The Charity Pages Issue 12

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Charitable thoughts... In the last instalment of ‘Charitable thoughts...’ it was hinted that legacies were holding up as an income stream for charities when other sources had been badly hit by the pandemic. The truth of that inference has become more apparent in recent months. Indeed, to some extent legacy income has proved to be the saviour of some charities. How legacy giving is shaping up going into a post-pandemic future is discussed in an intriguing report from Legacy Foresight, which has now merged with two other leading players to form a new consultancy. The new body is also behind an awards scheme to recognise both established and young practitioners in the field. • The pandemic has concentrated the minds of many when it comes to the contents of their wills, with a surprising number having updated their wishes during the first lockdown last year, according to research from the Law Society. That is particularly true among the army of key workers, who the report points out come nearer to the reality of mortality than the rest of us. In a separate piece of research the lawyers’ body also reveals how many of us don’t take account of our digital assets when making our wills.

• The online world has been all-pervading during the crisis, with charities moving there en masse to enable fundraising to continue. It can be a daunting place, but one where donation platform JustGiving feels at home. They have published a handy guide for those embarking on digital fundraising. • Many organisations have also moved online to hold their conferences and seminars. Charity Digital just managed to stage its annual #BeMoreDigital event last year before lockdown, but have moved this year’s event into the virtual sphere – appropriately, some would say. They join accountants’ body ICAEW, whose annual Charity Conference was addressed virtually by, among others, the CEO of the Charity Commission. • Online fundraising was the order of the day for a determined young man from Warwickshire with the condition Neurofibromatosis Type 2. The condition, which results in benign tumours across his body, makes walking extremely difficult – which is why his 14-mile trek around his home town in seven days was an astonishing feat. To date he has raised more than £4,000 for the charity Nerve Tumours UK.

In this issue...





Legacy bodies form new consultancy


Charities and solicitors join together to offer Free Wills Month


Research project examines wills and legacies now and in the future


Awards will honour the cream of legacy workers


Don’t forget your digital legacy in your will, lawyers urge


Charities find little to cheer in Budget


Risk of COVID during lockdown prompts key workers to update wills


Kids Company trial shouldn’t deter would-be trustees


Think tank sets out its priorities for new commission chair


14-mile walking challenge attracts TV attention


Commission to consult on charities’ investments


Regulator’s report highlights achievements during and pre-COVID


JustGiving publishes resources for virtual fundraisers


Conference brought everything together again: this time online


Accountants’ conference sees speakers set out future priorities

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Safe in a ‘foster home’ with friends: one of many animal success stories The photograph on the right of border collie Nipper was taken on the same day that he’d been taken to a vet’s to be put to sleep. Purchased as a ‘surprise’ gift, he was unwanted. The beautiful puppy was just eight weeks old and is just one of over 9,000 animals rescued by Friends of the Animals. There was a happy ending as – now renamed Stanley – he was rehomed with one of the charity’s voluntary drivers, who adores him. Friends of the Animals began in March 1990 and had very humble beginnings. Veterinary treatment is invariably the charity’s biggest outgoing and to date they have spayed or neutered 41,300 animals. Thousands more have been wormed and inoculated – often for the first time in their lives! Founder Helen Sinclair MBE, who was honoured for Services to Animal Welfare in 2014, takes up the story: “There have been many memorable cases, where we’ve saved animals’ lives against all the odds. Animals such as the puppy who slipped under the railings of a balcony – luckily bouncing off the conservatory roof which broke her fall. Then there was the dog who fell down a manhole in the road after someone had removed the cover, and poor Marshall, who had three broken legs and a severed ear. “Susie, a Labrador/Staffy cross (pictured above left), was badly burnt in a house fire, but made a good recovery; and the dear little cat on the right had everything wrong with him, but survived and thrived.” Pictured below is the hook that 11-month-old Spaniel/Dachshund cross Darcy swallowed

while walking on the beach. The fisherman who carelessly discarded it could have had absolutely no idea of the immense suffering – or money – his actions that day cost. An X-ray revealed the hook was dangerously lodged in her oesophagus and the first vet she went to couldn’t remove it, so Darcy was referred to a specialist vet. Their first attempt – at a cost of £4,000 – failed to reach it, but the second attempt was successful and happily she made a complete recovery. Gifts in wills fund more than one in three veterinary treatments and so legacies are an absolute lifeline to the rescue and spaying/neutering work carried out by Friends of the Animals. Helen continued: “Friends of the Animals has a policy of non-destruction, unless an animal is sick or injured with no hope of recovery, and we keep admin costs to a minimum. Very importantly, around 98% of our staff are volunteers, which ensures as much of your gift as possible is spent on saving animals.” Pitted against that constant battle to save animals was the action of the person who set fire to the front of the charity’s building on the Isle of Wight. “But, happily,” said Helen, “we're a resilient team and together with the help of supporters, we barely skipped a beat and just kept on going. “We truly appreciate that people have many choices regarding charities to support, but no one appreciates it more, or tries harder than we do, to get the very best possible use from every penny donated. Thank you for your consideration.” 5

Surgeons’ winter appeal funds pioneering research to beat COVID-19 [THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC poses exceptional challenges

for patients and the surgical workforce and has raised many questions on surgical care and safety that need urgent answers. In order to meet those challenges, the Royal College of Surgeons of England has launched the RCS COVID Research Group. Through its trials network the RCS’s research department contacted all of the surgical specialties and pulled together over 50 new COVID projects in addition to their existing work streams. This winter the RCS is asking people to support its response to the crisis: one that has affected every one of us. A gift towards those vital initiatives will improve understanding of this novel disease and provide better patient care. Support for the appeal can enable such research. For example: • £5,100 would fund research for a novel aerosol extractor to • make surgery safer both during and after COVID-19. • £10,000 could support two UK national studies to determine • the impact of the COVID pandemic upon patients with • pancreatic cancer. The COVID-19 research group has projects spanning all surgical specialties. To learn about them visit the website at q • To donate online visit

Helping the forgotten people of Zimbabwe [

ZANE: ZIMBABWE A NATIONAL EMERGENCY is a UK registered charity working to help the most destitute, vulnerable and impoverished people in Zimbabwe. It is the largest supplier of financial aid to elderly people in Zimbabwe who lost their life savings and pensions in the economic collapse and subsequent hyper-inflation. This includes over 600 frail veterans and their widows who fought for the Crown. ZANE assists with rent, medical bills and food – and, crucially, also provides comfort, advice and support. In addition, ZANE funds a clubfoot correction programme, successfully treating over 3,900 children to date. It funds the provision of prosthetic limbs for victims of landmine explosions and assists people with hearing loss. ZANE also funds education programmes including the provision of pop-up classrooms in highdensity townships for children who would otherwise not receive an education. It runs creative therapy workshops for women living in extreme poverty who are victims of political violence and trauma. Zimbabwe remains in a state of crisis. The economy teeters on the brink of collapse. Fuel shortages are commonplace and with food prices escalating, ZANE’s aid is needed more than ever by the most destitute people in Zimbabwe. q • To find out more about the work of ZANE visit


Legacy bodies form new consultancy [

THREE OF THE leading consultancies in the field of legacy management have joined forces to form a new consultancy dedicated to helping charities around the world harness the transformative power of legacy and in-memory giving. Legacy Futures brings together the unrivalled expertise of the sector’s best, with over 50 consultants, offering the insight and analysis of Legacy Foresight, the strategic thinking and communications of Legacy Voice, and the diligent administration of Legacy Link. According to Legacy Futures, every legacy donor joins a conversation between generations. “It’s a conversation that connects their past with our future. That’s why, from the first connection to the final donation, we support everything legacy.” Launching the new body, CEO Ashley Rowthorn (pictured) said: “It goes without saying that 2020 has been one of the most challenging years in our lifetimes, especially for the charity sector we work in. The sector as a whole has been hugely impacted through loss of fundraised and

trading income, resulting in significant job losses and restructuring. The pandemic’s impact is likely to be felt for several years to come, as the country recovers from the economic and social effects of a year or more of significant restrictions. “But legacy giving has been a ray of hope for the sector throughout this crisis – a real lifeline of secure, unrestricted income for so many charities, helping them keep afloat and deliver essential services.” He addressed the way new technologies have affected legacy giving as an effect of the COVID pandemic. And he sees those changes as being enduring. “Not many people want to go back to the old ways and routines. There was so much about our old way of living and working that was broken and in need of fixing. And so many trends and changes that were already slowly happening have been accelerated. “As a business, we have been reflecting on how we work and how we can ensure that we best serve the charities we work with in the coming years and decades. We know that the demographics and attitudes

of donors are changing, and we need to keep in step with their expectations of giving. “Technology is changing and being adopted at a much faster rate. We need to harness this to improve the way we work and communicate, both within the sector and with legacy donors of the future.” He went on to explain the rationale behind the new organisation. “We have come together because we believe legacy and in-memory giving are full of huge promise and we want to play our part in supporting charities to realise this potential. “Together we will help charities understand their place in the market, implement strategies to grow their income and provide practical support to maximise the value of their income from gifts-in-wills and gifts in-memory.” q

