Oakland Post, week of June 8-14, 2022

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Oakland Post “Where there is no vision, the people perish...” Proverbs 29:18

58th Year, No. 51

Weekly Edition. Edition. June 8-14, 2022


U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee Calls for Gun Violence Protection in Visit to Oakland’s Youth Alive!

By Sarah Clemens

U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee (D13) met with members of Oakland violence prevention program Youth ALIVE! (YA!) on June 3, 2022, a few days before she spoke about the impact of guns on the House floor in Washington, D.C. Lee toured YA!, one of several local projects that receive federal funding, as National Gun Violence Awareness Month kicked off. The meeting at 3300 Elm St. occurred less than two weeks after the tragic school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, which attracted worldwide attention and brought new focus to gun control conversations. While the visit mainly focused on Lee introducing herself to the staff and touring the building, the recent shooting was not far from anyone’s mind. In America, school shootings have become common — 27 have happened this year alone. The amount of guns in the U.S. is significant, with the Pew Research Center estimating in 2021 that 1 in 4 U.S. adults live in a household with one. They happen so often that think pieces about the public becoming “desensitized to murder” exist in abundance. And gun law reforms are rare and far between. While the House passed a significant gun control bill on June 8, 2022, its chances of becoming law are slim, considering its lack of bipartisan support. It passed just barely, by an almost exact

Front, from left: Sarah Clemens, Congresswoman Barbara Lee and H.E. Christian Peeples, AC Transit, Board of Directors. Back: Jonathan “Fitness” Jones.

party line of ​​223-204. Lee was one of those in support of the Protecting Our Kids Act, a strong legislative package that would save lives across the nation as well as protect East Bay communities from gun violence. It includes common-sense gun safety measures that will crack down on illegal gun trafficking, keep weapons of war out of the hands of teenagers, strengthen safe gun storage, restrict access to untraceable “ghost guns” and more. Lee told YA! staff, who were concerned about the surge of gun violence in Oakland, that

she believes we’ll be living in a period marked by gun violence for some time. While speaking with a few of the program’s clients, she stated that while progress toward an anti-gun future is important, so is “getting through that first phase.” When asked by the Post how long it might take until serious gun reform happens, Lee said, “hopefully not as long as it’s taken just to get to this point.” Lee elaborated, “I want to see a full ban on assault weapons, I want all steps taken to address the problem.” Lee’s concern was reflected

in her remarks to Congress on Thursday. “Gun violence is responsible for more than 32,000 deaths each year. This is a heartbreaking moment for so many of us. This is a public health crisis in our country. It’s an epidemic. The victims of Buffalo and Uvalde, Tulsa, and other mass shootings, they — they deserve more than our thoughts and our prayers. “Last week, I met with young gun violence survivors in my district. They spoke powerfully about the cycle of violence and easy access to guns, especially ghost guns. And they talked about the trauma endured by themselves, their families, and their communities…This bill responds to their call by raising the age for purchase of certain firearms.” A recent poll by the Washington Post found that 62% of Americans agree with Lee, and support banning semiautomatic weapons such as the infamous AR-15s. However, this general support does not equate to bipartisan support. Only 31% of Republicans said the same, and only 29% favored tougher gun laws in general. Despite this clear divide, Lee said she “wasn’t pessimistic” about potential reform. “Because we know what should be done, but we have to see this as a political struggle and hold members of congress accountable.” Rep. Barbara Lee’s press office and Youth ALIVE! web site contributed to this report.

Letter to City Council: Let Voters Decide If They Want to Give Billions to a Billionaire

Editor’s Note: The Oakland Post received the following open letter signed by many local residents: City officials are proposing that Oakland spend almost $1 billion of our state, federal and local tax dollars for a private stadium and real estate development on public land at Howard Terminal. Meanwhile, Oakland is struggling with homelessness, keeping schools open, maintaining our roads, improving our Port, adequately paying City employees and more. Oakland voters should have a say in how our public funds are spent. Councilmembers, please place “Public Financ-

Howard Terminal rendition.

ing for the Howard Terminal Real Estate and Stadium project” on the November ballot. Let Oakland Voters Decide! Signees’ names and residential districts are included below: Signed by: Susan Audap, D-6

Jahahara Alkebulan-Ma‘at Jeff Baker, D-3 Rick Baum, D-1 Ann Berlak, D-1 Doug Blacksher, D-7 (Black Business Roundtable) Doug Brown Carolyn Burgess, D-1 Lauran Cherry

Millie Cleveland, D-4 Paul Cobb, D-3 Ken Epstein, D-5 Kitty Kelly Epstein, D-2 Janice Ewing Jack Fleck, D-4 Mary Forte, D-7 Councilmember Noel Gallo, D-5 Lynette Gailord, D-7 Rashidah Grinage, D-4 Corrina Gould, D-7 Chia Hamilton, (SLAP) Brad Henry, D-6 Henry Hitz, D-3 Nirali Jani, D-1 Saru Jayaraman, D-6 Michael Kaufman, D-4 Timothy Killings, D-3 Continued on Page 10

If The City Council Won’t Vote For You, Don’t Vote For Them By Paul Cobb Publisher

The voters of Oakland demand the right to vote on whether the City of Oakland should spend a billion dollars of public money on a privately owned baseball stadium and luxury condominiums at Howard Terminal. We agree. If City Councilmembers want the voters to support them in upcoming elections, they must support the voters’ demand for a public vote on Howard Terminal now. In an April 6, 2022, poll of 800 registered voters, 76% said they want to vote on whether the City Council should spend public funds on Oakland A’s privately owned baseball stadium and luxury condominium complex. District 3 Councilmem-


ber Carroll Fife followed that poll with a Town Hall meeting where the vast majority of attendees voiced their support for a ballot measure and demanded that the City Council place the issue of public spending before the voters. As of this writing, thousands of voters have delivered petitions demanding the right to vote and we are told thousands more petitions are on the way. District 5 Councilmember Noel Gallo has heard the demands of Oakland voters and he is scheduling a hearing before the Council to place public spending on the ballot. We urge the Council to act. If they do not, we urge the voters to ask themselves “If Councilmembers do not support our right to vote, why should we vote for them?” Oakland faces many crises

including homelessness, public safety, school closures, and the loss of existing union jobs at Howard Terminal. Homelessness is such an urgent crisis that the City Council declared a local emergency just this week. How can we even consider spending public funds on a baseball stadium and luxury condos in these times of crisis? The voters demand a right to be heard and the City Council has a moral and ethical obligation to place the matter on the ballot. We are told that there are two major obstacles to a vote. The A’s say that if they don’t get their way they will take to the highway and leave, and Oakland will lose its last sports team. With people dying on the streets and crime at an all-time high, and since the A’s, who are co-owners of the Coliseum, have not signed a cooperation agreement with the new com-

munity-based ownership group that wants to launch a fast-track housing and jobs redevelopment plan for the very low-income residents and homeless population — who now live in the shadow of the Coliseum — it’s no wonder that some city and county taxpayers give a care if the A’s threaten to leave. And the number of homeless dwellers now exceed the number of fans who attend the games. When you poll those barely surviving with their monthly general assistance checks from Alameda County, which is selling its half-ownership interest in the Coliseum to the A’s, then it’s no wonder that some city and county taxpayers give a care if the A’s threaten to leave: They want the county’s equity stake to help build truly affordable housing now. When the City Council votContinued on Page 10

Barbara Lee. Wikipedia.org

Tony Thurmond. Wikipedia. org photo.

Malia Cohen. Board of Equalization.ca.gov photo.

Mia Bonta. Twitter photo.

California Primary 2022: Black Candidates Advance to the November General Elections By Joe W. Bowers Jr. California Black Media

Preliminary results are available for the 145 statewide elections being held to fill state and federal offices. California Black Media (CBM) reports that 68 Black candidates are running in 45 of the elections. That is 31% of the races. Blacks make up 5.8% of California’s population.

Polls closed for in-person voting at 8 p.m. on June 7, the final day of the statewide direct primary election. Vote-by-Mail ballots must be postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service on or before June 7 and received no later than seven days after Election Day to be counted. The last day for county elections officials to certify election results is July Continued on Page 10

Help For Non-Profits, Faith Groups Facing New Challenges During Pandemic

OCCUR, S.F. Foundation sponsor Zoom workshop on combining remote and in-person program planning

Carmen Bogan, MBA, CEO of The Bogan Group, LLC). Photo courtesy of Carmen Bogan, MBA. By Shy Alderman

In the new normal under COVID’s long shadow, nonprofit and faith-based leaders have been met with new challenges as clients, communities and congregations have transformed, scattered or even vanished.

Ellora J. Diehl, MBA). Photo courtesy of Ellora J. Diehl, MBA.

New challenges demand new solutions and a special Zoom presentation on June 23, 2022, by OCCUR and the San Francisco Foundation’s FAITHS program will do just that. In “Hybrid Program PlanContinued on Page 10

The Oakland Police Commission Needs You!

We need residents committed to reform to apply to be on the Police Commission. You must be over 18 and live in Oakland, and you can’t be a police officer or City of Oakland employee. You do not need to have a high school diploma or work history. Formerly incarcerated individuals are encouraged to apply. The job of Commissioner is rewarding, but it is not an easy one! Are you ready to spend time in meetings, meeting preparation, and committee work? Are you ready to face occasional resistance from City Hall and criticism from the community? Can you work with people you disagree with? Can you disagree without being disrespectful? Are you ready to be part of public meetings that are recorded and shown on KTOP (the City’s cable station)? Are you willing to learn more? If this sounds like a fit, see below! To apply, go to www.oaklandca.gov/policecommission. If you don’t have access to the Internet, or if you have any questions, call Selection Panel member Lorelei at (510) 368-5598 between 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., any day. Applications are due June 30, 2022.


THE POST, June 8-14, 2022, Page 2

Project Hosts Virtual Workshop for African American Families Caring for Mentally Ill, Substance Abusers By Tanya Dennis

a.m.-1:30 p.m. There, caregivers can seek information on symptoms, treatment options and the means for navigating Alameda County’s complex system of care. A four-person volunteer family member steering committee plans each event based on their own personal experience in caring for a loved one. The meetings are for family

(This story is part of a series on Black Mental Health) The African American Family Outreach Project (AAFOP) will host a free virtual workshop for family members who serve as caregivers for those Margot has BA in living with serious mental illSimon Dashiell Burris *Africana Diaspora Black History MORE A Month sociology and MA inThan educaness and/or substance abuse on Crossword: Juneteenth Celebrate! Saturday, June 25, from 9:30 tional and Clinical psychology.

Continued on page 8


Crossword - Celebrate Juneteenth! Across 1. *Famed slave revolt ship, 1839; 1997 film 8. *___ Brown; pro-footballer turned actor 11. *Toni ___; Pulitzer Prize novelist 13. Unit of loudness 14. Period of time 15. Whine like a baby 16. *"___ Is Us"; Sterling K. Brown's TV series 17. *Emancipation Day; June 19th 19. *HBCU Bluefield State College (WV): initials 22. *Poet Paul Dunbar's monogram 23. *One-named British singer 24. *"___ Help" Viola Davis film 25. *Tennis term for Serena Williams 27. *David cut down Goliath: 1 Sam. 17: 50 29. *Muhammad ___; champ boxer 31. *Jamie Foxx Oscar winning film 33. _ _ _ ss chard, cheese, or steak 34. *Cornel or Kanye 36. Postal Address File: initials 38. Suffix with social or novel, for example 40. *LeBron James' sports tool, so to speak 42. Su _ _ ise: daybreak 43. *Joel A. Rogers' "_ _ _ and Race" (1944) 44. *New Jersey's first Black senator: 2 wds. 47. *Hank Aaron / Al Sharpton: monograms 48. Victory signs 49. *Initials for educator Booker T. Washington 52. Voice below soprano 53. *November event, for Kamala Harris (2020) 55. *Billy ___ Williams or Ruby 56. *"From This Moment On": Lena Horne song, paraphase Down 1. *African Methodist Episcopal (Church), for short 2. *_ _ _ occo: North Africa 3. *Mr. Aldridge; Shakespearean actor: (1807-1867) 4. Senior, for short 5. *Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's dominant fortes 6. In pieces 7. Hand (out) 8. * Civil Rights congressman from Georgia: 2 wds. 9. "What's ____ for me?": 2 wds. 10. Work well together 12. Brooklyn pro-basketball team














24 29 34






47 52 55












40 44


25 30




27 32

36 41



33 37





46 48




54 56

13. *Jackie Robinson specials, informally 18. *Shaquille O'Neal shoe sizes, perhaps 19. *Bernie Thompson; Miss. congressman: monogram 20. *HBCU North Carolina university 21. Observe 26. *Bill Robinson's dance style 28. *Solomonlike 30. Parents' lay-down-the-law words 32. *Derek Jeter's teammates 35. Bible versions: KJV, NIV, GNB or _ _ _ 37. Michealangelo painting, for one 39. *Original Juneteenth state: abbr. 41. *Sidney Poitier film; "To Sir, With ___" 44. *Actor Boseman's nickname 45. *Arab League: Oman, Algeria, Libya, Egypt: initials 46. Oak Elton, Louisiana: acronym 49. Crib 50. *"___ Close For Comfort"; Ella Fitzgerald song 51. Direction opposite ESE 54. Task force: abbr.

See next week’s issue for answers

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Learning Black History Year-Round

Opal Lee, the “Grandmother of Juneteenth” By Tamara Shiloh

Juneteenth, known as the “second Independence Day,” celebrates the freedom of enslaved people in the U.S. at the end of the Civil War. The name references the holiday by combining the month and day (June 19). It was on June 19, 1865, when U.S. troops arriving in Galveston, Texas, alerted the enslaved people that they had been free since Jan. 1, 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. The decree, issued about halfway into the Civil War, freed those enslaved in most of the states in what was then the Confederacy and also allowed Black men to serve in the Union Army. The addition of more than 200,000 Black troops was significant in the defeat of the Confederacy in April of 1865 but the news didn’t reach Texas until two months later. Texas wasn’t the only state that held ‘freedom’ festivals as slavery ended, but unlike Juneteenth, the other celebrations faded out. In Texas, however, the observance, also known as ‘the colored people’s fourth of July,” remained strong, becoming a state holiday in 1980. During the Great Migration, Black Texans brought the observance to other cities across the country with sizeable Black populations and Juneteenth enjoyed a resurgence with festivals small and large. Still, it wasn’t until June 17, 2021, that President Joe Biden signed Senate Bill S. 475 to set aside Juneteenth as the 11th federal holiday. But this effort did not start

Opal Lee. Courtesy of the Juneteenth Legacy Project. with Biden. Decades before the signing, Opal Lee (1926–), a retired teacher and community activist, began campaigning to make Juneteenth a national holiday. In 2016, she started the Opal’s Walk to Wash., D.C., walking 2.5 miles in different areas of the country. That led to Lee, dubbed the grandmother of Juneteenth, eventually delivering Congress a petition with 1.5 million signatures. Lee said that she decided to “walk from Fort Worth to Washington D.C., doing two and a half miles in the morning and two and a half in the afternoon to symbolize that in Texas, the enslaved didn’t know they were free for two and a half years after everybody else.” The oldest of three children of Mattie and Otis Flake, Opal was born in Marshall, Texas. The family relocated to Fort Worth, Texas, when Opal was about age 10. They later settled in Terrell Heights, then a mostly white area. It was a home, Lee said, that her “mom had it fixed up so nice.” Terror struck the family on June 19, 1939, when 500 white

rioters vandalized and burned down their home. Recalling the incident years later, Lee recalled on an episode of the Oprah Daily show that certain people “didn’t want us in that neighborhood, and they tore that place apart and burned the furniture … The fact that it happened on the 19th day of June has spurred me to make people understand that Juneteenth is not just a festival.” Lee first learned about Juneteenth while living in Marshall. “We would go to the fairgrounds for the festival. Everybody would have such a good time. There were sack races, food, dominoes, all kinds of things. When we got to Fort Worth, not so much. People celebrated with their families.” Lee attended Fort Worth’s first Black high school, I.M. Terrell, graduating in 1943 at age 16. She married and had four children but divorced after five years. She later earned her bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Wiley College in Marshall, and a master’s degree in counseling Continued on page 3


THE POST, June 8-14, 2022, Page 3

Are You a Nonprofit Leader? You Probably Domestic Violence Orgs: Gov., Lawmakers Must Need Technical Assistance Support Add Prevention Funding to Final Budget By Charla Montgomery

Non-profit leaders are usually so caught up in the day-today effort to deliver services to the community that they are often unaware of help they really need: In this case, technical support. Savvy in most areas to fulfill their duties, the offer of help for technical assistance can seem to be just one more thing added to an already full plate. A technical assistance expert can help you navigate through many nonprofit challenges from organizational development through establishing the most effective and sound programming. I have worked in the nonprofit industry for over 10 years and have provided technical assistance to many small nonprofit leaders/administrators. I’ve learned that besides their usual duties, the average executive director (ED) would be wise to keep two things in mind: No. 1, analysis and No. 2, evaluation. In my opinion, these two processes are key practices needed to achieve impactful and longterm community development as well as organizational success. Leaders must periodically allow time to examine internally and externally what’s being done, how it’s being done and if what’s being done is effective. There are many tried and true methods for analyzing and evaluating, but how do you know which methods will work best for your organization and result in the most efficiently executed and community beneficial outcomes? This is where technical assistance can really help nonprofit leaders. What Kind Technical Assistance Do You Need? Let me start by giving you an

Charla Montgomery

example. Let’s say you have a few amazing ideas about how to alleviate a number of major economic barriers for the clients you serve but are not sure which idea would be most effective or be the best method for executing the idea. his would be the time to rely on your background in strategic planning, program development, evaluation and project management, right? Well, what if your background in these areas is not as solid as they could be or perhaps you are only familiar with the areas in theory? You have to ask yourself the million-dollar question, “do I really know everything I should to implement these program ideas and produce the most impactful outcome?” That’s where technical assistance comes in. Many technical assistance

experts have learned over time through experience. They are familiar with various setbacks, poor planning calamities, testing theories, learning from negative results and achieving more wins than losses. The good news for you is you don’t need to be an expert; you just need access to them. Technical assistance resources are plentiful and are encouraged by most funders. In fact, some funders provide grant awards to cover technical assistance costs. Here are just a few primary business areas where you can receive technical assistance support. • Administration/Operations • Program Development • Project Management • Fund Development • Human Resources • Marketing/Promotions • Strategic Planning • Client Development All nonprofits, even those with active, experienced board members and staff could use expertise in these areas to some degree. Remember, even in the nonprofit world “it takes a village” to successfully serve a village. Next: Advice on how to best select your technical assistance advisor. Please visit my web site, www.createthecapacity. com, for more information.

Opal Lee, the “Grandmother of Juneteenth”

Continued from page 2

and guidance from North Texas State University. Lee worked as an educator for the Fort Worth Independent School District for 15 years and a home school counselor for nine years before retiring in 1977. “Each of us can make a difference,” Lee said about the lessons one can learn from her life. “It doesn’t have to be anything spectacular … You can do an act of kindness every single solitary day because it’s needed.” Inspire your children to appreciate Juneteenth. Share Alice Faye Duncan’s “Opal Lee and What It Means to Be Free: The True Story of the Grandmother of Juneteenth.”

