Peninsula Clarion, September 10, 2018

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Shrinking child care workforce

Rodgers leads Packers past Bears




Sunny 66/40 More weather on Page A2


Monday, September 10, 2018 Kenai Peninsula, Alaska

Vol. 48, Issue 294

$1 newsstands daily/$1.50 Sunday

Soldotna hosts 9/11 Tribute Rodeo Starved for recruits, police blame benefiting heroes, local family retirement system

By JOEY KLECKA Peninsula Clarion

The final scene in the classic Christmas film, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” may make for a tearshedding ending, but it also bears itself out in real life. When the angel Clarence wrote, “No man is a failure who has friends,” it emphasized the notion that when one is in trouble or has encountered difficulties in life, their true friends will shine through to provide help. This weekend, those words became reality for Soldotna fire technician Tim Weekley and his family at the 9/11 Tribute Rodeo, held three consecutive days at the Soldotna Rodeo Grounds. Weekley was injured on the job in January when he slipped off the roof of a residential structure that was on fire. While working with his fire team to put out the blaze, Weekley fell two stories and broke bones in his shoulder, necessitating significant recovery time and requiring extensive surgery that included the insertion of metal plates. Less than three months later, Weekley’s three-year-old son John suffered the first of two focal seizures, requiring an immediate trip to Central Peninsula Hospital and later extended time at the Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. The family setbacks meant the hospital bills piled up quickly, and insurance only went so far. That’s where the “Ride for John” fundraiser and charity donation drive comes in. The community effort was a big

By JAMES BROOKS Juneau Empire

Shelby Palwaski and her horse round a barrel Saturday at the 9/11 Tribute Rodeo at the Soldotna Rodeo Grounds. (Photo by Joey Klecka/Peninsula Clarion)

part of this weekend’s rodeo, which held special meaning in many ways. “It’s very humbling,” Weekley said in a phone interview

from Houston. “We’re always knowing that he has an opporwanting to give back, but being tunity to impact people. on the other side of it, it’s hum“It definitely brings tears to bling knowing our community our eyes knowing they’re going is coming out to support John, See RODEO, page A5

They’re battling an opioid epidemic, rising crime, slashed budgets and thinned ranks. Now, they’re fighting the state’s retirement system, too. Across the state, troopers, police and firefighters say Alaska’s retirement system is crippling their ability to recruit and retain new employees, leaving gaping holes in their ranks. Now, they’re urging the state to take action and warning of consequences if nothing is done. “It’s getting challenging to find and keep qualified applicants,” Juneau Police Chief Ed Mercer said. “That’s something I hear quite often by my staff, and I’m hearing quite often from departments across the state.” Mercer’s budget includes 57 police officers, but nine of those positions are vacant: He hasn’t found qualified people to fill them. Col. Hans Brinke, head of the Alaska State Troopers, has 389 sworn officers and 52 vacancies. Again, he can’t find people to fill them. Rick Groshong is the new police chief in Hoonah. He came to that town from Wrangell, where he was the lead patrol officer for more than 20 years. When he became a police officer — he graduated from the state police academy in Sitka with Mercer — Alaska’s pay and benefits for police compared well to places in the Lower 48.

“At that time, the Alaska wages were pretty good,” Groshong said. “But now, the retirement is not there, and there’s down-south wages that are even more, and the benefits — they’re giving bonuses for hiring, like $5,000, $10,000.” Across the United States, a dwindling number of police recruits has given prospective employees the advantage in negotiations. Departments frequently poach officers from neighboring cities and states, and Alaska hasn’t kept pace in the recruiting race. “We will be more than happy to steal your officer from another agency to fill our ranks,” Brinke said. Brinke has 29 potential troopers in training, but with pay and benefits so much better Outside, he doesn’t know how many of those people will still be around in a few years, which is why retaining officers is even more important than recruiting them. “If we can’t stop the leaky bucket, it doesn’t matter how much water we put in it,” he said. The No. 1 thing hampering retention is the state’s 401(k)style retirement system. In Fairbanks, an analysis concluded: “Most senior staff interviewed view the current Tier IV retirement offered to new hires by the SOA’s Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) as a poor incentive to help retain staff.” “Retention of our people in the Tier IV is minimal because they want to have the security

See POLICE, page A5

Juneau residents join nationwide rally against climate change By KEVIN GULLUFSEN Juneau Empire

Dr. Don Wuebbles, a former climate scientist for the Obama administration, led a chant outside the Alaska Capitol building on Saturday morning. Before him on the Capitol steps about 200 locals gathered to call for progress on climate change as part of the Juneau Rise for Climate Rally. “Conserve, convert, cooperate,” Wuebbles said. With Alaska’s temperature rising at twice the rate as the global average, it’ll take those values to make a positive impact on climate change issues, Wuebbles said. “Conserve, convert, cooper-

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ate,” the crowd chanted back. The event was one of 250 such rallies and marches nationwide, part of what’s known as the Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice mobilization. The lead rally took place in San Fransisco on Saturday ahead of the Global Climate Action Summit, which will take place there Sept. 12-14. A coalition of local climate action groups put the event on, including 350 Juneau — Climate Action for Alaska, Renewable Juneau, Alaska Interfaith Power and Light, University of Alaska Southeast Sustainability Committee, and the Southeast Alaska Conservation Council. Their chief demands are for real climate leadership and a

Wuebbles was the keynote speaker. He’s been to Alaska several times, or what he called the “canary in the coal mine” for climate change, and has become friends with Beth Kerttula, a former Alaska House representative. Both worked for former President Barack Obama. Wuebbles is the coordinating lead author of the Climate Science Special Report. The human race has three options when confronting climate change, he said: mitigate, adapt or suffer. “Mitigation alone is not About 200 protesters attended a rally for climate change action adequate. Adaptation alone is at the Alaska Capitol on Saturday. (Kevin Gullufsen | Juneau not adequate. We need to do Empire) enough mitigation to avoid the transition to 100 percent renew- fossil fuel projects and divest- unmanageable, enough adapable energy, a halt to all new ment from all fossil fuels.

tation to manage the unavoidable,” Wuebbles said. Other ralliers expressed hope for the future in the face of a tough challenge. Elaine Schroeder spoke on behalf of 350 Juneau — Climate Action for Alaska, her young granddaughter next to her on the Capitol steps. Her group is calling for the Alaska Permanent Fund to divest from fossil fuels. In February, Schroeder and other 350 Juneau — Climate Action for Alaska members testified before the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation to stop it from investing in fossil fuels. The fund isn’t getting its return on investment, she said. See RALLY, page A5

Family readies lawsuit after fatal police, trooper shooting By ALEX MCCARTHY Juneau Empire

It’s been more than eight months, but members of the Eyre family still aren’t sure what exactly they’re grieving. They still don’t know what happened in the woods near Fairbanks on Christmas Eve 2017. They know that 20-year-old Cody Eyre, a Thunder Mountain High School graduate, was shot and killed as three Alaska State Troopers and two Fairbanks Police Department officers fired at him. They know, thanks to an independent pathology report by a renowned forensics expert, that the fatal

shot was one to the back of Cody’s head. They just don’t know why it happened, as the state has not released any body camera footage, police reports or investigative findings. The Eyre family’s lawyer Mark Choate said he is preparing to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the state in the next 30 days, alleging that the Troopers and FPD violated Eyre’s civil rights by killing him. Choate expected it to take three or four months for the police department and state Office of Special Prosecutions to release information about the shooting.

“But eight months? It makes me nervous,” Choate said, “because as a society, what we want is for people to trust the police.” Eyre’s sister Samantha Eyre-Harrison is serving as the family’s spokesperson and has repeated the story numerous times in online posts, a YouTube video and various interviews with media members. She lives in Juneau, working as a nurse at Bartlett Regional Hospital. Eyre and his girlfriend had been fighting, his car wasn’t starting and the overall stress of Members of the Eyre family pose at the Mendenhall Glacier the holidays was starting to get with a photograph of Cody Eyre, who was shot and killed by law enforcement on Christmas Eve 2017. (Photo courtesy of See SUIT, page A5 Eyre Family)

A2 | Monday, September 10, 2018 | Peninsula Clarion

AccuWeather 5-day forecast for Kenai-Soldotna

Utqiagvik 46/37







Sunny and mild

Brilliant sunshine Mostly sunny and Mild with periods mild of sun

Hi: 66 Lo: 40

Hi: 66 Lo: 41

Hi: 66 Lo: 43

The patented RealFeel Temperature® is an exclusive index of the effects of temperature, wind, Sunrise humidity, sunshine intensity, cloudiness, precipitation, Sunset pressure and elevation on the human body.

10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m.

57 63 67 67

First Sep 16

Today 7:20 a.m. 8:42 p.m.

Full Sep 24


Length of Day - 13 hrs., 22 min., 39 sec. Moonrise Moonset Daylight lost - 5 min., 30 sec.

Alaska Cities Yesterday Hi/Lo/W

Adak* Anchorage Barrow Bethel Cold Bay Cordova Delta Junction Denali N. P. Dillingham Dutch Harbor Fairbanks Fort Yukon Glennallen* Gulkana Haines Homer Juneau Ketchikan Kiana King Salmon Klawock Kodiak

Hi: 62 Lo: 48

Tomorrow 7:22 a.m. 8:39 p.m.

Last Oct 2

Today 8:29 a.m. 9:27 p.m.

Readings through 4 p.m. yesterday

Nome 55/47


Unalakleet McGrath 57/44 65/41

Tomorrow 10:00 a.m. 9:41 p.m.

Kotzebue 55/48/pc 56/49/pc 57/48/pc McGrath 62/36/s 62/45/s 65/47/s Metlakatla 62/56/r 44/43/c 46/37/c Nome 55/45/pc 59/40/r 61/44/pc North Pole 54/32/pc 57/47/pc 56/47/pc Northway 60/27/pc 70/34/s 68/41/s Palmer 63/37/s 56/29/pc 58/36/s Petersburg 58/46/r 56/26/s 58/35/pc Prudhoe Bay* 47/42/c 64/40/s 64/43/s Saint Paul 52/43/pc 56/44/pc 54/46/pc Seward 68/44/s 56/30/pc 61/39/pc Sitka 66/54/pc 54/24/pc 56/34/c Skagway 67/57/pc 66/28/s 60/35/s Talkeetna 69/39/s 64/25/s 64/35/s Tanana 61/26/pc 67/48/pc 69/46/s Tok* 61/29/pc 57/39/s 63/43/s Unalakleet 53/40/pc 66/48/pc 69/43/s Valdez 69/45/s 62/52/r 64/49/c Wasilla 64/42/s 57/35/pc 60/45/pc Whittier 63/38/s 64/37/pc 64/38/s Willow* 66/38/s 62/54/sh 68/49/c Yakutat 73/42/s 71/49/s 62/50/s Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.

55/49/pc 65/41/s 62/50/c 55/47/pc 60/38/pc 59/35/s 67/41/s 63/43/pc 39/30/r 53/48/c 67/49/s 65/51/s 69/47/s 71/42/s 62/40/pc 58/35/s 57/44/pc 69/43/s 66/42/s 65/51/s 68/40/s 69/45/s

City Albany, NY Albuquerque Amarillo Asheville Atlanta Atlantic City Austin Baltimore Billings Birmingham Bismarck Boise Boston Buffalo, NY Casper Charleston, SC Charleston, WV Charlotte, NC Chicago Cheyenne Cincinnati

63/48/pc 89/60/pc 85/63/c 86/66/pc 88/72/t 67/64/r 79/73/t 64/59/r 81/56/pc 92/73/c 79/61/pc 84/52/s 65/57/c 60/50/c 84/51/s 90/73/pc 85/65/t 89/74/c 68/60/pc 86/51/s 62/58/r

63/61/r 89/64/pc 84/59/pc 81/64/c 87/70/t 83/75/r 82/69/t 83/67/c 86/54/s 82/69/t 83/61/s 85/51/s 66/65/r 69/59/r 88/48/pc 90/75/pc 71/59/t 89/71/c 73/56/s 84/55/pc 69/55/c

Dillingham 64/43

From the Peninsula Clarion in Kenai

24 hours through 4 p.m. yest. 0.00" Month to date ........................... 0.01" Normal month to date ............. 0.92" Year to date ............................ 10.35" Normal year to date ............... 10.50" Record today ................. 1.57" (1975) Record for Sept. ............. 7.07" (1961) Record for year ............ 27.09" (1963)

Juneau 69/43

National Extremes

Kodiak 62/50

Sitka 65/51

(For the 48 contiguous states)

High yesterday Low yesterday

116 at Death Valley, Calif. 20 at Bodie State Park, Calif.

State Extremes High yesterday Low yesterday

Ketchikan 64/49

73 at Yakutat 24 at Fort Yukon

Today’s Forecast

(Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation)

Heavy rain will bring flooding potential across much of New England today, while showers and thunderstorms stretch from the mid-Atlantic to the Gulf Coast. Many in the remainder of the country will be dry.

Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2018

World Cities Yesterday Today Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W

City Cleveland Columbia, SC Columbus, OH Concord, NH Dallas Dayton Denver Des Moines Detroit Duluth El Paso Fargo Flagstaff Grand Rapids Great Falls Hartford Helena Honolulu Houston Indianapolis Jackson, MS

63/57/r 95/74/pc 63/56/r 63/43/s 75/68/c 61/56/r 88/55/pc 75/54/pc 61/58/r 69/50/pc 90/65/s 77/57/pc 81/47/s 69/53/c 77/52/pc 62/51/c 80/57/pc 89/75/pc 89/74/t 61/58/r 86/73/t

70/59/sh 92/73/pc 68/56/c 63/58/r 82/68/pc 66/54/c 89/59/pc 75/58/s 67/56/r 69/58/pc 94/68/s 79/62/s 79/44/s 69/53/sh 83/47/pc 64/63/r 85/47/pc 88/74/pc 82/70/t 72/55/c 79/68/t


Yesterday Today Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W

Jacksonville 91/71/pc Kansas City 76/52/pc Key West 89/79/pc Las Vegas 105/82/s Little Rock 75/68/c Los Angeles 89/67/pc Louisville 66/64/sh Memphis 71/67/t Miami 89/76/t Midland, TX 81/65/pc Milwaukee 66/58/pc Minneapolis 73/54/pc Nashville 81/74/t New Orleans 92/76/pc New York 61/55/r Norfolk 85/74/t Oklahoma City 75/62/pc Omaha 77/52/pc Orlando 89/73/t Philadelphia 61/56/r Phoenix 106/85/pc


(USPS 438-410) The Peninsula Clarion is a locally operated member of Sound Publishing Inc., published Sunday through Friday. P.O. Box 3009, Kenai, AK 99611 Street address: 150 Trading Bay Road, Suite 1, Kenai, AK Phone: (907) 283-7551 Postmaster: Send address changes to the Peninsula Clarion, P.O. Box 3009, Kenai, AK 99611 Periodicals postage paid at Kenai, AK Copyright 2018 Peninsula Clarion

Who to call at the Peninsula Clarion News tip? Question? Main number.............................................................................................. 283-7551 Fax............................................................................................................. 283-3299 News General news Editor .......................................................................... Jeff Helminiak, sports and features editor........... Education, Soldotna ............... Victoria Petersen, Kenai, oil and Police, courts............................ Erin Thompson, Kenai Peninsula Borough............................................ Arts and Entertainment................................................ Community, Around the Peninsula............................... Sports.................................................. Joey Klecka,

Circulation problem? Call 283-3584 If you don’t receive your newspaper by 7 a.m. and you live in the Kenai-Soldotna area, call 283-3584 before 10 a.m. for redelivery of your paper. If you call after 10 a.m., you will be credited for the missed issue. Regular office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. General circulation questions can be sent via email to The circulation director is Doug Munn.

For home delivery Order a six-day-a-week, 13-week subscription for $57, a 26-week subscription for $108, or a 52-week subscription for $198. Use our easy-pay plan and save on these rates. Call 283-3584 for details. Weekend and mail subscription rates are available upon request.

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Visit our fishing page! Go to and look for the Tight Lines link.


Valdez Kenai/ 69/43 Soldotna Homer

Cold Bay 56/47


High ............................................... 67 Low ................................................ 33 Normal high .................................. 59 Normal low .................................... 41 Record high ........................ 67 (2018) Record low ......................... 23 (1970)

Kenai/ Soldotna 66/40 Seward 67/49 Homer 63/43

Anchorage 65/47

Bethel 61/44

National Cities Yesterday Today Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W

From Kenai Municipal Airport

Fairbanks 61/39

Talkeetna 71/42 Glennallen 60/35

Today Hi/Lo/W

Unalaska 54/45



New Oct 8

Yesterday Hi/Lo/W


Anaktuvuk Pass 55/39

Kotzebue 55/49

* Indicates estimated temperatures for yesterday Today Hi/Lo/W

Today’s activity: Low Where: Auroral activity will be low. Weather permitting, low-level displays will be visible overhead from Barrow to Fairbanks and visible low on the northern horizon from as far south as Anchorage and Juneau.

Prudhoe Bay 39/30

Mostly cloudy

Sun and Moon



Hi: 64 Lo: 46

Aurora Forecast peninsulaclarion

Follow the Clarion online. Go to and look for the Twitter, Facebook and Mobile links for breaking news, headlines and more.

