Photonews Autumn 2019 - The TE Special

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Photonews Celebrating the Postal Photographic Club and its Members

Autumn 2019 - TE Results Special

Autumn 2019 - TE Results Special 3. FROM THE (ENGLISH) RIVIERA Some words of welcome from your new General Secretary

4. EDITORIAL Some opening words from your Editor - some of which even make sense!

5. PRINT RESULTS The full Print section results - the Award winners, the Certificates of Merit and a full listing of all the images selected to be part of the 2019 Travelling Exhibition.

30. PDI RESULTS All the results from the PDI Competition, showcasing the Award winners, the Certificate of Merit awards and also listing the images selected to be part of the 2019 PDI Travelling Exhibition.


26 and 48. PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR The Photographer of the Year competitions are based on the total points scored by the club member in the competition. With two awards available, one Print and one PDI, who made it onto the 2019 Leaderboards? 53. PANEL RESULTS Now in it’s third year, who took the honours in the themed panel of four prints competition?

ON THE COVER: Fleetwood Whalers by Ken Ainscow. Ken won the The Raymond H Short Trophy for the Highest Overall Score in the 2018 Annual Print Competition and this was my personal favourite from his winning portfolio.

From the (English) Riviera PPC News, Views and Updates from Mission Control, Torquay Taking on a new role is always an exciting challenge and I look forward to serving you as General Secretary to the very best of my ability. In the circumstances, however, our thoughts must be with Sally and her family. On the occasions we met at AGMs, she is clearly a focussed and very capable lady and I am sure our club is the poorer for her having to stand down from the role. Undoubtedly, she would have made a great contribution to the management and future direction of our club. Sally had a strong team around her and I am fortunate indeed to inherit their expertise, dedication and commitment to the PPC. That the club programme has continued without any disruption speaks for itself! Now, to save you wading through an “all about me” biography, I must point you in the direction of the Summer 2017 edition of Photonews which contains my answers to Mr Whenham’s “Twenty Questions (or less)” section and, save for the fact that Lynda and I have now joined the ranks of the fully retired, little else has changed. So, my initial message to you is that a smooth handover is taking place, with my first task being to prepare for the Committee Meeting which will take place at the Rally in October. This column, then, will be one of the means by which we, as a committee, through me as your General Secretary, will regularly keep you informed and updated. To state the obvious, there is no club without you the members and your input, thoughts, ideas, suggestions. So, if you are able and wish to be more actively involved in the club please get in touch – no contribution too small! This edition of Photonews contains the much-anticipated results of the TE competition; what we are actually all about – photography! The breadth and quality of the work on display is tremendous and I would like to offer my congratulations/commiserations to all who entered and add my thanks and appreciation to the Competition Secretaries for their efforts in making it happen.

Roger Roger Edwardes General Secretary PPC

Autumn 2019 - TE Results Special Welcome to a very special edition of Photonews in which we celebrate our annual competitions known colloquially as the TE (see p24 of the Autumn 2018 issue for more details). Around 600 images were entered this year and as ever the trophies and certificates will be handed out during the Rally weekend later in the year. The TE will also receive its public premier too so something to look forward to for everyone attending. As in previous years we will look to make the TE available online following the Rally for those who cannot attend in person watch Photonews for details. An incredible amount of work goes in to organising and running our annual competitions and so as ever I would like to thank our hard-working Competition Secretaries for all their efforts in bringing this years competitions to a successful conclusion. Don’t forget that each year we have two Founders Cup competitions, these Annual Print and PDI competitions, the Print Panel competition and also two Photographer of the Year awards based on a member’s overall success in the two annual competitions. So, a lot to do! Thank you then to Jon (Prints) and Graham (PDI) without whom none of this would have happened. Thanks also to Alan Phillips who has quietly and unobtrusively supported Graham behind the scenes and whose automation is saving countless hours in the management of the PDI Competitions. We take for granted things like the certificates that we hand out, but they all have to be personalised and printed and this too takes time, so Alan’s skills have been very much appreciated once again this year. Kieran, who usually polishes each issue of Photonews to perfection is taking a well-earned rest with his family and looking at the images he has posted on a certain social media site they are having a fabulous time (I seem to recall saying the same this time last year!) Anything strange-looking or less than polished in the issue is sadly down to me and me alone. Rest assured, normal service will be resumed for the Winter issue at which stage we will also bring you usual, eclectic mix of Photonews items. Finally, a big thank you to everyone that entered and of course congratulations to the award winners. If you did not enter this year then I hope the following pages will inspire you to do so next year. We send out the initial invite around six weeks or so before the competition entry window opens so there is no excuse; if you will be away during the entry period then get everything prepared and ask someone else to submit it on your behalf, or speak to one of the Competition Secretaries, we will do everything we can to enable you all to participate. Don’t leave it to the last minute! I hope you enjoy this special edition.