By Edward Henderson, California Black Media

Last month, Gov. Gavin Newsom released his May Revise of the state budget. Included in the whopping $300.6 billion budget proposal are generous allocations to fund initiatives in health, higher education, public safety, and other areas. However, California-based domestic and sexual violence prevention organizations say they are “disappointed” that Newsom did not honor their request for $40.5 million in funding for domestic and sexual violence prevention. Now, as the governor’s office and Legislature hammer out details of the final budget, The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence (The Partnership) sent out a press release critical of Newsom’s budget plan. “Domestic and sexual violence are not inevitable and can be prevented with long-term initiatives that educate and equip Californians to change unacceptable social norms and systems that perpetuate violence,” The Partnership’s statement read. The domestic violence advocates say their plan includes $15 million that would go toward ongoing funding for prevention programs and an additional $25.5 million for “under-resourced and over-represented communities to support culturally specific responses, innovations, and holistic approaches to end violence for future generations.” The advocates are now calling on leadership and members of the Legislature to ensure a comprehensive approach to addressing sexual violence and domestic violence is included in the final budget that will be released June 15. Eric Morrison-Smith, executive director of the ‘Alliance for

Boys and Men of Color,’ is part of a network of organizations coming together to fight for funding to keep preventative programming initiatives alive. “Everyone deserves healthy and safe relationships and that builds healthy and safe communities,” said Morrison-Smith. “We believe it is necessary to move towards restorative justice,

LEGALS not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). 7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14/19 CNS-3276347# OAKLAND POST

community-based healing and accountability when it comes to cases of sexual and domestic violence. Funding organizations that represent the communities these individuals come from helps end the cycle of abuse that often stems from what they’ve seen hat home into their adult lives.” To read the full story, go to postnewsgroup.com

LEGALS By: C. SANCHEZ, Deputy 7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14/19 CNS-3272913# MARIN COUNTY POST


Sundays, and holidays excepted . 6-940.10 Colonial Drive . On the northwesterly and southeasterly curblines, from the prolongation of the northeasterly curbline of St. Johns Drive, northeasterly to the end. 6-940.20 St. Johns PUBLIC NOTICE Court . On the northwesterly and southeasterly curblines, from the prolongation of the NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING, PUBLICATION AND REQUEST FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS ONJohns northeasterly curbline of St. THE CITY OF OAKLAND’S ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR FY 2022/23 & SUBSTANTIAL Drive, northeasterly to the end. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 6-940.30 St. Johns Drive AMENDMENTS HOPWA PROGRAM . On the NAME STATEMENTTO PRIOR ANNUAL ACTION PLANS FOR THE northeasterly and southwesterly File No. 561231 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING curblines, from the prolongation Fictitious Business Name(s): of the 2022/23 northwesterly curbline ONon THE ThePressure, Public is invited to review the City of Oakland’s Annual Actionof All 2306 65th Ave., and comment Paseo Grande, northwesterly BUDGET OF THE Plan which be submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).V This Oakland, CAwill 94605, County of to the end. SECTION This PERALTA COMMUNITY Alameda ordinance shallfederal take effand ect and DISTRICT document provides a concise summaryCOLLEGE of the actions, activities, and the specific non-be Registrant(s): in force 30 days from and after the federalPorter, resources willAve., be used in FY 2022/23 to address the priority needs and specific goals Isaah 2306that 65th THE GOVERNING BOARD OF date of its passage, and before Oakland, CAby94605 identified the City’s 5-Year Consolidated Plan. COMMUNITY the expiration of 15 days after THE PERALTA Business conducted by: an COLLEGE DISTRICT WILL its passage it shall be published individual HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON once with the names of the The members voting for or against the The registrant AAP also began serves to as transact an application funds under the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban THE for PROPOSED BUDGET business using the fictitious OF THE DISTRICT FOR THE same in the Inter-City Express, a Development (HUD) grants below: business name(s) listed above YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2020, newspaper published in the said on n/a PRIOR TO FINAL ADOPTION County of Alameda. Adopted by I declare that all information in this AS REQUIRED BY THE the Board of Supervisors of the Development Block Grant (CDBG) statement• is Community true and correct. (A CALIFORNIA County of Alameda on the 6th day CODE OF registrant• who declares as true Partnerships HOME Investment (HOME)TITLE REGULATIONS, 5 of August, 2019, by the following any material matter pursuant to SECTION 58301. called vote: Ayes: Supervisors • Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Section 17913 of the Business Chan, Miley & President Valle - 3 and Professions codeOpportunities that the THE • Housing forPUBLIC Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) HEARING WILL BE Noes: None Excused: Supervisors registrant knows to be false HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM Carson & Haggerty RICHARD is guilty of a misdemeanor OF THE PERALTA COMMUNITY VALLE PRESIDENT, BOARD OF punishable by a finefor notthe to exceed A Public Hearing AAP willCOLLEGE be held virtually, onLOCATED Tuesday July 5, 2022, during the 1:30ANIKA pm SUPERVISORS ATTEST: DISTRICT, one thousand dollars [$1,000].) CAMPBELL-BELTON OF AT 333 STREET, Council meeting via Zoom. The public willE.beEIGHTH able to view and participate in the publicCLERK hearing /s/ Isaah Porter, Owner OAKLAND, CA 94606-2844, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS made available viafiled KTOP For public participation viewing instructions to: This statement was withand the Zoom. APPROVED AS TO go FORM: ON SEPTEMBER 10, 2019,and County Clerk of Alameda County COMMENCING R. ZIEGLER, AT the 7:00“Agenda” P.M. DONNA https://oakland.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx, select icon for the City COUNTY Council on July 15, 2019 COUNSEL By: Kathy Lee, Deputy THE PUBLIC meeting on 5, 2022. with Translation services IS andCORDIALLY assistance for persons with disabilities is NOTICE: In July accordance INVITED TO ATTEND THE County Counsel subdivision (a) ofadvance Section request. 17920, HEARING 8/14/19 available upon See detailsAND on the 5, 2022 City Council Agenda. ANYJuly RESIDENT a fictitious name statement OF THE DISTRICT MAY APPEAR CNS-3282369# generally expires at the end of AND EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS OAKLAND POST fiAvailability ve years from date on which CONCERNING ofthe AAP ANY ITEM it was filed in office of the county CONTAINED THE The AAP is available online for review andWITHIN feedback between June 9, O-2019-28 2022 – July 9, 2022 clerk, except, as provided in public PROPOSED BUDGET. subdivision (b) of Section 17920, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING . https://www.oaklandca.gov/news/2022/public-review-for-the-2022-2023-annual-action-plan where it expires 40 days after any THE PROPOSED BUDGET IS THE APRIL 9, 2017 THROUGHT Any modifications public AAP will be noted on this site as well. change in the factstoset forth hearing in ON orFILE JUNE 25, 2022 AND IS AVAILABLE the statement pursuant to section FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AT MEMORANDUM OF 17913 other than a change in the THE FOLLOWING LOCATION: UNDERSTANDING Submission of Written Comments residence address of a registered BETWEEN THE PERALTA COMMUNITY Public A comments or requests additional information on the AAP mustALAMEDA be submitted by July 9, owner. new fictitious businessfor COLLEGE COUNTY DISTRICT, FINANCE name statement must be fi led MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES 2022 at CDE@oaklandca.gov withDEPARTMENT, Subject: “AAP Comments”. LOCATED before the expiration. ASSOCIATION (GENERAL AT 333 E. EIGHTH STREET, The filing of this statement does OAKLAND, CA 94606-2844. GOVERNMENT UNIT) not of itself authorize the use in AND THE this state of a fictitious business THE PROPOSED BUDGET WILL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA name in violation of the rights of REMAIN AVAILABLE FOR THE The Board of Supervisors of the another under federal, state, or PUBLIC County of Alameda ordains as common law (see Section 14411 INSPECTION AT THE ABOVE follows: et seq., Business and Professions LOCATION SECTION I COMMENCING Code). The Appendix A in the April 9, AUGUST 26, 2019, 7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14/19 THROUGH THE DATE OF 2017 through June 25, 2022 CNS-3276346# THE PUBLIC HEARING ON Memorandum of Understanding OAKLAND POST between the Alameda County SEPTEMBER 10, Employees 2019, FROM THE HOURS OF Management Association (General Government 8:00 A.M. THROUGH 4:30 P.M., FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Unit) and the County of Alameda, EXCEPT STATEMENT SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND applicable to employees in File No. 147225 Representation Units R15, R44, The following person(s) is doing HOLIDAYS. ANYONE DESIRING R45, R48, R49, and R53, is A COPY OF business as: hereby amended by the addition Benessere Pet Care, 121 Quail THE BUDGET SUMMARY MUST thereto of the following job code Ct., Novato, CA 94949, County DO SO IN WRITING AT THE and title, to be effective July 14, OFFICE OF of Marin. VICE CHANCELLOR 2019: Fabiola Addamo, 121 Quail Ct., THE FOR FINANCE AND Job Code 4951SM, Water Quality Novato, CA 94949 Manager, Zone 7 LOCATED This business is conducted by an ADMINISTRATION, SECTION II IN THE ADMINISTRATION individual. This ordinance shall take effect The registrant commenced to BUILDING. COPIES OF THE immediately, and before the SUMMARY WILL ALSO BE transact business under the expiration of fi fteen days after its fictitious business name or names MADE AVAILABLE AT THE passage, shall be published once BUDGET HEARING. listed above on 07/17/2019 with the names of the members, /s/ Fabiola Addamo, Owner voting for and against the same This statement was filed with the ALBERT J. HARRISON, II CHANCELLOR FOR in the Inter-City Express, a County Clerk of Marin County on VICE newspaper published in the said FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIO July 17, 2019. County of Alameda. 8/14, 8/21/19 Shelly Scott, County Clerk Adopted by the Board of CNS-3283496# By: Olga Lobato, Deputy Supervisors of the County of OAKLAND POST 7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14/19 Alameda, State of California, on CNS-3276048# July 23, 2019, by the following MARIN COUNTY POST ORDINANCE NO. O-2019-30 called vote: Supervisors Chan, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AYES: Haggerty, Miley & President Valle FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME CHAPTER 1, RELATING TO – 4 “TRAFFIC REGULATIONS – STATEMENT COUNTY HIGHWAYS” OF TITLE NOES: None File No. 2019147146 EXCUSED: Supervisor Carson The following person(s) is (are) 6, RELATING TO “VEHICLES – 1 AND TRAFFIC” OF THE doing business as: RICHARD VALLE something/ANYTHING, 20 ALAMEDA COUNTY PUBLIC President of the Board of (ACPW) TRAFFIC Princess St, Sausalito, CA 94965 WORKS CODE The Board of Supervisors Supervisors County of MARIN County of Alameda, State of Mailing Address: 23 Alhambra of the County of Alameda ordains California as follows: SECTION I Article 7, Circle, Fairfax, CA 94930 ATTEST: ANIKA CAMPBELLrelating to “No Parking Zones and Artisan Objects, LLC, 20 Princess No Stopping Zones” of Chapter 1 BELTON St, Sausalito, CA 94965 Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, of Title 6 of the Alameda County This business is conducted by a Public Works Traffic Code is County of Alameda limited liability company Approved as to Form The registrant(s) commenced amended by the addition of DONNA R. ZIEGLER, County to transact business under the Sections 6-272.13, 6-272.14 Counsel fictitious business name or names and 6-272.15 to read: 6-272.13 By: Kristy van Herick Greenridge Road (most easterly listed above on 08/13/2014. leg) . On the northwesterly 8/14/19 Artisan Objects, LLC curbline, from the prolongation CNS-3282330# S/ Sandra Allen, Owner OAKLAND POST This statement was filed with the of the northerly curbline of Crow County Clerk of Marin County on Canyon Road, northeasterly a distance of 207 feet. 6-272.14 07/03/2019. Greenridge Road (most westerly Notice is hereby given that this Shelly Scott, County Clerk leg) . On the northeasterly and is an Online Bid Process; only C. SANCHEZ, Deputy southwesterly curblines, from bids submitted through the 7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14/19 the prolongation of the northerly online portal will be accepted. CNS-3275274# curbline of Crow Canyon Road, Please logon or register at https:// MARIN COUNTY POST northwesterly a distance of ezsourcing.acgov.org/. OUTREACH 170 feet. 6-272.15 Greenridge VENDOR AND NON-MANDATORY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Road (most westerly leg) . On NETWORKING BIDDERS the southeasterly curbline, from STATEMENT the prolongation of the northerly CONFERENCE for RFP #901758 File No. 147345 Religious Services Programs The following person(s) is doing curbline of Crow Canyon Road, VENDOR OUTREACH northeasterly a distance of 420 business as: Wednesday, August 21, 2019 Rock & Woo, 6 Oak Crest Ct. feet. SECTION II Section 6-564.2 at 10:30AM Public Works, 951 Apt. B, Novato, CA 94947, of Article 15, relating to “Midblock Turner Court Room 230, Hayward Crosswalks” of Chapter 1 of Title County of Marin. CA 94545 NON-MANDATORY Woo Mama LLC, 6 Oak Crest Ct. 6 of the Alameda County Public NETWORKING BIDDERS Works Traffic Code is repealed. Apt. B, Novato, CA 94947 CONFERENCE: Thursday, This business is conducted by Article 15, relating to “Midblock August 29, 2019 at 1:30PM GSACrosswalks” of Chapter 1 of Title limited liability company Procurement, 1401 Lakeside The registrant commenced to 6 of the Alameda County Public Drive, 10th Fl., Rm. 1010, transact business under the Works Traffic Code is amended by Oakland, CA 94612 OR online fictitious business name or names the addition of Section 6-564.3 to see webpage Response Due by read: 6-564.3 Sunset Boulevard . listed above on N/A 2:00 PM on October 2, 2019, /s/ Edlyn Scafani - Managing Six (6) feet on each side of a point COUNTY CONTACT: Kachina on the northeasterly curbline, Member Handy at (510) 208-9644 or This statement was filed with the 960 feet northeasterly from the via email: kachina.handy@ County Clerk of Marin County on prolongation of the northeasterly acgov.org. Attendance at curbline of Princeton Street. July 31, 2019. SECTION III Sections 6-705.72 Vendor Outreach and Networking Shelly Scott, County Clerk Conference is Non-mandatory. and 6-705.17 of Article 20, By: J. Mannion, Deputy regarding the relating to “Disabled Persons Specications 8/14, 8/21, 8/28, 9/4/19 and Veterans Parking Zones” above may be obtained at the CNS-3273168# Alameda County GSA Current of Chapter 1 of Title 6 of the MARIN COUNTY POST Alameda County Public Works Contracting Opportunities Internet TrafficCode are repealed. Article website at www.acgov.org. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 20, relating to “Disabled Persons 8/14/19 STATEMENT and Veterans Parking Zones” CNS-3282241# File No. 147177 of Chapter 1 of Title 6 of the OAKLAND POST The following person(s) is doing Alameda County Public Works business as: TrafficCode is amended by the S AN FRANCISCO BAY AREA Zero Down, 36 Divisadero addition of Section 6-705.195 to RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT Street, San Francisco, CA read: 6-705.195 Fremery Court RFP NO. 6M3440 94117, County of San Francisco. . On the easterly curbline, from EXTENSION OF TIME FOR T.P. Hamilton, Inc. 36 Divisadero a point 90 feet southerly from RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS Street, San Francisco, CA 94117; the prolongation of the southerly NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that DE curbline of Mabel Avenue, the General Manager of the San This business is conducted by a southerly a distance of 20 feet. Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit corporation. SECTION IV Article 22, relating District has extended the time of The registrant commenced to to “Residential Permit Parking receipt of proposals until the hour transact business under the Zones” of Chapter 1 of Title 6 of of 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 20, fictitious business name or names Alameda County Public Works 2019, by hand delivery or special listed above on N/A Traffic Code is amended by the delivery, at the District Secretary’s /s/ Hariharasudhan Viswanathan, addition of Section 6-940.10, Office, 23rd Floor, 300 Lakeside Secretary 6-940.20, and 6-940.30 to read: Drive, Oakland, California 94612 This statement was filed with the Residential Permit Parking for the High Pressure Wash of County Clerk of Marin County on Area “C” – Restricted Parking Station Plazas and Parking Lot July 10, 2019. between the hours of 8:00 Structure Stairwells Services at Shelly Scott, County Clerk a.m. and 5:00p.m., Saturdays,



BART Stations W Bay North and Ea Locations, RFP No Dated at Oakland, 5th day of August 2 /S/ Sunni Oji Kanu, Man

San Franc Rapid 8/14/19 CNS-3281712# OAKLAND POST

Notice is hereby g is an Online Bid bids submitted online portal will Please logon or reg ezsourcing.acgov.o VENDOR AND NONNETWORKING CONFERENCE #901833 Compu & Technical Train VENDOR Wednesday, Augus 10:30 AM San Lo 395 Paseo Grande 94580 NONNETWORKING CONFERENCE: August 14, 2019 at Procurement 140 Drive Room 1107 Oakland, CA 9461 see webpage Resp 2:00 PM on Septem COUNTY CONTA Handy at (510) via email: kac acgov.org. Atte Vendor Outreach a Conference is N Specications re above may be ob Alameda County Contracting Opport website at www.acg 8/14/19 CNS-3281547# OAKLAND POST


Notice is hereby g Oakland Unified S (hereinafter refer “Owner”) will receiv prior to the date a for the Bid Opening of a contract to con

Roosevelt Midd Sewer Repai 1926 E. 19th Stre CA 946 Project No.

Project consists of: Replace approxim 6’ inch sewer from of the school to th back fill and compa replace all concret affected by pipe Remove all constr debris from job site

Engineer’s Estimate

Project Manager f is Kenneth Watts reached at (510) 27

This Contract IS prequalification pur Contract Code sect

The Prequalificat can be found by OUSD home org > Offices and Facilities Planning & Department > For C Developers > Bids for Proposals > towards the Bottom

This Contract is s District’s Project La

The full version of Project Labor Agre found by going to th page: ousd.org > Programs > Faciliti Management Depa Contractors and Bids and Requests > Bid Information Project Labor Agree

Public works p be subject to monitoring and by the Departmen Relations. For over Twenty-Five Dollars ($25,000), or subcontractor qualified to submit listed in a bid pro to the requireme Contract Code unless currently r qualified under section 1725.5 to work as defined b Part 7, Chapter seq.) of the Labo all projects over Thousand Dollars contractor or subc not be qualified to engage in the perfo contract of public w by Division 2, Pa 1 (§§1720 et seq. Code) unless curre and qualified unde section 1725.5 to work and proof of provided.

1. Contract Docum available on or afte August 14, 2019, East Bay Blue Pri 1745 14th Avenue, 94606. All reques addressed Attention Plans can be ordere

Ph: 510-261-2990 261-6077 Ema eastbayblueprint.co Sandy. Online us Command System eastbayblueprint.co can be delivered business, at req expense. Payme sets must be ma Bay Blue Print a REFUNDABLE In addition, Contra are available for bid the following builde

Builder’s Exchange County McGraw Hill Constr


to Urojas ne.