91/72/pc 77/59/s 89/79/pc 103/75/s 77/63/pc 84/65/pc 75/59/c 77/65/c 89/75/pc 84/63/s 70/56/s 75/63/s 77/62/c 87/75/t 72/70/r 89/75/pc 78/60/s 79/62/s 89/75/t 80/71/r 106/83/s


Yesterday Today Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W

Pittsburgh Portland, ME Portland, OR Rapid City Reno Sacramento Salt Lake City San Antonio San Diego San Francisco Santa Fe Seattle Sioux Falls, SD Spokane Syracuse Tampa Topeka Tucson Tulsa Wash., DC Wichita

60/56/r 63/46/pc 79/55/pc 86/52/s 92/52/pc 94/54/s 87/59/s 82/72/t 76/67/pc 73/52/s 85/52/t 75/57/pc 74/54/pc 74/51/pc 59/46/c 89/77/pc 78/55/s 101/76/s 73/63/c 67/62/r 79/60/pc

71/58/t 66/62/r 73/55/c 84/58/s 92/52/s 90/56/s 91/63/s 81/71/t 78/65/pc 70/54/pc 85/54/pc 67/56/c 78/62/s 70/47/pc 61/60/r 89/78/t 79/58/s 100/75/s 80/61/s 84/70/c 78/61/s


Yesterday Hi/Lo/W

Acapulco 94/78/t Athens 87/70/pc Auckland 54/47/c Baghdad 106/74/s Berlin 77/54/pc Hong Kong 88/77/sh Jerusalem 79/64/s Johannesburg 58/31/s London 75/58/pc Madrid 84/58/pc Magadan 59/51/r Mexico City 74/55/t Montreal 63/45/pc Moscow 77/52/pc Paris 86/47/pc Rome 82/66/pc Seoul 81/56/s Singapore 86/79/sh Sydney 73/49/s Tokyo 88/73/pc Vancouver 61/59/r

Today Hi/Lo/W 86/77/t 89/70/s 56/49/sh 106/77/s 80/58/pc 87/79/pc 79/63/s 67/40/s 70/59/pc 83/62/pc 53/43/sh 74/56/t 60/56/sh 71/54/pc 78/53/s 81/64/pc 80/61/pc 86/77/t 67/50/s 87/71/r 64/53/sh

Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice

-10s -0s 50s 60s

0s 70s

10s 80s

20s 90s



100s 110s

Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front

Strengthening Hurricane Florence takes aim at Southeast US coast By RUSS BYNUM Associated Press

A rapidly strengthening Hurricane Florence churned across the Atlantic on Sunday toward a possible direct hit on the U.S. Southeast late this week, triggering warnings to people up and down the coast to get their emergency kits ready, map out escape routes and fill sandbags. Red flags flying on beaches warned swimmers to stay out of waters already roiled by the distant storm, and cruise ships and Navy vessels were set to be steered out of harm’s way. People rushed to buy bottled water, plywood and other supplies. Florence crossed the 74 mph threshold from tropical storm to hurricane Sunday morning, and by evening its winds were up to 85 mph as the National Hurricane Center warned it was expected to become an extremely dangerous major hurricane by Monday and remain that way for days. As of 5 p.m. EDT, Florence was centered about 720 miles southeast of Bermuda, moving west at 7 mph. Drawing energy from the warm water, it could be a fearsome Category 4 with winds of 130 mph or more by Tuesday, the Miami-based center said. Forecasters said it is too early to know the exact path the storm will take but warned that it could roll ashore in the Carolinas by Thursday. Forecasters urged residents from South Carolina to the mid-Atlantic to get ready — and not just for a possible direct blow against the coast. They warned that Florence could slow or stall after coming ashore, with some forecasting models showing it could unload a foot or two of rain in places, causing devastating inland flooding. Forecasters also warned that the threat of a life-threatening storm surge was rising. “Pretend, assume, presume that a major hurricane is going

Map shows probable path of Hurricane Florence.

to hit right smack dab in the middle of South Carolina and is going to go way inshore,” South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster said. The state’s emergency management agency said it is “preparing for the possibility of a large-scale disaster.” In Charleston, South Carolina, along the coast, city officials offered sandbags to residents. Myrtle Beach Mayor Brenda Bethune urged people to secure their homes but said it’s too early to know if evacuations will be ordered. Myrtle Beach hardware stores and supermarkets were busy ringing up sales of bottled water, plywood and generators. “Literally, they are filling buggies full of water, shopping carts full of water,” Ryan Deeck, grocery department manager at a Walmart, told The Sun News. “They’re coming in and buying water and plates, and that’s about all they’re buying.” North Carolina officials

started getting bulldozers and chain saws ready. Across the Southeast, people were urged to put together emergency supply kits, prepare their homes and research evacuation routes. The governors of North and South Carolina and Virginia declared states of emergency far ahead of the storm to get ready. Florence’s effects were already being felt along the coast, with dangerous swells and rip currents in some spots. On North Carolina’s Outer Banks, the town of Nags Head posted no-swimming flags on beaches. In Jacksonville, North Carolina, about 20 miles (32 kilometers) from the coast, some residents picked up hurricane supplies during their normal weekend shopping, The Daily News reported. Ilija Cesal told the newspaper he wouldn’t worry about buying extra water or other supplies for a few more days. “I’ll see by Wednesday how that goes — we got over

48 hours before that happens,” Cesal said. In southeast Virginia, Naval Station Norfolk told its employees they should not leave their vehicles parked at the sprawling base in coming days because of the flood threat. The station, the largest naval complex in the world, said in a Facebook post that much of the base is prone to heavy flooding, especially the parking lots adjacent to the waterfront. The Navy planned to send ships from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia out to sea. Florida-based Carnival Cruise Line re-routed its cruise ships. As Hurricane Florence approaches the East Coast, the University of North Carolina at Wilmington encouraged its students to leave campus for a safer location. The university said Sunday that it has issued a voluntary evacuation for students starting at midday Monday, noting classes would be canceled.

Peninsula Clarion | Monday, September 10, 2018 | A3

Around the Peninsula ‘Willy Wonka’ auditions

Community Wellness Convention

Nikiski Recreation Center activities

Geneva Woods Health Supplies and Geneva Woods Pharmacy proudly presents our second-annual “Community Wellness Convention” at the Peninsula Center Mall Soldotna on Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Everyone is invited to join us for this free, fun and informative community event! We have invited many local community exhibitors and speakers for this great one-day event! The Alaska Health Fair group will be at the event to provide health screenings and testing. No appointment necessary. Call Christie Gibbs (Geneva Woods) 907-262-2540 or Betty Rieth (Alaska Health Fair) 907-278-0234.

—The Nikiski Pool will be closed for annual maintenance from September 3–24. The pool will reopen Sept. 26 for our normal winter hours. For more information, please check our Facebook page or our website. —Fall swim lessons: Swim lesson registration will begin Monday, September 24 at noon. Classes are offered for: Beginners, Advanced Beginners, Intermediates, Semi-Privates, Tiny Tots and Log Rolling. For more information, call 776-8800 —Youth flag football: 4th-8th grade boys and girls flag football season begins August 20 and will run through September. Games are held Monday and Thursday nights at the Nikiski Community Recreation Center Fields. For more information, please call 776-8800. — Artsy toddler time: Nikiski Community Recreation Center will be hosting and Artsy Toddler Story time on Tuesday, Sept. 4 at 11 a.m. for 2-5 year olds. Kids will get to do an art project based on a story read during the event. For more information, please contact 776-8800. — Toddler time: The Nikiski Community Recreation Center will be hosting Toddler Time on Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11am-12:30pm. For more information, please contact 776-8800. — Women’s league basketball: Games will be held on Tuesday &/or Friday nights with games beginning in September. For more information, call 776-8800. —Open gym nights: Teen Center, Monday–Friday, 2:30–8 p.m. Full Swing Golf, Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–8 p.m.

Kenai Performers will be holding open auditions for “Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka,” on Sept. 28, starting at 6 p.m. and finishing at 9 p.m. and on Sept. 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Auditions are open to youth age 8 and above and adults. Please arrive 20 minutes early to complete paperwork. All youth under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. You don’t have to prepare anything in advance or attend both days of auditions. Please wear comfortable clothing to move around in and bring your own water bottle. Location: 44045 Kalifornsky Caregiver Support meeting Beach Road (backside of Subway). Performance dates are Feb. The Caregiver Support Meeting: Part 2 Training DVD from 21-24, Feb. 28 and March 1-3. For more information Call Terri The Pines of Sarasota Education and Training Institute will take at 252-6808 or Donna at 398-4205. place Tuesday, Sept. 11 at 1 p.m. at the Soldotna Senior Center. Learn with dementia expert Teepa Snow about “Designing a Dementia Care Environment.” Join us to share your An Alaska Gardener’s Fall & Winter To-Do List Supportive experiences as a caregiver, or to support someone who is a careAfter a prolific growing season with harvest complete a gar- giver. Call Sharon or Judy at 262-1280 for more information. dener’s list is not quite done. To help keep on task the Cooperative Extension Service has updated the Fall & Winter To- Sterling Judo Club registration open Do List. This publication reminds us of tasks to reduce insect Registration for the Sterling Judo Club new beginners’ class overwintering areas, help winterize perennials, prepare for next spring and more. Your local Cooperative Extension Service is will run from Sept. 11-20. Members must be at least 8 years old. your year-round resource for a variety of topics, visit us today Teens and adults may register and begin instruction any time, at: or stop by and see us although everyone interested is encouraged to start with the new on K-Beach Road between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. We are “Learning beginners now. The next youngster’s beginning signup should occur in early January 2019. A parent or adult participant must for Life.” come to the class any Tuesday or Thursday evening between 5:45 p.m. and 8 p.m. to register. There is no charge to participate in the program, but an annual registration required by our naAuxiliary holiday bazaar vendor applications tional judo organization to cover program insurance, sanction, The CPH Auxiliary is accepting vendor applications for the etc. This non-refundable annual fee is $80. For more informa14th Annual Holiday Bazaar and Bake Sale which will take place tion visit the Sterling Judo Club’s Face Book page or contact Nov. 1 and 2 in the Denali Room at the hospital. Interested par- one of the class teachers: Senseis Bob Brink at 242-9330, Clay ties can pick up an application at the Care Package Gift Shop at Holland at 394-1823, Bob Ermold, or one of our other board the hospital. Applications are due returned to the gift shop no members: Sensei Kati Gibler, Bob Ermold, Marcus and Terre later than 4 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 28. Lee and Carrie Fairbanks.

Coast Guard boating safety class

Become a Red Cross volunteer! Our volunteers touch lives in the community every day. They are the heart and soul of the Red Cross and represent every age, gender, religion, race and ethnicity. There are so many ways you can help. Start your Red Cross story today. The Red Cross will host a Kenai Peninsula New Volunteer Open House on Friday, Sept. 7 from 6-8 p.m. in Central Peninsula Hospital’s Denali Room. Call 907-232-2698 or email

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will offer “About Boating Safely” class on Tuesday Sept. 11 from 6-9 p.m. and on Saturday, Sept. 15 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cost is $35. This two-day boating course is designed to educate boaters in the skills needed to safely handle and operate a boat. Whether you are a new boater or have been boating for many years you may discover that you can still learn something new “about boating safely.” Topics Include: Know Your Boat; Before You Get Underway; Navigating; City of Kenai plans trash cleanup Operating Safely; Legal Requirements; Boating Emergencies. Looking for an opportunity to exercise with a purpose? The For more information please either text or otherwise contact: Marion Parrish (907) 420-7179 or register online at the Kenai City of Kenai is sponsoring three separate lunchtime hikes we’re dubbing “TRASHersize.” Join us as we enjoy the city’s trail sysFlotilla website. tem and help keep our community clean at the same time. All hikes are from Noon – 1 p.m. The city will provide bags, gloves Nikiski Senior Center fall fundraiser and water. Maps will be available upon arrival. This is a child The Nikiski Senior Center will be hosting its annual Fall friendly event. The events are dependent on suitable weather Fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 6. Doors open at 4 p.m. The first conditions. The next TRASHersize Hike is scheduled for Thursdrawing for the Wall of Guns is at at 5 p.m. Dinner is at 6 p.m. day, Sept. 20, 2018 from Noon – 1:00 p.m. Meet at the Kenai There will also be live and silent auctions, ladies and men’s grab Library. The hikes will take place at noon on Thursday, Sept. 20, bags, mystery wine pull and a quilt raffle. Cost of the prime rib and Thursday, Oct. 4. or chicken cordon bleu dinner is $40 per person. Tickets are available at the Nikiski Senior Center. Call 907-776-7654 for School immunizations available more information. Proceeds from the event go toward needed Talk to your healthcare provider or your local public health services to seniors in the Nikiski community and scholarships center to make sure your child’s vaccinations are current. For for high school seniors. more information call Kenai Public Health Center at 335-3400.

Nikiski Senior Center bingo nights

Narcan kits available at Kenai Public Health

Bingo and Pulltabs are back at the Nikiski Senior Center! Heroin overdoses are on the rise in Alaska. Narcan is an easy Bingo and pulltabs will be on Tuesday, Sept. 18 at 1 p.m. after lunch and Saturday, Sept. 29 at 6 p.m. (doors open at 5 pm). medication you can give to someone who is overdosing. It may Saturday bingos are potluck so bring your favorite dish! Call save their life. Adults can get free Narcan nasal spray kits at the Kenai Public Health Center at 630 Barnacle Way, Suite A, in 907-776-7654 for more information. Kenai. For additional information call Kenai Public Health at 335-3400. Trapping and snaring orientation classes


The Kenai National Wildlife Refuge will hold its 2018 trapping orientation class and snaring seminar on Saturday, Oct. 27 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Refuge Environmental Education Center on Ski Hill Road in Soldotna. To obtain a permit to trap on the Refuge, it is mandatory to attend at least one Refuge trapping orientation. Trappers who have previously attended the trapping and snaring orientation do not need to re-attend; however, all Refuge trappers are welcome. Starting October 5, trapping permits for the 2018-19 season will be available at the Refuge Headquarters, on Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. For additional information, please contact Refuge Officer Joe Williams at (907) 260-2852.

Kenai Peninsula College Council seeks new members Kenai Peninsula College is seeking interested community members to fill a Seward-area at-large seat and a Central Peninsula-area at-large seat on its College Council. The boroughwide council serves as an advisory board to the college director and advocates for the interests of the college to the community and legislature; members serve 3-year terms. Seward area and Central Peninsula residents interested in serving should submit a letter of interest and resume by Oct. 1, 2018 to: College Director, Kenai Peninsula College, 156 College Rd., Soldotna AK 99669. Interested individuals with questions can call 262-0318.

New Life Assembly of God classes The Kenai New Life Assembly of God church is offering the following two classes this fall on Wednesdays, Sept. 12–Dec 19 at 6:30 p.m. at Kenai New Life Assembly of God 209 Princess St.. Childcare provided. Register at or call 907-283-7752. —DivorceCare: A 13 week class for those who are separated or going through divorce. —Single&Parenting: A 13-week class for those who are experiencing parenting alone.

Garden club to discuss growing fruit The Central Peninsula Garden Club monthly program on Sept. 11 at 7 p.m. will be “Growing Fruit Inside and Out,” presented by Mike O’Brien, owner of O’Brien Garden & Trees. He will share his expertise with us about growing fruit, both inside a green house or high tunnel and outdoors. Free and open to the public; bring a friend! Refreshments and sometimes door prizes are provided. Peninsula Grace Church, 44175 Kalifornsky Beach Road (at mile 19.5, across the road from Craig Taylor Equipment). Membership and general club information is available at, on facebook, or contact Renae Wall,

Potters’ guild offers classes

The Kenai Potters Guild will be offering a pottery class beginning on Sept. 14. The class will meet on Friday evening from 6–9 p.m. for eight weeks. The cost of the class is $225. This Mental health first-aid course class will be taught by the Laura Faeo. For more information or The Sierra Frost and American Foundation for Suicide Pre- to sign up call Laura at 776-4008. vention will host adult and youth mental health first-aid courses in Kenai on Sept. 17 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. For more information contact or call 970-818- The Kenai Peninsula Food Bank to host gala 1271. Register at The Soup Supper Gala will be held at the Soldotna Sports and Recreation Center on Sept. 15. Doors open at 5 p.m. BuyIt-Now from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Buy a raffle ticket for your chance Ladies’ Night Out to win two Alaska Airlines tickets. There will be games, music, Peninsula Take-A-Break will host a Ladies’ Night Out on locally made soups, craft beers, wine, live and silent auction Tuesday, Sept. 18 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Featured guest Kenda items and so much more! Blanning of Soldotna’s Orange Poppy will be speaking on the latest and greatest in home decor. Inspirational speaker Jessie Ruffrige will give a talk on “Jumping for Joy.” Dinner cost is Kenaitze suicide awareness talk $12. For reservations contact Susan at 335-6789 or 440-1319. The Kenaitze Indian Tribe will host safeTALK suicide Reservations must be made by Saturday, Sept. 15. awareness and prevention training on Sept. 11 at the Dena’ina Wellness Center from 9–11 a.m. This free workshop is open to the community. SafeTALK training is appropriate for community members 15 and older. No prior experience is necessary. Training materials will be provided. Suicide is preventable, and participants will learn how to make a difference with life-saving Peninsula Memorial Chapels & Crematory skills. For more information, call Dagmar Mayer at 335-7514 or Kenai 283-3333 • Soldotna 260-3333 • Homer 235-6861 email


Call or stop by and talk to Grant or B.J. and let them guide you through the pre-arranging process. Have them show you the amazing benefits of planning your funeral ahead of time. If you’re not sure if you want to come in or not, flip a coin to help make your decision. Heads you Win. Tails you Win.

Diabetes support group to meet The Diabetes Support Group meets the last Tuesday of every month in the River Tower of Central Peninsula Hospital. Meetings are free and open to the public. The group often has speakers on a variety of relevant topics. Please call Ruth Clare at 714-4726 if you have questions or need more information.

New Kenai River rotary meeting place Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, the Kenai River Rotary Club will meet at Siam Noodles in Soldotna.

KPC college council meeting The College Council will hold their next meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 13 at KPC’s Kenai River Campus in Soldotna in Wardroom 116. The College Council is advisory in nature and members are recruited from all sectors of the Kenai Peninsula to provide input to KPC administration. The meeting is open to the public. For a copy of the agenda, contact the director’s assistant at 262-0318 or visit this link: college_council/reports/.

Kenai National Wildlife Refuge activities The Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Visitors Center is open every day from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. on Ski Hill Road near Soldotna. For more information, call 260-2820. All events are free. —Little PEEPS (ages 2-5 and their adult), Sept 20, 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.: Slugs and Snails for September, with story time, active games, snacks and crafts. — Drop-in craft and self-guided trail walk, different each week —Wildlife movies daily through Sept 10, then Saturdays only: Sept. 15, 22, and 29. All events are FREE!! —The Refuge Visitor Center is currently open daily from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. but will switch to winter hours on Sept. 11. Winter hours are Tuesdays through Saturday (closed Sun/Mon) from 10 a.m-5 p.m. The Headquarters/Administrative office will continue to be open 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Update your records at Kasilof cemetery The Kasilof-Cohoe Cemetery Association is updating their records. If you have a reserved plot or a family member interred at Spruce Grove Memorial Cemetery in Kasilof, please notify us with your contact information, so we can keep our records current. Updated rules and regulations are also available. Email or send information to Kasilof Cohoe Cemetery Association, P.O.Box 340, Kasilof, AK, 99610.

Grief recovery methods workshop available Peninsula Community Health Services will host a nine-week program on “The Grief Recovery Method Workshop: The action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce and Other Losses” on Wednesday evenings from 6–9 p.m. from Aug. 29–Oct. 24. The program is a closed group that meets at Peninsula Community Health Services in Soldotna at 230 E. Marydale Ave. The program costs $95, and there are scholarships available. To register or for futher information, call Gail Kennedy at 602-9944.

Fundraiser Dinner The second annual fundraiser for the “Saturday Lunch” program for Ninilchik students (pre-k through 6th grade), will be held on Sept. 22 from 5–7 p.m. at the community center on Kingsley Road in Ninilchik. There will be two delicious dinner options (one is vegan). A $10 donation is suggested. All proceeds go to support a weekend food program for elementary students. There will be a silent auction and dessert auction. Feel free to bring items for either one. Call 240-5212 for additional information.

Community transportation meeting Change 4 the Kenai will host a public meeting on community transportation needs on Oct. 9, 2018 from 3–5 p.m. at the Kenai Public Library. Call in number 1-888-392-4560 Code 5749741. For more information, call 714-4521 or visit http://

Harvest Moon Festival vendor applications Kenai Local Food Connection is accepting vendor applications for its Harvest Moon Local Food Festival, to be held 10 am – 6 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 15 at Soldotna Creek Park in Soldotna. It’s the Kenai Peninsula’s biggest local food celebration of the year, with live music, food demonstrations, guest speakers, kids’ activities, food trucks featuring healthy, local ingredients, and all sorts of Alaska Grown and Made in Alaska food and wellness products. In keeping with the festival mission, the festival is open to vendors of food (grown, harvested or made in Alaska) and medicinal/wellness/personal care products made from locally grown or wild-harvested ingredients. The Early Bird rate is $10 per 10’ x 10’ tent space. Fees double after Sept. 1 and space is limited, so please apply early. The vendor application is on-line at https://

Women’s exercise group A women’s exercise group meets from 7:15 – 8 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Soldotna in the cultural hall of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Marydale Ave. It’s a free 45 minutes of aerobics and strength training geared for the “more mature” ladies in the community. Call Sally at 2626637 for more information.

