P&p photographing the fall beauty

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Photographing The Fall Beauty From a photographer’s point of view, fall is probably the best season. The riot of colors spreading across the expanses is just as vivid as the beauty of nature and the experience is literally to die for. Photography is something that maybe learn, but cannot be mastered unless you are in love with the profession. To capture through your lens is a power that you need to use to the maximum limit, creative descriptive and imaginative and you could end up creating an aesthetic banquet for the viewers. The beauty of fall is such, that when I walk across a street I sometimes wish my eyes had a camera fitted in them and I could simply go ‘blinking ‘ my eyes and clicking as many beautiful pictures as I wanted. The hue of fallen leaves in their somber shades of reds, greens, golds and browns, the people walking down the roads, half of them clad in winter wear and the other half still sporting their summer wear. The best tip I can give to all professional photographer in Mississauga, as well as the rest of the world is that they need to focus on capturing the essence of the season. It is only then that you shall be able to witness the magic of portraiture coming to life on canvas. Playing with emotive elements like light and color and depth of the scene, you shall be able to bring to life the dried leaves, the dew drops that tip the grass and the hints of daze in the sky, creating a truly blissful sight to behold.

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