PPC Photonews Autumn 2021- the TE Special

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Photonews Celebrating the Postal Photographic Club and its Members

TE Results Special

Autumn 2021

Photonews Celebrating the Postal Photographic Club and its members

cover SHOT

BLUE SKIES THINKING - R J Edwardes For details on how this was achieved be sure to check out Roger’s upcoming article in the Winter edition.

FROM AN (ENGLISH) ESTUARY PPC News, Views and Updates from Mission Control One of the casualties of lockdown for us was access to our boat. Apart from a few years without, various craft have served us well as a floating home-fromhome, and there aren't many ports in the South West and beyond, that haven't seen us tied up as another gale whistled through! With the first lockdown ended we were able to make a start on all the missed maintenance; with the boat hauled out we could get on with things. Then, of course, the second lockdown scuppered our visits. We relaunched in May amid a scramble to get the main things done as, to add to the fun, our second grandson (as it turned out) was due any time and we were on call to look after No. 1! All of which is a rather long-winded way of explaining the change to my usual heading. The Estuary in question is the Fal in Cornwall and, as I write, we're attached to our mooring off Mylor Creek with little, save the wash of the odd boat, to disturb the peace; even the weather for the moment is behaving itself. And, for once, no grumbles from me about modern technology - a decent mobile signal for a hotspot! This edition of Photonews contains the results you have all been waiting for - the Travelling Exhibition has been judged and congratulations/commiserations as appropriate to all who entered. Entries were down this year in both Print and DPI sections, but, with a proportional reduction in acceptances, I hope you will agree, the quality of awarded images contained within these pages makes a fine showcase for the Club.

However, another consequence of lockdown is continued uncertainty surrounding the clubs that have previously hosted the TE. Whether they are returning to their venues and will wish to host the exhibition is still an open question. The intention, as last year, is to create an online version and I would ask members who belong to local clubs to bring the TE to the attention of your committee. That said, the TE will get at least one proper showing as this year's Rally will be going ahead. Those of you attending should already have been contacted by John Kay with some further details on the venue and surrounding area to follow. I look forward to catching up with you at Longmynd House, Shropshire in October. It only remains to offer my thanks on your behalf, to Competition Secretaries, Simon Rhodes and Graham Harvey, and Alan Philips with his software support, for all their efforts in coordinating and organising the competition, securing judges, collating results and producing certificates. Also thanks to Ann Millen and Dave Whenham in putting together this edition of Photonews.

er g o R

Roger Edwardes PPC General Secretary

3 5 6 10 30 32 42 68

From the General Secretary

Editorial - Ann Millen

What Does a Judge Want? - Pat Couder

The Travelling Exhibition Results 2001 - Prints

The Travelling Exhibition Results 2001 - Print Panel Competition

The Raymond H Short Trophy Winner 2021

The Travelling Exhibition Results 2001 - PDI

The Presidents Salver for the Best PDI Performance 2021


The first hole in the Autumn

EDITORIAL Hi everyone, Welcome to the autumn edition. There are lots of images to look at and plenty of thoughtful comments. This edition contains the results of the TE competition. It has been a hard 18 months with the lockdown, some members have been lucky to get out and take photos, other’s have had to look around their house and garden or have worked in a studio setting. Let’s hope that we can all get out and about now, hoping for a nice Autumn, good weather and lovely autumnal colours. Well done to all the members who submitted images and prints for the competition. I am looking forward to meeting members at the Rally this year where I will be on the hunt for articles for future editions. Thanks to Simon and Graham for getting all the results and images and sending them enabling this edition to go out. Stay safe and enjoy this edition.



