Business Action magazine November 2016

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North Devon 2016 Online Awards Small Business Saturday Checks & Balances Networking: Do I know you? Dalek invasion | @businessactionm | November 2016


3 We’re back

Take Business Action

4 Sall Business Saturday Get involved

13 Best Photo Award 14 Best Video Award 15 Best Content Award

7 Checks & Balances Kevin Woodward

16 NDBA member Q&A: Jacqueline Le Sueur

8 Networking: how easy is it

18 Exterminate! Dalek for hire

to get to know you? Robert Zarywacz

10 North Devon Online


Enter now 11 Twitter Award

19 Seeing red . . . Kevin Woodward 20 . . . un-rant Kevin Woodward

12 Facebook Award Action is edited, designed and produced by Zarywacz editor: Robert Zarywacz tel: 07971 176044 email: online: Twitter: @businessactionm follow: Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook ■■ Business

Views expressed by contributors to this magazine are not necessarily those of North Devon Business Action or Zarywacz. Readers are strongly recommended to seek advice from an appropriate professional before taking any action on any topic discussed in the magazine and to check full terms and conditions of any products or services promoted in advertisements. © 2016 North Devon Business Action and Zarywacz.


Business Action |


NDBA: we’re back! “Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got ‘till it’s gone,” sang Joni Mitchell. And so it goes with the NDBA. A few years ago, we got busy and decided to stop our end-of-month Friday networking lunches. People started asking what happened? Last year we didn’t run our North Devon Online Awards. Again, we’ve been asked: what happened? And then there’s this magazine? Why did it stop? Well, we realise that people enjoyed the lunches, valued the awards and liked the magazine so much that they wanted us to start them all again. So here we go. Take Business Action

North Devon Business Action What is NDBA? We started out as a networking lunch club, then expanded online, developed business workshops and awards. @businessactionm | November 2016

Our purpose is simply to build strong business relationships between people based on trust, friendship and support. Anyone can join NDBA – there is no exclusivity and no limits. Who organises NDBA? Kevin Woodward and Robert Zarywacz. Read more from us inside. Magazine This Business Action digital magazine aims to introduce you to members, discuss issues relevant to businesses and provide relevant help and advice. Maybe you’re reading it as an online magazine or PDF and found it via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn or the #ndevon hashtag. You can follow our accounts on those networks and join our North Devon Facebook and LinkedIn groups. Let’s meet for lunch If you want to find out more about NDBA, please book for one of our end-of-month Friday networking lunches. They’re friendly events where you can talk one-to-one to new business contacts. After all, you have to know who you’re doing business with. Book at



Support small businesses Small businesses around the UK across all business sectors and communities are to be put back in the national spotlight when the UK’s third annual Small Business Saturday takes place on 3 December 2016. Small Business Saturday is already the UK’s most successful small business campaign. It is an annual, grassroots, notfor-profit campaign that puts small, independent businesses in communities across the country in the national spotlight, encouraging people up and down the country to go out and support small businesses in their communities on that day an all year round. Last year an estimated £623 million was spent with small businesses across the UK on the 4

day – up £119 million on the previous year and an increase in spending of 24%. The day itself also generated huge buzz on social media with Small Business Saturday trending at number one on Twitter. Over 100,000 tweets were sent in support of Small Business Saturday on the day itself with a combined reach of more than 25 million people. An estimated 75% of all local authorities actively supported the campaign on the day in a variety of ways, from staging or supporting small business events to offering free parking. The campaign highlights small business success and, although the focus is on one day, the campaign aims to have a lasting impact on small businesses by changing Business Action |


mind-sets so that people aim to support small businesses all year round. “Most people in this country own a small business, work for a small business or know somebody who does so supporting a small business on Small Business Saturday is personal and means you are supporting somebody you know,” explains National Campaign Director, Michelle Ovens. “The Small Business Saturday campaign plays a valuable role in focusing the minds of consumers and business people on what small businesses in any sector or line of business can offer in terms of range of products and services and levels of customer service.” American Express originally founded the hugely successful ‘Small Business Saturday’ initiative in the U.S. in 2010 and remains the Founding Supporter of the campaign in the UK, as part of its on-going commitment to encourage consumers to shop small. The campaign also benefits from the backing of leading business organisations including the Federation of Small Businesses and Enterprise Nation, and is also supported by PRS For Music, TalkTalk Business, Vistaprint, Post Office, Clear Channel, STIHL and Indeed. @businessactionm | November 2016

