Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, October 23, 2014

Page 8




Jesse Leander Abrahamson, 19, Omak, pleaded guilty Oct. 7 to delivery of a controlled substance (heroin). Abrahamson was sentenced to 12-plus months LQ SULVRQ DQG ÀQHG IRU the Jan. 27 crime. Eric Allen Harbin, 24, Tonasket, pleaded guilty Oct. 14 to seconddegree burglary and third-degree theft. Harbin was sentenced to PRQWKV LQ SULVRQ DQG ÀQHG IRU WKH $XJ FULPHV 5DFKHO 'DZQ 0RUDOHV 2URYLOOH pleaded guilty Oct. 14 to tampering with a witness. The court dismissed a charge of seconddegree assault (strangulation) (DV). Morales was sentenced WR WZR PRQWKV LQ MDLO DQG ÀQHG IRU WKH -XQH FULPH $VKOH\ &DUROLQH +XQHU 2NDQRgan, pleaded guilty Oct. 14 to ÀUVW GHJUHH FULPLQDO WUHVSDVVLQJ and forgery. Huner was senWHQFHG WR GD\V LQ MDLO ZLWK GD\V VXVSHQGHG DQG ÀHQG IRU WKH 0D\ FULPHV 6DPXHO &RUPLHU 'XEH /DYDO Quebec, pleaded guilty Oct. 14 to three counts of POCS (one each of heroin, cocaine and phencyclidine) and one count of attempted POCS (with intent) (MDMA). Dube was sentenced to nine PRQWKV LQ MDLO DQG ÀQHG The crimes occurred July 28 at the Oroville Port of Entry. 7KH FRXUW GLVPLVVHG 2FW D KDUDVVment (threats to kill) charge against Getulio Hernandez GarFLD 2NDQRJDQ 7KH FKDUJH was dismissed without prejudice. The court found probable cause to FKDUJH 'DYLG /HVOLH /RXLV Omak, with intimidating a witness and fourth-degree assault. The crimes allegedly occurred Oct. 2. The court found probable cause to FKDUJH 6KDOLQ ( $OOWXV 5LYHUVLGH ZLWK ÀUVW GHJUHH DJJUDYDWHG PXUGHU ÀUVW GHJUHH UREEHU\ WKHIW of a motor vehicle, two counts of WKHIW RI D ÀUHDUP DQG WZR FRXQWV RI XQODZIXO SRVVHVVLRQ RI D ÀUHarm (juvenile in possession). The crimes allegedly occurred between 6HSW DQG 2FW The court found probable cause to charge Parker M. Bachtold, 5LYHUVLGH ZLWK ÀUVW GHJUHH DJJUDYDWHG PXUGHU ÀUVW GHJUHH robbery, theft of a motor vehicle, WZR FRXQWV RI WKHIW RI D ÀUHDUP and two counts of unlawful SRVVHVVLRQ RI D ÀUHDUP MXYHQLOH in possession). The crimes allegHGO\ RFFXUUHG EHWZHHQ 6HSW and Oct. 1. The court found probable cause to charge Brent McNeil BleakQH\ 2PDN ZLWK VHFRQG degree theft (access device), three counts of second-degree ID theft, and six counts of third-degree theft. The crimes allegedly occurred between Oct. DQG The court found probable cause to charge Joshua Robert Munsey, 21, Okanogan, with seconddegree assault (strangulation). The crime allegedly occurred 2FW

21 years of age. The girl was sentenced to two days in detenWLRQ DQG ÀQHG IRU WKH $SULO 12 crime. $ \HDU ROG 2URYLOOH JLUO SOHDGHG JXLOW\ 2FW WR KDUDVVPHQW ÀUVW RIIHQVH 7KH JLUO ZDV VHQtenced to eight days in detention with credit for eight days served, DQG ÀQHG IRU WKH 6HSW crime. A 12-year-old Omak girl pleaded JXLOW\ 2FW WR UHVLGHQWLDO burglary and third-degree theft. 7KH JLUO ZDV VHQWHQFHG WR days in detention with credit for GD\V VHUYHG DQG ÀQHG for the Aug. 7 crimes. A restitution hearing was scheduled for Dec. 17.


