The Crest PMACS Alumni Association Magazine

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August 2021



I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

From The Principal Welcome to the latest edition of The Crest! Despite the various challenges of Covid, there has been a palpable sense so far in 2021 of returning to a more ‘normal’ school year. The easing of restrictions has been a welcome relief, allowing us to engage with all members of our community far more easily. It has been wonderful to see so many alumni, former staff members and parents attending or volunteering at various events this year such as the We Will Rock You Production, Cross Country Carnivals, Camps, and assemblies. One such event was the performance of We Will Rock You in first term. I was in absolute awe of the student performances, the set design, the audio-visual experience, and the elaborate entry decorations. The combined effect was a production that was a clear class above any other school production that I have ever seen. We Will Rock You was a 20-month journey, with multiple ups and downs. Throughout what can only be described as a labour of love, the students and staff involved went to great lengths to deliver a production of the highest quality. The highlight of the show for me was the engagement between students from all areas of the School. To have Primary, Middle and Senior School students engaging and collaborating with staff and each other is the essence of what a community school is all about. 21st Birthday Celebrations Our 21st Birthday Gala Dinner was held on Saturday 31 July at Rendezvous Hotel in Scarborough. The idea for a Gala Dinner was first considered at a meeting of the 20th Anniversary Committee, a group formed in late 2019 to explore options for celebrating our 20th Birthday. This committee met on and off over the past 18 months and was responsible for some of the celebrations in 2020 including the Smoking Ceremony and Welcome to Country, the 20th Anniversary Brick Pavers, and the commemorative PMACS badges given to all students. I am indebted to Danielle Palmer-Smith, Carol Borthwick-Hall, Kira Lawrence, Larry Parkes, Phil Carr, David Davies, Kate Gair, Kelly Dowel and Rod Wood for their efforts on this committee. Coordination of the Gala Dinner was also a team effort, with Karen Russell, Kelly Dowel, Belinda Lockyer, Janette Gratton, Lauren Knapp, Danielle Palmer-Smith, Leanne Conolly, Bronwyn Booth, Alan Wright, and Roger McNamara all contributing to the event. In total, 219 guests attended the evening with excellent representation from past and present staff members, alumni, and parents across all areas of the School, along with the Anglican Schools Commission and the Diocese of Perth. Feedback from staff and guests indicated that the night was a huge success, particularly hearing the reflections of Foundation Principal, Allan Shaw, via video, and the photo booth for capturing some of the evening’s highlights.


I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

Peter Moyes Week This year the School trialled a variation to the usual Peter Moyes Day celebrations by hosting a series of events across the week. Events occurred in both Primary and Secondary School, culminating in a Peter Moyes Day Service and Olympiad. The Service was a particular highlight, with Class of 2016 Alumni, Sam Maher delivering a stirring speech on the alternative pathways that students can take to achieve their goals. Other News Snapshot Theatre was officially relaunched on Monday 24 May by the Mayor of the City of Wanneroo, Tracey Roberts. The relaunch included a production of ‘Sticks and Stones’ by Vinay Patel. The goal for the new Snapshot Youth Theatre Company is to branch out into the Community, while also providing past and present students the opportunity to perform at the School. The relaunch was very successful, with excellent attendance and a great performance by the students involved. Finally, our new School Website was officially launched on Monday 26 July. While the Website is not entirely finished, the updated photos, brighter colours and enhanced functionality have all been positively received. The website includes a link to the Alumni Association, and I encourage you to explore our new site when you get the chance. As always, we love to hear stories of Alumni success and I encourage you to reach out to us with your exciting news. You can send news and photos to anytime! Every Blessing. Benjamin Lomas PRINCIPAL


I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

2021 Committee Members! The Alumni Committee would like to welcome the following members and looks forward to some new and fresh ideas!

Jorjah-Kourtney Starkey – Chairperson

I have been appointed the new Chairperson of our PMACS Alumni Association Committee, after joining the committee in May 2018. I have recently completed my Bachelor of Primary Education but am not currently teaching, whilst my husband Adam and I prepare for the arrival of our first child. I was in the class of 2013, I came to PMACS in Year 7, 2008. Were you a student whilst Reverend David Lord was present? He wedded my husband and I in 2019, at the Wanneroo Botanic Gardens.

