2006-2007 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog

Page 1

Contact Information

he university is 10 ted at Soum 121 st Saee[ and Park Avenue in suburban Parkland. Office hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p m Monday through Friday. Offices are dosed for d1apel on M nday, Wednesd1Y and 'riday from 10:30 to 11 a.m. during [he school year. The university observes most legal holidays. .





daily from 7


ity Cenrer mainraim an information desk, called Campus Concierge, that is open a.m. to 9 p.m. (9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on arurday and Slmday). 253.535.7411 or




welcome at any rime.

through the Office of Admission.

(Area code 253) E-mail

Contact the Office of:

VIIX P=id.ent

lOr AJrn� md 'twJellllifi'

Special arrangements for tours and appointmenrs may be made For Information About:



Gener.d wliven.it)' imorrn.1rion



Academic policies and programs, Wry appoinanents, and currirullml topi<3, Acldem.ic Planfling and Insrirutional Research


Admi inn. Financial Aid, rudem Servi=> (',enter, resi ena' halls. a)ll.!l.'ding and te>ring. Iddl services, diven;iry ccmcr, cm.u :;t'"lyiu'S,

\ludt.:.nt dT1pIClVmem, campus salery. stlldem

l.:ad.ecillip, m-rurri.ular aL1ivici� Jud

di.�Jbilitv '>CIVice



General infOrmation, admission of stUdents, and publicarions ror prospective srudents and advanced placemenr, supporr lor international srudems.

Allmlni and J�r Rd3Iions



Alull mi and pan:nl progrmt\ and services

Campus Conciergt:


concierg@pUl.edu www.plu.edtU�C01u:ierg1

Campus phone nlmlbers, help


Cll.l1 PW;



Campus Safety


and Infumlacion 535.7441


desk, and informacion

ape!. S:mudayand IlIKbywonJrip. CU"e, pastoral SUPPOrt,

and religiou> life ar (he umversity


Campus p:uking. sakt)" and


ice PresiJcru (or IA.'vc!opmem

and Uni\'et'>lty Rchrioru


financial Aid



Fman 'al

Vier Pn::l.iJdll for Finana: .1I1U Opcr.u.iOt1.·



financial marugcrnem an adminisaamt: servi�


horr and long-term srudy away progcuns; international inremships; fuculty and student researd:t grant;, PL international gateways; symposia; support lOr visiting intcrnati nal scholars

Wang Cemer fur lnrernacional Progran

Registrnf wcient Services Center

Ram� Commons







Trnnsfer cmlit evaluation. graduation, cia! anJ cl1SSrnOnl schLuuling

halul.s, pes

Payment COl1tIl1Cts, billing inquiries, rranscnpcs, sched.ules registration, veterans questions, general financial aid

questions and verincarion of enrollment

,\G!J&::mi Advising. Ac:.dcnlli: f�i!,13IlU:. AcldtmiL in.remships. Cuter �'cI()rment, CcmCl" r r PlIbUc SCrvicc. tlldcnt Employment. VO!u.nli!Cf Center onpk)ym<.:m

Table of Contents Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog

2006-2007 To become /amilwr with PLU degree requiremenJS, See Ge/leral University &quirYme/1/$ on page 6. 10

learn more about major and minor reqtliremnlts. see specific dtplU't71tnlt pages startillg on page 32.

Academic Calt:ndar




Educational Philosophy, Mission and Vision Educauonal Philosoph, t:naal Information






Mathem;"l[ics M u si . 'I. D ivis ion ---,.----'--






1 14 114. 121 122

choolor -------

Eb I�

131 134

CwricWwn Infonnation 32

I 7

�� 32 �---- 32 34

Academic Imem-;hip/Coo perativeEclucation Anthropology

137 ---- f"Y 140

141 4I �-l4l 146 146 147 149



Arts and Sciences.

Biology Business. chool of Ch mistry





5455 -6


Engine.e ring,

En ls ih

Dual Degtee


Graduate Studies 1'l2

cncral Information

152 153



66 ')


7� -=778





..., -,.::; i�

omplltt:r Engince = rf :..:.n:£:g '--__

.conomies Edu ario n�1 -=--of , --Education, Psychology

Wr i t i ng



83 83

Geosciences German G1Qb;:rEdlKation Oppormniries Global Srudie.1

1 '56

160 161 168



88 89 90



Admin istration B< ard of R� r-dminisctatlve Offices The F culry







0 ::I



::::J .-+ '"



Undergraduate Admission Information Financial

96 101



1 70

Admiion -----

-4 QI e-


. "ilion. F�s. and



nivcrsity Guidelines






2 1 'i

The information cOl1(ained herein r egardi n g Pacific Lutheran Univc icy i s Kc uratc at the time of public:nion. However, the u n iv ers i ty reserves the right LO make necessary changes in procedures. policies. calendar. curriculum, and co; - at its dis lion. Any chang�s will be ref1ecrcd on the universiry Web sitc at www.plu.edulpritttlcatarog. Listed in tbis cata l og arc



and summaries of degree requiremenh for

majof1\. minurs.

and oth r p ograms in the

f Arrs and Sciena:s, and (he Schools or the ArtS. Business, Education, Nursing, and Physical Education.

Detail"d degree requirements. ofren induJing supplementary sample programs,





rhe offices of [he

individual schools and d�partmen[s. Advising by un ive i ty personnel inconsistent wirb published

bi ndi n g .

PlU 2006 - 2007

\ tal(' m C I1(S






2006 - 2007

2007 - 2008 Summer Sessioll 2007

Summer Session 2006 �nl I �__���____����������_ ,

�ori:tl [)a ' Term II lndept!Ildt!l1


Hol:: i d; ;)::} L ': ' __________

Tenn II


August ,�I

- Monday, September 4

I\llonday, September 4

Yfi£c. al!,:�sed 7 am Tuesday. September 5

No 0Iis.iei - PLV .•

9 a.m.:luesd."lY, September 5

Opening Convocarion

am- Rmnne III 11:50 a.",.

riday, Oaobcr 20

Mid-Semester Break

No C/o.sse,. - PLV Offices an' 0 err

1hanksgiving l�ess &gins llWlksgivin R


rim! j-.x:uninruions

Semester Ends (4ier/tb1[xam)



p.m., Sarurday, December 9

10:50 a.n:::.....:_�!�l�efTlber9

D=mber 11 - aru.rcL'l}\ .December 1 6 arurday. December 16

Tenll 2007





ja n ua r y 8

Monday, january 15

- PLU office., mt closed . No Clmses .

rurili.--:- l �n�

B�l Presidents' ,lyHoliilly

Spring Break

--'-7---'"10 '-.n"'-'"


Easter Rc= Begins

F.a,rer � Ends

: <.i'=:...:E:::.:I:: i.a=s C::: .::: Final linaOun$

Monday. February 19

'i p.m., SJ.n rd�y, Man:h2_4_


7 :I.m., Morulav,

ril 2

'7 �Frida�, I 1: 15 a.m Monda.)'-- , �� 'i p.m., 'arurday, .\1a , 19 -:-:---:----:c-::-'Mondai:' /fay 21 - arurday, M:t)' 26 .•

_ _ _ __ _

Se lT_ 1t:sre!

En�q/ii7 /0.;1 exam)


9 a.m., Tuesday, September 4

Classes resume at 1 1:50 Il.m. IVtO

Fnday, Ouober 19 Qf/ices are opeJl

r.Jns.se, - ?l.U

____ _________ _ _ __

1 :35 p.m., Wednesda \ Novcmlxr2!

Pl.U o{fim·are closed Tlnmdfl)�Fntiay � 7 a- := n 1., M onday, Nnveml'lt'r 26





Sarurda , December 8

Saturday, December 8 - Frida}\ lX!a:.mbc 14

FirnlJ &:J.minaaons


December Commencement

Doo: m ber 14 SanuUaY, December 15

AfTer la,t exam on Friday.

������ ��----------�

Term 2008

�I=-��-. ...-


Martin Luther King,

Classes End

-----.... Jr., Birthday Holiday No

Thlu:,dal; jal1l�.

Monday, Janu;uy 2 1

�'- PL U Jilict' s tlIU� Thursday. Janmfv 31

Spring Term 2008 Febr ua r.r2

No CILI.SJ·er,· PL U offim ilre r!5!std


� Break Ends

Wedn 'd�i'-

PLU Offices are dosed

7 am., ru�,

Mid-Semester Break

ja7l1Ulry 7 a.m., Monda

Spring Snrustt!l· 2007 Classes

Classes Opening Convoc.'ltion

']Jlanksgi�,.g,..:.Recess =::::En = ::....: ds:. · ..

Begin Martin Lurner King, Jr., Birthday Holiday


___ -.

_____ __ ______________

ovember 27



Monday, September 3

boor Day

Thanksgivi ng Recess Begins

offices are closed TlJursdll)�Friday


Cl3SSI!S End

9rientaao� _ ____ J�', AugUSl30 - Monday, Sepu nlber 3

1:35 p.m., Wednesday, November 22 PU;


PLU O ffiu'l are do:ced

Fa/I Semester 2007

ntUster 2006


Wednesday, July 4


Lilior Day

QI '"'C to U c:(

No a�es

... _



Monda \ May 28

Monda)! July 2 - SaCll-;:-d.iY, Julv 28

. ..._-._-_._-.- : ��7_:."..:.� ...= ��= rvfon da» J ul 30 - Sarurday, AU�l 5 �or�� p Week-- ----::erm 1lJ �nday, Jui), 30th - rurda);; t J: ---CSaru.rda" August 1 8 Semester End� (tfter fast e>:ilJn)

Term rrr


_ _ _

Independence Day

O:ly Holiday



Monday, june 4 - Saturday, JUlie 30


_a.�cbty, �

2:30 p.m., Sunday, M.a)' L7

Classes Begin Prcsidenl:S'

Thursday. Februa!Ll. jV ncb)', bruary 18


Spring/Easter Break �ins

No '1msls; PI U offices are doS/xi Friday. Mardl 21


Pf U Of/ifes closui on

n�d� .m day N17� ar c � �£ri��rer B reak.� E� s __________�7�a� �� , ,'/ �� �� n=� � , � h� 3� 1 Santrday, � hy [ 7 Classes End

Final E.'(aminations


Se�&ds(#;;-zm;�n�____ !'Jny Co lllmen ce:: .:,:ln,: e::,: : n ;:. [

2 PlU 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

la)1 19 - Santrdal!...'\1ay�4

Salmda ., Mav 24

= . p .trl" .)wlday; MClt 25 2:.:3 :..:..<

______ __




Mission and Vision "PLU �1:eks


mpow'r rudelllS for Lives of thoughtful inquiry, service. leadership and care - for orner people, for their commwlities.

and f()[ Ihe arth" (I' U 2010, p.


TI1is single t;.ttemcnt of mi 'ion captures lllerH

r mission, adopted in


identity, strengths and purpose of Pacitlc Lurhemn University. In addition, a fc)rmal state­

1978, proviJes an historical perspective on the University's understanding of it' (orc purposes:

long n mrnined to providing un education dninguishcd for quality, in the conteXt of a hcmagc that is Lutheran and an environment that is c:,ul1lcnicaliy hristiJ.n, r t; wnrinu s to embrace it' primary Ill�ion: rile d�d pmcnr ofknowl«lgeable persons equipped with an unuer'\randing of rhe human condition, a critical :l\varcnc�� of humane;1I1 . irirual values, and a capacir:y for dear '1I1e1 cfli:ctive self-expression.

For all whl! chaos!" to seek a PLU degree, the university offers opportlLnity to pursue a variel)' of progtams of academic worth :Ind excellence.. Irs standards of performance dcmalld a finely lr.lined fiI l[}, as weU as highly skilled administr;uivc and support �wir In its insnrutional emphillli s on scholal'Ship. the Uuiven.it), view the liberal ar as providing the nc aty and ess ltial fou ndarion for the { chnical training and education in the professions which modern society n:quires. The univCI: ity .urns to c:uh:ivate the intellect, nor ror its own sake merely, but �L' a rool of conscience and 'lI1 insrrument for s("rvic . The diversi aud varicty of culrural programs and personal serviL . a ered by the unil' . . Ity arc inrcnded to facilitate thi� pOl>it i ucvdopm 'm of the student as a whole person in order that our students might function ,IS members of society. In ochet worch, PLU aftinns that realization of on's hignest potential as well as fulftllment lif:C', purpose arise in the joy of �er\'ice to others. To ,nd i students in sharin' thi understanding, the universi[}' seeks to be a commulllC) in which there is a continuing and ri'uitful interaction between what is best in education and what is noblest in Christian ediflcation. •

This deliberate and simultaneous artention to the religious dimension of th total human experience and co the standard, of schol.lIly objecrivi[}', coupled with clear recognition of rhe integrative irnpub\1 in each, is the essence of £>LU.

In January 200:3, the Board of Regents adopred rhe long-range

plan, PLU 20 l 0: The Next Level of Distinction. The 20 1 0 plalming

pro= daril:icd . rc;jl Irm<::d, an d;lb<JrareJ on the mj\'sion statement :md set forth a vl�ion for the fulUre based on pasr accomplish­ ments an fu ure aspirations . AI; the universiry looks to 2010 and b,yond, five aspirations frame! its direCtion. its hopes , and its gO:J.ls: strengthening ac.tdcmic tltcellencc, C'Xpanding communi[)' engagement, enhancin!; global pef5pecriv s and local commitments, nurturing a scnsc oflife as vocauon, and seeking fiscal mcngrh.

m c.. C n



o :J OJ



o "C :::r '<

Copies of the long-range plan are available in the Offices of the President and the Provost.

FawlfcY o/'Pacific Luthemll University establishes the r/Jt1t shapes lind supports the curriculum and pTogrmm OlSllld)l. This philosophy is reflected in statements 0/ educational goats, objectives and principle,'. O/,particutar significallc to at! students are statements abo lit teaming objectilJes, gf.tl e ra ! educatioll and writing throughout the curriwlum. The

educational phi/o"ophy

Integrative Learning Objectives The Integr:t,ive Learning Objectives (ILOs) provide a common under standing of the PLU approach to undergraduate education. These objectives offer a unifying framework for understanding ho\\ our community defines the general skills or abilities that should b e exhibited by students who cam d I'LU bachelor's degree. Therefore, they are integrative in nature, The ILO re intended to provide a conceptual rdErence for every department and program lO build on ;lOd reinforce in their own particular curricula lhe goals of the General University Requirements. They abo assist lhe university in such assessment-related 3.ctivities as

srudcnt and alumni surveys. at alliLOs are dealt with equaJIy by every program, much I�, by every course. The ILOs do not represent, by themselves, all of our undersranding of education. Rather, they are a pan of a more complex st3.temtnt of educational philosophy. The ILOs are meant to serve as a useful framework that unifies education throughout the University, while disciplinary study provides srudenrs with the knowledge and understanding of a field that will allow them to function effectively in their chosen area. These four statements describe the knuwledge base expected of all PLU graduates: • •

a broad knowledge of the basic liberal arts and sciences, an understanding of the interconneCtions among these basic liberal arts and sciences that provide the broad framework for living with the complexities of life. an in-depth knowledge of a spcci6ed area of knowledge designated as a major within the universiry.

PlU 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7



understanding of the interconnections among the basic

education is

specifted major area.

inform the general university requirements are nor discrete, but

[n addition to the knowledge base described above, and an

Vallles: The university sustains the Lutheran commitment [Q tht:

develop the following abilities:

nurruring the development of whole persons-in body, mind,

Critical Rejkction

and spirit. As described in the university's long-range plan PLU

select sources of information using appropriate research methods

understand and expl ain divergent viewpoints on complex

issues, c rit ically assess the support available for each, and

communicate clearly and effectively in both oral and written forms

create symbols of meaning in a variety of expressive media, both verbal and ilonverbal adapt messages


various audiences

work creativdy to ide nti f), and clarifY the issues of c once rn

develop and promote effective strategies and interperso nal


conAicting ideas and principles,

and identifY common interests

communities and traditions that have helped to shape them recognize how others have arrived at values different from ,

develop a habit of c:lring for oneself. for others, and for the

environment •

approach moral, spiritual, and intellectual d evelo pme nt as a life-long pro


recognize and understand how cultures profoundly shape different assumptions and behaviors

• •

identify issues and problems facing people in every culture

cultivate respect for diverse cultures, practices, and traditions

Adopted by the Facuity A55emb�)', November //, 1999

thoughtful inq uiry , leadership, service, and carc-for other people, for their communities, and for the earth." Emerging from rhe university's Lurheran heritage, our mission emphasizes both

freedom f inquiry and a life engaged in the world. Our location PacifIC N o rthwest, and our commitment to ed uc :lte

students for the complexities of life in the 2 1 s t century, also shape the unive rsity's educational identity.

understands knowledge as saturated with value and meaning, as involving both knower and context. \Y/e understand academic

disciplines, as well as multi-disciplinary ftelds of inquiry, as ways of knowing. They do more than organize knowledge. They define the questions, methods, and modes of discourse by which knowledge is produced. Students art required to study across


Skills and Abilities: A.� described by the university's I ntegrative Objectives, s kills and ahilities tbat c haracterize an


education at Pacific Lutheran Un ive rsi ty are essential for the

cultivation of the potentials of mind, he:lrt, and ha.nd. They are inseparable from what it means to know and to value. They include the a b ility to express oneself effectively and creatively, to th.ink critically, to discern and formulate values, to interact with A general education at Pacific Luthnan University affirms the

relationships among rigorous academic inquiry, human Aoutishing in


diverse world, and


health y environment. Such

an education requires ftrst dnd foremost a faculty of exceptional scholar-teachers, committed to educating the whole student, and un derstan ding that learning is active, engaged, and in the best

/0, 2004

Writing Throughout the Curriculum Paciftc Lutheran University is a community of scholars, a comm unity of readers and writers. Reading informs the intellect

and liberates the imagination. \Y/riring pe rvades our academic lives as teachers and students, both as


way of communicating

what we lea rn and as a means of shaping thoughts and ideas.

All faculty members share the responsibility for improving the

The university aims to produce global citizens, future leaders ,

l it e racy of their students. Faculty in every department and school

and whole, richly-informed persDns. At the heart of the

make writing an essential part of their courses and show students how to ask questions appropriate to the kinds of reading done in

university is the general education curriculum. Through this


Knowledge: r n education at Paciftc Lutheran University makes students the center of their own education. The best education

Adopted by the Faculty Assembly, December

The university's mission is to "educate students for lives of


well-situated to address global issues, social diversity and justice, and catc for the earth.

sense transformative.

Principles of General Education


traj ectory and purpose, and al ways unde rstand ing that lite gains meaning when dedicated to a good larger than oneself. Located

others, and to understand the world from various perspectives.

Multipk FrameUlorks •

that imagination and decision give to a human life its unique

which educated people understand themselves and the world.

articulate and as'ess one's oWil values, with an awareness of the

ones own •

students t h oug h t fully shape their values and choices, realizing

range of these disciplines to gain an understanding of the ways in

Valuing •

in values, but in valuing. Pacific Lutheran University helps

much produced as acquired. It is a communal u ndertaking,

interaction wit" Others

relationships acknowledge and respond


in the Pacific Northwest and on the Pacific Rim, the university is


engagement and service in the world, and

from each uther. As important, PLU offers an education not only


2010, these values are fundamental, and they are inseparable

consider issues from multiple perspectives evaluate assumptions 'lnd consequences of different

defend one's own judgml"nts

... ro v ::::I "'C w

interconnected and mutually supportive. life of the mind,

perspeCtives in assessing possible solutions to p to b l ems

IQ C o

process, and the fo.l I owing thtee components that

every student al Pacific Lutheran University is expected to

.z::. a..


awareness of how difl-erent disciplinary methodologies are used,

>. .r:. 0.. o VI o

speci:dized work students undertake in their majors. An

liberal artS nd sciences and the in-depth knowledge of her/his

program of study, students begin the process of shaping not only a career, but more importantly a life of meaning and purpose.

their fIelds. Students write both formal papers and reports and informal notes and essays in o rder


master the content and

This genera l educa[ion, in which students grapple with life's most

me th od s of the various disciplines. rhey are encouraged to


prepJ.re important papers in m ultiple drafts.

ntal qu

rion s, is deepened and complemented by the

PLU 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 07

G E N E R A l

I N F O R M A T I O N RAPE tkgree - National Council on

Academic Program

PI'Ysicai EdllCariOrJ,

Pacifi Lu theran Univer5ity uses

Social Work - Council on Social Work Education

d 4- 1 -4 calendar, which. consists of tw 1 5-week sem ters bridged by a four-week Jan ua ry term . The January term's inrensivt, four-week formal is designed [0 offer stu­ dents a unique ped agogic:tl opportunity. It s up port s study away, in­ depth focllS on a single theme or topic, and the use of studen t-cen­ tered and active-learn ing ped agogi , The January term's i n tensive fOffi13t also s u p ports other pedagog iGtl actjvities that conrribute [0 building an intemional culture of l ea rn ing inside and outside the classroom. It offe.rs an opportunity for an intensive Firs t-Yea r Exp e ri en ct' Prog m that combines rigorous academic study with. co-curricular activities t hat erw th e goals of the First-Year Pr gram - thinkjng, literacy and community. Further, the January tenn offers the o ppor tu n i ty to orient stud e n t s to PLU's mission, suppOrt them in understanding how t h ey position themselves within the PLU community and [he world, and support t hcm as they e mb race their ro le as active citizens.

Coursc c redi t i co mputed by semester h.ours. The majority of COlll'5es are offered for four s e m este r hours. Each undergraduate deme candidate must comp\erc J minimum of 1 28 semester hours wilh an overall grade point average of 2 .00. Departments o r schools may set h igher grade p o i nt requirements.

Degree requirements arc specifica l l y stated in this catalog. Students are responsible for becoming familiar with these req ui re men t s and meering [hem.

Accreditation PacifiC L ut h e ran Univ.. r�ity is accredited by the Northwest

Commissi n on C oll c£es and niversities (8060 1 6 5 th Avenue uite 1 00, Redmond, WA 98062-39 8 1 ) , an institutional a redir i ng body recognized by th Council for Higher Ed uca t i o n Accred itation andlor the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education.

N '.

I n addition the foll ow i n g rogrll.t11 s hold specialized a creditations and app rovals : Business - The Assoc i at ion to Advance Col legiate Sch.ools of Business (AACSB In ternational) Chonistry

(including cert�fied BioLimnistry and Chemica! P/�ysics


- American Chemical Society

Compuur Scienu (BS) - Computing Accred itation Commis"ion of AB Edl#ariOtJ - National ,<luncil for the Accreditation of Teacher


MarriAgt and Family Therapy - Commission on Accredita ti o n for Marriage and Pamily rherapy Education of the American Association to r Ma rri age and amil)' Therapy Mwic - adonal Association of Schools of Music Nursing - Commi ion on <Zollegiate N u rs in g Education and Wash.ington State lI r5ing Ca Quality Assurance Commission

Accredi tation of eacher Education

A ny cu rre n t o r p ros p ec t i ve srudent may, upon request directed to the p resi den t 's office, review a copy of tht' documents pertaining to th.e unive rsi ty's various accreditations and a ppr oval s.

Enrollment 3,377 fu J I- t i me studen ts; 303 p a r t - t im e students (as of September 22, 2005)

Environs Located in suburban Parkland, PLU has a picturesque 1 26-acre campus. The uni versi ty's geographical se t ti n g affords students a

w i de variety of both recreational and cultural enterta i n ment options. Recreationally, th.e grandeur of the Pacific North.west encourages participation in hik i n g, camp i ng, climbing, skiing, boa t i ng and swimming. The two most notable natural features i n the

arc: Mt. Rainier and Puget Sound. The distinctive realm s of the Cascade and O l y mpi c mountain range.!> nd forests of Douglas Fir complete one of the most n a t ura l l y tranquil environments in the United a rea


Students can also enjoy the aes t h e t i c offerings of nearby Seattle and Tacoma. These city centers host a variety of performing and reco rding arts an d provide dozens of galleries and museums as well as unique s h o p pi n g dnd dining experiences.

::::I C ....


nJ C ::::I

Faculty 247 full-time teaching eq u i val e nt faculty; appro x im a te ly 58 part­ time facul ty. (tlS afSeptember 22, 2005, per fPEDS definitioll)

History Pacific Lutheran University was founded in 1 890 by a group of most ly N o rwegi an Lutherans from the Puget Sound are;L They were led by the R verend Bjug H a rst ad , who became PLU's first president. [n n am i ng the university, these p ioneers recog ni zed the important role that a Lutheran educational institution on th." Western frontier of A me r i c a could play in the emerging future of the region. They wanted [he instirution to help imm i gr a n ts adj u s t to their new land and find jobs, but they also wanted it to produce g rad u ates who would serve churcb and community. Education-and educating Fo r s erv ic ('-- was a ve ne ra t ed part o f the Scandinavian traditions from which these p ioneers came. Although founded as a university, the institution fUllcrioned pri­ marily as an academy until [ 9 1 8, when it dosed for two years. It

PlU 2006 - 2007


reopened as the rwo-year Pacific Lutheran College, after merging with Columbia College, previously located in Evererr. Further consolidations occurred when Spokane College merged with PLC in 1 929. Four-year baccalaureate degrees were first offered in education in 1 939 and in the l iberal arts in 1 942. The institution was reorganized as a university in 1 960, reclaiming its original name. It presently includes a College of Am and Sciences; pro­ fessional schools of the Arts and Communication, Business, Education, Nursing, and Physical Education; and both graduate and continuing education programs. I'LU has been closely and productively affiliated with the Lutheran church throughout its histoty. It is now a university of the Evangelical Lutheran Church i n America (ELCA), owned by the more than six hundred congregations of Region I of the ELCA.

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r:::: ::)

Many influences and individuals have combined to shape PLU and its regional. national, and increasingly international reputa­ tion for tcaching, service, and scholarship. A dedicated faculty and staff have been extremely important facrors. The school has enjoyed a strong musical tradition from the beginning, as well as noteworrhy alumni achievements in public school teaching and administration, university teaching and scholarship, the pastoral ministry, the health sciences and healing arts, and business. At PLU the liberal artS and professional education are closely inte­ grated and collaborative in their educational philosophies, activi­ ties, and aspirations.

Late-Afternoon, Evening and Saturday Classes To provide for the professional growth and cultural enrichment of persons unable to take a traditional college course schedule, the university conducts late-afternoon, evening, and Saturday classes. In addition to a wide variety of offerings in the artS and sciences, there are specialized and graduate courses for teachers, administrators, nurses and persons in business and industry.

Retention of First-Year Students The retention of enrering first-year students has been monitored since 1 972. The data for the past fifteen years art" presented i n the following table: FaLl


1 988 1 989 1 990 1 99 1 1 992 1 993 1 994 1 995 1 996 1 997 1 998 1 999 2000 200 1 2002 2003 2004


ofEllleritlg /',rst- Year Students To jUlliol' To Senior

To Sophomore Year



75.7% 80.9% 77.4% 8 1 .3% 79.9% 79.8% 78.3'H) 78.0% 84.3% 83.3% 80.2')'6 80. 1 %, 82.0% 80.6% 8:3. 1 % 82.0% 8 1 .5%

6 5 .4% 70. 1 % 66.0% 7 1 . 1% 73.4% 70.2% 67.8°/c) 67.4% 74. 1 % 74.8% 6 9 . 5 (Yo 69.9% 73.6% 70.6% 77.3% 73.2%

62.7% 66.0% 63.5% 67.9%, 68. 1 % 66.5% 64.8% 63.6% 69.7% 69.6% 66.5% 6 5 . 7% 6 8 . 1 ')-6 6 5 .4% 70.6%

G E N E RA L U N I V E R S I T Y R E Q U I R E M E N TS To implement the commitment to thl' general education ofall ofits

students, the IIllivenit)' provides a strong liberal arts base for all

baccalaureate degree programs through the program ofgeneral university requiremellts


AccordillgfJl all undagmduate

sflldents mllst satiIfocto1'i�y complete (/11 j·atisfj,


No course used to

one CUR may be used to sati-1,y another, exceptfor limited me

iii the Perspective


Diversity requiremmts.

Specific Requirements Baccalaureate Degrees



line 1 . The F i rst-Year Experience

The Examined Life: /11/0 Uru:ertainty alld Beyond The firsr-year program provide:; a supportively challenging context in which ro begin the quest for, and adventure of, a larger vision for life. University education is about more th,li1 skills; at PLU it is about lib­ erating students for critical and committed living. combining well developed critical capacities with compassion and vision for service in a multiculrural, ideologically plural world. In addition to orientation and advising programs, the first-year pro­ gram is composed of three requirements. One of rhe [Wo seminars must be taken in the student's [irst semester. First-year program requirements mu,t be completed during the srudent's Ilrst year. This requirement must be met by all students entering PLU with fewer than 20 Semester hours.


Inquiry Seminar: Writing

(four semester hours) - FW, WR

These semil1Jts focus on writing, thinking, speaking, and reading. They i nvolve writing as a way of thinking, of learn­ ing, and of discO\'ering and ordering ideas. Taught by facul­ ty froni the university's various departments and schools, these seminars are organized around ropics that engage stu­ dents and faculty in dialogue and provide the opportunity ro examine issues fro m a variety of perspectives.

Note: Credits earned by Advanced Placement-English and

International Baccalaureate-English do not satisfY this requirement, though they may be used for eleCtive credit. Students with officially transcripted college wriring courses, including those in \\fashington State's Running Starr pro­ gram, are eligible to enroll in the writing seminar for credit, or they may choose to use thei r previous credits to satisfY this requirement. B. I"qui ry Seminar 1 9 0 (four semester hours) - F

inquiry Seminars arc courses specially designed for first-

PLU 2006 - 2007

year �tud(:nrs. which will i nt roduce students



the methods

a course focusing o n rhe culmre


anJ ro pics of swdy within a particular academic discipline

or field. Inq u i ry Seminars also emphas ize the academic skills


that are at tbe cemer o f the First-ye:lf Experie nce Program.

of non-Euro­

a fo reign bngu'lge course nu mbered (not sign language) used


20 I



satisfY the en trance

Wo rking with other first-year swdents in a small-class set­

requirement, or completion through the fitst year

ting that promotes active, seminar-sryle learn ing, students

of college level of a foreign language (not sign

practice fu nda memal skills of literacy. t h i n king and commu­

language) other than that used

n i ry

foreign language enrrance requirement.


they operate with i n that particular discipline. In

add i tion ro fulfilling major and minor requ irements, an


satisfY the

(A foreign

language co mpleted through the second year of

I nquiry Seminar may ful fill no more than one CUR.

to simultaneously completion of a fo reign

college level may also be used

satisfY Oprion t, or a

C. First-Year January Term (four semester hours)

language through [he first year of col lege level

All fi rst-year sr udencs must enroll in a courSe during

II o f rhe Co llege of Arts and Sciences

In addition to fultdling c o u rse

rna)' also be llsed to s i m u l raneously satisfY Option


ma o r

J -te rm .

requirements [see below));

or minor req uirements, a

taken d u ri ng J-rcrm used


may fu lfill no more rhan one C U R.


ful fi l l this req uiremenr

c{ urse




requirement. The remJ.ining four hours must be a course


that d'1e5 not simulta neously fu lfill any other general uni­ versity requirement. These fo ur sem�rer hours may, howev­

requ i re me nt may be satisfied by any fo ur semester hours from

er, saris!)' a rcquirernenr in the major or minor.

TH 099), by CSCF. I J 5

or by IT T 23 1 . This requirement may also be satisfied by the co mpl [ion (with at least a B average) of the equivalent of

on Diversiry

courses may be used to fulfill another general universiry

lppropria tc- mC'thods to Ii rmulate and solve problems. 'rhis i


'lpproved semester-long srudy

Note: Fo u r seme5tcr hours of Perspectives

thematics or appl ications of mathematics, with

0') I o r


evaluated individually)

emphasis on numerical and l ogic a l reaso n ing and mamematic.> (except MATH

participation in

abroad program ChHl llary term programs are

line 2. Mathematical Reasoning (four semester hours) - MR



Transfer students entering



j u n iors

or seniots must


one Perspectives on Diversiry course (f<lU r semester hours)

years o f college ptepararory mathematics (through mathematical

at PLU that does nor simultaneously fu lfill another general

analysis o r calculus or equivalent) in high schoo l .

un iversity req uirement, or must show that rhey have satis­

I n fu lfi l ling the Math Reasoning Requiremenr, students with

fied both the Alternative Perspectives and Cross-Cultural

documen red disabilities will be given reaso nable accommodation,

Perspectives lines of the requirement.

c ::;, < it) ... 11'1

as determined b:, the Coordinator for Students with Disabi l i ties and the appropriate hcultr member i n consultation w i t h the stu­ dent.



Physica l Education (four semester hours) - PE

Four different physica.l education activity courses, including

PHED J 00. One h o ur of credit may be earned rhrough app roved (PHED 250). All activities are graded on rhe

Line 3. Scienc.e and the Sc.ientific Method (four semester hours) - SM

sports participation

A science course that teaches the merhods of science, illustrates its appl ications a.nd limitations. and incl udes a laboratory compo­ nent. At least one of the courses taken to meet this requiremenr,

or to meer me Core 1 , Line E requirement, must be i n [he physi­ cal ll r biological sciences.

AU students must complete four semester hours in an ap proved COUf. . .

F i rst-year students sarisfy t h is requ iremenr

rhrough the \'V'riting Seminar.



(1) ::;,

� 11'1

project, paper, practicum, or inrernship that culmi­

nates and advances the program of an acade m i c major. The end

product must be presCtlted


an open audie nce and critically

evaluated by faculty i n the student's field. With approval of the studenr's major department, interdisciplinary capstone courses such as the Global Studies Research Seminar may Fu lfill this


Line 8. One of Two Alternative Cores: Core I or Core II (Distributive Core) o r Core n (lnlernarioTl4i Core) as shown below:


Alternative Perspectives (four semester hours) - A A course that creates an awareness and understanding of diversiry in rhe Uni ted St�tcs, directly address ing

Core I: The Distdbutive Core (32 semester hours) A.

issues such as erhnici ty, gender, disab i l i ry, racism, o r

Cross-Cultural Perspectives (four semester hours) - ( A coutse that enha nces cross-cultural understandings through exa.mination o f other cul rures. This requ i remenr may be satisfied i n one

Arts/literature (eight semester hours, four from each line) - AR, LT 1. 2.



... it)


Line 5. Perspectives On Diversity (four to eight semester hours) A course in each of the fol lowing

line 7 . Senior Seminar/Project (two - four semester hours as designated by the academic unit of the student's major) - SR A substantial

Line 4. Writing Requirement (four semester hours) - WR writ i ng

basis of A, Pass, or bil.

Art, ivlusic, o r Theatre - AR Literarure (English or Languages and Literarures) - LT


of three ways: PlU 2006 - 2007

Philosophy (four semester hours) - PH Note: Logic courses do not fulfill this requirement.



Religious Studies (eight semester hours, only four allowed per line ) Biblical Studies R 1 1. Chrisrian Thought, Hisrory, and E perience 2.


The final 32 �mester hours of a srudenr's program must be completed in residence at PLU. No transfer credit may be applied during a srudent's final 32 hours in a degree program. ( pecial programs such as 3- 1 , 3-2 a.nd semester and January term exchange study are excluded trom this limitation.)

R2 3.

Integrative and Comparative Religiou. Srudies � R3

Note: Transfer

students entering as juniors or seniors must take four .semester hours of religion (from Biblical Studies - R l or Chri.stian Thought, Histor ' and Experience R2) unless presenting eight tra.n�fer semester hours of religion from orh r regionally accredited colleges or universities. Integrative and Comparative Religious Studies (R3) courses wil l not fulfill the general university requirement in Religiou.s Studies if transferring into PLU with a junior or senior standing.


Social Sciences (eight semester hours, four from each line) 5 1 , S2 1 . Anthropology. Hisrory, or Political Science - S 1 2. Economics, Psychology, Sociology, o r Social Work 5 2

major must be completed as detailed by each school or department. At least eight semester hours must be taken in residence. Departments, divisions, or schools may set higher residency requirements.


C ell

Grades for Major Courses All courses counted roward a major or minor must be com­ pIeced with grades of C- or higher and with a cumulacive grade point average of 2.00 or higher in those courses. Deparm1ents, divisions, or schools may set higher grade requirements .


V\ ..­

Academic Major A



Final Year in Residence




ell ...

Natural Sciences, Computer Science, Mathematics (four semester hours) - NS


No more than 44 semester hours earned in one department may be applied (L) the BA or BS degrees.

Cote II: The In ternational Core: Integrated Studies of the Contem porary Wo rld


(28 semester boors)

INTC 1 1 1 , 1 1 2: Origins of the Contemporary World (eight semester hours) 1 1 : Taken sequential ly during first year.


Four 200- level INTC courses ( 1 6 semester hours) 12: Normally tahn in the second and third years.


One 300-level INTC cOUrse (four semester hours) . 13: Normally taken during rhe junior or senior year.

General Requirements and Limitations All Baccalaureate Degrees: -

(Ali credit hDurs re[erruJ to in listings Dfrequirement! an hours.)

Correspondence/Extension Courses A maximum of 24 semester hours in accredited correspon­ dence or extension studies may be credited toward degree requirements, contingent on approval by the Registrar's Office. Liter:lture, philosophy or religion coum!s may not be taken through correspondence, extension, independenr .study or distance learning for credit.



Music Ensembles Non-music majors may not count more chan eight semester hours in music cn.sembles toward graduation requirements.



44·Hour Limit


Community College Courses A ma.ximum of 64 semester hours will be accepted by trans­ fer fmm a regionally accredited community college. All community college courses are transferred as lower-division credit.


• I .

1 0. Physical EdUcation Courses

Total Required Hours and Cumulative G PA A minimum of 1 28 semester hours must be completed with a grade point average of 2.00 (2.50 in the Schools of Business and Education).



No more rhan eight of the one-semesrer hour physical edu­ cation activicy courses may be counred roward graduarion.

Upper-Division Courses

CoUege of Arts and Sciences Requirements

A minimum of 40 semester hours must be completed from courses numbered 300 or above. Courses from two-year institutions are nor considered upper-division «:gardles of subject matter parallels (and regardle of major/minor exceptions). At least 20 of the 40 semester hours of upper­ division work must be taken at PLU.

In addition ro meeting the enrrance requirement in foreign lan­ guage (two years of high school language, one year of college lan­ guage, or demonstrated equivalent profICiency), candidares for degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences (BA, BS, BARec, BATE [excluding BAPE wirh certificarion]' and BSPE degrees) mu.sr meet Option I, I I , or III below.

P l U 2 006 . 200 7

Candidates for the BA in English, for the BA in Edu catio n with

a secondary teac hi ng major in English, for the BA in Global

Studies, for the BBA in i n rernational Busim:ss, and fo r election

ro the Arete Society must meet Option I .

Candidates for a BA in Music must meet College o f Arts and

Sciences requiremenr (Option I , Il) and take


elective in either v isual art, theatre or dance,

non - mu sic ans

(3) Courses offered through correspondence. on-line, and

independent studies are nor accepted ro fu L fil l the core

requirement in Litcrature, Philosop hy. or Religious Studies,

School, Department and S u bj ect Abb reviations

Option I

Completion of one foreign language through the �econd

year of col lege leveL This

option may also be me r by com­

pletion of four years of high school study in

one foreign lan­

guage with grades of C or hi gh e r, or by satisfacrory scores

on a proficiency examination administered by the PLU Departmenr of Languages and Literatures,




---� � -----------------






School of Business

Che m i,rry




Option II


Completion of one foreign language other man that used ro

cience and Computer E ngineering

satisfY dle foreign language enrrance requiremenr through

the first year of college level. This opt i on

c e

may also

be met

by satisfactory s o r s on a p roficiency examination adminis­


tered by the PLU Departmenr of La nguag s



OptiO', III

Completion of four semester hours in histo ry, li terarure, or



C\ (1) ::s (1)

Environmental Studies



�ducational Psychology

language (at the 20 1 level, or at any level in a language


other than that used to satisfY the fo reign l a nguag enrrance

requi rem e nr) in addition to courses applied


C ::I

the general

<: tD

university requiremenrs, and four semester hours in symbol­ ic l ogic , mathematics (courses num bered 1 00 or above),

computer science, or statistics in addition


... '"

co urscs applied

ro the general university requiremenrs, Cou rses used ro sat­

isfY either category of Option

I I I of the College o f ArtS and

ciences requirement may not also be used

un iversity requi re me nts.


satisfY ge neral

Option I. or completion of a fo reign language through the first

year of college level used ro satisfY Option n, may be used

simultaneously to satisfY the Perspecrives on Diversity



Mil itary Science



A course in A meri ca n Sign Language may be used to satisfY the

Alternative Perspectives li ne,





age and Family Therapy


M arri


Norwegian _ _______



-......-. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


tD :::::I

.... '"

ivision of N a t u ral cience


of Nur�ing

chool of Physic:-t.1 Education



Politic31 Science


Foreign language course(s) (excluding American Sign Language)






require men t,

may be us

= (1) ..c c:

Lan ",u ages and Literatures -,g

fore i gn language course numbered 2 0 1 or above used to satisfy



ivis ion o f H u man i r i s =- ,.:..:..;:....:�-::::";: - I n tern ational Core ::::--- hc ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

language Coursework and the Perspectives on Diversity Requirement A


H isto ry

to satisfY rhe Cross-Cultural Perspectives line (see

. candinavian

ign Language School of Arts and Communication

Understandings Regarding All Requirements ( 1 ) Cons ul t particular departmental sections o f the catalog for

derailed specificarion of courses rhat cou n t for these

ocial Work

requi re me n rs ,

(2) For those lines of the general university requirements which refer to academic disciplines or unirs, selecred courses outside

�nish __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ ���� d t l a io i::.; c E ===::-___==' $p i:..� ,, c:.:. :l ..: ::.;:.::. u;;,;;.::..;:.:. n:._________ ______ ._ SraListics STA

those units may counr fo r rhe requirement when app roved both



university requirements,


W� itin

by the u nits and by rhe commi ttee overseeing the general


PlU 2006 - 2007

Women's and

e nd e. r

i '-- - ,-

S(lldies -----


Courses That Meet Universjty-wide

PH ED 3 1 0:

Socioeconomic Infl u ences on Health


PHED 3 1 S :

Body i mage

I'SYC 375:


Fresh man Wri ti ng Se m inar (.:.: FW '-'-)'-__________ Inqu i ry " emi nar ( F ) internatio nal Core (I I )

In ternational Core 200-uvd (12)

[i��;:;;re (Cr)

ore 300-!

lind a nd Women and Philosoph, (4) P ycho[o�y o f Womcn (4)

P H I l 220:

Alternative Pets )cctiv (A) An, MusIC, or T h ea t re' (AR) Cr 55- ultur..a:l Pers::,p.:.: (,!,":. · t=-i.::: v.:.: e�,. ('= �=)�__________

PSYC 405: R:ELT23 :

REI J :3 5 1 :




h urch


Social rroblems (4)

Pracricing Anthro pology:

u l tu re Pa. t and Present (4)

ANTI-! 23 -:-0: ---�oplcs of" [ h�n hwes t




-'') -_ -:-_______ America (4 -::Native American H ea lt (4)


1 he Anrh ropology of Co ntempo rary


NTH 338:

ANTH 34 1 :





_____ : .... _

u1tu r e (4)

ulr ural D iscov ery in Hawa.ii (4)

:.,: A7NT =:-:-: H � o,6:-: : 0,,: __-:£thn ie Gro LipS


M an agi no Cultural Diversit' (2) ___ � t� and _o mm u n io n:_''( 4-'"::; �i,, - a� ) __ _ :::: � Multlculrural i ues in the Iassroom (4)

ANTH 36 1 :



CultutCS and Peoples of Native North



MA 303:

ED UC 205 :

i c-:E� NG :,--'L 21 ..:.. 7:ops -i� Litcram re: Emphasis on : --"" -r.


) ______ Alternative Pc rs,,pe ..:..C_ . I:,_ 1' v..:. c...c . (.:.,; 4 '-

=:-::-;;:..:c::;.: : '--:. __ \'Vome n's

Literaturc (4)

� "_'_ . __ re (4;..:. )_ Femi n is t A proaches to I i ter� tu:.::. � A m�ric..1n Ethnic Lirerntures (4) �--�--(4 � H� 26 E:..: E� �:___�B .:.:2 �i g F3t U � ·a � �)------�---------:: D HEED 365: p.:.: crc:.i:c. e n.c;c.;:. e-'.(4 ) ______ The Aging Ex":


H::: ' ST ;..: O..;: 5.;.. :_ . __..::.c Slave ry in t e Ameri c as (4) :::-= :=, 3 5 7 : ::.H TST lV --;-i can , mcrican History (4)



l- l isro ry of Women i l!..!!le Un itcd Srates (4)


Holocaust: Desrruction

H I Sl 360: _____


[NTC 23 1 :

iNTC 247:

NU RS 3 5 :

Eu ropean


H I ST 160:


of rhe

(4)._ -:-;- :--_ __ --; � -:-:-: of the West and No rthwest (4 )

Sex uali . ' and

he Cultur

-� � � u l w ra ll '


We lfan:



Culture (4)

of Racism (4)


'� , � -� -

n 'rue n t H eal th Cart' (4)


January on

Socie[}' _�


20 1 :




The Latino E�eri � nces in U . S . (4)

4) with is a b i:l;.i:.:: (..:. t i:;:: es<-' _ __ _ =--=I n troJ;;� tion to Wom-;;-n's and G e nder

Indi�id uals Studies (4)

Art, Music, or TlJeatre - AR


ARTD 1 60 :


ARTD iS 1 :

H i -ro rX. of \�c.:�ern A r t:.. 4!... ).:. _ U..:c ...= (:. .. ___ D· ig0u t0am c!: ta l s (,4 ...:!... ) :-.. .,...,..,-

-,-::=::---,0: H

Alternative Pn-spllctives - A

ANTH 334:

G��d� J, :l.nd

I n troduc ri on [0 Social \Vork :lnd . oc -I al:---


Sociology (S2)




Writing (\V R _� ) ___

Languaae (4)

----�Famiiies in t h�iL:l.S (4)

SPAN 34 1 :

Social Sciences. Line 2, h on omics, Psychology, Social Work or


American Society (4)

so ,W 1 7 5 :


A.,1'\J TH 333:

H isrory S r udics-l(..:. 4,) _________

Femin i s t and Wo manist Theologies (4)


Science and S ienrirIc Met h o d (_ S_ M ) ___ .,..:,..,,-


· T h co l�L��:!.)-,. .,--_____


Religi o n . Lin e _ (R2) Religio n , L ine 3 ( R3)



�::::-:-"-�___ o ics i n�P�E!lt i ve Rel igc.:. i o:.n.:... :. >... .: ) _ . __ (: 4:!... :;;.:-:=-:-:-=-::._ ...:-' __� ig "" La _ ...:.. ng u a ... ge _ ' c,. (4.)".________ S"' n:... ..-::

vel (13)


(2 or 4)

Major Thinkers, Text, Genres (4)

RELI 357:

(R l)_ , _____________

ANTH 1 92:


Theological Srudies (4)

RELl 3 5 4 :

Philoso ��!:!:f) _


_ .. _

Native American Rdi ious Traditions (4)

REL l 2 5 7 :-----: rhC :::is � m.;1

(_ ) ___________ P_'-Pnysical Education Act iv i t) ,I...,-'.


