Oakland Post, week of May 29 - June 4, 2024

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A New York jury found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in his New York hush money criminal trial.

A jury of seven men and five women voted unanimously for the 34 guilty verdicts.

Judge Juan Merchan announced a sentencing date for July 11.

Alvin Bragg, the first African American to serve as district attorney in Manhattan, who braved threats and negative media attacks from Trump, led a prosecution that proved Trump’s participation in a conspiracy to undermine the

integrity of the 2016 presidential election and an unlawful plan to suppress negative information, which included concealing a hush money payment to ‘Stormy Daniels,’ an adult film star.

Even though this verdict is an unprecedented felony conviction of a former president or party frontrunner, Trump can still run for office.

Trump called the jury’s decision a “disgrace” and said the “real verdict” will come during the presidential election on Nov. 5.

President Joe Biden said on social media that his 2024 rival can only be defeated at the ballot box. In a press conference after the

verdict Bragg did not say if he will request a prison sentence for Trump.

He said, “The judge scheduled sentencing for July 11. We will speak in court at that time. We will also set a motion schedule. We’ll speak as we have done throughout this proceeding.”

Bragg said, “This type of whitecollar prosecution is core to what we do at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.”

Thanking the jury, Bragg said “their service is literally the cornerstone of our judicial system. They paid attention to the evidence and the law.”

Oakland Post

Special to the Post

The increased use of social media by teen kids ages 13 to 17 years old has been linked to many shortterm and long-term risks in their mental health, according to Kaiser Permanente doctors. Teens typically spend around five hours daily using one of four different

in the classroom.

Reach University is an Oaklandbased nonprofit that is dedicated to advancing undergraduate and graduate degrees and credentials in California. The program mainly partners with K-12 school districts to provide potential teacher candidates specializing in subjects such as liberal arts, math, science of reading, and computer science.

The Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) is partnering with Reach University’s teacher

accreditation program to provide a low-cost pathway for prospective teachers to earn their bachelor’s degrees while gaining experience

The partnership between ACOE and Reach University is intended to help fill the gap in teacher vacancies that 120 classrooms are seeing across the county. The program will accept no less than 150 candidates over the next three years, but demand is high and will possibly

24. Riley addressed more than 7,300 students receiving their degrees as well as their more than 30,000 guests. Riley was one of three recipients of the honorary doctorates, along with activist and actor Benjamin Bratt and the

educator Joseph L. White, who died in 2017. In his remarks, Riley stood in

Current Healthcare System?

In a May 22 Health Beat TV interview conducted by attorney John Burris, Dr. Geoffrey Watson and Dr. Ralph Peterson were asked, “As African American physicians, do you feel that you’ve been treated differently than Caucasian physicians?”

Dr. Watson and Dr. Peterson indicated clearly that they feel that they have been treated differently than Caucasian physicians.

Dr. Watson cited a recent conversation with Dr. Ernie Bonner, a pain management physician, who said that none of his white patients have been turned away from pharmacies for pain medication prescriptions, while many of his Black patients have been turned away.

Dr. Peterson agreed that within hospital pharmacies, and even with the medical board, African American physicians are not treated equally. A study by the California Research Bureau and California State Library indicated that Latino and Black physicians were both more likely to receive complaints from hospitals, pharmacies and other health institutions and they were more likely to see those complaints escalate into investigations and disciplinary actions. The doctors referred to an article published in the New York Times in 2020 that explained how racial bias still affects many aspects of the healthcare system.

The doctors explained that many African American patients are often wary of the current healthcare system, particularly after the Tuskegee Institute study, lasting from 1932 to 1972, in which African American men with syphilis were unknowingly

solidarity with students and educators at SFSU and other campuses across the country who are changing history by raising their voices and risking their personal safety for social justice here and abroad.

“In these times of political danger to our society, we must not rest,” he said. “San Francisco State University celebrates its students and faculty who engage in academic inquiry, debate, and protest, which are so very critical in seeking a just world.”

Referring to the fight for justice for the people of Palestine, he said, “I want to lift up the encampment

monitored without treatment. In the current healthcare system, African American patients tend to receive lower quality healthcare services, including for cancer, HIV and prenatal preventative care, which was noted through several research studies. In general, African Americans are less likely to receive treatment for cardiovascular disease and are more likely to have unnecessary limb

Burris told how his stepson


Burris asked, “Is there any evidence that Black patients do better or might live longer if they were treated by Black doctors?”

had been treated by non-Black doctors, was told that there was nothing wrong. He and his wife Cheryl advocated for her son and insisted on further testing, pain management and treatment, but later found that her son had died from late-stage cancer. Burris said his stepson’s death was also a result of racial bias and the lack

Dr. Peterson and Dr. Watson agreed that Black patients have better outcomes when they see Black doctors. A randomized study of 1,300 African American patients who were treated by Black vs. non-Black primary physicians revealed that those who saw Black doctors received 34% more preventative services. The study revealed that if Black men had received these increased preventative services, it would have reduced the cardiovascular mortality of Black men by 19% and improved life expectancy in Black men by 8%.

here where students and faculty fight for a cease-fire in Gaza and saying ‘no’ to genocide.”

At this point, Riley received a sustained ovation from the audience of thousands.