Charities and solicitors join together to offer Free Wills Month [THIS MARCH is once more Free Wills Month,

during which a number of law firms offer the opportunity for people aged 55 and over to have simple wills written or updated free of charge. The campaign is run in conjunction with a consortium of well-respected charities. The chosen solicitor from the list of participating firms will help to draw up a will that accurately reflects the wishes of the individual or couple. Those taking up the offer are under no obligation to leave a gift to one of the Free Wills Month charities; however, the hope is that many will see it as a chance to help their favourite cause. Appointments are limited and are allocated on a first-come, firstserved basis. Once all available appointments are booked the campaign will close and that may be before the end of the month. As the campaign’s organisers point out, an up-to-date will written by a solicitor ensures the will-maker’s wishes are respected. It also avoids difficult decisions and legal complications for loved ones. And the beauty of leaving a legacy gift is that it costs nothing now. It might come as a surprise how far a gift in a will can go: even a small percentage of an estate could make a big difference.

The charities supporting Free Wills Month work for a variety of causes. Their vital services protect and enrich the lives of millions of people every day. The Free Wills Month website has addressed a number of issues that those looking to take the opportunity on offer may have. For instance, each law firm will have an option or options available to make sure they feel safe and comfortable during the will-writing process in the face of the coronavirus crisis. That will be a combination of using meeting spaces large enough to socially distance, video calls and phone calls. A common question is whether charities receive copies of wills made during the campaign. The answer to that question is a simple ‘No’. Charities receive copies of a confidential declaration form which asks questions such as where people heard of the campaign, their age and whether or not they have left a gift to one or more of the Free Wills Month charities. Solicitors who want to get involved in Free Wills Month – there are usually two per year in March and October – can find out more at q


Securing a future for endangered wildlife

[ AS A CONSERVATION CHARITY, the role of Marwell Wildlife

is to give a helping hand to the many species with populations that have become so small that they would otherwise face an uncertain future. You can see some of the world’s rarest species of all shapes and sizes at their zoo. From Partula snails and scimitar-horned oryx, to Somali wild ass and Amur leopards – all are part of international efforts to prevent extinction. The charity relies heavily on legacies to support their work. Leaving a gift in your will to Marwell Wildlife is one of the best ways in which you can help them secure a better future for endangered wildlife and habitats for generations to come. q • Visit or call 01962 777988.

This sanctuary helps donkeys from Britain, Europe and beyond [ESTABLISHED IN 1990, NEDDI offers care and safety to donkeys –

and to a lesser degree, ponies – in Britain and Europe who have suffered neglect, cruelty or maltreatment or who are at risk of such treatment. In addition to rescuing such animals from undesirable situations, within the financial and practical constraints prevailing at the time, they work to try to change attitudes and to educate donkey owners into better practices. For example, since 2016 they have been assisting associates in Kenya to achieve those aims for the working animals there. Since its establishment in Cornwall, NEDDI has operated a sanctuary specifically for distressed donkeys. In 2001 the sanctuary moved to just the other side of the channel, where the resident donkeys enjoy more space and pasture than would otherwise have been possible. Its policy is to try to offer actual, hands-on help to the animals in need, and to restore them to the maximum possible degree of fitness. Once brought back to full health, new homes are sometimes sought for the fit animals. Where full health cannot be achieved a safe home is offered to the donkey for the duration of its life. NEDDI is a comparatively small organisation with limited resources, and relies heavily on support from animal-lovers. A bequest will enable more donkeys to be freed from pain and misery. q


Research project examines wills and legacies now and in the future [

ONE OF THE last activities carried out by Legacy Foresight under its former name was the Charitable Wills in the 21st Century project. The survey explored will-making and charitable legacies both now and into the future – considering the implications for legacy fundraisers and managers. The project was funded by a consortium of 30 leading charities, whose key findings have been made available. Remarking on the project, Legacy Foresight said: “We started the project with heads buzzing about the prospect of blockchain (the cryptocurrency technology) wills, the growth of digital assets and the raft of new companies entering the online will-making market. COVID-19 forced relaxation of the rules surrounding the making and witnessing of wills and propelled more people towards online wills. We started to imagine a new landscape that would look very different from today.” The emphasis of the briefing report issued following the project, however, was on ‘evolution, not revolution’, echoing Pierre Balmain’s famous dictum on fashion. “Despite temporary relaxations of the rules surrounding making and witnessing wills, the Law Commission is cautious and has other pressing priorities. The experts we spoke to don’t expect an overhaul of our 19th-century will-making laws, or greater regulation of will-writing. Instead, voluntary codes of conduct and more explicit standards seem likely. Likewise, most consumers are fairly conservative in this area, wishing to honour a document they feel should be taken seriously, made securely and protected from fraud.” Nevertheless, the authors see online willmaking as being ‘here to stay’. Reviewing the document on the Legacy Foresight blog, donor researcher Sue

Pedley writes: “Although fully digital wills are some way off, online wills are undoubtedly here to stay. They’re seen as a lucrative market, and the pandemic has accelerated usage and acceptance. There will be a push factor from suppliers who see considerable value in upselling services, rich digital data and charity partnerships. Over the next five years, we are likely to see a shakeout, as brands jostle for position in a sector that has attracted many new entrants.” So-called ‘millennials’ are seen as likely to be the first generation to fully embrace the concept. Sue Pedley continued: “We think that millennials will be the first generation to make a significant change to the way wills are made. They have grown up with digital technology, and in any context expect and accept a range of technical solutions. 19% of millennials with a will currently wrote them online – compared to 8% of all adults – and a similar proportion plan to write their will online the next time around. What’s harder to predict is whether they will become more conservative as they age, but we suspect not.” The document concludes by looking to ‘Phase 2’ of its work, which will look at how the market has panned out – whether it fits with the trends identified. “Given the extraordinary circumstances surrounding this year’s project, burning new questions have emerged which are as yet unanswerable. How will the will-

making industry and legacy donors’ needs change in the aftermath of the pandemic? What will this mean for legacy fundraisers, operating in such a tough and uncharted environment? Once the immediate crisis is over, we plan to set up a new phase of research to explore these issues in more detail. We hope that you will join us.” The industry awaits the results with bated breath. The briefing report for Charitable Wills in the 21st Century can be downloaded from q

Saving lives one sniff at a time [HYPO HOUNDS provide a

viable health care alternative for children and their families by training a Diabetic Alert Dog to detect the subtle changes in the child’s blood sugar levels. The dogs are trained to alert parents when the child’s sugar levels drop dangerously low or rise too high. This not only impacts on the child but also on the family’s ability to function as a unit, with the registered carer becoming the dog. Hypo Hounds work is becoming nationally recognised and is literally saving the lives of children – one sniff at a time. q


Until clefts are preventable, help is available worldwide [TODAY, ONE IN 700 BABIES in

the UK are born with a cleft lip and palate, the most common form of birth defect. The impact on a child’s life as they grow is profound. It may affect not only the way they look, but also their speech, hearing and dental development. And it can leave deep psychological scars. In the developing world, patients with clefts are frequently not operated on until later in life, if at all. As a result, they may be malnourished and unable to talk well or hear properly. Often, they will be social outcasts. At CLEFT, our vision is of a future where clefts are preventable. Until we get there, we want to improve the lives of those born with cleft lip and palate – in the UK and in poorer countries around the world.

