PTK Partners in Excellence 2022

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creating a culture of transfer student success 2022 make the
connection Build affinity by offering support | PG 10 recruiting with Phi Theta Kappa A playbook to designing and diversifying your outreach | PG 4

from the Chief Opportunity Officer

At Phi Theta Kappa, we believe there is an equitable distribution of talent among the nation’s community college students but an unequal distribution of opportunity. But when we work together, our organizations can open the doors of opportunity to these bright and talented students.

Community college students bring with them the resilience, diversity, and talents needed in any learning environment or professional setting seeking broader range of perspective and higher learning. Through our partnerships, we create opportunities for students to pursue and meet their highest academic and professional potential, and the ripple effect of their achievements impacts families, communities, and the institutions at a national and global scale. We achieve this together.

Start Your Partnership Today!


Heather Yush Senior Director of College Relations

Ron Filipowicz

Director of College Relations

Phi Theta Kappa is working to not only level the field for these students, but to change it. Through programs and activities including Transfer Edge™, our annual PTK Catalyst College Transfer Fair, the PTK Transfer Honor Roll, and PTK Connect™, we work to equip students with the resources and tools they need to successfully navigate transfer. As a result, Phi Theta Kappa is the only single-source resource for four-year college and university partners to attract, recruit, and retain the nation’s most promising community college transfer students.

Emily Gora College Relations Coordinator

We believe the success of our members can be largely attributed to the strong and meaningful relationships with college and university partners like you. So, on behalf of Phi Theta Kappa, thank you for being a Partner in Excellence and for supporting the members and mission of Phi Theta Kappa.

Nancy Sánchez-Badillo, Ed.D. Chief Opportunity Officer | Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

Associate 601.984.3556 601.714.1256 601.984.3647 2 Partners in Excellence

national profile of student success

student success

top majors

Business, political science, agriculture

Annual Salary: $75,329

pharmacy, all healthcare

Annual Salary: $66,620

Technology, Engineering, Math

Salary: $77,994

Salary: $64,391


Salary: $82,829

Partners in Excellence 3
average agefemale average gpa 3.6 federal aid recipients
students who complete their associate degrees and/or transfer to a four-year college complete a bachelor’s degree or higher 68% average number of degrees earned 2 Average Mid-Level Salary $71,045 Data sources: Phi Theta Kappa Member Database; National Student Clearinghouse Degree Completion/Transfer Verification; National Student Clearinghouse Current Term Enrollment Report; Bureau of Labor Statistics May 2016 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates (Median Salary); U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2012/17 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS: 12/17).
17% Science,
liberal arts Annual
12% 66% 2854% English,
Social Sciences Annual
11% United States ptk United states 55% Phi Theta Kappa Member completion and transfer 91%


with Phi Theta Kappa

Wondering how your institution can fully engage with Phi Theta Kappa to meet your recruitment goals? Our playbook offers a guide to designing an inclusive plan and diversifying your outreach. As a PTK Partner in Excellence, you can utilize resources like PTK Connect, the PTK Advisors List, events, advertising, and more to create a customized strategy for transfer students recruitment. The result? Maximize your chances of reaching as many PTK members, and even prospective members, as possible!

First things first

Subscribe to PTK News at and follow us on social media to stay up to date on all things PTK.

Try PTK Connect for free. Contact today for your free level of access.

Create an annual recruiting calendar that aligns with your institution’s transfer recruitment and enrollment priorities. Remember, new students accept membership in PTK daily, so create a plan to actively recruit them by sustaining outreach efforts year-round.

Start or renew your PTK Connect subscription to activate student search functionality.

Establish, reinstate, or increase your PTK Scholarship to incentivize students who are looking for an institution that values their PTK membership.

Award transfer credit for students completing PTK Edge and PTK Leadership Development Studies.

Congratulate students on accepting PTK membership. Send swag from your college or the PTK Store to congratulate students on membership acceptance to build connections. Consider hand-delivering items at an upcoming chapter meeting or induction ceremony, with advisor’s consent!

Audit your institution’s transfer admission and scholarship web pages and consider customizing these pages to directly address PTK members.

Utilize LinkedIn to build a professional network as you meet PTK members, advisors, and counterparts at four-year and community colleges.

4 Partners in Excellence

Fall 2022

Sponsor the PTK membership fees for eligible students. You’ll help students access the benefits of membership while building rapport with potential transfers. Contact College Relations at to get started.

Sponsor and/or attend PTK regional meetings. Find details for regional events at Many regional meetings include transfer fairs, so don’t miss out. Reach out to the PTK Regional Coordinator for more on attending and sponsoring.

Put your PTK Connect Subscription to work by searching, downloading, and conducting outreach to prospects.

Connect with PTK at the NACAC National Conference, in Houston, Texas, September 22-24, 2022.

winter 2022

Update your institution’s Transfer Profile on PTK Connect by December 9, 2022, to be automatically considered for PTK Transfer Honor Roll recognition. Check out for more details.

Prep for PTK’s annual convention PTK Catalyst, April 20-22, 2023, in Columbus, Ohio. It’s the largest gathering of community college honor students and hosts the largest transfer fair. Review options to sponsor and/or exhibit, register, and make travel arrangements.

Put your PTK Connect subscription to work by searching, downloading, and conducting outreach to prospects.

