H oN . S. R. TI! Ol\ IPSON , . .. . Sup't Pub . lns t., Lin co ln
H oN . G. M. BA RTL ETT, . St ate Treasure r, rx-rjjioo . I , in co ln
Dakota City. T crrn cx pin:s 18 79
DAIL Y, Es (J . . . P er u. Term ex pir es 188o
PARE N Er> CI.A!\0 , E sQ Lin co ln . Tc r111 (.'Xpircs r 88 1
B. E. B. KE NNENY, EsQ . . . . Oma h a. T crm c:-:pin.:s 188 ::
H. S. KALEY, EsQ R ed Cloud. T crm r 88 3
H. s. KALEY , s. R.
G. M. BARTL E' rf,
Pr es ident
Sec r eta ry . Tr eas ur er
RO (' R R \' .. \.:\ I .. PI!. D., PRI:-<C I PAL,
T ea ch er of \lt:nt al l'hil o:-Dph y. a nd t he.: and :\ n of T eaching.
i\ ! ISS F. Ll / .. \ ('. \l()R(; :\ N. I'RI::CFPT RE.S
T eacht: r of I ,i tc.:r:uurc.:, R h c.:toric.:. .uH.l Cc neral H istory .
11. II. NI CHOL Ot
Teacher of P hysi ca l cie n ce and Che mist ry
D. B. E,
T each er of ;'\ I athcmatics and 13 oo k- kccping .
i\IR S. B. RR Y, i\ I. E .D. , T eache r of I .a n guagc.: and i\ kt ho ds
MI.' S JOS H: 1.. DO \\ 'DE ,
T eac h c.: r of U. S. Hi s to ry, Gram ma r, and Gy mn as t ics .
i'v USS :\LI CE 0 :\JLY , N.G .,
T eac h er of R ead in g, IJr awin g, a nd Pe nm ans hip.
F. L. SNO DGR:\ SS ,
T eac h er uf Gra mm ar, Arithm e ti c, a nd R eadin g.
T eacher of Vo cal and Ins trum e ntal i\ [u s ic.
-::· R!'s ig ncd Dew. HJ , 1 .-,
C LA SS OF T 870.
GE ORG E HOWARD , ( Pr o f. Uni vers it y)
ANNIE M oO RH EAD (Mr s W. A. Jo y)
CLA SS OF 187 I.
Ell t /I IA S. BROOKE ( Mrs. Slosson), p
D. T. HAYDEN, l (State Se n ato r)
C LA SS OF 1872.
FRA NCES M. HuLr. (Mrs. S. i\. Os bo r n), 1
EMMA Lew rs (Mr s. E. L. Holt %), t
C LA SS OF 187 '1 ·
•.,,.. r ( JJ •• • ._
Li n co ln
Elk Cr c.: ck
P aw nee ( "it y Sabe th a Neb r as ka City
Br o wnvill e Gri nn e ll
CLASS OF 187 5·
AL ICE DAlLY, t, (Sta te No rm al Sc h oo l)
Hucn Do sa s, t, (Princ i pal)
V ESTA NoYEs, t.
J. P. A. BLACK, l.
CLA SS OF 1876
Pe ru
P er u .
Pe ru . Bea tri ce Blair
Bl oo min gto n
Linco ln
Brownvi ll e
Aspinwa ll
Per u
Per u Lincoln
Nc l>r :Jska I n\\ ·a
Ne br as ka
Ne braska ,, ,,
Neb ra ska ,, " " " ,, ,,
Nebras ka ,, ,,
Brow nvill e ....T. \Tf : N c l>r as ka :-,.; c hra ska Kansas )'.: chra ska
L ou rs A. D,\ r r:s I
Eu; IE.]. J) F( ·, w. 1
IDA lh: >::-;b<l:\ 1 (.\ s'" ist::un l' ri rwip :ll )
LESLI E l.r·: \\·1:-; I
Pa lnH-ra .
P la tt mo uth
Iowa Ci ty e bra s ka ·' "
E r. r.A l. <h; \>: (\ I r,. \ \". K. l.l>o tl>.J urrn w), I El mw ood lowa Nebra s ka
Cl A S' t\ F ISj S.
Li nco ln
T. \\ ". l :r.A CK I:t"({:\ (Cor r es p l>m.knt and A ge nt Ot .. a ha N.t u/1/rr .lll)
NEr. L it·: 1-l AtOI •>:-: (\ I rs . l>r . l .ashky ). I
J urr:-: I
Omaha Pa lmyra
l. ondo n
T ec um se h Nebra s kn
!]$,.. t dc n ut t:s te. tc hc r: I. la wy er : /' . phy sicia n: m, mtntster; * deceas ed .
N 1\M 1.: t•o ('0\ ' :\TY :-'T .\1'1-: BaL<:!s, l•:va .....
