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9 TRAVEL TIPS FOR PEOPLE WITH HYPOTHYROIDISM The big crowds, traffic, long security lines, along with flight cancellations and delays, could be quite stressful under any circumstances. You can add a thyroid condition into the mix, and the journey may become quite complicated.

GET A CHECKUP About four to six weeks ahead of your travel, you should check in with your endocrinologist or primary care doctor. Make sure your hypothyroidism is under excellent control; you do not need to worry about getting sick while on vacation. WiseRx Discount Card


SCHEDULE A TRIP AROUND ACCORDING TO YOUR HEALTH Book flight only at the time when you tend to feel your best, whether it is in the early afternoon or morning. Avoid peak travel times at train stations and airports as they are most crowded.

BRING EXTRA THYROID MEDICINES If you need to keep your thyroid hormone levels in a normal range, you may need to take them in every day. However, you should also keep in mind to bring enough that it may last your whole trip, plus a few extra pills in case you get stuck at your destination due to flight cancellation or bad weather.

PACK YOUR PRESCRIPTION It is crucial to bring a copy of your prescription with you. It is especially vital if you are traveling abroad. Few countries require you to show the prescription to bring in medicine.

CHECK FOR THE MEDICINE RESTRICTION AT THE DESTINATION Before leaving for an overseas trip, you should check with the consulate or embassy to ensure that the country you visit will WiseRx Discount Card


allow you to bring in the medicines you take. Few countries have restrictions on the type of medicines visitors may bring in.

CARRY AROUND DOCTOR’S INFORMATION You should carry your doctor’s phone number and email address if you need verification for a foreign pharmacy to refill your prescription. You can leave a copy of your doctor’s contact information and insurance plan numbers with a family member or friend.

STAY HYDRATED You should drink extra water throughout the day, both while on the plane and once you arrive at a destination. Avoid drinks and foods which may dehydrate you, like coffee, soda, and salty snacks.

WEAR A MEDICAL ALERT BRACELET Before you go, it is better to sign with a medical alert company. They’ll provide you with a bracelet or necklace and a wallet card with your name, health conditions, and toll-free number. Then, health care professionals at your destination can call to learn more about the medical situation.

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MAKE YOURSELF COMFORTABLE When you travel, you’ll be on your feet a lot. Therefore, it is crucial for you to wear comfortable, loose clothing and lowheeled shoes. In addition, you should get up once every hour and walk around to stretch your legs on the plane. Staying active will help you prevent blood clots from forming in your legs.

CONCLUSION Although travel prepping and planning with hypothyroidism in mind may take some extra steps, do not let that prevent you from taking a trip. On the contrary, planning may ease any anxieties about traveling with your condition.


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