“I accept this recognition of my life’s work for civil rights, against racism, against police brutality, against exploitation of our environment and people for the benefit of the economic and political elite. I acknowledge all those whose work make the campus a place for truth and justice. Through our collective efforts we can move closer to a world where ideals become reali-

ties.” A lawyer whose practice areas include police misconduct, civil rights, and criminal defense. Riley serves as a board member of the Coalition for Police Accountability and chair of Deep Medicine Circle. He became an activist at a young age. He served as president of the young-adult chapter of the Durham, North Carolina, NAACP and organized voter registration drives, lunch counter sit-ins, job campaigns and campaigns to desegregate public accommodations, schools and businesses. He became

social media applications such as Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook and TikTok. Dr. Matt Zils, a child and family clinical psychologist at Kaiser Oakland Medical Center, said some short-term harms that come with overuse of social media include sleep deprivation, lack of exercise, and ongoing peer pressure beyond “Where there is no vision, the people perish...” Proverbs 29:18 postnewsgroup.com 61st Year, No. 22 Weekly Edition. May 29 - June 4, 2024 OPINION: Are Black Doctors Being Disproportionately Challenged by the
Alameda County to Partner with Oakland Teaching Credential Program to Boost Employment Opportunities Social
Media is Harming Teen Mental Health and Development, Kaiser Doctors
Health Beat TV show participants left to right are John Burris, Dr. Geoffrey Watson and Dr. Ralph Peterson. Jovan Lowe, a Reach graduate, working with her students at Peralta Elementary. Alameda County Office of Education and Reach University are partnering to provide a low-cost pathway for prospective teachers to earn their bachelor’s degrees or teaching credentials while gaining experience in the classroom. Photo courtesy of Reach University.
with some of his young medical and health trainees. Continued on page 8 Continued on page 8 Continued on page 8 Continued on page 8
Dr. Watson Alvin Bragg, the first African American to serve as district attorney in Manhattan, also made history as the first prosecutor to indict, prosecute and convict a former U.S. president. Official portrait.
Delegates Hand
Dis Amid Turmoil, Rising Hate and Fear, Jewish-Americans Celebrate Heritage ... see page 2
Package of Three Reparations Bills ... see page 2 Swapping Race Stories in Florida While Waiting for the Trump Jury ... see page 4
Out ‘Blessing Bags’ to Unhoused People ... see page 7
Doctors have found that the increased use of social media by teen kids ages 13 to 17 years old has been linked to many short-term and long-term risks in their mental health. Photo credit
to lakshmiprasad S, iStock.
Civil Rights Attorney Walter Riley Receives Honorary Doctorate
By Ken Epstein San Francisco State University (SFSU) awarded Oakland attorney and civil rights activist Walter Riley an honorary doctorate degree at the university’s commencement ceremony on Friday, May
gist, activist,
Walter Riley, center, receives an honorary doctoral degree May 24 at San Francisco State University. He is flanked by SFSU President Lynne Mahoney, right, and Wenda Fong, chair of the California State University board of trustees. Photo courtesy SF State.
late psycholo-

California Could End Donor and Legacy Preferences in College Admissions

The California Assembly approved a bill that bans admissions based on legacy ties and donor preferences at colleges and universities statewide with a 55-0 vote on May 21.

Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) and Tasha

Boerner (D-Encinitas) co-authored Assembly Bill (AB) 1780, which will now be considered by the State Senate for approval.

Ting said he introduced the bill in response to last year’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that banned race considerations for college admissions.

“If you work hard, get good

grades, and have a well-rounded background, your spot should not be taken by someone else just because their family can write a big check or is a graduate of that school,” Ting said.

It is well documented that a number of prominent universities around the U.S. consider legacy and affiliation with donors in the admissions process. At Stanford University, over 13% of admitted students have connections to alumni or donors. More than 14% of newly admitted students at the University of Southern California have similar ties.

If the Legislature approves AB 1780 and Gov. Newsom signs it into law, the state will impose a civil fine equal to the amount of CalGrants the university or college received in the previous year.

“If we value diversity in higher education, we must level the playing field,” Ting said.

Calif. Senate Passes Landmark Package of Three Reparations Bills

Last week, the California State Senate voted to advance three landmark reparations bills authored by Sen. Steven Bradford (D-Inglewood). The bills aim to redress the economic and social injustices stemming from chattel slavery in the American South and more than a century of statesectioned discriminatory practices that followed the Civil War.

The package of legislation now moves to the State Assembly for consideration.

The historic vote on Senate Bill (SB) 1403, SB 1050, and SB 1331 was held on the Senate floor late in the afternoon on May 21, while supporters representing several reparations advocacy groups observed from the gallery.

“l appreciate my legislative col-

leagues who have directly faced this important issue and shown great courage by passing these historic pieces of legislation,” said Bradford. “I look forward to working with the members of the Assembly to similarly pass these bills so we can present them to Governor Newsom for his signature.”

SB 1403 establishes the framework for the establishment of the California American Freedmen Affairs Agency (CAFAA), a statelevel department that would administer all reparations activities. It passed with a 30-7 vote.

SB 1050 would offer compensation to Black Californians who lost homes or had their land taken without fair compensation as a result of the racially motivated misuse of eminent domain. It passed with a 32-4 vote.

With a vote of 30-7 on the Senate floor, SB 1331 also passed. It proposes the establishment of an account in the state treasury for the purpose of funding reparations policies approved by the Legislature and the Governor.

Darlene Crumedy, a Bay Area resident and member of the Coalition for a Just and Equitable California (CJEC), is one of the reparations supporters who has shown up at every Senate hearing for Bradford’s compensation bills.

She called passage of the bills “historic and special.”

“Now the work begins in the Assembly, and they are going to pass there, too,” Crumedy said expressing optimism about the bills’ future.

Calif. Assembly Bill That Would Allow Warrantless Arrests Advances to Senate

Amid Turmoil, Rising Hate and Fear, Jewish-Americans Celebrate Heritage

Amid escalating tensions stemming from clashing and entrenched opinions about the conflict in Gaza – and the ongoing chaos on college campuses nationwide -- Jewish American Californians paused to celebrate Jewish American Heritage month this May.

On college campus and in neighborhoods across California, many Jewish Americans from different backgrounds reported fearing for their lives and safety.