. Body (4)

\Vork.>hop on Alternative Perspectives

,_"(_ M R_ ) Mathematical Rcaso n i nS _ _-! --=antral Sciences, Mat hematics, or C om p ut er S cie n <:!: J ,... N _-,S )___

Rel igi on !.. LIne i


H ealin g Am of' t he

P H E D 362:

Abbreviations used to denote courses meeting GUR requirements

fn ternatio nal

in America (4)


1 8 __ _ i s rory oi Wesl ._ -::�


1 96:

ARTD 226:

Black and Wh i te

ARTD 230:

Ceramics I (4)

ART0 2S0:

ARTD 326:

The AIr o f the Bo..::. o:.::. k.;:. 1� ( .:.!. 4 )_______ SCLllpture n (4)




D .36 5 :


rawi ng l4. L ________

l'a i nring .;... 1 -'.. ( 4:.c );-:-; _______ l:7 :--


ARTD 370: AI TD 387:

(4 )

Phorog�Eh :..,(i:"-)_________

' o lor

ARTD 33 1 :



Ceram ics 1 1 (4)

ARTD 330:




:.)� .! ________ f n terr:,tedi:u_ D rawi ngJ 4 D· iR.':._� : oncepts (4)

ARTO 2%:


f t 1 (4)________

Sculptuf ' I ( 4)





�ial To i c i ::,.;... (.. :,.. r.::. n to 4 'A=. l :!... ·l. .;..: :...:.::. ).. _____

A-;:: -;R:-;:1:: : -7::':- -:_ :- _--;:;:tLI.9 i cs

Des i g n :

i n Art H i� to ry (4) raE hies j (4)

;;;g:o l ust.;;o--;;(c.::.4!...)�-_-______

.c:.:::'=:-=-::..:..c ---;:; D:-'r·aw

Electronic I maging (4) Ceramic I I I (4)

t i nj;J1. 0 A ac... __--;P _ R__ ;'in _ . ...,; �)'-;-;-:-__ - _ ARTD 470: 4,-: ,) _ _;-; _____ Printmaki ng,-, I-:,(-, -;-:. .. .__ 4 8.Z.: _. ____ S r e_c ial To pi cs in A rt � _ T_ D _ _. . _ _. --:;� pecial I'rojecrs/l ndependent Study (2 or 4)

4 § 2..:..:

(Lro 4)_

2� :o c.:. r_4 :.)_ .:. _____ Design : Work'\hop (:.:

n r h c World (4 ) i ai -. -""7 ed : =____�;M-=-:-:';:;'l_ntr04u crio n to Dane (4) :;:::--::---: ----;ln r rod uc r j 0n


H is tory of Jazz (4)

� � -------

P l U Z 006 - 2 007



Understandino M usic through 1y1�I.?_d'y (4)___



M U S I I 06:

M US! 1 1 1 : M US 1 ! U: MU

I 1 1 5:

M US! M US l

1 1 6:

1 20:

The Arts of China (4) Mus i c of Scandinavia (4� )______ Mu� ic fu ndamemal;- f ( 2) Mus ic Fundamen tals U (2),______ I n r rod uc tion [Q Ke ,board i n " ( I ) B as i Keyboarding ( I )



Music a n d Culture (4)


1 24 :

MUSI 1 25 :

(1 ) Keyb o:udi ng 1ii iY Theory I (3) ---E l� r Training I ( I )

· ·· ----


· ---· �-


·· ·- · ·



....:_ , :I3 ::..:-,=-'-- _l'rivate Instruction (A - I , B - 2, C - 3 or 4) _ tlJ oc--,2 1 9_A M U S 1 223: I'heory I I (3) td US ! 224: Jazz Theory Laboratory ( I ) M USI 2 2 5 : Ear Traini ng I I I ( 1 ) M U S I 226: Ear T raining IV ( l ) M US1 234: lvl 5 1 327 A, E, : Com osition (A - I , B - 2,. C - 3 or 4) l\<\uSI33 ' : -=-�us ic H is to ry I I ( 3 ) _____ MUS1 3J11.: 29th-Cen tu ry Music (2Lrv!USI 3 6: ) _ M akin"g ,I..:l\....:1:... u.:.,: si . "' i:..;;.(:..:'-- _______ Analrz:ing Music (3) MUSI 337: 3.:... Researchingl...:.M;:,,:.u;,:. s,;..: M U S ! 338: ic....:(.:. ).: ________ M U S I 340: Fundamentals of Music ·ducation (2) ) ________ C o nd LLctin g 1 ( 1 '-MUS! 34') : M U 11j6: C()nduct �. �� L1".)_ .!.. _______ Electro n ic Music Pracricum ( 1 ) M US r 349: MUS! 3 '5 1 : Accompan L yi:.. nJ;l ._ .. _______ . .. .:(..:I.:). g I.:... ti_ ro o_ M U. I 3 5 2 : n_(,_ n_l_ m-,q..ri£.a_ __ \'i._ s a_ ) ______ l\iI U S I 3 5 3 : 010 Vocal Literarure ( 2 ) . M USI 354: His tO ry of Musical Thearer (2) m Diction I ( l ) .'vI US1 355: D icti o n I T UL ___ ______ MUSt 356: Early 'lusic Labo ram r.dJ.:. )_ .. ____ M USI 358: _ _


_ . .... __ _ _


M:.,: U ""S1 =--'l:.:; 2...:., l :... .· __ . -:K9'b oa rdi!;gJ

M USl l 22 :

4 30: Piano Literature I.:..:. :) ________ (..: I!.43 1 : Piano Literature I I ( l ) MUSI 4�L{5:___C (l )_________ --=.c>.rld ll.':t� lflg_.'-"-'Conductin I V ( I ) M S I 446: Pi;;;o Pedagogy 1 m MUS1 45 1 : M US I 4 5 2 : I_ . m _ P iano Peda g() "' ( I..:. gy '·_ l :.. . )_ .. ____ _ (:...c l. )________ Vocal T M u S i453:" .:.: e.= d:;;; ag:t.:0.., gy '--'. Introduction to Theatre (4) TH ,A 1 60: --H�t;;[ : ;;f Ar.��� i�FiT� ( 4 ) THEA 1 61 : TH EA 1 63: . !-1 i srl1[X of Foreign Film (4)______ Vo ice 1- Vo ice and Articulation (2) THEA 220: ( 2)'-TH EA 222: D= ialects Voice I I . Stag�":::"; =� ----THEA 230 : Movement I ( 2 ) TH EA ?}5 : ___ . i\;�()\,c m � r:rI Ij ?_ )_ _ THEA 250: Acting I - Fundamentals (4) TIfEA 2 5 ?� . _ �e Tech no logy (4) TH A 270: Dramatic Literature (4) A�t�g}I - Scene�� "" (4;' c.)______ Di�}2.0: Lighting Design (4 ) TH 355: THEA 359: �ti.n.g for the No n·Ac:: w:..:[�(c:. 4)L-____ THEA 450: Acting 1 I I - Shakespeare (4) THEA 453: Costume Design (4) THEA 4 5 5 : S cen ic Des i gn (4) Creative Dramatics (4) TIfEA 458: ) eo T-hl--(-" l lnFto-es i"HEA 4C;0: 1 1� S;n�"l� App;;-;:hry 4 n- IEA 470,Play Direction (4) M US I

_ _








_ _




US1 360:


U_niversitv horale ( 1 ) _ M 1 _U S .I ...::. 3 ..6:.__ 1... :___....: __ :-=:-=:-=-:,.::..=.:. ..::- ___.:.: l:..: i n:. i:..:. \.' c:. ..: fS::,: .:; i;;;,. [)' Men's Chorus ( I ) _____ U n i vers i ry Singer5 ( 1 ) �hape l hO:.:, i r__C.:.,; ! :. ) .,-....-. _______ _ -:--=� __ -.2£era Wo rkshop \..�L. ._______ niversi t y Choral Union ( I ) M US t 36 : Musf.37ii-=:-�;i\'�r�i t ;w i;:�d-h·s-�;;; b(�·(11 . _-= MuS1 37 1 : Universit Concert Band ( 1 ) ______ University Jazz Ensemble ( I ) M U , I 375 : M USI 376 : Jazz E.tlsc.mble ( I ) MUSl 378: Vocal Jazz Ensemb le ( I ) U n iversity 'ymphony Orchestra ( I ) M U S 1 380: .,lv-:-: ! :l'-::::S,-3 ) _ 1 : ___Cham�er Ensemble .c.(.:.,; I _8_ 1 :... ..-. ____ iV!U 1 3 8 3__ ,: __-.P_iano Ensemble ( I ) ...; ,;: MUSI 3", Intensive P"e-r1ormancc Stuay: 90 : Ensemble Tou:. )_________ r '(... 4'-'. MU I 3 9 1 : I nte n s ive Performance Study: Conserv;Iwry Exper:iefl_c�.c. (.:.!. 4 )--_ -,- __ 4: .: MUSI 395. 396. 397: Music ).::. _ C nters of the \X_..':·o:.:..r,l"' . . ___ :d....(;. _e M US I 40 1 A, B, C to 4 1 9A, B. ; Private Instruction: (A - I , E . 2, C . 3 or 4) MUSI 4 2 1 A , B, c:-Ad�'anced" Keyboard S k i l l s (A · I , B . 2 , -c-,-- _ � ' _ 3 or 4) _ -C M US I 42 iA, E, __ C : Adva;:;�d Orchestration/Arra�gi;�g ' - �, B . 2, C ..::1 or:-4.:.)_ .:, _____








< ttl

Cross-Cultural Perspectives - C

'Students ma), meet the Cross· Cultural Perspectives requirement by taking a 201 or higher.level course in the language used to satis/j< the admission requirement, or eight credits ill t/i/Othcr language.



_. .

Choir of the: We.<;c ( I )

. ._ ._-.-

c: :::J


lntto to Human 'ulturaI Divers itz (4) Glo"b:JPe;;p��ci·����� . ?-rl�I�c,::h.a!1ge (4)_ . AJ'\JTH 336: People of Llrin America (4) The Anthropology of Africa (4) ANTH .'3 40: Pacific Island Cul tures (4) ANTH 342: ANTH 343: East Asian Cultures (4) Contem o rar ' China (4) AN H 34 5 : Women a nd M en in Wo rld Cultures (4) ANTH 3 5 0: ANTH 352: The Anthropolo&..�L��� ,--___ Anth r�ol<?gy and Med.iaj�._ 5 5 : �"!I!il --.:I.he �rch�ology of Ancient Empi��� (.4) ANTH 370: ANTH 375: Law, Politics, and Revolution (4) A N T!-1 }82�" .--' S i�k��� �ss� H;:;hl(4) Marriage, Family, a n d Kin,hip (4) �!:i.._ H 3 8 5 : ANTH 392: �ods, Magic, and Morals (4) CHIl 1 0 1 , 1 0 2 ' : Ele l11e ntary Chinesd4. 4)'--______ Cl-iI2-0T�i;�·lnt�r�ediate hi;;-�e (4. 4) ' H I N 2ii:· - --Appreciate Things C l;-;'-' n"-es-e-'' C4) ----CHIN 27 1 ( 1 90): China through F i l m (4) CHIN 30 1 , 302 * : Composi tion and Conversation (4, 4) CHIN -.3ZL: . . . c,:: h inese Literatme i n Translation (4) Urban Culture in China (4) CHS"P 250: CHS P 356: - - Chinese C ult u.e and S oc i e ty (1) . cOMA 304:---1 n terc�iturai --;;�;;;;;i�ati;�� (4) ---E �ON 333:- -- E�;";�;;;;;c Developmen�: C;;;:;:;parativc Third World Strategies (4) l opic: ,ommuni t ics Promoting Peace: The - NGL 2 1 3 : Church, The Schools, and the Arts (4) ANTH 1 02: Al'\JTH 2 1 0:

PlU 2006 - 2007



3 ttl :::J






C ross-Cu l tural

REL1 232;

ENGL 2 1 6:

Fiction: em phasis on

ENGL 2 1 8 :

T pi

ENG L 34:3 :

Voices of Di ve rs i ty : Post-Colon ial Lirerature

FREN 1 0 1 , \ 024:

Elememary 'rench (4,4)

Perspecriyes o


RELI 233: RELl 234:

, South Afr ican Drama (4)

ENGL _ 23 3, :___�()�t-CoL<:I��aI Lit rarure (4) ",_ and Theory (4)

FREN 20 1 ", 202': ln re rm diute French (4, 4) REN


22 1 :

30 1 ' ,

FREN 3 2 1 "!

French Litera mrc a n d Film

302 ' :

FREN 34 1 :

AmEricas (4)

French La ngu age and Caribbean

Culture J.. n Mart:: ( 4::.. )__--: i n.:..;.iqlu::.;e;.-':' __ -:---:-:Masterpieces of Fren ch L!tc rar ure (�.: 4_ )__ . _

0 1 ' , ) 02 ' ; Co m po ition 2!.1d Conversation (4, 4)

( , 4)

Advanced Composirio;:; ��nd Con*r.sation (4)


GERM 4 2 1 ' ;

German Literature Fro m th e Enl i gh t en m e n t


GERM 422 ':


(II ..


to Real ism

e rm a n

Litcrarure (4)

1 02': Elememary Greek (4, 4-") " ,-______ .,.. ,.. G REK 20 I , 202. ' : I ntermediate Gree....: k..., (_ 4 l_______ 4._-' East A s i an Societies (4) H I ST 1 09 :

GREK t O l ,

H IST 2 U 5 :

Islamic Middle Ea;t


�lobal Perspectives, The W rld in Change (4)

HIST 23 1 :

Wo rl d Wa r II in China an d Japan,

HIST 232;

Ti ber in Fact and Piction (4)

2 1 5: H IST 220:

Modern Latin American Hist()ryj_ ... _ 4:... ) _

1 93 1 - 1 94 5 (4)

y m ral Ame r ica t� �(4::..)----­ . l ) h� i� � ar C'� e� h� � �d � ���------� __ H lST 33 6; -::: S o: u r h e rn Africa (4) Latin American H is tor :

_ _

H I ST 337:

The H istory of Mex i co (4)

H lST 3

Revolution ary

� 1 33 : HI



H IST 344;

HlST 496 :

INTC 2 4 5: I NTC


LANG 272:

L ATN 1 0 1 , C02 ' :

Modern Chin

Modern Japan


na -'(4 ""J_______ h._i_


he Andes in Latin American H isr ry (4)_

Se m i n ar: The Th i rd World�

Hi tOry and f'er.pecrive on Developmenr (4)

Cases in

) _ hi,0 W,? r ld Development \_ 4__

Li tera t ure and


(4 )


Elemenrary Lat i n

SPAN 20 1 " 20 2 ":

SPAN 23 1 :

SPAN 30 1 ",

S PAN 32 1 ' :

PAN 33 1 ;


40 1 " :

1� 27 SPAN 4� · :----�����·�������--S PAN 422':

SPAN 423'*,


Mod rn Wo rld Histo!1:. (4) _ . _.,...".___

HI T 33 5 ;

SPAN 1 0 1 , 1 02 ' :

1 94 5 (4)

HTST 2 1 0:

H I S'[

RELl 247:

S C1 3 1 0:

GERM 3 2 1 ". 322-: Ge r m an Civiliz:ltio n to [7 c (II

ial Change in Latin (4, 4)

Freshl1UIn \Vriting Sem;lUlr - FW

I nquiry Seminars Wtiring (4)

WRIT 1 0 1 ;

bUJuiry SnnilUlr

MUSI 1 20A. B,

IVl usic and

Courses t h a t meer t h is requiremenr are indica red in the Class

lntenUltional Core - II, l2. 13 Inr mational Core; INTC 1 1 1 :

RW 30 1 ": NO RW 302":

International Core: IOO-le

I N TC 2 1 1 ;



Courses - 12

y Co�n:porary _�yorld (4)

l\ventieth Cen t u r Origins of the


i. ;ender,

Cul ture (4). __ ...-, -:-,...::--

a � (4)

For War and Pe c

Scxuaiiry, and

To ics in Gender (4)

ulru'; ("4' ) -.--

I;:;;'aging rhe Self (4)� 1 �.1 �gi� the World



En ergy, Reso urces. and Pollurion (4)

onversati?_r:...� �d Co mposi t i on (4)


..:.=.;_-=P...::.0Eula[io� . ,_ Hl1ng��, and P?� erCJ.: (4)

Adv a nced Conversation and omposirion (4)

__ Ic.. 3_ 2_ .· ____ T_ h_ e_ R _ e_Ii!a ions of E<lsr Asi a (4) I_

Discove!) . ,....:(_ 4'-. ) _____ L

The E x per ie n ce of War (4)

Elementary Norwegia.n (4, 4)

The Reli ions of Sourh Asia ( 4)

y and

A ur h o rl t

P ros

O ::,;l t i.:'��g�I Jsrem � (4) . __-= car =!p rn C:,:0:.: 1 :_ 3:-: :,.: ::::� LS P-::-:: ,:: The Middle East (4) POLS 386 :

R LI 1 3 1 '

of rhe Modem World - I I


NUR ::-;;2-;,-;� S 3 9:,,5:... ; __ C u l:.: r ucre - an c:. d.:: H eal r h in Jamaica (4) --::.:;:"" ; :::-::' -:-: Global Pe r'pecti s: 'nIt Wo rld in Chan� p LS 2 1 0 ;



1:_c...: a nd Nc... L ib T :: Power I� ...,::: .t}' cT::-. =.::.: ::.:. ::.:. :::... l .:..:2 : ..:.. ....: �

NORW 20 1 ' , 202': Int rmediate Norwegian (4, 4)


190 - F

S ch ed ule .

TN 20 1 ' , 202", I n te rmed ia re Latin (4, 4)

NORW 1 0 1 , 1 02':


_ _ _ _ _

SOCW 325:


GERM 40 I ' :

-:-:�:..:::...: �=..:.::.:.!... .-".. ...

: _ 23 5 _ : : RELl 2 37:

of the

20th- enrury French Li teramre (4, 4)___ .Elem entary G e r ma n ( 4 , .______ GERM 20 1 ", 202 " : I n r e r me di a te Germ; n (4, 4)



-� � � � -----

�o nservati o n a nd Sustainable

_____...,:::. D e,:...: .::. 'e..:.. lo::.. p ment I N TC 244:


(4) ..

olonia.1 I



INTI_ 245:

History and P rspecrives on

INTC 246:

Cases i n Deveio mcnt (4)

I NTC 247:

PLU 2006 - 2 007

....'-.:... --

DcvdQpmenr (4)

TheCuj�ur;; ;;f Racis�



INTC 248:


�C 249� : __

IN C 2 5 1 :

In wrnational Core: 300-level Cour INTC 326:


- I3

The Quest for Gl obal Justice: Systems and Real i ty

(4 ) _ _ _ _ �:- :- �::;-;--;--;--;- --;-;:;Personal Co mmi r m- n ts, lobal I ssues (4)

C 329: Litt!rlUU rt


- LT

34 1 :

he Latino Experiences in the

Masterpieces of Spanish Lit racute (4)

S PAN 423:

Special To pics in Spanish Li teratu re and

, PAN 422:

20th- en[U��rature of Spain




1 4 : __ I!N - L 2...:.. ,:..:. ENG I.. 2 1 : :.:..:, '-, ----;::: EN L 2 1 6 :


CultUre (4)

SPAJ 43 1 :

4Latin American Lilerarure. 1 492- 1 888-(-

and Culture (4)


: -25 0;,...

ENGL 2 1 3:

. . (4)

S PAN 42 1 :

c ":-..

C H I N 37 1 :



Scandinavian Literature in the 1 9 th and 2 0 t h Centuri ' :, ( 4 '- -;-:-_-:�-.._ :C') --:_;_ n �325 : ---:I:...:. od ...:. -;-u-ctio� �_;;_ Hispanic Li te rary tUdi -;-; (4)

SPAN 432: __--' 20th-O:ntu Latin American _....;,..." S PAN 433: Special Topics Larin American

CLAS 23 1 ;


SCAN 422:





Mathematical Reasoning - MR CSCE 1 1 5 :

ECON 343:

MATH 1 0 :

�H 1 07:

C L 2 1 7:

MATH I l l :


__ __

MATH 1 1 2:


MATH 1 1 5:

Literature (4)

MATH 1 23 :

Masterpieces of Eu ropean Literatute (4)

MATH 1 2 8:

\'V'om n's Literature._'-. ( 4.!... :) --:-;-:-_

P�0�;r Dteratur :.: 4,,-; ) ,--_____ e�c( ..:

Environmental Lit raturc (4)


MATH 1 4 0:

Trailitions in Li��7�[�4Y-

·�::"'::''':''':� :'': --'= Bc..: ri':' ti'''; ':sh :-: l1 ;'r:;: a� i t-:d::ions in Literature (4)

hake�(4� )= = = = ________ � Chil dren's Lireratur (4) HH_


peci;J fopic!> in Children's Literature

Fairy Tale an d

anta!> (4

F�inist Approaches to Literature

��;:-:;�-=---- -� O":ic :': sc:. o'c fr iy e':� �e:-: si : ty: Post-Colonial r:::D

ENGL 3'i2:

Enolish Renaissance Literature (4 );,...__

NG L 367:

GL 37 J : L 372:

ENGt 373:


ENG L 428:

ENG '4 I ;



FREN 22 1 :

F EN 42 1 :

REN 422:

FREN 4'31 :




42 1 :

G :RM 422: LAN

27 1 :

LANG 272:

SCAN 24 1 ; ' SeA

34 1 ·



= E"': 6:-:_: N = G":"": -L 3--= E


Cha� er (4)

GL 353:


)_ _____ Literature and Th= 0:.1 I'}:. ' 0..: (.,. 4:.!. En I i h �dieyal Lite�ture ,-;:-

GL 35 1 :

ENG L 36 1 :


�t� and


1 8 th-C��ryTiterarure (4 )

Roman tit. and Victorian Literature (4)

20th-Century Briti h Lilt:ratur�' �·teraru re, 1 820- 1 920 (4)

tudi - in America.n

--20ili-C;';t-WY- A.tn:�rican Poerry(4)--20th-O: nrury American Fiction and Drama (4)

American Ethnic Literarur

Seminar: Critical Theory (4)

Seminar: Author (4)





J\1ATI-I 253:

MAT H 3 1 7: H 33 1 :

MATH 34 1 :

MAT H 342: MATH 348:

--� ..:..., E-;-;MAfH 35.1 : -....:,; Di� ential quat-:-ffer.:..:. ions (4);-----M ATH 3 - 6 :

--F 'ren chLiterature and Films of the

MATH 4 5 5 :

STAT 232:



-fAT-342: STAT 34 3 :

20th-Ce.'ltury French Lireratu�e...(4 )___ � 20th-Cen tury 'French Lite tUre (4)

STAT 348:

es of French �Ire (4) _ _ _ ;...Masrerpie es of French Literature (4)

i C'

German L t rature hom the

Literature and


Li t�ra-turc and �,al



STAT 344:


Realism (4) 20 th-Ce ��y German literatUre (4)


od rn Europe

-hange i-;- Latin


America (4) -- � �d" i= n'v .!. i a.. F:n-:: a'-: lk -;o(-;: S o-;;l4);--re-; _ _ _ -,-___ T9.Pic in Scandinavi�!l j..i rerarurc: (4)




Abstract Algebra

(i )

:-_ _ __

01 vi ng ( 1 )

..,. I'D


I'D :::I .... VI

Math e ma tical Analysis (4)

MATH 48 0: To ics in Mathematics ( I to 4) ':-�-'------;:;--;i �4 y -�1:':CL":'::-;'-" "':";::': 13 ��:"' :S� ': "A 1 :::':"""-- n tro duc to r tat sti )

STAT 34 1 :

Amer icas (4)


·.:..:,: MA T .:,:.. :,.:H ..:.3-::8.::. ...:: 1 '-: --:: e.minar .in S,...

MATH 433:




MATH 32 1 :

I n troductory Statistics for Psychology

Majo rs (4)

I n t roducrory tatistics for Sociology/Social Work Majors (4)

Introduction to MathemaricJ.1 Statistics

(4) (4)___ _____

Probabil iry and Statistical Theory perations Research (2)

Econometrics (4)



Applied Regression and Analysis and AN OVA (4)

Natural Sciences, Mathematics, or Computer Science - NS

A lab that carries 0 semester hours BIOL 1 1 1 :

is associJ.ted with this G UR .

Biology and the Modern Wo rld

L" ic..c o "" s:,:. i v::::. 5:... B I 0 L 1 1::,. _....:D =..:.:, : _ .. <!r:,: ity : L.:: .f =.c fec. ( 4...:. )

PlU 2006 - 2007



S i aL

1 1 6:


_ . · cologYJ�) -:"'--:-7'--:-:II Biology (4)

Pri nciples of Biology I :

Principle,) of Biology I I : Organi�mal Biology (4) In troctucror , M icrobiolo , ( 4) Human Anatomy ,tad


Human Anatomy and Physiology I I

Principl ·s

of Biology

_ _


111: Ecology, Evulution

. and D i ve rsity (4) -- Natu ral History of V��t�b rates (4) A n i mal BehavIOr (4) rn i thology (4)

M icrobi ology ( 4:..c ) � Enromology ( ) Genetics (4)


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

E NT 1 04 :

(-;E" s



G EOS 1 .02: �EOS 1 03 :

Conservation of Natural Resou.rc

) ,-:( 4.:..

_ _

Meteorology (4)


_ _ __ __ __ __ __ _


0" QJ Ir >-


B I OL 448: Bf

. .

Sed i men raei 0 n (4)

Paleonrol9gy ( 4-'. ) _ ( 4--'Metamorphic Per ro�_ ' :.,. )__-------­




_ _ _ . _ _ _ _ .,.,--

-=..:� : :,...;:;..:. .::. � . ---.:. Iv.:lap.s: ::.

Images of the Earth (4 ) Maps: Comput-er-aided Mapping and

C H EM 1 05 :


_ _ _

_ ._

�o-::-::-:=":'-::':::' -----:;: - era tigra phy and

1 1 5:

-:::-:=-=-::� :-:-


G EOS 33 4 :


._� ,::?lys is (� _-;-:-

_ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __

Jiy9.E�g.:_o logyJ�)____ Geophysics (4)

' EOS 3 3 5 :


QJ >

Marine Geology (4)

GEOS 3 5 0 :

GEOS 3')0:

C �


rip i. !L __ ,-----,-______ G oloaie B"ld l'v!a i na ( 5 ) _c"-'

GEO�_4,--1_ S_ :

G [ O S 49!l:

_ _ __

Semi nc. )__-=a--,r ( 1-'.



MATH 1 07:_____...E-1athematies. Explo rati ons (4):...-

QJ C QJ (.!'

i ATH 1 1 1 :

I n troduction to Resean:h

In. trumenral Analysis (4)




Advanced Organic Chemistry he m is t ry ( ) Po lyme rs and B iopolymcrs

a_ ." I_ I l<:)r_<L'1i�_

_ _




S lve It With the Computer (4)

ompllleri'Zed [nformation Sy�tems

I n troduction


l'.nginee:.i. ,::a


_ __ _

-=�:-:::-7i -

A r t i fi c i al \ mel l igencc (4)

Programming Language Concepts (4)

n:.::: a".: n A .;" ::: l o,"! g ,--:E ::;.I::. e::.: c· r.:.: ro c: ::.i=-: c: (iL D igital Electro n ics (4)

_ _ _


_ _ _ _ _ _ _

n2 a:.:: n: ( 4 a:: :.::: . e:.::: :.:) :: :.::� r io l d.::. m :.: - i :.::: :d".::.::: :g� Ii:.::n� � 0d �.:: M � Database Iv!anagc:' m enr (4)

_ _ _ _ __ __

_ _ _

_ _

-=-;;:;::-::7'---- Algorithms. Mach i n es. and Grammars (4) Asse mbly Language and Organization (4)


.. _


_ _



MATH 1 40:

� A nalvtic Geom�tJy and Fu nc t ions ( 4 )

l'viA H 1 5 2:

Calculus II (4 )

I n r roduction to Calculus (4)


lvlATH 203(4-,: - - -�'His tory () . M�a ti.-,cs ,--,) Discrete Structu res (4) M TH 245: MATH 253:--· Multiv;ri-;:b kC'li��T� (4) lvfATH

Introduction to Proof in Mathematics (4) --.----- -

32 1 :

Geometry (4)

MATH 33 1: M:A't!=f 4 1 :

�..0e3.r J\Jgebra (4)

MATH 342: l\{ATH

Applied Regression Analysis and

_ ._._ _ _ .......




.; .; :,.;-'-"'-=:..:.:..:. M'\.T H


PLU 2006 - 2007

tistics (4)

(4) _

�NO VA (4)


re· n.�a l Equations (4) e"'-'H.:. :..:i.:c: D -= �1l.f1�eric3.1 A na \¥. i liL



_ _


-=S.::; cm :. il:c. la:_ .:.:.:: : i n Problem Solving ..(--, 1)

__ _

MATH 4 3 3 :

I'ro_babi!iry_an(?�ati�.t i<:�I.Tle..?D'


.:c: iV.:.: IA1- H :,.: 38 1 : -=:::-'-'...: :,.:..:.

_ _ _ _

I nt roduction to Math e mati ca l S

_ _

Design and An�lx��_or Ai orithms (4)

__ __ _


Linear -Iodds and Calculus, An

MATI-! 3 1 7:


Sofrware Engineering (4) -';-:--;:-:----:-:-:--to


__ _ __ __ __ __

ircuit (4)


r i g<?.��n e tr y (2)

t rot� n-� ( 4 ) ----__ io__-------Induc

MATH 1 5 1 :


I n troduction to Computer Scienc e (4)



, C o_llegc A l g eb ra and Tn gO.!:lOmetrv , Mode rn €lem enrary Mathematics (4)


__ __

Priva y and Technology (4) ----�S tr u ctures

I 1 2:


_ _ _

Col ieg:.- Algebra (2)


_ _ _ __ _


__ _ _ __ __ ---" ,,-__ __

M a [ h� matics of Pe rso na l F inanc-'-'-' e (4) ''--

MATH 1 0 5 :



_ _ __ __ __ _ _ _

[tuetu ral Geolo g ; ( 4-') Optical Min ral�' ("' 2)--:__,.-_



lo �e:..: o..:.: � g � ic �� I)r � i:.::: n:. c. iLl .: :..: e� s (�� ) Igneolls. Petrology (2)

__ __



--: G ::-:e:. o..:.: :. lo :.c>Xyf Nati naI Parb (4)

_ _

\II ...

Abstract AI elm

_ _ _ _ _

0.) -------,--:-,-

Ma the m a ti cal Analysis (4)

MArH 480:__---:i::. n. ,:, a :.:.: ti t h.,:, c:. m a,:..: (. I:7:.: i cs to:_:4 ·:.:: I o:I: p ::.: =-:. �:..: 1:;: e:..:. .:::= ::..: s . .:..: �)_____


· i�(.,:, 4)�_ :n ural History of H awai:...: Ast ronomy '-(4� ) ,-: -:-';"";7"________ College Physics I (4) .______

1 1 1 0;

P I IYS 1 1 0 ' PH S 1 25 :

ollege P hysi" II (4)

P I N ' 1 26:


::'l.:;::':=-::"��--1 :" ;"::c:":: L etl: n:':: ra:"' Pl-IY S I .,3:':':----= P h ys ics I ( 4)

G e ne r al Physics 1 1 (4)

PHYS 1 54 :

223; PHYS 2.33. PHY 234:

EI�meJ1lary Modern �sics ::.. ·..(4 _ :,.,-,) ____


. ng i n �eri ng Mechanics of Solids (4)

_ _

PH'yS32 I :


ri ng Statics ( 2)


I mrodllction to Astrophysics (4)

&ligioPl� Christian Th/Jught, History, fwd Experience (LiIIe 2) -


The Christian Trad itio!2 :...c'-. ( 4.!... :) ______

'U 1 2 1 ; RELl 220: REU 22 1 :


Early 'hristi �jiL Medieval ,hristianiry (4)

H isto ry (4) H i sto ry (4) The Lutheran H e r i tage (4) Faith and Spimualiry (4) Modern


c-=:f.:; m ag E:.:: S lH : __--..::: o.:.. ti:.: (4 e::.: I :: e::..: ct;: [Q ;:.. :.:= i:>;n ::..: l e.,:, :.:. ry '-'- ) --: ___ -::-:-- --:332: Ele tromagnetic Waves and Physical


Optics (4)

ngi neeri ng Thermodynamics (4)


Mathematical Physics I (4)

.3 5 4 :


I)H Y ' 35 :

Mathematical l'hysics I I (4)

PHYS 40 1 :

I n troduction


uantum Mechanics (4)



40 ;

Ad\'anc:�d 'Modern Physics

TA r

34 2:

Probability and Statistical Theory (4)

I ntroductio n t o Mathematical Statistics ( 4 )

STAT .'\4 t : S Af

34 8

'h ristian Ethics (4)


in eeri nli.}\:i�.r..�� Sci���':. . 0_ ) __ 4:___-'E n g '._ _. ;:.J; la.�sical Mechanics (4)

PI-II'S 336:

Applied Rq;res:ion Analysis and AN " VA (4)

h urch

American Church

Chrisdan Thcol� (4) REU

,hrislian Theology (4)

hristian Theology (iL... .-cChurch H(srorl' , tudics (4)


REU 4 1 : : RE U 3 44_

_ _

REU 347:

REU 35 1 : RELY 354:

-Tl;�;;�cafSt�dI�i I4)- --·"-'-----lvlajo r Religiolls Thinkers. Texts . and Genres (4)

R l .LI .157.

Physical &/ucamm AaiviLy Course - PE PI T ED I 00:

.�rso n al il�d Fitn

III:.D 1 ')0: PHED 1 5 1 - 1 9' : PH U) 200-2 1 'J: PHED 2:!O-240: PH[D 240 :


Program ( I )_____ Ph, leal Activiry ( I )

I ndividual a nd Dual Activities ( I )

Aquatic:; ( I )


Rhythms ( I )

Dance ( I )

3 1 9:

PH ED .%2: DA


C 221.


Tramping the Tracks of New Zealan d (4)


H eal i g


n of the M i nd and Body (4)

anc ( I )

)_________ Dance Ense mble .(�1�

PhikHoplJy - PH


REU 368:

PHIL 2 18 :

Major Re l i g i o us Thin kers. Tens. :md Genres (4)

F m i nis[ and Wo man ist Theologies

... lit


Religio1J: l",egrative mui Compararive Religious Sttuiies (Line 3) - R3 RELI 1 3 1 :

i . 3.,:.(_ 4l'-____ The Reli ions of So u th -'-..:...c

RELl 230:

I elia-ion and Culture (4)

RELI 1 32: RELl 23 1 : RELI 2 2: RE.Ll 23 : REU 234: RELl 235: RElI 236.

PH II. 1 2 1 : T'H n�1T5 ; pi-ill 220: PH ! 223 : PH il 2-5 :

< tD


REU 365: ---

PHED 141 2 5 Team Acriviti : · (I) PH ' D 2 :"'7 '-"':':::"::"':':" -W -=-= :a:"' af, -:'-er;'':.::: :...� .:... ..,.---:1 --SIn r""' t cs rru ct io n ( ) l'HED

c:: �



The Religion> of Ease Asia (4)

Myth. Ritual. and


The Reli 'ons

::0 tD .c C ... tD


tD �


.... 11\

The Buddhist Tradition (4)

The Rel igi;;; s

.... '<

of hin� ofja..eaIl (4)

Islamic 'fradi r io n; (4)



RELI 2· 9 :

RELl 390: RELl

39 1 :

REU 392:

RELI 393:

_"",(,-n_ 4)

Sciellce and Scielltific Metbod - SM These

RLligion RELI 2 1 1 :

REU 2 12:

l Imo


D i versity of Life. (4)

L I l l:

l 1 1 5:

Religion and literature of the Old

S I a l 1 1 6:

Rdigicm and l i rerarure of the New




T,', rament


BI( I 1 6 1 :

PlU 2006

usualLy ftl7T)' {{ Lab

A;\I ],H 1 0 1 : BI

Religion: Biblical Studies (Litle 1) - R1



l 1 62:



Human Biological Diversity (4)

B i�i;N �n�h lnrroducror

MoJ:;,;-�rld (4)






L 201;


20..:. 5;,... :

BIOl 206:

} n t rod ucco ry Microbiology (4)


_ _

Capstone: Senior em;nnrlProjecr - SR -:: C_arS[Qne: S e m i n ar in Anth rorology (4) ::::-__�S_t.�.9io Proje ct/ln depen denr S t ud y ( I to 4)

H u ma n Anatomy and PhI' iology .!!J.�


of Biology I l l :


_ _

Ecology, Evolution ,

and ivers i ry (4) t __ �a__ ll r-;al. H istory () f" Vene r<l[� (4 ..).:.

B I O I . 32 4_ :

327 :

. ..

_ _

B I O L 323 :


_ __

um -;H ,. :.:. .:..:::. ar;;. .:.;:. J Ana .. tom y and PhysioJ� }Jj_ )

_ _

C arstOne: S e n i o r Exhibition



_ _ _

_ _ _

C rniLholog,y J'-;4)7;-

_ _ _ _ __

M i n b i ol 0.ID:...(� __

Bl L 32'):

lItomologv (4) Pbnt Diver-icy 'lild

!310L 340: BI L 348:

i mi b ur io n (4)

dvanced Cell B io l�gy"· (4 )


_ _ _


_ _

isroiogy (LI)


.... c OJ

E OJ ...

CHa1 1 05: HE M I 1 5 : CHEM 1 1 6: C HEM 2 1 0:

S rud nr Teaching-Elementary (Dua.I) (6) ��--;---;;::--;--:-

eneral C:hen;ism' 1 (4) dvan ed G('n�ral h e m isr rv 11 (4)

Nutrition, D�u " a n d� l ;;nvidu I (4) AJlaT�h�misrry (4) r nic Chemistry Land Lab !...0 . 1 )



Lab II p-J nic Chemis r r ' I[ and -

CHEM .:>4 ]�4: : CHfK,1 .342:-34 47: -= -'--:H E M 403: CHElvi4(i5: H EM


ClF 456:


E U- 4-: 67 8: ----::-

hemistrv of l .i te (4)

CHEM .336:


_ _ _

_ _ _ _

FDUC 466: .

' '


C H EM 43 :



CHEJv1 2 0 : H EM J3 1 . 33.) : CHE ' \ 3 3 2 , .� 34 :

to 4)


.. =--

Ca ps t O n e; S e n ior Sem inar (4) eaching i n K-8 Education ( 1 0)



1'11)'5:0[0 , (4) EnvironmcnraJ ' Che�lim ; (4)-­

81 L 44 1 : ('HEM .1 0 4 :





Melhods (4)

C'a pstonc; Scnior Projec t

C par�(2�)--��-----­ n_: li, �e-n_: e-�-o-n�����_,_--��a�

_ _ _ _ _ _

-'.) .!3J;l ogic a�no� p hy (4

_ _ . _ _ ,--

tO_n_ :: p _ 5_ e_ : -::-_ e. r� l ior Pr:,<:>ject -'. ( 1 to 4)'-�C � a:- . Caps rolle: Sen ior Project (2)

_ _

lole uklr Biology (4)

. Eco�gica[

_ _ _ _ _


_ _ _ _ _ _

= l a:...n A= � P:" _� t_ n a:..; to =-ml' m ___. Devel o m m.i1 Bio l oSlJiL




_ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

::... ... _ _ -


.,- ____

� :--,:-:-:-


� .,o :. n-" ... lp � ra t i ve Ana t omy (4. ,) Plan t P h ysi o lo gy ( 2 )

_ _




-:C :::� apsto n e: Sen i o r SemiI....; JaJ ::... (2 "' ..>. ) Capsrone: 'rraregic Managemen r (4) --:: C aps tone: Seminar (2)

_ _ _

_ _

B I )L 328�


(4 .

_ _ _




ENG L 42): ENG L 42 7 : ENG L 428: ENGL 4 5 1 : ENG 4')2: E N VI'



� . -:-:--:-"-:-

499:'" -';:'::1:."-''::':':''�''==-7-::'=::'''':-:-:---'---499:


GERM 499:-

,LS1"499-: -'·HEED 49� 9 : ---;:;;!-lIST 4 9 4: !-l I ST 496:


-:::-'-- _

_ _

7 : : --�,.= HI. T 4 99� ����L�'---=-�;�---�4 9-

MU�I 499:

� N ORW 499-:--� � �� � � �� � � 4 NURS 99:

_ _ _ __




OJ C QJ \.!'


Pi�E D 499: PH I ! . 499: PHI'S 49 9B : [> 499: PSYC4 S: -- ]--��-������--�


RE R 499:

499:'-.::-S_ :::.-: CO( 4;:';,: _': 1::7-'":':"--::'_= RElJ


_ _


S 33 1 :


,ars w ne : 'cnio r �)L�_ t =) :---c_( 2c.., s{-=. o_ p_ ne : e nloE S e minar ( 4 ) C_a... , L ar.s tone: Senior 'eminar (4)

ap�o ne: �or S��-;:--(i�

--:::::-:- ---;::;C-'a StOne: Senior Proj ect


Independen� Srudies: Service

WMGS 4 9 5 :

-.!eea rr: i!:g

( 1_ ,�?.,_4)____. 4)

_ _

I nternship (2 to

Social Scimus, Li11l 1 (Anthropology, History, or PolitiCLll

Scie,ue) - S1 ANTH 1 02:


NTH 1 03 :

PLU 2006 . 2007

Introduction to Human Culrum[ Div�' (4) In rroduction ro Archaeology and __


Preh istorr..iiL..


_ __ .. _ _ _ _ .

HIS1' 328:

ANTH 1 04 :

A T H 1 92:

_ IS_ 1' 322� . _ . H_

ANTH 2 1 0 :

H_ r ST _�3.:t .

England: Tudors and Snlam (4)

Modern Germany, 1 848- 1 94 5 (4) ._ _ _ _ Lar i n American History: Central America

H I ST 335:

and che Caribbean (4) ··'---:-6;;�3 T:-3 ':":I"' :H S= :----:: S:-o·� ch e rn pJric;-74j--

22 - :

ANTI; 230:


urop (4)

Eurgpe and rhe Wo rld Wars: 1 9 1 ':1.:45 (4)


H IS1' 332:

ANTH 220:


1 9 rh-Ce.ntury


_... I S T 7_ tor of Mexico (4) is--, H 3.::.. )- _ : ____ 1'h :.....e'. _ ,H_ ==--=-· . Ch :______M H, I ST 3 3 8� �o �d e� n� 1 �� n (

3 30:

� i= a�7 ��__�_____________ � � Revol utionary C hina (4)

� H IST 339:

ANT H..:: 2 : _--:;.,;.. 33 � .;..: ANU-l 333:




Modern Japan 4)

!iI_ TJ.it.. S_

ANTI-! 334:

The Andes in


Latin American History (4)


H IST 345:

American Business and Economic


H IST 3 5 2:

on� (4)----The American Revoluti�

ANTH 34 1 :

H I ST T6:

ANT H 336 :


_:__ _ �Il�can _3.2.5 !:i.!_T

ANTH 34 : ANTI-! 342:

POPlllar 'ulrure (4) American Dip�om ric H isrory (4)

African American H isrorv (4)

H IST 3 5 7:

==���_-,H..:.-,i sc:..: w_ r} ,' of Women in t�'-;; i ��d Sr� (4)

ANTH 34-3:

H -,I-,S..:. T-,:. 3',-, 5 .:. 9 : _

ANTH 34 :

Holocaust: Desrrucrion of the Europc:an

H IST 360:

ANTI-! 350:


ANTH 3 )1: ----=::---:--:----;----:::-:---;--;-:--i\J"l'TH

History, 1 607- 1 877 (4)


ANTH 360:

HI T 62: ' " H iST3iQ:-

The Viernam War and American Socierr (4)

Workshops ( 1 to 4 )

H [ST 40 1 :

45 } : HI T 460:


ANTH 365:

American Legal

ANTH 370:

HIST 461 :

-:-::-: c=: ::-:_ _ _ _

ANTH 380:


H lST 4 7 1 :

ANTH 385:

i\J"l'TH 387:

.'\NTH 392:


----:t-�_:_7" :-=---;-7'-:'-""",---,:,-7-;';-"" -'--'--'-'-'-' _

ANTH 465:


4 8 0:-----:--,--�---,:-::---�--"---'--

LAS 3 2 1 :


322 : -----:--::: H [ T 1 07 :-':--

1: POLS 170:


POL. 23 ) :


Inaoducrion ro Political Science (4) ovcrnmtn t


--.:... ...;..


POL S 2 1 0:

l -=S ru dic s-(4:) ---- Introduction ro Leg-a-:i _... hang (4) Global rers e iv : The World !:l.