What’s in it for small businesses? The campaign exists as a nationwide promotional and marketing tool for small businesses, something for business owners to join up with and use for the benefit of their own small business. It is totally free to participate and all and any small businesses can get involved, from one-manbands through to a high growth office, and from tradesmen to social media gurus. In addition to the campaign itself, the team also delivers help and advice alongside opportunities to connect with other small businesses. In short, Small Business Saturday exists to support, inspire and promote small businesses. And if your business doesn’t trade on a Saturday, don’t worry. Small Business Saturday has events, workshops and support networks happening all year round and we also encourage small business owners to plan something on the Friday before Small Business Saturday, if it works better for them. So, whatever your business, whatever your size, whatever stage you are at – if you are a small business, the campaign exists to help you.



How can you get involved? Whether you have supported the campaign for the last two years, already have activities planned, or are getting involved for the first time this year here are some ideas of how to support and get involved with the campaign. ➤➤ Logos,

digital banners, a social media guide and lots more are available on our website and are available for you to download at Display them on your website or on your premises.

➤➤ Team

up with other likeminded businesses either in your local area or your sector and create a Small Business Saturday map of participating businesses. We have found that small businesses working together can often make more of a splash than those trying to work alone.

➤➤ Host

entrepreneur events or workshops in your area or your sector to focus on best practice and share new ideas.

➤➤ Talk

to your local or trade media about how your business will be getting involved with Small Business Saturday – we


can help you out with press release templates. ➤➤ Many

MPs are supporting the campaign again, so invite your local MP to visit your business.

➤➤ Create

a business blog with advice, articles, success stories, local business news or profiles.

➤➤ Perhaps

invite other small businesses to contribute guest blogs, which you can then share across your social media platforms.

➤➤ Be

sure to link to the Small Business Saturday website. Join our Facebook page and Twitter feed and encourage other small businesses to do so. Our social feeds are really interactive and you can great advice from small business owners like you there.

➤➤ Network,

share ideas and team up for Small Business Saturday.

➤➤ Use

the hashtag #SmallBizSatUK.

➤➤ Follow

Small Business Saturday UK on Facebook.

➤➤ ‘Like’

& ‘Share’ our videos, images & blog posts.

➤➤ Create

& upload videos yourself.

Business Action |


Checks & Balances Life is full of these. The despair of both the Brexit vote and the Trump victory in the USA are a little exaggerated, the hype is somewhat overblown. Here in the UK, if it was that simple we would have already left the EU, but we haven’t. The Government, quite rightly, are taking their time to sound things out. They have been taken to court to ensure that our democratic rules are correctly adhered to, and so the checks and balances are working. Apart from the mindless few, who will always be mindless, we haven’t resorted to wilful violence to get to the end result that some of us want. The checks and balances will work. Don’t forget that every so often, we get to vote again for our Government and so we live in a very short term cycle. If we don’t like what is happening, then we can change the Government of the day when we next get to vote. Of course, there have been some repercussions of the result: our pound has devalued, our stock market has risen, our pension fund values have increased, but @businessactionm | November 2016

the cost of holidays abroad has increased too. It’s all about checks and balances. The same is true about the USA and Trump being President. He isn’t all powerful. He still has a Senate and a House of Representatives to keep him in control. He will have his own checks and balances to ensure that he isn’t a loose cannon. He’s a businessman and knows that, now he is the President Elect, he will start negotiating because he can’t make things happen by himself. Life will settle down, whether we actually leave the EU, or whether we negotiate better terms and end up staying, or whether we leave and life does become better for all concerned. The checks and balances that the system provides will make sure that it isn’t actually worse. The same about the USA, in four years’ time, they’ll vote again. Trump has to prove that he is worthy to get a second chance. If he messes up, he’ll be gone. Four years is not a very long time. Kevin Woodward


