED Ambassador Black Diamond UNLIMITED COMPANY RANK MAX EARNINGS/WK COMPANY RANK MAX EARNINGS/WK Scan with your phone ' s camera to learn more! 27
Don't try to find balance, create it by designing a life of health, happiness and freedom. Follow the label below to visit LivePURE.com and see all the products that PURE has to offer. Also be sure to scan the QR code on the inside back cover for more information about Well Balanced Living. You'll find helpful product tips, healthy recipes and the scoop on how to get connected with PURE. www.LivePURE.com cleanse, balance and build your best life
BalancedLIVING Well
BalancedLIVING Well

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