American Free Press - Issue # 29 & 30 - Killing Trump

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VOluMe XVI • NuMber 29 / 30 • JulY 18 & 25, 2016 • AmericAnFreePress.neT • POSTMASTer: DO NOT DelAY • MAIleD JulY 15, 2016 • $3.00


Controlled media ignores serious assassination attempts By John Tiffany


s the establishment media in the U.S. has been effectively encouraging would-be assassins by constantly demonizing Trump? It would seem serious assassination attempts on Trump are increasing, as well, though you wouldn’t believe it if you just read the mainstream press. The most recent bid to kill the outspoken populist presidential candidate was carried out by an illegal alien in late June, but the media largely failed to cover it. On June 21, British national Michael Steven Sandford, who had overstayed his visa and was in the U.S. illegally, tried to kill Donald J. Trump in the Mystere Theater in the Treasure Island Casino in Las Vegas, Nev. Sanford has freely admitted he had intended to kill Trump. He believed he could seize a policeman’s pistol and get off a round or two, and expected to be killed in the process. Thankfully, the cop was able to fight off Sandford, and the illegal alien wound up in jail. On July 6, Sanford pled guilty to several charges, including being an illegal alien in possession of a firearm. According to news reports, Sand-

THOMAS DiMASSIMO Jumped a barricade to get at Trump.

ford drove to Las Vegas from New Jersey sometime in mid-June. Arriving in Vegas on or around June 16, he went to a gun range to learn how to shoot on June 17. Sandford is described as not mentally ill, but he does have some issues. His mother said he was autistic, obsessive-compulsive, “lovesick,” and anorexic, and had attempted suicide in the past. The Secret Service agent who questioned Sandford said the young fellow would certainly try again to kill Trump

if released from custody. Sandford’s father, Paul Davey, told The Portsmouth News, “He’s never shown any violent tendencies before.” Davey suggested someone must have “blackmailed” his son or put him up to it. “That’s the only thing me and his mum can think of,” he added. In another high-profile case, on March 12, Thomas DiMassimo, 22, allegedly rushed the stage in Vandalia, Ohio, where Trump was addressing a crowd. There was evidence the deranged individual was wielding a ceramic knife and may have cut a guard’s hand while trying to stab Trump. The Fairborn, Ohio man, who is a former child actor, was taken down by guards and hustled away without getting to his intended victim. DiMassimo can be seen in video footage dragging an American flag on the ground in some sort of protest and has also sought attention by burning a Confederate flag. He calls himself a civil rights advocate. He was charged with disorderly conduct and inducing panic. He pleaded not guilty, his attorney claiming he was merely trying to air his political views. Given the recent attacks on police officers around the U.S., some people expect the attempts on Trump’s life to only get worse. H

4 Award-winning reporter fired for pointing out murder facts See page 4

10 Emails reveal Hillary Clinton’s true agenda in the Middle East See page 10

14 Terroristic protesters charged in racial assault in California See page 14


31 British decision to leave the EU beginning of end of NWO? See page 31


AMerICAN Free PreSS •

issUe 29 & 30

• JULY 18 & 25, 2016 •



A Personal Message from Executive Editor Christopher Petherick

Dishonest Media Responsible for Rise in Anti-White Hate Crimes


t a time when Americans are inundated with shocking news about racial violence and targeted cop killings, it’s worth pausing for a moment to recognize that, throughout most of the United States, violent crime rates are actually at historic lows. More specifically, according to Department of Justice statistics, the murder rate is as low as it was in the 1960s when the population was half as large. This doesn’t mean that crime is down everywhere. In many major cities, it is actually up significantly. Baltimore, for example, has seen a record number of homicides in the past two years, and in Chicago, in just the first three months of 2016, murders were up by 73% and shootings were up by 88%.

Despite the good news about crime overall, the mainstream media has been hammering home the lie that police officers around the U.S. are targeting and killing blacks in huge numbers. Yes, the police have become militarized to the point that they pose a risk to society, but the truth is, all races have been affected by America’s broken judicial system equally, not just black Americans. By repeatedly and constantly pushing this false narrative, the mainstream media bears significant blame for the targeted killing of whites in Texas and in Tennessee in mid-July. Following news of the mass shooting of white police officers in Dallas by a military-trained black activist, Donald Trump came forward to give a speech on July 11, echoing this notion about vio-

News You May Have Missed Conspiracy in Dallas Could there have been two snipers, using advanced tactical methods, who fired from elevated positions on white police and civilians on July 7 in Dallas, Texas? According to official reports, five cops were murdered and seven others injured, including one woman, who was shot, in the ambush. Canadian writer and radio show host Stefan Molyneux contends that the shooting was either a massively coordinated terrorist attack or an outbreak of downright war and given the amount of damage done in a short amount of time, there had to be more than one shooter. Following the shooting, police initially rounded up three suspects while a massive manhunt was underway for a fourth individual. The fourth suspect turned out to be Micah Xavier Johnson, who was eventually killed by a remote-controlled robot carrying a bomb. For more on this, see AFP’s indepth article on page seven in this week’s issue.