All trophy images © John Kay

The PRINT Competition Judged by: Frank Nicholson LRPS

And the Winner is ….

Lindisfarne - Bob Rawlinson The Andrew Emond Trophy for the Best Landscape Print The Maurice MacDowell Cup for the Best Colour Print The Challenge Cup for the Best Print in the Exhibition

“A perfectly chosen viewpoint of a popular spot. Beautiful composition with boat hulls positioned to still give a view of the castle and a superb sky. ”

The Challenge Cup for Best Print

A few words from the judge … “Thanks for the opportunity for me to judge once more. I was particularly impressed by the winning panel and the quality of every element. There were some good quality prints which did not make strong panels as presented despite having a theme but overall the quality was good. The competition in general has dramatically improved since the last time I judged and the natural history section was particularly strong which made the challenge very difficult but most enjoyable.” 5

Lindisfarne - Bob Rawlinson The Andrew Emond Trophy for the Best Landscape Print The Maurice MacDowell Cup for the Best Colour Print The Challenge Cup for the Best Print in the Exhibition

Mary’s Shell - Bob Rawlinson The Jack Cowper Tannadice Salver for Best Mono Print “Excellent composition with impact, a full range of tones and well printed.” 7

Bowled - Peter Redford The Scottish Quaiche for Best Action Print

“Flying bails, falling wicket and the ball captured brilliantly in the perfect action shot.� 8

On Leave Roy Maddison

The Harry Ridgeway Cup for Best Portrait

“Subtle lighting gives atmosphere and mood. Despite no direct eye contact with the camera, the subject seems thoughtful.“


Lincoln Cathedral Cliff Ferguson

The Singleton Rosebowl for Best Architectural Print

“It is nice to see the whole building well positioned in this composition.�


Chameleon Cliff Ferguson

The Dick Ogden Natural History Shield for Best Natural History Print

“This, despite the subject, has real impact. It is perfectly sharp with no distracting background and beautiful colours.�



Top: Nuthatch in Classic Pose - Mike Atkinson Right: Large Red Damselfly - Barry Willcock 12


Clockwise from top left: Wire-tailed Swallow feeding young - Bob Rawlinson Blue Morph Butterfly - Ann Millen Sparrowhawk Mantling Prey - Jon Allanson



Imagine (Top)

Gondolas and Two Lamps (Top)

Undecided (Bottom) Both images: David James

Abandoned Anchors (Bottom) 14

Both images: Jon Allanson


Clockwise from top left: CoastWatch, Rossall Point - Ken Ainscow, The Gondolier - Barry Willcock, Wrecks on Mull - Cliff Ferguson 15


Clockwise from top left: Watching and Waiting - Ken Ainscow Lundy Island - Mick Pleszkan Escape to the Sun Harry Wentworth



Above: War Museum North Richard Walliker Right: Red Refractions - Barry Roberts 17


Serenity - Jon Allanson Passageway - Alan Phillips Walking within Circles - Pat Couder



Above: Side Chapel Altar, Buckfast Abbey Roger Edwardes Right: Out for a Stroll - Ann Millen



Clockwise from top left: Single Tree & Hut - Pat Couder Leap - Len Downes Drying Day - John Kay

‌ and that concludes the Certificates of Merit. Over the next five pages you will find a full list of all the images that have been selected for the Travelling Exhibition together with the Retained images which will supplement the exhibition exclusively at the Club Rally in October.


