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La cata del aceite de oliva virgen

Virgin olive oil tasting

Con el aceite de oliva virgen se pueden realizar dos tipos de cata: la que consiste en un análisis sensorial realizado por un panel de cata entrenado y certificado, y la hedonística. La primera tiene múltiples aplicaciones, pero la principal es clasificar los aceites según las categorías estipuladas por la normativa internacional. Previamente se realizan distintos análisis químicos para determinar la pureza del aceite de oliva virgen y para asegurarse al máximo de que no esté adulterado. La cata hedonística la realizan productores, consumidores y personas que intervienen en la comercialización del aceite de oliva, para quienes el placer que da un aceite en particular y sus características, lo definen y lo diferencian de otros. Es la cata que realiza un cocinero o un sommelier cuando va a elegir un aceite para un plato en particular o la que realiza un productor al momento de diseñar sus aceites. El aceite de oliva virgen se cata a 28 °C. Los pasos a seguir en la cata son muy simples:

Two types of tasting can be performed with virgin olive oil: a sensory analysis performed by a trained and certified taste panel, or hedonistic tasting. The first has many applications, but its principal objective is to classify oils according to the categories stipulated by international regulations. A number of different chemical tests are performed prior to tasting in order to determine the purity of the virgin olive oil and to do everything possible to ensure that it has not been adulterated. Hedonistic tasting is done by producers, consumers and people who take part in marketing olive oil, for whom the pleasing sensations derived from a specific oil and its special features define it and distinguish it from others. This is the kind of tasting done by a cook or a sommelier when choosing an oil for a particular dish, or by producers when they are designing their oils. Virgin olive oil is tasted at 28°C. The steps to follow when tasting are very simple: • Pour 15 ml of oil into a tasting glass.

• Poner en la copa de cata 15 ml de aceite. • Tomar la copa, girarla de modo que se mojen

bien las paredes con el aceite, destapar y oler con inspiraciones primero breves y luego largas y profundas. • Tomar un pequeño sorbo de unos 3 ml, exten-

derlo por la boca de adelante hacia atrás.


• Hold the glass in one hand and cover it

with the other, swirl so that the sides of the glass are well-coated in oil, uncover and first take several short sniffs, followed by long, deep ones. • Take a small sip of some 3 ml of oil and

spread it through your mouth from front to back.

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