A4 | Monday, September 10, 2018 | Peninsula Clarion




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Letter to the editor

Kavanaugh Bad for Alaska’s Tribes On Tuesday, Sept. 4 the Senate

Judiciary Committee began confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the United States Supreme Court. His confirmation is being painted as inevitable, and it will be unless our Alaska Senators take action to stop it. Alaska tribes, despite being 4,000+ miles away from the Capitol Hill hearing room, know the truth about Kavanaugh’s agenda and it could greatly endanger our rights and tribal sovereignty. The Supreme Court is set to hear Sturgeon v. Frost, a case that calls into question control of Alaska’s rivers. Currently, the feds have authority over the waters, protecting subsistence fishing rights for Alaska Natives through “rural preference.” For many tribes and Alaska Natives, subsistence is a way of life rooted in the traditions of our ancestors and is foundational to the health and wellness of current and future generations. These are traditions that leaders like elder Katie John sacrificed greatly to protect. Subsistence fishing makes up only 2 percent of fish caught in Alaska yet it accounts for two-thirds of subsistence foods harvested by Alaska Native people. Kavanaugh’s track record makes it clear that he would support a states’ rights ruling in this case to the detriment of subsistence and Alaska Natives. Kavanaugh is also a danger to voting rights in the state of Alaska and across the country. In 2011, the Justice Department objected to a South Carolina voter ID law that threatened to block tens of thousands of people from voting — many of whom were people of color. When South Carolina took the issue to court, Kavanaugh wrote the opinion upholding the state’s discriminatory law. And he refused to include language put forward by the other judges on the panel that acknowledged the critical role of the Voting Rights Act in preventing racial discrimination in voting. Alaska has a troubled history with guaranteeing the rights of Alaska Natives to vote. In 1959, Alaska adopted a constitution that disenfranchised Alaska Natives by imposing a pre-registration process on Natives seeking citizenship and required a literacy test as a qualification for voting, which had a detrimental impact on Alaska Native voter participation. Despite the passage of laws to remedy discrimination against Alaska Natives such as the Voting Rights Act of 1975, Alaska continues to struggle to provide Alaska Natives fair access to the polls. This historical context is important to remember. After the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act five years ago, states like Alaska have not been held accountable for voter suppression. If Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court, he will support Chief Justice John Robert’s efforts to fully eliminate protections under the Voting Rights Act. Kavanaugh worked against the interests of Native voters and indigenous peoples as an attorney. In Rice v. Cayetano, he co-authored a Supreme Court brief arguing that Hawaii violated the Constitution by permitting only Native Hawaiians to vote in elections for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, a state agency charged with working for the betterment of Native Hawaiians. In an article, he stated how much he disagreed with the state of Hawaii’s practice, even more than his disapproval for race-based affirmative action: “Hawaii’s naked racial spoils system makes remedial set-asides and admissions preferences look almost trivial by comparison.” Although the Supreme Court sided with Kavanaugh in this case, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote an eloquent dissent. He said, “There is simply no invidious discrimination present in this effort to see that indigenous peoples are compensated for past wrongs, and to preserve a distinct and vibrant culture that is as much a part of this Nation’s heritage as any.” Health care rights are also at stake. By selecting Kavanaugh to serve a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court, Trump carried out his threat to nominate a justice who would overturn Roe v. Wade and undermine the Affordable Care Act. This will disproportionately jeopardize the lives of women, people of color, people with disabilities, and low-income families. In a case challenging the

Lefties set a new standard for stupid

It’s not easy to set a new standard for stupid in 2018, but a few left-wingers on Twitter managed it during Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. They claimed to have seen one of Judge Kavanaugh’s former law clerks, Zina Bash, making a white-power symbol while sitting behind him at the opening session of the hearings. Less discerning viewers wouldn’t have noticed the alleged signal at all, or if they had, would have easily mistaken it for Bash’s hand at rest in something like a gesture of OK. It was declared “a national outrage” by a #resistance tweeter who has 200,000 followers, and the activist and author Amy Siskind said the supposed gesture alone should disqualify Kavanaugh (she deleted the tweet, but still suspected that Bash’s hand represented something nefarious). It’s not clear how the hand-signal theory was supposed to make sense. Why, if Judge Kavanaugh is a stealth white-power candidate, would someone on his side go out of her way to advertise that fact on national TV? On the other hand, if Judge Kavanaugh is a brazen white-power candidate, why does a supporter have to rely on such a subtle gesture to signal his true colors? Who was the audience for the gesture? A racist underground initiated in a series of secret symbols and handshakes that would be activated to lend its full support for Kavanaugh? Who knows, and who cares? For an element of the left, the Trump era has been

an open invitation to lose their minds, one they have gladly accepted for fun and profit, since there are few things said about the president that can be too extreme or irrational to find an audience. It was quickly Rich Lowry pointed out how insane the hand-signal theory was. Zina Bash’s husband explained that his Mexican-born wife is Mexican on her mother’s side and Jewish on her father’s side, and her grandparents survived the Holocaust. She is a most unlikely secret convert to the alt-right. Besides, the whitepower signal, depending on seeing a “W” for white and a “P” for power in the traditional OK sign, isn’t really a thing. The idea was pushed by trolls to fool credulous liberals into picking it up. The Kavanaugh hearing was a coup for them. Even if the Zina Bash hand-signal theory didn’t get traction in the mainstream, its propagators tell us something about the spirit of today’s left, which is bilious and enraged. The natural idiom of the out party in American politics is suspicion of, verging on paranoia about, the party in power, which is almost always considered alien, corrupt and despotic. But the left also is in the grips of a feel-

ing of inflamed impotence, especially when it comes to the Supreme Court. The Democrats couldn’t confirm Barack Obama’s pick, Merrick Garland, for the late Antonin Scalia’s seat, yet President Donald Trump has two high-court picks and counting. These seats, by their reckoning, are therefore “stolen” — although their disposition was subject to normal democratic processes. The Democrats could have had control of all the Supreme Court picks over the past several years if they’d managed to hold the Senate in 2014 and the presidency in 2016. They could do neither. Then there’s the left’s racial theory of America, which is basically a conspiracy theory. It believes in a deeply embedded, all-pervasive white supremacy. Even Brett Kavanaugh, as credentialed and establishment a figure as you can find, is a suspected vehicle for racism. Finally, Trump has done almost nothing to try to allay the fears about him the way a traditional politician would. Driving his opposition yet more bonkers might well serve his interests in a 2020 re-election campaign — but in the meantime, unhinged people have a more and more prominent place in our public life. The new standard for stupid in 2018 isn’t much of a landmark. It will be eclipsed soon enough. Rich Lowry can be reached via email at


Affordable Care Act, Kavanaugh wrote a dissenting opinion that would have kept alive an attack on health care. Millions of people with pre-existing conditions might lose their protections with Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Reviews of Kavanaugh’s judicial record show he has consistently ruled against protections for the environment and endangered species. As the effects of climate change roil the earth at rapid speed, we must curb its consequences. Instead, Kavanaugh’s record speaks to his rejection of EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Alaska Natives have a long and proud history of defending this land and its resources. We have no intention of staying silent now. I do not speak on behalf of all Alaska Native tribes, but I know that our tribal values do not align with Kavanaugh’s judicial views. His lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court would bring destruction to the rights and way of life we have long fought for as Tribes, as Alaska Native peoples, and Alaskans, and as Americans. We ask that Senator Murkowski and Senator Sullivan vote against his confirmation. — Richard (Chalyee Éesh) Peterson, Tlingit & Haida President

Letters to the Editor: E-mail:

Write: Peninsula Clarion P.O. Box 3009 Kenai, AK 99611

Fax: 907-283-3299 Questions? Call: 907-283-7551

The Peninsula Clarion welcomes letters and attempts to publish all those received, subject to a few guidelines: n All letters must include the writer’s name, phone number and address. n Letters are limited to 500 words and may be edited to fit available space. Letters are run in the order they are received. n Letters addressed specifically to another person will not be printed. n Letters that, in the editor’s judgment, are libelous will not be printed. n The editor also may exclude letters that are untimely or irrelevant to the public interest. n Short, topical poetry should be submitted to Poet’s Corner and will not be printed on the Opinion page. n Submissions from other publications will not be printed. n Applause letters should recognize public-spirited service and contributions. Personal thank-you notes will not be published.

. . . Rodeo Continued from page A1

to ride for John.” The Soldotna Equestrian Association teamed up with Alaska’s Healing Hearts to put on the 9/11 Tribute Rodeo, which is in its second year. The event debuted last summer as a way to honor the local and national heroes of law enforcement, fire fighters, first responders and military. The man leading the “Ride for John” efforts is longtime Soldotna rider Bradyn Holly, a fellow firefighting tech that befriended Weekley at firefighting/paramedic school. Holly currently lives in Anchorage. “Growing up in Soldotna, we’re one big community,” Holly said. “They are a great family, and without Tim, I’m not sure I would’ve got through paramedic school.” The donation drive for the Weekley family included a fillthe-boot drive and the sale of Tshirts with a logo emblazoned with the words, “Courage, strength, blessed, faith, hope,” on the back, which Holly said have sold over 400. Holly said in all, he estimates over $700 has been donated, not including whatever comes out in the fill-the-boot

. . . Police Continued from page A1

of a defined benefit package,” Brinke said. “I know that we have lost individuals to King County. We have lost people to Kent, Washington, and I know there are several other states,” Brinke said. Washington state’s policeofficer pension program has guaranteed payments and better medical coverage than Alaska’s current program. The payments are higher in Washington, but Alaska’s 401(k)style approach leaves it more vulnerable to swings in the stock market and less reliable.

. . . Rally Continued from page A1

“We’re not alone, the divestment movement is spreading. Universities and foundations, and now even a whole country, Ireland, has divested from fossil fuels,” Schroeder said. Electric vehicle numbers still rising After the rally, a fleet of electric vehicles took ralliers to an electric vehicle meetup at the Juneau Subport. While the ralliers at the Capitol spoke of collective

. . . Suit Continued from page A1

to him, the story begins. Late in the afternoon Christmas Eve, he decided to take a walk, his sister said, to try and clear his mind. Eyre’s mother was worried with her clearly frustrated son choosing to go for a walk on a cold Fairbanks evening in late December, Eyre-Harrison said. In a holster at his side, Eyre carried a .22 caliber pistol. He had been working with his father’s construction company in Delta Junction and in remote villages nearby, and usually had his gun with him. His family knew he carried it often, as many Alaskans do. Eyre’s mother grew more worried and ended up calling the police, hoping they could calm Cody down, EyreHarrison said. Multiple cars showed up, carrying police and troopers. The officers walked with Cody down a road where the mother couldn’t see them, Eyre-Harrison said, and a little while later, a flurry of gunshots rang out. According to the Troopers dispatch from the incident, Eyre “brandished his firearm toward law enforcement officers,” and three troopers and two FPD officers fired. According to an autopsy done by Dr. Werner Spitz, Cody was shot 12 times. Ten of those bullets, Spitz found, hit Cody’s lower body. One bullet grazed his arm, the report states. The

Peninsula Clarion | Monday, September 10, 2018 | A5 drive. “I just wanted to help out,” he said. “We’re doing this to raise awareness for John and to help them out.” Holly, 21, has been doing rodeo events since age 10, and for many years enjoyed barrel racing with his own horse. Holly now only partakes in the ribbon-roping events, but has since become a coach along with fiancee Shyanne Schebler in the Alaska Youth Equestrian Club, an Anchorage-based group that teaches youth riders the essentials of horsemanship and the core values of hard work and integrity. As a volunteer at Central Emergency Services, Holly got to know Weekley, a lifetime peninsula resident. Weekley is a born and raised Alaskan who has roots in Sterling as a former pastor at the town’s Baptist church, where he spent over eight years. Weekley became the CES chaplain 6 1/2 years ago. Weekley now lives in Soldotna with his wife Julie, seven-year-old daughter Rebecca Jo and son John. It was Rebecca Jo that fostered a love for horses and all animals, and Weekley said his daughter’s passion for horses drew them to the Soldotna Rodeo, which puts on numerous events throughout each summer.

“Last year we went to quite a few rodeos and supported it,” Weekley said. No one in the Weekley family rides in the rodeos, but they enjoyed watching Tim’s work buddy, who is now a big part of the family’s success in making it through what has been a difficult time. “That’s what is more humbling for us,” Weekley said. “That the community supports us.” Weekley’s accident in late January was already enough to set the family back, but John’s seizures injected an entirely new dimension to the dilemma. It was April 14. While visiting a Soldotna friend, Weekley said he recalls his son playing outside. “He was there at the door, he came in and collapsed,” Weekley said. Immediately, Weekley rushed to his son’s aid. Because it was a focal seizure, John was alert and aware of the situation as it progressed. A focal seizure affects just a portion of the brain, typically one hemisphere or one lobe. The symptoms are therefore limited to just one area of the body. In this case, John’s left leg was shaking uncontrollably. “We tried to get him to get up, he was unable to put any weight on his left leg,” Week-

Alaska’s current retirement system was created by the Legislature in 2005 as a response to a multibillion-dollar shortfall in the state’s pension fund. The state’s actuary had miscalculated how much money would be needed, then hid the problem from the state. The state sued the actuary, but that didn’t solve the issue. In 2005, there was a $5 billion gap between what the state was collecting and what it needed to pay. Rather than adjust pension payments to cover the gap, the Legislature ended the pension program. Benefits would still be paid to people who had already earned them, but new state employees would instead be put into what’s known vari-

A youth rider is thrown off his bull Saturday at the 9/11 Tribute Rodeo at the Soldotna Rodeo Grounds. (Photo by Joey Klecka/Peninsula Clarion)

four brain surgeries in about a three-month span, and the medical professionals are currently testing to see whether John has a rare autoimmune disease known as Rasmussen’s Encephalitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the brain. The extremely rare disease affects only about 1 in 4.16 million kids annually. Weekley said his young son has been doing well and is progressing with rehab that includes three-hour days, six days a week. Using a leg brace to help him learn to walk normally again is part of the process, Weekley said. Weekley himself is still recovering from his shoulder injury, as he is currently assigned to only light duty on the job. “It’s just something we’ve never experienced,” Weekley said. “God’s been good, he’s been providing for the people of our community, and one of the huge things we found and seen in Sterling and Soldotna is the community aspect of it. People have stepped up and helped out.” With his good friend in his thoughts thousands of miles north in Soldotna, Holly wouldn’t have it any other way. “He’s put in his time,” Holly said. “It’s about time someone helped him.”

ley described. “He was pretty much dragging his leg, unable to move for 20 minutes.” Weekley said initially, the family had no clue as to what was happening, and they brought him into CPH to gain a diagnosis. Once it was determined what John had experienced, the family made the decision to obtain expert help. With only one pediatric neurologist in Alaska, Tim said they looked elsewhere for knowledge. Having grown up in Houston, Julie Weekley had connections to the Texas Children’s

Hospital there, considered one of the top pediatric hospitals in the country. The family flew out April 27, almost two weeks after John’s initial episode. “He was getting worse,” Weekley said. “On the flight down, he was going through absence seizures every 20 to 30 minutes.” An absence seizure is a lesser form of seizure that typically involves sudden but brief lapses in attention. Weekley said since John was admitted to the Texas hospital, he has undergone

ously as a “defined contribution” system, a 401(k)-style approach, or simply, “Tier IV,” after the relevant section of the Alaska Public Employee Retirement System. Opponents of the change warned that it would make recruitment more difficult, but their arguments failed to win enough legislative support. “I am not interested in attracting a cop, teacher or cat skinner who decides whether to come to Alaska based on the type of retirement plan in our public sector,” Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Fairbanks, wrote in a 2005 opinion piece published by the Fairbanks Daily NewsMiner. That attitude has had fiscal consequences. Without

people paying into the pension system, the pension gap has ballooned. The state is now spending much more on training people — it costs $200,000 to train and equip a new trooper, $130,000 to train a new JPD officer — than it did before. With those consequences now known, minds are beginning to change. Earlier this year, Sen. Pete Kelly, R-Fairbanks and Mike Kelly’s brother, introduced a bill that would create a pension plan for public safety workers. Juneau lawmakers, working in the legislative minority, have advanced broader proposals for years, but Kelly is a member of the governing Senate Majority and his action is new to the process.

Kelly’s bill did not advance, given its late introduction, but Brinke — who testified in its support earlier this year — said he will push for the idea again next year. Democratic governor candidate Mark Begich told the Empire he would support the concept if elected governor, and Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Dunleavy said he is considering various options for increasing retention and recruitment. The current problems are likely to grow worse without action, police warn. Ninety-four percent of the Alaska State Troopers’ command staff is eligible for retirement within five years, Brinke said. JPD is also facing a sig-

action, electric vehicle owners discussed the choices individuals can make to reduce their energy use. Leaves fell in a brisk wind downtown while electric vehicle owners — and one electric boat owner — talked all things battery-powered. Another type of leaf is rising, said Steve Behnke of the group Renewable Juneau. The Nissan LEAF is now ubiquitous in Juneau, and the number of electric vehicles in Juneau has grown to about 300, Behnke estimated. This time last year that count was at about 175.

“I don’t think anyone has looked in the last few months, but it’s at least 300,” he said. Other vehicle options like the Chevrolet Volt are gaining traction in the capital city, he said. LEAFs are good used vehicles, he said, and locals who travel to Seattle to buy LEAFs are now encountering competition buyers from countries like Norway, where EVs make up about 40 percent of vehicles on the road. Volkswagens and a Tesla could also be seen in the parking lot. “There’s quite a bit more diversity,” in the make and

model of EVs in Juneau, ground source heat pumps. about one-third the electricity Behnke said. The pumps — basically re- as electric baseboards, BehnRenewable Juneau was frigerators in reverse — use ke said. formed to push locals and the city to move to renewable resources. The group helped in forming the City and Borough of Juneau’s Climate Action and Implementation Plan, which calls for Juneau Today is Monday, Sept. 10, the 253rd day of 2018. There are 112 to source 80 percent of its days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: energy from non-fossil fuel On Sept. 10, 1963, 20 black students entered Alabama public schools sources by 2045. following a standoff between federal authorities and Gov. George C. WalIt also helped push CBJ to lace. On this date: secure funds for the first elecIn 1813, an American naval force commanded by Oliver H. Perry defeattric bus for Capital Transit, ed the British in the Battle of Lake Erie during the War of 1812. (Afterward, which is expected in 2019. Perry sent the message, “We have met the enemy and they are ours.”) The group also encourIn 1846, Elias Howe received a patent for his sewing machine. In 1919, New York City welcomed home Gen. John J. Pershing and ages the purchase and use of

fatal shot, Spitz wrote, was a gunshot to the back of Cody’s head. “But for the shot in the head, Cody Eyre would not have died,” Spitz wrote. Choate and the Eyre family shared the pathology report with the Empire. None of the shots were taken at close range, Spitz noted, and it appeared Cody was upright when the shot to the head was fired. The head wound was about four inches behind the left ear, Spitz wrote. Spitz is a renowned forensic pathologist, having worked on high-profile cases from the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. to the 2011 trial of Casey Anthony. The family sent Cody’s body to Spitz earlier this year after the state conducted its pathology report and released the body to the family. Cody was later cremated, Eyre-Harrison said. Spitz’s findings are basically all the family has, Choate said, as the state has continued to hold onto its pathology report, police video and all other important documents relating to the case. “That’s just really unfair that one side would have access to everything and the other side would have access to nothing,” Eyre-Harrison said. “It doesn’t promote a very good sense of justice.” The Office of Special Prosecutions handles the investigation at this point. John Skidmore, the director of the Alaska

Department of Law, wouldn’t comment on the specifics of the case, as the investigation is still open. Skidmore said a number of factors could hold up an investigation. He said the more people involved in an incident, the more interviews they have to do and the more time it takes. Much of the investigation, he said, depends on the local agency. Skidmore said that for smaller agencies (anything but the Troopers and Anchorage Police Department), their low staffing totals tend to slow the process down. What OSPA does, Skidmore said, is review a department’s internal investigation and determine whether an officer committed a crime under Alaska statutes. The office has handed down charges to some officers over the years for excessive force, he said, but Skidmore said none of those were shooting-related. “Having reviewed the review of others in the department, we have not seen any situations in which we thought that our officers here in Alaska had violated the law or had engaged in criminal conduct in the course of a shooting,” Skidmore said.

lost family members to gun violence and compared experiences. There were a variety of common themes that emerged, Eyre-Harrison said. Other families who had gone through litigation with state agencies said that families rarely win, and even when they do, the state’s penalty usually comes from taxpayer money instead of punishing the departments themselves. “It doesn’t really do much to promote change, because there are no repercussions or incentive to change their policies or do different trainings,” EyreHarrison said. “Even if a family wins a lawsuit, a lot of times that isn’t enough to motivate change.” Still, Choate said he hopes that filing a lawsuit will at least get the state to release the information it has and to provide the family with some answers. Choate, who usually has a full slate of cases, said he took this one on because not only is it a local family, but this is such a relatable situation — it was just a person having a bad day, and he ended up dying. Even though the incident didn’t take place in Juneau, Choate said, it’s important for residents around the state of under 740,000 people to look out for one another. “In Alaska, because this is really such a small state in terms of our population, holding people accountable is more important because it really is our own community,” Choate said.

