Manufacturing and Supply Chain Conference and Exhibition

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#MSCUK @nationalMSC

Main Stage: Manufacturing & Supply Chain Manufacturing & Supply Chain Times Name Lucy Sutcliffe, National Customs Director, 9.55-10.00 Peterbridge House 10.00-10.20 Andy Pratt, Business Development Lead, Oporteo 10.20-10.40 10.40-11.00 11.00-11.30 11.30-11.50 11.50-12.10 12.10-12.30 12.30-13.00 13.00-13.40 13.40-14.00 14.00-14.20 14.20-14.40 14.40-15.00 15.00-15.20 15.20-15.40 15.40-16.00 16.00-16.05

Topic Opening Remarks

Accelerating The Product Data Supply Chain From Hype to Help Roger Needham, IBM Making AI real for supply chain professionals Keeping car tyres spinning – creating second life Sophie Degagny, HSSMI uses for rubber Coffee Break & Networking Logistics is the glue that holds the economy Peter Action, Chairman, Logistics Leaders Network UK together Jon Churchill, Director, Optimus Business Management The adaptable thrive: Brexit & Supply Chain Group Resilience Lucy Sutcliffe, National Customs Director, Peterbridge Preparing for Brexit from a Customs Perspective House Panel Discussion: Peter Acton, Chairman - Logistics Issues & Opportunities for Manufacturing & Leaders Network UK; Jon Churchill, Director - Optimus Business Management Group; Lucy Sutcliffe, National Supply Chain Industry: Post-Brexit Customs Director - Peterbridge House Lunch Break & Networking Phil Blunden, DCPP Commnication Manager, Ministry of How a Ministry of Defence/ Industry Partnrship is Defence securing its Supply Chain Amar Manzoor, Director, 7Tao Engineering The US-China Trade War Building supply chain management capability Mike Dickinson, SMMT Industry Forum within the 4IR environment (supply chain and logistics) Duncan Buchanan, Policy Director, Road Haulage The challenge for the Supply Chain and Association LTD customers in meeting new emission regulations Coffee Break & Networking David Greenless, Sales Director, UK & Ireland Who Moved My Paper?” – True Digital Priority Software UK Transformation Inside the Organisation Richard Perriman, Vice-President, Supply Chain Time to change to approach to Logistics and Development Distribution RFQs Lucy Sutcliffe, National Customs Director, Peterbridge Closing Remarks House

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors


All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day. IBM, the IBM logo and are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Sustainable Manufacturing Summit Sustainable Manufacturing Summit Times Name


10.00-10.20 David Savage, Operations Manager, Element Six 10.20-10.40 Denise Brinton, Co-Founder 10.40-11.00 Olivia Bertham, Owner, ORB Consulting 11.00-11.20 11.20-11.40

The biggest waste of them all ! Ending the waste in human capital ! How all industries coould make substantial savings by recycling their PPE for re-use The circular economy and water

Coffee Break & Networking Gavin Milligan, Green Knight Sustainability Consulting Ltd

Social and Environmental Strategies for Business

11.40-12.00 Abbie Brown, Sustainability advisor, Carbon Smart

Ressource efficient business models: Unlocking the potential to new opportunities

12.00-12.20 Anna Shams, Assistant project manager, Arcadis LLP

Importance of Safety Cases

Carol Somper, Sustainability specialist, Resilient Supply Turning supply chain risk into opportunities for a Chain more sustainable business Climate change - are you ready? How a new 12.40-13.00 John Dora, Owner and Founder, John Dora Consulting International Standard can help your business. 12.20-12.40


Lunch Break & Networking

Renewable Energy Suppliers & Sonsumers: The road ahead Samina Anwar, Head of Learning and Development, Business sustainability and harnessing skills for 14.00-14.20 Institute of Training and Occupational Learning (ITOL) a knowledge economy Dr Bryony Turner, Director and Environmental Specialist, Integrated Management Systems: The Pros and 14.20-14.40 Filkin & Co EHS Limited Cons Cutting Energy Costs: Top Tips for SMEs in 14.40-15.00 Sam Lloyd, Senior Analyst, The Carbon Trust Manufacturing to Improve Energy Efficiency 13.40-14.00 Saptarshi Pal, Senior Originator, Statkraft


Coffee Break & Networking

15.20-15.40 Paul Smith, Sales Engineer, Europe and Middle East

Weather: Disruptor, Threat or Opportunity ?

15.40-16.00 Emma Dechoux, Managing Director, Inspired Learning

Leading Continuous Improvement for Sustainability





All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

3D Printing Connect Live 3D Printing Connect Live Times Name


9.55-10.00 Len Pannett, Managing Partner, Visagio LTD 10.00-10.20 Len Pannett, Managing Partner, Visagio LTD Colin Cater, Additive Manufacturing Specialist, 10.20-10.40 Tri-Tech 3D 10.40-11.00 Steve Borrows, Managing Director, Kora 11.00-11.20

Opening Remarks How 3D Printing will drive your Supply Chain The capabilities of 3D printing for the manufacturing inductry The safety aspect of 3D printing

Coffee Break & Networking

11.20-11.40 Jo Young, Managing Director, Express Group Ltd 11.40-12.00 Richard Lansley, Environmental Consultant

Reducing plastic waste in 3D Printing via “CLIFFF” Commercial aspects of the water circular economy – embedding water in to commercial decisions for manufacturing sites Advantages and rapid prototyping using 3D printing for improvements in bioprocessing technology.

Jake Warrington, Large Scale Scientist, AstraZeneca Dr. Peter Bus, Digital Architecture Lecturer/ Digital Large-scale prototyping utilising technologies and 12.20-12.40 Architecture Research Centre/ Kent School of participation: A conceptual framework Architecture and Planning, University of Kent 12.40-13.00 Andrew Imms, Head of R&D, Mibrid Disrupting Automotive with 3D Printing



Lunch Break & Networking Kieron Salter, Managing Director, KW Special 14.00-14.20 New Dimensions Projects 14.20-14.40 Gael Delamare, Ingredient Scientist, Campden BRI 3D printed food: the food of the future? 14.40-15.00 Michael Krajewski, CEO, StellO Ltd

3D printing of steel – will robots replace welders?


Coffee Break & Networking Dr Gianrocco Marinelli, Research Fellow and 15.20-15.40 Large scale metal additive manufacturing Additive Manufacturing Engineer 3D printing in schools and colleges; managing the 15.40-16.00 Dave Parry, Adviser, CLEAPSS risks 16.00-16.05 Len Pannett, Managing Partner, Visagio LTD Closing Remarks

Printing Connect Live


All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

AM: The High Tech Manufacturing & Precision Engineering Expo PM: The Machine Learning & Machine Vision Expo The High Tech Manufacturing & Precision Engineering Expo Times Name 10.00-10.20


Xichun Luo, Professor in Ultra Precision Manufacturing, Hybrid micromachining University of Strathclyde Industry 4.0 Technologies Within Wet-blast Surface Treatment Industry

10.20-10.40 David Masters 10.40-11.00

What happened when we implemented agile in handware development

Rachel Doyle, Head of development, Applied Photophysics


Coffee Break & Networking

Neil Carey, Regional Director UK/Ireland, Benelux and 11.30-11.50 Middle East, MultiTech Systems

National Manufacturing Competitiveness Levels (manufacturing)

11.50-12.10 Andy Spence, SMMT Industry Forum 12.10-12.30

RenĂŠ Power, Director / Founder, Vision B2B Marketing and Training Limited

12.30-12.50 Polly Britton, Product Design, Project Engineer 13.00-14.00

The Disruptive Capabilities of LoRaWAN in Industrial Manufacturing

Stimulating post Brexit growth: Adopting the Market With Intent model in manufacturing The Virtue of Failure

Lunch Break & Networking

The Machine Learning & Machine Vision Expo 14.00-14.20 Nicholas Bailey, Senior Data Scientist,

AI implementation lessons from the legal sector: implementing automation and productivity tools that people will want to use


Genea Lynch, App Developer / Digital Director, Exhibit Interactive

The Superpowers of VR & AR


Santosh Padmanabhan, Client Partner, Harman Connected Services

IoT and AI is redefining the Industry


Coffee Break & Networking

15.20-15.40 Katherine Thomas, Director, Brighter Capability

Getting it right every time, with standard work

15.40-16.00 Janosch Amstutz, CEO, HoloMe

Is Augmented Reality the future of communication?

High Tech Manufacturing & Precision Engineering

The Machine Learning & Machine Vision Expo



All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

IOT & Industry 4.0 Expo IOT & Industry 4.0 Expo Times Name


9.55-10.00 Jason Lessard, Partner, HGF

Opening Remarks

10.00-10.20 Arthur Stone, MD & OEE Expert OEEsystems International 10.20-10.40

Bruce Jackson, Aerospace and Defence Digitalisation Specialist, SIEMENS Digital Industries

10.40-11.00 Ian Gardner, Industry 4.0 Solutions Architect, IBM 11.00-11.20 11.20-11.40

Leading Industry 4.0

Andre Kukhnin, Equity Research Analyst and Team Head, Credit Suisse Brian Mayne, regional Director Wales ressource Efficiency & Waste Management, Ricardo Energy & Environment


Industrial Automation and Digitalisation - View Frow the City De-mystifying the 4.0 journey Artificial Intelligence & The Internet of Things

Lunch Break & Networking

13.40-14.00 Alan Moorhouse, Consulting Manager, QOLCOM Matti Tiano + Chris Weston, CEO and Founder, Visual Factories Prof Oscar Ces, Director of the Institute of Chemical Biology, Director of the ICB Centre for Doctoral Training , Co-Director 14.20-14.40 of the Imperial College Advanced Hackspace, Co-Director of the fabriCELL Institute - Imperial College London 14.00-14.20

14.40-15.00 Jason Lessard, Partner, HGF 15.00-15.20

Quality Control Your Wi-FI Case Study with Guhring: Change is in the Air Research and Training Opportunies at the Industry 4.0 - Life Sciences Interface Will Industry 4.0 Kill your competitive advantage ?

Coffee Break & Networking

15.20-15.40 Raam Shanker, Founder, Equitus Engineering Limited 15.40-16.00

Creating the factory of the future with industry 4.0 and IOT

Ian Sorek, Managing Director, Magic Software Entreprises UK Best integration practices when introducing IOT into Ltd the work place

12.20-12.40 Sunil Ramachandran, Vice President, ITC Infotech Ltd 12.40-13.00

Adoption Process of Digital Twins

Coffee Break & Networking

11.40-12.00 Laura Morgan, Doctoral Researcher 12.00-12.20

Performance Management for your Smart Factory

Irina Neaga, Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, University of Wales Trinity St David, Swansea

16.00-16.05 Jason Lessard, Partner, HGF

Affordable Industry 4.0 Adoption in SMEs with MUM Engineering Education to support Industry 4.0 Closing Remarks

The IOT & Industry 4.0 Expo manufacturing

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Lean, Productivity & Continuous Improvement Summit Lean, Productivity & Continuous Improvement Summit Times Name


10.00-10.20 Alan Harrison, Group Lean Manager

Lea(r)n By Doing

10.20-10.40 Paul Bell, Managing Director

Managing Director - Manufactuting Excellence

10.40-11.00 Megan James, Partner, S A Partners

What dost it take to achieve truc Entreprise Excellence?


Coffee Break & Networking

11.20-11.40 Sean Starr, University of Wolverhampton

Critical Success Factors

11.40-12.00 Neil Hutton, Productivity Specialist, SmC (UK) Ltd 12.00-12.30 Tim Scurlock, Applied Lean Consulting Ltd 12.30-12.50 Laura Murphy, Director, mc 2Ltd 12.50-13.10 Andrew Sandford, Founder, We are Lean and Agile 13.10-14.00

Creating a continuous improvement culture

Lunch Break & Networking

14.00-14.20 Jeremy Praud, Managing Director, LI Europe

14.20-14.40 Matt Thomas, ClarityVM Consulting 14.40-15.00

Linking Lean to Effective Visual performance Management Quickly and Easily How Porsche improves quality, slashed lqbour hours, reduced lead time and boosted profit through ths us of Lean Principles Lean leadership: How a thinking environment improves business processes and productivity

Claire Biggs, Director & Lean practitioner/Advisor, CLB Clarity


Unlocking the productivity puzzle - A walk through productivity, and how to use lean, six sigma, or TPM to unlock the potential improvement in a manufacturing site Is your Lean programme on-track to succeed or doomed to fail…? … “Making Lean Work” Through Visual Management What encourage people at all level in businesses to get engaged with lean ?