What does a Judge Want? I’ve been a member of a camera club for over 14 years and judging for about 3 years. During that time I’ve learnt a lot, from entering my first club competition and having no clue about what a judge is looking for in an image to where I am now a judge myself. Photography is a passion – from taking pictures, post processing, entering competitions/exhibitions and judging , I love it all. So what do I look for in an image? 1- Technical Exposure, contrast, tonal range, colour saturation, focus/sharpness etc and postprocessing quality. Beginners/improvers may well have technical issues in an image. This is to be expected as they learn their camera and post-processing. Advanced workers should not have technical flaws in their images. 2- Photographers Input This is more subjective in regards to choice of depth of field, composition/ balance, lighting, how the image has been presented (colour/mono, format?) etc all being the photographers choice either in taking or in post processing. How appropriate are those choices made? Is the background cluttered and detracting from your subject? Is it sharp where it needs to be? Does it suit a black & white/mono presentation? If you’ve broken the “rules” does it work? 3- Expressive Content Does it have strong impact? Does it have emotive quality? Does it hold interest? Does it raise questions? Does it tell a story? Have you been successful in conveying your intention, your vision to me as a judge? This is even more subjective and each viewers' personal opinion on how “or if” an image “speaks” to them in some way. In a face to face camera club situation I have a few seconds to view an image before giving my appraisal. Myself and the club members in the audience are all looking at the same projected screen/print. However, in an on-line club such as the PPC, myself and other circle members have a lot more time to appraise an image. Days in fact! We are also at different stages in our photography – some members may be novices, some may be accomplished photographers. We are also looking at the images on different monitors/devices to other circle members which can make a difference to our appraisal. We also have a description from the author plus EXIF data should we wish to look at that but I firmly believe that an image should speak for itself. The title can hint at the photographers intention but I do not allow myself to be swayed by how difficult it was to get access, whether you were standing on a cliff edge in a force 10 gale, fighting off a 6

plague of locusts, in a hide for hours waiting for that elusive kingfisher or have paid thousands to go on a safari. None of that matters to me - it is always the image. But it's not only what a judge wants is it? What do those entering images to be critiqued/scored want from a judge?! If you are new to photography and just starting to enter club competitions it can be quite daunting. Judges may use terminology that is meaningless to a newbie – dodging and burning, depth of field. I had no idea what dodging and burning was when I first entered competitions. So a novice wants to have these terms explained more simply in order to learn and improve. Members also want to feel motivated. The way critique is delivered can have a huge impact on a persons confidence and is SO important. I recall a judge asking why I had bothered to enter my image into the competition! Another said he would have given me top mark for an image had he not seen the subject so many times before. Was he right to say that? I hadn’t taken that image hundreds of times, just the once, I was a beginner! I’ve recently asked some colleagues about their experiences in entering face to face camera club competitions as newbies to their club & photography and sadly not been surprised at all by some of their comments:“I don’t really enjoy them. They are described as being there to offer positive critique and help you improve & learn. I find the judging sometimes very unhelpful. Some judges make some quite inane comments on pictures offering little positive critique. It would be helpful if judges could take a strengths based approach - then provide an overall critique & provide guidance on how to strengthen the image. It’s taken me a while to understand what’s a competition picture & what is not.” “My first few competitions, I started thinking I knew what was going on, but every judge seemed to want something different” “They do not warn them what to expect from judges. I think that if the clubs prepared them for what could happen to them, then they would've put their images right in the first place” “Once I managed to get over the horror of low scores I realised some judges have some good ideas to impart – now I have more confidence” “I find it a little annoying when a judge really talks your image up, but then gives it a lower score at the end”


It saddens me to read these comments. Judges should be encouraging and deliver critique politely, not in a negative way. Images should be evaluated fairly whether you like the subject/genre or not and give an unbiased appraisal. New members/novices may need more support and guidance. So, be mindful when writing your critique on a members image – be honest, be positive & constructive, give suggestions on how to improve and remember to be polite and respectful of someone else’s work.

Juggling – May 2009

This was the very first picture I entered into my camera club as a print. I was given 7/10. I cant recall what the judge said at the time but being new both to photography and to an SLR, having no idea about what makes a good picture, I thought it was great! What do you think the judge said? What would you say about it and more importantly, how would you say it?


British Museum – May 2010 This was the image entered in a Mono print round. I was thrilled when the judge said it was worth a 10/10 but immediately deflated when he said sadly it wouldn’t as he’d seen it so many times before! I can still picture him saying it after all this time - proof of how unjust it was and the impact it had on me!

Pat Couder 9

Meet the Judge - Prints Many thanks for the opportunity to judge your TRAVELLING EXHIBITION COMPETITION. It was a pleasure to get back to judging prints again after a long covid layoff. The standard of entry was high and some difficult choices had to be made. If you did not get an award or make the final cut be assured that some good images were not selected because of rules on numbers, and strong competition. As mentioned, some difficult discussions, especially picking the award-winning prints. Judging and selection is subjective, often down to personal preference. However technical ability and artistry remains paramount when judging.