Networking: how easy is it to get to know you? Robert Zarywacz wants to meet the real YOU

We live in a connected world where it is easier than ever before to connect with individuals anywhere, whether in the same town or thousands of miles away. You would have thought that we would soon become ‘one world’, but often it seems the tools giving us the capability to connect with others, share experiences, explore different cultures, debate opposing arguments and open our minds to alternative viewpoints simply increase divisions. The level of debate in this year’s 8

UK referendum and US election have been of staggeringly low quality with many supporters of all sides resorting to insults and worse against their opposition. Were these really polls to determine the future direction of government in the UK, Europe, the USA and, by implication, the rest of the world? Even the soundbite terminology, reducing complex issues such as membership of the European Union to the childish ‘Brexit’ hashtag, debased discussion. Business Action |


Those of us in business, especially those interacting with government, councils and public sector agencies, know there is rarely a straighforward ‘yes or no’ answer to many questions. Often we see countless shades of grey so subtle that practical answers to problems seem impossible. If change and improvement really were so simple, shouldn’t the experts wheeled out in the media have solved most problems by now? The reality of life, politics and business is that improvement is often a tough challenge with change creating pain during the transition period. The networking impact This impacts networking because instead of being played out through traditional news channels and printed newspapers, big political events such as these now dominate social media networks. Who has not logged on to Facebook or Twitter to see connections sharing articles throwing mud at the opposition, changing their profile photos to flags or emblems, or posting bilefilled comments? My business networking policy has always been to connect with and follow people with all manner of views and beliefs, regardless of @businessactionm | November 2016

whether I agree with them, but recently I started unfollowing connections whose faces had been exchanged for flags or icons and who now spouted unpalatable propaganda for their chosen side. What happened to them? Why had politics changed them from intelligent, Business networking tips ➤➤ Post a headshot on sociable, witty your profiles people into ➤➤ Don’t post insults or puppets with no swear at opponents original opinions? ➤➤ Argue your point of What’s more, view constructively many were without ranting business people. Did they really expect me to buy from them after seeing such unacceptable behaviour? Network with people I believe networking is about connecting with individuals . . . who show their faces . . . and express their own opinions. It’s natural not to agree with everything said and we can use this to start healthy, reasonable and robust discussion between us. If one aim of networking is personal development, then disagreement can help us to learn, develop and modify our opinions. Let’s disagree and still like each other – for healthy lives and a successful economy.



NDBA Online Awards 2016 Fourth annual awards recognise best use of online tools by North Devon businesses

2016 is the fourth year of the NDBA Online Awards after a pause last year. The awards aim to recognise best use of online tools by North Devon businesses and to

encourage greater use. The awards are free to enter for both NDBA members and nonmembers and we encourage you to enter, where you can, as many categories as possible.

How to enter the awards ➤➤ Twitter award ➤➤ Facebook Award ➤➤ Best Photo Award ➤➤ Best Video Award ➤➤ Best Content Award

Who can enter? Anyone who runs or works in a business based or operating in North Devon.

How many categories can I enter? You can enter as many categories as you wish. How do I enter? See pages 11 to 15 for each award. How much does entry cost? Entry is free.


When do the awards run? From 18 November to 16 December 2016. When will the winners be announced? At the NDBA Online Awards lunch on Friday 27 January 2017 and in the February issue of Business Action. Terms and conditions Read the full terms and conditions at All judges’ decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into. Business Action |


Twitter Award 2016

Tweeting your messages in 140 characters is a powerful way to promote you and your business. In the NDBA Twitter Award the judges look for North Devon businesses who: ➤➤ use

Twitter effectively to make themselves stand out

➤➤ tweet

to raise awareness of their business or product

➤➤ engage

with followers by replying and retweeting

➤➤ add

value to the North Devon Twitter community by helping and supporting others

➤➤ entertain

through the originality of their content

While numbers of followers and tweets will be taken into account, judges will weigh up the quality and effectiveness of interaction. We welcome both established and new #ndevon Twitter users to enter this award.

