Western viking v 3 no 14 apr 3, 1931

Page 6


:Side 6





(Mel.: "Aftensolen smiler")



(Forts. fra side '1) cation," Dr. David 'Snedden of Columbia University says: "the chief uarticular affliction of Amcrican ~liberal education today is the fact that there exists no considerable agreement among its friends, supporters, promotors, and utilizers a!J to just what are its actual functions in twentieth century American civilization. N ow hcre can we find any well-documented formulations of the actual objecti ves of liberal education of College grade upon which any substantial number of educators have agreed." And here Dr .. Snedden c01nes again in School and Society, for Jan. 3, 1931 and gives the whole educational system, from "kindegarten to the university," a rap. "The Professor would like you to tell him why you permit money and· effort to be wasted on high-school alge bra, a nonfunctional and nearly valueless subject for 90 per cent of all boys and 99 per cent of all girls, there being no possible changes in method or content that ·will improve the situation. Why, he asks, do you continue the modern language instrnction? Normanna Male Chorus gir søndag 12te ds. It is a travesty on good eduen stor konsert i Central Lutheran Church, 10. cation. It is a gigantic quackery practisecl on parents and the. og G sts. til inntekt for Lutheran Welfare S::ipublic. Do you know that your ciety og Lutheran Compass Mission. history studies in elemen~ary and hio-h school are very sltght' b . Konserten begynner kl. 3 eftm. Solister ved aids to citizenship and culture? 1 konserten blir frk. Anna Mikke1son, soprano og The fault is not in method but iin lack of clear clefination of i frk. Edith Nordstrom, pianistinne. aims. Why do you teach two ! Vi haaper publikum vil benytte sig av denne or .three times as much arith-'I metie in the first six grades as anledning til aa høre et udmerket musikalsk Nill ever be of use? \iVhy clon't program, og paa samme tid være med aa rekkle you throw off collegiate control 1 of high school? It has be:n of trengende i Tacoma en hjelpende haand. more dis-service than of aid to 1 Billetprisen er 50c. you and has failed to do for the colleges what they could have done themselves, better by othe; means. They are flounclering iri a nioiass of misty pur-! ....."""'-"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'1111111"""'1111111"""'...,"""'1111111...,...,1111111...,.....,...,....,.,,__ _ _ _ _.....,_....,...........,,_....,....,...._ . . . , ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..,.......,....,....,_,.....,....,.....,...,....,.....,.



poses. Abraham Flexner in his recent book, "Universities, A merican, English, German," outspokenthly critizises the crass. f ness and commercialization o . . . . Amencan u111vers1ties.


In the same number of School, and Society, William McAndrew 1) takes the moclern American universities to task for still clinging to the old theory of an " ans · t ocrazy o f 1Jrams. · " He c1·i . · tl e t t 1z1ces 1e pr sen d ay te11de11c Y · ti1e muver · s·t· t tra1"11 only 111 t 1es o the so-called snperior youth of today. This he declares is a falacy and calls attention to the fact that a long-continued perfeet system of sifting recipients of diplomas previous to the gre~.t war filled Europa with excellendes. who failed to save the world from the most stupendou~ stupiclity it ever en<lured. As another example of bow a too rigid sifting process might miss the work, McAndrew quotes Jordan, president of an endowed university, Leland Stanford, as saying that he bad a boy so deficiens in Enghlish as to make graduation a matter of .doubt. B1.1t, "As this youngster seemed to have other requirements of a useful citizen we gave hima diploma any way. His name was Herbert Hoover." 2) Franz Boas believes that mo. dern education warps the minds of its recipients and, "For this reason," he declares, "I should always be more inclined to accept, in rcgard to fundamental human problems, the judgment of the masses rather than the judgment of the intellectuals, which is much more certain to be warped by unconscious control of traditional ideas." 3)

Eclucational institutions to-clay cater just one type of mindsthe text-and-notebok type. Subject matter is of greater im. portance than power and 111· h.t sig . The educational plan is not to help the student to live a life, but to make a living-to prepare him for a job with no idea 8f how the job is to come. If one shall get an education today, he must get it in spite of his teachers, said Prof. Thomas Reed Powell of the Harvard law school.

it into sections, teachers who are forced because of mass education to dwell on the weaknesses rather than the strengths of the students, and a mechanical method of acquiring credits to be w;itten down in a record book all conspire to keep the student from becoming truly educated, Dr. Powell poin~ed out. The interesting thinerememb~ ered always, however, is the "somethine-" which the teacher ~ gives the student of himself,"

A curriculum which takes the he said. field of knowledge and clivides (To be conti11l1ed.) ---------------RETTELSE.-Nedenstaaende tabel blev ved en misforstaaelse forrige uke gjengitt uten - og + foran de respektive tall. Vi tillater oss derfor aa trykke den paanytt, som den skulde være gjengitt.-RED. ...., >=

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Mrs. C. K. Preus, Minneapolis, viinn. el :de onsdag aften den 18. nars. Hun var mor til fhv. guiernør av Minnesota, J. A. 0. :>reus; pastor Herman A. Preus, viinneapolis; pastor J. C. K. =>reus, Albert Lea, Minn; dr. 0. . H. Preus, president for Au~·ustana College, Sioux Falls, S. Dakota; Paul Preus, reisesekreær for Pacific Lutheran College, =>arklan<l, Wash.; mrs. 0. TeisJerg, Minneapolis og mrs. Kahinka Stalland, St. Paul.


