my minerals ; his flowers my minerals ; his flowers by paris whitehead by paris whitehead
so are the days of our lives so are the days of our lives by carolyn martin by carolyn martin
ink barrel ink barrel by tammy nguyen by tammy nguyen from the other side from the other side by prince marlo d montadas by prince marlo d. montadas
aqueous related aqueous related by christie chandler stahl by christie chandler stahl without myth or fable without myth or fable by les bernstein by les bernstein
memory memory by muneeb ilyas by muneeb ilyas
the leap and the ditch the leap and the ditch by marcelo moreira by marcelo moreira alone without you alone without you by millie percival by millie percival life to death life to death by jose ernesto gonzalez sardina by jose ernesto gonzalez sardina
editor's editor's editor's note note note
dearest friends, readers and writers alike we are beyond excited dearest friends, readers and writers alike we are beyond excited dearest friends, readers and writers alike we are beyond excited to present the eighth issue of poetically! to present the eighth issue of poetically! to present the eighth issue of poetically!
unbounded and unrestricted, the theme “AD INFINITUM” (to unbounded and unrestricted, the theme “AD INFINITUM” (to unbounded and unrestricted, the theme “AD INFINITUM” (to infinity), echoes the expansive perspectives of our 10 contributors infinity), echoes the expansive perspectives of our 10 contributors infinity), echoes the expansive perspectives of our 10 contributors
from the vast horizons we chase, the boundless questions we from the vast horizons we chase, the boundless questions we from the vast horizons we chase, the boundless questions we ponder and the limitless possibilities that ignite our imaginations ponder and the limitless possibilities that ignite our imaginations ponder and the limitless possibilities that ignite our imaginations through the wistful and wayward cycles of life, this collection through the wistful and wayward cycles of life, this collection through the wistful and wayward cycles of life, this collection examines infinity in the most poignant and thought provoking of examines infinity in the most poignant and thought provoking of examines infinity in the most poignant and thought provoking of ways, with evocative interpretations spanning the spectrum of the ways, with evocative interpretations spanning the spectrum of the ways, with evocative interpretations spanning the spectrum of the cosmos and its farthest reaches cosmos and its farthest reaches cosmos and its farthest reaches the poetically team and i are incredibly proud to present this the poetically team and i are incredibly proud to present this the poetically team and i are incredibly proud to present this remarkable issue and we hope you find as much joy and inspiration remarkable issue and we hope you find as much joy and inspiration remarkable issue and we hope you find as much and inspiration in reading it as we did in bringing it to life! in reading it as we did in bringing it to life! in reading it as we did in bringing it to life!
with endless heart and immeasurable gratitude, with endless heart and immeasurable gratitude, with endless heart and immeasurable gratitude,
my minerals ; his my minerals ; his fflowers lowers paris
whitehead paris whitehead paris whitehead
my granddad joked that i will never be gone because of the titanium i’ll leave in my my granddad joked that i will never be gone because of the titanium i’ll leave in my my granddad joked that i will never be gone because of the titanium i’ll leave in my coffin: coffin: coffin:
two rods, several inches long, plus the screws affixed to each notch in my spine. two rods, several inches long, plus the screws affixed to each notch in my spine. two rods, several inches long, plus the screws affixed to each notch in my spine we didn’t embalm granddad and we didn’t embalm granddad and we didn’t embalm granddad and i dream of being compressed, i dream of being compressed, i dream of being compressed, folded into the veins and folded into the veins and folded into the veins and ripples of ripples of ripples of earth until my body collapses earth until my body collapses earth until my body collapses into dust, something to be sifted along a coastline into dust, something to be sifted along a coastline into dust, something to be sifted along a coastline
my titanium tapped for nourishment. my titanium tapped for nourishment my titanium tapped for nourishment.