Creating change Earlier this year, the Eyre family was invited to attend an event for an organization started by Trayvon Martin’s mother Sybrina Fulton called Circle of Mothers in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. There, the Eyres talked with other families who have

nificant wave of retirements. At the same time, a rising crime rate is demanding more police and troopers. A recent study found that the workload in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough warrants the addition of 26 sworn officers there, above and beyond filling the vacancies in the department. Brinke said a coming statewide analysis might ask for hundreds more officers across Alaska, positions that would have to be filled by new people. “We’re getting it on two different waves, and if we don’t get ahead of those waves, it’s going to consume us,” Brinke said.

Today in History

25,000 soldiers who’d served in the U.S. First Division during World War I. In 1935, Sen. Huey P. Long died in Baton Rouge two days after being shot in the Louisiana state Capitol, allegedly by Dr. Carl Weiss. In 1939, Canada declared war on Germany. In 1960, Hurricane Donna, a dangerous Category 4 storm eventually blamed for 364 deaths, struck the Florida Keys. In 1962, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered the University of Mississippi to admit James Meredith, a black student. In 1979, four Puerto Rican nationalists imprisoned for a 1954 attack on the U.S. House of Representatives and a 1950 attempt on the life of President Harry S. Truman were freed from prison after being granted clemency by President Jimmy Carter. In 1987, Pope John Paul II arrived in Miami, where he was welcomed by President Ronald Reagan and first lady Nancy Reagan as he began a 10-day tour of the United States. In 1991, the Senate Judiciary Committee opened hearings on the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1993, “The X-Files” premiered on Fox Television. In 2006, Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts defeated Eli Manning and the New York Giants 26-21 in the first NFL game to feature two brothers starting at quarterback. Ten years ago: The world’s largest particle collider passed its first major tests by firing two beams of protons in opposite directions around a 17-mile (27-kilometer) ring under the Franco-Swiss border. Five years ago: President Barack Obama, in a nationally broadcast address, said diplomacy held “the potential to remove the threat of chemical weapons” in Syria without the use of force, but declared the U.S. military would be “ready to respond” against President Bashar Assad if other measures failed. An Indian court convicted four men in the fatal gang rape of a young woman on a moving New Delhi bus. (The four were later sentenced to death.) Thomas Bach was elected president of the International Olympic Committee, succeeding Jacques Rogge (zhahk ROH’-geh). One year ago: After cutting a trail of destruction across the Caribbean, Hurricane Irma blew ashore on the Florida Keys as a Category 4 storm with winds of 130 mph; it would destroy 1,200 homes and damage 3,000 others in the Keys. As Irma headed toward Georgia, Atlanta was under a tropical storm warning for the first time. As he flew home from Colombia, Pope Francis called on President Donald Trump to rethink his decision ending a program protecting young immigrants from deportation; he said anyone who considers himself “pro-life” should keep families together. Miss North Dakota, Cara Mund, was crowned Miss America in Atlantic City, N.J., after saying in an onstage interview that Donald Trump was wrong to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord. Today’s Birthdays: Actor Philip Baker Hall is 87. Actor Greg Mullavey is 85. Jazz vibraphonist Roy Ayers is 78. Actor Tom Ligon is 78. Singer Danny Hutton (Three Dog Night) is 76. Singer Jose Feliciano is 73. Actress Judy Geeson is 70. Former Canadian first lady Margaret Trudeau is 70. Political commentator Bill O’Reilly is 69. Rock musician Joe Perry (Aerosmith) is 68. Country singer Rosie Flores is 68. Actress Amy Irving is 65. Actor-director Clark Johnson is 64. Actress Kate Burton is 61. Movie director Chris Columbus is 60. Actor Colin Firth is 58. Rock singer-musician David Lowery (Cracker) is 58. Actor Sean O’Bryan is 55. Baseball Hall of Famer Randy Johnson is 55. Actor Raymond Cruz is 54. Rock musician Robin Goodridge (Bush) is 53. Rock musician Stevie D. (Buckcherry) is 52. Rock singer-musician Miles Zuniga (Fastball) is 52. Actress Nina Repeta (NY’-nuh ruh-PEHT’-ah) is 51. Rapper Big Daddy Kane is 50. Movie director Guy Ritchie is 50. Actor Johnathan Schaech (shehk) is 49. Contemporary Christian singer Sara Groves is 46. Actor Ryan Phillippe (FIHL’-ih-pee) is 44. Actor Kyle Bornheimer is 43. Actor Jacob Young is 39. Rock musician Mikey Way (My Chemical Romance) is 38. Olympic bronze medal figure skater Timothy Goebel is 38. Ballerina Misty Copeland is 36. Rock musician Matthew Followill (Kings of Leon) is 34. Singer Ashley Monroe (Pistol Annies) is 32. Singer Sanjaya Malakar (“American Idol”) is 29. Actor Chandler Massey is 28. Actress Hannah Hodson is 27. Actor Gabriel Bateman is 14. Thought for Today: “There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” -- Zora Neale Hurston, American author (1891-1960).

A6 | Monday, September 10, 2018 | Peninsula Clarion

Chance Percival

Soldotna Prep School news for Soldotna Prep, week of Sept. 10 The first meeting of the school year for the Soldotna High School/Soldotna Prep PTSA will be on Thursday, September 13th at 5:30 pm in the SoHi staff lounge. All SoHi and SoPrep parents are welcome and encouraged to attend! PTSA raises funds for After Prom and After Grad events, HOBY Scholarships, Senior Scholarships, hosts staff appreciation luncheons, and MORE! Be a part of your student’s high school experience by joining our PTSA! Bring a friend! This Wednesday, September 12th is the first Early Release day of the school year, the school will dismiss 90 minutes early. First Quarter Eligibility Check is Monday, September 24th Teens Against Tobacco Use is looking for teen leaders who are fun, outgoing, articulate, and good role models to help make a difference in the lives and health of our community. And, it looks good on your resume! Pick up an application from Nurse Martha and plan on attending the training on Tuesday, October 2nd. Connections Welcome to the 2018-2019 Connections School year! Once a week Connections send out an email to our families with updates, information and activities happening in our Connections program. The emails will also be available on our website for reference ( ) and/or the Connections Facebook page ( Connections-Homeschool-120592904712890/ ). Please feel free to contact us for more information and we look forward to the school year! Homer: 226-1880 Seward: 224-9035 Soldotna: 714-8880 Dates To Remember: 09/11 - Gym Time every Tuesday @ Kenai Rec Center 12-2 Now to 9/14 – EdPerformance Assessment grades 5-8 Open until September 14th 09/18 – Soldotna Office: AIMSweb Assessments grades K-4 – please call the Soldotna office to schedule an appointment 09/20 - Homer Office: Lifetouch School Photos 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm 10/04 - Central Peninsula: School Pics @ Borough Bldg 3-5pm 10/10 – PSAT @ Soldotna and Homer Offices – check in at 8:00 am 10/25 - Homer Office: Lifetouch School Photos/RETAKES 1:00pm – 3:00pm 11/16 – Central Peninsula: School Pic Retakes @ Borough Bldg 3-5pm Central Peninsula Gym Time: Central Peninsula families are invited to come to gym time every Tuesday from 12-2pm at the Kenai Rec Center starting September 11th. Connections have organized activities, games and also free time for students of all ages to participate. Other homeschool families are invited and encouraged to participate. Please note: all students must have an adult present. Come check it out! EdPerformance Assessments for Grades 5-8: The EdPerformance Assessment for grades 5-8 window is open now to September 14th, please complete the assessment by September 14th. Please visit with your child and let them know how the test works. Call your advisor if you would like more information or assistance. PSAT: The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is a program cosponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). This year the test will be given on Wednesday, October 10th at the Soldotna and Homer Connections office. Students wishing to take the PSAT MUST sign up and pay the $16 fee by September 7, this is a non-refundable fee. If you have questions regarding the test, please contact your advisor. Free Shelf Overflowing! The Soldotna office has a free shelf with quite a few items added. Please stop by during office hours to check out all the treasures! Soldotna Elementary Soldotna Elementary is off to a great start for the 2018-2019 school year. Mark your calendars for these upcoming events: September 12 Early Release at 1:55 pm September 13 Parent PACK meeting at 3:45 pm in the library September 14 Pajama Day September 25 Walk Your Child to School Day September 27 Fall Picture Day On September 25th, Soldotna Elementary will participate in a Walk Your Child to School event. Please meet at the Catholic Church on Redoubt by 8:00 am. Snacks will be served when we reach the school. All students must be accompanied by an adult. To keep our school safe, all visitors and volunteers must sign in at the front office and pick up a visitor badge to wear while in the school. Anyone interested in volunteering can complete an online form by visiting the KPBSD website at and click on the volunteers’ link. This process must be completed each school year. Please contact the Human Resources Department with any questions. Please return the Parent/Student Handbook Acknowledgement of Receipt to Soldotna Elementary. The handbook can be viewed online at www.kpbsd.k12. or a printed copy can be picked up in the office. The Soldotna Sentinel will be sent home in Tuesday folders and via e-mail the on first Tuesday of each month. You can also access it on the school website. Watch for the Sentinel to get the latest news and updates from Soldotna Elementary. Redoubt Elementary Hello Redoubt Families and welcome to a new school year. Here are some upcoming events to look forward to. Kindergarten Open House: September 10th, 3:45-4:30. This is a meet and greet where parents come anytime between this time to meet their child’s teacher and see his/her classroom. PTA meeting: September 11th 5-6pm. Early Release Day: September 12th. Students are released at 1:45. Boys & Girls Club is open after early release. Please have a plan in place for your child. Site Council Meeting: September 18th from 3:45-4:45. The public is welcome. Also coming up is our annual Believe Kids fundraiser. This will start on Friday, September 14th. Students will bring home

Schools information and packets that day. We will be having our Summer Reading assembly Friday, September 14th @ 2:30 in the gym. International Walk to School! Is back. Tuesday, September 25th, Walk your child to school. Meet at 8 am at the Catholic Church in Soldotna and depart at 8:15. All Redoubt, Soldotna Elementary and Soldotna Montessori staff, students and their families are invited. This event is to help teach children about safety issues in walking to school and to promote physical activity. Snacks will be served by our PTA after students arrive at school. If you were unable to make it to our fall registration or open house, please stop by the office to update all current school year paperwork. As you may have noticed, our office door is now locked. We are asking that parents and visitors stop at the office window for assistance. The office is for staff only. Thank you Redoubt Elementary is now on Facebook. Please check out our page. The office sends home a weekly newsletter each Friday. Please take the time to read this newsletter as it has important information. Kenai Central High School Week of September 10th – September 16th, 2018 A big welcome home to all of our traveling Kards and their families who traversed the state from Homer to Fairbanks this past weekend! Kenai is a couple of weeks away from the Homecoming Parade, Bonfire, and Dance! The Homecoming Parade will begin behind Arby’s in Kenai at 6 PM, Friday, September 21 and the Bonfire will follow. The Homecoming Dance will be from 8 PM to 11 PM on Saturday, September 22. The theme this year is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and students are already at work preparing decorations and planning floats for their parade! On Tuesday, Kenai will host the Annual KPBSD Student Council Meeting. Students from around the district will come together to meet and vote for student representatives to several district committees. Following a big travel weekend most of our athletes our home this weekend, though our Lady Kards Volleyball team will set up in Anchorage for the West SpikeTacular. The Swimmers will cohost the Kenai/ Soldotna Invitational and our Runners will compete in Boroughs at Nikiski! The KCHS Football team will tackle Eagle River this weekend but some travel difficulties may end up moving the original game times. The games have been tentatively scheduled for Friday but keep an eye on the KCHS Facebook page for a final update. Tuesday: KPBSD Annual Student Council Meeting Thursday: Volleyball @ Homer C 4 PM, Jv 5 PM, V 6 PM Friday: Swim Team: Kenai/ Soldotna Invitational TBD Cross Country: Boroughs @ Nikiski: TBD Football v. Eagle River TBD Volleyball: West SpikeTacular TBD Jv Volleyball: Wasilla Jv Tournament TBD Saturday: Volleyball: West SpikeTacular TBD Jv Volleyball: Wasilla Jv Tournament TBD Skyview Monday, September 10 - First Site Council Meeting @ Skyview Middle School - 3:30 pm. A BIG thank you to this year’s members! Principal – Sarge Truesdell; Assistant Principal – Jill DuFloth; Certified Staff – Jonus Angleton; Certified Staff – Kristin Jones; Classified Staff – Carrollynn Peterson; 7th Grade Parent – Krista Arthur; 7th Grade Student – Andrew Arthur; 7th Grade Student – Jennifer Webster; 8th Grade Parent – Emily Manley; 8th Grade Student – Liliana Bahl; Community Member – Nick Sorrell. Wednesday, September 12 - EARLY RELEASE FOR STUDENTS - Students at Skyview Middle School will end the school day at 1:00 pm. Bus schedules have been adjusted to accommodate this time change. Wednesday, September 12 – School Picture Day – A picture packet has been given to all students. Please have the student bring the picture packet back to school and give to the photographer on picture day. All students are asked to have a picture taken even if not purchasing a packet. Sports Schedule this week: Tuesday, September 11 – Soccer Girls A vs. Nikiski at Nikiski – 3:00 pm Tuesday, September 11 – Soccer Boys A vs. Nikiski at Nikiski – 4:30 pm Tuesday, September 11 – Soccer B Team A vs. Nikiski B at Nikiski – 3:00 pm Thursday, September 13 - Soccer B Team A vs. Chapman at Chapman – 3:00 pm Thursday, September 13 – Soccer B Team P vs. Chapman at Chapman – 4:30 pm Friday, September 14 – Cross Country Running – Kenai Invite – 3:00 pm Class fees and Sports fees are now entered in Power School. Payments can be made online or at the office. Bus Information – Contact Apple Bus Company at 262-4900 for bus numbers and stop times. Bus number 139 (in town bus) is a closed bus. No bus passes will be issued unless you physically live in that route area. If a student needs to ride a bus that is not to their home/physical address, a note from a parent/guardian is needed. The note must include the new bus number, the new street/designated stop and the number of days to ride. Notes should be brought to the office by 12:30 pm. Morning Tutoring is available for all students Tuesday through Friday with Mrs. Johnson from 7:00 to 7:45 am. Basketball Open Gym – Thursday afternoons beginning at

Fall registration underway for ESL program The KRC Learning Center is holding fall registration for non-native speakers of English seeking to enhance their language and work-readiness skills. Students may register anytime, Monday- Thursday, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the KRC Learning Center, room 191, Brockel Building on the Soldotna campus. All classes are free and begin Monday, Sept.10. The English as a Second Language program is designed to meet the needs of adults wishing to become more fluent English speakers. Students can take classes in basic English, reading, vocabulary, and workplace readiness to further enhance their English proficiency to pursue college and career opportunities. For more information, contact Bridget Clark, (907) 262-0327. Area Health Education Center announces Scholars Program The Alaska AHEC provides a pathway for students to prepare for and enter into healthcare careers. The program

4:00 pm until intramural basketball begins October 8. Please contact Mr. Patat for more information. Panther Student Council Member Contracts are due back to Mrs. Pothast by the end of the school day on Friday, September 14th. Contract copies can be found on the outside of Mrs. Pothast’s classroom door (C106) and signed contracts can be returned there, as well. No late contracts will be accepted. Please see Mrs. Pothast if you have any questions. Many thanks to all those who made the first Activity Night of the school year a success! We appreciate our staff and parent volunteers – we couldn’t do it without you! Special shout out to the Alaska Wildlife Troopers who hosted a Cold Water Immersion contest complete with lots of gift cards for prizes! Congratulations to the following winners from Activity Night: Limbo – Reagan Gibbs, Grayden Musgrave, Corey Lewis; Trooper Contest – Jesse Cooper, Drew Cox, Trinity Donovan, Katie Hinz, Ethan Lowry, and Jay Brott; Candy Guessing Jars – Spencer Thompson, Carter Kincaid, Ryan Rapp, Zayra Poage, Josiah Nyman. The next Activity Night will be Thursday, October 18th. Great job to all of the Panther Student Council volunteers who worked so hard to put together a great first event! For more Skyview news… visit the Skyview Middle School Blog at or Like Us on Facebook! Nikiski Middle and High School Tuesday, September 11 Football – C Team @ Seward 3:00 p.m. Volleyball @ Soldotna –C Team 3:30/ JV 4:30/ Varsity 6:00 Middle School Soccer @ Nikiski vs. Skyview – 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 12 Early Release. Students are released at 12:45 p.m. Friday, September 14 Volleyball – Varsity @ West Spiketacular Volleyball – JV @ Wasilla JV Tournament Middle School X-Country @ Homer 4:00 p.m. Middle School Soccer @ Homer 4:00 p.m. Saturday, September 8 Volleyball – Varsity @ West Spiketacular Volleyball – JV @ Wasilla JV Tournament Football @ Monroe High School X-Country Boroughs @ Nikiski Coming up: Tuesday, September 18 is Senior Financial Aid Night – 6:30 p.m. Homecoming is September 29. High School Wrestling Begins September 26 Order your Yearbook now on Price is only $45 until October 31! Congratulations to the Volleyball team on their amazing start to the season by winning the Homer Jamboree, the Shayna Marie Pritchard Tournament, and the North/South Tournament in Houston! Also congratulations to the Football team on their victories over Valdez and Redington. River City Academy River City Academy will start district-wide MAP testing on September 11th and continue until the 14th. After the week-long MAP testing, RCA students will participate in “Interim Week” September 17th- 21st. The interim week is an opportunity for students to choose topics of interests and create elective classes. In the past, topics have included guitar, crotchet, Minecraft, robotics, board games, comfort food cooking classes and different P.E. and outside activities. We also host Interims in January and during the 4th quarter. Along with the excitement of the interim week, there is attention focused towards our new Summit Learning platform. Soon parents will be able to get text updates from the platform with information on their student’s grades and progress in classes. The goal of this feature is to help parents stay connected to the progress of their students and help facilitate meaningful conversations at home. We will also be hosting a Parent Training in October to assist parents in using the online platform and tools available. The mission of RCA is to provide families with the choice of a small, student-centered and performance-based school environment, which prepares middle and high school students for their individual interests and future goals. Current enrollment is available for 7th-11th-grade students. If you or someone you know is interested in more information please call our Main Office at 907-714-6400. Kenai Peninsula College Kenai Peninsula College Council Seeks New Members Kenai Peninsula College is seeking interested community members to fill a Seward-area at-large seat and a Central Peninsula-area at-large seat on its College Council. The borough-wide council serves as an advisory board to the college director and advocates for the interests of the college to the community and legislature; members serve 3-year terms. Seward area and Central Peninsula residents interested in serving should submit a letter of interest and resume by Oct. 1, 2018, to: College Director, Kenai Peninsula College, 156 College Rd., Soldotna AK 99669. Interested individuals with questions can call 262-0318. Nikiski North Star Elementary The first early release of the school year will be on Wednesday, September 12th. NNS will dismiss at 2:00 pm. If you need more information, please call the school office at 776-2600. NNS uses Facebook to update families on events and happenings at the school. Please “like” the NNS Facebook page to keep up to date with all events at school. Also, KPBSD has a Facebook page and a free KPBSD app which provides you with district and school notifications. There will be a site council meeting on Monday, September 17th at 3:45 pm in the staff lounge. All are encouraged to attend and find out the many ways the site council is a valuable