Join the research effort

By funding research, we continue to make headway into understanding why clefts occur and to deliver pioneering new treatments that deliver kinder, more effective and more efficient care for children with cleft lip and palate. By supporting the development of cleft centres in low and middleincome countries we aim to give children born with clefts in these poorer countries the same opportunities available to children in the UK. Each donation takes us a step closer to reaching our goal. All gifts could have a direct impact on changing the lives of many hundreds of thousands of babies and children around the world. Please join us and help us prevent clefts for future generations. q

Research is key to a better life after brain injury

[THE MISSION of Brain Research UK is to fund essential research

to discover the causes, develop new treatments and improve the lives of those affected by neurological conditions. The charity’s current research focus is on areas where there is a realistic chance of making a difference to neurological patients within the short to medium term. This is where the need for charitable funding is most urgent. As a result they have three current research priorities – brain tumours, brain and spinal cord injury, and headache and facial pain. Brain Research UK receives no government funding and so relies exclusively on voluntary donations. For further information please visit q

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Awards will honour the cream of legacy workers [

ONE OF THE FIRST acts of the newly-formed Legacy Futures was to announce the Legacy Futures Awards. The awards aim to support people working in the gifts-in-wills and in-memory sectors through the presentation of three awards: The Crispin Ellison Bursary Awards, The Legacy Future Leader Award and The Legacy Futures Innovation Award. Announcing the awards, Legacy Futures said: “We want to see our community flourish. What better way to achieve this than by investing in the teams who will be taking our sector forward. If you, your organisation, or any of your team qualify for one of the Legacy Futures Awards 2021 we would be delighted to hear from you.” Applications close on 31 March and winners will be notified in May. The three awards are: • Crispin Ellison Bursary Awards The award comprises a main bursary award and two accompanying bursaries. They are named in memory of former Legacy Link director Crispin Ellison, whose career was dedicated to advancing professional knowledge in the legacy sector. The main bursary is open to any individual working or volunteering in a legacy-giving role in the UK, regardless of the size of their charity. It covers the cost of one successful applicant attaining one Certificate in Charity Legacy Administration (CiCLA) qualification worth £1,000.

There are two further bursaries available for two runners-up to cover the cost of any two-day online training provided by the Institute of Legacy Management (ILM), worth £250 each. These are open to people working in the UK or Australia. • The Legacy Future Leader Award The award will highlight a future legacy leader, aged under 35. The award gives young gifts-in-wills and in-memory professionals the opportunity to engage with experts from Legacy Futures over a period of six months through oneto-one mentoring. The winner will also receive free tickets to attend the 2021

ILM Conference and the 2021 Chartered Institute of Fundraising Legacy Fundraising conference. • The Legacy Futures Innovation Award The award is open to any organisation that demonstrates its commitment to innovation in gift-in-wills and in-memory fundraising. It aims to support those teams looking to enhance their understanding, approach or administration in the long-term, through provision of advisory support to the value of £5,000. Guidance notes and application forms for all the awards are available from the website at q

Help for those with failing sight


FAILING EYESIGHT is nothing short of a personal catastrophe. Do you have a family member, friend or neighbour who is gradually losing their sight? Reading, recognising friends and living skills are all affected as your sight is going – and it’s much harder if you live alone. The National Federation of the Blind of the UK (NFBUK) keeps its members in touch with general information, help and updates on what’s going on. The charity produces bi-monthly news magazines and circulars in audio, braille or electronically, which members can read independently. It also encourages blind and partially sighted people to play a fuller part in society. q • For further information contact NFBUK on 01924 291313, email or visit

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Don’t forget your digital legacy in your will, lawyers urge [ RESEARCH PUBLISHED

in January by the Law Society of England and Wales showed that just over a quarter of those surveyed know what happens to their digital assets when they die and why it is important to include them in their will. The society’s president David Greene commented: “Technology is a huge part of modern life and our digital assets include everything from photos stored online to online banking and email accounts. “Photos, social media accounts and emails from loved ones are often just as treasured as physical possessions – and yet very few people understand what happens to their digital assets or why it is important to include them in their will.” Law Society research shows that just 26% of respondents know what happens to their digital assets after they die – with only 7% saying they fully understand and 19% saying they somewhat understand. Of those surveyed who have a will, an overwhelming 93% had not included any digital assets in their will. “With many social media platforms only created in the last few decades, it is all too easy to overlook your digital assets when making a will,” said Greene. “However, this can leave family members unable to access family photos saved on the deceased’s online accounts or close their loved one’s social media accounts.

“It can also leave them unable to access information they might need for probate which is stored on the deceased’s email or online banking accounts. Writing a digital will and keeping a clear record of online passwords ensures that your loved ones are able to access your digital assets and are not faced with any additional stresses during probate. “Our research shows that just 29% of those surveyed have an up-to-date will. I would encourage anyone who hasn’t already done so to make it their New Year’s resolution to write a will which includes their physical and digital assets.” q

Charities find little to cheer in Budget


THERE WAS A murmur of relief from some in the charity sector in response to Rishi Sunak’s Budget on 3 March. Much of it was from the legacy and gifts-in-wills industry, which welcomed the Chancellor’s confirmation that the current stamp duty holiday is being extended in England and Northern Ireland. Until 30 June the first £500,000 spent on a property will be taxfree, and that will then drop to £250,000 until 30 September. The Institute of Legacy Management (ILM) welcomed the news that the stamp duty threshold has been extended, stating: “We hope this will help ease pressure on the property market during the current COVID-19 pandemic. We believe this is good news for charities who raise millions in legacy income through property sales.” The extension had been widely predicted

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among legacy specialists. Writing before the Budget, Jon Franklin of Legacy Foresight forecast that the move would delay any significant drop in house prices, which would benefit legacy income. Elsewhere in the charity sector the reception for the Budget was more muted, with commentators finding little to cheer. Richard Bray, acting chair of the Charity Tax Group, commented: “The extension of the Job Retention Scheme is welcome news for charities still facing uncertainty as a result of COVID-19. The new Restart Grants of up to £18,000 per property could also be very helpful to charities with shops and attractions, but only if there is confirmation that EU state aid rules no longer apply. “Similarly, extension of the temporary reduced VAT rate will be helpful to those charities able to benefit from it. However,

following the UK’s exit from the EU, the Chancellor has missed an important opportunity to commit to a fundamental review of VAT, which is essential to tackle the structural distortions currently faced by charities resulting in over £2bn a year in irrecoverable VAT.” Caron Bradshaw OBE, chief executive of Charity Finance Group, said: “There are few bright spots in this Budget that we must acknowledge. The extension of the furlough scheme until September 2021 will come as a relief to many; but as we have come to expect, a failure to engage in amending this scheme – in order to support continued delivery of services – leaves the sector having to decide between mobilising or mothballing.” Expressing the general reaction of the sector to Mr Sunak’s effort, she described it as a ‘huge missed opportunity’. q

Legacies help charity to investigate lifestyle links to cancer [ONE IN SIX DEATHS are due to cancer, according to figures from

the World Health Organisation. That means that, even in the current circumstances, cancer remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. By 2040 the number of cancer cases around the world is expected to rise by 63% to 29.5 million each year. Yet we are not powerless: there are many ways we can reduce our risk of developing cancer and survive this deadly disease. Over the past 30 years World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has funded over £12m in research worldwide. The scientific evidence gained has demonstrated a clear link between diet, weight, physical activity and cancer – helping build a picture of how we can all adjust our diet and lifestyle to reduce our cancer risk and survive a diagnosis. Their innovative approach allows them to offer comprehensive cancer prevention advice that is up to date and relevant to all stages of a person’s life – empowering more people to reduce their cancer risk and help them fight back after diagnosis. They do that through their health education and advice programmes, practical tools and easy-to-understand information and their work with health professionals. WCRF produce all kinds of resources on and offline. That includes recipes, information booklets, alcohol and exercise calorie calculators, cancer health check tools and more to help everyone better understand what causes different types of cancer and what we can all do to make simple everyday changes that will reduce our own and our loved ones’ cancer risk. They also produce information and resources to help those with a diagnosis live healthier, longer lives during and after treatment. Nikki Bednall was treated for breast cancer in 2017. She said: “A cancer diagnosis is very traumatic and I wouldn’t wish anyone to have to go through what I’ve been through. After diagnosis your confidence in what you ought to eat and avoid becomes very confused and you feel a sense of urgency to ‘get it right’. Following WCRF’s information helped me to gain clarity, because their findings are evidence-based and so can be trusted.