Presents line,times emergency 20-bed shel- and partner. JesusBible the Way for those around us,”287-8200 Ordination Committee have aannual Bachelor Degree from accredited College to pursue joint educa(510) Fax 109th convention inan and justice inissociety. childcare and deserve thePresicer- alLicense ter, a children’s program, comThe faith environment can Sunday schoolTexas. 9 :00“I’m amlicense(s) dent Russell M. Nelson said efforts in Chicago and San 287-8247 Antonio, honoredtoto have The They customized the tion Sunday. “May we goEmail forward including seminary. a coverSan letter, biography, resume and ministerial tainty thathave they(510) won’t be kicked counseling, support be a safea and natural place to munity during nine-minute evening Presents Francisco and employment “I pray that we may inChurch of Jesus Christ LatChurch’s self-reliance services doing our best to exemplify Sunday Worship 10:00 am Email: to the curb andviolence left homeless if groups, nhbcpastoralsearch@gmail.com on or before April 2, 2020. For additional information pleaseofsee community education address family and respeech. “We don’t have to be initiatives in Houston and creasingly call each other dear ter-day Saints stand in unity Mar. 31-Apr. 6, 2021, Page 4 THE POST, April 28 May 4, 2021, Page 4 materials and programs to be May 5-11, 2021, Page 4 the two great commandments THE POST, June 8-14, 2022, Page 4 THE POST, July 14-20, 2021, Page 4 they can’t make their said Jan. 13-19, 2021, Page 4 THE POST, Dec. 23-29, 2020, ads@postnewsgroup.com our website the heading No phone 7:00 calls pm please. THE POST, July 24-30, 2019, Page 4444Page Jan. 28-Feb. 3, 2015, Page 4Page THE POST, June 12-18, 2019, Page Jan. 28-Feb. 3, 2015, Page Bible“pastor”. Study Wednesday Feb. 22-28, 2017, Page 30, 2015-Jan. 5, 2016, Feb. 22-28, 2017, Page 4 THE POST, Dec. 30, 2015-Jan. 5, 2016, 44 as a TeenunderFamily April 8-14, 2020, Page 4 THE POST, March 2020, Page Aug. 26-Sept. 1, 2015, Page Aug. 26-Sept. 1, 2015, Page 44nhbcoakland.org POST, Mar. 2017, 2017, and outreach, as POST, Feb. 28 -have March 6, 2018, Page lated issues, including children THE POST, Feb. 28 -rent,” March 6, 2018, Page 44 well Mar. THE 1-7, Page 12 Mar. Page 12 Nov. 22-28, 2017, Page 4 THE Nov. 22-28, 2017, Page 44 POST, 1-7, 2017, Page Mar. 1-7, 2017, Page alike or look alike to25-31, love Charlotte. mostPOST, effective for the initia— 44to love God and love each friends,” Nelson concluded with the NAACP to advance Prevention Program. that Prayer Service Thursday 6:00pm and Jesus isSenior thePastor Way tive.are exposed to violence in Violence of His children. Phyllis Scott Carolyn Russell, who has the The home. As a result, there is Sunday 8:30 am two organizations also Arm in arm and shoulder to To advertise advertise in the the To in Jesus is the Way as executive director acame great need to strengthen the served together on Temple shoulder, may we strive to lift 10619 McArthur Blvd., Oakland, CA 510 510 689-9544 689-9544 10619 McArthur Blvd., Oakland, CA 10619last McArthur Oakland, CA and 510sisters 689-9544 Post Religion Page, Square May toBlvd., call all Post Religion our Page, brothers everymonths, the people, “Achurch church driven driven by by Christ Christ “A organizations and Oakland, govNew Hope Baptist Church, CA where, in every way we can. “A church driven by Christ Please contact Brenda or Maxine Please contact Brenda or Maxine e executive ernments to work together to This world will never be the focusedto on the kingdom” kingdom” focused the Church of Oakland, CA McArthur seeks a Senior Pastor who will provide Spirit-directed, 10619 Blvd., Oakland, CA 510 689-9544 You are are invited invited toon celebrate with us, us, September September 4-6, 4-6, 2015! 2015! You celebrate with focused on the he church) achieve greater civility andkingdom” ra-News same.” at the Post News Group at the Post Group for our church; and possesses excellent skills in the areas of preaching, Friday, September 4 –Service @ 6:30PM – Pastor Eric Butler Friday, September 4 –Service @ 6:30PM – Pastor Eric Butler “A church driven by Christ rship with cial harmony. Earlier this year, the Church Sunday school school :00 am am10AM-12PM –– 99 :00 g and congregational leadership development. Candidates should have five plus 1433 Webster Street, Suite 100 1433 Webster Street, Suite 100 360 14th Street, Suite B05 360 14th Street, Suite B05 405 14th Street, Suite 415, 405 14th Street, Suite 415, Suite priority. Last July, Elder Jack N. GeSaturday, September September 55 –– Service Service @ @ 10AM-12PM 630 14th Street, B05, Saturday, honored the NAACP’s com- Sunday 630 14th Street, Suite B05, focused on the kingdom” 1433 Webster Street, Suite 100 1433 Webster Street, Suite 100 Sunday school 9 :00 am Sunday Worship 10:00 am Kiteley Sunday Worship 10:00 am iencesever(preferably beNAACP’s licensed and mitment ordained by recognized met rardSenior spokePastor), at the to aadvance equality Pastor David David Kiteley Kiteley & & Pastor Pastor Patrick Patrick Kiteley Pastor Oakland, CA 94612 Oakland, CA 94612 Oakland, CA 94612 Oakland, CA 94612 Oakland, 94544 Oakland, CA 94544 Sunday Worship 10:00 am Committee have aannual Bachelor Degree from accredited College oint educa- and 109th convention inan and justiceBible in society. FamilyofBible Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm of the Family Study Wednesday 7:00 pm History of Shiloh Service: Service: Join Join us us as as we we share share of the faithfulness faithfulness of of History Shiloh Sunday school 9 :00 am go and San Antonio, Family BibleTexas. Study Wednesday 7:00 pm “I’m honored to have The Email a coverSan letter, biography, resume and ministerial license(s) to Senior Pastor (510) 287-8200 287-8200 (510) Prayer Service Thursday 6:00pmwill and God over the last last 50 50Thursday years. Civic Civic leaders leaders will presentSenior ShilohPastor awards. Prayer Service 6:00pm and God over the years. present Shiloh awards. mployment pray that mayFor in-additional Also, Shiloh Shiloh will will honor honor charter charter members members and those who whoPhyllis have attended attended Church of JesusSenior Christ ofsee Lat- Also, have Phyllis Scott Scott Worship 10:00 am A Next Level Church Ministering @gmail.com onSunday or“I before April 2,we 2020. information please Pastor Prayer Service Thursday 6:00pm and Sunday 8:30and amthose 8:30 am for 40 40 years years or or more. more.Sunday for uston and creasingly call each other dear ter-day Saints stand in unity in the Spirit of 8:30 Excellence kland.org underFamily the heading No phone calls pm please. Phyllis Scott Bible“pastor”. Study Wednesday 7:00 friends,” Nelson Sunday concluded Saturday, September September 55 –– Community Community Celebration Celebration –– 12:30 12:30 –– 4PM 4PM witham the NAACP to advance Saturday, Rev. J. L. Porter, Senior Pastor Prayer Service Thursday 6:00pm and Block Party: Party: Join Join us us at at this this special special celebration celebration with with food food tucks, tucks, Block Senior Pastor/Teacher Phyllis Scott desserts, Sunday 8:30 am desserts, music, music, raffles raffles and and more. more.

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or Pastor llis Scott






Tree of of Life Life Empowerment Empowerment Ministries Tree of Life Empowerment Ministries Tree SHILOH CHURCH CHURCHMinistries SHILOH 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Tree of Life Empowerment Ministries

Destiny Christian Fellowship

Destiny Christian Fellowship 3601 Cutting Blvd,

desserts, music, raffles and more.

Kingdom Kidz Kidz Korner: Korner: Mariposa Mariposa the the clown, clown, petting petting zoo, zoo, face face painting, painting, Kingdom coloring contest contest & & bounce bounce houses. houses. coloring

A Next Level Church Ministering (510) 507-8405. (510) 507-8405. 510-444-1625 510-444-1625 510-444-1625 510-444-1625 (510) 507-8405. (510) 507-8405. Richmond, CA 94804 in the Spirit of Excellence Rev. J. L. Porter, 510-680-5031 Senior Pastor/Teacher Sunday 10:00 am………Sunday School

CHURCH OF ALL FAITHS Service @ @ 11:45AM 11:45AM -- Pastor Pastor Eric Eric Butler Butler Service

Sunday, September September 66 –– Service Service @ @ 9AM 9AM -- Bishop Bishop Joseph Joseph Garlington Garlington Sunday,

2100-5th Ave., Oakland, CA 94606 Light desserts desserts served served in in the the Fellowship Fellowship Hall Hall following following each each morning morning Light 510-452-2578 service. service. Reverend Joe Joe L. L. Reverend Sunday Night Night Service Service @ @ 6PM 6PM –Bishop –Bishop Joseph Joseph Garlington Garlington Sunday Smith, Pastor Smith, Pastor

Rev. Dwight Dwight Webster, Webster, Ph.D., Ph.D., Rev. am………Morning Worship 3601 Cutting Blvd, Senior Pastor Senior Pastor

Sunday 11:00 Wednesday 6:30pm……Intercessory Richmond, CAPrayer 94804 Wednesday 7:00 pm …..Wednesday Worship Experience 510-680-5031 Wednesday 7:30 pm…...Choir Rehearsal Sunday 10:00 am………Sunday School Sunday 11:00 am………Morning Worship Wednesday 6:30pm……Intercessory Prayer Wednesday 7:00 pm …..Wednesday Worship Experience

Send your church Goodnotes, Hope Missionary Missionary Baptist Church Good Hope Baptist Church stories and to Post 5717events Foothill Blvd, Blvd, Oakland, CANews 94605 5717 Foothill Oakland, CA 94605 Group, Email 510-569-7814 510-568-4408 fax at 510-569-7814 ** 510-568-4408 fax Refreshments Refreshments to to follow follow the the service service in in the the Fellowship Fellowship Hall. Hall. church that that prays prays together, stays stays together. AA church together, together. info@ ads@ Volunteers are are needed needed for for the the 50th 50th Anniversary Anniversary Services! Services! Volunteers postnewsgroup.com “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so....” Psalm 107:2. “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so....” Psalm Please take take aa moment moment to to look look through through the the list list of of volunteer volunteer107:2. opportunities Please opportunities

Passing the the Baton Baton Service: Service: During During the the evening evening service, service, Shiloh’s Shiloh’s Passing Apostolic covering covering will will set set in in Pastors Pastors Javier Javier and and Melinda Melinda Ramos Ramos as as Apostolic Senior Pastors Pastors of of Shiloh Shiloh Church. Church. They They have have been been on on the the pastoral pastoral team team Senior for20 20years yearsand andhave haveserved servedas asinterim interimsenior seniorpastors pastorssince sinceNovember, November, for 2014. They They are are following following the the call call God God has has sovereignly sovereignly placed placed on on their their 2014. lives and and have have aa heart heart for for Shiloh, Shiloh, Oakland, Oakland, the the Bay Bay Area Area and and aa desire desire lives to see see the the world world reached reached for for Jesus! Jesus! to

Wednesday 7:30 pm…...Choir Rehearsal

BibleWay Missionary Liberty Hill Hill Missionary Liberty Missionary CHURCH OFChurch ALL FAITHS Baptist Baptist Church Church Baptist

and choose choose one one by by clicking clicking here. here. When When the the team team works, works, the the dream dream and works! works! Together Together let’s let’s make make this this 50th 50th celebration celebration amazing. amazing.

2100-5th Ave., Oakland, CA 94606 1077 13th St., Richmond, CA 997 University University Avenue, Berkeley, CA.94801 94710 997 Avenue, Berkeley, CA. 94710 510-452-2578 Nathan Whittom Sr.,(510) Pastor Telephone (510)P.848-3855 848-3855 Fax (510) 848-4144 Telephone (510) •• Fax 848-4144

www.libertyhillbaptistchurch.org www.libertyhillbaptistchurch.org Sunday School…………….…………9:30 AM “Expressing God’s God’s Presence Presence and and Power” Power” “Expressing Worship Service….…………….….11:00 Orderof ofService Service AM Order Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Monday Bible Study………….…...5:30PM 8:00a.m.: a.m.:Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m.: Worship 9:30 a.m.: Sunday Church School School 9:30 Church 9:30a.m.: a.m.:Membership Sunday Church School Class 9:30 a.m.: Sunday Church School 9:30 a.m.: Membership Development Class 9:30 Development Wednesday Bible Study…………11:30AM 9:30 a.m.:Worship Membership Development Class 9:30 a.m.: Membership Development 11:00 a.m.: Worship & Children Children Church Class 11:00 a.m.: & Church 11:00a.m.: a.m.:Worship Worship& &Children ChildrenChurch Church 11:00

Monday Monday Monday Monday nd nd nd 1:00 p.m.: Senior Women Ministry 1:00 Ministry 7:00p.m.: p.m.:Senior Men’sWomen Ministry Meeting(2 (2nd &44thththth)) 7:00 p.m.: Men’s Ministry Meeting &

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday rd) rd) rd) 7:00p.m.: p.m.:Senior SeniorWomen WomenMinistry MinistryMeeting Meeting(1 (1stststst& &33rd) 7:00 7:00 p.m.: p.m.: Men’s Men’s Ministry Ministry Meeting Meeting 7:00

Sunday Celebration of Praise 10:30 Reverend Joe L. Wednesday Night Pastoral Teaching 7 p.m -8:30 p.m. Smith, Pastor

Free Food Giveaway Every Saturday 12 noon-4 pm

Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church 5717 Foothill Blvd, Oakland, CA 94605 510-569-7814 * 510-568-4408 fax A church that prays together, stays together.

Rev.Dr. Dr.Marvis MarvisV. V. Rev. Dr. Marvis V. Rev. Dr. Marvis V. Rev. Peoples,Pastor Pastor Peoples, Pastor Peoples, Pastor Peoples,

Wednesday Wednesday

7:00p.m.: p.m.:Prayer Prayer& &Bible BibleStudy Study(Mid-week (Mid-weekworship) worship) 7:00 Wednesday Wednesday 2:00p.m.: p.m.:Food FoodDistribution Distribution(4th) (4th) 2:00 6:30 p.m.: p.m.: Prayer Prayer & & Bible Bible Study (Mid-week worship) 6:30 Study (Mid-week worship) Rev. Dr Jeffrey M. Parker 2:00 p.m.: p.m.: Food Food Distribution Distribution (4th) (4th)Thursday Thursday 2:00

Weekly Services Services Weekly www.shilohchurch.com 510-261-2052, ext.163 www.shilohchurch.com 510-261-2052, ext.163 Sunday: Early Morning Morning Worship Worship ......................8:00 a.m. Sunday: Early ......................8:00 a.m. Sunday School SchoolRev. .....................................................9:30 a.m. Sunday .....................................................9:30 a.m. Dr Jeffrey M. Parker Sunday Morning Morning Worship ................................11:00 a.m. Sunday ................................11:00 a.m. First Worship Lady Princess W.Parker Order.....................................7:00 of services Wednesday: Bible Bible Study Study .....................................7:00 p.m. Wednesday: p.m. Sunday school 9:30 Saturday: Prayer Prayer Hour Hour.....................................11:00 .....................................11:00 a.m. a.m. Saturday:




Send your church notes, stories and events to Post News Group, Email at info@postnewsgroup.com

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Tree of Life Empowerment Ministries EVERGREEN

MISSIONARY Sunday school 9 :00BAPTIST am Sunday Worship 10:00 am Family Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm CHURCH Destiny Christian Fellowship Prayer Service Thursday 6:00pm and “A church driven by Christ focused on the kingdom”

Reverend Joe L. Smith, Pastor A Next Level Church Ministering Senior Pastor Bishop Frank Pinkard, Pinkard, Jr. Frank Jr. Phyllis Scott inSunday the Spirit ofBishop Excellence 8:30 am Senior Pastor Senior Pastor Rev. J. L. Porter, “Trusting God” “Trusting God” 5717 Foothill Blvd, CA 94605 SeniorOakland, Pastor/Teacher “Trusting God” “Trusting God” 2016 Theme: 2016 Theme: “Trusting God” “Trusting God” 2016 Theme: 2016 Theme:

Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church

2016 Theme: 2016 Theme: No Matter What Brother No Matter What 2015 Theme: Destiny*Christian Fellowship 2015 Theme: No Matter What No Matter What 510-569-7814 510-568-4408 fax No Matter What No Matter What “What Shall IIII Render” Render” “What Shall Render” 3601 Cutting Blvd, “What Shall Render” “What Shall “What Shall I Render” “What Shall I Render” Psalm 62:8 Psalm 62:8 “Never Lack Again” “Never Lack Again” Psalm 62:8 Psalm 62:8 A Next Leveltogether, Church Ministering Psalm 62:8 Psalm 62:8 Psalm 116:12 Psalm 116:12 ALLEN A church that prays stays together. Psalm 116:12 Psalm 116:12 Psalm 116:12 Psalm 116:12 Richmond, CADeuteronomy 94804 Deuteronomy 2:7 2:7 2016 Theme: Theme: 2016

“Let the redeemed of Rev. the Lord so....”Jackson Psalm 107:2. J. L.say Porter, 510-680-5031 in the Spirit of Excellence


Senior Pastor/Teacher Sunday 10:00 am………Sunday School Weekly Services Sunday 11:00 am………Morning Worship 3601 Cutting Blvd, Sunday: Early Morning Worship ......................8:00 a.m. Wednesday 6:30pm……Intercessory Prayer Richmond, CA 94804 Sunday School .....................................................9:30 a.m. Wednesday 7:00 pm …..Wednesday Worship Experience Jesus is11:00 the Way 510-680-5031 Sunday Morning Worship ................................ a.m. Wednesday 7:30 pm…...Choir Rehearsal Sunday 10:00 am………Sunday School Wednesday: Bible Study .....................................7:00 p.m. Sunday 11:00 am………Morning Worship Saturday: Prayer Hour..................................... 11:00 a.m. Wednesday 6:30pm……Intercessory Prayer Wednesday 7:00 pm …..Wednesday Worship Experience S EVENTH AV EN UE

info@postnewsgroup.com info@postnewsgroup.com

Baptist Church


8:45AM AM 8:45 AM 8:45 AM 8:45 Sunday School a.m. WEDNESDAY SERVICES 8:45 8:45 99 a.m. SundaySchool School 9:30 a.m. 9:30 Sunday Sunday School a.m. 8:45 8:45 NOON DAY PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY----------------12:00 – 1:00 10AM AM 10 AM 10 AM 10 Morning Worship Worship 10 10 a.m. Morning a.m.

BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH 997info@postnewsgroup.com University Avenue, Berkeley, CA. CA. 94710 94710 997 University Avenue, Berkeley, info@postnewsgroup.com info@postnewsgroup.com


www.libertyhillbaptistchurch.org www.libertyhillbaptistchurch.org

Rev. Jeffrey Kirton,

Pastor “Expressing God’s Presence and Power” “Expressing Power” M r s . Jand a mOF a r K iLOVE” rton, “THE CHURCHGod’s WITHPresence THE HEART HEART OF LOVE” “THE CHURCH WITH THE First Lady

10 a.m. a.m. Morning Worship 8:00 11:00 a.m. a.m. Morning 8:00 && 11:00 MorningWorship Worship 10 10 a.m. 10 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 12 noon 7:00 p.m. Bible BibleStudy Study Wednesday Wednesdayat at12 12noon noon7:00 7:00p.m. p.m.

P.M. BIBLE STUDY------------------------------------------------------6:30

Church Motto: “There Joy In Serving Bible Study IsWednesday Wednesday at 12 12The noonLord” 7:00 p.m. p.m. Bible Study at noon 7:00


1028 W W GRAND GRAND AVE AVE OAKLAND,CA OAKLAND,CA 94607 94607 1028 Telephone (510) (510) 848-3855 848-3855 •• Fax Fax (510) (510) 848-4144 848-4144 Telephone (510)836-1916 PASTOR’S PASTOR’S OFFICE(510)836-1917 OFFICE(510)836-1917 (510)836-1916


Rev. C. T. Johnson, Pastor Emeritus 43 YEARS OF SERVICES

Reverend Joe L.