K ENAI P ENINSULA C OLLEGE A ROUND C AMPUS is designed for current health profession students. The program offers additional training and team-based experiential learning in rural and underserved areas. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in a health degree or certificate program (allied health, behavioral health or professional program). Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. For more information, call 907.212.6678. KRC fall 2018 GED class schedule Free instruction and testing are provided for students who wish to earn a high school equivalency diploma (GED) from the Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development. Tutoring for the GED is provided through the KPC Literacy Program, which is an accredited affiliate of Proliteracy Worldwide. Individual, group and some computerized instruction

are available. Applicants must be at least 16 years old. Students under 18 must submit a signed parent or guardian permission form and an official school withdrawal form before going through the GED orientation. Visit this link to view the complete schedule: files/resources/fall-2018-ged-classes.pdf For more information, contact the KRC Learning Center at 262-0327. New Kenai River Campus Student Union officers seated With each new year, new student leaders with fresh ideas are recruited into the student government organization. The 2018-2019 cohort has taken the reins with big ideas and high aspirations. Britney Storms, the KRCSU president, is currently pursuing her associate of arts degree. Storm ’s brother Brayden recently graduated from KPC and Britney is following her older brother’s lead. “This year, I hope we make the college a fun environment See KPC, page A7


Peninsula Clarion | Monday, September 10, 2018 | A7

Low wages, high demand for preschool, child care workers By SALLY HO Associated Press

SEATTLE — A dire child care workforce crisis amid a booming U.S. economy is compelling many industry players to turn to business tactics more closely resembling Wall Street than “Sesame Street” — including noncompete clauses for child care workers and client families, college tuition incentives for the workers and non-refundable wait list fees for desperate parents seeking day care slots. Underlying the phenomenon is a shrinking pool of child care workers with employers still offering low pay while demand for high-quality child care programs skyrockets, particularly in expensive urban areas like Seattle, with a rise in children needing care and a decline in providers. Child care workers in the U.S. make less than parking lot attendants and dog-walkers, said Marcy Whitebook, co-director of the University of California, Berkeley’s Center for the Study of Child Care Employment. “If you can’t get workers to do the job, then it’s hard to expand the supply. And when the economy is good, that’s when you need to expand the supply,” Whitebook said. “The economics of early childhood in the United States are quite broken.” In Seattle, the fastest growing U.S. big city, the population and household incomes have skyrocketed because of the technology boom — creating a child care hole with costs reaching about $2,000 monthly per child. The advocacy group Child Care Aware reports that in 2017, there were 132,000 more children up to age 6 in Washington state who could use formal child care arrangements, compared to the number of

In this photo taken Monday, Aug. 27, 2018, director Jenny Cimbalnik talks with a child at the Wallingford Child Care Center in Seattle. A dire workforce crisis in a booming U.S. economy is forcing many in the child care industry to turn to business tactics more closely resembling Wall Street than Sesame Street. Non-compete and “hold-harmless” legal agreements, college tuition incentives for workers and steep waiting-list fees for parents are fast becoming the norm. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)

available child care slots. Nationally, Whitebook said twothirds of all children in that age range have parents who are both working. Some child care centers are so popular in Seattle, New York and San Francisco that parents pay to get on waiting lists while still trying to conceive. That meant Rachel Lipsky and her husband were already at a disadvantage when they started looking for child care while she was pregnant in 2012. She thinks the system is troubled but doesn’t blame the workers, saying “they work two times harder than I do. Who am I to quibble?” Lipsky, a 38-year-old government agency project manager, paid the waitlist fees be-

fore her child was out of the womb, didn’t get her daughter into her first choice care centers but eventually secured a spot for the girl and another child born later. She said the road to finding care for her children, now 5 and 3, was daunting, emotional, timeconsuming and pricey. Licensed providers caring for children from infancy through 5 years old say they have tried for years to professionalize what is largely a decentralized array of small businesses. But the industry as a whole has always stumbled with high labor turnover as the jobs offer low pay and high stress. Experts say care for young children is expensive because it requires intensive labor, but families can only afford to pay so much.

Aubrey Zoli, 38, said she loves working with 4- and 5-year-olds at the popular Wallingford Child Care Center in Seattle but struggles with the $16.90 hourly pay, especially with a bachelor’s degree. “I love the job but I can’t afford to live it. A lot of our teachers have second incomes from second projects because it’s impossible to live on these wages in Seattle,” said Zoli, who also does work as a musician and event-planner. Her boss, Jenny Cimbalnik, concedes that the nonprofit Wallingford center can’t afford higher wages because it already puts 80 to 90 percent of revenue into staffing costs. The median annual pay for child care workers — including those in formal facilities and home-based centers, as

Utah student forms gun reform group OREM, Utah (AP) — A Utah high school student who was inspired by Parkland, Florida shooting survivors has started a community gun reform group after her attempts to start a school club were rejected by an adviser who said the club would have been too controversial. Liz Romrell, 17, attends Timpanogos High School in the heart of conservative Utah County, the Salt Lake Tribune reported this week. She originally wanted to form an affiliate March for Our Lives group at her school, but Timpanogos’ club adviser dismissed the club idea before she submitted the application. The adviser told Romrell her club wouldn’t be approved be-

cause it was partisan and controversial, according to Romrell. She formed the community group with encouragement from Parkland students who she met at a town hall in July in Sandy. Her group, Students Advocating for Safer Schools, has members from four campuses in the Orem area. Romrell likes the club’s freedom to make its own rules and not be tied down by school policies or requirements. “It’s something that we can expand into a much larger thing,” she said. “We’re not powerless here. We have the ability to speak up and participate.” Romrell also got support

for group’s creation from Jeniel Zimmerman, a 17-year-old senior at Mountain View High, who also attended the March for Our Lives town hall. She reached out to Romrell after the event and together, they came up with a name and a mission statement for their group. It seeks to include student voices from various political viewpoints, promote ways to make campuses more secure with a focus on gun control, bolster anti-bullying programs and pressure the district to hire more psychologists and therapists, Zimmerman said. “Safety is not political,” she said. “Just because you aren’t a victim of school violence doesn’t mean there isn’t real

. . . KPC

sites on ultimately earning an engineering degree at UAF. “I really hope we can have some successful events this year,” said Sweitzer. Eric McKamy, this year’s marketing and promotion officer, looks forward to being a part of a strong team. McKamy, like Sweitzer, is working toward his associate of arts degree and completing general requirements hoping to pursue an aviation degree at UAA.

School district bans treats

Continued from page A6

to help our students as they work to further their future careers,” Storms said. Dennis Sweitzer, returns to his second year serving in the Student Union. This year his role as vice president. Sweitzer is working toward earning an associate of arts degree with

In brief Maine school likely to drop Native American imagery NEWPORT, Maine (AP) — The superintendent overseeing construction of a combined high school and middle school in Newport says the school’s Native American name likely will stay, but the image associated with its mascot likely will not. A $53 million facility to combine Nokomis Regional High School and three middle schools is expected to open next August. Superintendent Mike Hammer told Morning Sentinel that officials are “on the edge” of the issue, but it’s likely that the mascot will no longer feature Native American imagery but rather a newer version of the term “warrior.” That would leave Skowhegan Area High School, with its nickname, “Indians,” as the last school in Maine using Native American imagery.

APPLETON, Wis. (AP) — A Wisconsin school district’s decision to ban shared snacks in the classroom has received mixed responses from parents and students. Appleton Area School District’s new rule puts an end to shared birthday treats and classroom potlucks, the Post Crescent reported . Parents and students are instead encouraged to share non-food items or plan an activity for class to celebrate events. District officials cited nutrition, equity and safety issues with food as the main reasons for the policy change. The new rule will teach about healthy eating early, said Mikki Duran, who leads the district’s health and human performance program. “This is a long-standing thing that Appleton has really worked hard to create a health culture in all of our schools and wellness, nutritional, social and emotional (health), the whole thing. I think it fits with Appleton’s mission,” Duran said. Parent Erin Rogers wrote on the district’s Facebook

fear. But there are reasonable precautions we can take.” Last week, Timpanogos’ principal, Joe Jensen, gave Romrell the green light to form her group at their school. Jensen declined to comment. Kimberly Bird, spokeswoman for Alpine School District, believes the adviser who talked with Romrell either misunderstood or was unaware that the district does not limit what types of groups can be formed. Under Utah law, school districts cannot block clubs based on topic or ideology. Romrell has decided she would rather continue working outside the school, especially since the deadline for forming school club has already passed.

page that she was disappointed in the decision. “This bums me out,” she said. “Maybe crack down on what’s brought for treats, but eliminating them all together makes me sad.” But parent Michelle Anderson posted that she supports the change. “I just hope parents can stay open about the changes and help their kids be open-minded because in another year or two, it’ll be the norm and no one will even remember what it was like to bring in cupcakes for their birthday,” she said. Stephanie Kuchenberg said the rule is a relief. Kuchenberg’s son is allergic to shellfish and her daughter has celiac disease and Type I diabetes. “Having treats at school, I’d say probably almost weekly she’d be going to the office and she’d be calling me saying, ‘Mom, we’re having this, what is my dose for it? Can I have it?’” Kuchenberg said. “She got excluded a lot because it was cookies or something with gluten that she just couldn’t have.”

well as private nannies — increased by 13 percent between 2014 and 2017, to $22,290, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. During the same period, the pool of U.S. child care workers dropped to 562,420 workers, down 21,000 people, or 3.5 percent of the workforce. Laws regulate how many children child care centers can take and busy centers say it’s not unusual for parents to try to bribe center officials with money or gifts for child care slots or offers to pay extra tuition. Some parents sob while pleading for the slots — a practice child care centers call “cold-crying.” Experts say public policy and demographics have exacerbated demand. Dual-income households headed by millennials are more often concentrated in urban centers. Parents also increasingly favor high-quality early education programs with trained teachers and academic philosophies instead of the mere babysitting functionalities of yesterday’s “nursery” day care systems. The shift comes as a growing body of brain development research shows children who attend good preschools are better off as adults, with higher incomes and healthier lifestyles. That has contributed to political momentum for government-subsidized preKindergarten programs, which has also affected child care centers. Business operations suffered at the Wallingford center when the city launched a pre-K program in 2014, Cimbalnik said. Toddlers that cost less to care for left for free preschool, creating an imbalanced demand among highercost infants. Wallingford was also stretched financially when the city’s $15 hourly minimum wage law took effect in 2015. Amid the challenges, Bright

Horizons Children’s Centers, one of the country’s largest publicly traded, for-profit child care businesses, recently announced a new college tuition incentive program for its employees. CEO Stephen Kramer said the company’s turnover rate is well below the 50 percent industry average, but he wanted to boost the numbers of career-minded early education professionals. Some child care centers now use noncompete-like and “hold harmless” policies to combat family “poaching” of child care workers to become their personal nannies and to address other outside work arrangements by child care workers. Bright Horizons’ noncompete-like policy forbids families and workers from using each other for private babysitting opportunities because the company cannot manage the work outside of its facilities, Kramer said. “If something goes wrong, it becomes an uncomfortable situation,” he said. Cimbalnik said the Wallingford center loses several teachers every year to more lucrative nanny offers but allows outside babysitting because it gives workers extra income and builds tighter relationships with family clients. The company requires workers and families to sign “hold harmless” agreements to avoid liability. Getting on a waitlist at a Bright Horizons location in Seattle costs $100 while Wallingford charges $75. Many parents report spending hundreds of dollars to get their names on as many waitlists as possible, realizing they may not get slots for their children at most locations. Wallingford also has a separate waiting list for its free monthly tours. The wait? Nine months.

Virginia school’s ‘buddy bench’ puts empathy in action By TYLER HAMMEL The Daily Progress

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — The elementary years can be a rough time. But at Jackson-Via Elementary School, something as simple as a bench can make a difference to youngsters’ emotional wellbeing. A “buddy bench” was installed on one of the school’s playgrounds several years ago. Proposed in part by Kristin Ullrich, a counselor at Jackson-Via, the bench is a place a student can sit when they’re feeling down. Other students will then go over and either talk to the student about why they’re sad or include them in the games they’re playing. This helps the children practice empathy, Ullrich said, as well as kindness, respect and inclusion — all values important to the school community. “If the students are at recess and they’re sad and they feel like they need a friend, they can sit on the bench and the other students will go and include them,” she said. “It really allows them to learn practiced empathy and make new friends.” Third-grader Charlotte Dontanville said she sat on the bench before when she didn’t have many friends. “When I was in kindergarten, no one would play with me, and if people did want to play with me, I didn’t want to play the game they were playing,” she said. Now, Charlotte said, she has many friends — and a baby brother — and tries to be kind to everyone. “If two people are being mean to each other, then noth-

ing good will happen to either of them,” she said. “You want to make new friends, see what other people’s personalities are like — it’s good for you.” According to research released last September by the International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, buddy benches and the like can be helpful in encouraging school-wide positive behaviors and for students at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders. “The goal of the buddy bench is to change school climate by structuring part of recess to cue students to interact with and befriend students who might otherwise spend recess alone,” the study stated.Although the handpainted bench is certainly a focal point of the playground, Ullrich said it’s just part of a larger school movement centered around kindness. The school also has the Bully Nots program, which is open to fourth-graders. As part of the program, students act as kindness leaders and participate in a school presentation teaching kind behaviors to younger students. Ullrich said the students in the Bully Nots program, which is now in its 11th year, are gearing up for the assembly, which also will feature an original song and choreography. One of the fourth-grade students who will be performing in the show, Eva Reed, said she’s excited to be doing a cartwheel in the show. Eva said she joined the Bully Nots club to help spread kindness. “I want to express myself and be kind to others and make a lot of new friends,” she said.

A8 | Monday, September 10, 2018 | Peninsula Clarion

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Games Played September 14-17 - Week #2

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5. 6.


6. Deadline for entry is Friday at noon. Entries can be delivered to participating sponsors or the Peninsula Clarion office in Kenai or may be mailed to: Peninsula Clarion Football Contest, P.O. Box 3009, Kenai, AK 99611. Faxes will not be accepted.

q Colts 8. q Eagles 9. q Vikings 10. q Browns 11. q Patriots 12. q Raiders 7.

7. Contest pages appear each Monday in the Peninsula Clarion Sports Edition. The winner will be announced within 2 weeks of the publish of this game. Judges’ decisions are final. Clarion employees and their immediate families are ineligible to enter.

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10. Browns @ Saints

7. Colts @ Redskins

3. Nikiski @ Monroe

6. Georgia Southern @ Clemson

Peninsula Clarion | Monday, September 10, 2018 | A9


Browns snap losing streak by tying Steelers By The Associated Press

CLEVELAND — Well, the Browns didn’t lose. Cleveland ended its 17-game losing streak on Sunday with a 21-21 tie against the Pittsburgh Steelers. But the Browns missed a chance at their first victory since 2016 when kicker Zane Gonzalez’s 43-yard field-goal attempt with 9 seconds left in OT was blocked by T.J. Watt — who also had four sacks. The Steelers, who blew a 14-point lead in the fourth quarter, also wasted their chance to escape with a win when Chris Boswell was wide left on a 42-yard field-goal attempt with 1:44 remaining in the extra period. It was the NFL’s first tie in Week 1 since 1971 and the league’s first overall since Washington and Cincinnati ended in a 27-27 deadlock on Oct. 30, 2016. The Browns remain winless since Dec. 24, 2016, but at least they have a positive after going 0-16 last season, just the second team to lose all 16 games. As Le’Veon Bell continued his holdout, James Conner filled in for the Steelers and scored two touchdowns while running for 135 yards. Ben Roethlisberger threw three interceptions in the first half and finished 23 of 41 for 335 yards, throwing a 22-yard touchdown pass in the fourth quarter to Antonio Brown. BUCCANEERS 48, SAINTS 40 NEW ORLENS — Ryan Fitzpatrick highlighted a 417-yard, four-touchdown performance with two scoring strikes of more than 50 yards. Starting for the suspended Jameis Winston, Fitzpatrick completed 21 of 28 passes without an interception and also ran for a short touchdown, bowling over free safety Marcus Williams on his way into the end zone. Saints cornerback Marshon Lattimore, the 2017 Defensive Rookie of the Year, had arguably the worst performance of his short career trying to cover receiver Mike Evans, who caught seven passes for 147 yards, including a 50-yard touchdown that put the Bucs up 41-24 late in the third

quarter. DeSean Jackson caught scoring passes of 58 and 36 yards to highlight his fivecatch, 146-yard day before leaving with a concussion. Fitzpatrick also threw a 9-yard touchdown pass to Chris Godwin.

BENGALS 34, COLTS 23 INDIANAPOLIS — Andy Dalton rallied the Bengals with three scores in the final 19 minutes and Clayton Fejedelem scored on an 83-yard fumble return with 24 seconds to go. Cincinnati snapped an eight-game losing streak in Indy. The loss spoiled the Colts’ season opener — and the return of Andrew Luck, who made his first start in more than 20 months. It looked as if Luck was up to his old tricks after staking the Colts to a 23-10 lead midway through the third quarter, and again late when he led the Colts 50 yards to the Bengals 25-yard line in the final minute.

VIKINGS 24, 49ERS 16 MINNEAPOLIS — Kirk Cousins passed for two touchdowns in his muchanticipated Minnesota debut, and the Vikings forced four turnovers to stick 49ers quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo with his first loss in eight games as an NFL starter. Cousins connected with Stefon Diggs in the second quarter and Kyle Rudolph in the third quarter for scores, and the defense finished the job with three sacks and three second-half interceptions of Garoppolo. Mike Hughes turned one pick into a 28-yard touchdown return, the first by a rookie in a Vikings season opener. Harrison Smith, who sacked Garoppolo on a third-down safety blitz and had an interception late in the fourth quarter, recovered a fumble by Alfred Morris at the 2-yard line after Linval Joseph stripped the ball just in front of the goal line late in the first half.

RAVENS 47, BILLS 3 BALTIMORE — The Baltimore Ravens harassed and embarrassed Buffalo quarterback Nathan Peterman on a rainy afternoon, while Joe Flacco threw three touchdown passes, one to each of the new receivers.

Sports Briefs Djokovic wins US Open NEW YORK — The U.S. Open final suddenly appeared to be slipping away from Novak Djokovic. He dropped three consecutive games. He was barking at himself, at his entourage, at a crowd vocally supporting his opponent, Juan Martin del Potro. He was, in short, out of sorts. And then came Sunday’s pivotal game, a 20-minute, 22-point epic. Three times, del Potro was a point from breaking and earning the right to serve to make it a set apiece. Three times, Djokovic steeled himself. Eventually, he seized that game — and del Potro’s best chance to make a match of it. A year after missing the U.S. Open because of an injured right elbow that would require surgery, Djokovic showed that he is unquestionably back at his best and back at the top of tennis. His returns and defense-to-offense skills as impeccable as ever, Djokovic collected his 14th Grand Slam title and second in a row by getting through every crucial moment for a 6-3, 7-6 (4), 6-3 victory over 2009 champion del Potro at Flushing Meadows. “There was always part of me that imagined and believed and hoped that I can get back (to) the desired level of tennis very soon,” said Djokovic, whose operation was in February. “But at the same time, life showed me that it takes time for good things, it takes time to really build them, for things to fall into place, so you can center yourself, balance yourself and thrive. The last two months have been terrific.”