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Mrs. Preus var fØdt i Norge og kom til Amerika i 4-aars alieren. Hun var datter til past. 0. J. Hjort og blev gift med asf. C. K. Preus i 1878. Hun hadde vær~t syk i 2 maaiecler. Tre uker fØr sin dØd yldte hun 75 aar. Begravelses-gudstjenesten· blev

Han for os led dpclen Og os fri har sat Ifra synde-npden, Der var mØrk som nat. Frelseren maa klage, Ofte vilcie han Bringe os tilbage, Alle spredte lam. nfon vi vil ei fplge Hyrdestemmen blØd; Syndens store bØlge Drager os mot dØd. Lad os nu faa rede Paa den Himmel-bro Jesus vil os lede Over til den ro. Der skal alle vore MØte os med sang, Smaa saa vel som store - Glæden evig lang. Guid-belagte gader Skal vi finde der Hos vor Gud og Fader, Som os elsker her. Jesus som os !Øste Fra al synd og skam Vil os evig trØste, Han, vort offerlam. Du vil os veilede Ved din Hellig-aand, Svake som clig bede, Ræk din Frelserhaand. Naar tilslut der hjemme Alle frelst skal staa, Sangen vi istemme, Skal din Trone naa. Theo. Buringrud. Taco.ma, W ash.

oldt lØrdag eftm. 2lde. mars i Jniversity Lutheran Church of fope, hvor past. C. S. Thorpe orrettet. SØndag den 22. mars andt begravelsen sted i Den. 'Ørste Lutherske Kirke, I),ecoah, Iowa, hvor dr. 0. E. Brandt ra Luther Teologiske Seminar orrettet.

ABBONNER PAA " STERN VIKING" FOR EN SLEKTNING ELLER VENN I NORGE Her er et lite utdrag fra et Norges-brev vi mottok for et par dage siden: "Hr. RedaktØ1: Mit kompliment for Deres utmerkede norske avis, det er den koslige og hjemlige tone over "W. V." som gjØr at den er mere menneskelig enn aviser flest. Jeg har lest en mengde forskjellige avL ser her i hjemlandet, men ikke en har den hygglige tone over stoffet som "W. V." Det er sikkert mange nordmenn som leser Deres blad - enda flere ville abbonere paa den· om der blev spandert litt reklame paa den. saa den kunne bli mere kjent her hjemme. Prisen er jo kun 2 dollar fritt tilsendt til Norge, el. v. s. billigere enn de norske lokalaviser." (Sign. Leif Hansen" Bratli, Riddervold, Halden.)

Western Viking koster til Norge kun $2.00 pr. aar. Ønsker du det sendt til en slektning eller ven i Norge, behøver du kun aa fylle ut vedstaaende blanket, og sende deri inn til oss med kontingenten vedlagt.

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Alfred Iyersen

.,. Sometime Asst. Supt. of Schools ... in N. Y. City; and later Supt. er beredt til at staa til tje· of Schools, Chicago. Now joint GEO. J. WEILER neste saavel nat som dag editor with J. McKeen Cottel of Skrædder School and Society. 2) See report of a special committee ~ Tuen Funeral Home Reparation av herreklær og of the Seattle H. S. Teacher's League on "The policy of the Main 580 Damekaaper ~ 2215 Sixth Ave. I . • ( ) U. of Wash." Dec. 17tl1, 1930. 1220 So. K St. - Main 5638 t ~~~..,...................~......,,..,,.............,.........~ 3) Anthropology and Modern Life, .... ~_....,.._,...~................ HAR DE GLEMT KONTINGENTEN? Chapter on Education. 1)

Mrs. C. K. Preus død

Vantro veien stænger Til Gud Fader vor; Men ved tro vi hænger V ed vor Jesus stor.

(Adresse) Ukens Nytts Ekspedition Akersgaten 51, Oslo, Norge FærØyienes eldste kvinne, fru siste aar anvendt 14,5 mill. kr. Anna Katrine Hansen, Torshavn til bekjempelse av arbeidsløsror det norske publikum burde De er avgaatt ved clØclen, 103 a~r heten. altid meddele "Western Viking." Send et brevkort, adressert til 1125 gammel. racoma Ave., Tacoma, Wash., eller Det er lettere aa tilgi sin fibenyt telefonerne: Main 2520 eller Osfo kommune har tle fem ende enn sin venn. Broadway 3435. NYHETl::R AV INTERESSE

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