1917 - The Peruvian

Page 93

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( , u ide: Rock

PhiiOJnathc:an Choru>; \ :ic:ncc: Club

Y. \V . C. A. Ba~kc:tball

··11·,. !JI"fl1<" Ide ;dull ;;·,· th ink of: so /c'l us think of th e !JOOt! . thr true. ant! t/i,· bl'autifu/."

R l "Tf1 1·:. RED FER:-;

_.\ u burn

Phi Iom a tlwan Clc.:c: C lub C h orus

" Your IIIIIJic clwrms, A s doth y oursrlf."

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N . C. A. ( President) Science C lub

"Sh e is a bool· to be '1cith rare perused.' '

R UTH Ronmos


Y. W. C. A. "From the lool·s-not th e lips is th e soul r rflc ct et!."

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