Enter Twitter Award & top tips 1. Follow @northdevon on Twitter. 2. Tweet: I am entering the @northdevon #NDBA #ndevon Twitter award. 3. Be as active as possible on Twitter between 18 November and 16 December 2016. 4. Tell us if your Twitter account is managed by a third party. ✔✔ We will add you to the Twitter

Awards 2016 list. @businessactionm | November 2016

✔✔ Demonstrate your value as a

member of the North Devon Twitter community by helping, supporting and retweeting other businesses and individuals. ✔✔ Use the #ndevon hashtag as

much as possible to promote North Devon and businesses in the area. ✔✔ By entering you accept the full

terms and conditions published at



Facebook Award 2016

Facebook pages can be a powerful way to promote you and your business, especially locally. In the NDBA Facebook Award the judges look for North Devon businesses who:

➤➤ engage

➤➤ use

➤➤ entertain

➤➤ post

➤➤ use

Facebook pages effectively to make themselves stand out to raise awareness of their business or product

by responding, commenting and sharing

➤➤ add

value to the North Devon Facebook community by helping and supporting others through the originality of their content Facebook regularly and consistently in their business

Enter Facebook Award & top tips 1. Like and follow North Devon at

4. Enter between 18 November and 16 December 2016.

2. Join the North Devon Facebook group at (use your personal Facebook account to do this – please contact us if any problem)

5. Tell us if your page is managed by a third party.

3. Add your Facebook business page address to the pinned post: ‘Enter NDBA Facebook Award’ and say: ‘I am entering the NDBA #ndevon Facebook award.’


✔✔ Demonstrate your value as a

member of the North Devon Facebook community by helping, supporting, liking, sharing and commenting on posts from other local businesses and individuals. ✔✔ By entering you accept the full

terms and conditions published at Business Action |


Best Photo Award 2016

Photos drive content online. A powerful photo can attract people to read an article, visit a place, book for an event or buy a product. In the NDBA Best Photo Award the judges look for photos that: ➤➤ entertain

through originality of their content and composition

➤➤ promote

North Devon as a visitor destination or place in which to live and work

➤➤ demonstrate


➤➤ make

best use of social media networks such as Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, Facebook or Twitter

Enter Best Photo Award & top tips 1. Entries must be hosted online, eg on Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook or your own web site. We do not accept files. 2. Go to our web site awards page and select Best Photo Award.

3. Enter by filling in the web address linking to your photo and your contact details in the form. 4. You can also enter by messaging us on Instagram or Pinterest or by posting your photo to our Facebook or Twitter accounts. 5. You can enter up to three photos. @businessactionm | November 2016

6. Enter between 18 November and 16 December 2016. ✔✔ Entries must be your own original

work or commissioned by your business and you must own all relevant copyrights/permissions. ✔✔ You grant us your permission

to use your photo in any way in conjunction with these awards and to promote North Devon, giving you full credit. ✔✔ By entering you accept the full

terms and conditions published at ✔✔ Good luck!



Best Video Award 2016

If a picture can tell 1,000 words, then how many can a video tell? In the NDBA Best Video Award judges look for videos that: ➤➤ entertain

through originality of their content and composition

➤➤ demonstrate


➤➤ promote

North Devon as a visitor destination or the best place in which to live and work

➤➤ make

the best use of social media networks such as YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter

Enter Best Video Award & top tips 1. Entries must be hosted online, eg on YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Instagram, Flickr, Twitter or Facebook. We cannot accept files. 2. Go to our web site awards page and select Best Video Award.

3. Enter by filling in the web address linking to your video and your contact details in the form. 4. You can also enter by messaging us on Instagram or Vine or by posting your photo to our Facebook or Twitter accounts. 5. Enter between 18 November and 16 December 2016.


✔✔ You can enter up to three videos. ✔✔ Entries must be your own original

work or be commissioned by your business and you must own all relevant copyrights/permissions. ✔✔ You grant us your permission to

use or republish your video in any way in conjunction with these awards and to promote North Devon, giving you full credit. ✔✔ By entering you accept the full

terms and conditions published at ✔✔ Good luck!