Despite making up only about 3% of the California’s population, the Jewish community has faced a disproportionate share of religiously motivated hate crimes, with a surge in antisemitic attacks in recent years. According to the AntiDefamation League Central Pacific Region, antisemitism has spiked in the U.S by about 140% and by a staggering 202% in Northern California alone.

“It’s been a challenging time for our community. It’s been a dark and difficult seven months,” said Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, Vice President Kamala Harris’ husband, referring to the period of time since Oct. 7, 2023, when Hamas terrorists attacked Israel and killed nearly 1,200 people.

Since that attack, more than 30,000 Palestinians have died in Israeli retaliative attacks.

Emhoff, a former entertainment industry lawyer based in Los Angeles before moving to Washington, DC, was speaking at the White House on May 20 at a Rose Garden ceremony organized to celebrate Jewish American Heritage Month.


confront a problem that has been increasingly worsening over time,” Carrillo stated.

Assemblymembers Mike Gipson (D-Carson), and Carlos Villapudua (D-Stockton) are co-authors of the bill. Gipson and Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento), who are members of the California Legislature Black Caucus (CLBC), voted in support of the bill.

“I know a lot of us are feeling alone, afraid, and in pain,” Emhoff continued. “There is an epidemic of hate, including a crisis of antisemitism, in our country and around the world. We see it on our streets, our college campuses, and our places of worship.”

Earlier in May, Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a proclamation declaring it Jewish American Heritage Month.

“California is home to the second-largest Jewish population in the U.S., with thriving communities in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and other parts of the state,” Newsom said in a statement.

“This month, we recognize the enduring faith, perseverance, and resilience of the Jewish people and lift up the many ways that Jewish Americans enrich our culture, politics, civil society, and countless other areas.”

“Amid brazen displays of antisemitic hate, California is taking action to protect our communities and ensure that future generations never forget the lessons of the past, including the deliberate murder of approximately 6 million European Jews during the Holocaust,” Newsom continued.

The California Legislative Jewish Caucus (CLJC) is advancing legislation its members authored to help combat the increase in antisemitic sentiments and violence.

Members of the CLJC recently announced their priority legislation for the 2024 legislative season.

Those bills, according to the CLJC, seek to protect Jewish students on campus, better educate young people about the Holocaust

and modern forms of antisemitism, and address the rise in hate crimes.

The Jewish Caucus is also working to implement key strategies outlined in the recently released Golden State Plan to Counter Antisemitism.

Additionally, the state has launched the CA vs. Hate online resource, a platform that allows victims and witnesses of hate acts to anonymously report them.

“I am proud that the Jewish Caucus is laser-focused on legislation that prioritizes combatting this hate and making our state a safer, more compassionate, and more understanding place for all people,” said Sen. Josh Becker (D-Menlo Park), vice chair of the CLJC.

“The Jewish Caucus stands united and fully committed to working with other communities to advance our legislative package and ensure that the California Dream is achievable for all of us,” Becker said. The following bills are included in the Jewish Caucus’s priority package:

AB 2925: Including Antisemitism in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Author: Assemblymember Laura Friedman (D-Glendale)

AB 3024: Stop Hate Littering Act

Author: Assemblymember Chris Ward (D-San Diego)

SB 1277: Teachers Collaborative for Holocaust and Genocide Education

Author: Sen. Henry Stern (DMalibu)

SB 1287: Protecting Free Speech at Institutions of Higher Ed-


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The California Assembly approved Assembly Bill (AB) 1990, the “Secured Transactions and Organized Theft Prevention (STOP) Act,” with a vote of 44-1 on May 23.

The bill is now headed to the State Senate for consideration.

Authored by Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo (D-Boyle Heights), the bill would allow a peace officer to make an arrest without a warrant for a misdemeanor shoplifting offense. Carrillo said in a March 20 written statement that AB 1990 is “an urgent call to action in response to the alarming escalation of organized retail theft” incidents across the state.

Assemblymember Tina McKinnor, also a member of CLBC, opposes the legislation. She stated that it would be a “stop and frisk” law that would impact all races but disproportionately impact Black and Brown communities.

“It is our responsibility to

“We must keep a close watch on this bill,” McKinnor posted on the X social media platform on May 23.

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Assemblymember Phil D. Ting (D-San Francisco). iStock photo. California State Sen. Steven Bradford (D-Inglewood), left, and his Chief of Staff Carolyn McIntyre, right, leave the Senate chambers on May 21 at the State Capitol after three of Bradford’s reparations bills passed off the floor, including SB 1403 (California American Freedmen Affairs Agency). CBM photo by Antonio Ray Harvey. Shutterstock.
Income Limits One (1) Person Two (2) Person 30% $41,150 $47,000 50% $68,550 $78,350
THE POST, May 29 - June 4, 2024 Page 3 postnewsgroup.com

Swapping Race Stories in Florida While Waiting for the Trump Jury

When I met Nicole Persley, she was looking for a show to see at the Orlando Fringe Festival.

I told her I did a show about history.

“I’m into history,” she said.

I was in Florida this past Memorial Day weekend, performing my play, “Emil Amok, Lost NPR Host…” an examination of how my father’s life as a colonized Filipino in America impacted my life and my self-image.

There’s a story I tell about growing up in San Francisco’s segregated public schools in the 1960s. A lone Black kid was bussed in to desegregate, and my white friends responded by chasing him around the school yard.

After the boy left and vowed to return with his gang, I walked with my friends after school to our neighborhood and asked aloud, “I don’t know why those Black guys hate us white guys.”

My friends set me straight.

They told me I was the color of Pooh. Winnie the Pooh. Not white, just some kind of dark person, light enough to be their friend.

I remember that moment to this day.

Nicole Persley, a light-skinned African American woman and an artist, was struck by the story.

