Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation - 2014 Catalog

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EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Joan Grinzi, RN ACTIVE BOARD President / Curator Edward Bennett, BS Vice President David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN FAAIM Treasurer Andrew J. Zakarian, DDS Secretary Joann Berger, CCN Mark Bielsky Greg J. Engelstad Dan O. Harper, MD, HMD, MDH Neil Hirschenbein, MD, PhD Mary Ann Sowards, MA ADVISORY BOARD Annie Dru Allshouse, CCE Mark Anderson Lauren Barbrey, LAc Vivian Blackstone Mary Ann Brummer, PhD Lee Clifford, MS, CCN Sean Croxton, FDN Helena S. Fischer, BA Gray L. Graham, BA, NTP Julia Irons Patricia Kane, PhD Hollis H. King, DO, PhD Helyn Luechauer, DDS James E. Lyerla Joseph Mercola, DO John Munson Richard Pooley, MD Dave Richard Carol B. Simon, BA, JD Bruce West, DC William L. Wolcott INTERNATIONAL BOARD Koushikai (Japan) Olympio F. Pinto, CD, MSC (Brazil) Vicki Poulter (Australia) HONORARY BOARD Kim Bechthold, BS Harold Buttram, MD Walter Jess Clifford, PhD John Diamond, MD Mary G. Enig, PhD, FACN Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS Norman Goldfind Beatrice Trum Hunter, MA David C. Kennedy, DDS Robert Bruce Pacetti, DDS Robert T. Pottenger, Jr., MD Sherry Rogers, MD Fred Walters Jonathan V. Wright, MD

Welcome! You have discovered one of the most unique health resource organizations in the world. Serving as a public, non-profit educational organization, the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation is a clearinghouse of information on healthful life-styles, ecology, sound nutrition, integrated medicine, humane farming and organic gardening. It is here for you and your family to learn how to attain optimal health — naturally! We will do our best to provide information that will help you make wise choices about your health options. Today, more than ever, the public needs access to accurate information on nutrition. For over 60 years, the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation has been providing the public and the healing professions with historically accurate information about nutrient-dense foods from living soil. PPNF was originally founded in 1952 as the Santa Barbara Medical Research Foundation. In 1965 we became the Weston A. Price Memorial Foundation for the purpose of maintaining the unique collections of research, notes and photographs by Weston A. Price, DDS, a pioneering researcher on the health wisdom of primitive diets, and to continue the publication and distribution of Dr. Price’s epochal study, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. The Foundation is also responsible for the reprinting and distribution of Pottenger’s Cats, a brilliant study on diet and physical degeneration in cats, and Root Canal Cover-up, based on Dr. Price’s 25 year research on dental focal infections and root canals. Today our archives include the works of many early and contemporary researchers whose findings validate those of these early pioneers. The Foundation is supported by memberships, donations, and sales of educational books and audio/visual materials. Whether you are a consumer, patient, teacher, student, parent, researcher or health care provider, you can access a wealth of information through PPNF. Our library facility houses over 10,000 historical and contemporary references pertaining to nutrition, health and the environment. By joining the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, a non-profit 501 (c)(3) public education corporation, you will receive our quarterly journal. Past journal articles, recipes, and book reviews are available on our website for PPNF members. Summaries of the articles and a wealth of other, helpful information are available to everyone. To find the database, go to and on the top toolbar, click on Resources/PPNF Journal. PPNF members also receive a 10% to 25% discount on designated items. For a resource you can trust for optimal health, from preconception to the later years, count on PPNF to bring you reliable and timely information. Complete the enclosed membership application on page 51 of this catalog and become a part of the PPNF family today!

Yours naturally,

Edward Bennett President PPNF, a No n - Pro f it Tax-E xempt E ducation C orporation: Yo u r Tru s t e d So u rc e f o r H ealth and N utrition Information S ince 1952 7 8 9 0 Br o a d wa y • L e m o n Gr o ve, C A 91945 • 619-462-7600 • FAX 619-433-3136 e m a il: in fo • w eb: w w

What’s neW at Price-Pottenger nutrition Foundation BOOKS


• CHOLESTEROL AND SATURATED FAT PREVENT HEART DISEASE ................................................................................................ 7 David Evans

• DEVIL IN THE MILK: ILLNESS, HEALTH, AND THE POLITICS OF A1 AND A2 MILK ............................................................................. 10 Keith Woodford - Foreword by Thomas Cowan, MD

• THE ESTROGEN ALTERNATIVE: A GUIDE TO NATURAL HORMONAL BALANCE .............................................................................. 11 Raquel Martin and Judi Gerstung, DC - Foreword by John Hart, MD

• FOOD RULES: A DOCTOR’S GUIDE TO HEALTHy EATING ........................................................................................................................ 12 Catherine Shanahan, MD

• GALILEO’S LAWyER ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Richard A. Jaffe, Esq.

• HOW TO CURE DIABETES!.......................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Sherry A. Rogers, MD

• THE INTELLIGENT GARDENER: GROWING NUTRIENT-DENSE FOOD ............................................................................................... 15 Steve Solomon with Erica Reinheimer

• NUTRIENT POWER: HEAL yOUR BIOCHEMISTRy AND HEAL yOUR BRAIN ........................................................................................ 19 William J. Walsh, PhD

• PATIENT EMPOWERMENT: HOW TO SLAy DENTAL DRAGONS ............................................................................................................. 21 Hal A. Huggins DDS, MS

• PRIMAL CUISINE: COOKING FOR THE PALEO DIET ................................................................................................................................. 23 Pauli Halstead - Foreword by Nora Gedgaudas

• PRIMAL POWER METHOD ........................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Gary Collins, MS


• STAyING HEALTHy WITH NUTRITION: THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO DIET AND NUTRITIONAL MEDICINE ................................ 27 Elson M Haas, MD with Buck Levin, PhD, RD

• SWEET FIRE: SUGAR, DIABETES & yOUR HEALTH ................................................................................................................................... 29 Mary Toscano, NE

• VACCINE EPIDEMIC: HOW CORPORATE GREED, BIASED SCIENCE, AND COERCIVE GOVERNMENT THREATEN OUR HUMAN RIGHTS, OUR HEALTH, AND OUR CHILDREN (ExPANDED AND NEWLy REVISED) ................................................................. 31 Editors: Louise Kuo Habakus, MA and Mary Holland, JD with Kim Mack Rosenberg, JD

• THE WHOLE-FOOD GUIDE TO OVERCOMING IRRITABLE BOWEL SyNDROME: STRATEGIES & RECIPES FOR EATING WELL WITH IBS, INDIGESTION & OTHER DIGESTIVE DISORDERS ............................................................................................ 32 Laura J. Knoff, NC

PPNF ONLINE RESOURCES InformatIve and InteractIve - JoIn oUr onLIne commUnItY • MAIN WEBSITE - HTTPS://PPNF.ORG/ Our parent website with links to all of our online resources. A great website to bookmark and share with friends.

• PPNF ONLINE BOOKSTORE - HTTPS://PPNF.ORG/STORE/ Read expanded descriptions and purchase items from our vast catalog of health related products.

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• EMAIL - INFO@PPNF.ORG Contact us directly with any questions or comments. PPNF RESOURCE CATALOG - WWW.PPNF.ORG


the 150 heaLthiest Foods on earth Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS The Sure-To-Be-Controversial Guide to What’s Really Healthy and What’s Not. In this unique nutrition reference guide, acclaimed nutritionist Jonny Bowden debunks oldschool food myths, saves the reputations of foods long suffering from bad PR, and provides you with just the facts—so you can make good, health-conscious decisions about which foods you and your family should eat. You will also learn the latest research findings and recommendations from around the world, amazing discoveries about the health benefits of nutrient-packed foods you have loved since you were a kid, and some you have never tried! BLUEBERRIES help neurons in your brain communicate with one another more effectively, slowing memory loss and making them the ultimate memory food! PEANUTS are surprisingly high in antioxidants. Recent studies have revealed that in addition to relieving muscle and joint stiffness and menstrual discomfort, CINNAMON may reduce blood sugar and “bad” cholesterol! No food provides everything. But real food, whole food with minimal processing, contains a virtual pharmacy of nutrients, phytochemicals, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, antiinflammatories, and healthful fats, all of which can keep you alive and thriving into your tenth decade. Learn how easy it is to find “real” food and discover what a dozen nutrition experts say are their “top ten” healthiest foods on earth. Bonus CD 360 pages, softcover (4-lbs) ................................................ $24.99 the acid - aLkaLine BaLance diet Felicia Drury Kliment Modern agriculture and food-preservation methods have done serious damage to the human diet. The detrimental effects on the human body caused by acidic wastes from processed food and chemical additives are myriad. By-products of the foods we eat, acidic wastes are the common denominator in all degenerative diseases. When acidic wastes accumulate, they can cause organs to malfunction and break down. Balancing the body’s acid-alkaline pH factor is a dynamic way to improve health. Anyone wanting to slim down while staying healthy and balanced will find this book a perfect pathway of information, insight and support. 241 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $16.95

adaPtogens: herBs For strength, staMina, and stress reLieF

David Winston, RH(AHG), and Steven Maimes

We all deal with stress every day, and every day our bodies strive to adapt and stay balanced and healthy. In this book, the authors provide a comprehensive look into adaptogens, nontoxic herbs such as ginseng, eleuthero, and licorice that produce a defensive response to stress in our bodies. These rejuvenating herbs and tonics help the body to “adapt” to the many influences it encounters. They increase stamina and counter the normal effects of aging and thus are becoming important tools in sports medicine and in the prevention and treatment of chronic fatigue and other stress-related disorders. Winston and Maimes present the historical uses of these herbal remedies in India, Russia, China, and the Americas and explain how they work and why they are so effective at combating stressinduced illness. Monographs for each adaptogen also present the latest scientific research and include the origin, traditional use, actions, properties, preparation, and dosage for each herb. 324 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $18.95 adrenaL Fatigue: the 21st century stress syndroMe

James L. Wilson, ND, DC, PhD Foreword by Jonathan V. Wright, MD Do you have adrenal fatigue? Are you tired for no reason? Having trouble getting up in the morning? Need coffee or colas to keep you going? Feeling run down and stressed? Crave salty or sweet snacks? Struggling to keep up with life’s daily demands? Can’t bounce back from stress or illness? Not having fun anymore? Decreased sex drive? If you have answered “yes” to any of the above, you need this book! Includes a self-test questionnaire to determine if you have adrenal fatigue and if so, how severe. 361 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $16.95 Beyond aMaLgaM: the hidden heaLth hazard Posed By JaWBone cavitations Suzin Stockton, MA Foreword by Christopher John Hussar, DDS, DO

DID YOU KNOW... The best cook and bakeware are: glass, ceramic, porcelain, seasoned cast-iron, and stainless steel. Do not use aluminum, silicon or non-stick cookware!


Excellent guide to the health consequences of cavitations – holes left in the jaw bone after the improper extraction of teeth. Cavitations serve as focal points of infection that lead to health problems elsewhere in the body. This booklet details the problems that can develop from cavitations and outlines practical steps for removing them. 109 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $12.95


Beyond BroccoLi: creating a BioLogicaLLy BaLanced diet When a vegetarian diet doesn’t Work Susan Schenck, LAc

This book addresses the following issues: vegetarian myths; why human’s brains have shrunk 11% in the last 11,000 years; the importance of animal foods in pregnant and lactating women; man’s dietary history of eating meat for 2.6 million years; how the vegan diet affects the brain and emotions; critical nutrients found only in meat, eggs and dairy, as well as some found in meat only; the difficulty of getting enough healthful protein on a vegan diet, especially raw; the dangers of soy; the different metabolic types, which explains why some succeed on a vegetarian diet while others fail. This book discusses the dangers of overeating animal protein; how to eat meat so that it is not dangerous; the benefits of eating raw or lightly cooked meat and how to do it safely and to make it taste good. Spiritual, moral and environmental issues with eating meat; the importance of eating clean meat from compassionately raised animals; eating a high raw, Paleo diet which is what we evolved eating; the importance of eating raw; flaws in the China Study; the benefits of a low glycemic diet; important foods if you choose to be a vegan or vegetarian; and more. This book addresses issues such as the fact that not everyone can efficiently convert plant nutrients to critical nutrients needed by the body, such as omega-3’s into DHA and EPA needed by the brain; beta-carotene into true vitamin A; essential amino acids into nonessential ones; vitamin D2 and D3, and vitamin K1 into K2. Not everyone has the metabolic type to go vegetarian either. A resource section with related websites and doctors who approve of a raw non-vegan diet is located in the back of the book. Links the important research of Dr. Weston A. Price, DDS and Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD as to why you should eat meat, and there are no native vegetarian diets. 247 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $19.77

Body cheMistry in heaLth and disease Melvin E. Page, DDS PPnF excLusive! Despite the huge expenditure for medical and dental research, little headway has been made against degenerative diseases. Dr. Page’s forty years of study and application of calcium and phosphorus in the blood took him “far beyond dentistry and not in the field of medicine” to understand how to combat degenerative disease. He called his investigations “Body Chemistry.” 125 pages, steel spine bound by PPNF (2-lbs) ................... $19.95 Member Price...................................................................... $17.95

Bug Busters: saFe, naturaL & eFFective controLs For coMMon househoLd & garden Pests

Bernice Lifton

Are bugs and rodents becoming a real problem in your home and garden? Find a way to get rid of those pesky critters without using dangerous chemical pesticides. Sensible solutions are offered for people who want effective alternatives. It provides dozens of environmentally safe, easy methods—most, using inexpensive equipment and supplies commonly found in the home for keeping your household free of pests. Also included are some new and innovative techniques for safely eradicating vermin. The ecologically sound methods described are more effective than chemical pesticides in the long run because they kill or repel only the pest they are designed to work against, leaving natural predators unharmed and because insects cannot build up an immunity to them. When a chemical pesticide or exterminator may be your only course of action, as with termite infestation, Bug Busters tells you how to find a competent professional and how to properly handle and dispose of chemical pesticides. 291 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $14.95

cancer cured… the coMing storM. AM I DEAD?… OR DO I JUST FEEL LIKE IT. Fred Hughes The vast majority of the ground breaking dental research carried out and published by Dr. Weston A. Price, DDS, is still mostly unknown by both the medical and dental profession. The particular research relating to root canals has been suppressed due to its implications of the damaging effects of this extremely prevalent and profitable procedure. Millions of dollars are spent each year for endodontists to do root canals on supposedly dead or dying teeth. Dr. Price believed, researched, and both proved and published, that these dental procedures are not able to seal off the dental tubules in the dead tooth. He further proved that bacteria are then able to grow and thrive inside these hundreds of miles of tubules (see Dental Infections, page 10). As with animals, bacteria produce toxic waste by-products while they grow and reproduce. Since a root canalled tooth is dead and therefore no longer has a blood supply, the body is unable to get any of its immune fighting cells into the area to kill the bacteria. These untouchable bacteria simply live and produce toxins, totally unnoticed, for years or even decades. The toxic substance they produce however, can cause neurological conditions, pain syndromes, or depress immune function enough that the body may develop a cancer at some distant sight. 326 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $24.95





the candida aLBicans yeast-Free cookBook Marion Patricia Connolly & Associates of PPNF A comprehensive cookbook and diet plan for those with Candida and other fungal infections. Includes complete information regarding meal planning, forbidden foods, and how to change your eating habits. Many tasty and satisfying recipes, along with carbohydrate charts and menus. (Melvin Page Diet) 229 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $16.95 Member Price...................................................................... $15.25 the case against FLouride: hoW

hazardous Waste ended uP in our drinking Water and the Bad science and PoWerFuL PoLitics that keeP it there

Paul Connett, PhD, James Beck, MD, PhD, and H.S. Micklem, DPhil

When the U.S. Public Health Service endorsed water fluoridation in 1950, there was little evidence of its safety. Now, six decades later and after most countries have rejected the practice many cities and towns across the U.S. continue to fluoridate their water supply and the CDC and the ADA continue to endorse it, despite increasing evidence that it is not only unnecessary, but potentially hazardous to human health. In this timely and important book, the authors take a new look at the science behind water fluoridation and argue that just because the medical establishment endorses a public health measure, that doesn’t mean it’s safe. In the case of water fluoridation, the chemicals used to fluoridate the water that more than 180 million people drink each day are not pharmaceutical grade, but rather hazardous waste products of the phosphate fertilizer industry; it is illegal to dump these into rivers and lakes or release the parent gases into the atmosphere. In addition, water fluoridation is a prime example of one of the worst medical practices possible - forced medication with no control over the dose or who gets it. Perhaps most shocking of all, it is not subject to any federal regulation. 372 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $24.95 cereaL kiLLer: the unintended

consequences oF the LoW Fat diet

Alan L. Watson

So! How are the children doing? End of summer, 2008. A record number of American children are being diagnosed with asthma, obesity, diabetes, and bipolar disorder. In this explosive book, Alan Watson sheds new light on how corporate greed, government delusion, and slippery science are making our children sick and causing what the late Dr. Robert Atkins called “diabesity.” Cereal Killer is a stinging indictment of the big cereal companies and drug industries that enjoy huge profits as Americans of all ages suffer from failed “low fat” federal nutrition guidelines and record levels of chronic disease. 140 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $12.95


choLesteroL and saturated Fat Prevent heart disease David Evans

This book is based on the research of doctors, professors and scientists and includes 101 scientific papers, the findings of which are explained in an easy to read user friendly format. This information will enable readers to make informed choices about the prevention of heart disease. These 101 scientific papers reveal… • That cholesterol and saturated fat are in fact essential for a healthy heart. • That high cholesterol levels help you live longer. • The best way to raise your “heart healthy, good” HDL cholesterol is to eat a diet high in saturated fat. • That low fat diets do not provide adequate nutrition. • That high carbohydrate diets promote the factors that cause heart disease. • That margarine is an industrially produced unhealthy product that should be avoided. • That the unhealthy reputation of cholesterol and saturated fat is based on flawed experiments with herbivorous animals and extremely biased and outdated studies conducted over 50 years ago. • That the cholesterol/saturated fat causes heart disease hypothesis has never been proved over the last five or six decades despite billions been spent in trying to demonstrate it. 150 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $12.99

the choLesteroL hoax Sherry A. Rogers, MD The hidden dangers of high-cholesterol prescription medications which go far beyond depression, heart disease, cancer, impotency, brain loss, nerve damage, kidney and liver death, amnesia, Alzheimer’s, suicide or painful death by rhabdomyolysis. They deplete your body of vitamins and minerals and fatty acids needed to slow aging and stave off cancer and heart disease. Cholesterol is not the main cause of heart attacks. In fact, half the people who have a heart attack never had high cholesterol. But they did have a normal or low “good cholesterol” or HDL. It needs to be much higher than you have been told. Furthermore, there are many other parameters such as elevated hsCRP, fibrinogen, homocysteine and more that are much more dangerous risk factors than cholesterol. But because one brand of cholesterol drug alone brings in over $10 billion a year (more than five times the FDA annual budget), cholesterol is stressed. You will learn why you should ignore the advice that cholesterol-lowering drugs should be taken even if you don’t have high cholesterol to protect against heart disease. 418 pages, softcover (3-lbs) ................................................ $23.95



cLean & green: the coMPLete guide to nontoxic and environMentaLLy saFe housekeePing Annie Berthold-Bond Foreword by Debra Lynn Dadd

Now you can clean, polish and disinfect naturally. This book is filled with new and traditional ideas for living free of hazardous household products. Create a “fantastic” cleaner and a “soft scrubber.” Clean produce effectively, eliminate mold without toxic disinfectants. Discover the cleaning power of lemon, rhubarb and other plants. Use little-known cleaning agents like pumice and zeolite. Make your own car wax, rust inhibitor and engine degreaser. Rediscover gentle disinfectants like pine oil and borax. Create a healthier environment with air-filtering houseplants. Preserve bulk cleaning formulas naturally. Wash floors with a flea fighting soap. Personalize homemade cleaners with your favorite natural fragrance. 163 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................... $9.95 cLinicaL guide to the use oF vitaMin c: the cLinicaL exPeriences

cooking With coconut FLour:

a deLicious LoW-carB, gLuten-Free aLternative to Wheat

Bruce Fife, ND

Do you love breads, cakes, pies, cookies, and other wheat products but can’t eat them because you are allergic to wheat or sensitive to gluten? Perhaps you avoid wheat because you are concerned about your weight and need to cut down on carbohydrates. If so, the solution for you is coconut flour. Coconut flour is a delicious, healthy alternative to wheat. It is high in fiber, low in digestible carbohydrate, and a good source of protein. It contains no gluten so it is ideal for those with celiac disease. These recipes are designed with your health in mind. Every recipe is completely free of wheat, gluten, soy, trans fats, and artificial sweeteners. Coconut is naturally low in carbohydrate and recipes include both regular and reduced sugar versions. Coconut flour provides many health benefits. It can improve digestion, help regulate blood sugar, protect against diabetes, help prevent heart disease and cancer, and aid in weight loss. 160 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $14.95

oF Frederick r. kLenner, Md

Lendon H. Smith, MD

Few physicians have positively influenced as many lives as Fred Klenner. Klenner’s remarkable and renowned successes against polio, hepatitis C, herpes, MS, myasthenia gravis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and other seemingly incurable conditions are discussed in detail in this timeless gem. A priceless reference tool that spells out precise dosages for numerous protocols, the book is well-worth sharing with an open-minded healthcare practitioner. 67 pages, softcover (1-lb) ..................................................... $7.95 coconut cures: Preventing and

treating coMMon heaLth ProBLeMs With coconut

Bruce Fife, ND Foreword by Conrado S. Dayrit, MD

Discover the amazing health benefits of coconut meat, milk, water, and oil. In this book you will learn how to use coconut to: Prevent heart disease, dissolve kidney stones, balance blood sugar, control diabetes, enhance the immune system, protect against cancer, boost your energy and increase your metabolism, lose excess body fat, kill disease-causing bacteria, viruses, fungi, relieve symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease, protect your skin against free-radical damage that causes premature aging, and much more! The most remarkable property of coconut oil is that while it is a food, it also is an antibiotic, and an immuno-enhancer, that regulates the body’s function and defense mechanisms. It restores the normal balance of tissues of cells that have become “dysfunctional.” 256 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $15.95


criMinaL indiFFerence to cancer Prevention and conFLicts oF interest: nationaL cancer institute and aMerican cancer society

Samuel S. Epstein, MD Despite decades of false assurances, we are losing the winnable war against cancer. The handin-glove generals of the NCI and the “nonprofit” ACS have betrayed us. These institutions have spent tens of billions of taxpayer and charity dollars, promoting treatment, while ignoring strategies for preventing cancer, other than quit smoking. As a result, cancer rates have escalated to epidemic proportions, now striking nearly one in two men and more than one in three women. Paradoxically and criminally, the more we spend on fighting cancer, the more cancer we get. And there is much more. The NCI and ACS are rife with conflicts of interest with the cancer drug industry. This book also details how the NCI and ACS are sitting on mountains of information on avoidable causes of cancer, while failing to act on this and making it available to congress and the public. This book explains how we can win the war against cancer with strategies including “right-to-know” laws, ensuring public dissemination of critical information on avoidable causes of cancer and congressional reform to ensure that the NCI protects the public rather than special interests. 189 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $19.99

DID YOU KNOW... GMOs can be engineered with genes from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals, and even humans?


cure tooth decay:

reMineraLize cavities & rePair your teeth naturaLLy With good Food

Ramiel Nagel Foreword by Timothy Gallagher, DDS

Learn how to remineralize your teeth now with the book, Cure Tooth Decay. The author remineralized and repaired three of his tooth cavities and he healed his daughter’s cavities. You can avoid tooth fillings, tooth crowns and root canals by accelerating your tooth healing using diet. Cure Tooth Decay provides the “best” mineralizing program for rapid tooth healing for severe cavities and tooth abscesses. It also includes dentist Weston A. Price’s original tooth mineralizing program that was over 95% effective on even severe cases of tooth decay. There is a vegetarian program for vegetarians. Even if you do not want to change your diet too much, there is valuable information here that could help you save your teeth from the dentists drill. You will also experience a tooth decay prevention and remineralizing program for toddlers and children. Pregnant women can learn why painful tooth aches and tooth decay occurs, and how to stop them. Babies, children, teens, and adults can accelerate tooth healing. 234 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $28.97 curing the incuraBLe: vitaMin c,

inFectious diseases, and toxins

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

This book presents the documented evidence that Vitamin C is the treatment of choice for many potentially fatal diseases and toxins. Vitamin C has actually been documented in the medical literature to have readily and consistently cured both acute polio and acute hepatitis, two viral diseases still considered by modern medicine to be incurable, regardless of the treatment used. Vitamin C has also reversed and often cured many of the other common viral and bacterial diseases that continue to plague both children and adults. Optimal vitamin C dosing should drastically reduce the use of many antibiotics and other medicines. 463 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $29.95 the curse oF Louis Pasteur: Why Medicine is not heaLing a diseased WorLd

Nancy Appleton, PhD

Despite trillions spent on medications, infectious and degenerative diseases are increasing not just in the United States, but in the rest of the world as well! Could it be that we’re looking in the wrong direction for the answer to the cause of disease? Dr. Nancy Appleton’s investigation led her to Louis Pasteur’s germ theory, and to the inevitable conclusion that this theory has overpowered other ideas about the origins and development of disease. Might disease be caused generally not by outside microscopic invaders, as the germ theory states, but by ourselves, in what we think, say, feel, do, and eat? 196 pages, softcover (2-lbs) .................................................$11.95

dangerous grains: Why gLuten cereaL grains May Be hazardous to your heaLth James Braly, MD and Ron Hoggan, MA Foreword by Jonathan Wright, MD

Anyone with health challenges would be wellserved by carefully investigating the potential benefits of a gluten-free diet. Far more than a common allergen, gluten has been associated with a variety of ailments: autoimmune disorders (such as diabetes, anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, and Addison’s disease), brain and behavior disorders, cancer, chronic pain, infertility, osteoporosis, and many serious digestive and intestinal problems. For those who are currently healthy, Braly details how to assess future risks from gluten. For those already saddled with health problems, the book offers invaluable information about various medical tests and procedures, together with suggestions for a healthy alternative diet. Gluten-sensitive himself, Braly has compiled extremely persuasive documentation that is remarkable in its detail. 244 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $16.00 deeP nutrition: Why your genes need traditionaL Food