“I now want to make sure I’m doing everything I possibly can to reduce my risk of disease recurrence. My motto is: ‘Look after your body like you have nowhere else to live: because you don’t; that’s the harsh reality’. “So often people only become interested in diet after a cancer diagnosis but if you are looking for ways to try to reduce your risk of cancer and other non-communicable diseases, I think it’s wise to pay attention to the research. “I know from experience that we take our health so much for granted, but without it we have nothing. WCRF offer free, evidence-based advice and following it may be one of the most important decisions you will make in your life.” To learn more about WCRF’s cancer prevention recommendations visit You can check if you have a healthy BMI, take their cancer health check or learn how being a healthy weight is one of the most important things you can do to reduce your risk of cancer. Gifts people have left to WCRF in their wills in the past have contributed a huge amount to the research they’ve been able to fund over the past 30 years and enabled them to discover so much. Sarah Rebus from WCRF says: “I hope more people will want to join us and include a gift to support our future work when they next write or update their wills, because I believe including a gift to WCRF might be the best way you can help give your loved ones and future generations the power to prevent and survive cancer in the years ahead.” Another breast cancer survivor, Ruth Penny, explained: “Including a gift to World Cancer Research Fund in my will was such a positive thing to do. I think their research and education work is vital to human wellbeing. I’m happy to know that even after I’m gone, I can still do something about a better future for everyone.” To learn how you can help rewrite the future and give generationsto-come the power to prevent and survive cancer, visit the website at or call 020 7343 4200. q

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The Knowledge that touches the lives of thousands of animals

[THE SPECIAL BOND between a pet and its owner is the source of

love, companionship and memories to last a lifetime. So when pets fall sick, owners put their trust in vets and vet nurses to give their loved ones the best possible care. Thousands of those vets and vet nurses put their trust in RCVS Knowledge to help them save the lives of countless dogs, cats and other beloved family friends, and nurse them back to health. At RCVS Knowledge, they provide veterinary professionals with support and skills that help them give the highest quality of care possible to a wide range of animals, from pet newborn rabbits to the youngest lambs on the farm. RCVS Knowledge find the answers to urgent clinical questions from veterinary surgeons, and share these for free with veterinary professionals in 150 countries, to help improve the lives of animals around the world. They provide vets and vet nurses with free checklists, guidelines, articles, podcasts and many more resources that can make the difference between losing and saving a pet. Their team of experts provide veterinary professionals with friendly support every step of the way in finding and using techniques that are proven to give the animals in their care the best chance of a full and lasting recovery. RCVS Knowledge deliver a wide variety of free training and resources online and around the country, so that busy veterinary professionals can gain the knowledge and confidence they need at a place and time that suits them, whether they are working alone in a rural location or providing out-of-hours emergency treatment.

“We are committed to ensuring as many vets and vet nurses as possible have the best available information to hand when they are making critical decisions about the treatment animals receive,” said Chris Gush, executive director of RCVS Knowledge. “To do this, we offer a set of services for free, services that are highly regarded and heavily used,” he continued. “Vets and vet nurses tell us time and again how valuable and impressive they find our range of support, which is always delivered in a timely and approachable manner. Many veterinary professionals who draw on our support spread the word to their colleagues and contacts, helping us help even more pets. Our services can help vets to save time, resources and, ultimately, the lives of thousands of animals. “As a small charity with a big responsibility, we rely on donations to help us carry out our mission to improve the quality of care animals receive,” said Chris. “We need the support of others who share this passion to expand the tools and training we provide, and make sure that as many pets as possible can benefit from our work, which can truly be life-saving.” If you are an animal owner or veterinary professional, the work RCVS Knowledge does matters to you. They would be grateful if you would consider supporting them, and help them make an impact on millions of animals’ lives long into the future. q • To find out more and how to support RCVS Knowledge visit

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Sending out an SOS for the owls [

ESTABLISHED IN 2001, the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary – known, appropriately, as S.O.S. – operates a comprehensive facility for the rescue, care and rehabilitation of owls across East Anglia. It also promotes the need for the conservation of endangered owl species throughout the UK and beyond with its Saving Britain's Owls initiative. The S.O.S. owl and raptor hospital at Stonham Aspal is unique in the region. It is specially equipped for the care and treatment of the many injured wild owls and other birds of prey that are brought there every year. The reasons for their being there include road traffic accidents, mishap, starvation, trauma, disease, poisoning and sometimes even shooting or trapping. Many of the birds can be given a recuperative, short-term pick-me-up before being re-released into the wild. Those that are more seriously injured but stand a chance of recovery are given medical aid and/or surgery, as determined by their vet. The birds are then allowed space and time to fully recuperate in one of the secluded recovery aviaries, before being carefully returned to the wild. S.O.S. also operates a wild owl nest box scheme, in conjunction with volunteers from the Thornham Owl Project. That includes building and locating long-lasting, environmentally-friendly nest boxes in appropriate locations, to replace the gradual erosion of natural nesting sites. It also involves the careful monitoring of nesting activity within the scheme, for the annual reporting of raptor population information to regulatory authorities. S.O.S. is funded purely by donation, and like many small charities faces an on-going, uphill struggle as they strive to survive. q

Charity carries on the work of its founder [

FOR OVER 30 YEARS the famous animal hospital known as Tiggywinkles has been working to rescue, treat and rehabilitate sick, injured and orphaned British wildlife. Over that time they have proved beyond doubt that most wild animal and bird casualties can be saved and returned to the wild. Although they specialise in hedgehogs – indeed, they derive their name from St Tiggywinkles, the name of their specialist hedgehog ward, inspired by the animal character created by Beatrix Potter – their wealth of expertise in the care of a wide range of species can now be passed on to others. In addition, their commitment to practical education plays a vital part in the conservation of wildlife. As an accredited centre, opportunities are available for students aged 16 and over to gain a City and Guildsapproved qualification via their Apprenticeship in Animal Care scheme. Tiggywinkles was founded by Les Stocker, who sadly passed away in July 2016. In a tribute, Les was described as ‘…a steadfast ambassador, achieving his goal to turn wildlife rehabilitation into a profession’. In another he was referred to as the ‘the spiritual heart of Britain’. He was awarded an MBE by The Queen and given the title Laureate in the 1990 International Rolex Awards for Enterprise, for his work in wildlife conservation and establishing Europe’s first wildlife teaching hospital. More recently, he gained the prestigious Honorary Associateship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. The charity is happy to commemorate all who generously remember the Wildlife Hospital Trust in their will by inscribing their name on a plaque in its Remembrance Garden. Gifts are also welcome in the form of a donation or by becoming a Friend of Tiggywinkles. q

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Risk of COVID during lockdown prompts key workers to update wills [RESEARCH CARRIED OUT on behalf of the Law Society has shown

that 7% of respondents made or updated their will during the first UK-wide COVID-19 lockdown, but many have yet to put their affairs in order. “The coronavirus pandemic has made people reflect on how vital it is to make sure their loved ones are taken care of if they were to die,” said Law Society of England and Wales president David Greene. A survey by Populus of more than 1,000 members of the public commissioned by the Law Society asked several questions about whether people had made a will. The survey took place in late June last year and the results were published in December. Over half of those surveyed who were working during the first UK lockdown said they were a key worker: 6% of those who identified as key workers made or updated their will during the first UK lockdown. Key workers were at a higher risk throughout the pandemic and are often more conscious of mortality due to working with those who have COVID-19. The results showed that well over half (59%) of those surveyed said they did not have a will. Just 29% said they have an up-to-date will which reflects their current intentions. Given how many people do not have a will, the fact that 7% made or updated their will during that period marks a striking shift. The main reasons respondents gave for not making a will were not having anything of value to leave to their loved ones (24%), not finding the time to make a will (20%) and thinking they were too young to make a will (18%). David Greene added: “It is hugely encouraging so many people have made wills during the first UK lockdown, but the fact remains that the overwhelming majority of the UK public do not have an up-to-date will as we enter the second wave of COVID-19 cases. “In some demographics – such as urban and BAME communities

– will-making is particularly uncommon. Only 25% of those from a BAME background had a will, compared to 42% of white respondents. Similarly, only 36% of people in urban areas had a will compared to 54% from rural areas. “Many people are unaware of the chaos they can leave behind if they do not make a will or regularly update one to reflect their current wishes. “If someone dies without making a will – also known as dying intestate – the law determines how much of their estate their spouse, children and other relatives will inherit. Under intestacy laws, unmarried partners and close friends cannot inherit, meaning loved ones could be left with nothing. “Writing a legally valid will with the help of an expert solicitor ensures people’s estates are inherited exactly as they would choose and can prevent a whole raft of problems landing on loved ones when they are grieving. “The government has also recently introduced temporary legislation to permit remote witnessing for wills so those who cannot make a will in person during the pandemic can ensure their wishes are up to date. “When writing a will, people should also consider making end-of-life provisions, which determine how they want to be treated medically at the end of their life, and lasting powers of attorney – which grants a trusted friend or family member the right to make financial and welfare decisions on their behalf if they lose mental capacity or become seriously unwell. “68% of those surveyed did not make lasting powers of attorney or end of life provisions. Many do not know that lasting powers of attorney or end of life provisions can only be made whilst they are deemed to have mental capacity. “Making these arrangements alongside their will ensures people are able to make these important decisions for themselves – giving them peace of mind during the pandemic and going forwards.” q