POLS 325:

Political Thou ht (4)

POLS 354: POLS 36 1 :

�4 ) 1 9ch- cmu ry Ame ri A ����---�2�O� d� 1-� C�e� n� ru�r� y� me��an Hist� ( .4�) The


- ·- --- - -

_ _

Un i re d Srates Since 1 94 5 (4)

and Research (4)

Slavery in rhe Americas :... ( 4.:... . )______ HTST .� l O :---C o4 )-----n �mpo rar:r..l...:.< a n;_'_ ap :.:. ( ; -'-' ;_ �:"__=_:_ H IST 32 1 : re.ek jviliz:ltion (4 ) Roman

ivilization (4)

The M iddle A es (4) �---------Renaissance (4� Refo rm at ion (4)

The Viki ngs (4)

POLS 363:

pOLS364 ; ·

POLS 368:

POLS 37 1 :

PO LS 3 72: POLS 373:

I ntroducdon to Historical Methods

H [S1' 305:

HlST 325: H f ST 327:


POLS 10 1 :

POLS 347:

olonial American H istorv (4 )


em i� The Th ird �:o.:[:.: Jd::.,-;, (... 4+:-)_____ Semi nar: Europea n History (4)

__ _

POLS 346:

23 1 :

H I ST 323 :

H lST 497:

POLS 33 1 :

H I 1' 2 1 5:

I-I IST 322:

(4 )

Issues (4)

In ternational Relations (4)

PO S 374: r

LS 380:

rmS )S E POLS 383:


385 38 :

LS 40 1 :

POLS 43 1 :

POLS 450:

PlU 2006 - 2007

Environmen tal Politics and Poli

... It)


Recent Political Thought (4)

PO 332: LHernational Conflict Re�olurion (4) ... ---P0IS338 ; · -·- -Am·�;i· ·;; Forc ign Poli );- ( 4 ) C Government a n d Public Policy (4) P LS 3 4 5 :

H [ST 220:

H I T 30 1 :

Hiscory of American Thought and C ul ture

Se�i.nar: American Hi.sro.:rJ:I)

POLS 326:

HIST 1 08:



!:iI?.I 49_� :

ANTH .38G:

H i rory J ..4 )

Wes r and Norrhwesl (4) es t-�W f-= t() rIs� : H -'e::.dc:-7-r� u=:: o-:: d� I ndiv id'�.Jiz yy-': ( o rrh west 4.:... a n d __ ) _ -= ,---,-.",-, ,--:-..,. .,,....,..,.__N

ANTH 37 5� : ----���������

ANTH 377:


---n-;-iro-��;��rYo'{rhe 0���d�tes (4)

H IST 3 8 1 :

ANTH 3 6 1 :

Jews (4) Christians in Nazi \",erman

It) :::I '* II>

, (4)

4),--___:-:-____ Political EconomY....;(_ �

State and Local Governmen t (4)

Policical Parries and Electio n!; (4)

Politics and the Media (4) m -"fr;;-Le gislativ� Process (4) The American Presidency (4) Judicial Process (4) C�;�;;�� ;i;;�-;n:'-\v""' " ('"" 4 -) a':" Civil Ri hrs and ,ivil Li berries (4) L.'Cg;tl Studies Re�ear,;; h (4) ._ Pol}cic> of G l o b�ll Development (4) Comparative ega! Sy terns (4) Modern Euro ean Politics


anadian Governmen t and Po lit ics (4)

The M�dle East


Worksnops md Special Topi



4l _

Advanced International Relations (4 ) Internship in Politics ( I to 8)




)LS 458: P

I nternship in Publ ic Administration

( I (0 8)


I nternship in (he Legislarive Pro (I


I nternship in Legal Studies ( I


cand1navia and Wo rld iss,:!.:..: (4)


_____ i_ ___ ____ � � � � -r_ h_ e_ V _ �_ n� gs_��______


Social Scietlce , Line 2 (Eronomics, Psychology, Social Work, or Sociology) - S2 -c


Principles of M icroeconomic s: Global and

I l l:

Envir onmen tal (4,_ ) __-,-_ _____ -:::-;:�-:-:-:-::-: ---:: P:rm :· (7 -s -o-::f:-;tViicroeconom ics (4) "" Ie ip7 Principles of Macroeconomics (4)

nall'sis (4)

I nrermedi:ue M i rocconomic

���=-'--- f n ,ermediate Macroeco nomic Analysis (4)

Ener� and . antral Resource Economics (4)

nvironmenral E conomics (4) �;::::-;-: :-; :-:-'----;: --r r nst-:: in =: r:l'&---;: v eEli cta':-' I -':c: o n� m e-=n oga ��g E n vi �;"' III -

I: Q)


Q) �

Labor Economic.s (4)

M oney and Ban�!_.:. o.. -,np p )_______ -(4"-'. �:-::-:-: :-: :-:':: --- --; H 7-'1th ' co nom i cs ( 4 ) ea-;· i�dusrrial Organ ization and-Pu-bTic Policy (4)

ECON 327:

Public Fi nance (4)



E -0 .

III � OJ >

Change in Eutope (4)

ECON 32 1 :

33 1 :

I n ttrn<ltional Ecunomics

N 333:

Social Srrarincarion (4)

SOCI32G: SO 1 33 ) :


a� )--�_;__���_____ c� . __ nS O CI 3 1 0:__ a� ic= (4� ie� a� �J� ln � 0� ,� �, ,7 __ Del i n� �nd J uve ni le J ll5 ti«� (4 ) _____



.o mparativ

amiIX.J4.) _________


Deviance (4) -,-'0�iolog} 0-;: f7 l.aw ---:(:-; 47"" l� � = = � __

::..:--=: : -=-=:...:.. --


Families in the Amt:ricas (4)

opies in Sociology ( I




c_ I o g)��_ Reiigc..: o_ S:i o-'io:..:,n:,-'-.: ( 4"_. ) _______ -:: o:..: ds ( 4 )________ M e t h.:.: : ;..:rc.h �+.


_ _ _ _

s _: ----_;R::;_'e-::: .:;_::_;_'__ :::-:� n

a-; n-; ) �------�----ry-(4� e� ci� S0(j� ei -l�r:_


__ __ __

Advanced D ara Applicllio ns (2


S u ic ide (4)

:;:;;:�--;-::'7-----M -; ;· or



Inrroduc t ion t�-Soc ia.I-;V'or"� i




Gender, and S ociclJ -.:..: (4:.:.. )____ __


: ___----"n� a--' r >_ W o..: u_ I 7,..: ' on the H il _ 5_ Ja ) __----,_ -:l. � ( 4"_. ___ SOCW 245: H u n lJn Behavior and the Social Environment


ocial Policy I : History of Social -';: elF-ue


�:-:-:::-:-:-;-::-':-::-----,;;,;Grpo l i:)' _I I : ·oci.'! 1 Policy Anaiysi�Jil Social \V'ork Pracrice I : I nterviewing and

- ;;:ii 465:

I nterpersonal H e lping (0 or


Social W( rk harriee ll: Families and

GroU)S (4)

'·-""::P� c:� ti�e -= I :7 l [: :. ::-aM �� Social " \Xi'ork ra

· (4)

China (4)

Srrar gic Behavior (4)

Eco nome t rics


l =o� p-:ics ---:i --;: n Eco : -llOl1l ics (4 ) Mat he m at i� I·-:

EvolUTion or- Economic Thought ;.. (4 '-'. )___


I n ternship ( 1

4) Honors fh sis (4)



Introduction to P �hc;�sY-(4)


P�-'��h oiogy of

.-'-- ---:::-�


Perso nal i \)' Theories (4)

PS C 3 1 0 :


P YC 320:



I)SYC 4 0 5 :


rhe Life.�pan (4)

1un � io/ nl�hol�ID�� ,____________ l'sy hoIogy of Language (4 )

I's 'c h(� of Women ( 4 ) ___-=-

.:. -'-C.:::.


N.-L 326:


Gender and Sexuali ty ( 4 )

:_ 0_ 't8_ \T_� ,_ _ P_ PSYC 3 8 '5 :

ENGL 323:


ENGL 325:

rSYC � i a� oc 4 )�______ S: 3o7 30-: ----� �� � I Ps·� Y� Ch: 1 0� W � · � (� __ __ __ __ : ( "-'. S)' ..::. 4 .) _____ Cul tural Ps),choio-"., _ � ,,:�-- ---� --:-: -:C �0� n

WRIT 1 0 1 :

WRlT 2 0 1 : \XlRJT 202:

Py cho iogy of Work (4 ) orl.�mer Psychology (4)

Workshop on Alternarive Perspecti v es ( 2 or 4 )

Psychol gical Tmi n g'..c(..;. 4 ) _______ 7,Abnormal Psychologt i±) Adolescent 1's)'cholog)' (4)

Pea(;e Psychology (4)


heories and Merhods of Counseling ._ -;-:-


and Psychotherapy (4)


ociaI P;�bkl11,s (4)

SOCI 296:

so 'W 4 6 0 :

i_ S' t ra�gi es (1)__�,---_ l d__ r� __ �o __ rd �h_ T �����__-; -; -= E:..:� ::-: :-=-:=-=-__ Eu r�an Economic In tegrntion �1L-.,-___ --; � Political Economy of Hong Kung and E

c ::l

OJ I: OJ '"


____ __

1 0 1:

SOC! 240:


1 2)

r�( :I � i n a_ S 4 ) ��--��------to �� c n� 1� � � jl n rroducr o n to� ·, oo ol ogy (4) ---

: PSY � 48 3'soc I

P Y 4 4 0 : ______ H n N e u_ m lo� a __ h� roR� _� ) �_______ ry �c� gy _u_ �(4� =������ � :_ a rch and T hte aming: �Rcsc! o .-,-,(� 4,) _



Pert :p{ion {� --:-_ _ ---,-:c,---_ - __ g n itive P ycho!'?g!LY.-'(_ 4):.-______


Pl.U 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

Advanced \V'riting Seminar fo r Inrernational Students




Stlldmts are expected to be fomiliar with the academic procedures of thl' Itl1itlersifJ'. The procedure;- ofgreatest importance to students are listed m this section of the rata log. Additional information about these procedllres is autlilab/e ill the Office afthe Office �rthe f'ro1l0Jt.

Registrar and the

Academic Integrity Borh the value and the success of any academ ic dctivit),. as we l l as

the e n t i re academic enterprise. have d epe n ded for centuries on the fu nd a m en ta l p rinc i p l e of absolute hon est)l. The u ni ve rsi ty


. a l l its bculty a n d sUldcnts to h o nor this principle

sc ru p u lo us l y.

Since academic dishontsty is a seri o us b reach of the universally recog n i z ed code of academic ethics. i t is every facul t), member's obl i ga tio n to i m pose ap p ro pr i a te sanctions fo r any demonstrable i ns t an ce of such mi sc o n d uc t on t h e part o f a student. The l l llivcrsi t),'s po l ic y on academic i nt egri ty and its p roced ure s for deali ng with academic misconduct are d e tai l ed in the �tudent

Handbook at www.plu. ed"Jpritztlbmulbuok.



Students who wi s h to explore the ge n eta l cur ricu iunt hJ.m:

ch oosi n g a maj o t pro g ram a re ass i gned to explor.lru r ' ,ulvi'(1[!; (professional adv i s o rs in the Acad e m ic Advisi ng Office or especially trained fa c u l t y or ad ministrative staff) who will help them to make ed ucat i o nal p la n s appropriate to t he i r i n c rot· olnd ta l en ts . All academic advisors a te supponeJ by eclLlCilt ion:tl planning workshops and by resources avallable t h ro ug h l ilt Academic A dvis ing Office. Transfer students who are ready to d ec l are their rnaj r are. .to.sig nlOJ to a designated tr ans fer advisor in each dcpanmcm {)f schot11. Transfe r s tud en ts wh o wi s h to exp l ore education,tl {(oals arc: ass ig ned an academic advisor in the Academic Adlli,ing Otllct:. Progress toward gen e ral uni ve rs ity rcquirements un be accessed by the student and the ad v i sor online via rhe Curri nt lu m. Advising, Program P la nn i ng (CAPP) report Jvail ,lb le on B,mnc:r web. In addi t io n , advisors receive an 3.dv i�i n g f�lt: f o r �;tch

stLldent they advise.

Major Advisors Upo n formal d ec larati o n of a llMjor. students .Ire ;\Ssignccl l .lUU\I·

maj o r advisors within the maj o r departmen t, wluch i n

cases will re p la ce the current a cad e m i c adviso r.

Academic Responsibilities and Deadlines

I Itall V

Major advisors


guide stLldents' progress toward their cho�t:Il degree go.lls. St ud e n t s are al wa ys welcome to s a p '- fi �,i(1l1;1 1 acadc:rnK Hice in addi!. i lH l II> t h�ir ad vi so r in the Acade m i c Adv i s i ng major adv i so r. StLldents a n d advisors arc e'Xpecrcd t o meet re gu l arl y, though [he actual nu m b er of meetin gs \\ i l l var y acco rding to i n d i v idual needs. Srndenrs are re!fpo ns i ble for meeting wit h their advisor who serves as an a ,ldem k W idt' as st udents make choices and dete r m i n e their ed ucariol al goa "-

The univ<:!fsity expecrs that all s tu d en ts will benefit from

Academic Standing Policy

It is the respo n , i b i l i ry of each undergraduate student to k no w and follow the procedures o u t li ned i n t h is cata log and to abide

by the established dea d l i nes .

assistance in planning academic progra ms consistent with their educational goa l s . Both ro he l p students make their initial adj us t m ent to th e academic load a t PLU and to p rov id e co u n se l t h ro ugh o u t their academic careers, the university has established a ne two rk of faculty and administrative staff advisors as well as a n A e ad e m i Ad v i s i ng O ffi ce .

Good Standing All s tud e n ts enrolled at the un i ve rs i t),




suy i n

good academic sta nd i n g. Good s tan d i n g req ui res a S mC!\! 'r grade point a ve ra ge of 2.00 or h i gh e r fo r [he i m mcdi rc p,l t semester and satisfactOry ac ade m ic pro g ress .

Academic Advisors

Academic Warning

All st ud e nts enrolled in d eg ree p rogra m s h ave ad v is o rs w h os e

Students whose most recen t semester grade poill l lveragl'

ove ra l l res pon s i bi l i ty is to g u id e academic progress . Until s tu dents have a t tai ned junior standing. they are req u ire d to me e t with their advisor (and receive a cu rren t Registration Access Code) p ri o r to reg i s te ri ng for an u p c o m i ng term. In th e i r work with i ndividual . fude nts. advisors often wotk closely with a nd refer students to personnel in a n u m ber of student s erv ice s offices. At the ti me of ent ry. each f IrS t- yea r student is assig n ed an academic a dvi sor. u SLl ail y according to in terests exp r ess ed by the student.



than 2.00, whose cumulative grad e point ver-.Igc is 1.00 o r hi gh er. and whose academic progress i s sarisfactof) 3re plJJ;,:J on acad e m i c wa rn i ng and sent wa rn i ng I ltCf';. S l udo:.n f · \\ l1n •• cumula tive and semester gr ade p o in t aver. ges Me bel!)\'{ �.U(J 11 the e n d of th e i r first semester at PLU are :tlso pl.1ceJ on .\(. Jemi warning. Academic Warning is n o ted on the transcrlp[. ·

Academic Probation Students other than fIrst semester students

PLU 2006 - 2007




n ""C o

pwbarion i f rheir cumularive grade poinr average fal ls below 2.()0, or if they have been on warning in rhe previous semesrer and have failed ro rerurn ro good academic sranding, or (ar rhe discrerion of rhe Commirree for rhc Admission and Rercnrion of Srudent.» if rhey have bikd ro mainrain sarisfacrory academic progress. Probarionary srudenrs musr meer wirh rhe direcror of advising before rhe renrh day of a probariondry semester ro draw up a pl:J.n for improving rheir academic work. Academic probarion is nored on rhe rranscript. Failure ro sarisElC rorily complerc each course attdnpred in a probarionary semesrer may resulr in dismi�snI from rhe universiry. Failure ro complere includes withdrawals, incompleres, and grades of E or F.

Continued Probation

VI Q.I ....

::::I "'C Q.I U o I-

0"'C C


>­ u o CL. u


Q.I "'C "'



Srudents whose cumularive grade poim averages are srill below 2.00 afrer a probarionary semesrer, bur whose Iasr semesrer grade pllim average!> are above 2.00 and who are orherwise in good sranding, may be gramed one addirional semesrer of probarion ar rhe discreriol:l of rhe Commi[[ee for rhe Admission and Retenrion of Swdenrs. Such srudenrs musr parricipare in rhe probarionary semesrer program. Failure ro sarisfacrorily complere each course atrempred in a probarionary semesrer may resulr in dismissal from rhe universiry. Failure ro complete includes wirhdrawals, incomplercs, and grades of E or F.

First Academic Dismissal Srudenrs nm in good sranding ar rhe end of a probarionary semesrer a � dismissed from rhe university. They may apply for relnsrarernenr by peririoning rhe Commirree for rhe Admission and Rerenrion of Studenrs (in care of rhe direcror of advising) . If rh� perition is "pproved, rhe reinsrared s rudenr is on probarion and musr pdrrici pare in rhe probarionary semesrer program. If rhe petirion is denied, rhe s[udenr may peririon again afrer one semesrer unless mherwise informed. Students arc dismissed for academic reasons afrer each fall and spring semesrer.

Any regularly enrolled, ful l-rime srudtnt ( 1 2 semester hours or more) is eligible for parriciparion in university activiries. Limirarions on a srudcnr's acriviries based upon academic performance may be ser by individual schools, deparrmenrs or organizarions. A s(Udell[ on academic probarion is nor eligible for cerrificarion in i n rercollegiare comperiri(:lns and may be advi$ed ro currail parriciparion in mher exrracurricuiar acriviries.

Midterm Advisory Letters In rhe sevell[h week of each fal l and spring semesrer, insrrucrors may choose ro send warning leners ro srudents doing work below C level (2.00) in rheir classes. No rranscripr norarion is made, and academic sranding is nor afrected.

Class Attendance The uni\'ersiry assumes rhar all regisrered s£lldents have freely accepred personal responsibili ty for regular class arrendance. Course grades rd1ecr rhe quality of srudenrs' academic performance as a whole, which normally includes regular p:Hriciparion in rhe roral class experience and is evaluared accordingly. Absences may lead ro a reduction of a s£lldenr's final grade. In rhe evem of unavoidable absence, srudenrs are expecred ro inform the insrru([or. Assignment of make-up work, if any, is ar rhe discrerion of rhe instrucror.

Classifications of Students First-year: Sophomore: Jllnior:

Second Academic Dismissal


A readmi[[ed srudenr who fails [() drrain a 2.00 cumularive grade poinr average in rhe semesrer afrer reinsraremenr, bur whose semester grade poinr average is above 2.00, may be granred one addirional semesrer of probarion ar rhe discrerion of rhe Commirree for rhe Admission and Rerenrion of Srudenrs. If a semestu grade poinr average of 2.00 is nor earned in rhe probarionary semesrer. or if a srudenr fails ro achieve a 2.00 cumularive grade poinr average afrer a second probarionary ,e m esrC[, rhe srudenr is dismissed a second rime and may nor a pply for reinsr;lremenr unril one ful l semesrer has passed, and rhen only if new evidence is presenred indica ring rhe srudenr's probable success. This rule also applies ro a readmi[[ed srudcnr who artains good sranding and is rhen dismissed 3. second rime for acad mlC reasons.

Gradullte Srudent:

Satisfactory Academic Progress


Eligibility for Student Activities

. 'atisf ,crory academic progress is defined as complerion of ar Ieasr 7') percenr of rhe credjr hours d[[empred in an academic year. Failure (0 complere includes wirhdrawals, incompleres, and grades of E or E The Commi[[ee for rhe Admission and Rerention of Srud.enrs reserves rhe righr ro review for academic srarus rhose srudcnrs who fail ro main rajn sarisfacrory academic progress. The commirree shall regularly identifY such s(Udents, review rheir records, consider exrenuaring circumsrances, and decide wherher or nor rhe studell[s shall be placed on academic probarion.

s£lldell[s who have req uiremel1£s. srudents who have semesrer hours. srudenrs who have semesrer hours. srudenrs who have semesrer hours.

mer firsr-year enrrance sarisElCrorily complered 30 satisfactorily complered 60 sdrisfacrorily complered 90

srudcn rs who have mer graduare entrance rc-quire.mems a.nd have been accepred inro rhe Division of Graduare Srndies.

Non-l1U1triculnted Undergrnduates: undergradudre studenrs who are atrending pan-rime for a maximum of nine semesrer hours bur are nor officially admirred ro a degree program. Non-matriNilnted Grttdun.te Sttulents: graduare srudenrs who arc arrending parr-rime for a maximum of nine semesrer hours b u r are nor officially admirred ro a degree program.

Course Load The normal course load for undergradu,ue srudenrs during fal l and spring semesrers i s 1 3 ( 0 1 7 semesrer hours per semesrer, including physical educarion. The minimum full-rime course load is 1 2 se m este r h ours. The minimum full-time load for graduate srudenrs is eighr semesrer hours. A normal course load during rhe January rerm is four semesrer hours wirh a maximum of five semesrer hours. •

In order for a srudenr [() rake a ful l course load, rhe srudenr musr be formally admirred ro rhe universiry. See rhe Admission secrion of rhis caralog for applicarion procedures.

PlU 2006 - 2007

' t udents who wish ro r egi rer Fo r 1 8 or mo

mester are req u i red ro have at leasr a


hours in a

3.00 grade point

average or consent of the regi trar.

tudenrs engaged in considerable outside work may be

Grading System Students are graded accordi ng to the Following designations:

A Excellent


B+ B Good

per m i rr ed , within limits, ro obtain credit by

C:xam ination in l ieu of regular enrollment an d class at


nd ance.


No mor e than 30 se mes te r hours may be counted toward

gradua t i on whemer From the College Level Exam in a ti on Progra m ( .LEf') or any other exa mi na t i on . ' cc dons to th i s tule For certain groups of stu c nts or programs may be made, subject to re ommendation by the Educational Policies Committee nnd approval by che faculty. Credit by e . ami nati o n is open ro fo rmally admirred, regu lar -s tat us students only and does not ount roward the residency req u irem e n t fo r graduation.


c,·u/u Awarded

4.00 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1 .67 1 .33 1 .00 0.67 0.00


Credit By Examioatio Stu de n c '

�oints e.er Hour


r· �ri c(ed ro a reduced academic load.



o Poor 0-

E Fail

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes






Yes No

The grades listed below are not used in calculating grade point


averages. No grade po i nts are earned under these d e i gn atio n s . To receive credi t by ex min3.tion, stud

Credit B y Examination Regisrration


m usr complete a

orm available on




display wall located across from the Srudent Services Cen ter, obtain rhe si gna t u res of the res pecrive departlllemal dean or chair


plus i n r ru cr o r and afTll n ge for rhe examination. The ompletcd Form must be rerurned ro the

Rt!gi strar's

mct' by the add/ drop

deadline fo r the appropriate term. CLEP subject exa minations may be us ed ro s ati

s fY gen era l

un i vers i ty requirements as determ i n e d by t he Regis r ra r's OHlce.

CLEf' s u bje

Descripmln Pa


F� i l





[n Progress



A ud it






Medical Withdrawal



No Grade Submitted


satisfY r eq ui remen t s for majors, m i nors at pro gra ms as determined by th e various schools, di visions and departments.

Pass (P) and Fail (F) grades are

CLEf' general examinations are gi ve n elective credit only.

a verage.

examinations may be used

Credit Awardl!d Yes



." o n "<


LEP examinations are subj ecr to reco mmendations by the

awarded to students who selec t

the pass/ Fai l option or who are enrolled in exclusive pas s/ fail courses. These gr ades do nor affecr a srudem's grad e poim


.." ... o n tI) Co C ... tI)


Educational Policies Commi ttee and approval by the Faculty. Official CL r rranscripts mus t be submi tted for evaluation of

outside their known abiliries by exp er ienci ng courses wi tho ut


areas of srudy. Grades of A through C- are re ga rded as pass;

The un i vers i

grad es of 0+ through E are regarded as Fai l . Pass/Fail grades do not aiTecr the g rad e poim a ve rage.

does not grant for college-level ge n er al

equivalency d i ploma

(GEO) tests.

Credit Restrictions Credit i

The pass/ fai l option perm i t s sLUdems to ex plo re subject areas competin g directly with sLUdents who are spe cial iz in g in those


s not allowed Fo r a mat hematics or a Fo reign a

LUdem who has completed

later receive cred i t Fo r

S pa n is h 1 02.


The pass/ Fail option is limited to ei gh t credit hours ( regardle s of repeats, pass or Fail) .

la ngua ge

course listed as a p rereq u is ite iF taken aFter a higher-level course. For exam p le,

AI = Co

pan ish

20 I cannot

Arts and Sciences requirement.

Repeating Courses

Only one course may be taken pass /Fa i l in Fu lfillment of gen eral univers i ty or core requirements or of the College of

The pass/Fail option may n t be applied to


course taken fo r

fulfillment of a major or minor program. An exception to this is allowed For one course in the major or minor field if ir was taken bt:Fore the maj or or minor was declared.

An undergraduate may repeat any course. The cumubtive grade

po i n t average is com pu ted u s in g the hi gh esr of rhe grades earned. Credi t toward g ra

duati on

is a1lo�d only once. Students should

ar e that re pe a te d courses ar nOl covered by fi n a n cial aid Funding and cannot be coun ted tm rds full rime status For financial aid. t ud ents should consult the Financial Aid office beFore repeat i n g any course.




Stud nts must file their intention to e xerci se the p ass / Fail option with [he Student Services Cenrer by me deadline lisred in the academic calendar.

The pa ss / Fa i l option is limited to un derg radu a te students on ly.

PLU 2 006 - 2007


Exclusive Pass/Fail Courses

and s p r ing semester) . Degrees are for m a lly conferred at Decem ber

Some courses only award pass/fail g rad es. The goals of these cou rses a re typical l y concerned with appreciation, va l u e commitment, or creative achievement. Exclusive pass/fail co u rse, do not mc::e t maj o r o r unive rs i ty requirements withour faculty approval. If a student takes an exclusive pass/fai l course, rhe sruden t's individual p ass/fail optio n is nO[ afTec tet! .

Pacific Lutheran Unive rsity

before t hey leave campus.

Time Limits Studenrs are expected to meet all requirements for the


are due six

weeks i nto the Fall

Sem es te r. Fall and J -Term incompletes a

due six weeks into t he

S p r in g Semester. The earned grade is recordc:: d i m med i a t ely fol l ow ing the I d esig narion (for examp l e I B) and remains on the

studcm record. Inco mplere g rad es rhar are not completed are change;:d to the default grade assigned by the insrtuctor on the Incomplete Cont ra ct. If an Incomplere Con t racr W;J.$ nor sub mi tted or a default grade not in d icared , the incomplere g ra de

will be defaulted to an E or F grade upo n e.xpiration of the time limit fo r submirring grades fo r an incom p lete fro m that term. An

undergraduate deg ree within a six-year p e riod. Srudents who remain at PLU for longer [han six years must mee t the

requi rcmems of th e most currcnr PLU ca ta log in o rder degree. Srudems who are readmitted



ea rn a

the unive rsity must

meet the requirements of the cu rrent PLU ca talog [0 earn a degree.

Graduation Honors Degrees with honors of cum laude, magna wm laude, and summa cum laude are granted. A student must earn a

cumulative grade;: poinr average of 3.50 for cum laude, 3.75 for

incomplete does not enritle a stlldent to attend the class again

magna c um laude, and 3.90 for summ a cum laude. (App l ic a ble

witho u t re-en ro l l ment and payment of tuition.



undergraduate Ic:vel only. )

A l l transfer grades (including study away) are combined with


PLU gra des to determine honor eligibility. Phys ical educat ion

In Progress (IP) grade: signifies progress in

a cO u rse

that no r m ally

runs more than one term to completion. rn Progress carries no credit unti l rep l ac ed by a permanent grade.

activity courses are not inc l uded in determining graduation


Dean's List: A

Dean's List is created at the end of Fall and Spring

semesters. To be eligible, a student must have attained

a semester

Medical Withdrawal

g rad e point average of 3.50 with

Medical \Xfithdrawal is en t ered when a course is nOt completed

semester hours. (Applicable to undergraduate level on l y.)

due to medical cause. A medical withdrawal does not affect a

student's grade point average. See \Xfi thdrawal fro m the Un ivers ity.


minimum of

1 2 graded

Honor Societies: •

Arete Society:

El ection to the Arete Society is a spcci:tI

recogn ition of a s tuden t's commitment to the liberal arts

No Grade

together with a record of high achievement in re l evant course

A temporary grade entered by the Re gist ra r's Office when no

work. The society was o rganized in 1 969 by Phi Beta K app a

grade has been submi tted by the faculty memb e r by the

members of the facul ty to encour age and recognize excellent

established d ead l ine.

scholarship i n the l i beral arts. Student members arc elected by


seniors arc eligible; h owever, t he qual ific at io n s for eb:tion

the faculty fel lows of the society each spr i ng. Borh juniors and

Students expecting ro fUlfill degree requ i reme nts within the acad emic yeM (including August) are required


tile an application for

Degree Computio1J

Bachelor's mId MIlS'", Dl!tuil;1l1!

January 2007

May 1 , 2006

May 2007

December 1 , 2006

December 2006

ugust 2007

December 2007 J a nuary 2008

May I , 20u6


a t ta ined

a high g rade point average (for seniors, normally

above 3.70; for juniors, no rm al ly above 3 .90); • •

complete d

1 1 0 c redit hours in liberal studies;

demonstr ate d the equivalent of two yea rs of co ll ege work in fo re ign l ang u age ;

December 1, 2006 Ma y ) , 2007 May 1 , 2007

comp l eted one year of college mathematics (including statistics or computer science) or four yea rs of college p re para tor ), mathematics in high sch oo l and on e college mathematics course; and

All courses must be completed, final gr ades recorde.d an d un i ve rsity requirements fulfilled in order for a deg ree to be

completed a minimum o f three semesters i n re;:s idence at the university.

awarded. Th"re are four d egree award dates (August, fal l semester, January,


ju n io r are more st rin gen t . Students must have:

grnciuation with the Registrar's Office accord i ng to the fi)Uowing:



I ncomp le;: t e Contract is req ui red and must be signed by rhe

S p r ing and Summer


transfer back

student and the i ns tru c to r. To rece ive credit, all wo rk must be com p l eted and a pass in g grade recnrdc,d. I nco m p l etes from



seme.ster of their j un i o r year so that deficiencies may be met

their work. because of circumstances beyond their comtol. An

Qj "'C �

determine pa rricip at ion. The actual date of graduar i on is recorded on the permanent records.

fo r a degree must app l y for graduation before or during the fir,t

Incomplete (I) grades ind icate that students did not com p le t e


parri cipa te in the December commence ment . Srudents with an August degree date must consult with the Registrar's Office to

Students who p l a n

Incomplete Grades

o Q..

and May commencemenrs. Students with a J an ua ry degree dates


un iversity also has c h ap ters of a number of national honor

PLU 2006 - 2007

semester-length class.

Alpha P. i

amma Sigma ( Bu si ness )



Pi Kappa Delta (Forensics)


fi nan ci al aid

hi ( Psychology)

aud summer schedules fo r the add/drop regi.�[r:ltio n cha nges m.ty r . ult i n


'1,) enc mage libe:ral learning of all


(if appliC:lb lc). A $ 0

fo r any re giHrari o n changes after

regi ster fo r summer/fall


and beyond


Any prof< . �ional pe rs o ns who wish


use university facil itie, for

may apply ro the provosr for

rhem as guesrs () . th e u n i ve rs i ty.

regisrer fo r each uew rerm or s u m mer se ss io n on or :)Jter the

cards desi gna ti n g

Ea rl y regisrr:lLion fo r c:mering �tUllents (\(;cu rly regist rJ tio n

sem "(cr.

Reg is tra ti o n materials arc


'en! ID

Most s[lldcnrs meet in

req uires the permission of the i nst t u c ro r and is !l o n - cred it basis. An aud i w r is not h e l d accou nrable fo r e x a m i n ati on s or other wri[[en wo r k and does not rec e iv e a grade . If rhe insrrucror a p proves. the c o u rs e may be cmcred u po n the tra n scrip t as audit. A ud it i ng a class is t he same a

regular tuition.

Members of the aca dem i c co mmun ity are e n co uraged



cbm:s t h ar ilUc:rCSt them. No fee i" ch a rged fo r the pri v i l ege . Doing so req u i res the pe rm i ss ion of the i nstructOr.

gi s re r by usi n g Banner Web, an onl i ne re g i s t rat io n

class, check t h ei r schedules, and at' 'ess fi n al grades. Ba n n e r W'eh may be accessed t h ro ugh the PL home page (,uUlw.plu. edu) . Students may COntact the Student e r v ices enter wi th registration questions. smdenrs the a bi l i ty to add or

d rop


S rud e n r s J.re nor o ffi cial l y en ro ll ed u n t il t h ei r regis trat ion has Sruden


Sru den t ACCOUIHS Office.

re5 pons ib le

fo r se le ct ing their courses. Advisors

are available to assist w it h p l a n n i n g and to •



S wden ts should be th o roug h l ), acquainred with a l l regis tra tio n materials, including the current ca ta l o g


class sc hed u l e .

Studenrs are also en co u raged ro sr ud y carefully the

requiremelHs of all academic p rograms i n wh ich they may

evenrually declare a m aj or.



regi s t i a t io n counselor as (l r gibt ·r by ph u n e.

deadl i n ' fu r the s peci fi c term or semester. Ple-.rse refer to the Class

IUW/v.plu.edu/�regi for

"'0 o

Official Withdrawal an

insrrucro r's

.� i g na ru rc afrer the a d d J d ro p d�ad lil1e dud b for the withdrawal deadline: p u bli s h e d on [he caJendar page of rhe specific t ml Cl ass Schedule. Tuition i. nor refunded, a 50 lare rt:gist r:Hioll fee is ch arged and an)' addilional t u i t ion will be cha rged for

r dass ' . A grade of "\'(1" transcripr.

If a StuJCI1l i, e n ro l l e d in

drop the charged has





class , h·

is reco rded on the

I !Ve r :I tt

nded .tnd did nur

hefore the published d ,ldJinc, tuit ion

the �tudcnr's accowlt, unJe!>$

o b r a i n e d . I f dle




i nsr rucwr's sign:l[urc

srudem obta i ns [he instrucror' sigruuure, a $50 bte registration fee is ' . , ed.

rui rion is n o t charged . bUl The

add/d rop

fo rm may be o b ta i n ed

from t h e Student , ervices

or signarure obtai ned, and returned tu the Stu de n l ,'en'ices Cel1ler hy the ,lppmpriate dat<:s rhat impact fee asses:menr. Tht· add/drop fo rm may als( be: (o und o nl i ne. .It wlVUl.plu.. edul�regi. Cenrer, filled i n , in tru,:

Withdrawal from the University Withdrawal during the term Srudents are e n ri r! d


sat is fa

withdraw ho n o rab ly fro m the un iversity ory and all financial ob li ga tio ns J. re

satisfied . S w dcnts m us t c omple t,· and s i gn the "N()[iflcation of

or drop ac t ivity must be completed by the listed add/drop

S ch ed ul� or go o nl i ne at


s m

Withdrawal from a Course

if t h ei r record is

Adding or Dropping a Course All





cam p u s fo r their first

s tud�m's acad e mic

\),stem . [n add i ti o n to regist�ring, Banner Web al so offers

been clea red by the

'CStH 1

pled entering


t h ey reg ist e r f()r cou rs�. Sr ude ms may :II

ad d in g any Olh

Registration Procedures

all ac


A s t u den r may w i thd ra w iTOm a dass wi t h

Visiting Classes

the fall

conducn:d by the Advising

To Judir a

co ur�e

during June or

Ja nuary, de pend i n g on w hemc r srudents begi n in

wel l in ad va n ce of their arrival


n u mher of hours,

des i g n at ed dare.

Auditing Courses


by t he

ncl ud i n g tramfer hours, completed b)' th e �[Udcn . St udenrs may

Early Registration Program for Entering Students

Guest of University Status


and to r Jan uary and spri ng terms.

r rnls

R gisrration dJ.t� a� determi ned

in cou rses l ea di ng roward fo rmal degrees, rhe u ni ve rs i ry offer .t vari e ty of oppor tunities for i nforma l s t u dy :


Rc:gi tration Fee is cklrgcd deadline dates.


pri nted

Re tu rn l llg tudenrs will receive n:gistrat ion ti me appointments to


enrollmem on


Early Registration for Returning Students

Non-Credit Informal Study

independenr s t ud

In most

addltlol l:U tui tio n charges aJl d fees and may also affect t h e st udents

O m ic r on Delta E psi l o n (Economics) S igma The:ra Ta u I nremarional ( Nursi n g) Sigma Xi (Scienriflc Research)

• •


the first tcn busi ness days u f a full

add i ng an d d ropp i n g can be acco mplished us in g Banner

peri o ds for thosc terms.

du ri ng

Web. Sec the January Te rm

Phi Al p h a (Social Wo rk)

five: b us in ess days of a fu ll or half

semest r-I ngt h class or o f J half 'me:s(�r-Iength cla.'s.

mega ( Th ea tre)

Mu P h i Epsilon (Music)


srudenr may drop a co urse without

inst ructor's sig nar u re only

Al p h a Kappa Delta ( Soc io logy)

o n l y d u ri ng the

si gna ture

Bera Al p ha Psi (Acco u m i ng)

ampus, i n cl udi ng the fo llowi n g:



the most current

info rma tion . SrudelHs may add a course without an instructor

S tude nt Wi thdrawal" fo rm


the Studenr




tui tion refunds may be a"ailable del' ndi n g on "h n the



w it h d raws . Refer to t he Tuition and I'e�� "xr ion of rhi� . lalOg for morc i n furmario . ,rade: of WI ·i l l a ppear Oil rlw student's \

transcript fo r the te rm.

P L U 2006 - 2007


a te r m for medical reasons. The student must complete a

Withdrawal from a future term Students are req u i red


n o t i fy PI.

jf thq do not p l a n


r et ur n for the fol lowi ng term. S t ud e n t . are c'n t i r le d [0 w i t hd r a w h o n o ra b ly fro m the u n i v e rs i t y if their record i� saris facto r y and all fi n a n c ia l obligations are sa t i s fl e . Students mU$[ complete and s i g n the '"Noti fication o f Stu de n t Withdrawal" form in the Student Se[vi ces Cenrer.

M e d ica l Wirhdrawal Petition, prov i de written eVldence fro m a p h ys i cia n and a p e r s o na l ex p l a n atio n to t h e vice p res i d e nt fo r

Ad mission and Student Life . This m ust be c o m pl e te d in



manner and i n no case b t e r

i n an)' given



th.:m the l as t d a y of a class

If g r a nt ed , [he grade of WM w i l l appear on

the s t u d e n t 's rranscript. P h ys i c i a n clearance is required prior ro

re-enroll ment.

Medical Withdrawal

For more info rm a t io n

Students may also w i thdraw completely fro m the u niversity for

c o n racr

AdminiSTration Building,

S t u den t l . i fe, 1 0 5 H a uge

253.535.7 \ 9 1

or sli.j@plu.edll.

VI ell \.,I ...

:I o VI G.I a: VI

:I Q.


It! U "'C J:: It! G.I




Thr Illliversi�y offers mall,Y support str!!icesfiJr students and pro uide;, a rich army ofresource>' to encolll'age l/cfuinnic mccess. Studmts arc encollmged to become j;l1l1i/iar widl the offices ilnd savices described ill this section of the ciltalog. ArJditiollal informatioil about these

a[)ai&.hle.from each ofthe office.,· o;jiwn the Office of Stlident Life and the Office of the I'rol)OSt.

2 5 3 . 3 5 .7206

Academic Assistance Center

T h e u n i vc rs i r c o m p l ies with rhl: Americans With D i sa bi l i ties Act of J 990 (ADA) and Section 504 of th e R h a b i l i ta t ion Act of 1 973 and p rov i d es reasonable accom modltion to students with y

253. 535.7 5 1 8

documen ted disabi l i ties who are reg is re red with rhe Universiry.

J:: ell "'C :I

The Acad em ic Assistance Center p ro v i des student with trained, ce rt i fi ed peer t lJ[o rs and a comfortable en vi ro n men t "here learning, risk taking, and di� overy

C:l.n occur. Rc:gi .. r�red PLU services o f the center to devel op e, crive study strategies a n d ro s u p p l em e n t or re i n fo rc e rheir classroom expe r i e n ce .

s ru den

. use

the free

Tu ror i n g takes p lace on ca m p u s , usually in rht:

Assisrance C�nter (AAC), l oca ted i n the Ubr.lry.

demic Howe cr, s t u d y

and test-review sess i o n s may Occur in separate locations such as

the science or music b u i ld i ngs , and drop-in math tutoring is ava i l a ble in the Math Lah, lo cated in Morken 253. Students taking foreign languages c a n a([end weekly inFormal cotlversatiotl groU['S kd by Ollr l an g ll:1ge tutors. All abil ity levels rt! welcome <

at t hese co nversations.


Accommodations for Students with Disab ilities www.plu.edul�$lifTct



R E S 0 U R C E S

resource., is




Tutoring sessions are set up b y a d va n ce a p po i n t me nt (d ro p - i n s are welcome, but may not flnd tutors ava i l able). During b l l and s p r i n g semesrers, the AA , located i n Library i 24, is open M o n d ay t h ro ug h Thursday fro m 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 p . m . , Friday fro m 9 : 0 0 a . m . until 5 :00 p . m . , a n d u n day from );00 p.m. u n t i l 7:00 p.m. Hours and er v ice r l i m i ted d u ri ng J ­ term a n d summer esiom. Studel tS �hQu ld smp b y the llfJice. 'ali, or c-mail IX> lelt rtl mOre bout our SCI' ices or requ<;;� l a n appoi ntment. The Academic Assistance websire provides inform;ttion on tllt [lng and weekiy up da tc!s


srudy scs:;ions .

Po l i c ies regard i ng documentarion of a ph ys i cal , psychological/psychiatric, Specific Learning Oi

Pmention Deflcit/ Hyperactiviry Di sorder Rams tad 1 06 or on t h e Web



a b il i ty


available i n

wlvw.plu.edu/�sLifTt:t a n d lead

inro Services fo r Students with Disabilities. Classroom, ass is t i ve t ec h n o l o gy and acccss i b i l i ' accommodations

an i nd i v i d u al basis. The off!

e is

3re c oo rd i na t ed

located in R a m s tad 1 06 .


While t h e p ro fessi o na l evaluation of a d i s 'lb i l i ty is considered by PLU to be a M edic a l Treatment Reco rd, [etorch p e r t a i n in g

ac ad em i c acco mmodations provided by f'LU




c o ns i de red to be

Educational Re c o rd s (and nor Me di ca l Tru ITnen t R t:c o rds ) as

defined in the Fa m i ly Ed u ca t i o n a l R i g h t s anti Privacy Act of 1 974

(" FERPA") .

Re c ord s regarding academic accommodations

m ay be util ized in the same man ner and under the same

conditions as o t h e r Educationa l Records. Sec: www.plu.edul print'lhandbooklcode- ofco1lductlPERPA-policy-htmL

PLU Bookstore 25 . 5 3 5 .7665

luteworld.plu.edu (o"LitU open


Th� FLU BoolulOre i$ owned and operated by P'lCific l.utheran

U n i vcrsi ry fo r the ben I t of stucienr.-. tacu l t y and staff. The

bookstore sells texthooks and supplies re q uired for classes. S c h ool

PlU 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

supplies . PLU dvth i n g and gi rts, cards, an d convenience store

it ms i



a l so available. : mpnrer ",ftware at d i sco u nt ed prices

Hable or c.ln be pecial o rd e red . Personal computer systems

at educational p r i ces can be p u rch ased through the books tore. pecral book orders a re welcome. To order your textb(lok, o n l ine, visit lut(!World.plu.edu, using your student ID and birth date.

PLU Northwest fwd Scatu/i,uwiRTI Gift Shop is loca ted at 407 Garfield Street in historic Parkland. Feat u ri n g

orthwest and

Scandinavian disilware, pottery, clothing, music, and foods, the

,rore a ls o offers books a n d g i ft s depi c t i ng northwest and Scandinavian theme . Conract a t 253. 3 5 .8397.



day, seven days a

Ve h i cle registration

Campus liafery Web site. A PLU 'Pass is required.


Lutheran U n i ve rsi t y is p ri va te property and the un iversiry

reserves the right to res t ri ct access to the campus and buildi ngs.

Career Develo pment 253. 535.7459

r Development provides students with a holistic approach

through i ndividual cOLlllsti ing, workshops, assessments, a

comprehensive Web site and events. I n add ition to p rov i d i n g a

Co n c ie rg� Cenrer is the

camp us for phone cdlers and can h el p, whether you necJ forg t a p n on yo u r



p urchas til k t , add Lu




place to identify and expl o re one's vo cat i o n , the d e partm en t

dc om i n g hub o f the

, I k -u p patrons. The

o n c ierge

bauda"!:, to sew on a burton, or

cbss . . tudents, 'tafF and visitors can


th ir account. send a


Scantr n cards.


dictionaries, blue books and

and who s ho \ po tenti a l bur are nOl admissible, the opportunity

to attend thc univcrs ity. T he program takes pl ace over summer

Pacific Lutheran U n iversity by irs very nature is a pl ace for the

inte raction between aith and rca so n. Opportunit ies for the

of t h.u faith o n campus arc rich :Llld diverse.

apel worship is held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday m orni ngs

d LUing each emorer. The

n iver,ilY

o ngregat i o n wor:hips and

rcs the Lord's Su pper each Slturday eve ni n g and Sunday he- University Pastors

a re

ava ila b l e to pr o vi de care,

support n eded to show . tudents that th ey can succeed in a

col l ege environmenl ami to offer them the opportunity to realize their po te nti a l here. Regul ar admission to the u n iversity is

co n t i n gelH on succ sful co mpl e ti o n of both the fal l and summer compon nts of the program.