Alabama is No. 1 at being No. 1 Alabama is No. 1 at being No. 1 in The Associated Press college football poll. The Crimson Tide made its 106th overall appearance at the top of the AP rankings, which started in 1936, passing Ohio State for the most by any school. Alabama received a season-high 54 first-place votes from the media panel in the Top 25 released Sunday , strengthening its hold on No. 1 over No. 2 Clemson. The Tigers, who started the season with 18 first-place votes, are down to six after hanging on for 28-26 victory at Texas A&M on Saturday night. No. 3 Georgia and No. 4 Ohio State held their spots and Oklahoma moved to No. 5, edging past No. 6 Wisconsin. The Badgers received a first-place vote.

Rain washes out Sunday play at Aronimink NEWTOWN SQUARE, Pa. — Justin Rose has to wait until Monday to have a shot at getting to No. 1 in the world. And he still might not have to hit another shot at the BMW Championship. A steady rain washed out play Sunday soggy Aronimink, and the PGA Tour will wait until Monday to decide whether it can try to complete 72 holes of the third FedEx Cup playoff event. If the forecast makes it unlikely to finish, the tour could cut the tournament short to 54 holes. Rose had a one-shot lead over Rory McIlroy and Xander Schauffele. A victory gets him to No. 1 in the world ranking. Keegan Bradley was projected to finish 30th in the FedEx Cup, which would knock out Jordan Spieth from the Tour Championship.

Rain postpones Brickyard 400 INDIANAPOLIS — Persistent rain washed out the Brickyard 400 and delayed the conclusion of NASCAR’s regular season. Rain washed out the entire weekend at Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the final race before the playoffs was moved to Monday. It will run at 2 p.m., after the rescheduled Xfinity Series race. Indianapolis was drenched by three days of rain and NASCAR has not been able to get any cars on track. NASCAR’s playoffs begin next weekend in Las Vegas and the sanctioning body is eager to get the regular season finale concluded at Indianapolis. The race sets the field for the 16-driver playoffs. Kyle Busch is scheduled to start on the pole alongside Kevin Harvick when the race does begin. — The Associated Press

Flacco went 25 for 34 for 236 yards before being replaced in the third quarter by rookie Lamar Jackson, who did little more than hand off after entering with a 40-0 lead. Making its debut under defensive coordinator Don Martindale, the Ravens held Buffalo to 33 yards and no first downs in going up 26-0 at the half. Baltimore added two touchdowns in the third quarter following Buffalo mistakes before Bills coach Sean McDermott had finally seen enough, replacing Peterman with rookie Josh Allen.

PATRIOTS 27, TEXANS 20 FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — Tom Brady threw for 277 yards and three touchdowns, hitting Rob Gronkowski for 123 yards and a score. Brady and Gronkowski, who both floated the possibility of retiring over the offseason, connected seven times, including a 21-yard touchdown three plays after Deshaun Watson fumbled a handoff at the Texans 19 on Houston’s first offensive play. Phillip Dorsett and James White also caught TD passes from Brady, the 41-yearold reigning NFL MVP. Watson, who missed the final nine games last season with a torn right ACL, completed 17 of 35 passes for 176 yards, one score and one interception. He struggled to move the team in the first 40 minutes, managing just a pair of field-goal drives before Alfred Blue ran it in from 1 yard to make it 24-13 in the last two minutes of the third period.

block by receiver Sterling Shepard. It got New York within 20-15 with 10:39 to play. New York went for the 2-point conversion and Barkley (18-rushes for 106 yards) was stopped.

Jennings returned the ensuing kickoff 94 yards for a Titans score, and they were driving when Miami’s Reshad Jones helped to clinch the win with a 54-yard return after he intercepted Blaine Gabbert.



CARSON, Calif. — Tyreek Hill scored three touchdowns, Patrick Mahomes passed for his first four NFL scores and Kansas City opened the season with a victory. Hill had a 91-yard punt return for a score and a 58-yard TD reception during the first quarter before adding a 1-yard reception for a score in the fourth quarter to put the game out of reach. Hill also had 169 yards on seven receptions, which is the second-most yards by a Chiefs receiver in an opener, according to Pro Football Reference. Carlos Carson had 173 yards receiving against New Orleans in 1985.

GLENDALE, Ariz. — Alex Smith carved up the Arizona defense for 255 yards and two touchdowns, Adrian Peterson rushed for 96 yards and a score and Washington spoiled the coaching debut of Steve Wilks. Smith and Peterson were playing their first game as Redskins and the two veterans made an impact from the start. Smith, acquired from Kansas City in the offseason to replace Kirk Cousins, completed 21 of 30 passes without an interception and had TD throws of 13 yards to Chris Thompson and 4 yards to Jordan Reed.



CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Cam Newton ran for 58 yards and a touchdown, and Carolina’s defense turned in a dominant performance to beat Dallas. Luke Kuechly had 13 tackles, Kawann Short sacked Dak Prescott twice and Mario Addison had a huge strip-sack of the Cowboys quarterback with 1:23 left to seal the victory. Carolina’s defense had six sacks in all and limited the Cowboys to 232 yards.

DENVER — Von Miller sacked Russell Wilson three times, forced two fumbles and recovered one in helping Case Keenum win his Denver debut. It was the Broncos’ 18th win in their past 19 home openers, and few were more exciting or competitive. Keenum threw for 329 yards and three touchdowns, but was also intercepted three times. Wilson threw for 298 yards and three TDs, but was picked off twice and sacked six times.



EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — Linebacker Myles Jack scored on a 32-yard interception return early in the fourth quarter and the Jaguars spoiled the Giants debuts of coach Pat Shurmur and second-overall draft pick Saquon Barkley, and the return of Odell Beckham Jr. Blake Bortles threw a short touchdown pass and led two other first-half field goal drives. The Jaguars dominated, with the exception a Barkley-induced hiccup, in opening a season by living up to the Super Bowl hype. Held in check much of the game, Barkley brought the sellout crowd to its feet shortly after the Jack touchdown with a spectacular 68-yard run aided by a great

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. — Jakeem Grant scored on a tiebreaking 102-yard kickoff return with 14 minutes to go, and Miami overcame two weather delays to win the longest game since the 1970 NFLAFL merger. Delays for lightning lasted a total of 3 hours, 59 minutes, and the game took 7 hours, 10 minutes to play. The previous longest game since 1970 was a Bears overtime victory against the Ravens in 2013 that took 5 hours, 16 minutes. Grant’s touchdown triggered a late flurry of big plays in an opener that was lackluster for the first six hours. After his score, Ryan Tannehill hit Kenny Stills deep for a 75-yard touchdown. Darius

PACKERS 24, BEARS 23 GREEN BAY, Wis. — Aaron Rodgers threw three touchdown passes in the second half after returning from a knee injury, and the Packers overcame a 20-point deficit for a thrilling win over the Chicago Bears. Rodgers, who was carted off in the first half, connected with receiver Randall Cobb for a catch-and-run through the secondary for a 75-yard touchdown and the go-ahead score with 2:13 left in the game. Nick Perry sacked the Bears’ Mitchell Trubisky on fourth-and-10 with 58 seconds to complete the comeback. A Chicago defense featuring newly acquired star linebacker Khalil Mack dominated until the third quarter. Mack had a 27-yard interception return for a touchdown against backup quarterback DeShone Kizer in the second quarter.

Scoreboard Baseball AL Standings

East Division W L Pct GB Boston 98 46 .681 — New York 89 54 .622 8½ Tampa Bay 78 64 .549 19 Toronto 65 78 .455 32½ Baltimore 41 102 .287 56½ Central Division Cleveland 81 62 .566 — Minnesota 65 77 .458 15½ Detroit 59 84 .413 22 Chicago 56 87 .392 25 Kansas City 47 95 .331 33½ West Division Houston 89 54 .622 — Oakland 87 57 .604 2½ Seattle 79 64 .552 10 Los Angeles 71 72 .497 18 Texas 61 82 .427 28 Sunday’s Games Toronto 6, Cleveland 2 St. Louis 5, Detroit 2 Tampa Bay 8, Baltimore 3 L.A. Angels 1, Chicago White Sox 0 Minnesota 3, Kansas City 1 Oakland 7, Texas 3 Seattle 3, N.Y. Yankees 2 Boston 6, Houston 5 Monday’s Games Houston (Verlander 14-9) at Detroit (Liriano 4-9), 2:10 p.m. Cleveland (Kluber 18-7) at Tampa Bay (TBD), 3:10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Happ 15-6) at Minnesota (Gibson 7-12), 4:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Giolito 10-10) at Kansas City (Junis 8-12), 4:15 p.m. Texas (Minor 11-7) at L.A. Angels (Barria 10-8), 6:07 p.m. All Times ADT

NL Standings

East Division W L Pct GB Atlanta 79 64 .552 — Philadelphia 74 68 .521 4½ Washington 71 72 .497 8 New York 65 77 .458 13½ Miami 56 86 .394 22½ Central Division Chicago 83 59 .585 — Milwaukee 82 62 .569 2 St. Louis 79 64 .552 4½ Pittsburgh 71 71 .500 12 Cincinnati 61 83 .424 23 West Division Colorado 78 64 .549 — Los Angeles 78 65 .545 ½ Arizona 76 67 .531 2½ San Francisco 68 76 .472 11 San Diego 57 88 .393 22½ Sunday’s Games Chicago Cubs at Washington, ppd. Miami at Pittsburgh, ppd. N.Y. Mets 6, Philadelphia 4 St. Louis 5, Detroit 2 Milwaukee 6, San Francisco 3 L.A. Dodgers 9, Colorado 6 Atlanta 9, Arizona 5 San Diego 7, Cincinnati 6 Monday’s Games L.A. Dodgers (Wood 8-6) at Cincinnati (Reed 0-2), 2:40 p.m. Washington (Roark 8-15) at Philadelphia (Arrieta 10-9), 3:05 p.m. Miami (Brigham 0-1) at N.Y. Mets (Vargas 5-9), 3:10 p.m. Milwaukee (Miley 3-2) at Chicago Cubs (Lester 15-5), 4:05 p.m. Pittsburgh (Williams 12-9) at St. Louis (Wainwright 1-3), 4:15 p.m. Arizona (Godley 14-8) at Colorado (Marquez 11-9), 4:40 p.m. Atlanta (Newcomb 11-8) at San Francisco (Rodriguez 6-2), 6:15 p.m. All Times ADT

Blue Jays 6, Indians 2 Cle. Tor.

001 000 100—2 6 201 000 03x—6 6

1 0

Clevinger, Edwards (7), Cimber (8) and Gomes; Pannone, Tepera (7), Jose Fernandez (8), Petricka (8), Paulino (9), Giles (9) and McGuire. W_Pannone 2-1. L_Clevinger 11-8. Sv_Giles (20). HRs_Cleveland, Lindor (34), Barnes (1). Toronto, Hernandez (20), Smoak (24).

Rays 8, Orioles 3 Bal. TB

000 000 300—3 9 1 510 001 01x—8 13 0

J.Rogers, Yacabonis (2), Castro (7) and Joseph; Stanek, Chirinos (1), Roe (7), Nuno (8) and Sucre. W_Chirinos 4-5. L_J.Rogers 1-2. HRs_Tampa Bay, Lowe (4), Gomez (9).

Twins 3, Royals 1 KC Min.

000 001 000—1 3 010 000 002—3 7

0 1

Kennedy, McCarthy (7), T.Hill (8), Maurer (8), Hammel (9) and Gallagher; De Jong, Littell (5), T.Rogers (8), Hildenberger (9) and Astudillo. W_Hildenberger 4-3. L_Hammel 2-13. HRs_Kansas City, Mondesi (7). Minnesota, Astudillo (3).

Angels 1, White Sox 0 LA Chi.

000 000 100—1 5 000 000 000—0 5

0 0

Heaney, Buttrey (8), Parker (9), Alvarez (9) and Briceno; Lopez, I.Hamilton (7), Frare (7), Minaya (7), Santiago (9), Ruiz (9) and W.Castillo. W_Heaney 9-9. L_I. Hamilton 0-1. Sv_Alvarez (1).

102 000 000—3 4 000 510 10x—7 9

2 0

Springs, Jurado (4), Pelham (4), Moore (5), Bibens-Dirkx (8) and Kiner-Falefa; Cahill, Kelley (3), Pagan (5), Petit (6), Buchter (7), Trivino (7), Familia (8), Treinen (9) and Phegley, Lucroy. W_Kelley 2-0. L_Jurado 2-5. HRs_Oakland, Piscotty (23).

Mariners 3, Yankees 2 NY Sea.

100 100 000—2 7 200 000 01x—3 7

0 1

Sabathia, Green (6), Betances (8) and G.Sanchez, Romine; E.Ramirez, Armstrong (6), Duke (6), Vincent (7), Colome (8), Diaz (9) and Freitas. W_Colome 6-5. L_Betances 4-5. Sv_Diaz (54).

Red Sox 6, Astros 5 Hou. Bos.

010 004 000—5 11 0 101 030 001—6 14 1

Keuchel, J.Smith (7), McHugh (8), Sipp (8), Rondon (9) and B.McCann, Maldonado; Porcello, Hembree (6), B.Johnson (6), Brasier (6), Wright (7), Kimbrel (9) and Leon, Vazquez. W_Kimbrel 5-1. L_Rondon 2-3. HRs_Houston, Altuve (11), Gonzalez (15). Boston, Martinez (40).

Cardinals 5, Tigers 2 SL Det.

000 000 500—5 7 000 000 200—2 5

Mets 6, Phillies 4 Phi. NY

200 001 001—4 100 040 10x—6

0 1

Gant, Hudson (7), Hicks (8),

7 9

1 0

Velasquez, Arano (5), Neshek (6), Morgan (6), Neris (7), Garcia (8) and Alfaro; Oswalt, Gagnon (4), Hanhold (6), Dr.Smith (6), S.Lugo (8) and Plawecki. W_Gagnon 1-1. L_Velasquez 9-11. Sv_S.Lugo (2). HRs_Philadelphia, Hoskins (30), Santana (23). New York, Conforto (23).

Brewers 6, Giants 3 SF Mil.

100 010 010—3 100 004 01x—6

9 5

0 1

Bumgarner, Black (7), Melancon (8) and Hundley; Davies, Burnes (6), Woodruff (7), Cedeno (7), Soria (8), Knebel (8) and Kratz. W_Burnes 4-0. L_Bumgarner 5-6. Sv_Knebel (15). HRs_San Francisco, Blanco (2). Milwaukee, Schoop (4).

Dodgers 9, Rockies 6 LA Col.

220 022 001—9 14 1 100 103 010—6 8 1

R.Hill, Baez (6), Ferguson (7), Maeda (8), Alexander (9) and A.Barnes; Ty.Anderson, Bettis (3), D.Johnson (5), Almonte (6), McGee (7), Oh (8), Musgrave (8), Shaw (9) and Iannetta. W_R.Hill 8-5. L_Ty.Anderson 6-8. Sv_Alexander (3). HRs_Los Angeles, Turner (13), Hernandez (20). Colorado, Blackmon 2 (26), Arenado (32).

Padres 7, Reds 6 SD Cin.

Athletics 7, Rangers 3 Tex. Oak.

C.Martinez (9) and Kelly; Fulmer, Alcantara (7), Baez (8), Coleman (9) and J.McCann. W_Gant 7-5. L_Fulmer 3-11. Sv_C.Martinez (2).

002 220 001—7 10 1 000 150 000—6 9 0

Nix, Stock (5), Wick (6), J.Castillo (6), Stammen (8), Yates (9) and Hedges; Mahle, Sims (4), Wisler (5), D.Hernandez (6), Hughes (8), Iglesias (9) and Barnhart. W_Stammen 7-2. L_Iglesias 2-4. Sv_Yates (7). HRs_San Diego, Hedges (12), Hosmer (16), Urias (2). Cincinnati, Votto (11).

Braves 9, Diamondbacks 5 Atl. Ari.

000 002 016—9 11 0 000 004 001—5 6 0

Toussaint, L.Jackson (6), Sobotka (6), S.Freeman (8), Brach (9) and Flowers, Suzuki; Ray, Ziegler (7), Diekman (8), Boxberger (9), Lopez (9), Sherfy (9) and Avila, Mathis. W_S.Freeman 3-5. L_ Boxberger 2-7. HRs_Atlanta, Acuna (25), Inciarte (10), Camargo (18), Duda (1).

Football NFL Standings AMERICAN CONFERENCE East Miami New England Buffalo N.Y. Jets South Jacksonville Houston Tennessee Indianapolis North Baltimore

W 1 1 0 0

L 0 0 1 0

T Pct 0 1.000 0 1.000 0 .000 0 .000

PF 27 27 3 0

PA 20 20 47 0

1 0 0 0

0 1 1 1

0 1.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000

20 20 20 23

15 27 27 34


0 0 1.000



Cincinnati Cleveland Pittsburgh West Kansas City Denver L.A. Chargers Oakland

1 0 0

0 0 1.000 0 1 .500 0 1 .500

34 21 21

23 21 21

1 1 0 0

0 0 1 0

38 27 28 0

28 24 38 0

0 1.000 0 1.000 0 .000 0 .000

NATIONAL CONFERENCE East Washington Philadelphia N.Y. Giants Dallas South Tampa Bay Carolina New Orleans Atlanta North Green Bay Minnesota Chicago Detroit West Seattle San Francisco Arizona L.A. Rams

1 1 0 0

0 0 1 1

0 1.000 0 1.000 0 .000 0 .000

24 18 15 8

6 12 20 16

1 1 0 0

0 0 1 1

0 1.000 0 1.000 0 .000 0 .000

48 16 40 12

40 8 48 18

1 1 0 0

0 0 1 0

0 1.000 0 1.000 0 .000 0 .000

24 24 23 0

23 16 24 0

0 0 0 0

1 1 1 0

0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000

24 16 6 0

27 24 24 0

Thursday’s Games Philadelphia 18, Atlanta 12 Sunday’s Games Cincinnati 34, Indianapolis 23 Jacksonville 20, N.Y. Giants 15 New England 27, Houston 20 Minnesota 24, San Francisco 16 Tampa Bay 48, New Orleans 40 Baltimore 47, Buffalo 3 Cleveland 21, Pittsburgh 21, OT Kansas City 38, L.A. Chargers 28 Washington 24, Arizona 6 Denver 27, Seattle 24 Carolina 16, Dallas 8 Miami 27, Tennessee 20 Green Bay 24, Chicago 23 Monday’s Games N.Y. Jets at Detroit, 3:10 p.m. L.A. Rams at Oakland, 6:20 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 13 Baltimore at Cincinnati, 4:20 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 16 Philadelphia at Tampa Bay, 9 a.m. Houston at Tennessee, 9 a.m. Indianapolis at Washington, 9 a.m. Minnesota at Green Bay, 9 a.m. Cleveland at New Orleans, 9 a.m. Kansas City at Pittsburgh, 9 a.m. Miami at N.Y. Jets,9 a.m. Carolina at Atlanta, 9 a.m. L.A. Chargers at Buffalo, 9 a.m. Arizona at L.A. Rams, 12:05 p.m. Detroit at San Francisco, 12:05 p.m. Oakland at Denver, 12:25 p.m. New England at Jacksonville, 12:25 p.m. N.Y. Giants at Dallas, 4:20 p.m. Monday, Sept. 17 Seattle at Chicago, 4:15 p.m. All Times ADT

AP Top 25

The Top 25 teams in The Associated Press college football poll, with first-place votes in parentheses, records through Sep. 8, total points based on 25 points for a first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place vote, and previous ranking: Record 1. Alabama (54) 2-0 2. Clemson (6) 2-0 3. Georgia 2-0 4. Ohio St. 2-0 5. Oklahoma 2-0 6. Wisconsin (1) 2-0 7. Auburn 2-0 8. Notre Dame 2-0 9. Stanford 2-0 10. Washington 1-1 11. Penn St. 2-0 12. LSU 2-0

Pts Prv 1517 1 1430 2 1407 3 1288 4 1263 6 1227 5 1224 7 1022 8 992 10 884 9 836 13 830 11

13. Virginia Tech 2-0 14. West Virginia 2-0 15. TCU 2-0 16. Mississippi St. 2-0 17. Boise St. 2-0 18. UCF 2-0 19. Michigan 1-1 20. Oregon 2-0 21. Miami 1-1 22. Southern Cal 1-1 23. Arizona St. 2-0 24. Oklahoma St. 2-0 25. Michigan St. 1-1

794 793 678 654 500 494 385 301 299 250 139 119 104

12 14 16 18 20 19 21 23 22 17 15

Others receiving votes: Utah 92, Texas A&M 90, Boston College 45, Houston 32, Maryland 30, Colorado 25, Iowa 23, Kentucky 19, Duke 10, NC State 9, Mississippi 5, Hawaii 5, Washington St. 4, South Florida 3, South Carolina 2, Florida St. 1.