The state Department of Labor and Industry assessed the following businesses for unpaid workers’ compensation taxes, penalties DQG ÀQHV 0F&XHQ DQG -RQHV Construction LLC, Okanogan, )LGGOHU )HQFLQJ //& 2PDN /DZUHQFH &RQstruction Services of Washington //& The state Department of Revenue assessed Badger Excavating and Construction Inc., Tonasket, IRU XQSDLG WD[HV SHQDOWLHV DQG ÀQHV The state Department of Labor and Industry assessed the following individuals for overpayment of XQHPSOR\PHQW EHQHÀWV SHQDOWLHV DQG ÀQHV 7\OHU %XFKDQDQ 2NDQRJDQ -DVRQ 5 $GNLQV 2PDN 'DYLG & 6XOOLYDQ 2PDN

DISTRICT COURT %UDQGRQ 6KHD 0DUFKDQG Okanogan, guilty of third-degree DWLS. Marchand was senWHQFHG WR GD\V LQ MDLO ZLWK GD\V VXVSHQGHG DQG ÀQHG Joseph Edward McEthmar, 49, Okanogan, guilty of third-degree DWLS. McEthmar received a GD\ VXVSHQGHG VHQWHQFH DQG ÀQHG -HUU\ 5D\ 0HDUV -U 5LYHUVLGH guilty of third-degree theft. 0HDUV UHFHLYHG D GD\ VXVSHQGHG VHQWHQFH DQG ÀQHG 5DFKHO 'DZQ 0RUDOHV 2URYLOOH guilty of third-degree DWLS. 0RUDOHV UHFHLYHG D GD\ VXVSHQGHG VHQWHQFH DQG ÀQHG /DUU\ -RH 1HZVRPH -U 2PDN had a fourth-degree assault charge dismissed. Newsome was ÀQHG 0LVW\ )UDQFLQH 2UQHODV 2URYLOOH guilty of second-degree DWLS. 2UQHODV UHFHLYHG D GD\ VXVSHQGHG VHQWHQFH DQG ÀQHG 5RVDOLR 5DPLUH] (]TXLYHO KDG D FKDUJH GLVPLVVHG QR YDOLG operator’s license without ID. Nathan Shane Rayburn, 28, Omak, had a fourth-degree assault charge dismissed. Rayburn was ÀQHG Nicolas Renteria, no middle name listed, 18, Okanogan, had an obstruction charge dismissed.



$ \HDU ROG 2PDN ER\ SOHDGHG guilty Sept. 24 to third-degree theft. He was sentenced Oct. 8 to GD\V LQ GHWHQWLRQ DQG ÀQHG IRU WKH 6HSW FULPH $ restitution hearing was scheduled for Dec. 17. A 17-year-old Okanogan boy pleaded guilty Oct. 8 to MIP/C and minor frequenting an off-limits area. The boy was sentenced to two days in detention with credit IRU WZR GD\V VHUYHG DQG ÀQHG IRU WKH $XJ FULPHV ,Q a separate case, the same boy pleaded guilty Oct. 8 to minor in a public place exhibiting effects of liquor. For that crime, he was sentenced to three days in detention with credit for one GD\ VHUYHG DQG ÀQHG 7KDW FULPH RFFXUUHG -XO\ A 14-year-old Omak boy pleaded guilty Oct. 8 to fourth-degree assault. He was sentenced to 14 days in detention with credit for GD\V VHUYHG DQG ÀQHG IRU WKH $XJ FULPH $ \HDU ROG 2PDN ER\ SOHDGHG guilty Oct. 8 to disorderly conduct. The boy was sentenced to GD\V LQ GHWHQWLRQ ZLWK FUHGLW IRU GD\V VHUYHG DQG ÀQHG IRU WKH 6HSW FULPH $ \HDU ROG 2NDQRJDQ JLUO SOHDGHG guilty Oct. 8 to possession of marijuana by a person under

