The People We Are June 2017

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June 2017

Monthly Newsletter of the Professional Women’s Association of Rome Celebrating our Silver Jubilee Anniversary

Winner of the ME2-Contest:

Marina Di Pietrantonio & D'Altra Moda

PWA is an international hub in the heart of Rome where ideas and values, tradition and innovation, diversity, culture and professionalism meet and intersect. On our journey into the future our travel companions are respect, ethics, and a sense of social responsibility. This year we celebrate our 25th Jubilee Anniversary.

In an airplane emergency

mothers are always advised to put on their own oxygen masks first and then help their children putting on theirs. This metaphor has been my guideline for several years now and whenever I feel tired, overwhelmed or stressed, I repeat it to myself like a mantra: put on your oxygen mask, put on your oxygen mask... I must admit, I've done it about a zillion times in the past ten some years. Like in April 2013, when I first learned about PWA, in the midst of my worst "rush years". I had founded my own graphic design company 15 months before and had two boys that were 6 and 4. Apart from a paid baby-sitter and my architect husband (busy working on his own projects), I had no help in managing our home and family. My days were filled with client search, project management, creative spurs and accounting tasks, but also cleaning the house, attending to the boys, taking them to school and hobbies, cooking and washing. I had not found too many like-minded friends - not to talk about support groups - in my small home town of Morlupo and I remember often feeling without inspiration, lost and hopeless. Now, I strongly believe in guidance and I know someone somewhere knew exactly what I needed. One afternoon I came across a digital ad where PWA was searching for a Newsletter Editor. I knew Carol Bourg, President at the time, through my former job, contacted her via email and was invited to come to the April ConneXion at Hotel Aleph. The first meeting was a bit intimidating and I felt observed and outof-place. But at the second event I attended in May, I realized it had only been my own false idea. I started learning what a warm, delightful and caring group of professional women PWA actually was. Since then I have lived the association to the fullest. In the past four years I have only missed one party (attending 6 of them), two ConneXions (been to 34 of those) and one conference (participating in 31). I have trekked in Vulci at a Footloose event, practised my self-defence skills at Villa Borghese and enjoyed three invigorating International Women's Days. I have edited 40 newsletters, helped organize several events, created content for the website and the social media and attended dozens of buzzing Board meetings. I have done the Carpe Diem Mentoring Program with Paola Devescovi as my mentor, enjoyed several Coaching sessions with Maria Banks and participated at a photography course at JCU thanks to a PWA scholarship. I have grown, learned and developed professional and personal skills. This is an aspect of PWA I have appreciated in a particular way, the fact that PWA members are seen as complete and complex human beings that need to stimulate the personal sphere - creativity, dream building, nutrition and sex - just as much as the professional one. I have built lasting professional relationships and created logos, business cards and digital and print materials for clients. I have cried, laughed and had so much fun with the friends I have made and forged bonds with soulmates that I hope will last for the rest of my life. PWA has been the bouncing board where I have been able to share ideas, develop skills and try out my wings without ever being judged or criticized. It has been empowering, challenging, inspiring and fun to work with this fabulous group of women and in 2017-18 I will continue to participate at the initiatives with the same intensity I have for the past four years. I am stepping down from the Newsletter Editor Board position, but only because I believe it is time for someone else to spread their wings the way I have. I would like to thank all the courageous, relentless women I have worked with and extend a special thank you from the bottom of my heart to President Valerie Baxter who has encouraged, inspired and walked this path with me, never letting me down. I hope other women - both current and new members - will find PWA the safe yet challenging haven it has been for me. I will remain an advocate of this magnificent association forever. Hanna


Hanna Suni editor and layout designer

in this issue

4 PWA Jubilee Summer Party

6 Getting Ready for Summer 8 Member Spotlight: Marina Di Pietrantonio & D'Altra Moda — the Winner of the ME2-Contest

10 20 21 22

The Neverending Story Self-defence Course at Villa Borghese May Wrap-Up: What We Eat Is Who We Are Women and Words