Hi my name is Royston Packer (DPAGB.AWPF, LSINWP), I live in Doncaster, South Yorkshire. I have had a life long passion for nature and photography. My business career took me away from my passion for almost a quarter of a century, time only allowing me to dabble! In 2000 I had the opportunity to set up my own media company producing film for the private and public sectors. This enabled me to rekindle my interests in imagery. I had the good fortune to work alongside of a very talented BBC wildlife cameraman, Graham Horder. I am a multi International Award winning photographer. 10

Now retired I have devoted my time to all things photography. I travel extensively in pursuit of my photography. I am a passionate traveller to India. Tigers are high on my list of subjects. My main interest is wildlife photography. However all aspects of photography interest me. In November 2016 I was awarded a Double Associate of The Welsh Photographic Federation, both digital and Print Images. On November 27th I gained DPAGB Distinction by The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. A very prestigious award. Proud to have been awarded both of these Distinctions. An accomplished Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Lightroom user. Instruction always available. I am available for tuition on Camera Craft in Groups or on a 1-1 basis. I am also listed on the Yorkshire Photographic Union as an approved Judge and Lecturer. I have had many acceptances and awards in International Photographic Salons. I offer Workshops in Camera Craft, Photoshop and Lightroom. Contact me for details. I am available for club Presentations and workshops. Field trips and safaris can be arranged. I have excellent contacts in India and Africa I am always interested in meeting up with likeminded photographers with the view to share knowledge and possible tours and field trips. Roy’s website: https:// www.shootingscenes.co.uk/

The Travelling Exhibition Print Acceptances and Awards Over the next three pages you will find the full list of acceptances, award winners and retained prints from this years annual competition. The Accepted and awarded images will form the Travelling Exhibition which will premiered at this year’s Rally. The retained images will also be displayed at the Rally alongside the TE. Pat Couder scored points with all eight of her submissions giving her a total of 41 points making her this years winner of the Raymond H Short Trophy for the member with the best print performance in the Travelling Exhibition. Pat’s eight images will be showcased later in this issue but first the all important results followed by the winning images. Top 5 positions in The Raymond H Short Trophy: 1st Pat Couder ~ 41 pts 2nd Peter Redford ~ 36 pts 3rd Maxwell Law ~ 31 pts 4th David James ~ 26 pts 5th Bob Rawlinson ~ 25 pts 11

The Travelling Exhibition - 2021


Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder

Impression of Spring Blossom Alan From my Garden Cubism Stormy Weather Painted Lady on Verbena Gloomy Wood Blossom in Blue

Retained Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit ARCHITECTURAL Accepted Accepted Retained Certificate of Merit

1 7 7 10 4 4 1 7

Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford

Little Owl with Lunch Sparrowhawk with Goldfinch Burnham Lighthouse Vickers Close Tornado 60163 Kelpies on Holiday

Accepted Certificate of Merit LANDSCAPE Accepted Retained MONOCHROME

4 7 10 4 1 10

Maxwell Law Maxwell Law Maxwell Law Maxwell Law Maxwell Law Maxwell Law Maxwell Law

The bride Gannet dive Whooper Swan Bittern in Flight Sun Voyager Lothersdale Rainbow Puffin with Sandeels

Retained Accepted NATURAL HISTORY Accepted Certificate of Merit Retained Accepted

1 4 10 4 7 1 4

David James David James David James David James David James

Falling Water A Winters’ Day Cononley Lead Mine Weir on the Wye Autumnal Stroll by the River

Accepted Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Retained Certificate of Merit

4 7 7 1 7

Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson

The Bowls match Kingfisher watching fish Tree Sparrow A Heron Having a Snack Treecreeper Collecting Flies Barn Owl hunting A Wren Welcomes Spring

Retained Accepted Accepted Certificate of Merit Retained Accepted Accepted

1 4 4 7 1 4 4

The Travelling Exhibition - 2021 Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth

Pre Raphaelite Maiden Vulnerable Remembering My Best Mate Alfie Down At The Summerhouse

PORTRAIT & BEST Retained Accepted Certificate of Merit

10 1 4 7

Richard Walliker Richard Walliker Richard Walliker Richard Walliker Richard Walliker