Re-homing is their mission [THE MISSION of Three Counties Dog Rescue is to accept, care

for and find homes for unwanted, lost and stray dogs and cats and to ensure their wellbeing afterwards. The charity was founded in 1972 and since then they have improved the lives of over 7,000 dogs and cats. Before rehoming, all animals are vet checked, neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and kept in suitable conditions. Rehabilitation costs are a major part of the charity’s annual expenditure of over £200,000. Healthy animals are never put down. As part of that non-destruction policy, several elderly dogs are kept in long term foster care. However, this means that the charity can incur large veterinary costs to maintain a dog’s health while they await a new permanent home. Every penny raised goes to improving the lives of dogs and cats. Three Counties Dog Rescue is run entirely by voluntary and unpaid helpers, who also meet their own expenses. q

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If you Will, we will [LEGACIES MEAN SO much to the team at Last Chance

Animal Rescue. These wonderful gifts have helped them to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home so many abandoned, abused and unwanted dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, rabbits and guinea pigs who otherwise would have had no future. The charity understand the wishes of its kind benefactors who have considered them in their Wills. A spokesperson said: “We know they want their generous gift to us to be used directly to save lives, provide the very best of care and to find loving homes. “Legacies really do provide the gift of life and Last Chance Animal Rescue can now, after much planning and prudent use of funds, offer our life saving services to so many more needy pets. We are delighted to announce we now have a second rescue and re-homing centre in Kent, giving hope and a true A new friend for Alan last chance to so many. “Sadly we cannot thank those who have enabled this wonderful achievement but are extremely grateful to all those who are currently considering helping us now and in the future to continue our work.” q

A small charity with a huge heart [

KIDNEY KIDS SCOTLAND, a very small charity with a huge heart, has for the last 20 years supported Scottish children with renal and urology conditions. The main aim of the charity has always been to enable these children to receive treatment as close to home as possible and minimise disruption to the family unit. In addition the charity helps hospitals all over Scotland, supplying them with much needed equipment and funding posts recognised as being essential. Chronic Kidney disease is a condition that has no cure and that children and their families must learn to live with. IMAGINE your child only being able to drink 400mls in one day. That’s less than two cartons of juice – a can of juice is 500mls. IMAGINE being a parent where you must be home before 8pm every single night to ensure your child gets their daily home dialysis. IMAGINE not being able to take your family abroad or too far away from the hospital because your child cannot go without their dialysis. This HAS to happen in hospital 3 or 4 times EVERY week. IMAGINE your child missing out on school education, social activities, family members’ birthday celebrations, a sibling’s sports day or a family wedding because you need to make sure they receive their life saving dialysis treatment. IMAGINE your child spending their birthday and/or Christmas Day in hospital and not being able to see their friends from week to week. q IMAGINE LIVING WITH KIDNEY DISEASE For more information about Kidney Kids Scotland please visit our website at, call 01324 555843 or email Kidney Kids Scotland can help in many ways

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Kids Company trial shouldn’t deter would-be trustees [RESPONDING TO THE DECISION in the High Court on 12 February

Our society depends on individuals being prepared to take up trustee roles on an unpaid basis, volunteering their time on top of personal and professional commitments, as the trustees in this case did.

in the Kids Company trial, the firm that represented five of the defendants, Bates Wells, issued a statement. The High Court ruled against the Official Receiver in his bid to disqualify the former trustees and CEO of Kids Company from acting as directors. In a 225-page judgment Mrs Justice Falk found that the public needed no protection from the ‘highly impressive and dedicated’ trustees and that she was ‘wholly satisfied’ that disqualification was not warranted. In its statement Bates Wells said: “There were no allegations of dishonesty or self-serving conduct, or criticism of spending on any individual child, in spite of the scrutiny which Kids Company’s spending received in the Official Receiver’s investigation and the blaze of publicity which preceded it. Instead the case concerned alleged financial mismanagement, with a central complaint that the defendants caused or allowed Kids Company to operate an unsustainable business model which was underpinned by criticisms of various features of Kids Company’s operations.” The defendants were the former trustees of Kids Company and its founder and CEO, Camila Batmanghelidjh. Although Ms Batmanghelidjh was not appointed as a director, the Official Receiver maintained that she was a de facto director and so liable to disqualification in the same way. With the exception of one former trustee, all the defendants chose to defend the claim, which was exoneration will give them the assurance they need to take up this heard in the High Court over 10 weeks in the period October to rewarding role.” December last year. Oakley added that the court’s findings and the judge’s comments Bates Wells said: “A trial of charity trustees on these grounds is should give comfort to lawyers on charity boards that the Official unprecedented and the message that highly-qualified, diligent and Receiver will think ‘long and hard’ before bringing such proceedings honest charity trustees, doing their best to rescue a charity in difficult again. q circumstances, might be pursued in this way by the Official Receiver has caused much disquiet in the sector. “Our society depends on individuals being prepared to take up trustee roles on an unpaid basis, volunteering their time on top of personal and professional commitments, as the trustees in this case did. “Even though they knew right was on their side, it took great courage to defend proceedings on this scale, pitted against the unlimited resources of the state and exposed to immense financial risk in the case of a loss. That courage has benefitted WITH THE Charity Commission set to appoint its new chair this year, the charity think the whole charity sector as the defendants’ tank NPD has published a letter it sent to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and total vindication sends a clear message to Sport outlining the priorities it thinks the new chair should have. trustees that they will continue to receive the In a release the organisation says: “The appointment of a new chair of the Charity protection of the court when making honest Commission this year presents an opportunity to rethink the commission’s priorities. At and reasonable judgements under difficult a time when the charity sector has proved itself to be a vital partner in the fight against circumstances.” COVID-19, the commission should prioritise maximising the impact of the sector.” Speaking of the exoneration of one of The letter includes the NPD’s belief that the Charity Commission’s trustee obligations the trustees, lawyer Jane Tyler, the head of should be re-written to focus on mission and the impact achieved for the beneficiaries the dispute resolution at Bates Wells, Robert charity serves. Oakley, said that, even if a trustee is cleared “Grant-making trusts should be more transparent, publishing both their pay-out ratio and of all wrongdoing, the risk of reputational their reasoning behind it each year. The Charity Commission’s data needs to be much damage from the publicity surrounding better used and made available in a far timelier manner than at present, and we call for the events may be too high for some. Charity Commission to drop the requirement that charities must seek permission before “It certainly seems likely that, as a result of paying their trustees. We would urge the next chair of the commission to be someone who these proceedings, some lawyers may now will pursue this agenda.” q think twice about becoming a trustee,” said Oakley. “We hope, however, that our client’s

Think tank sets out its priorities for new commission chair [

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14-mile walking challenge attracts TV attention


a young man taking on a 14 miles over 7 days walking challenge in the towns of Southam and Leamington Spa whilst on crutches due to the impact of a rare genetic condition. That young man was Patrick Smith, who lives in Southam. Patrick was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2) a long time ago. He’s used to facing barriers in life as his NF2 has caused a number of benign tumours to grow across his body, which has unfortunately led to his mobility slowly reducing. The tumours on his spine and auditory nerves cause difficulty with walking and balance. Patrick decided to embark upon his own fundraising effort by walking 14 miles over seven days, all while on crutches, to raise funds for Nerve Tumours UK, the charity that helps people with Neurofibromatosis and other connected conditions. In his own words, he wanted to: “Raise awareness of the challenges people with physical disabilities experience in day-to-day life and so I hope even just a few people recognise that people can be struggling with a lot more than what they show on the surface.”