Sign up for PTK Virtual Transfer Fairs, and leverage PTK Connect to personally invite prospective students to attend those live events.

Partners in Excellence 5

spring 2023 summer 2023

Sponsor or participate in PTK regional meetings. Reach out to the PTK Regional Coordinator for more on attending and sponsoring.

Put your PTK Connect subscription to work by searching, downloading, and conducting outreach to prospects.

Attend PTK Catalyst as a sponsor and/ or Transfer Fair exhibitor, April 20-22, 2023, in Columbus, Ohio.

Put your PTK Connect subscription to work by searching, downloading, and conducting outreach to prospects.

Make annual updates to your Transfer Profile on PTK Connect. Work collaboratively with colleagues to avoid duplication of effort.

let’s get started!

The College Relations Team is ready to help you customize the perfect combination of resources to make your recruitment efforts a success. Contact us at to get started.

6 Partners in Excellence

Tips to Boost ROI on your PTK Transfer Scholarships

Research offerings at peer institutions by clicking Find Scholarships on PTK Connect Dashboard. Ensure your offer is competitive by increasing awareness of your market.

Compete Advertise

Increase exposure by notifying the PTK College Relations team to assist in promotion.

Update details of your scholarships in PTK Connect to equip prospects with current information. Start by clicking Manage Scholarships on your dashboard.

update Communicate

Leverage PTK Connect to inform students in your target audience about their scholarship eligibility. In your messaging, embed hyperlinks from PTK Connect to direct students to your institution’s profile and

Create separate listings for each scholarship available to PTK members and/or transfer students in general. Award details become visible and searchable for students navigating PTK Connect.

Promote Collaborate

Ask PTK Chapter Advisor for permission to co-table during their college club and organization fair. Informing students of your scholarship offers return on investment for accepting membership in PTK.

Partners in Excellence 7

build your own PTK Partnership

Four-year colleges and universities are offered unique opportunities to collaborate with Phi Theta Kappa and support transfer student success. Those institutions are recognized by PTK as Partners in Excellence. Customize your own recipe for transfer student success from our menu of options.


PTK Connect Annual Subscription

Obtain transfer student leads and discover top prospects. Subscription level options include:

$1,000 for 1,000 names

$2,000 for 2,000 names

$3,000 for 3,000 names

$4,000 for 4,000 names

$5,000 for unlimited names*

*No max/cap on number of downloads; offers best value in terms of price per lead

PTK Chapter Advisor List

Strengthen transfer pipeline and broaden recruitment reach locally and regionally

$500 for 1,200+ contacts

PTK Transfer Scholarship

Attract more students with this powerful recruitment tool

No fees or contracts free promotional benefits

PTK Transfer Honor Roll

Leverage PTK’s endorsement to recruit students by completing your college’s profile on PTK Connect

No fees or contracts gain national recognition


Digital Ads

Stand out with a clickable digital banner ad on PTK Connect

$1,500 for 6 months

$3,000 for 12 months

PTK Connect Profile

Enhance your institutional profile and promote transfer scholarships

No fees or contracts increase your college’s virtual presence


PTK Catalyst Transfer Fair Exhibitor

Increase your visibility by participating in our Annual Convention

Event Sponsor (includes Transfer Fair fee waiver)**

**Registration fees TBD

8 Partners in Excellence

Tips to add value to your Your PTK connect subscription

Set reminders to download leads at a frequency that complements your strategy.

Customize communication with students who view or like your PTK Connect profile.

Alert PTK members of your planned visits to their colleges before traveling to recruiting visits or transfer fairs. Invite them to schedule times to meet while you are in their backyard.

Leverage PTK Chapter Advisor

List to send personalized materials to staff/faculty member overseeing the local chapter; ask what your institution can to do assist their chapter (see page 10 for more ideas).

Invest in a digital ad on PTK Connect for extra visibility.

Partners in Excellence 9

Making the Advisor Connection

Building affinity through support

How can four-year college recruiters excel at building relationships that benefit Phi Theta Kappa members, advisors, regions, and the four-year institutions they represent?

At PTK Catalyst 2022, PTK’s annual convention, we hosted an educational forum for four-year college transfer counselors to find out. Our panel included Susan Morris, a PTK advisor from Southern State Community College, and Steve Cukovecki, Assistant Director of Admission and Transfer Recruiter from Wilmington College, both from Ohio. PTK’s Senior Director of College Relations Heather Yush, a former college recruiter herself, moderated the session.

In case you missed it, we are sharing highlights from this top-rated professional development forum here. Whether you are a new or seasoned recruiter, this discussion will help you grow your recruiting relationships in PTK.


Let’s jump right in by talking about PTK chapters and the advisor’s role. Susan, tell us about your chapter and your experiences since becoming an advisor in 2018.


Our chapter began in 1986 and has ebbed and flowed over the years. When the

previous advisor left, a job description for the position was posted. The description fit with my personal interests in helping students succeed, so I applied.

When I became advisor, our chapter had never engaged in PTK on the regional or international level, and they were not taking advantage of any of the benefits for students. The chapter had been operating without an advisor for six months before I came on board. During this time their activities were primarily social. I hoped to engage the chapter more with PTK programs like Honors in Action and the College Project. We had zero stars in the Five Star Chapter Plan, so I first had to learn the ropes.

Over the next four years, we learned more and became more involved in PTK programming. As a result, today we are a Five Star Chapter. We began engaging in Honors in Action and the College Project, and boy, did that catch the eye of our administrators.