Coffee Break & Networking

15.20-15.40 Gary King,Director - Tendo 15.40-16.00 James Lees, Sales Director - London Electronics Ltd

Building a team that cares as much about your business as you do Using shop floor visualisation and monitoring systems

The Lean, Productivity manufacturing

& Continuous Improvement

Summit Expo UK

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

AM: National Procurement Summit PM: Product Design Conference, PM: Industrial Blockchain Conference National Procurement Summit Times Name 10.00-10.15 John Reiners, Managing Editor, Oxford Economics 10.15-10.30 James Drury

Topic Preparing for the new blue-collar workforce Designing for the senses The Procurement of Power – how energy prices Georgina Penfold, Founder and Director, ICON 10.30-10.45 are going to change (and what you can do about (Industrial & Commercial Operations Network) it) 10.45-11.00 Steve Trainor Executive director, Odesma Ltd. Failing to prepare, preparing to fail in 2019 11.00-11.20 Coffee Break & Networking

Product Design Conference Times Name 11.20-11.40 Sue Springett, Commercial manager, Teknomek 11.40-12.00 12.00-12.20 12.20-12.40 12.40-13.00 13.00-14.00

Topic Quality by Design to manage risk and cut costs Intellectual Property and the Product Design Matthew Howell, Partner, Haseltine Lake Kempner LLP Process Patents and patent box: how to identify Jonathan Markham, Patent Attorney, Beck Greener inventions, protect your innovation and reduce your corporation tax. The Design, Development, Productisation and Gareth Edwards, Technical Director Manufacture of a Panoramic 360 degree Camera System Ari Peralta, CEO & Founder, Southpoint Films Ltd Arigami Designing for the senses Lunch Break & Networking

Industrial Blockchain Conference Times Name 14.00-14.20 14.20-14.40 14.40-15.00 15.00-15.20 15.20-15.40

Topic The benefits and objections to applying Alex Henneberg, Digital Transformation, Sopra Steria blockchain in the supply chain Muneeb Shah, Regional Practice Manager EMEA, WIPRO Getting Blockchain Right for Supply Chain Laurence Kirk, CEO, Extropy.IO Ltd Practical low energy blockchains for industry Tom Bright, Head of Business Development The role of Blockchain in industry 4.0 Joe Warren, Co-Founder, Director The key considerations for energy purchasing THE PRODUCT





All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

QEHS Expo QEHS Expo Times Name


New Product Development and regulatory compliance: Minimise risks, maximise market acces Peter Kinselley, Associate Director of Health and Safety, The (Condensed) International Health and Safety 10.20-10.40 Cardinus Risk Management Masterclass Is your Company compliant with the Streamlined 10.40-11.00 Stuart Blofeld, Senior Training Manager, BRE Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) framework ? 10.00-10.20 Dr Alex Martin, Senior Regulatory Consultant, RINA

11.00-11.30 11.30-12.15

Coffee Break & Networking Harry Gallagher & Shaun Curry, Training Learning Impact

12.15-12.35 Rowan Johnson, CEO & Founder, Southpoint Films Ltd 12.35-12.55 Conal Kearney, Marketing Manager 13.00-14.00 14.00-14.20

Lunch Break & Networking Dr. Jonathon Ingle, Lead Auditor/Technical Expert, Perry Johnson Registrations Limited

14.20-14.40 Mel Farrington, Product Manager, Investors in People 14.40-15.00

The Use of Video to support sustainable Health & Safety initiatives across all sectors Opportunities - Air Pollution Mitigation & Manufacturing

Ben Whitter, Chief Experience Officer, World Employee Experience Institute (WEEI)


ISO 45001:2018 – An Overview of Changes in OHS Technology designed to listen to your people: Introducing Jumpstart Balancing Humans & Tech in the Future of Work

Coffee Break & Networking

15.20-15.40 Julia Munder, Maxwell-Scott 15.40-16.00 Glen Kelsey, ISO Certification Specialist, Intertek

How upskilling employees can lead to international success Utilising ISO 9001 & ISO 45001 for a best practice approach to Quality and Safety




All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

AM: Innovation in Manufacturing Conference PM: Future Factory Live Innovation in Manufacturing Conference Times Name 10.00-10.15 Nick Owen MBE, CEO, The Mighty Creatives

Topic Creativity, creativity, creativity. You can’t get enough of it.

10.15-10.30 Jayden Halliday, Leading Edge Only 10.30-10.45 10.45-11.15 11.15-11.30 11.30-11.45 11.45-12.00 12.00-12.15 12.15-12-30 12.30-12.45 12.45-13-00 13.00-13.45

Disrupting the Innovation Marketplace Creating connectivity between academia and industry Dr Gary Thompson, Managing Director through SME innovation. Coffee Break & Networking Steve Govey, Head of Research & Development / Partner, R&D Tax Relief – A valuable but largely untapped financial Beavis Morgan LLP resource for UK manufacturing Gordon Sansaver, Senior Director, Virginia Mason Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement in the NHS Institute Research and Development Tax Credits – What, Who, Why Christopher Lumsden, Consultant, RandDTax and When How to Optimise Through Automation and Shorten Your Ian Weinstock, SANA Time to Market Rakesh Nayak, Professor, University of Hull, STFC Food STFC Food Network+, facilitating cutting edge research Network +Leansig Limited and innovation Heinrich Louw, Director, LASSO CONSULTING ‘How to Creatively Market Your Technical Product’ Dr S M A Moin, Associate Head Research and How the Ancient Art of Storytelling Can Turn Invention into Scholarship, Coventry University, London, UK Innovation Lunch & Networking

Future Factory Live Times Name


13.45-14.00 Neil Robertson, National Skills Academy for Rail

Industrial Strategy - Skills & Productivity Manual Handling – the forgotten risk to your business? FUTURE FOOD FACTORIES: 50 TO 100 YEARS 14.15-14.30 FROM NOW 14.30-14.45 Theresa Farrell, Director, Senseye Ltd. Prognostics - The Key to Predictive Maintenance 14.45-15.00 Richard Brewer, Technical Service Manager (LGV), RTITB Deliveries in Darkness Lizzy Butterfield, Contracts Manager, MasterMover 14.00-14.15 Limited Ed Keenan, Head of Process Integrated Food Projects


Coffee Break & Networking Delivering profitability in manufacturing and supply 15.15-15.30 Dave Watson, Business Development Manager, FORCAM UK chain with Digital transformation and IIOT Commercial aspects of the water circular economy 15.30-15.45 Richard Lansley, Senior Hydrogeologist, Golder Associates – embedding water in to commercial decisions for manufacturing sites Technology in the context of digital resilience in the 15.45-16.00 Andrew Clarke, Chief Operating Officer, Vauban Limited 21st Century and the approach for the 4th IR

Innovation in Manufacturing

Future Factory



All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Automation and Robotics Show Automation and Robotics Show Times Name 9.55-10.00 Matthias Kaiser, CEO, Exponential Technologies Dr. Samuel Jimenez, Research Engineer , UK Atomic 10.00-10.20 Energy Authority 10.20-10.40 Matthias Kaiser, CEO, Exponential Technologies

Topic Opening Remarks The role of automation and robotics in nuclear fusion reactors Artificial Intelligence - Enabling material innovation in additive manufacturing

Nigel Knapp, Business Development Manager Business Plan your productivity Today to embrace 10.40-11.00 Development Manager, Manufacturing Technology technology tomorrow Centre 11.00-11.30 Coffee Break & Networking Digital Workmates using Robotic Process 11.30-11.50 Ramesh Menon, Cevitr Ltd Automation (RPA) Technology for Manufacturing & Supply Chain Nico Avdelidis, COO, InnoTecUK Autonomous, robotic and AI-enabled monitoring 11.50-12.10 Katie Hiscock, Project Manager, InnoTecUK system for various applications Tony Napier, Business Consultant (Service Automation) What can the automobile teach us about 12.10-12.30 Global Enterprise automation? 12.30-12.50 Sam Stephens, Director, TBAT Innovation Ltd 13.00-14.00 14.00-14.20 14.20-14.40 14.40-15.00 15.00-15.20 15.20-15.40 15.40-16.00

Funding even more innovation

Lunch Break & Networking openMOS project – Main achievements and Pedro Ferreira, Lecturer in Intelligent Manufacturing developments enabling industrial digital Systems, Loughborough University technologies Ari Peralta, CEO & Founder, Arigami Multisensory Robotics Using automation to manage data and Mark Hobart, CEO and Co-Founder, Infoboss compliance in the information age Coffee Break & Networking New technology trends increase opportunities for Sebastian Winter, Analyst - Verdantix automation of industrial operations Malcolm Taylor, Head of Cyber Security

16.00-16.05 Matthias Kaiser, CEO, Exponential Technologies

Closing Remarks

The Automation & Robotics Show manufacturing

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Manufacturing, Logistics & Supply Chain Manufacturing, Logistics & Supply Chain Times Name


Dan Cottrell, Client Services and Marketing Solutions, CPI Group (UK) Ltd Duncan Simpson, Director of Sales and Marketing, Valpak 10.00-10.15 Limited 9.55 -10.00

Opening Remarks Supply Chain Insights– Knowledge beyond compliance

10.15-10.30 Rob McCullagh, Stategic Account Director, Presidion

Reduce MRO inventory levels up by up to 50% and optimise reorer points with Presidion Inventory Insight

10.30-10.45 Malcolm Newbery, Owner, Malcolm Newbery Consulting Ltd

Omni-channel pricing, sourcing and stock control

10.45-11.00 Andy Spence, SMMT Industry Forum

Competitive Advantage Through Toral Productive Maintenance Techniques

11.00-11.30 11.30-11.45 11.45-12.00 12.00-12.15 12.15-12.30 12.30-12.45 12.45-13.00

Coffee Break & Networking Jan de Jonge, Managing Director, People Business Psychology Mind You ! The Psychology behing Manufacturing and Ltd Supply Chain Technology Preparing YOUR Business for Tomorrow’s Team – Jimi Matthews, Directos, Supply Chain Procurement Hiring & Managing Millennials Dan Cottrell, Client Services and Marketing Solutions, CPI How a hybrid manufacturing and supply chain model Group (UK) Ltd can provide a better ROI on your marketing spend Modernise and Turbocharge your Logistics & Supply Steve Crosson Smith, Sales Manager, Halpenfield LTD UK Chain Analytics All together now ! - innovative ways of encouraging Allan Harley, Director, TBAT Innovation Ltd and sustaining employee participation in Safety, Environmental & Quality Taking the pain out of Compliance Documentation Katy Berrill, Director, KCS Compliance Management and Renewals


Lunch Break & Networking

Neal Middle, UK Business Development Director, Finger on the Pulse Limites Alex Driver, Managing Director, John Binns & Son (Springs) 14.15-14.30 Ltd 14.00-14.15

14.30-14.45 Elizabeth de Jong, UK Policy Director, FTA 14.45-15.00 Mike Price, MPA 15.00-15.05

Do businesses genuinely understand how their customers, suppliers and employees perceive them ? Springtelligence - sharing knowledge to maximise value Future Logistics FTA - Developing the Supply Chain of Tomorrow Funding Innovation in the Manufacturing Sector

Dan Cottrell, Client Services and Marketing Solutions, CPI Group (UK) Ltd

Closing Remarks


& Supply Chain

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors


All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day. IBM, the IBM logo and are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Speakers Abbie Brown Sustainability Advisor Carbon Smart Abbie is a sustainability expert and a member of Carbon Smart’s Responsible Supply Chain team. She helps businesses to grow sustainably by identifying cost-effective ways to monitor and mitigate the environmental and social impact of their operations. She has worked with a variety of clients including some of the UK’s largest delivery companies, financial institutions, tech giants and retailers.

