Pnp Ten Most Fun Photography Techniques to Master

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10 most fun photography techniques to master? A Professional Photographer art that takes years of practice, but by following simple tips one can create a memorable photo which one would cherish and hold dear lifelong. • Get Close - when your subject is ready, snap a shot and then move in closer for a better shot. Making your subject the main object in your frame can lend your viewer a helping hand in appreciating your photo better. After all, details can simply be more interesting than the by and large view. • Be Quick otherwise chances are that your subject may actually move, or simply just stop smiling, or can actually get tired of waiting for you to click the photograph. So, do not waste time and try to shoot right away. • Compose with Care - Before clicking, make every effort to keep it balanced and beautiful. On one level or another, everyone responds better to a picture that has all elements in balance .Try to lead the eye along an interesting path through the photo, with the use of strong lines or patterns. • Keep the horizon level and get rid of extra uninteresting photographic elements. • Place your subject where you think it most belongs rather than just accepting it wherever it happens to land in the photo; • Play with perspective so that all lines show a pattern or lead the eye to your main subject. • Be Selective -Concentrate on what you are really interested in and centre your efforts on getting the best and professional photo shoot of this subject, whether it a still life, a person, a mood, a place, or a cultural event would distract out of the picture. Remove unwanted elements. • Play with Time- One of the most basic, and fun aspects of photography are that you have the power to slow time down or catch a split second. One image happens so slowly that we could never see it and the other happens so quickly in real time that we would never notice it. • Move Around- When you're shooting kids, animals or other objects get on their level. It will be a much more interesting photo if you show their face at eye level. The same thing applies to wildlife and even landscapes. Kneel down to get on the same level as your subject. • Look at the Light- Which way are the shadows, it's generally best to shoot professional photographs with the sun behind you. Side lighting, on the other hand, can add drama but can also cause extreme, hard-to-print contrasts. Lastly, indirect light can be used to make your subject glow soft and pretty.

While you may wish to have "all the bells and whistles" available just in case, you will probably get the best results if you do not try to use them all the time and instead learn a simple set up that works best for you in most situations.

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