In PTK, many advisors are strictly part of a volunteer army. They fit it in on top

10 Partners in Excellence

Senior Director of College Relations

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

Steve Cukovecki

Assistant Director of Admission and Transfer Recruiter

Wilmington College Ohio

of their full-time faculty or full-time staff responsibilities. Also, some chapters receive funding and support from their administration while others are on their own to fundraise for everything. That’s why it can mean so much when a four-year college rep asks, “What can I do to support your chapter?”

Fortunately, our community college provides a stipend for advisors, but many colleges do not. Our chapter officers also receive a stipend for their work; however, not all chapters offer this benefit. It just varies.


Right, we have advisors at all levels of growth, expertise, and support just like our members. That means sometimes an advisor is trying to figure out PTK at the same time as their students.

Our Five Star Chapter Plan guides chapters through levels of engagement. The one-star level starts with the basics and progresses through five levels. So, when Susan says her chapter went from zero to five stars, that’s impressive. Chapters reaching this level complete Honors in Action (HIA) and College Projects. The Honors in Action Project is similar to an honors college-styled project. Chapters research a timely topic from different perspectives and design and conduct a service project related to their research. The College Project helps the chapter build a relationship with their college administration. Chapters collaborate with their college presidents to implement a project that benefits the college.

Susan Morris

Phi Theta Kappa Advisor

Southern State Community College Ohio

Having a high-level understanding of how chapters engage in PTK programs can help you suggest ways you could assist the chapter. To an advisor who is just learning the ropes, this can be the first step to building a valued partnership between the two.

Now, let’s take a look at the the college recruitment side. Steve, you mentioned that you do a lot of tabling and transfer fairs, but when you are on a community college campus, how do you make the most of the in-person visits?


The first thing I do is ask my contact who is serving as the PTK advisor on their campus. I want to make sure that I connect with the advisor while I’m there. Some are very surprised that I’m looking them up and coming to see them. I explain that my college is on the PTK Transfer Honor Roll, and we like to recruit the best of the best which is PTK. Then I tell them about our scholarship for PTK members.

I also ask them about their students and what their chapter is involved in? When I meet with their students, knowing something about the students and their chapter helps me make a stronger connection. If they aren’t PTK, I direct them to the advisor to find out if they

Partners in Excellence 11
Heather yush

are eligible. I encourage students to accept their invitation if they are eligible, because it will pay off for them.


Wilmington College has earned the PTK Transfer Honor Roll recognition five years in a row for its support of transfer students. What about your college’s approach to transfer appeals to PTK members?

Steve: One thing that’s really appealing is our benefits. If you are a PTK member, we have a scholarship for you. It’s $20,000, so that basically cuts the cost in half. If you are a commuter, it’s even more affordable. Many times, students don’t realize how valuable PTK membership can be when transferring.


Susan, what does the Transfer Honor Roll mean to you as an advisor?


Institutions selected by PTK for the Transfer Honor Roll are basically putting their money

where their mouth is with their support of transfer students. That speaks volumes! When I see an institution on the Transfer Honor Roll, it gets my attention. I think, “What are they doing for PTK students? What would they do for my students?” Because I’m the students’ advocate, I try to bridge that gap.


By having a better understanding of chapters and what they do, you can approach advisors with specific ideas of how you can fill a need for them.

So, throw out some of those terms to see what chapters need. I know when I’d ask what I could do, I’d get requests for ordering pizza for a chapter a meeting, bringing a cake to an induction reception, and to give a keynote speech at an induction ceremony. That was a “yes” to all those things for me. Those were small tasks and easy for me. It’s small what they ask for sometimes, so put yourselves out there and see what happens.


Regional meetings can give you another opportunity to connect. Our chapters are organized into 29 regions. Most host at least two events per year – one in the fall and another in the spring. Also regions meet during PTK Catalyst, so that’s another way to connect. Steve, could you share how

12 Partners in Excellence

Wilmington College met an even greater need for Southern State and the Ohio Region last fall?


Sure! Susan’s chapter was hosting the Ohio Regional Meeting in the fall and needed overnight accommodations for attendees, so she contacted one of our transfer counselors to find a solution.

When the counselor mentioned that the region was looking for somewhere to hold the conference, Wilmington was all about it. Our Vice President of Enrollment at the time was pro-PTK and had just been recognized as an honorary member. He said, “Let’s do this. Let’s make it happen. Let’s make it a great experience.”

We supplemented the budget that the region had for the event to really give the group a VIP experience.

Hosting that weekend, I got to see everything that went into PTK and got to know members and advisors during the two-day event.

We took them on tours of the campus, and everyone kept saying, “the food here, the hospitality here just feels like home.” It gave us a great opportunity to say, “Wilmington IS home. We are so honored to have you guys here to get to know you and have the opportunity to brag about you guys to other people.” Since then, I try to keep a connection up with the advisors.


In my previous life as a college recruiter, my university hosted a PTK Regional Convention. It was not expensive. In fact, I was only asked to coordinate a small transfer fair and to provide a jazz band for an hour!

Steve and Wilmington College may have gone over and above, but a partnership doesn’t have to be expensive. There are resources available and levels of support for all budgets. Each region is led by a regional coordinator

(a PTK advisor responsible for regional operations). The PTK College Relations Team can put you in contact with them to learn how your college can support the region during an event.

