The Charity Pages Issue 15

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Charitable thoughts... After the 18 months we have all had, charities are naturally looking to 2022 with a mixture of hope and trepidation. Will their fortunes rebound or will the pandemic return to knock them back again? As far as legacies go, the speculation has been to an extent allayed by a report from Legacy Foresight looking at the prospects for 2022. The conclusions drawn are, to say the least, optimistic. The report’s authors predict a spike in bequests next year and smaller charities need to act now to gear up for the windfall. • The largest single bequest that most people can leave is their home, and property as a legacy holds challenges of its own, particularly for smaller charities that don’t have the human resources to devote to managing properties. Help was at hand at the Excellence in Legacy Administration conference at the beginning of December. One of the seminar sessions was devoted to that very issue. • Most attention paid to the legacy market in the UK focuses naturally on England as by far the largest slice of the cake; but the market in Scotland has been blossoming unattended at a rate higher than in the rest of the UK. A fascinating report by Remember A Charity, Legacy Foresight, the Institute of Legacy

Management and Smee & Ford takes the wraps off and reveals a healthy picture. • Away from the legacy market, the charity sector generally has spent the time of the pandemic learning the ins and outs of the digital world: to such an extent that a digital capability is now considered ‘de rigeur’ for charities of all sizes. One of the leaders in the digital field is Blackbaud and they offer some valuable insights. • With a digital presence comes a vulnerability to cyber attacks and online fraud. Charities are perhaps even more vulnerable than most organisations because of the way they have to operate. And the pandemic has increased those vulnerabilities. Both the Charity Commission and the Charity Digital portal have been urging charities to take action to tackle the problem. • After all the doom and gloom of the past yearand-a-half, we are all now able to look forward to Christmas – no one more so than charities. For the charity sector Christmas is a prime time of the year for fundraising and the niceties of Christmas campaigns is of the utmost importance. We point you towards one useful source of advice.

In this issue...





Online legacy excellence conference returns


Conference hears about property issues


What does the future hold for legacy giving?


Report focuses on Scotland’s legacy market


ILM launches advanced legacy management diploma


Online fundraising tops complaints list during pandemic


Commission urges charities to sign the Pledge


Expert offers cyber security tips


Webinar caters for small charities


State-of-the-industry report finds digital is the key to success


How do you make the most of Christmas giving?

In association with Your Expert Witness

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Every day we make good things happen, but we can only do it with your help The photograph on the right of border collie Nipper was taken on the same day that he’d been taken to a vet’s to be put to sleep. Purchased as a ‘surprise’ gift, he was unwanted. The beautiful puppy was just eight weeks old and is just one of over 9,500 animals rescued by Friends of the Animals. There was a happy ending as – now renamed Stanley – he was rehomed with one of the charity’s voluntary drivers, who adores him. Friends of the Animals began in March 1990 and had very humble beginnings. Veterinary treatment is invariably the charity’s biggest outgoing and to date they have spayed or neutered 42,200 animals. Thousands more have been wormed and inoculated – often for the first time in their lives! Founder Helen Sinclair MBE, who was honoured for Services to Animal Welfare in 2014, takes up the story: “There have been many memorable cases, where we’ve saved animals’ lives against all the odds. Animals such as the puppy who slipped under the railings of a balcony – luckily bouncing off the conservatory roof which broke her fall. Then there was the dog who fell down a manhole in the road after someone had removed the cover, and poor Marshall, who had three broken legs and a severed ear. “Susie, a Labrador/Staffy cross (pictured above), was badly burnt in a house fire, but made a good recovery; and the dear little cat on the right had everything wrong with him, but survived and thrived.” Pictured below is the hook that 11-month-old Spaniel/Dachshund cross Darcy swallowed

while walking on the beach. The fisherman who carelessly discarded it could have had absolutely no idea of the immense suffering – or money – his actions that day cost. An X-ray revealed the hook was dangerously lodged in her oesophagus and the first vet she went to couldn’t remove it, so Darcy was referred to a specialist vet. Their first attempt – at a cost of £4,000 – failed to reach it, but the second attempt was successful and happily she made a complete recovery. Gifts in wills fund more than one in three veterinary treatments and so legacies are an absolute lifeline to the rescue and spaying/neutering work carried out by Friends of the Animals. Helen continued: “Friends of the Animals has a policy of non-destruction, unless an animal is sick or injured with no hope of recovery, and we keep admin costs to a minimum. Very importantly, around 98% of our staff are volunteers, which ensures as much of your gift as possible is spent on saving animals.” Pitted against that constant battle to save animals was the action of the person who set fire to the front of the charity’s building on the Isle of Wight. “But, happily,” said Helen, “we're a resilient team and together with the help of supporters, we barely skipped a beat and just kept on going. “We truly appreciate that people have many choices regarding charities to support, but no one appreciates it more, or tries harder than we do, to get the very best possible use from every penny donated. Thank you for your consideration.” 5


Online legacy excellence conference returns [THE Excellence in Legacy Administration conference

(#ELA21) took place as a digital event on 2 December. The biggest names in legacy administration spoke at the conference: they included (left to right) James Stebbings, head of legacy income at Macmillan Cancer Support and ILM chair, Rebecca Massey, senior legacy management lead at Cancer Research UK and ILM CEO Matthew Lagden. Through a range of case studies and sessions, the experts provided practical tips, techniques and advice for maximising legacy income and keeping up with innovations and best practice. The event was promoted by Wilmington Charities and Smee & Ford.

According to the promoters: “The Excellence in Legacy Administration conference provides you with the opportunity to gain insights on the new day-today challenges affecting the legacy administration sector.” Subjects for examination this year included: • Legacy income data landscape – future • challenges, opportunities and income • trends • Maximising income from complex and • substantial legacy gifts • The importance of investing in data, • technology and training for legacy • administration • • Maximising the benefits of property gifts. q

Conference hears about property issues [ ONE OF THE ISSUES addressed at this year’s Excellence in

Legacy Administration conference was that of the administration of property as a legacy gift. For the majority of donors the highest value asset they own will be their house, and for charities receiving property as gifts it could amount to a sizeable percentage of their total income, making obtaining full value from a property’s sale a critical part of a legacy officer’s duties.

A sellers’ market?

The recent pause on stamp duty, coupled with the increased demand for non-urban property caused by the pandemic, have meant the past two years have seen a significant increase in house prices: surely ideal conditions for making the most of a property gift? But does a quick sale in economically unstable conditions mean the highest income was achieved? What if the property in question has fallen into disrepair – or local planning issues cause a delay to the sale?

Working with other charities and third parties

Often, a single property bequest will be shared between several

charities of various sizes, each with its own income requirements and differing levels of urgency for that income. Add to that the possible involvement – and interests – of lay executors and the opinion of neighbours and local authorities on planning permission, the resulting case can be a masterclass in stakeholder management. How can a charity simplify the process of the case, and take the lead on a property bequest and keep all the parties involved on side during the various stages of the process?