Catherine Shanahan, MD and Luke Shanahan If the foods you eat could change your genes… what would you have for dinner? Long before government RDAs or diet books, people observed how nourishment affects growth. Though they did not know about DNA, they recognized specific foods that influenced their constitutions, and applied this understanding to engineer bodies of extraordinary health and beauty. Today, we owe the length of our limbs, the shape of our eyes, the proper function of our organs—and all that makes us human—to our ancestors’ collective skill. Deep Nutrition identifies the foods and techniques common to every culture and divides them into four categories, called the Four Pillars of World Cuisine. From the Maasai and ancient Egyptian to the Japanese and the French, you will learn how the same Four Pillars form the foundation of all the healthiest diets. Using the latest research in physiology and genetics, the authors explain why your family’s health depends on eating these foods. In a world of competing nutritional ideologies, Deep Nutrition gives us the full picture, empowering us to take control of our destiny in ways we might never have imagined. 322 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $15.00

“In our fear of meeting hard challenges successfully, we are burying our heads in the sand and ignoring the fact that our modern methods of production may be rendering valuable foods dangerous.” Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD



degeneration regeneration Melvin E. Page, DDS PPnF excLusive! Good body chemistry is the key which unlocks the door to perfect health. Our bodies should remain good places in which to live; aging should be delayed, and many degenerative changes should not only be halted but reversed to regenerative changes. The account of the research by Dr. Page on the problems of calcium-phosphorus balance in the blood and its relation to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems; the role of the trace minerals; the endocrine patterns; and the sugar metabolism, all deserve attention by the physician, the dentist, and the public at large. 280 pages, steel spine bound by PPNF (2-lbs) .................. $24.95 Member Price...................................................................... $22.45 dentaL inFections, oraL and systeMic & dentaL inFections and the degenerative diseases, voL 1 & 2 Weston A. Price, DDS PPnF excLusive! Volume 1: A contribution to the pathology of dental infections, focal infections and the degenerative diseases (experimental basis). Includes 262 illustrations with 8 color illustrations and 261 charts. Volume 2: Researches on clinical expressions of dental infections. Includes 6 color illustration, steel spine bound by PPNF. 1174 pages, 2 volumes in 4 parts (8-lbs) .......................... $150.00 Member Price.................................................................... $135.00 detoxiFy or die Sherry A. Rogers, MD There is no question that accumulated toxins are behind every disease. The plasticizers in our food and beverage packaging leach into the foods and once inside our bodies, damage hormone receptors, leading to inability to lose weight, loss of sex drive and energy, or cancers of the prostate, breast and thyroid. Cadmium accumulation from seafood, dental work or auto and incinerator exhausts can trigger osteoporosis, back pain, high blood pressure, hip pain, arthritis, kidney disease, chronic fatigue, cancer or damage vision. Arsenic from cigarettes, pesticides, paints and porcelain dental work can give mysteriously painful burning skin, bloody colitis, or heart disease with arrhythmias or congestive heart failure as well as weakness or paralysis, anemia or cancers. Mercury triggers depression, neuropathy, ALS, MS, chronic fatigue, thyroiditis or leukemia. Learn how to find the underlying cause and get rid of it with a proven way to reverse disease and slow down aging. 409 pages, softcover (3-lbs) ................................................ $22.95 10


deviL in the MiLk: iLLness, heaLth, and the PoLitics oF a1 and a2 MiLk Keith Woodford Foreword by Thomas Cowan, MD

A bestseller in New Zealand, where it was first published, this groundbreaking work examines the link between a protein in the milk we drink and a range of serious illnesses, including heart disease, Type 1 diabetes, autism, and schizophrenia. These health problems are linked to a tiny protein fragment formed when we digest A1 beta-casein, a milk protein. Milk that contains A1 beta-casein is commonly known as A1 milk; milk that does not is called A2. All milk was once A2, until a genetic mutation affected some European cattle thousands of years ago. Most cows in Asia, Africa, and parts of southern Europe produce A2 milk, but in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and northern Europe the majority of cows produce A1 milk. And that, warns scientist and agribusiness expert Keith Woodford, poses some serious health risks. In this book, the author brings together the evidence published in more than 100 scientific papers. He examines the population studies that explore the link between consumption of A1 milk and the incidence of heart disease and Type 1 diabetes; he explains the science that underpins the A1/A2 hypothesis; and he examines the research undertaken with animals and humans. The evidence is compelling: We should be switching to A2 milk. An amazing story, Devil in the Milk is not just about the health issues surrounding A1 milk, but also about how scientific evidence can be molded and withheld by vested interests, and how consumer choices are influenced by the interests of corporate business. 257 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $24.95 diet evoLution, charLes hunt’s Charles Hunt Foreword by Michael and Mary Eades, MD Hunt is shaking up the multi-million dollar diet industry by exposing documented studies that show low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets don’t work--and they are actually causing people to gain weight. Hunt shows us step-by-step the foods your body was designed for. Includes over 200 delicious recipes! 196 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $19.95 diet & heart disease:

it’s not What you think

Stephen Byrnes, PhD, RNCP Stephen Byrnes gives the Diet-Heart hypothesis the debunking it deserves. Must reading for anyone who has been told to lower their cholesterol by diet or drugs. Dr. Byrnes insightfully exposes the faulty assumptions of conventional diets and heart disease treatments. Citing clinical experience as well as vitally important research, he demonstrates how nutritional and natural therapies can reduce many degenerative disease risks, including those of heart disease. 96 pages, softcover (1-lb) ..................................................... $9.95


enzyMe nutrition:


drugs that don’t Work and naturaL theraPies that do! David Brownstein, MD, Foreword by Jonathan V. Wright, MD

Why do drugs cause so many adverse effects? This book shows you how drugs work in the body and gives you safe and effective natural alternatives to drugs, including: Diet modifications, Bio-identical natural hormones, Herbs, Minerals, Vitamins and much more. This book was written to explain to the reader why some of the most commonly prescribed drugs today may be harmful and why natural therapies should be considered in a treatment program for six common conditions: 1. Elevated cholesterol levels 2. Osteoporosis 3. Stomach problems (GERD, ulcers) 4. Depression 5. Inflammation 6. Imbalanced hormonal system

the Food enzyMe concePt

Edward Howell, MD Foreword by Linda Clark

Why is eating food in its natural state, unprocessed and unrefined, so vital to the maintenance of good health? What is lacking in our modern diet that makes us so susceptible to degenerative diseases? What natural elements in food may play a key role in unlocking the secrets of life extension? These fascinating questions, and many more, are answered in this important and timely book. 175 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $18.00 N EW

the estrogen aLternative: a guide

to naturaL horMonaL BaLance

Raquel Martin and Judi Gerstung, DC Foreword by John Hart, MD

These ailments cost society a great deal of money through the use of expensive drugs that generally do not treat the underlying cause(s) of the illness. If we don’t change the way we approach chronic illness, the medical costs will bankrupt our country. This book will rely on physiology, biochemistry and common sense. Common sense says that the long-term use of items that poison crucial enzymes or block important receptors will not have a positive benefit. 307 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $15.00

earthLy Bodies & heavenLy hair:

naturaL and heaLthy PersonaL care For every Body

Dina Falconi

Dina Falconi believes that health and vitality are not about masking “flaws” with cosmetics, denying the aging process, or living up to some standardized and unattainable concept of beauty. Beauty involves working in partnership with nature. For 10 years, the author has crafted bodycare products infused with her herbal and healing wisdom. Here, for the first time, Dina reveals her techniques, which have been described as “anything, but garden variety.” More than 450 original personal care formulas including: Facial care: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and revitalizing. Eye care: restive and healing. Lip, mouth and tooth care: Lip balms, mouth washes, and tooth powders. Hair and scalp: Shampoos, rinses and oils. Whole body treatments: Body scrubs, baths, body splashes and emollients, deodorants, and sore body. Hands and feet: Soaks and softeners. Natural first aid: Sun and bug products, cuts, bruises and poison ivy. 241 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $17.95

More and more women are trying to find alternatives to synthetic hormones and their harmful side effects. Yet, despite the increasing awareness of the dangers of conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT), over-prescription of estrogen is still rampant, as is confusion among doctors and patients whether the benefits of HRT outweigh the risks. This updated edition offers the latest information on how bio-identical progesterone therapy, also known as natural HRT, can provide safe, natural solutions for the numerous problems women face from hormone deficiency and imbalance including: Thyroid disorders, Osteoporosis, Cancer (breast, uterine, ovarian), Fibromyalgia, Obesity, Fibrocystic breasts, Depression, Menstrual irregularity, PMS, Insomnia, Vaginal dryness, Hot flashes, Night sweats, Miscarriages, Infertility, Uterine fibroids, Endometriosis, Cardiovascular and heart problems. This book also includes new information regarding estrogen dominance as a cause of prostate cancer in men, the dangers of a diet rich in soy contributing to thyroid disorders and estrogen overload, unsaturated oils causing hormone imbalance, and the connection between birth control (pills, shots, implants) and infertility. The controversy over mammography and the importance of focusing on safer, more effective methods of cancer detection are also well documented. 330 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $16.95

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everLasting heaLth: huManity’s

Fish oiL: the naturaL antiinFLaMMatory

guide to understanding, avoiding, and reversing disease

By Robert Bernardini, MS, Foreword by David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM

Learn how you may avoid or reverse virtually any disease using unique, inexpensive, and proven natural alternatives. Information on Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Weight Control, Autism & ADHD, Arthritis, Asthma & Allergies, Depression, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, Insomnia, Headaches, Sexual Dysfunction, Infertility, Osteoporosis, Fibromyalgia and Sudden Infant Death and more. You will discover: The fundamental flaw in current medical theory, the real reasons people get sick, and the amazing health and healing concept that has been suppressed for over a century that shows how to avoid and even reverse virtually any disease. 537 pages, softcover (4-lbs) ................................................ $24.95 excitotoxins: the taste that kiLLs Russell L. Blaylock, MD Foreword by George R. Schwartz, MD Exposé of monosodium glutamate (MSG), hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP) and aspartame, all potent neurotoxins that are pervasive in the food supply. Contains well documented explanations of how these substances destroy nerve and brain cells, especially in the young and elderly, and tips for minimizing your exposure and sensitivity to these dangerous excitotoxins. 297 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $17.95

the eye care revoLution: Prevent

and reverse coMMon vision ProBLeMs

Robert Abel, Jr., MD

Joseph C. Maroon, MD, and Jeffrey Bost, PAC

Did you know that the root cause of serious chronic diseases such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, arthritis, and asthma has been identified as chronic inflammation? Although numerous studies have confirmed these findings, few physicians are aware of, or consider the fact, that the battle against inflammation is at the forefront of the fight for the health and well-being of the global population. The answer lies in the power of the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, undeniably the most under-recognized and also the most potent natural anti-inflammatory available. With compelling arguments and the results of thousands of clinical studies to support them, the authors explain in plain and simple terms: • How the inflammation process works and how it can evolve into a chronic condition that is the cause of many diseases. • Why the risks of pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories outweigh their benefits. • How fatty acids work in the body to balance inflammatory and anti-inflammatory forces, and how this balance can be disrupted by factors now common in Western society, such as unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, and environmental toxins. • Why supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids can restore the body’s balance and mitigate the effects of inflammatory factors. • Why fish oil is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, and how to identify good-quality fish oil supplements. 172 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $14.95


Food ruLes: a doctor’s guide to heaLthy eating

Catherine Shanahan, MD

Did you know your prescription drugs can give you cataracts or glaucoma? Blue light can cure insomnia? A nutritional remedy for dry eyes can actually improve your arteries and decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s? Most of us believe that conventional medicine is the only way to treat common eye problems. But there is another way. Discover: Easy steps to end eyestrain, New developments in lasik surgery, The simple, proven cure for pink eye… discovered 150 years ago, A safe, herbal treatment for glaucoma, The antioxidants your eyes must have, What you need to know about your children’s eyes, How higher DHA levels decrease the risk of Macular Degeneration and Alzheimer’s disease, How cholesterol-lowering drugs decrease energy, decrease memory, cause depression, and stimulate cataracts, Why lutein may be even more important for vision than vitamin A. Exciting new options for contact lenses and glasses, and more.

Good health doesn't have to be so complicated. The best diet for serious athletes is also the best diet for weight loss, heart health, cancer prevention, and just about everything else. In the spirit of those chefs, journalists, and food writers who have brought a spotlight to the importance of eating well, knowing source, and respecting traditions, Dr. Shanahan adds to this growing food revolution the voice of an experienced physician and scientist. Full of straightforward and memorable advice, Dr. Shanahan's Food Rules offers key details that even her most healthconscious patients had been missing-the details that may save your health. 166 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $14.95

481 pages, softcover (3-lbs) ............................................... $17.00 12



gaLiLeo’s LaWyer Richard A. Jaffe, Esq.

Alternative health is a big business. The dietary supplement industry alone generates more than twenty billion dollars annually. Almost half of Americans use unconventional remedies and experimental treatments for conditions such as terminal cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, autism, and fibromyalgia. Galileo’s Lawyer is an insider’s view of the alternative health field as told from the perspective of the legal battles involving the most popular and controversial complementary and alternative health practitioners. • Go inside the courtroom during the government’s attempts to shut down a cancer clinic which was saving hundreds of terminally ill patients, and see how the U.S. Congress came to the clinic’s rescue. • Meet a group of New Jersey Chiropractors who sued the government for “racketeering” for employing an illegal extortion scheme. • Watch the nutritionists battle the dieticians over dietary supplements. • Find out why naturopaths are prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license. Galileo’s Lawyer is a living history about the struggles between medical mavericks, their patients, and the government. Jaffe practices law in Houston, Texas. He is a graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where he studied Philosophy and the History and Philosophy of Science and Columbia University where he studied law. For more information, see his Web site at 289 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $18.00 the gLuten eFFect: hoW “innocent” Wheat is ruining your heaLth

the gLuten-Free aLMond FLour cookBook Elana Amsterdam The prevalence of celiac disease and gluten sensitivity among millions of adults and children has created the need for gluten-free recipes that are as nutritious and tasty as their traditional counterparts. Popular food blogger, Elana Amsterdam offers ninety-nine family-friendly classics - from pancakes to Eggplant Parmesan to Chocolate Cake - that feature her gluten-free ingredient of choice, almond flour. Because these recipes are low glycemic, low in cholesterol and dairy, and high in protein and fiber, they are also ideal for people with diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol. 136 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $16.99

gut and PsychoLogy syndroMe:

naturaL treatMent For dysPraxia, autisM, a.d.d., dysLexia, a.d.h.d, dePression and schizoPhrenia

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride set up The Cambridge Nutrition Clinic in 1998. As a parent of a child diagnosed with learning disabilities, she was acutely aware of the difficulties facing other parents like her, and she has devoted much of her time to helping these families. She realized that nutrition played a critical role in helping children and adults to overcome their disabilities, and has pioneered the use of probiotics in this field. She believes that the link between learning disabilities, the food and drink that we take, and the condition of our digestive system is absolute and the results of her work have supported her position on this subject. 392 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $32.50

Drs. Vikki and Richard Petersen, DC, CCN Are you ready to consider a fresh approach to your health? Are you interested in finding what the underlying cause is rather than merely masking your symptoms? If you suffer from cramping, nausea, chronic bowel problems or stomach pains, the information in this book about gluten could be what you have been seeking. If you have chronic fatigue, sleep difficulties, depression, memory difficulty or anxiety, you will want to hear about how gluten affects the nervous system. If you have joint pains, rashes, chronic pain, weight issues or menstrual problems, don’t rule gluten out as a potential base cause to your symptoms. If you are constantly getting infections or have other immune or autoimmune disorders, investigating gluten certainly is worth your time. While all of these complaints are varied in nature, their occurrences reflect how gluten may “stress” your health. 403 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $16.95

heaLth versus disease Melvin E. Page, DDS and H. Leon Abrams, Jr. PPNF Exclusive! Excellent health can be attained and maintained if you are willing to approach the problem with an open and unbiased mind and follow the laws of nature. These laws show us our body works best in a balanced state. Written for the layman, this book provides the reader with the discoveries of researcher, Dr. Page and his associate, anthropologist H. Leon Abrams, Jr. 106 pages, steel spine bound by PPNF (2-lbs) ................... $17.95 Member Price...................................................................... $16.15

Make your own Lacto-Fermented Foods. It’s fun and easy! See DVD on page 39



the heaLthiest MeaLs on earth:

the surPrising, unBiased truth aBout What MeaLs to eat and Why

Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS and Jeannette Bessinger This book helps you live a longer, healthier, and tastier life! This book by acclaimed nutritionist Dr. Jonny Bowden combines ingredients that promote long-term health to create meals that will literally save lives. Studies show that eating the vital ingredients featured in this book as part of a balanced diet can cut the risk of heart disease by three-quarters, boost overall heart health, and add years to your life. In addition, the carefully composed meals contain foods shown to help the liver get rid of toxins, protect DNA from damage, keep the brain healthy, improve mood and circulation, and keep blood and oxygen freely flowing to the brain, heart, and other tissues. You don’t have to sacrifice good taste for good health!

High blood pressure is often a silent and asymptomatic malady: until things reach a critical stage, high blood pressure can remain unrecognized by the patient and undiagnosed by his or her physician. Moreover, the endothelial linings of blood vessels can frequently undergo serious damage, including arterial calcification, even when high blood pressure is not present, giving rise to many other disease conditions. Unfortunately, those who pursue exercise and a healthy lifestyle, and whose blood pressure readings appear normal, have no guarantees. 280 pages, softcover (3-lbs) ................................................ $19.95

hoMeoPathic Medicine at hoMe:.....

naturaL reMedies For everyday aiLMents and Minor inJuries

Maesimund B. Panos, MD and Jane Heimlich Foreword by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn

367 pages, softcover (4-lbs) ................................................ $24.95 heaLthy Bones: What you shouLd

knoW aBout osteoPorosis

Nancy Appleton, PhD

Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bone structure that results in a slow, insidious loss of calcium. It is a degenerative disease that starts slowly – for some in childhood and for others in adulthood. In women, it can accelerate after menopause, and in men, it accelerates after age 65. In the United States, osteoporosis has reached epidemic proportions. Up until now, there has been only one overall preventive measure that scientists have come up with in their war against osteoporosis—to increase our daily intake of calcium. The problem is that the results of increasing daily calcium intake have not proven to be all that effective. In this startling book, Dr. Nancy Appleton has uncovered a way to prevent osteoporosis without costly drugs, extensive supplements, and expensive treatments. Here is the author’s breakthrough theory and research, and her guidelines for preventing osteoporosis, written in easy-to-understand language. Dr. Appleton offers a sensible food plan to balance the body’s chemistry, as well as many delicious recipes to help the reader follow her program. 139 pages, softcover (2-lbs) .................................................$11.95 the high BLood Pressure hoax Sherry A. Rogers, MD Having high blood pressure can triple the chance of an early death or of developing heart failure, a debilitating or fatal stroke, or coronary artery disease. In fact, Dr. Rogers says that 53 percent of all deaths from all causes are due in part to high blood pressure. In recent years the medical profession has lowered the acceptable upper limits for measuring normal blood pressure. At the same time, having “normal” blood pressure readings can pose a risk for poor brain circulation and early Alzheimer’s for those over 70.

This book is written for those of you who do not have a homeopathic physician but want to improve your health and that of your family with homeopathic care. This is a comprehensive and practical guide to self-help homeopathy. In addition to the homeopathic approach to treating minor ailments and emergencies, we provide proven first-aid procedures and commonsense measures for each condition as well as information about standard drugs and their side effects. Clinical evidence accumulated over more than 150 years of use demonstrates that homeopathic medicine is the viable alternative to standard medicine. You now have access to a scientific system of medicine that is proven safe and effective. 287 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $13.95


hoW to cure diaBetes! Sherry A. Rogers, MD

You’ve been told there’s no cure for diabetes? Wrong! That’s because the medical education for us physicians is strongly influenced by the drug industry. We do not learn in medical school how to cure diseases, but rather how to manage them with expensive drugs. Have you noticed how every symptom seems to be the deficiency of some drug? And have you noticed that you’re told most diseases have “no known cause and no known cure”? Diabetes is merely an example of accelerated aging. For that reason this book is essential for anyone who wants to retard aging. And folks who know me through the other dozen and a half books and couple of decades of newsletters, know that regardless of the title, I never leave anyone out. Even though the title focuses on one disease entity, the information contained in it is crucial for the health of all of us, even those who do not have the disease in the title, or any disease, for that matter. 381 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $23.95

description continues... 14


the hundred-year Lie: hoW to Protect yourseLF FroM the cheMicaLs that are destroying your heaLth Randall Fitzgerald

One hundred years ago, the promise of “better living through chemistry” was given to consumers, setting us on a slippery slope that introduced thousands of man-made chemicals into our food, water, medicine, and environment. In this book, the author, shatters dozens of myths being perpetuated by the chemical, pharmaceutical, and processed foods industries. He shows how early advances led to a buildup of industry, and how the profit motive then led companies and even our own government to ignore troubling signs of widespread illness and disease. Are we paying too high a price in our rush for progress? What happens when we blindly rely on the government to keep us safe? What does the future hold if we continue down this path? With a firm grasp on the latest scientific findings, Fitzgerald offers a cleareyed view of a building crisis in public health. 292 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $16.00

ignore the aWkWard: hoW the


the inteLLigent gardener: groWing nutrient-dense Food Steve Solomon with Erica Reinheimer

Vegetables, fruits and grains are a major source of vital nutrients, but generations of intensive agriculture have depleted our soils to historic lows. As a result, the broccoli you consume today may have less than half the vitamins and minerals than the equivalent serving would have contained a less than a century ago. This book shows you how to achieve optimum health by re-mineralizing your soil using natural materials to grow nutrient dense produce. Starting with an overview of nutrient density, the history of organic agriculture and an accessible primer on basic soil chemistry, this comprehensive manual demonstrates how the home gardener can use the results of an inexpensive soil test to create their own individually tailored soil prescription. The author systematically demystifies the replacement of a wealth of essential minerals while simultaneously debunking much of the false and misleading information perpetuated by both the conventional and organic agricultural movements. Nothing short of revolutionary in its approach, The Intelligent Gardener conclusively establishes the link between healthy soil, healthy food and healthy people. Caution: this book may change the way you think about your garden forever. 321 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $19.95

choLesteroL Myths are kePt aLive

Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD

By the author of the popular book, The Cholesterol Myths. Are you worried about your high cholesterol? Do you avoid butter, cheese and cream because you are afraid of dying from a heart attack? Do you take a cholesterol lowering drug? If so, you are a victim of the cholesterol campaign, the greatest medical scandal in modern times. Even worse, you may suffer from bad memory, muscle weakness, pain in your legs, sexual impotency or cancer, not because you are getting old, but because of the harmful effects from your cholesterol treatment. Don’t you believe me? Neither does your doctor because all the experts have said that cholesterol reduction is harmless. Unfortunately they are wrong. Not only have the pharmaceutical companies and their paid researchers succeeded in presenting the cholesterol reducing drugs as a gift from heaven, the very idea that saturated fat and high cholesterol are deleterious to health is created out of thin air. In spite of that it has been accepted uncritically across the globe.

See how iodine can help: breast cancer, detoxification, fatigue, fibrocystic breast disease, Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s disease, hypothyroidism, and improve the immune system. Iodine is not only necessary for the production of thyroid hormone, it is also responsible for the production of all of the hormones in the body. Adequate iodine levels are necessary for proper immune system function. Iodine contains potent antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral, and anticancer properties. Iodine is also effective for treating ovarian cysts. Iodine deficiency disorder can result in mental retardation, goiter, increased child and infant mortality, infertility and socioeconomic decline. Iodine deficiency disorder is the most common preventable form of mental retardation known.

154 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $14.99

259 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $15.00


iodine: Why you need it, Why you can’t Live Without it

David Brownstein, MD

DID YOU KNOW... Vegans are very likely to be deficient in EPA, DHA, and vitamin B-12. You can only get these essential nutrients from certain cold water fish, and grass-fed animals such as beef and lamb. The absorbable forms of B-12 are only available in animal-based foods such as beef, lamb, egg yolks, and some fish.



is your cardioLogist kiLLing you? Sherry A. Rogers, MD I’m not here to put the cardiologists out of business, but to empower you to get the best treatment and find the ultimate cure for your heart symptoms, not just have you fuel the drug industry with an unending avalanche of symptoms that inevitably occurs once you have started on even one drug. Medicine is stuck in a web that excludes cures for the sake of pharmaceutical profits. The problem is that suppressing symptoms is not solving medical problems. The body is designed to heal and in this book you will learn how to use natural tools with which to do it. Are you ready to solve the mystery and prevent yourself from becoming its next victim? If so, welcome to the first day of the rest of your life. Let your empowerment begin. 184 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $19.95 kiLLer coLas: the hard truth aBout

soFt drinks hoW a singLe industry’s Products are destroying our nation’s heaLth

Nancy Appleton, PhD & G. N. Jacobs

It’s as American as fast food, ice cream, and apple pie. So why are people saying all those nasty things about soda? The answer is simple: Those nasty things are all true. While the facts may be hard to swallow, it is high time we address the damage being done to our well-being due to our longrunning love affair with soft drinks and other sweetened beverages. In Killer Colas, Dr. Nancy Appleton and G. N. Jacobs provide a startling picture of an industry hell-bent on making a hefty profit at the ultimate expense of the country’s health. 132 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $15.95

An excellent companion to the book, Lick the Sugar Habit (see previous book). Electrochemical harmony is crucial to maintaining

good health. This kit contains a booklet and urine test kit that allows you to easily monitor your calcium and phosphorus balance. (1-lb) ................................................................................... $20.00 MaLignant MedicaL Myths:

Why MedicaL treatMent causes 200,000 deaths in the usa each year, and hoW to Protect yourseLF

Joel M. Kauffman, PhD

A fearless exposé of mainstream medicine’s most revered dogma, this book is solidly based on trusted medical and nutritional books and journals. Americans spend $2 trillion per year on health care, about $7,000 each, yet it buys almost the poorest healthcare among developed countries, with 200,000 deaths per year from medical treatment. Find out why advice from authorities on screening tests, drugs, diet, exercise, alcohol, radiation, radon, and water fluoridation is often wrong and commercially motivated. See how clinical trials are slanted. Understand how “sickness” is created to sell treatments, and which government agencies support these shenanigans. Websites that appear to be those of self-help groups with certain ailments can be owned by corporations making products for those ailments. In the USA, you have the last word on what medical or diet advice you will act upon. This book provides you with the power to evaluate this advice, and shows how to find reliable sources of medical and diet information. 327 pages, softcover (3-lbs) ................................................ $24.95 MetaBoLic asPects oF heaLth:

knoW your Fats:

the coMPLete PriMer For understanding the nutrition oF Fats, oiLs, and choLesteroL

Mary G. Enig, PhD

Learn how to select the best fats and oils for healthy ease-of-use. Learn why this book, written by an international expert, is your definitive source for accurate information on fats, oils, cholesterol, and their nutrition. 334 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $29.95 Lick the sugar haBit Nancy Appleton, PhD The author develops a forceful attack on lifestyle and eating habits that can lead to degenerative diseases. A guide to getting unhooked from sugar, tips on shopping, snacking, and practical advice on monitoring one’s basic health. Simple techniques – a lifesaving guide. (Melvin Page Diet) 256 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $12.95


Body cheMistry test kit Bruce Pacetti, DDS and Nancy Appleton, PhD

nutritionaL eLeMents in heaLth and disease

Karl H. Schutte, PhD and John A. Myers, MD

PPnF excLusive! A scientifically detailed, well-documented study of the role of nutrition in health and disease, with particular consideration of trace minerals and chronic degenerative illness, considering plant and animal requirements as a guide for studying human needs. 346 pages, illustrated, softcover (2-lbs) ............................. $10.00

DID YOU KNOW... Raw cheese is truly raw if it has not been heated above 110° F., but USDA regulations allow it to be heated as high as 160° F. This destroys many enzymes, yet it is allowed to be labeled “raw”.