Reverend JoeL. L. SCHOOL------------------------------------------9:15 Reverend Joe L. Reverend Joe BTU AND SUNDAY Smith,Pastor Pastor Smith, Pastor MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES----------------------------------10:45 Smith, Pastor Smith,

Tuesday Tuesday WEDNESDAY SERVICES rd) rd) rd) rd) 7:00p.m.: p.m.:Senior SeniorWomen WomenMinistry MinistryMeeting Meeting(1 (1stststst& &33NOON 7:00 DAY PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY----------------12:00 – 1:00

GoodHope HopeMissionary MissionaryBaptist BaptistChurch Church Good Rev.Dr. Dr.Marvis MarvisV. V. Rev. Dr. Marvis V. Rev. Dr. Marvis V. Rev.

P.M. BIBLE STUDY------------------------------------------------------6:30 Wednesday Wednesday Peoples,Pastor Pastor Peoples, Pastor Peoples, Pastor Peoples, " Church Motto: “There Is Joy In Serving The Lord” 7:00p.m.: p.m.:Prayer Prayer& &Bible BibleStudy Study(Mid-week (Mid-weekworship) worship) 7:00 " 2:00p.m.: p.m.:Food FoodDistribution Distribution(4th) (4th) 2:00

5717Foothill FoothillBlvd, Blvd,Oakland, Oakland,CA CA94605 94605 5717 Foothill Blvd, Oakland, CA 94605 5717 510-569-7814 * 510-568-4408 fax 510-569-7814 ** 510-568-4408 510-568-4408 fax 510-569-7814 fax Thursday Thursday 12:00 noon: Bible Study A church that prays together, staystogether. together. 12:00 noon: Bible Study A church that prays together, stays together. A church that prays together, stays 1:00 1:00 p.m. p.m. –– 2:00 2:00 p.m: p.m: Food Food Distribution Distribution Weekly Services Weekly Services Weekly Services MORNING WORSHIP:11:00AM MORNING WORSHIP:11:00AM Friday Friday

7:00p.m.: p.m.:Youth YouthAlive Alive 7:00


Missionary Baptist Church

528 ---- 33rd 33rd Street, Street, Oakland, Oakland, California California 94609 94609 528 33rd Street, Oakland, California 94609 528 33rd Street, Oakland, California 94609 528 (510) 653-0315 (510) 653-0315 (510) 653-0315 653-0315 (510) Reverend Kevin D. Barnes, Barnes, Pastor Pastor Reverend Kevin D. Barnes, Pastor Reverend Kevin Kevin D. D. Barnes, Pastor Reverend

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7007 MacArthur MacArthur Blvd., Blvd., Oakland, Oakland, CA CA94605 94605 7007

All Services Services are are held held on on Saturday Saturday All

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday

NewMembers MembersOrientation Orientation..........9:30 ..........9:30a.m. a.m. New Members Orientation ..........9:30 a.m. New Members Orientation ..........9:30 a.m. New Sunday School ..............................9:30 a.m. Sunday SundaySchool School..............................9:30 ..............................9:30a.m. a.m. Sunday School ..............................9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning MorningWorship Worship......... .........11:00 11:00 a.m. a.m. Sunday Morning Worship ......... 11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship ......... 11:00 a.m. Sunday Children’sChurch...................... Church......................11:00 11:00a.m. a.m. Children’s Church...................... 11:00 a.m. Children’s Church...................... 11:00 a.m. Children’s

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday

PrayerHour Hour....................... .......................6:00 6:00----7:00 7:00p.m. p.m. Prayer Hour ....................... 6:00 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour ....................... 6:00 7:00 p.m. Prayer Usher Board (1st & 3rd) ..............7:00 p.m. Usher UsherBoard Board(1st (1st& &3rd) 3rd)..............7:00 ..............7:00p.m. p.m. Usher Board (1st & 3rd) ..............7:00 p.m.

Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday

Bible Study ......................... Noon/7:00 p.m. Bible Study ......................... Noon/7:00 p.m. BibleStudy Study......................... .........................Noon/7:00 Noon/7:00p.m. p.m. Bible Brotherhood (1st (1st & & 3rd) 3rd)..............6:00 ..............6:00 p.m. p.m. Brotherhood (1st & 3rd) ..............6:00 p.m. Brotherhood (1st & 3rd) ..............6:00 p.m. Brotherhood Teachers’Meeting Meeting........................5:45 ........................5:45 p.m. p.m. Teachers’ Meeting ........................5:45 p.m. Teachers’ Meeting ........................5:45 p.m. Teachers’ Junior Mission (3rd) ....................6:00 p.m. Junior Mission (3rd) ....................6:00 p.m. JuniorMission Mission(3rd) (3rd)....................6:00 ....................6:00p.m. p.m. Junior Mother’s Board Board (2nd) (2nd)..................1:00 ..................1:00 p.m. p.m. Mother’s Board (2nd) ..................1:00 p.m. Mother’s Board (2nd) ..................1:00 p.m. Mother’s WMU (1st, (1st, 3rd, 3rd, & & 4th) 4th)................1:00 ................1:00 p.m. p.m. WMU (1st, 3rd, & 4th) ................1:00 p.m. WMU (1st, 3rd, & 4th) ................1:00 p.m. WMU

Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday

Feeding Ministry Ministry.....11:00 .....11:00 a.m. a.m. ---- 3:00 3:00 p.m. p.m. Feeding Ministry .....11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Feeding Ministry .....11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Feeding Pastor’sAid Aid (2nd).........................6:00 (2nd).........................6:00 p.m. p.m. Pastor’s Aid (2nd).........................6:00 p.m. Pastor’s Aid (2nd).........................6:00 p.m. Pastor’s Male Chorus .................................6:00 p.m. Male Chorus Chorus.................................6:00 .................................6:00 p.m. p.m. Male Chorus .................................6:00 p.m. Male Mass Choir ChoirRehearsal Rehearsal..................7:00 ..................7:00 p.m. p.m. Mass Choir Rehearsal ..................7:00 p.m. Mass Choir Rehearsal ..................7:00 p.m. Mass

If you you don’t don’t have have aaaa church church home, home, If you don’t have church home, If you don’t have church home, If Abyssinian Is The Place You Ought To Be Be Abyssinian Is The Place You Ought To Be Abyssinian Is The Place You Ought To Be Abyssinian Is The Place You Ought To

1527 34th 34th St., St., Oakland, Oakland, CA CA 94608 94608 1527 510 594-2207 510 594-2208 510 594-2207 594-2207 510 510 594-2208 594-2208 510 Website: Www.Cccforchrist.org Website: Www.Cccforchrist.org Www.Cccforchrist.org Website: Email. Ccc4christ@gmail.com Email. Ccc4christ@gmail.com Email. Ccc4christ@gmail.com Sunday Boot Boot Camp Camp 8:30am 8:30am Sunday Sunday Worship 10:00am Sunday Worship 10:00am Sunday Worship 10:00am Wednesday Mid week Wednesday Mid Mid week week Wednesday service 6:30 pm service 6:30 6:30 pm pm service

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m: Food Distribution SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES 7:00 p.m.: Music Ministry Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.: Ministry Rehearsal “Let theMusic redeemed theLord Lordsay sayso....” so....”Psalm Psalm107:2. 107:2. “Let the redeemed ofof the Lord say so....” Psalm 107:2. “Let the redeemed of the SUNDAY SCHOOL:9:30AM SUNDAY SCHOOL:9:30AM 7:00p.m.: p.m.:Narcotic NarcoticAnonymous AnonymousMeeting Meeting 7:00

Sunday:Early EarlyMorning MorningWorship Worship......................8:00 ......................8:00a.m. a.m. Sunday: Early Morning Worship ......................8:00 a.m. Sunday: Saturday Saturday WEEKLY SERVICES WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday School .....................................................9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.–2:00 –2:00 p.m.: PraiseDance Danceand andChoir ChoirRehearsal Rehearsal 10:00 a.m. p.m.: Praise Sunday School .....................................................9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....................................................9:30 a.m. TUESDAYS :CHOIR REHERSAL 6:30PM TUESDAYS :CHOIR REHERSAL 6:30PM Sunday Morning Worship ................................ 11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship ................................ 11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship ................................ 11:00 a.m. There areadditional additionalBible Bibleclasses classesand andother otheractivities. activities. Formore more7:00PM information, There are For information, WEDNESDAYS:PRAYER MEETING WEDNESDAYS:PRAYER MEETING 7:00PM Wednesday: Bible Study .....................................7:00 p.m. call (510) 848-3855 or fax (510) 848-4144. www.libertyhillbaptistchurch. call (510) 848-3855 or fax (510) 848-4144. www.libertyhillbaptistchurch. Wednesday: Bible Bible Study Study.....................................7:00 .....................................7:00 p.m. p.m. Wednesday: orgSaturday: Prayer org BIBLE CLASS:8:00PM BIBLE CLASS:8:00PM Hour ..................................... 11:00 a.m. Saturday: Prayer Prayer Hour Hour..................................... .....................................11:00 11:00 a.m. a.m. Saturday:

Rev.Philip PhilipR. R.Cousin, Cousin,Jr., Jr., Rev. Philip R. Cousin, Jr., Rev. Philip R. Cousin, Jr., Rev. Philip R. Cousin, Jr., Rev. Philip R. Cousin, Jr., Rev.

Rev. Dr. Dr. Tyrone Tyrone Hicks, Pastor Rev. Dr. Tyrone Hicks, Pastor Senior Pastor Senior Pastor Senior Pastor Senior Pastor Senior Pastor Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Tyrone Hicks, Pastor Rev. Hicks, Pastor Rev. Dr. Tyrone Hicks, Pastor Rev. Dr. Tyrone Hicks, Pastor Rev. Robert Shaw Rev. Robert Mrs. Angela M.Shaw Cousin, Mrs. Angela M. Cousin, Rev. Dr. Tyrone Hicks, Pastor Rev. Dr. Hicks, Pastor Rev. Dr.Tyrone Tyrone Hicks, Pastor Rev. Dr. Tyrone Hicks, Pastor Mrs. Angela M. Cousin, Mrs. Angela M. Cousin, Mrs. Angela M. Cousin, Mrs. Angela M. Cousin, Rev. Phyllis Hicks, First Lady Rev. Phyllis Hicks, First Lady Rev. Phyllis Hicks, First Lady Rev. Phyllis Hicks, First Lady First Lady First Lady Rev. Phyllis Hicks, First Lady Rev. Phyllis Hicks, First Lady First Lady First Lady First Lady First Lady Rev. Phyllis Hicks, First Lady Rev.Phyllis PhyllisHicks, Hicks, First Lady Rev. First Lady Rev. Phyllis Hicks, First Lady

" 8:00a.m.: a.m.:Worship Worship 8:00 EMAIL:seventhavenuebapchurch.com … REV JOHN JOHN E E COOPER COOPER PASTOR PASTOR REV 9:30a.m.: a.m.:Sunday SundayChurch ChurchSchool School 9:30 O N T H E W E B w w w . s e v e n t h a v e n u e b a p t i s t c h urch.com FIRST LADY LADY JEANETTE COOPER FIRST JEANETTE COOPER 9:30a.m.: a.m.:Membership MembershipDevelopment DevelopmentClass Class 9:30 SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00a.m.: a.m.:Worship Worship& &Children ChildrenChurch Church 11:00

Rev. Kevin Kevin Barnes Barnes Rev. Kevin Barnes Rev. Kevin Barnes Rev.


Bethel A.M.E. A.M.E. Church Church Bethel “The Friendly Friendly Church” Church” “The

OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94606 510-834-4273

ThyWord Word Have Have IIII Hid Hid In In Mine Mine Thy Word Have Hid In Mine Thy Word Have Hid In Mine Thy Heart, That That IIII Might Might Not Not Sin Sin Heart, That Might Not Sin Heart, That Might Not Sin Heart, AgainstThee Thee Against Thee Against Thee Against Psalm 119:11 119:11 Psalm 119:11 Psalm 119:11 Psalm


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Weekly Services

Liberty Hill Missionary Missionary Liberty Hill Sendyour yourchurch churchnotes, notes,stories storiesand and Send your church notes, stories and Send your church notes, stories and Send MT PLEASANT MISSIONARY MT PLEASANT MISSIONARY Baptist Church Baptist Church eventsto to PostNews News Group,Email Emailat at events to Post News Group, Email at events Post Group,

Monday Monday nd nd nd 7:00p.m.: p.m.:Men’s Men’sMinistry MinistryMeeting Meeting(2 (2nd &44thththth)) 7:00 &

Prayer Ser

10619 McArthur Blvd., Oakland, CA 510 689-9544

Sunday: Early Morning Worship ......................8:00 a.m. 1077 13th St., Richmond, CA 94801 R e v . J e f f r e y K i r t o n , Rev. C. T. Johnson, Sunday School .....................................................9:30 a.m. Pastor P Pastor astor Emeritus Nathan P. Whittom Sr., Sunday M r s . J a m a r 11:00 K i r t o n ,a.m. 43 YEARS Sunday Morning Worship ................................ 7:00 p.m.: p.m.: Music Music MinistryCelebration Rehearsal 7:00 Ministry Rehearsal Fridayof Praise 10:30 Friday First Lady OF SERVICES 7:00 p.m.: Narcotics Anonymous Meeting 7:00 p.m.: Anonymous Meeting " 7:00 p.m.:Narcotics YouthAlive Alive 7:00 p.m.: Youth Wednesday Night Pastoral Teaching 7 p.m -8:30 p.m. " Wednesday: Bible Study .....................................7:00 p.m. " Saturday Saturday EM A I L : s e v eSunday n t h a v eSchool…………….…………9:30 n u e b a p c h u r c h . c o m …AM Free Food Giveaway Every Saturday 12 noon-4 pm Saturday: Prayer Hour ..................................... 11:00 a.m. Saturday Saturday 10:00a.m. a.m.–2:00 –2:00p.m.: p.m.:Praise PraiseDance Danceand andChoir ChoirRehearsal Rehearsal 10:00 O N T H E W E B w w Worship w.seven t h a v e n u e b a p t i s t c h u r cAM h .Gate com 916 Laguna Street at Golden Gate 916 Laguna Street at Golden Service….…………….….11:00 1:00 p.m.: p.m.: Children/Youth Children/Youth Choir Choir Rehearsal Rehearsal (2nd) (2nd) 916 Laguna Laguna Street Street at at Golden Golden Gate 1:00 916 Gate www.thompsonsbayviewmortuaryinc.com www.thompsonsbayviewmortuaryinc.com www.thompsonsbayviewmortuaryinc.com SUNDAY SERVICES Thereare areadditional additionalBible Bibleclasses classesand andother otheractivities. activities.For Formore moreinformation, information, SanFrancisco, Francisco,CA CA94115 94115 There San Francisco, CA 94115 SEVENTH AVENUE Monday Bible Study………….…...5:30PM San Francisco, CA 94115 San There are additional additional Bible classes and other activities. activities. For more more information, information, There are Bible classes and other For call (510) (510) 848-3855 or fax fax (510) 848-4144. www.libertyhillbaptistchurch. call 848-3855 or (510) 848-4144. www.libertyhillbaptistchurch. MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH BTU AND SUNDAY SCHOOL------------------------------------------9:15 (415)921-4935 921-4935 (415) 921-4935 Wednesday Bible Study…………11:30AM Call (510) 848-3855 848-3855 or or fax fax (510) (510) 848-4144 848-4144 Call org(510) (415) 921-4935 org (415) MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES----------------------------------10:45 1740 7 AVENUE

Orderof ofService Service Order Sunday" Sunday

Tree o

MISSIO N A R Y B7:30 APT I S T C H U Rehearsal RCH Wednesday pm…...Choir 1 7 4 0 7 th A V E N U E OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94606 510-834-4273

“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so....” Psalm 107:2.

12:00noon: noon:Bible BibleFirst StudyLady Princess W.Parker 12:00 Study 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m: Food Distribution 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m: Food Distribution Order of services Thursday Thursday 7:00noon: p.m.:Bible Music MinistryRehearsal Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.: Music Ministry 12:00 noon: Bible Study 12:00 Study Sunday school 9:30 7:00p.m.-2:00 p.m.:Narcotic Narcotic Anonymous Meeting 7:00 p.m.: Meeting 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.: Anonymous Food Distribution Distribution 1:00 p.m.: Food

efforts ofAssociation their street minisnational convention the the National theent Advance portant legislation ensuresofthat attac the hB nomic recessions like theforone The Family Reunion will tries, send donations to Urojas The Salt Lake Tribune. Detroit. Photo courtesy of renters in the Bay Area and the this country will likely be fac- partner. (5 feature music, befood, spoken Services’ corponation evicted from Community The ing, and they need the financial Theacannot president of the Church for each other. WeWashington don’t even Theyfaith ha word, kid zone and guest rate office, 1271 their homes during the COVbe a safe as security this bill would provide, of Jesus Christ of Latter-day have to agree with each other Church’s postnewsgroup.com postnewsgroup.com speakers. postnewsgroup.com Ave., Suite 452, San Leandro, postnewsgroup.com www.postnewsgroup.com postnewsgroup.com postnewsgroup.com www.postnewsgroup.com postnewsgroup.com postnewsgroup.com postnewsgroup.com postnewsgroup.com postnewsgroup.com fam postnewsgroup.com www.postnewsgroup.com ID-19 pandemic. WeNelson must enwww.postnewsgroup.com Saints Russell reimmediately.” to love each other. If we have address materials R&B, Funk, Rap,M. Jazz, BluesRev. ForSoul, information, call CA 94577. ads lated issues sure that DJ everyone has accessfor to any Local stuff, promos. minded those assembled Thehope Rental MoratoofEviction reclaiming the most effec Ron Linzie “aka” Poison at No too big orno small. Call/Text quality housing matter their goodwill and sense of human- that thecollection 110th annual national contive.are exp (800) 916-0378 VgVinyl@gmail.com New Hope Missionary Baptist Church New Hope Missionary Baptist Church the home. A financial situation.” vention of the National Assoity for which we yearn, it must The two Taking COVID Precautions! 321-Alamo Ave Richmond,California 94801 * 408-946-6884 321-Alamo Ave Richmond,California 94801 * 408-946-6884 a great nee 321-Alamo Ave Richmond,California 94801 * 408-946-6884 321-Alamo Ave Richmond,California 94801 * 408-946-6884 “No one should lose their ciation for the Advancement begin with each of us, one per- came Jesu tog home during the COVID-19 of Colored People (NAACP) son at a time. Square la Pastor Joan L.T. Katzenberger, Senior Pastor Pastor Joan L.T. Katzenberger, Senior Pastor To place a Legal Ad Sunday in Detroit that IdifferSunday9:45 9:45 a.m......Sunday School Sunday 9:45 a.m......Sunday School pandemic which is why introOver the past 18 months, the people, org New Hope Bapti Sunday 9:45 a.m......Sunday School Sunday a.m......Sunday School contact Tonya Peacock: Sunday 11.am ....undermine MorningWorship Worship Sunday 11.am .... Morning Worship ences need not so- First Presidency (the executive ernments duced the Rental Eviction MorSunday 11.am .... Morning Worship Sunday 11.am .... Morning Phone: (510) 272-4747 New Hope Baptist Church of Oakland, CA M s 10619 Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study6666administration p.m Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study p.m ciety’s shared humanity. of the church) achieve gr Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study p.m Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study p.m atorium to prohibit evicting Fax:Act, (510) 743-4178 visionary leadership for our church; and poss Every first Sunday Communion andBaptism Baptism Every first Communion “We areSunday all connected, andand Every first Sunday Communion and Baptism has made its partnership with cial harmo renters during this crisis. FamiEmail: tonya_peateaching, counseling and congregational Friday Night Live as Announced 7 PM Friday Night Live as Announced 7 PM we have a God-given responNAACP a high priority. Lastlead Jul cock@dailyjournal.com lies are hurting -- they are wor- the Send your church Every Saturday Every Saturday years Pastoral experience (preferably sibility to their help makehealth, lifeconbetter The groups have met sever- rardSenior All other classifieds spok ried about jobs, and Menthose Ministry -1 p.m p.mus,” Men Ministry -1 for around tact the POST: Phone Ordination Committee have aann B times to pursue joint educa- and 109th notes, stories and childcare and deserve thePresicer- alLicense Ministers Ministry 3 p.m p.m Ministers Ministry 3Nelson Sunday sc (510) 287-8200 Fax dent Russell M. said tion efforts in Chicago and San San Anton including seminary. Email a cover letter, bio tainty events that they won’t beto kicked News (510) 287-8247eveningPost during a nine-minute Francisco and employment onSunday pra W to the curb and left homeless if nhbcpastoralsearch@gmail.com or“Ibefore Youth Ministry to be announce Youth Ministry to be announce Rev Stephen Rev Stephen Email: speech. “We don’t have to be Rev Stephen initiatives in Houston and Rev Stephen Pastor Joan L.T. creasingly Pastor Joan L.T. Group, Email at Pastor Joan L.T. Pastor Joan L.T. they can’t make their rent,” said our website nhbcoakland.org the headi Bi Women’s Ministry to be announce Women’s Ministry announce KatzenbergerunderFamily Katzenberger Katzenberger Katzenberger Katzenberger Katzenberger alike or look aliketo tobe have love Charlotte. Katzenberger Katzenberger ads@postnewsgroup.com friends,”