The Summer Challenge lS 't n i n tense, six-week, l i ve- i n program a

chall nging academic l o ad ,


client facul ty,

effective academ ic and personal support, and acti vi ties d esi g ne d

Several denomi n a t ions and religious group h a ve orga nizations

on ca m pu s . N um erous student-i n i tiated Bible s t udy and

Q.1 :::l C. n Q.1


"C C \1'1

:::lI:I tI) \1'1

o C





to deve lo p a sense of comrnuniry and participation in the life of the u n i versi ty. In six wt·eks. Challenge s tude n ts com p lete nille

conceru. Supplemental instruction, i n d i vi d ual tu ro ri ng , and

i.o; a va i l a ble


p rovi de resources o r

t o COllnect individual... wi t h organil�lti ns [hat


meet a va ri e ty

of m i n i s t ry needs. The CJmpus M i ni s t ry Council, an elecred

student and faculty commi llee.

o rdi na t . these activities i n

menroring i s provided by p

r co ach es who li v e i n the resi d en ce

hall with the Challer ge studenrs. The Fall C h al le ng e is a n i urermediate step berween the highly


structured summcr component and the regular, non-Challenge

sp i ri r of o pe n n ess and Illu t ua l re s pect .

workload the s t u d e n ts wi ll exp eri e nce beginning in spring o f

Cam p us Safety and Information

C ha l lenge Progr am courscs

their IT .s hm a n year, �hallenge students take 1 3- 1 4 credits of

253.-35.744 l

but do not live in the halls with the students. Co-curricular

rion. Ca m p us Safety oAic r.


esc ort students. p rov i d e vehicle j u m p starts, respond

ro med i c a l emerg<!n ic:� and fir., al ar m s. and p rov id e general telep hone illform.uion services.

regularly offered u ni ve rs ity

ac t i v i ties cOlllinue connections with the on- a n d o ff-cam pus

The personal saf. ty of the PLlT co m m u n i ty is the primary focus

of Ca mp us Safety and I n fon


"solid" courses. Peer coaches provide supplemental i n str uc t io n

wUlJ().plu. edulrampussafoty



credi ts offered by fa ul[y e x peri e nce d i n working with students of

fe l l ows h i p groups are oFFered.


a nd fal l term�, and provides rhe srru n g academic and personal

h i ghlighted by

upP(lrr and spiriruai d i rection to the un iversity co m mu n it y.

Th Cam p u \1 i n istry

The Challenge Program at PLU The Challenge P rog ram offe rs �ludents who wish to attend PLU,

253.535. 7464 IUUfW.p!JJ.. edn/�nt';"


Career l1evelopment mai ntains rel ationships with local emplo 'crs and recru i ters . In collaboration with t h e Academic

253.535.75 1 9

Cam pus Ministry

mutual celebr ti

res ume writing, i n tervi w preparation and j o b search s t ra tegi es .

I nternshi p Fair each fal l and spring ,emes ter.

Con ' erg also h as "emerg ncy" h mcwork supp lies such as

compurer di 'ks, writing

pro v i des opportunities to acq u ire pr actic a l skills, including

I ntcrnship offi e, Career Devel o pm en t coordinates a Career and

package . receive .lnd send fa csi miles or make copies. The



integrating their p ers o n al values a n d a ptit udes w i t h career choices



24 hours


to understanding the career process . Students arc assisted i n

Ullvw.p lu.edlll�concierg/

ce l eb


p rking on c am p u s is req u i red and is available through the


253. 535.74 1 1

am p u s

k, through the

UfWw.plu. edulcareer

Camp us Concierge


Visitor i n formation is a\P,lllable we

mmun't ics and fo ter the studmts' growing sense of vocation

and their career and educarional p lan s.

Comp uting and Telecommunications (sa Information find Technology Servia's)

PLU 2006 - 2007


Is there an upcoming celebration i n your stUdent', life? The Send

Conferences and Events

a Sm i le G i ft Program is designed (0 help make someon c's day. Convenient on -camp u s delivery of flolVers, celebration cakes,

2,) j , 53S .. 4 :; 0


local movie theatre tickets and many other gifts can be ordered at

IUllJlu.plu.edu!rditli7lg!gift.h1'11l .

nfcrences J.ll d Event · dKJul . u n iverSI .. facil ities (or c:m i n a r' ,

rk-.hop ,


Sluuc:nr.. ihlttc\U!d




llutts, mec:ti ngs and more.

in cheduling .In 'vem IlI USt 1.1

approval 'Uld to

on� r

devel o p


Event:; l u


n ees


pla n p rior

r 5erYe

r work with

(253.'53 - .7 1 9'5) (or

:Oldent I nvu lvcmcn t and Le:ulersh t p

to con tacting

Dispute Resolution Policies and procedures at the un ivers i ty are intended to maintain

an orderly educational cnviro n mtn t c o n d u c i ve to student

fac i l it ic.� .

learning and development. In o rder

Counseling and Testing Services

dispute reso lution p ro c e d u re s have been est a b l is h ed .



11'1 dI u -. = o 11'1 dI 0::

11'1 � c..


to U "C C to dI


exper ic: nced m mal h ·tIlh proFessio noili; offer both i ndividual and gr o u p cOLlnselingi,uppl rr Nvi<.;es . ddi tio nally, a consulting p. ychi .tr r i j [ iI av;]ilab l · for

M �i5( studenrs wi th personal growth issue . A ll servic("s c()n ndc:nt i.'I1 and offcre,l at nu




for mldenc attending classes.

st u

services, PL

is owned and , pel"J(t;d by Paci a



StUU"flt mcal

D i n i n g SN vi ce.� operate" P l .U Cater ing nnd the

fd luwr ng locauo n s mal gladly accep t C:l5h anJ

illreBu k$;

',sp resso cans in th Admini5lrauon building and the

Tbe Bistro, offering


quick lunch witl m a de -to-o rde r sub

made- [o-order ub sandwiches. •

The Ufliversity Cellter Coffie Shop. o fft! r i n g gr i l l ,('wice for .lS

sna ks.

del i s a ndw i c hes and

The Keiky Cnfo in the Morken Cenrer fur Learning and

Gra d u ates o f PLU are


eo p l e capablc of effecrive lives in an

ex p a n d i ng, diverse world. Every student at PLU is required to take courses i n Alternative Perspectives and i n Cross-Cultural

Pe rspcC ti ve s . Multiculturalism, outside of the classroo m , is

variety of sources. The Divers i ty Cenrer is staffed by an Assoc i a te

D i recror and Diversity Advocate s . Diversity Advocates are di\'erse PLU studenrs working

e t he r to bring multicultural awareness


to our campus and surrounding co m m u n i ties . They provide


suppOrt to s t u e n t s and dubs that work with diversity-related issues and rai s i ng and susta i n i ng general awareness o n campus

as well a (spr<::sso.

about current educational, political, and social issues related to e nts ,

students l i v i n g on

camp us must enroll i n one o r �evc m. 1 meal pbn packages.


campu.� meab are served i n the U niversity Cenrer ,0m motlS and include a variery of ho[ en tree cho ices a nd ar least one vegetarian

�e1cct i()n.

'here is alsD a n cxtc:nsivc salad and deli bar, desserts,

and a l arge a5. orrment of b�vera�e� and orit or , tras. the compl


meal sysrem o ffered

Co mmo ns. s [UUcnt arc


253. 535.8750

Technology, ofFering lunch options and signature cookies,

Wilh the exc peion of South [ lall re5i


Diversity Center

expc ri e nc ed through social and cducnional p ro g ramm i n g fro m a

b rtakfa.�[, l u nch and d i nner. as well

receive lssistance.

providing a diverse and inclusive education fo r all students.

For di nner, the Bistro o ffer. b r 1ck oven p ra3 by the s l ice and


(253 .535.75 1 9) . A n y o f the comm i t t ee members may be c o n ta c te d ro

Paci fic Lutheran University is com m itted to the mis,ion o f

5al\dwiche.� and sJ.laJ. packaged for carry Out convenience.


L .eon Reisberg (253 . 5 3 5 .7280) and Richard Seeger, chair

www.plll. edulrdce1Iter

Mortvedl Ub rary. •

Ceynar (25:3 . 5 3 5 .7297) , To m Huelsbeck (253.535.7202), Fran

Lwe Rasmus ( 2 5 3 . 5 3 5 .7 1 4 1 ) , Teri P h i l l i ps (2 � 3 . 5 .3 5 . 7 1 87),

(253.535 .7206 ) , [he ADA Grievance Offtcer.

L U lher:tll

w ide variety IJf s('rvic\!<; Fo r .rud e n rs ,

'lnc! the comm un i ty. I n addlri(J n '

Tbe University Dispute Resolution Com m i m:e is comprised of

s i x individuals traincd in d ispute reso lution. They arc M i chel l e

should con raCt the Director o f C o u n sel ing a n d Tes t i n g

U n h ersity and pJ'ijvid��

bc n l lY.

u res are

who lVant t o a p pe:il a decision regard i n g an accommodation

IVlvwp . ill.edul� dinitlg s

p ro c ed

the office of each com m ittee member. Students with disab i l i ties

25:3 5_ '5.7472 D i n i ng 5t:rvk

unjust, capr i c i o ll s, or discrim i natory, these

available for the student to seek redress.

Copies o f dispute resolution procedures afC available for review at

Dining Services


and medication evaluation.


A variery o f interest ;.!.nd persunal ity i nven tories are available

C dI

COUJlselIng J nd T.::s ting Services provides a

counseJmg ilnd supporfive servi ·es. Trained and


If a s tude n t

ha5 reason ro believe that an academic or ad min istrative action is

Re.lIi tin,' t h a t a studen ts' emotional heaith is i lllporranr for their a ademi'

fu lfi l l i nstitutional

fa i r, consistent, and prorective o f each pe rs o n's r i g h ts, appropriate

25 3. 5 3"i . 7106

wide range


responsibility and at the same time fo llow proce d u res that arc



University Center Coffee Shop and

S lith Hall fe s i d e n t , are encour.1ged Services me-" I plan tailored



the Un iversity ,enter

(0 USL

he to

In add it i o n

race, ethniciry, gender, age, a n d sexuality. They are available to

h elp all swdems, staft; and faculty who have i n terest in an;a, of

mulricultural ism. The D i ve rs i ty Center is located on the gro u nd floor o f the Un ivers i ty Cc:n tcr, across fro m Campus iVl i n istry. Other •

thc:.iJ 5pC iRe needs.


PLU co m m u n ity;

D i n i ng

PlU 2006

The Office of Student I nvolvement and Leadership helps

underrep resented p o pu l a ti o n s programs and work within the

B is tro. O ff-campus and a

resources in th e area of mu lticulturalism are:

different dubs and o rganizations that suppOrt [he efforts

thc:ir meal plans in the

p u rc h as e

ca m p u s

Associated S w de n ts of Pacific Lutheran Un iversity (ASPLU)



and R i de n ce Hall Association (RHA) hoth have formal lead e rs h i p positions that program events bo th social and educat ional for the entire studt:nt body on a variety of multicultural issues; •

The \1(fomen' · Center strives to increase understanding o f ge nd e r issut.'s, empower women to explore options in their l i ves, and motivate both women and mt:n toward greater involvt:ment in these social jus tice issues, as leaders, as allies, and agent, of change, on campus and in the world; The Wang Center for I nrernational Programs p ro vides extensive supporr and education for students, faculty and staff interesred in studying away for a year, semester or January eml. The \1(fang Center also coordinates the biannual Wang Center Symposium, Wang Center Research Grants and various on-campus activities to promote international perspectives, cultures, and inrerculturalism; and

The University Diversity Com m i ttee furthers the university's missi on o f multiculturalism through pol icy review and event plan ning o n both a social and educational level in the area of multiculturalism that integrates both the academic and student life.

The Elliott Press 2 5 3 . 53 5. 7387 wluw.plu. edul�ppaleUiott. lJt1nl

The Ell iott Press is PLU's studio laboratory for the printing arts. With the pr sss l a rg col lection of letterpress type and equ i pm en t . student design and produce printed texts using traditional techniques that flourish today in the lively art form known as fine printing. The press also h o uses a growing co l lect io n of innovative artist books and is a working museum where visiwrs may try their hands at rhe tec hn o l o gy pioneered hy Gutenberg.

December 3 1 , 1 956, are required to p rov id e documentation o f two measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccinations received after their first hirthday. This information must he o n file before a student is perm i r red to register. Also recommended are Hepatitis B, meningitis, and up-to-date tetanus/diphtheria immunizations. International students, faculty and scholars from countries at risk for TB will be requi red to have a tuherculosis skin test. This test is done at the Student Health Ce n r e r aftcr arrival at the university. The cost is $20. Questions abom the immunization policy will be answered gladly at the health center.

Information and Technology Services (Lihrary and Computing 'ervices) 253.53 .7 00 and 253.535.7�25 wwr/l.plu.edul�/ibr a n d www.pl.t.edrt/�comptelc

Information & Technology Services (I&TS) provides libraty and computing . ervices for the campus. Located in Morrvedt Lib rary, I&T� personnel arc co mm i t ted ro ma ki ng technology work for everyone while striving to make research in both p ri nt and electronic collections a rewarding experience. More i nfor mat io n regarding I&T services is available on the PLU Web site.

Computet' arcormu a re essential fo r all PLU students. The PLU


cPass provides students wirh a PLU emai l account, an expanding set of online studellt services, a rich collection of electronic re sea rch sources and tools, and other services and remurces for the exdusive use of the P U c m munity. Students starting each fall receive mail in June from the uniwrsity wirh instructions o n requesting the ePass accou n t online.

QI ::::J �

Anti-virus .Jojn/lore is required o n all student computers that

connect to the P I .U network. PLU provides this software free. Failure to protect your computer w i th an anti-virus p rogram might result in p en a l ty. Visir our \1(fcb page to get additional information and d o wn l o a d the program: <

The Student Health Center

wWlII.plu. edrllnntivirus.

2 5 3 . - 3 '5 .7337 tuww.pl".edll/�/)(!altb

The Student Health CenLer, "caring, conven ient, confidential," is staffed full rime hy two physician assistants. Also available wedly are a consulting physician, a psychiauic physician assistant, and a nurse practitioner. Services provided include acme care for illness and injury, physical exanlS for porrs, travel, employment and reproductive

health, birth contrnl, STD i nfo rmat io n and testing, chtonic disease monitoring, consultations for travel, smoking cessation, substance abuse and eating disorders. Also offered are i mmunizations, allergy shots, laboratory tests and health education on a wide variety of topics. Completion of the university health history form is requir ed for registration. iclmess aud Accident Insurance: T h e health center strongly encourages all students w have medical insurance. Information about " a r i o u s in urance o pti o ns can be found on the health center \1(fe b site.

The imm,mizatio1l policy states that all srudents born after

Check out books and multimedia equipment and materials (e.g., videos, DVDs, digital cam e ras) With yo u r student 10 card. This card with the b a rco d e on the back serves as your PLU library card.


n QI


"C C 1/1

::a tn 1/1

o C

.... n tn 1/1

General acce,fS c071lputel'1 are located throughout campus. The largest concentration is in Morrvedt Library, where the Haley Center p rovides over 50 workstations for access ro electronic information resources and other res ea rc h activities i n an atm o s ph e re that pr o m o t es i ndividual and group study, immediate access to reference and tech nology help, and the relaxing ambiance o f a nearby espresso kiosk. Also in the library is the Language Resou rce Center for foreign language learning. Pet'soIJalized assutance in computing and library services can be obtained in a variety of ways. These I&TS departments are good starring points: •

For assistance in ohtaining the be: t information on a topic or learning effective research strategies, visit the reft:rence desk o n th e main level o f the l ibrar , call 253-535-7507, visit them online at 1/lww.plll.edll/� librlreft!7'encel"ome."tml or

PLU 2006 - 2007


t!mail r o


From this web page you can also access

"24/7 Librarian Live" ro work with a librarian over the

network using chat and co-browsing software. •

For assistance with computer accounts, email, supported

email them at

regional news, and j azz ro more than 500,000 listeners per week.

comptelc@Plu.edu or visit them online.

at 253.5 3 5.7509, send email ro


or visit

www.plu.edrt/rmediA. For .suPPQrt developing web resources or instruction i n using digital media and web development rools, visit the Digital

Media Center on the second Aoor of the l ibrary. You can also contact the OM

at 2 5 3 . 5 3 5 .8728.



www.pIILedulrdmc. Residnsee haD rooms all have Ethernet network connections. To connect ro the net\vork, students need an Ethernet card i n

add ition r o cPass access a n d 'lIl ti-virus soft\vare (above) . For

information or assistance on setting up a computer for accc:s� ro the network

(ResNet) , srudcnts

or contact the CATS help desk.

should visit the CATS ho mepage Ethernet cards for most

KPLU streams its exclusive, award-winning jazz, and news 24


day on its Web site. KPLU is also now a leader in


is the only independent university in the Northwest

operating a full-power N P R member station.

Li b rary Services

(see Information and Technology Servim)

New Student Orientation 2 5 .3 . 5 3 5.7 1 9





Student Orientation will assist students and their families

ith the transition to PLU. The tlve-day fall program introduces

students to many dimensions of PLU life and includes meeting

OJfcampus slude1lts need a modem

becoming acquainted with campus services and having rela.xed

and an I n ternet service

PLU net\vork from off campus can be found at

Winless network W1U!S are located throughout campus,

including University

with an advisor, talking in small groups with other new students, time with other students bdon� classes begin. Special activities arc

also planned f()r parents and families. \\7hile January and spring


en ter, Morrvedt Library, Xavier HaJl and

Rieke Cen ter. The Morken Center for Learning and Technology has both fixed and wireless net\vork, a digital mul timedia lab, an

open lab for students, and department computing labs.


academic life �md co-curricular activities.

Off-Campus Student Services . 7 1 95

ruwrv.plu.edul�offcamp (SIL)

provides off-campus

students with a relaxing office and supportive staff. Off-campus students are inviled

253.53 5 . 7 1 94


seek involvement, resources, and suppOrt

through this office. S I L partners with ASPLU to coordinate communication and programming and to advocate for


nonresidential s tudents . In addition, the following resources are

In ternational Student Services provides assistance to international


education and personal needs. Services include orientation,

srudents i n adjusting ro the university and in meeting both

registration and on-campus Liaison with otht'r university offices.

Meal pfaru: LutePoin

KPLU-FM, National Public Radio

PLU's FlexPlan (25 meals per academic year) and

arc convenient and economical meal options for

off-camplJ.\, students.

253.535 .7758 •

Off-campus borui1lg:

If you are looking for off-campus

housing, check the off-campus notebooks in Residential Life

KPLU is a public radio station licensed by the Federal


for off-campus students, on the

vel of the Un iversity Cen ter, the upper level of the

Hauge Adminisrration Building, the fitst Aoor o f Rieke

applications, and extensions of stay is available.

Communications Commission to


Science Cemer, and the University Gallery in I ngram Hall.

procedures regarding temporary travel, work


Lounges: especially designed lower

Assistance with immigration and government regulations as well


morc condensed, they also provide new students

Student Involvement and Leadership

International Student Services



with an i ntroduction




worldwide j azz listening.

computers are available at the PLU booksrore.

monthly charge. Additional information on connecting ro the


The KPLU news team files hundreds of stories for national


provider in addition ro the P LU ePass. An ISP usually entails a


public radio stations. KPLU broadcasts N P R news, local and

broadcast with N PR each year.

For assistance with multimedia equipment or services

(including audio, television, and classroom technologies), visit

... I: � "C ::::J

Recognized for its programming excellencc, KPLU 8 8 . 5 ,

National Public Radio (NPR), i s o n c o f the nation's leading

Multimedia Services o n the main Aoor o f the library, call them

11'1 � u .... ::::J Q 11'1 � a:::

commercial radio.

Telecommunication Services (CATS) help desk on the main

level o f ivlorrvedt Library, call the help desk at 253-535-7525,

Public radio stations are authorized by the federal government as

noncommercial ro offer alternative programming not found on

software, and related resources, visit the Computing and

throughout Western Was hingron and lower British Columbia.

and the bulletin boards in the U c .

Board of Regents of Pacific

Lutheran University in rhe Tacoma/Seattle area at 88.5 FM.

With a nct\vork of eight booster signals, KPLU extends its service

ASPLU: Four elected members of A S P L U student government are off-campus senators.

PlU 2006 - 2007

foc used o n la n guage and cultural immersion, and several

Center for Public Service

"traditional" co-ed options. For srudents 20 yea rs or age or older who have artained a mini mu m of j u n ior st a n di n g, more

253. -35.7 1 73 253.535 7652

auronomous living o pt i o n s are avai lab l e including an all-'ingle


room hall and an apartment style res i denc e h al l . All halls i n c l u d e

t:nrer fo r Publi .. Service connects th� PLU ca m pus to the


surro und i ng commun ilic=s by pro vi d in g opportuni ties fo r

stuJents. Staff and Faculty to serve community needs as pa rt of

info rmal lou nges, s t udy rooms, and comm on kitchen an d

l au nd ry facilities thar allow residents to establish a comfortable

l ivi n g pattern.

their ltni ers iry experience.

Each r<,sidence hall is managed by a live i n pro fessi o n al staff

There .Ire many ways PLU peop le (an become i nvo lved i n co m mu n i ty ervic a r PLU. hey can wotk with all ages­

member who oversees h o us i ng and fac i l it i es n eeds ,

preschoolers clJrough sen ior c i Lize n s-:n the Fam i ly and

of social serv i ce age nc ies

h i lJre n' Center, a co al it io n

tOgether in PLU's E. ·I

ho used

amplls that closely cooperates w i t h the

Center fo r Public S rvice. S t u d ems can also beco me i n vo lved in community work through aca demic e rvice-Iearn ing classes that



rel;llionship between


academic subj ect and

co mmuni I:)' se rvice exp e rie n e. The Center for P u b l ic Service is a resource

faculty reaching these co urses , which are anilable in


mallY departments, and can heIp studenrs find out about them. ror



can a�(l erv ice,



of volunteer work, individuals and student gro ups

the Vo lunteer

enter, part of the Ce n ter fo r Public

browse through l i s tings of more than 1 00 vo lu n te e r


opp rru n i ti es on and near t h e PLU campus and to learn about residen

hall or student club service projects.

To find

commu n i ty, cal l the Cc,nrer for Public Se rvi ce, o r st op by Rammd Room 1 1 6.



hether t hrough a conVersation with


tate night r lln

mem er

to a


roo mm a te , a

iocal co ffee s h o p, or a d ia l o gu e

who i. atte n d i ng an

evc::n t ,

l iv i ng in the

residence hair, p r vides srudenrs wi th an o pp o r ru n i ty to

exp er i me nt how what is l ea rned in the c l as s room can be applied in the wo r l d . For [hi

halls is



Integral parr

of the


bel icve thar l i fe i n the residence

Lure experie n ce.

Th_ u ni ve rs i ty req uirc:5 all fu l l-rime ( 1 2 or m o re

stude n t.� to

conditio ns:

semesrer hours)

live on campus un l ess they meet o n e of the fo l lowi n g

I . The slLldent

is living at home with paren t( s) , l egal guardian(s), s po u se, or ch ild(ren) 2 . '!l1C rudc:m is _0 years of age or older on o r before September 1 for Ihe J demic year, or Fcb ruary 1 for the spri ng semes ter. 3. They h,ve attain d jun ior statU5 (60 semester h o u rs ) on or before Septe m ber I for the academ i c year or February 1 for the spri ng semester.

Re identia! Life at P LU aspi

we lco

hvC!, I

Student Code of Conduct www.pJu.�du/�slif Wirhin any community certain regu lations are necessa r y. Pacific Lutheran U n ive rs i ty a d o pts o n l y rhose standards believed to be reas o n ab l y necessary and admits snldems wi th the expectation

u nive rsi ty co m mu n i ty


expected to res pect the righ ts an d

i n tegri ty of others. Conduct on-campus or o ff-campus whi ch is

detr i m e n t al to students, f:ICLllty, staff, or rhe universi ty, or which

their residence hall rooms. The code of co nd ucr fo r all students is

i n the World ." Tha(� what Re idential Life at Pacific


co mmunity. RHCs c a n also serve as an advo care fo r s t u d e n ts to the Residential Life D epart ment and the U ni versity at l arge .

hours when students may have visi tors of the opposire sex in

LUl hernn U ni versi ty hopes you will exp l ore while l iv in g on

stu d y group,

curricular programmi ng. The R HC is a rcam of volunteers who

work to bui l d i de n tity within th e entire resi d e nc hall

consumption of alcoholic bev e rage on ca m pus and l i m i t s the



ass ist with needs as t h ey arise, pro v i d e social activities and co­

or fo r dismissal. Th e un i vers i ty proh ibi ts the possessIon or

253. 35.7200


a n d supervises the Res i d en t Assistants (RA). RAs are t he p rim a ry contacr fo r a.ll residents. They serve as a perso nal resource to

violates local, s t ate, or federal laws. may be gro u n ds fo r sanctions

Residential Life

" Your Pia

se rves as a

hall council ( RHC) ,

that they will co mply with those standards. All members of the

mo re bout how to become e ngage d in t h e


res o urc e fo r students, advises rhe res idenc


to provide safe, com fo rtab l e and

ing r id�nce hall commun i ties in which all srudents can

rn and gr m . \ 'ift: offe r a v ariet), of h ousi n g options fo r srudents to he lp us mee[ [hal goal These i nc l ude an al l -wo m e n's residen ce hal l, an i n t�miona l living and learn i ng co m m un i ty

avai la bl e online at

www.plu.edulprintillandbook. The student

conduct coordinator may b e reached at 253.53 5.7 1 9 5 .


Q.I ::I C.

n Q.1


"C c:: III

::a II) III

o c::

St dent Activities

... n

253.53 5.7 1 9 5 www.plu.edul�sil 5rudent activities are regarded



'sential factors in higher


edLlcario n . Some are re l a ted to co u rses of instruction such as

drama, mus ic , a n d phys i cal educa tion; others are conn ec ted more

closely to re rcational and social life. I n vo l veme n t in s t u de n t activities pro vides p rac ri cal ex pe rience and at the same time devel o ps an u n dersta n di ng of self i n rdati on


ot hers . Co­

cu rr ic ular programs include s t u d en t government (Associated

S tuden t s of PLU, and Residence Hall A�soc iatio n), SPOrtS

activities (varsity, in tramural a n d cl u b spo rts) , student media (newspaper, so ci al jus tice journal, a rtis tic magazine, radio an d television), student clubs and o rga n i zari o ns and community

serv ic e p rograms. With over 1 00 stu d e n t activi ties in wh i c h to

become involved, there is sure to be ar least one thar will e n ri ch a

pe rso ns c o l l ege experience.

Student Em p loyment 253.535.7459 Within the uni versity, approxi mately 1 , 500 studcnrs will h ave on campus emp l oymen t . Campus em pl o yme n t prov ides excellent

PLU 2006 - 2001


appn rlunitl dH�H


s to C

lnsider and connect their work experience to

PLU Iden t i fication Number and Perso nal Identification Number


fi)r students

,igTlifi�;rnr w(lr� t>l\perience. Experience, convenience and 11\: ;

IVork-srudy, is



n or a


campus employment. Federal

requ i rement to obrain a job on campus.

1 1 2, alm m:ln:lg...� t he \)' :l.sh l r lgton SWt.: \'Vork Study p rogram.



�m p\l.� W(lrk C�l'� ri(! nce fe) t st udcnts in fidds related to their

253 535-7459



Q) a::

Student Lifl! lI l' LU seeks to promorc the hol istic development

01 student .t nt.! �te\vani

make •

l ualirv

; 1 11 c.�se'l i

Cl f



dynamic campus com m u n i ry.

in pwp()serul t!lI.ptrictltial

tht'm�ch.. , .and orher ,ummu l 1 i ric� i 'l wh ich lllc


learn i n g that

difference i n the world as t.hey care for

and positively impact the diverse

iJI cnmponem 01" tire academic com m u n i ty. The

l earn i n�. Pacif1( Lurhcran University also recognizes that

i� for rhe total person and that a

the SUlll mer program se rves teachers and admin istrators who seek to satisfy credentials and pccial courses. The


s u m m e r sess i o n , which begins o n June 4, cons ists

o f rhree te.rms i n cluding a one-week workshop sess i o n . There

[ JHe�1 I 0n w i t h pCr�<H1 S o f d i ffe ring l ift: experiences, application

or e hlc:U iou


personal goals and aspirations, and

:I [

PI U. III a rime when there is a need fo r

rntani ngri u co m mu n i ty, the campus fac i l i tares genuine

reladonships a mong mem bers of the u n ivers i ty fro m diverse

rdigioll.S . racial , Jnd culrural backgro unds .

·,!I "r t l J . s<:rvi e: � and





a l l a.wecrs of the u n ivers i ry. Individual attenti o n


cor Ke rn ,

including a variery o f specific

.. fvk� l u t l , n"d ht'Ie md o n the web at


tudent Services Center

A combi ned class schedule is p r i med and available on cam p us eacb year fo r the Summer

essions and Fall Semeste.r.

workshops and sem i n ars may be view under the Special To p i cs area at www.plu. edulacademirs.

on-matriculated students who enroll fo r t.he summer session s u b m i t a signed Summer Ses:;ions Non-Degree Registration Form with the attached statement of good academic stan ding.

253.535.83 1 8

KlIl I I7IlX!. l '\



111( S t lld"lll S�rv!c:es Cen ter, located i n Hauge Admin istration RntJm ! 02,

!iun i l i . .lnd

School o f Education and o ffered ar varying t i mes t h roughout t h e s u m mer.

Volunteer Center

2'j.� '- 3 " 7 1 6 1

BUlldj n �.

C o n t i n u i n g educa tion courses are available t h rough the

WWw.plll.. edulsm11 1.1er. I n form ation about special inst itutes,

F.Jc i ! i t i es provided arc i n tend.,d to

the .:u:adel11 i c program. T h e services refleGt changin g

Iud", \ 'r'uill


n i n e weeks. Ma.s ter of B u s i n ess A d m i n i strati o n courses are

DeKriptions of summer courses may be viewed o n l ine at

'lUdell l ' H'elk .mel the opportu n i ties fo r student participarion

ofTers a vanerl' of services for students,

rht: PLU Lom m u n iry. Questions o r requests fo r

rcgisua Lion a5� c. m n


copies of unofll c ial/offlcial rranscriprs,

PLU's Vo lunteer Cenrer, run by students and housed in the Cemer fo r Public Service, seeb to give stuJen rs opportun i t.ies to put to work rheir dreams fo r a better world. The Vo lunteer Center has l istings fo r over

1 00

organizations that need

y�rificlli(1n u F en ro ll m en r, deferments, fi nancial aid, acco u n t

vol u n teers. Smdents can stop by and browse t h rough the

the: service:; lIffcrecl . We: pride ourselves i n a high qual i ry of

Volunteer Center coordinators who help march students with

unancing, b i l hl1g statem ents, and vereran's assistance a r e s o m e of


sum mer sessions. These experi mental cO l l r c:s cover a broad range

taugh t d u r i n g two s i x-week terms. two n ights per week.

CO-I.. u r rkular ,-", pe rienr� �re all available and total components



faculty typically o ffer i nnovative, experimental courses during

are courses taught in the eve n i ng-, twO nights per week fo r

o r r.. lass roorn knowledge


incl udes con tinuing education courses and spec i a .l i n stitutes. These co urse offeri ngs arc open to all qualified persons.

Lumpi.:mell[.l ty rcbuonship exists between students' i n tellectual

Jevclopmcm and the satisfactiun of their other individual needs.

c Q) "'C

The u n iversity o ffers an extcnsive summer school cu rriculum that

fields. Designed fo r u ndergraduates and graduatc students a l ike,

l lle m l L iv a t. ed and fostered w i t h i n the un iversity is

I l henu �d"�,H i(1n

Study Away

of contempo rary issues and perspectives in d i fferent academic

t hey live.

envi mnmenr produced is conducive to a life o f vigorous and w>.Iti.

i nfo rmarion about students.

/1IWW.pl'll. edtt!� smmner

/Uww.plu. e4u/�slif


popularly known as " F ERPA". govcrns the

253.535 .8628

1 'i3.53,.7 1 9 1

chal l enge, [hem

1 974,

un iversity's collection, reten tion and dissemi nation of

Summer Sessions

Student Life

::l o

Act of

�ree \\ltlllg Cf7/tllr for International f'rogl<linJ)


t'n�ag" s t wlents

Lutheran University has adopted a p o licy to protect the privacy of education records. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy

provide. para-professional o fT

Wl\'er gnal>. CO n t.ln o u r office at

Q) V ..

( P I N ) . It is the studen t's right to give these numbers to a parent o r sign i ficant other for access to education reco rds. Pacific

[udcm I:.mp l oy ment Office, located in Ramstad Hall room

Th i� p'..>gram is


access i n formation regarding a studen t's financial

cJ m pm is also excel lent t m i n i ng

E,nllloymO:: lu



aid andlor b i l l i n g i nquiries, you are required to have the student's

wah l 'I1l,ted txp� '!; nGC as wdl as thme students who have IlC1libil ity

I f you need

po.s i bi l i t ics with an emphasis on vocatio n .




d ed i cated to assisting studcnts through the

aLldcmi<: proces.< with financial assistance and orher resources.

p lacement lists, or make an appointment with o nc o f the 3

organizations. Class projects, residen.ce hall group activities, one day o r several, the Vo lunteer Center can help students help.

PLU 2006 - 2007


Wang Center for International Programs 253.535.757

www.p/u.edu/wa/.gcl!7lfer As

a globally-focused un i ve rs i ty, PL provides students with man)' ch.allenging and rewarding opportunities ro e xperi en ce the world, we.wing global educJtion th rough almost every aspect of cudy and many co-curricular programs. The Wang Center for International Programs is the universi ty's focal point for global JUCJ.uon , with the vision o f educa t i n g to achieve a just, healthy, ,u>htin. ble and peaceful world. both locally and gl o bal ly.

[he classroom setting, student readers a n d wri ters talk s rio us ly about ideas and writing strategies. Most sessions are one-hour meetings. but d ro p - i n students with brief essays or questions are welcome.

The Wri t i ng Center is loc ated on the second floor of the Library, and is o pe n Monday th ro u gh Thursday from 8 :00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p . m . , and Sunday from 4:00 [ Q 9:00 p.m. These hours may vary slightly from se m es te r to semester.

Scrv ict'S provideJ y the \Vang Ce n te r include: advising students lor ,tud} away. awardi.ng student and fa c u lty research grants, col­ laboranng WIth faculty i n offering shorr off-ca mp u s courses and directi ng ·em Ster a b r o ad programs, organizing b iennial global 'ymp sia. 'si ling visit i n g scholars, and supporring stu d ent- d riv­ en co- urricular activities. \X'ith appropriate p lan ni n g, it is possible for qu al ified students i n almost a n y major t o successfully i nco r po rate s tu dy away into their Jcgtee plans. Majors i n all fields are encouraged to partici­ pate in ff-campus study; there is a wide range of opportunities fllr anuary term, semester, academic year and summer programs as wdl as internaLionai internships. vcr 500 PLU students each rear tn rporarc . cud)' away in their academic e x per i en ce .


To l earn mo re about study away afld mhcr global education

Qj ::::I c..

opporLunitics, v is i t the Wang Center for I n ternational Programs o n - l i ne

or in-person. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

f"\ Qj


Women's Center


2 5,l" 35.8759

11I1uw.plu.edul...wom.encen he W,lmen\ Center i an on-ca m pu s

resource ce n te r

;:Q (t) VI o C

t h a t st:rves

stuuenrs, staff and bcu l ry. Located on upper campus in the house

a ros

the street from Ordal Hall (80 1 1 2 1 st Street South),

the "enter p rovid cs advocacy, resources, and educational

n (t) VI

program ming for and ab ou t women and gender equity. Both women and men are welcome to u.se the resou rces of the Women's enter and encou raged to take ad va nt age of the sate, I U ppo rnv e, :'\ l1d c on fi d en t ia l atmosphere fo r support or network

grou p.,.


taff at the Women's Center offers confiJenriai s u p po rt and

.l$si. tam: in dc:ali n g with sexual harassment, rape or sexual

ass ult. Jnd d3tin !rdati o ns h i p issues. Throughout the year, the center a ls o provid . a varicty of o pp o rtu n i t i es for gathering and

,cleb rad 0 n.

Writing Center 2- 3.535.8709

WWllJ.p[u.etbll writing �

The ' ri t i n enter pro v id es a place �or students to meet with [rained studcnt co n su l t a nts ro discuss their academic, c reative ;lI1d professional writing. Student staff members help \vriters geiierate to p ic . develop focus, organize materi<l.l and clatity iJeas. In an atmosphere that i s comfortable and removed fro m

PLU 2006

31 -


Information and Technology -=ci e nce

Academic Structure

M i l i tary

Wang Center for I n te rn

College of Arts and Sciences

a ti o n al Programs

Degrees Bachelor's Degrees _�_achelor of Am (BA) _ Bachelor of Am Ba

Qi'!..isi011 ofNatural Sciences---

B-�chdo[ �-{Arrs in PbY;ic:al Ed�-�� (BAPE) Bachelor of Arcs in Recreation ( BA Rec) (BC:: n-:: :' B'--A :--:)-----'--Bachelor of B usi ness Admi�istrati�-

iol gy

c::: o RJ



Compurer ci<,nee and Compur

Geo den


Bachelor of Fine Arcs (BFA)


B;�hdor o{�\.1��i-c




( B MA) - ------) :'1 � �- ;C B�h�l or �f Ivi�i c E;h;;;;-io n -(';; E B7

P�y ics----=-



Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Bachelor of Science in P hysical Education (BSPE)

Anthr�olo.&...­ economics


:::::I u '­ '-


::I U

Bachelor of Science ( BS)

ofSocUU Scitmces

Marri, g dnd F;mil)' Therapy Political oence ----



Bachelor of Musical Arts



in Communication (13AO

elor of Arts in Education (BA )

Psy�.ho logy-


Master's Degrees Master of Arts in Ed a t i on (MAE) !\1aj�� �fA;ts in Edu���ion witI TnTti;;rCertiftcat� (c:ER11



lyIast�r of Arts (Marriage and Family Thernpy) (MA)_ ____ Master of Fine Am in Creative Writing ( M FA) Master of B usI ne ss Administration (MBA) Master of Science in N ur i n g (MSN)

and Social Work

School of Arts and Communication


Art mmunicarion and Thearr�



Bachelor of Arts (BA) An throp� lo o� �L i________________________________ Art

School of Business School of Educatioo

Bi o ! .<:>ID':

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

School of Nursing


School of Physical EdUcation


Interdisciplinary Programs

Computer Sc i e ce

o mmllnical ion





The Modern Economic Enterprise


Emphases: French


Literature Writing

Geosci ence -

Other Academic Programs rain



------- --


PlU 2006 - 2007

______ _____ _

E_ng l ishJLangLLJ.ge Arr�,._____ English as a second language (wi

Individualized Major

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Mathematics Music

Washington Ac ademy of Languages)






Political Science Mathemaric


Rel igio n

P hysics

Social Work

Political 'oenee ------



COllcelltmtio Ju._ ' ___�-'-..J..:...

Spanish 1h




D _� _i� g� n_ rn _� __ h_ al_________ nl_ ·c_


Bachelor of Arts in Recreation (BARec)

Interdisciplinary Majors Chinese

Srudi es

Environmental Scandinavian

Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education (BAPE) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Co ncentrations:


Ar� 5mdi

M- �.rker ing -:-: . Profe.ssional Accoun ring

_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _

Complementary Majors Global Srudies



Human Reso urces and Organizarions

Developme n t and Responses


ViolenCe' and

Social Justice

In tcrnutional

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) An

Two- Dimemional M edi a


Can flier


World Health

Transnational Movem 'ms and Women's and

Gender Studies


Dlversi ty



_ _ _ _ _ __

Conrlict Mana


C',.Qmp osiuon



D.I ...

Piano Vo ic

Bachelor of Science (BS)

Bachelor of Music Education (BME)



K- 1 2

Chem isu),


K- 1 2 Ins trumental (Bandl




�ic Relationsl AdvertiSI ng



I nSlrumental

i edia PerfOrmance and Pr duct io n

Appl ied

__ __ __ __ __ _

Bachelor of Music (BM) � ---







Acring/ Directing

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ _

Bachelor of Arts in Communication (BAC) ConcmtratioJ1S:



G lobalization and Trade

Dimcns lon.;J, ;-'-� M ed ';-;i3. --

n c:

K- 1 2

.....:.::. -"'. -.:: 2') ________ uter Ell.,ineering




Bachelor of Musical Arts (BMA)

Computer Science

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

Bachelor of Science in Physical Education (BSPE)

Bachelor of Arts in Education (BAE)

el'ti[icotiO!lS: _______

Teach;'1 Endorsonents:

Elemen tary

Elemenr:lly and Sp � econdary

Exercise Science


cial Education

bemis-try ___________

�arrh Science,

Minors Anth ropology

PlU 2006

Health and Fi tness lvl anagemem

-A in �� I ) re-: �� t hIe� · t ic �n �in�g �------­ �� Pre- Physica l T herapy

__ __ __ __ __ __ __




Le al Studies


=· Publishing and Pri ming..::. fu ts .::;-=

Women's and Gender


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

FOR �STERS DEGREES See Graduate Studies on page 152.

Course Numberings

Communication ance

100-299 Lower-Division Courses: Open to first-year studems


Computer Science &

C mputer .Scie�

and sophomores unless otherwise res tricted.

omputer Engineering

__ .. ____.. ___ ...... ... . .. _ .._ .... Elec trical Engineeri ng · - ··- - ·------···· ""' c:.: -"' � = j en c e : io c-:-= :. .:; :..: n"':S ::: r:..:; at::,I n;.;:o m

300-499 Upper-Division Courses: Generally open to juniors

and seniors unless otherwise specified.' Also open to graduate

studems, and may be considered part of a graduate program

provided they are not specific requirements in preparation fo r

:..:=-----_ ....... =:;.;:...


_ __


graduate study.

500-599 Graduate Courses: Normally open to graduate

students only. If, during the last semester of the senior year, a

c o

candidate for a baccalau reate degree finds it possible to complete

� 1'0

semester hours of undergraduate credit, registration fo r graduate


� o c

E :::s

:::s IJ � �

:::s u

all degree requirements with a registration of fewer than


credit is permissible. However, the total registrarion for

M at hematics

undergraduate requiremems and elective graduate credit shall not

exceed 1 6 semester hours during the semester. A memorclndum

Acruarial Science

stating that all baccalaureate requi rements are being met during

Ma thematics

rnri=:. s tic':":: s= -·-------�f�-: s l..:. c= :::----·· ····-·---

the current semester must be signed by the appropriate

department chair or school dean and presented to the dean of

en era l i zed

graduate studies at the time of such registration. This r eg is t rat i on

does not apply toward a higher degree unless it is later approved

pe ialized


by the student's advisor and/or advisory committee.

Nu rsi ng

H ealth Service�

Phi losophy

Physical Edu


.. Note: Low£'1··division students may enroll ill lIpper-dizJisioll courJes ijprerequisites halJe been met.


Course Offerings

Coac h i ng

ElI.�rcise Science

[- l eal th Edu�ation


Ith and Fi mess

Physical Activi ry

Most listed courses are offered every year. A sysrem of alternating


upper-division courses is pracriced


S orrs Manas.em � .

��tP _s.L y_ d_ lO l o... gy '-__

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Public Affai rs

£.an tsh

which the registration is regarded as insufficient, and to w i t hdraw courses. Most courses have a value o f fou r se mester hours.

Parenth e ti cal numbers immediately after the course description

Alternative Perspectives


o r ,'-

_ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ____ _ _

._. .. . _____.. pedal Education ( Non-Teaching)




Interdisciplinary Minors


some departments, thereby

GUR (General University Requirement) Key


.� and Social


broader curriculum. The university reserves the right

or tide i ndica tes the number of semester hour credit given.

Policical S cienCe

Re l i g i on


to modify specific course req uirem en ts , to discontinue classes in


Chi ne$t:


tudie ----.- . .





_ _. .

. In u i ry Seminar

Inquiry Seminar: Writing

___In(ernational Core: Origin� of th-.:.. Modern o rl d International Core: 200-level urses -----

io-ll·�! Co�<::. Co n c:l.�l.d..�g ·O.:..f t,te =13 :---.= = = = ..= I� .!� .l1� u se Literature LT

_ .:.. - ' _ _ _ _

nvi ronmental Studies




PLU 2006 - 2007

Mathematical Reasoni ng_

[ a t ur J.1 Sciences, MathemJ.rics, or Com p uter Science

_ P:-:E ____ Physical Educuion Act i v i ty Course PH





Learning Agree m e n t

exp e ri e n ce . each student must arrange fo r academic s uper vi s i o n from a fac u lty spo nso r. FacuI ry are res po n s i b le fo r i ns u r i ng that

( L i ne l j

the work exp e rie n ce provi des a pp ro p ri at e learn i ng opportuni ties,

hristian [, h o ugh t, Hisro ry, Jnd

pe rie n ce ( Li n e


i ncl ud ing l earn i n g objectives, rel ared activities, and academic

documentarian of l earn i n g during the i r Academic I nternship

Phi los phy

R el igi on : Biblical Srucl.1

Studeors are res p ons i b le fo r co m p l e t i ng


Religi o n : I n teg r a ti ve a nd Co m pa ra t i ve Rel i gi o us St udies (Line 3)

fo r h el pi n g ro establish the l e a rn i ng agreement, and fo r

determining a grade.