Ashleigh Kegan – Committee Member

My name is Ashleigh and I am a 2016 PMACS graduate. I am so pleased to still be a part of the vibrant school community through the Alumni committee.


I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

I have been lucky enough to travel to all sorts of places before the many lockdowns we’ve encountered. I recently discovered Japan and fell in love with the diverse culture and incredible food Tokyo had to offer. Travelling has been such a fantastic way to grow, meet new people and embrace the unfamiliarity. I am currently completing a Bachelor of Primary Education at ECU rurally. I moved to Geraldton in June and have been working at the local Primary School ever since. It has been such a fantastic experience and I’ve loved working closely with such passionate teachers and beautiful students. I hope by being a part of the Alumni Committee I can contribute to decision making that happens within the school. I aim to provide unique and meaningful insights from a contemporary education background that can be used to make the school an even greater place.

2021 Alumni Committee Members Jorjah-Kourtney Starkey – Class of 2013 Ashleigh Keegan – Class of 2016 Corey Dullard – Class of 2013 Leighton Henley – Class of 2009 Rebekah Birch – Class of 2013


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Thank you! Samuel Maher (2016) A big thank you goes out to Sam Maher. Sam recently attended the Schools Peter Moyes Day Assembly. Sam was a guest speaker at this special assembly, the students, teachers, and invited guests found his speech very inspiring and informative. Sam is a proud member of the 2016 graduating class at PMACS. He was Cuthbert Senior House Captain and an equally proud member of the football team. He has returned to the school several times to talk to current students about his journey following PMACS. Staff speak fondly of Sam, he is described an exemplary student and genuine gentleman in the Senior School. Samuel Maher is a PhD Candidate in the School of Human Sciences at UWA based at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research. Sam’s PhD focuses on understanding the role of the microenvironment and its effects on stem cell behaviour. Ultimately, he aims to design novel biomimetic materials for guiding stem cell fate for regenerative medicine purposes. Sam also teaches Neuroscience, Anatomy & Physiology at an undergraduate and postgraduate level at UWA.”


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Keith Solly (2019) & Ella Parker (2020)

The School and teachers in the Sports Department would like to thank both Keith Solly and Ella Packer both who have recently completed Year 12.


I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

Staff News Nicole Brown – Dean of Students ACEL AWARD The 2021 Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL) WA Fellowship Award in May was awarded to our Dean of Students (Primary), Mrs Nicole Brown. Fellowship Awards are only awarded to three recipients each year, with Nicole joining a very elite group of educators to have received the award. Congratulations to Nicole. The students, families and staff at Peter Moyes Anglican Community School are very fortunate to have you here. We are sure many alumni will know Nicole. Fellow Anglican Schools Commission educators from St Mark's Anglican Community School were also awarded: Tracey Toovey (ACEL WA Teacher Leader Award for Excellence) and Dr Deborah Netolicky (ACEL WA Certificate of Excellence in Educational Leadership Award).


I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

Alumni Working at PMACS

James Garces (2018) & Mitchell Byrne (2020)

When James Garces graduated in 2018 and Mitchell Byrne in 2020, little did they know that they would be back and working with the Performing Arts Department as crucial members of the Production and Design Team for the School’s production of We Will Rock You. Their energy, enthusiasm and passion for the Arts was contagious as they both played a significant role in the success of the show. And what a show it was!! It has been wonderful to since ask the boys to reflect on their experience. Mitchell Byrne

What have you been up to since leaving school? This year I’ve started my electrical apprenticeship, and I’m absolutely loving it. Growing up, I have always been fascinated with everything electronic and electrical. For almost all of the years I’ve been at school I’ve seen myself studying electrical engineering at university.