Time management

Aside from stakeholder management and third-party issues, a complex property gift case will necessitate many additional hours of attention by often over-stretched legacy teams. How can legacy managers decide when their team has given enough time and resources to a property case – and when should they draw a line under proceedings and settle on a sale? A full discussion, involving Rebecca Massey of Cancer Research UK and ILM chair James Stebbings of Macmillan Cancer Support, took place at the conference on 2 December. q

Help for those with failing sight


FAILING EYESIGHT is nothing short of a personal catastrophe. Do you have a family member, friend or neighbour who is gradually losing their sight? Reading, recognising friends and living skills are all affected as your sight is going – and it’s much harder if you live alone. The National Federation of the Blind of the UK (NFBUK) keeps its members in touch with general information, help and updates on what’s going on. The charity produces bi-monthly news magazines and circulars in audio, braille or electronically, which members can read independently. It also encourages blind and partially sighted people to play a fuller part in society. q • For further information contact NFBUK on 01924 291313, email or visit


Your legacy could mean a brighter future for children like Kobi [

WHEN FIVE-YEAR-OLD KOBI fell from his bicycle when playing with friends, his grandmother Amma wasn’t too concerned. Familiar with childhood scrapes, she applied home remedies to his bruised knee. But on this occasion, Kobi’s knee did not heal. Instead, it continued to swell and cause him pain. Amma, who is Kobi’s main carer, began to worry and decided to take him to Bolgatanga Hospital in the Upper East Region of Ghana. From there, he was referred to Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, a specialist cancer centre supported by World Child Cancer. The family were given the shocking news that Kobi had osteosarcoma, a bone cancer. He needed to have his left leg amputated and to begin chemotherapy. World Child Cancer helped Kobi and his family with diagnostics, drugs, accommodation, family support and the finance of his surgery. Amma expressed her gratitude for this help: “Things would have been very difficult without this support; it has really helped us.” Kobi is doing much better now, and both he and his family are delighted with his recovery. Amma expressed her admiration for her grandchild and said she would do anything for him to have a promising future: “I pray he becomes the doctor he wants to be when he grows up.” By leaving a gift in your will, you can help us reach even more children like Kobi and give them a chance to grow up and fulfil their dreams. Leave the legacy of a brighter future. q

Practical support helps to alleviate the impact of sight loss [

THERE ARE TWO MILLION people in the UK living with sight loss and by 2050 the figure is set to double. Being diagnosed with any form of sight loss is lifechanging and devastating for both the individuals concerned and their families. The Partially Sighted Society is a national charity that understands this; it has been providing help and support to anybody living with sight loss for over 50 years. The society’s range of services includes the design, printing and provision of bespoke school exercise books for children, a specialist low-vision and sight test service, and the provision of aids and equipment to assist those living with sight loss to continue to live full and independent lives. They are there to offer support for both the practical and the emotional impact of sight loss, by phone and in person. They also offer a range of social and support activities to alleviate the social isolation that comes with sight loss. Leaving a gift in a will is a meaningful way of helping The Partially Sighted Society to help others. Legacies leave a lasting impact on transforming the lives of those living with sight loss. q


What does the future hold for legacy giving?

[HEADING INTO THE final month of 2021, legacy professionals were

naturally reflecting on what has been learnt this year – and are looking ahead to 2022. Everyone had high hopes for 2021, and although for many things have returned to some sort of normality, it has continued to be quite turbulent. That has impacted on charities, their staff and the UK legacy market more generally. Helping to answer some of those questions, in November Legacy Foresight issued its prognosis for the coming year, coupled with an analysis of the past 12 months. In a benchmarking report, The Legacy Market 2021 and beyond, Legacy Foresight found that legacy gifts provided a vital source of income for charities during these extraordinary times. They offered three key highlights for all charities, whatever cause or size, to take away and consider into 2022:

The legacy market is big and will continue to grow

In 2020 total UK legacy income was worth £3bn, while across the five years from 2016 to 2020 UK charities received a total of £16bn from gifts in wills. Over the next five years legacy income is expected to total £19.6bn, climbing to £23bn over the five years 2026 – 2030. By 2030 UK charities will receive £5bn per annum in legacy income from 146,000 charitable bequests.

Anticipate a spike in bequests next year

Gifts in wills teams will know that over the past two years they have had to operate in unprecedented circumstances: firstly due to the

problems at the probate courts causing significant delays in probate approvals; secondly because of the impact of the pandemic and the many shockwaves that sent. Lower probate approvals have meant fewer legacy notifications. The report’s authors estimate that there was a 6% shortfall in bequest numbers in 2019, followed by a further 18% shortfall in 2020. Those notifications will be processed eventually, and charities need to be prepared to manage the probable increase in bequests that will need to be processed. That is likely to impact on the largest to the smallest of charities; everyone needs to be aware and prepare.

Smaller charities need to act now

The increase in notifications and administrative challenges are not only going to affect the biggest legacy brands. More specialised, often more local, causes are gaining market share in the legacy sector. The fastest growing sectors over the past 10 years have been air ambulances and wildlife trusts, with arts and education charities, NHS hospitals and mental health charities also gaining ground. With the average residual bequest worth £50,900 and the average pecuniary worth of £3,400, legacy gifts could transform smaller charities’ income. They should invest now to benefit from this potential significant income stream. To find out more about how your charity can join the Legacy Monitor Programme for 2022, contact Richard Hill at or download their brochure from q

Making surgery their legacy [

CHOOSING TO LEAVE the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCSEng) a legacy in your will can have a direct impact on the future of surgery and on the patients who receive it. Legacies have enabled the college to purchase essential equipment and support a wide range of projects in surgical education and research. A one-year research fellowship costs in the region of £65,000 and a recent bequest supported a neurosurgeon whose project is looking at measuring walking to improve care in myelopathy. Cervical myelopathy is a wasting disease of the neck that affects up to 5% of over 40-year olds and causes progressive disability. Currently, patient care requires improvement because the assessments are not accurate enough to detect small changes and time treatment perfectly: treatment too early carries risks, but too late can leave people permanently disabled. The research fellow and his team believe that detailed 3D analysis of walking will overcome this, and this project will test their theory. Longer-term, if proven correct, this analysis could be transferred to a patient's pocket using their mobile. Since the RCSEng’s surgical fellowship scheme was founded in 1993 the number of high-calibre applications has doubled, and the college is unable to support 80% of applicants. The college are always in need of more funding to enable projects that address the health challenges of modern society, supporting the development of pioneering ideas across the NHS. With each small success, the Royal College of Surgeons of England takes another step towards the next big breakthrough. q


Report focuses on Scotland’s legacy market [THE SCOTTISH LEGACY MARKET

is vibrant and growing, with gifts in wills transforming the voluntary sector landscape. Increasingly, Scottish charities are turning to legacies, recognising the potential and resilience they offer. Those were the conclusions of a joint report on the Scottish legacy market by Remember A Charity, Legacy Foresight, the Institute of Legacy Management and Smee & Ford. The report, Scotland: Building back stronger with charitable legacies, explores the role of legacies for Scottish charities. It features the latest market data, new survey findings, commentary from experts in the field and recommendations for legacy fundraising in times of uncertainty. Its introduction quotes a number of legacy administrors in Scotland, including Sarah Morgan, legacy development officer at Erskine, who said: “Legacies are what’s kept us going through the pandemic. Regardless of the fact that they bring in around half our income, they have been a constant cash stream when so much else had to stop; our

door-to-door campaigns and all our events. Legacies have been the one constant that we’ve been able to rely on. It’s hard to imagine how we would have survived without them.” The researchers’ analysis shows that over £90m of legacy income is donated to Scottish charities every year, forming a bedrock of sector funding. Over the past two decades the number of Scottish charitable estates has grown by over a quarter, and the value of those estates has trebled. And those trends are set to continue, the researchers found, creating vast opportunities for those charities with the ambition to convey their legacy vision to a new generation of legacy donors. In its Executive Summary, the report quotes Rob Cope, chief executive of Remember A Charity: “Legacy giving may be less prevalent currently in Scotland, but consumer studies show that Scottish people are even more willing to consider leaving a gift than those south of the border. So, there’s an even greater opportunity for growth. Scottish charities that open up conversation with

supporters about legacies are moving towards an open door.” The report is available to download from the Legacy Foresight website at q

A small charity with a huge heart [

KIDNEY KIDS SCOTLAND, a very small charity with a huge heart, has for the last 20 years supported Scottish children with renal and urology conditions. The main aim of the charity has always been to enable these children to receive treatment as close to home as possible and minimise disruption to the family unit. In addition the charity helps hospitals all over Scotland, supplying them with much needed equipment and funding posts recognised as being essential. Chronic Kidney disease is a condition that has no cure and that children and their families must learn to live with. IMAGINE your child only being able to drink 400mls in one day. That’s less than two cartons of juice – a can of juice is 500mls. IMAGINE being a parent where you must be home before 8pm every single night to ensure your child gets their daily home dialysis. IMAGINE not being able to take your family abroad or too far away from the hospital because your child cannot go without their dialysis. This HAS to happen in hospital 3 or 4 times EVERY week. IMAGINE your child missing out on school education, social activities, family members’ birthday celebrations, a sibling’s sports day or a family wedding because you need to make sure they receive their life saving dialysis treatment. IMAGINE your child spending their birthday and/or Christmas Day in hospital and not being able to see their friends from week to week. q IMAGINE LIVING WITH KIDNEY DISEASE For more information about Kidney Kids Scotland please visit our website at, call 01324 555843 or email Kidney Kids Scotland can help in many ways