Allan Harley Director TBAT Innovation Ltd Extensive background in world-class manufacturing, lean, health & environmental safety. Track record of motivating people leading to significant improvements in safety and sustainability Integrating Behavioural change and Lean Tools “can do” culture Multiple UK award winner including Manufacturing Champions Team of the Year 2017, and named in Top100UK

Alan Harrison Group Lean Manager IMI plc Alan has more than 25 years of experience of leading business improvement in global companies including Rolls-Royce, ABB, The Weir Group and RBS. In his current role he is responsible for roll-out of Lean across IMI world-wide operations reporting to Group CEO. Alan is passionate about helping people to use Lean to improve and learn.

Alan Moorhouse Consulting Manager Qolcom Alan Moorhouse is a highly experienced mobility, network & communications design consultant. He has been involved in numerous large scale distributed network projects over the last 22 years. Alan is consulting manager for Qolcom, a member of the international GEMA alliance, specialising in the design and build of secure enterprise wireless and mobility networks.

Alex Ford-Cox Associate, Privacy And Cyber Security Hogan Lovells International Llp Alex Ford-Cox is an associate in the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice at Hogan Lovells. Alex works with clients across a range of sectors on complex and often international privacy, data protection and marketing matters.

Dr Alex Martin Senior Regulatory Consultant RINA Dr Alex Martin is Senior Regulatory Consultant at the global testing, inspection, certification and engineering consultancy business, RINA. Alex has over 10 years’ experience working on product regulatory, standards and policy issues pertaining to the supply of electrical and electronic equipment in the UK and internationally.

Alex Driver Managing Director John Binns & Son (Springs) Ltd Alex Driver is the Managing Director of John Binns & Son (Springs) Ltd. and the driving force behind Springtelligence. He is passionate not only about improving the quality of supply chains but also about inspiring the next generation of engineers to aspire to a career in manufacturing.

Alex Henneberg Digital Transformation Sopra Steria Alex is a member of Sopra Steria’s Digital Board and is often requested to speak at events. He advises organisations on how emerging technologies such as blockchain can help improve business models, accelerate business growth and create new services that enhance our lives.

Amar Manzoor Director 7Tao Engineering Amar Manzoor is the Director of 7Tao Engineering Ltd. After pursuing an international and multicultural engineering education in Asia, North America and Europe, he gained several advanced degrees in Computer Science and Engineering as well as exposure to the companies of Lucas Aerospace, Allied-Signal Aerospace and Honeywell Aerospace where he cut his teeth in advanced manufacturing systems.

Andrew Clarke Chief Operating Officer Vauban Limited Andrew Clarke is the Chief Operating Officer for Vauban Limited, a Cyber Technology Company that is focussing on reducing supply chain risk. Andrew has significant experience in the provision of security across several industry sectors.

Andrew Imms Head of R&D Mibrid Head of Research and Development for Mibrid - A Division of GBA Technologies; dedicated to nextgeneration Automotive Technologies and Engineering. Andrew has spent over a decade as an IT specialist in Automotive Logistics developing systems and working with blue-chip clients, has extensive knowledge of the vehicle life-cycle in the UK, how it differs for manufacturers large and small, and what it takes to be efficient and successful.

Andre Kukhnin Equity Research Analyst& Team Head Credit Suisse Andre is the Head of Capital Goods Equity Research Team at Credit Suisse in Europe and Global Capital Goods research coordinator, focusing on Industrial Automation and Building Technologies coverage. Andre is a Managing Director having joined Credit Suisse in 2003 after graduating from Cambridge University.

Andrew Sandford Founder We are Lean and Agile Andrew Sandford is the founder of We are Lean and Agile. We offer services and software to support organisations to improve how they deliver and embed Quality Improvement, Lean and other improvement programmes in their organisations.

Anna Shams Assistant Project Manager Arcadis LLP Anna is RAMS specialist and has completed her MSc in Radiation Detection and Instrumentation and her BSc Physics with Nuclear Astrophysics. She has worked on major urban and infrastructure projects such as; Crossrail, London Bridge Station Redevelopment, International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER).

Andy Hopcraft Technical Director Halpenfield Ltd, UK Andy has delivered cutting-edge data management, analysis and visualisation solutions, along with bestpractice advice, for 25 years and has specific detailed knowledge of the supply chain and logistics industries. He has championed the Agile approach to project delivery and helps companies to break down barriers between business and IT functions.

Andy Spence- General Manager Aerospace & Defence Programmes SMMT Industry Forum Limited Lead author and Master Assessor for the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Levels (NMCL) programme developed jointly by the automotive and aerospace sector trade associations. Manufacturing Engineering (CEng) with over 20 years of experience at Industry Forum delivering competitiveness improvement around the world.

Ari Peralta CEO & Founder Southpoint Films Ltd Arigami Forbes recognized innovator and serial entrepreneur Ari Peralta is the CEO and Founder of Arigami. Arigami is a London-based research firm dedicated to expanding and refining multisensory science and promoting STEAM education. Ari has worked across multiple media disciplines in both large and small organisations, and currently leads an interdisciplinary coalition of scientists, technologists and designers working around the globe to improve complex human problems such as sleep deprivation, stress reduction and wellness.

Arthur Stone Managing Director OEEsystems International Arthur Stone is Chief Executive Officer, OEEsystems International, delivering Smart Factory OEE Software and expertise to the world’s most progressive manufacturing companies. We help them to improve competitiveness, increase output, reduce costs and deliver business performance excellence.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Speakers Ashley Naughton Head of Supply Chain Management Tata Consultancy Services Ashley brings over 20 years’ experience in Global Supply Chain and Logistics Operations management. His experience stretches across the entire value chain. Ashley has spent considerable time in driving supply chain optimization through lean and Six Sigma methodology in Aerospace, Automotive and Manufacturing Industries.

Ben Whitter Chief Experience Officer - World Employee Experience Institute (WEEI) Recognised as World’s leading expert on employee experience (EX). Top 30 HR Influencer in the UK. Top 100 Global Expert. Author, Employee Experience. Thought leadership reached 16 million business leaders. Featured by Forbes, The Economist, The Financial Times, Thomson Reuters, and many more.

Brian Mayne - Regional Director Wales Resource Efficiency & Waste Management Ricardo Energy & Environment Brian is a fellow of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management, Chartered Environmentalist and is recognised by the International Solid Waste Association as an International Waste Manager. Brian is responsible for project direction and management, business development and technical delivery across a range of resource efficiency areas for Ricardo Energy and Environment.

Dr. Bryony Turner Director and Environmental Specialist Filkin & Co. EHS Limited Bryony has over 20 years’ experience in environmental management with particular expertise in sustainability management systems, impact assessment and carbon footprinting techniques. She has worked in both industrial and consultancy roles.

Bruce Jackson Aerospace & Defence Digitalisation Specialist - Siemens Digital Industries Bruce Jackson has been in the CAD/CAE/PLM industry for 25 years, working in Mechanical, Process Engineering and the Built Environment. He specialises in process change around digital technologies to improve quality, productivity and profitability. In his most recent role, Bruce works with Aereospace and Defence tier one customers to complete digital transformation projects across engineering and manufacturing.

Carol Somper Sustainability specialist Resilient Supply Chains Carol is an experienced sustainability professional with a natural resources management background. Her 35yrs+ experience spans working in the public, commercial and not-for-profit sectors on good governance, effective reporting, low environmental impact and high social and ethical value-added.

Christopher Lumsden Consultant RandD Tax Christopher has a scientific background, obtaining a BSc Chemical Sciences degree from Edinburgh University and is currently studying part time for a BSc(Hons) degree in Chemistry. He is adept at using his knowledge to help our clients focus and prepare the technical detail required to demonstrate to HMRC their R&D qualification, and to dissect the costs that qualify.

Claire Biggs Freelance Lean advisor CLB Clarity I provide support, guidance and mentoring to companies adopting lean manufacturing strategies, based on twenty years’ experience working with over 30 different companies’ lean implementations (all sizes and most sectors).

Colin Cater Additive Manufacturing Specialist Tri-Tech 3D Experienced within the field of Additive Manufacturing, commonly called 3D printing, working with a range of metallic and plastic technologies, a chosen reseller for Desktop Metal, an office based metal 3D printing technology.

Conal Kearney Marketing Manager Conal has over 20 years’ experience in the noise and air quality sector including within both the private and public sectors. His role includes the production and project management of Impact Assessments in support of planning and permit applications for a wide range of UK and international clients and sectors.

Cosima Von Kries Senior Technical Evangelist Nintex Cosima was able to acquire substantial knowledge about technology, Office 365, intelligent process automation and optimization solutions by being active in numerous workplace collaboration projects. Driven by these technologies she supports businesses to improve their processes and to find the best way to operate more efficient, in order to benefit from their digital transformation projects.

Dan Cottrell Client Services and Marketing Solutions CPI Group (UK) Ltd Dan has a wealth of experience of working with Marketing and Procurement teams across retail, brands, financial services, agency and automotive industries to supply marketing managed service solutions covering creative services, print production, point of sale, events & exhibitions, fulfilment & distribution.

Dave Parry Adviser Cleapss

England, Wales and NI. I have been working on improving education provision and developing innovation in schools and colleges for the past thirty five years.

David Greenlees Sales Director Priority Software UK Recently joining the Priority UK team, David has been operating in ERP for nearly 20 years. He has led senior business development and operational functions within a number of ERP companies promoting Dynamics, Sage, and SAP. Born in Glasgow, David has worked across the UK, Ireland, Europe, and UAE during his career.

David Masters Vapormatt Limited

David is responsible for UK sales and service business for a leading wet blast manufacturer based and manufactured in the UK. David has been in the wet blast industry for 2 years, and previous to this worked on Fleet air arm aircraft in Yeovilton

David Savage Operations Manager Element Six David has over 15 years’ experience in engineering, manufacturing, and leadership. His last 6 years have been with Element Six which is a global leader in the design, development, and production of synthetic diamond and tungsten carbide supermaterials.

Denise Brinton Co-founder Staysafe PPE Ltd A graduate with a background in manufacturing, and my previous aerospace and automotive engineering role led me to PPE recycling via cost reduction exercises. I am passionate about reducing landfill by prolonging the life of re-usable PPE .

Duncan Buchanan Policy Director Road Haulage Association Ltd Duncan joined the Road Haulage Association in August 2016 where he is Policy Director. He is a logistics policy expert who has worked in Government and industry. In DFT he led on goods vehicle operator licensing, roadworthiness and sustainable freight policy.

Duncan Simpson Director of Sales and Marketing Valpak Limited Duncan joined Valpak in 1998. He is the Director of Sales and Marketing and is responsible for all of the sales and marketing activity at Valpak. He also manages a portfolio of key Valpak accounts. Duncan has 20 years’ experience working in the waste management sector. Prior to joining Valpak Duncan was a Recycling Officer and Strategic Waste Officer in Local Government.

National Adviser for D&T and Art for CLEAPSS, supporting practical work in 23,000 schools across

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

The IOT & Industry 4.0 Expo

A25 A26


E02 E01

Printing Connect Live

E04 E10













& Supply Chain



The Automation & Robotics Show














B05 A09


A07 C03



C08 C09 C05





C07 C10





A12 A13 A14




Sponsored by


Full height mirror



A15 A16 A17 A18




Floor Plan




D16 D17



D06 D01









The Lean, Productivity & Continuous Improvement


Summit Expo UK


Sponsored by









The Machine Learning & Machine Vision Expo

Ground Floor The IOT & Industry 4.0 Expo

The Lean, Productivity & Continuous Improvement

Summit Expo UK



Entrance Printing Connect Live

High Tech Manufacturing & Precision Engineering


Innovation in Manufacturing






High Tech Manufacturing & Precision Engineering




& Supply Chain





Future Factory


The Machine Learning & Machine Vision Expo

The Automation & Robotics Show


A00 manufacturing




Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors


A07 Ash Technologies D11 Activa Contracts C15 Anixter A16 Applied Lean Consulting D17 BPR Ltd t/a We Are Lean And Agile D14 BSI Group A03/A04 The Carbon Trust F01 Combilift A09 Clarity Consulting E10 CFMS C06 Comau Robotics A15 European Springs & Pressing Ltd C09 Enva E04 Ether Solutions B01 FlexMaint C02 Flexciton D06 GTMA G03 GoPrint3D C07 Halpenfield A26 Intertek C11 IBM E11 Kora 3D Print Division C14 Lifecycle Management Group C05 Linde Material Handling A17 Lighthouse (UK) Ltd A02 London Electronics F09 Laser Lines F02 The Manufacturing Technologies Association E02 The MPA Group A11 Magic Software Enterprises A05 Manufacturing Excellence C01 The Manufacturing Technology Centre





Innovation Innovationinin Manufacturing Manufacturing

Future Factory




#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Media Partners



1st Floor

F03 Manufacturing & Supply Chain Show D01 Narrow Aisle Limited D16 OptimumPPS C03 OEEsystems International E01 ORLIN Technologies Ltd D12 Priority Software C08 Perry Johnson Registrations Limited A14 Presidion (A Version 1 Company) B04 PTP TestWorks Group E17 Paragon Stainless D08 Redway Networks A25 Robot Center Ltd C13 Resource and Environmental Consultants Ltd A18 Supply Chain Simplified D10 Sana Commerce A00 S A Partners A13 TQS Integration Ltd E06 Tri Tech 3D D13 Triangle Information Management B06 University of Buckingham D09 The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) C10 Valpak Limited F08 Visual Management Technology A22 VR Experience A12 Visual Factories A23 Viridor A07A WERMA (UK) Limited B05 West Thames College A20 ZTP


Speakers Ed Keenan Head of Process Integrated Food Projects Head of Process at food capital project management company Integrated Food Projects, Ed plays a key role in major food industry projects for large conglomerates around the globe as well as innovative company startups. Ed is responsible for the process and technology aspects of the factory design.