“You know about color,” she told me. So does she.

Growing up in Virginia, Persley thought for years she was white. Her mother was. And her father appeared to be, too. She wasn’t “passing.” She just didn’t know her history. Neither did her father who was just a teenager when his father (Nicole’s grandfather) died.

In college at the University of Michigan, Persley discovered the history of her paternal grandfather. Through genealogical research and DNA testing, Persley learned the truth about Alonso Bond Persley, Sr., a light-skinned African American who grew up in Macon, Georgia.

He attended the University of Michigan Medical School and graduated in 1915, the president of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. As an undergraduate, he attended Lincoln University, an HBCU in Pennsylvania, and lived in a traditional Black area. There’s no doubt, he wasn’t “passing.” He graduated medical school as a proud African American doctor.

Nicole realized she was not white and embraced her Black history, which is rich and includes her great uncle, Louis H. Persley, the first registered African American architect in Georgia. He was re-

cruited by Booker T. Washington to be part of the faculty and help build and design Tuskegee’s original campus.

Both of them served in World War I, which meant they held a special place in her heart Memorial Day weekend.

Persley acknowledges that her grandfather’s light skin was an asset.

“It was something that was necessary for him to survive due to the laws and Jim Crow policies,” she said in an interview with the International African American Museum.

Persley’s reaction to my show differed from others in the mostly white audiences I encountered in Orlando. Stories enable our empathy and help us realize we have shared pain and struggles. Asians, Filipinos, African Americans.

We have much in common when we hear and understand -and swap -- each other’s American story.

Waiting for the Trump Jury

That’s why you should take jury duty seriously.

The jury is the most important part of our justice system.

It all boils down to story.

Whose do you believe?

The prosecution has a ton of evidence, documents and checks signed by Trump, that show these weren’t “legal fees.” They were reimbursements made to Michael Cohen who borrowed against his home to raise money to buy Stormy Daniels’ silence. It was done just weeks before the 2016 election, so that the story wouldn’t hurt Trump’s presidential run.

There’s your motive.

About the Author

Emil Guillermo is a journalist, commentator, and storytelling monologist. Contact him at www. amok.com

postnewsgroup.com THE POST, May 29 - June 4, 2024 Page 4 OPINION:
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Sacramento: NAACP Members Push Priorities at State Capitol

half of the California Legislative Black Caucus during the morning session. He explained the importance of the oldest civil rights organization, how it is essential to the Black community, and its effect on the legislative process.

“Let me just simply say that I appreciate each and every one of you because America would not be America if it wasn’t for the NAACP,” Gipson said. “I am grateful for the NAACP. Though there are only 12 members of the California Legislative Black Caucus, we would not be where we are today if it weren’t for you.”

Bill (AB) 1827, Low-Water User Protection Act; AB 3089, Formal Apology for Chattel Slavery; Senate Bill (SB) 1050, Racially Motivated Eminent Domain; SB 1403, California American Freedmen Affairs Agency; AB 1567, Climate Resilience Bond Bills; and SB 867, a measure that proposes to fund projects that reduced fire risk and protects wetlands, waterways, coastal resources, and fish and wildlife populations.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People California-Hawaii State Conference (NAACP Cal/Hi State Conference) hosted its annual “Legislative Day” at the State Capitol and Capitol Annex Swing Space on May 20.

The day of activities is organized to inspire members to participate in the political process at the state level.

“NAACP CA-HI Day at the Capitol provides a platform for our branch members and youth leaders across California to par-

take in dynamic, collaborative sessions and dialogues with our state legislators who directly impact policy impacting communities of color,” said Rick Callender, president of the NAACP CalHi State Conference.

NAACP members attending the day-long event came from over 50 branches all over the state, including areas of the state with the highest Black populations: Los Angeles, Oakland, San Bernardino, Stockton, San Jose, San Diego, San Francisco and Stockton.

Assemblymember Mike Gipson (D-Carson) spoke on be-

The NAACP Cal-Hi State Conference advocates for legislative and policy reforms in areas critical to improving the lives of African Americans and all people who have been historically marginalized or underserved during legislative proceedings.

Representatives of Cal-Hi State Conference discussed six reparations and environmental justice priority bills it supports this legislative season at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in downtown Sacramento before the attendees visited the State Capitol in the afternoon to engage lawmakers.

The six bills are: Assembly

Teneicia Herring, Cal-Hi State Conference’s Government Relations specialist, and Carolyn Veal Hunter, the Cal-Hi Political Action chairperson, provided an overview of each bill, detailed how a bill becomes law and explained the role of a lobbyists.

CLBC members, Assemblymembers Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles) and Isaac Bryan (D-Ladera Heights) served as guest speakers at the orientation held at the Sheraton Hotel.

“We made it where we were going to have an impact,” Callender said of members of the NAACP meeting with lawmakers. “We made sure that they understand what is important to us.”

On Monday, June 10, the NAACP Cal-Hi State Confer-

ence will hold its 12th Annual Legacy Hall of Fame celebration honoring its 2024 inductees, Civil Rights icon Rev. Dr. Amos C. Brown, and film actor Danny

Jewish American Heritage Month ...

Continued from page 2

ucation Author: Sen. Steve Glazer (D-Orinda)

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library in partnership with the California Department of Social Services and the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs as part of the Stop the Hate program. To report a hate incident or hate crime and get support, go to CA vs Hate.

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event will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Sac-
postnewsgroup.com THE POST, May 29 - June 4, 2024 Page 6
NAACP Ca-Hi State Conference President Rick Callender, left, is shown with Asm. Mike Gipson (D-Carson), right, at the orientation held at the Sheraton Hotel for A Day At The Capitol. CBM photo by Antonio Ray Harvey. Members of the NAACP traveled from San Diego, Los Angeles, San Jose, Oakland, San Francisco, Fresno, Stockton, and other cities to participate in the Day at the Capitol to discuss Reparations and Environmental Justice bills. CBM photo Antonio Ray Harvey.

