The Cross & Shield Winter 2023

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Cross & Shield


Providence Academy partners with parents to equip students to develop spiritual maturity and achieve academic excellence through a biblically-based, Christ-centered, classical education, so they will think and live in a manner which brings glory to God.

CONTENTS PA BUSINESS DIRECTORY 04 OVERFLOW UPDATE Progress, The Prayers of a Righteous Man 06 TWO BIG NEEDS Ways To Give, Ellen Thompson 08 ATHLETICS Christ-centered Vision, Operation Christmas Child 10 FINE ARTS Gaining Momentum 12 ALUMNI UPDATES Careers, Babies, Second Generation PA Parents 14 DEVELOPMENT Prayer, Progress, Sponsors, The Annual Scholarship Dinner
Middle School Choir High School Students Celebrate State CC Sendoff Winterim Chicago Mission Trip Veterans Day Winterim Faith & Fitness Winterim Florida Diving Trip


Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. -Ephesians 3:20-21

Finishing the Dream for Future Generations

A new year brings a sense of excitement with it. As 2023 begins, we all tend to create new goals and form fresh desires for what our lives will look like. For students, second semester brings new opportunities, and many great memories are sure to be made.

For me, I have so much to be excited about at Providence Academy. I am thrilled to see our new construction progress as we add onto the school building. I am thankful for and look forward to continuing our relationship with JA Street as they forge ahead in the construction process. Not only is the building itself exciting to watch daily progress being made, but what I look forward to the most is the work that will be done inside of those new walls. I am eager for the next school year, the new faculty and staff that we are hiring, and of course the new students and families that are joining Providence Academy. Knowing the amazing work that God has done in the lives of students throughout the lifetime of our school, I anticipate many more years of lives being impacted by classical education, Christ-centered sports and fine arts programs, and relationships that our school will foster.

This school year we have taken on quite a large endeavor. We believe that the Lord is in it and has called us to it. We have sought to be obedient to this calling, and the Lord has continued to provide. To date, we have raised $7,900,000 for our Overflow Campaign. That number is a testament to the provision of the Lord, the One who calls and the One who provides. We still have a goal of raising $600,000 before we can step into our new building debt-free. As you dream and plan for your new year, would you join us in finishing this dream?

Please consider giving to the Overflow Campaign as we prepare in faith for the countless students and families who will be impacted by the education and ministry of Providence Academy for generations to come.



The Lord continues to bless our Capital Campaign. We want to take a praise break and give him glory for bringing us quickly towards the goal of $8.5 million pledged and given for the new educational wing. In order to be open for the Fall of 2023, and due to the amazing provision we have received this far, the building process has begun. You will see pictures of the progress to the right. Currently the second floor of the building has begun!

This new wing will help us expand our facilites with 21 new classrooms and a small practice gym. We are so excited that God is allowing us to meet the growing need for a Christ-centered education in East TN. We can't wait to see all our new students and welcome them to the Providence Academy Community.

If you would like to read more about this project or donate, please visit:



L.D. Simmons played a significant role in Providence Academy history. In light of his recent passing, our development director, Mark Koscak, shares L.D.'s story. We desire to celebrate his life, his integrity, and his faith in God. L.D. leaves behind his dear wife, Janie.

I can’t help but recount one of my favorite God stories about Providence Academy. I have told this story over and over. L.D. had a sister named Patsy. One day, years ago, they met with Jerry Williams, the Head of School, and a couple of board members at Mountain View Baptist Church to discuss why they wanted to purchase the 30 acres on Carroll Creek Road. As I understand the story, L.D. was unusually quiet that day, and his sister, Patsy, led the conversation. Some of the questions included, “What is a Christ-centered school? What is a classical school? What is a discipleship model school?” and then after learning about the vision for the 30 acres, she started crying. Patsy said, “This is it! This is what God wants me to do; however, I need to leave right now. My plane is leaving shortly; but rest assured, we are going to make this deal. My mother was a teacher, and this is what she would want me to do."