Dr. Craig CraigA. A. Dossman, Dossman, Sr. Sr. Pastor Pastor Dr. Sabbath Keeping Keeping Ministry Ministry Sabbath First Lady Lady Mickey Mickey Dossman Dossman First Studying God’s God’s WordGod’s .................... 9:30 a.m. a.m. Studying Word .................... 9:30 Studying God’s Word 10:30 10:30 a.m. Studying Word a.m. Worship & Celebration Service 11:30 a.m Worship & Celebration Service 11:30 Worship && Celebration Celebration Service Service 11:00 11:00 a.m. a.m. a.m Worship Hour of Bible Study Tuesday Evenings… Hour of Bible Study Tuesday Evenings… Hour of of Bible Bible Study StudyTues. Tues. Evenings Evenings on on Hour Access Code 266587 266587 Phone line: line: 605.475.4700 605.475.4700 Access Code Phone Phoneline:605-475-4700 Access Code 26658 26658 Phoneline:605-475-4700 Access Code “A Church Church of of Amazing Amazing Miracles Miracles and and Loving Loving Acceptance” Acceptance” “A

“AChurch ChurchofofAmazing AmazingMiracles Miraclesand andLoving LovingAcceptance” Acceptance” “A Dr. D. D. J.J. Williams, Williams, Pastor Emeritus Dr. Pastor Emeritus Anthony Paschal, Senior Pastor Pastor Anthony Paschal, Senior Phone: 510-569-0223 510-569-0223 Phone: Phone: 510.569.0223 510.569.0223 Phone: Website: www.wingsofloveministries.org www.wingsofloveministries.org Website: Website: www.wolmm88.org www.wolmm88.org Website:

Dr. Lawrence Lawrence Dr. VanHook VanHook VanHook VanHook

West Side Missionary Baptist Church 732 Willow Willow Street, Street, Oakland Oakland CA CA 94607 94607 ** 510-836-4131 510-836-4131 732

510-239-6969 510-239-6969

“A Foundation Foundation for for The The Future” Future” “A Rev. Ken Ken Chambers, Chambers, Pastor Pastor Rev.

Sunday School School & & Sunday Orientation Classes Classes 10:00 10:00AM AM Orientation SundayMorning MorningWorship Worship11:00 11:00AM AM Sunday Monday & &Thursday Thursday Spanish Spanish Monday SpeakingWorship Worship 6:30 6:30 PM PM Speaking Wednesday Prayer, Prayer, Bible Bible Study Study Wednesday & Orientation Orientation Classes Classes 6:00 6:00 PM PM & Wednesday Resource Resource & & Job Job Wednesday Development Classes Classes 7:00 7:00 PM PM Development 1st & 3rd Saturday Noon 1st & 3rd Saturday Noon Rev.Ken KenChambers, Chambers, Rev. Prayer & & Bible Bible Study Study Prayer Pastor Pastor

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Free Foo


THE POST, June 8-14, 2022, Page 5







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postnewsgroup.com THE POST, March June 8-14 2022, Page 6 6 THE POST, 16-22,, 2022, Page

THE POST, March 25-31,, 2020, Page 5 postnewsgroup.com postnewsgroup.com

Representatives García Criminal Introduce BillGroup Prohibiting Rental The Lookout:History FourLee, California Justice Women’s Month: California Honors Leaders, Discusses Priorities Peers Praise Alameda County Judge Evictions COVID-19 Reform LawsDuring That Took EffectPublic This Health Year Emergency Trina Thompson’s Rise to Federal Court Latter-day Saints AC President Russell NelsonAwarded Speaks at NAACP’s Convention in Detroit SafeM.Place $180,000 Grant from Broadway Hustlers, Mob’s A PILGRIM CHURCH HAYWARD Dr. Larry W. Ellis, Senior Pastor The Blue Shield of California Foundation 5th Annual Family Reunion

THE POST, Aug. 26-Sept. 1, 2015, Page postnewsgroup.com POST, 2019, Page55 www.postnewsgroup.com By Charlene Muhammad, to July Black24-30, women in California “fireside chat” to take THE a broadretired California AssemblyCalifornia Black Media er look at aging and elder care and today the topic is ‘Black member and a commissioner Courtesy of Women Aging With Dignity in the Black community. on the California Commission causes unless the tenant perBy Aldon Thomas Stiles der the law. Her work contrasted Rep. Lee’s Office By Edward Henderson and Respect.’” To mark Women’s History Whether they were exon Aging said 23% of Black petrates a serious criminal act California Black Media the tenets of American law with California Black Media During their remarks, panelMonth, The California Black women live in poverty, which pressing the joys of caring that would endanger the health, equality and justice for all,” In December 2016, the the history and contemporary Representatives Barbara Lee ists outlined resources Black Women’s Collective (CBWC) for a loved one or exposing is the second-highest percentlife, and safety of other tenants. said NAACP President and Church gave an indexed dataTwo weeks ago, President realities ofFamily! discrimination (CA-13), Jesús “Chuy” García Judge Trina L. Thompson of the women need to make surewhen that honored more than 100 Black age in the U.S. — only behind range of We challenges Black CEO Derrick Johnson. “We base of the historic Freedmen’s · Self-terminate six months Joe Biden signed a federal Invite You to Join Our Church she participated in the ‘Continu(IL-04), and 39 additional cothe Superior Court of Alameda mustChristian recognize and their needs areBible met while elwomen leaders from across the Native American women. faceLifeasClass theyaccept age, the Bureau Records to Study the Smithafter FEMA terminates the women policing accountability execuWorship The Broadway Hustlers and ing the Dialogue’ series forstathe sponsors introduced theGeorge Rental County, whodeclared is Africanby Ameriimportance of amity sonian National Museum of evating someTuesday concerning state from different professionpanelists shared useful insights Brown pointed out that Gov. Sunday 10am Sunday 9amcreating 6:15pm emergency the tive order based on the AC Mob will be holding their Center for Judicial Education and Eviction Moratorium Act on can, wasofconfirmed the Unit- ofthat with those Place that are raising the the African American History and A could Safe since 1984, subjectivetocounselA Safe Place will launch a delivery tistics. alFloyd backgrounds, includingAct meshape public health Gavin Newsom set aside $2 President. Justice in Policing of local and stateHall level. As a Temporary Worship Location: Mission Paradise 5th AnnualMarch Family on Research Division (CJER) of the consciousness this nation — longtime Monday, 23,Reunion to prohibit ed and States District Court for the designed Culture Washington, D.C. and ofimplemented guidance. “Blackin women in California dia executives, public health policy or improve ways Afribillion for the Master Plan on two-year faith and domestic ing Congresswoman Lee is the advocate for battered 2021 authored by Rep. Karen 31113 Mission Boulevard, Hayward, CA 94544 Saturday, Sept. 19, 2 p.m. till 6 the Church is committed doJudicial Council of California. landlords fromactivists, evicting rental Aging, a 10-year project, but violence project, “Speaking of The database contains geneNorthern District California. services and to preThe project part-& intervention have many barriers in their evprofessionals, politican American caregivers at- women and their children, she Co-Chair of will theoffoster Steering Bass (D-CA-37). That action p.m., at deFremery Park, 18th Toactivities learn more about Pilgrim, visit oureryday website atlife. www.pilgrimbcsm.org ing just that.” She discussed the history of alogical information of freed vention for victims nerships between domestic Faith,” thanks to an $180,000 tenants during the COVID-19 The United States Senate votAs we get older, the cians and more. tend to the needs of aging famshe questioned, how would the most recently employed proPolicy Committee, a senior supplements other criminal at Adeline in Oakland, called In addition to its joint pur- grams African Americans after the of domestic violence. violence programs and faith grant from The Blue Shield of housing discrimination in Calipublic health emergency. The ed 51-44 to confirm Thompson, issues don’t change. The issues The organization also held ily members. people the money is intendand services for male member of the Appropriations justice Cali“A Dayreforms of No affecting Violence/All suits with the third NAACP, the Civil War. These programs include leaders. Foundation. forniaget effected illegal bill will ofthat bepanel part the third who Presidentformer Biden nominated. of domestic violence. aLives series discussions just more through complicated,” “This is our eventthe as victims Committee, Chair of fornians tookof place this ed to help access the money. California Matter.” Top L-R: Delane Sims, Hon. Cheryl Brown; Bottom L-R ShavonChurch seeks to strengthen “Only the comprehension of Emergency Shelter Program, A Safe Place will also join In partnership with the InstiJudge Trina Thompson. Phoracial covenants, and the Fair COVID-19 stimulus package Appointed under Article III of For more information about leading up to the celebration theIvie. Congressional Black Cau- part of the California Black said Regina Brown Wilson, year. other criminal Brown said currently there are da Webber-Christmas, Sylvia Drew The Several Broadway Hustlers African American individuals the true fatherhood of God can Teen Dating Violence Preventhe Blue Shield Against Viotute on Domestic Violence in to courtesy of Ms. Thompson. Housing Act of 1968. She has introduced by the House of the U.S. Constitution, federal disthe Blue Shield Project and and highlighted several policy Empowerment se- moderator of the event and excus, Chair Emeritus of the Pro- Women justice reforms state lev- not effective systems in place were known forat itstheGQ style, andProgram, families and through geneal- other bring full appreciation of the (BSAV) Foundation’s African American Commualso events, presented a of CJER lecture Lee getting the contact Carolyn Representatives, the Take and Retrict court judges serve lifetime Jesús “Chuy” García director California priorities, including ries,” said Yvonnecommunity Wheeler, a ecutive people about “That’s why it’s critical to tion funnel down through the Cali- lence gressive Caucus, Co-Chair of el went into effect inaging January. and business leadership in to informBarbara ogy. true brotherhood of men and education and outreach proCulturally Responsive Domesnity (IDVAAC), the “SpeakMore than 70% of President Russell at (510) 986-8600 xthe on wrongful convictions and sponsibility for They Workers appointments upon goodlevels,” behavelder care. member of the strategy team Black Media. involved on those fornia Department of Aging get theViolence Pro-Choice Caucus, and a gram. gang activities. wereand a the help they need. Here is a rundown highlightThe Church helps African the true sisterhood of women,” tic Network, which ing of Faith” project will raise Biden’s 92 district and appellate 315. officers can Families Act. ior. “Before judicial COVID-19, we The Hon. Cheryl Brown, the CBWC. Thetheir eventroots was learnings TheChuy funds, she“Last said,week willI down Brown to county agencies. García. street gang of more than 75a Rep. rium Act Would: Senior17emphasized. Democratic Whip. She of ing four of those laws, detailAmericans trace Nelson said during a 2018 Through Ahave Safe been Place,women, Russtatewide domestic awareness and educate the links court picks adapt to prevent them. Rep. Barbara Lee said, “As “All of us in the Northern Diswere already experiencing fiorganized in partnership with Ahead of Women’s History men and women that roamed · Prohibit landlords from violence also serves as Chairacross of the Maing what they do, and recount- authored a letter that 77 Mem- faith-based as far backmajority as possible. The celebration of diversity and has also governed domesagencies theto sell community on best and a vast have been Thompson is a member of the more workers are losing their trict are grateful and excited nancial hardship, poor health Black Women Organized for Broadway from 2nd Street to Month, a group of influenbersbooking of Congress signed, call- practices evicting rental tenants due state. jority Leader’s Task Force on tic ing what California legislators the or crime resulted Church $2 million lent drugand offenses. in the church. “That violence programs on bothin oneness models to apply people ofdonated color. Association of African American jobsMacArthur or having their lim- from have Judge Thompson join us,” Political W in Oakoutcomes, and when the panAction (BWOPA). tial California Black women ing onthe mortgage lendersa to stop when to The failure to pay rent or other Poverty and Opportunity. have said aboutBlvd. them.hours person being victim February to the International understanding inspires us A Safe Place seeks to break legislation allows a working with families Prior to her appointment, Rev. Ron Linzie California Judicial Officers, Inc., ited, families are put at risk of said Chief Judge Richard Seeland in the late 70’s and early “Our goal is to talk about brought their perspectives toforeclosures during violence this public Senate Bill (SB) 317 allows of intimate partner or experiencing African American Museum with passionate desire to build violence in theor the cycle of domestic and famcourt to suspend a sentence Continued on page 8 Thompson servedareas important a juvenile (AAACJO). The organization missing rent or forgoing on sexual borg of last the U.S. District for the 80’s. Brother issueswhich that gether month in aCourt virtual health crisis. But nearly a third home. conduct credits to be food earned (IAAM), is set to open bridges violence. of cooperation instead violence by providing batTo place Legal Ad grant probation for drug of-aily court commissioner, a crimi- was established in 2017 to adACWe Mob a people gang theThe table. can’twas allow the Northern District Califor- in or Rev. Dr.-of “This U.S.541-9650 residents arethat renters 2021 on the former Gads- of while an individual who has (510) walls of segregation.” bill ensures surviwomen and theirof children Domestic violence is onya theor tered fenses such asnearly possession Byrode Sean Ryan lion jobs and doubled contact T Peacock: nal defense in private dress the professional interests that the AC Transit buses. Lowery at (510) to be on the streets in theincommiddle Jasper nia. safe shelter and resourcin theofcommunities I represent den’s Wharfattorney in Charleston, been deemed mentally with cause of of opiates injury to vors sexual violence are766able leading transportation or Phone: (510) 272-4747 GDP growth—and without it, Jackson practice for nearly a decade, and of Black They were also friends and as- 5404 or Michelle Murray aka women between the ages of es, “She state and federal judicial of a public health crisis –athat’s a wealth of expe- South Carolina. in receive Chicago the ratio is much and brings to prevent violence petent by the court is in state to justice through our we Brother cannabis. Fax: (510) 743-4178 Congresswoman Barbara would have neared a doublePresents sociates with the Broadway as an assistant public defender. “Niecey” at (510) 472-5255. officers presiding in the Califorwhy I worked with Rep. Garcia rience as a highly regarded trial higher.system, Working-class people, 15-44. through outreach and educaMore than one million hospital orofother mentalApprohealth legal which typically Email: tonya_pea“Mass incarceration for Lee, Chair the House digit recession. Compared to of the NAACP, San Francisco Thompson holds the distinction nia. The membership includes Hustlers. Former AC Mob For those who wish to conRev. Amos Brown (left), pastor of Third Baptist Church, San Francisco and president to introduce the Rental Evicjudge, which will be most welimmigrants,theand renters suffer children each year the tion. treatmentSubcommittee facility awaiting overlooks context of abuse cock@dailyjournal.com nonviolent drugwitness offenders priations on Stateof the previous economic members hold top social food orof funds to support of being the first African Ameri- Superior Court President Church Jesus Christ ofbrutal Latter-day Saints recoveries, Russell M. Nelson the 110th branch greets judges and comtion Moratorium Act. Thisserim- tribute come our very busyannual Court,” Sinceonat 1976, A Safe Place victimization of a pardisproportionately from ecoBrother trial. when determining whether to All other classifieds conhasn’t drug use or adand Foreign Operations, issued this pastreduced year’s has also been far People vice positions today.ensures efforts ofAssociation their street minisnational convention ofthat the the National for theent Advancement of Colored (NAACP) Sunday in can woman elected to the Supemissioners, Appellate Court jusportant legislation By Brandon he said. George Henry White in 1900. a 24-hour crisis attact the hands ofterms an intimate nomic recessions like the one more Authored by Reunion State arrest,” said Jones-Sawyer. the diction,” Wiener tweeted after has offeredPhone the following statement onSenator March equitable in ofPOST: progThe Family will tries, send donations to Urojas partner. Salt Lake Tribune. Detroit. Photo courtesy of The rior Court of Alameda County. tices, administrative law renters in the Bay Area and the Patterson Since taking office, President White, who represented North CarPresents line, emergency 20-bed shelJesus is the Wayjudges thisNewsom country will likely be 124, fac- ress Henry Stern signed AB (510) 287-8200 Fax the bill passed lastpoverty, year. “Time 11, marking one (D-Calabasas), year since the Community against child food feature music, food, spoken Services’ corpoIn addition to her work on the and State Bar court judges. nation cannot be evicted from JoeaBiden has made it a priority children’s program, com-to olina, was the House’s only Black The faith environment can ing, andwas they need the financial president of theby Church SB The 317 was signed Gov. which authored by even Sen. insecurity, 287-8247 for each other. We don’t customized the ter, Sunday. “May we go forward bench, she serves as a professor forThey a newhave approach.” American Rescue Plan Act of rate and(510) unemployment word, a kid zone and guest office, 1271 Washington “Given herPresents body of work and their homes during the COVTheto exemplify Senate lawmaker at the time. Democrat counseling, support a safe and natural place to munity diversify federal security billwith would provide, of Jesus Christ oflaw: Latter-day Gavin Newsom in October of Ave., have Suite to this agree each other Sydney Kamlager (D-Los An- be Church’s self-reliance services doing our bestcourts. Assembly Bill (AB) 333, Email: 2021 was signed into speakers. for low-income communities and 452, San Leandro, at the University of California, community education family violence andtore-be groups, ID-19 pandemic. must enpassed a bench bi-par-is Sen. Cory Booker and Republican her dedication to the community, current federal Saints Russell M.WeNelson re- CA immediately.” last and went into to love each other.last If we have materials and programs geles), in October year. It address the“Our two great commandments Foryear information, call effect Rev. authored by limits and communities ofKamlager, color. 94577. ads@postnewsgroup.com Berkeley, where she received her outreach, as well as a Teen lated issues, including children sure that everyone has access to tisan bill not representative of the diversity minded those assembled for The Rental Moratoany hope ofEviction reclaiming the the most effective for the have initiathis past January. — to love God and lovecrimieach Senator Tim Scott, both of whom it is clear Judge Thompson will took effect on Jan. 1, 2022. Ron Linzie “aka” at state’s gang enhancement One year ago today,Poison President With that said, we still a bachelor’s degree in the 1983, and be an invaluable Prevention Program. that exposed to violence in Violence her new quality housing nonational matter their goodwill nalizing lynching at theU.S. federal Black, introduced legislaof said Sen. are the“SB 110th annual conJesus isasset theinWay and sense of humantive.are of our Hisdemocracy,” children. 317 provides pathways “Incarcerated survivors of long law. Biden signed the American Resway toAs goaon all of there these isCarolyn Russell, who has the home. result, is her juris doctor from the univerrole as District Judge of the Unitfinancial situation.” level this week, sending the bill tion together this time around. Alex Padilla (D-CA) in remarks vention of the National Assoity for which yearn, need it must The two organizations also Arm in arm and shoulder to to Plan appropriate mental health trafficking & we violence a asues. Gang enhancements are cue (ARP) into law followToo many still lack access to served Congresswoman Jesus is the Way as executive director great need to strengthen the sity’s School of Law in 1986. ed States District Court for the “No one should lose their to President Biden’s desk after “Although no legislation will on the floor last week. “We have a ciation for the Advancement Rep. Bobby Rush, who repbegin with each of us, justice,” one per- the came on sentences Temple treatment defendants chance at holistic additional ing passage byforCongress, cata- 2nd healthtogether careprison they need to live a shoulder, may we strive to lift Barbara Lee Thompson has contributed to Northern District of California,” home during the COVID-19 the House approved the bill of Colored People (NAACP) reverse the pain and fear felt by lot of work to do to rebuild a judison at a time. resents the Chicago district Square life. lasttoMillions May toof call all our brothers and sisters everychargeda with misdemeanors,” tweeted last year be- fulfilling prescribed individuals who pulting historic recovery that Kamlager Amerieducating thetheir public andones, her peers Sunday inwhich Detroit that Idifferthe AAACJO saidTill in alived, statement pandemic is why introin January. The Emmett Till those victims, loved and ciary that deserves the faith of the Over the past 18 months, the people, organizations and govNew Hope Baptist Church, Oakland, CA where Emmett and where, in every way we can. said Assemblymember Regfore the bill passed. “We cancourts determinetoare associhas led need to one ofundermine the strongest cans are struggling put food on during the last half of 2021. For about equity and equal rights unences not socongratulating Thompson. duced the Rental Eviction MorAnti-Lynching Act, named for Black communities, this legislation American people.” First Presidency (the executive ernments to work together to This world will never be the Los Angeles Rep. Karen Bass gie Jones-Sawyer (D-Californot continue to criminalize be-Oakland, New Hope Baptist Church of CAamid seeks a Senior Pastor who will provide Spirit-directed, ated with a gang. periods economic growth in a thousands 10619 McArthur Blvd., Oakland, CA 510 689-9544 the table rising costs, from of families in our comciety’sof shared humanity. administration of the church) atorium Act,oftothe prohibit 14-year-old Chicago boy is a necessary step America must with a photo of Emmett Till achieve greater civility and ra- the same.” nia), chair Publicevicting Safety munity, havior bornmoney of desperation and visionary leadership for our church; and possesses excellent skills in the areas of preaching, Under the previous law encentury. the ongoing housing crisis to the this meant the dif“Weduring are allthis connected, and has made its partnership with cial harmony. “A church driven by Christ renters crisis. Famiwhose brutal Mis- take to heal from the racial- speaking before the House Earlier this murder year, thein Church Committee. liberation when our and systems acted in 1988, individuals who Many Americans hadresponbeen ference recent spike in gas prices to the between having childcare teaching, counseling congregational leadership development. Candidates should havecatalyze five plus we have a God-given the NAACP a high priority. Last July, Elder Jack N. Gehonored the NAACP’s comliesSB are317 hurting -they are worsissippi in 1955 helped the ized violence that has perme- passed the bill last month. focused on the kingdom” also changes some or don’t benefit those who need are to be affiliated or as-and mitment left to fend themselves cost childcare. not, healthy food theit ever-growing years Pastoral experience (preferably Senior Pastor), beNAACP’s licensed ordained by aadvance recognized sibility tofor help makehealth, lifeduring better Thehaving groups have met on severrardfound spoke at theof to equality ried about their jobs, and Civil Rights Movement, allows a ated its history,” Booker said Photo courtesy of Rush press of guidelines forus,” trialPresicommost.” sociated with a “criminal one ofthose the worst public health and table And the apervasive racial andstreet genor not, having secure place and forthe around Ordination Committee have Bachelor Degree from accredited Bible College alLicense times to pursuea joint educaNE EMarch W P7.ROGoffice. RAMS 109th annual convention inan crime and justice in society. childcare and deserve the certo be prosecuted as a lynchin a statement on petency. The also allowsand a co- der could receive gang en-ministerial economic crisesM. in Nelson history. The inequities bare by and COlive orlaw not.seminary. Sunday schoollaid 9 :00 amvictim dent Russell said totion efforts in Chicago San Antonio, Texas. “I’m honored The including Email San a covergang” letter, biography, resume license(s) toto have tainty that they won’t be kicked ing if a is killed or injured Rep. Bobby Rush, who Our Specialty is: "No Income “Itexpanded isaimportant remem- ercion defense toemployment beCommuused in VID hancements for anymay felony ARP access to to vaccines arepray deeper thanwe ever. Through my during evening To the full story, go to - read Francisco andCovid “I that in-additional Church of of Jesus Christ ofwith Lat-a represents partQualification Sunday Worship 10:00 am to thethat curbnine-minute andall leftoptions homeless if the nhbcpastoralsearch@gmail.com on or before April 2, 2020. For information please see as the result a hate crime of Chicago,Programs" for ber not are case of a serious felony or even if it is not connected to and testing; provided economic I urge Americans to look at nity Care Act, we also delivered speech. “We don’t have to be postnewsgroup.com initiatives in Houston and creasingly call“pastor”. each other ter-day Saints unity where Till lived they can’t for make theirdefendant, rent,” said charge sentence of up to 30stand years in in prison. was 2- 4 Units, 5+ Nonbefore - OwnerheSFR's, our website nhbcoakland.org under the heading Nodear phone calls pm please. Family Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 available every of human trafficking gang activity. relief keptalike millions outlove of vital alikethat or look to have the American Plan with funding to support commu- what Charlotte. friends,” Nelson Rescue concluded the NAACP to advance The Senate passed the bill unaniUnit Apartment Buildings, Senior Pastor as thoseprevented are dependent on the nity-based Prayer Service Thursday if the defendant a victim of did “When 92% year of gang en- 6:00pm and poverty; a catastrophic in just a single as a tesefforts toishire and moMixed Use and Commercial mously, though three Republican Phyllis Scott situation and mental sta- bilize human trafficking and their of- tament hancements are used against wave of evictions andhealth forecloto the transformative im- 8:30 am L.C. Fuller Jr. community outreach workSunday members of VA/USDA/FHA the House — from • 0 DOWN tus of each defendant,” stated fense was a direct result of that. BIPOC - that’s acan massive syssures; helped small businesses ers, community health workers, pact Owner/ Broker government have when Georgia, Kentucky, and Texas — Jones-Sawyer. “Thisand billmade is Oakland, a social • 580 FICO PROGRAMS “Many survivors 10619 Blvd., CAtrafficking 510 689-9544 problem,” said PresiKamand schoolsMcArthur stay afloat; CA DRE prioritizes people. I thank support specialists, and ittemic voted against it. tailored approachinthat allows others are incarcerated for crimes # 01 201700 lager. critical investments the expandent Biden and my Democratic to increase vaccine access • JUMBO LOANS TO $5 MILLION “A church driven by Christto protect themThe bill’s passage by Congress California to care use existing committed NMLS#358884 Just six months into the sion of health coveragetools and for in Congress for year, their the hardest-hit and highest- colleagues • Bank Loans/P&L Statement Loans marks theStatement end of hundreds of failed focused on thecomkingdom” to help costs defendants gain selves from further violence. it is not leadership clear how and effective reducing for millions. look risk communities through high- steadfast attempts pass anti-lynching leg• PRIORtoBK or SHORT SALE 24-7 Mortgage Loans petency avoid a cycle of touch, AB 124 allows foroutreach more just these new laws havetobeen In my and district in California’s to continuing work but toon-the-ground to forward islation over more than a century. • Borrowers with LOW or NO FICO’s incarceration.” outcomes moving forward,” 1556 Fitzgerald Drive #271 East Bay, the ARP has been transthe push for criminal justice regether to deliver for the American educate and assist individuals in Sunday school 9 :00 am Congress failed to passPermits, such legis• Borrower s w/Work Non- Resident Assembly Bill (AB) 124 getting stated Jones-Sawyer. formative, especially its expanform continues inside and outthe they need people.” OKthan 200 times over the Pinole, CA 94564 Sunday aWorship 10:00 aminformation lationAlien more provides petition process for about Senate Bill (SB) 73, au- side Send your church sion of the Child Tax Credit. Famof the California LegislaSean Ryan is a member of vaccinations. • Financing in NEW DEVELOPMENT’s 510-757-3659 Mobile last 122 years, according to USA BibletoStudy Wednesday 7:00 pm anFamily individual request that an thored by back Sen. on Scott Wiener Congresswoman ilies in my district alone received ture even as moreBarbara conservative Lee’s Looking its impact, notes, stories and • FIRST TIME BUYERS SPECIALIST Today. 510-200-9714 Office 877-247-7009 Efax arrest or conviction for nonvi(D-San Francisco), ends man- media A Next Level Church Ministering Senior Pastor Prayer Service Thursday 6:00pm 74,000 individual payments for opinions harden against them. relations office. we nowand have analyses showing The first piece of anti-lynching • PRIVATE and HARD MONEY…10 Day Closingseventswww.24-7mtgloans.com vacated -- ifof that Phyllis Scott datory forinnonvioto Post News themillion Spirit Excellence aolent total offenses of close be to in $160 the ARP resulted 4 milSunday 8:30 amminimums legislation was introduced by Rep. Rev. J. L. Porter, Group, Email at Senior Pastor/Teacher info@ ads@ 3601 Cutting Blvd, A Next Level Church Ministering postnewsgroup.com Richmond, 94804 Continued on page 8 in the Spirit ofCA Excellence Rev. J. L. Porter, 510-680-5031

