En mag feb 14

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Making A Change Achieving Your Life Goals

What Every Aspiring Business Owner Must Know For a majority of business owners, More Money, More Growth, Work Less are the key drivers for going into business. So what are yours? Find your reasons for wanting to start your own business, and let them be your key drivers. These are what will urge you on through thick and thin, and lead you to success. Travel into the future, envisage yourself in two, three, five years, even ten years time. What would your life be like? Would it be more money, more free quality time to spend with your loved ones or will it be one of stress, working round the clock? Bear in mind success doesn’t happen by chance. What will happen if you take the bold steps needed to take you from your present state to your desired future, and what would happen if you decide to do what you’ve always done and gotten the same results you’ve always had?


EN MAGAZINE - February 2013

Take “small steps” towards achieving your goals. Know that if you have certain skills, possess certain talents, have unusual hobbies and passion for any particular thing, there could be great potential by leveraging these to make money for yourself. Know that knowledge without implementation, and particularly, speed of implementation is useless when it comes to business. Sort out the “more money” thing, sort out the “more time” thing, and then get on to solve the real question of “more purpose”.

Your “Living a Fulfilled Life” Exercise

You will find this exercise below which, I personally find particularly useful, very helpful. Get a blank piece of paper and divide this into two columns (bear with me, this will become very useful along your journey to becoming a business owner) 1. List everything that causes you pain, anxiety, discomfort, annoyance, things you need solutions to in

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