Sacramento: Young NAACP Delegates Hand Out “Blessing Bags” to Unhoused People

A delegation of youth and college students added a charitable touch when they participated in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) California-Hawaii State Conference (Cal-Hi State Conference) annual “Legislative Day” in Sacramento on May 20.

The young members of NAACP branches from all over the state attended the daylong event to learn about public policy and participate in the legislative process. They also discussed legislation focused on reparations and environmental justice.

The group’s benevolent gesture involved distributing packages of personal care and hygiene items to the less fortunate and unhoused population in the state capital.

The initiative is the brainchild of Zowee Williamson, the Hous-

Venus Butler, a member of the NAACP Branch of Los Angeles.

The young members dropped off some of the blessing packages to individuals they met as they walked to the facilities three blocks away and handed out a few more on their way back to the hotel.

“It was only about 100 bags but hopefully at future events like this we can give out more,” Williamson said.

According to the National Chapter of the NAACP, the Youth Council and Junior Youth Council are part of the oldest civil rights organization’s local units that provide training and leadership development for young adults under the age of 25.

ing Committee chairperson for NAACP Cal-Hi State Conference’s Youth and College division.

“These are ‘blessing bags,’” said Williamson, a 15-year-old resident of Stockton. “They are about blessings for people who may need blessings. We wanted to provide resources that people could use to get off the streets. I just see a lot of people – old and young — on the streets who are in need. We look at our community and say, ‘What can we do?’”

All of the members spent the morning going through orientation before visiting lawmakers at the State Capitol and the nearby Capitol Annex Swing Space where temporary offices are set up for legislators while the 73-yearold State Capitol is undergoing a facelift.

“This (is) a great day for all friends and members of the NAACP to gather together,” said

California Black Women’s Collective Will Crown 70 ‘Trailblazers’ at Awards Ceremony in June

Todd Griffin.

Cedric “The Entertainer” and his wife, Lorna Kyles, event co-chairs, will kick off the show. In addition, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, Los Angeles County Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell, and other dignitaries will attend the ceremony.

The Youth and College Division of the NAACP Cal-Hi State Conference is known to perform community work across the state by organizing a variety of workshops, including the thought-provoking “Stop the Hate Mock Trial,” a Youth Focused Dinner, an informational Juvenile Justice Workshop, and a comprehensive Health Forum.

At the NAACP Cal-Hi State Conference’s 36th Annual State Convention in San Francisco last October, Williamson said youth delegates also gave out blessing packages of personal items to the homeless – a popular program at her local branch in Stockton.

Williamsons’ hope is to get all 57 branches in the state involved and potentially expand the program nationwide among other NAACP Youth Councils.

“It’s just a start,” she said. “Once we have more resources to build it up, we can help get people off the streets, out of the cold, away from pollution. The world will be a better place.”

Seventy Black Women will be “crowned” when the California Black Women’s Collective Empowerment Institute (CABWCEI) presents the 2024 California Trailblazers Hall of Fame Awards Celebration. The event will be held at the historic Wilshire Ebell Theatre in Los Angeles on June 14 at 6:30 p.m.

“The Trailblazers Hall of Fame Awards honor and celebrate the remarkable achievements of California Black women who have made significant contributions in their respective fields,” said Kellie Todd Griffin, CABWCEI president and CEO.

“These trailblazers serve as inspiring role models and catalysts for positive change in our communities,” she said.

CABWCEI is a non-profit that is focused on impacting and improving the lives of Black women and girls throughout the state by partnering with corporate, social, notfor-profit and advocacy organizations to develop programs and initiatives designed to dismantle systemic and economic barriers Black women and girls face.

The Trailblazers Hall of Fame Awards is the first program that highlights Black women leaders from various parts of California. Honorees will receive an award and a bejeweled crown to represent their royalty and authority, said

The evening will consist of three segments: A VIP reception where more than 32 women will be recognized; an awards ceremony that will honor more than 38 Legacy Trailblazers and include top entertainment; and an afterparty with acclaimed deejays, dancing, signature drinks and hors d’oeuvres. For tickets, visit TrailblazerHallofFame. eventbrite.com.

Honorees are from multiple disciplines ranging from advocacy, corporate and civil rights to legal, entertainment and labor. They have all significantly impacted and improved the lives of Black women and girls throughout the state.

Inaugural events were held in 2022 in both Northern and Southern California and honored 100 women, including individuals such as Bass, U.S. Congressmember Maxine Waters (D-CA-43); Tia Orr, executive director of SEIU California; Crystal Crawford, executive director of the Western Center on Law and Poverty; and Yolanda Richardson, CEO, San Francisco Health Plan. This year’s event will combine both regions.

The California Trailblazers Hall of Fame Awards Celebration supports the work of the California Black Women’s Collective Empowerment Institute which focuses on improving the lives of Black women and girls by uplifting their voices and the issues that impact them. CABWCEI has three core programs – The CA Black Women’s Think Tank, Conversations for Black Women and Protect Black Women and Girls.

