Regional Climate Resiliency Plan and Regional Growth Strategy surveys closing on July 31
The Peace River Regional District (PRRD) is developing a Regional Climate Resiliency Plan (RCRP) to better understand the risks of natural disasters and extreme weather events.
Residents, businesses and communities in the Peace River region are experiencing significant impacts from climate-related hazard events that are becoming more common and severe due to climate change.
Events like wildfires, flooding, heatwaves, drought and storms have caused major damage to property, infrastructure, crops, and have forced people to evacuate from their homes.
The RCRP will help to identify ways to improve regional resiliency (i.e., our ability to respond, prevent or adapt) to future climate-related hazards, and outline steps and resources to bring mitigation measures into action.
We need your input to help us make the Regional Climate Resiliency Plan!
Scan the QR code with your phone camera to take the survey open until July 31.
The PRRD is also developing the region’s first-ever Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) in collaboration with member municipalities (City of Dawson Creek, City of Fort St. John, District of Taylor, District of Chetwynd, District of Hudson’s Hope, District of Tumbler Ridge and the Village of Pouce Coupe).
The RGS is a strategic plan enabled by the provincial Local Government Act, and it is prepared and enacted by a regional district with the involvement of its member municipalities.
The province leaves the process for preparing an RGS largely up to each region. The PRRD’s Regional Growth Strategy will be made in the Peace and include policy guidance for the things that residents and others bring forward as priorities.
As a high-level document, the RGS will likely include broad goals on topics like transportation, housing, parks and natural areas, economic development and regional environmental issues.
Regional Growth Strategy
Help us better understand and prepare for the potential changes we can expect over the next 20 years.
Scan the QR code with your phone camera to take the survey open until July 31. regional-growth-strategy
August 15, 2024
10am | Facebook Live, Dawson Creek
September 12, 2024
10am | Facebook Live, Dawson Creek
To view board and committee meeting dates and agendas, visit:
The final product will be a high-level document that supports more coordinated region-wide planning to help better understand the region, including shared opportunities and challenges.
Like all regional growth strategies in the province, the PRRD’s will not regulate land use. Land use and development are regulated by Official Community Plans, zoning bylaws and building permit requirements where they exist in our region.
The PRRD encourages residents and businesses to complete both surveys by July 31, 2024.
Join the Discussion Engage in the active consultations happening in the Peace River Regional District.