Emma Dechoux Managing Director Inspired Learning Emma has been a Learning & Development Professional for 13 years with a background in retail, healthcare and facilities management. She has worked on many transformation projects where she has developed Leaders to effectively deliver a vision for change and execute it with the people being front of mind.

Fergus Blair Senior Analyst – Emerging Trends Source Global Research Fergus is a senior analyst at Source, and manages our Emerging Trends programme. These reports focus on the big topics that are shaping the professional services sector, with a particular focus on consulting services, drawing on interviews conducted with leaders in the sector and data on client buying behaviour.

Filomeno Martina Senior Lecturer Waam 3d Limited Dr Filomeno Martina is Senior Lecturer in Additive Manufacturing (AM) at Cranfield University. He is also the CEO of WAAM3D ltd which is commercialising the Wire + Arc AM process. Moreover, he is also the course director of the first MSc on Metal AM in Europe. He also manages the WAAMMat research programme

Gael Delamare Ingredient Scientist Campden BRI Gael is an ingredient scientist in the Production and Processing Research department at Campden BRI. He has an interest in food ingredients and the revalorisation of food by-products into ingredients, and how the functionality of these ingredients can be altered with different processing methods. Dr. Gary Thompson - Advanced Maintenance and Industry 4.0 Specialist - Sustainable Advanced Manufacturing (SAM) – Sunderland University

Gary Thompson is the lead engineer for the application of Industry 4.0 Technology for the successful Sustainable Advanced Manufacturing Project. Gary has an extensive Engineering background and has been a leader in innovation and design for manufacture for the last 20 years. His knowledge in the sector has been recognised and he now supports SME’s across the North East as part of a £5.1 million project.

Gary King Director Tendo A rising star on the national stage and board member of the Young Enterprise Association, Gary King helps businesses decide where & when to invest their time and energy for best commercial results. Drawing on corporate and fast-growth SME expertise, he dials into issues holding a company back from scaling

Gareth Edwards Technical Director Observant Innovations An internationally experienced programmer of physical simulation, industrial visualisation, image processing and image synthesis, and a deep understanding of digital camera technologies, specialises in the design and manufacturing of integrated, high quality and high resolution image acquisition systems for machine vision, monitoring, surveillance, ultra-wide and panoramic 360°.

Gavin Milligan Director

Green Knight Sustainability Consulting Ltd Dr Gavin Milligan has over 20 years’ experience in food including a decade specialising in sustainability. He is a Director of Sedex, chairs the FoodWasteNet Management Committee and sits on advisory boards in industry and academia. He represents the UK Food Sector KTN on the European Food Technology Platform.

Genea Lynch App Developer/ Digital Director Exhibit Interactive Digital Director at Exhibit Interactive. Stand designer turned App Developer specialising in creating applications in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

Georgina Penfold Founder & Director - icon (industrial & commercial operations network) One of the most-trusted voices in utilities management today, helping industry adapt to energy policy and technology changes. Noted for her ability to explain difficult topics in an engaging, accessible way, a presentation from George means hard-hitting energy knowledge delivered with a flair for presentation and plenty of heart.

Glen Kelsey ISO Certification Specialist Intertek Glen Kelsey has 8 years’ experience within the ISO certification industry, having covered a wide range of industries including construction, engineering, aerospace and manufacturing. He is a qualified internal auditor and has extensive experience of keynote speaking on behalf of Intertek Business Assurance.

Gordon Sansaver Senior Director Virginia Mason Institute

Gordon Sansaver, MBA, is the Senior Director at Virginia Mason Institute which provides training, coaching and bespoke services in the areas of leadership development and building improvement capability – partnering to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare.

Harry Gallagher Training Learning Impact

Macnaughton McGregor is the UK’s leading specialist in the delivery of practical, drama-based safety training. Headed by Harry Gallagher & Shaun Curry who between them have over 45 years’ experience delivering cultural change programmes.

Heinrich Louw Director Lasso Consulting Heinrich is the owner and lead strategist of LASSO CONSULTING, a Manchester- based marketing consultancy. For the past 14 years he has been developing marketing and communication strategies for high-profile companies within the engineering, industrial and manufacturing sectors in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, New Zealand and Australia.

Ian Gardner Industry 4.0 Solutions Architect BM Ian has a long and successful track record in IT and business. He is an Industry 4.0 solutions architect and for the past few years has played a lead role in a high profile end-to-end industry 4.0 solution looking at creating the factory of the future.

Ian Sorek Managing Director Magic Software Enterprises UK Ltd Ian is a seasoned professional with over two decades of commercial and technology experience spanning multiple verticals such as Financial Services, Retail technologies, IT and Manufacturing. Ian has worked globally delivering multiple IT, Digital Transformation and Industry 4 projects. He now helps Magic Software’s clients and prospects unleash the power of digitalization in the new Industry 4 era.

Ian Weinstock Sales Manager UK & Ireland Sana Commerce Ian is the Regional Sales Manager for UK and Ireland within Sana Commerce and has worked within the IT and computer software industry since 2016. He previously worked as a Corporate Account Director after progressing through the ranks at dotmailer where he spent 8 years.

Inna Stelmukh IT Director UK & I Johnson Controls IT Director UK&I at Johnson Controls. Previously Senior IT Business Partner at Skanska UK and Global Business IT manager at SGS Group. Hold PhD degree in Physics,

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Speakers MBA and BCS CITP. Led various strategic transformation initiatives targeting to achieve greater operational efficiency and growth by engaging business and technology resources.

Irina Neaga - Senior Lecturer School of Engineering, University of Wales Trinity St David, Swansea Dr. Irina Neaga deals with the challenges and opportunities of supply chains digitalisation and manufacturing systems adopting Industry 4.0 as well as associated engineering education research and curriculum development.

Jake Warrington Large Scale Scientist AstraZeneca R&D Associate working in as a Bioreactor scientist.

James Lees Sales Director London Electronics Ltd Sales Director for London Electronics Ltd with over 10 years experience in the supply of factory OEE and KPI Visualisation Digital Displays, Lean Performance Monitoring Systems and Software. Provided solutions include the largest Jidoka system in Europe along with system sales into logistics, retail, packaging food and drink, automotive and aerospace.

Jan de Jonge Managing Director People Business Psychology Ltd Jan de Jonge is a business psychologist whose consultancy (est. 2012) works internationally with well-known clients from all sectors, applying researchbased psychological approaches to develop people and organisations.

Jason Lessard Partner HGF Jason is a Partner at HGF, a leading European firm that delivers world class intellectual property (IP) services to its global client base. He helps his clients secure, develop and exploit their IP and extract value from their IP portfolio. Jason has a unique background, having spent over 5 years in project engineering and sales roles at a global supplier of plastic injection moulding equipment.

Jayden Halliday Head of Operations Leading Edge Only Jayden Halliday is Head of Operations at Leading Edge Only (LEO), a Global Innovation Marketplace which connects innovations seekers and providers. With an MSc Marketing Management degree and over 5 years of strategic and digital experience, he is at the forefront of technological and innovation development.

Jeff Williams Partner S A Partners Jeff has worked across many sectors including automotive, electronics, distribution, financial services and utilities before focussing on the food & drink sector in recent years. He is an excellent facilitator and Programme Manager who has an enviable track record of designing and delivering successful customised assignments, however complex.

Jeremy Praud Managing Director LI Europe Jeremy has 20+ years’ experience of working with manufacturers to improve productivity. Having started his first graduate role in the paper industry, 2 short years later the Mill was slated for closure - it was this experience that made him resolve to understand exactly what it takes to help a factory survive, and indeed thrive.

Jimi Matthews Director of Supply Chain Recruitment Perfect Placement UK Ltd Jimi Matthews is Director of Supply Chain Recruitment at Perfect Placement, the UK’s leading Automotive Industry Recruitment Agency. Jimi has worked in recruitment for 13 years, is qualified ILM level 5 and an expert in employee engagement and trains hiring managers on Interview Skills, On-boarding and Talent Acquisition.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Speakers Jo Young Managing Director Express Group Ltd Managing Director of Express Group Ltd since 2004 and leader of GoPrint3D since 2014, Jo is on a mission to Fix More and Waste Less.

John Dora Owner and Founder John Dora Consulting John Dora is a Chartered Civil Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, and of the Permanent Way Institution. He has the rare privilege of being an Engineer who is also a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society. With thirty-seven years’ experience in flood defence and rail infrastructure, spanning policy to delivery, his career has covered research, construction and maintenance of civil engineering infrastructure and he has become an acknowledged expert in resilience.

John Reiners Managing Editor Oxford Economics John leads Oxford Economics’ Thought Leadership research projects across EMEA, combining primary research with economic evidence. Previously he worked in the computer industry, as a management consultant and for IBM’s Institute for Business Value.

Jon Churchill Director - Optimus Business Management Group After completing an Engineering degree in 1994, Jon began a career at Xyratex Technology Ltd within Procurement and Supply chain operations focused on sourcing and technical category management. An exciting time when Xyratex were offshoring their manufacturing and supply base, which allowed for valuable learning experiences.

Jonathan Markham Patent Attorney Beck Greener Jonathan is an experienced partner and patent attorney. With a background in experimental physics, he handles mechanical, electronic and software-based inventions. Prior to private practice, Jonathan formerly worked inhouse for Dyson.

Joshua Gray Founder & Ceo Plastic Alchemy A creative industry entrepreneur, Joshua discovered 3D printing in 2017 via 3D printable design platform MyMiniFactory, working as their Community Manager. Founder of PAD, a live streaming art studio in 2015 and now Plastic Alchemy, a publisher for 3D printable board games.

Julia May Managing Director May Figure Ltd Prize-winning Chartered Accountant/Tax Advisor (x-Arthur Andersens). She has a BEng Honours Degree in Engineering Science and industry experience working for a number of software consultancy firms. A leading R&D Tax Credit tax advisor, delegate of HMRC’s Research & Development Consultative Committee she has recovered millions in taxes for her clients.

Julia Munder Maxwell-Scott

Maxwell-Scott Head of Marketing and Strategy, Julia Munder, would be interested in joining your already fantastic line-up. Maxwell-Scott is a York based luxury leather brand with an annual turnover of more than 2.5 million and seven international e-commerce websites.

Katherine Thomas Director Brighter Capability Katherine has 20 years experience in FMCG, leading change and building capability in continuous improvement. Having worked for Warburtons, Heinz and PepsiCo leading Continuous Improvement programmes and leading Product Development for ‘Own label’ and Foodservice, Katherine has now founded Brighter Capability to identify business improvement opportunities and build in-house CI capability.

Karena Vaughan Founder And Principal Consultant Catalina Consulting Karena is a specialist in strategic business development with >20 years’ experience helping high-growth companies to identify the optimum location for expansion, market development and new client acquisition. She is an expert in Fintech including Cyber, AI, Blockchain, Data & Regtech.