Cambridge Fast Food Oxford Biker St. Paul's Reflections After Lager! Resting

Accepted Accepted Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Retained

4 4 7 7 1

Richard Bown Richard Bown Richard Bown Richard Bown Richard Bown

Perspective Art Appreciation On the charge On The Way to the Boundary Catch me if you can

Retained Accepted Retained ACTION Accepted

1 4 1 10 4

Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes

Harbour Entrance, Boscastle Through the Greenhouse Phantom at Speed Making a splash Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta

COLOUR Retained Certificate of Merit Retained Retained

10 1 7 1 1

Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes

Too Much Coffee Gig Interaction Tree Portrait Teazel The Look

Retained Certificate of Merit Retained Accepted Retained

1 7 1 4 1

Barry Willcock Barry Willcock Barry Willcock Barry Willcock Barry Willcock

Large Red Damselfly The Choir, Lincoln Cathedral Muffin Deal How do these work? The Boys

Certificate of Merit Retained Accepted Retained Retained

7 1 4 1 1 13

The Travelling Exhibition - 2021 Stuart Roberts Stuart Roberts Stuart Roberts

O2 Squared Façade Ribbons Barricade

Certificate of Merit Retained Accepted

7 1 4

Graham Dean Graham Dean Graham Dean Graham Dean

Heaven and Earth in Liverpool Kaleidoscope #1 Seaham North Beach Watching the Waves

Accepted Retained Retained Accepted

4 1 1 4

Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley

S Curve Jacobite at Morar The Grand Entrance Kirby Marina Walkway

Accepted Retained Retained Accepted

4 1 1 4

Barry Roberts Barry Roberts Barry Roberts

Lillies Catching Up Iris

Retained Accepted Accepted

1 4 4

John Kay John Kay John Kay John Kay

Curves And Shadows When Chrome Was King Adobe Shadows Recycle Corner

Retained Retained Accepted Retained

1 1 4 1

David Ridley David Ridley David Ridley

A Man and his Monkey Winter Dawn Standing Alone

Retained Retained Retained

1 1 1

David Ridley

Forty Winks For The Wagon Horses



Stuart Carr Stuart Carr

Mother and Foal Selfie in the rain

Retained Retained

1 1

Bill Hughes Bill Hughes

The Vikings Weathered and Embellished

Retained Retained

1 1

Simon Rhodes Simon Rhodes

Pareidolia… Shock Croc Voodoo Doll

Retained Retained

1 1


Pre-Raphaelite Maiden Harry Wentworth

The Challenge Cup for Best Print The Harry Ridgeway Cup for Best Portrait

This was again a difficult one to pick with some lovely entries, in both, mono and colour. Well done Harry Wentworth for his wonderful portrait of Pre Raphaelite Maiden. Great choice of location, model and costume.


Cubism Pat Couder

The Singleton Rose-bowl for Best Architectural Print

Great symmetry in this image, titled Cubism Very futuristic Utopian feel about it. Excellent tonal value the blue sky reflecting in the glass complemented by the black oblong shapes. Well seen and well taken.


Harbour Entrance Roger Edwardes

The Maurice MacDowell Cup for Best Colour Print

A strong entry overall. Much deliberation in making the final choice of Harbour Entrance, Boscastle. The print really came to life when viewed in a north light or illuminated. An Old Master feel about it. 17

Burnham Lighthouse Peter Redford

The Andrew Emond Trophy for Best Landscape Print

Burnham Lighthouse by Peter Redford takes the prize for Landscape. A well-executed take. Love the dramatic sky in this one. Good tonal range. Reflections add to the drama.


Kelpies on Holiday Peter Redford

The Jack Cowper Tannadice Salver for Best Mono Print

Some excellent entries but Kelpies Holiday took the award. Certainly, a different “take” on these iconic sculptures. Enjoyed the creativity. Demonstrating good technical ability, good presentation and print technique. 19

Whooper Swan Maxwell Law


The Dick Ogden Natural History Shield for Best Natural History Print

Thank you, Maxwell Law, for the excellent entry Whooper Swan. Exposure handled well, not easy to get all the elements right but Maxwell has “nailed” it here. Lovely, almost surreal effect, created by the mist on the water. The yellow pop on the bill adds to the overall effect. Well done.

