1959-1960 Peru Pedagogian - issues 1-18

Page 20

Dr. Harlan Speaks on HBurma'' Dr. Owen Harlan spoke to the members of Phi Alpha Theta on November 16, on the topic of "Life in Burma." Dr. Harlan had been in Burma. from 19-55 to 1957 under the Fulbright Program. There he aided in setting up a teacher training program in Industrial Arts. According to Dr. Harlan, religfon, and not politics, is the primary factor in the ·li~e of a Burmese. BUd9.hism, which is 'the largest religion in Burma, is follbwed ·by approximately 90% of the people.· During his talk, he sl).owed some slides that he had taken while in Burma. In his

Prep Students Appear In All-State Musical Groups

Campus School Chatter

. By Mary Anna Gnade talk, he dealt with the customs and traditions of Buddhistmonks Oh, joy-slick roads let school and their beliefs, as well as the out unexpectedly Friday afterliving conditions of the common noon. On the sad side was canpeople. ·In Burma, there are cellation of an already once•postmany families living on as little paned Prep fo-0tball game with as ten cents a day. Brock meaning loss of first-place After Dr. Harlan returned to tie in the conference. But look at the United States, he was very it this way: until this year with fortunate in having two of his a change to 8-man football, Prep Burmese friends come to visit didn't have a prayer of getting him. These men happened to be even this close to placing on the monks who were interested in 11-man circuit. life in America. Dr. Harlan says (At a later·. date): SP 0 RT S th9t they seem to think some of our customs very strange, just as FLASH-Coach DeZwarte finally got a piece of the plum! Peru we might think some of theirs a Prep shares first place in the little foolish at times. conference with Cook; Marshall Adams was named All-Conferthe theme' for the evening. Mr. ence; Bill Tynon and Pat Morris Jarvis presented the program. received honorable mention ! ! ! ! Dr. Blanton and Dean Melvin It's nice to taste glory for a attended a joint meeting of the change. (PS: Coach's wife spills Nebraska School Administrators thrills all over the place, too.) Association and the Department The record breaking cold unof School Administrators, at .the University of Nebraska. This loosed some first-class flu-type two day meeting was held on No- germs. With sick bay full, Mr. Eddy carted several home who vember 16 and 17. were stricken after braving the freezing air. MEETING OF HOME EC CLUB The FHA treasury must be .fatOrt November 9, the Home Economics Club met at 6:30 p.m. ter. Called to get more candy in the Campus School. Plans for from them and they were sold the fall Workshop of the college out! Good candy or good salesclubs on November 20-21 we.re manship.

Eight students from Peru Prep will be members ·of All-State musical groups this week during the Nebraska convention of the Music Educators National Conference meeting in Lincoln. The students will join musicians from throughout Nebraska in rehearsals Thursday, Friday and Saturday and will appear in concert .in the Pershing Auditorium Saturday night. ' Appearing with the 500-voice All-State Chorus· will be Mary Jarvis, .Jim Christ, Paul Heuer, discussed. Mrs. Kregel, c 1u b Marshall Adams. Members of the sponsor, reported on the MilwauAll-State Orchestra will include kee Convention of the American Mary Ellen Wilson, oboe, Tom H om e Economics Association Gomon, violin, and David Go- that she attended last June. mon, cello, and Hanford Miller wil play trombone with the All- SCF PLANS MEETINGS The newly elected program state Band. chairman of Student Christian Fellowship, Gail Ankrom, is really on the ball with ideas and plans for future meetings. Coming up in December is a series of The Senior class play "Seven- ·two meetings concerning prayer. . teenth summer" will be·present- During the week preceding ed Thursday, December 3. Christmas vacation,, the SCF Thursday and Friday, several plans to have three meetings, as campus scho()l students will be was done last year. These meet.ei:rcused from classes to attend ings will encompass a party, carthe State Music Clinic in Lin- oling, and communion. coln. They are: Tom Gomon, Regular meetings of SCF are Mary Ellen Wilson, David Go- held each Wednesday evening at mon, P;ml · Heuer, James Christ, 6:30. All students are welcome. Mary Jarvis, Marshall Adams, al'ld Hatjford Miller. BUSINESS CLUB MEETS The tl:~eme of. the Home Room The Business Club held its Guidance program given once a regular meeting Monday, Nov. 16 weelj: is "How To Study." Film- at 8:00. Floyd Wymore, Nebrasstrips on this topic .are being ka City representative from showµ to and discussed by all State Farm Insurance, spoke to high sc:hpol students. the group about all types of PTA was held Tuesday, No- automobile insurance. After the vember 17, at the Campus School meeting, refreshments of cake Auditorium. "Safe Driving" was and hot chocolate were served.

Campus School

The Science Club is an ambitious crew. Each one has a private project, but all seem to be interested in the other fellow's, too. They made a trek to the observatory to look at the ol' moon one night. Another night Fred Regnier entertained them at' photograph developing in Delzell Hall. Brenda Blanton enlisted her dad's aid in plaster-casting animal tracks out toward the river early one morning, and if you doubt the enthusiasm of


Campus schoolers were prepared for Dr. Gomon's talk on Russia. Daughter Georgette is quite a speaker in her own right and created a lot of interest in the various rooms with her display and explanation of the items brought back from Russia and other countries. Good advance-man. The music department-vocal, band and orchestra representatives-travel this week-end to Lincoln for for the all-state clinic. 'Swonderful that the kids have opportunities to get out and see what other schools are doing and to feel pride in their own accomplishments. "Gobble, gobble, c ran berry jell, Now it is time of the Pilgrims to tell . . . Dredge · up white collars and broad-brimmed old hats, (Last month the feature was leering black cats.) Paint up the Indian brave, bring sheaves of corn, A Thanksgiving play is about to be born." Yup, turkey-time is here!


The Foreign Language Club met Monday, October 26, in the Administration building. A movie "Mexico Builds a Democracy,'' was shown to the group by Mr. Rath, the sponsor. The meeting was then adjourned to the Music Hall where the Spanish group sang several songs in Spanish. The president, Jerry Wanser, conducted the business meeting and then refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held November 23 at 6:30 p.m.

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HS Senior class play rehearsals now have clear sailing for a few days between end of· football and start of basketball. If ,nothing else interferes (like homework, say) the performance should be a joy to watch.

Foreign Language Club Met October 26

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other club members, take a look around Mr. Eddy's room.

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Arts and Vocational Education Section of the Nebraska State

Education Asso_ciation at the Lmcoln convention. Dr. Owen Harlan, head of the division of practical arts at Peru State, spoke on the Nebraska Industrial Arts Awards program at the meeting.

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Dee V. Jarvis, associate professor of industrial arts at Peru State College was elected resi' P dent of the District I Industrial

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Jarvis Elected President of District Industrial Education

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