PTW: June 2015

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IMMUNIZATION STATUS This is not the case, the pathogens that cause the infectious diseases are always in circulation. Being vaccinated simply means that one is unlikely to contract the disease. In a highly interconnected world, these agents can cross geographical borders and infect anyone who is not protected. In Western Europe, for example, measles outbreaks have occurred in unvaccinated populations in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom since 2005 due to increasing international travel, and therefore, international travelling of infectious diseases. There has also been some speculation circulating in the media recently suggesting that immunizations are a means of the government controlling individuals through the incorporation of microchips in vaccines. Firstly, the amount of time and money that the government will have to invest into something of this massive undertaking is just not feasible or plausible. There are many questions, such as: How is that microchip going to be stable in the vaccine and the body, how is it going to get into the brain, and hypothetically, how will it then control the brain. The answer is the hypothetical microchip cannot do any of the above three whatsoever, and physiology and chemistry can help justify why. As we all intuitively know, electronic

JUNE 2015

equipment and water just do not mix, so how is it that a microchip can be stable in a vaccine and the human body, which is mainly comprised of water. In the instance that the microchip is to somehow circumnavigate this problem, how does it circulate around the body and find a way to penetrate into the brain. For a microchip to pass through the fine vasculature, like your capillaries, it would have to be smaller than the size of a red blood cell (erythrocyte). Erythrocytes given there structure and internal contents are able to mould and conform enough to squeeze through capillaries, however, it is highly unlikely that a microchip has these same capabilities and therefore there is a greater chance that it will just become lodged in capillaries, potentially leading to complications. On the topic of immune systems, technically speaking the microchip would have to find a way to avoid being destroyed by our own immune system; it is a foreign substance to the body. In the instance it does find a way into the brain, how is it possibly going to brainwash and monitor us. The brain, unlike other organ systems, is so complicated, that even to this day neuroscientists can’t explain many things. And imagine if the microchip could be used to monitor/control use, think about the amount of resources needed to proceed with this, it would be enormous as it requires intense technology and human resources.

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