The opportunities we’ve highlighted here are just a sampling of things you can do to build stronger working relationships with PTK chapters. We hope this helps you connect with advisors and members in new, supportive ways.

Remember, we are here to help, so contact an experienced member of our College Relations team for help at or 866.286.8453. Here’s to a successful year and building strong relationships in PTK!

Partners in Excellence 13


Don’t see your institution listed? Contact us at to become a Partner in Excellence.

*denotes 2022 PTK Transfer Honor Roll Winner


*Athens State University

Auburn University

Auburn University – Montgomery Birmingham-Southern College

Faulkner University

Huntingdon College

Jacksonville State University Miles College

Oakwood University Samford University

*Spring Hill College Talladega College

The University of Alabama at Birmingham The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa

Troy University University of Montevallo University of North Alabama University of South Alabama

Alaska University of Alaska – Fairbanks


*Arizona State University – Tempe

Benedictine University at Mesa Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Prescott Grand Canyon University – Phoenix

*Northern Arizona University

*Prescott College

The University of Arizona

Arkansas Arkansas Tech University Harding University

Hendrix College

Ouachita Baptist University University of Arkansas – Fayetteville University of Arkansas – Fort Smith

University of the Ozarks

Williams Baptist College


Antioch University – Los Angeles

*Antioch University – Santa Barbara California Institute of Integral Studies California Lutheran University Chapman University Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science Chicago State University Claremont McKenna College Concordia University Irvine Dominican University of California Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising – Orange County Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising – San Diego Fresno Pacific University Golden Gate University

Life Pacific University

*Loyola Marymount University Menlo College

Mills College

Minerva Schools At Keck Graduate Institute

Mount St. Mary’s University National University Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Ottawa University

*Palo Alto University

Pepperdine University

Pomona College

Saint Mary’s College of California San Francisco State University Santa Clara University University of La Verne University of Redlands University of San Diego

*University of San Francisco University of the Pacific Whittier College Woodbury University


Colorado Mesa University Colorado School of Mines Colorado State University – Fort Collins

Colorado State University – Pueblo *Metropolitan State University of Denver

Nazarene Bible College Regis University

*University of Colorado – Boulder University of Colorado – Colorado Springs *University of Colorado – Denver University of Denver University of Northern Colorado Western Colorado University Connecticut Albertus Magnus College Eastern Connecticut State University Holy Apostles College and Seminary Lincoln College of New England Mitchell College Quinnipiac University Sacred Heart University Trinity College University of Connecticut University of Hartford *University of New Haven University of Saint Joseph Yale University – Eli Whitney Student Program


Delaware State University

Goldey-Beacom College University of Delaware Widener University – Wilmington *Wilmington University

District of Columbia American University Corcoran School of the Arts and Design George Washington University Georgetown University *Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies

The Catholic University of America

14 Partners in Excellence


Danielle Reed of Calhoun Community College in Alabama truly made the most of her community college education. Before graduating in Spring 2022, Danielle participated in her college’s Presidential Honors Program and served as an award-winning PTK regional officer. She received numerous scholarships, from PTK, Calhoun Community College, and the college she’s transferred to: University of Alabama. “I didn’t initially consider University of Alabama,” she said. “I was set on a school in Texas, where my family was from.” However, with the pandemic, life responsibilities, and her generous scholarship offers, she found University of Alabama was the best choice.

Engagement in Phi Theta Kappa positively shaped Danielle’s community college experience and led to her earning substantial transfer scholarships. “I owe my experience at community college being so great to PTK,” she explained. “It forced me to meet people, travel, make connections, all while learning about the bigger picture.” Danielle attended PTK Catalyst 2022 in Denver, Colorado, where she and the rest of the Alabama Regional Officer team were recognized for their excellence in promoting scholarship and fellowship throughout the region. “I love PTK and everything it stands for,” she said. “It truly changed my life.”

Danielle graduated from CCC with a 4.0 GPA and started classes this fall at University of Alabama in pursuit of a degree in psychology and marketing. Within her first few weeks on campus, Danielle excelled in a competitive interview process and was selected as part of the first-ever Transfer Ambassador team within the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

(District of Columbia cont.)

The University of the District of Columbia

Trinity Washington University

Florida Barry University

Bethune-Cookman University

*Eckerd College

Edward Waters University

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Daytona Beach

Flagler College

Florida A&M University

Florida Atlantic University

Florida College

Florida Gulf Coast University

Florida Institute of Technology

*Florida International University

Florida Memorial University

Florida Polytechnic University

*Florida Southern College

Florida State University

Florida State University

– Panama City Jacksonville University

Keiser University – West Palm Beach Lynn University

*New College of Florida Nova Southeastern University

Palm Beach Atlantic University *Rollins College

Saint Leo University Schiller International University South Florida State College – Avon Park

Southeastern University

Partners in Excellence 15
“I owe my experience at community college being so great to PTK. It forced me to meet people, travel, make connections, all while learning about the bigger picture.”

DaniellE Gilbert

Danielle Gilbert started her higher education journey at Community College of Allegheny County, Boyce Campus in Pennsylvania in Fall 2021. Starting college, Danielle lacked direction. She had dreams of earning a bachelor’s degree but had no idea what academic pathways or career possibilities interested her. “I now have a very solid direction,” she said, “which I only obtained through the valuable relationships I was able to build with my professors and college staff in a one-on-one manner.” Before joining PTK in April 2022, Danielle felt that she had very few resources available to her as far as help with the transfer process went. PTK expanded her understanding of college, transfer, and the opportunities she could pursue. “The entire process has benefitted me – more hope for my future and much less stress,” she said. “It gave me direction that I did not have before.”