after cremation, in my country, the rules around metal remains are ambiguous after cremation, in my country, the rules around metal remains are ambiguous after cremation, in my country, the rules around metal remains are ambiguous they could be buried in a plot of land they could be buried in a plot of land they could be buried in a plot of land squeezed between squeezed between squeezed between daughters who were doted on by scalpels or kissed with morphine daughters who were doted on by scalpels or kissed with morphine daughters who were doted on by scalpels or kissed with morphine
while my granddad’s little finger bones while my granddad’s little finger bones while my granddad’s little finger bones feed calcium into seedlings and thick feed calcium into seedlings and thick feed calcium into seedlings and thick white hair sprouts up through the dirt white hair sprouts up through the dirt. white hair sprouts up through the dirt.
but these days our titanium is sent abroad to a metal recycling plant in the netherlands but these days our titanium is sent abroad to a metal recycling plant in the netherlands but these days our titanium is sent abroad to a metal recycling plant in the netherlands so i could finally take my OE so i could finally take my OE so i could finally take my OE smelted down into smelted down into smelted down into
a piece of an aeroplane, or a a piece of an aeroplane, or a a piece of an aeroplane, or a divot on a skyscraper divot on a skyscraper divot on a skyscraper or a scalpel but more often or a scalpel but more often or a scalpel but more often
an implant an implant an implant
to be cleaned and laid on a table to be cleaned and laid on a table to be cleaned and laid on a table and tucked in against a new curl of spine and tucked in against a new curl of spine and tucked in against a new curl of spine screwed shut, with the lights turned out screwed shut, with the lights turned out screwed shut, with the lights turned out again. again again.
so are the days of so are the days of our lives our lives
iif, if, f, for every grain of sand, for every grain of sand, for every grain of sand, ten thousand stars fiddle foot ten thousand stars fiddle foot ten thousand stars fiddle foot around the universe, around the universe, around the universe, consider consider consider an hourglass sifting an hourglass sifting an hourglass sifting trillions of galaxies trillions of galaxies trillions of galaxies through indefinite eternity. through indefinite eternity. through indefinite eternity
ttthat is, hat is, hat is, unless fate forgets a flip. unless fate forgets a flip unless fate forgets a flip.
ttthen, hen, hen, futures dissolve, futures dissolve, futures dissolve, pasts freeze, pasts freeze, pasts freeze, presents grieve presents grieve presents grieve in narrow-necked nothingness. in narrow-necked nothingness in narrow-necked nothingness.
ttthe sand clock he sand clock he sand clock iin in n still life with a skull still life with a skull still life with a skull begins to peel begins to peel begins to peel and gleeful death races and gleeful death races and gleeful death races to raise to raise to raise another monument another monument another monument in the nearest necropolis. in the nearest necropolis in the nearest necropolis.
carolyn martin carolyn martin carolyn martin
ink barrel ink barrel
tammy nguyen tammy nguyen tammy nguyen
word at a time word at a time word at a time
b b bleeding, bleeding onto the paper leeding, bleeding onto the paper leeding, bleeding onto the paper
u u until you can bleed no more ntil you can bleed no more ntil you can bleed no more
a a and then there's silence nd then there's silence nd then there's silence
a a and so it ends nd so it ends nd so it ends
w w with an ink barrel full of blood ith an ink barrel full of blood ith an ink barrel full of blood
a a and stories and memories nd stories and memories nd stories and memories
ssstaining the page red taining the page red taining the page red
w w with hurt and pain and words ith hurt and pain and words ith hurt and pain and words
fffrom a body, rom a body, rom a body, fffrom a mind too tired rom a mind too tired rom a mind too tired
ttto write another word, o write another word, o write another word, ttto put another memory
o put another memory o put another memory
o o onto the overcrowded pages nto the overcrowded pages nto the overcrowded pages
ttto rest, o rest, o rest,
ttto just lay there o just lay there o just lay there
iiink stains, blood stains nk stains, blood stains nk stains, blood stains
a a and all until- nd all until- nd all until-
u u until her demons come to say hi and- ntil her demons come to say hi and- ntil her demons come to say hi and-
a a and so it begins with blood and ink nd so it begins with blood and ink nd so it begins with blood and ink
o o on paper and- n paper and- n paper and-
from the other side from the other side
when one reaches the zenith when one reaches the zenith when one reaches the zenith of their life, of their life, of their life, they also sink into the depths they also sink into the depths they also sink into the depths of their youth. of their youth their youth.
