PostScript360's Annual Impact 2020-21

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Overcoming prescription drug dependence

Annual Impact review March 2020- April 21

Impact in 2020-21 11,004 telephone calls through our Telephone Support Service. 1,848 hours of one-to-one therapy. Assisted 340 people with complex cases. Supported 2,000 people of the harms and misuse of benzodiazepines and other similar prescription drugs.

What we do PostScript360 is committed to supporting individuals to reduce the harms caused by prescription drugs of benzodiazepines, Z drugs, sleeping pills, Pregabalin, Gabapentin and opiate-based painkillers of dependence and withdrawal through a wrap-around service of one-to-one therapy, group therapy and a telephone support service. We train health professionals, promote prevention awareness, as well as supporting people through an advocacy service.

Hosted 14 prevention awareness digital talks to families, drug and health organisations. 150 people fully recovered from a dependence of a prescription drug. Add a little bit of body text

Our activities Telephone Support Service. We provide practical advice, scheduled talking therapy calls, reassurance and support. We provide a tailored recovery care plan with a personalised taper plan for clients to reduce safely off Benzodiazepines and other similar prescribed drugs. This service is for those who live outside our area or unable to attend our Therapy groups.

Therapy 300. A face to face service of one-to-one therapy and group therapy for people who live in or close to Bristol, South Gloucestershire, Bath, North East Somerset. Therapy 300 is for those who want to withdraw safely off Benzodiazepines and other similar prescribed drugs, to improve their emotional and social wellbeing. Plus, an online group therapy for those living outside the catchment area, or those unable to attend.

Advocacy Service. Liaising on behalf of our clients to their GPs and other health care services to have a better understanding and outcome for our clients' wellbeing.

Training. For health practitioners who come into direct contact with people who misuse prescription drugs including benzodiazepines, Z drugs, sleeping pills, Pregabalin, Gabapentin and opiate-based painkillers.

Prevention Awareness Breaking down the barriers associated with prescription drug dependence, understanding the harms and misuse.

360 Clubs Soon to come, (on hold) a peer to peer group led by volunteers for clients who have left service , dependence free. who need additional support. Page 1

COVID 19 challenges COVID 19 has made this financial year our most challenging : Our community more isolated, depressed, with increased anxiety, longer waiting times for NHS mental health services, and breakdowns in communications with their GPs. More young adults misused prescriptions drugs for their anxiety, many self-diagnosed and selfmedicated, to fearful to go to their GP, with record numbers presenting to our service on a prescription drug that is not prescribed in the UK. Bereavement, isolation, shielding, loss of income and fear of COVID 19 triggered mental health conditions and exacerbated existing ones. Many people who presented to our service had increased levels of alcohol and illicit drug use. Received a higher number of calls of self-harm, suicidal thoughts and abuse, people struggling to access mental health services due to COVID 19. Over 30 % of people used COVID 19 lockdown restrictions to address their benzodiazepine dependence, presented to PostScript360 to start a taper recovery plan.

All Postscript360 staff worked throughout COVID 19 with the support of the National Lottery Community Fund in partnership with HMGovernment.

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How we responded To cope with the increased demand of our service, we installed a new telephone system on the 16th April 2020 in the height of the pandemic. The new system made it possible for our staff to work from home answering the Telephone Support Service, it has a hunt group system which means less engaged lines, critical when a person is in distress and needs support. PostScript360's Telephone Support Service had a increased of 177%, compared to the previous financial year.

PostScript360’s weekly support groups held at Gloucester House, Southmead Hospital, Bristol was suspended due COVID 19 restrictions. Groups were transferred to digital platforms, those who were unable to engage digitally were sent information by post and participated by telephone on a weekly basis. We had an increase of 164% of one to one and group therapy over the year. We assisted 260 people with our advocacy service, a 160% increase. We collaborated with Primary Care General Practitioners, Mental Health Nurses and other agencies to find the best solutions to support our clients to withdraw safely off their medication. We supported a further 340 complex cases, working with Primary Care services, social care services, other drug and health agencies, finding the right collaborative approach for the individuals' needs. PostScript360 had a direct impact on more than 2,000 people of the harms and misuse of benzodiazepines and other similar prescription drugs. We engaged with over 8,560 people who reached out to us through digital platforms and social media. We hosted 10 prevention awareness digital talks to drug and health organisations reaching over 400 employees. Plus, we ran 4 smaller talks to client’s family members to have a greater understanding of prescription drug dependency.