Will Launch Faith and Domestic Violence Project

Chairwoman Barbara Lee Notes Anniversary of American Rescue Plan

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Congress Passes Anti-Lynching Bill After 200 Failed Attempts Over 100+ALLEN Years Jackson ALLEN Jackson

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Destiny Christian Fellowship

Senior Pastor/Teacher Sunday 10:00 am………Sunday School Sunday 11:00 am………Morning Worship 3601 Cutting Blvd, Wednesday 6:30pm……Intercessory Prayer Richmond, CA 94804 Wednesday 7:00 pm …..Wednesday Worship Experience 510-680-5031 Wednesday 7:30 pm…...Choir Rehearsal Sunday 10:00 am………Sunday School Sunday 11:00 am………Morning Worship Wednesday 6:30pm……Intercessory Prayer Wednesday 7:00 pm …..Wednesday Worship Experience

CHURCH OF ALL FAITHS 2100-5th Ave., Oakland, CA 94606 510-452-2578

Reverend Joe L. Smith, Pastor

Wednesday 7:30 pm…...Choir Rehearsal

Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church

BibleWay Missionary Baptist Church

5717 Foothill Blvd, Oakland, CA 94605 510-569-7814 * 510-568-4408 fax A church that prays together, stays together.

1077 13th St., Richmond, CA 94801 Nathan P. Whittom Sr., Pastor Sunday School…………….…………9:30 AM Worship Service….…………….….11:00 AM Monday Bible Study………….…...5:30PM Wednesday Bible Study…………11:30AM

“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so....” Psalm 107:2.

Rev. Dr Jeffrey M. Parker First Lady Princess W.Parker

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Sunday: Early Morning Worship ......................8:00 a.m. Sunday School .....................................................9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship ................................ 11:00 a.m. Wednesday: Bible Study .....................................7:00 p.m. Saturday: Prayer Hour..................................... 11:00 a.m.


Rev. Jeffrey Kirton, Pastor Mrs. Jamar Kirton, First Lady

Rev. C. T. Johnson, Pastor Emeritus 43 YEARS OF SERVICES




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LEGALS BULK SALES NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK SALE (U.C.C. §6104, 6105) ESCROW #: 0126017463 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to creditors of the within named seller that a bulk sale is about to be made of the assets described below. The names and business address of the Seller(s) is/are: Thoms Bro’s Inc. 2930 Sacramento Street Berkeley, California 94702 The location in California of the Chief Executive Office of the seller is: same as above As listed by the seller, all other business names and addresses used by the seller within three years before the date such list was sent or delivered to the buyer are: None The names and business address of the Buyer(s) is/are: B & Y Enterprises LLC 2930 Sacramento Street Berkeley, California 94702 The assets to be sold are described in general as: All stock in trade, furniture, fixtures, equipment and other property And are located at: 2930 Sacramento Street Berkeley, California 94702 The business name used by the Seller(s) at those locations is: “Sparkle Clean Laundry” The anticipated date of the bulk sale is: June 24, 2022 At the office of Old Republic Title Company @ 1000 Burnett Avenue, Suite 400, Concord, CA 94520. The bulk sale IS subject to California Uniform Commercial Code Section 6106.2. If so subject, the name and address of the person with whom claims may be filed is as follows: Old Republic Title Company @ 1000 Burnett Avenue, Suite 400, Concord, CA 94520 or E-Fax to 925-265-9040. The last day for filing claims shall be June 23, 2022 which is the business day before the sale date specified herein. Dated: May 27, 2022 Buyer(s): B & Y Enterprises LLC /S/ By: Bryan Reed, Managers / Member /S/ By: Yvonne G. Reed, Managers / Member 6/8/22 CNS-3592296# BERKELEY TRI-CITY POST

CIVIL ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No. CIV2201513 Superior Court of California, County of MARIN Petition of: DANIELLE ELIZABETH GRAY for Change of Name TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner DANIELLE ELIZABETH GRAY filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: DANIELLE ELIZABETH GRAY to DANIELLE ELIZABETH KINNEN The Court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing: Date: 7/15/2022, Time: 9:00 A.M., Dept.: E, Room: E The address of the court is 3501 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94913 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: MARIN COUNTY POST Date: 4/8/2022 ----Judge of the Superior Court 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29/22 CNS-3591821# MARIN COUNTY POST ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No. 22CV011571 Superior Court of California, County of ALAMEDA Petition of: JINGOU YIN, XIAOXIA HUANG for Change of Name TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner JINGOU YIN, XIAOXIA HUANG filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: JULIA OLIVIA YIN to OLIVIA YIN The Court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing: Date: 7/15/2022, Time: 11:00 A.M., Dept.: 17, Room: N/A The address of the court is 1221 OAK STREET, OAKLAND, CA 94612 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: OAKLAND POST NEWS GROUP Date: MAY 24, 2022 CHARLES A SMILEY Judge of the Superior Court 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22/22 CNS-3590996# OAKLAND POST









ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No. CIV2201422 Superior Court of California, County of MARIN Petition of: LACEY LEE LOBENSTEIN for Change of Name TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner LACEY LEE LOBENSTEIN filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: LACEY LEE LOBENSTEIN to LACEY LEE WILLIAMS The Court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing: Date: 7/8/2022, Time: 9:00 A.M., Dept.: A, Room: A The address of the court is 3501 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94913 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: MARIN COUNTY POST Date: 3/29/2022 -----Judge of the Superior Court 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22/22 CNS-3589350# MARIN COUNTY POST

MAY 1, 2022 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) /s/ KARL A HARRIS This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Alameda County on MAY 23, 2022 NOTICE: In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22/22 CNS-3589834# OAKLAND POST

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 153278 The following person(s) is doing business as: ChiroMarin, 359 Bel Marin Keys Blvd Suite 10, Novato, CA 94949, County of Marin. Rodas-Lindstrom Chiropractic Inc., 359 Bel Marin Keys Blvd Suite 10, Novato , CA 94949 This business is conducted by a corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A /s/ Brenda Rodas Lindstrom, President This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Marin County on May 13, 2022. Shelly Scott, County Clerk By: L. Vawter, Deputy 5/25, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 7/6/22 CNS-3588856# MARIN COUNTY POST

listed above on N/A /s/ Arianna D’Aloia, Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Marin County on May 3, 2022. Shelly Scott, County Clerk By: L. Vawter, Deputy 5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8/22 CNS-3585549# MARIN COUNTY POST

Department of Industrial Relations (DIR): 1. No contractor or subcontractor may be listed on a bid proposal for a public works project unless registered with the DIR pursuant to Labor Code Section 1725.5 [with limited exceptions from this requirement for bid purposes only under Labor Code Section 1771.1(a)]. 2. No contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project (awarded on or after April 1, 2015) unless registered with the DIR pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5. 3. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR. 4. The prime contractor must post job site notices prescribed by regulation. 5. Assembly Bill 219 requires companies hauling or delivering ready-mix concrete to register with the DIR as a public works contractor. Bid Documents and AB 2036 Compliance: Bid documents are only available digitally and provided free of charge through the websites listed below. 1. iSupplier: https://www. oaklandca.gov/services/activeclosed-opportunties OR 2. CIPList.com: http://ciplist.com/ plans/?Oakland/city/9392 Separate Plan Holder lists are maintained by each site. Bid Results and Subcontractor Listings are posted only to the CIPList.com site. It is the responsibility of each prospective bidder to download and print all bid documents, including any addenda, and to verify the completeness of their printed bid documents before submitting a bid. The City does not warrant, represent, or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any bid documents and/or information retrieved from other sources. The City is not responsible for any loss or damage including, but not limited to, time, money, or goodwill arising from errors, inaccuracies or omissions in any bid documents and/or information obtained from other sources. It is each prospective bidder’s responsibility to check these sites through to the close of bids for any applicable addenda or updates. Asha Reed, City Clerk and Clerk of the City Council Newspaper publication date: June 10, 2022 6/8/22 CNS-3592128# OAKLAND POST

FOR THIS SOLICITATION ONLINE SO AS TO BE LISTED AS AN ONLINE PLANHOLDER FOR THIS SOLICITATION, WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR AWARD OF THIS AGREEMENT. Dated at Oakland, California this 25 th day of May 2022. /s/ John Mazza John Mazza, Director of Procurement San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District 6/1/22 CNS-3591305# OAKLAND POST

important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court on 6/13/2022 at 9:45 A.M. in Dept. 202 Room N/A located at 2120 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR WAY, BERKELEY, CA 94704. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: SRINOI G. ROUSSEAU, 2433 MARINER SQUARE LOOP, STE 210, ALAMEDA, CA 94501, Telephone: 510465-3885

kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: PETER SHELTON, PETER SHELTON LAW, 2041 BANCROFT WAY, SUITE 206, BERKELEY, CA 94704, Telephone: 510-394-5483

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No. 22CV010929 Superior Court of California, County of ALAMEDA Petition of: BENJAMIN NELSON AKA YAFEU KONDWANI TYKIMBA for Change of Name TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner BENJAMIN NELSON AKA YAFEU KONDWANI TYKIMBA filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: BENJAMIN NELSON to YAFEU KONDWANI TYKIMBA The Court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing: Date: 6/17/2022, Time: 11:00 A.M., Dept.: 17, Room: N/A The address of the court is 1221 OAK STREET, OAKLAND, CA 94612 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: OAKLAND POST Date: MAY 6, 2022 CHARLES A SMILEY Judge of the Superior Court 5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8/22 CNS-3584698# OAKLAND POST*10080