:::l arp y ............. Corn e ll , <' ... " i)ail y, Auua :\ 1 ........
l' t·nt .
Nt' ttt alta ........ . "
E ut ur.-; on , :\1ar y llo ·lo·ua Jolll t S\1 11 Locke, :\ 1 l' L•r u Nc utalt a " 'i\[ org au, t•: utttl a " .. Ols on, O lli c ........
. 'P la t1t.! ........... . " l' iur cc, L?c ru A:-: hl:tllll " 'l'nggar t, A 1111 tL ........ ... ...... . Palm.,· ra .
.......... OLoc ... ......... .. . " vVilbur, Gntcc H Omah a Doug-las "
NA \If': I*•J 'T hJ fll 'f. • ol 'I\ '' \ ••.
Bl ackbur u, Hober t/\ Y rk y ,·l, .'\ •· h r:a- ka
U lar y, \Ji l li on Scbru -, ku (' ic y c JI , .,
C uop e r·, .) . H..................... 1' 1•1'11 -" o•JJI Uir :a
Uornc ll , G co. \V Snl c ru ................. .. ......... I: i<· l"" .r '""
L etlnu, Char les J·'airbury 1•· 11; .,. •
utx , AI IJc rL I' Pru .'\ rJiu lra
P ip e r· , l{oLc rt lt qo uhli r·au C'ity 11 :u·la11
•'l rin<:, ll. \V IJI·rhka City r. \ r ...
All en, ruu ..........................) lllliata ................. . ....... ,, du -" ·lonJ•hJI
Buk er, Lil y . .............. ....... ( ' il.\' .............. .. lll tw... .. . ......... ·•
Hall , 1'1·r· u -""'"alo: o "
Be ll , Lb:x ie l'alrn yr:r. ( Jt., ,..... .. ........ .
Be rry, Al li e .' l'•c urrr -P ir l lou ko Jo
Bln c kbum , J!'l or·a............... Y urk ............................ )' .. 1'1, .......... .. .
Bu ck, Ada L' .................... Hcd \Vi ll .. w ................ ... lt< ·d \\ ' iiJ .. w
Church, Sa ra h :P <·ru i' •· r11al11o
Cole, Almeda As lrlu nd :'allllrl •·r·,..
Co n r·ad, L ii Jb ie Pc r·u N<·11 1u lra
Corn ell, Ida ' nh.: rll Hi ..Jo: ·d :< ••ll
C ul be r tso n, Net ti e Pe ru Nc• IJ J:dou
Dill on, J nu )I. .................. Ju nia la ......................... ..... .... .
H c,ve lt, Kati e ... . .............. J::> hct·idau .... .. .. .. ..... .. . .... .. N<·tnaha . . . . . . . . . t'
Hinkl e, 1\ltu·y ................... l3 c atl'i c<; ............... ... .. .... " '· .. " ..
L ocke, Florence · .... . P cr· u N CJa utlta 1 '
L ocke, 1\[ntt ie ................... Br ow nv ill c . .... .............. " ''
L oga n, Cnrr ie .. ....... . ......... Peru ................ ...... ...... " "
Mc Kenxi e, M ary · · " " "
McKenzi e, Lotti e . " " "
Mc Viekar, :Magg ie............ " " "
1\[ opr he nd , Nann ie S ab etha "
Mu tz, Nett ie Pe1·u " Nc l•r·ns lw
Nicklin, Mattie D ak ota C it y Dnko t aL "
Piper, J)lary ..................... She1·idnn ... . .... .. .. . ........... NC II'la lt a "
R eed, C api to la Peru " "
Rei d, Annie ............. .. ...... II n rnbur·g ...................... Fr·cmont . ........ J nw n
Sco field, .R uth A ................ II as tin gs .......... .. ............ Adam s ... .. ..... N l' l ,,., , lw
Sno dgrass , Laura ........ .. ..... John so n ........................ Ne mnha ....... ..
Hannah Jo hn son Ne ma hn
Stoc kin g, J ess ie ... ............. Wah oo ... .. .. .. ............... S aund er·;; ....... .. " 8
.\ diJ·a.J,:a:. ,\tale .\ .ormal 5rhool.
' \'II I",.. •t'l I• t Cut '\T \' :--T \ Tt-:
Swuu . l el a . ... . ....... ............ !'. nr . ......... ...... . .. . ........ X, rn:dt:r .........
\\ ':tir ( '.,r·a B r••\\ '"ill·· ,, \\' int< ·r-. \1:11'.' l cl.q, \\"i n.\!ll'•l. ll otl i• · :"' o·hr:t k:t l 'ir.\ ()( Ill' ·' \\'.' ..... I' """ .. .. ..
.. . X l' lll :l h:t .. .. ... .. t. t 'I I t- \ IF '.