8 15


16 3

PWA Jubilee Summer Party on Wednesday June 14th at Villa Giulia, Via Salaria 125 at 20.30 hrs

Presentation of the New Board and Team Celebrating the Woman of the Year Awarding the ME2-Contest Winner

NEW BOARD President Valentina Ferretti

Vice President and Legal Advisor Adriana Tempesta Secretary Maria Grazia Panessa Treasurer Lisa Rosen

Membership director Anastasiya Gorshkova Programming director Deana Binah Social director Rossella Castaldo

Sponsorship director Cecilia Bersani PR director Skaiste Rucyte

Newsletter editor Ivana Madonna


Menù Tartine assortite Frittate a quadrelli con verdure di stagione Spiedini mozzarella e pomodoro Hummus con sfoglie croccanti Ricottine di bufala al profumo di pistacchio Cous cous con brunoise di verdure agli agrumi Riso venere con verdure zenzero e gamberi Trofiette al pesto di pistacchio e datterini confit Insalata fantasia Focaccia farcita stracchino e prosciutto Pizzottelle Napoletane Fritti assortiti Spiedini di frutta fresca Torta Prosecco Corner Vino bianco e rosso Acqua minerale Spremuta di limone e menta

PWA main sponsor

Life Coach Italy s.r.l. contribuisce allo sviluppo del potenziale umano per il benessere personale e organizzativo. Conta su un vasto network di qualificati professionisti che operano da anni in vari settori negli ambiti Life e Corporate, con particolare riferimento alla metodologia del Coaching in linea con gli standard di qualità di International Coach Federation. • • • •

Life Coach Italy offre una serie di servizi integrati e innovativi caratterizzati da: Competenza Personalizzazione Trasparenza Rispetto della Privacy


getting ready for

by Hanna Suni

cool recipes

What is your absolute favorite summer food? on a scale from one to ten how do you rate gazpacho, ice cones, burgers and salads? Find some cool and refreshing recipes that will turn your hottest summer day to a delightful feast!

Looking for intriguing books to read while relaxing in the hammock? Publisher's Weekly editors have selected a wide variety of summer books for all tastes. In their staff picks, you’ll find Lincoln Child’s thriller featuring werewolves in the Adirondacks, Lydia Davis’s translation of Marcel Proust’s letters to his neighbor, Chiara Barzini’s comingof-age novel set against the 1994 Northridge earthquake, and many more. For deeper dives into fiction, mystery/thriller, romance, sci-fi, nonfiction, and children’s, check out our category picks for even more great summer books. Happy reading!


summer 2017 fashion

Spring/summer 2017's fashion trends have stylists, buyers, editors and anyone else who is interested super-duper, spin-around-your-closet excited. Why? Well, it's an inherently upbeat season. From the many no-holds-barred interpretations on the 1980s (think lamÊ, jumbo frills, shoulders, bling and legs) to the most saturated colour palette we've seen in a decade (fuschia, scarlet, heliotrope, hazmat, more fuschia!), joy is oozing from every stitch and every seam. Even stripes and florals — those two trusty pillars of the summer print lineup — are back with more bite, more verve and more tempting iterations to make you think again and look twice.

Italy can certainly boast its beaches as among the best and most attracting in all of Europe. There are several classifications done nationally and by other countries, check out the ones the UK Telegraph suggests!

If, instead, you'd like to take a longer hike this summer, The National Geographic suggests some more exotic places where to travel, explore and relax. Get your backpack ready!