Documentation of l ea r n i n g is esta bl i s h ed with



Agr eem e n t " ;tod usually includes co m p l et in g ;tead e m i c

ass i gnmen ts and proj ec ts a nd peri od i c con tan with [he faculty spo nsor. Learn i n g is gu i ded by an on-site s u p erv isor who acts


p ro fess io nal role m(,dd and me n tOr. The Learn i ng Agreemen t,


de ve l o p ed by each student wi t h the

s pon so r, liSt,

assisrance of a fac u l ty learn ing objectives. a d escri p ti o n of how th os e

o bj ecti ves will be acco mpl ished, and h ow the student will documl!nt what the), have learned. The Le arn i ng Ag reeme n t i s s i gn ed by the srudenr, rhe filCulty sponsor, the p ro gr a m director,

and the work supervisor, each of wh o m receives a copy. Co n ta cr

Academic IntemsW p ICoop erative Edu

(pe rs() n �u . phone, electronic, etc.) between t he faculty s p o n sor


;tnd the srudcnt muse be su ffici e n t


agreement wirh the faculty

Academic Inrt>mship/Cooperarivc Education courses are u n i que opr rtuni ties for " h a nds - o n" job ex peri e nc e with d i rect ed

academic learning. T h rough i n terns h jps rudents weave opp o nu n i ti es for wo rki ng a n d l ea rn i ng at rhe SJme rime. The

program features sysr matic coop erati on between the un i ve rsity and a n cxten o ive n u mber of em p l oye rs in the [l uget Sound



hi p


p rieoc

a l l ow the sp o nso r ro serve

student may participare in an , cademic u n.

,vhere in rhe world.


a nd app l icat i on, and may learn fi r st

hand about

Emp l oye rs are res pons i b le to: ( 1 ) p rov i de op po rtu n it i es fo r sru de n ts to ach ieve their learning object ives within the li mirs of

th ei r work e rr i ngs; (2) h el p srudents develop skills rel a ted to the

contextual as


co-workers); and

of rhe w()rk world (s uc h as relationsh ips with

(3) fac i l itate 5ludents' i n tegration i nt o their

work se rr i n g so that their e mp l oyme n t proves valuable and productive.



expe ri e nce enabl '; rudenrs

I n te rns h i p/


aware of tht: ch a n gi ng

dimf:n ions of wo r k. It is a key co m p on en t i n PLU's f:lbric of inv ri . dve l e a rn i n g .

FACULTY: He. rb er t- Hi l l .


TWO MODELS: An academic

par r - t im e and fu l l - t i me work schedules. Part-time work a l lo\ to

take o n-cam p us courses co ncu rre nd y. A fu l l -ri me

work xpcri<:nct: req ui res students to dedjcate th e entire term to rhe.ir co-op

or rhe

�mploymenr. In

m o sr cases, students will fo l low one

ther, but some d epa r tm ents or s ch oo ls rna d evd o p


a student may

receive a maxim u m


< �


P4rl-Time Intermhip

A su pervi sed educat io nal ex p er ien ce i n a work ser r i n g on a pa rt­

time basis, no less t h a n


Imended for s t ud ents who students

four-hour work per i ods per wee k.

m C. C n Q.I ...

o :::l

have nor yet d ec lared a major or fo r

king an ex pl ora w ,. experience. R equi res the

co m p l et i on of a Learning Agreement i n consul ration with a facu lty

sponsor. ( 1

sequences that c o m b in e both ful l -time and p a r r- t i m e work

AleE 476:

optio n s .

cart' 'r

Course Offerings - Academic Internships & Cooperative Education AICE and COOP AlCE 276:

internship accommodJ.tcs hat h


semcm: r h ou rs of credit through the Academic

dev do pm e n ts i n a pa rti cul a r field. An Academic I n tern ship 0

t r

after accep r i n g an Ac ad emic Inrernship po ition. T h rough o ut an

undergraduate aCJdemic




Swdents are requir�d ro regi st e r for at least one sem Students g:li n an app reci a tio n of the relarionship between rheo ry

sru de n


m a de by the faculey sponsor or t:h <: C o- o p program di recror in

253.)35 . 7324

comm u n i ty, t h o ugh


as a resou rce and provide academic supe rvi sio n. Site v is i t



P4rt-Time Adv41lced 11lteT1lship

A s u perv i s e d educational c.{perieocc.: i n a work setti n g on a pa rt­


time basis, no I

eligi b le fo r

ad m issio n i n to an Academic Internship or C o- o p course, a

student must h ave co m pl eted 28 scmest r h o u rs or

1 2 semt'st<:r

to e n ro l l


fo ur hou r


rk periods per week.

profess ionally related experience. Requires the co mpl erio n of a Learning Agreement in co nsu l tat i on with a faculty sponsor.

credirs fOI tr:msfer . mdems and be in good standing. Students who wish

, rhan

Intended for s tu den ts enrolled in a major wh o are seeki ng a

i n a n Acade mic I n ter ns h i p must

contact their deparrment faculty or t h e Director of the Co -o p

P r ogra m to dcterm ine el i gi b i l i ty, terms for p l ace me n t, areas of

(I to 8)

COOP 276: Full- Tirtu: Intemship A su p e rvi sed


perience in


work se t t ing on a full­

r i m e basis. Srudent must work at least 360 h ours i n t h ei r

i n terest, aca demic r equi re m e n t s , and ki nds of p os itio n s

internship. [mended for students w h o have not declared a m aj o r


or who are see ki ng an explo ra ro ry ex p e rien ce. R quires the

PlU 2 0 0 6 - 200 7


Choose: A N H

completion o f a lLarn i n g Agree me n t in consultation w i t h a

aculry s po nso r.

( 1 2)

350-499; a nd fo ur additional semester hours in anthropology.

COOP 476, Full- TitTU Adll(mcea Inumsbip

A su pervis ed

uc a ti o n a l e xp er ien ce in a work set r i n g on a full­


time basis. Student must work at l ea st 360 hours in their

seeking a p rofes si o na l experi ence . Requires the co m ple t ion of a

Le rning Agree me nt in consultation with a faculry sponsor. ( l 2)

arranged and approved through the Wang Center for


co mp l et i o n of a m i n im u m of one full year (32 credits) in

the p r gram start. Recommended: a minimum

GPA of 3.00. relevant work xper i ence or academic bac kgro un d , languag competency and signi Icant cross-cultural exp er ience.

c o

.... ra u :::s "'C w Q.I >

.... ra �

Q.I CL. o o u CL. .s=

c o m p letion of


Cooperative Education Agre e m en t i n

Q.I "'C ra u «

program advisor. ( 1 -4)

gradua ti n g a nth rop o logy major's t ransc rip t .


__ __ _ _

���{..� �T� H� ) AN

__ __

__ __ __ __ __

ANTH 101: Introduction to Huma" Biological Diversity - SM I ntr od u c t i o n to bi olo gical an r h ro pol ogy with a special focus on


human e vol u t io n , the fossil evidence fo r human deve lopm en t . the role of culture i n human evolution, and a co mp arison with the

2 5 3 . 53 - .75c 5

d eve lop m ent and social l i fe o f the non h um a n p r im ates. (4)

luww.plu. edul�anlllro

ANTH 102: Introductio" to Humall Cultural Diversity - C, Sl

An th rop ology a;; a di sc i pl in e tries ro bri n g all of th e world's

I n trod uc t i o n ro social-cultural a n r h ropolo gy, co nce n r ra t in g on

pc pie into human focus. Though anthropology does look at


the exploration of the infinite va ri e ry of human endeavors in all

and bones," it also examines the po l it ics . medicines,

a;;pects of culture and all rypes of societies; re l igi on , pol it ics , law, kinship and an. (4)

and times. This makes the study of anthropology a

comp lex task, for it involves asp ects of many disc ipl i ne s, fro m

ge o lo gy an d bi o logy ro :m a n d psychology.

ANTH 103: Introductioll to Archaeology and World Prehistory - Sl

Ant h rop ology is c om pose d of four fields. Cultural or social

examine the sweep of human pre hist ory from the e a rl ies t srone

a nth rop ol ogy

st ud ies li vin g human cultures in order ro crea te

Ctoss-cu ltural u nde rs ta nd i ng of human behavior.




Archaeo lo gy

I ntroduction to the ideas and p r ac tice o f archaeology used to a


goal, but uses data from the physical re ma in s of t he past


reach it. Lin guis t ic anthropology studies hu ma n

I nguage. Bi ol o gica l anthropology studies the emergence :md

su bse qu � n r b i o logi ca l ada p ta ti o ns of h u m an i ry as a s p ecies .

FACULTY: Brusco,

Chair; Andrews, Guldin, Huelsbeck. Klein,

Nosaka. Pine.

36 semester hours

ANTH 104: bltroduction to Langruzge in Society - Sl I n rrod uction to anthropological l i n gu ist i cs and sy mb ol ism ,

in cl uding the o ri gi n of language; sound sys te ms . structure and mea n i ng ; l a ng ua ge ac q u isit io n ; the social context of spea k i ng ;

language ch an ge ; nonverbal communication; and sex differences

ANTH 192: Practicing A1Ithropology: Makah Culture Past and Presmt - A, S 1

Required: ANTH [ 0 2, [ 03, 480, 499.

Choom ANTH

courses); four

tools to the deve l opm en t of agri c u l ture and metallurgy and ro

enrich our understanding of e x ti nL r societies. (4)

in l a nguage ust!. (4)


Study of Makah culture through archaeology and h i s tO ry and by

[ 0 1 or 1 04 ; 4 hour from 330-345 (peoples

e. mes ter hours from ANTH 3 5 0-465 ( top ics

courses) ; e igh t additional


must be

consultation with a f" cul ry sponsor and the studen t's gra du a te



p rop osal

ap proved by the facul ry by the third week of class of the

The departmenral honors d es i gnatio n will appear on a

A up er vis c d ed ucar i o na l exp er ience at the graduate level.

families, ans, and relig ions o f p eopl es and cult ures in various


su pe rv isi o n of de partme ntal facu l ty. A

and Ja nu a ry gra dua t es .

COOP 576; Work Experimce III

"sto nes


Co m p let ion of a senior thesis. A paper des cri bin g i n de pend enr research must be co n d uc ted under the

third week of class of the spring semester for De ce mber


proj ect S and activiries ou tsi de of class work.

fall se mes ter for M ay and August graduates, and the

0 - 1 2}



anrh ropo l ogy fac ul ry based on the studenr's p e r for ma n c e i n the following areas:

2. Demonstration of active i n rerest in anthropological

Int rnational Prog ra ms and a faculry sponsor. Prerequisites: ro

Depart m e n tal Honors may be gr a n ted by vote o f the

I . Anthropology course work: 3 . 5 minimum GPA.

COOP 477: blJernlltionm WOrk Experinue

res idence prior

DEPARTMENTAL HONORS In recogn ition of ourstanding work, the des igna t io n with

i nte rnsh i p. In �nded for students >ntolled in a majo r or who are

To b

1 0 [ or [ 03 o r [ 04 ; fo ur semester hours from

courses listed A.NTH 330-345; four semester hours fro m ANTH

hours in anthropo logy, at least four of

i nte rac t i ng with the Makah. Active and service l ea rn ing in Neah

Bay. visiting the Makah N at i o n. i nstructOr. (4)

Prereqr,i$i1e: Consent


which must be above ANrH 3 2 1 .

ANTH 210: Global Perspectives: The World in Change - C, Sl

MlNOR: 2 0 ,e mester

economic cha nge and international trade; diminishing resources;

&q14ired: A


fH [ 02 .

A survey o f gl ob a l issues: mo der n i za t i on and development;

war and revolution; peace and justice; a nd cu l t ura l d ive rs i ry. (Cross-listed with HIST 2 1 0 and POLS 2 [ 0) (4)

Ptu 2006 - 2007

AN11J 220: Peoples o/the World - S1

ANTH 340: Anthropology ofAfrica - C, S1

Exploration f Lh wo rld's cultures through anthropological fIlms, no eis, and eyewirness ccounts. Case tudies chosen from Africa, Native America, Asia, the Pacific, and Euro-America provide an insider's view of ways of life different from our own. (2)

Study of Africa's diverse cultures. Focus on early studies of villages and tOpics such as kinship, religion, and social structure, and on more recent studies of urban centers, the i m pact of colonialism, popular culture, and post-colonial politics. (4)

ANTH 225: Past Cultuns of Washingtor, State - S1

ANTH 341: Ho'ike: Odmra/ Discovery ;n HIlWa;'; - A, S1

ative Americans have lived in \Xiashingron State for at least the last 1 2,000 yea�. Cultures of the p'eople in coastal and interior Washington beginning with the fIrst northwesterners. An examination of the ways that cultures change through time until the c:mergence of the di&tinctive cultures observed by the earliest European visitors to the area. (2)

The history and culturai diversity of Hawai'i. Spend time i n Honolul u and on t h e island of Kaua' i, visiting cul tural sites and working with community based organizations. Anthropological writing�, histOry, and literature will provide a wider perspective and a framework for analysis of our experiences. (4)

ANTH 230: Peopks of the Northw n Coast - A, S1 A survey of the ways of life of tht' native peoples of coastal Washington, British olumbia, and Southeastern Alaska fro m European contact to contemporary times, including traditional medlOds of fishing, arts, potlatches, tatus systems, and weal th and their impact on the modern life of the region. (2) ANTH 330: Cultures and Peoples ofNative North

ANTH 342: Pacific Island Odtu1'fl$


C, S1

Peoples of Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia. Developments in the Pacific region are explored, including economic de ve lop m ent, migration, environmental degradation, political movements, gender rol�, the impact of Western media, tOurism, and cultural revivalism. How shifting theoretical models have informed rhe representation of Pacific cultures will also be considered. (4)

Anm-ica - A, 51

ANTH 343: East Asum Cultures - C, S1

A omparative scudy of Native North American cultures from

A survey of the cultures and peoples of Eastern Asia, concentrating on hina but with comparative reference to Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Culrural similarities as well as diEterences between these nations are stressed. Topics include religion, art, politics, hisrory, kinship, and economics. (4)

their arri al on the continent through today. E. amination of U.S. and Canadian laws, pol icies, and conflicts, issues of soveretgnry, and religious rights. (4)

S1 An a rchaeological reconstruction of economic, social, political,

ANTH 345: Contemporary Cbina - C, S1

and religious life in . orth America from the time the fI rst settlers entered the continent during the Ice Ages to the Mound Builders of later times and ultimately to the first contact with European sealers. (4)

An immersion into the culture and society of the People's Republic of China; contemporary politics, kinship, folk religion, human relations; problems and prospects of development and rapid social change. (4)

.AJvTH 333: Native Am.erica" Health - A, S1

ANTH 350: Women and Men in World Cultures - C, S1

ANTH 332: Pre/Ji.ltory ofNorth America -

Opportunity ( study the health status of Native Americans. Overview of the history and cultUre of selected N,uive American tribes and nations, perspectives on health and illness. Trends in population Jnd health status, and traditions or Native American healing. (4)

- A, S1

An investigation of American social patrerns and problems

designed to give insi!!:hrs from a cross-cultural perspective; exploration of American solurion. to common human problems; a determinarion of what is unique about the "American Way." (4)

An overview of the variation of sex roles and behaviors

throughout the world; theories of matriarchy, patriarchy, mother goddesse5, innate inequalities; marriage patterns, impact of European patterns; egalitarianism to feminism. (4)

This course examines the broad diversity of how cul tures define the behavioral strategies of people as they age, how aging diHerentially is experienced by men and women, and how intergenerational family relati uships change as individuals make lobal issues of health, transitions between life stages. development, and human rights are considered. (4) ANTH 355: Anthropology and Media -

ANTH 336: Peopk$ of Loti" America - C, S1

Milli ns f Americans have never been north of the equator. Who are these "other" Americans? This survey course familiarizes the stud�nt with a broad range of latin American peoples and problems. Topics range from visions of the supernatural to problems of econo m ic develo pme nt. (4) ANTH 338: Jewish Culture - A,

o � '<

ANTH 352: The Anthropology ofAge - S1, C

ANTH 334: The Ant/)ropology of Co,m:mporary Amerna


o "'C o


An exploration of American Jewish culture through its rOots in

the life\ 3} , of Ea.ltern European Ashkenazic Jews and its transformation in the United Stat ", Emphasis on Jewish history, religion, li terarure, music, and humor as reflections of basic Jewi.�h cultmal rhemes. (4)

C, S1

Exploration of mass media produced and consumed in diverse cultural conte.'(ts. Examination of how mass media cultivate forms of gendered, ethnic, religious, and racial identities, and how different forms of media engage with the dynamic forces of popular culture and the political agendas of states and political opposirion groups. (4) ANTH 360: Ethnic Groflps - A,


-xamines the nature of ethnic groups in America and abroad; the varying bases of ethnicity (culrure, religion, tribe, "t ac e , " etc.); problems of group identity and boundary maintenance; ethnic symbols; ethnic politics; ethnic neighborhoods; and ethnic humor. (4)

PlU 2006 - 2007


ANTH 361: Managillg Practical guidelines


Culturnl Diversity - A,



ANTH 392: Gods, Magic, a1ld Morais


approach people of other cul rures

with sensitivity and empathy and

ith an eye toward mutUJ.lly

rewarding interaction. Learn how to avoid negative attitudes

Anthrop logy of religio n ; human i ty's relationships


- C,


pr of and


the supernatural; examination of personal and

group functions thaI religions ful fi ll; exploration o f religions both

toward cultural diversity and develop a positive curiosity about

"pr i m i tive" and hisrorical; origins of religion. (Cross- listed with

the global divers ity represen ted in workplaces, schools, and




ANTH 365: PrelJistoric Elwirol11ne71t and Technology: Lab Methods ;11 Archaeology - SI

used in i nterpreting past human ecology, technology, and econo my. Analytical procedures for bone, stone, ceramic, and metal artifacts; analysis of Jebris from fo od p rocess ing activities. Analysis of materia!' from archaeo logical sites. (4)

ANTH 370: The Archaeology ofAncient Empires The origins of agricul ture, writing, cities, and the



i n many parts of the world, comparing and contrasting the great state

civil izations of antiqui ty, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, Asia, Mesoamerica, and South America. (4)

ANTH 375: Law, PolitKs, a1ld Rellolutio"



of tradition, I

The Field Experience --

Excav.ation of a hisroric

prehistoric archaeo logical site, with



basic excavation skills ,


d record keeping, field

mapping, d rafting , and phorography. I he laborarory covers

ani ac t processi ng and p relim inary analysis. Pretequisi,t: ,om,C'nl of i n struct!


( 1 -8)

ANTH 480: Anthropological brquiry -



and thematic study of the theoretical foundations of

soc iocul tural anthropolob'Y: research methods; how theory and

merhods are used to

[ blish amhro pological knowledge.

Requ.ircd of majors in their j un ior or senior year.


ANTH 491: bul.ependellt Studies: UndeT'oduate Readblgs Read ing in specific area� o r issues of anthropology under

superv ision of a fac u l ty membe r. A'ereqtiisite: departmental


A study of politics and law duollgh the politi cal structures and process

AN7H 465: Archaeology: emphasis

Laboratory i n terpretation of archaeological materials. Techniques


392) (4)

and conremporary societies;

con ent.

( 1 -4)

concepts o f leadersh i p , factionalism, feuds, power, authori ty,

ANTH 492: Indepmdem Studies:

revolution, and other reactions ro colonization; law and

Srud)' of �pec iflc areas o r issues in anthropology t h rough field

conflict resolution; conflicts of national and local-level legal

meth ods o f analysis and research supporred by approp riare


r�J. di ng IJnder supervision of


ANTH 377: Money,


departmental consent.

a"d ExchlVlge - SI

What are the c u l tural meanings of mo ney, products, wealth, and exchange? How do they vary in different cultures? How products and favors acquire magical meanings. circubting through gifts and barter and how magical meani ngs change, moving to

different cul tures. The power of exc ha nge, creating co mplex social relationships at local, global levels.

ANTH 380:

Sic/m.esI, Ml1dltess,


a1ld Health

A cross-cultural examination of syste m



( 1 -4)

UtuJergrlldlUlle Fieldwork

ElCulty member. Prereqllisite:

ANTH 499: Capst01le: Semi'lI1r i" Amhropology - SR

E.xa.mine an thropologlcal methods and apply a n t hropo logical theory

an invest igati on of a selected topic in contempor­


ary anth mpoiogy. R q u i r d of m jors in their j unior or sen ior year.

- C, SI

curing practices and

Pr�reqllisitefor other students: depanmen tal




cultural views of physic:.'ll and meneal healrh; preve n t i o n and healing; namre and ski lls of curers; Jdl n i tions of d isease; variation in diseases ; i m pact of modern medical and

253.535 .7'i7.'l

psychological praCtirioners. (4)


ANTH 385: Marriage,


Ilrui Kinship



Explores the narur of domestic gn,up' cross-cultu ral ly, including

[he ways i n which religi o n , myrh, magic, and fo l klo re serve to aniculate and comrol domestic l i fe; how changing syst ms of

production aHe


marriage and domestic fo rm ; and how class

and gender systems i n tertwine with kinship, domestic forms, and

of experiences and creative flexi bility fo r the artist and the d to


tudents with professional concerns musr be prepared

meet the modern world with both tech n ical skills and the

capaci ty

For i n novati o n . The departmenls program therefore

the mean i ng of " family." (4)


ANTH 386: Applied A7IIbropoiogy - 51

Studenrs may choose among a general ized program lead ing to a

Exploration of the uses o f the a n t h ropological app roach ro i m p rove human conditions. Focus o n anthropo logists' involvement and roles in appl ied p rojects. Review of theoretical, ethical, and practical issues. Field component. (4)

Selected rop ics


announced by the department.

"o urses w i l l

address i m por talH issues in archaeology and cultural anthropo logy.

( 1 -4)


i ndividual ized developmenr in the


of mind and hand.

Bachelor of Am dc:gr�e ; a more · pec ialized progr:lI11 fo r the Bachelor of Fine Atts, i n which area of competence; or a degr


ch can didare Je\,dops some

program in


ducation fo r

teaching on several levels.

ANTH 387: Special Topics ;'1 Anthropology - S1


In this t i m e of rapidly changing concepts and an almost daily

emergence of new media, empha ·is must be pl aced on a variety

Some srudenrs go d i rectly from the university i n to rheir field of i nterest. Other· find it desirable and .tp ropriate

atrend a

graduate school. Many alumni have be n accepted i n to prestigious gr:ld uare program�. both

PlU 2006 - 2007

11 1

this country and abroad.

The various fields of arr are comp e rir ive and demanding in termS

of ommitment and effon. Nonetheless, there is always


Furn ArI$: AR 1


ideally, both. The depa r tm e n t's program stresses both, arrempting when cou pled with dedicated and en ergeti c students, have

Indeptmde11l Sttuly

res ulted in an unusually high per entage of graduates being able

(may be applied to any area):

ARTD 49 1 : Special Projects (R)

to satisfY their vocational objectives.

ARTD 498: Studio Projects (R)

(R}-may be repe(/tedfbI" credit

FACUI:rY: Hallam, Chair, Avila, Ebbinga, Geller, S t:ls inos . •

Majors are u rged to follow course sequences closely. It is

THREE-DIMENSIONAL MEDiA CONCENTRATION Areas of emphasis: a minimum of three courses re q uired in

recommended that studems i n cere� ted in majoring in art declare to

Black a n d White Photography

ARTD 426: ElecITonic I maging

to help each student reach thar ideal. I n s tructiona l resources,

their major early


ARTD 326: Co l or Phorography

for those who are extremely skillful or highly imaginative or,

one area.

ensure proper advising. Transfer studenrs'


status shall be determined at their time of emrance. The

ARTD 230: Ceramics I

department reserves the right to retain, exhibit, and reproduce

ARTD 330: Ceramics n

STudent work submined for credir in any of its courses or

AR D 430: Ceramics I I I (R)

programs, including the senior exhibition. A use or marerials fee

is req uired in certain courses.

Sculpture: ARTD 250: Sculpture I


ARTD 350: Sculpture 1l (R)

34 semester hours, including: ARTD 1 60, 250, 230 or 350, 365, 370, 499 An history sequ e nce (ARTD 1 8 0, 1 8 1 , 380) ARTD 1 1 6 or courses in reaching methods may not be

Intkptmdent Study (may be appl�d to ARTD 49 1 : Special ProjectS

applied to the major.


any area):

ARTD 498: Srudio Projects (R)

A maximum of 44 semester hours may be applied toward

Candidates for rhe bachelor of arrs degree are enrolled in

(R)-m(/y be repeatedfor credit

the deg.ree. the College of Ans and Sciences and must meet rhe Col lege

of Arts and Sci ences re q uirements.


Required basic sequrnu: ARTD 1 96: Design I : Fundamentals


AR.TD 296: Design I I : Concepts

60 semester hours, including:

ARTD 396: Design: Graphics I

ARTD 1 60; 226; either 230 or 35 0; the an h istory sequence

( 1 80, 1 8 1 > 380)

Eight additional se me s ter hours in two-dimensional media



ARTD 398: Drawing: Illustration (R) ARTD 492: Design: \'{forklhop

Eight additional hours in three-dimensional media rour semester hours in an hisEOry or theory (ARTD 390, or as app roved by the department faClllty) Requirements and electives in area of emphasis; and ARTD 499 (Capstone: Senior Exhibition)

A Rm 1 1 6 or co u rs es i n teaching methods may not be

ARTD 496: Design: Graphics I I

(R}-may bl' repeatedJor credit BACHELOR


See School ofEduCt/tion

in cluded Candidates are enrolled in the School of the Arts and must

satis !)' general university requirements, including a COre

Studio Art

curriculum (Core I or Core I I ) . •


TWO-DIMENSIONAL MEDIA CONCENTRATION Areas of emphasis: a minimum of three courses required in

rour semester hours in two-dimensional media

• •

Four seme ·t·r hours i n three-dim ensional media

Eight seme s te r hours of srudio an elecrives drawn from

upper-division •


cou rses.

Courses in teaching methods (ARTD 34 1 and ARTD 440) may nor be applied

ARTD 160: Drawing ARTD 360: Life Drawing (R)


ARTD 380

one area.

ARTD 260: Intermediate Drawing

-20 se11lester "ours,

Art History •

ARTD 365: Painting I

ARTD 465: Painring II (R)


the minor.

24 stmlester "Ollrs, illdllai71g:

ARTD 1 80 and ARTD 1 8 1

1 2 s e m es te r hours in art hi storylrheory electives

Four semester hours in studio electives Non-concentration cou rs es (ARTD

ARTD 370: Printmaking I

/ 1 6) , practical design 1 96, 29 , 396, 398 , 492, 496) , and courses in teaching methods (AR"m 4 1 , 440) may not be

ARTD 470: Prin tmaking 1l (R)

applied to the mi nor.



PlU 2006 - 2007



Publishing and Printing Arts Minor

ARTD 330: Ceramics n - AR

The Publishing and PrilHing Arts minor is cross-listed with the DeparanelH of English. See the description of that minor under Publishing and Priming Am.

Techniques in ceramic construction and experiments in glaze formation. Prerequisite: ARTD 230. (4)

Course Offerings - Art (ARTD)

ARTD 331: ne Art of the Book 1 - AR The combination of studio course and seminar explores the visual properties of language. (Cross-listed with ENGL 3 1 3 .) (4)

Strulw 1 60, 1 96, 226, 230, 250, 260, 296, 326, 330. 34 1 , 3 5 0 , 360,

36 , 370, 396, 398, 426, 430, 465 , 470, 49 1 , 492, 496, 498

History al.d neory Drawillg - AR

course dealing wirh the basic techniques and media o f drawing. (4)

ARTD 180: History of Western Art J - AR A survey tracing the development of Western art and architecture from prehistory to the end of the Middle Ages. (4)

ARTD 181: History of Western Art II - AR survey of Wcstem art and architecture from the Renaissance ro the 20th century. (4)

ARTD 196: Desip 1: FUIIJJl7ll1mtals - AR

.... ...


Concentration on a particular medium of sculpture including metals, wood. or synthetics; special sections emphasizing work from the human form as well as opportunity for mold making and casting. May be taken twice. Prerequisite: ARTD 250. (4)

ARTD 360: Life Drawing - AR An exploration of human form in drawing media. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: ARTD 1 60 or consent of instructor. (2) ARTD 365:

PaintirJg I - AR

Media and techniques of painting in oil or acrylics. Prerequisiu: ARTD 1 60. (4)

An introduction ro design through the study of basic lechnique�, color theory, and composition. (4)

ARTD 370: Pri"'71uzki71g 1 - AR

ARTD 226: Blmk and White Photograplry - AR

Methods and media of fine 3.rt printmaking; both hand and photo processes involving lithographics, intaglio, and screen printing. Prerequisite: ARTD 1 6 0 or consent of instructor. (4)


studio lass in photography as an art form. Primary con enrration in basic camera and darktoom techniques. tudents produce a portfolio of prints with an emphasis on Cf ative expression and experimentation. (4)

ARTD 230: Ceramics

1- AR

Ceramic materials and techniques including hand-built and wheel-thrown methods, clay and glaze formation. Includes a survey of ceramic art. (4) ARTD 250: Sc-"Jptun 1 - AR

Concentration on a particular medium of sculpture including metals, wood, or sYlHhetics; special sections emphasizing work from the human form as well as opportunity for mold making and cn ting. (4)

ARTD 260: ITlterm�Jjate Drawillg - AR Drawing taken beyond the basics of 1 60 . Expansion of media forms, and solutions to compositional problems. Possibility of pursuing special individual interests, with permission. Prerequisite: ARm 1 60 or conselH of instructOr. (4)

ARTD 296: Duip


Concepts - AR

An i nvestigation of the p rocess of creative problem solving in a methodical and organized manner. Includes ptojects in a variety of design U ; <!;lS. Prerequisite: ARTD 1 96 or consent of instructor. (4)

ARTD 326: Color Photograpby - AR


A study of creative growth and development; art as studio projects; histoty and therapy in the classroom. (2)

ARTD 350: Sculpture 11- AR

1 80. 1 8 1 , 380, 390, 440, 497 ARID 1 60:

ARTD 34J: Elemtmtmy Art Educatioll

Exploration of the issues of both painters and pho tographers. Students learn to make color prints and process color negatives. Include historical su rvey of color photogr3.phy as well as perspectives of contemporary :uti�ts. (4)

ARTD 380: Modem Art - AR

The development of art from 1 900 to the present, with a brief look at European and American antecedents as they apply to contemporary directions. (4)

ARTD 387: Special Topics in Art - AR This course in intended fo r unique opportunities to explore artistic expression, provided by visiting artists or artists in residence who intend to focus on a particular style, element or te. hnique used in creative and artistic expression. ( l -4)

ARTD 390: Sttlaus ill Art History - AR A selected area of inquiry, such as a history of American art, Asian art, the work of Picasso, or similar topics. May be repeated for credit. (4)

ARTD 396: Desigll Graphics

1- AR

Design and execution of printed materials; emphasis on technical procedures and problems in mass communication. Prerequisite: ARTD 1 96 and ARTD 296 or consent of instructor. (4)

ARTD 398: Drawmg: Illustration - AR Advanced projects in drawing/illustration. Exposure to new concepts and techniques adaptable to fine art and com mercial applications. Prerequisites: ARTD 1 60 and ARTD 196. May be repeated once. (4)

ARTD 426: Ekctronic /magi71g - AR An introduction to compu ter-assisted photography in which students learn applications, develop aesthetic strategies, and

PlU 2 0 06 - 2 0 0 7


engage the ethical issues of this new technology. Emphasis on

the major may be required to present additional evidence of

crearive exploration and problem solving within the Macinrosh

eligibility. 0 -4)


Prerequisites: A RTD 226

and 326 or consent of

inscrucmr. May be taken r.vice. (4)

ARTD 499: Copsfone: Se7Jior Exhibition - SR Students work closely with their advisors in all phases of the

ARTD 430: Ceramics III - AR

preparation of the exhibition. Must be taken in the student's

Techniques i n ceramic construction and experiments i n glaze formation. May be taken r.vice.

Prerequisite: ARTD 330. (4)

final semester. Prerequisites: declared


in art ( B FA or BA) ,

senior status, reasonable expectation of completion of all department and un iversity requiremems for graduat ion. Meets the senior seminar/project requirement.

ARID 440: Secondary Art Educotion A study of instruction in the secondary school including

School of A.r

appropriate media and curriculum development. (2)

ARTD 465; Painting II - AR

253.535.7 1 50

Media and techniques of pain t i ng i n oil or acrylics. May be


taken r.vice.

and Communication

Prerequisite: ARTD 365. (4) The School o f Arts a n d Communication i s a commun ity o f

ARTD 470: Printmaki7lg II - AR 1


artists a n d sch l:trS-students, facul ty, a n d sta ff-dedicated to

erhods and media of fl Oe art printmaking; both hand and

photo processes involving lithographics, i n taglio, and screen

Prerequisite: ARTD 370. (4)

printing. May be taken m'ice.

the ful fillment of the human spirit through creative expression


careful scholarship. Th{' School of Arts and Communication

offers professional education to artists and communicators within the fra mework of a liberal am education. The school encourages all of its members to pursue their artistic and

ARTD 487: Special Topics in Art - AR

scholarly work in an environment that chal lenges compl acency,


artiscic expression provided by visiting artists or artists in

nurtures personal growth, and maintains a strong cul ture of

residence who intend to focus on a particular style, element, or

collegial integrity.


This course is i n tended for unique opportuniti



tech nique used in creative and artistic express ion. ( 1 -4)

ARID 491:

Members of the School of Arts and

Indepe1/dent Stlldies: Special Projects - AR

Exploration of the possibili ties of selected studio areas, including experimen tal techniq ues. Emphasis on developmt:nt of individual styles, media approaches, and problem solutions. May be repeated for credit.


j unior Status,

minimum of [Wo cour es at 200 I vel or above in affected medium with m i n imum 2 . 5 G PA , consent of instr and department chair.



to 4)

ARTD 492: Desigm Works/lOp

ommunication strive


create art and scholarship that acknowl edges the past, defines the present, and anticipates the future. Art, communication, music, and rheatre :Ire mediums of understanding and change that reward those who participate i n them, whether



scholar, learner, or audi ence. Performances by student , facul ty, and guests of the school enhance the cult ural prosperity shared by Pacific Lutheran University and its surrounding environs.

The school promotes venues for collaboration ber.vc:cn :lr rists and scholars, among artistic and intel lectual media, and between



the universi

A tUtorial course vhich may deal with any of st:veral aspects of the d sign field with particular emphasis on practical experience

and the communi ty.

Art, Communication and Theatre, and Music.

ARTD 496: Desig1l1 Graphics II


Design and ext: mion of primed materials; emphasis on

Degrees offered are:

Explores advanc d techniques with multiple color, typography,

Bachelor of Arts in Communication ( BAC)

and other complex problems.

Bachelor of Fine Arts ( B FA) in art and thearre

Bachelor of Music ( B M A)

Bachelor of Music Education (BME)

Prerequisitt: ARTD 396. (4)

ARTD 497: &search in Art History



A tutorial course fo r major studems with research i n to a particular aspect of art h istory or theo ry. May b" repeated for credit. Prerequisites: senior sranlS, conscm of instructor, and program approval by department facul ty. ( l -4)

n o

3 3

l: ::s n QI -

o ::s

Students may also earn the "Bachelor of Arts ( BA ) , but this degree is awarded through the College of Arts and Sciences. Candidates fo r all degrees must meet general universit requirements and the specific requirements of the Dt:partments of An, Communication and

ARTD 498: Studio Projecullndependet,t Study - SR A tutorial program fo r studems of exceptional

QI ::s c..

FACULTY: I nch, Dean; faculty members of the Departments of

and building a portfolio. May be taken r.vice. (2 or 4)

technical procedures and problems i n mass communication.



individual investigation of a particular medium


I n-depth

set of

technical problems. Only one project per semester may be

un dertaken. May be repeated for credit. Prerequi ir(:s: declared major in an, senior status, consent of instrucmr, written proposal, program app roval by department faculty. Students meeting the above requirements but with less than a 3.0 CPA in

heatn�, or Music.

For derails about the Bachelor of Arts in Education (BAE) in art, commun ication and theatre, or music, see the School of Education. For course offerings, degree requirements, and programs in the School of Arts and Communication, see Art, Communication and Theatre, and Music.

PLU 2006 . 2007


Course Offerings - School o f Arts a n d Communication (SOAC)

College of Arts and Sciences

SOAC 295: Internship

Division ofHumanities

Provides freshmen and

Engli sn Languages and Li teratures

so phomores wirh an o ppor ru n i ry ro apply curricular r h eory and pracrice ro profes s i ona l and social arenas. Srudenrs will work wirh rhe School of Arrs and Communication i nte rn s hi p coordinaLOr ro design and complete .1I1 internship, its learning goals and contrac[. May be repealed for credir. (I -2) SOAC 299: Krystone

P n i lo sopny Relig i o n

Division ofNatttral Sciences

Biology Cnemistry Com purer Science and Com p u re r Eng i ne eri n g

Geosciences Mathematics Pnysics

The " K eys ron e" course is i n tended ro introduce freshmen and

opllO mores ro the process of educational assessment and program competencies. Focus is on integrating srudent learning objectives with srudent expe rien ce rhrough inirial development of porrfolio p roj ects and orher assignments. N or re pea ra b le . ( i )

Division of Social Sciences

Polirical Science Anthropology Economics Psychology History Sociology and Social Work M a rriage and Family Therapy

NOTE: A maximum offour combined credits in Keystone and


Capstone credits may count towa rd the Communication Major.

B acnel o r of Scien ce

B ach elor of ArtS,

Keystone is tl requirement jor Communication and Theatre lvIajon-, Major Requirement: A major i s

optional for Art and lvfllsic Majors. SOAC 341: lntegratblg Arts in ihe 11\ cv v c. cv

SOA C 395:

11\ ....




Merhods and proced u s for in reg rari n g the arts (music, visual, drama, dance) in rhe classroom and across rne curriculum. Offered for srudents preparing for elemenrary classroom reaching. Meers stare certification re q u ire m enr s in born music and ar[. (2)


Provides junior-level and senior- level School of Arts and Communication srudents wirh an o p p o rt u n i ty ro apply curricular rheory and p ractice ro p ro fess ion al and social arenas. Srude nts will work with rne Scnool of Arrs and Communication i n terns h i p coordi nator ro des ig n and complere a n i nrern s h i p , irs learning goals and conuac r . M ay be repea ted for credit. ( 1 -2) SOAC 399: Keysto ml

This " Keystone" co u rse is i n rended for upper-division s r ud e nts to develop tne process of educarional assessment and program compe tenc i es . Focus is on in te gra r i ng stud nt learning objectives wirn student experience th rou gn inirial d evel op m e nt of portfolio projects and orher assignments. Nor repeatJ.bk. ( I )

SOAC 495: bltemship

SOAC 499: Capstoml - SR


Recognized Majors:

Anrnropology Applied P nys ics Art Biology C h e m is t ry Chinese Srudies (Interdisciplinary)

Classics Communication Compurer E ng i ne er i ng Compurer Science Economics Engineering S cie n ce Dual Degree(3-2) Engli sn E nv iro n men tal S tud i es ( /nurdisciplinary)

Provides juni o r- l evel and senior- level School of Arrs and Communicatinn studenrs wirn an o p po r tu niry to apply curricular theory and praCTice ro professional and social arenas. Studenr, will work with the Scnool o f ArtS and Communication inrernship coo rd i n ator ro design and complete an i n re rn sni p , its learning gOJ.ls and conrracr. M ay be repeated for credit. ( 1 -8)


a sequence of courses in one area, u sually in one depa rtm en t . A major snould be selected by tne end of tne sop no mo re year. Tne cnoice must be approved by tne department chair (or in case of special academic programs, rne program coordinaror). Major requirements are s p ecifi e d in this catalog.

course for u nde rgradu at e degrees in r he School o f Arts and Communication (An, Co m m u nicari o n , Music and Theatre). Focus is on in tegrari ng student learning ob j ecrives witn s t ude n t ex p e ri ence thro ugh develo p m en r and presen ta tio n of portfolio projects a nd orher ass i gn men ts . (2 -4)

Frencn Geosciences German

Global Srudies ( /nte/disciplinary) History

Individualized Study Matnemarics M us ic No rwegia n Pn ilos o p ny Physics Political Science Psychology R�ligion Scandinavian Area S t udies


Social Work Sociology Spanisn Tneatre

Women's and Gender Srudies (Interdisciplinary)

Not more than 44 semester n o u rs earned in one department may be app li ed toward rhe bachelor's deg ree in the college.

College of Arts and Sciences �I!! remen� In addirion ro m ee ti ng the entrance req uirem e nt in foreign language ( rwo years of n ign scnool language, one year of college language, or demonsrrared equivalent proficiency) , candidates in the College of Arrs and Sciences (all BA, BS, BARec, BAPE [excluding BAPE wirh cerrificario n J , and BSPE degrees) must meet Oprion I, 2, or .3 below.

PlU 2006 - 2007

and idates f, r the:

conc ,nt r.1tion in

BA in English, for

the BA in Ed u c a tio n with

ngli h, fo r the BA ill Global Studies, fo r the

BBA in Int r nati o nal Bus in � ', and fo r eJ ecti on Society must meet Option I .


the Arete

Completion of onc Fo reign l a n gua ge through the second year of coJl eg!: level. This op t i o n may

bo be met by completion of four

'eJr ' of high school study in one foreign language Wlth gr:Jdes of

. or higl:!er, or by satisfactory scort on a profll'iency examination admi n tsrrred by the PL

and literarures.

De pa rt me n t of Languages


mpletion of one fo reign language orher than thar used to

saris fy the foreign langUll g e entrance requir ment through the fir


needs and s pec i al ill[erests o f students, For either the Bachelor of

ArtS or Bachelor of cience degree the stltdell[ must take the princip les of biol ogy sequenc<! (BIOL 1 6 1 , 1 62, 323).

OptiotJ 1


BACHELOR OF ARTS or BACHELOR OF SCIENCE MAJOR The major in biology is designed to be flexible i n meeting the

year of college level. This option may also be mer by

satisfactory sco res on a proficien cy examinarion ad m i n i s te red by the PLU Department of L1nguages anrl Literarurcs. Option 3

omplerion of fo ur s<: m 'slN h o u rs in hi�to ry, li rerarure, or language (at the 20 I lev I, or at ,l ny level in a lan guage other

than that used to satisfy the foreign la ng u age

elll ance

requirement) i n addition to courses appl ied to rhe general un ivc:rsiry requlremcnts, and four semester hours in symbolic logic, malhematics (c urses numbered 1 00 or above) , computer

�cience, or stJti. lics i n addition to cours ' appl ied to the general

un iversity reqt ,li reme n ts .

Courses u sed to satisfy either ca t ego ry of Option 3 of the Col lege

of ArtS and

I:: i ences requirement may not also be used to satisfy

gen ral university requirementS.

Co m pktio n of rh i s sequence (or an equ ivalell[ general bio logy sequence at ano ther institution) is required before upper-division biology courses can be taken. Each o f these cou rses must have been completed with a grade of C- o r higher and cumulative

biology C PA must be at leasr 2.0. Courses not designed for biology m aj ors (BI O L I I I , 1 1 6, 20 I , 2 0 5 , 206) ordinarily

cannot be used to satisfy major req u i rements. Independent study (B IOl 49 1 ) and i n ternship may be used for no more than 4 of the upper-division biology hours required for the BS degree, and for no more rhan 2 of the upper-division biology hours required fo r the BA degree. Studell[s who plan to apply biology credits earned at other instirutions toward a PLU degree with a bio logy

major should be aware that at least 1 4 hours in biology, numbered 324 or h igher and incIuding 499, must be earned in

residence at PLU. Each student must consult with a biology advisor to discuss selection of electives appropriate fo r

educational and career goals. Basic requiremcll[s under each plan

ro r the major are listed below.

BACHELOR OF ARTS: 34 semester hours BI O l 1 6 1 , 1 62, 323, and 499 •


Required supportitlg courses: C H EM 1 1 5 and MATH 1 40 .

Recommentkd supporting courus: PHYS 1 25 (with

l a bo ra to ry 1 35) and PHYS 1 2

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE: 42 semester hours in biology BI O L 1 6 1 , 1 62, 323, and 499 •

Plus 28 ad d i t i onal up per-d ivision biology hours

Requir�d supporting courses: Chemistry 1 1 5 Jnd 1 1 6, 33 1

253.535.756 1

wWlu.,uci.plu. �du/bjol '10 learn biology is more tha.n to learn fact ; i r is to learn how to

ask and answer questions, how to d velap s t Ia r e gi e� that mighr be employed to obtain answers, and how to recognize and

evalLlnte the answers that emerge. The de p ar tm e nt is therefore t

encouraging students to learn science in the only

way thar ir can be eO- tively made a part of their thinking: to independently llLles tion it, pro e it, try it out, experiment with it, experience it. The diversity of cou rses i n the curriculum p rovides broad ov go' of contemporary bio logy and allows flexible plaflll ing. Each hiology major


mp lc: tes


th ree-co urse st:qucnce in

helping srudents i n ve s ti o-a te career oppo rtunit ies and pursue

carec s that most clearly match their i ll[ercsrs and abilities. are

invir d to u


dcpartmental facilities fo r

i n dep ndell[ rud) and an: 'ncou raged faculty research .




pa rticipa te


rigan, Chait� Alexander, Aum n, M .D. Behrens, 'lain, �kendzic ,

,arlson, Crayt o n, Dolan, Ellard-Ivey, l.erum,



S mi t h , M . S m i t h , Tc ·ka.

(with laboratory 333) MATH 15 1

PHYS 1 2 5 (with labo ratory 1 3 5) or PHYS 1 53 (with l a b orato ry 1 63) PHYS 1 26 (with laboratory 1 36) or P H YS 1 54 (with laboratory 1 64)

BIOLOG Y SECONDARY ED UCA TION Students plann ing to be certifled to teach biology in h igh school should plan to complere a BA or BS in biology. Upper-division biology course selection should be made in consultation witl:! a biology advisor. See the School of Education section of the co u rses required for certification.

catalog fo r biology


At l e a s t 20 semester hours selected fro m any biology



p ri n tipl:l. of biology. Planning with a faculty advisor, the student chooses upper-divis ion bio logy cou rses to meet individual ne ed s and career objecri\·es. Faculty members are also committed to


(wirh laboratory 1 36).