Katy Berrill Director KCS Compliance Working for a wide range of Clients in Compliance Management, Strategy and Training. Katy specialises in helping Organisations with an overall strategic approach to improving their contract win rate through effective and efficient compliance and contractual management. Identifying changes and improvements in the processes and procedures used by the Organisation.

Katie Hiscock Project Manager InnoTecUk Katie Hiscock has been a project manager within InnoTecUK dealing with projects and applications in the areas of robotics, automation and autonomous systems. She has experience in managing large funded projects both from the EC and the UK, working both in Academia and in the private sector, as well as managing single client work contracts within the company.

Kieron Salter Managing director KW Special Projects Kieron Salter is managing of KW Special Projects, a high-performance engineering consultancy dedicated to solving engineering challenges through horizontal innovation. Operating at the heart of KWSP, he delivers strong entrepreneurship and technology capability, with a proven track-record delivering digital manufacturing solutions throughout motorsport, automotive and performance sports.

Laura Morgan Researcher Robert Gordon Business School Laura Morgan is a doctoral researcher from Robert Gordon Business School. Working with industry, she conducts cross discipline research into the importance of leadership behaviors in Industry 4.0

Laurence Kirk CEO Extropy.IO Ltd After a successful career writing financial software Laurence was captivated by the potential of Blockchain Technology. Four years ago, he set up, a consultancy developing blockchain applications Laurence also runs blockchain workshops, and teaches at the University of Innsbruck Business Management School.

Lee Price Group Sales Director adi Group UK A time served engineer with over 20 years experience in the property and services industry, Lee has worked with some globally recognised brands across numerous sectors. From retail to nuclear he has a long career. In resource solutions and specifically engineering which allows a multifaceted viewpoint of market place and the skills gaps that face our industry.

Len Pannett Managing Partner Visagio Ltd Len Pannett is a management engineer focused on helping clients to implement their operational plans, particularly involving the successful deployment of new technologies and methodologies in supply chains. A Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, Len is the President of the UK Roundtable of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professional.

Lizzy Butterfield Contracts Manager MasterMover Limited Lizzy brings passion and experience into a diverse and dynamic role in a rapidly expanding manufacturing company. She oversees the firm’s rental division, which provides flexible hire options, and she is also responsible for managing service contracts for customer-owned equipment.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Speakers Lucy Sutcliffe National Customs Director Peterbridge House Lucy advises clients on customs and excise duty issues, assisting them to understand and utilise the various and often complex customs and excise regimes and procedures. With a view to identifying streamlining solutions and business efficiencies when importing and exporting goods across the globe, advising on real-world potential solutions to prepare for the advent of Brexit.

Malcolm Newbery Owner Malcolm Newbery Consulting Ltd An independent consultant specialising in fashion industry marketing, merchandising and buying, and supply chain. Twenty years of consulting experience, and ten more in industry in business planning and supply chain management. Also involved in company rescues and turn-around situations as an interim manager.

Malcolm Taylor Director of Cyber Advisory ITC Secure Malcolm is Director of Cyber Advisory at ITC Secure. He provides strategic cyber security and communications security advice to senior corporate and private clients. Prior to joining ITC, Malcolm had a distinguished career with the UK intelligence services, including tours in Iraq, Pakistan and more recently in Afghanistan leading counter terrorism cyber security teams.

Mark Hobart Managing Director - Infoboss

Mark Hobart is the co-founder and managing director of Infoboss, an innovative, search-based, information life-cycle management technology platform. Designed to tackle the emerging and real challenge to businesses arising from projected exponential data growth and increasing regulatory compliance, Infoboss turns this challenge into an opportunity for competitive advantage by use of practical, search-based tools for information life-cycle management and a smorgasbord of data solutions that have been built using the platform.

Matti Tiano CEO and Founder Visual Factories With over 15 years of experience in the manufacturing industry and having held leadership positions for companies including Pratt & Whitney and Rolls Royce Matti understands the pain points of floor machinery operation, and developed a cloud-based solution that management of all factories can use to improve their overall productivity.

Matt Appleton Director RSM Matt is a director based in RSM UK’s Basingstoke office, where he heads up the Corporate Tax team. His passion is helping growing businesses to maximise their potential. He enjoys building long term relationships, in

order to best advise clients on their day to day business needs, strategy, expansion and exit plans.

Matt Thomas Principal Consultant ClarityVM Consulting Matt has years of experience working with a multitude of businesses to increase their efficiencies, reduce waste and improve staff engagement through effective visual management. Matt has worked with organisations both large and small in the public and private sector and brings a wealth of knowledge to solving the problems faced by your business.

Matthias Kaiser CEO Exponential Technologies 7+ years of experience in B2B sales and business development across several industries. Graduated master’s program in Physics with excellence from the University of Vienna. Since 2018 Matthias Kaiser is working on the commercialization and development of an AI based software within the field of additive manufacturing.

Megan James Partner S A Partners Megan supports the S A Partners business as European Business Development Manager, working to design and build Enterprise Excellence programmes with new clients. Megan has a long career in Lean and Process Improvement consulting.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Speakers Matthew Howell Partner Haseltine Lake Kempner LLP Michael Firstenberg Manager Of Industrial Security Waterfall Security Solutions Mike Firstenberg, GICSP, GCIH, CISSP, has two decades of experience in Control System Security. The former chair of the American Water SCADA Council, Mike studied Computer Science, Chemical Engineering, and Mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania, and is an active participant in the ISA, IET, AWWA, and AIChE.

Michael Krajewski Founder Steelo Ltd Steelo Ltd was set up by Michael Krajewski in 2009 with one purpose in mind: to revolutionise the steel industry. As an Aeronautical Engineer graduate he stumbled across the steel industry and was shocked at how outdated this sector was. With his desire to simplify and improve things, he quickly found his passion in innovating the steel industry.

Michael Trigg Director The Presentation Maestro 5 years in the Army, 2 years in the City and 6 years with Procter and Gamble - 25 years specialising in helping clients get their message crystal clear, so that people get it- and understand it. He’s worked with 70 organisations - most of whom are household names.

Mike Price Director Mpa Group Mike Price founded MPA Group in 2007, tailoring the business to support the UK’s innovators and entrepreneurs. MPA Group is a tax specialist company which advises innovative UK businesses on how to fully benefit from government funding schemes like Patent Box or R&D tax credits.

Mel Farrington Product Manager Investors in people Mel is a Product Manager at Investors in People. As an English Language and Literature graduate and having started her career in marketing, Mel’s route into product development was a happy accident – finding a place to realise her talents, apply her creativity and insist that things can be better. Now she can’t stop talking about great user experiences.

Mike Dickinson General Manger, Automotive SMMT Industry Forum Mike has unique and broad experience gained through 30 years in supply chain and manufacturing leadership roles Having previously held senior roles at Nissan, General Motors and Qoros Automotive, Mike has managed global operations covering greenfield build-up

and brownfield transitions, including: Germany: overall lead of an automotive OEM’s European lean supply chain and logistics operations Asia Pacific: head of regional supply chain and logistics function Shanghai: joined Europe-China automotive start-up venture as its first chief supply officer Trained in lean manufacturing techniques from Japanese Master engineers in the 1980s.

Muneeb Shah Regional Practice Manager EMEA WIPRO With 14 years of global experience, Muneeb is Blockchain Partner - Consulting & Advisory and leads the blockchain theme for EMEA at Wipro Limited. Muneeb’s role involves the evangelisation of Wipro blockchain solutions with customers and the global blockchain ecosystem.

Neal Middle UK Business Development Director Finger on the Pulse Limited Neal has spent over 25 years in the CPG industry working for both Blue Chip and SME companies (brand and private label) to significantly develop and improve their business and market performance. In recent years, he’s spent five years working for IRI (one of the world’s leading data insights companies) and more recently has spent a similar time supporting global organisations to evaluate, track and benchmark their vital stakeholder relationships with their Employees, Customers, and Suppliers.

Neil Hutton Productivity Specialist SMC (UK) Ltd Graduate Manufacturing Engineer and American Society for Quality Certified 6 Sigma Black Belt currently employed with SMC (UK) with 35 years previous experience in Pharmaceutical, FMCG, Automotive, Consumer Healthcare, Level, Flow & Temperature Instrumentation and Retail Consumer Banking industries

Neil Robertson CEO National Skills Academy for Rail Neil joined NSAR in 2015, previously was CEO of Energy & Utility Skills Group and CEO of the British Institute of Innkeeping. Neil has also held senior positions in government departments for education and business with responsibilities in skills, employability, English and migration, regional economic development and European Structural Funds.

Nick Owen MBE CEO The Mighty Creatives Awarded an MBE for services to arts-based businesses in 2012, Nick is passionate about generating inspiring and socially engaging creative practice within educational contexts both nationally and internationally. He is CEO of one of the UK’s foremost charities for children and young people, The Mighty Creatives and also serves as Governor of Coventry University.

Neil Carey Regional Director UK/Ireland, Benelux and Middle East - MultiTech Systems A long term M2M (machine to machine) and IIoT (industrial) focused regional director driving the adoption and wider use of LPWA technologies.

Nico Avdelidis COO InnoTecUK Prof Avdelidis has worked in several research areas including NDT imaging techniques, robotics NDT and UAV inspections, and autonomous systems sensing and imaging, as well as attracting substantial research funding through coordination of over 30 research projects. This has included research collaboration with institutions from the UK - Europe and Canada (incl. the National Research Council of Canada).

Nicholas Bailey Senior date scientist As Senior Legal Data Scientist at Wavelength, Nicholas uses computing and statistics to optimise the delivery of legal work. He is an expert in creating tidy data sets from disparate sources, training machine learning models, and clearly communicating research findings. He is interested in how machine learning can benefit society.

Nigel Knapp Business Development Manager MTC Manufacturing Technology Centre Nigel joined the MTC in 2016 with responsibility for SME sales and has since engaged with over 100 manufacturers to deliver productivity improvements. Nigel previously managed the GrowthAccelerator programme covering Coventry & Warwickshire, signing up 350 SME clients from all sectors over a 4 year period.

Oliver Bowie Go-To-Market Manager Triangle Information Management Oliver joined Triangle in 2017 after working for premium, franchised brands representing Mercedes-Benz and Jaguar Land Rover. As Go-To-Market Manager, he’s responsible for taking propositions to market and is passionate about creating experiences for Triangle’s customers that inform, educate and inspire.

Olivia Bertham Owner ORB Consulting Olivia has worked in the field of sustainability for nearly 20 years including with professional services firms and boutique consultancies – as well as a stint in academia. She is currently working on an EU funded project, ECOBULK, focused on the circular economy and bulky composite materials, working with value chains in the automotive, furniture and construction sectors to develop circular economy demonstrator projects.

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Speakers Prof Oscar Ces - Director of the Institute of Chemical Biology, Director of the ICB Centre for Doctoral Training , Co - Imperial College London Oscar Ces is Professor of Chemical Biology at the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College London (IC). He is Director of the Institute of Chemical Biology (ICB), the ICB Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT), the Leverhulme CDT for Cellular Bionics and Co-Director of both Fabricell and the IC Advanced Hackspace

Paul Bell Managing Director Manufacturing Excellence Paul has a tremendous track record in transforming the performance of a wide variety of organisations both as a consultant and director. He started Manufacturing Excellence in 2000 which combines training and consultancy to help organisations drive and embed a culture of continuous improvement. Manufacturing Excellence has been phenomenally successful having saved their clients hundreds of millions of pounds with four also going on to win the UK Best Factory Award.

Pedro Ferreira - Lecturer in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Loughborough University Dr Pedro Ferreira is a Lecturer in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems at Loughborough University. His research focus is to deliver truly intelligent, interconnected and self-adaptable systems. He has both industrial and academic experience, shaping his vision towards impact based research. This vision has been realised in multiple industrial lead collaborative research projects.

Peter Acton Chairman - Logistics Leaders Network UK I am a fully qualified traffic engineer and transport planner who moved into writing about all aspects of transport and logistics. I was the youngest editor of Motor Transport, the weekly road freight transport business newspaper and was runner-up twice in national journalist awards. In 1988, I launched the first UK logistics magazine Distribution Business.