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Clients leave our services when they are drug free or have reduced to a low manageable dose of prescription drugs. PostScript360 has maintained its low re-representation to service, with only one service user re-presented to our service in 2020/21. Previously our total successful exits of people who have reduced or drug free was 93%. This contrasts to Public Health England (PHE) overall successful exits of 49% in 2016-17. Return to service PHE reports that of those in treatment on. 34% had more than three attempts at treatment. By contrast PostScript360 has had only 4 returns to service in 4 years.

We know we must never stand still, or stop caring, with 26 years of experience of listening to our clients, we are committed to innovate, deliver a more person- centred approach to lessen the harms of prescription drug dependence.

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'I feel empowered, switched on – like a light bulb ' Thank you PostScript360, you have been amazing – all of you, I am sure I have spoken to you all, even the CEO on my journey of recovery. Twelve months ago, I was at my lowest, thinking that I couldn’t live like this anymore, my prescription was not at the pharmacy, they had messed it up for the 20th time, I phoned my GP and cried down the phone. My GP suggested that I call PostScript360 as he had heard about your services, after being reassured by the GP that my prescription would be sorted by the next day, I phoned PostScript360, you guys were so kind, you must have thought I was a bumbling idiot, my speech was slurred, I could not stop crying, trying to fit my whole life story in my call. You treated me with respect, kindness, and positivity, after 30 minutes you gave me hope, the next day you called me, asked me questions about my dependence, the drug I was taking and why I took the drug in the first place, I had so many issues, but you talked to me and listened. Each week I spoke to you, and at the beginning I was phoning you at least four times a week. You provided me with a taper plan and gave me confidence that I could do it. There were times I felt I would fail, but you were there with encouragement. I have learnt many things about myself, and you guys always focused on the good, even when I was down in the dumps. When I completed my taper, you continued to help if I needed you, when I went back to work, I remember I was having a wobble and I phoned in my lunch break, you were there. I know how to manage my anxiety without drugs- thanks to you. Now I can stand on my own two feet, I feel proud that I am dependence free through COVID 19, turning a negative in to a positive – that is what PostScript360 stands for positivity. Client from Bristol "It now feels an age ago that I last took a Xanax and I am happy to say goodbye to those little devil Bricks! - Paul, former client

I feel free again! Thank you so much 😊😊❤ I generally feel clearer headed and more myself!! - Andy former client

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What are Benzodiazepines and why are they so harmful? Benzodiazepines are used to treat several conditions, including: Anxiety disorders: This includes generalised anxiety as well as phobias, obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Convulsive disorders: Benzodiazepines can help treat seizures typically caused by conditions such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy. Sleep disorders: Benzodiazepines are sometimes prescribed to treat insomnia and other sleep issues. Detox: They can also help people detox from other substances such as alcohol. When used as directed, Benzodiazepines can be an effective form of treatment, for a short time (2-3 weeks), over one month of use tolerance starts (meaning to get the same effect from the medication, the person must take more), this is where the dependence starts to kick in. Here are some telling facts and figures about Benzodiazepines, Z drugs and antidepressants use taken from Public Health England (PHE) report (2017-18), 11.5 million adults in England received a prescription for: Antidepressants 7.3 million people (17% of the adult population). Opioid pain medicines 5.6 million (13%). Benzodiazepines & Z drugs 2.4 million (5%). Gabapentinoids 1.5 million (3%). Sadly, these figures will have grown due to the pandemic. Overdosing on a Benzodiazepine is serious and can sometimes be fatal. It is typically most dangerous when mixed with other substances such as opioids or alcohol. How to treat Benzodiazepine and other similar drug misuse To treat dependence and misuse of a Benzodiazepine, Z drugs and other similar drugs, a tapering program is put in place. Quitting cold turkey can lead to increased physical and mental stress from intensified withdrawal symptoms, seizures and even death. The drugs are designed to influence almost every part of the brain; that is why they are so effective as anti-anxiety medication for short term use. But it is also why they are so difficult to stop. Benzodiazepines work by literally slowing down the functioning of the brain. They do this by enhancing the actions of a chemical in the brain called GABA - an important part of our brain’s natural sedating instrument; it sends messages from brain cell to brain cell telling them to slow down or stop firing completely. It acts as a leveler, allowing you to continue what you are doing without being overcome by anxiety. Eventually the GABA levels are no longer working correctly, the user increases their dose, trying to manage but knowing at the same time they are damaging themselves even more. Everyone's body is affected differently, it’s so important to tailor the tapering program to the individual and monitor closely. It can take several months to a couple of years to taper off successfully, depending on the individual and their usage. Page 6

