Profilbureauet was founded in 2005 out of a burning desire to create long-lasting and wellthought-out products for our customers. It was and still is the focal point.
From the start, we have been very concerned with taking the social responsibility that we believe comes naturally when trading globally.
We are responsible for ensuring that our entire value chain is permeated by proper social and environmental conditions.
At Profilbureauet we base our operations on values anchored in the UN Initiative Global Compact, where we as a company support 10 ground principles in the areas of human rights, labor rights, the environment and anti-corruption. These principles form the foundation of Profilbureauet and are implemented in practice.
Specifically, for us, it’s about:
• Demanding our suppliers to comply with human and labor rights
• Collaborate with suppliers to improve important social and environmental matters
• Working systematically with environmental and climate management
• Working to improve employee relations and environment within the company
• Developing new products or benefits that include a social or environmental dimension
At Profilbureauet we select our partners carefully and work very closely with the selected suppliers.
Our representatives regularly visit the partners around the world and can always carry out audits at production sites and certifications of products according to ours and our customers’ wishes.
Profilbureauet is a BSCI / Amfori member and we work through this organization for human rights and sustainability trade in respect for people and our planet.
BSCI identification number (NID): 26518.

Profilbureauet actively repudiates Greenwashing.
At Profilbureauet we consider Greenwashing to be not only illegal, but also unethical, counterproductive, distortive of competition and environmentally damaging.
• We consider quality, design, and longevity as important parameters for sustainability
• We strive to deliver products with high utility value for the target group for which the product is intended.
• We wish to deliver meaningful products and proactively advise ours customers about this issue.
• We guide our customers on the basis of knowledge
• We are constantly working on traceability and documentation.
• We keep up to date with the latest initiatives within recycling, disposal and waste sorting.
• We protect our products and minimize the use of packaging, which should not contain unnecessary or harmful substances. Packaging must be recycled as much as possible.
• We produce in alternative renewable and plant-based materials to the extent that makes sense and if there are underlying systems available, which support the recycling of these products.