Comenius Project rivers, lakes, sea

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Comenius project

Rivers, lakes, sea March 2011

Germany, England, Italy

By Kranichdammschule,Germany Grange Junior School, England Arcobaleno School , Italy


RIVER OKER Die Oker ist ein Fluss, der in 900 m Höhe in der Nähe von Altenau im Harz entspringt. The river Oker has its source near Altenau in the Harz mountains, 900 m above sea level.

Die Staumauer der Okertalsperre ist 75 m hoch, 260 m lang und kann bis zu 47 Millionen m³ Wasser stauen. Die Talsperre dient der Strom-erzeugung, Niedrigwassererhöhung und dem Hochwasserschutz.

The Okertalsperre is a retaining dam. Its retaining wall is 75 m high, 260 m long and it can dam up to 47 million cubic meters of water. The dam produces electricity, boosts up the river in low water situations and protects against floods.

Früher floss die Oker direkt durch Braunschweig. Für die Stadt-gründung im Mittelalter war der Fluss sehr wichtig. Bereits im 9. Jahrhundert wurden auf beiden Seiten der Oker Siedlungen erbaut. Zur Zeit der Hanse war sie ein richtiger Schifffahrtsweg und Braunschweig eine Hafenstadt. Später wurde die Schifffahrt eingestellt. Im Mittelalter wurde ein Teil der Oker um die Stadt herum geleitet, damit sie besser zu verteidigen war. Nach 128 km fließt die Oker in die Aller.

In former times, the Oker ran through the middle of Brunswick. The river was very important when the town was founded in the medieval ages. Already in 9th century, first settlements were being built on both sides of the Oker. During the time of the Hanseatic League, the Oker was a commonly used shipping lane and Brunswick had a harbour. During the later Middle Ages, shipping lost its importance and one part of the Oker was redirected around the town. Thus, defending Brunswick became easier. After 128 km the Oker runs into the Aller.

The river

The Musone is a river in the Marche region of Italy. The source of the river is in the inner part of the region; it flows south of Osimo and empties into the Adriatic Sea.

Rivers near to Swindon Swindon does not have a main river running through it. The River Cole is the main river in Swindon. Information about the River Cole The River Cole flows through National Trust owned farmland, northeast of Swindon. The River Cole had been realigned, straightened and enlarged over centuries - originally for milling but in more recent years to safeguard agricultural production from flooding.

This is a picture of the River Cole

Year 6 have been researching rivers this term: The Thames only 346 km (215 miles) long. It is England's longest river and the second longest river in the United Kingdom. The Thames flows through London, the capital city, and has played a central role in British history for some 2000 years . The Thames is used for many things such as money raising and charity. Many people swim the river because they would like to raise more money along with charity and other raisers. The rivers Thames is used for many things like cycle, walk, and jog, run and even have a bite to eat you could even go on a boat tour around on the Thames. Long ago, before Britain was separated from continental Europe, the Thames was a tributary of the Rhine. The English Channel was formed about 7,000 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age. Written by Megan Year 6

By Kranichdammschule,Germany Grange Junior School, England Arcobaleno School , Italy


Salzgitter‘s Lake

Im Sommer fahren wir oft an den See. Der Spielplatz dort ist toll. Jennifer, Klasse 2 In summer we often go to the lake. The playground there is great. Jennifer, 2nd form Am schönsten ist es am Strand im Sand zu buddeln. Jannis, Klasse 3 On the beach I like most digging in the sand. Jannis, 3rd form Mein Papa ist sogar schon mal Wasserski gelaufen. Angelina, Klasse 4 My father once actually went water skiing there. Angelina, 4th form

Der Salzgittersee ist ein 2,1 km langer und 800 m breiter See in Salzgitter-Lebenstedt. Auf dem 75 ha großen, künstlich geschaffenen See befindet sich auch eine 25 ha große Insel, die über eine Brücke zu erreichen ist. Es gibt zwei Sandstrände. Jeder ist einen Kilometer lang.

Salzgitter’s Lake is in Lebenstedt, which is a part of Salzgitter. It is an artificially created lake, 2,1 km long and 800 m wide. On its 75 ha, there is an island of 25 ha, which you can reach over a bridge. There are two sandy beaches at the lake. Each is 1 km long.

Sommer am Salzgittersee Summer at Salzgitter‘s Lake

Lakes near to Swindon

Swindon does not have any large lakes in it that are natural but there is a man-made lake near by at Coate Water Country Park. Information - Coate Water Country Park has a 56-acre reservoir built in the 1820s as a headwater tank for the Wiltshire and Berkshire Canal. Lake habitats – It is a valuable nesting site for waterfowl, reed bunting and warblers in the spring and summer. The lakes also provide an important habitat for dragonflies and damselflies.

This is an aerial view of the reservoir. Many of the children from Grange Juniors like to go fishing here and there are also some water sports on offer there .

A famous lake in England

Lake Windermere Spectacular Lake Windermere is the largest lake in England, measuring ten and a half miles long and a mile and a quarter across at it's widest point, with a depth of up to 220 feet. The lake is so large that it has a slight tide. It is a popular place to visit.


In our region, le Marche, there is only one natural lake: it's the lake of Pilato. It is a lake of glacial origin, it is located at an altitude of 1941 meters and has a maximum depth of 9 meters. It is called lake with glasses, you can see why!