A couple of days after the meeting at Mountain View Baptist Church, Patsy was killed in a car accident, and it was a shock to all. At that point, Jerry Williams and the board thought that they would need to look for another location to build Providence Academy. However, this is where L.D. stepped in and did God’s work. He coordinated the family and arranged for the sale to be made so that generations of students could receive a Christ-centered and classical education. L.D. felt strongly, just as Patsy felt strongly, that his mother would have wanted them to sell this land so that it could be used to bless students, and we are glad to have a plaque near the entrance honoring Mary Simmons. Years later, he explained to me how God had already been working in the background to provide for Providence Academy. No one realized in that meeting that he owned 10 of the 30 acres of land and had been praying for five years that whoever they sold the 10 acres to would be able to use it to bless children.

So, at that point I understood why L.D. was so uncharacteristically quiet that day in the meeting at Providence Academy. L.D. was quiet because he saw the hand of God moving to answer the prayers that he and Janie had prayed together for five years!

God is good. God allows us to be part of His plans, and this story is an example of God using L.D. to implement His plans. God’s Word says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16b KJV). This story is a wonderful testimony to the way God hears and answers our prayers.

We praise God for L.D. We celebrate his entrance into heaven, and we appreciate the effective, fervent prayers of a man and his wife that led to the blessing of generations of students!

Janie & L.D. Simmons at the 2003 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony



GOAL $483,000

RAISED $366,000

The Annual Scholarship Dinner will be held March 7, 2023. Check the back cover to find details about the evening!

Scan this code with your phone camera to give online.

Scan this code with your phone camera to give online.




1 Th. 5:11 Encourage One Another

On December 7, 2022, Ellen Thompson went to be with the Lord. Ellen with her husband, Dr. John Thompson, raised their four children in the Tri-Cities area, but twenty years ago after John’s passing, Ellen moved to Chattanooga to be closer to where her children lived at the time. Today, some of you may have known Ellen as Lydia Jones’ (wife of Matt Jones) mother, or as the grandmother to Gracie Thompson (2022 Providence graduate) and Luke and Eli Jones (currently in Kindergarten at Providence Academy). For me and my wife (Bonnie), Ellen and John were our life mentors. We met in the mid-1980s, and they were always willing to take the time to encourage us in our role as parents and role-model for us a commitment to Christian education. They were faithful to I Thessalonians 5:11, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are doing.”

As I ponder the passing of Ellen, I was deeply reminded of the role we need to play in encouraging one another in our commitments to do what the Lord would have us to do, especially in the context of Christian education. A commitment by any family to provide their children a Christian education in the context of a Christian school is a significant commitment. If, for no other reason, the financial commitment can challenge the best of budget experts and strain monthly cash flow like few other commitments do.

We can encourage one another by avoiding judgment on whom among us can more easily afford the commitment. Each family lives in their own reality of the financial sacrifice that comes with sending children to Providence Academy. My years at Providence Academy have taught me that there is sacrifice behind each and every child who attends the school. The degree of sacrifice can be relative, but a commitment to Christian education is always a family sacrifice. If your blessings in life do allow you to be a contributor to the Providence Academy Scholarship Fund, that creates encouragement for those who benefit from and value the financial support they receive.

We can also encourage one another by developing connection with each other, especially families that are near the age and grade of one’s own children. Ellen and John were focused on hospitality and being in their home was a joy to each member of our family over the years.

Ellen continued her gift of hospitality in Chattanooga for countless college students who were blessed to attend Sunday lunch in her home. Enrolling children into Providence can feel like a cutting off from other activities and organizations in the community. Reach out to families that are not taking advantage of all the opportunities that exist at Providence today to build community so they too can feel the sense of belonging.

The memory of Ellen and Dr. John Thompson will be lasting for Bonnie and myself. Each of our children will forever reap benefits from the years they were loved by the both of them. Twenty years ago, we said goodbye to John. As we now say goodbye to Ellen, we rejoice in her love, kindness, and generosity given to all who were a part of her life. As 2023 begins, and throughout the year, seek out those who need a word or an act of encouragement from you. We often find what we seek and those whom you find will be most grateful that you did so. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.”