MetaBoLic iMBaLances, ph and ayurveda: More energy

through individuaLized nutrition

William W. Rasmussen, MA

Individualizing nutrition for your unique body metabolism/metabolic imbalance is the book’s key concept. Our metabolic imbalances determine: • • • • • • • • •

Individual nutritional needs Optimum protein-to-carbohydrate ratio Optimum fats and oils intake Best ratio of saturated to unsaturated fats/oils Who should eat butter and eggs or avoid cholesterol foods Ideal calcium-to-magnesium ratio Ideal sodium-to-potassium ratio Ideal water intake Who should (or should not) eat vinegar, alcohol, and spices

Also, discover which processed foods are the greatest dangers to health and why. Why polyunsaturated oils are a danger to our health. Which fats and oils are good for us and why. Why heat damaged proteins are unhealthy. Which raw proteins are safe and which should be cooked rare or medium rare. Why fruit juice, honey, and natural sweeteners should be avoided. Which natural low glycemic sweeteners are safe to use. 279 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $20.00

the Mood cure: the 4-steP PrograM to take charge oF your eMotions today Julia Ross, MA

In what has been described as “the best book on the subject in years.” Ross, a pioneer in the field of nutritional psychology, brilliantly explains how to correct anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, hormonal imbalances, and eating addictions with nutritional therapy and biochemical rebalancing. Ross begins by showing you how to identify false moods. Then she gives concrete, proven instructions for achieving recovery. Learn how to “blast out of the blahs” by learning what foods are sabotaging you, and why. Good-tasting recipes that will entice you to make the switch are combined with nutritional supplement suggestions that will set you on the road to repair and recovery. “Tool kits” that show you how to test and rebalance for food addictions, as well as for adrenal, thyroid, and other hormonal problems, will empower you even further. An excellent resource for both patients and practitioners. 387 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $17.00 the Most eFFective naturaL cures on earth: the surPrising, unBiased truth aBout What treatMents Work and Why

Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS the MetaBoLic tyPing diet William Wolcott and Trish Fahey Customize your diet to your own unique body chemistry. For hereditary reasons, your metabolism is unique. Cutting-edge research shows that no single diet works well for everyone. The foods that keep your best friend slim may keep you overweight and feeling unhealthy and fatigued. William Wolcott has developed a revolutionary weight-loss program that allows you to identify your “metabolic type” and create a diet that suits your individual nutritional needs. This book will enable you to: Achieve and maintain your ideal weight, Eliminate sugar cravings, Enjoy sustained energy and endurance, Conquer indigestion, fatigue, and allergies, Bolster your immune system, overcome anxiety, depression, and mood swings. 428 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $15.99

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Take back your health naturally – without the drugs, side effects, and Hassle! Acclaimed nutritionist and bestselling author Jonny Bowden, identifies and explains the best in alternative medicine today using his extensive research, wide-ranging expertise in nutrition and health, and advice from myriad health experts. He empowers you to take charge of your health by showing which alternative treatments work, how to use them effectively, and in what dosages. He tells you which foods, vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and natural treatments, such as exercise and relaxation therapies, treat certain conditions and in what combinations. Backed by scientific studies, Jonny shows you how to use: Interval Training to burn fat faster, Cinnamon to moderate blood sugar, Acupuncture to treat infertility, Specific Diet Modifications to help allergies, acne, hypertension, and inflammatory bowel disease, Glutamine to calm cravings for carbohydrates, Black Cohosh to ease hot flashes, Inositol to help with insomnia and MUCH MORE! 255 pages, softcover (3-lbs) ................................................ $16.99 naturaL Mercury detoxiFication William Rasmussen, MA Reducing our exposure to mercury, an extremely toxic metal, and eliminating it from our bodies is increasingly important. This booklet is a guide to mercury detox using natural supplements, many of which are available at local health food stores. Rasmussen also discusses mercury sources, mercury tests, safe and effective removal of “silver” mercury amalgam dental fillings, the dangers of improper removal, as well as possible allergic reactions to replacement dental materials. 74 pages, booklet (.5-lb) ....................................................... $7.95



naturaL nutrition For cats: the

no More heartBurn: stoP the Pain in

Kymythy R. Schultze, CN, CNC

Sherry A. Rogers, MD

Path to Purr-Fect heaLth

Kymythy R. Schultze’s wildly popular speciesappropriate diet for cats has already improved the lives of thousands of feline friends and is endorsed by veterinarians worldwide. In this comprehensive yet easy-to-understand work, Kymythy exposes the pitfalls of the pet-food industry and shares her extensive knowledge of proper nutrition so that your cat can live a long, healthy, and happy life. This book is a must-read for all cat lovers! Also includes important information on Alternative and Holistic Veterinary Associations! 194 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................... $9.95 naturaL nutrition For dogs and cats: the uLtiMate diet Kymythy R. Schultze, CCN, AHI Foreword by Louise L. Hay, Bruce W. Cauble, DVM and Stephen R. Blake, DVM Schultze offers a simple explanation of the importance of raw food and addresses many of the concerns pet owners have about making their own pet food. You will find here both humor and solid information about the potential benefits of the raw food approach for your animals’ optimum health. This text is by no means the answer to all of your pets’ health needs, but it provides an excellent foundation for building a healthier immune system to help your animals deal with the stresses of a polluted world. 135 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................... $8.95 “neW”trition George E. Meinig, DDS, FACD PPnF excLusive! This book is full of nutritional gems culled from a lifetime of research. Dr. George shares choice information that is available nowhere else, and he explains it so that we may all understand and be able to make wiser choices. 311 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $12.95 Add Root Canal Cover Up (pg 25) and get $6.50 off no More adhd: no More ritaLin Mary Ann Block, DO, PA Practical, non-drug approach to attention and behavior problems. While others are debating the pros and cons of the psychiatric drugging of children, Dr. Block has spent her medical career working in the trenches, helping to get children off these drugs and to keep them off. A mother who knows all too well how the medical system can fail a child. Dr. Block was compelled to go to medical school at the age of 39 to save her daughter after doctors made her child seriously ill with a wrong diagnosis and inappropriate use of drugs. Today she brings to her patients the understanding and knowledge of a physician and sensitivity and respect of a parent. What Dr. Block learned as a mother and a physician is in this book and may help bring hope and comfort to other parents. 173 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $12.00 18

30 days – naturaLLy!

The cutting-edge methods detailed here return your body to its natural state of health–without the risks and side effects of prescription drugs. Cure heartburn and indigestion forever, without drugs. 258 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $15.00 nourishing hoPe For autisM:

nutrition & diet guide For heaLing our chiLdren

Julie Matthews, CNC

Yes, diet helps children with autism. This book explains how and why. Julie Matthews, world renowned autism nutritionist, shares extensive clinical nutrition experience and intense research in this comprehensive guide. Readers are given practical steps for dietary intervention and a roadmap for getting started, evolving, and customizing the varied approaches. This book is dedicated to parents and clinicians who relentlessly strive to help children heal and gives them reason to hope and persevere. Parents and Caregivers, Physicians and Nutritionists will learn the following: • A clear understanding of why diet affects behavior, cognitive ability, and symptoms. • The scientific rationale for autism diets and supplementation. • Positive effects of autism-specific nutrition on biochemistry and healing. • How to choose a diet, get started, measure effectiveness, and reach goals. • Dietary options; including GFCF, SCD/GAPS, Body Ecology, Feingold, Low Oxalate, and more. • Creative ways to help “Picky Eaters” with kid-approved strategies. 223 pages, softcover (3-lbs) ................................................ $29.95 nourishing traditions:

the cookBook that chaLLenges PoLiticaLLy correct nutrition and the diet dictocrats

Sally Fallon, MA with Mary G. Enig, PhD

Modern food processing denatures our foods but ancient preservation methods actually increase nutrients in fruits, nuts, vegetables, meats and milk products. The wisdom of the ancients with the latest independent research in over 700 delicious recipes that will please both exacting gourmets and busy parents. This cookbook offers a fascinating guide to wise food choices and proper preparation techniques. It incorporates the findings of Price, Pottenger, Howell, Bieler and other physicians associated with PPNF. 676 pages, softcover (4-lbs) ................................................ $27.00



nutrient PoWer: heaL your BiocheMistry and heaL your Brain

William J. Walsh, PhD

This book presents a science-based nutrient therapy system that can help millions of persons diagnosed with mental disorders. This approach recognizes that nutrient imbalances can alter brain levels of key neurotransmitters, disrupt gene expression of proteins and enzymes, and cripple the body’s protection against environmental toxins. The author’s database containing millions of chemical factors in blood, urine, and tissues has identified brain-changing nutrient imbalances in patients diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, behavior disorders, depression, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease. This book describes individualized nutrient therapy treatments that have produced thousands of reports of recovery. This modality is more scientific than trial and error use of psychiatric drugs and is aimed at a true normalization of the brain. Depression, schizophrenia, and ADHD are umbrella terms that encompass disorders with widely differing brain chemistries and symptoms. This book describes nutrient therapies tailored for five depression biotypes, three schizophrenia biotypes, and various ADHD conditions. Other book highlights include the Walsh Theory of Schizophrenia, an epigenetic model of autism, a promising new treatment for Alzheimer’s, and recommendations for reducing crime and violence. Over his impressive career, Dr. Walsh has worked with 30,000 patients with conditions ranging from autism to schizophrenia to Alzheimer’s. His book is an essential tool for anyone who would prefer to heal the brain with nutrients rather than drugs. 203 pages, hardcover (2-lbs) .............................................. $29.95 EXPANDED 8TH EDITION OF OUR ALL TIME BEST SELLER:

nutrition and PhysicaL degeneration Weston A. Price, DDS New Photos and Chapters Added! First published in 1939, this monumental but highly readable book is designed to preserve the classic study of Dr. Price’s worldwide investigation of the deleterious effects of processed foods and synthetic farming methods on human health, and the promise of regeneration through sound nutrition. Contains guidelines for approaching optimum health and reproduction, now and through future generations, as did the primitives. Dr. Price has been universally accepted as one of the foremost authorities on the role of foods in their natural form in the overall health pattern and the development of degenerative illnesses as a result of the addition of processed foods to our diet. Includes 196 photos and 6 maps. 527 pages, softcover (3-lbs) ................................................ $27.95 Member Price...................................................................... $25.15 Wholesale Discount Prices Available - See Page 33

nutrition in BiBLicaL tiMes Ruth F. Rosevear PPnF excLusive! The Bible has much to say about healthy living. A nutrition consultant with a special focus on diet therapy, Rosevear decided to organize the information she had unearthed through both scriptural and archaeological investigation. The result: an overview of the original “Mediterranean diet.” The book discusses basic biblical food groups, supplementary foods (nuts, herbs, spices, condiments, sweeteners), the grape/wine culture, diseases and skin disorders, food prohibitions, and cures. Recipes and Rosevear’s ten commandments for optimal nutrition are also included. 147 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $15.95 oiL PuLLing theraPy:

detoxiFying and heaLing the Body through oraL cLeansing

Dr. Bruce Fife

This could be the most important health book you will ever read! If you have bad breath, bleeding gums, cavities, or tooth pain—you need this book! If you suffer from asthma, diabetes, arthritis, migraine headaches, or any chronic illness, and have not found relief, this book could have the solution you need. All disease starts in the mouth! As incredible as it may seem, most of the chronic and infectious illnesses that trouble our society today are influenced by the health of our mouths. Our mouths are a reflection of the health inside our bodies. If you have poor dental health, you are bound to have other health problems. Dr. Fife’s Oil Pulling Therapy is a revolutionary new treatment combining the wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine with modern science. The science behind oil pulling is fully documented with references to medical studies and case histories. 189 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $15.95 the oMnivore’s diLeMMa:

a naturaL history oF Four MeaLs

Michael Pollan

Today, buffeted by one food after another, America is suffering from what can only be described as a national eating disorder. Will it be fast food tonight, or something organic? Or perhaps something we grew ourselves? The question of what to have for dinner has confronted us since man discovered fire. But as Michael Pollan explains in this revolutionary book, how we answer it now, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, may determine our survival as a species. This book is about the three principal food chains that sustain us today: the industrial, the organic, and the hunter-gatherer. Different as they are, all three food chains are systems for doing more or less the same thing: linking us, through what we eat, to the fertility of the earth and the energy of the sun. Packed with profound surprises, The Omnivore’s Dilemma is changing the way Americans think about the politics, perils, and pleasures of eating. 450 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $17.00



one Man aLone: an investigation oF nutrition, cancer, and WiLLiaM donaLd keLLey

Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD

Dr. Gonzalez completed this comprehensive analysis of Dr. Kelley’s approach in 1986 as partial fulfillment of his immunology fellowship under the direction of Robert A. Good, PhD, MD, founder of “Modern Immunology.” Although never previously published, this monograph has been generating interest in the alternative and conventional medical world for over two decades. This book documents Dr. Gonzalez’s five year evaluation of hundred’s of Dr. Kelley’s patients and illustrates the value of Dr. Kelley’s nutritional-enzyme program. Includes 50 representative case histories of patients diagnosed with a variety of poor prognosis or terminal cancer who did well under Dr. Kelley’s care. Learn about the natural cancer treatment and Dr. Kelley’s success. 494 pages, softcover (4-lbs) ................................................ $39.95 our toxic WorLd: a Wake uP caLL Doris J. Rapp, MD This book was written to increase your awareness about the potentially tragic, harmful effects of the numerous chemicals to which we are all exposed on a daily basis. Scientific proof is presented to illustrate the frightening changes that chemicals consistently appear to cause in many forms of our wildlife. Evidence also shows how similar symptoms are now becoming increasingly apparent in humans. Do not feel overwhelmed. Rather feel empowered and recognize that practical sensible answers do exist, and some of these are inexpensive, easy and effective. Prevention and avoidance are the keys. Detoxification or the elimination of chemicals from your body and surroundings, as much as sensibly possible, is a must. You can truly turn your life around. Your present and future health, as well as that of the animals and plants, and even the planet are at risk. The stakes are high but with a few sensible changes your present health can improve and your future well-being can be made much more secure.


overcoMing thyroid disorders David Brownstein, MD This book provides new insight into why thyroid disorders are frequently undiagnosed and how best to treat them. The holistic treatment plan outlined in this book will show you how safe and natural remedies can help improve your thyroid function and help you achieve your optimal health. Learn why commonly used synthetic thyroid medications may be the wrong choice for treating thyroid disorders. The holistic treatment plan described in this book includes: Natural Hormones, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Detoxification, Diet, and much more. 309 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $15.00 Pain Free in 6 Weeks Sherry A. Rogers, MD The most complete and authoritative book on healing pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, colitis, lupus, migraine, tendonitis, prostatitis, angina, neuritis, Gulf War Syndrome, chronic back pain, cystitis, and end-stage cancer. There is no question – we are people in pain! Over fifty million Americans suffer from some form of connective tissue (bone, cartilaginous joints, discs, muscle, tendon or ligament) disease. The ironic twist is that total wellness is available to the vast majority of these sufferers. Most of the treatments are non-prescription, non-toxic and available to everyone. 422 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $19.95 the PaLM oiL MiracLe: discover the heaLing PoWer oF PaLM oiL Dr. Bruce Fife

The ideas outlined in this book include a regimen of vitamins, minerals, natural hormones, water, a balanced diet and detoxification of the body. The “Standard American Diet” with its reliance on too many carbohydrates and the over-consumption of refined products (made primarily with refined sugar and flour) causes nutrient deficiencies and can lead to a poorly functioning immune system. People do not have to suffer with their illness. There is a way to overcome chronic disease. This book will provide you with a unique holistic approach to overcoming chronic illnesses (arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and others) and to achieving your optimum health.

Palm oil has been used as both a food and a medicine for thousands of years. Today palm oil is the most widely used oil in the world. Palm oil possesses excellent cooking properties. It is more heat stable than other vegetable oils and imparts in foods and baked goods superior taste, texture, and quality. Palm oil is one of the world’s healthiest oils. As a natural vegetable oil, it contains no trans fatty acids or cholesterol. It is currently being used by doctors and government agencies to treat specific illnesses and improve nutritional status. Recent medical studies have shown that palm oil, particularly virgin (red) palm oil, can protect against many common health problems. Some of the health benefits include: Improves blood circulation, Protects against heart disease, Protects against cancer, Improves blood sugar control, Improves nutrient absorption and vitamin and mineral status, Aids in the prevention and treatment of malnutrition, Supports healthy lung function, Supports healthy liver function, Helps strengthen bones and teeth, Supports eye health, Highest natural source of health promoting tocotrienols, Helps protect against mental deterioration, including Alzheimer’s disease, Richest dietary source of Vitamin E and beta-carotene, Boosts immunity.

233 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $15.00

191 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $15.95

510 pages, softcover (3-lbs) ................................................ $24.95 overcoMing arthritis David Brownstein, MD




Patient eMPoWerMent: hoW to sLay dentaL dragons

Hal A. Huggins DDS, MS Fear. You think you were afraid to go to the dentist yesterday. Wait until you read this. Yes, we fear the unknown pain, loss of teeth - but- do you really know the consequences of current dental procedures? Dental fillings contained toxic mercury 100 years ago, and dentists still place 100,000 mercury-emitting fillings every day in the U.S. Who of you knows that mercury is the primary cause of autoimmune diseases? That 100% of the 30,000,000 root canals placed yearly are havens for disease-producing bacteria? That dental nickel is related to breast cancer? And why have you not been informed of these consequences? Fear. A dentist who discloses the truth of toxicity of dental materials will end up selling used cars. Dentistry’s “Gag Rule” endangers your health and happiness, as well as that of your unborn children, via DNA damage. Dr. Hal Huggins has decided it is time to stop the travesty by informing the public of the secrets in your mouth. Having previously blown the whistle on mercury in amalgam, he rises up again to slay more dragons. To preserve your health. 113 pages, softcover (1-lb) .................................................. $20.00 the Poison in your teeth:

Mercury aMaLgaM (siLver) FiLLings hazardous to your heaLth!

Tom McGuire, DDS

No book about mercury amalgam fillings will be accurate or make sense unless you first understand some basic facts: mercury is the most poisonous, non-radioactive, naturally occurring substance on our planet; there is no safe or harmless level of mercury. Just one atom of mercury is harmful; amalgam fillings continuously release poisonous mercury vapor; amalgam fillings are the single greatest source of mercury exposure; the first exposure to mercury from amalgam fillings can occur at the moment of conception; mercury passes through the placenta to the fetus and through breast milk to the nursing baby; chronic mercury poisoning can directly and indirectly contribute to the risk and severity of every known disease and health issue; which fish are safe and which are not due to mercury poisoning; what industries use mercury in their processing of goods? This book doesn’t just identify problems, it offers solutions. 193 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $14.95 BEST SELLER!

Pottenger’s ProPhecy:

hoW Food resets genes For WeLLness or iLLness

Gray Graham, NTP, Deborah Kesten, MPH, and Larry Scherwitz, PhD

Be assured: the age of nutritional epigenetics has arrived. Pottenger’s Prophecy identifies the foods that launch your genes on a path toward illness, as well as the diet that can activate “health” genes, often instantly, to promote a longer, healthier life. The emerging new science of epigenetics—how the foods you eat switch genes on or off that can lead either to wellness or illness—has been called a “new paradigm” and “the medicine of the future.” Pottenger’s Prophecy is the source for anyone who wants to eat to reset genes—NOW—for health, healing, and longevity. Read it and discover the food and nutrition secrets you and your offspring need to live up to your epigenetic health potential…for life. 260 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $20.00 the PriMaL BLuePrint:

rePrograM your genes For eFFortLess Weight Loss, viBrant heaLth and BoundLess energy

Mark Sisson

The author presents the compelling premise that you can reprogram your genes in the direction of weight loss, health, and longevity by following 10 immutable “Primal” laws validated by two million years of human evolution. “The Primal Blueprint” will show you how: • Weight loss is all about insulin; moderate your production by eliminating sugar and grains (yes, even whole grains) and you will lose the excess body fat you desire without dieting—plus you will improve your energy level, reduce inflammation, and eliminate disease risk. • Eating meat, eggs, and a generally high-fat diet not only is healthy but is the key to effortless weight loss, a healthy immune system, and boundless energy. • Slowing down your typical cardiovascular workouts, and incorporating brief, intense strength sessions and occasional all-out sprints can produce fitness benefits far superior to work outs that are much longer and more grueling—and can eliminate the risk of burnout. 283 pages, hardcover (3-lbs) .............................................. $26.99

Pottenger’s cats:

a study in nutrition

Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD A comparison of healthy cats on raw foods and those on heated diets. Behavioral characteristics, arthritis, sterility, skeletal deformities and allergies are some of the problems that are associated with the consumption of cooked foods. To read more see page 22. 123 pages, photos and illus., softcover (1-lb) ....................... $9.95 Member Price........................................................................ $8.95 Wholesale Discount Prices Available - See Page 33

“Alterations in the metabolism of a mother can quickly reflect in the health of her nursing infant. A deficient mother will have deficient milk and when her diet is improved, the improvement will affect her milk”


Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD 21

aBout FranCIs M. Pottenger, Jr., Md


mportant advances in medicine and dentistry have always sprung from the minds of independent and original thinkers – keen observers whose imagination, integrity and common sense give them the courage to question official dogma. Such a man was Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD. He was dedicated to the cause of preventing chronic illness and made significant contributions to the understanding of the role of nutrition in maintaining good health. His chance observation regarding the effect of foods on the mortality rate of cats led to his classical experiments in cat feeding. More than 900 cats were studied over ten years.


r. Pottenger found that only diets containing raw milk and raw meat produced optimal health. Cats on the all raw diet had good bone structure and density, wide palates with plenty of space for the teeth, shiny fur, and freedom from parasites and disease. They reproduced with ease and were gentle and easy to handle.


ooking the meat or substituting heat processed milk for raw resulted in heterogeneous reproduction and physical degeneration, increasing with each generation. Kittens of third generation cats failed to survive six months. Vermin and parasites abounded. Skin diseases and allergies increased from an incidence of five percent in normal cats to over ninety percent in the third generation. Bones became soft and pliable; calcium and phosphorus content diminished. The cats suffered from adverse personality changes. Females became more aggressive while males became docile. The cats suffered from hypothyroidism and most of the degenerative diseases encountered in human medicine. They died out completely by the fourth generation.


egeneration proceeded more quickly on Diets C and D. Diet E1 produced unexpected results – rickets and early death of male kittens.


he changes in facial structure and onset of degenerative disease that Pottenger observed in cats on deficient diets paralleled the human degeneration that Dr. Price found in tribes and villages that had abandoned traditional foods.


r. Pottenger tried to return degenerating cats to health. He found that it took four generations on raw meat and raw milk to bring the kittens of second-generation degenerating cats back to normal. This experiment could not occur with third-generation degenerating cats because they did not live long enough to reproduce.