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Dear Readers Give a gift to those who need it most this Christmas At Christmas time we often focus our fundraising on the infant health side of our work in Haiti. This has been a large part of our mission since Hope Health Action (HHA) was founded. This year, it’s on our hearts to spread some festive joy to the beneficiaries across the world that our projects benefit, including maternal health, disability rehabilitation, malnutrition relief, community and refugee education. The story of Jesus’s birth in a dirty stable is now over 2,000 years old, however, mothers are still having to bring their children into the world in equally poor conditions around the globe today. Since 2006, Hope Health Action has strived to provide life-saving healthcare to mothers and babies at our partner hospital in Haiti, Hospital Convention Baptiste d’Haiti, which cares for around 20,000 patients each year. Alongside this, we started up a respite centre for children with disabilities and founded the first spinal cord injury rehabilitation unit. More recently, we have expanded our healthcare and disability care across East Africa and are currently responding to the growing refugee crisis in Uganda as a result of the conflict in South Sudan. But with so many that are still in need of urgent care, the need for improved healthcare services and equipment is clear.

This Christmas we are launching a new #GreatestGift appeal to provide ‘Gifts of Hope’ for those who otherwise will not be receiving anything to unwrap this festive season. These Gifts of Hope will enable our beneficiaries across the world to receive the very best care available and will provide a better working environment for the staff, more privacy for the patients at our partner hospital and life-saving treatment to refugees who are malnourished. This Christmas, you can spread some festive joy to the world’s most vulnerable across Haiti and East Africa. Our Gifts of Hope catalogue offers a large selection of items and services our beneficiaries are most in need of. Each gift you purchase will facilitate sustainable, innovative and life-saving health and disability care to the most vulnerable in some of the world’s poorest countries. Whatever gift you choose, you will be spreading a little extra cheer this Christmas. Your donation will provide HHA supported families and children with a gift they really need. When you give a gift to someone in need through HHA, you can trust that your gift will be hand-delivered by a local staff member who knows and loves them. On behalf of everyone at Hope Health Action, please accept our deep thanks for your continued support and may we wish you and your members a very Happy Christmas. May you all know the peace and hope of this special time of year, and be encouraged by the incredible difference we can make together in 2022. With love and thanks

Carwyn Hill CEO and co-founder of HHA

Health and disability care for the world’s most vulnerable [ HOPE HEALTH ACTION’S mission

is to build long-term partnerships with local communities and health systems to facilitate sustainable, innovative and life-saving health and disability care for the most vulnerable. We are driven by the call of Jesus - loving others, as we would wish to be loved ourselves. We seek to bring hope, health and action to the world’s poorest and believe every person has the right to quality healthcare without discrimination. HHA has been working in Haiti for almost 15 years supporting Hospital Convention Baptiste d’Haiti, one of the leading hospitals in the north of the country. We’ve been working alongside local Haitian staff and leaders to support their vision, expand their medical training, access new technologies and essential equipment, grow their hospital facility and ensure their community has access to critical and comprehensive health and disability care. Alongside our continued passion and focus for Haiti, we have recently expanded into East Africa where we have been working in the refugee settlements, providing life-saving food to treat severe and acute malnutrition, empowering the most vulnerable to tackle food insecurity, providing South Sudanese refugees with lifetransforming wheelchairs, and equipping Ugandan refugee settlements with blood pressure and heart rate devices to fight maternal mortality. Responding to our Christmas appeal gives HHA the resources to make real change to the provision of health and disability care in some of the world’s most deprived communities. Health development is at the heart of HHA’s mission but we also run appeals which help us respond to emergencies such as the refugee crisis in East Africa and the effects of natural disasters in Haiti. Please check out our website at for more information about how your gifts can make a real difference to the lives of so many in need. q

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Caring for cancer without animal experiments is this trust’s aim [

ANIMAL-FREE CANCER RESEARCH is the ethos of the Caring Cancer Trust (CCT), which funds groundbreaking, ethical, animalfree research into cancer, its non-invasive treatment, cure and prevention. CCT has its own ‘Stopcancer’ laboratory research programme that does not use live animals or embryonic stem cells. Over the past 20 years CCT-funded oncology researchers have discovered potential new causes of children’s cancer, developed new treatments for early-stage cervical cancer and are now advancing knowledge for the prevention of cancer.

Cancer prevention

Cancer treatment and cure are obviously good, but cancer prevention is best, since it avoids the stress of the dreaded cancer diagnosis and the debilitating treatments which follow. CCT believes that one way to prevent cancer is to correct the damage caused by environmental pollution. It is very clear that the world we live in is now polluted with toxic chemicals in the home, in the air we breathe and in the land on which we stand. Indeed, environmental pollution from industrial farming has produced drastic changes in the microbes found in the soil in which our food is grown. That results in loss of microbial diversity, which produces ‘sick soil’.

The types of microbes found in our gut come from the soil and they are essential for our health and wellbeing. It is very simple: sick soil produces sick humans, sick animals and plants, and correcting that should reduce the incidence of cancer. Our polluted world actively encourages cancer and CCT funds an integrated approach to cancer research which aims to identify cancer risk factors in our lifestyle, and the environment we live in.

Cancer support

CCT also provides special ‘Youth2Go’ Healing Holidays of creative adventure for children recovering from cancer, enabling them to regain their self-confidence and reignite their passion for life after the trauma of their illness and lengthy treatment. In addition,

they provide financial support for adult cancer sufferers to ameliorate their sickness, improve their quality of life, limit their stress and, where possible, help their recovery.

A cancer-free future

CCT-funded research aims to increase understanding of how silent infections, lifestyle, diet, genetic predisposition and environmental pollution lead to different types of cancer in children and adults. Indeed they have identified simple changes in lifestyle and diet which, combined with avoidance of exposure to environmental contaminants, will reduce the incidence of cancer in all age groups. The CCT aims to identify and understand hitherto-unknown cause-and-effect relationships to either limit exposure to such carcinogenic factors or devise therapies which suppress their effects before a cancer has developed.


Caring Cancer Trust’s Stopcancer programme is entirely managed and run by unpaid volunteers and financed by legacies and donations. A gift to them funds animalfree research into cancer treatment and prevention as well as Youth2Go creative adventure holidays for children recovering from cancer. In short, they aim to create a cancer-free tomorrow for the children of today. q

Prevention now saves treatment later The CCT research mission for cancer prevention involves: • New lifesaving cancer prevention • medicines • New therapies for cancers in their early • stages • Analysis of the role of microbes in • causing cancer • New therapies for later-life cancers • Heightened cancer awareness by GPs • and public • Lifestyle, diet and environmental • changes for cancer avoidance • Dissemination of trial results relating to • cancer treatment and prevention

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Bili from Bulgaria


BILI WOULD HAVE BEEN wild caught as a baby and then smuggled in on the black market and somehow ending up in Bulgaria. He spent the first 15 years of his life in a circus performing for the public and doing what his owner told him to do. He then spent 15 years on his own in a small concrete enclosure. He didn’t have anything more than a blanket and a stone platform for his bed. Jan Garen from Wales Ape & Monkey Sanctuary takes up the story: “Bili is now 40 years old and in Sept 2011 we made the 4,000-mile round trip in our ambulance to rescue him from Bulgaria. The long journey, although tiring, went well. When we arrived back at the sanctuary Bili was as bright as a button and very intrigued to say the least! “Considering what he has been through, he doesn’t let it bother him. He is in an enclosure with four other chimps – Ronnie, Twmi, Fergus and female Nakima. He gets on well with them all and has a particular bond with Fergus. You often see them grooming each other which is a delight to see. Bili is truly remarkable.” q • For further information call 01639 730276, email or visit the website