To date, two families have contributed $9,000 to the Need-Based Annual Scholarship Fund in memory of Ellen Thompson. You are invited to join these families in honoring Ellen. The intent is to announce the total of this memorial effort at the scholarship dinner as an encouragement for others to support needbased scholarship. If you would like to support this effort via a contribution, you can give online at www., or you can mail a check to: Providence Academy, 2788 Carroll Creek Road, Johnson City, TN 37615. Please note "Memorial for Ellen Thompson" in the memo line.



We desire our athletics program to look drastically different from the world around us.

Both our foundation and our goal are vastly opposed to the culture of secular athletics. Foundationally, we see athletes as made in the image of God and, as such, they have supreme value and worth given to them by God, rather than by their abilities on the field or court. Viewing athletes in this way completely changes the relationship between a coach and player and provides the opportunity for spiritual development to take place in athletics. Additionally, our goal for our athletes is to glorify God in all they do, from the level of intensity they bring in practice or in a game, to their interaction with teammates and opponents, to even how they respond to the calls of a referee regardless of whether they agree with it or not. Athletics provides a remarkable opportunity to show the world that the Creator is of supreme value in all things, including the sports that we play.

With a different foundation and goal in mind, we see how God can redeem sports in a way that our athletes, coaches, and parents can glorify Him in our sports competitions. We desire not to value success by wins and losses, although we certainly want to compete with intensity to the best of our ability and even to win games, but instead our success is measured in the intentionality of relationships that we establish on and off the court. Athletics provide a chance to create community in such a unique way. We desire to use our athletic program at Providence to create a community that is commited to bringing glory to God at every level. There is something beautiful about the way our kids are raised, even in sports, to be men and women of God. The environment it can create gives families the opportunity to encourage one another, cheer on our athletes, and build life-long relationships as parents and grandparents sit by one another in the stands throughout the sport season.

To help create this vision for athletics, our coaches gather early on Friday mornings for a Bible study with Dr. Williams to help them live out their walk with Jesus in integrity and to show our athletes that their values are properly aligned with Jesus Christ at the forefront. We believe that for students to do the same, they must see faith lived out from their coaches. The time is right for our local culture to see a school that plays and competes at an elevated level, that respects their peers and opponents, and that respects the authority of referees all as an act of worship to God. It is a vision that must be embraced at every level, from the administration of the school to the coaches, to the players and families, and we believe that it is a vision worth embracing.



The boys baseball team began an initiative headed up by Ashby Bonin and his family four years ago. They wanted to make a significant contribution from our school to the mission of Operation Christmas Child. That year they collected a total of 100 boxes. This year the goal was for 400 boxes and the Providence Community brought in 375!

Over 498,000 volunteers worldwide—with nearly 200,000 of those in the U.S.—are involved in collecting, shipping, and distributing shoeboxes.

Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international Christian relief and evangelism organization headed by Franklin Graham. Samaritan’s Purse currently works in more than 100 countries to provide aid to victims of war, disease, disaster, poverty, and famine.

Delivered into the hands of children through local churches, every shoebox gift is an opportunity to share about Jesus Christ and God’s love. In fact, 4.7% of those who receive a box go on to profess Jesus as their Savior. Since 2009, more than 30.9 million children who have received a shoebox gift have participated in The Greatest Journey—a 12-lesson discipleship program. Children learn from trained, local volunteers what it means to follow Jesus and share their faith with friends and family. Over 15 million decisions for Christ have been made to date through this amazing ministry!



There is no doubt about it, our fine arts programs are truly something to recognize. Each year, our programs continue to grow, and students continue to excel, and this year has been no different. For the first year ever, our high school and middle school music programs held separate Christmas concerts! While the success of everything at Providence Academy is due to the arduous work of students and the faculty who lead them, nothing would be possible without the blessing of God. As always, everything that we do, including in our fine arts programs, is an act of worship to Him.