Dr. Peter Bus - Digital Architecture Lecturer

Digital Architecture Research Centre, Kent School of Architecture & Planning, University of Kent

Peter Buš is a researcher and lecturer at the KSAP. He previously gained experience as a researcher at the Institute of Technology in Architecture at the ETH in Zürich. He investigates potentialities of computation, digital fabrication methods and prototyping practices for their applications of construction deliveries in largescale urban contexts and their capacities to respond to citizens’ necessities.

Peter Kinselley Associate Director of Health and Safety Cardinus Risk Management Peter Kinselley has over 20 years’ experience successfully implementing health and safety management systems within large corporate

organisations. He has worked internationally, on multisite operations, within food manufacturing, professional services, banking, government and charity industries and is currently Cardinus’ Associate Director of Health and Safety.

Peter Taylor Senior Research Analyst IHS Markit Peter Taylor is a Senior Research Analyst in the Manufacturing Technology group at IHS Markit Technology. Prior to joining IHS Markit, Peter worked in a variety of project management and process engineering roles within the manufacturing sector, most notably at General Electric.

Pierre Baviera CEO Presidion With a background in Engineering and Management, and having held leadership positions within multiple companies, Pierre has extensive experience helping organizations across the globe transform their business, with a special focus on technology and innovation. Presidion a specialised advanced analytics solutions company – helping their customers to leverage their data to deliver tangible performance improvement across a variety of topics including Sales/Marketing Effectiveness, Manufacturing Process Optimisation, Asset Reliability, Stock Optimisation etc.

Patricia Collis Lawyer Bird & Bird Llp Patricia is a senior brand protection lawyer at international law firm Bird & Bird. She works with clients across a wide range of industries, helping them build, exploit and rationalise portfolios of trade mark and design rights around the world.

Phil Blunden DCPP Communications Manager Ministry of Defence Phil Blunden, Communications Manager, joined the Defence Cyber Protection Partnership in November 2018 having spent five years as a Computer Security Analyst in Joint Forces Command and ten years developing applications. He completed an Open University degree in 2013, is a school governor and an Ally on MOD’s LGBT Committee.

Polly Britton Product Design Plextek Services Ltd. Since studying mechanical engineering, Polly has worked on many projects in a range of industries

Raam Shanker Founder Equitus Engineering Limites Chartered Mechanical Engineer with extensive experience in product development and validation, driving innovation, and providing specialist technical expertise for clients such as UKRI, Pall Corporation,

Collinson, Wicksteed, and BEP. Keen on driving I40 adoption in SMEs. STEM Ambassador and a member of Greater Manchester’s Mayor, Andy Burnham’s Business Advisory Panel.

Rachel Doyle Head of Development Applied Photophysics Rachel Doyle has 20 years experience in the development and manufacturing industry in a range of roles, including Technical support, Project and People management, gained at large and small organisations including AstraZeneca and De La Rue. She has a passion for continuous and improvement, with an emphasis on lean.

Ramesh Menon Co-founder and Executive Director Cevitr Ltd A seasoned professional who has spent over 17+years in the technology industry enabling customers with their transformation journey. Ramesh has lead portfolios and teams spanning UK and Europe in various capacities leading technology organisations prior to founding Cevitr, a company that offers Robotic Process Automation as a Service.

René Power Director/ Founder - Vision B2B Marketing & Training Limited René Power is a twenty-four year b2b marketing veteran, having worked with national and international businesses within the manufacturing supply process to tier one customers. René delivers marketing programmes, training and talks focused on helping businesses Market with Intent.

Richard Brewer Technical Services Manager (LGV) RTITB Richard was born into the transport industry, into a family- run haulage business, and is hugely passionate about the road transport industry. His first role in the sector was as a trainee commercial vehicle mechanic before building a successful career in other fields.

Richard Perriman - Vice-President Supply Chain Development Horizon International Cargo Ltd Richard has over 25 years’ experience within the logistics and freight forwarding industry. Having gained experience working for airlines, international freight forwarding and logistics companies, Richard is able to advise companies wishing to upscale, enter new markets or move products across international borders.

Richard Lansley Senior Hydrogeologist Golder Associates Richard Lansley is a Senior Hydrogeologist, who has delivered projects for manufacturing clients on issues including: Water vulnerability assessments; Critical business risk assessments associated with water availability; Water utility valuations; Waste-water re-

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Speakers utilisation and Water prospecting and development of new Spring water supplies.

Richard Kelly

Managing Director - EMS Cognito

Richard Kelly is a management consultant with 30 years of industry experience with a track record of changing culture, delivering Lean and Reliability best practice and results in renowned, global organisations. His reputation as an industry thought-leader and sought-after keynote speaker has grown following acclaimed half-day seminars on business culture change.

Rob McCullagh Strategic Account Director Presidion For the past 17 years Rob has been helping organisations use their data to answer the business questions that are keeping them awake at night. In business his goal is to help provide timely, meaningful and actionable information based on a myriad of data that delivers actionable insight. Through the use of Advanced Analytics, he helps deliver answers that get executives excited about what they can now achieve.

Roger Needham IBM

With 25 years experience in supply chain design, optimisation and operations in large, international blue-chip organisations, Roger is currently engaged in the practical implementation of Blockchain, AI and other cognitive tools for clients who want to see the measurable benefits of these new technologies within their supply chain.

Roger Richardson Commercial Director Corlina Roger is Commercial Director of Corlina, leading customer acquisition, client management, and translating customer needs into the Corlina product roadmap. Roger applies the broad-based perspective of 20 years’ experience fostering strategic relationships between large organizations and technology providers to developing Corlina’s market position and customer relationships in IIoT.

Rondi Allan Director Rozenn Solutions Rondi Allan started her Business with a desire to bring her Corporate experience to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. She has over 25 years extensive experience, over 3 continents, in Manufacturing, FMCG and Service industries and covers many functions including Finance, Supply Chain, Purchasing, IT and Sales.

Rowan Johnson CEO & Founder Southpoint Films Ltd

in 2013 with a First Class Honours in Television & Video Production, Rowan set up his own video production company with the aim of providing high quality video production to businesses in the local area and beyond. Over the years Rowan’s work has been recognised and awarded by the BBC, the Royal Television Society and the National Student Television Association.

Ruth Gawthorpe CEO Smart Working Revolution Ruth has been successfully implementing smarter ways of working into businesses for 20 years using smart working methodology to solve recruitment and retention problems. 5 years ago Ruth became wheelchair bound after an operation and realised just how much talent business is missing out on by having a fixed mindset around hours of work and locations – including manufacturing.

Samina Anwar - Head of Learning& Development - Institute of Training & Occupational Learning Samina Anwar has over 14 years of experience within Further & Higher Education and the Training sector. Samina brings a wealth of experience in programme design, development, implementation, assessment, and quality assurance of learning programmes. In addition to this Samina’s L&D consultant work has enabled her to design and develop coaching and leadership programmes for high profile clients.

Sam Stephens Director TBAT Innovation Ltd Sam Stephens is the founding director of TBAT Innovation and has worked for many organizations, of all shapes and sizes to secure them funding. This may have been for capital projects, consultancy or research and development. Sam is passionate about innovation and over the years has raised several million pounds to fund R&D activities.

Sam Lloyd Senior Analyst The Carbon Trust Sam is a Senior Analyst within the Business Services team at the Carbon Trust, working extensively with SMEs to help them become more energy efficient through the Green Business Fund programme. His work includes the delivery of energy audits, implementation advice and energy saving workshops.

Samuel Jimenez Research Engineer UK Atomic Energy Authority Dr. Samuel Jimenez is a Research Engineer at the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s Remote Applications in Challenging Environments (RACE) unit. His research explores how robotics and automation can be applied to the maintenance strategy of future nuclear fusion power plants, aiming to maximise plant availability.

Santosh Padmanabhan Client Partner Harman Connected Services Santosh comes with around 15 years of experience in Sales and Marketing having built business for the technology companies spanning across APAC, Middle East and Europe. At Harman Connected Services he drives Strategic engagement working closely with customers enabling digital transformation roadmap.

Dr S M A Moin Associate Head Research &Consultancy Coventry University London Moin is a published author in Strategy and an interdisciplinary researcher interested in trust, leadership, innovation, branding and storytelling. He has published in the ABS-rated peer-reviewed journals; and reviewed for Journal of Financial Services Marketing and Journal of Product and Brand Management. Moin had a successful industry career before moving into higher education.

Saptarshi Pal Senior Originator Statkraft Saptarshi Pal is a Senior Originator at Statkraft, where he works in the Global Environmental Markets division. He specializes in Energy Attribute Certificates (EAC) schemes and carbon markets (allowances and offsets). He has a Msc in Environmental Sciences and Policies from the University of Manchester.

Sebastian Winter Analyst - Verdantix

Sebastian is a technology analyst in the Verdantix Operational Risk team. His research covers industrial risk technologies, best practices and growth strategies. Prior to joining Verdantix, Sebastian worked for S&P Dow Jones Indices, and held positions in China, Brunei and Kenya. Sebastian holds an MSc from Imperial College London

Dr. Sean Starr Senior Lecturer in Education University of Wolverhampton Sean Start has been working in education for over 20yrs and currently a Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Wolverhampton.

Shaun Curry Training Learning Impact

Macnaughton McGregor is the UK’s leading specialist in the delivery of practical, drama-based safety training. Headed by Harry Gallagher & Shaun Curry who between them have over 45 years’ experience delivering cultural change programmes. They build safer working cultures by helping organisations understand the driving forces behind sustainable cultural change.

After graduating from Southampton Solent University

#MSCUK @NationalMSC



Creating an Innovative Manufacturing & Supply Chain Eco-System Join us at the 2020 National Manufacturing Conference & Exhibition on the 29th & 30th of January 2020 to hear from an impressive line-up of manufacturing leaders, academics and government agencies who will engage in a stimulating blend of key note addresses and debates. SECTORS COVERED: • Food & Drink • Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals • Life Sciences • Rubber, plastics & non-metallic minerals • Metals • Electronics

EXHIBITORS WILL MEET BUYERS OF: • Electrical Equipment • Precision Engineering • 3D Printing • Machinery • Transport • Other Manufacturing

• Raw Materials • Process Engineering • Control & Automation • Information Technology • Inspection Equipment • Project Management • Energy & Power • Materials Handling • Packaging Equipment & Materials

• S upply Chain Solutions • Warehouse Management • L ean Systems • Q uality Systems & Standards • F acilities Management • Robotics

The event will be divided into a number of bespoke categories. A selection of the events is listed below:


the national



PROCUREMENT summit: 2020






The National Medtech & Biotech Summit

Contact Keith at or on +353 1 6120880 for more information

Speakers Simon Carr General Manager, Diverse Sectors SMMT Industry Forum Simon has 24 years engineering and operations experience gained within aerospace, industrial processing, automotive, food and drink, defence, electronics, fabrication, petrochemical, offshore systems, pharmaceutical, healthcare and banking. Simon was one of the original Industry Forum recruits and was trained by the Japanese Master Engineers.

Sophie Degagny Circular Value Chains Manager HSSMI, UK Sophie is the Circular Value Chains Manager at HSSMI, responsible for determining and delivering the future direction of the business in Circular Economy and Sustainability areas. She previously worked for 5 years in Veolia, the UKs largest water, energy and waste utility, as Innovation Manager and for 3 years in Olleco as Head of Circular Economy.

Steve Burrows Managing Director - Kora

Steve Burrows is the Managing Director of 3D printer manufacturer Kora, where he is responsible for the overall direction and performance of the business, and the implementation of its growth strategy. Steve also founded Impex Parts Limited – a company supplying parts to motor trade main dealers - in 1998.

Steve Crosson Smith Sales Manager Halpenfield Ltd, UK Steve has over 25 years’ experience in the data and analytics space and has participated in various revolutions along the way: including data warehousing, data visualisation, Big Data and advanced analytics.

Steve Govey - Head of research & Development Partner Beavis Morgan LLP Steve, a qualified engineer and accountant, specialises in the successful application of R&D Tax Relief and has helped many businesses make significant claims when they were previously unaware they could. With a 100% success record, his proven methodology offers a seamless approach towards obtaining government money back for innovation.

Steve Trainor Executive director Odesma Ltd Steve has over 28 years of success as CPO, MD and Procurement BPO leader in a range of industries including the MoD and Inland Revenue. Steve is COO at Odesma, responsible for Odesma’s delivery capability and infrastructure. Steve has led the delivery of a number of transformation and cost reduction projects for clients across multiple industry sectors and geographies.