He was spurred to make the Herculean effort during the first coronavirus lockdown. He explained: “I constantly heard people complaining about how they could no longer go out and see friends or go to the pub/clubs and so on. It made me realise that some people do not realise that those with physical difficulties experienced those exact feelings every day before the lockdowns, and I hope to raise awareness of those challenges – as well as raise some funds to help people growing up with the same condition I have had my entire life.” Patrick’s initial aim was to raise £450 for people who have the same condition. To date he has raised more than £4,000. Patrick’s friends documented the seven stages of his walk with photos and a video diary. He began in the snow in Southam, accompanied by his mother and sister Hannah. The following days saw him tackle very different challenges in Leamington – from the mud of his local woodland to the uneven terrain of the local park and the steep incline of Leamington Town Parade. His effort attracted the attention of local BBC TV station BBC Midlands, who interviewed him and showed part of the video of his walk. The story of Patrick’s walk and his interview with BBC Midlands can be viewed at q • Nerve Tumours UK provides support and information, as well as campaigns, and raises awareness on behalf of over 26,500 people in the UK who are affected by Neurofibromatosis (NF1 and NF2) and Schwannomatosis. The charity finances a UK wide network of specialist Neurofibromatosis nurses and runs the national helpline to support those affected from first diagnosis throughout their adult life with the aim to make their every day better.

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Commission to consult on charities’ investments

Rescue centre offers a lifeline to injured wildlife


[THE CHARITY COMMISSION, the registrar and regulator of

charities in England and Wales, is to consult on revised guidance on responsible investments. The term ‘responsible investments’ refers to financial investments that align with a charity’s mission and purpose. The commission plans to publish draft guidance in the spring for public consultation, supported by a refreshed interpretation of the law in the area. The final, updated responsible investments guidance is expected this summer. The announcement of the consultation follows a listening exercise undertaken by the regulator last year, which found, among other things, that the way responsible investment is outlined in its current guidance is not giving some trustees sufficient confidence that they can consider, or that the commission supports, that approach to investment. Reporting on that exercise in November, the commission said: “It is clear from the responses we received that some trustees consider the legal framework itself to be a barrier. There are wide differences in interpretations of the legal framework which clearly breed uncertainty about decisions trustees are legally allowed to make. Some believe the case law is ‘outdated’ and at odds with public expectations of how charities should behave.” Paul Latham, director of communications and policy at the Charity Commission, said: “It is not for the commission to instruct charities on how to invest their assets. But it is part of our role to ensure our guidance keeps pace with wider changes in society, so that charities feel confident to invest and use their resources effectively in line with their purpose, and be accountable to the public and donors. “We are grateful to all those who took part in last year’s listening exercise, and we hope that charities, investment managers and others will take the opportunity to offer feedback when we publish draft guidance in the spring.” The commission’s guidance on responsible investments is part of its wider guidance on Charities and Investment Matters. q

in North Ayrshire. It was set up as a charity in 1986, although its founders Andy and Gay had been caring for injured and orphaned wildlife since 1970, when they rescued a fox cub from a gamekeeper and his dogs. As the number of casualties increased year on year, Andy and Gay needed financial and practical help. Once the trust was set up, new aviaries and enclosures were built. A membership scheme proved popular and many volunteers were recruited. The centre now occupies a 20-acre site, including woodland, marsh and open water. That gives a variety of release sites for its patients. Approximately 3,500 wildlife casualties are now treated each year, with the aim of returning them to the wild. Among the many hedgehogs, foxes and familiar garden birds there are deer, otters, badgers and seals. All have been rescued and are rehabilitated. In addition, swans are treated regularly, along with buzzards, peregrines, herons and sea birds. The centre operates a 24-hour rescue service and there are more than 60 enclosures and aviaries, a hedgehog hospital, a seal/swan unit and intensive care facility. It also offers training courses on the handling, care and treatment of wildlife casualties. Spring and summer are especially busy, with hundreds of nestling birds being hand reared. Care is taken to rear all youngsters with minimum human contact. That prevents wild birds and mammals becoming too used to people, so giving them a good chance of survival in the wild. Hessilhead is primarily a voluntary organisation. Its volunteers help in many ways: fundraising, building and maintenance, driving patients to the centre and daily cleaning and feeding. q

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Bates, the dog rescued from the awful trade

How Bates was rescued from the dog-meat trade [DOGS AND CATS are being cruelly stolen

and brutally killed for the meat trade. That’s the startling revelation by animal welfare charity FOUR PAWS. According to the charity, each year millions of dogs and cats like the ones pictured will be stolen, killed and eaten in South East Asia. Drowned, electrocuted or beaten to death, the cruelty they will suffer is near unimaginable. Often, they are strays snatched from the streets, or family pets stolen from loving homes. One such dog – they called him Bates – was desperate to escape his cruel fate at a slaughter farm. FOUR PAWS found Bates on a rescue mission in Cambodia. He was packed in a cage crammed full with other dogs. The crying and whimpering from those dogs, many of them beloved pets, was truly heart-breaking.

Dogs awaiting slaughter

In desperation, dogs reached out their paw through the cage bars for help. The charity felt it could not turn away. FOUR PAWS was able to rescue Bates and he has now been adopted into a loving family with the chance of a new beginning. Sad and emotionally shut down at first, it took time for Bates to recover. He is now learning to trust people again and is happy and energetic. His days are spent playing and enjoying long walks.

Stopping the trade for good

FOUR PAWS is working to save more dogs and cats from this torture and end the trade for good. Since the rescue of Bates, many more dogs and cats have been saved and rehomed, slaughter farms have been closed down together with ground-breaking campaigns which aim to strengthen animal protection laws.

Protecting animals in the future

Founded in Vienna in 1988, the FOUR PAWS vision is of a world where humans treat animals with respect, empathy and understanding. Its mission is to act as a strong, global and independent voice for animals under direct human control. Gifts in wills have a huge impact on the work FOUR PAWS does, enabling them to continue rescuing and caring for animals. That is why they have partnered with willwriting service Bequeathed, who offer a completely free online will-writing service. It’s something anyone can do from the comfort of their own home without it costing them a penny. q • To make your will without it costing you a penny, please visit

Strays are often rounded up and killed for cat meat

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Trust works to save iconic working horses [

THE SUFFOLK PUNCH TRUST is a registered charity, whose aim is to ensure the survival of the famous horse breed. It was founded in 2002 to save the historic Hollesley Bay Colony Stud. That stud brought a rich legacy of equine and agricultural history which deserves to be saved for future generations to enjoy. The trust aims to achieve that through a successful breeding programme, supported by funding, education and the outreach facility of its visitor centre. The Suffolk Punch is the oldest English breed of working horse, dating from the 16th century. Every Suffolk horse can be traced back to a stallion, known as Crisp’s Horse of Ufford, foaled in 1768. The Suffolk horse was developed for farm work and gained popularity during the early 20th century. As agriculture became mechanised, however, the numbers fell and the breed almost disappeared completely. The aim of the trust is to help save the iconic breed from extinction through its established breeding programme. It is working towards increasing the numbers of horses through normal breeding processes and an artificial insemination programme. It also works to raise public awareness and is training a new generation of professionals to work with and understand the needs of the breed. The Suffolk Punch is incredibly versatile and is now often employed in forestry and ridden work. The Suffolk Punch Trust can only continue its work with the help of donations and legacies. As David Clarke, one of the trust’s directors, explained: “Your legacy, large or small, will make a huge difference to the work we carry out, enabling us to care for our horses and continue the breeding programme to secure this wonderful breed.” q

Legacies – the gift of life [

ANIMAL CHARITY Wild Futures rescues and offers sanctuary to monkeys who have suffered abuse and neglect. They are dedicated to protecting primates and their habitats worldwide – primates are endangered due to climate change, habitat destruction and the bush-meat and pet trades. For some species, it is too late. The future of all that remains lies in our hands, so leaving a legacy to Wild Futures is the gift of life and a future for primates and our wonderful planet. Wild Futures’ holistic approach makes them unique – providing sanctuary to rescued

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monkeys, supporting projects overseas, campaigning for primate welfare, educating to protect primates worldwide and promoting a sustainability and ethical ethos. They receive no government funding, so the generosity of those that remember Wild Futures is essential to enable them to continue their work. A legacy can be the gift of a life worth living and a wild and safe future for all. q • For more information call 01503 262532, email or visit the webiste at