On the Way to the Boundary Richard Bown

The Scottish Quaiche for Best Action Print

On The Way To The Boundary was a winner. Good eye contact with the subject. Exposure handled well Great position and stance. A worthy winner. 21

The Travelling Exhibition - 2021

Large Red Damselfly Barry Willcock

Alan (bottom left From my Garden (top right) Blossom in Blue (bottom right) Pat Couder 22

See full-sized versions of each of Pat’s images in the section dedicated to our Raymond H Short Trophy Winner

Certificates of Merit - Print A Heron Having a Snack Bob Rawlinson

Sparrowhawk with Goldfinch Peter Redford 23

The Travelling Exhibition - 2021

A Winters Day (right) Autumnal stroll by the river (opposite page) Cononley Lead Mine (above)

David James 24

Certificates of Merit - Print


The Travelling Exhibition - 2021

After lager! (above) St Paul’s Reflections (right)

Richard Walliker


Certificates of Merit - Print

Down at the Summerhouse Harry Wentworth

Gig Interaction Len Downes


The Travelling Exhibition - 2021


Certificates of Merit - Print

Sun Voyager (opposite top) Maxwell Law Phantom at Speed (opposite bottom) Roger Edwardes O2 Squared (above) Stuart Roberts 29

The Travelling Exhibition - 2021


Panel Competition

PANEL WINNER: A Walk in the Park Len Downes A well-executed panel showing good technical ability. With some additional cropping wondered if a 2,1,3,4 order may work a little better, where the lamp posts would balance better and acted as “stops” Nevertheless a worthy winner in this group.

PANEL CERTIFICATE OF MERIT: Dried Anthuriums Pat Couder A worthy runner up in this section. A well-balanced set. Colours compliment each other. Good choice of paper. Overall a very pleasing panel.


Pat Couder …

Gloomy Wood


The Raymond H Short Trophy Winner 2021

Impressions of Spring Blossom


Painted Lady on Verbena 34

Stormy Weather


From my Garden




Alan 39

Blossom in Blue



e on d l l e W Pat! 41

Meet the Judge - PDI Our judge this year is London-based photographer Caroline Preece. She describes herself as a street photographer and lover of minimalist landscapes. An experienced photographic judge accredited with the East Anglian Federation of the PAGB Caroline also provides workshops and gives talks for camera clubs and other organisations.

Caroline Preece is the daughter of Margret Preece, a long-standing member of Chichester Camera Club and as a result, even before she took up photography she had grown up being surrounded by it. In 2015 she gained her LRPS distinction and in 2019 she became a photographic judge and now judges at clubs across the UK.

Caroline strongly believes that photography is a visual language, a form of communication, and she has a strong interest in visual design and the psychology behind composition.

Her own photography is a reflection of both her life pre-Covid in London and her rural upbringing in a small country village. On the one hand she is drawn to human elements and stories, documenting everyday life, chance occurrences, and captured moments. But then she seeks an escape from the hustle and bustle and creates minimalist landscapes and seascapes which for her represent 'space to breathe' away from the urban density of city life.

She is a member of Loughton Camera Club and her website is carolinepreecephotography.com 42

The Travelling Exhibition PDI Acceptances and Awards

Over the next four pages you will find the full list of exhibited, award winners and of course the Certificates of Merit from this years annual PDI competition. These images will form part of the Travelling Exhibition which will premiered at this year’s Rally. Unlike the print competition there are no retained images . A slide show of the selected images will be played at some point over the Rally weekend. For the impatient there is a sneak preview available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/dpN_pTnk1UY

Harry Wentworth scored points with all eight of his submissions emulating the performance of Pat in the print section and making him this years winner of the Presidents Salver for the member with the best performance in the PDI competition. Harry’s eight images will be showcased later in this issue but first the full list of results followed by the award-winning images.