J: nll. I n· i11 ::; l'•·r·11 l: ri d :.: •·. \\ ' r11 II X c·rnah:t ::-ll'hra-kn "
Br·id ::;•· I. \\ .. l! ru h: oll:tll J "" \\ ' t ' it .' \l r ,•
B11r• ·h .. \ llu·r·r ..
Xt•nt:doa .. ..... .. (' nlll)olwll , \\' .. \. T \\ 'nt• "ll \ l<' hi- n ( 'r••"··h, c; . \\·... .......... . .... .:':rJ, ., ., J: i ,·h:rnb n l> ,,·•·. l rH l! l' •·rii X,•rnaha •·
(; 1'1 1\' I·, ,. J. 11 1: Hl ll ll'll nr·l w. 1: \1 \rl u· n- l: i<'h :tnl-., n
Jl ill. 1•' -t r \• l• i nw :rll X t• rnaha ll owar cl .. \. 1·:. .................. . \, J:.rn• .. ..... ... .. .. ........... ( la ::;c . .... ....... .
If lt ll, .\. ( 1 , •••• • ••• • ••••••••••••• • ( 'ttllC'II)'il .•• .•... • ..• l'tl ..:' II .. J. :\ ! . ... ............... 1.-:d l- <'it.' .. ................ ... l: i,·lwnl>••n ..... . .\1 1·\' id mr·, .1 •·ld t. :"\oortlo 1\ •• Jid ll ud:.:•·
.\L•· \ 'i.-J.,u·.. J anu-- .............. ..... ....... ....... .. .... .... .. l' ro u ty. l l· r-l wr·t ............... l'. nr ................... . ........ X,•nt:tl •a .. ..... .. l 'n r·dur11 , i\. " ...... .... . ...... .... .. \ ....... i;,:,.tu·i
Si no , 1' ltil i1 • 1: .......... . ........ ( 'ir,\ .. ..... . ....... {)t, ,(·
S tnt tl" n, T. )! J: ul · l:il'h:rrd ; ,,n " \\ 'i ut <·r·s, :-;, 111111> '1 . .. ............ L oond••ll ..... . ... .............. Nc nurh:r ......... " 1:. 1>
·\ Vu rlzhau::; h, ll:J ,·icl :\'t•loll! l lllli:rn :r
LAO I El'.
:-;- ,DrJ·: J'II•T·OFr'r cr-: con:T Y
A ye r, Dora :-;: u·py C<' nlrl' S nrpy Ncb r·nska
Ba rmor e, () ar T ie \ darn s Gn)!<'...... "
Bcnls, R. A Jl ll lnhnldt "
Bo ut o n, Hosn :::i:t hct ha N<' mn ba Knn sns
B oyu, Lnu r·a ...... . ............ .. .1J n 11 bar . ........ . ...... . ....... .. Ot t>e . .. ......... .. . Neb ras ku
B oy d, Emm a " " !)
Neb1' aska State JV orma/ .\ch ool. -
S,\l! P. !'() iT·OFnC•: 1 111 •T.\Tt;
Brown e, Lc lli c ...... . .... . ...... F r!'m•mt. . ... ......... .. ....... I I• ............ X C l111rnl wr., , L innie P eru X •·tnuloa. "
Chur c h. Ell a.. ............... .... ·' ............. ...... ... .... .. .
De ll a . ......... . ......... Johrh<,n ....... ... .. .. ...... . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . ·'
Cole, Sylvia i\ s hlaud :-:auttd•·r•
Dress le r·, Mi ll C I' V!I As pin wnll. -" o•IIIILIIIl
Dun luu·, ................. . Dun bu r ............... ....... . .. (J I,, . ... .......... ..
Dys urt, J da ...................... L ond•Jil . ............... . ..... ... -"" rn uhu . .. . .. ... .
.Jt:d wunl s, .Fi ora Pawn cc Citv .............. .... l' uwr11·•· g<)ith NclJra.sk u C.:"'it\·.... .... . .. . .... <J to,·...... "'
Gill , Laliu ........................ G lcn H ock ....·......... ........ :".' t·r ll uhu . ..... ... .
lJ anl in , Annu .. ......... ... ..... B r,, ,,·nvi l1·.. ...... . ... ..... ... '·
li iJblitr.cll, Co ra . .. ............. Cmi ge ............ ............... I [ .,If ............... .\1
llull , .EII u P er u N1·11tuhu
llun tcr, Una ........ .......... .. H oc kp 11rt. ...................... . \ t !'l d'" '' ......... :\ 1
Litl e, 1\fny B S t. .Ed wa rd -. B''"'ll·
L oo fhou r r'Q\v, Hosa .. ... ....... Pc ru .......... . ........... . ..... .:
Alnnl cy, Jc nni c ........... ...... l[ clcnu .................. H •• J' , hu .., o rl . ·' )Lnr·qui s, Id at. ................ .. .. 'nuethn . ...... .. .............. .. ;:.; c·rnai 11 L ......... K an :;n ) liJi cJ·, Ca1i s tu . ...... . ..... ...... J ohn su u .... .. ... ... .
