Germanistische Forschung: Bestand, Prognose, Perspektiven

Page 168

Deverbalisierung und Reverbalisierung… 

SELESKOVICH, DANICA / LEDERER, MARIANNE (1996): A Systematic Approach to Teaching Inteperetation. Translated by Jaclyn Harmer. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing. SELESKOVICH, DANICA / LEDERER, MARIANNE (2003): A systematic Approach to Teaching Interpretation. Translated by Jaclyn Harmer. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing.

Summary Deverbalisation und reverbalisation in consecutive interpreting – between theory und practice Searching fort the solution enabling the achievement of such effective, and usable, in many popular studies on the process of business and legal interpreting, the investigator is particularly led to the theory of sense and deverbalization, presented almost three decades by the French scholars, representatives of Paris School – Danica Seleskovitsch and Marianne Lederer. Even the term deverbalization means comprehension of the raw semantic sphere of given word, notion or term, which enables the interpreter to discover the modes of expression by the target language (TL) not interfering with the source language (SL). The main issue of this article is to ponder the problem of relevancy, significance and usability of above mentioned phenomenon by the interpreting process. Keywords: Deverbalisation, Reverbalisation, Konsekutivdolmetschen. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Julian Maliszewski. Ordentlicher Professor für Übersetzungswissenschaft und Leiter des Lehrstuhls für angewandte Sprachwissenschaft an der Technischen Universität Częstochowa. Vereidigter Übersetzer der deutschen, englischen, niederländischen und russischen Sprachen, lehrt Fachübersetzung (Recht, Wirtschaft und Medizin).



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