Winner of the ME2-Contest:

Marina Di Pietrantonio & D'Altra Moda

by Hanna Suni

by Hanna Suni


magine a group of women of all ages gathered in a room full of joy, sewing, cutting fabric, embroidering and knitting. Some of them tailors and stylists for 30 years, others with needle and thread in the hands for the first time, they all work in harmony to produce high fashion garments. And most importantly: all the garments are made with recycled, donated and existing materials to avoid waste and accumulation of garbage. This is D’Altra Moda, the project that won the PWA Inclusion Contest in February 2017. PWA is delighted to present the story of the woman behind the project, Marina di Pietrantonio, Counselor for Cultural, Social, Economic and Youth Development at the Municipality of Riano. Marina grew up in her current hometown with her brother, sister and parents who had immigrated from Abruzzo. It was not easy to fit in the new social and geographical context: feeling like an outsider herself, Marina remembers always having had


a particular interest towards other cultures. While in junior high school, she made friends with a Finnish family who had moved to Riano and communicated with them in English, language that she enjoyed studying together with German. After finishing high school, Marina went to Hannover as au pair for a year, baby-sitting for a family with children. ÂŤApart from learning about other cultures, I was hoping to build important experiences that would help me find a qualified job afterwardsÂť, Marina admits. Upon her return, Marina found out her dreams were unfounded and she ended up doing odd jobs in accounting and as a secretary. After her first pregnancy, Marina was fired and the arrival of two other children in a short time span did not help her situation. As she was struggling to pay the bills as a divorced mother with three children and could not find a full-time job with a proper contract, Marina enrolled in the list of journalists, reporting on local events, news and mishaps for newspapers of the area. What started as a game turned into a passion, and in a few years Marina had become a

Teatro alle Cave, Riano

D'Altra Moda team at work

public figure and an important part of the local happenings in Riano. Because of her growing local importance, one of the left-wing parties asked her to become a candidate in the municipality elections in 2001. To her big surprise she was elected for several mandates covering important roles also as President of the Council. «Working as a Municipal Counselor gave me the possibility to create and realize several important projects at local levels», Marina tells. She founded the Giacomo Matteotti scholarship − this year in its 16th edition that each year grants 3 scholarships for students to buy books for their high school studies. The idea behind the scholarship is to educate the students regarding local history. (The body of the Italian socialists leader, after the assassination by Fascists in 1924, was found in Riano.) Another successful project that Marina started is Riano’s Teatro nelle Cave, now in its 10th edition. Again, Marina wanted to valorize the local resources, the tufa quarries, during summer holidays, when they are not in production. The quarries are considered something ugly for the landscape and she figured that the empty space could be turned into a romantic, rather unusual theater setting, to showcase local and national names in musicals and theater plays. «It is amazing how little we actually need to make a small town known for something special it has to offer. With the theater, we also have the possibility to offer the residents of Riano and neighboring towns high-class cultural events without them having to travel to Rome», Marina explains. Her dream is to be able to market the project and obtain some European financing in order to truly valorize the territory and its assets. At the moment, the project is carried out in

collaboration with technical schools, and the students can actually do an internship as light or stage technicians, earning valuable work experience. Marina’s latest «baby», D’Altra Moda R.I.A.N.O. (recupero − ingegno − arte − novità − originalità) stems from the very same values she has honored in all her other projects: valorizing local territory, talent and resources through recycling existing materials. The idea is to combine the strong creativity of local women − tailors, stylists and dressmakers − and the entrepreneurial abilities that characterize several of the women involved. The Municipality of Riano has granted a few rooms in a building in the historical center that have already been turned into equipped and efficient laboratories, thanks to donations from private people and some local companies. The women are now working three nights a week and currently producing the first night gown that will be worn by the presenter of the Teatro alle Cave in July. As soon as about a dozen garments have been realized, a strong advertising and media campaign will be launched to valorize and build awareness for the brand. PWA is contributing through promoting the project and offering graphic design and legal expertise for creating the logo and other promotional materials. «Our dream it to reinvigorate the community of Riano that through passion and creativity will regain moments of socialization and exchange of expertise. This will surely lead to the development of collective economic and social well-being, and hopefully help us build a new, more motivated community that believes in its territory and resources», Marina sums up. With her experience and determination, no doubt D’Altra Moda will be a great success! 9