“I enjoyed the possibility of transferring to an outof-state university, but it was always a scary idea when I didn’t know what was out there and how to afford it,” she explained. “I would have had a very difficult time financially if I didn’t spend my time at a community college first.” Now, Danielle feels more secure in her future.

(Florida cont.)

St. Petersburg College St. Thomas University

Stetson University

*The University of Tampa University of Central Florida University of Florida University of Miami University of North Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida – Sarasota-Manatee Campus University of Tampa University of West Florida


Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Agnes Scott College

Albany State University Berry College Brewton-Parker College Clark Atlanta University Emmanuel College Georgia College Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Southern University Georgia Southwestern State University Georgia State University LaGrange College

Life University Mercer University Middle Georgia State University

*Oglethorpe University Piedmont University Reinhardt University Savannah College of Art and Design Shorter University Spelman College Toccoa Falls College University of West Georgia Young Harris College


Chaminade University of Honolulu Hawaii Pacific University


Not only has she found hundreds of institutions she hadn’t considered, but she has also received information about events and transferring directly from various colleges.

Currently a general studies major, Danielle plans to transfer to a four-year institution to pursue marketing and graphic design. “I expect my experience with PTK will continue to be wonderful as I continue my academic journey and afterwards.”

Boise State University College of Idaho Northwest Nazarene University University of Idaho Illinois

Augustana College Aurora University Benedictine University *Blackburn College Bradley University

16 Partners in Excellence
“My outlook on potential colleges has 100% broadened since using PTK Connect.”


Chicago State University

Columbia College Chicago

Concordia University Chicago

*DePaul University

Dominican University

*Eastern Illinois University

*Elmhurst University

Eureka College

Governors State University

*Greenville University

*Illinois College

*Illinois Institute of Technology

*Illinois State University

Knox College

*Lake Forest College

Lakeview College of Nursing Lewis University Lexington College

Lindenwood University – Belleville

*Loyola University Chicago

McKendree University

*Millikin University

*Monmouth College

National University of Health Sciences

National-Louis University

*North Central College

North Park University

Northeastern Illinois University

Northern Illinois University

Oak Point University

Olivet Nazarene University

Quincy University

Rockford University Roosevelt University Rush University

Saint Xavier University School of the Art Institute of Chicago Southern Illinois University Carbondale

*Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Trinity Christian College

Trinity International University University of Chicago

*University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign University of Illinois Chicago University of Illinois Springfield University of St. Francis

Western Illinois University

Wheaton College

Indiana Anderson University Ball State University

Bethel University

Butler University

Calumet College of Saint Joseph

Franklin College

Goshen College

Grace College & Seminary

Hanover College

Holy Cross College Indiana Institute of Technology Indiana State University Indiana University

Indiana University Northwest Indiana University Purdue University – Indianapolis Indiana Wesleyan University

Manchester University

*Marian University

Purdue University Northwest Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College

Saint Mary’s College

Taylor University

Trine University

*University of Evansville University of Indianapolis University of Saint Francis University of Southern Indiana *Valparaiso University

Iowa Briar Cliff University

*Buena Vista University Central College

*Clarke University Coe College *Cornell College *Drake University Graceland University *Grand View University *Iowa State University Iowa Wesleyan University Mercy College of Health Sciences Morningside University *Mount Mercy University Palmer College of Chiropractic *Simpson College St. Ambrose University University of Dubuque *University of Iowa *University of Northern Iowa Upper Iowa University Wartburg College William Penn University

Kansas Benedictine College Bethany College Bethel College Emporia State University

Fort Hays State University *Friends University

Hesston College

*Kansas State University Kansas Wesleyan University

McPherson College MidAmerica Nazarene University *Newman University Ottawa University Pittsburg State University Southwestern College

Sterling College Tabor College

*University of Kansas University of Saint Mary Washburn University *Wichita State University


Asbury University Bellarmine University Eastern Kentucky University Georgetown College Lindsey Wilson College Midway University Morehead State University Murray State University Northern Kentucky University Spalding University University of Kentucky *University of Louisville University of Pikeville *Western Kentucky University

Louisiana Centenary College Dillard University Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University Louisiana College Louisiana State University – Alexandria Louisiana State University – Baton Rouge Louisiana State University – Shreveport Louisiana Tech University *Loyola University New Orleans McNeese State University Northwestern State University

Southeastern Louisiana University Southern University and A&M College Southern University At New Orleans Tulane University

Tulane University – School of Professional Advancement University of Holy Cross University of Louisiana at Monroe University of New Orleans Xavier University of Louisiana

Partners in Excellence 17


College of the Atlantic

Husson University

Saint Joseph’s College of Maine University of Maine – Farmington University of Maine – Fort Kent University of Maine – Orono University of Maine – Presque Isle University of Southern Maine


Bowie State University

Capitol Technology University

Coppin State University

Goucher College

*Hood College Johns Hopkins University

*Loyola University Maryland

McDaniel College

Morgan State University

Mount St. Mary’s University

*Notre Dame of Maryland University

Salisbury University

St. Mary’s College of Maryland

*Stevenson University

Towson University University of Baltimore University of Maryland – Baltimore County University of Maryland – Eastern Shore Washington College