MONDAY, OCT. 13, 2014

DWLS on N. Railroad Ave. in Okanogan. Trespassing on Evans Lake Rd. near Riverside. Theft on Bide-a-Wee Rd. near Omak. Air compressor reported missing. Littering on Bentham Rd. near Omak. Domestic dispute on Skyview Dr. near Omak. Domestic dispute on W. Fourth Ave. in Omak. Warrant arrest on Oak St. in Omak. Drugs on S. Ash St. in Omak. Harassment on Apple Lane near Omak. Burglary on Elm St. in Oroville. Theft on Main St. in Oroville. -HQQLIHU /RXLVH %DOOHVWHURV booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for delivery of a controlled substance. &KHUU\O $QQ *UDQW ERRNHG IRU violation of release conditions. 'DQDLO -RVHSK 1HZ ERRNHG IRU fourth-degree assault (DV), third-degree malicious mischief (DV), and unlawful imprisonment (DV).

TUESDAY, OCT. 14, 2014

Domestic dispute on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan.

Warrant arrest on Hwy. 97 near Omak. Violation of a no-contact order on Clarkson Mill Rd. near Tonasket. DWLS on W. Fourth St. in Tonasket. Loitering on N. Third Ave. in Okanogan. Theft on W. River Rd. near Omak. Assault on Old Highland Lane near Loomis. Assault on Bighorn Dr. near Loomis. Automobile theft on S. Fourth Ave. in Okanogan. Fraud on Central Ave. in Oroville. Theft on S. Fourth Ave. in Okanogan. Vehicle prowl on S. Fifth Ave. in Okanogan. Harassment on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan. Found property on Bide-A-Wee Rd. near Omak. Bicycle recovered. Burglary on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan. Laptop reported missing. Theft on Omache Dr. in Omak. Violation of a no-contact order on S. Ash St. in Omak. Road rage on Engh Rd. near Omak. Malicious mischief on Oak St. in Omak. Theft on W. Apple Ave. in Omak. Tablet computer reported missing. Fraud on Main St. in Oroville. Fraud on Cherry St. in Oroville. One-vehicle crash on S. Western Ave. in Tonasket. No injuries reported. Harassment on E. Seventh St. in Tonasket. Theft on E. Seventh St. in Tonasket. Blake Forrest Lannoye, 29, booked for third-degree DWLS and an Omak Police Department FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS. Brandon Lee Parks, 22, booked on DQ 2&62 )7$ ZDUUDQW IRU ÀUVW degree DWLS. Jesse Leander Abrahamson, 19, court commitment for distribution of a controlled substance (heroin). Darryle Leeann George, 22, booked for DUI and third-degree DWLS. Juan Medina Manuel, 19, booked on a warrant for contempt of drug court.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15, 2014

One-vehicle crash on Omak-Riverside Eastside Rd. near Omak. No injuries reported. Vehicle prowl on S. Fifth Ave. in Okanogan. Violation of a no-contact order on N. Fourth Ave. in Okanogan. Assault on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan. Assault on S. Fifth Ave. in Okanogan. Mudslide on Larsen Rd. near Okanogan. Assault on Broser Way near Tonasket. Custodial interference on Skyview Dr. near Omak. Malicious mischief on N. Fir St. in Omak. Violation of a no-contact order on Elderberry Ave. in Omak. Harassment on Ninth Ave. in Oroville. Assault on S. Whitcomb Ave. in Tonasket. Fraud on S. Whitcomb Ave. in Tonasket.

BREWSTER – A Wenatchee man who had slowed to make a turn off SR97 was struck by another vehicle resulting in injuries that sent him to Three Rivers Hospital by ambulance. Johnnie L. Brooks, 21, was GULYLQJ KLV &KHYUROHW 6 pickup northbound about four miles north of Brewster on 6XQGD\ 2FW DW D P He had slowed to make a legal left turn when Michael M. Wolff, /DQJOH\ :DVK DOVR KHDGLQJ northbound, attempted to pass Brooks and struck his vehicle, according to Washington State Patrol Trooper Brett Lovell. Wolff, who was driving a 'RGJH SLFNXS ZDV uninjured. He was charged by Trooper Lovell with “following to close.� Both vehicles had reportable

damage and were towed from the accident scene.