Biolo gy


20 additional upper-division b io l ogy hours.

A grade of C- or higher must be earned in each course, and total Bi'llogy C PA musr be at least 2.00.

Course prerequisites must be met unless written permission

is granted in advance by the instructor. Applicability of non-PLU bio logy cours

will be

determined by the d ep artm e n t chajr.

At least eight of the 20 credit hours in biology must be earned in courses taughr by the Biology Department ar PLU

o r students applying only eight PLU biol o,l)' hours toward the minor, those hours cannot in clude independent study (BIOl 49 1 ) o r in ternship (BI L 495) hours.

PlU 2006 - 2007


::.cc.; I O..:::. ;ll<. -.. Course Offerings - Biology (B

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

S I Ol I l l , 1 1 6, 1 6 1 , 20 1 , 205, 323, 324, 326, 329, 407, 4 1 1 , 424, 44 1 , 475 , 49 1 , 495, 499





Summer Alternate lear BIOL


>­ en o o CO


206, 49 1 , 495

SIOl 333 (J-Term)


116: I,.trodJUtory Ecology - NS,


161: Prillciples ofBiology I: Ceo Biology - NS,

162: Principli!S of Biology II:


Orgfmismai Biology -


An introduction ro animal and plant tissues, anatomy, and physiology, with special emphasis o n flowering plants and vertebrates as model systems, plus an introduction to animal and plant development. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: S IOl 1 6 1 . (4) BIOL

201: Introductory MicrobiobJgy - NS,


The s tructure, metabolism, growth, and genetics of microorganisms, especially bacteria and viruses, with emphasis on their roles in human disea> . aborarory focuses on cultivation, identifICation, and control of growth of bacteria. Prerequisite: CHEM 1 05 . Not intended for biology majors. (4)


gy, Evolutioll, and

Evolution, ecology, behavior, and a systematic survey of life on earth. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: SIOl 1 62 or consent of department chair. (4)

Biology and the Modern World - NS, SM

115: Diversity ofLife - NS,

323: Principles ofBiobJgy Ill: Er%

Diversity - NS, SM

Cellular and molecular levels of biological organization; cell ultrastructure and physiology, Mendelian and molecular genetics, energy transduction . Includes laborarory. Co­ registration in Chemistry 1 04, 1 20, or 1 25 recommended. (4) 8IOL


SIOL I l l , 20 S;

A study of the interrelationship between organisms and their environment examining concepts in ecology that lead co understanding the nature and structure of e systems and how humans impact ecosystems. Includes laboratory. Not intended for biology majors. (4) 8IOL

206: Human AnAtomy and PJJY�iology II - NS,

S I Ol 1 62, 206, 327, 328, 332, 340, 348, 36 1 . 364, 403, 425, 426, 448, 49 \ ' 499

SIOl 1 I S, 333, 365. 49 1 , 495, 499

An introduction ro the rich diversity of living organisms, their evolurion, classification, and ecological and environmental significance. This course also examines the threats ro bio­ d ivetsity as well as conservation strategies. I ncludes lecture, discussion, lab, and field trips. Not intended for biology majors. (4) BIOL


The second half o f a two-course sequence. Topics include metabolism, temperamre regulation, development, inheritance, and the anaromy and physiology of five systems: circulatory, respirarory, digestive, excretory, and reproductive. laborarory includes cat dissection, physiology experiments, and study of developing organisms. Not designed for biology majors. Prerequisiu: SIOl 205. (4)

An introduction ro biology designed primarily for students who are not majoring in biology. Fundamental concepts chosen from all areas of modern biology. lecture, laborarory, and discussion. (4) BIOL

cat dissection and experiments in muscle physiology and r"flexes. Not designed for biology majors. (4)

BIOL 324: Natural History of Vertebrates - NS, SM

Classification, natutal history, an economic importance of vertebrates with the exception of birds. Field trips and laboratory. Prerequisite: SIOl 323. (4) BIOL

326: AnimAl Behavior - NS

Description, classification, cause, function, and development of the behavior of animals emphasizing an ethological approach and focusing on comparisons among species. Includes physiological, ecolo ical, and evolutionary aspects of behavior. Prerequisite: SIOl 323 or consent of instructor. (4) BIOL


Ornithology - NS, SM

The study of birds inclusive of their anaromy, physiology, behavior, ecology and distribution. Special emphasis on those arrributes of birds that are unique among the vertebrates. bborarory emphasis on field identification, taxonomy, and anaromy/ropology. Prerequisite: S I Ol 323 or consent of instructor. (4) BIOL 328: Microbiology - NS, SM

The structure, physiology, genetics, and metabolism of microorganisms with emphasis on their diversity and ecology. The laboratory emphasizes design, implementation, and evaluation of both descriptive and quantitative experiments as well as isolation o f organisms from natural sources. Prerequisite: SIOl 323; one semester organic chemistry recommended. (4) BIOL

329: Entomology - NS,


Entomology is the scientific study of insects, the most diverse group of animals on earth. This course examines insect structure, physiology, ecology, and diversity. The laboratory emphasizes identification of the common orders and families of North American insects. Prerequisite: SIOl 323. (4) BIOL


Ge1Ietics - NS

BIOL 205: Human Anatomy a.nd Physiology [ - NS, SM

Sasic concepts considering the molecular basis of gene expression, recombination, genetic variability, as well as cytogenetics, and population genetics. Includes turorials and dc:monsrration sessions. Prerequisite: BIOL 323. (4)

The fmt half of a two-course sequence. Topics include marrer, cells, tissues, and the anaromy and physiology of four systems: skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine. Laboratory includes

A comparative study of the structure and function of biotic



P LU 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

CompaTllIive Ecology ofLad" America

communities, and the ecological and evolurionary fo rces mat


sh. ped planes and animals. Topics include dispersal,

natural selecri n, physiological ecology, narural h ismry, and )"y�tematics. Conservation biology, development, and ind igenous rights will be highlighted. Taught in Cc:neral or outh America. Prerequisiu: B I O l 323 or consent of


tech n iques. Prerequisite: BIOL 323. (4) BIOL


Histology - NS, SM

systems of verreb r:: ues. The emphasis is mammalian. This Hudy is both structurally and phys iologically orienred. Include�

Plant Diversity and Distribution

A sy emaric introduction (


technology. Laboratory features basic recombinant DNA

Microscopic study of normal cells, tissues, organs, and organ

instructo r. (4) BIOL

methodology and applications of recombinanr D



laborato ry. Prerequisite: BIOl 323. (4)

plane diversity. Interaction

between planes, theories of vegeta tional distribution. Emphasis


on higher plant taxonomy. Includes bboramry and fteld trips.

Organisms in rdation to their environmenr, including

424: Ecology

PrYtYquisite: BIOl 323. (4)

organismal adaptations, population growth and i n teractions,



and ecosystem structure and fu nction. Prerequisite:

48: Ad"allced Cell Biology



BIOl 323. (4)


Deals with how cells are fu nctionally organized, enzyme kinetics and regulatory mechanisms, biochemistry of macromolecules, energy mctabolism, membrane structure and fu nerio n, ul trastructure, cancer cd Is as model systems. laborarory includes techn iques encoun tered in cellular research: animal/plant cell cul ture, cell fractionation, use of radiottacers, biological assays, membrane phenomena, spectrophotometry, respirometry. Prerequisite: BIOL 323 and one semester of organic chemistry or consent of instructor. (4) 810L


Comparati"e Anatomy



fu nctional anatomy of vertebrates. Includes laboratory dissection foll wing a systems approach. Mammals are featured Some observation of and comparison with human cadavers.

Prerequisite: BIOl 323. (4)


Plant Physiology - NS, SM

Physiology of plane growth and devel opment. Emphasis on model systems.

To pics include: photosynehesis, secondary plant metabolism including medicinal compounds, hormones, morphogen esi s . I ncludes laborato ry. Prerequisite: BIOL 323; organic chemistry reco mmellded. (2)

Tissue organization and cellular details of stems, roots, and d planrs, with emphasis on developmenr and

function . I ncludes laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 323. (2) BIOL Sele



Specilll Topics in Biology



topics as annou nced by the department. May be

403: Developmental Biology

426: Ecological Methods NS, SM -

An examination of methodology used for discerning structure

commun ity structure, and mc:a';urement of productivi ty. Includes an in troduction to general statistical techniques. \Vriting of scientiftc papers and a focus on access ing the scient i fic li terature. Lecture, labo rato ry, and fIeld work. Prerequisite: BIOl 323 or consent of instructor. (4)

441: Mammalian







physiological regularion.

fu ndamenral cellular, neural, and hormonal mechanisms

of homeostatic comrol; Pan I I : interactions in the cardiovascul ar, pul monary, renal, and neuromuscular organ systems. laboratory al lows direct observation of physiological

regu lation in living ani mals. Prereq14isites: BIOl 323, CHE 1

1 1 5; anatomy and biochemistry recommended. (4)


Imm u1lology



Consideration of the bio logy and chemistry of immune response, including theoretical concepts, experimental strategies and immuno("hemical applications. Prerequisues: Any (Wo of the following courses in Biology: 328, 332, 348, 403, 407,






Evolution as a process: sources of variation; forces overcoming -

genetic inertia in populations; speciation. .volution of genetic


he embryoni c and larval development of multicellular organisms (pri marily ani mals). Examples are chosen from popular contemporary model systems, and the emphasis is on c


4 1 1 , 44 1 . (4)

repeated for credit. ( 1 -4) BIOI

lecture. Prerequisiu: BIOl 323. (4)


BIOL 365: Plan t Anatomy - NS, SM leaves of

introduction to the structure, dynamics, and history of marine

An investigation of the principb



ecosystems. lab, fteld trips, and term project in addition to


�e d-planrs, but includes other plane groups


and function of natural ecosystems: descri ption of the physical

emb ryology, and extensive consideration of the structural and


425: Biological OcetfTIograpby

The ocean as environmenr fo r plant and :l nimal life; an

environment, estimation of population size, quantifying

Evolutionary history of the vertebrate body, irHroduction to



tiular and molecular aspects of deve/opmen t. The laboratory

includes descriptive and quanritarive experiments, as well as studenr-plan ned projects. Prerequisite: BIOL 323. (4)

systems :lnd of life in relation to ecological theory and earth history. lecture and discussion. Term paper and mini-semi!lln req uired. Prerequisite: BIOl 323. (4) BIOL


It/dependent StJld;�s

Investigations or research in areas of special in terest not covered by regular courses. Open to qualifted j u n io r and senior majors.


BIOI 407: Molecular Biology - NS, SM

An introduction to molecular biology, emphasizing the central role of DNA: structure of DNA and RNA, structure and

express ion of genes, genome organization and rearrangemenr,

PlU 2006

Written proposal fo r the project approved by a

facull), sponsor and the department chair. ( 1 -4) BIOL


Internship in Biology

An approved off-campus work activity i n the field of biology •



ith a private o r public secror agency, organization. or company. tudelHs will be expected ro adhete ro and documenr the

ethical practice and professional conduct.

To p repare studenrs ro use con temporary technologies and ro

objectives o f a learning plan developed with and approved by a

embrace the changes caused by technological i nnovation .

faculry sponsor. Credit will be determined by hours spenr in the wotking environmenr and the depth of the p roject associated with the course of st u dy. Prerequisites: B I O l of chair.


( 1 -4)



and consent

To inculcate a global perspective i n s tu d e n rs .

Admissioll The professional Bachelor of Business Administration degree

CApstone: Stm;or Semi'Ulr' - SR

The goal of this course is ro ass ist students in the writing and

presentation of a paper concerning a ropic within bio logy which

would in tegrate vatious elements in the major program. A proposal for the topic must be presenred ro the depattmenr early

program is composed of an upper-division business curricu lum with a strong base i n li beral artS. To be admitted ro the School of Business, a student must:

i n the spring term of the junior year. The seminar may he lin ked ro, bm not replaced by field or laborarory independenr study o r i n ternship experience.

To prepare studenrs for l i ves of service to the communiry.



Be officially admitted ro the universiry, and

2. 3.

Have successfully completed with a minimum grade of

Have completed at least

C- (or be currently enrolled in) BUSA ECON


chool of Business is to be a bridge

connecting students with the future by in tegrating competency­

based busi ness ducation, engaging a diverse, global ized society,


u�ing technologies that improve learn i ng, exemplifYing lives of

service, and fostering faculty development and intellectual contribution.

:,ee GradUflte Stl/dies for informfltion on the Mn.sters of Business

Administrlllion program or visit the Schoo! olBusiness MBA web

site at wWUAplu.edtt/mba.

The School of Business of PlU is a member of AAC B International -The Asmciation to Advanc Collegiate Schools o f usiness. The S BA, M B A a n d proft'ssional accounting programs

are nationally accredited by AA 5 B I n ternational. The school is privi leged to have a student chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, the national business honor socie accredited regionally by the

recoan ized by AACS B . PLU is orthw s r

. ociation of Schools

and Colleges.

FACUI:rY: Turner, Acting Dettn;

acDonald, Associate Dean;

Albers, Barnuwe, Berniker, Finnie, Gibson, Harmon, Hegstad, C. lee, C.S . Lee, McNabb, Myers, PI13m, Pratt, Prak, Ramaglia, S i mpson, Wolf, Van Wyhe. Zabriske.

H ave a minimum cumulative grade poinr 'average of


Declare a major i n business through the School of Business.

To prepare s t u d e n ts


positions in commercial and not-for­

how these organizations function and equipping them with the necessary competencies to work effectively. These competencies include




(2) critical/creative (3) effective communication, (4) team effectiveness,

taking i nitiative and managing change.

To help stu ue n ts see the interconnections among the many aspects of theit world by in tegrati ng the liberal


p rofess i o n a l business education.

met the requi red prerequisites. Students with majors outside of the School of Business may gain access to specific busi ness courses that suppOrt theit major studies by permission of the School o f Business.



A m i n i m u m of

1 28

semester hours.

An overall m i n i mum grade point average of 2.50.

A minimum

C- m i n imum grade in all business courses.

At least one-half of the m i n i m um rotal degree requi remenrs

At least


grade point average i n business courses.

are taken in fields ou tside the School of Business.

49 semester hours

in required and elective business

related subjects. •

A minimum of 20 semester hours in business must be taken

All B BA students are required to p roduce a po rtfolio by

in residence at PlU.

graduation demonstrating a[[ainment of critical competencies. The concepts and process of the portfolio are i n tegrated into the curriculum.

established at time of major declaratio1l

profit organizations by providing them the basic knowledge of



Business Degree and Conctmtration requiremtmts nre

Obje.ctives of the Undergraduate. Business Program


20 1 , CSCE 1 20, 23 1 , or their eq ui vale n ts,

cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or above, and who have



Access ro upper-division busi ness courses is limited to sUldents

Th", mission of the P L


1 28,

who have been admitted ro the School of Busi ness with a





2 . 50,





School of Business


32 semester credit hours, and


To identify and challenge students to adopt high standards fo r

Students with a declared major in busi ness who have not attended the un iversiry for a period of three years or more will be held to the business degree requiremenrs in effect at the time of re-entry to the universiry. Transfer and con rinuing students should see the catalog under which they entered the p rogram and consult with the undergraduate coordinator regardillg degree requitements.

Pass/Fall ofFoundation Closses Pass/Fail is allowed fo r no more than one foundation class from

PLU 2006 - 2007

POLS 380: Politics of Global D evelo pme nr (4)

l\1ATH 1 28, CSCE 1 20, ECON 1 0 1 or STAT 23 1 only, and as defined in the Pass/ Fa i l section of this catalog, Other foundation courses and business courses may not be taken Pass/Fail, except for BUSA 495: In ternship that is only offered Pass/ Fai l .


upper-dillision global course b)' prior pennission ofthe

School of Business deal! or his/her designate.



Part A: Foundation and Other Course Requirements


BUSA 408: International Business Law and Ethics (3) MA 390: Ethics in C om m u n ic a t i on (4) RELl 36 5 : Christian Moral Issues (4)

Foundation co urses may also sa t i sfY General U ni versity Requ i rem en t : (GURs), as i n d i cat ed by the idenrificrs listed (MR,

NS, 52, PH, S R) ,

Required FoundAtion



Other upp er-divisioll ethics related course by prior permissioll

ofthe School of Business dean or his/her designate.

- 16 semester hours


CSCE 1 20: Compu terized Information Sysrems (NS, 4)

BUSA 340: Non-profit Management (3) BUSA 358: Entrepreneurship (3) BUSA 442: Lead i n g Organizational I mp rovem e n t (3)

ECON 1 0 1 : Pri n c ip l es of Microeconomics (52, 4)

MA. H 1 28: L i n eae Models and Calculus, An Introduction (MR, NS , 4) ST T 23 1 : In t rod uc ro ry Statistics (MR, 4) I/,

Other upper-division vocation relnted cotme �y p rior permis­


Required lower-Division Business Courses to be Eligibl� f01" Upper-Division - ten semester hours

Iv. Additional Major Requiremems

P H I L 225: Business Ethics (4) Professional Commu nication courses from the following list (4) One from the fo l lowi n g: MA 2 1 1 : Debate (2) OMA 2 1 2: Public Speaking (2) COMA 2 1 4: Group Communication (2)

BUSA 2 02 : Financial Acc ou n t i ng (3) BUSA 203: M a na ge ria l Accounting (3)

Required Upper-Division Business Courses - 24 to 25 semester' hours

B USA 302: Finance for Man agers (3) BUSA 303: Business Law and Ethics (3) (was BUSA 400) or BUSA 304: Business Law and E thics for Financial Professionals (3) (Professional Accoun ti ng Concentration must take BUSA 304 (was B USA 405)) BUSA 305: Human Dimensions of Effective O rganiza tio ns (3) B USA 308: Principles of Marketing (3) BUSA 309: Creat in g Value in Goods and Services O p e ratio ns (3) BUS 3 1 0: I n formation Sy terns (3) BUSA 499: Capstone: ' t ra tegi c Ma n age m e n t (SR, 3)

Elective &amin ing G/Dbnl. Ethical or Vocational Issues relnJ411t to l!tIterprise ma1lagemerll (three to four): Must

be upp e r- div i sio n courses. Studenrs may satisfY this req u ire me n t by ta ki n g one three- or four-credit course OR by tWO vo-credit courses. Courses a ppro pr iat e to fulfilling rh is requirement in c l ud e:

AND, one of the following:

ttl C '" :::s It> '" '"

21 3: Communication Writing (2) 230: Wr i ti n g fo r Journalism (2) COMA 270: Professional Writing (2) COMA 3 1 1 : Resear c h Writing (2) ENGL 22 1 : Research and Writing (2 or 4) ENGL 323: Writ in g in Professional Settings (4) COMA


Part B: COllcentration Options Concentration requiremntb: • • •


- eight to

ten semester "ours

BUSA 20 1 : Value Creation in the Global Environment (4)


ofthe School ofBusiness dean or his/her designate.

ivfultiple concentrations are al lo wed 3.0 G PA required in rhe concentration area courses C- is the minimum acceptable grad e in any concentration course A minimum of n i ne semester hours of the total concentration req u ire ment s j ust be taken in residency a t PLU Any 1 5 credits of upper-division business electives and non­ Business courses identified i n the concentration options. Ar least nine semester hours elective in Busi ness req u ired .

Vrrrually any upper-division international srudy away with prior

appfOw.I of [he School of Business dean or his/her designate. BUSA 337: lnternational Finance (3) B U SA 3 2: Global Management (3)

B USA 408: International Business Law and Ethics (3) B USA 460: International M a rk e t in g (3) ON 33 1 : I nternational Economics (4) E 0 333: Economic D eve l op men t: C o mp ar a ti v e Third World t ra te gies (4)

By ta kin g an appro p ria t e set of electives, a studenr may earn a concenrration d es i gn a r ion in either Ac co un t i n g, Finance, Hu m a n Resources and O rgan i za r ion s or Ma rke r i n g .

Professitmal Accounting roncentration - J8 smrester boun B USA 320: Accounring Information Systems (3) BUSA 32 1 : Intermediate Accounting I (3)

PlU 2006 - 2007



I ntermediate Accollnting I I


Consolidations and Equity Issues

322: 422: BUSA 424: BUSA 427:



358: Enrrepreneurship (3) 440: Knowledge Management (3) B USA 442: Leading Organizational Imp rovement (3) B USA 449: Strategic Human Resource Management (3) BUSA 495: I n ternship ( I to 3) E 2 1 : Labor Economics (4) PSYC 380: Psychology o f Work (4)






Tax Accollnting (3)


304: Law and Ethics for Financial

Professionals requi red as BBA core law option. Note: Students are encouraged ro also take electives in:

323: Cost Accounting and Control Systems (3) 4 1 8: Acco unting Database Management and Control (3) B USA 423: Accounting for Non-Profits and Governmental Entities (3)

Part C: Minor Options Business Minor Rules


The missioll of the accountingfocl/lty is to offir a

qualit), bac­

All courses must be completed with a grade of C- o r higher.

A cumulative grade point average of 2.50 fo r al l courses i n

At least n i ne semester hours must be completed in resjdence.

the minor i s required; and

Minor ;n Busi1,ess Administration

calaun:ate accounting program designed to prol)itie students

with a solid foundatio n for developing a wide range ofprofes­

sional careers.

Fimmce Concentration

- 15

semester hours

• •

33 Financial I nvestments (3) BUSA 437: Financial Analysis & St rategy (3)



'" '" Q.I c:

32 1 : Intermediate Accounting I (3)

BUSA 337: International Finance


And any six credits from Acco unting courses or upper division

At lcast nine semester hours fro m the following: BUSA

1 9 semester hours in business courses, including: 20 1 : Value Creation in the Global Environment (4) (also as BUSA 1 90) BUSA 202: Financial Accounting (3) BUSA 305: Human Dimensions of Effective Organ izations (3) BUSA 308: Principles o f Marketing (3)

A minimum o f

Business courses in addition to those listed above. See Business


Minor Rules abov<�.

438: Financial Research and Analysis (3) BUSA 495: I n ternship ( 1 to 3) EC N 344: Econometrics (4) EC 302: I n termediate Macroeco nomic Analysis (4) or E ON 322: Money and Banking (4) BUSA

Ahrluting Co'lCentratioll


Specialized Minor in Business Mministration A minimum of BUSA

15 semester hours

1 9 semester hours in business courses, including

20 1 .

Specific business courses shall be designated by the School o f Business Faculty in consultation with t h e chair or dean o f the

467: Marketing Research (3) BUSA 468: Marketing Management (3) BUSA

discipline in which the student is majoring. See Business Minor Rules above.

Auountillg Cn-ti.fi((1(e Program.: The Accountinr.

At least nine semester hours from the following (six

Cenificm: Program

semester hours must be fro m BU A):

363: Consumer Behavior & Promotions (3) BUSA 364: Services Marketing (3) BUSA 365: Sales & Sales Management (3) BUSA 378: Elenronic o mmerce (3) BUSA 440: Knowledge Management (3) B U S A 460: International Marketing (3) BUSA 495: I n ternship (I to 3) C MA 36 1 : Public Relations Principles and Pracrices (4) E ON 34 1 : Strategic Behavior (4) PSYC 385: Con�umer Psychology (4)

HUmAn Resources and Orgnnizations Concentration It!11Iester hours





sUlc.knt$ who

ba�C3laurea[c degrt-e (any field) and wjsh


educational reqwreIncnts ro Account


(CPA) cx.am in�rion:


hold a

complete the

for (he Certifled


24 sem�ter houl"$ from BUSA

102, 203, 304. 320, 321 . 322. �23. 422. 423. 424. and

427. Conr.lc;;1 (he School or BlUines5 .1[ 2 5.3 . 535.7244 for further infonnauoll


15 BUSA 200: Documenting ProfessiornzJ Development In troduction ro documenting professional competencies through


and 1 2

semester hours fro m the following (at least six

semester hours fro m BUSA):


340: Non-Profit Management (3) 343: Managing Reward Systems (3) BUSA 3 5 2 : Global Management (3) BUSA BUSA

development and mai n tenance o f a digital portfolio. Required

342: Managing Human Resou rces (3)

only of transfer students who have o therwise met the BUSA conte n t requirement.

20 I

( 1)

BUSA 20.1: Value Creation in the Global Environment Understanding economic value creating activities and the demands of enterprise stakeholders in competitive markets within

PLU 2006 - 2 00 7


the global environment. Additionally, an introduction to

RUSA 309: Creating VaJ� iT/ Goods and Serv;cu Operatio1l$

documenting professional development (4)

Study of the management and organization of sustainable v:Uue crearing operations in the production of goods and services.

BUSA 202: Finallciai AccounJing


AccolInring fo r financial performance fo r th� use of external

RUSA 310: Infonnation SystmJS

decision-makers considerino investment in a busi ness

In troduction to information technology and Information systems

organization. Origins and us� of financial information;

accoLln ting concepts and principles; logic, content, and fo rmat of financial statements; acco unting issues in the U.S. and other

nations. Prerequisite:

BUSA 203:

from a management perspective. Emphasis on strategic use of technology and systems, knowledge management, and impacts on corporate strategy, competition, organizational structure, and the firm's valu� creation process. (3)

MA H 1 28. (3)

ManAgerial Accoun ting

RUSA 320: Accounting biforT1Ultion Systems

Introduction to the use o f accounting data for decision making,

Study of the flow of information through an enterprise, the

managerial planning, and operational control. Topics include

sources and nature of documents, and the controls necessary to

cos t-volume-p rofit relationships, cost acco unting methods,

insure the accu racy and reliability of information. (3)

budgeting, and performance evaluations. Familiarity with Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet software is required.

BUSA 321: In termediate AccoJmtillg I

Concen trated study of the conceptual framework of accounting,

Prerequisitu: B USA 202, CSCE 1 20 . (3)

valuation theories, asset and income measurement, and financial

RUSA 288: Special Topics Seminar on selected topic in business.


statement disclosures in the U.S. and abroad. Prerequisite:

( 1 -4)

BUSA 203 (3)

All upptl-division business courses have the

fo llowing prerequi itl:�. BU A 20 I , 202. and 203;

1 20; EC

N 1 0 1 ; MATH 1 28. STAT 23 1

S bool of Bu.sinc:s� Deolll



r permi ion of

hi Iher design at".

RUSA 322: Intermediate AccollntirJg II

Additional study of valuation theoty. Adv:mced issues in


and income measurement and financial statement disclosure. Includes evaluation of U.S. positions rdative to those of other nations and international agencies. Prerequisite: BUSA

32 1 . (3) RUSA 302: Fitumce for MmUlgen Principies ,ll1d procedures pertaining to busi ness investment

RUSA 323: Cost Accouming and Control SysttmU

activity, financial decision-making, financial statement analysis,

A critical examination of systems for cost accounting and

valuation, financial planning, capital asset acquisition, cost of

managerial control. Emphasis on development of skills to

cap i tal, financing strategies. Prerequisite: BUSA 203 (3)

critique COSt and control systems and to unde.rstand the dynamic relationship between systems, operations, strategy, and

BUSA 303: Business Law ami Ethics

performance evaluation. Prerequisite: BUSA 32 1 . (3)

Explores the legal and ethical issues heed by those in the business environment. Provides foundation in US and in ternational law

and in troduces basic princ iples of contract" torts, agency and

RUSA 332: Managing Persolud Finallces An interdiscipli nary course to help students manage their personai

busi ness organizations. Surveys areas of law affecting

financial live, by examining financial planning topics from both

employment, marketi ng, and financial transactions and explores

theoretical and applications perspectives. Draws upon concepts

tne ethical duri

and theories from finance, economics, law and consumer

owed in a busi nc


environment, including

those dut ies under professional codes of ethics. (3)

psychology. No prerequisites and open to any major. (3)

RUSA 304: Law and Ethics for Financial Professionals

RUSA 335: Financial Investments

Designed fo r students whose inrerests ate in finance, accounting,

In-depth exploration of fu ndamental principles governing the

personal financial management, or similar fields that demand an

valuation of particular securities, and knowledgeable

in-depeb understanding of the laws affecting financial

construction, management, and evaluation of porrfolios.

transactions. Sur eys all areas of business law, such as the basis

Prerequisite: BUSA 302. (3)

tortS, agency, business organizations, and employment. Explores

RUSA 337: IntenUltiolJai Fi,U11lee

and suucrure of US and i n rernational law, principles of con tracts, the ethical duric owed in a business environment, including

Princip les and procedures pertaining to international financial

those duties under professional codes of ethics. (3)

management, global financial markets and institutions, and international financial instruments investment activi ty, financial

BUSA 305: Human Dimensions of Effectil'e Organiultions

risk! return decision-making and porrfolio managemenr, financial

Exploration of how to organize and manage in today's context of

statement analysis, cost of capital, fi nancing strategies.

changing internal and external demands and expectations. with a

Prerequisite: BUSA 302 (3)

strong �phasis on group :m d individual dynamics, and topics in managing human reso urces


BUSA 308: Principus of Marketing

RUSA 340: Non-Profit MaJlAgtmlt'J/t

An i n troduction to the many facets of running or working with non-profits. Topics include strategic planning, organizational

A study of markeriilg concepts, princi ples and trends in

structure, budgeting and financial management, legal and tax

organizations with an emphasis on value creation by

issues, marketing, and personnel management. Open to all

differentiation. (3)

majors. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (3)

PLU 2006 - 2007


BUSA 388: Special Topics (1-4)

BUSA 342: Managing Human Resources Detailed coverage of personnel/human resource procedures in the U.S. and other countries. Prerequisite: BUSA

3 05 (3)

BUSA 408: International Business Law and Ethics Designed fo r students with an i n terest in the legal and ethical

BUSA 343: Marulr;ing Reward Systems

environment of global bus iness. Explores the historical, social

Derailed examination of reward system development and

and cultural cont

practices. Prerequisite: BUSA 305 (3)

the impact of those regulations On structuring international


of internationa.l busi ness regulations and

transacrions. Explores global business erhics.

BUSA 352: Global MIl1Iagement In tegrated study of decisions and challenges faced by managers

Advanced concepL in accounting database management and

Competencies i nvolved in communicating and negotiating

control. Prerequisites: BUSA 3 1 0, 320. (3)

305 . (3)

BUSA 422: COllsolidmions and Equity Issues

BUSA 358: Entrepreneurlhip

Concentrated study of equity measurement including rhe

Intensive study of issues and challenges associated wirh srarr-up.

acco unring aspects of partnersh i ps , corporations, and consoli足

growth, and maruration of a new enterprise. Emphasizes

dations. Also inc ludes accounting for multinational

reducrion of risk rhrough planning for and assessing possible

corporations. Prerequisite: BUSA

fu ture condirions. (3)


BUSA 363: Comumer Behavior and Promotions

BUSA 423: Accolmtingfor Non-Profits and Governmental EI,tities

Study of how buyers gain awareness, establish purchasing


BUSA 418: Accouming Database Ma1Ulgement (l1uJ Control

in large and small companies as they do business globally. acro s cultures. Prerequisite: BUSA





(may enroll

crireria, screen information, and make decisions. Promotion

Study of fund accounting, including irs conceptual basis, its

topics include defi ning targer audience, message design, media

institutional standard setting, framework, and current pri nciples

selection, budgeting, evaluating the promorion mix, and a field

and practices. Prerequisite: BUSA 322. (may entoll

project. Prerequisite: BUSA

concurrenrly). (3)

308. (3)

B USA 364: Services Marketing

BUSA 424: Auditing

Addresses disti nctive characteristics and principles associated

Comprehensive study of auditing concepts and procedures.

with services enterprises. Model for identifying problems undermining service organization performance, and strategies to

Prerequisite: BUSA 320. (3)

overcome and enhance services marketing organization

BUSA 427: Tax Accountillg

performance. Prerequisite: BUSA

Study o f income tax concepts, regulation and tax planning

3 08 . (3)

principles. Both individual income taxation and busi ness

BUSA 365: Sales and Sales Marulgement

taxation are discussed.


Professional selling - prospecting, active listening, benefit prese ntation, objection handling, closing and territory

BUSA 430: Entrepreneurial Finance

management. Also covered are territory design, h i ring,

Financial strategies u n ique to the creation and/or expansion of

morivating, and evaluating sales personnel. Prerequisite: BUSA

small, closely held busi nesses. Prerequisite: BUSA 302. (3)

308. (3) BUSA 437: FinanciAl Aillliysis and Strategy

BUSA 371: Topics in Information Management Basic concepts in i n formation management including database appl ications, commanications, risk, controls and securi ty, supply chain management, managing knowledge and ethical issues.

Prerequisite: BUSA 3 1 0 . (3)

Focus on the characteristics of complex systems, the limitations

of technical and software systems design and operation, and

their modes of failure. O bjective is to learn to ask richer and

more fundamental questions in role as system professionals. (3)

The concepts, strategy, and features of data base design and management for applications i n economic organizations. Focus on how data base applications support decision processes. (3)

3 02 . (3)

Seminar cou rse di rected at current issues and developments.

Prerequisite: BUSA 302 and at least one upper division finance course: BUSA 335 or 337 or 437. (.3) BUSA 440, Kllowledge Management and technologies for leveraging knowledge and human performance. Foundations and p ractices for knowledge creation, transfer and integration, and role of knowledge managemen t in the various management disciplines. Prereqtlisites: BUSA

3 1 0. (3)

BUSA 378: Electronic Commerce The managerial, organizational, and technical challenges of dc:ctro nic rransaction and communication systems among customers, distributors, and suppliers. Prerequisite: BUSA 308

3 1 0 . (3)

capital. Prereljuisite: BUSA

Examines organizational mechanisms, leadership requirements,

BUSA 377: Data Base Applications in Business


fo recas ting, financial simu lation and modeling. analysis of risk and recu rn , risk management, capital structure, and cost of

BUSA 438: Financilli &search and Analysis

BUSA 375: Introduction to Complex Systems


Intermediate principles of capital budgeting, cash flow


BUSA 442: Leading OrganiZ4lional lmprovement Development of leader competencies and practices that promote organizational development, employee i nvolvement and

PlU 2006 - 2007

teamwork. I mprovements in quality. c u l tu re change. and n t i n u o ll� o rgan i ,a t i o nal l ea rn ing and p ro ble m so l v i n g .


PnnlfJlisite: BUSA


BUSA 305. (3)

Curre1lt IIS1Ies in Hll1Ium Resource Management

S em i nar course focused on strat egi c issues in m a n a gi ng human rtSour ts. Leg'l l , i!\tern tional, Jnd "ducal issues will be i l1l cg atcd through Ul t he couroc. Advanced b usi ne ss stud nts, in consultation with the instrucror, will sdect appropriate ropics tor resc:a rch a n d discussio n. Prerequisite: BUSA 305. (3)

BUSA 460: IlIIerruttio7Ull Marketing

m a rk ·ting pr o b l ems and opportunitic:s in an tigation of e c on o m i c, cultural. and b us i n ess fo r c th a t requite changes in m a rk e t i n g plans fo r i n t er n at ional companies. Prereqtlisites: B S .3 08, junior tandin . (3) Introduct ion to

in ternational

ontext. In

BUSA 467: Marketnlg ResearclJ I nv es ti ga t i o n of It - h n i ques alld uses o f ma r ketin g

earch in the busi ness decision-making process. Re sea rch d· ign, survey methods, sampling p l an s , data analysis, a nd fI eld p rojects.

Prereqlluite: BUSA




308. (3)

Marketing Mann.gemem

An i ntegrated ap p l i arion

of marketing m i . c o n cep ts . Applying m a r kc:t i n g tr a t egi es. de vel o pi n g a b u si n ess p l a n and constru t i n g an a n n ual repo rt. Prerequisites: B 308 and


uppe r-division m arke ti n g class: BU

363. 364, 3 6 5 , 378,

460 or 467. (3)

BUSA 478: hiforlllation MatulgemenJ Snnitulr

377. 378, 440 . (3)

BUSA 485: Study Abroad PLU-sponso

d a cade mic o r experiential study in orner

. PrenIJuuire: Junior s tandi ng . ( 1 -32)

BUSA 486: Study Abroad P LU -sp n. ored a .: a de m i or experiential s tu d y in other countries. Prul!quUite: Junior standing. ( 1 -32)

Recommended fo r last semester.

For Graduate Level Courses, see Master ofBusiness Administration.

Chemistry 253.535.7530

www.cbem.plu.edu Chemistry involves the s rudy of matter at the atomic and mo l ecul a r level. Co n ce pts and rools of chemislr>' Jrc used ttl study the composition, structure, rea cti v i lY no energy chal g of materials in the world a ro u nd LIS. At PLU, studc:nt will l llld chemis try program that supports rn if i mcrests, whether in t ile ch e m i s t ry of natural p ro duct s, the environment. bio l<>gio.l syste ms , polymers or i n o rga n i c co m p ou n d�; and t h a t \UPpUIT rn e i r educational goals, whether towards grad ua t e: \tuJy, the:­ medical and health professions, biotechnology, c:du�dnn cu' business; or as a c o m p l e men t to other studies III I he natural sciences, humanities or social sciences. For good reason che m is t ry has often been called "the central science."


emin r




Spl!Cial Tapia �p�c i fiCJ. l ly sciectcd


in busin . . ( 1 -4)


Intkperulmt Sttulil!s

Individual ized studies i n consultation


an i n st r uc to r.

Prereqllisitl!s: Junior st and ing and instrucror ap p roval . ( 1 -4) BUSA 495: Internship

Appli ar ion of busi ness k n o wl edge in field setting.

redit gra nted by hours pent in working environment and depth of project asso iated with the course of study. Pass/fail. ( 1 -3) determi ned



Capsto"e: Strategic Management - SR

Study of managing r ga n i za t ion s from


hemica! SmjclY.

Students have hands-on use of sophisticated i nsrrumenratioll i n coursework and research with faculty, incl uding 3 0 0 Mr Iz Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resona nce (F NM R) spectroscopy. inductively coupled pl as m a aromic emi),ion spectroscopy OCP AES). spectrofluorometry. ditTt> mial sca nnin g calorimetry (DSC) , Fourier tra nsform in frarc: (FTIR) and RAMAN s pect ro s copy. laser l igh t s a rre ri ng instru mentation , gas chro m a to g r ap h y with mass selective detection ( ,CMS) , high pe rfo rm a nce liquid chromatography (HPL ,) , and Linux workstations fo r molecular modelin g a nd co mp uliH i pllll che m i s t ry.

Waldow. Yakel is.

Seminar on specifically selected ropics in b l1�i ness . ( 1 -4)

parti · pati o n .

Chair, Corren, Davis. Taasz, Swank, limn.

Declaring tbe Chemistry Major Students deciding to major in chemimy sh o ul d officially dcdan:: their intent as soon a, possible and p '� rabl y nOL later [han completion of CHEM 33 1 o r before consu lt:l tion with a fa ulty advisor in the chemistry d e p ar tmen t . Transfer studcnr� de' i r i ng to major in c he m is t ry should con su l t a departmcnral adv ist) r nll later than the begin n ing of their junior year.

BACHELOR OF ARTS MAJOR CHEM 1 1 5, 1 1 6, 320, 33 1 , 332. 343. 499

33. 334 (or 336) 34 1 , .342,

Rrquired supporting courses:

pe r s p ec tive of


The c h e mi s try departmen t's courses, curriculu m. facul ty anJ

FACULTY: Fryh le,



Faculty research proj ec t s involve und e rgrad uate

BUSA 488: Spuial Topic


of st ra t eg i es and policies ai m <::d at i l1legrating a l l org a ni zat i o n a l fu nctions i n s up po r t of major objc:ctives. Prenqu;s;tes: B US A 302, 305. 308. 309. 3 1 0 ; ��n i or standing.

facilities arc a p proved by the American

Advances in information tech n o l o gy and their impact o n o rgan iza ti o n a l and busi ness strategies vith particular e m p ha s i s on the challe nges of project design and i mplementation. PrerI!IJuisites: B A 3 1 0 , and one o f the fol low ing : BUSA 375.


s t rategi c decision makers. Fo rmulation, i mplementations,

as se ssm e n t

MATH 1 5 1 , 1 52; PHYS 1 5 .3 , 1 54, 1 63, 1 64

PlU 2006 - 2007


BACHELOR OF SCIENCE MAJOR (duee alternatives)

Refer to the Division of Narural Sciences section of this catalog for other begi n n i ng curriculum options.

Genulll -



American Chemical Sociery Cenification

CHEM 1 1 5 , 1 1 6, 320, 33 1 , 332, 333, 334 (0r 336), 34 1 .

342, 343, 344, 405 o r 450 or 456. 4 1 0. 43 5, 499 MAT H 1 5 1 , 1 52 P H YS 1 53 , 1 54 , 1 63 , 1 64 CHEM 450 and either CHEM 405 . 440, or 456 req uired for American Chemical Sociery Ceniflcation

CHEM 320, 33 1 , 332, 333, 334 (or 336) , 34 1 , 343, 403.

405. 4 1 0. 435, 499 BlOL 1 6 1 , 1 62, 32.3

the junior and senior years. Students interested in the Bachelor of Science with biochem istry emp hasis should plan to take biology

I n recognition of outstanding work the designation of Departmental Honors may be granted to Bachelor of Science graduates by vote of the faculry of the chemistry department,

Select fOur st:IneJtcr hoursjimn:


L 3 28 , 332, 364,

407. 44 1 , 448 or CHEM 342

based on the student's performance in these areas: •

MA'n-[ 1 5 1 , 1 52

Course work: The

grade point average in chemistry courses

must" be at least 3.50.

P H YS 1 53, 1 54, 1 63, 1 64

EM 342 and 450 are required for American Chem ical Cenification


co mplete degree requiremenrs with no scheduling difficulties in

Departmental Honors

CHEM 1 1 5, 1 1 6

during either the first year or the soph more year. This permits a berrer understanding of chemistry and enables a studenr

in the alternate year.

Biocbtmistry Et1lphtuis


The depanmenr stresses the i mponance o f starring physics

of the

Written work: From t h e rime a student declares a

major i n

chemistry, copies of outstanding work ( e . g. . laboratory,

Biochemistry Option

seminar, and research reports) should be kept by the studenr for later summary evaluation by the faculty when considering

Chemical-Physics Emphasis:

the student's application for Honors.

CHEM 1 1 5 , 1 1 6 C H EM 320, 33 1 , 332, 333, 334 (or 336), 34 1 , 342, 343, 344, 499 MATH 1 5 1 , 1 52, 253 PHYS 1 5 3, 1 54, 1 63, 1 64, 33 1 , 332, 336, 356,

Oral communication: Srudenrs

must evidence abiliry to

communicate eHectively as indic:lted by the sum of their participation in class discussion, seminars, help session leadership, and teaching assistantship wor . •

Inthpnuknt chemistry-related actjvities: Positive considerations include the extent and qual ity o f extracurricular


Q.I ..c U


work done in background reading, independent study, and research; assisting in laboratory p reparation, teaching, or advising; any other chemistry-related employmenr, on campus or elsewhere; and participation i n campus and professional

Spring Semester

Fall Semester First-Year C H -M 1 1 5

chemistry- related organ izations.

C H EN! 1 16


The departmenral ho nors designation will appear on a

I nquiry Seminar or

graduating chemistry major's transcript.

or Writing Seminar

Inqu iry eminar or

andlor BIOl 1 62

Wriling Seminar (or


BIOL 1 6 1 for srudents

MATH 1 52

inrerested in the

P H ED 1 00 or orher activiry

Chemistry B,S, wirh


Biochemistry emphasis)

of Educatio n. See School of Education section.

MATH 1 5 1 PHED 1 00 or other


activiry course

Studenrs interested in pursuing studies in chemical engineering

Sophomore CHEM 332, 334 (or 336), CH EM 320, 33 1 , 333 BIOL 323 (if Chemisrry B.S. 4 1 0 with Biochemistry emphasis) PHYS 1 53, 1 63 nvo additional courses

Students inrerested i n this degree develo p their chemistry program through the department in conjunction with the School

UR elective(s)


should see the course outline i n the Engineering Science section of this catalog. The departmenr chair should be consul red for assignment of a p rogram advisor.

MINOR - 22

semester hours

CHEM 1 1 5. 1 1 6

CHEM 34 1 . 343

CHEM 342, 344

C H EM 320, 33 1 , 332, 333, 334 (or 336) completed with grades

(320, if not taken i n second year) PHYS 1 54, 1 64

G UR elective(s)

of C or higher.


C UR elective(s)

Prerequisite and co-requisite requirements are strictly enforced.




CHEM 403 , 499 lectives

C H EM 420. 499


C H EM 1 04 . 1 1 5, 320, 33 1 , 333, 34 1 ,

343, 40. , 499


PlU 2 0 06 - 2 0 07

C H E M 1 05 , 1 1 6, 332, 334 (or 336) , 342, -:::-_....;3 :::4:-,4':: , 4 0 5 4 1 () , 420. 499 77::.,-: ears CH EM 440 U t{"ml); 4;0 (Sp ring term) ; Alternate Y 456 (J Terlll)-------


_ :-;_ _

f chemistry and rt:action5, with ap pl ication�


human acrivities and the natural environmenT . No prerequisite;

st u d ems withouf h i gh school chemistI')'

�HEM 1 04 before: taking CHEM 1 05

suitable r.


en i Ta nm mal


a re or




1 1 5.


..eneral science reachers, SA


in geosciences, and gencral u niversiry core

. uiremenrs. (4)

CHEM 105: Chemistry ofLifo - NS, SM

Basic organic and biochemistr

app l ied

human systems; suitable for libe .1

a rts


chemical processe� in

students, nutsin

studenrs, phy&ical education majo rs. and prospect Students who have not

co rn pINed



h igh schoo l chemis .

recencly should take C H EM 1 04 before rnking C H EM 1 05. (4)

CHEM 115: Ge�al Chemistry I - NS, SM the

Topic s explored includ


o f matter, nOll1e nclarure.

ltOmit and molecular meory, periodic re l ari on�h i ps, 5tatt!S of

matrer, quantirative relationships. and thermochemi try. [ h e course includes laboratory experiences that tal e pla!:e in the pen I boratOry and ne


weekly (uscussion section. Prerequisitr.

ear of high school

hemisrry. Co-requisite: M ATH 1 40 o r

Math PIa �men( i n MATH I 'l l o r hi gh er.



chem ical kinetics, chemical equilib riwn,

acid-base chemistry rhermod ·n�m ics. electrochemistry,

chemistry of the elements, and coordinarion com pou nds. The course incl udes laboratory Open laboratory and


perience ' that take p la ce in the

weekly discw ion sec ti o n. Prerequisih!:

MATH 1 40 or higher and CI-I .M

1 i 5 . (4)

CHEM 210: NUlriJiDrl. Drugs, a1ld the 11ldividllal -NS, SM An introdu lion




raholic inc ra

ion ' "

endocrinology, mind and body inrera [ions,

drugs in

modifying biological and

furequisites: recom m nded.

