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MEDICAL CANNABIS COVERAGE I have been inspired to congratulate you for the latest edition of Ponsonby News which I read yesterday. In particular, I’d like to reference the articles on medical cannabis and applaud you for the sensibly courageous stand in printing this information to what currently appears to be a largely ignorant audience.

The matter was adjourned for seven days because the papers had not been made available within the required two days. Member Trotman asked that the matter be adjourned until the March meeting so that members could have more time to consider matters. This request seems quite reasonable considering five of the members are new and, in the time since they have taken office, have been inundated with material covering a wide range of subjects.

Personally, in my family and friend circle, we have long understood and experienced the benefits of cannabis, both medicinally and, dare I say it, recreationally. However, removing the social stigma of the ‘harmful effects’ this plant supposedly has, is obviously challenging.

Using the Standing Orders as his reason, the Chairperson denied Trotman’s request and said the matter would proceed in seven days. In the circumstances, what is the urgency to force a decision on using a vague reference the Standing Orders?

Thanks to dedicated humans like Tadhg Stopford for their passionate advocacy and education around the topic as well as others with enough gumption to speak out, and publications like this recent PN edition, misconceptions can now stand the chance of being reviewed around a new conversation.

Keith McConnell, Campaigner for good governance, www.keithforwaitemata.com

As a natural perfumer interested to experiment with formulations containing CBD within organic perfumes and body products, I can vouch that there is a slow, yet important awakening internationally around the healing properties of this plant. We need more information brought to the table to heighten the consciousness around this subject. So, for your part I thank you. Keep up the good work. Virginia Di Somma, Grey Lynn LEY’S INSTITUTE LIBRARY CLOSURE As a regular user of the library and appreciative member of the monthly book club, I want to add my voice to those who support urgent restoration of the historic Ley’s Institute building. Not only are we missing the complete provision of the many services the library provides, but delays allow for further deterioration of this significant building. Apart from the distribution of books and encouragement of reading for all members of the community from toddlers to the elderly, the library in this building provided, with the help of its friendly and knowledgeable staff, a safe and welcoming space for all. Where, for example, have the people who use the computers been able to go? Whatever time you went in, there were always people at those desks. We are pleased to hear that there will be a pop-up library for basic services, but the loss of the use of the building has left all the many different groups initiated and managed by the library that operated in those spaces, without a home. Helen Benton, Ponsonby

SOCIETIES MUST RESIST CHANGE SO THAT ONLY GOOD CHANGE PASSES MUSTER Looking around this city of orange cones that are signalling narrowing of roads, removal of parking for business, character and historic buildings being destroyed and the wholesale removal of mature trees, I have to ask ‘doth we protest too little?’ The National Government removed Tree Protection to allow more building. While Phil Goff and David Parker have only sent each other a letter, which shared that most trees hadn’t been removed for buildings, this so called ‘green Government’ hasn’t progressed it. The Labour Government is engaging into biggest annihilation of communities by the demolition of the best-built houses in the country, our State House homes. Accompanied by a huge ‘land grab’ by stealth as taxpayer-owned State land is being sold off through KiwiBuild and general sale of two thirds of the land and the developers laugh all the way to the bank. The Unitary Plan hasn’t done anything to protect either as HNZ managed to block pre-1944 protection and follow their application for compliance for removal or demolition of every State House in Auckland as per Resource Consent R/CER/2013/3676, proving that a change of government does little to change dastardly plans. Recent tragedies include: 48 Garnet Road where a cute deco bungalow and a massive oak tree are both for the bulldozer, to be replaced by a mundane design more suited to Botany; the complete character destroying of Karangahape Road and its magnificent magnolia trees; the mothballing of the Leys Institute Library and wholesale chainsawing of trees in Significant Ecological Areas. Come on people, resistance isn’t futile! Gael Baldock, habitat protector

LEYS INSTITUTE REPARATION I have been a local resident of Ponsonby for 41 years and I am saddened by the closure of our local library, the Leys Institute. The Leys isn’t just another historic or beautiful building, but a very muchloved community hub. What are the council’s plans for its future? Has anything been put in place for its reparation? Helen Hanlen, Ponsonby RECENT MEETING OF THE WAITEMATA LOCAL BOARD I attended the recent meeting of the Waitemata Local Board which is the second for the new board. A key decision to be made was whether to remove the pine trees at the Western Springs Forest. This removal has been subject to much debate over several years. There has been a mountain of material produced both in support and in opposition to the removal. The board, five of whom have only been in their roles since late October, are being asked to approve the removal.

8 PONSONBY NEWS+ March 2020


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