:Mill oa·, Omnhn .Nettie
Sn he thn
. . . . . . . . . " ......... "brns kn
N<· ru tdiiL J.;au sas
Nation , Lucy Fri e nd S al in <· N e iJJ':ts kn
Neal, Edith ...................... Pe nt ............................... Nc:n1n hu . ......... "
Ord , An ni c .......... .... .. ...... She ridan.................. . .... " . ......... "
Palm er, Tda B Ro ck por·t
Atc lti sl ot J. l'utlcr·sun, nc ll e S ul e 111 H i< hur·cls "" ':.'l c brm:lw l 'axto n, St .•Jose ph Peterson, ;\luttio Pe ru
N l! llt:tlm c bnt kn ' Spcn rrna.n , All ie .. . ... .... ..... l'J aL lford .... .. ................. Ha rJa y. "
Spence, E111ma ]'' ................ Fu11 s Ci ty ...................... Ri ch nrd sou ''
Sprugu c, .B., Jora .................. GihL ou ..... ........... . ......... Btrflid,J............ ':
S ta cy, A. E ....................... Eltnwood . .. ................... ()u ss ................ "
Vall 'l'u yl, ?l [ nud Sabethn N t•Jua lm Kan ,. a ·
\Varn er, 131an chc ............ ... l •' i rt h .......... ... ............... .. . .. . ... ...... N
Wil es, Ednu ....... .. ........... . Pe ru ........... ... .. ........ .. .. Ne tnalru. ........ . "
\Vil so n, S tlruh Be atri ce Gugc " .Je nni e Pc ru l{ac olt· lll irwi s
vVin y nn1, Gra ce ..... ........... Nebras ka . City . .. ... ..... . .. . Ot•Je ............... .N cbm s ka
\V olco tt , J...u ell u ....... .. ....... S ahe thn .........................
Wo rl ey, Ann ie Su lc nr
Ne ll tahH .......... Kun sns
Hi c lwrd s on
J31a c kuurn, 0. I:l Yu J·k ) 'u rk Nl·bras kn
CJnp p, C. B .. .. .................... HO\Vurd ........................ Ncn1nha. . .......... "
Daily , J. ?If ......... ............. Peru.................... ... ..... " . ......... "
tate . \ ·ormal Sc/10ol. :-i \ •11: C\lt':'TY ST.\TE
DII\'C·np"rt. E. T J: ,wkp rl )[i ;::: 1na ri
Grnl tllllt. F t·c•cl. E ............... ................ ......... Xc m:lhn .......... Kan :;n;: ll c.-• l'ltin t· ), ,... ·' " llu ll. T \ · l'o•f'lt.. Ne brn::k a
Br id t;•·, .1\' lllli <' l'••f'l t :\ I' Ht alt:o.......... "
lil lr ·<l il·li: } rt1:1. , ,
C hur·eh, Ft·ntd; i• ·
Cnle , 11111 E .......... .. ........ .. "
Uon1 h .:, 1\ n 11i(·. ,, Cr·ews, :\l11ry 11. :"\o•IJI'lt :: l. a l 'i ty nl nt' I•: .. .... ... ......... l'o·J' II . ........... ............. ... . ...... .. .