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ILM launches Holidays help boost advanced legacy confidence of young management diploma cancer patients

It’s a great experience to meet other people who have been through similar experiences in such a positive and upbeat setting, away from hospitals and cancer centres.



launch of its new Diploma in Charity Legacy Management. The diploma is an advanced course that has been developed by ILM in partnership with the University of Law. The course covers the principal areas of charity legacy management that practitioners are likely to encounter on a daily basis, providing progressive development of technical expertise and skills, reinforcing experience gained in the workplace. It is the logical next step for anyone managing legacies who has already completed the CiCLA qualification, or who has several years’ experience working in a legacy team. Announcing the launch of the course in October, the ILM said: “Completing the Diploma in Charity Legacy Management will help you develop your leadership and management skills, with a focus on finance and compliance, whilst also giving the opportunity to pick from a range of elective modules, including communication, research and marketing skills.” The diploma is intended to form a bridge between experience and knowledge of charity legacy administration and obtaining a qualification which can demonstrate an ability to be appointed to higher management roles, including directorships and positions requiring senior management of multiple teams. The course is primarily carried out via distance-learning, so it can be undertaken at students’ own pace, when and where they like. It consists of three core modules, which are compulsory, plus four elective modules, which the candidate can choose from a selection of nine options. Those who would like to find out more about the diploma, and have the opportunity to ask questions, can register for the second of two briefing sessions on 10 December. Visit q

THIS QUOTE FROM Kate sums up the value of the work undertaken by the Youth Cancer Trust. The organisation provides free therapeutic activity holidays for teenagers and young adults – those aged between 14 and 30 – from the UK and Ireland who are suffering from cancer. Cancer can tear a patient’s world apart, and at an age where everyone else seems to be moving on with their lives – with university, relationships and careers – the diagnosis of cancer can bring all of that to a halt. The Youth Cancer Trust helps reduce the sense of loneliness, which often accompanies long stays in hospital and time off school. Long term friendships are formed and families are given a much deserved break, knowing their child is having fun and being looked after. The charity receives no government funding and relies entirely on donations, such as those from legacies, to help support the needs of young cancer patients like Kate. q • For more information visit

Saving lives one sniff at a time [HYPO HOUNDS provide a

viable health care alternative for children and their families by training a Diabetic Alert Dog to detect the subtle changes in the child’s blood sugar levels. The dogs are trained to alert parents when the child’s sugar levels drop dangerously low or rise too high. This not only impacts on the child but also on the family’s ability to function as a unit, with the registered carer becoming the dog. Hypo Hounds work is becoming nationally recognised and is literally saving the lives of children – one sniff at a time. q

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Charity’s compassionate arms reach out beyond our borders [PAWS2RESCUE is a UK registered charity

that works to relieve the suffering of animals, with a particular focus on dogs. Its mission is simple: to help animals in need wherever they are. As Paws2Rescue is entirely staffed by volunteers, every penny raised enables them to fulfil their mission over and over again. Although it is a UK- based charity, at Paws2Rescue they recognise that too many animals overseas suffer appalling neglect and cruelty. That’s why, as well as finding loving UK homes for unwanted dogs and cats, they undertake a variety of international projects to reduce the suffering of animals, with a particular focus on Romania and Moldova – countries where animals continue to suffer the most distressing abuses. The charity’s Alison Standbridge explained: “We aim to alleviate the day-to-day misery of these unfortunate animals by meeting their basic needs – food, medical treatment and sanctuary – by supporting shelters in rural areas where resources are desperately needed. At the same time, we recognise that the key to truly ending this misery is to tackle its root causes. Therefore, we also work across locations in Romania and Moldova to provide free neutering services for both stray and owned animals, encouraging owners to take responsibility for their pets’ health by preventing unwanted litters of kittens and puppies.” Its Veterinary Scholarship Programme funds young people through their university studies to encourage more local vets to work in rural areas in Romania where the need is greatest. Furthermore, they understand that education is crucial to their mission. They promote compassion for animals around the globe, running education programmes for schoolchildren in Romania and Moldova to encourage future generations to learn to treat animals with kindness. Alison Standbridge continued: “If future generations are brought up to hold the same antiquated, cruel attitudes towards animals as

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Cosmo would not have survived if he had been left at the side of the road. Look at the difference in him now! many of their elders, then the horrible abuses will continue for years to come. To break that negative cycle, our successful schools programme uses purpose-made educational materials to foster compassion, teaching children to love and respect all living things.” So, although the current aim may be to help animals in need wherever they are, the final goal is to ensure that no more animals need their help. By leaving a legacy to Paws2Rescue, no matter how small, donors can rest assured

that every penny of their kind donation will be helping dogs, cats and other animals in desperate circumstances both now and in the future. A gift in a will helps them to be there for abused, neglected and stray animals, protecting them and giving them a new start in life with food, shelter, medical treatment and sanctuary – animals such as Cosmo. It also enables them to continue to change attitudes towards animals in countries where compassion can sometimes be in short supply. q

Online fundraising tops complaints list during pandemic [WHILE THE ONLINE WORLD was widely embraced across the

board by the UK during the pandemic, a flipside of the coin was revealed by the Fundraising Regulator’s latest Annual Complaints Report. Online fundraising was the most complained about method of fundraising during the height of the pandemic. It was the first time in four years that online fundraising has been the most complained about method reported by the sample charities. From 1 April 2020 to 31 March this year, 56 of the UK’s largest fundraising charities reported 5,836 complaints about online fundraising to the Fundraising Regulator, which is a 252% increase on the figure reported in the previous year. Online fundraising methods include social media, charity websites and advertising banners. The regulator points out that, despite the increase in complaints, the number reported by charities about online fundraising is relatively small when compared with the level of activity carried out. The report finds that one in 1,886,192 impressions received a complaint. Over the same period, the Fundraising Regulator received 84 complaints directly from members of the public about digital fundraising methods, which is an increase from the 56 complaints it received last year. The increase in online and digital fundraising complaints aligns with how charitable fundraising activity shifted during the pandemic. When restrictions on person-to-person contact were put in place, many charities increased their use of online fundraising, while public fundraising methods, such as events fundraising, street fundraising and door-to-door fundraising were paused. Other methods of fundraising reported by charities as receiving a high number of complaints were addressed mail, with 3,687 complaints, and corporate fundraising, with 2,504 complaints. Those were the second and third most complained about methods respectively.

The report also finds that the total number of complaints received by the sample charities was down during the pandemic. In 2021, 17,800 complaints were received by the charities: down by 4% on last year’s figure. That decline is mirrored by the complaints about charitable fundraising reported by the Fundraising Regulator itself: it closed 362 complaints during 2020/21, which is down slightly on the 368 the previous year. For the third year in a row, charity bags were the most complained about method of fundraising received by the regulator directly. The second most complained about method was digital and the third was addressed mail. The most common cause of complaint across all fundraising methods was misleading information – which could involve unclear claims about why donations are needed or how they will be spent, or a failure to present information that allows the donor to make an informed decision. The Fundraising Reguator’s chief executive Gerald Oppenheim explained: “The Annual Complaints Report provides us with a really important overview of how the fundraising landscape has changed over the past year. This report is an early indicator of the impact of the pandemic on the charity sector and it is a vital tool to help us understand where the sector needs to improve its fundraising practices. “It is encouraging to see that the overall number of complaints about charitable fundraising continued to decline during the pandemic, which shows that good fundraising practice has prevailed at a time of unprecedented challenges for the sector. “We will continue to work closely with charities to support them in some of the areas the report has identified – particularly in relation to online fundraising – and make sure both charities and the public are equipped with the tools to fundraise and donate safely.”q