by Valerie Baxter President

The never ending story

“Why do women join PWA?” Every association serves its members, and if we fail to dig deep into understanding who our members are, we will never be in a position to pro-actively serve them. We owe it to our members to support them by providing information that will allow them to take advantage of changes in the marketplace. If we fail to do this, we’re telling ourselves we’re happy being on the backend of what happens in the world. When we bring knowledge and insight to our members, we are increasing our value. And when we increase our value, we become less reliant on price. This is the never ending story of PWA. Membership has always focused on our Conferences, once the principal offer made to prospective members, hosted at the Rose Garden Hotel, besides networking opportunities for professional women with an international background and/or multicultural flair. When I joined PWA 17 years ago, there was a black & white printed newsletter of 6 pages curated by Lisa Tucci available to conference participants only with member news & ads showcasing their businesses. Apart from the Christmas Party and Summer Party, we rarely met outside PWA meetings, few visited the PWA website, and even fewer read our newsletter! As far as I recall, we had no photographs to document our activity, unlike today (smartphones). It wasn’t until 2007 that President Linda Botha and Secretary Dulce Casadiego united forces, with the help of Treasurer Michelle Bassanesi to create a Statute and initiate a partnership with JCU-John Cabot University. PWA became officially a nonprofit org! Knowledge shared with interns, together with the first PWA WIN scholarship in 2009 were the new perks to entice members to our Association. Without sponsors, we taxed ourselves with raffles to raise funds for our activity. We charted a “www.What Women Want” map of discounts among members to showcase our businesses, superseded by online version “Expert Resources” in 2014/15. The need to network more often dawned on us and as Social director with the advent of our first aperitivi, initially at Cotto restaurant, then at Regina Baglioni hotel, I set up a direct mailing account and started our first Facebook and LinkedIn groups. The time for insights had arrived!


Il Concerto delle Dame, 2008

My inspiration came from IWD-International Women’s Day. We considered art, history, music and culture as interests to conjugate with 8th March, a day reserved to working women. Our first IWD event in 2008 was “il Concerto delle Dame” inspired by Margherita Gonzaga and her female musicians, followed by a typical English tea served in a medieval garden. Going on yearly to pay homage to aristocrats like Lucrezia Borgia, Governor of Nepi in 2009, Giulia Farnese and her illustrious family palace Farnese in Caprarola (2011), we touched the sensitive topic of ambition and gender in Abelardo & Eloise (2010), the disappearing art of decorative ceramics and 0km. Organic food in Tuscia (2014), Chef Gaetano Costa’s presentation of the Rainbow diet (2016) with lunch at his restaurant Le Roof to prevent fatal diseases and cancer, through to inclusive employment for the disabled at Trattoria degli Amici in Trastevere.

Da Venere a Minerva, 2011

Abelardo&Eloise, 2010

We once experimented with a horrifyingly hilarious Halloween Party@HRC- Hard Rock Caffè in 2008. Ghoulish fun! Archeology and Nature also became popular topics in PWA, so around the same time we timidly started Footloose Trekking days with the Via Amerina in 2008, Valle del Treja and Calcata in 2011, soon needing reinforcements by archeologists & trekking professionals like Club Romano Fuoristrada as our groups got bigger, like in Norchia in 2012, Parco di Vulci, and by popular demand, a Footloose II at Canale Monterano in 2014.These and IWD outings have proved to be satisfying bonding experiences for PWA members through the years.