w w we do not hold on lucidly e do not hold on lucidly e do not hold on lucidly to our own flesh, but we miserably to our own flesh, but we miserably to our own flesh, but we miserably beg to the bodies of our memory. beg to the bodies of our memory. beg to the bodies of our memory
w w we cling to the coldness e cling to the coldness e cling to the coldness but cannot embrace their warmth. but cannot embrace their warmth. but cannot embrace their warmth
w w we turn a blind eye e turn a blind eye e turn a blind eye to their alive yet grieved eyes to their alive yet grieved eyes. to their alive yet grieved eyes
w w we look vacantly e look vacantly e look vacantly at their dead but at ease eyes at their dead but at ease eyes. at their dead but at ease eyes.
n n now, only through the objects ow, only through the objects ow, only through the objects within the house they resituate, within the house they resituate, within the house they resituate, and through the lingering regrets and through the lingering regrets and through the lingering regrets within the self, they insinuate. within the self, they insinuate within the self, they insinuate.
i am water i am water i am water to the moon, pulled to the moon, pulled to the moon, pulled by gravity to my fullest by gravity to my fullest by gravity to my fullest expression when closest expression when closest expression when closest to love. i am shaken to love. i am shaken to love i am shaken by altercations by altercations by altercations and sea risings and sea risings. and sea risings
iii am the illumined path am the illumined path am the illumined path in the seascape When the moon in the seascape. When the moon in the seascape. When the moon mirrors the sun ’ s light, mirrors the sun ’ s light, mirrors the sun ’ s light, iii expand past the shoreline, wet hair expand past the shoreline, wet hair expand past the shoreline, wet hair the color of loamy earth, burgeoning gray strands the color of loamy earth, burgeoning gray strands the color of loamy earth, burgeoning gray strands of squirrel fur. with my touch, sparks of a campfire sizzle, the smell of squirrel fur. with my touch, sparks of a campfire sizzle, the smell of squirrel fur with my touch, sparks of a campfire sizzle, the smell of toasted marshmallows. i am ravenous, a seagull squawks scavenging of toasted marshmallows i am ravenous, a seagull squawks scavenging of toasted marshmallows. i am ravenous, a seagull squawks scavenging for scraps. my old stories drift like sand shifting for scraps my old stories drift like sand shifting for scraps. my old stories drift like sand shifting along the embankment i slow along the embankment. i slow along the embankment. i slow and recede, sentiment and recede, sentiment and recede, sentiment to low tide’s to low tide’s to low tide’s ssediment sediment. ediment.
iii am the fish and algae that swim am the fish and algae that swim am the fish and algae that swim through me, the smell of mackerel and pickle through me, the smell of mackerel and pickle through me, the smell of mackerel and pickle
brine. i am a growing layer of stratum, veins thickening, rippled brine i am a growing layer of stratum, veins thickening, rippled brine i am a growing layer of stratum, veins thickening, rippled
flesh thinning, a reflection of the waning flesh thinning, a reflection of the waning flesh thinning, a reflection of the waning moonlight, small as a fingernail moonlight, small as a fingernail moonlight, small as a fingernail in the vast storied universe in the vast storied universe. in the vast storied universe.
iii am water to limestone, am water to limestone, am water to limestone, limestone to water, limestone to water, limestone to water, moonwater moonwater. moonwater.