Works by Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD • Pottenger’s Cats – a study In nutrItIon See Page 21 • the Pottenger Cat studIes - dVd See Page...42 • FranCIs M. Pottenger, Jr., Md, BIBlIograPhy See Page...34

Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD rePrints eFFeCt oF heat ProCessed Foods on anIMals

the following diets were the basis of the study:

A study of 900 cats and the degenerative effects of heated foods and pasteurized milk. 20 pages, 35 photos ......................$5.00 (postage included)

the Meat study: two diets were used

FragMentation anD scarring oF bones

diet a: heaLthy 1/3 raw milk, cod liver oil, 2/3 raw meat diet B: deFicient 1/3 raw milk, cod liver oil, 2/3 cooked meat

The effects of malnourishment on the human skeletal (especially facial) development, causing degenerative processes. 32 pages, 50 photos and X-rays ...$5.00 (postage included)

the MiLk study: five diets were used diet a: heaLthy 1/3 raw meat, cod liver oil, 2/3 raw milk diet B: deFicient 1/3 raw meat, cod liver oil, 2/3 pasteurized milk diet c: deFicient 1/3 raw meat, cod liver oil, 2/3 evaporated milk diet d: deFicient 1/3 raw meat, cod liver oil 2/3 sweetened condensed milk 22

diet e: deFicient Raw metabolized, vitamin D milk (E1: Milk from cows on dry feed E2: Milk from cows on green feed)

studIes oF FragMentatIon oF the tarsal and Metatarsal Bones resultIng FroM reCurrent MetaBolIC Insults In analyzing more than 400 x-rays of children’s feet, most of whom had shown evidence of allergy, he found a large number showed evidence of tarsal and metatarsal fragmentation. 15 pages, 45 x-rays.......................$5.00 (postage included)

Books Based on dr. Pottenger’s Work • Pottenger’s ProPheCy


See Page 21


PriMaL cuisine: cooking For the PaLeo diet

Pauli Halstead Foreword by Nora Gedgaudas Improve your health, boost your energy levels, increase your brain power, live longer, and even save money on your grocery bills with 150 budget-conscious paleo diet recipes from gourmet chef Pauli Halstead. These easy-tofollow recipes provide more than 20 choices for every meal of the day, even desserts and snacks, and all are free of grains, gluten, sugar, chemicals, antibiotics, and hormones. More than just a cookbook, Primal Cuisine also explains the dietary theory behind the primal life-style. Chef Pauli’s step-bystep advice to eliminate unhealthy carbohydrates and optimize protein and healthful fat intake demonstrates how the foods of our ancestors—such as wild-caught fish, grass-fed meats, and organic vegetables, nuts, seeds, and berries—are still the best choice when it comes to improving your physical and mental health. From Mardi Gras Crab Cakes with Creole Remoulade to Beef Carpaccio Salad, from comfort foods like Sunday Roast Chicken with Herb Butter and Roasted Vegetables to completely sugar-free desserts like Lemon Cheesecake with Berries, this companion to the bestselling Primal Body, Primal Mind opens the door to a sustainable primal lifestyle of health, energy, mental focus, and long life using innovative recipes to delight your family, impress your guests, and inspire your culinary talents. 272 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $19.95 NE W

PriMaL PoWer Method Gary Collins, MS

It’s the wellness reboot you’ve been waiting for! Achieve sustainable weight loss, increased energy, and disease-and-pain free living with the ultimate diet and exercise guide. A must-read for anyone who wants to be healthy, look incredible, and feel energized and empowered about their health. Stop the fad diet madness! Shed fat and keep it off for life with the last diet and exercise program you will ever need. You won’t get a strong, sexy body with gimmicky exercise equipment or pre-packed frozen foods. But according to fat-loss expert Gary Collins, MS, it is possible to get – and stay – disease free, fit and lean for life. A former special investigator for the US Food and Drug Administration and US Department of Health and Human Services, Collins reveals why most of what you have been taught about how to lose weight is wrong – and is likely harming your health! In his step-by-step program, this government insider turned public health advocate pulls back the curtain on what the FDA knows (that the public doesn’t) that may be holding you back from having the lean, sexy body you’ve always wanted. Maybe you’ve lost weight in the past – but then packed back on the pounds. Maybe you eat according to government recommendations – but still feel exhausted and unwell. For years, Collins and his revolutionary Primal Power Method have helped clients with the same concerns to drastically change their bodies and lives. Now, you can too.

ProBiotic Foods For good heaLth Beatrice Trum Hunter Probiotic foods are fermented foods cultured by live beneficial microorganisms. Those most familiar to us are yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, and buttermilk. Many more have been enjoyed for centuries in different parts of the world, but are largely unknown to us. Fermented foods help keep our bodies healthy. They protect us from harmful food borne pathogens that have become increasingly resistant to antibiotics. These two grave and growing problems—food borne illness and antibiotic resistance—can cause many disorders, from allergy and asthma to yeast infections and heart disease, among others. It’s time we get acquainted with probiotic foods as nutritional and therapeutic treasures. Probiotic Foods for Good Health discusses in detail more than forty traditional probiotic foods based on milk, vegetables, beans, and cereal grains. It also provides practical information about reliable sources for commercially available fermented foods, at-home starter cultures, and shopping tips that make it easy to add these delicious, health-promoting foods to your daily diet. Beatrice Trum Hunter has written nearly thirty books on whole foods, food adulteration, and additives. She has received many awards and recognitions for her pioneering work. 218 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $18.95 Put your heart in your Mouth:

naturaL treatMent For angina, heart attack, high BLood Pressure, stroke, arrhythMia, PeriPheraL vascuLar disease, atheroscLerosis Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, MMedSci

In her clinic Dr. Campbell-McBride works with many patients with heart disease, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, stroke and other complications of atherosclerosis. She has become acutely aware of the existing confusion about nutrition and these conditions, which spurred an intensive study into this subject. In this book we are going to try and understand what exactly atherosclerosis is and what really causes it. We will then look at what each and every one of us can do to prevent, and even reverse, atherosclerosis in our bodies. 186 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $24.95

PPNF ONLINE BOOKSTORE Due to a lack of space, all of the items we have to offer are not listed in this catalog. Visit our online bookstore to view all of our products, read full product descriptions, check for new additions, buy gifts, and much more.

133 pages, hardcover (1-lb) ................................................ $17.00 PPNF RESOURCE CATALOG - WWW.PPNF.ORG


rainshoW’r® shoWer FiLter For an Energized Shower Experience! Converts chlorine into a harmless soluble chloride. Crystalline quartz for energy enhanced shower “feel” and better lathering. Works wonderfully with hand-held shower kits. • Polyester filter element enhances cartridge performance through sediment removal. • Installs in minutes - no special tools or professional help required. • Easy to replace filter cartridges last 6 - 7 months. • Can be purchased with or without optional shower head! • Replacement filters available from PPNF. Shower Filter (3-lbs) ........................................................ $41.96 Shower Head (1-lb) .......................................................... $10.54 Replacement Cartridge (2-lbs) ........................................ $21.70

reaL Food For Mother and BaBy: the FertiLity diet, eating For tWo, and BaBy’s First Words

Nina Planck

Nina Planck, one of the “great food activists,” changed the way we view old fashioned foods like butter with her groundbreaking Real Food. Then she got pregnant. Never one to accept conventional wisdom blindly, Nina found the usual advice about pregnancy and baby food riddled with myths and misunderstandings. Nina’s basic premise hasn’t changed—whole foods are best— but some of the details are surprising. Even as she casts a skeptical eye on the conventional wisdom, Nina is ALWAYS reassuring. She shows you how to keep your baby healthy on good, simple food. 272 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $17.00 the reaL truth aBout vitaMins & anti-oxidants:

heaLth science series #3 NE W

reaL Food FerMentation: Preserving WhoLe Fresh Food With Live cuLtures in your hoMe

Alex Lewin

Transform your food! Preserve your favorite foods through every season. Control your own ingredients, techniques, and additives. Learn a practical food-preparation skill you’ll use again and again. And express yourself by making something unique and whole. Inside you’ll find: • All the basics- the process, the tools, and how to get started. • A guide to choosing the right ingredients. • Sauerkraut and beyond- how to ferment vegetables, including slaw-style, pickles, and kimchi. • How to ferment dairy into yogurt, kefir, crème fraiche, and butter. • How to ferment fruits, from lemons to tomatoes, and how to serve them. • How to ferment your own beverages, including mead, kombucha, vinegar, and ginger ale. • A primer on fermented meat, fish, soy, bread, and more • Everything you need to know about why the recipes work, why they are safe, what to do if they go wrong, and how to modify them to suit your taste. 176 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $24.99

“The wild animal uses Nature’s foods as Nature makes them. This was true of the earlier races of mankind. In proportion as man has learned to modify Nature’s foods, he has degenerated” Weston A. Price, DDS 24

Judith A. DeCava, CNC, LNC

DeCava covers the subject of vitamins and comes down on the side of natural food concentrates. Citing evidence that cellular malnutrition is a prominent cause of disease. DeCava explains what is known and not known about vitamins and antioxidants and the nutritional effects of natural and synthetic supplements. This is an extremely useful and easy-to-read volume. 290 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $14.99 the reaL vitaMin & MineraL Book Shari Lieberman, PhD, CNS, FACN and Nancy Bruning, MPH If you think that by taking a typical daily multivitamin you are getting all the nutrition you need, think again. The government’s Reference Daily Intakes (RDIs) are designed only to prevent the most obvious deficiency diseases—they are the “minimum wages” of nutrition. RDIs are not adequate for anyone looking for optimum health—high energy, a strong immune system, and a mind and body that perform at their best. That’s why, more than fifteen years ago, Dr. Shari Lieberman and Nancy Bruning pioneered the concept of Optimum Daily Intakes (ODIs). Their suggested range of doses is for people who want to function optimally, at the peak of health. By following their straightforward plan, you will craft your own personal supplement program using information that you just can’t get anywhere else, not from health-food stores, not from the media, and not from your doctor. Their worksheets make it a snap to design your personal basic ODI supplement program, while the A-to-Z troubleshooting guide tells you at a glance which supplements can help control a variety of symptoms and disorders, including acne, diabetes, fatigue, cardiovascular disease and stress. 424 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $17.00


ROOT CaNaL COvER-UP George E. Meinig, DDS, FACD Learn how hidden bacteria in teeth cause side effects that can endanger your life. Discover how germs trapped in teeth and tonsils mutate and metastasize like cancer cells and how these bacteria migrate to heart, kidney, eyes, brain, arthritic joints and countless other body tissues. Learn how Dr. George discovered that a meticulous 25 year research program, conducted by WESTON A. PRICE, DDS (See Dental Infections, page 10), under the auspices of the AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION’S RESEARCH INSTITUTE, was buried by disbelievers of the focal infection theory. 227 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $19.95 Member Price...................................................................... $17.95 Add “NEW”trition (pg 18) and get $6.50 off Root Canal CoveR-Up Wholesale DisCoUnt pRiCing 18 books per case 2 - 4 books .........................................................................10% off 5 - 9 books .........................................................................15% off 10 - 29 books .....................................................................20% off 30 - 59 books .....................................................................43% off 60 - 119 books ...................................................................46% off 120 oR moRe books ............................................................50% off

SaLT yOUR Way TO hEaLTh David Brownstein, MD In my search for safe and natural holistic remedies I came across unrefined salt. Unrefined salt contains over 80 essential minerals. Refined salt has no minerals. I have seen patients with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, dizziness, Meniere’s disease and other health problems improve when they begin using unrefined salt in conjunction with a holistic regimen. This book was written to give the reader a new look at salt. Unrefined salt is a vital substance that is a wonderful source of minerals. It helps support the thyroid and adrenal glands. My clinical experience has shown that it is impossible to have an optimally functioning immune system when there is a salt-deficient state present. Salt is a vitally important dietary nutrient. This book will show you the remarkable healing ability of unrefined salt! 148 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $15.00 SayING NO TO vaCCINES: a RESOURCE GUIDE FOR aLL aGES

Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny

Saying No To Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages is not just about childhood vaccinations. It shines a light on the 25 most common misconceptions about vaccines and addresses problems with vaccines in all age groups. Adults are faced with an increasing number of vaccine requirements and many have been ThE ROOTS OF DISEaSE: severely injured by vaccination. Being older does not automatically CONNECTING DENTISTRy & MEDICINE make vaccination safe. You will discover information here to help Robert Kulacz, DDS and international travelers, healthcare workers, nursing home workers Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD and residents, adoptions, college students, those in the military... Foreword by James Earl Jones and more! This book includes: A (Short) History of Mandatory These doctors have found that the removal of, Vaccination, Vaccine Exemptions for Schools, Healthcare, and complete healing of, sites of infective dental Military and Other Special Circumstances, Vaccine Ingredients toxicity can often result in seemingly near miraculous improve- and Schedules, 350+ Medical References Documenting Vaccine ment in many of their patients. They raise vital questions concern- Problems… and more! ing commonly accepted medical and dental procedures which can 320 pages, softcover (3-lbs) ................................................ $39.00 affect the health and well being of every individual. Frontier work in quantum science and microbiology now demonstrate how comSEEDS OF DECEPTION pletely interconnected our bodies are at subtle levels, yet clinicians Jeffrey M. Smith remain largely ignorant of these effects on the health of organs and organisms. This book presents powerful evidence of the need for Is your food safe? What the biotech industry additional research, debate and understanding of these effects. doesn’t want you to know. This book reveals how industry manipulation and political collusion260 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $21.99 not sound science —allow dangerous genetically engineered food into your daily diet. Company research is rigged, alarming evidence of health dangers is covered up, and intense political pressure applied. Chapters read like adventure stories: Scientists were offered “Raw food consists largely of hydrophilic colloids bribes or threatened. Evidence was stolen. Data was omitted or which are essential in the digestive process. distorted. Government employees who complained were harassed, Because of the hydration capacity of colloids, stripped of responsibilities, or fired. Read the actual internal memos they absorb digestive juices and so prevent the by FDA scientists, warning of toxins, allergies, and new diseases - all ignored by their superiors, including a former attorney for common ailments of sour or acid stomach.” Monsanto. Discover how industry studies are designed to avoid finding problems. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD 289 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $17.95 PPNF RESOURCE CATALOG - WWW.PPNF.ORG


aBout Weston a. PrICe, dds


r. Weston A. Price, a Cleveland dentist, has been called the “Charles Darwin of Nutrition.” In his search for the causes of dental decay and physical degeneration that he observed in his dental practice, he turned from test tubes and microscopes to unstudied evidence among human beings. Dr. Price sought the factors responsible for fine teeth among the people who had them – the isolated “primitives.” The world became his laboratory. As he traveled, his findings led him to the belief that dental caries and deformed dental arches resulting in crowded, crooked teeth, and unattractive appearance were merely a sign of physical degeneration, resulting from what he had suspected – nutritional deficiencies.

The discoveries and conclusion of Dr. Price are presented in his classic volume Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, copyrighted and published by the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation. The book contains striking photographs of handsome, healthy primitives and illustrates in an unforgettable way the physical degeneration that occurs when human groups abandon nourishing traditional diets in favor of modern convenience foods.


• The diets contained no refined or devitalized foods.

rice traveled all over the world in order to study isolated human groups, including sequestered villages in Switzerland, Gaelic communities in the Outer Hebrides, Eskimos and Indians of North America, Melanesian and Polynesian South Sea Islanders, African tribes, Australian Aborigines, New Zealand Maori and the Indians of South America. Wherever he went, Dr. Price found that beautiful, straight teeth, freedom from decay, stalwart bodies, resistance to disease and fine characters were typical of primitives on their traditional diets, rich in essential food factors.


hen Dr. Price analyzed the foods used by isolated primitive peoples, he found that they provided at least four times the water-soluble vitamins, calcium and other minerals, and at least ten times the fat soluble vitamins from animal foods such as butter, fish, eggs, shellfish and organ meats.


he importance of good nutrition for mothers during pregnancy has long been recognized, but Dr. Price’s investigation showed that primitives understood and practiced preconception nutritional programs for both parents. Many tribes required a period of premarital nutrition, and children were spaced to permit the mother to maintain her full health and strength, thus assuring subsequent offspring of physical excellence. Special foods were often given to pregnant and lactating women, as well as to the maturing boys and girls in preparation for future parenthood. Dr. Price found these foods to be very rich in fat soluble vitamins A and D – nutrients found only in animal fats.


hese primitives with their fine bodies, homogeneous reproduction, emotional stability and freedom from degenerative ills stand forth in sharp contrast to those subsisting on the impoverished foods of civilization – sugar, white flour, pasteurized milk and convenience foods filled with extenders and additives.


ConClusIons oF the PrICe researCh • Dental decay is caused primarily by nutritional deficiencies. • Although radically different, 14 tribal diets provided almost complete immunity to tooth decay and resistance to disease. • Laboratory analyses revealed that all of these diets were unusually high in protein, vitamins, minerals and especially in fat soluble factors found in animal fats. • Contact with civilization, followed by adoption of the “displacing foods of modern commerce,” was disastrous for all groups studied. • Rampant dental caries were followed by progressive facial deformities in children born to parents consuming refined and devitalized foods. • These changes consisted of narrowed facial structure and dental arches, along with crowded teeth, birth defects and increased susceptibility to infectious and chronic disease. • Significantly, when some natives returned to their traditional diets, open cavities ceased progressing and children subsequently conceived and born, once again had perfect dental arches and no tooth decay. • If civilized man is to survive, he must incorporate the fundamentals of primitive nutritional wisdom into his modern life-style. • The application of Price’s findings in clinical practice gives great satisfaction to both doctor and patient.

Works by Weston a. Price, DDs • dental InFeCtIons, oral and systeMIC and dental InFeCtIons & the degeneratIVe dIseases, VoluMes 1 and 2 See Page 10 • dr. PrICe’s searCh For health - dVd See Page 38 • nutrItIon & PhysICal degeneratIon See Page 19 • orIgInal teaChIng slIde PresentatIon See Page 38 • Weston a. PrICe, dds, BIBlIograPhy See Page 34 • Weston a. PrICe, dds, rePrInts See Page 27


the statin daMage crisis Duane Graveline, MD, MPH

rePrInts oF dr. PrICe’s Work Is A PulPless TooTh heAlThy BecAuse IT Is comforTABle? From Dental Infections by Weston A. Price. Dr. Price explains that just because a tooth with a root canal filling does not have any pain or visible local infection, that it could still be causing physical problems in other areas of the body. 1 page .......................................... $1.00 (postage included) some conTrIBuTIng fAcTors To The DegenerATIve DIseAses, sPecIAl consIDerATIon of The role of DenTAl focAl InfecTIons AnD seAsonAl TIDes In DefensIve vITAmIns wITh

A comparison of monthly variations of vitamin A and D content in different states and a comparison to the incidence of disease increase at the same time. Seasonal incidence of some children’s diseases for five years in Toronto, Relation of Deaths from Organic Heart Disease to level of Vitamins A and D by Months, these are only a couple of examples of the 13 figures and graphs included in the paper. 27 pages....................................... $8.00 (postage included) rAce DeclIne AnD rAce regenerATIon An informative summary, in simple language, of the essential role of nutrition in maintenance of human health and reproductive capacity. 11 pages, 14 photos ..................... $5.00 (postage included)

Books BAseD on Dr. PrIce’s work • root Canal CoVer-uP

See Page 25

Following the directive oF dr. weston A. Price’s lAst words to the FoundAtion’s First curAtor, AlFredA rooke:

“you TeAch! you TeAch! you TeAch!”

This book draws attention to the thousands of statin damaged people who have written to Dr. Graveline about their disabling neuropathies, myopathies and a variety of neurodegenerative conditions, such as ALS and Parkinsonism associated with statin use. Dr. Graveline states: “Early on, my NASA doctors told me my amnesia response to statins was nothing but a coincidence, but I persevered to write my first book, Lipitor, Thief of Memory. Then I learned of statin damage to nerves and muscles and profound behavioral and personality changes, demanding I write a second book, Statin Drugs Side Effects. Even this broadly encompassing book was insufficient to describe what I have learned more recently of the truly dark side of statins - their ability to alter the very fabric of our makeup. I had long wondered why muscle and nerve damage seemed permanent and even progressive like my own ALS-like condition. Now I have found that the ultimate effect of statins on CoQ10 and dolichols is to damage the DNA of the mitochondrial life-force within our cells - mitochondrial mutation masquerading as premature old age.” 189 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $20.00


staying heaLthy With nutrition:

the coMPLete guide to diet and nutritionaL Medicine

Elson M Haas, MD with Buck Levin, PhD, RD Part one of this book gives a detailed analysis of the building blocks of nutrition: water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and oils, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Part two evaluates foods and diets, discussing every food group and most diets around the world. A special chapter on the environment and nutrition raises awareness and offers guidance about food additives, industrial chemicals, food irradiation, electro-pollution, and other health and ecological issues. Part three brings all of this nutritional information together, showing readers how to make wise and commonsense choices while building a healthy diet. A personalized eating plan for the year, the Ideal Diet is both seasonally and naturally based, and a healthy lifelong diet. Part four contains specific nutritional and lifestyle therapies for enhancing all stages of life and suggests treatments for common conditions and diseases such as aging, menopause, bone loss, weight loss, and cancer by focusing on nutritional applications. Anyone interested in enhancing wellness, eating right, treating illness naturally, and living in harmony with nature will find Staying Healthy with Nutrition to be the ultimate handbook for optimal health and vitality. 927 pages, softcover (5-lbs) ................................................ $39.99

Price-Pottenger nutrition FoundAtion hAs been educAting the Public since 1952.



stoP aLzheiMer’s noW!: hoW to

Prevent and reverse deMentia, Parkinson’s, aLs, MuLtiPLe scLerosis, and other neurodegenerative disorders

Bruce Fife, ND Foreword by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

More than 35 million people have dementia today. Each year 4.6 million new cases occur world-wide—one new case every 7 seconds. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. Parkinson’s disease, another progressive brain disorder, affects about 4 million people worldwide. Millions more suffer with other neurodegenerative disorders. The number of people affected by these destructive diseases continues to increase every year. Dementia and other forms of neurodegeneration are not a part of the normal aging process. The brain is fully capable of functioning normally for a lifetime, regardless of how long a person lives. While aging is a risk factor for neurodegeneration, it is not the cause! Dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders are disease processes that can be prevented and successfully treated. This book outlines a program using ketone therapy and diet that is backed by decades of medical and clinical research and has proven successful in restoring mental function and improving both brain and overall health. You will learn how to prevent and even reverse symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS), Huntington’s disease, epilepsy, diabetes, stroke, and various forms of dementia. The information in this book is useful not only for those who are suffering from neurodegenerative disease but for anyone who wants to be spared from ever encountering one or more of these devastating afflictions. These diseases don’t just happen overnight. They take years, often decades, to develop. In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, approximately 70 percent of the brain cells responsible for memory are destroyed before symptoms become noticeable.

psychological stress. Next, it focuses on the various health disorders that afflict modern society—obesity, addiction, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, bowel disorders, and more—and explains the role that inflammation plays in each. Finally, this book provides a variety of non-drug treatments aimed not at controlling the problem, but at removing its cause. 212 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $14.95 suicide By sugar:

a startLing Look at our #1 nationaL addiction

Nancy Appleton, PhD & G. N. Jacobs

It is a dangerous, addictive white powder that can be found in abundance throughout this country. It is not illegal. In fact, it is available in or near playgrounds, schools, workplaces, homes, and vacation spots. It is in practically everything we eat and drink, and once we’re hooked on it, the cravings can be overwhelming. This white substance of abuse is sugar. Once associated only with cavities and simple weight gain, it is now linked to a host of devastating health conditions including cancer, epilepsy, dementia, hypoglycemia, obesity, and more. In this book, sugar addiction expert Dr. Nancy Appleton and health writer G. N. Jacobs not only expose the exorbitant levels of sugar we ingest, but also document the connection between our current health crisis and our sweet tooth. 180 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $15.95 the sunLight soLution: Why More

sun exPosure and vitaMin d are essentiaL to your heaLth

Laurie Winn Carlson

Inflammation is a word we hear all the time, “Your throat is inflamed,” “You have some inflammation around the knee,” “You have an inflamed ear.” Most of us think of it as a symptom associated with an infection, irritation, or injury. When the body’s tissues are disturbed in some manner, a series of complex reactions takes place, resulting in inflammation. In most cases, when the disorder stops, the tissue returns to its normal healthy state. At times, though, the tissue remains chronically inflamed. Drawing on the latest medical research, this book begins with a full explanation of inflammation. It then looks at inflammation’s many causes, from food allergies to environmental factors to

Family members suffered from a lack of vitamin D, and so did I. We just didn’t know it. As a historian, I linked our symptoms to the health problems people endured during the Industrial Revolution, when skies were thick with smoke and diets were lacking basic nutrients. Rickets, that deficiency disease of children like Charles Dickens’ nineteenth century character Tiny Tim, is back. Physicians now report an increasing number of children with vitamin D deficiency and adult diseases are consistently being linked with lack of vitamin D. Study after study affirms that sunlight and vitamin D are essential in both prevention and treatment of diseases as serious as cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and more. For those of us living at higher latitudes, sunlight is fleeting and appreciated. I argue it is the most important element needed for good health. We live, work, and play indoors, and seldom bask in sunlight as our ancestors did. Most importantly, we live at a latitude that endangers our health, especially if we have dark-toned skin. In places like Boston and Seattle, we can never get enough sunlight in winter due to the sun’s position in the sky. Supplementation is a must, either dietary or ultraviolet radiation.

description continues...

246 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $19.98

352 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $19.95 stoPPing inFLaMMation: reLieving the cause oF degenerative diseases

Nancy Appleton, PhD



sunscreens – Biohazard: treat as


hazardous Waste

sWeet Fire: sugar, diaBetes & your heaLth

Elizabeth Plourde, PhD

Mary Toscano, NE

Life on the planet is in danger! Sunscreens are endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) or TiO2 or ZnO nanoparticles. Current research shows these are toxic to all life. Sunscreens are now found in: the earth’s precious lakes, rivers, and oceans. Fish, birds, aquatic and marine life, 97% of American’s blood, Mother’s milk: exposing babies during crucial early development. Coral die in 96 hours. Plankton die: jeopardizing our vital-tolife source of food and oxygen. Fish become intersexed, some even stop spawning. EDC’s are linked to the Fetal Basis of Adult Disease: Life-long obesity, type 1 diabetes, asthma, and ADHD. TiO2 nanoparticles cross cell membranes: disrupt cell division/ create fetal DNA deletions. Vitamin D deficiency is epidemic: sunscreens prevent its formation. Autism increases: parallel increases in sunscreens that disrupt neurodevelopment.

1 in 3 U.S. adults will have diabetes by 2050. It is time to understand sugar. Finally, a condensed, quick read to bring you up to speed on the basics: What is sugar? The surprising amount of sugar we eat daily, How sugar raises cholesterol and triglyceride levels, What the body does with sugar, The pathway to type 2 diabetes, How to deal with sugar addiction, Sweetener choices, Plus, over 50 pages of recipes and strategies to add more healthy food to your diet. The options are clear: we either learn the facts about sugar and diabetes today, or live with their consequences tomorrow. 268 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $24.95 syMPtoMs oF visceraL disease:

a study oF the vegetative nervous systeM in its reLationshiP to cLinicaL Medicine (sixth edition) PPNF Exclusive!