Regulator’s report highlights achievements during and pre-COVID [

ON 4 FEBRUARY the Fundraising Regulator published its latest Annual Report and Accounts. The report highlights how the regulator reprioritised its work amid the unprecedented challenges facing the sector from last March onwards. The reporting period of 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020 falls six months before and six months after the coronavirus pandemic began. The report explains how, in response to the pandemic, efforts were focused on producing guidance to ensure that both fundraisers and the public could fundraise and donate safely. The series guidance was produced in collaboration with other sector organisations, such as the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, the Charity Commission for England and Wales, National Trading Standards and Action Fraud, to ensure a joined-up message to all individuals and organisations engaged in fundraising. The regulator also worked with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to ensure guidance for fundraising organisations applied the very latest government advice, to achieve endorsement from the Health and Safety Executive, Public Health England and the Cabinet Office. In a statement, the regulator says: “Our Annual Report observes how the nature of enquiries we received changed over the period, reflecting that fundraisers were adapting to the restrictions on social contact. We also saw fluctuations in the volume of complaints received across the year, reflecting times when public fundraising methods were paused.” The regulator’s chair, Lord Toby Harris, commented: “This year our primary focus has, of course, been to help fundraising organisations meet the challenges of the pandemic through guidance and resources. We’ve also made it a priority to ensure the public know what good fundraising looks like. “It was a year in which we saw true innovation and resilience, as

many organisations increased their use of digital fundraising methods and overhauled the way they interacted with donors. Collectively, the sector has responded with agility and willingness to evolve. “As the Fundraising Regulator enters its fifth year of operation, I believe the sector has made significant strides forward. The evolution in fundraising practice we have seen in just five years is a credit to the progressive nature of the fundraising sector, and proves our regulatory model is working to raise standards.” In its introduction the report says: “As the pandemic began to impact the way organisations fundraised in public, we recognised the need to provide clear advice on fundraising safely. We also understood that members of the public would be feeling anxious about interacting with fundraisers at this time, so it was also our role to provide sufficient reassurance that fundraising would only be carried out if it was done so safely. “To ensure organisations received a clear and consistent message, we provided our guidance jointly with the Chartered Institute of Fundraising.” The report also sets out the work that took place prepandemic, which included some important milestones. They included the implementation of the new Code of Fundraising Practice, which was the most comprehensive overhaul of the code in more than a decade, the maturing of its complaints function, following the publication of the first external review of its casework, and the highest payment rate of the annual levy in the regulator’s history, with 97% of the total collected. Chief executive Gerald Oppenheim explained: “Despite the challenges presented by the pandemic, our Annual Report demonstrates how the sector has continued to respond positively to our regulatory activity and maintain high standards of fundraising practice. Our achievements throughout the year, such as the launch of the new code and high rate of levy payment, represent our maturity as a regulator and the charity sector’s support of self-regulation.” q

Doing more for seafarers – and doing it even better! [AT THE SEAFARERS’ CHARITY we’ve been improving the lives of

seafarers and their families for over 100 years. Through our grant giving, we’re bringing about truly life-changing impact for many who work – or who have worked – at sea as a merchant seafarer or in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, fishing fleet or professional yacht and cruise sector. We receive no government funding and rely on donations, fundraising and gifts in wills to be able to provide long-term aid. Please consider leaving us a gift in your will today to help us continue our work. q • To support The Seafarers’ Charity or to find out more about our work, visit or email

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Heartbeat horses on the move

[IN 2019, following the retirement of managing trustee Colin

Cooper, some of the Heartbeat horses moved to a new home at Sink Farm in Woodbridge, Suffolk. Colin was very pleased to announce that the charity’s headquarters had moved to Hollesley where the current horses will live and be cared for alongside the wonderful Suffolk Punch horses. Sink Farm is the colony stud for the Suffolk Punch Trust charity, who continue their important and essential work in preserving this unique breed. q • For more information on either charity please contact Tracey Pettitt, stud manager or David Clarke, finance director, on 01394 775495. Heartbeat Homes for Horses, Sink Farm, St David’s Lane, Hollesley, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 3JR

Giving sighthounds a second chance [FOREVER HOUNDS TRUST has been rescuing, caring for and

homing greyhounds, lurchers and other sighthounds for 25 years. These beautiful dogs find themselves in the charity’s care for many reasons, but they have one thing in common – they are in desperate need of help to find them a safe and happy home, having been neglected, abused, or finished their career as a racing greyhound. Forever Hounds Trust are proud to have homed over 10,000 of these marvellous dogs and they rely entirely on supporters, donations, trusts and, vitally, legacies to cover the substantial costs of every dog’s journey from rescue to loving family pet. The charity’s Susan Kerry Bedell says: “The demand for us to take in dogs continues to grow. By leaving a gift to Forever Hounds Trust in your Will, you are allowing us to rescue, treat and give more dogs a safe future. “Legacies provide shelter for dogs in our kennels and foster homes. Legacies provide emergency medical care and preventative treatments. Legacies keep our vans on the road to rescue dogs from desperate situations.” By remembering Forever Hounds Trust in your will, you are helping give more dogs a second chance at a happy life. q • For more information visit the website at, telephone 03000 125 125 or email

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JustGiving publishes resources for virtual fundraisers [

LAST NOVEMBER the charity donation platform JustGiving launched a benchmark report, The Virtual Fundraising Monitor, in collaboration with events agency massive. The report details and analyses the response to a survey carried out over the summer, as charities came to terms with the COVID pandemic and made the most of the virtual world to carry out their activities online. The research report begins by setting out the information the researchers had to work with. “We received over 300 responses, with information shared from 150 virtual campaigns delivered since lockdown began. This translates into data from almost 1.8 million donors and participants who have collectively raised more than £60m. “With lockdown seeing some incredible fundraising feats, such as the £33m raised by Captain Tom’s record-breaking online fundraiser, which could potentially skew our figures, for the most part we have excluded straight donation asks for the purposes of this report, and focused on activities based around peer-to-peer fundraising.” The report goes on to describe a number of case studies of virtual fundraising events by a number of charities, including Alzheimer’s Society and Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity. Introducing the report on the JustGiving blog, its content marketing specialist and B2B copywriter Toni Gregory wrote: “In 2020 the charity sector witnessed a rush of virtual event fundraising on JustGiving, as charities of all sizes adapted their events plans in response to COVID-19. The Virtual Fundraising Monitor identified key benchmarks for event fundraising to build their virtual events planning around.” She posed the question whether charities should view the virtual world as an on-going place for fundraising events or should anticipate returning to the old normal as the pandemic’s effects began to fade. The conclusion is that there is no going back. More than half of the charities in the survey said they plan to launch a virtual event in the next year months. So “…continuing to focus on your digital experiences feels like the right thing to do – both now and when lockdown restrictions ease.” Toni pointed to the huge diversity of people who took part in virtual events over the course of last year as evidence of how virtual experiences have become the norm. However, she sees the real world as returning to join the mix. She concludes: “It is very likely that hybrid events – events which

bring together a blend of real-world and virtual experiences – will become the new standard for the charity sector and with over 20 years’ experience in digital fundraising we are here to help charities of all shapes and sizes to adapt.” The report can be downloaded from Reviewing the document, Charity Digital’s Aiden Paterson explained why virtual fundraising is here to stay: “This is because supporter behaviour has shifted massively over the last 12 months. Whether it’s taking part in a virtual marathon or chatting to friends on Zoom, COVID-19 has converted a lot of digital sceptics. Charities that continue to invest in virtual events as part of a more holistic events strategy will thrive even once the COVID-19 pandemic begins to have less effect on day-to-day life.” Paterson went on to review JustGiving’s Virtual Fundraising Event Toolkit, produced by Blackbaud, which outlines the resources available to help charities take advantage of the virtual events environment. He writes: “The JustGiving Virtual Fundraising Event Toolkit is a six-part guide that walks charities through planning and implementing a successful virtual event. It includes information on timelines, reporting and stewardship. Each section is filled with tips, charity examples, and an end-of-section checklist that you can work through step-by-step.” In its introduction the toolkit states: “Virtual events come in all formats and sizes, offering charities new and creative ways to engage with supporters, as well as expand their fundraising activities’ reach. Whilst it’s true that the impact of COVID-19 has accelerated the uptake of virtual events, they have been steadily growing in popularity for several years. Our prediction is that virtual events will come to be expected from supporters, even when the pandemic has hopefully become a distant memory, with charities needing to focus on creating hybrid events – events that offer the participants the option of taking place in the real world or online.” Aiden Paterson concludes: “On JustGiving your charity gets Fundraising Page reports that keep you close to the fundraising activity happening (or not happening) for your event, enabling you to see if someone has made a Fundraising Page and if they’ve started to receive donations. Looking at your report you’ll be able to spot anyone that needs a friendly reminder to start fundraising online and share tips to help them get that all-important first donation.” The toolkit can be downloaded from q

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The dream continues to offer sanctuary to abandoned animals [

THE YEAR IS 1983 and it is the coldest winter for 20 years. Many stories about horses and ponies being abandoned by their owners on Rainham Marshes in Essex were hitting the headlines. Paula Clark, who was involved in raising money for a number of sanctuaries, was sitting at home in tears after reading the story of those poor horses. When her husband Ernie returned home from work, Paula showed him what was happening and they vowed to take action and help the animals that needed them. Some of the horses were already dead and others were starving when the couple got to the marshes. They weren’t having their basic needs met; they had no water or food. Paula and Ernie took tanks of water to them and bales of hay and feed. They even got a vet to examine some of them. No-one was looking after the horses’ basic needs – let alone enriching their lives. Paula and Ernie embarked on fulfilling their dream and the story of Hopefield Animal Sanctuary began. They began taking horses with the intention of fostering. They would bring them back to health and then find them nice homes. The first horse they fostered out was Pye. Soon after they heard that the fosterers were trying to sell him, so Ernie took them to court at a cost of £4,000. Ernie finally got Pye back in a terrible state, so both Paula and Ernie promised they would never rehome again – the animals had a home for life. As Paula and Ernie found fostering animals didn’t work out they decided to provide homes for life to their animals. One beneficiary is Juliette, a thoroughbred horse who arrived in a terrible condition.