I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

However, it took me a while to realize how limiting studying electrical engineering would be for me. Even with an electrical engineering degree I would lack the license to install or service electrical installations or equipment. As well as my interests within the live production industry another passion of mine is home and industrial automation. Across both fields having an electrical license opens so many additional doors, so it was the logical option. How have you stayed connected to Peter Moyes since leaving school? I’ve been lucky enough to be working in the Allan Shaw Centre since I was a year four student in 2012. In year seven I started working as a paid technician in the venue after school hours for several external clients. Over the years, I’ve worked with lighting, sound and vision as well as being a mic tech. Since March 2021, we have had three major productions in the Auditorium, two from other schools along with the Peter Moyes ASC We Will Rock You production, where I designed, programmed, and operated the lighting and special effects. The role of a lighting technician is to create a light show that allows the directors vision to come to life and complements the performance itself. The job requires a very diverse skill set from rigging lighting fixtures, running data and power cables, and using atmospheric effects such as haze and fog to allow the light beams to cut through the air. I get so much enjoyment out of the entire process from beginning to end in both a technical and creative aspects. What have you got out of the experience? The We Will Rock You production has been an incredibly valuable experience for me. As I was called into the production at late notice, I had to adapt by condensing a process that would usually take me several weeks, into only six days. I was amazed at what the technical crew were able to achieve given the challenges. It was also amazing to be working with Peter Moyes staff and students once again. It’s such a rewarding feeling seeing a show come to life while you work on it. I will never get tired of the whole process, starting from a blank script through to the final night of the production.


I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

What involvement are you taking in the future at PMACS? Since graduating and starting my apprenticeship, I have continued to work in the auditorium after hours. Recently, I’ve been employed by the school as Auditorium Client Services Officer. In this position my role is to facilitate the use of the building by external clients for out of hours events. I’ve also started a student group called the Backstage Academy at Peter Moyes. The Academy is a place that students can come together once a week to share and learn the skills required to not only work in the Allan Shaw Centre but work in the wider entertainment industry. The program is designed to grow both creative and technical skills in students across several year groups, while providing real world experience through employment opportunities at the school. James Garces

What have you been up to since leaving school? I have been involved in some short films and projects since leaving the school. In 2019, I was the lead character in a short film called Force, written, and directed by another PMACS Alumni, Aidan Green. I was also the lead role in an original play called Love and Music in 2019, where I was on stage for the whole two hours (sans intermission) and had more lines to remember than I can count. In 2020, I was in a production of The Outsiders, and then over the lockdown and subsequent remainder of the year found a love for the behind-thescenes aspects of filmmaking, as I directed a documentary, was the cinematographer on another, and the editor on a short film – which is what led me to furthering my passion and skills for these crafts at the SAE Institute this year. In 2021, I have begun a Bachelor of Film at SAE Institute in Northbridge. SAE is a specialist Creative Media institute, and I have been learning about all aspects of filmmaking – such as directing, cinematography, editing and writing. I have found a real passion and love for these crafts and am looking forward to further refining my skills in these areas over the course of the degree. How have you stayed connected to Peter Moyes since leaving school? I came back to Peter Moyes to complete some work for the 2021 musical, We Will Rock You. I worked on the projections that were displayed on the screens behind the performers, creating and adding to the ambience of a scene. What have you got out of the experience? It was great to come back and work on the performance and collaborate creatively with staff and students. I found a new love for the technical side of theatre; and it is something I will be continuing to explore in the future. THE CREST, AUGUST 2021

I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

What involvement are you taking in the future at PMACS? In the future, I will be involved with PMACS through working creatively on the upcoming Hoods project, co-directing the production with Mrs Emma Leadon, Head of Dance and Drama, along with continuing to support my younger siblings still going through their PMACS journey. When you leave PMACS, you are always welcomed back to assist, collaborate, and work within the school. The staff and students really benefit from keeping our connections with you and would love to hear from you if you feel you have something to offer the school in the performing Arts or any other area.

Alumni Sundowner Reunion

The Alumni Committee along with PMACS are organising a Sundowner Reunion for all Alumni. This will be held on Friday 15 October 2021 the Sundowner will start with a tour of the School. There have been many additions made to the School over the past few years. We are sure there will be a lot that many of you may not have seen. The tour will end upstairs in the School Staffroom overlooking the beautiful Quinns Beach.

