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Your strongest memory from your time at Speos?

So actually when I came to Speos, I was on a

I loved the international atmosphere

graduated, I went back to Istanbul and started

and there was one thing that was

training again and in 2017 I became the Turkish

common was the love for photography.

champion in snowboarding. My biggest dream

We are all so young All of us would go

was to compete at the Winter Olympics and I

out to the cafes and the bars with our

tried to qualify for the 2010 Vancouver games

cameras clicking photographs all the

but I failed as my preparation wasn’t enough

time, of the each other, of a candle

but I got an offer to go as a photographer to

light etc. we were all obsessed with

the same games that I wanted to qualify as an

being in Paris and obsessed with

athlete. I took it up and was the photographer

photography. I am very thankful to

at the snowboard event and I had my skis on,

have met all those friends, share

and once the race was over I skied down the

images and life, it was a great

same slope that the race had happened with all


my equipment and in a way I got my

How did you decide to become a photographer?

redemption. Nobody was filming me but it was


break from my sports career. Once I

very emotional.

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