PRINT ACCEPTANCES & AWARDS The Print competition includes an additional category compared to the PDI competition: Retained. The Travelling Exhibition comprises the award winners, certificates of merit and those classed as Accepted & Hung. All of these will be on display at the annual Rally before setting off on the TE journey. In addition, and only for display at the annual Rally, we have a selection of Retained images which are held back and displayed alongside the TE for members to view at the Rally.

Catch In Serious Conversation Moon Over IWMN and Bridge Lady Hoi An Market Gondolas and Two Lamps Abandoned Anchors Serenity Sparrowhawk, Mantling Prey

Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson

Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit

The Raymond H Short Trophy for the best Print performance was won by Jon Allanson 1st Bend 200m Dunkirk CoastWatch, Rossall Point Watching & Waiting Good Vibrations

Ken Ainscow Ken Ainscow Ken Ainscow Ken Ainscow Ken Ainscow

Accepted Accepted Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Retained

Red Squirrel Male Chaffinch Coal Tit With Moss Nuthatch in Classic Pose Common Blue Damselfly Yellowhammer In Scrub

Mike Atkinson Mike Atkinson Mike Atkinson Mike Atkinson Mike Atkinson Mike Atkinson

Accepted Accepted Accepted Certificate of Merit Retained Retained

European Bee Eater Displaying Rare Little Bittern Red Backed Shrike European Roller Food Pass Corn Bunting Displaying Wryneck

Peter Bagnall Peter Bagnall Peter Bagnall Peter Bagnall Peter Bagnall Peter Bagnall

Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Retained

Caught in Possession Having a Good Day About to Touch Down

Richard Bown Richard Bown Richard Bown

Accepted Accepted Retained

Then what do I press?

Stuart Carr


Red & Yellow Tulip Faded Red & Yellow Tulip Walking within Circles Single Tree & Hut Purpled Hair

Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder

Accepted Accepted Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Retained



Winter Fishing Boat on the Bay Having a Run - Having a Rest The Ship After Sunset Kite Surfer #1

Graham Dean Graham Dean Graham Dean Graham Dean Graham Dean Graham Dean

Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Retained Retained

Lil' Jimmy Reed Stare "The Eye, Amsterdam" Leap Richie Sambora Paul Jones Master of The Hunt Back to The Future

Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes Len Downes

Accepted Accepted Accepted Certificate of Merit Retained Retained Retained Retained

It's Only a Game! Ancient and Modern Beach Huts, Maidencombe Side Chapel Altar, Buckfast Abbey Levels and Curves Come on Baby, Light My Fire!

Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes

Accepted Accepted Accepted Certificate of Merit Retained Retained

Redshank and Fly Mary’s Shell Lincoln Cathedral Wrecks on Mull Chameleon

Cliff Ferguson Cliff Ferguson Cliff Ferguson Cliff Ferguson Cliff Ferguson

Accepted Accepted The Singleton Rose Bowl for the Best Architectural Print Certificate of Merit The Dick Ogden Natural History Shield

Macaw Rose Sings Trad

Cliff Ferguson Cliff Ferguson

Retained Retained

Water Lily The Canal - Winter Sails in the Landscape Evening Light over Keswick

Bas Gunn Bill Hughes Bill Hughes Bill Hughes

Retained Retained Retained Retained

Close Race Crane Reflections G Curry R.N. Sunflower

Keith Hughes Keith Hughes Keith Hughes Keith Hughes

Retained Retained Retained Retained

Imagine Undecided Vivian Quarry

David James David James David James

Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Retained

Old and New - Liverpool Waterfront



David James


Drying Day Amazing Architecture Dressed for the Occasion In Perfect Step

John Kay John Kay John Kay John Kay

Certificate of Merit Retained Retained Retained

Dandelion Clock

Paul Kerr

Retained The Harry Ridgeway Cup for the Best Portrait

On Leave Concentration Millstone on the Path Padley Gorge

Roy Maddison Roy Maddison Roy Maddison

Retained Retained

Out for a Stroll Blue Morph Butterfly Loch Eck The Old Grey Heron

Ann Millen Ann Millen Ann Millen Ann Millen

Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Retained Retained

Passageway Letters Chairs Spinning Flower Wall

Alan Phillips Alan Phillips Alan Phillips Alan Phillips Alan Phillips

Certificate of Merit Retained Retained Retained Retained

Elan Valley Powys Gdansk at Night Quiet Moment Lundy Island Quiet Side Street Portmerion Garden