Sending out an SOS for the owls [ESTABLISHED IN 2001, the Suffolk

Owl Sanctuary – known, appropriately, as S.O.S. – operates a comprehensive facility for the rescue, care and rehabilitation of owls across East Anglia. It also promotes the need for the conservation of endangered owl species throughout the UK with its Saving Britain's Owls initiative. The S.O.S. owl and raptor hospital at Stonham Aspal is unique in the region. It is specially equipped for the care and treatment of the many injured wild owls and other birds of prey it receives every year as a result of road traffic accidents, mishaps, starvation, trauma, disease, poisoning and sometimes even shooting or trapping. Many of the birds can be given a recuperative, short-term pick-me-up before being re-released into the wild. Those that are more seriously injured but stand a chance of recovery are given medical aid and/or surgery, as determined by their vet. The birds are then allowed space and time to fully recuperate in one of the secluded recovery aviaries, before being carefully returned to the wild. S.O.S. is regenerating its wild owl nest box scheme that includes building, locating and curating long-lasting, environmentally-friendly nest boxes in appropriate locations to replace the gradual erosion of natural nesting sites. S.O.S. is funded purely by donations, and as a small charity the legacies it receives play an important role in enabling it to continue developing its resources in the interests of conserving owl and other bird of prey wildlife in the UK. q

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Giving hope to the

[ONE IN SIX PEOPLE in the UK has a neurological disorder: that

amounts to 16.5 million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, friends and colleagues – more than those affected by coronary heart disease, cancer and diabetes combined. It might be there from birth, be due to a slowly developing illness or the result of a brain injury. The charity dedicated to raising funds to advance treatments and research at the National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery and the Institute of Neurology – together known as Queen Square – is The National Brain Appeal. The driving force behind the charity’s work is the aim to improve the outcome and quality of life for everyone affected by a neurological condition. They include brain tumours, stroke, epilepsy, dementias, MS, motor neurone disease and Parkinson’s disease: all of which have no cure as yet. They look to achieve that vision by funding state-of-the-art equipment, major building programmes and life-saving research – over and above what the NHS can provide. Legacies represent up to one quarter of The National Brain Appeal’s annual income. “They are crucial to the fundraising work we do,” said chief executive Theresa Dauncey. “We’re extremely grateful for every legacy left to us. Leaving just 1% of your estate can make a very real difference and is an investment in the future. The more money we receive, the more support we can give to the National Hospital, The National Brain Appeal’s chief executive Theresa Dauncey which in turn improves the

prospects for those affected by neurological disorders.” Penelope was diagnosed with multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) in 2004 at the National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery and attends a day care clinic run by a team of specialist nurses. “My own personal journey with MMN makes me want to give back in whatever way I can,” she said. “That is why I have left a gift in my will to The National Brain Appeal. I want to help to fund crucial research into all neurological conditions going forward.” Meta is a former National Hospital patient. She had successful surgery for a benign brain tumour there in 1988. Since then both her husband and sister were diagnosed with Penelope attends a day care clinic neurological conditions. run by a team of specialist nurses

one in six

She explained: “My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and sadly passed away just a few months ago. My sister has multiple sclerosis – she’s been living with it for more than 25 years now. These are cruel diseases for which there is no cure and little hope.” With that in mind Meta has made The National Brain Appeal a major beneficiary in her will. “The lack of a cure for so many debilitating neurological conditions is a strong motivator Meta has made The National Brain for me to want to help,” she Appeal a major beneficiary in her will continued, “and by leaving a legacy I can be part of something that will provide hope for others.”

You choose

Now more than ever, benefactors to The National Brain Appeal can control where they would like their money to go. There are six specific funding areas for which individuals can make a legacy pledge: • Neurology: funding initiatives to improve diagnosis and treatment, and • provide facilities for those with on-going neurological conditions • Neurodegeneration: supporting projects which help people with • conditions where there is progressive degeneration • Neurosurgery: providing state-of-the-art equipment and facilities for the • UK’s largest neurosurgery unit • Technology and innovation: supporting projects which translate • groundbreaking ideas into better results for patients • Education and staff development: investment to provide the best • opportunities and attract the best people in the field • Queen Square: new facilities and staff-led projects at the National • Hospital and the Institute of Neurology For those who do not specify a funding area, their gift can be put towards an area with the most urgent need. Without the generosity and foresight of those who leave a legacy, the charity simply could not support the number of vital projects that it is currently able to. q • For more information about legacies and the National Brain Appeal, contact or view the legacy section of the website at

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Caring for chelonia [THE BRITISH CHELONIA GROUP publishes six newsletters

a year containing details of meetings, short articles, news items and veterinary notes. Their journal Testudo is published annually and contains original articles and reviews on all aspects of turtles, terrapins and tortoises – their biology, conservation, welfare, veterinary care and husbandry. The group also organises symposia. As well as the yearly appeals in aid of specific international causes in chelonia research and survival, the BCG assists other worthy causes in support of its aims with grants. They invite grant applications from organisations and individuals engaged on the work of chelonia conservation – such as zoos, universities, zoologists and students in this country and overseas. q

Re-homing is their mission [

THE MISSION of Three Counties Dog Rescue is to accept, care for and find homes for unwanted, lost and stray dogs and cats and to ensure their wellbeing afterwards. The charity was founded in 1971 and since then they have improved the lives of 7,500 dogs and cats. Before rehoming, all animals are vet checked, neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and kept in suitable conditions. Rehabilitation costs are a major part of the charity’s annual expenditure of over £200,000. Healthy animals are never put down. As part of that non-destruction policy, several elderly dogs are kept in long term foster care. However, this means that the charity can incur large veterinary costs to maintain a dog’s health while they await a new permanent home. Every penny raised goes to improving the lives of dogs and cats. Three Counties Dog Rescue is run entirely by voluntary and unpaid helpers, who also meet their own expenses. q

This sanctuary helps donkeys from Britain, Europe and beyond [ESTABLISHED IN 1990, NEDDI offers care and safety to donkeys –

and to a lesser degree, ponies – in Britain and Europe who have suffered neglect, cruelty or maltreatment or who are at risk of such treatment. In addition to rescuing such animals from undesirable situations, within the financial and practical constraints prevailing at the time, they work to try to change attitudes and to educate donkey owners into better practices. For example, since 2016 they have been assisting associates in Kenya to achieve those aims for the working animals there. Since its establishment in Cornwall, NEDDI has operated a sanctuary specifically for distressed donkeys. In 2001 the sanctuary moved to just the other side of the channel, where the resident donkeys enjoy more space and pasture than would otherwise have been possible. Its policy is to try to offer actual, hands-on help to the animals in need, and to restore them to the maximum possible degree of fitness. Once brought back to full health, new homes are sometimes sought for the fit animals. Where full health cannot be achieved a safe home is offered to the donkey for the duration of its life. NEDDI is a comparatively small organisation with limited resources, and relies heavily on support from animal-lovers. A bequest will enable more donkeys to be freed from pain and misery. q

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Commission urges charities to sign the Pledge [

THE CHARITY COMMISSION took the opportunity of Charity Fraud Awareness Week in October to warn charity leaders to protect their organisations against fraud and cybercrime, following the publication of figures showing charities reported almost £8.6m of funds lost to fraud in the last financial year. The data from Action Fraud also showed that 1,059 separate incidents of fraud were reported by charities in the year to March. Other figures show that around 65% of charities feel the pandemic has increased the risk of fraud. Charities expressed concerns that risk may have been increased as a result of more remote working and virtual sign-off processes. Together with the Fraud Advisory Panel, the regulator urged all trustees to sign up to a new Stop Fraud Pledge, which commits charities to taking six practical actions to reduce the chances of falling victim to fraud. The pledge includes measures such as appointing a suitable person to champion counter-fraud work throughout the organisation, performing stringent checks and due diligence and assessing each year how well fraud controls are working, what new risks there may be and what improvements are needed. The Charity Commission’s chief executive Helen Stephenson CBE commented: “Charity is special – it delivers good to so many people’s lives and helps strengthen our society. When the public

donate generously to charities it is because they want to make a real and positive difference to a cause they often care deeply about, and they want to know their money will reach the ‘front line’. “Sadly, as these figures show, there remain criminal individuals who would take advantage of organisations that seek to do good and of those that generously donate. “That is why I am calling on all charities to take the risk of fraud seriously by signing up to our new Stop Fraud Pledge and taking six simple steps to protect their charity. Combating fraud gives the public confidence that their money is safe, protects vital funds for charities and more widely helps maintain trust in the charities we all care so passionately about.” David Clarke, chair of the Fraud Advisory Panel, added: “It is concerning that a small minority of charities still do not financially invest in fraud prevention activities. This shows that there is still more to be done. We encourage charities to sign up to the pledge to help protect themselves and minimise the risks.” Charities that are concerned they have been the victim of fraud or cybercrime should report it to Action Fraud and as a serious incident to the Charity Commission. Individuals can also report phishing messages to the National Cyber Security Centre through the Suspicious Email Reporting Service. q