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 153315 The following person(s) is doing business as: URsupersonic, 10 Shelley Drive #4, Mill Valley, CA, 94941, County of Marin. Supersonic Holdings LLC 10 Shelley Drive #4, Mill Valley, CA, 94941 This business is conducted by limited liability company. /s/ Grace Paglen, Managing Member This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Marin County on 05/23/2022. Shelly Scott, County Clerk By: J. Mannion, Deputy 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29/22 CNS-3592463# MARIN COUNTY POST FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 153252 The following person(s) is doing business as: HERSPECTIVE MARKETING, 26 SCENIC AVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901, County of MARIN. LYDIA PULLER, 26 SCENIC AVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 This business is conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A /s/ LYDIA PULLER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Marin County on MAY 11, 2022. Shelly Scott, County Clerk By: O. LOBALE, Deputy 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29/22 CNS-3591803# MARIN COUNTY POST FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 589281 Fictitious Business Name(s): PEARL’S PRECIOUS BAKERY / LOVE LIFE DESIGNS, 9326 THERMAL STREET, OAKLAND, CA 94611, County of ALAMEDA Registrant(s): KARL A. HARRIS, 9326 THERMAL STREET, OAKLAND, CA 94611 Business conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The registrant began to transact business using the fictitious business name(s) listed above on

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 589271 Fictitious Business Name(s): LANG’S SMOOTHIES, 500 WILLIAM STREET APT 304, OAKLAND, CA 94612, County of ALAMEDA Registrant(s): EMESHIA LIBERAL, 500 WILLIAM STREET APT 304, OAKLAND, CA 94612 Business conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The registrant began to transact business using the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) /s/ EMESHIA LIBERAL This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Alameda County on MAY 23 2022 NOTICE: In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22/22 CNS-3589832# OAKLAND POST FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 153259 The following person(s) is doing business as: ANABELLIS TAQUERIA, 330 CANAL ST. APT. 12E, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901, County of MARIN. ARABELA ADELAIDA MAZARIEGOS DIAZ, 330 CANAL ST APT 12E, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 RICARDO GUTIERREZ MAYA, 330 CANAL ST. APT. 12E, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 This business is conducted by MARRIED COUPLE. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A /s/ ARABELA A. MAZARIEGOS This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Marin County on MAY 12, 2022. Shelly Scott, County Clerk By: -----, Deputy 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22/22 CNS-3589807# MARIN COUNTY POST FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 153279 The following person(s) is doing business as: Skate Escape, 5800 Northgate Dr, San Rafael, CA 94903, County of Marin. Norcal Ice LLC, 119 Upham Street Apt C., Petaluma, CA 94952; CA This business is conducted by limited liability company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A /s/ Connor Spence, CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Marin County on May 13, 2022. Shelly Scott, County Clerk By: L. Vawter, Deputy 5/25, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15/22 CNS-3589039# MARIN COUNTY POST STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. 304979 Date of Abandonment: MAY 4, 2022 Most Recent FBN Number: 2018144352 Date Filed: 04/03/2018 County of Marin Fictitious Business Name: SARGENT ASSISTANT, 15 GROVE LANE, NOVATO, CA 94947 Registrant: BRITTANY MCCAULEY, 15 GROVE LANE, NOVATO, CA 94947 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. S/ BRITTANY MCCAULEY This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Marin County on MAY 13, 2022. 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22/22 CNS-3588895# MARIN COUNTY POST

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 153248 The following person(s) is doing business as: MAYAN CLIMBER TREE SERVICE, 2046 MILL RD., NOVATO, CA 94947, County of MARIN. MAYAN CLIMBER TREE SERVICE INC., (CA), 2046 MILL RD., NOVATO, CA 94947 This business is conducted by A CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A /s/ PETRONILO PECH This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Marin County on MAY 11, 2022. Shelly Scott, County Clerk By: J. GILARDI, Deputy 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22/22 CNS-3588217# MARIN COUNTY POST FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 153272 The following person(s) is doing business as: Haus of Powers, 92 Broadmoor Ave, San Anselmo, CA 94960, County of Marin. David P Appel, 92 Broadmoor Ave, San Anselmo, CA 94960 This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A /s/ David P Appel, Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Marin County on May 13, 2022. Shelly Scott, County Clerk By: L. Vawter, Deputy 5/25, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15/22 CNS-3588045# MARIN COUNTY POST FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 153254 The following person(s) is doing business as: IZ PARTNERS, 431 GOLDEN GATE AVE., BELVEDERE, CA 94920, County of MARIN . MARSHALL R. MILLER, 431 GOLDEN GATE AVE., BELVEDERE, CA 94920 LINDA APPLEWHITE, 431 GOLDEN GATE AVE., BELVEDERE, CA 94920 CHARLES O. MILLER, 16469 24TH STREET, SUNSET BEACH, CA 90742 This business is conducted by A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 5/10/2022 /s/ MARSHALL R. MILLER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Marin County on MAY 11, 2022. Shelly Scott, County Clerk By: J. GILARDI, Deputy 5/25, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15/22 CNS-3587986# MARIN COUNTY POST FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 153239 The following person(s) is doing business as: Untethered Studio, 81 Mount Rainier Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903, County of Marin. Studio Detalj LLC, 81 Mount Rainier Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903 This business is conducted by limited liability company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on May 10, 2022 /s/ John Charles Wimberly, Managing Member This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Marin County on May 10, 2022. Shelly Scott, County Clerk By: L. Vawter, Deputy 5/25, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15/22 CNS-3587914# MARIN COUNTY POST FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 153233 The following person(s) is doing business as: TAILGATOR / TAILGATOR TECHNOLOGIES, 195 MELVILLE AVE., SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960, County of MARIN. TAILGATOR INC., 195 MELVILLE AVE., SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960 (DE) This business is conducted by A CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A /s/ FRED GOLDFARB This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Marin County on MAY 6, 2022. Shelly Scott, County Clerk By: L. VAWTER, Deputy 5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8/22 CNS-3586176# MARIN COUNTY POST*10080 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 153214 The following person(s) is doing business as: Candelina, 7 Corte Saratoga, San Rafael, CA 94903, County of Marin. Arianna D’Aloia, 7 Corte Saratoga, San Rafael, CA 94903 This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 588388 Fictitious Business Name(s): GRAFCO DISCOUNT MART, 1309 PORTOLA AVE, LIVERMORE, CA 94551; MAILING ADDRESS: 2688 CASTRO VALLEY BLVD., CASTRO VALLEY, CA 94546, County of ALAMEDA Registrant(s): JEET SINGH, 14976 SWENSON ST, SAN LEANDRO, CA 94579 SATYADEVSINH D. WALA, 2742 DORSET LN, TRACY, CA 95377 Business conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP The registrant began to transact business using the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) /s/ JEET SINGH This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Alameda County on APRIL 20, 2022 NOTICE: In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). 5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8/22 CNS-3585207# OAKLAND POST*10080

GOVERNMENT CITY OF OAKLAND, CA Public Works Department OR DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION request for bid Project No. 1004947, Federal Project No. STPL-5012 (157) OAKLAND LSR PAVING PROGRAM Description: The City of Oakland is proposing to construct improvements at the following locations within the City: Oakport Street from 1300ft east of Edgewater Drive to the 1‐880 freeway entrance; Monterey Boulevard from Bennet Place to Maiden Lane; and Oakland Avenue from Orange Street to MacArthur Boulevard. Pre-Bid Meeting:June 21, 2022 10:00AMPDue to City, Country state shelter-in-Place orders, the pre-bid meeting will be held via teleconference only. He voluntary pre-bid meeting will now be held via teleconference only . The toll-free dial in phone number is 605 472 5691. Access code 5253821 Questions Due:June 27, 2022, by 2:00 PM by email to the Project Manager. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the email is received by the Project Manager. Any addendum that materially changes the bid invitation shall be issued no less than 72 hours before the bid opening unless the bid opening is extended by said addendum. Bids Due: July 7, 2022 by 2:00 PMDuring the Covid-19 emergency, bids may either be uploaded into the City’s I supplier online procurement system or may be mailed to the City Clerk at 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Room 104.Oakland, CA 94612 . Bidders must be registered with iSupplier to submit bids online. New users should register at least three days prior to bid deadline. Bidders may access iSupplier by going to the following web address.https://www.oaklandca. gov/services/register-withisupplier If bidders choose to mail or hand deliver their bid, it is the bidder’s responsibility to ensure that it is received by the City Clerk prior to the bid due date and time. It is strongly encouraged to allow for several additional days for mail processing. Late submissions may not be accepted and will be returned unopened. Engineer’s Estimate: Base Bid $5,200,000.00 Basis of AwardThe lowest base bid License Required: Classification A – General Engineering Contractor. Per 23 CFR 635.110(c), bidders are not restricted to submit a bid prior to possessing a license. However, a contractor license is required prior to the award of the contract. Contract Days: 180 working days Liquidated Damages: $4,333 per calendar day Bonds: 10% Bid Security; 100% Payment and Performance Bonds DBE Goal: 11% Local business preference programs are not applied on federally funded projects. Prime contractors are advised to verify the DBE certification status of any subcontractors prior to submittal. Federal Trainees Required: Not required. Self-Performance: 30% minimum, excluding Specialty Items, per Greenbook Section 2‐3.2. Refer to Bid Schedule for Specialty Items, if any. Contact Information: DOT Project Manager: Mastewal Cherinet at mcherinet@ oaklandca.gov Capital Contracts: Albert Lujan at alujan@oaklandca.gov Contract Compliance Officer: Sophany Hang at shang@ oaklandca.gov or (510) 238-3723

Notice is hereby given that the County of Alameda TreasurerTax Collector Agency is accepting competitive bids for RFP #202201 Deferred Compensation Recordkeeper. N O N - M A N D A T O R Y NETWORKING BIDDERS CONFERENCE: Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 10:00AM To Attend Online: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting OR Call-in: +1 415-915-3950 Conference ID: 573 317 268# Response Due by 5:00 PM on June 27, 2022 County Contact: Aaron Coleman at (510) 272-6814 or via email: Aaron.Coleman@ acgov.org. Attendance at outreach event or bidders conference is non-mandatory. Specifications regarding the above may be obtained at the Alameda County GSA Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at www.acgov.org. 6/8/22 CNS-3591611# OAKLAND POST SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT NOTICE TO PROPOSERS GENERAL INFORMATION The SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT, 2150 Webster Street, Oakland, California, is advertising for proposals for Graffiti Removal Services Districtwide (RFP) No. 6M3566, on or about May 26, 2022 , with proposals due by 2:00 p.m. local time, Tuesday, July 12, 2022, at the District Secretary’s Office, 10th Floor, 2150 Webster Street, Oakland, California, 94612. Proposers are responsible to ensure their proposals are received in a timely manner. PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING AND NETWORKING SESSION A PreProposal Meeting and Networking Session will be held on Thursday , June 16, 2022 . The Pre-Proposal Meeting and Networking Session will convene at 2:00 p.m. local time via a Zoom presentation. All Interested Parties must register via the following Zoom link prior to participating in the Pre-Proposal Meeting: Click here to Register. After registering, participants will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. REQUIRED REGISTRATION ON BART PROCUREMENT PORTAL In order for prospective Proposers to be eligible for award of an Agreement being solicited on the BART Procurement Portal, such Proposers are required to be currently registered to do business with BART on the BART Procurement Portal online at https://suppliers.bart.gov and have obtained Solicitation Documents, updates, and any Addenda issued online so as to be added to the Online Planholders List for this solicitation. If a prospective Proposer is a joint venture or partnership, such entity may register on the BART Procurement Portal with the entity’s tax identification number (TIN) and download the Solicitation Documents so as to be listed as an Online Planholder under the entity’s name prior to submitting its Proposal. If such entity has not registered on BART Procurement Portal in the name of the joint venture or partnership prior to submitting its Proposal, provided that at least one of the joint venturers or partners registered online on the BART Procurement Portal and downloaded the Solicitation Documents so as to be added to the Online Planholders List for this solicitation, such entity will be required to register with the entity’s TIN as an Online Planholder following the submittal of Proposals, in order for the entity to be eligible for award of this Agreement. PROPOSERS WHO HAVE NOT REGISTERED ON THE BART PROCUREMENT PORTAL PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL, (OR FOR JOINT VENTURE OR PARTNERSIP AS DESCRIBED ABOVE PRIOR TO AWARD) AND DID NOT DOWNLOAD THE SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS


To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: EDDIE T.K. RULIE AKA EDDIE RULIE AKA EDDIE T. RULIE AKA EDDIE TJWAN K. RULIE A Petition for Probate has been filed by ALAMEDA COUNTY PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR in the Superior Court of California, County of ALAMEDA. The Petition for Probate requests that ALAMEDA COUNTY PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court on JUNE 30, 2022 at 1:30 P.M. in Dept. 201 Room N/A located at 2120 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR WAY, BERKELEY, CA 94704. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Petitioner: P.O. BOX 2071, OAKLAND, CA 94604, Telephone: 510-577-1979 6/8, 6/15, 6/22/22 CNS-3591800# BERKELEY TRI-CITY POST


To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: DANUTE JANUTA AKA DANUTE V. JANUTA AKA DANUTE VIKTORIJA JANUTA AKA DANUTE V. GUSTAS AKA DANUTE VIKTORIJA GUSTAS AKA DANUTE GUSTAS A Petition for Probate has been filed by LINDA M. MCHUGH in the Superior Court of California, County of ALAMEDA. The Petition for Probate requests that LINDA M. MCHUGH be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The Petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The Petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very

5/25, 6/1, 6/8/22 CNS-3588680# BERKELEY TRI-CITY POST


5/25, 6/1, 6/8/22 CNS-3587779# BERKELEY TRI-CITY POST


To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: Diane Colborn A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Lata C. Gleich in the Superior Court of California, County of Alameda. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that Lata C. Gleich be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent’s WILL and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act with full authority . (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on 06/15/2022 at 2:00 pm in Dept. 201 located at 2120 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. WAY BERKELEY CA 94704 BERKELEY COURTHOUSE. REMOTE APPEARANCE: The Court allows, but does not require, all parties who wish to attend the hearing on the above date and time, including those who wish to state objections, to appear by audio or video technology. The parties should consult the court’s website for the specific telephonic and video applications available. The parties may also contact the probate clerk in the respective department for information concerning remote appearances. Parties must be present at least five (5) minutes before the scheduled hearing time. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: Sophia L. Johnson (SBN 316189), Roisman Henel + Adams LLP, 1999 Harrison St., Ste. 1400, Oakland, CA 94612, Telephone: 5104666000

To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: JEANNE B. KUBY A Petition for Probate has been filed by PAUL SCOTT KUBY in the Superior Court of California, County of ALAMEDA. The Petition for Probate requests that PAUL SCOTT KUBY be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The Petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The Petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court on JUNE 15, 2022 at 9:45 A.M. in Dept. 202 Room N/A located at 2120 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR WAY, BERKELEY, CA 94704. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days 5/25, 6/1, 6/8/22 from the date of mailing or CNS-3586977# personal delivery to you of a BERKELEY TRI-CITY POST notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file

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THE POST, June 8-14, 2022, Page 8

Protect Yourself: Black Women’s Group Encourages Youth to Get COVID Shot By Edward Henderson, California Black Media

Black women leaders in California want to raise COVID vaccine awareness among young people across the state as the number of infections creeps back up. Last week, Black Women Organized for Political Action (BWOPA), a statewide political advocacy organization, hosted a town hall meeting via Zoom organized to engage youth through their Young Enough to Know Campaign. The effort is aimed at educating young people and their families about the importance of being vaccinated to protect themselves against COVID-19. Vashone Huff, co-director of BWOPA’s Black & Vaxxed campaign, opened the town hall with a welcome message and stated the purpose of the gathering. “We are focusing and engaging elementary, middle school, high school and college students in conversation and highlighting the voices and lives of those that are not too young to know about the impacts of COVID as well as the actions they can take to advocate and protect themselves and their families,” said Huff. Experts say there are many factors that contribute to this number including the short time the vaccine has been available for youth. Last week, 19 California counties were recategorized as “medium risk” from “low risk,” based on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) three-level ranking system for tracking COVID hospitalization rates. Thirty-three of California’s 58 counties are now ranked in the “medium risk” category, accounting for more than 75% of the state’s population, according to numbers compiled by the California Department of Public Health. BWOPA says that is one reason the organization is working to encourage Black and Brown communities to fight the stigma surrounding the vaccine and encourage youth to become fully

Water Expert: Make Conservation a Family Project as California Drought Gets Worse By Aldon Thomas Stiles, California Black Media

vaccinated. At the beginning of the event, Huff introduced the hosts of the town hall: Lady Ray of iHeart Radio and Tyler Baty, a 7th grade student and athlete at St. Leo the Great Catholic School in Oakland. Baty, an accomplished student athlete and orator said it is important for kids his age to remain safe and continue to wear masks in public places. He also shared that many of his friends had come down with COVID and he wants more youth and their parents to take the vaccine seriously. BWOPA wants young people to know that children ages 5-11 are eligible for the Pfizer vaccine, and kids 12 and older are now eligible for boosters. Patricia-Blue Pharr, 11, shared her experience contracting COVID while at a summer camp last year. Pharr said she began to feel sick shortly after she arrived at the camp and had to return home. “It just goes to show that COVID can spread really quickly. That’s why you have to be very careful,” said Pharr. “I had a lot of doctor’s appointments and had to stay home and not have contact with anybody. Anytime I wanted to eat, I had to take it to my room and eat it by myself. I couldn’t even sit on my porch, which was really upsetting.” Angela Sou, program manager for the Youth Engagement Program of the state’s Vaccinate All 58 Campaign, followed Pharr and shared her support for BWOPA and its efforts. Vaccinate All 58 partners with BWOPA to providing funding

for outreach and engagement within communities disproportionately affected by barriers to healthcare and information. “These projects nurture a culture of trust, engagement, buy in and civic engagement. We want to make the conversations surrounding COVID-19 more accessible and collaborative,” said Sou. According to BWOPA, hospitalizations due to COVID-19 are 11 times higher in unvaccinated children than fully vaccinated ones. Across the United States, COVID hospitalizations for children are on par with the numbers for adults. Oakland City Councilmember Treva Reid (District 7) also spoke at the town hall, offering encouragement to the youth attending and sharing a message to the people as they prepare for a safe summer. “As people are going back to their daily activities people are not wearing masks,” said Reid. “Be sure to get involved in these conversations and influencing people in your family and communities. You are young enough to know, you are young enough to advocate as we all work to come through Covid and love each other through it all.” Other speakers included Dr. Norlisa Cooper of BWOPA, Jessica King and Aldane Waters, who helped produce a public service announcement aimed toward youth and their parents about the importance of wearing masks, staying socially distant and becoming fully vaccinated. Visit blackandvaxxed.org to learn more about BWOPA’s efforts to raise awareness.

African American water experts are joining state officials calling on Californians to conserve as much water as possible in preparation for an abnormally dry summer ahead. California is in year three of a drought that scientists have called the driest in the history of the state. “Look at your usage. Make it a family project,” said Dale Hunter, a respected African American water expert in Sacramento. Last week, the State Water Resources Control Board voted to ban the watering of

iStock Photo.

