Music Therapy Today, Vol. 4, Nos. 4-5

Page 280

Ridder Ochsner, HM. (2003) 5th ESCOM Conference September 8 – 13, 2003, Hanover University of Music and Drama, Germany. Music Therapy Today (online) Vol IV, available at

FIGURE 2. Jörg Fachner

On this 5th ESCOM conference there were one symposium and 3 thematic sessions on music therapy. The music therapy symposium was organized by Jörg Fachner from University of Witten/Herdecke in Germany and consisted of 7 papers that mainly were related to certain client groups and methods of music therapy in this connection. In the symposium following themes were presented: “Temporal, occipital and parietal EEG-brain-mapping changes in pre/post-THC-music and rest” (Jörg Fachner), “Phillips Groove! – integrating young children with autism on childcare playgrounds” (Petra Kern), “Music therapy with people suffering from multiple sclerosis: an interdisciplinary pilot study” (Wolfgang Schmidt), “Auditive Stimulation Therapy AST® . Intervention in subacute and chronic tinnitus” (Martin Kusatz), “Phrasing as expression of time and timing in improvised music therapy” (Peter Hoffmann), “Communication and dialogue – Music therapy with persons in advanced stages of dementia” (Hanne Mette Ridder), and “Relations between

5th ESCOM Conference September 8 – 13, 2003, Hanover University of Music and

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