331 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $27.95

Francis M. Pottenger, Sr., AM, MD, LLD, FACP suPer nutrition For BaBies: the right Way to Feed your BaBy For oPtiMaL heaLth

Katherine Erlich, MD and Kelly Genzlinger, CNC, CMTA Foreword by David Brownstein, MD Nutrition and proper feeding are never more critical than in your baby’s formative first months and years. However, many wellknown feeding recommendations and convenience-based baby foods don’t foster optimal health and nutrition. Filled with sugar, preservatives, and chemically refined ingredients, they set your child up for allergies, ADHD, autism, diabetes, and developmental difficulties now and later in life. There is a better way to feed your baby. Based on the guidelines used at one of the largest holistic practices in the country and the latest science-verified nutritional recommendations, this book provides recipes and information on all aspects of nutrition and feeding from when to introduce meat in a child’s diet, to healthier alternatives to dairy and soy, getting processed “fake” foods out of your child’s diet, and cutting hidden sugars. You will also discover the best foods for every age and stage so your baby gets the healthiest nutrition to maximize their current and lifelong health, minimize illness and optimize important quality-of-life concerns such as sleep, digestion, behavior, and brain development. 239 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $16.99


the Gift of a



The timeless and classic book by Dr. Pottenger is finally available to the public! Chapters include: • Vegetative Nervous System; General Considerations • Vegetative Nervous System; Anatomically considered • Vegetative Nervous System; General Physiologic Considerations • Pharmacologic Differentiation Between Neurons of the Thoracicolumbar and Craniosacral Outflows • Pharmacologic and Clinical Tests for Sympathicotonia and Parasympathicotonia • The Relation of the Ionic Content and Physical State of the Cell to Cell Activity and Nerve Stimulation • Basis of Classification of Symptoms of Disease • Symptoms Due to Toxemia • Segmentation of the Body • Viscerogenic Reflex • Reflexes Whose Afferent Impulses Course in the Sympathetic Nerves • Reflexes Whose Afferent Impulses Course in the Parasympathetic Nerves • Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Syndromes Includes 20 chapters on all of the organs and systems of the body. 86 text illustrations with 10 color plates 426 pages, steel spine bound by PPNF (3-lbs) ................... $50.00 Member Price...................................................................... $45.00

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tender grassFed Meat: traditionaL Ways to cook heaLthy Meat

Stanley A. Fishman

Tender Grass-fed Meat shows you how to prepare this healthy meat so it comes out tender and delicious every time. This book describes what is different about grass-fed meat and how to cook it. Beef, bison, and lamb are at their healthy best when they have been fed only the food they were designed to eat—grass. This is the meat that humankind has enjoyed and thrived on for thousands of years. Now, people are rediscovering the health benefits and wonderful taste of these traditional meats. Tender Grass-fed Meat adapts traditional ways of cooking grassfed meat for modern kitchens. The results have to be tasted to be believed. Grass-fed meat is leaner, denser, less watery, and far more flavorful than other meat. It must be cooked differently. All the recipes in this book have been specifically created and designed for grass-fed meat, using only the best natural ingredients. The step-by-step recipes are detailed and easy to use. 221 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $22.95 traditionaL Foods are your Best Medicine: iMProving heaLth and Longevity With native nutrition

Ronald F. Schmid, ND

Modern medicine now recognizes that the present-day Western diet is responsible for many of today’s chronic illnesses. Nutritionists and anthropologists have noted the decline in health that accompanies indigenous peoples’ transition from traditional to modern diets. In Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine, Ron Schmid explains how a return to a traditional diet can help you reduce your risk of heart attack by 50 percent; fight allergies, chronic fatigue, arthritis, skin problems, and headaches; recover from colds and flu in a day or two; and increase your life expectancy. Chapters focusing on the major food groups, common diets, and health goals enable you to tailor a diet to your special needs. 270 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $16.95 the troPhoBLast and the origins oF cancer: one soLution to the MedicaL enigMa oF our tiMe

Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD and Linda L. Isaacs, MD A groundbreaking analysis revealing how more than 100 years ago, the English scientist Dr. John Beard uncovered not only the likely origins of cancer but also its solution. Explains Dr. Beard’s underlying theory from the perspective of contemporary molecular biology. Explores Dr. Beard’s pioneering use of pancreatic enzymes for cancer treatment, and showcases a series of case histories describing cancer patients successfully treated with pancreatic enzymes by Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Isaacs. “Discover this book and discover the real possibility that cancer can be treated without toxic chemicals and through a purely description continues... 30

natural, proven protocol. The cancer theories of Dr. John Beard flourish today in the work of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. Don’t let the established medical community stifle this effective treatment again as they did in the early 1900’s.” -- Suzanne Somers, author of Knockout 220 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $49.95 the truth aBout chiLdren’s heaLth Robert Bernardini, MS The comprehensive guide to understanding, preventing and reversing disease. Save your child from becoming a victim to: cancer, asthma, behavioral problems, autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, diabetes, obesity and more. Special sections include: Four simple steps to a well-behaved, healthy, happy child, The ancestry factor revealed, In-depth guide and contact information. If you would like to ensure your child grows up healthy and strong and not a victim of disease, violence or learning disabilities, this is a must-read for you. Discover the true causes of the most serious and prevalent health challenges our children face and what you can do about them. 394 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $19.95 the tyPe 2 diaBetes Breakthrough: a revoLutionary

aPProach to treating tyPe 2 diaBetes

Frank Shallenberger, MD

The conventional concept and treatments do not address several vital issues, what causes insulin resistance, how to correct insulin resistance, and how the pancreas can be protected from free-radical damage that occurs with insulin resistance. Genetics has a role in type-2 diabetes, but only when accompanied by decreased energy production. As long as there is optimal energy production and fat metabolism, there will be no type-2 diabetes. This book focuses on the two core processes that cause diabetes. There are 8 lifestyle change steps that work together to increase energy production by increasing oxygen metabolism and to shift energy production away from glucose metabolism and toward fat metabolism. 229 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $14.95 uninForMed consent:

the hidden dangers in dentaL care

Hal A. Huggins, DDS, MS and Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

This book presents cases of toxic poisoning – of depressed immune systems and inexplicable illnesses – all easily traceable to the toxins leaching into the bloodstream from the heavy metals in dental materials. The authors also discuss the hidden truths that the dental industry in America doesn’t want to talk about, and the real reasons the dangers of these materials have been suppressed and ignored. 278 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $20.00



the untoLd story oF MiLk Ron Schmid, ND Foreword by Sally Fallon Morell

This fascinating and compelling book will change the way you think about milk. Dr. Schmid chronicles the role of milk in the rise of civilization and in early America, the distillery dairies, compulsory pasteurization, the politics of milk, traditional dairying cultures and the modern dairy industry. He details the betrayal of public trust by government health officials and dissects the modern myths concerning cholesterol, animal fats and heart disease. He describes how scores of eminent scientists have documented the superiority of raw milk and its myriad health benefits. 491 pages, softcover (3-lbs) ................................................ $25.00 NE W


vaccine ePideMic: hoW corPorate

greed, Biased science, and coercive governMent threaten our huMan rights, our heaLth, and our chiLdren

Editors: Louise Kuo Habakus, MA and Mary Holland, JD With Kim Mack Rosenberg, JD Public health officials state that vaccines are safe and effective, but the truth is far more complicated. Vaccination is a serious medical intervention that always carries the potential to injure and cause death as well as to prevent disease. Coercive vaccination policies deprive people of free and informed consent – the hallmark of ethical medicine. Americans are increasingly concerned about vaccine safety and the right to make individual, informed choices together with their healthcare practitioners. Vaccine Epidemic focuses on the searing debate surrounding individual and parental vaccination choice in the United States. The editors, edit and introduce a diverse array of interrelated topics concerning the explosive vaccine controversy, including the ethics of vaccination mandates, corrupting conflicts of interest in the national vaccine program, and personal narratives of parents, children, and soldiers who have suffered vaccine injury. Newly updated with additional chapters focusing on institutional scientific misconduct, mandates for healthcare workers, concerns about HPV vaccine development, and the story behind the Supreme Court’s recent vaccine decision, Vaccine Epidemic remains the essential handbook for the vaccination choice movement and required reading for all people contemplating vaccination for themselves and their children. 484 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $19.95

DID YOU KNOW... The healthiest fats and oils are: olive and minimally processed seed and nut oils (not for cooking), coconut, red palm kernel, butter, ghee, lard, tallow, goose and chicken fat from healthy animals. No cottonseed or canola!

vaccine guide For dogs & cats Catherine J. M. Diodati, MA Foreword by Dr. Richard Pitcairn, DVM, PhD What every pet lover should know. Are pet vaccines safe and protective? Veterinary vaccines are given to prevent disease, yet studies show that they are often debilitating and fatal. They have been linked to autoimmune and neurological disorders, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, tumors, seizures, allergies, digestive problems, organ failure, and many other serious ailments. This important book provides information on all canine and feline vaccines. It includes hundreds of studies documenting veterinary vaccine safety and efficacy problems, plus several personal stories of vaccine damage to family pets. As a concerned pet owner, you can now make informed decisions about the health and welfare of your precious four-legged friends. 127 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $13.95 vaccination is not iMMunization Tim O’Shea This book is the sequel to the 13 editions of The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination I$ Not Immunization. Recent profound changes in vaccine policy, ignored by most media, are brought to light. The number of vaccines mandated to U.S. children today follows the exponential rise in global population. In 1974 when the world population was at 4 billion, U.S. children were being scheduled for less than 20 vaccines. With the world population approaching 7 billion, the recommended childhood vaccines in the U.S. have more than tripled, with the current figure at 68! 213 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $25.00 the vegetarian Myth:

Food, Justice, and sustainaBiLity

Lierre Keith

We’ve been told that a vegetarian diet can feed the hungry, honor the animals, and save the planet. Lierre Keith believed in that plant-based diet and spent twenty years as a vegan. But, in The Vegetarian Myth, she argues that we have been led astray – not by our longings for a just and sustainable world, but by our ignorance. The truth is that agriculture is a relentless assault against the planet, and more of the same won’t save us. In service to annual grains, humans have devastated prairies and forests, driven countless species extinct, altered the climate, and destroyed the topsoil – the basis of life itself. Keith argues that if we are to save this planet, our food must be an act of profound and abiding repair: it must come from inside living communities, not be imposed across them. Part memoir, part nutritional primer, and part political manifesto, this book will challenge everything you thought you knew about food politics. 312 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $20.00



We Want to Live!:

the WhoLe soy story Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN

the PriMaL diet

Aajonus Vonderplanitz Through this remarkable but true story of Aajonus’ battle to save his son from life-threatening injuries following an automobile accident, we learn how Aajonus healed himself of terminal cancers, diabetes, bursitis and psoriasis. We learn how thousands of his clients have healed themselves of hundreds of “incurable” diseases. All of those miracles were accomplished simply by eating foods prepared in specific ways and in specific combinations. This book includes a remedy section listing hundreds of diseases and ailments, with specific foods and combinations of foods that people have used to cure themselves. Listed is everything from beauty tips, the common cold and infant problems, to aging, muscular dystrophy, HIV and cancer. Most people who applied the principles of the Primal Diet to their lives reduced their medical bills by at least 90%. Many people eliminated their medical bills entirely. Imagine living a life you control, as well as being healthy and feeling great!

In this groundbreaking exposé, Dr. Kaayla Daniel explodes the myths about soy. Soy is NOT a health food, Soy is NOT the answer to world hunger, Soy is NOT a panacea, Soy has NOT even been proven safe. Hundreds of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies link soy to malnutrition, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders, immune system breakdown, even heart disease and cancer. Most at risk are children given soy formula, vegetarians who eat soy as their main source of protein and adults selfmedicating with soy foods and supplements. Discover the dark side of America’s favorite health food with top nutritionist Dr. Kaayla Daniel as she sheds light on the often contradictory evidence on soy and disease. All fact and no fiction, The Whole Soy Story provides the information you need to determine which studies are valid, which justify hope, which are mere hype – and why. 457 pages, hardcover (2-lbs) .............................................. $29.95

364 pages, hardcover (3-lbs) .............................................. $30.00 WhoLe Body dentistry Mark A. Breiner, DDS An important book that explains the powerful impact dental problems and procedures may have on your overall health. Learn the vital information you need to know to protect or improve the health of you and your family. If you have health problems, and traditional or nontraditional treatments are not working, you should learn how dentistry can affect your physiological systems. 466 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $21.95 NE W

the WhoLe-Food guide to overcoMing irritaBLe BoWeL syndroMe: strategies & reciPes For eat-

ing WeLL With iBs, indigestion & other digestive disorders

Laura J. Knoff, NC

If you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you know all too well that its symptoms sometimes rule your life. While medication may temporarily alleviate IBS, diet and lifestyle changes target the root of the problem and can help you feel like yourself again. In this book, nutrition consultant and former digestive disorder sufferer Laura Knoff reveals powerful, natural strategies for relieving symptoms right away and offers a collection of easy and nutritious recipes to help you end your struggle with IBS once and for all. This guide includes tips and advice on: • What to eat and what to avoid to prevent IBS symptoms • Herbs and vitamins for improving digestion naturally • Self-assessing your IBS through an elimination diet • Lifestyle changes, exercise, and stress management

Why stoMach acid is good For you: naturaL reLieF FroM heartBurn, indigestion, reFLux & gerd

Jonathan V. Wright, MD and Lane Lenard, PhD

This revolutionary book unleashes a brilliant new plan for permanently curing heartburn by relieving the most common cause of the problem: insufficient stomach acid secretion. The fact is that, contrary to popular belief, heartburn is almost always associated with too little stomach acid, not too much. As explained in this book, the current medical practice of reducing stomach acid—when stomach acid secretion is already impaired—is a “band-aid” approach that cannot cure the disorder but only temporarily suppresses its symptoms. This quick fix may come at a long-term cost to our health that is being ignored by the pharmaceutical industry, the FDA, and the thousands of physicians that prescribe powerful acid suppressing drugs like Prilosec, Prevacid, Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid, and others. Dr. Wright strongly urges us to avoid using these synthetic chemicals. Instead, he recommends a comprehensive program that involves restoring the stomach to its normal, healthy state by replacing what is missing by taking safe, inexpensive stomach acid supplements and other natural treatments. 208 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $15.95

DID YOU KNOW... Some stores label their meat as “grass-fed” when the animal was finished off with grain. Tell the butcher you want beef from an animal that has been fed grass for its entire life.

196 pages, softcover (1-lb) ................................................. $17.95 32


young Minds With oLd Bodies Melvin E. Page, DDS PPnF excLusive! This book represents 10 to 12 years of independent research on body chemistry and degenerative disease and regeneration. Page asks, “Why haven’t we learned the rules about attaining and maintaining good health? … because we haven’t known enough … because of prejudices … because we need to see scientific proof … and the lack of medical knowledge to test our body chemistry.” He discusses the test for body chemistry and the rules for maintaining and attaining healthy bodies.

aCCess oVer 30 years oF knoWledge!

184 pages, steel spine bound by PPNF (2-lbs) .................. $24.95 Member Price...................................................................... $22.45


your Body’s Many cries For Water:

you’re not sick; you’re thirsty don’t treat thirst With Medication

F. Batmanghelidj, MD

In this book, the reasons are given for why, as a result of a distortion of the thirst sensation in humans, ulcers, dyspeptic pain, rheumatoid joint pain, anginal pain, hypertension, asthma, allergy, raised cholesterol, chronic fatigue syndrome and diabetes in the elderly are either the primary indicators or the consequences of a settled-in dehydration. 196 pages, softcover (2-lbs) ................................................ $14.95

zaPPed: Why your ceLL Phone

shouLdn’t Be your aLarM cLock and 1,268 Ways to outsMart the hazards oF eLectronic PoLLution

now AvAIlBle onlIne! for PPnf memBers! PPNF Journal articles, recipes, and book reviews are now available online for PPNF members. Summaries of the articles and a wealth of other, helpful information are available to everyone. To find the database, go to On the top toolbar, click on Resources / PPNF Journal. hard copies are available for a donation of the following amounts to cover printing and postage: vol. 1, #1 thru vol. 9, #1 (starting in 1976) .......$2.50 each vol. 9, #2 thru vol. 20, #4 (starting in 1985) ..... $5.00 each vol. 21 #1 thru current issue (starting 1997)......$7.50 each Index of Journal articles ........................................$10.00

Ann Louise Gittleman

How many electronic innovations have you dialed, watched, surfed, charged, listened to, booted up, commuted on, cooked with, and plugged in today? We’re being zapped: Today 84 percent of Americans own a cell phone; 89 million of us watch TV beamed in by satellite; and we can’t sip a cup of coffee at our local café without being exposed to Wi-Fi. The very electronic innovations that have changed our lives are also exposing us, in ways big and small, to an unprecedented number of electromagnetic fields. Invisible pollution surrounds us twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, interrupting our bodies’ natural flow of energy. And for some, that pollution has reached the point of toxicity, causing fatigue, irritability, weakness, and even illness. Zapped is a groundbreaking investigation by one of the top voices in health today - it is essential reading for everyone who is ready to take charge of their quality of life in our ever-changing world. 262 pages, hardcover (2-lbs) .............................................. $25.99

Share the Knowledge and Save neW W holesale d IsCounts ! Pottenger’s Cats: Price .........................................................$9.95 10-25 books ......................................... 30% off 26 or more........................................... 40% off one or more cases (64 books Per case) .. 50% off nutrItIon and PhysICal degeneratIon: Price .......................................................$27.95 10 or more loose books ...................... 30% off one case (20 books Per case) .................. 40% off Two cases ............................................ 45% off Three or more cases ........................... 50% off Give as gifts to friends and family or help disseminate this important work with patients and other healthcare practitioners.



BIBLIOGRAPHIES PPNF makes available the research and bibliographies of the collected works of the health care professionals listed below. Their research has been generously donated to PPNF for the purpose of helping this and future generations achieve optimal health. • William A. Albrecht, AB, BS, MS, PhD

• Royal Lee, DDS

• Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD

• Henry G. Bieler, MD

• Lee Foundation

• Francis M. Pottenger, Sr., MD

• George Chapman

• George E. Meinig, DDS

• Weston A. Price, DDS

• Emmanuel Cheraskin, MD, DMD

• John A. Myers, MD

• Edward Rosenow

• Martha R. Jones, PhD

• Melvin E. Page, DDS

• Ray Schmidt

• Granville F. Knight, MD

• Robert Pottenger, MD

PPnF members can find each author’s biography and bibliography for Free online at See page 6 of this catalog for more information. The majority of these authors' work is online. The remainder will be available 2014. We also offer hard copies of the bibliographies and research papers upon request. We ask for a nominal donation to cover our costs for copying, shipping, and handling.

nutritional therapy association* (nta) Bundle of required reading: $499 includes 15 books, Free shipping*, and Free 1 year membership to PPnF!               

Introduction to the Human Body: The Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 9th Edition - Gerald J.Tortora and Bryan Derrickson Nourishing Traditions - Sally Fallon, MA and Mary G. Enig, PhD The Complete Book of Food Counts - Corinne T. Netzer Staying Healthy with Nutrition - Elson M. Hass, MD and Buck Levin, PhD, RD Motivational Interviewing in Health Care - Stephen Rollnick PhD, William R. Miller PhD, MD and Christopher C. Butler MD Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective - Dicken Weatherby, ND Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - Weston A. Price, DDS Why Stomach Acid Is Good For You - Jonathan V. Wright, MD and Lane Lenard, PhD Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome - James Wilson, ND, DC, PhD Your Body’s Many Cries for Water - F. Batmanghelidj, MD Put Your Heart In Your Mouth - Natasha Campbell–McBride, MD 7- Day Detox Miracle - Peter Bennett, ND, Stephan Barrie, ND and Sara Faye The Omnivores Dilemma - Michael Pollan Know Your Fats: The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils and Cholesterol - Mary G. Enig, PhD How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine - Trisha Greenhalgh

* Free shipping within the continental United States Only. Please call 619-462-7600 for shipping estimates to all other locations. Purchase all your NTA required reading material from PPNF and receive efficient, one-stop shopping, one-year COMPLIMENTARY electronic membership to PPNF, unlimited access to the PPNF journal archives, and much more. No waiting several weeks for your books to be shipped from all over the country. They are shipped right away from one location (the PPNF office), in one box. *The Nutritional Therapy Association, Inc. (NTA), founded by Gray Graham, board member of PPNF, developed a nutrition training program in 1997. The course offers students nine months of training with the flexibility of self-paced study, weekly teleconference calls and three separate multiple-day, instructor-led workshops. To learn more about becoming a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, go to 34


' This symbol designates a lecture sponsored by PPNF

AUDIO/VISUAL aLive toMorroW: reaL LiFe WiLL Find a Way - director’s cut (dvd)

A Stephen Kroschel Film

PPnF excLusive! Stephen Kroschel has been producing and directing movies about Dr. Max Gerson’s cancer therapy for many years. The latest of these films is Alive Tomorrow. Many months ago, Kroschel contacted PPNF’s vice president, David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM, about appearing in this movie to add his comments and discuss the Gerson therapy. Due to time and budget issues, instead of appearing in the movie, David was later asked to produce a separate video discussion to be added in as a special feature that would only be included in the “Director’s Cut” edition. This edition, containing the 16-minute special feature in which David discusses the Gerson therapy along with many comments pertaining to Dr. Weston A. Price’s research, is only available from Price-Pottenger. The film clearly exposes the unfounded mainstream medical bias against Gerson’s therapy. It delves into the problems with silver fillings, fluoride, and other poisons that increase our cancer rates. Although Dr. Price did not find the healthiest tribes to be vegetarian, the Gerson Therapy has often succeeded in reversing many cancers due to its swift and deep detoxification and use of nutrient-dense foods. 1 DVD, approximately 90 minutes (1-lb) ............................ $24.99 Member price ........................................................................ 22.49

' an insiders guide to

Food LaBeLs (cd) David Barold, MD

attaining oPtiMaL heaLth in the 21st century (cd, dvd or MP3) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM this most important heaLth class of your entire life will include numerous topics such as: Why low fat diets can be extremely dangerous. Should we eat beef, poultry, eggs, fish, or be a vegetarian? What are the REAL facts? The truth about dairy products. Good vs. bad fats and oils. Why coconut oil and butter are good but margarine, canola and soybean oils are bad. The truth about soy products. The top three causes of death are all related to diet, so how do we prevent them or reduce our risks? Other Topics Covered are: Vitamins and minerals, herbs, antioxidants, enzymes, fluoride, chlorine, ozone, mold, vaccinations, air, water, light, electro-magnetic radiation, cell phones, homeopathy, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression and much more. This is a comprehensive 17 hour course in nutrition and holistic health. 14 – CD’s (2-lbs) ............................................................... $175.00 Add an MP3 for $20.00 ($100 retail value) (2-lbs) .......... $195.00 MP3 by itself (1-lb) ........................................................... $100.00 Member Price.................................................................... $131.25 Member Price with MP3 ................................................... $146.25 Member Price MP3 by itself ............................................... $80.00 Note: This is also available on 7 DVD’s and 1 Text CD, 14 hours with added important video clips from doctors and scientists. Regular Price (2-lbs) ........................................................ $250.00 Member Price ................................................................... $210.00 Now Available in Streaming Video! See page 6 for details.