“non-functional” turf to combat California’s drought as state officials estimate that water supplies may decrease by 20% due to rising heat. This statewide ban will apply to the commercial, industrial and institutional sectors. “California is facing a drought crisis and every local water agency and Californian needs to step up on conservation efforts,” Gov. Gavin

Newsom said in a statement. “I am hopeful the measures enacted by the State Water Board will lead to a reduction of water use across the state.” Hunter says conservation is urgent. “This is the state saying, ‘folks this is serious. We are encouraging all locals to come up with a conservation plan,’” he added. Following state official calls for water use reduction last year, Californians’ water use increased by about 19% this year, according to the governor’s office. To read the full story, go to postnewsgroup.com

Project Hosts Virtual Workshop for African American Families Caring for Mentally Ill, Substance Abusers

Continued from page 2

members and planned by family members. To register, call 510-697-8533. The event will also feature Dr. Aaron Chapman, psychiatrist, and medical director for Alameda County Behavioral Health Services. He will discuss the role of psychiatric care and devote considerable time to answer audience questions in depth and followed by a panel of speakers who will describe the process for filing a complaint against a service provider. “We see a lot of people with mental illness being incarcerated at Santa Rita jail,” said Margot Dashiell, chairwoman of the AAFOP Steering Committee. “Forty-eight percent of those incarcerated in the jail’s mental health unit are African American, yet African Americans constitute only 9% of the County population. Involuntary hospitalization is also at a disproportionate rate at John

George Mental Health facility. “If we can help families recognize the symptoms and what resources are available, families could recognize symptoms early on, and serious challenges could be averted,” she said. “Homelessness has exacerbated the problem and we’re witnessing an increase in suicides at an alarming rate. We offer family education and a resource support center virtually due to COVID-19.” AAFOP was designed to help families who have loved ones suffering from mental illness with resources and coping skills. For the past five years, AAFOP’s fiscal sponsor and home has been the Mental Health Association of Alameda County, with funding from Alameda County Behavioral Health Services. Traditionally, psychiatry programs, master’s degree and Ph.D. psychology programs did not recognize the importance of families in helping loved ones

who are ill or addicted. In fact, it was once the common view in textbooks and training programs that mental illness resulted from poor parenting. Reversing old ideas and practices, Alameda County Behavioral Health designated funds from California’s Mental Health Services Act to AAFOP to encourage family members to actively engage in the treatment process for loved ones. Many agencies and service providers today still do not actively encourage family participation in the treatment process. AAFOP encourages continual learning and the importance of self-care in the face of stressful conditions. As such, it encourages attendees to join Family Education Resource Center’s AAFOP which meets virtually on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. To receive a link for the support group, call 510-746-1700.


THE POST, June 8-14, 2022, Page 9


Program Milestones 18 Small Local Contractors 12 Trade-Specific Consultants (Estimating, Accounting, Legal, Marketing, Business Development) 10-Week Project Management Courses Trade Specific Courses Community Outreach Events Software Purchases/Training


Total Estimates Compiled: 43 Total Estimates Submitted: 43 Amount of Total Estimates Submitted: $17.7M Amount of Total Estimates Awarded (Thru April): $8.2M Average Revenue Increase of Participating Contractors: 9.2%

Program Need The construction industry presents a particular set of problems for small minority contractors, namely, technical and administrative training and support that results in capacity-building and longevity. The Construction Resource Center created the Mentor Mentee Supportive Services Program funded by the City of Oakland. These efforts were led by Rebecca Kaplan and her Team who amended the City budget to allow for this pilot program to take place. The program started in September 2021 and runs through September 2022. The goal is to provide the much-needed one-on-one technical assistance to City of Oakland Local and/or Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) construction contractors. As a result, the access gap is decreased, and these small contractors are poised to work with the City of Oakland, other organizations and municipalities throughout the Greater Bay Area.

Community Impact & Program Effectiveness All 18 contractor participants along with the 12 local Consultants have had a favorable impact on their business. Internal processes are more efficient, staff are trained on industry standards and software and revenue has increased as additional contracts are being awarded. Contractors and Consultants have indicated through their monthly performance reports that the program is just what was needed as small businesses need on-going support tailored to their needs as well as accessibility to subject matter experts that typically are outside of their reach based on cost. "This program is just what we needed" - J. Arellano "I have never seen a program so dedicated to everyones success" - B. Khufu

Sustainability Program Services The 18 eligible contractors who are currently participating, underwent a pre-screening process, acquired a customized Action Plan that evolves with their needs, participated in a Program Orientation, and are assigned to the 12 trade expert Consultants, such as Edward M. Lai, Esq., Tonma, Lowe Consulting, and Barkwood Digital. Consultants provide one-on-one assistance with Accounting, Administrative Set-up, Estimating, Legal, Marketing, Social Media, Software Training, Social Media, Tax Prep/Resolution, and MORE.

The success of the program is due to the collaborative approach by the City of Oakland and CRC along with the dedication of its program participants and Consultants. To that end, we are hoping the City is dedicated to funding additional years of the program to help sustain the participants beyond the year of success they are witnessing. These contractors are certified SLEB, DBE, MBE and/or Disabled Vets. If you would like to know more about the qualifications of our participants for future partnerships, go to our website to schedule a meeting and/or a phone call.


Jay King, CEO of California Black Chamber of Commerce moderates panel of congressional hopefuls. Screenshot courtesy of California Black Media.

U.S. Rep. Garamendi’s Absence from Suisun Forum Raises Voters Concerns By Antonio Ray Harvey California Black Media

Congressman John Garamendi (D-Walnut Grove), a member of the United States House of Representatives, has been representing California’s Third Congressional District for nearly 10 years. But now he is running for re-election to represent California’s new eighth Congressional District, which covers areas in Solano and North Contra Costa counties. Recently, Democratic voters held a candidate forum in the redrawn Eighth District, an area with about 740,000 constituents. Garamendi was a no-show, prompting some residents to raise concerns about his candidacy. “It is important to know that if you’re going to represent me, I have to be important to you, I have to be a value to you and I have to know that you know that my vote is strong and powerful,” said Jay King, president and CEO of the California Black Chamber of Commerce. King was the moderator of the forum hosted by the Community Democratic Club in Suisun City. Three other candidates -- Democrat Demnlus Johnson, Republican Rudy Recile and Democrat Cheryl

Sudduth -- participated in the forum. Garamendi was reportedly out of the country the day the panel discussion was scheduled. Rutsch’s team says he was hoping to participate virtually but an in-person appearance was the only option organizers gave the candidates to attend. Garamendi, 77, who has served in Congress since 2009, faces a tough crop of challengers in an electoral area that the California Redistricting Commission specifically redrew to ensure minority representation in an area that has become increasingly diverse. Garamendi, who is white, lives in nearby Walnut Grove, which is in District 3. In addition to Johnson, Recile, and Sudduth, two more candidates are also contesting in the June 7 Primary election: Democrat Christopher Riley and Democrat Edwin Rutsch. The top two vote-getters in the primary will qualify to run in the General Election on Nov. 8, 2022. Calvin Harrell Jr., president of the Community Democratic Club of Solano County, commended the three candidates for showing up and sharing their backgrounds and platforms while offering solutions.


THE POST, June 8-14, 2022, Page 10

Voters’ Approval of Rob Bonta, Rejection of Chesa Boudin Highlight California’s Primary By Emil Guillermo

Don’t be fooled. The story on the California primary is the emergence of Alameda County’s Rob Bonta as a statewide leader. Bonta, the attorney general appointed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in March of 2021, easily won his primary race with 54.8% of the vote and will face Republican Nathan Hochman, who finished second with 18.3%. A little over a year as the state’s top cop, Filipino American Bonta got just what he needed — a vote of confidence statewide. Now he appears headed for a win in November’s general election as hot button issues like assault weapons/gun control, abortion, are all in his social justice wheelhouse. More importantly, his political career arc seems to be rising, too, as everyone who has held the job prior (notably Kamala Harris) has been destined for a


major D.C. role. The only question in the primary was: Would the whole state accept Bonta after such a short time on the job? We now know the answer is ‘yes.’ And that was what I’d call the big story about the California primary. A close second would be the primary as a general test of democracy. Look at the facts. I’m paying over $6 for a gallon of gas, am concerned over record inflation, general economic inequity, plus the lack of attention to public health amidst a pandemic, climate change, prospects of greater global conflicts, not to mention racism. Oh, and gun violence. How about you? Think you should vote if you get a chance? That’s why it’s a bit of a headscratcher that in a time when American democracy is being

held up with unwaxed dental floss used as baling wire, Californians didn’t seem excited enough to show up to vote. Democracy could have used some moral support. Or at least a sense that democracy is seen as a solution. But apparently that’s not how most people see things. It is so easy to vote in California these days too. I got my permanent vote by mail ballot and sent it off before I left for a jaunt eastward. But as I stayed up to see the other results come in from the Golden State, I was appalled at the turnout. Just 14% before Election Day itself when people could show up in person or drop off ballots. And now it appears it will be well under 30% (maybe even closer to 20% when all is said and done. Compare that to the gubernatorial recall of last year, with a turnout nearing 40%. I think recalls are a misuse of democracy and a disruptive nuisance. It’s like getting brain surgery when all you need is a

Tylenol. I’d rather see politicians and voters work out their differences within their term and then face getting voted out, rather than seeking an instant nuclear divorce. But this is the kind of contentiousness that seems to bring out the voters. A recall has become the way to put a politician on trial with voters as judge, jury and executioner. It also draws people to the polls and this time around San Franciscans got the benefit of the modern voter magnet. Chesa Boudin was billed as a progressive district attorney and seemed suited to a liberal city like San Francisco. The problem was idealistic views on incarceration, drug rehabilitation and sentencing sound better than the reality. Voters saw the city in disarray with a drug and homelessness problem, smash-and-grab shoplifting crimes, and suddenly all the high-minded ideas had lost their appeal. To read the full story, go to postnewsgroup.com

Reparations Supporters: All Black Americans Should Read Calif. Task Force First Report By Antonio Ray Harvey California Black Media

One year to the day since making its historic debut, the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans delivered its anticipated interim report to the California Legislature. Responding to the release, Black reparations activists are encouraging Black Californians to read the report and share their reactions with the task force during a series of upcoming listening sessions scheduled both in Northern and Southern California. “This process is all about you and this is about Black America,” said Tiffany Quarles, co-founder of the National Assembly of American Slavery Descendants - Los Angeles (NAASD-LA). “These listening sessions are a way to tell your story and to let the task force know what your ideas, thoughts, and other recommendations should be put in

California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans at the in-person meeting held in San Francisco on April 13, 2022. From left to right are task force vice-chair Dr. Rev. Amos Brown, California State Sen. Steven Bradford (D-Gardena) and Dr. Cheryl Grills (CBM photo by Antonio Ray Harvey).

forums.” The report, compiled by the California Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Enforcement Section (DOJCRE), is over 500 pages long. Some task force members are calling the document the most expansive analysis of the Black community since the Kerner Commission report was released 54 years ago. “It has been an honor and a privilege to supervise the re-

lease of this monumental interim report,” task force chair Kamilah Moore told California Black Media (CBM) in a statement. “A year-long effort, this 500-plus page report chronicles the harms against the African American community, starting with the transatlantic slave trade, the institution of U.S. chattel slavery, Emancipation and the broken promise of Reconstruction, genocidal Jim Crow, to contemporary harms.”

The report is based on hearings, expert testimonies, and evidence accumulated since the task force first convened on June 1, 2021. It establishes how California laws and policies have disproportionately and negatively affected African Americans. “This interim report is a historic step by the State of California to acknowledge the insidious effects of slavery and ongoing systemic discrimination, recognize the state’s failings, and move toward rectifying the harm,” said California Attorney General Rob Bonta. “I commend the Reparations Task Force for their commitment to this effort and for being a model for partners across the nation.” The report contains 13 chapters, including an introduction. The subjects the chapters cover include discussions about chattel slavery in America, racial terror, and political disenfranchisement. It documents historical injustices Black Americans... To read the full story, go to postnewsgroup.com

U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Challenge to Oakland’s Tenant Relocation Assistance Law

By Zoe M. Savitsk

On June 6, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a challenge to Oakland’s Uniform Residential Tenant Relocation Ordinance. The Court’s denial of the petition requesting review means that Oakland’s victories in the lower courts will stand — affirming a critical component of Oakland’s comprehensive tenant protections and affirming that local governments can successfully defend progressive policies against coordinated attacks by the conservative legal movement. This case, Ballinger v. City of Oakland, began in 2018 when local landlords evicted their tenants in order to move back in, and paid the tenants the reloca-

tion assistance required under Oakland’s local laws. Calling the relocation payment “ransom,” Barbara J. Parker. the plaintiffs Twitter photo. c h a l l e n g e d Oakland’s ordinance, claiming it was unconstitutional on several grounds, including that the City was “taking” their property and that the payment was an unlawful “seizure” of their money. In 2019, the federal District Court for the Northern District of California agreed with the City that every one of the plaintiffs’ claims should be dismissed, as no law supports their theories. The Ninth Cir-

cuit Court of Appeals agreed, upholding the dismissals earlier this year in an opinion confirming that Oakland’s ordinance is constitutional, and is consistent with many other types of lawful government regulation, from requiring corporations to pay to clean up hazardous waste to monetary assessments on tobacco companies. This challenge to Oakland’s tenant protections is not an isolated case; it is part of a longstanding, and growing, nationwide campaign against progressive policy and policymakers who seek to balance the scales by providing protections for historically and currently marginalized communities. The plaintiffs in this matter were represented by the Pacific

Legal Foundation (PLF), which is funded and guided by major corporate interests such as ExxonMobil and the tobacco industry, and by conservative foundations financed by right-wing billionaires such as the Koch brothers and the Scaife family. PLF has been involved in innumerable challenges to governments’ ability to protect vulnerable tenants from eviction and discrimination, raise money via taxation, and much more. “This is an important and just victory for the City of Oakland — and for tenants’ rights,” said City Attorney Barbara J. Parker. “By refusing to consider overturning the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court...

Oakland group. Trade unions say their members will get a lot of jobs building a new stadium and luxury condos. They could have the same jobs, without the huge costs and public spending, if a stadium and housing were built at the Coliseum by a baseball team that truly cared about Oakland. Many residents and organizations have asked the Post to host Town Hall meetings to

help hold our officials accountable for the costs of the new stadium. We will publish articles on how to link the future housing relief for homeless as a requirement for the A’s to get the approval of Howard Terminal and why the original injunction was filed by the city attorney. The voters of Oakland hold the key. They should send a clear and unequivocal message to the Council: “Support our

right to vote on public spending or don’t expect us to vote for you.” We urge voters to contact your Councilmembers and demand they vote to place public spending on the November 2022 ballot. Please send an email to council@oaklandca.gov. With one click, every councilmember and their staffs will get your message

To read the full story, go to postnewsgroup.com

If The City Council Won’t Vote For You, Don’t Vote For Them Continued from page 1

ed unanimously to support the Black-led group’s proposed redevelopment, they didn’t intend for the A’s or any other group to be in a position to hold the neighborhood hostage as a bargaining chip. Therefore, the entire Council should vote to place the financing of A’s future stadium plans on the November ballot and require the A’s to sign a cooperation agreement with the East

Letter to City Council: Continued from page 1

Gwen Knighter-Smith, D-7 June Ko-Dial Barbara Lafitte-Oluwole, D-3 Cathy Leonard, D-1 Margie Lewis, D-6 Margaretta Lin Peg Lum, D-4 Alberta Maged Don Macleay, D-1 Steven Miller Kimberly Mayfield, D-7 Brenda Nelson, D-7 Clyde Nelson, D-7 Gus Newport, D-1 Zach Norris, D-6 Jessie Ortiz, D-6 Wanda Ravernell, D-6 Walter Riley Katie Rodgers Mercedes Rodriguez, D-3

Deborah S. Rogers, D-3 Sharon Rose, D-4 Margaret Rossoff, D-1 Naomi Schiff, D-3 Betsy Schulz, D-4 Susan Shawl, D-1 Nancy Sidebotham, D-6 Dan Siegel, D-6 Deidre Snyder, D-3 Eleanore Stovall, D-6 Chris Stroffolino Renee Swayne, D-4 Stacy Taylor Deleign Thompson, D-7 MonaTreviño, D-6 James Vann, D-2 Mary Vail, D-5 Sheryl Walton, D-7 Rev. Cheryl Denise Ward, D-1 Allene Warren, D-7 Patrice Woeppel, D-3

California Primary 2022: Black Candidates Advance to the November General Elections Continued from page 1


The top two vote-getters in the primaries regardless of political affiliation advance to the November election — whether one candidate receives the majority of the votes cast in the primary election. Only candidates running for State Superintendent of Public Instruction or candidates for voter-nominated offices in special elections can win outright by getting a majority of the vote (over 50 %) in the primary election. County elections officials will be conducting the semifinal official canvass of votes at least every two hours until completed and providing the results to the Secretary of State. Below is a list of statewide races and Black candidates running. Governor - Gavin Newsom (D) is projected to advance to the November General election and will face Brian Dahle (R). Black candidates failing to advance were Shawn Collins (R) in 6th place, Major Williams (R) in 8th place, Woodrow “Woody” Sanders III (No Party Preference) in 23rd place and Serge Fiankan (No Party Preference) in 26th place. Lt. Governor - Angela E. Underwood Jacobs (R) is in

second place and should advance to face incumbent Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis in November. Secretary of State - Incumbent Dr. Shirley Weber (D) the only Black candidate in the contest is leading by a wide margin over six opponents. State Controller - Malia Cohen (D) the first African American woman to serve on the board of Equalization is running in second place behind Lanhee Chen (R). Superintendent of Public Instruction - Incumbent Tony Thurmond has an overwhelming lead over his six opponents. He is below the 50% majority to win outright. Ainye E. Long, the other Black candidate is in second place but has a very narrow lead over the 3rd place and 4th place candidates. California Insurance Commissioner - Incumbent Ricardo Lara (D) leads his eight challengers. His Black opponents are Vinson Eugene Allen (D) in 5th place, Jasper “Jay” Jackson (D) in 7th place and Veronika Fimbres (Green Party) running 8th. U.S. Senator - Two separate U.S. Senate contests are... To read the full story, go to postnewsgroup.com

Help For Non-Profits, Faith Groups Facing New Challenges During Pandemic Continued from page 1

ning: Using Technology to Build Programs, Change Lives, Get Funded,” nonprofit and faith-based leaders will learn how to combine classic program planning techniques with new technological platforms to “repair the breach.” Local experts Carmen Bogan, MBA, The Bogan Group, and Ellora Diehl, MBA, The Diehl Group, will explain how faith-based and nonprofit leaders can use their methods to expand an organization’s reach, increase funding, stretch resources, and more, through planning and technology. According to Bogan, organizations across the board are seeing indications that they need to reimagine how they approach programming. “Not knowing or even providing any hands-on services to the people you’re preaching to on YouTube or Facebook is a symptom,” Bogan said. “For faiths, this means fewer or no baptisms, lower tithes, declines in service attendance, and ultimately, a weakened faiths community. That’s not true ministry. But we have an opportunity — right now.” Diehl, an expert in the tech industry, says the same is true of all nonprofit organizations. “We can’t get around it. We live in a technology-driven age that’s continually evolving, and as a society, we’re not turn-

ing back,” she said. “If we lag in keeping up, we lose touch with individuals we need to draw closer, like our youth, volunteers and those who are in dire need of services.” “The fix for all of this is right in front of our faces,” Bogan said. Participants in this training will learn: * How to design hybrid programming to rebuild ministries and enhance and increase nonprofit services * The connection between technology and social justice * What new, user-friendly tech tools help with data collection, website presence and social media impact * How hybrid program planning leads to more relevant programming * What new fund development tech tools can increase income and enhance fund diversification * How to connect with who’s out there listening – or needs to be listening Please join us for this informative workshop. Date/Time: June 23, 2022, 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Location: Zoom (the zoom link is available on amodelbuiltonfaith.org page) How to Attend: Please register on our website, amodelbuiltonfaith.org Questions: Email info@occurnow.org, or call (510) 8392440

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