A ghost story

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Normally you sleep soundly. But the thunderstorm that is unfolding outside does not allow you to sleep. When you're about to get it another thunder wakes you up.

This happens time and time again overnight. Then you keep going, with your eyes open and alert, observing lights in your room and shadows again. Your eyes move everywhere, looking at every object in the room, until you reach your mirror, through the adjacent room. Suddenly, a flash of light, and mirror lights. For a scant second the mirror shows a dozen of sides. Silhouettes within its frame, mouths opened and eyes blackened. They stare at where you are, their black pupils fixed upon your face. Then it finishes. Are you sure about what you saw? Still in shock you do not sleep for the rest of the night.

The next morning you remove the mirror from the wall and throw it away. No matter if the visions you had are true or not, but you want to get rid of that mirror. In fact, you get rid of every mirror in the house.

Weeks pass by and the events of that night stay in a corner of your passive memory.

You are spending the day at a friend's house and it's time to use the bathroom. While you're there the tap is opened and starts running. Puzzled by this, yet you act, trying to convince you that it is because of a paranoia in your mind. The water starts to steam and a layer of moisture covers the mirror. You look closely while forming the words: "Please bring the mirrors back to your house. We miss them while sleeping at night."

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