*Western Kentucky University


American International College

Amherst College

*Anna Maria College Assumption University

*Bay Path University

Bentley University

Boston College – Woods College of Advancing Studies

Boston University

Boston University – Metropolitan College Clark University

Dean College

Eastern Nazarene College Elms College

Emerson College Emmanuel College Fisher College Hampshire College Harvard Extension School

Hult International Business School

Laboure College

Lasell University

Lesley University

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

*Merrimack College

Mount Holyoke College

Nichols College

Northeastern University

Regis College

Salem State University

Simmons University

Smith College

*Springfield College

*Suffolk University

University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth

*University of Massachusetts – Lowell Wentworth Institute of Technology

Western New England University Wheaton College

Williams College

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


*Albion College

*Alma College

Aquinas College Baker College

Central Michigan University Cleary University

*College for Creative Studies Cornerstone University

Davenport University Eastern Michigan University Ferris State University

Finlandia University

Grand Valley State University Kettering University Lake Superior State University Lawrence Technological University Madonna University

Michigan State University

*Northern Michigan University Northwood University – Midland

*Oakland University

Rochester University

Siena Heights University University of Detroit Mercy University of Michigan – College of Literature, Science, and the Arts University of Michigan – Dearborn University of Michigan – Flint

*Walsh College

*Wayne State University

Western Michigan University


*Augsburg University

Bemidji State University

Bethel University College of Saint Benedict College of St. Scholastica Concordia College at Moorhead

*Concordia University Saint Paul Crown College

*Hamline University

Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences

Minnesota State University

– Mankato

Minnesota State University

– Moorhead North Central University

Saint John’s University

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Southwest Minnesota State University St. Catherine University

*St. Cloud State University University of Minnesota - Morris Winona State University


Alcorn State University

*Belhaven University

*Blue Mountain College Delta State University Jackson State University Millsaps College Mississippi College

*Mississippi State University Mississippi University for Women Mississippi Valley State University Tougaloo College

*University of Mississippi

*University of Southern Mississippi William Carey University


Avila University Central Methodist University Central Methodist University

– College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Columbia College Cottey College

Culver-Stockton College Drury University

Fontbonne University

Hannibal-LaGrange University Harris-Stowe State University

*Lindenwood University

Maryville University of Saint Louis

18 Partners in Excellence

Missouri Baptist University

Missouri Southern State University

Missouri State University

Missouri State University

– West Plains

Missouri University of Science & Technology

Northwest Missouri State University

Park University

Rockhurst University

Saint Louis University

Southeast Missouri State University

Southwest Baptist University

*Stephens College

Truman State University University of Central Missouri University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis University of Missouri – Columbia University of Missouri – Kansas City University of Missouri – St. Louis Washington University

*Webster University Westminster College

Ulises Valencia-Rivera

William Jewell College William Woods University


*Carroll College University of Montana Western


*Bellevue University

Chadron State College College of Saint Mary Concordia University Doane University

Ulises Valencia-Rivera, a computer science and engineering major at Jefferson State Community College in Alabama, has a passion for helping his peers connect with the resources they need. As a first-generation international student, he’s encountered numerous obstacles in his journey to pursue higher education. Ulises, however, takes a unique approach to his struggles. Rather than focus on just his own experience, he is committed to working with organizations to gather information and resources to better serve Hispanic populations in their college journey.

Initially unaware of his options and what might be available for students like him, Ulises attended a PTK Virtual Transfer Fair focused on Hispanic-Serving Institutions. He was astonished to see more than 20 institutions in attendance including University of Arizona, Florida International University, and more. “It’s definitely opened up opportunities,” he said of the event. “I was able to get a list of all the college names and such, and I can try and make my network from there.” His experience opened his eyes to the options available to him and others like him.

“It [the online transfer fair] sparked a little lightbulb in my head. Instead of overworking yourself, take all the resources you have and just try to ask [about what resources are available]. Worst they can say is no.”

He is currently working on establishing an Instagram account where he can spread information about specific colleges and DACA-friendly states. Ulises is dedicated to encouraging students to work towards their dreams and overcome obstacles they may face due to immigration status, restrictions to the DACA program, and/or Hispanic heritage.

Partners in Excellence 19 (Missouri cont.)

Hastings College

Midland University

Nebraska Methodist College Nebraska Wesleyan University

Peru State College

University of Nebraska – Lincoln University of Nebraska at Kearney University of Nebraska at Omaha Wayne State College

Nevada Sierra Nevada University

New Hampshire

Franklin Pierce University

Plymouth State University

Rivier University

Southern New Hampshire University University of New Hampshire

New Jersey

Bloomfield College

Caldwell University Centenary University Drew University

Fairleigh Dickinson University Felician University

*Georgian Court University

*Kean University Monmouth University Montclair State University

New Jersey City University

New Jersey Institute of Technology Princeton University

*Rider University

*Rowan University

Rutgers University – New Brunswick

*Rutgers University – Newark

Saint Elizabeth University

*Saint Peter’s University

Seton Hall University

Stevens Institute of Technology

*Stockton University

The College of New Jersey William Paterson University

New Mexico

Eastern New Mexico University

New Mexico Highlands University

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Tech

New Mexico State University University of New Mexico

New York

*Adelphi University

Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Alfred University

Berkeley College

*Binghamton University Canisius College

Cazenovia College

City College of New York – CUNY Clarkson University College of Mount Saint Vincent College of Staten Island – CUNY Columbia University – School of General Studies