You will be entertained by some of our talented Peter Moyes music students, this will be a great opportunity to catch up with School friends, teachers, and staff. Nibbles and refreshments will be provided. The Sundowner tour will start at 4:30pm with drinks and nibbles from 5pm upstairs in the School Staffroom. We look forward to seeing you there, you are welcome anytime so please pop in after you finish your day. To book your FREE ticket go to


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Alumni Guest Speaker Opportunities Guest Speakers The School has many opportunities for you as Alumni to come back as guest speakers. We would love you to be able to share your knowledge and your experiences since leaving School, speak with different year groups, at School assemblies, leadership symposiums and more. The School is currently looking for guest Alumni speakers to join our 2021 Year 11 Leadership Symposium in November. If you are interested in finding out more please email

Alumni/Year 12 BBQ The School would like to extend an invitation to all Alumni to a special end of year BBQ with the 2021 Year 12 cohort. It will be an informal gathering at School a great time to mix and mingle with the students. The BBQ will be on Friday 24 September 2021 from 12:15pm – 1:30pm we would love to see you there. If you are available and interested in coming, please email

PMACS Twilight Market Stall Holders Wanted The P&F Association in conjunction with the School will be holding their annual Twilight Market on Friday 12 November 2021. The P&F would like to offer any Alumni the opportunity to have a stall at the market. If you have a home hobby, small business, something you would like to promote or sell please let the P&F know the cost to have a table at the market is only $20.00 and a small donation of a gift for the evenings raffle. It will be a great evening with entertainment provided by PMACS students, visit the opening of the annual Art Exhibition, go on a twilight tour of the School, get dinner from one of the food trucks and do a little shopping.


I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

PMACS Gala Dinner Finally after 12 months of waiting PMACS were able to celebrate their 20 th Year with a Gala Dinner. This was held at Rendezvous Hotel in Scarborough on Saturday 31 July 2021. It was a fantastic night that went off without a hitch or Covid! PMACS is very fortunate to have Alumni working at the School and on the School Council. Here are a few photos of Alumni and some past and present staff members.

Michelle Pestel (Current Staff) Karen Russell (Alumni & Current Staff) Gillian Dawn (Past Staff) Cheryl Crisp (Current Staff) Chris Gemmell (Alumni & Current Staff)

Brooke Henley (Alumni) and Leighton Henley (Alumni, School Council & Alumni Committee)


Andrew Rasano (Current Staff) Kristina Oxley (Alumni & Current Staff) Kate Di Lallo (Current Staff)

David Brown (Alumni & Current Staff) Zoe Wilson (Relief Staff PMACS)

I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

Doug Swingler (Previous Principal PMACS) Adam Inder (Alumni and School Council Committee)

Cindi Starcevich (Foundation Staff, Current Staff) Ron Gagnel (Foundation Staff, Past PMACS Groundsman) Michelle Ellis (Foundation Staff, Past Staff & Chair of Current School Council)


Patrick Darling (Past School Council Chair) Brooke Henley (Alumni)

PMACS Current 2021 Executive Team Ben Lomas (Principal) Roger McNamara (Deputy Principal) Alan Wright (Business Manager) Natalie Shaw (Associate Senior School Principal) Richard Alchin (Associate Middle School Principal) Alison Grey (Dean of Students Middle & Senior Schools) Nicole Brown (Dean of Students Primary School) Rod Wood (Associate Primary School Principal)

I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

Alumni Achievements and Good News Joshua Venters (2013) Congratulations to Joshua Venters, from our graduating Class of 2013. Joshua was recently awarded for his Academic Excellence in Case Management, one of his Bachelor of Criminology and Justice units at Edith Cowan University. “Earlier this year, I received an award that recognised my achievement in a unit I completed last year. Part of my prize includes nominating a charity to receive a cash donation on my behalf. I have chosen Social Reinvestment WA, an Aboriginal-led coalition of 25 not-forprofit organisations dedicated to reducing the over-representation of First Nations peoples in our criminal justice system. I want to thank the Edith Cowan University School of Arts & Humanities and Outcare for giving me the opportunity to contribute to something I have become quite passionate about in the last few years. I hope that after graduating at the end of this year I am able to contribute even more.