Mick Pleszkan Mick Pleszkan Mick Pleszkan Mick Pleszkan Mick Pleszkan Mick Pleszkan

Accepted Accepted Accepted Certificate of Merit Retained Retained

Jay burying acorns Little Bee-eaters Wing walkers Lindisfarne

Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson

Wire-tailed Swallow feeding young Mary's Shell

Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson

Accepted Accepted Accepted The Andrew Emond Trophy for the Best Landscape Print The Maurice MacDowell Cup for the Best Colour Print The Challenge Cup for the Best Print in the Exhibition The Jack Cowper Tannadice Salver for the Best Mono Certificate of Merit

Young Jay Over and Over Waterfall Sparrowhawk Bowled Good Boy Red Kite Tornado on Viaduct

Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford

Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted The Scottish Quaiche for the Best Action Print Retained Retained Retained



Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed The Church in the Field He Moved! Delavaal Hall East Wing

David Ridley David Ridley David Ridley David Ridley

Accepted Retained Retained Retained

The Gawthorpe Knocker Red Refractions Old Morecambe Bay Orchid Spotlight

Barry Roberts Barry Roberts Barry Roberts Barry Roberts

Accepted Certificate of Merit Retained Retained

Up in Smoke Portal Sheltered from the Rain

Stuart Roberts Stuart Roberts Stuart Roberts

Accepted Retained Retained

Somerset Levels Austrian Winter Coiled and Ready In My Garden

Richard Vale Richard Vale Richard Vale Richard Vale

Accepted Retained Retained Retained

War Museum - North Off to Blaenau Ffestiniog

Richard Walliker Richard Walliker

Certificate of Merit Retained

HSBC Tower, Canary Wharf Charlie and the Queen The Point Escape to the Sun

Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth

Accepted Accepted Accepted Certificate of Merit

Flood of Tears Flapper Fashion 1920 Help

Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth

Retained Retained Retained


Carole Wetherley


Speckled Wood Butterfly Painted Lady The Gondolier Large Red Damselfly Wild Oats

Barry Willcock Barry Willcock Barry Willcock Barry Willcock Barry Willcock

Accepted Accepted Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Retained



PRINT PANEL COMPETITION Slow Decay on Mull Portmeirion Reflected Forties Faces

Cliff Ferguson David Ridley Richard Bown

Salver for the Best Print Panel Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit

The Annual Print Competition and The Annual Projected Image Competition.

The following piece first appeared in the Winter 2017 issue of Photonews but as we have gained quite a few new members since that date, and seeing as there is this lovely space to fill, I thought it worthwhile repeating the item here. Informally known as the Travelling Exhibition, or TE for short, our annual competitions should in fact correctly be referred to as the annual print and projected image competitions. It is the award winners and accepted images from these two competitions that make up the Travelling Exhibition itself. The Half Plate Challenge Cup has been awarded to the best print in the Annual Print Competition since at least 1946. It is a hallmarked silver conical shaped cup. The trophy name and donor, F G Marfield, are engraved on the front of the cup together with winners from 1946 - 1951/52. The projected image competition also has a best image award, The HPPC Dorothy MacDowell Salver for the best image in the projected image competition. This is an 8-inch diameter, heavy-duty "silver" salver engraved on front with the Half Plate Photographic Club logo & trophy title. As it is a heavy-duty salver winners’ names can be engraved on the back face. It was originally awarded for the best colour slide but with the decline of transparencies and the rise of digital photography the award moved with the times into its present usage. It still bears the original inscription however so “slides” live on in the form of this solitary inscription on the annual trophy.