Learn how to read and understand all aspects of the food label, what the FDA does and does not require on the food label and advertising tactics to be aware of. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00

ChECK OUT ThE NEW BOOKS aND aUDIO / vISUaL SECTION aT WWW.PPNF.ORG PPNF holds classes in our office that are recorded and then made available on our web site and in our catalog. Look for the CD’s or DVD’s currently available on the site and check the seMinars section for upcoming lectures. stay informed: Receive e-mail notification of upcoming classes! Go to on the right side click on Subscribe to our FREE e-newsletter!


autisM and vaccines: Learn the cause and the saFe and eFFective treatMent (cd) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM

Topics covered: The history of vaccines, the documented research of the autism / vaccine connection, exemption laws for vaccines, natural versus artificial immunity, how to detoxify and build your child’s immune system so the body can heal itself. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00 the BiocheMistry oF eMotions, haPPiness and Weight Loss (cd) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM This A-Z talk on health and nutrition is different from all the rest. What’s unique about this 3 CD set is David does an excellent job tying all the A–Z information in with emotions, happiness and weight loss. After all, the bottom line is we all want to lose weight and be happy. 3 CD set (1-lb) .................................................................... $24.95 Member Price...................................................................... $18.71



' This symbol designates a lecture sponsored by PPNF

AUDIO/VISUAL cancer is curaBLe noW: hoWever it is not cured With Medicine or drugs But With knoWLedge (dvd)

Sabrina & Marcus Freudenmann

With 31 leading global cancer experts, scientists, doctors and authors CANCER is curable NOW is the most comprehensive and conclusive documentary about CANCER and HOLISTIC CANCER TREATMENTS. Additional to a multitude of physical and dietary treatments this groundbreaking documentary uncovers the various problems, physical and emotional, that promotes and cause cancer. “Find the CAUSE, remove it, and your body will heal!” This documentary will empower you to take charge of your own health. It will teach you how to discern clearly what will heal and what will damage your body’s innate ability to heal, so you won’t be a victim of this greedy medical system. The human physique and its emotional imbalances are a key focus point for many of the cancer experts as a healthy mindbody connection is necessary for a patient to recover and stay well. Sabrina & Marcus together with their 4 children set out on a global mission to uncover the truth about Holistic Cancer Healing Methods. Motivated by their passion as a naturopath and filmmaker they interviewed leading cancer experts from around the globe, to help you on your journey to healing and recovery. 1 DVD, 115 minutes (1-lb) .................................................. $27.00 cancer, nutrition & heaLing: a PersonaL odyssey (dvd)

Jerry Brunetti

Nearly everyone is affected by cancer—either personally or a loved one—and combined the treatment of all cancers cost the U. S. an estimated $171 billion a year. You’ll never look at cancer— or cancer treatments—in quite the same way after viewing Jerry’s step-by-step plan for restoring health using fresh, nourishing foods and natural, holistic treatments. When eco-consultant Jerry Brunetti was diagnosed with lymphoma, his doctors advised that without aggressive chemotherapy he would live only six months. Now six years later after seeking advice from many sources and experts and undertaking a wide variety of alternative treatments to nourish and repair his health, he continues to benefit from a vastly improved understanding of his own health and well-being. In this remarkable video presentation, filmed in his kitchen, he covers such topics as strengthening immunity, how to properly supplement conventional therapies, and the variety of hands-on care options and holistic treatment protocols available. He demonstrates his own healthboosting regimen, sharing personal recipes and insights, and providing hope for cancer patients that there are effective, viable non-toxic alternatives to chemotherapy. 1 DVD, 85 minutes (1-lb) .................................................... $20.00 36

' cancer Prevention the naturaL Way (cd) Dan O. Harper, MD, HMD, MDH What Works and Why: Good Water, Correct Foods, Right Environment, Good Attitude, Appropriate Supplements, Detoxification. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00 cancer: your doctor’s Lack oF knoWLedge can shorten your LiFe (dvd & cd) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM

Cancer has now reached epidemic proportions. Everyone knows someone who currently has, or has died of this disease. Why can’t we help save these people and why are we not working to prevent this very preventable disease? Oncologist’s and other physicians are not being taught any of the huge amount of published research regarding nutrition and dietary therapies for cancer. This three hour presentation, on 2 DVD’s will give you the information you need that your physician has not been taught. David is joined by a licensed medical doctor in order to further emphasize that this information and research are both factual and tremendously important. A data CD is also enclosed which contains printable information in three formats, with all the supplements, books and web sites that are discussed on the video (and some that are not). Added information that was not included in the video, is also included on the CD. 2 DVD’s and 1 text CD, 3 hrs and 15 minutes (1-lb) .......... $77.75 Member Price...................................................................... $69.97 chiLdren’s eMotionaL ProBLeMs/ add/adhd and More (dvd & cd) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM Help your child’s emotional system to heal itself. Our children’s health is always worth the effort. In as little as 30-45 days, you can begin to see a new and healthier child. Does your child really have a pharmaceutical deficiency? Or is there some other important undiagnosed issue? Your child may have multiple nutrient deficiencies which will not show up on standard blood tests. Your child may have multiple food or chemical sensitivities or triggers which will not show up on standard allergy tests. Your child may have environmental sensitivities which will not show up on any standard blood tests. Your child is unique and must be treated as such in order to help derive the best possible benefits from available technologies. 1 DVD and 1 text CD, 90 minutes (1-lb) ............................ $39.95 Member Price ..................................................................... $35.95


AUDIO/VISUAL ' chronic Fatigue / FiBroMyaLgia:

sick & tired oF Being sick & tired? (cd)

Dan O. Harper, MD, HMD, MDH

The symptoms, causes and treatment of Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia. Causes can include infections, Candida, Lyme Disease, Hepatitis C, Epstein Barr to name a few. Dr. Harper has over 30 years of medical experience. He treats the root of the problem, not the symptoms. He believes that the body was created to heal itself—given proper nutrition and removal of toxic factors in the environment that hinder health. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00

' create a heaLthy hoMe Lawrence J. Gust, CMR, CBB, EE


Protect yourself from electromagnetic fields, air pollution, household chemicals, cell phones, mold, mildew and more. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00

' This symbol designates a lecture sponsored by PPNF deLicious, heaLthy saLad dressings (dvd) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM Just a few minutes in the kitchen with a blender and your dressings will Wake up your salads, vegetables, meats and all of your other dishes. David teaches you, by demonstration, how to make a variety of different dressings, the tricks that you need to know in order to get the best results, and how to season and spice in the simplest way possible. David even tells you the company he buys his own spices from. Most salad dressings available contain many unhealthy ingredients such as various sugars, canola oil, soy oil, cottonseed oil, MSG, or numerous chemicals. None of these belong in anything that is consumed by health conscious individuals. Manufacturers have always told him that it would be too costly to use the healthy oils. 1 DVD and 1 text CD, 120 minutes (1-lb) .......................... $39.95 Member Price ..................................................................... $29.96

detoxiFication: your Path

to Better heaLth and disease Prevention (dvd & cd)

David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM cut Poison Burn: in the War on

cancer the disease is onLy haLF the BattLe (dvd)


A searing film that illuminates the grim truth about America’s so-called “War on Cancer,” this thought-provoking documentary takes on the forces that have conspired to thwart meaningful advances in cancer research and treatment over the past century. These forces include the federal government (in its effort to label and persecute innovators as quacks), drug companies eager to suppress alternative treatments and powerful industry organizations that place profit over human lives. The story centers on the Navarros, a family struggling to keep their young son alive. As the personal meets the political, we see how the FDA holds a vise-like grip on treatment options. Heart-wrenching and informative, the film ultimately expresses the hope that we can create a new paradigm of prevention, medical freedom and acceptance of highly-tailored therapies to usher in a more enlightened era. 1 DVD, 85 minutes (1-lb) .................................................... $20.00

According to many experts and a great deal of published scientific research, toxins can be the main cause of numerous health conditions. Cancer, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, environmental illness, polymyalgia, and numerous other neurological, degenerative, and auto-immune conditions are or may be caused by the effects of accumulated toxic substances in the body tissues. These toxins have been shown to disrupt or destroy nerve cells and disrupt the immune system and numerous biochemical systems and pathways in many different and insidious ways. Just a few of these toxins include: lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, fluoride, chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, solvents, detergents, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toluene, artificial colorings and flavorings, artificial sweeteners, etc. These poisonous substances come from a plethora of areas including our air and environmental pollution, fish, silver amalgam dental fillings, carpet dyes and adhesives, press board and MDF board in our homes, cleansers, the chlorine and fluoride in our drinking and bathing water, and even chemicals in our toothpastes, lotions, shampoos, air fresheners and plugins, deodorants, anti-static washing machine sheets, and zillions of other culprits too numerous to list here. 1 DVD and 1 text CD, 120 minutes (1-lb) .......................... $49.95 Member Price ..................................................................... $44.95



' This symbol designates a lecture sponsored by PPNF

AUDIO/VISUAL diaBetes: are drugs the onLy

ansWer? are drugs the Best ansWer? (dvd & cd)

David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM, V.P. of PPNF

Do Diets and Supplements Work? YES What are the problems, What are the solutions, What do you need to know, How can you help yourself? This hour long DVD and accompanying CD will teach you the products and strategies that David uses in his practice when treating diabetes. He discusses the problem, goes over the misconceptions, gives you the real information and makes it easy to understand. The enclosed CD allows you to print out all of the supplements as well as the doses that David recommends in his office. The CD also contains a great deal of ADDITIONAL information and references that will be of great help as you change your habits and begin to finally address the real causes of your condition. 1 DVD and 1 text CD, 60 minutes (1-lb) ............................ $39.95 Member Price ..................................................................... $35.95


Right fats, Right carbohydrates, Controlling inflammation, Taking appropriate supplements, Exercise, Stress management. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price...................................................................... $10.00

' digestion/aBsorPtion:

the key to good heaLth (cd)

Dan O. Harper, MD, HMD, MDH

• Gas why am I “Full of It”? • The Blood Type Diet Digestion Question • When to take what Enzymes and what are they all for? • How can I tell which ones I need? 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price...................................................................... $10.00


do you knoW What’s in your Body care Products? (cd) David Barold, MD Recent studies revealing disturbing information about body care products labeled as “Natural” and “Organic.” Follow important steps when evaluating body care products such as toothpaste, cosmetics, shampoo, moisturizers, shaving cream, deodorants, perfumes, etc. Also, some important principles regarding hygiene, skin support and skin protection. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price...................................................................... $10.00 38

dr. Price’s search For heaLth (dvd)

PPNF Produced This tape surveys the research of Dr. Weston A. Price, DDS, and reveals the effect of diet on native peoples around the world, showing that dental cavities, misalignment of teeth, increased susceptibility to disease, physical and mental degeneration are largely attributable to modern processed foods, and that optimal health starts with sound nutrition. 1 DVD, 25.30 minutes (1-lb) ............................................... $35.00 Member Price ...................................................................... $31.50 DR. Price’s originaL teaching Presentation (Power Point) PPNF Produced Over a ten year period, Dr. Price studied tribes throughout the world and found degeneration occurred when they traded their native diet for the foods of modern commerce. He then went on to educate the public and professionals of his findings in seven lessons. Now available on PowerPoint, they have over 350 photos and includes Dr. Price’s description with each one. You can purchase just one lesson or the complete set. the lessons are comprised of the following seven topics: 1. Sketch of the Primitive Races Studied. 2. How Primitive Races Have Prevented Tooth Decay. 3. How the Faces of Primitives Were More Beautiful Before Than After Modernization. 4.Facial Beauty Lost in One Generation & Greater Injury to Later Born Children. 5. Animal Defects From Foods of Parents & Mutual Responsibility of Both Parents. 6. Light From Primitive Races on how Mentally Backward and Delinquents Can be Produced. 7. Special Foods of Primitives for Parents-To-Be and Race Regeneration by Obeying Nature’s Laws of Life The Power Point lessons cannot be shipped until a Legal Declaration of Copyright notice has been completed and returned to PPNF. Membership discounts are only available on full sets. Regular Price (2-lbs) .................................................$350.00 Member Price ............................................................$300.00 Individual Lessons (1-lb) .............................................$75.00

' earLy detection oF Breast cancer With therMograPhy (cd) George Chapman, DC You will learn: • The advantages of thermography over mammography, MRI, ultrasound, self-exam, physician exam, and biopsy. • The value of having a thermogram for early detection of breast cancer, 5-8 years before it shows up on a mammogram. • The accuracy rate with thermography is over


description continues...

' This symbol designates a lecture sponsored by PPNF

AUDIO/VISUAL 80%; mammography is about 40%. • Thermography was approved by the FDA in 1982. • Current research for clinical thermography. • Other uses of clinical thermography in diagnosis of TMJ, circulatory restrictions, depression, and more. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price...................................................................... $10.00

' easy to Make Lacto-FerMented Foods (dvd) Annie Dru, CCE Re-discover the 6 principles of healthy traditional diets based on the research of Dr. Weston A. Price, DDS. Understand why they are so important for health and healing and bring them back into your kitchen today! Annie demonstrates how easy it is to make (and delicious and nutritions to taste) vegetable ferments (sauerkraut, ginger carrots, beet kvass and cabbage juice), and cultured raw dairy products (crème fraiche, cream cheese, and whey). She also reveals the secrets to making bone broth and explains how and why to soak, sprout, ferment and sour-leaven grains, beans, nuts, and seeds. If you are interested in building a strong, healthy body for yourself and your loved ones, follow the teachings of Dr. Price and include in your diet some form of animal protein, animal fat, organ meats, and raw dairy - from healthy animals. Annie’s enthusiasm and passion will touch your heart and nourish your body and soul. 1 DVD, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $20.00 Member Price...................................................................... $15.00 EaTING FOR OPTIMaL hEaLTh IN ThE 21ST CENTURy (DvD & CD) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM Most of what you will learn while viewing this 3 hour video is NOT being taught by medical doctors, registered dieticians, or most nutritionists. Have you ever wondered why so many people are eating “healthier” but still dying of the same diseases? It’s because the “healthier” diets they are eating are not healthy. Learn the facts rather than the politics and watch your health improve. 2 DVD’s and 1 text CD, 180 minutes (1-lb) ........................ $59.95 Member Price...................................................................... $53.95



Dan O. Harper, MD, HMD, MDH Why and where electromagnetic (EMF) fields occur, Illnesses that may have a strong connection to them, How your doctor’s knowledge may be limited. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00

' ELIMINaTE INFLaMMaTION ThaT CaUSES DISEaSE (CD) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM There is a preponderance of research on the problems caused by inflammation in the body. This lecture is about the causes of inflammation, what it does to the body and the foods and supplements to take that assist the body in reducing it. Inflammation is linked to Heart Disease, Cancer, Arthritis, and numerous other degenerative conditions. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00 FaBULOUS FaTS!: SETTING ThE RECORD STRaIGhT (DvD)

Mary Toscano, CNE Fats are Fabulous? For over thirty years, fat in our diet has been associated with obesity, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Recent studies dispel these beliefs and prove that good fats are absolutely essential to our health and well-being. But which fats are good? In this dynamic, musical and highly visual talk, discover the vital role fats play in feeling energized, slim and strong. See which fats are essential for the heart, brain, eyes and reducing painful inflammation. Discover which fats help with joint pain, arthritis, memory and mood swings, and which damaged fats must be avoided! 1 DVD, 65 minutes (1-lb) .................................................... $24.95 FLavORING FOODS FOR yOUR hEaLTh (DvD) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM Get out of the “Healthy Food Tastes Blah” mindset. Learn how chefs season their foods. Of all the herbs and spices, which should you use? What other food items can be added to improve the flavor of your foods? Are there any herbs that must be used fresh because the dried form always loses its flavor? This video will completely change your ability to produce delicious meals. Combine this video with David’s videos Delicious Healthy Salad Dressings (see page 37) and Eating for Optimal Health (see page 39) and you will learn everything you need to know about food to reduce illness and extend your life. 1 DVD, 85 minutes (1-lb) .................................................... $39.95 Member Price ..................................................................... $29.96



Mark L. McAfee

The difference between raw vs. pasteurized milk. Is it safe to drink? Advantages and health benefits of raw milk. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ........ $15.00 Member Price ............................................ $10.00





David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM False-information is given to our population as if they were valid facts. Because of this, we have more disease and our population cannot begin the road to true health. David discusses and corrects the following nutritional Myths: A low fat diet is a healthy diet. Vegetable fats are the healthiest fats. Animal protein should be reduced or avoided to improve health. Dairy products are mucous producing. Eating any RAW meat puts you at risk for an E. coli infection or death. Supplements are not required if we eat a healthy diet. Eggs, butter, palm and coconut oils should be avoided due to their high cholesterol content. Organic food is more expensive and has no valid research to show it is better. Sucralose, Splenda® and other sweeteners are a good way to avoid or reduce sugar consumption. Beef that is labeled “Natural and Hormone Free” was really raised without hormones. RAW milk and dairy products are very dangerous, especially for the very young. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00

' hEaLThy aGING aND LONGEvITy WITh hERBaL EXTRaCTS (CD) Julie Plunkett, HERB PHARM® Staff Herbalist Special herbal extracts reduce the ravages of aging! Slow unnecessary aging and increase your energy, Boost immunity to stave off age related disease, Revive and increase sexual vitality, Improve the body’s ability to effectively adapt to stress and environmental insults that speed the aging process. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price...................................................................... $10.00


David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM This lecture will empower those who want to successfully lose weight in a truly healthy way. You will learn: Why a low fat diet prevents weight loss. How eating quality fats can help you lose weight, Why nutrient dense foods prevent food cravings, Recent studies on grazing and eating before bedtime. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00

' This symbol designates a lecture sponsored by PPNF ' hEaRT DISEaSE PREvENTION & ChOLESTEROL MyThS (CD) Neil Hirschenbein, MD How to test for heart disease, how to monitor your progress, and what tests are needed to prevent a heart attack. What foods should you eat and which others to avoid to promote heart health. Learn about the truths and myths about cholesterol. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00 hIDDEN DaNGERS IN KIDS’ MEaLS: GENETICaLLy ENGINEERED FOODS (DvD)

Jeffrey M. Smith, GM-Free School Campaign 3 sections featuring Jeffrey M. Smith, author of the international bestseller, Seeds of Deception (see page 25). School districts, supermarkets, and even whole countries have banned genetically engineered foods, fearing that they are not safe. Discover the evidence that confirms that these dangerous foods should never have been approved, and find out how to protect yourself, your family, and the next generation. 1. Hidden Dangers in Kids’ Meals: Genetically Engineered Foods. Shocking research results, inadequate regulations, and warnings from eminent scientists, explain why genetically engineered foods are dangerous and should be removed from kids’ meals. (28.5 minutes) 2. The Health Dangers of Genetically Engineered Foods and their Cover-up. Jeffrey M. Smith describes how the biotech companies rig research, cover up health dangers and pressured government regulators to approve foods that even FDA scientists said were unsafe. (60 minutes) 3. The Wisconsin School Phenomenon: Impact of Fresh, Healthy Foods on Learning and Behavior. Parents, teachers, students and school officials describe dramatic improvements in student behavior following a change in school meals. (15 minutes) 1 DVD (1-lb) ....................................................................... $19.95 hoMe schooL nutrition: keePs kids heaLthy, naturaLLy! (cd)

David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM This CD provides a wealth of information: everything from A to Z that a parent needs to know to keep their kids happy and healthy. Included are foods that destroy one’s health, foods that support and improve health, and what to give your kids if they do get sick. This lecture was given to parents that home-school their children, but the information will be beneficial to people of all ages. 3 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $20.00 Member price ...................................................................... $15.00



' This symbol designates a lecture sponsored by PPNF

AUDIO/VISUAL hOW DOES yOUR GaRDEN GROW? (DvD) PPNF Produced A step-by-step garden video that will teach you everything – from “breaking ground” to harvest – whether you garden in the ground, raised beds or containers, inside or outside. Learn how to choose your garden site (indoors or outdoors), how to heal the soil with compost and earthworms, planting techniques to take you from seeds to seedlings, natural pest control, and much, much more. This video is designed for adults teaching children how to garden and it is great for first-time gardeners and others who want an overall look at the art of gardening.

in search oF the PerFect huMan diet: an unPrecedented gLoBaL

exPLoration For a soLution to aMerica’s #1 kiLLer (sPeciaL edition) (dvd)

Featuring: Loren Cordain, Gary Taubes, Michael Eades, MD, Robb Wolf, Barry Sears, Dr. Lane Sebring, Prof. Jean-Jacques Hublin, Dr. Jay Wortman, Leslie Aiello PhD, Andrew Weil, Boyd Eaton, David Getoff, C. J. Hunt and many more

Travel through time and around the world with host C. J. Hunt as he embarks on an unprecedented global exploration to find a solution to the exploding epidemic of overweight, obesity and diet-related disease. From excavations containing the remains 1 DVD, 60 minutes (1-lb) .................................................... $15.00 of Neanderthals and early modern humans in Jonzac, France, to Member Price...................................................................... $10.00 the bio-molecular anthropology analysis labs at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, we ' hOW TO EaT, MOvE aND BE discover breakthrough scientific facts that could change the way hEaLThy! (DvD) we all think about food. Paul Chek, HHP Featuring rare interviews with some of the foremost authorities on evolutionary anthropology and Paleolithic human nutrition, the Learn about the foundational principles to reach film offers a new opportunity to see what our species needs for optimal health and fitness. Why the “one-size-fitsoptimal health. In Search of the Perfect Human Diet introduces a all” approach fails and how personalization is the practical, sustainable method of eating based on these breakthrough key. Learn how you can lose weight and change your body shape. scientific facts. 1 DVD, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $20.00 *This Special Edition contains over 50 additional minutes, in the Member Price ..................................................................... $15.00 Special Features area, of additional interviews on important topics with the experts from the movie. hoW to reverse heart disease 1 DVD, 85 minutes (1-lb) .................................................... $29.95 naturaLLy (dvd) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM in search oF the truth aBout This video covers the facts regarding dogs: an introduction to naturaL cardiovascular and heart disease. Unlike both the canine heaLth (dvd) media and your physician, David gives you the Catherine O’Driscoll actual facts. He explains what is actually going on, and how you Learn about the most recent developments in the may be able to help your body heal without drugs or surgery. David natural pet health care movement from well known discusses specific natural therapies and clearly explains what they international experts. Dr. Christopher Day, British are and how they work. Books that supply additional important Veterinary Homeopath and author explains how over-vaccination information are shown and discussed so that you know how to causes sometimes fatal health problems in our companion animals find even more factual information on this misunderstood topic. and how to avoid these problems. Unlike drugs which are designed to prevent undesirable symptoms Dr. Michael Fox, U.S. and British Veterinarian and author of while the condition continues to get worse, natural remedies can Dog Body, Dog Mind and Healing Touch for Dogs explains how address the actual causes. Statin drugs may be killing more people contaminated ingredients got into hundreds of pet food brands in the than they are helping based on published medical research. In United States in 2007 causing the death and suffering of thousands fact, whether they are doing far more harm than good is still a big of animals. Winner of the dWaa award for 2008 dvd. question. Bypass surgery has been clearly shown not to extend life in the majority of cases. Angioplasty has been thoroughly 1 DVD, approximately 36 minutes (1-lb) ............................ $15.95 studied and also found, in two major research studies, not to extend life. In this fascinating and revealing video, you are finally getting ' MoLd reLated diseases (cd) the truth. You are also given additional references to help back up Dan O. Harper, MD, HMD, MDH what David teaches. All of what you will be learning as you view Learn about the hidden dangers of mold, three health this video, is well researched and validated, even though it is not risks of mold and how to heal your home and body. being taught in our drug controlled medical schools. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 1 DVD, 60 minutes (1-lb) .................................................... $39.95 Member Price...................................................................... $29.96 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00 PPNF RESOURCE CATALOG - WWW.PPNF.ORG


' This symbol designates a lecture sponsored by PPNF

AUDIO/VISUAL MuscLe testing For your heaLth (dvd & cd) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM Have you heard of muscle testing? Have you ever seen someone pressing on another person’s outstretched arm to determine if some food or nutritional supplement might be good or bad for them? Did you know that this technique is used by properly trained physicians, dentists, physical therapists, nutritionists and chiropractors around the world? This video, along with some practice with your friends or family, will enable you to begin utilizing this fascinating skill to improve your health and the health of those you love. 1 DVD and 1 text CD, 180 minutes (1-lb) .......................... $69.95 Member Price ..................................................................... $62.95 nutritionaL suPPLeMents:

everything you need to knoW and More! (dvd & cd)

David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM Information about nutritional supplements is overwhelming. Published scientific research shows the tremendous benefits of vitamins and minerals and yet most physicians never read this. Due to the publication of a few incorrectly done studies in which the wrong type, brand, form or dose was being tested, the public, the medical profession, and registered dieticians have all been misled. The unfortunate result is that these unknowing professionals teach this incorrect and unscientific information to their patients. This presentation along with the enclosed CD filled with additional printable materials, will finally give you the information you need to address the safe and VERY beneficial use of nutritional supplements for your health. 2 DVD’s and 1 text CD, 3 hours & 20 minutes (1-lb) ......... $59.95 Member Price ..................................................................... $53.95

' NUTRITIONaL ThERaPIES ThaT RELIEvE INFLaMMaTION aND BaLaNCE BODy SySTEMS (CD) Ellen Tart-Jensen, PhD, DSc, CCII You will learn: • Signs to observe in and on the body that relate to specific symptoms and imbalances. For example: fatigue, weight gain, falling hair, poor circulation, toe fungus, and cold hands and feet are all signs of thyroid deficiency. • Signs to observe in and on the body for deficiencies in bodily organs and systems including brain and eyes, ears, nose, throat, thyroid, heart and blood, pancreas, adrenals, liver, kidneys, digestive tract, sinuses, lungs, skin, bones, muscles and joints. • Patterns within the irises of the eyes that show deficiencies in each organ.

• Specific foods and nutrients necessary for organ and system regeneration. • Herbs, poultices, baths, and natural remedies traditionally used to bring vitality back to tired inflamed organs. • How to test the pH in the body and alkalinize the acids that cause inflammation. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00

' OSTEOPOROSIS IS NOT a CaLCIUM DEFICIENCy (CD) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM You will learn: Lack of calcium is proven to not be the cause; which foods promote osteoporosis; nutrient deficiencies that cause the problem; how to prevent osteoporosis. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00


In May 2007, the CDC released shocking arthritis prevalence numbers showing that by 2030 the number of people with arthritis in the United States will reach 67 million. It doesn’t have to be that way! Learn how To Prevent arthritis With: Natural Hormones, Allergy Elimination, Diet, Vitamins and Minerals, Detoxification, Water and more. 2 CDs, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) .................................. $20.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $15.00 ThE POTTENGER CaT STUDIES (DvD) PPNF Produced With a new introduction by David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM An excellent tape surveying the 10-year nutrition studies conducted by Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD, on more than 900 cats. It documents that a cooked meat and a pasteurized milk diet led to progressive degeneration of the animals. Comparison of healthy cats on raw foods with those on heated diets is made, with mention of parallel findings among humans in Dr. Weston A. Price’s worldwide studies. Behavioral characteristics, arthritis, sterility, skeletal deformities and allergies are some of the problems that were associated with the consumption of all cooked foods. 1 DVD, 28.30 minutes (1-lb) ............................................... $30.00 Member Price...................................................................... $27.00

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David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM, V.P. of PPNF


' This symbol designates a lecture sponsored by PPNF

AUDIO/VISUAL ThE PRICE-POTTENGER STORy Morley Video Productions Licensed to Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation has since 1952 been a leader in educating the public about: Nutrition, Natural Healing, Natural Farming and Gardening, Fluoride / Mercury Controversies, Natural Pet Care, and many other Environmental and Health related issues. With our library of over 10,000 books and publications as the back drop, you feel as if you are there conducting the interviews yourself. For the first time in our history the story of PPNF as well as the story of Drs. Price and Pottenger’s research is available on one DVD. Presented in three parts, Janet and Don Morley have presented a wonderful gift to Price-Pottenger in covering our story.

Part 1 - The Price / Pottenger Story

This section is a synopsis of the works of Dr. Weston A. Price, DDS and Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD. The stories of Dr. Price’s and Dr. Pottenger’s research is intermixed with modern relevance that show the issues that they respectively researched many years ago are still relevant today.

Part 2 - The Foundation: The story of The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation

The History of the foundation from staff interviews from our humble beginnings to where we are today and where we are going in the future.