I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

Christopher Luff (2013)

I graduated from PMACS in 2013 and eagerly made my way over to UWA to embark on what would be not only a 3 year degree, but the start of what has been (so far) a very rewarding and interesting career path. Realising fairly early on in my high school journey that I was pretty good at Accounting with minimal effort (it always seemed to just 'click'), I took up a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Accounting and Business Law. At the time and throughout my degree, I was also a manager at McDonald's, so time for hobbies and recreational activities was, at times, quite limited (I still struggle to answer the age old question: "what are your hobbies" - I usually make my best attempt to steer the conversation away from this question when asked!). But in reflection, these 3 years at uni, as crazy and as busy as it was with many late nights, were truly 3 of the best years of my life. You will never get that time again and I truly reflect on my time at uni as being a great experience. Aside from making a number of great friends at university, many of which I am still in close contact with, my time in my degree also pushed me to apply for vacation work at PwC (one of the top 4 accounting and consulting firms globally). After 2 unsuccessful attempts (seriously - I got rejected twice), my third application to PwC saw me successfully gain a 3 week internship in Audit/Assurance, which led to me being offered a graduate role with the firm. Fast forward almost 5 years later - I have recently re-joined PwC as a Manager in Trust and Risk after having resigned to take up a role at Bankwest as an Operational Risk Manager for a year and a half. What this boomerang move has shown me (and it's a very important learning for me) is that no decision is a mistake - as long as it's calculated and considered, you make the decision that is the best decision for you at the time. I had only just been promoted to Senior Consultant at PwC when the role at Bankwest became available, and for me this move meant (aside from another promotion at the time!) a change of perspective, an opportunity to gain some different experience and a chance to further grow my network. Then, my move back to PwC this year transpired as a result of me staying connected with my networks established at the firm - so when the need for a manager with industry experience arose - I knew about it. My key piece of advice to those starting out in your degree would be - don't be afraid to take a risk, and follow your gut. Make the decision that feels right for you at the time - because you never know where that might lead you. And if you want something badly enough - keep at it with intense perseverance. It will pay off ;)


I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

Mackenzie-Anne Colman (2011)

In late December, I saw a short film online featuring an amazing woman by the name of Kitty Lunn (NYC). Inspired, I sent an email to her (via her Infinity Dance Theatre address), introducing myself, commenting on her work and thanking her for paving the way, among other things. I certainly didn’t expect a reply. Just over a few weeks later, her team got back to me and arranged a conversation between us via Zoom. She offered to mentor me and teach me her method of transposing dance for people with disabilities. I gratefully accepted the opportunity! I have had private Zoom lessons with Kitty and dancer/teacher Luisa. Every Sunday, at 2am (yes, you read that right) I join the Infinity Dance Theatre class (also with an accompanist named William). Ironically, I have more of my network in NYC than I do in WA at the moment. I am learning more about Martha Graham's and Lester Horton's (modern dance) techniques (simultaneously with the transposition technique). Ordinarily, I would have been brought to NYC for this. However, these strange times call for a virtual approach. It is great and surreal to be participating with Kitty’s self-described “United Nations of Dance” from my bedroom. An Australian man by the name of Mark Brew (he is incredible) is also, as far as I know, is the only other Australian to have worked with Kitty. Kitty is also mentoring/teaching me for free because she receives grants and other funding that finance her work (also incredible). Her only condition is that once I have learned her method - I must ‘pay it forward.’ I am currently doing my own research in regard to ‘paying it forward.’ So far, it seems a not-for-profit, Incorporated Association is the way to go. That way I will be able to provide the service at a low cost and/or for free via grants/funding (similar to Kitty’s work). Students with disabilities, impairments, chronic health conditions or other perceived differences, etc already have enough barriers to engagement with the dance industry. I plan for the Association “…to encourage Western Australian people with disabilities to engage in accessible, systematic and creative dance practice, production and performance...” Well, that’s my first draft… I may also be able to apply for grants/funding towards i.e., manual wheelchairs and/or other assistive equipment for dancers (and so on). Anyway, I’ve found a way to try and ‘pay it forward.’ If you want to help by being a part of the founding team (Incorporated Association’s management committee and members), you can contact me at will not find me on social media). It would THE CREST, AUGUST 2021

I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

also be good to receive as much input as possible, especially from people (with or without disability, etc.) who would be interested in participating in something like this. Thank you. Stay safe and well PMACS community. Kind regards, Mackenzie-Anne Colman.