The Raymond H Short Trophy for the Highest Overall Score in the Annual Print Competition Photographer of the Year: Jon Allanson

Gondolas and Two Lamps

With all eight of his entries scoring points Jon once again displayed his consistency in the annual print competition and is a well-deserving winner of this year’s Print Photographer of the Year Award. The award sits nicely alongside the PDI Photographer of the Year which he won last year

The 2019 Leaderboard looks like this: Jon Allanson - 44 points Bob Rawlinson - 39pts Peter Redford - 29pts Cliff Ferguson - 27pts

Sparrowhawk Mantling Prey


Top left: In Serious Conversation Right: Serenity Above: Abandoned Anchors Previous page: Catch

Photographer of the Year: Jon Allanson 28

The Raymond H Short Trophy for the Highest Overall Score in the Annual Print Competition Photographer of the Year: Jon Allanson

Left: Moon over IWM and Bridge Above: Lady Hoi An Market

Congratulations Jon!

The PDI Competition Judged by: Dave Bibby EFIAP CPAGB BPE3 Hon LCPU

And the Winner is ….

Thank you very much for asking me to judge your DPI competition. There was a wide variety of subject matter and number of interesting techniques which meant that it a very rewarding and inspiring experience. However, it was also a very difficult task because I had to leave so many excellent images out of the final exhibition entries; in fact it took many viewings before I whittled the number down to 120 as I was taking out so few entries each time. The final placings were also difficult to decide. The winning entries I have chosen stood out from the “crowd” for a variety of reasons which I shall try to bring out in the following comments. Choosing the exhibition entries is mainly an objective exercise, but picking out the winners from so many and varied images ends up being more subjective, which at the end of the day, is as it should be otherwise the same images would win every time! Dave Bibby


Working Girl - Harry Wentworth The Dorothy MacDowell Salver for Best Projected Image Salver for Best Monochrome Projected Image “A very thoughtful and well executed image. The silhouetted working girl in the title takes centre stage, and is surrounded by a dream-like (or nightmare-like) city scape. Very graphic shapes and a full range of tones make this an outstanding monochrome image. It was avery difficult choice between very different images for the best overall image but for imagination and story-telling, albeit in a slightly abstract way, I feel that this will be an image I will remember for a long time. “

Working Girl - Harry Wentworth The Dorothy MacDowell Salver for Best Projected Image Salver for Best Monochrome Projected Image 31

Marie Antoinette - Harry Wentworth Salver for Best Portrait “There were some very good and interesting portraits in the competition, which included formal studio shots, candids and some more whacky ones. I have selected Marie Antoinette as the winning entry as it has been very well set up, from the make-up to the props to the lighting, which I think is excellent. There are no distracting shadows at all yet the background has been carefully darkened to take the viewer’s attention straight to the sitter’s face. ” 32

The Foolishness of Youth - Harry Wentworth Salver for the Best Colour Image “The colour entries are many and varied, but I have chosen an image which to me shows the best USE of colour. The “sea” blue is understated and complements the fish which have been positioned very nicely across the image. But then we get the wayward young fish which can’t resist having a nibble at the bright red bait on the fisherman’s hook. I appreciate the humour in this image as well as it’s pictorialism.”


Lone Tree at Dawn - Kieran Metcalfe Salver for the Best Landscape Image “Lovely early morning hues. Why is it never like this when I get up early? With having a strong foreground, or base, the whole image has a great deal of depth and interest all the way through it. Of all the landscapes this is the one where I felt I would have loved to have been there.�


European Roller with Beetle - Peter Bagnall The Thomas Langley Trophy for Best Natural History “There are many excellent Natural History images, but I have gone for a bird portrait which is lifted by it having its prey in its mouth. The bird itself (and beetle!) is beautifully rendered, being pin sharp from beak to tail, the branch it is standing on is also sharp and a pleasing shape, and the background is well out of focus. � 35


Clockwise from top left: Feeding Time at Ballymac - Peter Redford Freshly-emerged Broad-Bodied Chaser - Mike Atkinson Mating Damselflies - Stephen Yates Bee Eater with Wasp - John Hughes


Clockwise from top left: The Man with the Purple Violin - Stephen Yates East India Dock - Pat Couder Take That - John Hughes Jet Ski Freestyle - Peter Redford 37


Clockwise from top left: Kirby Marina Walkway - Carole Wetherley Devotion - Harry Wentworth Harvest of the Skies - Harry Wentworth High and Dry - Roger Edwardes