It's not just about the drugs, it about the person

Therapy 300 assists clients to make the necessary changes to improve their mental, emotional and physical health. Our holistic wellbeing package aids clients to make changes to their daily lives by using a mind mapping therapeutic tool which helps them address improving their connections to society, diets, health/fitness and social networks. The mapping techniques show how feelings, actions, thoughts, and facts are connected, to then address the underlying issues that may have caused clients to take Benzodiazepines and other similar drugs in the first place. The data collected from our existing clients assisted us to give a realistic time frame for individuals to complete Therapy 300 of 6 to 24 months to withdraw from Benzodiazepines and other similar drugs safely and successfully. PostScript360 aim is to reach more people in need of support, we will continue to promote Therapy 300 through GPs, mental health agencies, communicating through social media, marketing and networking with other health professionals, similar organisations supporting people with drug dependency. We will train volunteers for our peer to peer support groups (360 Clubs) as part of our growth. We aim to attract volunteers that have had experience of withdrawal from prescribed drugs and have been free from dependency for 12 months, people who may have had a family member/friend affected by drugs, or individuals who wish to have a career in supporting people in this field.

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Now the for the statistics Nearly 12 million people – around one in four adults in England are taking medicines for pain, depression or insomnia, which they can find hard to stop, according to a government review. 'Too many people are being prescribed medicines that can cause dependence,' says Public Health England (PHE). 'Half have been on these medicines for a year or more and more than a fifth for over three years'.

In receipt of prescription drugs - benzodiazepines should only be prescribed short term not exceeding 2 weeks


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Sex - female and male


PHE's research was before COVID 19, figures are expected to have grown considerably during and post COVID 19. Provided by PHE Evidence review 940255/PHE_PMR_report_Dec2020.pdf Page 9

Our finances PostScript360 ends this financial year with a deficit, which was strategically planned for by the board of Trustees in 2019, allocating time for the CEO appointed in June 2019 to take the charity forward with a reorganisation of the Charity’s management structure and staff roles to enable PostScript360 to deliver its services more effectively. The charity has consolidated, tested and adapted to create a stronger platform of growth that will impact positively on the lives of thousands of people who have a dependency. This year - April 2020 to March 2021 – income received was £91, 611 with a deficit of £17,310 which was on target and what we set out to do. Comparisons to the previous year April 2019 to March 2020 - income received was £17,128 – with a deficit of £113,351, despite a pandemic PostScript360 made positive changes necessary for future growth and to deliver a new business model in supporting people to successfully taper/reduce off prescription drugs safely.

The changes that have been made are: Strengthening and adapting our services taking ‘what we know that works forward, involving our existing and former clients to create Therapy 300 and delivery a more personcentred approach. Building the charity’s reputation to be known as the best delivery service model for individuals withdrawing from Benzodiazepines and other similar prescription drugs in the UK. Worked closely with other organisations in mental health and drug agencies, GPs, and other health care services. Improving the client’s (service user) recovery experience, their sense of choice and selfesteem, enabling individuals to have greater self-knowledge of their condition, and ownership of their recovery. Supporting individuals to achieve a more balanced lifestyle through dietary, fitness and health, and to enjoy emotional and psychological stability.

Making our services sustainable for the future, we introduced a culture of asking for suggested donations towards our services, training health practitioners and organisations for a fee, and presentations to companies. Applying to more grant giving charitable trusts, parish councils and statutory funders.

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Going forward

We aim to empower and enhance our client’s recovery with knowledge, self belief and inspire self-esteem. With our expertise knowledge and continuous learning, we advocate for best practice amongst our partners, collaborators and peers. Our purpose is:

to have 20 therapy groups held at hospitals, GP Practices in our surrounding areas by the end of 2023; to grow our 360 Clubs, peer to peer support groups throughout the UK within the next four years; to enable 400 individuals to be dependence free, growing each year, to live a healthier and happier life: to reach more people in need of our support, through online one to one therapy, and therapy groups throughout the UK by 2023. to be the ‘go-to’ organisation for training and expert knowledge of the effects of Benzodiazepines and other similar drugs by the health professionals and practitioners; to promote prevention awareness of the harm of buying Benzodiazepines and other similar drugs through presentations to young and older people, and hosting short information videos via social media, presentations and events; to provide volunteering opportunities for student placements and for those who want to come back to the professional to have a greater understanding of the harm prescription drugs have on people’s wellbeing; and to work in partnership with other organisations in mental health, drug and alcohol, physical wellbeing, dietary and leisure activities.

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PostScript360 are extremely grateful to: John James Foundation Jack Lane Charitable Trust South Gloucestershire Council Albert Hunt Trust The National Lottery Community Fund in partnership with HM Government. PostScript360's community - clients and their family and friends who made generous donations.

PostScript360 1st Floor, East Wing The Kingswood Estate, Britannia Road, Bristol BS15 8DB

Tel 0117 966 3626 E. Follow us on:

Registered Charity No. 1056508

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