C H EM 33 1 . Co-requisite: CHEM 33 1 . ( 1 )

CHEM 334: Organic Chemistry II Laboratory - NS, SM spectroscop i c anal ses. Practical i n estigaLion o f rea rions and

classes of compounds discussed in �H EM 332. Prerequisite:

C H EM 333. Co-requisite: CHEM 3 2. ( 1 )

CHEM 336: Orga1lic Special Projects Laboratory - NS, SM

I ndividual proj ects

mphasizing urrent professional-level

methods of syn thesis and p roperty dercrminarion of organic compo unds . Tilis course is an altern ative to C H EI

334 and

t)'P ically requi res somewhat more time commitment. Students

who wish to prepare: fo r career, I n chemistry o r related areas should appl this


fo r departmental appro\! I of their admission to

uese. Co-requisite: C H EM 332.


CHEM 341: Phy�kal Chemistry - NS, SM

rudy of the rdarionship hetwee n the energy conrem of systems , work. and the p hysical and c he mica l properr ies of matter. Classical and statistical thermod)'n:lmics,

thermochemistry, solution properties, phase eq u i l i b ri • • and chemical kinetics.


_HE.M i

1 6.

MATH 1 52.

PHYS 1 54. (4) CHEM 342: Physical

Chemistry - NS,

and tht:ir oHelation

iih structure. Cbssical and modern


A study or t he physical p rop e rties o f atoms, molecules and ions,

CHEM 1 1 6: Glmeml Chemistry n - NS, SM

Introduces s tudems

i nvestigation of reactions and classes of compounds discussed in

Synthesis of organic compounds, including instrumental and

CHEM 104: E,wironme:n1J11 Clm1listry - NS, SM Basic principies

organic compounds. Microscale techniques. Practical


roles of


behavioral fUilC ti (,n s .

ne year of high school chemistry or equivalen t



quantum mechanics, bonding theory. arol11ic and molecular

n ::r­ iD


structure, spectroscopy. PrYrequwtes: CHEM 1 1 6 . MATH

'" ...

1 52 . PH S i 54. (4)


CHEM 343: Plrysical Chemistry Laboratory - NS, SM

E. pe r i m e nt s i n kinetics and thermod rnamics. Attention given to data h3Jldling. error analysis, instrumentation, compUtational

analysis, and correlation with theo ry. Prereqllisite or co-

requisite: C L CHEM 3#:

34 1 . ( 1 )

Physical Chemistry Laboratory - NS,


EXl eri menrs in molecular sfructure and specrroscopy. Attention given to data handli ng. error analysis, i nstrumentation. computa ti ona l analysis, and correlation with theory.

furequisite or co - requisite.: CHEM 342. ( 1 )

CHEM 320: AlUllytical Chemistry - NS, SM Chem i� I methods of qua nt itarive , nalysis. including

volumetric, grav i metric, and selecred i nstrumental meth d . Incl udes lahora ory. �quis;tes:

H EM 1 1 6;

CHEM 403: BwchntJistry 1 - NS, SM An overview o f the structures. func! ion, and regulation of

MATH 1 40. (4)

proteins. carbohydrates, l i p ids, and nucleic acids, and an

CHEM 33 1: Orga,,;c Chemistry T - NS. SM


An inrroduction to structU re,

co mpreh e n s ive

[ <

i nrroduction to metabolic and regularory cellular p rocesses.

civ i r y, and general properties

of organic molecules. Prerequisite: C H EM

1 1 6.


encouraged to take both CHEM 403 and 405 for


exposure to biochemical theory and techniques.

PrertqrUsites: C H EM 332, 334. (4)

Co-requisite: CHEM 333 . (4) CJr"nM 405: mociJemistry

CHEM 332: Organ ic Chemistry 0 - NS, SM

Chemistry of ar m, tic c mpouncl s. cubonyl- o ntai ning

fll nCtio nai gtoups, ami nes, phen Is, ' nd an i nrroduction to biological!

imporrant molecules. Prenquisites: CH EM 33 J ,

333. Co-nfjllisite: CH M 334 or 336. (4) CHEM 333: Orgtmic Chemistry Reactions and meth ods of synrh


metabolism and regulation, enzyme kinetics and mechanisms of catalysis, protein ynthesis, nucleic acid chemistry, and

biotechnology. C ncep ts int roduced in Physical Chemistry and Biochemis try I will be applied to this cou.rse. Laborarory

I Laboratory - NS,

is, sep:mui

II - NS,

A continuation o f 403 that provides further insight into cellular



and anal �is of

designed to stimulate creativity and problem-solving abiliries through the lise of modern biochemical techniques.

Pruequisitl!: C H EM 403. (3)

PlU 2006 - 2007


CHEM 410: Introduction 10 Research - NS

An i ntroduction to bborntory

r h techniques. use of the chem ical l itcratur(" i n c lud i n g comput ri"l J l ite, atu searching, r earch proposal and rep rt w rit in . Students de eJop an independent chemic:d research p roblem cho en in consultati on \vith a member o f the chem istry fac ul lY. Students attend seminars as part of the cour. e requireme nt. (2) CHEM 420:

InstnJ71Jnltni Analysis - NS, SM

Theory and practie o f il1!>trumemal methods along with b i ­ electronics. Special em p has i s placed on electron ics . specuophorometric. radiochemical. nJ mass specr ro metric methods. Prereq1lisitel: CHEM 320; 34 1 andlor CHEM 342; 343. (4)

CHEM 440: Advamed Organic Chemistry - NS Srudems will develop a reperroire of synrhflCic methodology �nd a general understanding of a variety of o rga nIC D (liOn mechanisms. ynrhetic organi S lategies J.nd d ign, the an;)lysis of classic and r cent toral syntheses from the literature, and dvanced applications of instrumentatio n in organic chemistry. Prerequisite: ClIEM 332. (2)

CHEM 450: Inorganic Chemistry - NS. SM

Techniques 0 rructu ral determination (JR. V, VI MR, Xray. EPR) . bonding principles, n()nm�tal -:ompou nds. coord i nation chemisr r ·, organometaUics. donor/ace ptor concepts, reaction pathwa s and biochem ical a p p l ications are covered. Laboratory: Syn th.:sis and characl c:r izatiun of non­ metal, coordination and or , nomerallic compounds. Prerequilites: CH EM 332. 34 1 ; Pruequisile or co·requisite: CH M 342. (3)

CHEM 456: Polymers and Biopolymers - NS, SM A course presen i ng rhe fundarnen als of polymer synthesis, , llltion thermodynamic properties, molecular char�C[e rizario n .

molecular weight distribution, a n d s o l ution kineriQ. Free radical, condensation, ionic. and biopolymer systems. with emphasis on applications. The I -cred it bborarory examin i ng polymer synthesis through experirnt:n t is optio na l .



CHEM 3 42 . (3)

34 I ; Prerequisite or co-requisite:

CHEM 491; l,rdependelll Siudus Library andlor laboratory study f topics not included in l ' ulady offered courses. Proposed proje t mw r be .tpproved by department chair and supervisory rcsponsibi lit , l'ceprcd by an instructor. May be taken more rhan oncc. A speci fic tirle fo r the projecr may be appended to the general t i de of I ndependent Studies for CHEM 49 1 . (I to 4)

CHEM 497: R�$earc"

Experimental or theoreri 1 i n �stigation open [() upper-divi,ion students with consent of dcparrrnent chair. May be r, ken more than once. Generally consists of a r 'ea rch proje:r developed i n consultation wirh a chemistry faculty m rnber. A ecific title for the project may be appended to the general title of Research for CHEM 497. ( I to 4)

CHEM 499: CnpstolJe: Seminar - SR


Senior capstone courst:. Presem:ltiun by �rudents of knowledge ained by personal lihrary or laboratory research, supplemented with seminars by practicing scientists. Partic ipation of all senior

chemistry major is r"q u i r d and all other chern; try-orien ted students are encouraged to participJt�. eminar program will be h Id during the entire year bur credit w i l l be awarded in the spring mestcr. (2)

Chinese To view curriculum requJ.rrmenu and offtrings, please go Department ofLang1lages i., Litemture, pagf 96.

Chinese Studies



253.535 .72 1 6 wWJu.plu.edul.-csp The Chinese Studies program is an i nterdiscipli ll3ry program

which is designed to provide students inrerested in China a broad foundation in Chinese language, cui tun:. Jnd histOry, and an opportunity ro focllS on the cultural-philosophical world view and rhe economic and busin S5 slrucrure f hina. The program requires rhat majur and minor students com plete cour,ework i n at least three different disci p l i nes: hinese I:mguage, histor , and anthropology. virb optional work in political sci n e, rhe arts. religion, busines ', and other di�cipl i nes. Studenrs are strongly encourag d to participate i n the

un iversity's Universi,

hina exchange program� (currentiy at

.) and


rna)' request that Lred its earned rhrotrgh these

programs be counted toward the major o r mi nor. With the approval of the program director, selected January-term, sum mer, and experimental COurses may bt: included i n the major or m ino .

FACULTY: A com m ittee of faculty administers this program: Manfredi. Chair; B rnowc.', Byrnes, Dwyer-Shick, Guldin.

Ingram. Li, McG innis, Youn. M r. Sidney Ritte nberg serves as

honorary advisor.

BACHELOR OF ARTS lWAJOR .' :emester hours (24 requ i red , eight dective); students must take at least one Chinese history course.

Required Courses: 24 semester hours At rH 3 4 3: East Asian ultu[e - C, S 1

CHI:-J 20 I : Intermediare � h i nes ' CHIN 202: Int ' rmediate Chine$e H I S 339: Revolurion :lr y China RELI 233: Religions of China CHSP 4�9: Cap tone: Se n i o r Projecr - S R

Elulivu: eight semester hours

ANTH 345: Cnntemporary China - C. S 1 BU A 352: lobal ManagemeiH " CHSP 27 1 : China Through Fil m - C CHSP 287: Selected Topi in Chin�.:: Studies CHSP 25 0 : Urban ulture in him - C CHSP 350: h in ese Culture and oeiet), - C CHIN 0 I : _oll1position and Conversation C H I t 302: omposirion a n d Conversation _HI 37 1 : Chinese Literature in Tra nslati 11 - C, IT

PlU 2006 - 2007





c o a

H I S 232: Tibet in Fact and Fiction - C, S 1 HfST 33lJ: Modem hina - , S 1 H IST 4 6: eminar: The Third Wo rld (a/y on hina) " - C, S I , SR MUSI : The Arts of China - AR, C P . :lS l : Comparative Legal Systems - C, S 1

m thodology of thi projeCt will be interviews with i ndivi duals tn hina. along with an a ly s is of \'ariOU5 Chinese media. (4)

CHSP 499: (Aptlone: Smior Project - SR A project. thesis. or i nterns h ip which demonstrates competence

in language and other di mension. of

MINOR: 20 sernesrer hours (eight required, 1 2 elective) Required Courses: eight semestet hours in Chinese language

hi nese Studies. Must be .hinese SUldie ' Prog ra m ; tally card required. IIp n p rio r applicatio n 0 the Hudent. semi nars in other deparanenr. or programs may subSlltute for this course, ( 1 -4) app roved in advance by chair of the

H I N 1 0 1 : Elementary Chinese

CHfN 1 02: Elementary Chinese

(or one equivalent year of university-level Chinese. upon approval of the program chair)

Electives: 1 2 semester hours from at least tWO additional departmen t 5 ANTH 345: ontemporary China - C. S I CHI 371 : Chinese Literature in Translation - C, LT CH I N 27 1 : China Through Film - C C SP 287: Selected Topics in Chi nese Studies H S P 250: Urban Culture in China - C H S P 350 Chi nese Culture and Sociery - C K IST 339: R volutionary hin3 - C. S I M U I 339: The Arts of China - AR. C RELI 233: Religions of China - C. R3 'These courses may cou nt fo r program credits only when the student's course project is focused on China and is approved by the program chair. .. H istory 496 may be counted toward program requirements only when ir focu e:. pecifically on China.

Classics 253.535.72 1 9

wUltll,pl",edui�"l1Ig/c1assics,html The Classics Program is a cooperative effort among the Departments of Languages and Literam . History. Philosophy, Religion. and Art. I ts goal is to unite the "heart of the liberal arts" with the mi nd, through historv and phi losophy, and the soul. through religion. and tlJ em bellish th i s trinity of themes with the visual experience of art. This interdepartmental Classical Studies major requires the completion of 40 semest r hour... i ncludino at least Olle year of one of the classical l:lIIgu.lgcs (Greek and ·ltin) and two of the other. The remai ning courses 3 rc sele [Cd rom the list )clow in consultation with the p[()gram coordmator.


Coordirttuor; Batten. Jansen,

e[..; on, Oakman .


1"'\ QI VI VI n VI

The Classical Languages major requi res all 40 semester hours in C Study, LATN 1 0 1 , 1 02: Elementaty Latin LAT 20 1 . 202: I ntermediat Latin G REK 1 0 1 . 1 02: Elementary ' r'eek GREK 20 I . 2 02 : I ntermedia te .reck ARTD 1 80: History of Western Art I. A R CLAS 23 1 : Masterpieces of European Literawre, LT LAS 250: lass ical Mythology. I T CLAS 321 : Greek Civilization. S I Cl.AS 322: Roman Civilization. 5 1 P H I L 33 1 : Ancient Philosophy. PH R :Ll 2 1 1 : Religion and Li erarure of the Old Tl!Srament. R 1 RElI 2 1 2: Religion and L iterature of the:: Nl"\V Tesr3rnent. R l RELI 22 1 : Ancient urch Hi�tor . R2 RELl 330: Old Testament Studies, R 1 RELI 33 1 : New Tesramem 5111dies, R I An appruved course in anlral Sciences Area Independent Study ou rses

l an gua

CHSP 250: Urban Culture in Chitul - C Explores first hanJ the dynamic and rapidly transforming cultural life of four major Chi nt:lie citi : Beijing. Shanghai. Guangzhou. and Hung Kong. Our explorations will be carried our through face-to-face meetings with contemporary artists and writers. as well as visits to culturally significant sites that form the b ackg ro und and context for artistic expression in China today. Th urban focus will foreground tensions within China's major iries be(\vcen global and local forces, and the ways i n which those t nsiom; are profirably transformed inro contemporary art of all kinds. (4)

CHIN 271: Chinll Through Film - C An explora tion of the nistory and recent directions of Chinese

cinema. the relationship between film and other C h inese media. film. and the Chi nese govcmment. and the particular appeal of Chinese film on dlC international market. 0 prior study of Chinese required. (4)

CHSP 287: Seucted Topiu in Chiluse Studies (4) CHSP 350: Chi,use Culture and Society - C his course will draw together rhe existing experiential componenrs of the semester abroad program i n Chengdu or ientation, service learning and the study tour - and focus rhem on the ropic of an individual research project. The pri mary

Selected January Term C


Students are expected to b ecome familiar with the reading list for that part of the program (art. literature, hisrory, philo.<>phy. or religion) in which their imerest lies, The program is designed to be flexible. In consultation with the Classics Co mmi ttee, a student may deet a course(s) not on the classics curriculum l ist.

PLU 2006 - 2007


THE BACHELOR OFARTS (BA) in Communication Studies and Theatre focus on liberal arts learning, critical understanding of communication and theatre, and an appreciation of the roles played by communication and theatre in our culrure and the global community.

All core classics courses are taught by faculty from the Department of Languages and Literatures.

Course Offerings - Classics (CLAS) CLAS 23.1: Masterpieces ofEuropean literature - LT

Representative works of classical, medieval, and early Renaissance literature. (Cross-listed with .NGL 23 1 .) (4)

CLAS 250: Classical. Mythology - J.:r

A srudy of mythol gy originating in the texts of such Greek and Roman authors as Homer, Hesiod, Virgil, and Ovid. All readings are in English, but students with other language abilities are encouraged to use them. (4)

CLAS 321: Greek Civilizarioll - SI

he political, social, and cui rural hisrory of Ancient Greece from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period. Special arrenuon ro the literarure, an, and lurellecrual hi tory of the Greeks. (Cross-listed with HIST "1 2 1 .) (4)

GUS 322: ROntall Civilization - SI

CLI ... ... "' CLI .J::. ....

The:: hi.�rory of Rome from the foundation of the city ro CE 395, the death ofTheodosius the Great. Emphasis on Rome's expansion over the Mediterranean and on its constirutional hisrory. Attention ro the rise of Christianity within a Greco­ Roman context. (Cross-listed with HIST 322.) (4)

"'CI C "'

CLA.S 499:

C o

... "'


c ::s


o u

Capstone: Snlior Project - SR (2)

(�REK 1 0 1 - 1 02.


MINOR IN LA11N: 20 semester hours, which may include TN 1 0 1 - 1 02.

TO uiew Latin course offaings, go Litemture, Page 96


Department of Languages &

Communication and Theatre www.plu.edul�cot/J The faculty of the Department of Communication and Theatre is commirrcd to a philosophical perspective on communication as the process by w hich shared undemandings are created among audiences through the use of symbols. Implicit within this understanding is agreement on the assu mption that people interact with one anothcT for the purpose of achieving outcomes, and that this interaction is accomplished through a variety of media.

FACULTY: Ehrenhaus, Chah� Bartanen, Clapp, Desmo nd,

Feller, ranke, Harney, Inch, Land, Lisosky, Loughman, McGill, Rowe, Wells, Wheeler.

Degree TrLUks

The department offers three degree tracks.

Courses in me Department of Communication nnJ Theatre t/Jat satisfY General University Requirements. The following courses from Theatre and Dance may be used ro meet the general universiry core requirement in the arts (AR): THEA 1 60, 1 62, 1 63, 220, 222, 230, 23 5, 250, 255, 270, 350, 355, 359, 450, 453, 4 5 5, 458, 460, 470 and DANC 1 70 . The only course with the prefix COMA that counts toward the university core requirement in the arts (AR) is COMA 1 20: Media in the World . COMA 303: Gender Communication meets the Alternative Perspectives Diversity (A) requirement. COMA 304: Intercultural Communication meets the Cross-Cultural Perspectives Diversity (C) requirement.

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) majors and the Bachelor of Arts in Communication (BAC) concentrations (Conflict Management, Journalism, Media Performance & Production, and Public Relations/Advertising) must complete the following core courses: COMA 1 0 1 or COMA 1 90: Introduction to Communication COMA 1 20: Media in the World COMA 2 1 2 : Public Speaking COMA 2 1 3: Communication Writing SOAC 299 or 399: Keystone SOAC 499: Capstone

Declaration ofMajor

2 53.53 5.776 1


pre-professional degrees intended to equip students for careers and graduate programs focusing on particular professional fields.

Communication Core Courses

MINOR IN GREEK: 20 semester hours, which may include To I)iew Greek course offering.i, go to Department of Languages Literature, page 96


Students who want to declare a major in communication or theatre will: 1. At the time of declaration, have a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or higher. 2. Have successfully completed the communication core courses (COMA 1 0 1 or 1 90 ; 1 20 , 2 1 2, 2 1 3) with a grade point avetage of 2.50 or higher. (Not required of Theatre majors.) Students who complete either COMA 1 0 1 , 1 90 or 1 20 with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher may declare provisionally. (Not applicable to Theatre majors.) Prospective majots with grade pOlnt averages from 2 .50-2.99 have the option to complete an application packet and may be admitted as space allows. (Not applicable to Theatre majors.)

PLU 2006 - 2007

Minor Rzquirtm�lIt for Communication Majors

Jounudism Concentration

• •

45 semester hours plus

Three or four semester hours in economics Four semester hours in statistics or research methods Twelve seme rer hours in social sciences

The Bachelor of Arrs (BA) and the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Theatre require the co mpl e t i o n of either a minor approved by the major advisor or a self-directed study program that includes the following areas:

Elective SkiDs: four lemtsler houTSfrom thefllklwing:

Students in thi program select from the following concentrations: Conflict Management, Journalism, Media Performance & Produc tion, and Public Relations/Advertising.

MA 2 1 0: Interviewing (2) COMA 2 1 1 : Debate (2) C01v!.A 2 1 4 : Croup Communication (2) COMA 222: Video Production (2) COMA 223: Audio Production (2) O MA 230: Writing for Journalism (2) C N!.A 270: Profession:tl Writing (2) COiv!.A 3 1 1 : Research Writing (2) COMA 3 1 2: Advanced Public Speaking (2) COMA 3 1 3: Dialog (2) COMA 3 1 4: Intercultural Workshop (2) COMA 323: Copy Editing (2) COMA 325: Photojournalism (2)

Conflict Ma1lilge71U7lt Com:nttration - 43 semester hours plus a minor

Four semester hours in electives selected in consultation with advisor

• •

Four semester hours in English (Writing) Four semester hours in English (Literarure) Eight semester hours in 0 ial Sciences



MA 1 0 1 or COMA 1 90: I ntroduction to

Communi rion (4) C MA [ 02: Communication Ethics (2) C MA 1 20: ia in the World (4) COMA 2 1 1 : Debate (2) or C MA 3 1 3: Dialog (2) COtviA 2 1 2: Public Speaking (2) COMA 2 1 3: Communication Writing (2) COMA 302 : Media Ethics (2) COMA 304: Interculrural Communication (4) C MA 305: Argumentation (4) or COMA 306: Persuasion (4) C MA 340: Conflict and Communication (4) COMA 44 1 ; onflict Management (4) Pour semester hours of electives sdected in consultation with advisor

n o

3 3

t:: :;:,

One semester hour from SOAC 299 or 399: Keystone One semester hour from SOAC 295 or 39 ; Internship One to eight semester hours from SOAC 495: Internship SOAC 499: Capstone (2) Minor required (Line 1 or Line 2)

Self-Directed Study: 1 2 semester hou from Social Sciences Four semester hours from Economics Four semester hours in research methods A universiry recognized minor Media Performance 0- Production Coneentration semester hours plus a mit/or



COMA 1 0 1 or 1 90: Introduction to Communication (4) COMA 1 02 : Communication Ethics (2) COMA 1 20: Media in the World (4) COtv!.A 2 1 2: Public Speaking (2) COMA 2 1 3: Communication Writing (2) COMA 302: Media Ethics (2) COMA 320: Media Narrative I (4) COMA 420: Media Narrative II (4) or C01v!.A 424: Advanced Media Production

One sem ster hour from SOAC 299 or 399: Keys tone One semester hour from OAC 295 or 395: Internship One to eight mester hours from SOAC 495: Internship SOAC 499: Capstone (2) Mitior required (Line 1 or Line 2) Self-Directed Study:

Elective Skills: four semester houTSfrom the following:

1 2 semesrer hours from Social Sciences Four seme rer hours from Economics Four semester ho rs in research methods Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Global Studies, Legal Studies, Political , cience, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, or Women's Studies

PLU 2006


1 0 1 or 1 90 : I ntroduction to Communication (4) 1 02: Communication Ethics (2) 1 20: Media in the World (4) 2 1 2: Public Speaking (2) 2 1 3: C mmunication Writing (2) 302: Media F. rhics (2) 320: Media Narrative I (4) COMA 329: Depth Reporting (4) or COMA 422: Media Ma�age me n t (4) COMA 420: Media Narrative Il (4) OMA 4 2 1 : Communication Law (4)

Minor Rzquiremem for Tlmztre Majon



The Bachelor of Arrs (BA) majors and the Bachelor of Arts in Communication ( BAC) concentrations require the completion of either a minor approved by the major advisor or a self-directed study progr�m including the following areas: •


COMA 2 [ 0: Interviewing (2) COMA 2 1 1 : Debate (2) COMA 2 1 4 : Group Communication (2) COMA 230: Writing for Journalism (2) COMA 270: Professional Writing (2) -



MitIor required (Line I or Line 2):

"OMA 3 1 1 : Res arch Wr iting (2)

CO 1A 3 1 2 : <\


·cd Publ ie . peaki ng (2)

·OMA 3 1 3: Dialog

Self-I>ituted Snldy: 1 . 1 2 semes t er hours fro m Social Sc i e n ces


COMA 3 1 4 : Inler ultud Worksho p (2)

Four semester hours from Ec o n o mi cs

323: Copy .diti ng (2) A 325: PhotOjournalism ( 2)


Four semester hours in research me t hods


Fo ur semester hoursfrOTIIf


COMA 222: Video Producrion (2) OMA 223: Audio Prod uL tion (2)



32 :


MC!dia Pro du c t i on (4)

(40 to 44 semester hours p l us

COMA 423: Broadcast P roductio n (4) C


Four semester ho u rs in electives se l ec red in con,ulration

with advisor

One semeSter ho u r from SOAC 299 or 399: Keys t o n e One scrnest r h ou r from SOAC n5 or J 9 5 : Internship One to eighl se rn� te r hours fro m A 495: In ter n shi p SOAC 499: Capsr ne ( ) _


Acri n I Directing

Public IhLztiolulAdvertisi"g Concelltration - 45 semester MA 1 0 1 0r

MA 1 0 2: Co mmunicarion Ethics (2)

COMA 2 1 2 : Public Speaking (2) COMA 2 1 3 : Communication Wr it i n g (2) COMA 30 1 : M edia and Cu lr u ra l Criticism (4) or C01\t IA 40 1 : Rhetorics of Visual Cu\rure (4) COMA 303: Gender and Co m m u ni ca ri on (4) COMA 304: I n rercu l r u ral Communication (4) COMA 305: Argu me n tat i o n (4) or COMA 306: Persuasion (4)

Two s�nester hours from the following: COMA 2 1 0: In rerviewing (2) COMA 2 1 1 : Debate (2)


2 1 4 : Group Co mmuni cat io n (2) COMA 230: Wr i t i ng fo r J o u r na l i s m (2)

1 9 0: Inrroductinn to


u,mrnunication (4)

COMA 270: Profess ional Wri r i ng (2)

MA 1 0 2: Communication Ethics (2)


OMA 1 20:

COMA 3 1 1 : Research Wr i ti ng (2)

1dia in the Wo rld (4)

CO�'iIA 2 1 2: Pllblic Spc;lking (2) .... ttl v

C �


o u

COMA 3 1 2: Advanced Public S p eaki ng (2)

COMA 2 1 3: Communication Wr iri ng (2)

COMA 3 1 3 : Dialog (2)

1A 360: Pu b l ic Relarions Wri ti ng (4) 1A 362: Principl


MA 462: D igi raJ Message Produnion (4) or CO M A 305: rgummr and Advocacy (4)

One semester hour fro m SOAC 299 o r 399: Keysto n e

or COMA 306: Pe rsu as i o n (4)

rvi wing re

One ro ei gh t credits fr o m SOAC 495: I n re rns h i p or one semester hour of COMA 225/425 fo r work in co­



M A 222: Video Producllon

0,1A 22

: j L1dio

Mi710r required (Line I o r Line 2) :


COMA 2}0: Wr it i ng fo r J our n al i sm

'(/rir ing CO MA 270: Pr(lr. \iollal \






,OMA 3 1 2: Advanced Pu b l i c Speaking


Self-Directed Study:

ProduCtIon (2)

COMA 3 1 1 : Research Wri ri ng

cu rr i cu l a r program (speech a n d debare, theane, and srudent

media) SOAC 499: Cap ston e (2)

COMA 2 1 4. Group C o mm un i ca tio n (2) C


with advisor


o ItA 2 1 0: I n

COMA 325: Phorojournalism

Four semester hours of electives selecred in consulration

Managemenr (4)

CO MA 2 1 1 : Deb

COMA 323: Cop y Editing (2)

or Ad v rrising (4)

COMA 46 1 : Public Relarions Planning and

Elective Slrills: two s�nester hoursfrom the following:

1 2 semester hours from Social Sciences

Four semester h o u rs fro m Economics Four semesrer hours in research methods



A u n i ve rs ity recogn iz ed minor

MA 3 ! : Dialog (2)

Bachelor of Arts in Com mu n ic a t i o n Srudies srudents must

MA 3 1 4 : Intercu!rural Wot ks ho p (2)

co m p lete rhe College of Arts and Sciences ( -AS) req u i re menrs.

COMA 323: Copy Ed it ing



COMA 3 2 5 : Phorojournalism (2) Four seme fer hou

in electiv

dl:ctl:ti in con ultation

with advisor


COMA 3 1 4 : I n rerculrural Wo rksh o p (2)

COMA 36 1 : Pu b l ic Relations Pn n ci p les and Pracrices (4)


m i nor)

COMA 1 20: Med i a in the Wo rld (4)

lours plus a 7lIi7lor C


COMA 1 0 1 1 1 9 0: In troduction ro Commun ication (4)

1A 424: Advanced Media Producrion (4)

Mitlor required: Th

A un iversity re cogn ized m i no r

Acting/Directing Emphasis (42 semester bours plus a millor):

One semesrer hour from OA 299 or 399 : Keystone ne mcsrer h o ur from S A 2' 5 or 3 9 5 : I n ter ns h ip n r o eight semester ho u rs From ·OAC 495: I n ter n s h i p SOAC 499: Capstone (2)

P l U 2 0 0 6 - 2007

THEA 1 60: Introduction to Theatre (4) THEA 220: Vo ice I - Voice and Arriculation (2) THEA 230: Movement I (2)

11-lEA 250: Acting I

THEA 270:

i n con s u l t a t io n with advisor


ra ma t ic Li terarure (4)

THEA 330: Scri pr Analysis THEA

A minimum of six semester bours of dectives se l ect ed

Fundamentals (4)


T H EA 25,); Stage Tech n o l ob'Y

50: Actin g !l


Minor seiected in consultation w i th


Scene 5wciy (4)

THEA 360: Theatre H ismry I

Design/Tee/micai Empham miTIor


TI lEA 365: Theme History I! (4) 499: Capsto ne


EA 1 60; I ntroduction to Theatre (4) 220: Voice I , Voice and Articularion (2) 'n-IEA 222: Voice II: Stage Dialects (2) TH I:.A 22 5 ; 'h Jtre P rac t ic u m ( 1 ) THEA 250: cting I - Fu ndamentals (4) TH EA 2 <; 5: tage Technology (4)

DesigIJ/Teclmical Empluuls (40 to 44 semester hOllrs


A 3 5 5 : Lighting DC!iign (4) TH EA 360: Th<!a ,, 1 l i s rory 1 (4)

pLlIs a minor) T H EA 1 6 0 : l nlrodllcoon

to Theatre (4) 220: Voice I - Voic<' and A r t i cu l a t io n (2) [EA 222: Vo ice I I - S ta ge Dialecrs (2) HE 2 2 5 : Theatre l'racticllm ( i ) 1l-lEA 2 5 5 ! Stage Technology (4)

TIi F..A .�ti7 : Topi


THEA .3 5 5 : L igh t i n g

A RID 1 60: Drawi n g (4) ARTIJ 1 % : O<'5ig;n I

esi gn (4)


c ::I

CommlllliClltiorl: 20

n CU ...

5e mcst r hOLlrs, i n c lud i n g COMA 1 0 1 or 1 90; 1 20; 2 I 2, 2 1 }, plus 1 2 s e mester hours from 300- or 400level co mmunication courses selected in consultation with

consultation with advisor

n o

3 3

;'vl inor selec ted i n consultation with advisor

mester hours of electives selected in


rv1 inor selc:<:red in consuitation wi th advisor me requiremenrs l isted above, candidates for the c

hnur\ i n electives selected in cons u l tat i o n

ix <emt� ter

99: Capstone (2-4) A TD 1 60: Dra w i ng (4) ARTD 1 96: Des i gn I - Fundamentals (4) COMA 2 1 2: Public Sp eak i ng (2)

degr e i n Theal must (COAS) r;oreign Language

Fundamentals (4)

with advisor




OMA 1 I 2: Public Speaking (2)

TI-1·:1\ 387: Topics in Thearrt' (2-4)


in Theatre (2-4)

50A(, 49�: C3p�tone (2-4)

S AC 4 9 5 : Interns hip ( 1 -8)

In add i t i o n


S AC 4 9 5 : Imernship ( 1 -8)

T H EA 360: Theatre History I (4)





selected in consu ltatio n with advisor


54 semester hours plus


THEA 470: Play Dtrection (4) SOA


ad v i s o r

met't the' Col lege of ArtS and Sciences

req u i rem e n t .

TlJelun: 20


me�tc:r hours, i n c l u di n g T H EA. 1 60, 250, 2 5 5 ,

a n d 2 7 LJ , plus ro ur em


hours in electi ves selected


consultation with advisor.

Dance Perj'om1411ce: 20 semester hours, including DANC 1 70,

2 2 2 , 24 0 , 462; T H EA 230, 2 3 5 , 35'5; Electives (4 se m este r hours) F, m : P H E 22 , 225, 362 or T H EA 225, 4 9 1 or l"{U S I 1 20 . Some D,I\N co u rses are c ross- lis ted with t h e School of

BACHELOR OF FlNEARTS (BFA) DEGREE 11£EATRE Acting/Directing Emphasis - 60 semester hours plus a m;IIor

THEA 1 60: I n troduClion THEA 220: Voice I


.] H


222: Voice I I



Thea t re (4)

Voice and Articulation


Stnge I taleers

23U: Movement [ (2)

11-1 '-A 2 3 5 : Movc:mcm Ii

TH cA 250: Acti ng I





Fund� mentals





OAC 49,):



_apstone (2)



the des c r i pt i o n of ti13t minor under


_ _ _ _ _ _

COAfA 101: hllro dlU!tion

(2) THEA 330: Script A n a l ysi s (4) THEA 3 5 0 : Acting \[ - Scene St udy (4) THEA 360: T h e a t re History I (4) TH l::;A 365: Theatre:' H i story fI (4) TH EA 450: Actin g I I I - Shakespeare (4) THEA 470: Pby D i rec t i on (4) or


·o,.:c "'-l("' C-'O.;.; M.;:..A.:;L) Course Offeri" s - (ommunic:;;;a:..;:tl:..;:

Stagt' t lakcup

SO, C 4 9 '5: I n ternship (2)


Publ i s h i ng and I rinting


270: Dramatic Literaturt' (4)


The Publishing and Printing Arts: Cross- list 'd with the Department

Set· .)choai of Ed7ll'lltiOil.


TH EA 2 5 5 : Stage Technolugy (4)


Physical Education.



I ntroduce the Stu y of co m munication. Surveys the COfl ttxts

and applicJtions of study in these di sc i p l i n es . I n troduces the use of r he to ri c a l rheory as be ha vi o r.



means of understanding communication

COMA 102: Com1ll1w ication


Swdies the basic principles of moral ph i l os o phy and ex p lo res

and T H EA 425:

ethical is�ue" involving those engaged i n communication

p ro fess io n s such as journalism, public relations, b ro ad cas ti ng , and advertising. SrudeIHs use case studies ro learn


recognize ethical

di lemmas and dc\,e1op strafegies for d ea li ng wi th them. (2)

PlU 2006 - 2007


COMA 301: MediA &

COMtl 120: Medi4 in the World - AR

Inrrodllces the critical sUldy of mass com mu nication and its infl uence on commltnity and c u l ru re. he cour e will �urvey h the re hnical, economic, and behavioral d m nts of media influence it srructu and content. (4)


COMA 210: Interviewing

Introduces basic concepts and techniques for u n b iase d , in-depth inrerviewing. opics include l i s tening , neutral question phrasing, sources of bias, developing question sequences and i nterview schedules. (2) COMA 2 1 1: Debate

This course introduces the practice of acad mic and political debate. It introduces principles and theori of argument. Students will have opportunities for in-class and public debare:s. (2)

Culhtral Criticism

This CO llr�e xam ines dJ role r media in ptoducing systems of meanings and arrifact th.at shap popular culture and ideology. Studen learn to use critical perspeccives as lenses for studying rexts of pop u lar culture a nd fo r wriring cultural criticism for popular and spe iaLizcd au dience . (4) COMA 302: MediA Er/Jics

Appli :Ii principlc.s of moral philo. ophy to ethical i 'ues involving rhose cngageu within mass commun icarion professions. Emphasis on encountering and resolving con temporary ethical issues in mass communicarion environments. Prerequisitul COMA 1 02 and 1 20. (2)

introduces the: bal;ic techniques of public speaking. Students

complete several speeches and learn the basic skills of p chmaking, including topic selections, earch, organiza ti o n , 3lldience analysis, and delivery. Required of all Design/Tech majors. (2)

COMA 303: Gender and CommuII;r:ati()n - A This c ur e amin > the relationship between gender and communicalion in human interaction and media represent::ttions. Comparison nu contrast of male and female communication styles, language usage and speech pracrices. Role of media in shaping gender ide-als and possibiliries. Prrm!quisit.u: OMA 1 0 1 , 1 02 , 1 20 or consent of instructor. (4)

COMA 212: Public Speaking

IV ... ..... ra IV .s::. t-

COMA 213: Communication Writing

COMA 304: Intercultural Conlmtlniciltion - C

Introduces the process of communication writing. Surveys copy formats and style rules fo r wri ri ng in communicari n-rdated careers. Students complete a number of diverse writing assignments to appreciate the mechanic.s of writing and the role of audien . (2)

Studies thl" n rure of communication among people of diverse cultures. The course examines contemporary theory and research and examines a variety of cultural variables including: cultural backgrounds. perception. social organization, language, and non verba.! aspects of me ages. Prenquisiul: C O MA 1 0 1 , 1 02, 1 20 or conSCl1l of imnuctor. (4)

c o

Studies how people interacl in gro u ps. Introduces theoredcal constructs regarding the mle of groups in org<lnilatitmal and social settings. Provides c:xperience in analyzing and improving t,'T'OUp performanc and interactio n . (2)

""CI c ra

..... ra v c ;:,


o u

COMA 214: Group Communication

COMA 222: Video Pro�Clio ll

COMA 305: Argummt Imd Advocacy

Srudies how people use reason oivll1g in social decision-making. An alys is of ge ntes, fo rms, and techniques of arguers. Focus is on method, of r�(ing, undemanding, and criticizing arguments. (4) COMA 306: PernlMion

Analysis and application of program desi n, writing and production tools and tech niques. Lecture :lnd laborarory. Prerequisite: Communication core or cons�nr of instructor. (2) COMA 223: Audio Production

Introduction to the techniques and technologi rdated w contemporary audio prod uction as u$ed in television and rad io broadcasting. the recording i ndustry, lim, and other media applications. (2) COMA 225: Practicum

One semester hour credit may be earned each semester, bur only four semester hours may be used to meet un iversity requirern nts. Srud n put classroom theory to ptactical application by individually completing a project relating to an aspect of communication. An instructor in the area of imetest must approve the project and agree to provide guidance. ( l ) COMA 230: Writing/or joumJJlism

The sruu y of pl!rsuasion as a means of personal and social influence rhrough rhetoric. Examines both rhetori I and social scientific rraditi ns of "rud� , ethical �Ild social implications of contemporary persuasio n in poli[ical, commerci.al and orher contexts. Oppo rw n ic}' fo r o rigInal re.sea h projects. Prerequisites: COMA 1 0 1 , 1 02, 1 20. 2 1 3 t)r .onsenr of instrucror. (4) vclop' methods for gathering, interpteting, and evaluating dara and then pr enring rlndings written form. Prerequisites: COMA 1 0 1 . 1 02, 1 20, 2 1 2, 2 1 3 or consent of lIlstru tor. (2)

COMA 270: Professional Writil'g


Expands o n the skills developed in COMA 2 1 .3 and int roduces the proc s f preparing proh: �ional documents including press rei es. memoranda, business letters, and reSllmes. (2) Prerequisite: �OMA 2 1 3 . (2)



COMA 312: Advllnr:ed Public Speaking


Focuses on improving )kill in public speaking. Introduces theories and rechniques fo r effe tive l)' participating in various spea . ng contexts. rc vid experience through writing and delivering a range of different kinds of public speeches. PrrmIqllisitell CO MA 1 0 1 , 1 02, 1 20, 2 1 2, 2 1 3 or consent of instructor. (2)


COMA 313: DiAlog


Expands on the kills developed in COivlA 2 1 3.

Intwduces the procc . of newsgathering as well as production in various media platforms. EmpMsizes ethical decision-making in gathering informa tion from sources and data. �quisite: COMA 2 1 3. (2)


COMA 3 1 1 : Rl!Starch Writing

Explor s rll pc c of using dialog as a way of facilitating conAiet resolution. Focus is on crearing supportive com m u nitltion c1imat� and methods for listening. PrrmIquisites: COMA 1 0 I , 102, 1 20, 2 1 2, 2 1 3 or consent of instrucror (2) COMA 314 : l"tert:ldturdJ Workshop


P L U 2006 - 2007


acqu ai nt studenr:s with the inAuence of cultural


c. (




In re



ckgrounds, pen:eprual systems, social organization, language, and


aI message; in interculrural communication. Prerequisites:


OMA 1 0 1 . 1 02, 1 20, 2 1 2, 2 1 3 or coment of' instructor. (2)

COMA 362: Principles ofAdvertisi'fg Introduces advertising theories and principles. Focuses on


srudies and skills required in advertising practice. Prn-equisites:

COMA 1 0 1 , 1 02, 1 20. 2 1 2, 2 1 3, 270 or consent of insrrucror (4)

COMA 320: Media Narrative I I ntroduces the srudy of n arrative techniques and their application

COMA 387: TopU:$ in Communu:ati(m

gathering, writing ro format, and production aCtivities across

opportuni ties to explore communication issues, methods, and

to the prod ucrion of med i a content. Includes i n formation pri ne. web.. radio and tdevision. Requires integrative

participation with campus media. Prerequisites: COMA

1 02. 1 20, n2


viewpoints outside the normal curriculum.

COMA 388: Topics in Commllnication

223. and 230. (4)

Special tOpics in communication is i n tended for unique

COMA 321: The Book in Society E

(era s-listed with

G l 3 1 1 ) . (4)


the world of book publishing.

involv ing studentS in decisions ab ut what to publish and how to

produce it (cross-listed with ENGL

3 1 2) . (4)

Selection, being




explore communication issues, methods. and

( 1 -4)

Special tOpics i n comm unication is in tended for uniq ue opportunities ro explore communication issues, methods, and viewpoints outside the normal curriculum

( 1 -4)

COMA 391: Communicatiofl AbralUi

COMA 3D: Copy Editing Sele ction and editing of


viewpo i n ts outside the no rmal curriculum.

COMA 389: Topics in CommrmicaJion

COMA 322: Puhiishillg Procedures A worksh p introduction

( 1 -4)


A critical cudy of the rolt o f books in our hisrory, society, and

daily lives

Special tOpics in communication is intended for unique

vs copy and headline writing.

cropping of photographs. Functions of

layo ur. Princ iples of newspaper design and their practical appl icarions . .Prerequisitu: COlvlA

1 0 1 , 1 02, 1 20, 2 1 2, 2 1 3 .

230 or consent of instructOr. (2)

Exploration of communication systems and environments beyond the university i n international cultural contexts.

( 1 -4)

COMA 392: Communication Abroad Exploration o f communication systems and environments beyond the university in international cultural co. texts.

( 1-4)

COMA 325: Pbotojourtudism

ruetio class i n

photography with practical application to

COMA 393: CommwlicaNon AbralUi

journal istic endeavors. Includes in tegrative participation with

Exploration of communication systems and environments

campus media. Prerequisites:

beyond the university i n international cultural colltexts.

COMA 1 0 1 , 1 02, 1 20, 2 1 2, 2 1 3,

230 or consent of instructor (2)

COMA 401: Rhetorics of VisUlli Ctdture

COftfA 327: MediA Productitm This COurse illtegmtes various multimedia applications associated with video production. camera

Fundamelltal� of scriptwriting. video

techniques. and non-linear editing. Prerequisitel:

CO. A 222 or 223. (4)



public and investigative journalism.

Pm-equisites: COMA 1 0 1 , 1 02, 1 20. 2 1 2. 2 1 3, 230. (4)

management of human conflict. Usc of the theories of prominent a



peace scholars and significant case studies ro develop

method for berrer understanding the narure and resolution of

conflict. �equisirel: C consent of i nstructor.


presenting examples of how they function. Students learn how ro

range of cultural and representational issues and methodologies.

Prerequisites: COMA 1 0 1 , 1 02, 1 20. 2 1 2. 2 i 3 or consent of instrucror. (4)

MA 1 0 1 , 1 02, 1 20, 2 1 2. 2 1 3 or

-t ::r ttl OJ .....



COMA 421: Co,,,,nun;cation £nUl Focuses on the principles of communication law and its

and processes involved in writing for an

organization's diverse publics. Integrates persuasive techniques

and communication theory with writing and production pracri c, Prerequisitel: .OMA 10 I , ! O2, 1 20, 2 1 2, 2 1 3. 270 or tOr.

OJ ::::J Q.

in tegrative participation with cam p us media. Prerequisitu:

application to various communication ptactices. Examines court

of insuu

o ::::J

COMA 320. (4)

cases, federal and state s ta tures and First Amendment theories.


n OJ .....

techniques with practical application to media content. Requires



c ::::J

Continues the Study of narrative writing and production

COMA 360: Public Rel4tions W'riting principl

3 3

COMA 420: Media Na.rral'ive Il

COMA 340; Conflu:t tUM C011Jmutlu:ation

Studies the role of communication in the development and


students through key theories on visual culture, providing explanations of the fundamentals of these theories and also

television, video, advertisements, news i mages - in relation to a

single issue for mass distribution across

media platforms. Focuses

Examines diverse range of approaches ro visual analysis. I t leads

analyze i mages - including paintings, prints. photographs, film,

COMA 329: Dep th &porting Group repo tting on

( 1-4)

n o

Prerequisites: C O MA 1 0 1 , 1 02. 1 20. 2 1 2, 2 1 3 or consent of inS[[UClOr. (4) COMA 422: Media Ma114germmt


Study of media organizations and management of media

COMA 361: Publir Rel4ti(ms Prmeples & Practices


Introduces the theories, methods. and pracrice of public

ratings services, legal considerations, programming and

Exploration of audience and marketplace facrors,

relations. Emphasizes technical and analytical skills.

promotion strategies.