Stuart Blofeld Senior Training Manager BRE Stuart has worked at BRE for 16 years and has a strong background in sustainability and environmental management and reporting. Stuart currently leads on the development and delivery of SmartSite training for construction professionals across sustainability, health, safety, and the environment.

Subharthi Guha Architect & Urban Planner/ Proprietor ConceptSG Subharthi Guha is an Architect and Urban Planner with an experience of design across 15 countries and over 30 projects - all of which are widely published. Having worked alongside architect Charles Correa on numerous international buildings and social re-development projects, he joined Zaha Hadid Architects in 2010. In parallel he set up a research studio conceptSG (2006) that constitutes experimental buildings and new growth models of city planning .

Sue Springett Commercial Manager Teknomek Sue Springett is the Commercial Manager for Teknomek, which manufactures hygienic stainless steel furniture. Having previously held similar positions in manufacturing and service industries, she has helped Teknomek introduce a series of new products specifically for clean room users

Sunil Ramachandran Vice President ITC Infotech Ltd With over 35 years of experience, equally split in running manufacturing operations and being part of a technology services company, I have been able to understand the relevance of technology in manufacturing without the “jargonisation” that is usually associated with it.

Tom Bright Head of Business Development

Following a successful career supporting organisations across multiple sectors, globally, with Business Change & Transformation initiatives, Tom joined ByzGen as Head of Business Development. He is responsible for growing the ByzGen presence globally whilst ensuring that they are truly delivering business value with each and every project.

Tony Napier Business Consultant Global Enterprise 20+ Years Experience in document services providing scanning, print and archiving solutions to business to improve productivity and reduce costs. Now utilising this experience to automate the document workflow, big data to improve both staff and customer experience though data analytics and dashboard views.

Vérane Gross Sustainability advisor Carbon Smart Vérane Gross is a sustainability advisor at Carbon Smart. From tackling emissions to reducing modern slavery risks, she is driven to help companies address a range of environmental and social impacts along their supply chains. Vérane is particularly interested in identifying opportunities to reduce waste, optimise logistics, increase the use of lower-impact materials and safeguard human rights.

Xichun Luo - Professor in Ultra Precision Manufacturing University of Strathclyde Xichun Luo is a Professor in ultra precision manufacturing and technical director of Centre for Precision Manufacturing at the University of Strathclyde. His research interests include ultra precision machining brittle materials, freeform machining, precision motion control, hybrid micromachining and nanomanufacturing.

Theresa Farrell Director Senseye Ltd Theresa has over 20 years’ experience working in the enterprise software sector and in particular the areas of BI, Big Data Analytics and IoT. In her current role at Senseye, she is focused on the FMCG and chemical sectors, helping industrial companies to reduce downtime and maximise OEE.

Tim Scurlock Director Applied Lean Consulting Ltd Tim Scurlock worked for 10 years with General Motors applying Lean principles from manufacturing into finance, HR, logistics, purchasing, IT systems – the tools are universal. Tim founded ALC in 2011 and works with Manufacturing, Service and Warehousing businesses to remove waste, reduce lead time, standardise practice and improve quality

#MSCUK @NationalMSC



Titanic Exhibition Centre, Belfast, 27th Feb 2020

Creating an Innovative Manufacturing & Supply Chain Eco-System Join us at the 2020 Northern Ireland Manufacturing & Supply Chain Expo in the Titanic Exhibition Centre, Belfast on the 27th February 2020, to hear from an impressive line-up of manufacturing leaders, academics and government agencies who will engage in a stimulating blend of key note addresses and debates.

The conference will be of interest to senior management, established practicing engineers and researchers together with those that are much earlier in their careers. KEY TOPICS INCLUDED: • Procurement

• Sustainability

• Lean Manufacturing

• P roject Management

• C ontrol & Automation

• Health & Safety

• Supply Chain Optimisation

• Warehouse Management

• Information Technology Logistics

• Materials Handling

• Energy Management

• 3D Printing

• Facilities Management

• Robotics • and many more

Manufacturers small and large from across the Northern Ireland will gather to challenge political decision makers to deliver a business environment which manufacturing deserves. Delegates attending the conference will: • Gain industry insights to help their business plan • Share good practice and learn from each other’s experience • Connected with senior business leaders to find new business opportunities • Meet with key technology providers

The event will be divided into a number of bespoke categories. A selection of the events is listed below: NORTHERN IRELAND

High Tech Manufacturing & Precision Engineering EXPO

Northern Ireland

Conference & Exhibition

Northern Ireland


Northern Ireland Medtech & Biotech Summit

& BioPharma EXPO

northern ireland

PROCUREMENT expo: 2020

Northern Ireland

Construction Expo 2020 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future

Contact Darren at or on 0207 183 7959 for more information




Exceptional customer service is not measured by what you do – but how you do it. This is certainly true in vehicle leasing, where from a distance, all of the industry players appear to offer similar contract hire packages, but in reality this is far from the case. Activa operates on the simple philosophy that long term customer satisfaction can only be achieved if we genuinely put ourselves in the customer’s shoes in all of our thoughts and actions. Winchester Circle, Kingston, Milton Keynes MK10 0BA Tel: 01908 288400 ANIXTER


Anixter is a global, value-added distributor of solutions designed to build, connect, power and protect valuable assets and critical infrastructures. Offering full-line solutions and intelligence to create reliable, resilient systems that sustain businesses and communities. Our unmatched global distribution network, supply chain and technical expertise, lowers the cost, risk and complexity of our customers’ supply chains and projects. For more information, please visit Build. Connect. Power. Protect. Services. Worldwide. ASH TECHNOLOGIES


Ash Technologies specialises in digital magnification and measurement solutions for industry. Our award winning, internationally recognised product design has affirmed us as innovation leaders in image quality and development. Our Inspection solutions improve production & quality fault detection & increase operator performance and productivity offering a cost effective alternative to traditional methods. B5, M7 Business Park, Naas, W91 P684, Co. Kildare APPLIED LEAN CONSULTING


Welcome to Applied Lean Consulting - we take Lean principles originally applied in Manufacturing and make them work across all industry sectors: manufacturing, service or administration – it’s a universal concept! Horn Street, Winslow, Bucks Tel: +44 (0) 7411 381 887



BSI is the business standards company that helps organizations all over the world make excellence a habit. For more than a century we have been challenging mediocrity and complacency to help embed excellence into the way people and products work. 389 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4AL UK Tel: +44 345 086 9001 THE CARBON TRUST


Enva is a full-service and leading provider of recycling and resource recovery solutions, employing over 1100 people at locations across the United Kingdom and Ireland. Address: 49 Burnbrae Road, Linwood Industrial Estate Linwood PA3 3BD Tel: +44 (0) 1505 321 000 ETHER SOLUTIONS

A03 A04


The Carbon Trust is an independent, expert partner of leading organisations around the world, helping them contribute to and benefit from a more sustainable future through carbon reduction, resource efficiency strategies and commercialising low carbon technologies.

Save Time, Gain Productivity, Cut-out Human Error. Automate your business processes with RPA (Robotic Process Automation). Key staff not stuck in front of a screen repeating the same old tasks – now free to HELP the business! Ether Solutions provide software robots to perform repetitive, mundane tasks on computers.

4th Floor, Dorset House, 27-45 Stamford Street London SE1 9NT Tel: +44 (0)20 7170 7000

Ether Solutions Ltd Midshires House Midshires Business Park Smeaton Close Aylesbury Bucks HP19 8HL Tel: 0845 643 4410 Website: EUROPEAN SPRINGS & PRESSING LTD



Are you really ‘making Lean work’ in your workplace? Do you need help to unleash the full power of your Lean programme to achieve and sustain your goals, secure employee engagement, drive productivity and make financial savings otherwise lost in waste? We believe that Visual Management is vital to Lean’s success and are here to show you how, and why! CFMS


The Centre for Modelling & Simulation (CFMS) is a notfor-profit specialist in digital engineering capability. As a trusted and neutral provider, our vision is to be the recognised, independent, digital test bed for the design of high value engineering products and processes. COMAU ROBOTICS


Comau is a leading company in the industrial automation field, at a global level. Combining innovative engineering solutions with easy-touse, open automation and enabling technologies, Comau helps companies of all sizes - and across a wide range of industrial segments - leverage the full potential of digital manufacturing.


European Springs and Pressings Ltd, established in 1948, are leading experts in the field of spring manufacturing and high speed press technology. We’re dedicated to providing our clients with the best springs and pressings as Europe’s leading spring manufacturers and spring suppliers, and our products are used in major industrial environments all over the world. Chaffinch Business Park, Croydon Road, Beckenham Kent, BR3 4DW Tel: 0208 663 1800 FLEXCITON


Flexciton Ltd is the world’s most powerful production scheduling solution for manufacturers. Built by worldleading operations scientists, Flexciton technology is powered by A.I. and will optimise your production plan in minutes at the click of a button. The tool considers all of your unique constraints and parameters, where the A.I. searches to find schedules that meet 100% customer service while reducing cycle time, changeovers and inventory. FLEXMAINT



Need to improve processes in 2018? Need to save money, improve quality or compliance? Try our software used by over 50% of Dutch Local Authorities and 30+ UK Public Sector bodies. No risks, free trial before you buy. Contact We are Lean and Agile for help in training/ delivering process improvement.




Combilift was established in Monaghan in 1998 and the initial product – the C4000 multidirectional forklift – established the company as an unrivalled innovator in the materials handling sector.

Visit the FlexMaint™ stand to see how the IoT world can integrate with your Industrial Maintenance Management System. And in combination with the Mobile App for IoS and Android, the flexibility available from FlexMaint™ CMMS Maintenance Software keeps you up to date.

Annahagh, Monaghan Co. Monaghan, Ireland H18 VP65 Tel: +353 47 80500

Blackthorn House, St Paul’s Square, Birmingham, B3 1RL. Telephone: 00 44 121 7900 655

#MSCUK @NationalMSC

Exhibitors GTMA



GTMA is a UK-based trade association representing leading companies in precision engineering, rapid product development, toolmaking, tooling technologies, metrology and other critical manufacturing related products and services. We have a committed strategy to focus on major market sector opportunities, from aerospace and automotive to medical and marine. GoPrint3D


GoPrint3D deliver 3D printing products and services. We’ve worked with organisations such as Nestle, Unilever, Sheffield University, Northumbria University, The British Museum, The Natural History Museum, as well as countless schools and small businesses. Not only do we sell 3D printers from a wide range of manufacturers, but we also provide training, 3D Printing on Demand , repairs, supplies and more. C/O Express Group Limited, College Business Park, Kearsley Road, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 2RN Tel: 01765 694 007 HALPENFIELD


Halpenfield (HAL) helps companies to become datadriven enterprises by enabling them to organise, analyse and visualise data, on-premise or in the cloud. If you are struggling to manage a complex organisation via spreadhseets or static reports, we can help. INTERTEK


Intertek’s comprehensive range of auditing and certification services include ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 & SSIP, ISO 50001 and Zero Waste to Landfill. Your product or service is only as good as the management system that supports it. At Intertek, we give you the tools you need to evaluate and continually improve your business processes.


Laser Lines Limited will be demonstrating the F370 and desktop Form2, just two of a portfolio of over 20 plastic and metals 3D Printing and Additive Layer Manufacturing solutions. For over 25 years our experience, support and expertise have helped numerous companies reduce manufacturing costs, accelerate time to market, reduce development cost and control confidentiality.