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If you Will, we will [LEGACIES MEAN SO much to the team at Last Chance

Animal Rescue. These wonderful gifts have helped them to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home so many abandoned, abused and unwanted dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, rabbits and guinea pigs who otherwise would have had no future. The charity understand the wishes of its kind benefactors who have considered them in their Wills. A spokesperson said: “We know they want their generous gift to us to be used directly to save lives, provide the very best of care and to find loving homes. “Legacies really do provide the gift of life and Last Chance Animal Rescue can now, after much planning and prudent use of funds, offer our life saving services to so many more needy pets. We are delighted to announce we now have a second rescue and re-homing centre in Kent, giving hope and a true A new friend for Alan last chance to so many. “Sadly we cannot thank those who have enabled this wonderful achievement but are extremely grateful to all those who are currently considering helping us now and in the future to continue our work.” q

Heartbeat horses on the move

[IN 2019, following the retirement of managing trustee Colin

Cooper, some of the Heartbeat horses moved to a new home at Sink Farm in Woodbridge, Suffolk. Colin was very pleased to announce that the charity’s headquarters had moved to Hollesley where the current horses will live and be cared for alongside the wonderful Suffolk Punch horses. Sink Farm is the colony stud for the Suffolk Punch Trust charity, who continue their important and essential work in preserving this unique breed. q • For more information on either charity please contact Tracey Pettitt, stud manager or David Clarke, finance director, on 01394 775495. Heartbeat Homes for Horses, Sink Farm, St David’s Lane, Hollesley, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 3JR

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Expert offers cyber security tips [

CYBER CRIMINALS are getting smarter: a small business or charity gets hacked every 19 seconds in the UK, according to insurers Hiscox – and about 88% of all UK organisations suffered at least one security breach in the past 12 months. Those are chilling statistics, so what can charities do to reduce the likelihood of falling victim to cyber criminals? According to cyber security commentator Paul Rubens the answer is simple: whatever cyber security precautions you are taking now, you could always do more to keep hackers at bay. In an article posted on the Charity Digital website, he reveals the good news that security improvements needn’t cost the earth. Rubens offers five simple things charities can do that will significantly improve their defences against cyber criminals. His recommended actions are: • Treat security as an investment, not a problem • Identify and protect your charity’s ‘crown jewels’ • Deal with your biggest weakness • Boost your ransomware protection • Ratchet up all your security measures Read the full article, with explanations of the five actions, at q

Webinar caters for small charities [

CYBER SECURITY is often a daunting subject for smaller charities, so Charity Digital has hosted a webinar aimed specially at those organisations. The webinar, which took place on 2 December, featured Lisa Chomette, the business development manager at Charity Digital, and Michala Liavaag, an information governance and cyber security consultant at Cybility Consulting. Announcing the webinar, Charity Digital said: “At Charity Digital we cater to everyone across the charity sector, from the largest charity in the country to one-person outfits operating out of living rooms. The needs of each charity differ significantly and that is particularly true in terms of cyber security. “Smaller charities do not often have a dedicated IT team, heaps of cyber security expertise or the funds to install complex high-tech cyber software. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t have robust cyber security. Smaller charities just need initiative, knowledge, and the desire to protect themselves.” The webinar aimed to help charities develop those qualities. Cyber security expert Michala Liavaag explained the fundamentals of cyber security for small charities. She taught those attending how to find costefficient software and how to put in place robust cyber security processes that will protect their charity. q

Trust works to save iconic working horses [

THE SUFFOLK PUNCH TRUST is a registered charity, whose aim is to ensure the survival of the famous horse breed. It was founded in 2002 to save the historic Hollesley Bay Colony Stud. That stud brought a rich legacy of equine and agricultural history which deserves to be saved for future generations to enjoy. The trust aims to achieve that through a successful breeding programme, supported by funding, education and the outreach facility of its visitor centre. The Suffolk Punch is the oldest English breed of working horse, dating from the 16th century. Every Suffolk horse can be traced back to a stallion, known as Crisp’s Horse of Ufford, foaled in 1768. The Suffolk horse was developed for farm work and gained popularity during the early 20th century. As agriculture became mechanised, however, the numbers fell and the breed almost disappeared completely. The aim of the trust is to help save the iconic breed from extinction through its established breeding programme. It is working towards increasing the numbers of horses through normal breeding processes and an artificial insemination programme. It also works to raise public awareness and is training a new generation of professionals to work with and understand the needs of the breed. The Suffolk Punch is incredibly versatile and is now often employed in forestry and ridden work. The Suffolk Punch Trust can only continue its work with the help of donations and legacies. As David Clarke, one of the trust’s directors, explained: “Your legacy, large or small, will make a huge difference to the work we carry out, enabling us to care for our horses and continue the breeding programme to secure this wonderful breed.” q

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The dream continues to offer sanctuary to abandoned animals [

THE YEAR IS 1983 and it is the coldest winter for 20 years. Many stories about horses and ponies being abandoned by their owners on Rainham Marshes in Essex were hitting the headlines. Paula Clark, who was involved in raising money for a number of sanctuaries, was sitting at home in tears after reading the story of those poor horses. When her husband Ernie returned home from work, Paula showed him what was happening and they vowed to take action and help the animals that needed them. Some of the horses were already dead and others were starving when the couple got to the marshes. They weren’t having their basic needs met; they had no water or food. Paula and Ernie took tanks of water to them and bales of hay and feed. They even got a vet to examine some of them. No-one was looking after the horses’ basic needs – let alone enriching their lives. Paula and Ernie embarked on fulfilling their dream and the story of Hopefield Animal Sanctuary began. They began taking horses with the intention of fostering. They would bring them back to health and then find them nice homes. The first horse they fostered out was Pye. Soon after they heard that the fosterers were trying to sell him, so Ernie took them to court at a cost of £4,000. Ernie finally got Pye back in a terrible state, so both Paula and Ernie promised they would never rehome again – the animals had a home for life. As Paula and Ernie found fostering animals didn’t work out they decided to provide homes for life to their animals. One beneficiary is Juliette, a thoroughbred horse who arrived in a terrible condition.

Because of her home for life at Hopefield, and the daily care and attention she receives, she is now physically transformed. Paula and Ernie have both now sadly passed away. Since their passing the work has been taken over by new trustees and a dedicated team of staff and volunteers look after the resident animals, old and new. Many animals arrive in a terrible condition and are completely transformed by living at the sanctuary. The sanctuary has now been running for 35 years – it has over 50 regular volunteers, a huge amount of local and loyal support and over 20,000 followers on Facebook. CEO Dave Schlaich explained: “We have continued to rescue horses and farm animals, but have found that over the years the type of animals we are having to help has greatly changed, with people getting more and more into exotic species through the pet trade.” The sanctuary is now open the public from Friday to Monday each week. It has become a visitor attraction with a small tea room. All activities generate funds that go directly to the animals, making the future more secure. Said David: “You can support us by becoming a regular donor, visit us, sponsor an animal or leave us a legacy in your will, knowing that your donation goes towards providing a home for life for one of our animals.” q