.l•:pln r, l•:n t lh o:: l•·y i:<;: o11r i l•' is ht• t·, :-;'"" " .\ .. \.-: pinwall
ll tll'kcl t, Jo:nllllll \\ ' nl <nll \1 isso uri ll nr ri s, Jo' n il'l •ury Jt•ll',• r,o n )l',•ll t·a<kn ll ot·n, J.;,•a .. ...................... l'•·ru ................. ...... ..... i\c m :th :t ......... "
J[u t c·hiu son, l'h elll' l' t•r u :\ ,• m :t hn......... '·
.Juk es, L izr. i ro Bt•nlri <·•· "
Large nt , \'iola F all:; City H i<·hnnls on...... " 'Mut r., ll :tlti c J' t• ru No•m:th:t ·'
Pa tlerson, :\l ury "
Ke ru. 1-: rn •l. ..................... .. rth H•·ml . .................. n .•d!!:e . ............ ·' Kerr. \\'. 1·: \\ 'illo•w :'Hll;llll•rs " )l illl'l' , F red J',·ru X emn h:1. " )I ill <•r ..J. ( · ....... .. . ........ .... :-'nh nt ........................... Hidt:tnl- ,•n .... .. II l·: :\ cnullt:t l' tL\ Intt. :-;, 1\ F all - C it_\ P l'(•, (nn , .1. 11 .......... .... .. ... :"\. •ntnhtt t 'ity .. ......... .. .... IS't>tll:lha ........ .. n,.cJ r,"·n, .J. F 1•,.,.11 llo •ll r.\ l: o• t ro•:tl ll irhto ll l lldi:tn:t I.\ ... " A \lo ll it· I' :"\ •·llt:thH _ l 'ily :"\ l'llln h :t: :-1 t•lu·:t5k:t .\ lloo n 1>.......... '· '· '1'. I> ll llntl>ool di J: i,· hanJ -:, 11 "
l"CC I'j', ·' cc
Pccrj', Dc> J'fl '' '' Preston, l •: mma ................ 1\c mahn City .... . ........... '·
Hi c hnr ds, Amy P er u .'..... " II II " " Hic lwrd s, l\[ ny " " "
Hi kei'C1, An na li' ni t·bur y ,Jofl'e rson tln v ill , Hcel<ic . . ............ : .... L0lll1<' ll ..................... .. . Ne maha ....... .. II " St n ith, I[attiP. 11 " II II
J'(h'T·OI'PW!: I"• ,, ., ·n· ,T,\T J:
Snodgrass, )lo lli <: J oh nFon ::\ •. ru al "' ='"
Spcn r mun, Btli c • ·a1·p_v 'cntrr· :-=:rq•y ... .... ... . .
Stn rr ,, 'a r·ah ..... ..... ........... Ji owurd . .. .. . ............. . ... . :'\•·rua lou
St eve nso n, K cn ni c Kc.:muhn City ..
Stokes , .A n ne lla........... ...... " ................. . ·'
Sto rm, .) u I ia l' c.:ru
All en, "'vVm. D . .. . .............. X cbru s kn City ............... O t•"······ ·· ...... ='"• l.r:t,: kn
Argab ri g ht, Gc o. Y Git_r .... ... ....... .. :\ •·1ualoa .... .... .
As hl ey , Ira E ..... ............. 1-'c ru ·'
Bob bi tt, Al omw . ............... Dn w, cm's .\1ill s ..... . .... .. ... Hi• ·loard- .. "---- ,,
B ou rn e, .J osep h As pinw a ll :-;,.,., :dill
Brow n, T. 11 l rownrd ·'
Br ow n, Vv. 11. .................. " ............ . .......... . "
Burdi ck, Anso n . .. .... .. ....... P c1·u .................... . .... .. .
Bur r, \ Vi lbcr D aw so n 's :.\ 1 ic loa rd- "n · ·· · · · ·'
Clapp, ls anc D .. H oward ): •·•ualo:r
Clnrk, Clurcn cc ................ S il ver Creek .................. .\l ,·rri<'l •
Cln rk, Perry ..................... li C! It: nn ......................... ..JfJII nsnr1 11
Clements, .Byron ......... . ..... .Pe ru P lf1u ha ·'
Cl otfcJtcr, \·V' Cre ek . .. ...... . ... ..... ....Jo ll" ... ' '" 11
Compto n, .J am es .... ........... J>c r·u ... ... .................... ... 1\ f' rnuh u ''
Cr ow, Allen St .•Jos ep h Bu dlll ll :l ll \I
D ye, E ll swo rth Pent .:-l•·• •• :dr :o -X <'brns ku
D ysn r t, Frcd . , " "
Emal, W. ... .......... . .... .. .. BcntJ·rcc ...... . .. . ... ..... .. .... (, ,,.u;c 11
F1nck, '¥iJli urn 'hcridan ct
Fr·nnk l in, Hurton C Jl n•nilt• •n
Gncde, vVill i nm ................ Pe ru ..... ................. . ..... NC IIIJllt n .. .... . ..