2024 CA Black Women’s Trail-

blazer Hall of Fame Awardees include:

Advocacy: Erica L. Manuel; Dr. Medell Briggs-Malonson; Mia McNulty, Ed.D, M.Ed., MPA; Pamela Sparrow; Shay Franco-Clausen

Business: Celeste M. Alleyne; Daysha Underwood; Kellie Hawkins Davis; Pamela BrightMoon; Sarah R. Harris

GenNow: Dr. Autrilla “Sheba” Gillis; Bilen Mesfin-Packwood; Carissa Smith; Hon. Dr. Khaleah Bradshaw; Khea Pollard; Mae Gates; Molly Watson

Legacy: Dr. Anna Malaika Tubbs; Arlan Hamilton; Azizza Davis Goines; Barbara J. Calhoun; Hon. Cheryl Brown; Hon. Cynthia Sterling; Hon. Dorothy “Dottie” Smith; Evette Ellis; Fran Jemmott; Glenda Gill; Hon. Heather Hutt; Ingrid H. Hutt; Jacquelyn DupontWalker; Kameale Terry; Dr. Karen D. Lincoln; Kendra Lewis; Kim Carter-Tillman; Kimberly A. Washington; Dr. Krishauna Hines-Gaither; LaNiece Jones; Latressa Wilson Alford, JD; Hon. Lori Wilson; Hon. Mia Bonta; Nolice Edwards; Regina Lawless; Renata Simril; Sandi Cook; Sandra O. Poole; Shawn Ray White; Hon. Dr. Shirley Weber; Tamala Lewis; Tammy Tumbling; Tanya Hart; Hon. Tina McKinnor; Hon. Yasmine Imani McMorrin; Yolanda “Cookie” Parker; Yvonne Wheeler; Hon. Dr. Akilah Weber

Philanthropy/Community: Abena Bradford; Darlene Futrel; Dawn L. Brown; Ellen Nash; Jennifer Powers; Kimberly Ellis; Latasha Thompson; Shameka Beaugard, MSW; Tavia Jenkins; Tia Delaney-Stewart; Tresla Gilbreath Politics/Government: Hon. Katrina Manning; Hon. Dr. Gethsemane Moss; Dr. Nkiruka Catherine Ohaegbu; Hon. Wanda L. Williams

When you get a Flex Alert, reduce your power use to help ease the grid and avoid statewide outages. The more people that save their energy for later, the more likely we keep the lights on.

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Teneicia Herring, Cal-Hi State Conference’s Government Relations Specialist, far left, and the State Conference Communication Director, Kristine Yabumoto, far right, take a photo with the young delegates before they distributed “blessing bags” to unhoused people on their way to the State Capitol. CBM photo by Antonio Ray Harvey. Courtesy of the California Black Women’s Collective Empowerment Institute.

Oakland Teaching Credential Program ...

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see increases in enrollment capacity over time.

ACOE will also be covering the majority of the cost for tuition fees for each candidate, meaning these future educators will only be responsible for paying $500 annually or $42 a month for their degree or credentials.

Kristin Bijur, ACOE’s Chief of Educator Effectiveness, explained that because a regular credentialing program like Reach can cost someone about $16,000, the county office is hoping that by removing the financial burden more people will feel inclined and encouraged to sign up for the collaboration program through Alameda.

On top of covering tuition fees, ACOE is providing the mentors for the internship to further create opportunities for educators and leaders in the area. The ideal is to eliminate the barriers that would otherwise discourage someone from seeking a career in education.

“I want anybody who has ever wished they could be a teacher to have access to becoming a teacher,” Bijur said.

Another goal from the partnership is to establish more diversity amongst candidates and give students the opportunity to see teachers that reflect themselves and the people they see at home every day.

Hector Camacho, Reach University’s Dean of Admissions and SVP of Workforce Development, stated that the diversity comes from not only what the teachers look like but also their journey into education. He says many of their previous candidates have paraprofessional backgrounds or work with kids in some other way.

“I think in this partnership with Alameda County, who also has [a diversity] focus, this isn’t just about teachers. This is about representative teachers. I think that intentionality there is really what’s leading to our demographics being just as representative of the students,” Camacho said.

Similar to Reach’s existing internship program, candidates will attend classes in a hybrid format while also teaching in classrooms to gain hands-on experience to better prepare them for when they eventually transition to a full-time teacher role.

Filling the current teacher vacancies is a much needed effort within the county as some schools have taken to using administra-

tive staff or teacher prep periods in order to meet the demand of so many students at one school. Substitute teachers are also called on to fill the gap, but because of the 30-day limit they have to stay in one classroom, more trained and credentialed educators are desperately needed.

Multiple reports and an Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) 2023 retention survey have shown that 60% of teachers surveyed are having issues with the cost of living and 55% with the low salaries the district offers. High levels of stress (52% of teachers) are also a factor influencing whether teachers stay or leave.

Bijur said that ACOE does not track data based on retention across the county but that they are working on ways to collect that information.

When asked about how transparent ACOE or Reach University are with candidates about these factors and realities, Bijur said that while they are greatly reducing the cost of tuition, this ultimately will not address the high cost of living. She added that access to teaching opportunities can lead to higher salaries and retirement savings for those currently working in school adjacent jobs that are not primarily educators.

Camacho said that Reach believes that successful teacher recruitment is linked to teacher retention. He referenced the affordability of the Reach program and the additional pay that candidates are making while working part-time in the classroom. He added that an “understanding of the realities of the job and ongoing mentorship to support those realities are also critical.”

“Given the on-the-job nature of the program, each candidate is able to experience the joys and challenges of being a teacher up close, and they receive mentorship from seasoned teachers and professors of practice as they move through those experiences,” Camacho said.

To be eligible for the collaboration program, candidates must meet intern admission requirements, such as having 45 hours of prior experience working with students or youth in a classroom and having secured a teaching position at a Reach partner K-12 district in Alameda County.

Eligible Alameda Countybased educators can apply through June 30, 2024.

NAACP Oakland Imani Youth Council Celebrates


The NAACP Oakland Imani Youth Council congratulated its 2024 ACT-SO winners and participants at the Oakland Mormon Temple on May 4.

Forty guests attended the event, moderated by the council cochairs Natre Burks and Maleah Flournoy.