Vote Fraud 2016 According to the website “Powerline,” in many states it has become only too easy for ineligible individuals to cast ballots. “When law-abiding citizens point out that liberal policies [such as same-day registration] enable voter fraud, the left’s response is always that (1) voter fraud hardly ever happens; so (2) you must be a racist,” reports Powerline. A new vote-fraud case has come before the Minnesota state Supreme

Court, claiming that 1,366 ineligible felons have cast at least 1,670 fraudulent votes in recent statewide elections. The fraud may have tipped some of the closer contests, including a U.S. Senate race.

Judicial Bias A new study conducted by Emory College found that, when it comes to lawsuits involving U.S. elections, judges typically make rulings based on partisan loyalty. “Analyzing a new dataset of cases from 2005 to 2014, ‘Partisan Justice’ finds that state court judges are systematically biased by . . . campaign finance and re-election influences to help their party’s candidates win office and favor their party’s interests in election disputes,” reported Emory.

Good Gun Control One thug is dead, another arrested after shooting it out with a 13-year-old boy, who was home alone when they invaded the house, says the South Carolina Post and Courier. The Ladson, S.C. lad repelled the two burglars by using his mother’s gun. Both alleged burglars were black. Lamar Brown, 31, who later died of his gunshot wounds, was dropped off at a hospital by the second thug, Ira Bennett, 28, after fleeing the house. Bennett has been arrested and charged with first-degree burglary and possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime. The boy’s mother says she is just thankful he is all right.

lence being problems for major cities. Of course, the mainstream media savaged Trump for standing up for those cops. And that brings us around to our front-page article this week. In the past three months, there have been at least two attempts on Trump’s life. Considering just how much the media has been attacking him, it’s not beyond the pale to think someone filled with rage enflamed by the media’s constant vilification could cut Trump down. If this tragedy does occur, then the mainstream media will bear responsibility for not only encouraging revenge against white Americans but also against the only presidential candidate who is interested in having an honest dialogue about what is truly wrong with the U.S.

Double Standard

Shouldn’t Have Been Here

A North American Indian woman who violently assaulted a white bypasser while shouting, “I hate whites,” did not commit a hate crime, said a judge in Calgary, Canada, The New Observer reports. Had it been a white person attacking a non-white, the judge would have thrown the “hate crime” book at the perpetrator, and it would have been in all the mainstream media. Provincial court judge Harry Van Harten, on a written decision, incredibly wrote that Tamara Crowchief had no “racial bias.” The victim was ironically named Lydia White. Ms. White was standing outside a bar with a male friend. A woman acquaintance of Ms. Crowchief approached the duo and asked for a cigarette, which was given. As Ms. White’s friend spoke to Ms. Crowchief, the Indian drew up close and without warning shouted, “I hate white people,” and punched the lady in the face, knocking out a tooth.

A Mexican man has been charged with aggravated murder in the deaths of three people at an Oregon blueberry farm, according to the websites “Breitbart” and “Tea Party News.” The man had been deported six times but kept coming back. Bonifacio Oseguera-Gonzalez, 29, is described as having no significant prior criminal convictions. Said Donald Trump, the suspect “should never have been here.”


Sean Smith, who reportedly refers to himself as a woman, was arrested in Idaho Falls, Idaho on July 12 on one count of felony voyeurism for a report that he used his cellphone to take pictures of a woman changing clothes in a retail store dressing room. The victim told police she noticed someone reaching over the wall, taking pictures of her with a cellphone. The victim confronted the man, who she said was dressed in women’s clothing, chasing him as he fled the store. Police later caught the suspect and booked him. The 43-year-old man, who calls himself Shauna Patricia Smith, is currently in custody in the Bonneville County Jail.

Dozens of women reportedly were raped or sexually assaulted during two musical festivals in Sweden during a recent weekend, police told AP. Police Inspector Leif Nystrom said 32 reports of attacks stemmed from one festival alone in the city of Karlstad. The youngest victim was 12. Police identified 12 men they want to question. Meanwhile police said they were investigating more than a dozen cases of rape and sexual assault pertaining to the Bravalla Festival. Unofficial reports say the offenses were committed by immigrants or foreigners.

