Let's Porse Magazine Issue April 2018

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The top three skills mums bring to the workplace, as identified in the survey, are the ability to multi-task, manage time effectively and provide empathy to other staff. As one mum says “We need to

How working mums would like to be more supported by their employers

acknowledge the amazingly challenging job it is to be a mum, wife, partner, house-keeper and worker, and how much a woman that can juggle all of this can give back to the work and the organisation/company that she works in.” The Stats NZ Childcare Survey 2017 reveals that the most-common work arrangement used by parents to help care for a child last year was to have worked from home, followed by having a child at work, and swapping work days or times. Labour markets and household statistics Senior Manager Jason Attewell says increasingly flexible employers, and technology may play a part in helping parents manage their care arrangements alongside work commitments. The Stats NZ Childcare Survey 2017, a supplement to the Household Labour Force Survey, reveals that mums are more likely than dads to use arrangements such as changing working hours or taking unpaid leave to care for children. It found that 64% of children aged four were in formal childcare. More than half of these 282,000 children were there because of their parents work schedules and commitments.

According to the PORSE survey, 77% of mums believe their employers accommodate their needs as mothers. Mums say the top three things employers can do to accommodate mothers is increase flexible hours, have the option of working from home and increase sick or

TOP MUM-FRIENDLY WORKPLACES Through the survey, PORSE was able to identify some top employers around the country. To celebrate these businesses and inspire others to follow their lead, we created the PORSE Mum-friendly Workplace Award. PORSE General Manager Kerry Henderson says by promoting and acknowledging the workplaces who are supporting mums well, we aim to take the guesswork out of finding an employer for mums. We want to celebrate these places as, being a large workforce of working mums ourselves, we know what it’s like juggling our many roles.

Turn the page to see who the PORSE 2018 Mum-friendly Workplace Award winner is.

annual leave entitlement.



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