Omak woman charged with DUI NESPELEM – An Omak woman who rolled her vehicle about five miles north of Nespelem on Saturday, Oct. 18 was later charged with Driving Under the Influence.

312 S. Whitcomb

FRIDAY, OCT. 17, 2014

Harassment on Hoss Dr. near Tonasket. One-vehicle hit-and-run crash on S. First Ave. in Okanogan. Building reported damaged. Burglary on Elmway in Okanogan. One-vehicle crash on Loomis-Oroville Rd. near Tonasket. Vehicle struck guard rail. No injuries reported. Warrant arrest on River Ave. in Okanogan. Trespassing on Cartwright Dr. near Tonasket. Fraud on Duck Lake Rd. near Omak. Weapons offense on Greenacres Rd. near Riverside. Burglary on Omak Ave. in Omak. Two-vehicle crash on Dayton St. in Omak. No injuries reported. Domestic dispute on E. Dewberry Ave. in Omak. Disorderly conduct on Riverside Dr. in Omak. Violation of a no-contact order on S. Granite St. in Omak. Warrant arrest on Main St. in Oroville. Malicious mischief on Central Ave. in Oroville. Theft on W. Fifth St. in Tonasket. &KDUOHV 'DYLG &R[ ERRNHG RQ an OCSO FTA warrant for thirddegree DWLS. %LOO &HSKDV %HGDUG ERRNHG RQ a DOC secretary’s warrant for POCS. Devon Lee Goodrich, 21, booked with POCS with intent to deliver (methamphetamine), possession of drug paraphernalia and second-degree rendering criminal assistance (bond revoked). -DPHV &RUZLQ +REHQ ERRNHG RQ a DOC secretary’s warrant.

Sex offender registry on Oak St. in Omak. Fraud on Box Spring Dr. near Tonasket. Violation of a no-contact order on S. First Ave. in Okanogan. Domestic dispute on Kimberly Ln. near Omak. DWLS on Apple Way Rd. near Okanogan. Violation of a no-contact order on S. Main St. in Omak. Theft on Dayton St. in Omak. 6WUXFWXUH Ă€UH RQ ( 'HZEHUU\ $YH in Omak. Assault on Mill Dr. in Tonasket. 0HUFHGHV $QQH 2¡'HOO ERRNHG for violation of a no-contact order. 0LVWLD $OLFLD &ODUN ERRNHG RQ DQ Omak Police Department FTA warrant for third-degree theft. Eduardo Miguel Lara, 24, DOC detainer. (UQHVWR (GZDUGR 0HQGH] /HRQ DOC detainer. Benjamin Chavez Delacruz, 29, court commitment for DUI. Alexandra Hockman, no middle QDPH OLVWHG ERRNHG IRU



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KEY: DUI 'ULYLQJ 8QGHU WKH ,Qà XHQFH DWLS/R - Driving While License Suspended/Revoked POSC - Possession of a Controlled Substance MIP/C - Minor in Possession/Consumption TMVWOP - Taking a Motor Vehicle without Owner’s Permission DV - Domestic Violence FTA/C - Failure to Appear/Comply (on a warrant) FTPF - Failure to Pay Fine RP - Reporting Party OCSO - Okanogan County Sheriff’s 2IÀFHU DOC - State Department of Corrections USBP - U.S. Border Patrol CBP - U.S. Customs and Border Protection ICE - Immigration and Customs Enforcement