Because of her home for life at Hopefield, and the daily care and attention she receives, she is now physically transformed. Paula and Ernie have both now sadly passed away. Since their passing the work has been taken over by new trustees and a dedicated team of staff and volunteers look after the resident animals, old and new. Many animals arrive in a terrible condition and are completely transformed by living at the sanctuary. The sanctuary has now been running for 35 years – it has over 50 regular volunteers, a huge amount of local and loyal support and over 20,000 followers on Facebook. CEO Dave Schlaich explained: “We have continued to rescue horses and farm animals, but have found that over the years the type of animals we are having to help has greatly changed, with people getting more and more into exotic species through the pet trade.” The sanctuary is now open to the public from Friday to Monday each week. It has become a visitor attraction with a small tea room. All activities generate funds that go directly to the animals, making the future more secure. Said David: “You can support us by becoming a regular donor, visit us, sponsor an animal or leave us a legacy in your will, knowing that your donation goes towards providing a home for life for one of our animals.” q

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Conference brought everything together again: this time online [IN MARCH LAST YEAR Charity Digital held its second

#BeMoreDigital Conference at Olympia London. They were incredibly lucky: the event took place just days before the UK faced the first wave of social distancing restrictions following COVID-19. Since then the charity sector has changed dramatically. Dayto-day operations have moved from offices to online platforms, service delivery has become increasingly digitised and fundraising has become almost entirely virtual. Charities have adapted to meet the demands of the ‘new normal’. And Charity Digital adapted, too: the #BeMoreDigital Conference returned for 2021 – and this time it was virtual. The conference began on 2 March and ended on 4 March. It boasted an impressive line-up over the course of three days, with speakers and guests focussing on four main themes: Digital Marketing; Digital Strategy; Digital Fundraising; and Digital Service Delivery and Operations. The 20 sessions comprised eight tech-led webinars, nine charity-led webinars and three panel discussions. All the events took place on Zoom, with networking opportunities held on Remo. Speaking in advance of the event, organisers Charity Digital said: “We hope to reach as many people as possible, so for 2021 the #BeMoreDigital Virtual Conference is completely free. All you need to do is sign-up. You will then be given access to the event hub, where you can add sessions and view your daily itinerary.” The first day focused on Digital Marketing and Digital Strategy. After

an introduction by CEO Jonathan Chevallier, those attending decided on which stream to follow. The second day, 3 March, was given over to invitation-only workshops and a networking session. On the third day, 4 March, two more essential streams were on offer. The first was the Digital Fundraising Stream, which explored Legacy giving: the myths, the facts, and everything in between and Your next generation digital fundraising toolbox, while the Digital Service Delivery and Operations Stream covered Is digital working for you, or are you working for digital? and Upscaling your digital service delivery during challenging times. We are hopeful of being able to bring you a review of the conference in the next issue of The Charity Pages. q

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Accountants’ conference sees speakers set out future priorities [THE ANNUAL Charity Conference of the Institute of Chartered

As she pointed out: “The pandemic has shown that charities make a vital contribution to public life: whether large, national charities, relied Accountants of England and Wales took place virtually this year – on on to provide life-saving services; or small, local community groups 21-22 January. innovating and helping people, in support of a common cause.” The popular event aims to allow financial professionals access to The main thrust of her address was the role the commission plays in all the vital accounting, governance and taxation updates affecting the regulating the relationship between charities and the public they both charity sector. serve and rely upon. This year’s event brought “I see our job as helping to together figures from the world safeguard what is essentially a of accountancy, charities and covenant between the public, journalism to debate the issues charities and the state. A covenant affecting the sector. founded on a bond of trust which is Among the issues debated why Parliament set us the statutory were vital technical updates on objective to increase – not maintain charity accounting, taxation and – but to increase public trust and governance – given by expert confidence in charity. And we will speakers from BDO UK LLP and strive to change and adapt as a City and Cambridge Consulting, regulator only insofar as it makes us among others. better able to uphold that covenant.” Impact reporting and the use of She was forthright that the digital was also explored, as well commission would take action as wider reporting trends and future where charities fall short. developments in charity reporting. © “That’s why we take charities to Insights were provided task when they have failed to meet into the #IFR4NPO Project “The pandemic has shown that charities the expectations of the law or our – the International Financial make a vital contribution to public life: guidance and in that sense have Reporting guidance for Nonbroken the covenant. And why we Profit Organisations. A public whether large, national charities, relied call out behaviour which, whilst not consultation was launched on to provide life-saving services; a technical breach of the law, goes in January by the Chartered or small, local community groups against the reasonable expectations Institute of Public Finance and of the public that charities should Accountancy and Humentum as innovating and helping people, in behave differently from private or part of the IFR4NPO initiative. support of a common cause.” commercial entities.” The news media were Helen Stephenson, CEO of the Charity Commission On the subject of the work of represented by Sir Martyn the Charity Commission itself, Lewis CBE, former BBC and she pointed to strides made ITN newscaster. He shared the despite the upheaval caused by the pandemic. evidence that shows the gathering momentum of ‘solutions-driven “We have all seen how deep charity runs in our society over the past journalism’. year. How important it is for people of all walks to life to get involved in The keynote speech on day one was delivered by Helen Stephenson, charity – whether by giving their time or their money – and to help find CEO of the Charity Commission. solutions to the challenges their communities face. Her speech, published in full by the commission, addressed a range “Together with our partners in the professions, and with charities of issues facing charities, particularly during the unprecedented times of themselves, that public enthusiasm and trust is what the commission exists the COVID pandemic. As she pointed out, that was not the position she to nurture and protect.” q expected charities to still be in when she accepted the invitation to speak.

Caring for chelonia [THE BRITISH CHELONIA GROUP publishes six newsletters

a year containing details of meetings, short articles, news items and veterinary notes. Their journal Testudo is published annually and contains original articles and reviews on all aspects of turtles, terrapins and tortoises – their biology, conservation, welfare, veterinary care and husbandry. The group also organises symposia. As well as the yearly appeals in aid of specific international causes in chelonia research and survival, the BCG assists other worthy causes in support of its aims with grants. They invite grant applications from organisations and individuals engaged on the work of chelonia conservation – such as zoos, universities, zoologists and students in this country and overseas. q

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The range of charities which depend on legacies to carry out their valuable work is a broad one. Those that are represented in this publication are listed below, grouped according to the area of activity in which they operate.




Pet Rescue Welfare Association 2

Prostate Cancer Research 1

Friends of the Animals 4/5

Pain Relief Foundation 2

Marwell Wildlife 8

Royal College of Surgeons 6

The New European Distressed Donkey Initiative Ltd 8


RCVS Knowledge 14/15

Brain Research UK 10

The Suffolk Owl Sanctuary 16

World Cancer Research Fund 13/32

Tiggywinkles 16 Three Counties Dog Rescue 17 Last Chance Animal Rescue 18 Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue 21



Nerve Tumours UK 20

The Suffolk Punch Trust 24

The Seafarers’ Charity 25

Wild Futures 24 Heartbeat Home for Horses 26 Forever Hounds Trust 26 Hopefield Animal Sanctuary 28 British Chelonia Group 30


OVERSEAS AID ZANE: Zimbabwe A National Emergency 6

HEALTH & DISABILITY National Federation of the Blind of the United Kingdom 11

Kidney Kids Scotland 18

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