GI·ccn, G. W H:1mhurg F rc ll l() trt ! ow a
Ha c kett, vV. L . ......... ....... \Va tson ........................ /\ tchis on ....... :\ 1
Hale , He nr y R " " "
II ank s, O scar ................... Ne bms ka Uity ............... (l l() C............... Nl'lmr s ka
Hn.r t, Alb ert O vV a ve l'l y Sa n g-u in J llin oi,; ll ic kman , C harl es T ec um seh lt >h .); c bra s ka II
Hogue, Geo. D " 11 "
Ker n s, Luthe r C ........ . ...... Cl ifto11 .... . ..................... Nc nra ha .... ..... 11
Know l to n, Gco. A L on don 11 "
Lloyd, G. I ... ................... '£ hr·cc Gl'ovc:-: Ua !-! s ...... .. ....... "
J\'[ayhc,v, H. R . ... .. ... ........ Nc b r·u.s ka C ity ............... ()to e .... ........... 't
}\ [i1J c l' , Gu st in ............. .. . .. Spt·in g Cr·cck ...... .. . ..... 1 ( th 11 son "
McKe nn y, L es li e .... . .. .. .. .... JJo nd( 1n. e r11ah :t " Jam es .... ... ...... " . ........................ 11 " } [u gh . Pe ru 11 "
Pa rke r, Victor E ... .... ........ ..... ... ..... .. .... l {icha. J"d son...... "
Paxto n, C hnr les K Fa ll s Ci ty.......... " "
T ht: s dtf) ul huildin<-:s. wh i1 ·h ar..: :tnd :tiry and am ply furni :; he d, s tand on an <.:llllll<.:nl·..:. <"llllllll:llldin!,! :t ddightful prospect. n e:tr the \lis!'o uri Ri, ..: r. on th l· hne uf the :\ l·hr.l:<ka R:tdr oa d. in a thi c kly s..:tllt.:d :t JH.l h..:althful d i-. lf·in. n..:ar th c.: \"llb gc uf Pe ru . in cou nt y. T he n .! a rc no drink ing or uthcr hau nt ,; of , ·icc in the neighbo rh ood
IS to furni sh m <.: n and wom e n. wi sh in g to qua l ify th em se lv es for teac hin g, suc h f.u : iliti cs as will cn.lblc th em to o bt:tin a comple te m a!;Lcry o,·er all the taught in the ddTcrent chools of the State, and , at the s ame tim e. afford th em opp o rtuniti es for acqu irin g s uch a kn owlt.:dgt: of Lh<.: scie n ce of educ:ttion. an d s uch s kill in th e a rt of te ac hin g, as will enable them to re nd er all their acqu isitio ns effec tiv e in tiH.: sc h oo l- r oo m.
is d es ign ed to pre pa re tea ch ...: rs for co tn mon ungr ade d a nd lo we r gra de s choob; and in add .tio n to a cr itical st udy of a ll the co mm on l.J ran ches, it co mp ri ses a thor ou gh cou r se of in s tr uction in the or ga ni za tion a nd man agem ent of un gr ackd s ch oo ls, me th ods of t eac hing th e di ffe rent bra nch es, th e a rt of re nd e rin g th e ele ments of l ea rn in g int erest ing and at tra ctin :: Lo th<.: you ng, a nd th e u se of ill us trativ e appa ra tu s for primary sc hools.
is d es igne d to furni sh s tud ents wi s hi ng to b eco me strictly pro fess iona l te ac hers su ch ed uca ti on and t rai nin g as w ill th o ro ug hl y qua li fy the m for th e di sc h ar ge of th e d uti es of any e ducat ional pos it ion in w hi ch th ey may be ca ll ed to labor ; and hen ce, in add i tion to th e eleme ntary ] .;
JVebraska State .\ orm al
course , it co m pr ise s a thr c <: yea rs' co ur s<: in the hi ..!lw r hr:ll1 c he s, includ ing pro fess ional in struc ti cm in t h<: of tn ent tl cln clup me nt . with th e ir a ppli cat ion to tea chin g; th e scie n n: . ph tl t,.,co p hy .. 111d hi :-. tor} of education ; sc h oo l laws in ge nera l, a nd the " '" h,ol ... y., t em of Nebraska in parti cu lar; and sc h oo l gra d. uiun , s up en·i-. ion ..111<.1 man age me nt.
At the b eg innin g of the Fall T erm , classes cotll i H' "'" cl o( pr. u t ica l teachers, and others h av in g the requi si te sr·lwl.tr sh il'· . IIHl e\IH.:r iri e nce, will be for med wit h a view to g raduation in th e l·:km L'IIt :t ry Course at the end of the year. Swdent s found cotnp l' tL·nt to e nter th ese cl asses wi ll , in co nn ectio n with their profc s-. ion : tl in tnwtion and tra i nin g, obtain complete outlin e- revi ew s of a ll tht: lmuwlw s of the E lementar y Cou r se. Th ese will a ll be cla ss t: s, he11c c all th tt wi sh to enter th em sho uld be pr ese nt at the: o peni ng of t lt e F.tl l '1\·rm.
S d It I · ) ,· .., ".·1 1•· •1t of the . tu ents are ta ug 1 voca mu s1c anc gy mn as 1<.. ;1 r eg ular course . In s tru c ti on is giv en un th t: p ia 11 o or or ga11 at th l! usua l pri ces .