A crustacean, called Chirocephalus Marchesonii, lives in the lake; it is an endemism, lives exclusively in the lake of Pilato, it's red and very small (9-12 mm).

Two other very special lakes are located near our town: they are in Portonovo, very close to the sea and their water is brackish. Animals, epecially water birds, live in the lakes: moorhens, kingfishers,wild ducks, coots; and plants like rushes, canes and sedges.

By Kranichdammschule,Germany Grange Junior School, England Arcobaleno School , Italy

NORDSEE Northsea

OSTSEE Baltic Sea

Nord- und Ostsee sind beliebte deutsche Ferienziele. In den Sommerferien sind an den Stränden überall Familien. Sie können sich hier erholen und viel Neues entdecken.

North Sea and Baltic Sea are very popular German holiday destinations. During the summer holidays there are a lot of families on the beaches. There they enjoy relaxing in the sun and exploring the lovely environments.


Ick heff mol een Hamborger Veermaster sehn, |:To my hooday!:|

I once saw a four-master from Hamburg. |:To my hooday!:|

De Masten so scheef as den Schipper sien Been, Her masts were as crooked as the skipper's legs. To my hoo day, hoo day, ho - ho - ho - ho! To my hoo day, hoo day, ho - ho - ho - ho! Refrain |: Blow, boys, blow, for Californio, |: Blow, boys, blow, for Californio, There's plenty of gold, so I am told, There's plenty of gold, so I am told, On the banks of Sacramento.:| On the banks of Sacramento.:| Verse 2 Dat Deck weer vull Isen, vull Dreck un vull Smeer. The deck was full of iron, dirt and grease. |:To my hooday!:|

|:To my hooday!:|

„Rein Schipp“ weer den Oll'n sin scheunstes Pläseer. To my hoo day, hoo day, ho - ho - ho - ho!

´Clean the ship´ was the captain's most beautiful joy. To my hoo day, hoo day, ho - ho - ho - ho! Verse 3 De Kombüs weer vull Lüüs, de Kajüt weer vull The galley was full of lice, the cabin was full of Schiet, shit. |:To my hooday!:||:To my hooday!:|

|:To my hooday!:|

De Beschüten, de leupen von sülvens all wiet. To my hoo day, hoo day, ho - ho - ho - ho!

The biscuits walked away all by themselves. To my hoo day, hoo day, ho - ho - ho - ho! Verse 4 Dat Soltfleesch weer greun, un de Speck wör vull The salted meat was green, the bacon was full of Modn. maggots |:To my hooday!:| Un Köm geef dat blots an Wiehnachtsobend. To my hoo day, hoo day, ho - ho - ho - ho! Un wulln wi mol seiln, ick sech ji dat nur, |:To my hooday!:| Denn lööp he dree vorut un veer wedder retur. To my hoo day, hoo day, ho - ho - ho - ho! Un as dat Schipp, so weer ok de Kaptein, |:To my hooday!:| De Lüüd för dat Schipp, de weern ok blots schangheit. To my hoo day, hoo day, ho - ho - ho - ho!

|:To my hooday!:| Snaps was only there at Christmas Eve. To my hoo day, hoo day, ho - ho - ho - ho! Verse 5 And if we wanted to sail, I merely say, |:To my hooday!:| She moved three footages ahead and four back again. To my hoo day, hoo day, ho - ho - ho - ho! Verse 6 And like the ship, so the captain was, |:To my hooday!:| The men for the ship were all shanghaied. To my hoo day, hoo day, ho - ho - ho - ho!

Sailor‘s song

Swindon is not near to the sea... The two sea/coastal areas that Swindon is close to are the Celtic Sea (3 hours away) and the English Channel (1 hour 30 minutes away). Swindon Celtic Sea English Channel

The children like going on holiday and on day trips to seaside resorts.

‘At the seaside I like eating ice creams’ a year 3 child. Bournemouth is on the English Channel and it is a seaside resort. It takes 1 hour 45minutes to get there from Swindon.

‘I enjoy surfing and body boarding in the waves’ Luke in Year 4.

There are many activities that you can do at the seaside. Our children have suggested some that they like doing: eating ice creams, visiting amusement arcades, building sandcastles, swimming in the sea, surfing in the sea, going on fairground rides, fishing, watching boats and boat trips. These are just a few! ‘The seaside is where I go on holiday’ Neve in Year 4.

The English Channel The English Channel often referred to simply as the Channel, is an arm of the Atlantic Ocean that separates Great Britain from northern France, and joins the North Sea to the Atlantic. It is about 560 km (350 mi) long and varies in width from 240 km (150 mi) at its widest, to only 34 km (21 mi) in the Strait of Dover. It is the smallest of the shallow seas around the continental shelf of Europe, covering an area of some 75,000 km2 (29,000 sq mi).


The Adriatic sea is located in the central Mediterranean, between the italian peninsula and the Balkans. The west shore is generally low, while the east coast is bold and rocky with many islands.

The Adriatic sea is about 800 km long, northwestsoutheast, and up to 225 km wide. The Adriatic has an average depth of about 240 m.

The deepest spot is 1230 m between Bari and the coast of Montenegro. The Adriatic sea is a unique area for variety of fishes like sardela, tuna, aurata and gray mullet.

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