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near Okanogan. Public intoxication on Elmway in Okanogan. Burglary on Hendrick Rd. near Omak. Warrant arrest on S. Ash St. in Omak. Warrant arrest on S. Main St. in Omak. Violation of a no-contact order on Fir St. in Oroville. Domestic dispute on Summit Dr. near Oroville. -RVH *XDGDOXSH 3DWLQR 0HMLD booked for POCS (methamphetamine). John Andrew Hilderbrand, 21, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for MIP/C. (GZDUG $OOHQ .HOOHU ERRNHG IRU second-degree DWLS. David John Smith, 42, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV) and third-degree malicious mischief (DV). -XVWLQ 0LNHO 3HDUVRQ ERRNHG IRU violation of a no-contact order (DV). 7HUU\ /HH =ROOHU ERRNHG RQ DQ 2&62 )7$ ZDUUDQW IRU ÀUVW degree negligent driving. .DULVVD 0DULH =DPXGLR ERRNHG for fourth-degree assault (DV). 0RQJR -HUU\ /RGL 5HQLRQ booked on a Tribal FTA warrant for third-degree theft. Shelby Larissa Gorr, 21, booked on two Omak Police Department )7$ ZDUUDQWV WKLUG GHJUHH WKHIW and hit-and-run.

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SUNDAY, OCT. 19, 2014

Violation of a no-contact order on Clarkson Mill Rd. near Tonasket. Burglary on E. Fifth Ave. in Omak. Violation of a no-contact order on S. First Ave. in Okanogan. Warrant arrest on Hwy. 97 near Oroville. Warrant arrest on Queen St. on Okanogan. Burglary on Rodeo Trail Rd. near Okanogan. Warrant arrest on Railroad St. in Omak.

SATURDAY, OCT. 18, 2014

„ Behavioral

$QJHOD ' *DWHV ZDV GULYLQJ VRXWKERXQG RQ 65 DW a.m. when she left the roadway WR WKH ULJKW DQG UROOHG KHU Toyota Highlander, which came to a rest on its top in the roadway, according to Washington State Patrol Trooper Ted Shook. Gates was transported by ambulance to Coulee Community Hospital where she was treated for her injuries and the SUV was impounded to Jackson Towing.

Recovered vehicle on Hubbert Rd. near Omak. Warrant arrest on Okoma Dr. in Omak. Assault on S. Fourth Ave. in Okanogan. Vehicle prowl at Sweat Creek Campground near Tonasket. Violation of a no-contact order on Havillah Rd. near Tonasket. 7KHIW RQ +Z\ QHDU 7RQDVNHW Malicious mischief on N. Fir St. in 2PDN *UDIĂ€WL UHSRUWHG Burglary on Engh Rd. in Omak. Warrant arrest on Golden St. in Oroville. 0DOLFLRXV PLVFKLHI RQ +Z\ QHDU Tonasket. ':/6 RQ +Z\ QHDU 7RQDVNHW Jodi Ann Nanamkin, 28, booked for POCS (heroin) and POCS (methamphetamine). Joseph Enery Dagnon, 48, booked on three counts of violation of a no-contact order. Gail Alice Sheena-Garnica, 49, booked on an Oroville Police Department FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS. Cheyenne Rochelle Lezard, 19, booked on three Omak Police Department FTA warrants, all for third-degree theft. -RVKXD 0LFDHO &KDSD '2& detainer, a Tribal warrant for theft and a Superior Court FTA warrant for POCS. 0HOYLQ )D\ 5DQFN ERRNHG IRU POCS (methamphetamine) and a DOC warrant. Tyler Lee Shelton, 24, booked on a Superior Court FTA warrant for POCS. Lacey Ann Picard, 24, booked for second-degree burglary and third-degree theft.

Assault on Apple Way Rd. near Okanogan. Domestic dispute on Engh Rd. near Omak. Warrant arrest on Sour Dough Creek Rd. near Tonasket. DWLS on Conconully Rd. near Okanogan. Violation of a no-contact order on S. First Ave. in Okanogan. Burglary on S. Third Ave. in Okanogan. Violation of a no-contact order on Hwy. 7 near Tonasket. Domestic dispute on S. Third Ave. in Okanogan. Harassment on Westlake Rd. near Oroville. Threats on Cameron Lake Loop Rd.

THURSDAY, OCT. 16, 2014

Washington State Patrol Collision sends driver to hospital

fourth-degree assault (DV). Lynn Michelle Stanley, 44, booked for second-degree DWLS. Falina Storm, no middle name listed, 28, booked for violation of a nocontact order.

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