Business Action |


Best Content Award 2016

Articles and blogging are a great way to showcase your expertise, skills, products or services. You can also use them to discuss issues and help solve problems. In the NDBA Blogging Award 2016 the judges look for North Devon businesses who: ➤➤ blog

regularly and effectively

➤➤ use

text, graphics, video and / or audio to create original and entertaining content

➤➤ engage

with readers by attracting comments and generating discussion

➤➤ add

value to the North Devon business community by helping and supporting others

Enter Content Award & top tips 1. You can enter a post or article published on your own blog or web site or on a social media network or publication, eg LinkedIn or Facebook. We cannot accept text files. 2. Content can focus on an issue relevant to the business itself or on broader business issues. 3. Content must have been published during 2016. 4. Go to our web site awards page

5. You can enter up to three pieces. ✔✔ You must own the copyright and

all relevant permissions for all blog posts or articles you enter. ✔✔ You grant us your permission to

use or republish your content in any way in conjunction with these awards and to promote North Devon, giving you full credit. ✔✔ By entering you accept the full

terms and conditions published at ✔✔ Good luck!

and select Best Content Award. @businessactionm | November 2016



Ask Jacqueline Le Sueur NDBA members share their experience by answering 10 questions. This issue Jacqueline Le Sueur is in the hot seat

1. What was your first job? At 14 I got a Saturday job in a small hairdressers 20 minutes from home by bus. It was my first encounter with meeting the expectations of clients, colleagues and a boss. Four decades on and I still use lessons learnt then as narratives when I develop and deliver workshops on ‘exceeding expectations’. 2. What is the best business advice you have ever received? My father was self-employed most of his life. 20 years ago he said to me that I should always have an accountant do my accounts for me because I am not an accountant and they will do a better job at them than me. I’ve followed his advice ever since. 3. What do you enjoy most about business? The variety given by the two completely different strands to my consultancy business. I also value the creativity I have and the responsibility. I love the challenge of keeping a roof over my head and the freedom self-employment brings.


4. What technology could your business never be without? The internet and all that goes with it. I work globally as well as here in the UK, being able to have meetings by conference call, and using video calling, shared screens, email and secure file transfer apps means my travel time is minimised and my efficiency optimised. 5. Describe your management/ business style? I believe everyone has something to offer and bring to the table so my style is very collaborative and informal within communicated boundaries as most people do need some structure in their workplace. That said, when culture requires it I can be as formal as the next person, but it doesn’t come naturally. 6. How do you go about personal development? I read, attend courses and learn from my peers. I love MOOCs (massive, open, online courses) for the vast array of topics offered, the opportunity to learn outside my usual parameters and the extraordinary dialogue they offer Business Action |


all things professional as well as interests like cycling. I also use Hello Poetry for my poems and have three web sites of my own. 9. How do you wind down when not working? I cycle and in the spring and summer I grow vegetables and fruit in my garden. Nothing like the wind in my hair when riding or hands deep in the soil to reframe my thoughts and bring instant relaxation.

with people from around the world. 7. Is there anything about yourself that you want to change? Yes, I would like not to be such a worrier when it comes to the financial peaks and troughs of self-employment. I know after almost 20 years that the troughs always pass but it doesn’t stop me worrying sometimes. 8. Social media: yes or no? Which network do you prefer? Yes! Facebook for my personal networking – I only communicate here with people I know and and have met. Twitter, where I am @WhispersWW, is where I connect with the global world for @businessactionm | November 2016

10. Do you have a motto or favourite quotation? ‘The only moment we have is the breath we take.’ There is a very tangible reason for this as when you are told you are likely not long of this world, in my case more than once, you soon realise that tomorrow is not a given and each and every moment is important and precious gift. ■■ Jacqueline Le Sueur has lived in

Africa for seven years and South East Asia for 16, as well as in the UK. Her career in business and people development, working with multicultural, multi-linguistic teams, spans Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. She thrives on being ‘parachuted’ into different scenarios and environments, dealing with a wide variety of businesses along the way. web: web: web:




If you’re desperately thinking how you can add excitement to your business or social event, nothing is likely to cause a greater stir than the appearance of a Dalek. Paul Clews Enterprises of Ilfracombe is now offering North Devon’s very own Dalek for hire for corporate events, weddings, parties and other occasions. Paul, a well-known musician and guitar and ukulele teacher, already hires out PA and stage lighting equipment and the Dalek extends his range of services. 18

The Dalek was manufactured from the same moulds used for TV and the raygun, ‘plunger’ and eye-socket stalks all move, while voice-activated lights flash in time to the operator’s speech. The dome also swivels and the Dalek moves on castors. The Dalek is easily assembled from sections and will fit through most internal doors, making it ideal for film, promotional, publicity and event work. ■■ To hire your own Dalek, call Paul

Clews on 07866 650015 or tweet him at @paulkclews Business Action |


Broadband woes . . . again We are given so many excuses by the providers of technology to small businesses, where in most parts of the country it is taken for granted, but it just does not happen here in North Devon. I am forever making excuses that I live in that 2% of the country where we do not get a mobile phone signal that I often do not even bother taking the phone with me. Someone sends me a text message and it can be days before the message arrives. I can even travel into town where I can get a signal but the text doesn’t arrive until the visit after next. Where my daughter lives, they can have conversations using text messages – something that we can only dream of. Mobile phones are great little computers, with WiFi available you can search the internet, you can play games, you can check @businessactionm | November 2016

Facebook and Twitter, but you can’t make a call or send a text. Oh, yes, there are apps that allow you to do that using WiFi, but it still doesn’t happen in real time. Don’t get me started on broadband. Oh yes, we get 1.2Mbps, a far improvement on the old dial-up 56 Kbps, but come along, most of the country watches movies, catch up TV, or as far as work is concerned instructional videos on YouTube, but if you want to download a large data file, you can not only make a cup of tea, drink it, wash the cup afterwards but have a second or third cup and still be waiting for it to finish! OK, yes, I live over four kilometres from the exchange and it is expensive to run faster technology out to me and my neighbours, but isn’t that what the Government has promised:



that we should all have faster broadband. After all, they want me to file my taxes online, they want me to provide them with real-time information with payroll and VAT and they want me to be part of the up-to-date world but they cannot provide me with the

infrastructure to do my duties. Come on, I can’t be the only one wanting a better service!? ■■ What topic makes you see red? Email your rant to Once checked by lawyers, we’ll either publish it or recommend an anger management course.

Taking a calmer view Kevin Woodward’s second thoughts

I was asked to rant about something, something that affects everyone here in North Devon, but actually I found that quite hard. There are plenty of things to complain about, but there are also plenty of things to be thankful about. We live in a great part of the country; we can complain about the tractors on the road, we can complain about the mud on the roads, we can complain about the lack of mobile phone signal and we can complain about the poor quality of broadband (see above), but actually isn’t it the fact that we don’t have these things available that makes North Devon so enticing? We moved here 14 years ago, and one of the great reasons we moved here was the fact that it is far removed from the hubbub of the rat race, we didn’t have to deal with the rush/rush let’s get things done yesterday atmosphere of the 20

business environment because everything will be done “dreckly”, or when I can get around to it. Such a quaint attitude that made for the relaxing way of life that is taken for granted by those that have lived here for generations, but that us incomers like but want the world to move just that little bit faster. Yes, we want faster broadband, we want a better mobile phone signal, we want our food to be delivered that little bit quicker when eating out, but actually, we moved here because we liked the pace of life, we moved here because we were fed up with the fast pace of life that was expected up country! So this rant is: let’s not catch up too quickly. We moved here because we liked the slower way of life so let’s not make it as fast as it was before we moved here. Let’s just enjoy it for what it is. Business Action |

Infrared heating panels Affordable and efficient electric heating Infrared warms the whole room, not just the air. Comfortable, long lasting warmth, using less energy and costing less money.

Be part of the NDBA community n North Devon networking and support n Run for businesses by businesses n Online networking, blogging and resources n Monthly networking lunches n Business Action magazine


Business Action |

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