The President’s Salver for the best PDI performance: 1st Harry Wentworth ~ 59 pts 2nd Ingrid Demaerschalk ~ 56 pts 3rd Pat Couder ~ 45 pts =4th Peter Biebrach ~ 37 pts =4th Graham Snowden ~ 37 pts 43

The Travelling Exhibition - 2021


Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson

Red Squirrel Fog On The Riva Degli Scgiavoni Red Deer Watching

4 4 11

Exhibited Exhibited Certificate of Merit

Michael Atkinson Michael Atkinson Michael Atkinson Michael Atkinson

Jay On Branch Reedling Wasp Face Jackdaw

4 4 4 4

Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited

Peter Bagnall Peter Bagnall Peter Bagnall Peter Bagnall

Spanish Sparrow Bathing Great Reed Warblers Courting Evening Rough Sea At Morecambe Little Bittern

4 4 4 4

Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited

Peter Biebrach Peter Biebrach Peter Biebrach Peter Biebrach

Juvenile Great Tit In The Rain The End Of Fossil Fuels Help Me Sullen

4 11 11 11

Exhibited Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit

Richard Bown Richard Bown Richard Bown Richard Bown

Hitting The White Water Climbing Ripon Road A Tackle In The Rain Cymorthin

4 4 4 4

Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited

Stuart Carr Stuart Carr Stuart Carr

What Wavebreakers Ever Decreasing Circles

11 4 11

Certificate of Merit Exhibited Certificate of Merit

Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder

Alice Woolly Sheep Masked Commute Bee On Echinacea Bee On Dahlia Afternoon Stroll In The Square

11 4 4 4 4 14

Pat Couder

I Was Born This Way

Certificate of Merit Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Best Colour Judges Choice Exhibited


The Travelling Exhibition - 2021 Graham Dean Graham Dean

Snow On The Beach Bridge 40 Lancaster Canal

4 4

Exhibited Exhibited

Ingrid Demaerschalk Ingrid Demaerschalk Ingrid Demaerschalk Ingrid Demaerschalk Ingrid Demaerschalk Ingrid Demaerschalk Ingrid Demaerschalk

Scar Grouse Reflection Art Roller Coaster City Dawn In Richmond Park Can't See The Wood For The Trees Into The Blue

4 4 11 11 11 4 11

Exhibited Exhibited Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Exhibited Certificate of Merit

Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes

Mark Radcliffe, Broadcaster And Writer Bare Branches Icons Of The Skyline Coffee Time

4 4 4 4

Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited

Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes

Blue Butterfly Best Foot Forward Gala Performance!

14 11 4

Best Action Certificate of Merit Exhibited

Victoria Fairhurst Victoria Fairhurst

Black Tailed Skimmers Mating Grasshopper

4 4

Exhibited Exhibited

Basil Gunn




John Hughes John Hughes John Hughes John Hughes John Hughes John Hughes

Young Gannets Flyover Avocet Gannet Sea Eagle Brown Hare

4 4 4 4 11 4

Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Certificate of Merit Exhibited

David James David James

High Tide Force Of Nature

11 4

Certificate of Merit Exhibited

John Kay John Kay John Kay

Concrete Curves St Francis Silhouette Still Standing

4 4 11

Exhibited Exhibited Certificate of Merit


The Travelling Exhibition - 2021


Maxwell Law

Northern Wheatear



Rodney Marsh Rodney Marsh Rodney Marsh Rodney Marsh Rodney Marsh

Sand Mountains And Shadows The Hand Of Buddha Sunset At Sukothai Bride And Groom Vietnam Art And Science Quarter Valencia

14 4 4 4 4

Best Landscape Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited

John Pattison John Pattison

Criss Cross Wild Flowers In Edirne

11 4

Certificate of Merit Exhibited

Alan Phillips Alan Phillips Alan Phillips Alan Phillips Alan Phillips Alan Phillips

Flower In Vase Vases The Garden Of Unearthly Delights That Which Remains Dark Orrery Unidentified

4 4 4 4 4 4

Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited

Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson

Autumn Colours A Barn Owls Catch Is Stolen By A Kestrel

4 4

Exhibited Exhibited

Andrew Ripley Andrew Ripley

St Patricks Bell Dwynwen

11 4

Certificate of Merit Exhibited

Barry Roberts Barry Roberts

Aquilegia Emerging Tulips

4 4

Exhibited Exhibited

Stuart Roberts Stuart Roberts Stuart Roberts Stuart Roberts Stuart Roberts

Under The Weather Step In Reflexology Stand Behind The Yellow Line One Canada Square Follow The Leader

