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Otis Ferry, Shresbury

What is your favourite picture from the book?

“It’s hard to decide, there are some I like very much and some I’ve worked very hard on. I would say that one of my favourites is the portrait of Amanda, Lady Harlech and which is why I chose it for the cover.” Amanda, Lady Harlech for many years privately as well as professionally connected well with the eccentric fashion follower. In the mid-1990s Lagerfeld brought her on board as a creative consultant for his Chanel collections. (editor’s note) Besides the portrait of Amanda, Lady Harlech, what was the most difficult picture for you?

“Probably the one with Captain Billy Morley where Philippa Holland jumps over the table. It was a real challenge to lift the table so that the horse could jump over it. What looks so simple here was a very complex task.” Do you see photography as an art form?

“Yes, photography is an art form, just like all other art forms. Even if it’s still a challenge in this day and age for photography – as an art form – to enjoy the esteem it deserves. It is sometimes the most interesting and complex of endeavours because it’s based on a combination of technical skills and artistic vision.” What advice would you give to a young photographer?

“Photograph, photograph and photograph again. In this case the old adage that art is derived from skill, is of utmost importance.


A little give, and take and at the same time achieve the impossible. Uli Weber is currently one of the most sought-after photographers in the world. He makes the cool and beautiful especially beautiful and cool. How exactly does he do that? Is down to good timing? Authenticity? Or is it the skill behind it all? According to Ivan Shaw, director of photography at American Vogue, Uli Weber’s skill is comparable to that of masters like Henri Cartier-Bresson and August Sander. The comparison with Sander probably results from a common German sensibility and artistic heritage. Weber learned his artistic craft in Italy and developed his ability to recognise dramatic intensity everywhere, even in inimitable motifs. His works are regarded as synonyms for sophistication, much as with Vogue, Elle or The Sunday Times. THE ALLURE OF HORSES 160 pages, over 100 photos, English, published by Assouline in August 2018 ISBN: 9781614287315 www.assouline.com/products/ the-allure-of-pferde Interested in working with Uli Weber? Interested in Fine Art Prints? www.uliweber.com www.uliweber-artprints.com


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