without myth without myth or fable or fable
les bernstein les bernstein les bernstein
made of straw and sticks made of straw and sticks made of straw and sticks the outwardly ordinary details the outwardly ordinary details the outwardly ordinary details that make up a life that make up a life make up a life huddle around the thieving nature of time huddle around the thieving nature of time huddle around the thieving nature of time
as part of this undiminishable journey as part of this undiminishable journey as part of this undiminishable journey it comes to pass it comes to pass it comes to pass but never comes to stay but never comes to stay but never comes to stay we must return our stardust we must return our we must return our stardust
yet the holy moment of now yet the holy moment of now yet the holy moment of now glimmers with bright certainty glimmers with bright certainty glimmers with bright certainty that the living hearth of consciousness that the living hearth of consciousness the living hearth of consciousness is more than chemistry and chance is more than chemistry and chance is more than chemistry and
memory memory
muneeb ilyas muneeb ilyas muneeb ilyas
i woke up like a befitting end, i woke up like a befitting end,
i woke up like a befitting end, pieces sworn together, pieces sworn together, pieces sworn together, clumsy, cold, and wet, clumsy, cold, and wet, clumsy, cold, and wet, under somber and feather, under somber and feather, under somber and feather, a minute yet to each, a minute yet to each, a minute yet to each,
ttthe dust wants to sleep again
he dust wants to sleep again he dust wants to sleep again each night drifting apart under the sheets each night drifting apart under the sheets each night drifting apart under the sheets watching the sun hold me up watching the sun hold me up watching the sun hold me up in a casket that follows in a casket that follows in a casket follows all the signs the day complete, all the signs the day complete, all the signs the day complete,
in an alternate dream, in an alternate dream, in an alternate dream, m m my ego offers a dazzling shade y ego offers a dazzling shade y ego offers a dazzling shade the neem tree across my front, the neem tree across my front, the neem tree across my front, its roots bleed in red its roots bleed in red its roots bleed in red against my heart - sylvan and flawed against my heart - sylvan and flawed against my heart - sylvan and flawed
the sky resides and runs, the sky resides and runs, the sky resides and runs, its courses of motion in teal, its courses of motion in teal, its courses of motion in teal, and then blind - running still, and then blind - running still, and then blind - running still, constituting a morning again, constituting a morning again, constituting a morning again, with winds in charge of intimacy, with winds in charge of intimacy, with winds in charge intimacy, what a measure of life’s passing what a measure of life’s passing what a measure of life’s passing
the leap and the ditch the leap and the ditch
marcelo moreira marcelo moreira marcelo moreira
it's the crooked lines that make it right it's the crooked lines that make it right it's the crooked lines that make it right
a a at the end of the time, the choices made by each one of us t the end of the time, the choices made by each one of us t the end of the time, the choices made by each one of us
b b between truth and illusion etween truth and illusion etween truth and illusion
b b between light and darkness etween light and darkness etween light and darkness
ttthe flow of life he flow of life he flow of life
ttthe ascent of the soul he ascent of the soul he ascent of the soul
ttthe awakening of the being he awakening of the being he awakening of the being
iiit is in fraternal embraces and sincere words that we say goodbye t is in fraternal embraces and sincere words that we say goodbye t is in fraternal embraces and sincere words that we say goodbye
u u under the emotional tears of a supreme, serene, limpid farewell nder the emotional tears of a supreme, serene, limpid farewell nder the emotional tears of a supreme, serene, limpid farewell sssome, out there, lost in the dark night of the old world ome, out there, lost in the dark night of the old world ome, out there, lost in the dark night the old world
o o others, here, full in the sublime dawn before paradise. thers, here, full in the sublime dawn before paradise thers, here, full in the sublime dawn before paradise.
alone without you alone without you millie percival millie percival millie percival
in every sunrise i see you in every sunrise i see you in every sunrise i see you
a a and here is where i must nd here is where i must nd here is where i must rrremain. emain. emain
tttime will wander a long ime will wander a long ime will wander a long iiinfinite path nfinite path nfinite path
o o one that I stand before - ne that I stand before - ne that I stand before -
a a a record of existence record of existence. record of existence.
o o of where I wait f where I wait. f where I wait.