There are two we ll -co ndu c ted lit erary soc it:t i..:s -thc l' hil cmt a th en n and the Ev ere tt- whi ch m eet r eg ularl y eve ry Frid ay eveni n g-
The reading-r oo m of the which is furni shed with th l! lea ding papers and periodicals of the country, is fr ee to all th t: st ud en ts.
contains many valuable work s for refere n ce, cons is tin g of dictionarie sEngli sh, Classical, Mythological, Geographical, Bi og raphi ca l, Mat helG
m:ni ca l. a nd ( <lopc.:di::ts of .\rt . Edu c ati o n. and (;e nc.:r al ln furm :uiun: and ::t "ell -.clc.:c te tl c ir c ulatin g libra ry of ab o ut tw el ve ,·olumL·:-. fr c.:c.: to .ti l t he.: :.tud ent :; .
For ill us trat ion 111 the n:tt ur .tl :'l"lc.: n n·, thl!r e is n g oo d co ll ec ti on of min erals a nd fo,..o.; ik t•l..!c.: t hcr with ::t ;.nn log ical c:tbi ner. The geo logica I I' a hi n c.:t c.: Ill hr.tco.:-, IH:. tt h· :til the.: ch. tra cter is ti c foss il s of the upp er ca r hu n i fo.: rm1" pt:riod t h.tt .1 rc.: fpu n .J Ill ehra s ka
Th e.: z oo l og i ca l c:dJ in c.:t <.:tl nt p n,.. c.:,- :ll pr c.::>c tll a sm all co llc.:cti on of natin.: l>ird s a nd a fL' w ot hn anim .t l fo rm :- .
Bota ni ca l and l·a hin c.: ts ha,·e be en b eg un. nnd the l nstituuon h as .tppr op ri:ue .t pp .natus for il lus tr: ni on in natural phi lo sop hy and ch c.:tn is tr_r.
t\ II fo rm s of pn \':t tL' r eli gio us <.:011\'i ction :tre res pe c ted , nnd · tho se who dc.:sirl! th e ath·.mta gc.:s o>f re ligi ous nurture c an here find ab undant oppo r tu n ities: but thi, I nstituti on. IJei ng de signed to sen·e th e intere sts of all classes 111 the St ate.:, is and a lw ays mu st be, un sec tn ri a n. A Bible cla ss m ee ts e\'L'l')' Sabba th. a nd :t praycr-m..:ct in g every Tue sdny eve n m g.
For one da y du ring c.:: tch te rm. th e.: ..:ntire man:tge mc nt and instru cti on of th e sc h ool arc.: gi , ·en in to the ha nd s of th e s tud e nt s, wh o elect a prin c ip al and a co r ps of teachers to c ond uct all the exer cis es of that d ay. And so far the s tudent s ha,·c :tlways accepted th is trust Ill the right s pirit, a nd discharged i ts dut i es w ith great cr ed it to themselves and satis fnc ti on to t he fa c ulty.
Stude nts, Ill o rd er to enter t he El eme ntary Course, must pa ss a sn ti s fact ory examin a tion 111 Spelling, Re:t ding, La nguage Les son s, and li
1\febraska State .. \ or mal .) (-/:o(J /.
the rudim e nt s of Arithm et ic and C e:ogr aphy. St rHknt-. h oldi ng a ce rtifi ca te of qualification in the El c: rnc:nt a ry C our s l: w il l l1c.: .rllo w ed to en te r t he H ighe r Course with o ut fu rth er l:x a mi nation
will d epe nd u po n dili g ence in s t11d y and g oo d co ncl rrc- 1. :\ II s tu d ent · a re ex p ec ted to be pun c tu al, prompt, n ea t, ac;c u ra tc.: , t lto rn ll ).: lt. ea rn es t, tru t hful , a nd teachab le; for s uch o nl y can m akt.: s.lli sf.tcto ry p upil s an d su ccess ful t eac hers. Continu ed idl eness nr ck c icled irn rn or:tli ty on the pa rt of a stude nt will in s ur e hi s sp ee dy exclusion. :\ or will a ny s tude nt be ret a in ed who se c haract er a nd ge ne ral is n ot for the goo d of the sc ho o l.
S tud ents of pr ope r age an d cha r acter, wh o the.: Ekm elllary Co ur se, stand a sa ti sfac tory exa min atio n th ereo n, a nd s how a pt n cs to t eac h, will be gra nted a ce r tificat e: of qualifica ti on, sign c.: d by th e Pr in cip a l, a nd the Pr es id e nt and Sec n:t ary of th e B oard of J·:du c: nio n. va li d un der t he law as a Se co nd Grade Stat e: Ce rti fi cate. S tu de nt s who co mpl ete t he Hi gher Co urs e, and sta nd a s atisfa c tory l:.xa min :nion ther eo n, w ill r eceive the degr ee of No rm al and be gra nt ed a dip l oma hav in g the lega l va lu e of a F irst Gr ade State
Prosp ec tiv e s tude nts so me tim es w rit e for co mpl ete lists of all th e t ex t-book s u sed in b ot h cou r ses Tou c hin g t hi s inquir y, s uffice it to sa y th at we cannot, in ad vance, furni sh o ur co rr es po nd en ts reliabl e li sts of the t ex t-b ooks u se d in eith er of the co ur ses ; for, in so me of th e de partment s, it is our a im to fo !J ow the subj ec t ra th er than any bo ok, and in ot hers the t ex t-b ooks are c han ged occas iona ll y. .E,·e ry s tude nt s ho uld bri ng wit h him , for referen ce, a ll hi s o ld text-b oo k s, a nd whateve r a ddition al ones he n ee ds he ca n buy he re at re du ce d pri ces
Eac h n ew s tudent rs req uir ed to pay on e nte rin g a Mat ri cu l at i on Fee of fiv e do ll ar s.