The program opened with a prayer by Minister Brandon Waugh, a former president of the Imani Youth Council recently reelected to serve in that position. Rayland Albert led the singing of the Black National Anthem.

“We have great students in Oakland, and we are proud of them,” said Patrice Waugh. “We have young folks doing great things.”

During the post-event reception, family members congratulated the youth. Rayna Lett, the

Are Black Doctors Being Disproportionately Challenged ...

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of advocacy for Black patients. The 2020 New York Times article “The harm that comes from racism,” outlines extensive research showing that without Black doctors, the outcomes of Black patients are worse.

Both Dr. Peterson and Dr. Watson said they have experienced significant legal challenges within the healthcare system. Some of these challenges have come because of laws such as the “Stark Law” or anti-kickback law, which physicians are not educated on during medical school, residency or during their continuing medical education programs. African American physicians may experience legal obstacles when confronted with such laws and may experience increased disciplinary action, according to at least one 2006 qualitative study titled “In the minority: Black physicians in residency and their experiences.”

Burris asked, “What now may be the solution?” Dr. Watson commented that African Americans make up 13% of the U.S. population, but only 4% of current physicians and fewer than 7% of recent medical school graduates. There-

fore, there are not enough Black doctors to take care of all the Black patients. Advocacy by current and upcoming African American physicians is important to ensure their continuation within the community. Also, advocacy for yourself and other family members is extremely important to ensure that the healthcare system treats them in the same fashion as other patients.

On many occasions, Black doctors have been faced with exorbitant legal costs as has been the case with Dr. Watson and Dr. Peterson. Dr. Watson was convicted by a federal jury Nov. 1, 2023 of charges that included accepting kickbacks for patient referrals to home health agencies, health care fraud, and false statements relating to a health care matter. Not being lawyers, these Black doctors are trying to understand what the true issues are. Dr. Watson will be attending court on June 17, 2024, at 450 Golden Gate Ave. in San Francisco. He said he will need prayers, support and attendance from friends and the community. He also asks for financial support via GoFundMe donations. Visit gofundme.com and search “Are Black doctors facing unfair challenges?”

Social Media is Harming Teen Mental Health ...

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tite, and sudden mood swings.

Walter Riley Receives Honorary Doctorate ...

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a Congress for Racial Equality field secretary for North Carolina and the Southern region of the United States.

Riley moved to San Francisco in 1965 where he attended San Francisco State College. He was active in the 1968 student strike at S.F. State, participating in the campaign for Ethnic Studies, the Black Student Union and serving as vice chair of Students for a Democratic Society.

After leaving college in 1968, he helped lead a rank-and-file Black caucus among San Francisco MUNI bus drivers. He was also active in the labor and anti-war movements, working with the Black Panther Party and other community groups.

He continues to work for social, political, and economic justice for all people. Riley was the lead attorney for the “Black Friday 14,” #BlackLivesMatter protesters who disrupted Bay Area Rapid Transit service the day after Thanksgiving in 2014. He also represented other #BlackLivesMatters protesters, including those demonstrating against the police murder of George Floyd in 2024.

Among his many awards and recognitions, Riley received the Charles Houston Lifetime Achievement Award, California Black Lawyers Association President’s Award, National Lawyers Guild San Fran-

cisco Chapter Champion of Justice Award, National Lawyers Guild Law for the People Award and East Bay Sanctuary Covenant Award. He has been honored in the U.S. Congressional Record by Rep. Barbara Lee and in the California Assembly by Assemblywoman Jackie Goldberg. The Oakland City Council proclaimed April 27, 2013, as Walter Riley Day, and he received a Black Panther Commemoration Committee Award.

Riley spoke about the powerful student strike at SFSU in 1968 that gave birth to Black studies in the U.S. It was, he said, “a time of courage, of unity, of purpose...The police were called and bloodied many of us. Some went to jail; but today SFSU embraces and celebrates that strike and period of protest.”

“We emerged victorious,” he said. “We won the first Ethnic Studies program in the US; marking a pivotal moment in history. We opened the doors to academic exploration, to a deeper understanding of our world.”

The struggles of the past were important, but the fight continues, he said. “As we look back on those turbulent times, we see the seeds of our labor bearing fruit. We see the impact we made.

“Yet, there is still state-sponsored oppression, violence and hatred,” Riley said. “We know more must be done.”

proud parent of ACT-SO winner Jasmine Bell, said, “Jasmine has been a part of the NAACP Imani Youth Council for several years and I’ve seen nothing but growth. This year she stepped up with her gift of photography.” Bell shared how the NAACP helped her develop her presentation skills.

“The NAACP supported me with many opportunities to get out of my shell and be able to speak before crowds,” Bell said. “It used to be hard for me to speak publicly, so the NAACP has given me opportunities to speak publicly, and I now have a scholarship from the NAACP to travel to Vegas.”

Mentor Leticia Pinn of Acts Full Gospel Church said she considered it a privilege to pour into the program’s youth.

“It’s important to let our youth

the classroom. Long-term effects include self-esteem issues, negative identity developments, interference with development of healthy relationships, problems with communication, and lack of mood management.

Zils explained that because teens’ brains are not fully developed and their emotions are not easily controlled, risks for depressive episodes and anxiety are much higher with the added use of social media.

“What you’re being fed is this unrealistic view that everybody else in the rest of the world is having just the most amazing lifestyle and opportunities and relationships and looks fantastic all the time,” Zils said. “These are all curated images, teenagers especially don’t realize that that’s not that’s not the way somebody’s natural life is unfolding.”

But the responsibility to control how often kids are online should fall directly on the parents, says Zils and Dr. Dawn Sung, child and family psychologist with Oakland Medical Center.

Teens should have rules and regulations about how long or what social media apps they are using, both doctors stated. Parents should be checking their kids’ messages and what their content looks like on those apps to make sure that they are not getting into complicated situations.