Providence Academy received one of the 2022 Best Communities for Music Education awards from the NAMM Foundation. This recognition was for the outstanding efforts of teachers, administrators, parents, students, and community leaders who make music part of a well-rounded education for every child. In addition to this prestigious award, our fine arts programs have grown and were honored in many ways, including:

• The PA Chamber Ensemble was invited to sing at the Biltmore for the first time. Students sang in the winter garden inside of the Biltmore house for one of the Christmas candlelight evenings.

• Three high school students (Abigail Chapman, Olivia Mason, and Isaac Moore) and seven middle school students (Amilia Alzner, Riley Belt, William Burton, Emma Calogero, Anna Chambers, and Addison Pumphrey) were invited to participate in the All-East Regional Chorus in Maryville, TN. These students were chosen by auditioning.

• The high school drama put on two fall productions for the first time ever!

• The middle school drama premiered a play called Waiting on the Promised Messiah directed by KeriBeth Atkins and assisted by Andee Klusman.

• The high school performed a production of It’s a Wonderful Life – A Live Radio Play directed by Angela Grigsby and assisted by Marilyn Burns.

• Two fifth grade and two sixth grade vocalists recently submitted auditions and were selected to join the TN Treble Honor Choir. They will perform along with the All-State Choir and Instrumental Groups at the TN Music Educators Association Conference in Nashville, TN in April of 2023.

Middle School Musical WAITING ON THE MESSIAH
“let this be my epitaph: the

As our programs have grown both in number and in prestige, the need for new instruments has increased. We recently received a grant to purchase large instruments and musician chairs for students to use as they perform. In particular, we were able to purchase cellos and basses, allowing for greater access to instruments for students. This helped to ease the difficulty that comes from students needing to transport their large instruments between home and school and has been a great blessing. In addition, the orchestra program has also grown with enough participants to participate in ETSBOA Junior Clinic for the first time (February 2023) and All East Senior Clinic. As you can see, our fine arts programs have had a highly successful year with much more to come. As we highlight and celebrate this growth and the awards that we have received, let us again turn the focus back to the Lord who deserves all the glory for the wonderful things He has done.

only proof he needed for the existence of God was music.” – Kurt Vonnegut


CONNOR SMITH ('16) Connor graduated with a double major in sociology and psychology from Milligan University and just completed his Masters in Counseling from there as well. He is currently working for Ballad Health as a behavioral assessment counselor and is doing suicide evaluations.


Corey (2011) graduated from Milligan College in Pre Med and Biology. He graduated from the Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) DO program. His residency is in Internal Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, Georgia. He finishes his residency this summer and then will start his fellowship in cardiology. He was accepted into the cardiology fellowship program at the Medical College of Georgia .


Macon Roan Sutton was born on October 20, 2022, to Mary Kate (Ferguson, Class of 2013) and Mitchell Sutton. The Suttons reside in Johnson City.

RACHAEL HOLMES (LITTLE '09) Congratulations to Rachael on winning one of the 40 Under 40 Awards from The Business Journal of Tri-Cities TN/ VA. This journal recognizes young entreprenuers and business owners, designers, and many other professionals in the area for their accomplishments. Rachael owns and operates Petite Sweets, a Johnson City Bakery that makes everything from cupcakes to custom wedding cakes.

Second Generation Providence Families

CORBEN ATKINS ('10) Corben Atkins works as a software analyst supporting surgical and anesthesia systems. His wife, KeriBeth, is the part time middle school drama teacher and former 5th grade teacher at PA. They have three sons, Finn, Owen, and Jaxson- the oldest of whom started kindergarten at Providence this year. They are thrilled to be a part of the PA family! They worship and serve at Tri-Cities Baptist Church in Gray.


MEREDITH REDMAN (ELDRIDGE '10) Meredith is a proud 2010 graduate of PA. She currently teaches 4th grade in Kingsport City Schools. She and her husband, Joseph, enjoy helping with their family's farm restaurant-The Kitchen at Grace Meadows. They have two girls, Merritt (kindergartener at PA) and Jolie (7 months).