Footloose, 2011

To continue to network, set trends and professionally address the gender gap, it became no longer enough to change venues every month for aperitifs or hold our conferences at Boscolo Hotel Aleph; our own leadership needed changing. No spare time volunteers as Board members, but committed and determined Team members were sought after to change the face of PWA. The face of PWA was our membership. We needed to know why they joined. In 2014 my next Special Project was to create the brand experience of PWA and then to set the foundations for Collective Leadership. Finally Members would be able to have their say taking collective control of the Association, leading the direction PWA was to take for our future. From our empowerment seminar “Da Venere a Minerva” we evolved even more so women could be “In the Driver’s Seat”. PWA members Sonia Biondi, Isabella Cattan and Simona Orlandi completed surveys in the Corporate world and even in elementary schools to address the new paradigm of collective leadership in Italy. Under the presidency of Carol Bourg, in partnership with RBS-Rome Business School, and supported by American Express, an event involving 100 top notch executives and middle managers met to discover the 4 pillars of Collective Leadership, in a special event, hosted by Comune di Roma on 27th May 2015.

In the Driver's Seat, 2015 By and by, PWA members became more attracted to challenges. Commissioned by Sen. Monica Cirinnà, then Member of Parliament and President of Roma Capitale-Commissione delle Elette, my first Special Project in 2011 was to create “Da Venere a Minerva”, a 3-day event for the empowerment of over 300 female managers and employees of the Comune di Roma. It was an icebreaker for what (in my vision) we could achieve together as an Association. Strongly supported by Comune di Roma - Roma Capitale, PWA became the leading women’s association for professionals in Rome: We were on the map, Caput Mundi...


Also that year to reinforce the PWA brand we invested extensively in communication. We left Aruba for Wordpress: I remember working on content all through the summer with professional specialists like Sabian Lab, Thinktank Alessandra Tacconelli, and graphic Hanna Suni in a new website with content still managed today by Hanna and administrated by Rossana Scazzocchio. “The People We Are” online Newsletter was born under the direction of Newsletter editor, Hanna Suni, whose graphic design and original ideas rocketed us from 35 local to 3500 readers worldwide. With Dulce Casadiego we went Google with their apps suite for non profits. We abandoned the Boardroom for “Hangouts”, shared our email correspondence in Drive. We became tech savvy. It was then that we really began to rock!

Corporate Board. At that point our Statute needed revision and with the help of the whole board, assisted by Legal Advisor and Membership director Adriana Tempesta, we also instituted an updatable PWA Board Policy Manual declining the new PWA.




September 2015

Monthly Newsletter of the Professional Women’s Association of Rome

Impossible is only a stepping stone to success. Michelle Bassanesi, pilot, entrepreneur, PWA Woman of the Year 2014-15


More Team members were brought in to carry the burden of change: Our first ever Community Director, Paola Devescovi revamped our Social Media, creating and managing PWA company pages. Eternal scholar and then Treasurer Michelle Bassanesi was invested with the added chores of Mentoring Coordinator for Carpe Diem and Big Sister Mentoring programmes plus the allocation of WIN, JCU, RBS Scholarships to quench the thirst for knowledge and empowerment of our members. As we grew with technology, job descriptions changed to match organisational behaviour and our Collective leadership agenda filled with numerous extra duties. Board & Team preparation and organisation needed a Coach or two to tweak expectations, agreements, commitment and communication. UK born Maria Banks and Italian Luisa La Via put their heads together as ICF (International Coach Federation) coaches to refine team skills and competences, reinforcing the PWA brand, equipping our leadership with the same competences and ethical behaviour as any


As if that wasn’t enough, TIMEOUT - a Professional Timebank - the first in Italy - became our new pet project under Michela Lazzè, then Special Projects director and Thinktank Alessandra Tacconelli. TIMEOUT was fostered by PWA together with a new partner, Federprofessional. The project was also presented at the XIIIth ICF Conference in April 2016, by ICF President and PWA member Giovanna Giuffredi, (PWA main sponsor through Life Coach Italy) - We had progressed from FREE skills to EXCHANGE skills. A pilot project was undertaken with Federprofessional Massimiliano Gottardi, Friend of PWA Alessandro Antibo, and technically coordinated by PWA Webmistress Rossana Scazzocchio. This new reality is now alive and kicking with over 44 members. So, give what you want and get what you need.