The Boss - Ken Ainscow Brown Noddies - Maxwell Law

Flaming Cherries - Ann Millen Cat and Mouse - Cliff Ferguson



Puffin in Flight - Mike Atkinson Androgynous - Harry Wentworth Me and Who’s Shadow - Cliff Ferguson Catkins - Alan Phillips



Clockwise from top left: The Hurdler - Ken Ainscow Prepare to Turn Left - Ken Ainscow Rush Hour - Gordon Hendry



Clockwise from top left: Dying Lotus Flowers - Rodney Marsh Sandcrab - Maxwell Law Bee Eater - John Hughes Way Down - Len Downes



Top left: The Effects of Plastic - Pat Couder Top right: Fox - Jon Allanson Left: Winter Cormorant - Stephen Yates ‌ and that concludes the Certificates of Merit. Over the next four pages you will find a full list of all the images that have been selected for the Travelling Exhibition.

PDI ACCEPTANCES & AWARDS - these images form the PDI Travelling Exhibition

Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth Harry Wentworth

Marie Antoinette Devotion Harvest of the Skies Androgynous The Foolishness of Youth The Violin Working Girl

Harry Wentworth

Gardener's World

Salver for the Best Portrait Projected Image Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Salver for the Best Colour Projected Image The Dorothy MacDowell Salver for the Best Projected Image Salver for the Best Monochrome Image

The President’s Salver for the best PDI performance was won by Harry Wentworth Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson Jon Allanson

Jay Leopard Stalking, Botswana Night Across the Lagoon Bellerophon Coming up the Bank Fox

Certificate of Merit

Ken Ainscow Ken Ainscow Ken Ainscow Ken Ainscow

British Racing Green The Boss The Hurdler Prepare to Turn Left

Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit

Sally Anderson Sally Anderson

The rushing river The Watch

Michael Atkinson Michael Atkinson Michael Atkinson Michael Atkinson Michael Atkinson

Freshly Emerged Broad-Bodied Chaser

Puffin in Flight Gannet Hanging on the Wind Female Blackbird eating Hawthorn Berries Gannet in Flight

Peter Bagnall Peter Bagnall Peter Bagnall

Waterbuck Adult Bateleur Eagle European Roller with Beetle

Peter Bagnall

Bee Eater catches flying Bee

Allan Bate Allan Bate

Tricolor Back-Together

Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit

The Thomas Langley Trophy for the Best Natural History Image


PDI ACCEPTANCES & AWARDS - these images form the PDI Travelling Exhibition

Richard Bown Richard Bown Richard Bown

A Family Day out, Whitby Beach Tackle Alert Interior, Diamond Building, Sheffield

Stuart Carr Stuart Carr

Underwater Wonderland Castlerigg

Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder Pat Couder

Stand up to Racism East India Dock Spring Blossom Ironing out our Differences The Effects of Plastic

Graham Dean

Four Seasons

Len Downes Len Downes

Contemporary Dance Way Down

Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes Roger Edwardes

High and Dry Goggle Eyed Left, Right and Center! Just Another Hurdle Goldeneye

Certificate of Merit

Cliff Ferguson Cliff Ferguson Cliff Ferguson

Cat and mouse Artist at work Me and Who’s shadow

Certificate of Merit

Michael Freeman Michael Freeman Michael Freeman Michael Freeman

Southport Pier at Sunset Salford Quays at Night No Notes so no Coins LowryTheatre on a Grey Day

Graham Harvey Graham Harvey

Sunita Emma

Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Merit


PDI ACCEPTANCES & AWARDS - these images form the PDI Travelling Exhibition Gordon Hendry Gordon Hendry Gordon Hendry Gordon Hendry