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Rescues reach a new crisis level [LIKE MANY other rescues, Hope Rescue has now reached crisis

point. With 154 dogs in their care across the rescue centre and foster homes, for the foreseeable future they can only accept those dogs that can easily move in to a foster home. The demographic of dogs coming in post-pandemic has changed. Many of the dogs either have health or behavioural issues, and often both. These are not the type of dogs that can be quickly rehomed, and they need the time and space to be supported and to set them up for success. Not being able to help these dogs will break the team’s hearts as these are the very dogs that need their skills and experience, but they have no choice. They are also seeing an increase in the number of ‘fake strays’. These are not true strays, but dogs that owners pretend they have found and bring in as strays or deliberately abandon. This means that other dogs and owners waiting patiently lose their space on the waiting list. They also know for a fact that vets are breaking their hearts putting dogs to sleep as there are not enough rescue spaces. Usually, Hope Rescue would transfer dogs to rescue partners, but they are also struggling with space and have similar issues, whilst local authority pounds are filling up fast. At the same time there is a huge backlog of adoption applications to get through and the rescue has taken the decision to suspend applications due to the sheer volume. Since January they have received 7,200 applications and have rehomed 211 dogs. The centre is inundated with applications and follow up emails, messages and calls and are really struggling. Most of these applications understandably want family dogs which we just don’t have now. Due to the huge number of dogs purchased during the pandemic we know this won’t be a short-term issue. This is our world for the foreseeable future and it’s a huge concern. q

Legacies – the gift of life [

ANIMAL CHARITY Wild Futures rescues and offers sanctuary to monkeys who have suffered abuse and neglect. They are dedicated to protecting primates and their habitats worldwide – primates are endangered due to climate change, habitat destruction and the bush-meat and pet trades. For some species, it is too late. The future of all that remains lies in our hands, so leaving a legacy to Wild Futures is the gift of life and a future for primates and our wonderful planet. Wild Futures’ holistic approach makes them unique – providing sanctuary to rescued

monkeys, supporting projects overseas, campaigning for primate welfare, educating to protect primates worldwide and promoting a sustainability and ethical ethos. They receive no government funding, so the generosity of those that remember Wild Futures is essential to enable them to continue their work. A legacy can be the gift of a life worth living and a wild and safe future for all. q • For more information call 01503 262532, email or visit the webiste at

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Charity campaigns against environmental abuse [

INVESTIGATING AND CAMPAIGNING against environmental crime and abuse is the 35-year struggle of charity Environmental Investigation Agency UK. Its undercover investigations expose transnational wildlife crime – with a focus on elephants, pangolins and tigers – and forest crimes such as illegal logging and deforestation for cash crops such as palm oil. The charity works to safeguard global marine ecosystems by addressing the threats posed by plastic pollution, by catch and commercial exploitation of whales, dolphins and porpoises. More generally, they help to reduce the impact of climate change by campaigning to eliminate powerful refrigerant greenhouse gases, exposing related illicit trade and improving energy efficiency in the coolant sector. The findings of their investigations are used in hard-hitting reports to campaign for improved governance and more effective law enforcement – such as its latest Running Out of Time report, which examines the fast-growing role of Vietnam as a hub for illegal wildlife trade and the country's failure to respond to the crisis. Their field experience is used to provide guidance to enforcement agencies and they form partnerships with local groups and activists to support their work through hands-on training. The scale of the problems they face can be disheartening and the truths they uncover can be shocking. Their programmes of work build on decades of campaign successes and nail-biting undercover investigations by a small group of tenacious activists, from documenting

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the slaughter of pilot whales in the Faroe Islands, to securing a global ivory trade ban at CITES, contributing to the Montreal Protocol on climate change and the adoption of the EU Timber Regulation to protect forests. A gift to EIA in your will is an investment in wildlife and habitat conservation. They have already achieved so much, with your help they will continue to keep the pressure on for generations to come. q • For further information tel 0207 354 7960 or visit the website at

State-of-theindustry report finds digital is the key to success

Rescue centre offers a lifeline to injured wildlife


analysed in depth by a survey carried out by Blackbaud Europe – the leading IT provider for the not-for-profit sector and the force behind the JustGiving platform. Blackbaud surveyed over 1,170 fundraising professionals to understand how the UK’s not-for-profit sector adapted its fundraising practices during the pandemic and beyond. The resulting eBook allows charities to gain a comprehensive view on how their response to COVID-19 compares to the sector, and measure their organisation across topics such as supporters, income and digital transformation. The eBook reports on how many organisations exceeded their fundraising targets despite the effect of the pandemic. The underlying current of the report is to analyse why it is important that charitable organisations are digitally mature in 2021 and beyond, and how digital transformation can directly lead to an increase in supporters. The research shows that, while 79% of non-profits believe it’s important to develop what it terms digital maturity, the sector as a whole only rates itself as ‘5 out of 10 for digital maturity’ and only 12% of non-profits describe themselves as digitally mature – termed Digital Experts. Those Digital Experts show the most confidence in their organisation’s prospects, with 70% believing their organisation will thrive, 71% believing they will meet their fundraising targets and a huge 88% believing they will reach new audiences. Ioan Marc Jones of Charity Digital wrote: “Digitally mature organisations are the most successful. That’s been obvious for quite a long time, with the phrase ‘digital transformation’ spoken across the charity sector for years. And now the latest research at Blackbaud Europe has demonstrated a clear link between charity success and digital maturity.” In terms of income, while 40% of non-profits reported a decrease in income, half succeeded in meeting or even exceeding their fundraising target for the year. The pandemic was seen as instrumental for both success and failure: of those who saw a decrease in income, 81% said it was due to the pandemic, while among those who saw an increase in income, 75% attributed it to the pandemic. In the Foreword to the eBook, Pascale Harvie, president and general manager of Blackbaud Europe, wrote: “Digitally mature organisations have strategies and integrated technology to help them work better and do more. Not only that, but they have made digital work for them and enhance what they already do: digital transformation works the best when it complements your mission and the personal relationships you have already worked so hard to create. Data can help you understand who your supporters are, so you can form a picture of their wants and needs and enhance their stewardship journey.” Download the eBook at q


HESSILHEAD WILDLIFE RESCUE TRUST is situated near Beith, in North Ayrshire. It was set up as a charity in 1986, although its founders Andy and Gay had been caring for injured and orphaned wildlife since 1970, when they rescued a fox cub from a gamekeeper and his dogs. As the number of casualties increased year on year, Andy and Gay needed financial and practical help. Once the trust was set up, new aviaries and enclosures were built. A membership scheme proved popular and many volunteers were recruited. The centre now occupies a 20-acre site, including woodland, marsh and open water. That gives a variety of release sites for its patients. Approximately 3,500 wildlife casualties are now treated each year, with the aim of returning them to the wild. Among the many hedgehogs, foxes and familiar garden birds there are deer, otters, badgers and seals. All have been rescued and are rehabilitated. In addition, swans are treated regularly, along with buzzards, peregrines, herons and sea birds. The centre operates a 24-hour rescue service and there are more than 60 enclosures and aviaries, a hedgehog hospital, a seal/swan unit and intensive care facility. It also offers training courses on the handling, care and treatment of wildlife casualties. Spring and summer are especially busy, with hundreds of nestling birds being hand reared. Care is taken to rear all youngsters with minimum human contact. That prevents wild birds and mammals becoming too used to people, so giving them a good chance of survival in the wild. Hessilhead is primarily a voluntary organisation. Its volunteers help in many ways: fundraising, building and maintenance, driving patients to the centre and daily cleaning and feeding. q

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Research aims to combat secondary cancer [

ONE IN SEVEN WOMEN develop breast cancer, making it the most common cancer in the UK. It doesn’t just affect women, though: around 400 men a year are also diagnosed with breast cancer. Against Breast Cancer is a charity dedicated to funding pioneering research to improve detection and treatment, and increase survival after breast cancer diagnosis. Improvements in diagnostic tools and treatment have extended the lives of many patients; however, secondary spread breast cancer still claims the lives of nearly 12,000 people a year in the UK – that’s around 1,000 people a month! Secondary spread breast cancers – called metastases – occur when cancer cells break off from the original tumour and travel around the body to establish new tumours. These can arise in other places in the body, such as the lungs, bone, liver and brain; sometimes years after the primary tumour has been treated. Kelly Gibson, head of fundraising at Against Breast Cancer explained: “The focus of our research is preventing secondary spread, which is the main cause of breast cancer-related deaths. By working with expert scientists located in world-class universities throughout the UK, our ultimate goal is to stop secondary breast cancer from claiming lives; and our unique approach is to do this by focusing our research on prevention, detection and therapies.” Prevention: To understand how diet and lifestyle may increase or reduce the risk of secondary breast cancer developing, to provide evidence-based advice Detection: Designing better tools for the earlier detection and diagnosis of secondary breast cancer Therapies: How the body’s immune system can be harnessed for the development of more effective treatments and ultimately a vaccine against breast cancer