This time last year, whilst the world was taking an ugly turn with dangerous global issues on racism, terrorism, religious fanaticism and sexual orientation, gender discrimination, disability and human rights violation, for our Jubilee we wanted to make a stand for what we’re taught by our parents during childhood, for the tolerance in which we believe as guests in this country. Supported by Banca Generali Private Banking through Paolo Damiani, brought to us by Sponsorship director Valentina Ferretti, our 25th Anniversary is dedicated to Inclusion going by the name ME2 we came up with a Contest promoting inclusion and a PWA scholarship for an

African woman to receive a university education in her own country. Now, our Community director, Cristiana Montani Natalucci assisted by Media consultant Karima Hassa renew their pledge to keep us tuned in social media. We thank Olga Plyaskina, ex Membership director, currently our “Jubilady” who has accompanied us on our inclusive JUBILEE journey. Tonight we publicly honour two women, Marina Di Pietrantonio - ME2 Contest Winner and covergirl of this issue and second classified, RBS Student, Asya Bell. We supportingly applaud two worthy women who refuse to be inert against the despotic principle of discrimination, promoting individual projects of inclusion.

As I take my leave of you, at the close of another year, our very special 25th Anniversary, I sincerely and profoundly thank for their insights, unconditional support, professionalism and friendship Vice President and Sponsorship director Valentina Ferretti, Membership director and Legal Advisor Adriana Tempesta, Programming director Christine Sterpetti, Social director Laura Rizzi, PR director Marta Schneider, Newsletter editor Hanna Suni, Webmistress Rossana Scazzocchio, Community director Cristiana Montani Natalucci, Media Consultant Karima Hassa, Jubilady Olga Plyaskina, Thinktank Alessandra Tacconelli, and coach Maria Banks. I couldn’t have wished for a better Team!

Brainstorming activities with Board and Team

Naturally, we cannot close this chapter of PWA’s history without special mention of the Women of the Year who gave much of themselves for the success of PWA. These are Carol Bourg 2009/10 (Sponsorship/PR director & past President), Lisa Tucci 2010/11(Newsletter Editor), Françoise Chotard 2011/12 (Membership director), Marta Schneider 2012/13 (PR director), Maria Grazia Caiafa 2013/14 (Social Director), Michelle Bassanesi 2014/15 (Treasurer), and Hanna Suni 2015/16 (Newsletter editor).

It’s a tough task, reducing 25 years of our history into a few pages. And now, you can see we are not reliant on price. I urge you to renew your membership with our Early Bird special offer from now until 31st July 2017 at €85 (Sept.17-June 18). It should be more, we’re worth it. We are forever conscious of the life-style quality of our members. So, please continue to experience and support the PWA brand “The People We Are” under the expert leadership and guidance of new President Valentina Ferretti, Vice President and Legal Advisor Adriana Tempesta, Secretary Maria Grazia Panessa, Treasurer Lisa Rosen, Membership director Anastasiya Gorshkova, Programming director Deana Binah, Social director Rossella Castaldo, Sponsorship director Cecilia Bersani, PR director Skaiste Rucyte, Newsletter editor Ivana Madonna, and Team members Rossana Scazzocchio, Cristiana Montani Natalucci, Karima Hassa. From yours truly ciao, not addio. From hereon, I hope you will all unite your efforts to tell the enchanting story of PWA Rome: the Never Ending Story.