p p past unmoving eyes, ast unmoving eyes, ast unmoving eyes, ttto stare into that emotionless o stare into that emotionless o stare into that emotionless a a abyss. byss byss.
iiit is here where the white sun stands t is here where the white sun stands t is here where the white sun stands above above above
w w withholding warmth ithholding warmth ithholding warmth fffrom reaching my bark. rom reaching my bark. rom reaching my bark iiilluminating the landscape; lluminating the landscape; lluminating the landscape; sssomewhat stark. omewhat stark. omewhat stark tto to o withstand this world alone, withstand this world alone, withstand this world alone, h h holding firm, olding firm, olding firm, ssstripped of protection tripped of protection tripped of protection g g grounded to the earth rounded to the earth. rounded to the earth.
a a as you watch, you see s you watch, you see s you watch, you see a a a silent tree silent tree silent tree
o o one with a lifespan of ne with a lifespan of ne with a lifespan of e e eternity. tternity ernity.
life to death life to death
jose ernesto gonzalez sardina jose ernesto gonzalez sardina jose ernesto gonzalez sardina
we lived in a single breath we lived in a single breath we lived in a single breath iiit settled deep in our hearts like a cloud t settled deep in hearts like a cloud t settled deep in our hearts like a cloud iiit carried warmth t carried warmth t carried warmth iiit carried dreams drawn over seasons t carried dreams drawn over seasons t carried dreams drawn over seasons b b by a brush of starlight y a brush of starlight y a brush of ttthat spread through naked tears hat spread through naked tears hat spread through naked tears
a a and painted our love in heaven’s pearly white nd painted our love in heaven’s pearly white nd painted our love in heaven’s pearly white.
w w we lived in shackles e lived in shackles e lived in shackles w w which we accepted as rings hich we accepted as rings hich we accepted as rings fffrom the one that rules all, rom the one that rules all, rom the one that rules all, yyyou’re cruel Love ou ’ re cruel Love ou ’ re cruel Love
g g grinding the heart for every drop of blood rinding the heart for every drop of blood rinding the heart for every drop of blood
w w wearing its thin skin like a night-veil earing its thin skin like a night-veil earing its thin skin like a night-veil
ttthat may hide you from prying eyes hat may hide you from prying eyes hat may hide you from prying eyes
a a and from the death that follows your scent nd from the death that follows your scent. nd from the death that follows your scent
yyyou’re a thief ou ’ re a thief ou ’ re a thief jjjust like the warm sun ust like the warm sun ust like the warm sun ttthat has given you life hat has given you life hat has given you life lllatching on to my skin atching on to my skin atching on to my skin
a a and squeezing me dry of tears, nd squeezing me dry of tears, nd squeezing me dry of tears, llleaving behind salt to be buried eaving salt to be buried eaving behind salt to be buried
iiin wounds that can no longer close n wounds that can no longer close. n wounds that can no longer close
w w we lived and let live, e lived and let live, e lived and let live, b b but death was never a lifetime away ut death was never a lifetime away ut death was never a lifetime away ssshe saw our birth, he saw our birth, he saw our birth, ssshe gave us each one of her eyes he gave us each one of her eyes he gave us each one of her eyes
ttto recognize the colors that painted our fate, o recognize the colors that painted our fate, o recognize the colors that painted our fate, ssshe gave us her skin he gave us her he gave us her skin ttto keep the soul warm o keep the soul warm o keep the soul warm ttto keep it safe from the harsh winds of life, o keep it safe from the harsh winds of life, o keep it safe from the harsh winds of life, ssshe was there when we died he was there when we died he was there when we died e e eager to learn of the lives we had lived. ager to learn of the lives we had lived ager to learn of the lives we had lived.
for wordsmiths, storytellers and the poetically inclined. ffor for or wordsmiths, wordsmiths, wordsmiths, sstorytellers storytellers torytellers & the & the & the poetically poetically poetically iinclined. inclined. nclined.