Relatório de Gestão do IPUSP - 2008-2012 - Profa. Dra. Emma Otta.

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“Evaluation of a complex model on the description of delay discounting with losses” da Behavioral Economics Conference, em Chicago, 2011. Em conjunto com o Prof. Gerson Tomanari, a Profa. Mijares apresentou “The acquisition of conditional relations and the emergence of equivalence classes in human and nonhuman subjects” na 36th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, em San Antonio, em 2010. Em conjunto com colegas do INCT sobre Comportamento, Cognição e Ensino, o Prof. Tomanari apresentou “The interaction between the eye movements and response topographies in a matching-to-sample task” na 4th Conference of the European Association for Behaviour Analysis, em Madri, em 2008. Nossa colega Livia Mathias Simão participou, em conjunto com a Profa. María Elisa Molina e a Profa. Maria Teresa del Rio, da Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, da 6th International Conference on the Dialogical Self, em Atenas, em 2010, falando sobre “Temporality: mediation and triadic approach in psychotherapeutic relationships”. A Profa. Edwiges F. de M. Silvares e seus estudantes participaram do 14th International Congress of European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry em Helsinki, Finlandia (11-15 June 2011) apresentando “Gender differences on behavioral and emotional problems: Brazilian CBCL findings”. A Profa. Isabel Cristina Gomes participou do 4o Congreso Internacional de Psicoanálisis de Pareja y Familia, em Buenos Aires em 2010, com “Le passé au présent: expériences traumatiques et transfert en thérapie familiale psychanalytique. La transmission psychique et la constitution du lien conjugal”. O Prof. Gilberto Safra apresentou “La materialité dans l'action therapeutique” no Congres International de Psychotherapie Corporelle, em Paris. O Prof. Andres Antúnez tratou de “Therapeutic Accompaniment as a clinical type of attendance in mental health” no World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, em Athens, 2009. A Profa. Ana Maria Loffredo participou da International Psychoanalytical Studies Organization com sua experiência em “Investigação em psicanálise: convergências e divergências”. Em Contained Memory, em Wellington, New Zealand, 2010, o Prof. Paulo César Endo apresentou “Memory, work of dreams and the testimonial horizon in Brazil's Post-Dictatorship”. O Prof. Lineu Kohatsu participou do 11th European Congress of Psychology, em Oslo, 2009, com “A methodological discussion about video documentary”. Destaca-se ainda que o Prof. Sigmar Malvezzi participou do Congresso Nacional de Gestão Humana em Cali, Colombia, 2011, tratando de “La Gestión de Personas en la Sociedad Competitiva Y Globalizada. O Prof. Marcelo Ribeiro participou da International Conference - Vocational Designing and Career Counseling: challenges and new horizons, em Padova, 2011 com “Career counseling in the second part of working life in Brazil”. O Prof. Fernando Leite Ribeiro participou da Conference on Corporate Communication (June 7-10, 2011), no Baruch College, CUNY, New York, com o trabalho Petrobras' Corporate Image Monitoring System: A Decade-long Tool Development Effort and its Results.


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