Part 3 - Staff Interviews

The complete interviews that are partially used throughout the entire DVD. Interviews with: Edward Bennett: Board President Marion Patricia Connolly: Past Curator of PPNF Joan Grinzi: Executive Director Jack Childress: Office Manager and Assistant Treasurer

Prostate cancer Prevention (cd) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM David discusses foods that contribute to and those that help prostate cancer, the importance of detoxifying heavy metals, supportive nutrients for people choosing chemo or radiation, and supplements that are beneficial when working with your physician who is treating the cancer. In order to make an informed decision on your care, David stresses the importance of reading the research studies, including those based on clinical evidence, rather than taking someone’s word for it. Learn the facts. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself, if given what it needs to do this. You are an important part of the team that can make this happen. 1 CD (1-lb) .......................................................................... $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00

' recent advances in hoListic dentistry (cd) Ben Mandel, DDS Learn about minimally invasive dentistry and the use of lasers in diagnosis and treatment of cavities and gum disease to avoid surgery. Learn about the use of the CEREC® machine to make porcelain restorations in one visit and to restore the tooth to the original function and esthetics. The use of homeopathics in dentistry and the safe removal of silver fillings are among other topics covered. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00

reverse BioLogicaL aging:

increase energy and iMProve MeMory through the use oF diet and suPPLeMents (cd)

David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM

We cannot reverse our chronological age but we CAN reverse our biological age. In this lecture, David explains how. He begins by referring to the important work of Drs. Price and Pottenger and by researchers of the famous Hunza people in the Himalaya Mountains. It is clear that the people who lived the longest were not vegetarians, but people who ate quality fat and protein from healthy animals. Start with a simple test to determine your biological age. Follow David’s advice on eating quality, nutrient-dense food, eliminate toxins, reduce stress and much more. Feel and look younger in just 12 months! 1 CD (1-lb) .......................................................................... $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00

1 DVD, 1 hour and 25 minutes (1-lb) ....................$25.00 Member Price ........................................................$20.00 PPNF RESOURCE CATALOG - WWW.PPNF.ORG


' This symbol designates a lecture sponsored by PPNF

AUDIO/VISUAL rooted: a hard-hitting scientiFic

Look at the dangers oF root canaL theraPy (dvd)

Robert Gammal

Review by: David Kennedy, DDS Past President International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology Robert Gammal’s newest animated feature film Rooted is a must see for anyone who has, is contemplating having or knows someone who has a root canal. The director has managed to make this otherwise boring topic a riveting and entertaining presentation. Robert explains in elegant detail both with animation and interviews of victims who were injured by their own dead teeth exactly what is wrong with trying to retain dead teeth in the body. This film relies heavily upon peer reviewed scientific research over the last 80 years that has more than adequately demonstrated the very real and dangerous problems with dead teeth. To better facilitate the scholars in the audience he has combined his film with the web site where he has posted all of the relevant scientific studies and copies of the actual correspondence with supposed root canal experts. This not only lends credibility to an otherwise controversial subject it tells the viewers that this director really did his homework before he spoke. 1 DVD, 78 minutes (1-lb) .................................................... $24.95

' saFe and naturaL skin care Products and Make-uP (cd With


Joann Berger, CCN

You will Learn: How chemicals on the skin can be toxic for the body, natural products for youth and beauty, and ingredients that are safe and which ones to avoid. 2 CD’s one includes the download PowerPoint portion of the presentation approximately 2 hours (1-lb).......................... $15.00 Member Price...................................................................... $10.00 sWeet Fire: understanding sugar’s roLe in your heaLth (dvd)

Mary Toscano, CNE

This enlightening and informative video provides a comprehensive and holistic picture of the role of sugar and carbohydrates in your health. With clarity, humor, insight, and precision, Mary Toscano introduces you to the physiology of sugar highs and lows. When you understand the mechanisms underlying what we eat and how we feel, decisions about what to eat for maximum energy, stamina, and long-term well being, become clear and simple. With slides, animations, demonstrations, and drama, this presentation is both captivating and educational. Of interest to everyone wanting to be better informed about how sugar and carbohydrates impact their mood, energy, well being, weight, and health. Sweet Fire is also an excellent nutrition primer.

sWeet Misery: a Poisoned

WorLd (dvd)

A Film By Cori Brackett

Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World is a close examination into what some consider to be a “hoax,” aspartame toxicity. This documentary attempts to look at what is definitively known about aspartame and discovers that the label “hoax” in this case is a dangerous misconception. This controversial documentary is sure to open your eyes to the possible dangers of what lurks in our food. 1 DVD, 95 minutes (1-lb) .................................................... $20.00

sWeet suicide: hoW sugar is destroying the heaLth oF our society (dvd) Nancy Appleton, PhD

Uncovers the serious health issues caused by sugar consumption; Exposes medical groups endorsed by the government that continue to recommend sugar in their recipes for patients with heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Follows the remarkable story of “K.C.”, a sugarholic, weighing 360 pounds, who reached her normal weight and regained her health. Reveals the emotional and physical well-being one can experience when eliminating sugar from the diet. 1 DVD, 60 minutes (1-lb) .................................................... $24.95 Member Price...................................................................... $19.95

' the truth aBout FLuorideMercury controversy (cd)

David Kennedy, DDS

The Mercury Controversy -- How Toxic is it? Fluoride: Is it Harmful? Toxic-Free Preventive Dentistry. Dr. Kennedy practiced dentistry for more than 30 years. He is the Past President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member Price ..................................................................... $10.00

DID YOU KNOW... Not all tribes that Dr. Price studied ate the same foods. A major common denominator to their abundant health was that they all consumed some form of quality animal protein and animal fat from healthy animals.

1 DVD, 65 minutes (1-lb) .................................................... $24.95 44


' This symbol designates a lecture sponsored by PPNF

AUDIO/VISUAL the truth aBout organic Food (dvd) David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM What you find out will help you! Organic food and the term “organic” have now been embraced by the general public and major corporations. As you might expect, this assimilation of the word organic into the mainstream public has lead to some broad interpretations of its original definition. In other words, often times, the term organic is added to labels for marketing purposes even though the food, supplement or skin care product is not truly organic. In this candid 75 minute interview with David Getoff, you will learn to discern the difference between organic and “faux” organic. David is a nationally recognized Traditional Naturopathic Doctor who lectures frequently on the value and quality of organic foods. He will help you understand and read between the lines of food labels and advertising. And, you find out why organic food really is better for you and your overall health.

the tWo Most deadLy MedicaL Myths: LoW Fat diets ProMote

heaLth and LoW choLesteroL LeveLs reduce heart disease (cd)

David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM

Our Society is being misled by politics, greed, and ignorance, mixed in with a smattering of poorly done and biased “Scientific” research. Medical and dietetic schools continue to teach that a low fat diet is healthy; that carbohydrates are essential for good health; that cholesterol levels above 200 indicate a greater risk for heart disease; and that saturated fats are bad and should be avoided. Predominant research and historical science clearly show the opposite. Learn the facts so that you can better support your health and the health of your family. 2 CD’s, approximately 2 hours (1-lb) ................................. $15.00 Member price ...................................................................... $10.00

1 DVD, 100 minutes (1-lb) .................................................. $19.95 vaccine Basics: What you need to turning Back the cLock: groW younger & FeeL Better as you age (dvd)

David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM

Allopathic (drug and surgery based) medicine can never truly be anti-aging medicine because it always addresses conditions after they occur rather than trying to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Putting a cream on the skin or doing cosmetic surgery so as to make someone appear younger, are good examples of medicine’s failed attempt at anti-aging modalities. True age reversal requires giving a person’s body the tools to make repairs and corrections that it had lost the ability to make. If your body was able to adequately supply the skin, with the same less toxic environment and nourishing nutrients and enzymes that it had 30 years ago, the skin would respond by improving the way it looked. If your entire body was given enough of these missing nutrients, and your daily (and total) toxic load were reduced, it would slowly gain back the ability to accomplish thousands of important tasks that it has lost its ability to do. This DVD will teach you the exact supplements that David uses in his private practice to help Turn Back the Clock. David’s patients often comment that in as little as 6-8 months of following his program, they already feel many years younger and receive comments that they look that way as well. Although you cannot alter the date you were born, you can most certainly alter the way in which your body ages and the age you feel and appear to others. At almost 60 years old in 2011, David has vibrant skin tone, boundless energy, a trim body, and bounces on his POGO stick for exercise as he did when he was 11. This video will help you begin to turn back the clock for yourself. 1 DVD & 1 text CD, 2 hrs 15 min (1-lb) ........................... $39.95 Member Price...................................................................... $35.95

knoW (dvd)

Dr. Sherry J. Tenpenny Vaccination has become one of the most important and controversial subjects of our time. There is a great deal of information and misinformation causing parents and healthcare professionals to be understandably confused: Do vaccines prevent illness? Are there dangerous side effects? Should I vaccinate according to the CDC schedule, delay vaccines or not vaccinate at all? Board-Certified physician and internationally recognized advocate for informed vaccination choice Dr. Sherry Tenpenny provides in-depth and scientifically-documented responses to parents’ most commonly asked questions. In this two hour presentation, you will learn the basics of vaccines, including: The history of the smallpox and polio vaccines; The CDC’s recommended vaccine schedules and the challenges associated with combining vaccination ingredients; The actual risks of contracting hepatitis B, tetanus, chickenpox, pertussis and rotovirus, and if the vaccines are protective; The facts about flu shots and other pandemic vaccines; The origins of the mandatory vaccination policy; Legal ways to avoid vaccines for school entry; The importance of childhood illness in providing natural immunity. 1 DVD, 129 minutes (1-lb) ................................................. $24.95

DID YOU KNOW... Raw butter and raw milk boiled in a soup is no longer raw -- you just pasteurized it!





What shouLd i eat?: nutrition, the autonoMic nervous systeM and heaLth (dvd) Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD at the Whole Life Expo Toronto

The world of diet and nutrition can be confusing, not only to lay people seeking a healthier way of life, but also to professionals trying to sort through a morass of sometimes conflicting information. At the Whole Life Expo in Toronto, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez discussed the physiology and biochemistry of dietary individuality, and made sense out of the confusion in the nutritional field and the contradictory statements of “experts.” He reviewed the work of such pioneers as Dr. Weston Price, who showed that traditional peoples thrived on many different diets; Dr. Francis Pottenger, who demonstrated the effect of nutrients on autonomic physiology; and Dr. William Donald Kelley, who synthesized all this into a coherent plan to develop health using individualized diet and supplement plans. With visual aids and more than two hours of lecture time, this presentation is a thorough overview of why one diet does not work for all. These recordings are informational only and are not meant to be a substitute for professional medical care or attention by a qualified practitioner, nor should they be construed as such. Always check with your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your condition or before starting a new program of treatment. 2 DVD’s, 2 hours and 52 minutes (1-lb) ............................. $29.95

the WhoLe truth aBout MiLk: RAW VS. PASTEURIzED (dvd)

David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM & Mark McAfee Milk and milk products have been the food staple of mankind since the beginning of recorded history. They are truly the one food source that has allowed us to become civilized and to develop societies as we know them today. But now milk has a bad name. Is it the milk itself or is it the way that it is being processed and delivered in this corporate farming world we now live in? Are the problems we see a result of pasteurizing and homogenizing, which are relatively new developments in the history of milk? Is raw milk a viable alternative? In this program, we will take you on a tour of a Raw Milk Dairy Farm, give you the chance to meet the cows themselves and speak with Mark McAfee the owner of this farm who happens to be one of the top advocates of Raw Milk. Then, we will meet and talk with David Getoff who is an expert on the relationship of natural foods and health. He will share with us some amazing facts about processed milk vs. raw milk. 1 DVD, 220 Minutes (1-lb) ................................................. $29.95 Member price ...................................................................... $26.96


DIETARY GUIDELINES 1. Eat whole, fresh, unprocessed, natural foods. 2. Eat only foods that will spoil, but eat them before they do. 3. Eat naturally-raised proteins including fish, seafood, poultry, beef, lamb, game, organ meats and eggs. 4. Eat whole, naturally-produced milk products, preferably raw milk and butter or fermented products such as whole yogurt, whole cheeses and fresh raw sour cream. 5.

Use only traditional fats and oils including butter and other animal fats, extra virgin olive oil, expeller expressed sesame and flax oil and the tropical oils – coconut and palm.

6. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably organic, in salads and soups, or lightly steamed with raw butter (or the best butter you can find). 7. Use whole grains and nuts that have been prepared by soaking, sprouting or sour leavening to begin to neutralize phytic acid and other anti-nutrients. 8. Prepare homemade meat stocks from the bones of naturally raised chicken, beef, lamb or fish and use liberally in soups and sauces. 9. Use herb teas and coffee substitutes. 10. Use spring water or filtered water for cooking and drinking. 11. Use unrefined Celtic sea salt and a variety of organic herbs & spices for food interest and appetite stimulation. 12. Make your own salad dressing using raw vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. 13. Sweeteners (used in small amounts): Unrefined and natural. 14. Use only unpasteurized wine or beer in strict moderation with meals. 15. Cook only in glass (preferably), or good quality enamelware or stainless steel. 16. Use only natural supplements. 17. Get plenty of sleep, exercise and natural light. 18. Think positive thoughts and minimize stress. 19. Practice forgiveness.




ince there is no single essential food, good nutrition requires that one be aware that whole foods nearest their natural state are best able to supply essential nutrients for the highest state of well-being. Dr. Price’s primitives demonstrated that there are many dietary patterns which meet the needs of the body. Where optimum health was maintained, however, all dietary practices showed the following similarities: 1. In general, all the native foods were found to contain two to six times as high a factor of safety in the matter of body building materials as did the displacing foods brought in by civilization. 2. All groups studied consumed minerals and fat-soluble vitamins from high vitamin butter or from sea foods, cod liver or seal oil, or animal organs with their fat. 3. Foods were grown on soil which was naturally high in minerals, and no chemical fertilizers or pesticides were used. 4. All food was eaten liberally in the natural season in which it grew. 5. Sweets (even good, natural sweets) were used rarely or sparingly, only for occasions of ritual, celebration or special feasting.


In each diet there was some daily source of raw, unaltered protein from sources such as meats, sea foods, nuts, cheeses, eggs, milk, or high quality sprouted seeds. (Foods containing essential amino acids must be included in the food choices for each meal, or it will be impossible to assimilate the total values of the incomplete proteins. It is important to balance the amino acid patterns when vegetable proteins are eaten.) Some sort of sea plant or mineral was a part of most diets. Inland sea deposits were treasured and used thriftily.

7. Methods of food preservation and storage were used which altered the nutrients very little: Earth storage, drying, freezing in the cold climates, or making nutrients more available by culturing, pickling, fermenting, or sprouting. 8. Each life style was such that people engaged in vigorous physical exercise on a regular basis, either in work, play, dances, games, sports, or hunting and food-gathering. 9. All had access to pure air and sunlight. Even in the 1930’s, Dr. Price perceived the problems of air pollution and lack of sufficient radiant energy from the sun, due to pollution already present at that time. The situation is far worse today, and that has affected the deterioration of our food quality and our health as well. 10. Some diets contained some form of ferments. This would include milk cultures, pickling, and other methods of fermenting. Dr. Pottenger recommended using some of these foods for both children and adults to aid in maintaining good gastric acidity. 11. They all breast-fed their young. Most of them fed special protective foods to their young of child-bearing age in preparation for conception, pregnancy, and lactation. Most of them had some means of spacing the children at least three years apart, to protect the health of the newborns and their mothers. 12. All ate whole foods, not fractionalized parts of foods. They did not remove the fiber content of their natural foods by refining them. Most foods were eaten raw or very gently and lighty cooked. 13. Last but not least, the primitives were able to instruct their young in these important principles, thereby protecting their genetic heritage. They ate the foods of their ancestors.

WESTON a. PRICE BROChURE IS avaILaBLE FOR FREE DOWNLOaD! Share his amazing discoveries of why people worldwide enjoyed superb health and the negative effects of eating processed foods. Includes a check list for making healthy choices today. Go to for free download, or call us to request 12 FREE brochures. PPNF RESOURCE CATALOG - WWW.PPNF.ORG



sToPPIng TooTh DecAy & PerIoDonTAl (gum) DIseAse: The PhilliPs BloTTiNg TechNique Learn How To: 1. Prevent, Stop or Reduce Nearly All Tooth Decay 2. Stop Loss of Teeth, Plaque and Tartar 3. Heal and Prevent Periodontal Disease and Gingivitis (Gum Disease) 4. Eliminate Bad Breath 5. Prevent the Need for Root Canals 6. Eliminate Many Causes of “Incurable” Disease and Death 7. Effectively Treat Arthritis, Tuberculosis, Scleroderma, etc.

aVaIlaBle F roM


P rICe -P ottenger n utrItIon F oundatIon


esearched, developed and proven for more than 60 years by Joseph Phillips, DDS, MS, a periodontal dentist in Osseo, Wisconsin. Dr. Phillips’ method - commonly called the Blotting technique, along with total mouth hygiene - is a way of stopping nearly all-dental problems and preventing others from developing. When mouth fluids (saliva) contain foods such as sugars that nurture decay causing bacteria, these bacteria release acid that usually causes tooth decay to begin unless the bacteria and their nutrients are removed before decay begins. At 16, young Joe had so many cavities that the dentist said he should pull all his teeth. While watching his mother paint a window frame, in some places excess paint flowed down in blobs. He watched his mother wipe the paint brush on the edge of the paint bucket to get all possible paint out of the brush, then she held the tip of the brush bristles up against the blob. The blob was wicked up by capillary action into the bristles. Joe thought “There is an answer to removing the saliva with its food and decay causing bacteria and dead cells from the mouth.” He figured out the brushing of teeth was the problem. If you sweep around a rug, dirt is brushed under the rug. Vacuuming sucks away the dirt. He developed the blotting technique that like vacuuming sucks away dead cells, food and bacteria from the mouth. Later Dr. Phillips became a periodontal dentist himself. He designed a special blotting brush with fine bristles made of textured DupontTM Tynex® nylon that have great capillary blotting action. Dr. Phillips only recommended flossing with his special flosser. Ordinary flossing usually cuts gums and causes gum disease. Phillips guaranteed his special flosser to not cut the gum if instructions are followed. For children under six, Phillips suggested Bite “N” Clean. It is important to start early to capture the biting and chewing instincts the early child has. Biting on this double bristled turtle brush cleans teeth grooves in a natural way. Children like to chew on these bristles. The blotting system works very well but can be totally useless if a person drinks soda. The acid in the soda destroys teeth far more than dead cells, food or bacteria. The phosphoric acid in colas is three times worse. Diet colas are the worst. The Blotting technique can easily be learned from the informative DVD challenges of contemporary oral Health - the Blotting technique. According to the American Dental Association, 95% of people who lose teeth lose them from gum disease and not from cavities. Pat Connolly, past curator of PPNF, supported the blotting procedures and mouth cleanliness approach of Dr. Phillips. Unfortunately, Dr. Phillips died in a car accident a few years ago. PPNF is honored that the family has chosen PPNF to become the repository for all of Dr. Phillips research, writings, and materials and to take ownership of the Phillips Blotting Business. See next Page for Product Information 48


ORAL HEALTH PRODUCTS PPNF believes that the Phillips Blotting Procedure & Total Mouth Hygiene program can provide a breakthrough in oral health when properly and conscientiously applied. These techniques were used by the PPNF curator for years, with excellent results, and she recommended them highly. PPNF has wholesale pricing available for the following products. Call or email for information: 619-462-7600, or 800-366-3748 (U.S. only), BLOTTING BRUSh (adult) 4 rows, 41 tufts, slender head; gentle .007” diameter DupontTM Tynex® white round end nylon bristles. Blotter cover protects and reforms bristles.

$2.50 ea $25/doz.

.5 lb 1 lb

ThE BLOTTING TEChNIqUE INSTRUCTIONaL BROChURE Step-by-Step detailed directions of the Phillip’s Blotting Technique. The Technique only works with the Phillip’s Blotting Brushes and the RX Ultra Suave Brushes, both brushes available exclusively from PPNF. Price includes postage.


0 lb

Rx ULTRa SUavE BLOTTING BRUSh (adult) For highly sensitive gums and teeth; 4 rows, 41 tuft, slender head; 11,070 ultra soft .003” diameter white round end Tynex® nylon bristles, with cover. Autoclavable at moderate temperature.

$3.00 ea $30/doz.

.5 lb 1 lb

PLaqUE ChECKER Single tuft brush. Black visi-plaque bristles give visual indication of the effectiveness of plaque removal below gumline. Superior to plaque-disclosing tablets that discolor teeth and tissues, and do not check the spaces between gums and teeth.

$2.00 ea

.5 lb

FINGERBRUSh Ultimate in sensitive infant-parent oral hygiene. Soft bristles gently remove plaque, soothes gums. Dishwasher safe brush can be sterilized. Great for pets too!

$2.00 ea

.5 lb

FLOSSER Some top periodontists warn against floss injury even though flossing is desirable. Easily held refillable spool. Floss mechanically tightened.

$8.00 ea.

.5 lb


$2.00 ea

.5 lb

BITE “N” CLEaN (for ages 1-6) Children can’t care for teeth properly. They get cavities in pits, fissures and deep grooves. Grooves fill with plaque, candy and food during brushing and eating. Dentists often seal these grooves with sealant. Works well in 4 of 5 cases. Failures often get large cavities requiring root canals, or if a tooth is lost, a space maintainer to prevent orthodontic problems. Children like to chew these brushes. Biting double-bristled turtle brush cleans grooves in a natural way, reducing dental bills greatly. Good gifts for children and grandchildren.

$5.00 ea

.5 lb


1 lb

Rx ULTRa SUavE BLOTTING BRUSh (Petite) Same as adult except shorter head & handle, 4 rows 25 tufts. Good for blotting inside surfaces of teeth.

(Please indicate choice of pink or blue)

(Please indicate choice of pink or blue)

ChaLLENGES OF CONTEMPORaRy ORaL hEaLTh (DvD) Joseph E. Phillips, DDS, MS Dr. Phillips’ video for the best understanding and successful use of the blotting technique.





For Health Care Professionals

The Benefits of Membership

PPNF thanks the many health providers who have asked us how they can inform their patients about the foundation. In response, we will be happy to provide you with the following materials free of charge:

• New! access to research archives of the great nutrition pioneers, now available to PPNF Members (see page 6).

a binder that includes copies of back issues of the Price-Pottenger Journal of Health and Healing, brochures, catalogs, and bookmarks. Thousands of patients are seeking nutritionally and environmentally oriented health-care professionals. That’s why you should have a listing on the PPnF WorLdWide ProFessionaL MeMBer directory In addition to the regular membership benefits, you will also receive: • A free posting of your name and information about your practice on our website (with your written permission). • Two copies of our quarterly journal, one for your personal use, and one to share with your patients in your PPNF office binder.

• Four issues of our informative journal, containing accurate information on nutrition, food preparation, natural healing and environmental issues. • 50% discount on most PPNF lectures. • 10-25% discount on designated catalog items. • Exclusive online access to PPNF’s database of journal articles, recipes and book reviews. • An opportunity to support PPNF’s efforts to provide the public with accurate information on nutrition, and to maintain our unique library and archives. Unique catalog of books, tapes, reprints & other resources featuring information on: • Air/water filtration, Healthy gardening. • Chronic fatigue, Living foods. • Ecological pest control, Natural pet care.

• A certificate of membership suitable for framing

• Feeding babies and children, PMS/Women’s health.

1-800-Foods-4-u is your connection to those who need to know about YOUR services. Let us show you how we can help build your practice and at the same time help ensure that the vital work of PPNF will continue. You will also be supporting what experts describe as “One of the most prestigious nutritional education organizations in the world today!”

• Food preparation/Healthy recipes.

Become a PPnF Professional Member today: 619-462-7600 /

For Patients & Health Conscious Consumers Looking For A Health Care Professional? To find a practitioner who is a member of PPNF and is interested in helping their patients achieve optimum health through sound nutrition, go to and click on FiNd a PracTiTioNer


• New! Listen to Dr. Price's 13-series radio interviews of his travels throughout the world.

• Traditional foods. • Good fats vs. Bad fats. When you join the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation (PPNF), you become a part of an international network of people dedicated to applying the life-changing principles of Drs. Price and Pottenger. Among these principles is the conviction that the quality of the soil and the plant and animal kingdoms determine the physical foundation of mankind which in turn promotes and balances mental and spiritual growth. Share the best that you know... We would be happy to send introductory information about PPNF to your friends, family, co-workers, your healthcare practitioners, and others. Just provide us with their names and addresses (we understand that they will be under no obligation): call us at 619-462-7600 or toll free (U.S. only) 1-800-366-3748 or e-mail us at:

You Teach, You Teach, You Teach!