Cornell University

Daemen University

Dominican University D’Youville University

*Elmira College

Farmingdale State College Five Towns College

Fordham University Hartwick College Hilbert College

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Hofstra University

Hunter College – CUNY Iona University

Ithaca College

John Jay College of Criminal Justice Keuka College

Le Moyne College

*LIM College

*Long Island University – Post Manhattan College Manhattanville College Marist College

Marymount Manhattan College Medaille University Mercy College Metropolitan College of New York Molloy University

Mount Saint Mary College Nazareth College

*New York Institute of Technology New York University New York University – School of Professional Studies

*Niagara University Pace University Paul Smith’s College

*Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Roberts Wesleyan College Rochester Institute of Technology

*Russell Sage College

Saint Francis College Sarah Lawrence College

Siena College

St. Bonaventure University

*St. John Fisher College

St. John’s University St. Joseph’s University St. Lawrence University St. Thomas Aquinas College

SUNY Canton

SUNY Cobleskill

SUNY College of Environmental Science

*SUNY Cortland

SUNY Delhi

*SUNY Geneseo

SUNY Maritime College

SUNY Morrisville

SUNY Oneonta

SUNY Plattsburgh

*SUNY Polytechnic Institute

SUNY Stony Brook University

SUNY University at Albany

SUNY University at Buffalo Syracuse University

*The College of Saint Rose

The College of Westchester

The King’s College

The New School

Touro College of Pharmacy Union College University of Rochester *Utica University Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology Wagner College *Wells College

North Carolina

*Appalachian State University *Barton College

Belmont Abbey College Bennett College Campbell University Catawba College Chowan University Elon University Gardner-Webb University Guilford College High Point University Johnson & Wales University – Charlotte Lees-McRae College Lenoir-Rhyne University Meredith College

North Carolina A&T State University North Carolina State University *North Carolina Wesleyan University Pfeiffer University

20 Partners in Excellence
(Nebraska cont.)

(North Carolina

Queens University of Charlotte

Salem College

Shaw University

University of North Carolina Asheville University of North Carolina Charlotte University of North Carolina Greensboro University of North Carolina Wilmington

Warren Wilson College

William Peace University

Wingate University

North Dakota Dickinson State University

Minot State University

North Dakota State University University of Jamestown University of Mary University of North Dakota Valley City State University Ohio Antioch College Antioch University – Midwest Ashland University Aultman College

*Baldwin Wallace University *Bluffton University Capital University

Case Western Reserve University Central State University Cleveland State University Columbus College of Art & Design Defiance College

Franciscan University of Steubenville Franklin University Heidelberg University

*Hiram College

John Carroll University Kent State University Lake Erie College

Lourdes University Malone University Marietta College

Mercy College of Ohio Miami University

Miami University Regionals

*Mount St. Joseph University

Mount Vernon Nazarene University

Muskingum University

Notre Dame College Ohio Christian University

*Ohio Dominican University

*Ohio University

Shawnee State University

The Ohio State University

Tiffin University

*Union Institute & University University of Akron University of Cincinnati University of Dayton University of Mount Union University of Rio Grande University of Toledo

*Ursuline College

*Wilmington College

Wittenberg University

Wright State University

Youngstown State University


Cameron University

East Central University

*Northeastern State University

Oklahoma Baptist University Oklahoma City University Oklahoma Panhandle State University

Oklahoma State University

Oral Roberts University Rogers State University Southeastern Oklahoma State University

Southern Nazarene University Southwestern Oklahoma State University University of Central Oklahoma University of Oklahoma University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma University of Tulsa


Corban University

*Eastern Oregon University

Lewis & Clark College

Linfield University Oregon Institute of Technology Oregon State University

*Pacific University

Portland State University Reed College University of Oregon University of Portland Warner Pacific College

Willamette University


Albright College

Allegheny College

Alvernia University

Arcadia University

Bloomsburg University

Cabrini University

Cairn University

Carlow University

Cedar Crest College

*Chatham University

Chestnut Hill College

Cheyney University

*Delaware Valley University

DeSales University

Dickinson College

Drexel University

*Duquesne University

East Stroudsburg University

*Elizabethtown College

Gannon University

Geneva College

Gwynedd Mercy University

Harrisburg University

Holy Family University

Immaculata University

Juniata College

Keystone College

*King’s College

*Kutztown University

La Roche University

La Salle University

Lebanon Valley College

Lehigh University Lincoln University

Lock Haven University

Lycoming College

Marywood University Mercyhurst University Messiah University Millersville University

Misericordia University

Moore College of Art and Design Moravian University

Mount Aloysius College

Muhlenberg College

*Neumann University

Peirce College

Penn State University Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences

Pennsylvania College of Technology

PennWest University

Point Park University

Robert Morris University

Rosemont College

*Saint Joseph’s University

Shippensburg University

Slippery Rock University

Susquehanna University

Swarthmore College

Temple University

Thiel College

Thomas Jefferson University

Partners in Excellence 21

University of Pittsburgh – Bradford University of Scranton

Ursinus College

Villanova University

Washington and Jefferson College

Widener University

*Wilkes University Wilson College

*York College of Pennsylvania

Rhode Island

Brown University

*Bryant University

Johnson & Wales University – Providence

Rhode Island College

*Roger Williams University

Salve Regina University University of Rhode Island

South Carolina Anderson University Bob Jones University Coastal Carolina University College of Charleston *Columbia College Converse University

