Gianna Bottema. Housing and Care Cooperatives in the Netherlands, Spatial Diagrams of Cluster Living

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Adaptation of layout In addition, the design of the dwelling layout plays an important role in accommodating changes or in customising for preferences. The prospect of changing household configurations highlights the importance of the customisation of the dwelling according to demands in accessibility, equipment and divisions. A dwelling designed as an adjustable framework of walls, curtains and sliding elements, can potentially adapt to changes in use over the progression of age. According to Dia Soilemezi, the measurements of doorways, bedroom and bathroom become especially crucial when access is needed via aids or in a wheelchair.68 Therefore, the design of the construction grid and the unit composition should consider prospective wheelchair access, respectively 1200mm for doorways, and 1000mm for passages, to anticipate future Image 3.03 Minimal measurements around furniture for wheel chair access. Redrawn from Handbook Woonkeur 2015, Module 4: Woonkeur Nieuwbouw Pluspakket Wonen met Zorg Ontwerpeisen en Eisen uitvoering (Geldermalsen: SKW Certificatie, 2015) Image 3.04 Diagrams of different organisation models of the unit (6900x6900). 68. Idem.


changes. Furthermore, the design of the unit in terms of to the bed position should incorporate a free space of 900x1800 mm for assistance, and a space of 1800x1800 mm for medical equipment such as a bed lift, measuring station, or other devices of assistance. Moreover, within the design of the bedroom the distance between bed to bathroom becomes important with decreased mobility. Sliding walls, moving walls or flexible doors can enable easy access (image 3.05-06).

Housing & Care Co-operatives in the Netherlands

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