Tennis US Open Results

NEW YORK (AP) — Results Sunday from the U.S. Open at USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center (seedings in parentheses): Men’s Singles Final Novak Djokovic (6), Serbia, def. Juan Martin del Potro (3), Argentina, 6-3, 7-6 (4), 6-3.

Basketball WNBA Playoffs

Finals (Best-of-5; x-if necessary) Seattle 2, Washington 0 Friday, Sept. 7: Seattle 89, Washington 76 Sunday, Sept. 9: Seattle 75, Washington 73 Wednesday, Sept 12: Seattle at Washington, 4 p.m. ADT

Transactions BASEBALL American League DETROIT TIGERS — Recalled C Jarrod Saltalamachia, RHP Zac Reiniger and OF Christin Stewart from Toledo (IL). OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Recalled RHP Ryan Dull and OF Nick Martini from Nashville (PCL). TORONTO BLUE JAYS — Activated INF Yangervis Solarte from the 10-day DL. National League ATLANTA BRAVES — Recalled RHP Chad Sobotka from Gwinnett (IL). CHICAGO CUBS — Recalled RHP Alec Mills from Iowa (PCL). MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Recalled RHPs Freddy Peralta and Taylor Williams from Colorado Springs (PCL). NEW YORK METS — Reinstated RHP Anthony Swarzak from the 10-day DL. HOCKEY National Hockey League DETROIT RED WINGS — Agreed to terms with RW Matt Puempel on a two-year contract. TENNIS U.S. OPEN — Fined Serena Willliams $17,000 for three code violations during Saturday’s women’s singles final. COLLEGE EMORY — Named Jordan Schilit assistant cross country and track and field coach.

A10 | Monday, September 10, 2018 | Peninsula Clarion





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Fireweed is unusual that it blooms from the bottom up. When the top blooms, it signals the end of summer.

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The onset of eye disease may not be as visible as the appearance of new wrinkles. An eye doctor can spot the early warning signs of vision problems like glaucoma and macular degeneration, as well as other serious health conditions such as diabetes

She is too young to have a fatal disease‌ Thousands of young women are living with a deadly lung disease called LAM — and don’t know they have it. LAM is often misdiagnosed as asthma or chronic bronchitis. There is no known cure.

and hypertension. Early detection is key. For men and women over 40, it might be wise to look into your eyes. For more information, visit A public service message from Vision Council of

But there is hope.

Learn more about LAM.

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Peninsula Clarion | Monday, September 10, 2018 | A11




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A12 | Monday, September 10, 2018 | Peninsula Clarion

WEEKDAYS MORNING/AFTERNOON A (3) ABC-13 13 (6) MNT-5 5 (8) CBS-11 11 (9) FOX-4 4 (10) NBC-2 2 (12) PBS-7 7

8 AM



(20) QVC

137 317

(23) LIFE

108 252

(28) USA

105 242

(30) TBS

139 247

(31) TNT

138 245

(34) ESPN

140 206

(35) ESPN2 144 209

(36) ROOT

426 687

(38) PARMT 241 241 (43) AMC

(46) TOON (47) ANPL (49) DISN

(50) NICK (51) FREE (55) TLC

9 AM

M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F

M T 131 254 W Th F M T 176 296 W Th F

184 282

M T 173 291 W Th F M T 171 300 W Th F

180 311

M T 183 280 W Th F

(3) ABC-13 13

5 PM

5:30 ABC World News

Jeopardy! (N) ‘G’

How I Met Your Mother ‘14’ CBS Evening News Two and a Half Men ‘14’

Last Man Last Man Law & Order: Special VicLaw & Order: Special VicStanding ‘PG’ Standing ‘PG’ tims Unit A boy is shot and tims Unit An animal-rights abandoned. ‘14’ activist is murdered. ‘14’ KTVA 6 p.m. Evening News Big Bang CBS Fall Pre- Salvation “Hail Marry” (N) Theory view (N) ‘PG’ The Big Bang The Big Bang So You Think You Can Dance “Finale” The winner is Theory ‘14’ Theory ‘14’ crowned. (N) (Live) ‘14’

NBC Nightly Channel 2 Newshour (N) News With Lester Holt Nightly Busi- PBS NewsHour (N) ness Report ‘G’

(10) NBC-2



Judge Judy (N) ‘PG’

(12) PBS-7



Judge Judy (N) ‘PG’

Midsomer Murders A woman’s body is found by a pool. ‘PG’


426 687

(38) PARMT 241 241 (43) AMC

131 254

(46) TOON

176 296

(47) ANPL

184 282

(49) DISN

173 291

(50) NICK

171 300

(51) FREE

180 311

(55) TLC

183 280

(56) DISC

182 278

(57) TRAV

196 277

(58) HIST

120 269

(59) A&E

118 265

(60) HGTV

112 229

(61) FOOD

110 231

(65) CNBC

208 355

(67) FNC

205 360

(81) COM

107 249

(82) SYFY

122 244


303 504

^ HBO2

304 505


311 516

5 SHOW 319 546 329 554



7 PM


8 PM


Wheel of For- Bachelor in Paradise (N) ‘14’ tune (N) ‘G’

9 PM


(:01) The Good Doctor “Smile” A patient lies about her identity. ‘14’ Dateline ‘PG’ Elementary “Fit to Be Tied” (N) ‘14’ Fox 4 News at 9 (N)

American Ninja Warrior “Las Vegas Season Finale” (N) ‘PG’ America’s Got Talent Five performers move on to the finals. ‘PG’ Antiques Roadshow “BisAntiques Roadshow “Bis9/11 Inside the Pentagon marck” A miniature Japanese marck” Santa Claus oil by The attack on the Pentagon china set. ‘G’ Hadden Sundblom. ‘G’ on Sept. 11. ‘PG’

10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 ABC News at (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live ‘14’ (:37) Nightline (N) ‘G’ 10 (N) DailyMailTV (N)

DailyMailTV (N)

Impractical Jokers ‘14’

KTVA Nightcast Anger Management ‘14’

(:35) The Late Show With Stephen Colbert ‘PG’ Two and a TMZ (N) ‘PG’ Half Men ‘14’

Pawn Stars “Sink or Sell” ‘PG’ James Corden Entertainment Tonight

Channel 2 (:34) The Tonight Show Star- (:37) Late News: Late ring Jimmy Fallon (N) ‘14’ Night With Edition (N) Seth Meyers Amanpour and Company (N) Amanpour and Company (N)

Cops ‘14’

Cops ‘14’

How I Met How I Met Your Mother Your Mother Beauty We Love Featuring Guerlain Fragrances Live PD: Live PD: Women on Women on Patrol Patrol (:05) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ‘14’ Brooklyn Conan ‘14’ Nine-Nine ‘14’ Hawaii Five-0 ‘14’ NFL PrimeTime

(3:10) Fútbol Americano de la NFL (N) (Live)

(:15) Fútbol Americano de la NFL En un partido del estado de California, Rams viajan al Oakland Coliseum ESPN FC (N) E:60 SportsCenter With Scott para jugar contra Raiders. (N) (Live) Van Pelt College Football UCLA at Oklahoma. (Taped) College Football USC at Stanford. From Stanford Stadium in Stanford, Calif. (Taped) Seahawks High School Football Hockinson at Archbishop Murphy. Press Pass Mom ‘14’ Mom ‘14’ Mom ‘14’ Mom ‘14’ “How Stella Got Her Groove Back” (1998, Romance-Comedy) Angela Bassett, Taye Diggs. Rest in Power: The Trayvon “Training Day” (2001) Denzel Washington. A rookie cop A middle-aged workaholic rediscovers her passionate side. Martin Story (N) ‘14’ meets a corrupt Los Angeles narcotics officer. “Black Hawk” “Armageddon” (1998, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Liv Tyler. A hero tries to save Earth Better Call Saul Jimmy plans (:05) Lodge 49 Dud makes an (:09) Better Call Saul “Pi(:14) Lodge 49 Dud makes an unusual discovery. ‘14’ from an asteroid. for the future. ‘MA’ unusual discovery. ‘14’ nata” ‘MA’ King of the American The CleveAmerican Bob’s Burg- Bob’s Burg- Family Guy Family Guy Rick and Robot Chick- Joe Pera Bob’s Burg- Bob’s Burg- Family Guy Family Guy American Hill ‘PG’ Dad ‘14’ land Show Dad ‘14’ ers ‘14’ ers ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Morty ‘14’ en ‘14’ Talks w/You ers ‘14’ ers ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ Treehouse Masters ‘PG’ North Woods Law “Judgment North Woods Law “Under The Last Alaskans “Killer The Last Alaskans “Spirit of The Last Alaskans “Pray for The Last Alaskans “Spirit of The Last Alaskans “Pray for Day” ‘PG’ Suspicion” ‘PG’ Instinct” ‘PG’ the Hunter” ‘PG’ Snow” ‘PG’ the Hunter” ‘PG’ Snow” ‘PG’ Raven’s Raven’s Bunk’d ‘G’ Bunk’d ‘G’ Bunk’d ‘G’ Bunk’d ‘G’ Raven’s Raven’s Stuck in the Stuck in the Bunk’d ‘G’ Bunk’d ‘G’ Raven’s Raven’s Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Home ‘G’ Home ‘G’ Home ‘G’ Home ‘G’ Middle ‘G’ Middle ‘G’ Home ‘G’ Home ‘G’ The Loud The Loud The Loud The Loud Henry Danger “Back to the I Am Frankie SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ (:35) Friends (:10) Friends (:45) Friends House ‘Y7’ House ‘Y7’ House ‘Y7’ House ‘Y7’ Danger” ‘G’ (N) ‘G’ ‘14’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ The Middle The Middle “Sweet Home Alabama” (2002) Reese Witherspoon, Josh Lucas. A New “Because I Said So” (2007) Diane Keaton, Mandy Moore. A meddlesome The 700 Club How I Met How I Met ‘PG’ ‘PG’ York fashion designer has a secret in the South. woman tries to find the perfect man for her daughter. Your Mother Your Mother Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Counting On Joy goes into Counting On “Thrift Store (:02) Little Life on the Prairie (:04) Counting On “Thrift (:04) Little Life on the Praithe Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress labor. ‘PG’ Date Night” (N) ‘PG’ (N) ‘PG’ Store Date Night” ‘PG’ rie ‘PG’ Street Outlaws Sixteen driv- Street Outlaws The 405 Street Outlaws: Full Throttle Street Outlaws “Episode 31” (N) ‘14’ (:02) Diesel Brothers “Yes (:03) Street Outlaws “Episode 31” ‘14’ ers are left. ‘14’ battle it out in OKC. ‘14’ “Grudge Wars” ‘14’ Way, Jose” (N) ‘14’ Food Paradise Off-the-chain My Haunted House A nurse My Haunted House ‘14’ My Haunted House ‘14’ Ghost Adventures “Lands of the Dead” Native American Ghost Adventures “Upper Ghost Adventures “Lands of franchises. ‘G’ is threatened. ‘14’ burial ground. (N) ‘PG’ Fruitland Curse” ‘PG’ the Dead” ‘PG’ American Pickers “Signs of American Pickers Frank American Pickers ‘PG’ American Pickers (N) ‘PG’ Days That Shaped America: September 11th The largest (:03) American Pickers ‘PG’ (:03) Days That Shaped Struggle” ‘PG’ meets an old friend. ‘PG’ terror attack in the U.S. (N) ‘14’ America: September 11th Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars The Inside Story: Halloween John Carpenter’s “Halloween.” (:02) The Inside Story: Jaws Steven Spielberg’s filming of (:03) The Inside Story: Hal‘14’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ “Lock & Roll” ‘PG’ ‘PG’ “Jaws.” loween John Carpenter’s ‘PG’ “Halloween.” ‘PG’ Love It or List It “Functioning Love It or List It Ken and Love It or List It “PictureLove It or List It “A Sentimen- Love It or List It A house is House Hunt- Hunters Int’l House Hunt- Hunters Int’l Love It or List It A house is for Four” ‘G’ Mark’s cabin home. ‘PG’ Perfect Kitchen” ‘PG’ tal Situation” ‘PG’ crowded with toys. ‘PG’ ers (N) ‘G’ ers ‘G’ crowded with toys. ‘PG’ Kids Baking ChampionKids Baking ChampionKids Baking ChampionKids Baking ChampionKids Baking Championship Baked (N) ‘G’ Baked (N) ‘G’ Chopped “Pie Jinks” ‘G’ Kids Baking Championship ‘G’ ship ‘G’ ship ‘G’ ship ‘G’ (N) ‘G’ ship ‘G’ American Greed ‘PG’ American Greed ‘PG’ American Greed “An Ungodly American Greed “9/11 Fraud” American Greed A film spins American Greed “An Ungodly Paid Program MyPillow Paid Program Paid Program ‘G’ Scammer” (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ out of control. ‘PG’ Scammer” ‘PG’ ‘G’ Topper ‘G’ Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) The Ingraham Angle (N) Fox News at Night with Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity The Ingraham Angle Fox News at Night with Shannon Bream (N) Shannon Bream (:15) The Office “A Benihana (:15) The Office Michael re- (5:50) The Of- (:25) The Of- The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Daily (:31) The Of- (:01) South (:31) South Christmas” ‘14’ turns from vacation. ‘14’ fice ‘14’ fice ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Show fice ‘14’ Park ‘14’ Park ‘MA’ (3:00) “Seventh Son” (2014) (:10) “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters” (2013, Children’s) Logan Lerman. “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” (2013, Action) Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis. Threats Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Jeff Bridges. Percy and friends go in search of the Golden Fleece. from within the government jeopardize the G.I. Joes. ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’



Channel 2 News 5:00 Report (N) BBC World News ‘G’

6 PM

Cops “AriCops “AriCops ‘14’ Cops ‘14’ Cops ‘14’ Cops In Ari- Cops “Palm Cops “Palm Cops “Palm Cops “Palm zona” ‘14’ zona” ‘14’ zona. ‘14’ Beach” ‘14’ Beach” ‘PG’ Beach” ‘PG’ Beach” ‘PG’ Isaac Mizrahi Live! (N) PM Style With Shawn Killinger “Susan Graver” (N) (Live) ‘G’ Crepe Erase Body Care (N) FRYE Footwear & Handbags Calista - Hair Care & Tools (Live) ‘G’ (Live) ‘G’ (N) (Live) ‘G’ (N) (Live) ‘G’ The First 48 A body is found The First 48 “Shattered Live PD: Live PD: Live PD: Live PD: (:03) You “Pilot” Joe meets Live PD: Live PD: in a Kansas City street. ‘14’ Dreams; Left to Die” A man is Women on Women on Women on Women on and falls in love with Beck. Women on Women on shot to death. ‘14’ Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol ‘MA’ Patrol Patrol Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) ‘PG’ (:05) The Purge “What Is ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ America?” ‘14’ Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy American American Conan Record producer DJ “Quagmire’s ‘14’ “Dog Gone” “Business “Love Thy Tro- “Brian in Love” ‘14’ “Go Stewie Dad ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ Khaled. ‘14’ Baby” ‘14’ ‘14’ Guy” ‘14’ phy” ‘14’ ‘14’ Go” ‘14’ (2:00) “Un“The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1” (2014) Jennifer Lawrence. Kat- “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2” (2015) Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson. Hawaii Five-0 ‘14’ 138 245 known” niss fights for Peeta and a nation moved by her courage. Katniss and her team attempt to assassinate President Snow. (3:10) NFL Football New York Jets at Detroit Lions. (N) (Live) (:15) NFL Football Los Angeles Rams at Oakland Raiders. (N) (Live) SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (N) (Live) 140 206

(35) ESPN2 144 209

3 PM

Jeopardy Inside Ed. Steve ‘PG’ Dr. Phil ‘14’ Mom ‘14’ Broke Girl The Dr. Oz Show ‘PG’ Varied Programs


Cops “Palm Cops ‘14’ (8) WGN-A 239 307 Beach” ‘14’ LOGO by Lori Goldstein (N) (20) QVC 137 317 (Live) ‘G’ The First 48 “The Good Son; (23) LIFE 108 252 Jacked Up” A teenager is murdered. ‘PG’ NCIS McGee takes things into (28) USA 105 242 his own hands. ‘14’ Bob’s Burg- Family Guy ‘14’ (30) TBS 139 247 ers ‘14’

(36) ROOT


SEPTEMBER 10, 2018

Family Feud ‘PG’


(34) ESPN

2 PM

General Hospital ‘14’ Judge Judy Judge Judy Face Truth Face Truth Dish Nation Simpsons Pickler & Ben ‘PG’ Nature Cat Wild Kratts

September 9 - 15, 2018

B = DirecTV



(31) TNT


GMA Day Divorce Divorce The Talk ‘14’ Paternity Paternity Days of our Lives ‘14’ Curious Pinkalicious

Clarion TV


Family Feud (N) ‘PG’

(9) FOX-4

(8) CBS-11 11


4 PM Dateline ‘PG’


Hot Bench Millionaire Bold Broke Girl

Family Feud (N) ‘PG’

How I Met Your Mother ‘14’ The Ellen DeGeneres Show KTVA 5 p.m. (N) ‘G’ First Take Mike & Molly Entertainment Anger Man‘14’ Tonight (N) agement ‘14’

(6) MNT-5

Wendy Williams Show Hot Bench Court Court Millionaire Young & Restless Mod Fam Rachael Ray ‘G’ Live with Kelly and Ryan Steve ‘PG’ Dinosaur Peg & Cat Sesame St.

