Secrets and Power of Backlinks

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==== ==== Fast Attack Links! Backlinks You're Not Taking Advantage Of! ==== ====

Backlinks are an extremely powerful tool in relation to search engine optimisation (SEO). If you are fairly new to IM (Internet Marketing), or have just launched your first business website, you will certainly be eager to pick up as much information as you can on how to achieve a high-ranking position for your site on search engines such as Google, MSN and Yahoo. What A Backlink Is A backlink is basically a hyperlink. A hyperlink is text which is created using HTML to enable it to provide a link which can then be clicked on. By placing these hyperlinks which connect to your site on sites other than your own, you will be creating what is known as a backlink. Why Backlinks Are Important To rank (or appear) on the first page of a search engine search without the use of advertising is the ultimate way to get a lot of traffic to your website. This is known as ranking organically. You will be getting specifically targeted traffic (people looking for exactly what you are offering) and it will be FREE! Although there are other search engines available, the most popular is Google. Google decides on search ranking by analysing the backlinks to your website. So understanding backlinks and how best to use them so you may naturally rank high on page 1 of a search is paramount. Getting The Most Out Of Backlinks It isn't only the number of backlinks pointing to your site that is important. Where they are pointing from can also dictate results. A link originating from a high authority site, such as for example, will be considered more powerful than one from say, a nofollow blog. Another example of a backlink that has virtually no value in Google ranking is when a site links to yours in return for you linking to them. This is known as a reciprocal link. You will just be wasting your time. Generating a large volume of backlinks from a large variety of authority sites is ultimately what you should be aiming for. This can easily be accomplished by using the services of social bookmarking sites.

Create articles and videos based on high-ranking keyword phrases connected to your niche, then post on the many bookmarking sites available. By including a linkback to your website in every post you will rapidly build many valuable back links. Posting useful comments on high-ranking blogs in your niche can not only build your reputation, but it will also be an important source for those precious backlinks.

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==== ==== Fast Attack Links! Backlinks You're Not Taking Advantage Of! ==== ====

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