陽光兒女145 期

Page 122


208 張瓊方

The story is about a girl called Amy,who fell in love with a boy.The boy’s name was Robert,and he had blond hair and was the minister’s son.He was invite to Amy’s home for Chritmas Eve dinner.Amy was very nervous before that and imagined what Robert would think of her culture and her families.On Christmas Eve,her families and relatives made her ashamed. But her mom told her that she must be proud of her identity and special parts.Though she didn’t agree with her mom at the time,several year later,she found that it was right and she appreciated her lesson.And she realized that her mom loved her deepest. I think Amy is afraid of not being accepted by others.So she feels uncomfortable and embarrassed in the presence of Robert and his families.In our lives,we may face the same problem like Amy had confronted.We will be flurried and don’t know what we should do.Butremember,recognizing ourselves is the most important thing to do.We don’t need to care what others think of us.Just be ourselves and do our best.Be sure not to be lost.We will feel better to live.After reading the articale,I learned that we should love ourselves no matter how different we are from others.And should accept ourselves for who we are.

得獎感言 剛進屏女第一次參加校內比賽,沒想到就得到佳作, 但是我對自己的作品並沒有非常滿意,希望明年再參 加的時候,可以交出自己更滿意的作品,並且獲得更 好的成績。


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