Although parents might feel as though they are intruding on their children’s privacy, it’s more important to be safe and aware of what their young teens are consuming online for hours at a time.

Parents should look for warning signs to see if their child is experiencing the negative effects of social media, like bullying or self-esteem problems, that may manifest in withdrawing from close friends or family, disruptions in sleep or appe-

know that they bring hope and inspiration to not only their generation, but generations before them,” Pinn said, adding that a big part of mentoring is letting the youth know who they really are on their way to becoming “who God has called them to be.”

“The youth are way movers, that are here to allow God to use them as vessels to bring about change and show that through their resilience they become whatever God has them to be, unapologetically,” Pinn continued.

Pinn also shared the importance of organizational partnerships with the church and that unity in the community creates “strength in numbers.”

“Without God we can do nothing,” said Pinn. “When we come together in the church, and we come together with people of action in the community you have a non-stop force that says, ‘we can do all things through Christ who

Doctors have also observed a rise in these mental health issues over the years which can be largely attributed to the use of social media, although there are no definitive studies to confirm those relationships just yet.

Zils shared that when he started his career in the early 2000s, about 2 out of 10 kids were reporting experiencing suicidal ideation, but over the years and with more social media consumption easily accessible to young teens, that number has grown to about 7 or 8 kids out of 10.

“It’s hard to really pin down all the factors, but then you see studies that just removing screen time or removing technology for two to four weeks can significantly improve mood and depression and anxiety and self-esteem,” Sung said. “So, I think those things really provide support or evidence that there has lagged… there is a very strong likelihood that it’s correlated.”

When working with these teens, both doctors said they do not try to lecture or shame anyone for the excessive use of these apps, which can often be too addicting to give up. Instead, they ask their patients to participate in an experiment to time themselves for a few hours not using their social media apps and see how they feel at the end of that time. This allows for the teens to see for themselves what the impacts of online overconsumption can be.

“What I find for teenagers is they’re not going to believe what you tell them, or their teachers tell them or their parents tell them. It’s very hard for us to share our wisdom with another person whose feelings and life experiences are totally different. But they now see that there’s some sort of fluctuation even if they can’t immediately then enact a different relationship with social media,” Zils said.

strengthens us.’ We are better together.”

The local ACT-SO competitions and ceremonies showcase the results of the students’ hard work. Competition winners receive medals and prizes provided by the local and regional sponsors and contributors. The local gold medalists advance to the national competition and have the opportunity to receive scholarships and other rewards provided by national sponsors.

ACT-SO was founded in 1978 by author and journalist Vernon Jarrett.

The program’s goal is to provide recognition to young people who demonstrate academic, scientific and artistic achievement, allowing young people to gain recognition equal to that often gained by entertainers and athletes.

OCCUR’s SPARK Entrepreneurship Summit Held at Port Labs

OCCUR’s first SPARK Entrepreneurship Summit 2024 was held at Port Labs in downtown Oakland on May 3.

In its inaugural year, the event was designed to allow entrepreneurs a space to gain knowledge and inspiration among seasoned business leaders and industry experts to explore the latest in entrepreneurship, innovation, and business strategy.

The summit also served as the launch of The Founders Academy and The Founder’s Academy Entrepreneurship Program, a new OCCUR initiative focused on building a supportive community for both budding entrepreneurs and existing small businesses in the Bay Area.

“At SPARK we want attendees to learn how to launch, improve, and network with experts and fellow professionals,” said OCCUR president and CEO Dr. David B. Franklin, a non-profit strategist and minister

The summit featured an inspiring opening keynote address on entrepreneurship and opportunity in Oakland.

Expert-led talks allowed guests to dive into essential topics like launching a business, developing products with a user-centered approach, and securing funding.

Speakers included celebrity chef and event producer Tirzah Love; Ron Shigeta, Ph.D. a serial biotech entrepreneur at iAcceler-

ate.tech, and Amirh Davis, cofounder of Pillar Cowork and Childcare in Lafayette.

Loren Taylor an engineer, business consultant, and co-founder of Zaru Systems, a social impact startup, said, “With the right tools and support business owners can thrive.”

Taylor, a former Oakland City Councilmember, says his desire to bridge America’s racial wealth gap by helping disadvantaged entrepreneurs stems from his upbringing.

“I come from a family of entrepreneurs with a history of public and community service, and I’m dedicated to engaging and educating.”

Panelists included Franklin, Rohit Gupta, the managing director of Future Communities Capital (FCC); Isis Dillard, the Business Development manager at ICA; advisor and startup mentor Paul Kallmes, and representatives of the Pastors of Oakland.

Other participants included Oakland Deputy Mayor Dr. Kimberly Mayfield-Lynch, Samantha Wise, owner of Tip Top Shape bootcamp, and investor Jonathan Speed, founder of The Leadership Council.

SPARK also included a pitch competition and a discussion on blending faith and entrepreneurship, with insights from faith community leaders. Advice on team building, e-commerce, scaling, and ensuring ethical and efficient supply chains was also provided.

postnewsgroup.com THE POST, May 29 - June 4, 2024, Page 8
Panelists on stage at the SPARK Entrepreneurship Summit 2024 at Port Labs in downtown Oakland. Photo by Carla Thomas. OCCUR Vice President of Operations Jayaranjan Anthonypillai, consultant Loren Taylor, OCCUR President David Franklin at the SPARK Entrepreneurship Summit 2024 at Port Labs in downtown Oakland. Photo by Carla Thomas. Students Rayland Albert, Neveah Pittman, Jasmine Bell, Taylor Hill, Messiah Birks, Elaina Thomas, and Camren Lipson were all recognized their academic achievements and talent. Photo by Carla Thomas.
2024 ACT-SO Winners

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