"I knew when Merritt was born that I wanted her to receive the individualized attention and rigorous education that I was privileged to get at PA. But most importantly, I wanted her to be in an environment where she was surrounded by Jesus, His word, and taught daily about Him. What a blessing it is to watch her learning and growing in Him! "

MILLIE PENDOLA ('12) Millie is a local real estate broker and her daughter Sophia started Kindergarten this year at Providence. "What a joy to be back at Providence! As an alumna, and now parent, it is a "full-circle" moment to see the parent side of Providence and how deeply the staff pours into the students."

Looking back, there are many things that I could reference in the ways that I was shaped by growing up at Providence, but the most outstanding is this: the community that we surround ourselves with impacts us further and deeper than we recognize. Being intentional about fellowship with other believers, who walk out their faith, encourage others, and love the Lord, is paramount for spiritual maturity. Thankful that PA is a place for such fellowship!

RACHEL ADAMS (CHUTE '08) Rachel graduated from ETSU in 2012 with a BA in Early Childhood Education. She taught 1st grade at PA for five years before becoming a full-time mom. Her husband Sam now teaches HS English classes at PA. Their children are: Mae (6), Anna (4), and Theo (1). Mae is in Kindergarten this year and Anna will be in Pre-K next year.

Their children are second-generation PA students and Rachel's parents were among the five founding families of the school.



Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. -Hebrew 13:16

Developing Providence - Prayer

Once a month, on a Friday morning at 8:15 AM in the cafeteria, I get together with a handful of dads and grandads and we pray for the school. We pray for the construction, we pray for the capital campaign, we pray for the need-based scholarship fund, we pray for individuals and much more. I want to ask you to join us in praying Ephesians 3:16-21 for our student body:

• Father, we pray that according to the riches of your glory that you may grant our students to be strengthened with power through your Spirit in their inner being.

• We pray that Christ may dwell in their hearts (PreK-12) through faith and that they would be rooted and grounded in your love.

• Father, we pray that they may have the strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth of your love and to know this love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.

• We pray that they may be filled with all of your fullness Lord.

• We pray to you knowing that you are able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to you Father be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Developing Providence - Progress

The steel beams are up, the block walls are growing, and there is a lot of heavy lifting going on. Similarly, there is a lot of heavy lifting going on financially to be able to build this $8.5MM educational wing, and to raise $483,000 for need-based scholarship. We have $600,000 to go on the Overflow Capital Campaign and we have $117,000 to go in raising the scholarship need. Please keep these efforts in your prayers. Please pray that God would continue to provide through His people as we continue to share our need and work through our list of family and friends. Please consider helping us with the heavy lifting!


CHAMPION CHEVROLET Champion Chevrolet is a local award-winning Chevy dealer and service center right here in Johnson City, TN. At Champion Chevrolet, you're going to find a locally owned and operated dealership that provides you with a no-hassle experience that strives to meet your needs whether you're searching for a new or used vehicle or are in need of auto service. When you visit them in their recently updated dealership located centrally to areas like Elizabethton, Jonesborough, Kingsport, and Bristol, TN, they are going to make sure you have a standout experience and can view a large selection of models while getting standout savings on your next purchase. When you leave their dealership, the goal is to have you happily asking: "How did they do that?" Owners, Andy and Hayley Dietrich, are the proud parents of Hagan Dietrich, a junior, and Hudson Dietrich, a 7th grader, at Providence Academy.

THE YATES AGENCY The Yates Agency is owned by Providence Parents, Jonathan and Heather Yates. Their daughter Malayla is a 3rd grader. Their goal? Helping you! The Yates Agency has a trained and experienced team by your side every step of the way to ensure you get the insurance coverage you need no matter if your needs or situation change. With offices in Johnson City, East TN, and Virginia, there is always an agent close by to assist you.

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Phone: 423-854-9819

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HAPPENING AT OUR SCHOOL 2788 Carroll Creek Road Johnson City, TN 37615 Visit for tickets and sponsorship information.
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