in )'r i,·ntc f:lrnili cs . rooms, fue l and li g ht, I" $.1. 00 pe r week
lll:tny ;. tu cknt s un fur n ish ed rooms at $1 to$ .: per mo nth , s upply th e ir o wn f urn i.. an d anJ thu;:; b oa rd themseh·es
at r l: du ce d r:tt l' :i . thi ng Ct l n:.:i d crc d. we th ink it bette r for s tmlt.:nt s to take bo :trdi ng.
Th l: e .\ pen sc.: at tht · I >or mi tor y is ite mi 1c d :ts fo llo w s: Board in g alon l:, $2. so tn per week . R oum -rcnt as per fo ll o win g :c h ed uk. \Voocl . $3 to $5 p er t·nrd . \\ ,,,h in g. so cen t,; per d oze n. T h' r ooms in the I >o nnit n ry an· :rll f urni h c.: d with sto ,·c.:s, bc cl stead s, tables, a nd cha ir s; a ll oth er a rt i, ·Je -; ro ..:c d ..: d mu ,; t he furni s hed by th e st u dents
T hl: whok l:Xpt·n ,;l: in th e I )or rnit ory n ee d not exce ed $3 pe r w ee k. O nly l acly s tu den t:- h:t\·e ro oms in thl.! I >ormitory.
se ll Ent Lr-: or I:'\ TilE DOlOliTO RY.
L\ 1.1. Tl:t:\1 w1:o: n:r: n:H)I :O: l'IUSti TI: IOI
2d noor, Fr o nt. t'Xc e pt co rn er room s. $i 00 $6 00 $s 00
T hi s schedule sh ows th e rent fo r ea ch r ot• m. and not t ha t to be pa id by eac h s tudent, unl ess r ou min g alon e. No dedu c tion will be m ade in the ca se of a s tud en t' s r oomin g alo ne. Th e num be r of e ac h r oo m taken mu st be re port ed, an d it s re nt paid in adva n ce, at th e office of the p rin ci pal.
.3@"> Tuition ll/. tlt c R <gular Co ursr. tz11d til e use of tlte Librmy and R eading RMm, are a bsolutdy .frr'e tr• all tlt e students, and tlt ere a re 110 i1tcide n tal or co ntingent fees .
We are so met im es as ked ho w mu ch it co sts a st udent to attend t his s cho ol for a s in gle t er m, or for a yea r. No d ir ect an s we r can be gi ve n to thi s que sti on, as much d epe nd s on the ha bits of the s tud e nt. We h ave here g ive n all th e nece ssa ry item s of expen se, a nd st udent s intell ect ua ll y qu al ifi ed to e nter th e s chool ca n fo rm the ir o wn es ti m ates. ] !)
Su nd ay, Jun e r s, 4 P .M. , J une r 6, 7 P.M
Tu esd ay, J une q, z.Yz
Tu esday, J une q, 8
We dn esday, Jun e 18, 7 P. lll.,
Thurs day, Jun e 19, 9 A.M.,.
Th ur sda y, J une 19,3
Thurs day, Jun e 1 9, 7 )/z P. M. ,
. Hacc a laun:alt: I >i s( our ..,<.: . . Philomatht:an S ociety .
Examinati<J n in
St udents' Rc uni(Jn
Conc<.:rt CJf .\ I usic.
.\1 eet i11 g of .\ lllllllli . Soc ial R t: 11ni1Jn.
Exa min at ion of Classes al 8.Yz A.l\ 1. , Mo n day, Tu cs ci ;Jy. W ed n esd ay.
Fall Term beg in s We dnes da y, Sc plt:mb er :;, 1879 · Fa ll Te rm e nd s Thursd ay, December tS, 1f->79.
Wi nter Te rm b eg in s, T uesday, Ja nu a ry 6, 1
Winter Te rm e nd s Thur s day, March r 8, 188o
Spr in g Te rm b eg in s Tu es d ay , Ap ril G, 188o
Sprin g Te rm ends Thursd ay, Jun e 1 7, 188o.
T£ Rll! OF t 88o BEG I NS SEPTF:I\111ER r, 188o .