In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night Blue Bloods “Pilot” ‘14’ Blue Bloods ‘PG’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ Cops ‘14’ Cops ‘14’ In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night Blue Bloods ‘14’ Blue Bloods ‘PG’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ M*A*S*H M*A*S*H In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night Blue Bloods ‘PG’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ Blue Bloods “Re-Do” ‘14’ Last Man Last Man In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man “In the Heat of the Night: A Matter of Justice” ‘PG’ In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night Blue Bloods ‘14’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Rachel’s Closet (N) ‘G’ Isaac Mizrahi Live! (N) ‘G’ Susan Graver Style (N) (Live) ‘G’ Rose of Tralee Celebration Finale (N) (Live) ‘G’ Susan Graver Style ‘G’ Beauty Love Calista - Hair Susan Lucci Collection Beauty We Love Featuring Guerlain Fragrances ‘G’ Breezies Intimates Beauty Night with Sandra & Alberti (N) (Live) ‘G’ KitchenAid (N) (Live) ‘G’ Kitchen Unlimited With Carolyn “KitchenAid” (N) ‘G’ Temp-tations Presentable Gourmet Holiday “QVC Customer Choice Food Awards” (N) (Live) ‘G’ KitchenAid (N) (Live) ‘G’ Facets of Diamonique Jewelry (N) (Live) ‘G’ Merrell Footwear (N) ‘G’ Facets of Diamonique Jewelry (N) (Live) ‘G’ Carole Hochman Diamonique Jewelry Gala (N) (Live) ‘G’ Carolyn’s Closet “Clarks” (N) (Live) ‘G’ Cuddl Duds: Layers Linea by Louis Dell’Olio Clarks Footwear (N) ‘G’ Susan Graver Style ‘G’ Vince Camuto Handbags Unsolved Mysteries ‘14’ Unsolved Mysteries ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ The First 48 ‘PG’ The First 48 ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ Unsolved Mysteries ‘14’ Unsolved Mysteries ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ You “Pilot” ‘MA’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Unsolved Mysteries ‘14’ Unsolved Mysteries ‘14’ You “Pilot” ‘MA’ The First 48 ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Unsolved Mysteries ‘14’ Unsolved Mysteries ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Unsolved Mysteries ‘14’ Unsolved Mysteries ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ The First 48 ‘PG’ The First 48 ‘PG’ The First 48 ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘PG’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ NCIS “Honor Code” ‘PG’ NCIS “Boxed In” ‘PG’ NCIS “Shalom” ‘14’ NCIS “Escaped” ‘PG’ NCIS “Singled Out” ‘PG’ NCIS “Witch Hunt” ‘PG’ NCIS “Sandblast” ‘14’ NCIS “Once a Hero” ‘PG’ The Purge ‘14’ Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Chicago P.D. ‘14’ Chicago P.D. ‘14’ Chicago P.D. ‘14’ Chicago P.D. ‘14’ Chicago P.D. ‘14’ Chicago P.D. ‘14’ Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU NCIS ‘PG’ NCIS “Blowback” ‘PG’ NCIS ‘PG’ NCIS ‘PG’ NCIS “Skeletons” ‘PG’ NCIS “Iceman” ‘PG’ NCIS “Faith” ‘PG’ NCIS ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Burgers Burgers Burgers Burgers Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘14’ Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘14’ Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Charmed ‘PG’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ “Unknown” (2011) Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger. Charmed ‘PG’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ “Divergent” (2014) Shailene Woodley. Charmed ‘PG’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ “Knocked Up” Charmed Caught. ‘PG’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Charmed ‘PG’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) NFL PrimeTime (N) (Live) NFL Live (N) (Live) Monday Night Countdown (N) (Live) NFL Football SportsCenter (N) (Live) Outside NFL Live (N) (Live) NBA: The Jump (N) (Live) High Noon Question Around Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) E60 Presents SportsCenter (N) (Live) Outside NFL Live (N) (Live) NBA: The Jump (N) (Live) High Noon Question Around Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Outside NFL Live (N) (Live) NBA: The Jump (N) (Live) High Noon Question Around Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) Countdown Football SportsCenter (N) (Live) Outside NFL Live (N) (Live) NBA: The Jump (N) (Live) High Noon Question Around Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Football First Take To Be Announced Football Question Intentional Talk (N) (Live) Around Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) Fútbol Americano First Take TBA UEFA Nations League Soccer Spain vs Croatia. (N) (Live) ESPN FC Football Around Interruption NBA: The Jump First Take To Be Announced Jalen Football Intentional Talk (N) (Live) NFL Live Around Interruption NFL Live First Take To Be Announced Jalen Football Intentional Talk (N) (Live) NFL Live Around Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) First Take To Be Announced Jalen Football Intentional Talk (N) (Live) NFL Live Around Interruption Question Basketball The Rich Eisen Show (N) (Live) ‘PG’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Dan Patrick Show (N) Destination Golf Life The Rich Eisen Show (N) (Live) ‘PG’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Dan Patrick Show (N) ‘PG’ Ship Shape Spotlight The Rich Eisen Show (N) (Live) ‘PG’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Dan Patrick Show (N) Seahawks Mariners Mariners MLB Baseball: Padres at Mariners The Rich Eisen Show (N) (Live) ‘PG’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Dan Patrick Show (N) ‘PG’ Bensinger Footvolley The Rich Eisen Show (N) (Live) ‘PG’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Dan Patrick Show (N) Ship Shape Bensinger Bar Rescue ‘PG’ Bar Rescue ‘PG’ Bar Rescue ‘PG’ Bar Rescue ‘PG’ Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Mom ‘14’ Mom ‘14’ Stooges “Escape From Alcatraz” (1979, Suspense) Clint Eastwood. “On Deadly Ground” (1994) Steven Seagal, Michael Caine. “Black Hawk Down” (2001) Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor. “Piranha” (2010) Elisabeth Shue, Adam Scott. “The Day the Earth Stood Still” (2008) Keanu Reeves. “Armageddon” (1998) Bruce Willis, Liv Tyler. A hero tries to save Earth from an asteroid. “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” (1991) Arnold Schwarzenegger. “True Lies” (1994, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis. “Deep Impact” (1998) Robert Duvall, Tea Leoni. M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H “Mad Max” (1979, Action) Mel Gibson. “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” (2003) Nick Stahl “Hancock” (2008) Will Smith. Stooges (:45) “Fantastic Four” (2005) Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba. (:15) “Men in Black” (1997, Action) Will Smith (:15) “Men in Black II” (2002, Action) Will Smith (:15) “Uncle Buck” Teen Titans Teen Titans Adventure Adventure Total Drama Total Drama Ben 10 ‘G’ OK KO Gumball Gumball Craig Ben 10 ‘G’ Teen Titans Teen Titans We Bare Gumball Teen Titans Teen Titans Adventure Adventure Unikitty ‘Y7’ Unikitty ‘Y7’ Ben 10 ‘G’ Total Drama Gumball Gumball Craig Ben 10 ‘G’ Teen Titans Teen Titans We Bare Gumball Teen Titans Teen Titans Adventure Adventure Unikitty ‘Y7’ Unikitty ‘Y7’ Ben 10 ‘G’ OK KO Total Drama Total Drama Craig Ben 10 ‘G’ Teen Titans Teen Titans We Bare Gumball Total Drama Total Drama Adventure Adventure Unikitty ‘Y7’ Unikitty ‘Y7’ Ben 10 ‘G’ OK KO Gumball Gumball Craig Ben 10 ‘G’ Teen Titans Teen Titans We Bare Total Drama Teen Titans Teen Titans Total Drama Total Drama Unikitty ‘Y7’ Unikitty ‘Y7’ OK KO OK KO Gumball Gumball Craig Ben 10 ‘G’ Teen Titans Total Drama We Bare Gumball Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston My Cat From Hell ‘PG’ The Vet Life ‘PG’ Dr. Jeff: RMV Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Treehouse Masters ‘PG’ PJ Masks Puppy Pals Muppet Vampirina ‘G’ Sofia the First ‘Y’ PJ Masks Puppy Pals Puppy Pals DuckTales Big City Gravity Falls Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Bizaardvark PJ Masks Puppy Pals Muppet Vampirina ‘G’ Vampirina PJ Masks PJ Masks Puppy Pals Puppy Pals DuckTales Big City Gravity Falls Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Bizaardvark PJ Masks Puppy Pals Muppet Vampirina ‘G’ Vampirina PJ Masks PJ Masks Puppy Pals Puppy Pals DuckTales Big City Gravity Falls Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Bizaardvark PJ Masks Puppy Pals Muppet Vampirina ‘G’ Vampirina PJ Masks PJ Masks Puppy Pals Puppy Pals DuckTales Big City Gravity Falls Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Bizaardvark Puppy Pals Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Muppet Fancy Vampirina PJ Masks PJ Masks Puppy Pals Puppy Pals DuckTales Big City Gravity Falls Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Bizaardvark Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Bubble Guppies ‘Y’ Top Wing PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Blaze Blaze PAW Patrol “Best of Tracker” ‘Y’ SpongeBob SquarePants SpongeBob SpongeBob Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Bubble Bubble Top Wing PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Blaze Blaze PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Bubble Bubble Top Wing PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Blaze Blaze PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Bubble Bubble Top Wing PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Blaze Blaze PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Blaze Rusty Rivets PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob The Nanny 700 Club The 700 Club Reba ‘PG’ Reba ‘PG’ Reba ‘PG’ Reba ‘PG’ Reba ‘PG’ The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings ‘PG’ Four Weddings ‘PG’ Rattled ‘PG’ Rattled ‘PG’ Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings ‘PG’ Four Weddings ‘PG’ 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days ‘PG’ Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings ‘PG’ Four Weddings ‘PG’ Unexpected ‘14’ Unexpected ‘14’ Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings ‘PG’ Four Weddings ‘PG’ Four Weddings ‘PG’ Four Weddings ‘PG’ Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings ‘PG’ Four Weddings ‘PG’






B = DirecTV

9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM

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4 2 7

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(:15) “Analyze This” (1999, Comedy) Robert De Niro, Billy Last Week VICE News Crystal, Lisa Kudrow. An angst-ridden mobster seeks a psy- Tonight-John Tonight (N) chiatrist’s help. ‘R’ ‘14’ “War for the Canelo/GGG “Murder on the Orient Express” (2017, Mystery) Kenneth Planet of the 2: The Fight Branagh, Johnny Depp. Detective Hercule Poirot investigates Apes” a murder on a train. ‘PG-13’ (3:00) “Back to the Future” “Assassin’s Creed” (2016, Action) Michael Fassbender, (1985, Comedy) Michael J. Marion Cotillard. A descendant of a secret society battles the Fox. ‘PG’ Templar Order. ‘PG-13’ (3:25) “Season of the “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” (2004, Romance) Witch” (2011, Action) Nicolas Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet. A couple erase the memories of Cage. ‘PG-13’ their relationship. ‘R’ (3:00) “Lord of War” (2005, (:05) “Freeway” (1996, Suspense) Kiefer Sutherland, Reese Drama) Nicolas Cage, Jared Witherspoon, Brooke Shields. A serial killer draws a troubled Leto. ‘R’ teen into his twisted game. ‘R’

September 9 - 15, 2018

“Atomic Blonde” (2017, Action) Charlize Theron, James McAvoy, Eddie Marsan. A spy tries to take down an espionage ring in Berlin. ‘R’ The Deuce Candy looks to Ballers Insecure make more artful films. ‘MA’ “Doink” ‘MA’ “High-Like” ‘MA’ “Terminator Salvation” (2009, Science Fiction) Christian Bale, Sam Worthington. Humanity fights back against Skynet’s machine army. ‘PG-13’ (6:55) Shameless Frank gets (7:55) Kidding Who Is Amerinto trouble with the PTA. ‘MA’ ‘MA’ ica? ‘MA’ “Alive” (1993, Docudrama) Ethan Hawke, Vincent Spano, Josh Hamilton. Rugby team survives 1970s Andes plane crash. ‘R’

Clarion TV

Swiped: Hooking Up in the Digital Age The (:25) The Deuce Candy looks (:25) Insecure evolving nature of sex and dating. (N) ‘MA’ to make more artful films. ‘MA’ “High-Like” ‘MA’ (:05) Animals (:35) VICE ‘14’ Last Week (:35) Boxing Juan Francisco Estrada vs. Fe‘MA’ Tonight-John lipe Orucuta. (Taped) ‘PG’ (8:55) “A Time to Kill” (1996, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Samuel L. Jackson, (:25) “The Matthew McConaughey. A lawyer’s defense of a black man arouses the Cooler” ‘R’ Klan’s ire. ‘R’ Shameless Frank gets into Kidding ‘MA’ (:35) SMILF (:15) “Scarface” (1983, trouble with the PTA. ‘MA’ ‘MA’ Crime Drama) Al Pacino, Steven Bauer. ‘R’ (:10) “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” (2005, Horror) Laura (:10) “Push” (2009, SusLinney, Tom Wilkinson. A lawyer defends a priest who perpense) Chris Evans, Dakota formed a fatal exorcism. ‘PG-13’ Fanning. ‘PG-13’ © Tribune Media Services


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Peninsula Clarion | Monday, September 10, 2018 | A13


Daughter tired of indulging mom’s proselytizing friend and nod politely like I always do? -- NOT INTERESTED IN NEW ENGLAND DEAR NOT INTERESTED: No rule of etiquette demands that you listen to Beatrice’s religious diatribes. All you need to say to her is, “My mother isn’t home, and I’m not interested in taking your pamphlets or hearing Abigail Van Buren you preach. Because you’re a friend of Mom’s, come back when Mom is home, and be sure to call first.” DEAR ABBY: I am really upset about something my best friend did involving a cruise that’s planned for next February. Because of financial setbacks, we can no longer afford the trip. She went ahead and paid for our cruise. I was so upset I called the travel agent and tried to cancel the trip but was informed it was nonrefundable. So now we are locked into a cruise that’s still going to cost us $1,500 or more in other expenses while we are on the cruise. I like to pay my own way and have never asked any-

one for help or money. She said it was “a gift, not a loan” and I was being ungrateful, so I finally accepted the “gift.” Now I’m going to have this hanging over my head. It’s putting us in more financial trouble, so we are trying to get a loan to cover the extra expenses. I don’t think I can enjoy the trip now. Am I ungrateful? She’s been my best friend for more than 40 years and I don’t want this to affect our friendship. What should I do at this point? -- EXPENSIVE “GIFT” IN THE WEST DEAR EXPENSIVE “GIFT”: Your generous friend acted on impulse, without considering the fact that even with her paying your fare, the cruise would still cost you money. Forgive her for her mistake, take the trip and do your best to enjoy it so you don’t ruin the trip for her. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. To order “How to Write Letters for All Occasions,” send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby -- Letter Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 610540447. Shipping and handling are included in the price.

Hints from Heloise

HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Monday, Sept. 10, 2018: This year you open up to many changes. Communication becomes an even bigger priority. You want your message heard. As receptive and creative as you are, you cannot break past everyone’s barriers. You will learn to accept that some people refuse to open up. If you are single, you will continue to date, but you might not find someone of significance until the second half of your birthday year. This person will suddenly walk through the door. If you are attached, the two of you will actively relate all year long, though a greater intimacy exists between you later in the year. LIBRA listens, but also gives you strong feedback. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) HHH Your effectiveness and ability to adapt to the unexpected could be tested. Responding to incoming requests could mar your desired efficiency elsewhere. Try not to be hard on yourself. A boss could say that a project needs more work. Tonight: Smile at a loved one’s invitation. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) HHHH Your imagination enhances your life. Once more, your creativity comes through for you. You will need to employ enough selfdiscipline to home in on a practical matter in the afternoon. Switching from one mode to the other can be challenging. Tonight: Work as late as you need to. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) HHHHH Your playfulness emerges when interacting with others. Be more sensitive to their concerns. Not


everyone can jump from one topic to another, especially if the topics represent different spectrums of life. Keep more observations to yourself. Tonight: Play the night away. CANCER (June 21-July 22) HHH Have an important conversation in the morning rather than postpone it; the results will be better. A matter revolving around your domestic and personal life could come forward. Listening to a different point of view doesn’t mean you will embrace it. Tonight: Play it low-key. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) HHHH You communicate your thoughts well, although you do have to let go of a problem first. Deal with a matter that could affect how you feel about yourself. You will feel on top of your game. Listen to news with openness. Focus on the bottom line. Tonight: Surrounded by people. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHHH Use the morning to look closely at an important issue. Detach and eye the situation as if you were not part of it. Put yourself in the other party’s mindset. Work to understand others instead of justifying your views. If you do, solutions will come forward. Tonight: Treat yourself. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHHH You might choose not to share everything right now. In the afternoon, seize the opportunity to move a heartfelt project ahead. Others seem more amenable to your ideas. You could feel closed out by a family member who doesn’t seem to care. Tonight: Accept an offer. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) HHHH Your ability to bypass a problem emerges. You might not feel as good as you would like about the resolution. Honor a fast change that

By Leigh Rubin


reminds you to recognize that you can control only yourself. Be aware of what is happening around you. Tonight: Get some extra R and R. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) HHHHH You have the ability to make a big change if you desire. A discussion within your immediate family becomes important. You test your ideas on them. Even if everyone does not agree with you, you are getting powerful feedback. Tonight: Pay bills before heading out. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHHH You might want to assume a more dominant role in what is happening. On some level, you could feel left out. You might be taking a boss’s attitude too personally. Could this person be having a bad day? Stay on top of what you must do. Tonight: Choose a relaxing activity. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHH An opportunity that you have wanted for a while in dealing with a partner opens up; seize it. You might be pushed too far, and could react negatively to someone you often confide in. Getting past this phase will have to come from you. Tonight: Do what makes you feel good. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) HHHH Deal with a loved one who might be enormously challenging. It will be worthwhile to pursue a different approach. This person seems to emote feelings everywhere. You cannot help but respond, so get to the root of this emotional display. Tonight: Share news with a partner. BORN TODAY Musician Joe Perry (1950), golfer Arnold Palmer (1929), film director Guy Ritchie (1968)

By Tom Wilson

SUNSCREEN ALL YEAR Dear Readers: Many people figure sunscreen is only useful at the beach, but actually, we need it all year long. However, many people are confused by the labeling of sunscreen products. Here are some definitions from the Skin Cancer Foundation: UVA (ultraviolet A) is the longer UV ray from the sun that causes long-lasting skin damage and premature aging. UVB (ultraviolet B) is a shorter ray than UVA that causes sunburn and skin damage. Both UVA and UVB can cause skin cancer. SPF stands for sun protection factor. It’s a measure of the sunscreen’s ability to protect someone from UVB rays damaging the skin. Broad spectrum means protection from both UVA and UVB rays. -- Heloise CHECK YOUR CREDIT SCORES Dear Heloise: Please advise your readers to check their credit scores on a regular basis. Why? Anyone can go to a post office and fill out a change-of-address card and have your mail diverted to another address. This gives identity thieves the opportunity to check on what you owe, how much money you have, where your investments are and much more information that you’d rather keep private. -- Naomi K., Willmar, Minn. BUDGET-FRIENDLY IDEAS Dear Heloise: I have a terrible time sticking to a budget. I tend to spend on frivolous items I don’t need, and I order online all the time. Any hints on how to stick to a budget? -- Ann-Marie A., Muskegon, Mich. Ann-Marie, first ask yourself how an item will enrich or improve your life. If tempted to buy something not in your budget, wait 24 hours before buying. Stay away from the shopping sites you normally frequent. When you pay off a bill, keep paying that same amount into a savings account so that you have some extra cash on hand. -- Heloise


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7 9 1 6 8 2 4 3 5

6 8 5 4 7 3 9 2 1

3 4 2 1 5 9 8 6 7

2 7 4 8 3 5 6 1 9

1 3 8 9 4 6 5 7 2

Previous Puzzles Answer Key



By Johnny Hart



By Jim Davis

Take it from the Tinkersons

By Bill Bettwy

5 1

Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once. The difficulty level of the Conceptis Sudoku increases from Monday to Friday.

9 5 6 2 1 7 3 8 4

6 4 4 9 3 9 6



By Dave Green

3 2 7 9 1

6 7

1 8 2 6 7 8 6 1 2 4 9 4 3 9 2 6 4

Difficulty Level

2018 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Jacqueline Bigar’s Stars

2018 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

DEAR ABBY: There’s this woman I’ve known since I was a child. She’s a Jehovah’s Witness I’ll call Beatrice. She comes by my house every so often to share pamphlets and talk about her religion. She is a casual friend of my mother’s (who I live with), so I feel I have to let her inside when she’s at the door. If it were anyone else, I’d say a polite “No, thank you, goodbye,” and shut the door. But because it’s Beatrice, I’m roped into listening to her spiel. More often than not, Mom’s not even home when Beatrice comes over with her pamphlets because they work similar hours. And each time, I find myself trapped into listening to her jabber away while I politely smile and nod. Not only am I non-religious, but I am a member of the LGBTQ community, and I know for a fact that Beatrice shunned a family member after he came out as gay. I don’t want to keep pretending I’m interested in listening to her script, or even talking to her in general, but I also don’t want to ruin my mother’s friendship with her by offending her by being honest. Is there a polite way to tell Beatrice that, with all due respect, I don’t want to hear about her pamphlets, and she should come by to discuss them only when my mom’s home? Or must I just continue to smile

By Eugene Sheffer


By Chad Carpenter

By Chris Cassatt & Gary Brookins

Mother Goose and Grimm

By Michael Peters

A14 | Monday, September 10, 2018 | Peninsula Clarion

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.