Hawaii—Don’t Go There Hawaii has passed a law that makes it the first state in the union to put its gun-owning citizens on a federal criminal record database, Reuters said. The move paves the way for disarming the civilians. The anti-gun liberty bill was signed into law by Gov. David Inge, a Democrat.

Voyeur Nation


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JULY 18 & 25, 2016 •

issUe 29 & 30



Every American Can Make a Difference • AFP supporter explains how average citizens can make a big splash in politics By Victor Thorn


urt Schultz is chairman of Super Brochure, a private company that helps regular Americans get their message out. In previous elections, Schultz has proven that grassroots activism really does work. On June 16, Schultz told AFP, “When Ron Paul ran for president in 2008, he was only polling at 9% prior to the Iowa caucuses. That’s before we distributed 1 million high-quality brochures to voters in that state, as well as flooded their telephones. Real excitement grew for Paul in Iowa, and within three weeks his numbers jumped to 28%. Our efforts showed that people are willing to hear these types of messages.” Better yet, venues that typically turned a deaf ear suddenly responded. Schultz explained, “The New York Times ran a front page article on our Ron Paul brochures, while MSNBC devoted a fiveminute segment to them. They said our brochures were the best of the entire 2008 campaign.” Now, Schultz is focusing his sights on the 2016 presidential election. “We’re coming out with Donald Trump brochures and bumper stickers,” he told AFP. “They’re our biggest and best to date. The interest we’re generating is amazing, especially since our brochure unfolds into a huge poster.” Expecting even better results than they achieved eight years ago, Schultz said, “Our goals are the same as those of AFP. We’re not the Washington, D.C. establishment. We’re outsiders who are attacked by insiders and the elite. From our

We’re not the Washington, D.C. establishment. We’re outsiders who are attacked by insiders. perspective, this election stands as an opportunity to bring forth issues that AFP readers, not to mention millions of other people, are interested in. It’s our best chance to break through mainstream media barriers.” As a means of clarification, Schultz added: “We’re activists first, and as such we distribute the kind of information that we ourselves would like to get. Our job is to be messengers, kind of like Paul Reveres of the new century. With our literature, instant connections can be made with likeminded people. It’s a great way to make contact with others who share your concerns about the future of this country.” Maybe most importantly of all, Schultz stressed: “There are no shadowy organizations behind us. We’re independent, and funded with our own money. Unlike Hillary Clinton, who is secretly supported by entities like the United Nations and Council on Foreign Relations that want to create a world government, we’re firm believers in a bottom-up structure. In fact, we got our start by attending tea party meetings. By becoming involved, each of us can become conduits to similar groups that demand transparency in government.” Granted that many in the patriot community

The New York Times realized the impact of the ron Paul brochure and ran a front-page article on it.

have understandably become jaded with the entire political process, Schultz offers a more encouraging viewpoint. “Unfortunately, presidential elections are the only times many people pay attention to what’s going on,” he said. “So these next few months are precisely when we must spread our message of liberty by educating people across the country. Whether it’s through AMERICAN FREE PRESS or via our brochures, we can target specific voters by giving information to friends and neighbors. It’s very efficient, and you never know how far your influence will reach.” ★ —— Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and the author of many books on 9-11 and the New World Order. Get his latest book, America’s Racial Powder Keg, from AFP for $20 plus $4 S&H in the U.S.

AMERICAN FREE PRESS: America’s Last Real Newspaper—Populist & Independent, Not Republican or Democrat AFP—OUR PROMISE TO YOU: The point of view of AMERICAN FREE PRESS (AFP) is best described as populist and nationalist. AFP is FOR Life and Liberty and AGAINST the New World Order. AFP is 100% employee-owned. You can trust AMERICAN FREE PRESS to give you “the other side of the news”—to report on events which are vital to your welfare but which would otherwise be hushed up or distorted by the controlled press. We make no attempt to give you “both sides.” We’ll leave the establishment side to your daily newspaper, television and radio. Furthermore, we pledge that AFP will correct any meaningful error of fact. Make up your own mind who is being honest with you: the establishment media or AFP. OUR GUARANTEE: AFP will promptly refund the unused portion of your subscription if you are dissatisfied with our newspaper. To cancel, drop us a note saying you want to end your subscription. NATIONAL STAFF Executive Editor: Christopher J. Petherick; Roving Editor: Mark Anderson; Managing Editor: Julia Foster; Art Director: Paul T. Angel; Corresponding Editors: Pete Papaherakles, Ronald Ray; Victor Thorn; Web Editor: Dave Gahary; Copy Editor: John Tiffany; Subscription Manager: Jeanette Kimble; Shipping Manager: Steven Lombardo. Founder: Willis A. Carto.

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