4 4 11 4 4

Exhibited Exhibited Certificate of Merit Exhibited Exhibited

Graham Snowden Graham Snowden Graham Snowden Graham Snowden Graham Snowden

Horsted Keynes At Night Seven Sisters Imperial War Museum Roof Boat Propeller Ice Blue

4 4 14 11 4

Exhibited Exhibited Best Architecture Certificate of Merit Exhibited

The Travelling Exhibition - 2021 Stephen Taylor

Off To The Boundary



Nigel Thompson Nigel Thompson Nigel Thompson Nigel Thompson Nigel Thompson

Forgotten Building Panama Hat Unknown Destination The Singing Ringing Tree On Reflection

4 4 4 11 11

Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit

Richard Walliker Richard Walliker

Into The Light. Sunset River.

11 4

Certificate of Merit Exhibited

Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth

Pierrot Beauty The Disciples I'm Really Not Interested Lady Killer Surrounded By The Past Boris Bikes Departed Alice Finds The Door To Nowhere

14 11 4 14 4 4 4 4

Best Portrait Certificate of Merit Exhibited Best Mono Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited

Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley

Night Energy Coming Home Jokers Watching Stretch Dancer Glasgow Architecture Whitby Rooftops 20's Mia

4 11 4 4 4 4 4

Exhibited Certificate of Merit Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited Exhibited

Shurle Woodhouse Shurle Woodhouse

Wild Poppy Anxious Fan

4 11

Exhibited Certificate of Merit

Stephen Yates Stephen Yates Stephen Yates Stephen Yates Stephen Yates

Lace Weaver Spider Vs Tiger Moth Caterpillar 14 Best Natural History Cormorant Portrait 4 Exhibited Great Crested Grebe 4 Exhibited Hoverfly 4 Exhibited Fairey Swordfish Salute 4 Exhibited


Afternoon Stroll in the Square

The Dorothy MacDowell Salver for Best Projected Image


Salver for Best Colour Projected Image

Pat Couder This image has many layers to keep the viewer engaged. The longer you look the more you find, it keeps on giving. It is not an image you can fully appreciate in a few seconds as you miss half the detail. The first thing the viewer notices is the square itself and the interesting buildings within it and around it, and then they go on to explore all the tiny Lowryesque figures and their groupings and interactions, then they move onto the cafes and shops in the background and then their attention wanders back to the people as they are bound to have missed some in the first scan. The processing of the image works effectively to give it a painterly and almost dreamlike feel. It is an image you want to keep on looking at and coming back to as you are bound to find more in it each time.

Sand Mountains And Shadows

A simple minimalistic landscape where the shadows on the dunes are mirrored by the dark of the mountains behind. The light and dark layers give the image a graphic feel. It is of a landscape but feels very much about light, shade and form.

Rodney Marsh Salver for Best Landscape Image


Pierrot Beauty

Harry Wentworth

Salver for Best Portrait

A well thought out and produced portrait which you could see in the pages of a fashion magazine or editorial supplement. The black lace surrounding the face and filling the frame adds to the sense of a performer, the stage, fragility, and vulnerability. The slight angle of the model adds energy to the image and creates additional visual interest. 50

Lady Killer

Harry Wentworth

I am assuming this is a composite otherwise the photographer deserves an award for bravery or insanity at getting this close to the action. When creating fantasytype images the key is believability. If it was a movie would it be well acted or badly acted? Here, whilst you know it is not real, the model's face sells the story and the inclusion of details such as the smoke and what appears to be sparks or traces from bullets creates a strong sense of place and environment. The image puts the viewer in the heart of the action, in the middle of a battleground.

Salver for Best Monochrome Image


Lace Weaver Spider vs Tiger Moth Caterpillar Stephen Yates Strong wildlife images capture the attention of the viewer and makes them stop and look, they engage the viewer with the subject matter. They may even show them something they have not seen before and may even educate them. Here you have achieved this with the interaction of the two main subjects. The simple surroundings and the choice of depth of field means that they stand out well and there is nothing to distract the viewer from the story unfolding. 52

The Thomas Langley Trophy for Best Natural History

Imperial War Museum Roof

Graham Snowden

This image feels very much about shape, light and form. The choice of directional lighting gives the image depth, making it feel 3D. Through the crop and the dark background the photographer brings the viewer's attention to the strong graphic shape of the roof which is both functional and sculptural.