Erskine College

Francis Marion University Lander University Morris College *Newberry College

North Greenville University Presbyterian College *Southern Wesleyan University University of South Carolina – Aiken

University of South Carolina – Beaufort University of South Carolina – Columbia University of South Carolina – Upstate

Winthrop University Wofford College

South Dakota

Augustana University

Dakota State University Dakota Wesleyan University

Mount Marty University University of Sioux Falls University of South Dakota Tennessee

Austin Peay State University

Baptist College of Health Sciences

Belmont University

Bethel University

Bryan College

*Carson-Newman University

*Cumberland University

East Tennessee State University

*Freed-Hardeman University

King University Lane College

Lee University

LeMoyne-Owen College

*Lincoln Memorial University

*Lipscomb University

Martin Methodist College

*Maryville College

Middle Tennessee State University Milligan University

Sewanee: University of the South Tennessee Technological University Tennessee Wesleyan University

*Trevecca Nazarene University

Tusculum University Union University University of Memphis University of Tennessee – Chattanooga University of Tennessee – Knoxville University of Tennessee – Martin


Abilene Christian University Angelo State University Austin College Baylor University

*Dallas Baptist University *East Texas Baptist University Hardin-Simmons University

Houston Baptist University Howard Payne University Lamar University Letourneau University *McMurry University

Midwestern State University Northwood University

Our Lady of the Lake University Paul Quinn College

Prairie View A&M University Sam Houston State University Schreiner University Southern Methodist University Southwestern University

St. Edward’s University St. Mary’s University

Tarleton State University Texas A&M University – Central Texas Texas A&M University – College Station

Texas A&M University – Commerce *Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi

Texas A&M University – Galveston Texas A&M University – Kingsville Texas A&M University – San Antonio Texas A&M University – Texarkana Texas Chiropractic College

Texas Christian University

*Texas Lutheran University Texas State University

*Texas Tech University

*Texas Wesleyan University Texas Woman’s University

*The University of Texas at Arlington The University of Texas at Dallas The University of Texas at San Antonio

The University of Texas at Tyler The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Trinity University University of Dallas University of Houston University of Houston – Victoria University of Mary Hardin-Baylor *University of North Texas University of St. Thomas *University of the Incarnate Word Wayland Baptist University West Texas A&M University

Utah University of Utah Utah Tech University Utah Valley University Westminster College

Vermont Champlain College Goddard College Northern Vermont University Saint Michael’s College University of Vermont


Averett University Bridgewater College Christopher Newport University Eastern Mennonite University Emory and Henry College George Mason University Hollins University James Madison University Liberty University Longwood University Mary Baldwin University Marymount University

22 Partners in Excellence
(Pennsylvania cont.)

(Virginia cont.)

Norfolk State University

*Radford University

Randolph College

*Randolph-Macon College

Regent University

Roanoke College

Sweet Briar College University of Lynchburg University of Mary Washington

Virginia Commonwealth University

Virginia Tech

Virginia Union University

Virginia Wesleyan University


*Antioch University – Seattle

Bastyr University

Central Washington University

Eastern Washington University

*Gonzaga University

Pacific Lutheran University Saint Martin’s University

Seattle Pacific University

Seattle University

The Evergreen State College University of Puget Sound University of Washington – Bothell Washington State University – Everett

Washington State University – Vancouver Western Washington University *Whitworth University

West Virginia

Alderson Broaddus University

Concord University

*Shepherd University

West Virginia State University

West Virginia University

West Virginia Wesleyan College

Wheeling University


Alverno College

Beloit College

Cardinal Stritch University

*Carthage College

Edgewood College

Lakeland University Lawrence University

*Marquette University

Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design Milwaukee School of Engineering Mount Mary University

*Northland College

Ripon College

University of Wisconsin – Green Bay

University of Wisconsin – La Crosse University of Wisconsin – Madison

*University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee University of Wisconsin – River Falls University of Wisconsin – Stout

Viterbo University

*Wisconsin Lutheran College


University of Wyoming International

Franklin University Switzerland


American College of Education

Capella University

Colorado Technical University

Excelsior College

National University Purdue University Global

The University of Arizona Global Campus

Thomas Edison State University University of Florida – Online University of Maryland Global University of Pennsylvania – Penn LPS Online

Washington State University – Global Campus

*Western Governors University

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Partners in Excellence 23
1625 Eastover Drive Jackson, MS 39211 866.286.8453 The mission of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize academic achievement of college students and to provide opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders. Copyright 2022© by Phi Theta Kappa. All Rights Reserved. Phi Theta Kappa is committed to the elimination of unlawful discrimination in connection with all employment relationships, business operations and programs. Discrimination based on gender, family or marital status, race, color, national origin, military or veteran status, economic status, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, genetic information or history, age, disability, political affiliation, and cultural and religious backgrounds is prohibited. International Headquarters 1625 Eastover Drive Jackson, MS 39211-6431 Scan the QR Code above to start recruiting through PTK Connect today.

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