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The funds that supporters have raised has enabled the creation of a diet and lifestyle ‘biobank’, which contains biological samples and questionnaire data from over 3,000 women with breast cancer, who were monitored over a five-year period after diagnosis. It provides a vital resource to investigate why some people develop secondary breast cancers and some do not. Current research projects include ABC Discover, which aims to identify biomarkers that could be used for earlier detection of secondary spread, and the long-term Therapeutic Antibody Programme, which is designing new therapies to help our immune system kill cancer cells more effectively. Kelly continued: “In the future, we hope to support new research projects that will increase our understanding and treatment of secondary spread breast cancer. Can you pledge to leave a gift in your will to continue our research? Let’s look to the future and find a vaccine for future generations.” q • For more information email Kelly Gibson, head of fundraising, at; or visit the website at

How do you make the most of Christmas giving? [AFTER A CHRISTMAS in lockdown last year, this year will see

an altogether more festive affair – and it is also hoped that charities’ fundraising activities will return to something approaching normal. Helping charities to make the most of festive giving is the aim of a new report from Enthuse, the charity fundraising platform. The report – Christmas Giving Insights – has the subheading ‘Making Christmas even more appealing’ and analyses how donor behaviour changes during the period from November to January. Based on actual data collated from Enthuse’s platform, it aims to answer such questions as: • How important is Giving Tuesday? • Is there a ‘golden hour’ for donations? • Which weeks should charities focus their activity on? Enthuse has worked with 4,000 charities to transform their digital fundraising and the report calls on that experience to help charities to make the most of what is probably the most important time of the year. In its Introduction, the report’s authors state: “Judging when to release campaigns and what times of the day are most appealing to the public is challenging at the best of times. The impact of the pandemic has made this even harder as the public’s giving habits have been shifting as lockdowns, working from home and then the easing of restrictions have all changed the ways people behave.” The researchers analysed data from the last two Christmases – 2019 and 2020 – focusing on the period from November to January, to assess how giving changed during the pandemic. The first conclusion reached

was that charities should concentrate their efforts on the month of December: November and January are seen to follow the same pattern as the rest of the year. For December the picture changes dramatically, with peaks and troughs of giving varying widely across the month coupled with a smaller variation overall in 2020. The most striking difference was on Christmas Eve, which accounted for 4.6% of December donations last Christmas compared to 7% in 2019. According to the report’s authors: “This may be because more people were working from home throughout December and there were still numerous restrictions in place limiting the number of leisure activities people could take part in. With some having more disposable income to donate, the public may have tended towards giving earlier. As we return to more normal circumstances around this festive period, it’s possible that habits may fall back to more like 2019.” Christmas Giving Insights can be downloaded from the Enthuse website at q

Until clefts are preventable, help is available worldwide [TODAY, ONE IN 700 BABIES in

the UK are born with a cleft lip and palate, the most common form of birth defect. The impact on a child’s life as they grow is profound. It may affect not only the way they look, but also their speech, hearing and dental development. And it can leave deep psychological scars. In the developing world, patients with clefts are frequently not operated on until later in life, if at all. As a result, they may be malnourished and unable to talk well or hear properly. Often, they will be social outcasts. At CLEFT, our vision is of a future where clefts are preventable. Until we get there, we want to improve the lives of those born with cleft lip and palate – in the UK and in poorer countries around the world.

Join the research effort

By funding research, we continue to make headway into understanding why clefts occur and to deliver pioneering new treatments that deliver kinder, more effective and more efficient care for children with cleft lip and palate. By supporting the development of cleft centres in low and middleincome countries we aim to give children born with clefts in these poorer countries the same opportunities available to children in the UK. Each donation takes us a step closer to reaching our goal. All gifts could have a direct impact on changing the lives of many hundreds of thousands of babies and children around the world. Please join us and help us prevent clefts for future generations. q

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Charity carries on the work of its founder [

FOR OVER 30 YEARS the famous animal hospital known as Tiggywinkles has been working to rescue, treat and rehabilitate sick, injured and orphaned British wildlife. Over that time they have proved beyond doubt that most wild animal and bird casualties can be saved and returned to the wild. Although they specialise in hedgehogs – indeed, they derive their name from St Tiggywinkles, the name of their specialist hedgehog ward, inspired by the animal character created by Beatrix Potter – their wealth of expertise in the care of a wide range of species can now be passed on to others. In addition, their commitment to practical education plays a vital part in the conservation of wildlife. As an accredited centre, opportunities are available for students aged 16 and over to gain a City and Guildsapproved qualification via their Apprenticeship in Animal Care scheme. Tiggywinkles was founded by Les Stocker, who sadly passed away in July 2016. In a tribute, Les was described as ‘…a steadfast ambassador, achieving his goal to turn wildlife rehabilitation into a profession’. In another he was referred to as the ‘the spiritual heart of Britain’. He was awarded an MBE by The Queen and given the title Laureate in the 1990 International Rolex Awards for Enterprise, for his work in wildlife conservation and establishing Europe’s first wildlife teaching hospital. More recently, he gained the prestigious Honorary Associateship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. The charity is happy to commemorate all who generously remember the Wildlife Hospital Trust in their will by inscribing their name on a plaque in its Remembrance Garden. Gifts are also welcome in the form of a donation or by becoming a Friend of Tiggywinkles. q

Helping the forgotten people of Zimbabwe [

ZANE: ZIMBABWE A NATIONAL EMERGENCY is a UK registered charity working to help the most destitute, vulnerable and impoverished people in Zimbabwe. It is the largest supplier of financial aid to elderly people in Zimbabwe who lost their life savings and pensions in the economic collapse and subsequent hyper-inflation. This includes over 600 frail veterans and their widows who fought for the Crown. ZANE assists with rent, medical bills and food – and, crucially, also provides comfort, advice and support. In addition, ZANE funds a clubfoot correction programme, successfully treating over 4,220 children to date. It funds the provision of prosthetic limbs for victims of landmine explosions and assists people with hearing loss. ZANE also funds education programmes including the provision of pop-up classrooms in highdensity townships for children who would otherwise not receive an education. It runs creative therapy workshops for women living in extreme poverty who are victims of political violence and trauma. Zimbabwe remains in a state of crisis. The economy teeters on the brink of collapse. Fuel shortages are commonplace and with food prices escalating, ZANE’s aid is needed more than ever by the most destitute people in Zimbabwe. q • To find out more about the work of ZANE visit

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The range of charities which depend on legacies to carry out their valuable work is a broad one. Those that are represented in this publication are listed below, grouped according to the area of activity in which they operate.




Friends of the Animals 4/5

Prostate Cancer Research 1

Wales Ape & Monkey Sanctuary 14

Pain Relief Foundation 2

Paws2Rescue 16

Cancer Prevention Research Trust 2

The Suffolk Owl Sanctuary 17

Royal College of Surgeons of England 9

British Chelonia Group 20

Caring Cancer Trust 12/13

Three Counties Dog Rescue 20

The National Brain Appeal 18/19

The New European Distressed Donkey Initiative Ltd 20

Against Breast Cancer 28

Pet Rescue Welfare Association 21


Last Chance Animal Rescue 22 Heartbeat Home for Horses 22 The Suffolk Punch Trust 23 Hopefield Animal Sanctuary 24 Hope Rescue 25 Wild Futures 25 Environmental Investigation Agency 26

OVERSEAS AID Hope Health Action 11/32 ZANE: Zimbabwe A National Emergency 30

Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue 27 Tiggywinkles 30

CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE World Child Cancer 8

HEALTH & DISABILITY The Respite Association 6 National Federation of the Blind of the United Kingdom 7 The Partially Sighted Society 8

Kidney Kids Scotland 10 Youth Cancer Trust 15 Hypo Hounds 15

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