The last words of Dr. Weston A. Price January 23, 1948


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Please make checks payable to: PPNF (no international checks accepted). Mail to 7890 Broadway, Lemon Grove, Ca 91945 PHONE, FAX & EMAIL orders may be charged to MC, vISa, or DISCOvER *Prices subject to change. All returns are subject to a 20% restocking fee*

email: phone orders: 1-800-366-3748 (U.S. only) or 619-462-7600 fax: 619-433-3136 PPNF RESOURCE CATALOG - WWW.PPNF.ORG


IndeX oF PuBlICatIons By author ABel, roBerT, Jr., mD ABrAms, h. leon, Jr. AmsTerDAm, elAnA APPleTon, nAncy, PhD BArolD, DAvID, mD BATmAnghelIDJ, f., mD Beck, JAmes, mD, PhD Berger, JoAnn, ccn BernArDInI, roBerT, ms BerTholD-BonD, AnnIe BessInger, JeAnneTTe BlAylock, russell l., mD Block, mAry Ann, Do, PA BosT, Jeffrey, PAc BowDen, Jonny, PhD, cns

BrAckeTT, corI BrAly, JAmes, mD BreIner, mArk A., DDs BrownsTeIn, DAvID, mD BruneTTI, Jerry BrunIng, nAncy, mPh Byrnes, sTePhen, PhD, rncP cAmPBell-mcBrIDe, nATAshA, mD cArlson, lAurIe wInn chAPmAn, george, Dc chek, PAul, hhP collIns, gAry, ms conneTT, PAul, PhD connolly, mArIon PATrIcIA DAnIel, kAAylA T., PhD, ccn DecAvA, JuDITh A., cnc, lnc DIoDATI, cATherIne J.m., mA Dru, AnnIe, cce enIg, mAry g., PhD ePsTeIn, sAmuel s., mD erlIch, kATherIne, mD evAns, DAvID fAhey, TrIsh fAlconI, DInA 52

The Eye Care Revolution: Prevent and Reverse Common Vision Problems ................................................ 12 Health versus Disease .................................................................................................................................. 13 The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook ................................................................................................... 13 Body Chemistry Test Kit .............................................................................................................................. 16 The Curse of Louis Pasteur: Why Medicine Is Not Healing a Diseased World ............................................. 9 Healthy Bones: What You Should Know About Osteoporosis ...................................................................... 14 Killer Colas: The Hard Truth About Soft Drinks ......................................................................................... 16 Lick the Sugar Habit..................................................................................................................................... 16 Stopping Inflammation: Relieving the Cause of Degenerative Diseases ..................................................... 28 Suicide By Sugar: A Startling Look at Our #1 National Addiction .............................................................. 28 Sweet Suicide: How Sugar is Destroying the Health of Our Society (DVD) ............................................... 44 An Insider’s Guide to Food Labels (CD) ..................................................................................................... 35 Do You Know What’s In Your Body Care Products (CD) ............................................................................. 38 Your Body’s Many Cries For Water: You’re Not Sick; You’re Thirsty .......................................................... 33 The Case Against Fluoride ............................................................................................................................. 7 Safe and Natural Skin Care Products (CD) ................................................................................................. 44 Everlasting Health: Humanity’s Guide to Understanding, Avoiding, & Reversing Disease ....................... 12 The Truth About Children’s Health............................................................................................................... 30 Clean & Green: The Complete Guide to Non-Toxic and Environmentally Safe Housekeeping .................... 8 The Healthiest Meals On Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth About What Meals to Eat and Why ...... 14 Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills ................................................................................................................ 12 No More ADHD: No More Ritalin ............................................................................................................... 18 Fish Oil: The Natural Anti-Inflammatory..................................................................................................... 12 The 150 Healthiest Foods On Earth ............................................................................................................... 4 The Healthiest Meals On Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth About What Meals to Eat and Why ...... 14 The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth ................................................................................................. 17 Sweet Misery (DVD) ..................................................................................................................................... 44 Dangerous Grains: Why Gluten Cereal Grains May Be Hazardous to Your Health ..................................... 9 Whole Body Dentistry ................................................................................................................................... 32 Drugs That Don’t Work and Natural Therapies That Do! ........................................................................... 11 Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It ............................................................................ 15 Overcoming Arthritis .................................................................................................................................... 20 Overcoming Thyroid Disorders .................................................................................................................... 20 Salt Your Way to Health ................................................................................................................................ 25 Cancer, Nutrition & Healing: A Personal Odyssey (DVD) .......................................................................... 36 The Real Vitamin and Mineral Book ............................................................................................................ 24 Diet & Heart Disease: It’s NOT What You Think ......................................................................................... 10 Gut and Psychology Syndrome ..................................................................................................................... 13 Put Your Heart In Your Mouth ..................................................................................................................... 23 The Sunlight Solution: Why More Sun Exposure and Vitamin D are Essential to Your Health ................... 28 Early Detection of Breast Cancer With Thermography (CD) ...................................................................... 38 How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy! (DVD) .................................................................................................. 41 Primal Power Method .................................................................................................................................. 23 The Case Against Fluoride ............................................................................................................................. 7 The Candida Albicans Yeast-Free Cookbook ................................................................................................. 7 The Whole Soy Story ..................................................................................................................................... 32 The Real Truth About Vitamins & Anti-oxidants: Health Science Series #3 ................................................ 24 Vaccine Guide For Dogs & Cats .................................................................................................................. 31 Easy to Make Lacto-Fermented Foods (DVD) ............................................................................................. 39 Know Your Fats: The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils, and Cholesterol ...... 16 Nourishing Traditions................................................................................................................................... 18 Criminal Indifference to Cancer Prevention .................................................................................................. 8 Super Nutrition For Babies: The Right Way to Feed Your Baby for Optimal Health .................................. 29 Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Prevent Heart Disease .................................................................................. 7 The Metabolic Typing Diet ........................................................................................................................... 17 Earthly Bodies and Heavenly Hair: Natural and Healthy Personal Care for Every Body ......................... 11 PPNF RESOURCE CATALOG - WWW.PPNF.ORG

IndeX oF PuBlICatIons By author fAllon, sAlly, mA fIfe, Bruce, nD fIshmAn, sTAnley A. fITzgerAlD, rAnDAll freuDenmAnn, mArcus AnD sABrInA gAmmAl, roBerT genzlInger, kelly, cnc, cmTA gersTung, JuDI, Dc geToff, DAvID J., ccn, cTn gITTlemAn, Ann louIse gonzAlez, nIcholAs J., mD grAhAm, grAy, nTP grAvelIne, DuAne, mD, mPh gusT, lAwrence J., cmr hAAs, elson m., mD hABAkus, louIse kuo, mA hAlsTeAD, PAulI hArPer, DAn, mD, hmD, mDh

heImlIch, JAne hIrschenBeIn, neIl, mD

Nourishing Traditions................................................................................................................................... 18 Coconut Cures: Preventing and Treating Common Health Problems with Coconut ..................................... 8 Cooking With Coconut Flour: A Delicious Low-Carb, Gluten-Free Alternative to Wheat ........................... 8 Oil Pulling Therapy: Detoxifying and Healing the Body Through Oral Cleansing .................................... 19 The Palm Oil Miracle: Discover the Healing Power of Palm Oil ............................................................... 20 Stop Alzheimer’s Now ................................................................................................................................... 28 Tender Grassfed Meat: Traditional Ways to Cook Healthy Meat ................................................................ 30 The Hundred-Year Lie: How to Protect Yourself From the Chemicals That Are Destroying Your Health ..... 15 Cancer Is Curable Now (DVD) .................................................................................................................... 36 Rooted: A Hard-Hitting Scientific Look at the Dangers of Root Canal Therapy (DVD) ............................. 44 Super Nutrition For Babies: The Right Way to Feed Your Baby for Optimal Health .................................. 29 The Estrogen Alternative: A Guide to Natural Hormonal Balance ............................................................. 11 Attaining Optimal Health in the 21st Century (DVD, CD, MP3) ................................................................. 35 Attaining Optimal Health in the 21st Century (Streaming Video) ................................................................... 6 Autism and Vaccines: Learn the Cause and the Safe and Effective Treatment (CD) ................................... 35 The Biochemistry of Emotions, Happiness and Weight Loss (CD) .............................................................. 35 Cancer: Your Doctor’s Lack of Knowledge Can Shorten Your Life (DVD & CD) ...................................... 36 Children’s Emotional Problems / ADD /ADHD and More (DVD & CD) .................................................... 36 Delicious, Healthy Salad Dressings (DVD) ................................................................................................. 37 Detoxification: Your Path to Better Health and Disease Prevention (DVD & CD) ..................................... 37 Diabetes: Are Drugs the Only Answer?(DVD & CD) .................................................................................. 38 Eating for Optimal Health in the 21st Century (DVD & CD)....................................................................... 39 Eliminate Inflammation That Causes Disease (CD) .................................................................................... 39 Flavoring Foods For Your Health (DVD) .................................................................................................... 39 The Healthiest Way to Eat: Truths and Myths About Old and New Diets (CD) ........................................... 40 Healthy Weight Loss: Eat Fat and Lose Weight! (CD)................................................................................. 40 Home School Nutrition: Keeps Kids Healthy, Naturally! (CD) ................................................................... 40 How to Reverse Heart Disease Naturally (DVD) ........................................................................................ 41 Muscle Testing For Your Health (DVD & CD) ............................................................................................ 42 Nutritional Supplements: Everything You Need to Know and More! (DVD & CD) .................................... 42 Osteoporosis Is Not a Calcium Deficiency (CD) .......................................................................................... 42 Overcoming Arthritis (CD)........................................................................................................................... 42 Prostate Cancer Prevention (CD) ................................................................................................................ 43 Reverse Biological Aging (CD) .................................................................................................................... 43 The Truth About Organic Food (DVD) ........................................................................................................ 45 Turning Back the Clock (DVD) .................................................................................................................... 45 The Two Most Deadly Medical Myths (CD) ................................................................................................. 45 The Whole Truth About Milk: Raw Vs. Pasteurized (DVD) ......................................................................... 46 Zapped .......................................................................................................................................................... 33 One Man Alone: An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William Donald Kelley ................................. 20 The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer: One Solution to the Medical Enigma of Our Time ................ 30 What Should I Eat? (DVD) ........................................................................................................................... 46 Pottenger’s Prophecy: How Food Resets Genes for Wellness and Illness ................................................... 21 The Statin Damage Crisis............................................................................................................................. 27 Create a Healthy Home (CD) ....................................................................................................................... 37 Staying Healthy with Nutrition ..................................................................................................................... 27 Vaccine Epidemic ......................................................................................................................................... 31 Primal Cuisine: Cooking for the Paleo Diet ................................................................................................ 23 Cancer Prevention the Natural Way (CD).................................................................................................... 36 Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia: Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired? (CD) ............................................. 37 Diabetes Improvement (CD) ......................................................................................................................... 38 Digestion/ Absorption: The Key to Good Health (CD) ................................................................................ 38 Electromagnetic Fields (EMF): How to Protect Yourself From These Hidden Dangers (CD) ................... 39 Mold Related Diseases (CD) ........................................................................................................................ 41 Homeopathic Medicine at Home: Natural Remedies For Everyday Ailments and Minor Injuries ............. 14 Heart Disease Prevention and Cholesterol Myths (CD) .............................................................................. 40 PPNF RESOURCE CATALOG - WWW.PPNF.ORG


IndeX oF PuBlICatIons By author hoggAn, ron, mA hollAnD, mAry, JD howell, eDwArD, mD huggIns, hAl A., DDs, ms hughes, freD hunT, chArles hunTer, BeATrIce Trum IsAAcs, lInDA l., mD JAcoBs, g.n. JAffe, rIchArD A., esq. kAuffmAn, Joel m., PhD keITh, lIerre kenneDy, DAvID, DDs kesTen, DeBorAh, mPh klImenT, felIcIA Drury knoff, lAurA J., nc kroschel, sTePhen kulAcz, roBerT, DDs lenArD, lAne, PhD levy, ThomAs e., mD, JD lewIn, Alex lIeBermAn, shArI, PhD lIfTon, BernIce mAImes, sTeven mAnDel, Ben, DDs mAroon, JosePh c., mD mArTIn, rAquel mATThews, JulIe cnc mcAfee, mArk l. mcguIre, Tom, DDs meInIg, george e., DDs, fAcD mIcklem, h.s., DPhIl morley vIDeo ProDucTIons myers, John A., mD nAgel, rAmIel nehsT ouT o’DrIscoll, cATherIne o’sheA, TIm PAceTTI, Bruce, DDs PAge, melvIn e., DDs PAnos, mAesImunD B., mD PeTersen, rIchArD, Dc, ccn PeTersen, vIkkI, Dc, ccn PhIllIPs, JosePh, e., DDs, ms PlAnck, nInA PlourDe, elIzABeTh, PhD 54

Dangerous Grains: Why Gluten Cereal Grains May Be Hazardous to Your Health ..................................... 9 Vaccine Epidemic ......................................................................................................................................... 31 Enzyme Nutrition: The Food Enzyme Concept ............................................................................................ 11 Patient Empowerment: How to Slay Dental Dragons.................................................................................. 21 Uninformed Consent: The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care ........................................................................ 30 Cancer Cured, The Coming Storm: Am I Dead? Or Do I Just Feel Like It? ................................................ 5 Diet Evolution............................................................................................................................................... 10 In Search of the Perfect Human Diet (DVD)................................................................................................ 41 Probiotic Foods For Good Health ............................................................................................................... 23 The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer: One Solution to the Medical Enigma of Our Time ................ 30 Killer Colas: The Hard Truth About Soft Drinks ......................................................................................... 16 Suicide By Sugar: A Startling Look at Our #1 National Addiction .............................................................. 28 Galileo’s Lawyer........................................................................................................................................... 13 Malignant Medical Myths ............................................................................................................................ 16 The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice and Sustainability ............................................................................... 31 The Truth About Fluoride-Mercury Controversy (CD) ................................................................................ 44 Pottenger’s Prophecy: How Food Resets Genes for Wellness and Illness ................................................... 21 The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet ..................................................................................................................... 4 The Whole-Food Guide to Overcoming Irritable Bowel Syndrome ............................................................. 32 Alive Tomorrow: Real Life Will Find a Way (DVD) ..................................................................................... 35 The Roots of Disease: Connecting Dentistry and Medicine......................................................................... 25 Why Stomach Acid is Good For You: Natural Relief From Heartburn, Indigestion, Reflux and Gerd ........ 32 Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins ................................................................ 9 The Roots of Disease: Connecting Dentistry and Medicine......................................................................... 25 Uninformed Consent: The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care ........................................................................ 30 Real Food Fermentation: Preserving Whole Fresh Food with Live Cultures in your Home ...................... 24 The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book ............................................................................................................... 24 Bug Busters: Safe, Natural & Effective Controls for Common Household & Garden Pests ......................... 5 Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief ......................................................................... 4 Recent Advances in Holistic Dentistry (CD) ................................................................................................ 43 Fish Oil: The Natural Anti-Inflammatory..................................................................................................... 12 The Estrogen Alternative: A Guide to Natural Hormonal Balance ............................................................. 11 Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition & Diet Guide for Healing Our Children ....................................... 18 Got Raw Milk? (CD) .................................................................................................................................... 39 The Whole Truth About Milk: Raw Vs. Pasteurized (DVD) ......................................................................... 46 The Poison In Your Teeth: Mercury Amalgam (Silver) Fillings Hazardous to Your Health! ....................... 21 “New”trition ................................................................................................................................................ 18 Root Canal Cover-up .................................................................................................................................... 25 The Case Against Fluoride ............................................................................................................................. 7 The Price-Pottenger Story (DVD) ................................................................................................................ 43 Metabolic Aspects Of Health ........................................................................................................................ 16 Cure Tooth Decay ........................................................................................................................................... 9 Cut Poison Burn (DVD) ............................................................................................................................... 37 In Search of the Truth About Dogs: An Introduction to Natural Canine Health (DVD).............................. 41 Vaccination Is Not Immunization ................................................................................................................. 31 Body Chemistry Test Kit ............................................................................................................................... 16 Body Chemistry In Health and Disease ......................................................................................................... 5 Degeneration Regeneration ......................................................................................................................... 10 Health Versus Disease .................................................................................................................................. 13 Young Minds With Old Bodies ..................................................................................................................... 33 Homeopathic Medicine at Home: Natural Remedies For Everyday Ailments and Minor Injuries ............. 14 The Gluten Effect: How “Innocent” Wheat Is Ruining Your Health ........................................................... 13 The Gluten Effect: How “Innocent” Wheat Is Ruining Your Health ........................................................... 13 Challenges of Contemporary Oral Health (DVD) ....................................................................................... 49 Real Food for Mother and Baby: The Fertility Diet, Eating for Two, and Baby’s First Words ................... 24 Sunscreens - Biohazard: Treat as Hazardous Waste .................................................................................... 29 PPNF RESOURCE CATALOG - WWW.PPNF.ORG

IndeX oF PuBlICatIons By author PlunkeTT, JulIe PollAn, mIchAel PoTTenger, frAncIs m., Jr., mD PoTTenger, frAncIs m., sr., mD PPnf ProDuceD PrIce, wesTon A., DDs rAPP, DorIs J., mD rAsmussen, wIllIAm, mA rAvnskov, uffe, mD, PhD rogers, sherry A., mD roseveAr, ruTh f. ross, JulIA, mA schenck, susAn, lAc scherwITz, lArry, PhD schmID, ron, nD schulTze, kymyThy r., cn schuTTe, kArl h., PhD shAllenBerger, frAnk, mD shAnAhAn, cATherIne, mD shAnAhAn, luke sIsson, mArk smITh, Jeffrey m. smITh, lenDon h., mD solomon, sTeve sTockTon, suzIn, mA TArT-Jensen, ellen PhD TenPenny, Dr., sherrI J. ToscAno, mAry, cne vonDerPlAnITz, AAJonus wAlsh, wIllIAm J., PhD wATson, AlAn l. wIlson, JAmes l., nD, PhD wInsTon, DAvID, rh(Ahg) wooDforD, keITh wolcoTT, wIllIAm wrIghT, JonAThAn, v., mD

Healthy Aging and Longevity With Herbal Extracts (CD) ........................................................................... 40 Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals ............................................................................. 19 Pottenger’s Cats - A Study In Nutrition ........................................................................................................ 21 The Pottenger Cat Studies (DVD) ................................................................................................................ 42 Francis Pottenger, Jr., Reprints .................................................................................................................... 22 Symptoms of Visceral Disease ...................................................................................................................... 29 How Does Your Garden Grow? (DVD) ........................................................................................................ 41 Dental Infections, Oral & Systemic / Dental Infections & the Degenerative Diseases .............................. 10 Dr. Price’s Original Teaching Presentation ................................................................................................. 38 Dr. Price’s Search for Health (DVD) ............................................................................................................ 38 Nutrition And Physical Degeneration .......................................................................................................... 19 Weston A. Price Reprints .............................................................................................................................. 27 Our Toxic World: A Wake Up Call ............................................................................................................... 20 Metabolic Imbalances, pH and Ayurveda: More Energy Through Individualized Nutrition ....................... 17 Natural Mercury Detoxification ................................................................................................................... 17 Ignore the Awkward: How the Cholesterol Myths are Kept Alive ................................................................ 15 The Cholesterol Hoax ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Detoxify or Die ............................................................................................................................................. 10 The High Blood Pressure Hoax .................................................................................................................... 14 How to Cure Diabetes .................................................................................................................................. 14 Is Your Cardiologist Killing You? ................................................................................................................. 16 No More Heartburn ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Pain Free in 6 Weeks .................................................................................................................................... 20 Nutrition in Biblical Times ........................................................................................................................... 19 The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions Today ......................................... 17 Beyond Broccoli: Creating a Biologically Balanced Diet ............................................................................. 5 Pottenger’s Prophecy: How Food Resets Genes for Wellness and Illness ................................................... 21 Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine: Improving Health and Longevity With Native Nutrition ........ 30 The Untold Story of Milk .............................................................................................................................. 31 Natural Nutrition for Cats ............................................................................................................................ 18 Natural Nutrition for Dogs & Cats .............................................................................................................. 18 Metabolic Aspects Of Health ........................................................................................................................ 16 The Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough: A Revolutionary Approach.................................................................. 30 Deep Nutrition ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Food Rules: A Doctor’s Guide to Healthy Eating ........................................................................................ 12 Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food ............................................................................. 9 The Primal Blueprint .................................................................................................................................... 21 Hidden Dangers in Kids’ Meals (DVD) ....................................................................................................... 40 Seeds of Deception ....................................................................................................................................... 25 Clinical Guide To The Use Of Vitamin C: The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, MD .............. 8 The Intelligent Gardener: Growing Nutrient-Dense Food........................................................................... 15 Beyond Amalgam: The Hidden Health Hazard Posed by Jawbone Cavitations ............................................ 4 Nutritional Therapies That Relieve Inflammation and Balance Body Systems (CD)................................... 42 Saying No to Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages ............................................................................... 25 Vaccine Basics: What You Need to Know (DVD) ......................................................................................... 45 Fabulous Fats!: Setting the Record Straight (DVD) .................................................................................... 39 Sweet Fire: Sugar, Diabetes & Your Health ................................................................................................. 29 Sweet Fire: Understanding Sugar’s Role in Your Health (DVD) ................................................................. 44 We Want to Live: The Primal Diet ................................................................................................................ 32 Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain .................................................................. 19 Cereal Killer: The Unintended Consequences of the Low Fat Diet ............................................................... 7 Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome ...................................................................................... 4 Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief ......................................................................... 4 Devil in the Milk: Illness, Health, and the Politics of A1 and A2 Milk ........................................................ 10 The Metabolic Typing Diet ........................................................................................................................... 17 Why Stomach Acid is Good For You: Natural Relief From Heartburn, Indigestion, Reflux and Gerd ........ 32 PPNF RESOURCE CATALOG - WWW.PPNF.ORG




PuBlICatIons By Category

dental Care

nutrItIon and oPtIMuM health

Beyond Amalgam Blotting Technique Instructional Brochure, The Cure Tooth Decay Challenges of Contemporary Oral Health (DVD) Dental Infections & the Degenerative Diseases, Vol. 2 Dental Infections: Oral & Systemic, Vol. 1 Natural Mercury Detoxification Patient Empowerment: How to Slay Dental Dragons Poison In Your Teeth, The Recent Advances in Holistic Dentistry (CD) Root Canal Cover-Up Rooted: A Hard-Hitting Scientific Look at the Dangers of Root Canal Therapy (DVD) Roots of Disease, The - Connecting Dentistry & Medicine Uninformed Consent Whole Body Dentistry

150 Healthiest Foods On Earth Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet, The Alive Tomorrow: Real Life Will Find A Way (DVD) An Insider’s Guide to Food Labels (CD) Attaining Optimal Health in the 21st Century (CD, DVD) Attaining Optimal Health in the 21st Century (Streaming Video) Beyond Broccoli: Creating A Biologically Balanced Diet Biochemistry of Emotions, Happiness & Weight Loss (CD) Body Chemistry In Health & Disease Cereal Killer: The Unintended Consequences of the Low Fat Diet Clinical Guide To The Use Of Vitamin C Coconut Cures Curing the Incurable Curse of Louis Pasteur, The Dangerous Grains Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food Degeneration Regeneration Detoxification (DVD) Devil in the Milk: Illness, Health, and the Politics of A1 and A2 Milk Digestion / Absorption (CD) Do You Know What’s In Your Body Care Products (CD) Dr. Price’s Original Slide Teaching Presentation (Power Point) Dr. Price’s Search For Health (DVD) Eating for Optimal Health in the 21st Century (DVD) Earthly Bodies and Heavenly Hair Enzyme Nutrition Estrogen Alternative: A Guide to Natural Hormonal Balance, The Excitotoxins Fabulous Fats: Setting the Record Straight (DVD) Food Rules: A Doctor’s Guide to Healthy Eating Galileo’s Lawyer Gluten Effect, The Healthiest Way To Eat (CD) Healthy Aging and Longevity (CD) Healthy Weight Loss (CD) How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy! (DVD) Hundred Year Lie, The Ignore The Awkward: How the Cholesterol Myths are Kept Alive In Search of the Perfect Human Diet (DVD) Killer Colas: The Hard Truth About Soft Drinks Know Your Fats Lick the Sugar Habit Malignant Medical Myths Metabolic Aspects of Health Metabolic Imbalances, pH and Ayurveda Metabolic Typing Diet, The Muscle Testing For Your Health (DVD) “New”trition Nutrition and Physical Degeneration Nutrition in Biblical Times Nutritional Supplements (DVD) Omnivore's Dilemma One Man Alone Palm Oil Miracle, The Pottenger’s Cats (Book, DVD) Pottenger’s Prophecy Price-Pottenger Story, The (DVD) Primal Blueprint, The Primal Power Method Probiotic Foods For Good Health Put Your Heart In Your Mouth Real Food for Mother and Baby Real Truth About Vitamins and Antioxidants, The Real Vitamin and Mineral Book, The Safe and Natural Skin Care Products (CD) Salt Your Way to Health Statin Damage Crisis, The Staying Healthy with Nutrition Suicide By Sugar Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World (DVD) Sweet Suicide (DVD) Symptoms of Visceral Disease Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine

dIsease treatMent and reCoVery Adaptogens: Herbs For Strength, Stamina, & Stress Relief Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome Cancer Cured... The Coming Storm Cancer Is Curable Now (DVD) Cancer, Nutrition & Healing: A Personal Odyssey (DVD) Cancer Prevention The Natural Way (CD) Cancer Your Doctor’s Lack of Knowledge (DVD) Cholesterol Hoax, The Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Prevent Health Disease Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia (CD) Criminal Indifference to Cancer Prevention Cut Poison Burn (DVD) Detoxify or Die Diabetes: Are Drugs the Only Answer? (DVD) Diabetes Improvement (CD) Diet and Heart Disease Drugs That Don’t Work & Natural Therapies That Do! Early Detection of Breast Cancer with Thermography (CD) Eliminate Inflammation (CD) Everlasting Health: Humanity’s Guide to Understanding, Avoiding, and Reversing Disease Eye Care Revolution, The Fish Oil: The Natural Anti-Inflammatory Gut and Psychology Syndrome Health Versus Disease Healthy Bones Heart Disease Prevention & Cholesterol Myths (CD) High Blood Pressure Hoax, The Homeopathic Medicine At Home How to Cure Diabetes How To Reverse Heart Disease Naturally (DVD) Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It Is Your Cardiologist Killing You? Most Effective Natural Cures On Earth, The No More Heartburn Nutritional Therapies That Relieve Inflammation (CD) Oil Pulling Therapy Osteoporosis Is Not a Calcium Deficiency (CD) Overcoming Arthritis Overcoming Arthritis (CD) Overcoming Thyroid Disorders Pain Free In 6 Weeks Prostate Cancer Prevention (CD) Reverse Biological Aging (CD) Stop Alzheimer’s Now! Stopping Inflammation Sunlight Solution: Why More Sun Exposure and Vitamin D Are Essential To Your Health Sweet Fire: Sugar, Diabetes and Your Health Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough, The Whole-Food Guide to Overcoming Irritable Bowel Syndrome, The

healIng • PsyChology Mood Cure, The Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain

Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation ® email: / website:

Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer, The Turning Back the Clock: Grow Younger and Feel Better As You Age (DVD) Two Most Deadly Medical Myths, The (CD) Untold Story of Milk, The Vegetarian Myth, The: Food, Justice and Sustainability We Want To Live What Should I Eat? (DVD) Whole Soy Story, The Why Stomach Acid is Good For You Young Minds With Old Bodies Your Body’s Many Cries For Water

ChIldren’s health Autism and Vaccine (CD) Children’s Emotional Problems/ADD & More (DVD) Hidden Danger in Kids’ Meals (DVD) Home School Nutrition (CD) No More ADHD Nourishing Hope for Autism Saying No To Vaccines Super Nutrition for Babies Truth About Children’s Health, The Vaccine Basics: What You Need To Know (DVD) Vaccine Epidemic Vaccination Is Not Immunization

FooD PreParation Candida Albicans Yeast-Free Cookbook, The Cooking With Coconut Flour Delicious, Healthy Salad Dressings (DVD) Diet Evolution Easy to Make Lacto-Fermented Foods (DVD) Flavoring Foods For Your Health (DVD) Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook, The Healthiest Meals On Earth, The Nourishing Traditions Primal Cuisine: Cooking for the Paleo Diet Real Food Fermentation: Preserving Whole Fresh Food with Live Cultures in your Home Tender Grassfed Meat: Traditional Ways to Cook Healthy Meat

Pet care In Search of the Truth About Dogs: An Introduction to Natural Canine Health (DVD) Natural Nutrition for Cats Natural Nutrition For Dogs and Cats Vaccine Guide For Dogs and Cats

gardenIng and eCology Bug Busters: Safe, Natural & Effective Controls Case Against Fluoride, The Clean and Green: The Complete Guide to Nontoxic and Environmentally Safe Housekeeping Create a Healthy Home (CD) Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) (CD) Got Raw Milk (CD) How Does Your Garden Grow? (DVD) Intelligent Gardener: Growing Nutrient-Dense Food, The Mold Related Diseases (CD) Our Toxic World: A Wake Up Call Seeds of Deception Sunscreens - Biohazard: Treat As Hazardous Waste Truth About Fluoride Mercury Controversy, The (CD) Truth About Organic Food, The (DVD) Whole Truth About Milk, The (DVD) Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn’t Be Your Alarm Clock

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