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How to make a Social Media Marketing Strategy

Creating a social media account for business or personal purposes can be a great way to connect with a larger audience but it's important to have a plan or strategy in place before d y t p p e

This step-by-step guide is easy to follow and will help you get started quickly

1. Objectives

Having an online presence is important for many reasons - whether it's for personal branding or to promote a product or service Social media is a great way to achieve this, and it's relatively free to use. So ask yourself, why are you on social media? What do you hope to achieve? Once you know this, you can start working towards your goals

For businesses, social media can be a great way to reach new customers and promote your products or services. If you're an influencer, social media is a platform where you can share your content and grow your following There are endless possibilities when it comes to social media, so make sure you're clear on why you're using it before you get started

2. Goals

Your goals should always be SMART:

S - Specific: to be an influencer

M - Measurable: to gain 1 Million followers on Instagram




- Attainable: Others can do it I can too

- Relevant: I wanna be an influencer because (mention your goals and values)

- Time-based: to gain 1.5 Million followers in 2 years”

It's important to list your goals and put a date on it so that you can hold yourself accountable However, don't take the "attainable" part too seriously Be delusional and dream your dream!

3. Specialization

An expert is someone who is knowledgeable about a particular subject. In order to come across as trustworthy and authoritative, it's important to only talk about what you know If they like you, they'll follow you, but if they trust you, they'll become advocates for your brand and that's key to your growth

Some examples of specializations are social media management, Instagram growth, content creation, Pinterest marketing, LinkedIn growth, Facebook ads, data analytics, copywriting or lead generation

First, write down what you're good at Do you like talking about that topic all day, every day? If you're selling a product, make a list of everything your product can do Then, choose up to three inter-related specializations - these will be your content pillars

4. Niche

Your specialization is your main area of focus or what you excel at Your niche is the group or demographic of people that you serve

If you want to create a niche for yourself, consider combining your skills and experience with your interests For example, if you're good at social media management and you're also interested in business coaching, you could create a niche for yourself as a "Social Media Manager for coaches Similarly, if you're having a interest about content creation you could focus on creating content for the real estate industry in your area By narrowing your focus in this way, you can become known as an expert in your field, which will make it easier to attract clients and grow your business

5. Client or Audience Profile

In order to create content that will resonate with your ideal audience, it's important to get to know them as much as you can This means understanding their pain points and what kind of solutions they are looking for Start by making a list of all of the qualities your ideal audience member would have. Then, give them a name and put a face to that name. Imagine their lifestyle -The more you know about your audience, the easier it will be to create content that appeals to them and provides value

6. Social Media Branding

Your social media branding is made up of both your visual brand guide and your brand voice

Your visual brand guide should be a set of guidelines that outlines how your brand should be represented visually on social media This can include things like your logo, color scheme, typography, and imagery

Your brand voice is the way that you communicate with your audience on social media This includes the tone, style, and language that you use in your posts and interactions

7. Content Strategy

It's important to always keep your ideal audience or client in mind when creating content. This way, you can ensure that the message you're trying to communicate is being received loud and clear

Utilizing social media is key to getting your message across to your audience. You can do this by creating a hashtag bank with 14 hashtag sets, researching relevant keywords within your niche, and finding out the best times to post Experimenting with different content formats is also important to find out what works best for your account There is no one-size-fits-all content strategy, so it's important to test out different approaches to see what works for you. This is just a brief overview of content strategy - for more detailed information, check out our blog on the topic

8. Growth Strategy

a. KPI :- A good way to measure your progress is by creating a Key Performance Index or KPI This index is dependent on what your goals and objectives are For example, if one of your objectives is to increase your followers to 1 million in the span of 1 year, then your KPI would be the “follower count” On the other hand, if your goal is to make sales, you would set a quota for social media sales

b. Content Scheduling

:- Schedule your social media posts in advance to save yourself time and energy Depending on how often you want to post, and what your audience is used to, you can set up a posting schedule that works for you There are great tools like Meta Business Suite and Creator Studio that can help you with this For other platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook

c. Hashtag Strategy :- Hashtags are networking features of several social media platforms that categorize posts with similar interests By tagging your post with a hashtag, you make it searchable for people who are interested in that topic



Strategy :- All your hard work will be for nothing if you don't have an engagement strategy When it comes to social media, you need to be social in order to gain a following Find your target audience and engage with them by following, liking, commenting, and sharing their content Don't be afraid to be the one who makes the first move, but always be respectful You can also reach out to them directly through private messages (DM)

Learning how to make a social media marketing strategy is one of the best ways to ensure that you make the most of the marketing opportunities that are available to you through social media We hope this blog post has helped you come up with a great strategy of your own! If you liked this post, you might also enjoy reading this one where we discuss how to make a social media marketing plan If you have any other questions, or would like to share your own advice, please leave a comment below

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