Lisa Tucci, Woman of the Year 2010/11


PWA The Peopl

Christmas Party at St. Regis "Le Grand Final

Past President, Linda Bot

Past Board

First Woman of the Yea

Past Board Past Board

faces le We Are

Conference Speaker Karen Tse


Christmas Party at St. Regis "Le Grand Final

ar, Carol Bourg

PWA Madrina, Senatrice Monica CirinnĂ

Past President Alessandra Corradini Christmas Party

IWD at Civita Castellana in 2014

Conference Speaker Enrica Arena, Orange Fiber

IWD with Lucrezia Borgia, Governor of Nepi


Past Board

ConneXion at Hotel Independent

PWA Conference in September 2016

Winter Queen 2016

ConneXion at Essenza in October 2016

Conference Speaker Am

Christmas Party 2016


ConneXion at Il Barattolo

ConneXion at Il Barattolo

6 Cristiana Montani

ConneXion at Essenza

manda Triossi


Alessandro Caporalini President Federprofessional


SELF-DEFENCE COURSE AT VILLA BORGHESE story and photos by Hanna Suni PWA offered a conference on personal safety in March and a full-house audience followed the presentation by the Chairman of IDSCA – International Defence and Security Consultants Association – Mark Baxter. Mark gave a witty, to the point and clearly structured presentation on personal safety to a room full of curious and attentive participants. His examples and stories gave the chills and certainly woke the audience up to realizing that thinking "it will never happen to me" is not the proper approach. PWA members were lucky to be able to participate in the recent practical self-defence course conducted by Mark. The efficient 5-hour session included both theory and assessment of hazardous situations, as well as lots of hands-on exercises to figure out how to protect and defend ourselves in the case of an assault. What I learned was that 1) it is always better to be alert to our surroundings and the people around us. 2) It is best not to trust people we don't know well and 3) that it is possible to get out of any situation, even if it seems hopeless. I managed to free myself from the grips of three people on top of me, using the right movements and actions. I warmheartedly recommend a similar course to anyone moving around big capital cities and traveling in the world. You never know what you are going to face, so it is best to be prepared!


MAY CONFERENCE: WHAT WE EAT IS WHO WE ARE Yet another successful conference for PWA with a full house gathered to learn about a highly relevant and interesting topic: nutrition. Biologist and nutritionist Cecilia Bersani gave useful insight to our daily diets

addressing all the age-groups present in the audience. AGM and Board elections were held before the conference and the results will be announced in our June party on June 14th!

story and photos by Hanna Suni


women and words

poem Elvira La Rocca painting Rosanna Chiani

La baciò una sola volta nella vita... ma il sapore sconosciuto di quel bacio gli rubò frammenti d'anima e di cuore. E cercò su altre labbra quel sapore... come naufraga in cerca di un approdo, ma rimase incatenata a quel ricordo, a quel magico istante di respiro, a quel dolce fluttuare nell'inconscio, preda solo di passione che ti brucia.


Membership news EARLY BIRD RENEWAL RATE 85 euro until July 31st 2017 Make sure to take advantage of all that PWA has to offer, from our monthly events to scholarships and Expert Resources, from the Mentoring programs to TimeOut Professional TimeBank. If you’d like to join, visit our website and contact .

2016-2017 PWA Board and Team members President Valerie Baxter Secretary Treasurer Programming Director Christine Sterpetti Membership Director Adriana Tempesta Associate Member coordinator Nicole Giacomarra Social Director Laura Rizzi Vice President &Sponsorship Director Valentina Ferretti PR Director Marta Schneider Newsletter Editor Hanna Suni Webmistress Rossana Scazzocchio Community Director Cristiana Montani Natalucci Mentoring Consultant Maria Banks Special Projects Annalisa Cicerchia Think Tank Alessandra Tacconelli Media communications assistant Karima Hassa Legal Advisor Adriana Tempesta


Our In-Kind Donor

PWA Professional Women’s Association is a recipient of a Google Grants award. The Google Grants program supports registered nonprofit organizations that share Google’s philosophy of community service to help the world in areas such as science and technology, education, global public health, the environment, youth advocacy and the arts. Google Grants is an in-kind advertising program that awards free online advertising to nonprofits via Google AdWords.

Our partners and sponsors

Main Sponsor

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