Magic Software provides Data-Driven Technologies to realize operational excellence. Magic’s smart manufacturing solutions increase productivity, manage all your data from the shop floor to the top floor and give you a competitive edge by providing actionable insights in real time. THE MPA GROUP

MPA Group helps clients accelerate their innovation and business expansion. They help companies to capitalise on their research, innovation and development activities by maximising all the potential benefits from available HMRC tax concessions. C05

Linde Material Handling develops high-performance material flow solutions tailored to individual customer needs, with which users achieve sustainable competitive advantages. The company is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of forklift trucks and warehouse equipment and has been setting standards for solutions for industrial trucks, fleet management, driver assistance systems and service offerings for more than 50 years. Kingsclere Rd, Basingstoke RG21 6XJ, UK Tel: 0845 608 5000 LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT GROUP


Chartermark Way, Colburn Business Park, Catterick DL9 4QJ Tel: 01748 831908 THE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY CENTRE


For 25 years, we’ve been helping clients like you achieve sustainable long-term value from their non-core spend. We’ve helped save them more than £200m – not just by giving good advice, but by rolling up our sleeves and delivering lasting results. Tel: 01865 340 800


IBM Watson Supply Chain. See how real-time, actionable insights can help you extend collaboration, achieve unprecedented visibility, and profitably fulfill customer orders, while driving new levels of transparency and trust with the power of AI and Blockchain. Build a smarter supply chain that enables you to act with confidence to mitigate an increasing array of disruptions and risks. Learn more at: KORA 3D PRINT DIVISION


Founded in 2013, Leeds-based Kora 3D is one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of FFF/FDM style desktop 3D printers and the only manufacturer of a HSE tested universal safety cabinet to protect printer users from potentially harmful emissions.

Asset labels, equipment ID, rating plates, small data labels, electrical marking, and safety signs can all be produced with ease using Lighthouse sign & label making systems. Lighthouse systems are used extensively by maintenance, manufacturing, processing and engineering companies throughout the UK, helping them to improve processes and save time. LONDON ELECTRONICS


Designers and manufacturers of Industrial Displays, KPI Visualisation systems and software, lean performance monitoring systems, digital signage for factories, Health and Safety displays and solutions. Based in Bedfordshire, England. Thorncote Road, Near Sandy Bedfordshire, SG19 1PU Tel: +44 (0)1767 626444


The MTC’s Manufacturing Support Services works with manufacturers to help them embrace the latest technology and improve their productivity to maintain tomorrow’s growth. We offer a range of services to accelerate business performance with a dedicated team of experts. Our experienced team can directly assist manufacturers to improve quality, cost and delivery performance. THE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES ASSOCIATION



We help companies increase productivity and profitability by providing integrated training, consultancy and implementation support in Lean and Agile thinking at all levels. Our clients range from companies new to continuous improvement to several who have UK Best Factory Awards.




Laser Lines Ltd., Beaumont Close, Banbury, Oxon OX16 1TH Tel: 01295 672500 LINDE MATERIAL HANDLING



Representing engineering based manufacturing and supporting the advanced engineering sector through advocacy, media contract and networking. Providing relevant and specific industry intelligence as well as access to the latest developments in research and technology. 62 Bayswater Road, London, W2 3PS Tel: +44 (0)20 7298 6400 MANUFACTURING & SUPPLY CHAIN SHOW


The Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition is the only manufacturing exhibition targeting the food, pharmaceutical, medical, chemical, electronics and precision engineering sectors attracting over 10,000 visitors annually. With three events across the UK & Ireland in Dublin, Belfast and Milton Keynes, we are leading the way by providing our clients with a powerful platform to meet new customers, reaching out to your existing clientele, and building a more established and reliable brand.

IBM, the IBM logo and are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

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For over 30 years, Narrow Aisle Ltd has been one of the world’s foremost manufacturers of very narrow aisle equipment. Narrow Aisle manufactures and markets the Flexi articulated forklift truck. Trucks, designed and manufactured at the company’s UK manufacturing plant are distributed world-wide through a fully supported distributor network.

guarantee the most consistent and robust wireless solutions. C08

Perry Johnson Registrations Limited is the United Kingdom division of Perry Johnson Registrars, Inc. a full-service, accredited certification body that provides 3rd party auditing and certification for quality management standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, AS 9100/9110/9120, R2, ISO 45001, ISO 27001 & others. Tel: 44 1908 440045



We specialise in delivering business and systems change projects. We thrive on taking businesses from their ‘As Is’ to their ‘To Be’ – delivering change projects successfully. We help businesses get the most out of their business applications – driving business growth, business value and profitability. Birmingham Office: Quayside Tower, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2HF Tel: +44 (0) 141 221 3257 Email: OEESYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL


OEEsystems International are THE OEE PEOPLE. We work with the world’s most progressive manufacturing companies to increase capacity, reduce costs and drive continuous improvement. Our exceptional record of combining our Smart Factory OEE software and our Science of Manufacturing methodology delivers powerful visualisation, analysis and real-time control of your manufacturing processes. Talk to us today about our OEE Software Trial facility. ORLIN TECHNOLOGIES LTD


ORLIN Technologies Ltd is a specialist supplier of precision motion control products which include: - Piezo actuators and motors - Moving coil linear actuators - Stepper motors and controllers - Servo motors and drives - Motorised and manual linear stages - Beltdrive linear actuators.


Pioneers in the global ERP solutions market, Priority empowers small and mid-sized organisations by providing the most comprehensive, flexible and affordable ERP solutions on the market today. Designed exclusively for SMEs, Priority improves business efficiency and the customer experience, providing real-time data access in the cloud, on premise and on-the-go. Oxford Science Park, John Eccles House, Robert Robinson Ave, Oxford, OX4 4GP Tel: +44 (0)1854 338 047 PRESIDION (A VERSION 1 COMPANY)


Robot Center is the UK’s Number 1 Robot Solutions Provider for Mobile Robotic Solutions and Professional Robot Technology. Here you will find Mobile Robot Hardware, Software & Services for Personal, Businesses & Public Sector. Whether it is finding competitively priced Mobile Robotic Platforms or deploying a Robot Solution our aim is to solve the Robotic needs of your organisation. We bring together expert knowledge, vendor accreditation’s and a UK presence to be your trusted Robot advisory. RobotCenter Ltd Sheepcote Lane Wheathampstead Hertfordshire AL4 8NJ UK Tel: 0845 528 0404 RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS LTD


REC is a consultancy, specialising in environmental services, inspection, regulatory and risk management. Our specialists provide seamless advice and effective solutions to suit any project and budget – from small sites with specific constraints, to major development schemes. A14

Presidion is a specialised Advanced Analytics Solutions Company that help its customers deliver tangible RoI through actionable data insights. Our Inventory Insights Solution is an Analytics based Inventory Management capability that will enable you to reduce your inventory levels by up to 40% by removing obsolete stock and optimising stock levels and reorder points. 450 Bath Road Longford, Heathrow London, UB7 0EB United Kingdom Tel: +44 208 757 8820



Paragon Stainless Products Ltd is a privately owned company based in Colchester, Essex and specialises in the design and manufacture of its own extensive range of high quality stainless steel surface water drainage systems.

TestWorks Group provides comprehensive Manufacturing, Automation, Design, Software and Test capabilities, encompassing electronic and electromechanical products, subassemblies and systems. We have wide-ranging skills in electronic and mechanical product design, PCB assembly (SMT and through-hole), cable and box-build assembly, process automation, robotics, machine control, software & firmware development and consultancy.

Premier House, Telford Way Severalls Industrial Estate Colchester CO4 9QP Tel: 01206 574 374

58 Wilbury Way, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 0TP, UK Tel: +44 (0) 845 869 6200

Redway Networks are leading specialists in warehouse WiFi surveys and network installations. Our specialist team of Ekahau certified engineers are highly experienced in designing networks within the complex and challenging environment of a warehouse to


Osprey House, Pacific Quay, Broadway Manchester M50 2UE Tel: +44 161 868 1300 SANA COMMERCE


Sana helps businesses all over the world reach their full potential. We offer the shortcut to e-commerce. How? Through 100% seamless integration with SAP and Microsoft Dynamics. Our e-commerce solution leverages existing business logic and data in powerful and user-friendly web stores. Tel: +44 (0)161 768 1271


32 College Street, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8LU Tel: 01525 306100 PTP TESTWORKS GROUP


70 Alston Drive, Bradwell Abbey, Milton Keynes, MK13 9HG Tel: 01908 046400



Our Purchase Order Portal is a cloud hosted software system to help businesses lean out their Supply Chain. It supports direct communication with a variety of financial and ERP systems and puts your order book in the cloud and directly in-front of your suppliers. S A PARTNERS



The leading global providers in Lean Consulting, Lean Training, Business Improvement, Shingo Training, and Enterprise Excellence. Y Borth, 13 Beddau Way, Castlegate Business Park, Caerphilly CF83 2AX, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)2920 881014

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TQS Integration is the recognized global leaders in the provision of advanced visualization and data analysis of real-time and historic data. Data intelligence specialists with a unique technological skillset that combines unrivalled sectoral expertise with cutting edge IT and process control integration technologies. Data Is Our Business. TQS Integration Ltd Corporate Head Office, Lismore, Co.Waterford, P51 H01X Tel: +353 58 48456 TRI TECH 3D


Based in Stoke-on-Trent, Tri-Tech 3D are leading UK 3D Print Specialists and platinum partners of Stratasys and Desktop Metal. With roots as a true engineering company, we provide the complete Stratasys FDM and PolyJet range as well as Stratasys accredited training and professional maintenance contracts. 3-4 Innovation Way, North Staffs Business Park Stoke on Trent, ST6 4BF Tel: 01782 814551

high-quality training since 1999. Our programmes are specifically designed for practising managers working across all areas of business, ranging from 1-day courses right up to 5-year part-time Professional Doctorates. University of Buckingham, Hunter Street, Buckingham, MK18 1EG Tel: 01280 814080


Triangle exists to help UK-based manufacturing, logistics and retail companies make smarter decisions, through the use of data and information. Our expert team of business strategists and consultants act as counsel on a wide range of supply chain challenges, from improving product quality to mitigating the impact of weather Tel: 01256 860050 THE UNITED KINGDOM ACCREDITATION SERVICE (UKAS)



We create interactive spaces and use the latest digital technology to help facilitate interactions between people and brands. Unit 3B5, Herbery Courtyard, Blackminster Business Park, Blackminster, Evesham WR11 7RE Tel: 01386 833105 Email: VISUAL FACTORIES


When you know what’s going on at every stop in your production line you can address challenges immediately! Visual Factories’ cloud-based solution analyzes the activities of each machine and delivers a real-time visualization of all your manufacturing operations.

UKAS is the national accreditation body recognised by government to assess against internationally agreed standards, organisations that provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services. Accreditation provides an assurance of the competence, impartiality and integrity of conformity assessment bodies which supports manufacturers to manage their supply chains with confidence. 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines Upon Thames, TW18 3HR Tel: +44 (0) 1784 429000 UNIVERSITY OF BUCKINGHAM



Apprenticeship Levy If you’re an employer with a pay bill over £3 million each year, you must pay the apprenticeship levy from 6 April 2017. Read guidance on Is your business investing in the right people? The best way to benefit from the levy is to invest in Apprenticeships. The levy has changed the funding structure for Apprenticeships and now puts employers in control.


Here at Visual Management Technology we truly believe our products make a positive impact in the workplace. When discussing solutions with our clients we are always mindful of the lean ideology and how our products work to identifying and eliminating waste. We place value on both form and function of the solutions we provide, the importance of the visual impact of change isn’t underestimated.



ZTP is an energy management and software specialist headquartered in London UK. ZTP’s overriding goal is to enhance business performance through supporting energy management and procurement operations. Recently launched, our Kiveev platform is the most advanced risk management tool available within the UK, allowing for better trading and utility contract transparency.



Our business is all about giving resources new life. We’re working closely with our customers to transform waste, using it to produce vital renewable energy, high quality recyclates and raw materials. Viridor House, Priory Bridge Road, Taunton, Somerset TA1 1AP Enquiries: 01823 721 400 Sales enquiries: 0345 300 0307



University of Buckingham Lean Management As part of the University of Buckingham, the UK’s only independent university with a Royal Charter, the Buckingham Lean Enterprise Unit has been delivering


WERMA is the leading European manufacturer of industrial signal devices and intelligent systems for improving manufacturing processes. Three systems are on show: StockSAVER - Paperless Kanban stock movement and replenishment system. AndonSPEED - Andon light wireless call-for-action system. SmartMONITOR - Andon light machine and workplace monitoring and data collection system.

Tel: 0208 3262079 / 07912780097 W

Suite BG4, Clarence Mill, Bollington, Cheshire, SK10 5JZ Tel: 01625 560 780 D09


such as packaging, waste electrical and electronics, batteries but also includes modern slavery, chemicals, energy and waste.


Valpak has been offering compliance services to customers in the UK and beyond to support them on producer responsibility legislation for over 20 years. The requirement for business to report on EPR and compliance issues has grown and now covers issues

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