Salver for Best Architectural Image


Blue Butterfly Good sports and action images have a strong narrative. Here the tight crop focuses the viewer's attention on the face of the swimmer. You can sense the effort, focus and determination in his expression. His face is shiny and wet from being submerged, his open mouth seemingly gasping for a breath, and the water running off his chin all adds to the story. 54

Roger Edwardes Salver for the Best Action Image

Certificates of Merit - PDI Reflection Art Ingrid Demaerschalk

The Disciples Harry Wentworth


Certificates of Merit - PDI Into the Light Richard Walliker

Boat Propellor Graham Snowden


Certificates of Merit - PDI

What Stuart Carr

Coming Home Carole Wetherley


Certificates of Merit - PDI

St Patricks Bell Andrew Ripley

Rollercoaster City Ingrid Demaerschalk


Certificates of Merit - PDI

Red Deer Watching Jon Allanson

Dawn in Richmond Park Ingrid Demaerschalk


Certificates of Merit - PDI

Alice Pat Couder

Criss Cross John Pattison


Certificates of Merit - PDI

The Singing Ringing Tree Nigel Thompson

High Tide David James


Certificates of Merit - PDI

Stand behind the yellow line Stuart Roberts

The End of Fossil Fuels Peter Biebrach 62

Certificates of Merit - PDI

Sea Eagle John Hughes

Still Standing John Kay 63

Certificates of Merit - PDI

Anxious Fan Shurle Woodhouse

Help Me! Peter Biebrach 64

Certificates of Merit - PDI

Sullen Peter Biebrach

Ever Decreasing Circles Stuart Carr 65

Certificates of Merit - PDI On Reflection Nigel Thompson

Best Foot Forward Roger Edwardes 66

Certificates of Merit - PDI

Into the Blue

Ingrid Demaerschalk


Harry Wentworth … Once again, consistency has paid off for Harry who scored points with all eight of his submissions. Proof , if proof were needed, that a consistently high quality set is what it takes to walk away with the coveted President’s Salver.


Pierrot Beauty

The President’s Salver for the best PDI performance 2021

The Disciples


Alice finds the Door to Nowhere


I’m really not interested


Lady Killer





Surrounded by the Past

Boris Bikes

e on d l l e W ! y Harr 75

The Postal Photographic Club - Officials & Circle Secretaries PPC President: John Kay (John@kay.me.uk) General Secretary: Roger Edwardes (gensecppc@gmail.com) Membership Secretary: Roger Edwardes (see above) Treasurer: Clive Piggott (Clivepigg@hotmail.com) Competition Secretary (Print): Simon Rhodes (Simonrhodes281@gmail.com) Competition Secretary (PDI): Graham Harvey (Glharvey@me.com) Travelling Exhibition Organiser: David James (Dajames@ymail.com) Website Manager: Graham Dean (Graham@gandljdean.co.uk) Photonews Editor: Ann Millen (millenann@gmail.com)

Print Circle Secretaries

Online Circle Secretaries

Online Circle Secretaries (contd)

C1: Graham Harvey

DSO: John Maule

IC7: Pat Couder

C19: Roger Edwardes

IC1: John Pattison

IC8: John Pattison

CP1: Simon Rhodes

IC2: John Pattison

IC9: Maxwell Law

DP: David James

IC3: Simon Rhodes

IC10: Bill Stace

LP1: Jon Allanson

IC4: Mike Atkinson

IC11: Pat Couder

LP2: John Kay

IC5: Gary Barton

IC12: Jon Allanson

IC6: Dave Whenham

IC13: Jon Allanson

There is no increase in subscription if you belong to more than one Circle - if you would like to join another Circle please contact the Membership Secretary (details above) in the first instance. 76

To view more of our images, learn about the club and for membership information, please visit postalphotoclub.org.uk

Photonews Celebrating the Postal Photographic Club and its Members

All rights reserved. All materials copyright The Postal Photographic Club and/or their respective authors. Any opinion or statement expressed by the author of any article published in this magazine does not necessarily reflect the views of The Postal Photographic Club, the editor or its members. Photonews is published four times per year.


Photonews Celebrating the Postal Photographic Club and its Members


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