Matilda Agnew (2020)

My name is Matilda Agnew and I graduated from PMACS in 2020. I was a general pathway student with no idea what I wanted to do in life, all I knew is that I wanted to do something that aligned with my passion which is anything to do with horses, specifically the discipline of dressage. I have been riding since I was a 2-year-old on my family’s property in Gingin, this allowed a wealth of equine knowledge growing up. As an active competitor I have high hopes for the Olympics and a dream to compete internationally in dressage. I had to make the decision in year 11 to commit to ATAR or competing - competing it was. I spent year 11 and 12 collecting as many competition hours, training, and knowledge as I could to fast track my dressage career to make it to the top. Fast forward to now, I graduated school last year, I am looking forward to a very exciting season with a great team of horses and supporters and I have started my very own riding school to teach children and beginners how to ride horses. Coaching for me has always come very naturally, it is something I am deeply passionate about as I love helping horse/rider partnerships to achieve their best. I rotate between coaching and doing my own training through the day, and I could not ask for a better lifestyle. I have begun my NCAS preliminary coaching and my EA level 1 coaching and will hopefully complete these at the end of the year. These certificates are to become a qualified and internationally recognized coach. I have also gained an interest in equine sports massage and hopefully I will be starting a 12-month course for that as well. I consider myself incredibly


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lucky to be doing what I am doing now however it would not have come without years of hard work and determination. My riding school is located on our family property ‘Limestone Park Stud’ which is situated along the picturesque Gingin Brook. I have a variety of reliable ponies and horses for riders of all ages and experience levels. Riders are also welcome to bring their own horse for lessons. I will also be running clinics and school holiday camps for children with accommodation provided in a fun and safe environment. I would love people to contact me on 0488 688 114 or email me on if there are any queries.

Andrea Rolobessy, nee Young (2011) Andrea has recently relocated back to Perth, after living overseas for six years managing Frankenstein’s Laboratory. Andrea met and lived with her husband Dede in Bali, where they married in 2019. They welcomed a son, Aali in 2019 before relocating back to Perth in March 2020. We would like to congratulate Andrea and her husband as her husband has just been approved to be a permanent resident of Australia. Mr and Mrs Rolobessy look forward to their son beginning school in 2023.

Jessica Wu (2014) Jessica graduated PMACS in 2014 and began her architectural studies at Curtin University. Jess completed her Bachelor of Applied Science in 2017 and as of 2019, has completed her Master of Architecture at Curtin University. Jessica is now an Architectural Graduate at Hillam Architects, and we would like to congratulate her on landing this new role.


I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

Sophie Acott, nee Todd (2015) Sophie recently married her partner of 6 years, Ethan, at Portofino’s, Mindarie on 10 April 2021. Her father Ian Todd (PMACS Staff 2002-2019), proudly gave her away. Sophie’s bridal party had their makeup applied by Paige Watson (Class of 2013) at Paige Watson Makeup Artist, and Brandon Gray (Class of 2015) was the DJ at their reception. Here are some lovely words by Sophie, on her special day: On April 10th, dressed in a big white dress, I transformed from regular Sophie Todd into Mrs Sophie Acott. I met Ethan in September 2014, when I was in Year 11, we quickly knew that we were a perfect match and so our love story began, and on the 10th April, amongst all of our friends and family, we were so lucky to formalise our commitment and become Mr and Mrs.

Nellee Stovin (2019) Congratulations to Nellee Stovin, Class of 2019 for passing her second year practical exams. Nellee has just one year left of her Bachelor of Science (Paramedical Science) at ECU, we wish her all the best in her final year of tertiary study.

Rachel Anderson (2019) Congratulations to Rachel Anderson, Class of 2019. Rachel was accepted to WAAPA last year for the stage management course. WAAPA’S Stage Management Course is the most comprehensive, dedicated stage management training course in Australia. It prepares its students for lifelong careers in the performing arts industry. We wish Rachel well on her chosen pathway.


I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve



I Belong, Everyone Matters, Together We Achieve

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