Light'n'shade Inbound Unwinding Rush Hour

John Hughes John Hughes John Hughes John Hughes John Hughes John Hughes

Take that Bee eater with wasp Bee eater Rollers Brown hare Kingfisher

David James David James

1054 at Haworth loco works Watching you, watching me

John Kay John Kay John Kay John Kay

We Are Watching You The Sicilian Why Wait For The Bus Fishing At Dawn

Paul Kerr Paul Kerr Paul Kerr

Phone Box Football Tram Stop Accepted Salford Quays by Night

Maxwell Law Maxwell Law Maxwell Law Maxwell Law

Brahminy Kite Brown Noddies Mindful Sandcrab

Certificate of Merit

Rodney Marsh Rodney Marsh Rodney Marsh

Macaque monkey and baby Just Missed Dying Lotus Flowers

Certificate of Merit

Kieran Metcalfe Kieran Metcalfe Kieran Metcalfe Kieran Metcalfe Kieran Metcalfe Kieran Metcalfe Kieran Metcalfe

Swallet Detail Fairy Glen The Dragon and the Flame Media City Sunset Lone Tree at Dawn Small Skipper at Sunset Milky Way over Talacre

Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Merit

Salver for the Best Landscape Image


PDI ACCEPTANCES & AWARDS - these images form the PDI Travelling Exhibition Ann Millen

Flaming Cherries

Certificate of Merit

Alan Phillips Alan Phillips

Catkins Steel Chairs

Certificate of Merit

Bob Rawlinson Bob Rawlinson

Black Heron Double Trouble

Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford Peter Redford

Feeding Time at Ballymac Jet Ski Freestyle Superbike Tears to the Eye

Barry Roberts

Subaqua-flora BTR

Stuart Roberts Stuart Roberts

Poppy Pirouette Rush Hour

Graham Snowden Graham Snowden

What Me Tree Crown

Bill Stace Bill Stace

Autumn Colours at Westonbirt Waiting for the tide

Richard Walliker Richard Walliker Richard Walliker Richard Walliker Richard Walliker

Male Kingfisher(Alcedinidae) Trapped I see no sign. Cormorant (Phalacrocoracidae) Orange-tip butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines)

Carole Wetherley Carole Wetherley

Kirby Marina Walkway Last Light

Certificate of Merit

Stephen Yates Stephen Yates Stephen Yates Stephen Yates Stephen Yates Stephen Yates Stephen Yates

The Man With the Purple Violin Mating Damselflies Sandwich Tern Meadow Grasshopper A Stitch in Time Orange-tip Butterfly Winter Cormorant

Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Merit 47

The President's Salver for the Highest Overall Score in the Annual Projected Image Competition Photographer of the Year: HARRY WENTWORTH


With a margin of 22 points between 1st and 2nd, Harry is a well-deserving winner of this year’s PDI Photographer of the Year Award. The key to Harry’s success was consistency with all but two images receiving an Award and those two were also Accepted for the TE so they also scoring points for him. The 2019 PDI POTY Leaderboard looks like this: Harry Wentworth - 59 points Stephen Yates - 37 points (1 point up on last year when Stephen was also runner-up) Kieran Metcalfe - 34 points John Hughes - 33 points Pat Couder - 26 points Mike Atkinson - 26 points 48

Gardeners World

PDI Photographer of the Year: Harry Wentworth 49


Marie Antoinette

PDI Photographer of the Year: Harry Wentworth 50

The Violin 51

The President's Salver for the Highest Overall Score in the Annual Projected Image Competition Photographer of the Year: HARRY WENTWORTH

Working Woman

Harvest of the Skies

Congratulations Harry!

The foolishness of youth 52

The Panel Competition Judged by: FRANK NICHOLSON LRPS

Slow Decay on Mull - Cliff Ferguson Salver for the Best Panel of Four Prints 53

The Panel Competition Certificates of Merit Forties Faces - Richard Bown

The themed panel of four competition was held this year for the third time having been introduced for the 2017 competition. It seems decay is the secret ingredient as this years winning entry shares this in common with Richard’s excellent panel last year. Richard had to be content with a CoM this year however!

Portmeirion Reflected

Once again the number of panels entered increased with nineteen being submitted for judging this year.


- David Ridley

To view more of our images, learn about the club and for membership information, please visit

Photonews Celebrating the Postal Photographic Club and its Members

Photonews is published four times per year. All rights reserved. All materials copyright The Postal Photographic Club and/or their respective authors. Any opinion or statement expressed by the author of any article published in this magazine does not necessarily reflect the views of The Postal Photographic Club, the editor or its members.

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