Prerrquisitesl OMA 1 0 1 . 1 02. 1 20, 2 1 2, 2 1 3, 270 or consent of instrucror. (4)

resource development. and enhancing leadership skills.

Introduction ro managing careers. human

Prerequisite: COMA 320 (4)

PlU 2006 - 2007


COMA 42.i: Broadcast Productiol'

r:w, lr.tthtring, reporting, writing, and producing specifically fo r ii\'I:' and rap �d radio and rd!:'vision. Assignmc nrs i nclude extcnsive. produ ct io n activitics wirh dectronic eq uipmen r in the lid and tI e s tud io. I nregra ti ve participation with campus mcd ia. Prerequisite: ' A 320. (4) COMA 424: Advallced Media Production

The p r du tj,m proG


fo r dt:vdo p i ng broadcast quali()! "film­

Hyk . hort( using p rofess io na l video equipment.




T h e course

cri pt de velo p ment, casting, location s co uri ng, lighting

s LI nd

de i

, shot srructure, use of special effects, and

editing aesr hctia;. Prerequisites: COMA 10 1 , 1 02, 1 20, 2 1 2,

2 1 3. and 32 1 . (4)

Cl c:

COMA 425:

CommlmicatioT/ Practicum hour credit may be earned each scmester, bur only

rO t u semeSTer hours may be ust·d to meet universiry re qu i remr: nt.s. �llIdenrs put classroom theory

l; pplicllrion bv i nd i viduaU




com p leti ng a p roj ect relating ro an

communication. An i nstructor in the area of i nte res t


must approve til project and agree ro p rovide guidance. ( 1 )


430: Adlloracy


Re�e;!rch .tnO writlllg of ed i rori a l s , commentaries, personal

... QJ ...

::s Co


o U "0 c: ro QJ I.J c: QJ I.J VI

... QJ


::s a..


o u

opInion colwnns, op-cd piece s and other materials u sed ill so cial actIVism contexts. Pre7'U/uisites:

2 1 .'1

or uln�elH of i nstruc[or. (4)


1 0 1 , 1 0 2, 1 20, 2 1 2 ,

COJ1£4 492: Indepetldent Studies

lnvestig;l tions or researc h i n ar('a of s p e cial in terest not covered

by regular cou rses; open to qu al i fied junior or senior s tu den ts . A

student s h o uld nOt begin registra[ion fo r i nde p en de nt study until the specific area for investigation has been a p p roved by a

departmelHal sponsor. ( 1 -4) COMA


Ind$fJendent Studies

inves tigations o r research i.n area or special i n terest not coverd by regular




q u al i fied j u n i o r o r se nior students. A

the s p ec ifi c area for investigation has been ap p roved by departmental s punso r.



( 1 -4)

COMA 441: Conflict Mtmagemnlt


C01iflict and Negotiation

This cou rse examines the sources and devel opment of co nflict

and develops nego ti a t i o n


a tool for managing con flict

situations. E mphas is is on un ders tandin g con f1 icr interactions and reach ing agrtement through negati tio n . (3) COMA


Research in CommunicAJioll

For gradua te students only.


597: Researeb i n

( 1 -4)

C0l1171umiclltio "

For gradutlt� �rudenr on ly.

( 1 -4)

COMA 598: Jasearc/J il1 CommlmicaJion

[)cvdop� approaches ft)r managing and resolving conflicts in

For graduate st.udents only.

Lnlcrtlanon al . Prerequisius: COMA 1 0 1 , 1 02, 1 20. 2 1 2, 2 1 3 or

TiJ lJiezu Keystolll!s, InJ:erruhips and (Apstolles, go to Schoo! of Arts 6- Comi1lunicatioil (SOAC), page 4 1 .

J i /Tcn:m


con6ent uf

i nc l u d i ng i n terperso nal, organizational, and



COMA 461: Puhlk Relations PLuming and MaWlgement

K� minari . n of publiL relations issues such


ca m paign

pl. nni ng. is,<,ue ma n age men t, crisis c;ommunic3tion, and glo b al

p u llt i reb.rions. I n tegrates theoretical foundations, and et h i cs .

focus on measurement and e\'aluation tec h n iques . Prerequisite:

To lJi,'w Dance

( 1 -4 )

course offorings, go to


(DANC), page 66

To lJiew Sign L'l1Iguage couril! o/prings, go to Sign Language (SIGN). pilge 1 4 1 . To lJiew Theatre course

offiring.', go to


(THEA), page



OMA 36 1 . (4)


462: DigiuJ Message Production

Slud l�S he prio ;p l

messa ge:., fo r print

and proc



involved in prep aring

online d islributio n .

I nregrat.es design

concdprs with technica.! a p p lication s . Prerequisites:

1 0 2, 1 20, 2 1 2, 2 i 3, 270 or


o f insrructo r





curriculum. ( 1 -4)



exp lo re co mmunication issues, methods, and

Topics ;,. CommUllicatioT/


sysrems. Students can choose fro m a number of upper-divisi o n

opporruni Lies to cxplort communication i ssue s , methods, and


the normal curriculum. ( 1 -4)

COMA 491.: IT/dependent Studies

Pacifi c Lurheun Universiry pro"i des a broad base core of fu ndam e ntal material that s tress es analysis and d e s ign experiences with substantial labo ratory work, i nclu d ing software develop men t. I n addition,


e� pr





cal thl me

srudenrs a re exposed co a variety of programming la nguages and

Speci:! l mr ics in onun uni ca t io n is intended fo r u n ique


Computer scicnce deals with the [heo ry, des ign , and application manipulation o f i n formacion. The program at

vi wp iots ou(sitit the normal curriculum. ( 1 -4) COMA

Co mputer Scieltce of computing s ystems and [h e study o f the storing and

Topics ;11 Communication

... pecial topICS i n commun ication is i n tended fo r un ique

nprorru n i ne>

til til

IVww. cs.pllL �du

explore communication issues, methods, and

viewpoL llts o utside the no r mal



Engineering 2 5 3 . 535 .7400

Spe.cial topics in co mmu nication is i n tended fo r unique

QPpO rtUni lic


Computer Science and Computer

OMA J O 1 ,

COJ1£4 i87: Topics ;11 Comllltm;catio 1l


to q ual ifI ed ju nior or se n ior s tudents. A student s h oul d not begin regisrration for i nd e pe ndent s tud y un til the specifIC a rea for inve l i gat i o n has been a p p ro v ed by a dep arrmemal sponsor. ( 1 -4)

student should not begin registration fo r i ndepend e n t stud y until

One \ C ffi '"' t


by regular courses; o p en

courses, which insure a depth of knowledge Jnd .I n

understanding of current d e velo p ments i n the fiel d .

The Bachelor of Science d egree in c o m p ute r science has been

Investi ga tions or resea rch i n area of spe c ial interest not covered

'lcc red ited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of


PlU 2006 - 2007




(s\\ alsc upe


COMPUTER SaENCE AND COMPUTER Computer engineering is an engineering specialty that has grown out of rapidly evolving micro- and mi ni-computer technology.

The curriculum

on ists of essential and advanced dements fro m

ccmpulcr science a n d electrical engineering. developing both

hardware.' and software experti.,e. Electives permit concentration

in a l'caS SUcl1 as integrated circuit design, robotics,

microprocessor applications, computer design, computer securi ty,

application software development, and arti ficial intelligence.

FACULTY: Blaha. Chail-. Brink, Easwaran, Hauser, Kakar, Murphy,

pillman, Wolff.

ENGINEERING MAJORS Students majoring in computer science may choose to earn either a Bachelor of Arts degree in Computer Science or a Bachelor of Science degree in either Computer Science or Computer Engineering. The Bachelor of ArtS program is the minimum preparation suitable for further professional srudy and is o ften combined with extensive study or a second major in an allied field. The Bachelor of Science degrees are strong, scientific degrees that contain additional courses i n computer science, mathematics, and

BEGINNING CLASSES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (CSCE) There are several begi nning-level classes in computer science designed for students with various needs:

science and serve both students going directly into employment on graduation and those going into graduate programs. Students should take CSCE

A) CSCE 115: Solve it with the Computer Especially for students with little o r no background in com­ puttr science who wish a n introduction to the use of the

Mathematical Reasoning requirement.

Jems wishing an introduction to the computer and applica­ tions of software packages .


Campllln' cience

, and most science majors, as well as

strong experience in computer program­

m i ng.

For the BS degrees, at


least 1 6 upper-division hours must be

semester hours in CSCE, plus

1 2 semester hours

may receive advanced placemenr inro (his course.



The remaining hours are from computer science and

1 44, 270; 346 or 380; and 499.

engineering courses numbered above CSCE

strong programming background


Up ro four hours may be substi tuted from Math

34 1 or 356.

&quired supporting: Math 1 5 1 , 1 52, and 245.

The Compur

S2 1 million

facility that opened in February

2006. The state-of­

the-art faciliry has more than seven miles of conduit running

through the concrete Roors to power advanced computing tech­ nologies. The building provides computer science srudenrs with

�xciting n ew facil.ities fo r learning and dose collaboration with

of supporting courses in mathematics and science. •

vlte stUdent work areas, and dedic3[ed studel}{ workrooms for capstone projects. There is wireless network a'ccess throughout

[he building and C

.F. students have accounts on the depart­

ment's Solaris server.

em'l il and other \Vcb-based services. Students have unlimited :u:ce:;s co

the university computer center's user-room facilities. All rrnectcd via a high-speed Ethernet

(swi tched .Ind fast) . Connections to the Ethernet n e twork are

also provided in the dorm rooms. The campus network is based upon


be selected from

319 345, 449 and 5 0 1 -509), o r hours fro m Math 3 5 6 not counted toward the 30 hours of required supporting courses. The 30 hours of supporting courses in mathematics and

science must include:

1. M ATH 1 5 1 , 1 52, 245, 34 1 . 2 . A minimum of 1 2 semester hours of approved science

courses, which includes a year's sequence of a laboratory

science. PHYS

All PLU st udtnts have general university accounts that provide

PLU comput1:'r are

m ::s (Q


software development. an electro nics lab for computer engineer­

ing and robotics, a Linux lab, the Wiegand Multimedia Lab,


the computer science courses numbered above CSCE

professor.>. The Morken buildjng includes a computer lab for

smart classrooms wirh recessed computers for each student, pri­



::s tl) tl) ...

44 s emes re r hours of computer science must include CSCE 1 44, 270, 3 20, 343, 346, 3 7 1 , 380, 499 1 2 additional credits of approved elective courses, one of which must be from CSCE 367, 386, or 444. Elecrive courses submitted for approval are

Q.J ::s c..


SCIENCE - 44 semester hours in CSCE, plus 30 semester hours

Science and Computer Engineering Departmenr



345 , 449, and 501 -509)


tl) ::s

n o


Is locatcd in the Morken Center for Learning and Technology, a

tl) ...



(except CSCE


"C c:

1 2 upper-division houts must be


Thi� is me second course in rhe major. With deparrmenral a

For the BA degree, at leasr completed at PLU.

D) CSCE 270: DatJl StrUdures approval, studenrs with

400 or 4 1 0) ca n be used

an elective for a major.

completed at PLU.

For students majoring i n computer science, computer engi­ other. wishing

Only one CSCE topics course (either as

E�pecially appropriare to r busine�s majors and other stu­

m:ering, mathemati

A minimum grade of C is required i n all courses (including supporting courses) counted for a majo r.

B) CSCE 120: ComprUuized InfonnatioTl Systmu

n o

Restrictions for all three majors

computer fo r problem solving. This course also satisfies the

C) CSCE 144: Introductio" to

1 44, 270 and MATH 1 5 1 , 1 52 early

in their program.

fi ber-optic backbone connecting the b uildi ngs and

,,,,itched Ethernet inside the buildjngs.

1 53 , 1 54 with 1 63, 1 64 are preferred. 1 1 5 , 1 1 6 and either 320 or 33 1 , BIOL 1 6 1 , 1 62, GEOS 1 0 1 , 1 02, or 1 03; and 20 1 are acceptable. HEM

3 . Approved sciences courses arc: any BIOL, except


1 04, 1 05, 2 I 0; any Geosciences; any Physics; CSCE 345.


CHEM. except

4. The remaining hours, if any, may be chosen from any Mathematics cou rse numbered above 329 (except 446) or any approved science course.

PLU 2006 - 2007


BACHEWR OF SCIENCE MAJOR IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING - 44 semester hours in CSCE, plus 42 semester hours of supporting courses in mathematics and science. S >E 1 3 1 , 1 44. 245, 270, 345, 346, 380, 480, 499 J\1ATH 1 5 1 . 1 52. 24 5, 253, 34 1 ; 33 1 or 356 PHYS 1 5 3. 1 54. 1 63, 1 64 C H EM 1 1 5 At least four seme rer hours chosen from PHYS 233, 234, 33.1, 334. 336. or CHEM 3 4 1 Ten additional semestet hours from any upper-division ompurer Science nd Computer Engineering courses numben;d 3.bove CSCE 3 1 9 (except CSCE 449 and 50 1 -509). •

At I ':1St eigh t upper-division semester hours must be completed at PLU. A) Minor in (A)mputer Science 20 strnester hours, including CSCE 1 44, 270 Eight additional hours of upper-division computer science courses numbered above CSCE 329 (except CE 34 5, 499 and 5 0 1 -5 09) Required supportillg: MATH 1'5 I , 1 28 or equivalent •

B) Mi1U)r ;n lnformtllion Scie"ce 24 semester hours including C CE 1 44 and 367 Business 202 At least four additional hours from CSCE courses numbered above 250 (except CSCE 345, 44'), and 50 1 -509) At least eight additional houts selected from BUSA 320, 375, 376, 378, o t 478.



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C) Mitior in Electrical Ellgmeerillg

Q) V C C1I

44 semestt:f hours inciudina CSCE 1 3 1 , 1 44. 24 5 , 345, and 346 PHYS 1 25, 1 26, 1 35, 1 36 or 1 53, 1 54, 1 63, 1 64 &quired supporting: HEM 1 1 5 ; MATH 1 5 1 , 1 52, and tvlATH 245 o r 253 •

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Course Offerings - Computer Science and Computer En ineerin g (CSeE) A

gratU- of C or higher i.I strong6' recommended ill all prerequisite



/ Term Spring

1 20, 1 3 1 , 1 44 , 24 5 , 270, 34 5, 346, 37 1 ,

386, 39 I . 499

1 20, 400 1 20, 1 3 1 , 1 44 , 270, 320, 34 5, 346, 446, 480, 499 =3 67 --,,-'-,.. -'- 3.c.,. .::, 80, _ -- ---,-----Alf �IaU Years 348, 37 2;-385, 4 0, 4 iO-;-4 1 2, 436, 43 8 , 444, 449. 45') _ _ _

CSCE 115: Solve It WitlJ the Comp',," - MR, NS Teaches how compurer use can be combined with mathematical reasoning r wive problems. Spreadsheet package and other computer rools ro solve problems from elementary statisrics, financial transactions, and other areas where mathematics and data are used in every day life. �uisite: FuLfillment of the PL entrance requirement in marhematics. (4)


of basic skills important to the profession, including problem solving. engineering design, graphics, use of computers, computer programming, engineeting eco nomics, and ethics in engineeting. Prerequisire: Completion of college-preparatory mathematics. (2) -


An introduction to computer science including problem solving,

lhstrictions on aU ,llree minors: ompurcr Science. Information Science and Eh:ctrical l:ngineering:

C\ c w

CSCE 131: Introduction to E"gitleering - NS

An introduction to the engineering profession and development

CSCE 144: Introduction to Comptlter Science


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systems development, telecommunications, operating systems, spreadsheets, gtaphics, and database management. Includes a computer laboratory component. Prerequisite: MATH 1 28 or MATH 1 40 or equivalent. (4)

CSCE 120: Comptlterized Information Systems - NS Inrl'o ucrion ro compurers including management information

algorithm design, object-oriented progtammina, numerical and non-numerical applications, and use of data files. Ethical and social impacts of computing. Prereqllisite: Four years of high school mathematics or MATH 1 40 or equivalent. (4)

CSCE 190 Fl: Privacy alld Techllowgy - F, NS This course will explore the impact of technology on privacy. The goal is to provide srudenrs with insight into the importance of privacy in their daily l ives and how to protect that privacy as it comes under artack from new technology. It will explore rhese issues from several different petspectives including a look at the history of privacy, the development of laws related to privacy. methods used to protect ptivacy, and developments in technology that threaten privacy. In the process students will study concepts from mathematics, computer science, hisrory, polirical science, English, and military science. (4) CSCE 199: Directed Reading Supervised study of topics selecred to meet the individual's needs or interests, primarily for studems awarded advanced placement in computer science. Admission only by deparrmenr invitation. ( 1-2) CSCE 245: EuctricaJ Circuits - NS Introducrion to the fundamental concepts of DC and AC circuits analysis including Kirchhoff's Laws, circuit theorems, first and second order circuirs, and frequency response. Laboratory work is an integral part of the course. Prerequisite: MATH 1 5 1 ; PHYS 1 54 or consent of the instrucror. (4) CSCE 270: Data Structures - NS Study of object-oriented programming techniques and fundamenral data structure absrractions and implementations including list, stack, queue. and trees with applications to sorting, searching, and data srorage. Prerequisite: CSCE 1 44 . CSCE 291: 11ldependtmt Studies - NS Prerequisite: Consent of department chair. ( 1 --4) CSCE 320: Software Engineering - NS

An engineering approach to the development of large software

packages. Topics include software requirements definition, object-oriented design and programming, specificarions, and software testing. Consider:ltion of societal and ethical issues surrounding software engineering. Major small group project. Prerequisites: CSCE 270, MATH 245. (4) CSCE 330: Introducrioll to Artificial lnteUigence - NS An introduction to concepts of artificial intelligence (AI), including expert systems, natural language processing, image

PLU 2006 - 2007


understanding, and p roblem solving techniques. Co n s i de rat ion

CSCE 385: Cumputer Architecture - NS

pro gra m m i ng l anguage!> LISP and PROLOG will be taught and

systems. Topics include data rep resentatio n , memory structure,

of th eth ical and social di lem m as pos e d by AI. The used in

severnl project

. �q"is;u:

. CE 270 . (4)

CSCE 343: Programmi"g La"KJUlgt! Concepts - NS

languages . Imperative object-oriented, fu nction al , and declarative

languages will be studied. Programs w ritt e n in several of the la ngu ages . Prerequisite: C CE 270. (4)

ign tcc hn tq ues,

includi g single and multistage ampl ifiers, frequency respollSe


is parr of the course.

ign tech n iques, including coverage of

combination I logic, fl ip flop . regi Sll ! rs , coun ter., and ti mi ng

circuit>, 'he hardware desc riptio n l a nguage WH D L will be


CSCE 348: Mod�ling and Simula.tion - NS

An in trod uc t i o n modeling and


the fu n da m e ma l



E 1 44 . (4)

of mathematical

com pure:r i tn ulatio n . The course

will cover

building and validating abstract model� and imulating them

using s i mulat ion languages. Prerequisite: CS E. 1 44. Reco71lmended: CS E 270 and MATH 34 1 . (4)


systems. The en tity­

rel at io ns h ip and relational models are srudied in detail.

SCE 2'7 0. (4)

CSCE 371: DesiK'1 and NlAlysis ofAlgorithms - NS 5tTucrure!;

reviewed for efficiency

Designed ro improve advanced p ro bl e m s ol v ing and p rogra mmi ng

skills, i ncluding advanced data structures. A goal of the course is participation in the regional ACM programming competition. Pass/Fail on ly. Stud

CSCE 400: Topics in ComptltD' Science - NS

the disc ipline. F re que nt ropics are: Compu t e r Security, Computing,

raphical User IlHerface Programm i ng , Parallel

G e netic Algorithm •• and

CSCE 410: Topics i1l CompUJer


Engill�ering - NS

Selected topic from the list below or topic of current interest i n th" discipl i ne. Frequent ropics are: Computer Securiry, Parallel

Computing, Graphical User I nterfac e Programming, Parallel

u nd e r

d i fferent

A study of the tec hn i ques and theory used to generate computer

graphics. Both two-and t h ree- d i mens ional representations will

structures i nclu ing Hash Tr.bles, and Height-balanced tree: . It

MATH 33 1 . (4)

for graph

, ralle!

CSCE 412: Computer Graphics - NS

wil l �lso include analysis of advanced data

will in c l u de the study of algorithms


or consent of instructor.

Selecn:d topic from [he list below or topic of curr nt ilHeres t i n

be coveted.

c o urs e

may take this course mo rt� than once.

Prerequisite.: 'SCE 270

conditions. Analysis of problems ass o ci a u, d Wilh st�archi ng and sorting. 'nlis


Ne w t orks . ( 1 -4)

Major small group project.

Prerequisite: CSCE 1 44 Recommended: Elementary d:,ta

Prerequisit�: CSCE 1 4 4 . Reco71lmmdea:

Process ing Topol gil'S, Genetic Algorithms. and Neural

Individual, organization, and societal concerns rdated to

of data.

NS, and email.

CS C E 270, 346, MATH 34 1 . (4)

Networks. ( 1 -4)

the fu n da m ent al concepts nec ssary fo r

design, use, and implementation of d a tabas

acwracy and privacy

connecrionless networks, error detection and co rrectio n , LANs,

socket , and touting. Application layer topics ca n include HTTP.

Process ing Topologies,

CSCE 367: Database Management - NS

An i n troduction

CSCE 386: Computer Networks - NS

An i n uod ucr io n to computer networks and complllt'r

CSCE 391: Problt:m Solunlg 111M Programmillg Seminar - NS

CSCE !Yf6: Digital Electronics - NS

taught and used in severttl proje ts .

Prerequi�ite: CSCE 380, MATH 24 5. (2)

communication protocols from the physical layer through the

CSCE M5: Analog Electronics - NS

Analysis of digital d

systems are anal yzed.

trans po r t layer. To p ics include connec tion orielHcd and

An in troduction ro analog int grated circuit d

Prerequisite: CS E 245 (4)

lIO p ro ces si ng, multiprocess ing systems such as parallel, pipeline,

and stack machines. Examples o f the architecture of several brge

A study and comparison of features found in different computer

and feedback methods, Lahorarory

An i n troduction to the strucrure and operation of brge compmer

theo ry, heuristic

seJ.rch, and other topics s e lec ted by the instructor. There will be a

urse work includes several p rog ramming

assignments plus a project. Prereqllisites:



CSCE 436: Pattern RecDgI,irion - NS

signific ant p rogra m ming component where srudenrs will

implement and tcst algorithms. Prerequisite: CSCE 2 70,

The use of the co m p u t er


algorithms, and pattern process ing. Issues associated with

CSCE 372: Algoritlnns, Machines, alld Grammqrs - NS

societal and p ri vacy i m plications and ethical concerns involved


H 245. (4)


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recognize: panerns in da ta . Topics

i n clude data mi n ing, cluster analysis algorithms, l ea r n ing

making decisions from data analyzed hy machin.es and the

of formal models of co mputatio n (finite autOmata,

Plls hdown automata, and Tu ring machines). Srudy of formal

language colKeres such as regular expressions and grammars. There will be a significant programmi ng component where students

impl�men[ and [c:� t algo rithms.

Prerequisit�: ,SCE 37 1 . (4)

CSCE 380: Assembly LanKJUlg� tmd Computu Orgauizlztwn - NS Fundamentals of assembl

macro defi n i tion. in lerru

langU:l.ge and computer organizatio n.



o m puter archirecrure.

and in terfa�e b<;:tween asse m b lr languag and high-level programm i ng I nguage.�. Prerequisite:

S E 346. (4)

in those kinds of decisions. I nc l u des




major small group

seE 270, M ATH 245. (4)

CSCE 438: Expert Systems - NS

The development of Al systems that operate at th

level of a

human expert. Students will ex plo re the SHucture of expert

systems and use an �x.pert s�tcm dev e lop m ent tool.

Topics include data and iosITuc(ion formats, add ressi ng. linking.

re c ommend ed :


n o

SCE 270. Stro ngly

Prerequisite: CS

E 330 o r consent of i ns t ructor. (4)

CSCE 444: Op�raTing Sy#�tS - NS

An i n trodu c tio n to computer o pe rat i ng systems i n cluding

process sc h edul in g, m mory malH lgement, and file systcms.

Major small group project . �quisite: CSCE

MATH 245. (4)

PlU 2006 . 2007



DANC 222: Jazz Dance Level I

CSCE 446: VLSI Design - NS n in troduction to the design of very large-scale in tegrated systems using computer-aided design methods.

(Cross-listed with PHED 222) ( I )


CSCE 346. (2)

DANC 240: Dance E1ISemble

CSCE #9: Computer Science in the SecOlldary School

(Cross-listed with PHED 240) ( I )

Methods a n d ma te ria ls i n teaching. L


ndary school


mp ut

er .


GO, P I LOT, etc. , may be considered . Doe;; not


cou nt toward a major in co mp ute r science. CSCE 1 44. (2)

CSCE 455: Cumpilers - NS An in trod uct io n to the o rganiza t io n ,

DANC 462: Dance Production An advanced choreo grap hy course combining choreography, costume design, s tag i ng, and publicity t ech niq u es for producing a major d a n ce coneert. (Cross-listed with PH ED 462) (2)

specification, and a nal ys is

of p rogramming languages, including scanning, parsing, objeer code, run-time machine


Prerequisitesl CSCE 380,

MATH 245. (2)


CSCE 480: MicroproceS$OI'iI - NS

Study of m i crop ro c es so rs and their use in m icro c o m p u te r systems. Prereqfluites: Se E .346, .380. (4)

o c:::: o U J.U • CLI u c:::: "' o

"By v irtue o/exchange, one persons property is beneficial to all

CSCE 495: Comptlter Science Research

arrangements for producing and d st r b u ti n g goods and services


i i

to slIstain and enhance human life. Its main objective is to determine an efficient use of limited economic resources so rhat people receive the maximum benefit at the lowest cost.

CSCE 499: .apsrone: SeminAr - SR


Wrirreo and oral presentation of a p ro ect in


topic of interest by

the student und er the supe rv is i o n of a faculty member. Studmts normally work in small groups (t\I/O to three studcnrs). Includes

discus.sion of the skills needed for good res ea rch and technical

communication of that re sea rch and a study of the s o c i al im pl icati o ns of computing. Com ple ti o n of this course satisfies the core require m e nt for a seni o r capstone seminar/project. The capstone:> is a t\vo semester sequence b e gin ning in the fall semester; Ma graduates should s ra rt the course in t he fall of their senior year and December graduates should b egin the rwo-

The economics discipline embraces a body of techniques and conceptual rools that are useful for understanding and analyzing our complex economic system.

FACULTY: Travis ,

BACHELOR OF ARTS MAJOR A. Minimum of 40 semester hours ECON 1 0 1 or 1 1 1 , 1 02 , 30 1 , 302, 499 Twelve semester hours of electives in Economics


Four semester hours selected from MATH 34 1 or STAT 2 3 1


Requi rem e n ts and pre req u is te s depend on t he major and degree .

Four semester hours selected from ECON: 343, 344,

Students design and im plement a s i gn i fi can t sofm'are program. PrenquuiJe: C 'F. 2 0 . B.S. in Computer Engineering: Studcnrs des ign and i m plemen t a

hardware componenr. Prerequisite: eSCE 346. B.A. in Computer Science: Same as the B.S. in Co mpu te r Science or write a research paper. Prerequisite: CSCE 270. (2)


BUSA 202 or 302, MATH 348 or up to four se mes ter hours in computer sc ie nce


CSCE 503: Worksllops ill Educational Tecllnology

For students planning graduate work in economics or business,

educational settings. Does not cOLint toward degrees i n computer science.

additional math p reparation will be necessary. For specific

( 1 --4)

courses, consult your major advisor.



For curriculuni infOrmation, see Department o/ Communication

and Theatre, page 56.

Course Offerin s

A grade point average of 2 . 5 0 in all classes included in rhe

40 semester hours toward the m ajor. With d epar tme n ta l approval, ECON I I I may be substituted fo r ECON 1 0 1 fo r p urposes o f major and minor requi re me nts . ECON 499 meets the senior sem i nar/ p ro j ec t requirement.

Workshops designed to expand tea hers' knowledge about the application of new compurer and related technology in

Chair; Damar, Hunnicutt, Ng'ang'a, Peterson,

Reiman, St. Cl ai r.

hours given each term fo r a total of fou r-semester hours.

B.S. in Computer Science:


Eco nomics is the study of how people establish social

consent of instructor. ( 1--4)

course in the fall of rheir j unior year. There are


Fred er ic Bas ti at

others. "

under the supervision of a facnlt), member.



CSCE 491: //ldepnuwlI Studies Prerequisite: consell[ of department chair. ( 1-4) Involvement i n an ongoing research project in computer science III U


and opti mization.


The Economics Department o fFers the following concentrations:


Domestic Economic Analysis: ECON 1 0 1 , 1 02, 30 1 , 302, 32 1 or 323, 495, 499

Dance (DANC)

DANC 170: Introd,u;tioTl to Dance - AR This is a su rvey dance course that explor

Twelve semester hours chosen from among: ECON 3 2 1 , .322, 32.3, .325, 327, 344

the history, roors, and

cultural significance of dance as an art fo rIll. (4)

PlU 2006 - 2007

POLS 345 POLS 346 STAT 2.31 or 3 4 1



blteT'1lat101Uli Ecollomic A1lIl/ysis:



1 0 1 or I l l ; 1 02, 30 1 , 302, 33 1 , 495, 499; T\\'e1 ve semester hours ch ose n from among: E 0 1 1 , 3 1 3, 3 1 5, 333, 335, 338, 344 P LS 33 1 ; POLS 347 STAT 23 1 or 3 4 1


A n al ys i s of public policy a nd p r i vat

behavior; a ppropr i a te pricing, resource valuation, taxes and subsidies, trade policies, sustainable development, and income growth and distribution. Students cannot ta ke both E ON 1 0 1 and I I I fo r credir. (4)

1 0 1 , 1 02, 30 1 , 302, 344, 345, 499

EeON 301: IIIter11lediau MiCToeconomic Analysis - S2

The Modern EcOllomic ElIterprise: E N 1 0 1 , 1 02, 30 1 , 302, 32 1 , 3 2 5 , 34 1 , 495, 499 Twelve , rn es te r hours of Business electives ( B USA 200 level or h i gh e r, BUSA 20 I recommended) STAT 23 1 or 34 1 BUSA 495 may be s u bs t it u ted for ECON 495

MINOR - 24 scme�ter hours EC N 1 0 1 or I I J , 1 02, 3 0 1 or 302 wdve additional semester hours of electives, four of which may be i n Statistics

Ou t s ta n di n g students may choose ro pursue g r ad ua ting in �conomics with honors. I n addirion ro meeting all other m aj o r

requirements, in order to be gr a n ted d ep a r t m en ral honors a s tudent must: Have an overill u ni versity grad e point average of 3 . 5 0 o r better;


Ta ke four hours beyon d the s ta n d ard major in Econo m i cs 498, Ho no rs Thesis (Students apply fo r admission co this course in the second semester of their junior year. The department grants admission ro Economics 498, H on o rs Thesis, based on rhe stu dent 's prior work in econ om ics and the quaJiC)' of the gener al research proposal)


Ptese n t the resul ts of rhe work completed in Eco no m ics

498, Honors Thesis,


a meeting of Omicron Delta Epsilon

(tht: econom ics honorary society) .

EeON 302: I"unlluliiltJ! MlIcroeco'lOmic A1Ul/ysis - S2 National i ncome determinacion including policy i m p l ications

within the i n st i tu ti ona l framework o f the U.S. e con o my . Prerequisites: ECO 1 02; MA [ ' H 1 28, i 40, or 1 5 1 . (4) EeON 311: Energy lind Nacural Resollru Ecollomics - S2 An intensive cconomi a n alysi s of natural resource carc ity and a natural tesources. Comp:lrativc: international analysis of the relative roles of markets and government in the deve lopment and allocation of natural resources over time. Themes include dy nam i c

effi c i e ncy, inrergenerational fa irness, and s u sta i m b i li ry. Case studies of key natural resourCe sectors including: renewable and exhaustible energy, non-energy mi nerals, forestry, and fisheries. Prerequisites: EC N 1 0 1 or I I I , Or co ns e nt of insrructor. (4) EeON 313: EllvirOTlme1ltai Ecollomics - S2

Examines the theory of externalit ies, pollution regu l a tio n, open­ access co n d i t i o n s as a basis for envir ntnental deg rad a t io n, methods of non - m a rke t valuation of environmental amenities, and valuation of a statistical l i fe. At t e n t i on will be given to both domestic and globJJ exam p l es. P,'n"tquisites: " . , . 1 0 1 or I I I , or consent of instru t o r. (4)

m n o :J o

3 n VI

ECON 3 15: /lIvestigati71g ElIviro 'fflu!7Itm a"d Ecollomic ClJange i" Europe - S2

An in troducrion ro the environmental ec o n om i c problems and pol icy prospects of modern Europe. Focus on economic


The deparrmem offers membership in Omicron Delta Epsilon, the I n ternational Economics Honorary So c ie ty, to qualified Econom ics majors. For specific criteria, see any deparrmental r.1Culty mem ber.

i nc en ti ve s and po l i c i es ro solve p ro b l em s of air and wat e r p o l l u ti o n , sustai nable forestry, global warming, and wildlife m a n age m e nt in Aus tr i a , German)" H ungary, the Czech Rep u b l i c, and Iraly. (4)

EeON 321: Labor E ollomics - S2 A n a lys is of labor markets and labor market issues; wage

determination; investment in h u man c api ta l , unionism and collective ba r ga i n i ng; law and public polic ; discrimination; labor mobi l i ty; e ar n i ngs in eq u al i ty, unemplo 'me m, and wages and inflation. Prerequuues: CON 1 0 1 or I I I , or cor nt of instructor. (4)



Course Offerin s - Economics (ECON) ECON 101: Principles ofMicro�conomics - S2

EeON 322: Money and Bank;"K - S2

Introduces the study of economic decision m a k ing by firms and individuals. E onomie rools and concepts SlIch as m a rkets , su p p ly and demand, and effi cie n cy applied to comemporary ues. S tud e n ts cannor take borh ECON 1 0 1 and I I I for credir.

T h eo ry or consumer behavior; product and factor pr icel; u nder co n d iti o ns of monopoly, competition, and in te rm ed i J te markets; welfare ecot1Omics. PreJ'equisites: ECO 1 0 1 or I I I , or consent o f instructor; MATI·j 1 28, 1 4 0. or 1 5 1 . (4)

comparison of actual, op timal and su,tainable use of e ne rgy and


See Schoo!

111: Principles ofMicroecollomics: Global and 52

Env;romflt!11tai -

Math 1 5 1 , 1 52, 253 STAT 23 1 or 34 1


w h o l e and major issues such as

t rad e: . Prerequisites: EC N 1 0 1 or I I 1. (4)

Eigh t semesta hours of Economics electives


as a

inflation, unemploymenr, economic gro wt h , and inrcrnational

Mathematictd Ecol1omics: EC

102: Pri1uipks ofMaCToeconomics - SZ

I n troduces the ec o no my

(4) PLU 2006

The nature and role or money; monetary theor),; ro o Is and implementation of mo n e t ary policy; regulation of i ntermediaries; banking activity in flllancial markers; international consequences of and con s tra in ts on monetary policy. p''I!1'tqrluite: ECON 1 02 or consent of i n s tru c ror. (4) -



ECON 323: Health Eco1lomics - S2

Analysis of bealth care markets including hospitals, providers, and insurer/managed care organizations; demand for care; economics of insurance; role of government and reguLuion; access to care; non-price competition; impact of new technology; analysis of reform. Prerequisites: ECON 1 0 1 o r I I I (4)

ECON 325: Industrial Organizatio1l and Public Policy - S2 An analysis of the structure, conduct, and performance of American industry and public policies that foster and alter industrial structure and behavior. Prerequisites: ECON 1 0 1 or I I I , or co nsent of instructor. (4)

E ON 327: Public Fi1lance - S2

Public taxation and expenditure at aU governmental levels; the incidence of t:a.KeS , the public debt and the provision of public goods such as national defense., education, pure air, and water. Prerequisites: ECO 1 0 1 or I I I or consent of instructor. (4)

ECON 331: Internatio1Ul1 Economics - S2

Regional and international specialization, comparative costs, international payments and exchange rates; national policies that promote or restrict trade. Prerequisites: ECON 1 0 1 or I I I , or consent of instructor. (4)

ECON 333: Ecollomic Development: Comparative Third 'World Strategies -


o c:: o \.I W



Analysis of the theoretical framework for development with applications to alternative economic development strategies used rn the newly emerging developing countries. Emphasis on comparison between countries, assessments of the relative importance of cultural values, historical experience, and govern足 mental policies in the development process. Prerequisites: E ON 1 0 1 or I l l , o r consent of instructor. (4)

ECON 335: European Economic Integration - S2

An introduction to in tegta tion theory and its application to the

problems and policy prospects for deepening European integration. Economic analysis of the development of economic institutions in the European Union. Topics include: German unification, enlargement, the European monetary sysrem, Scandinavian participation, and relevance of the European int gration model for the developing world. Prerequisites: ECON 1 0 1 or I I I (4)

CbiTUl - S2

In 1 997, the British returned Hong Kong to China. This course examines the unique economic relationship that exists between the trongly capitalistic former colony and the People's Republic of China. Can these two diverse systems coexist? Will they evenmally converge to a ommon system) Where does Taiwan fit into the picture? W'hile in Hong Kong and southern China we will utilize the expertise of a series of speakers to explore the economy, history, and traditions of the area and to enhance the many experiential activities of the course. (4)


ECON 343: Operations Research - MR

Quantitative methods for decision problems. Emphasis on linear programming and other deterministic models. Prerequisite: ECON 1 0 1 or I I I , STAT 23 1 or equivalent. (Cross-listed with STAT 343) (2)

ECON 344: Econometrics - S2

Introduction to the methods and tools of econometrics as the basis for applied research in economics. Specification, estimation, and testing in the classical linear regression model. Prerequisite: ECON 1 0 1 or I I I ; STAT 23 1 or equivalent. (Cross-listed with STAT 344) (4)

ECON 345: Mathematical Topics in Economics - S2

An introduction to basic applications of mathematical tools used in economic analysis. Prerequisites: ECON 1 0 1 or I I I , ECON 1 02 or co nsent of instructor. (4)

ECON 386: Evolution ofEconomic Thought - S2

Economic thought from ancient to modern times; emphasis on the period from Adam Smith to J .M. Keynes; the classical economists, the socialists, the marginalists, the neoclassical economists, and the Keynesians. Prerequisite: ECON 1 0 1 or I I I ; ECON 1 0 1 ; EC N 30 1 or 302 (4)

ECON 491: liuiependent Studies Prerequisites: ECON 30 I or 302 and consent of the

department. ( 1 -4)

ECON 495: Internship - S2

A research and writing project in connection with a student's approved off-campus activity. Prerequisites: EC N 1 0 1 or I l l , sophomore standing, and consent of the department. ( 1 -4)

ECON 4!J8: Honors Thesis - S2

Independent research supervised by one or more faculty members. Research proposal and topic developed by the student in the j unior year. Application to enroll is made in the second semester of the junior year. Prerequisite: Economics major and consent of the department. (4)

ECON 499: Capstone: Senior Seminar - SR

EGON 338: Political Economy ofHong Kong R1Id

ECON 341: Strategic Behavior - S2

political science, business, and biology. Prisoner's Dilemma, sequential games, Nash equilibrium, mixed and pure strategies, collective action and bidding strategies, bargaining. Prerequisites: ECON 1 0 1 or I l l . (4)

Seminar in economic problems and policies with emphasis on encouraging the student to integrate problem-solving methodology with tools of economics analysis. Topic(s) selected by class participants and instructor. Prerequisite: ECON 1 0 1 or I I I and 30 I or 302. (May be taken concurrendy) (4)

ECON 500: Applied Statistical A1Ullysis

An intensive introduction to statistical methods. Emphasis on the application of inferential statistics to concrete situations. (Cross足 listed with STAT 500.) (4)

ECON 520: Economic Policy Analysis

An introduction to game theory and analysis of interactive decision processes. Interactive game playing, cases, and examples drawn primarily from economics, but also includes sports,

An intensive introduction to the concepts of macroeconomics and microeconomics with an emphasis on policy formation within a global framework. (4)

PLU 2006 - 2007


School of Education

Application fo rms and procedures fo r admission to professional

253.535 .7272 www.

Writing 101 or equivalent: grade of C or higher

studies in education are available from the School of Education.

plu. du/�educ

Students who do not meet all the requirements may appeal the

The School of Education offers undergraduate programs of srudy

admission process and should contact the Administrative

leading ro certification for elementary, secondary, and special

Manager in the School of Education Office.

education ( .achers. Additional post-baccalaureate certification is offered for admin istrarors. The curriculum is designed to provide graduates with a blend of the liberal arts and a variety of guided fie!

experien es begi nning early in the educational sequence.

The f.lculty is commi tted ro the development of caring, competent educational leaders committed ro l ives of service. A consistent emphasis of all programs is the promotion of student learning in K- 1 2 institutions.

FACULTY: H i llis,

Lewis, Co-Dean Team; Hillis, Directo r of

Gradtlate StuditJ; Byrnes, Chastain, Gerlach, Hassen, Leitz

(sabbatical), Nelson, Reisberg, Thirumuthry, Weiss, Williams,

Continuation in any program of study in the School of Education is subject to continuous assessment of student development and performance. Students are required to demonstrate the mastery of knowledge, skills, professionalism, attitUdes, and dispositions required fo r effective practice. Records will be reviewed ar the end of each semester to ensure stUdents are meeting standards throughout the program.

RAE and/or CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Students become candidAtes for certification when: A.




chool of Education is accredited by the National Council

for Accreditation of Teacher Education ( NCATE), the Northwest Association of chools and

All coursework is completed with a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or above and the stUdent's degree has been

Woolworth, Yetter.


olleges, and the Washington State

All coursework in maj or and m i nor fields and all education

coursework have been completed with a grade of C

r better.

All additional courses related to and requi red fo r education programs and teacher certification have been completed

Bo rd of Education fo t the pteparation of elemen tary, secondary,

with a grade of C or better. For elementary education

and special education teachers, reading specialists, and

students these include: MATH 1 23 or equivalent (must be tszkm prior to EDUC 406, Term II); BIOL 1 1 1 or life scknce equivalent; physical science equivalent, especially

administrators, with the Master of Arts in Education the h ighest degree approved. The accreditation gives PLU graduates reciprocity with many other states.

geosciences; PHED 322 and ARTD 34 1 and MU I 34 1 . D.

Th� School of Education offers coursework toward the conversion, renewal , or reinstatement of teaching certificates. It of-fers various uptions to add endorsements to current certificates. It also offers coursework and support to individuals seeking Wash ington

tate Professional Certificates or certification under

the �ational Board of Professional Teaching Standards.

The WEST-E must be taken andpassedprior to student teaching. RESIDENCY TEACHING CERTIFICATE

(Project LeaD) and Master of Arts wirh Residency and

Student� who successfully complete a program of prore ional requirements for a degree or a certificate, and who meet all state requirements will be reco mmended by the School of Education for a Was hington residenc), teaching ccrtificate. Additional state

Certification ( P toject Impact).

tequirements include a Washington State Patrol check, an FBI


Undergraduau Or

fingcrprint check, and a passing score on state en try-to-practice tests. Information regarding all state tequi rements and procedu res for cettification is available from the Certification OA:;cer in the

All individuals seeking to enter an undergraduate degree/ce rtifica tion or certification-only program must apply to the S hool of Education. A completed School of Education

application, oWlCial transcripts of all college/university work,

writing samples, official documentation of college admission or

School of Education. State requirements are subject to immediate change. Students should meet with School of Education advisors each semester and the Certification Officer fo r updates in program or application requirements.

pans of the Wes t-B , and letters of recommendation must be


submim�d to the School of Education by the fi rst Friday in

The basic undergraduate elementary education program consists

March to receive priority consideration fo r admission to the

of a fo ur-term program starting in the fall term of each year.

other approved standardized test scores, passing scores on all

School of Education for the fall term.

Elnnentszry Professional Education Sequnlce 51 semester hours

Specific requirements include: A.

Evidence of verbal and quantitative ability as illusrrated by a pass ing score on the \Vashington Educators Skills Test Basic (WEST-B). Six test dates are available during the year; check th




o :l

studies in the School of Education, who meer all related academic

Current graduate programs include Master of Arts in Education

Eligibility Requirements For Admission Certification-Only Programs

Passage of the WEST-E in at least one endorsement area.

m Co c: n QI ...

chool of Education web site fo r the dates.

Junior standing (60 to 64 or more semester hours) Cumulative grade point average (G PA) of 2.50 Psychology 1 0 1 o r equivalent: grade of C o r higher


EDUC 390: Inquiry into Learning I: Investigation into Learning and Development (4)

EDUC 392: Inquiry into Learning II: Invesrigation into Learning and Development (4) EDUC 394: Technology and Teaching (2) SPED 320: Issues of Child Abuse and Neglect

PLU 2006 - 2007




EDU 406: Mathematics in K-8 Education (4) EDU 408: Literacy in a K-8 Educacion (4) EDVe 424: Inquiry into 1eaching I: Diverse Learners (4) S PED 424 : Learners with Special eeds in the General Education Classroom (4)

elementary education students, tne completion of 24 semester hours in an academic area, and coursework that addresses the special education competencies.




4 1 0: Science/Health in K-8 Education (4)

ue 4 1 2: Social Studies in K-8 Education (4)

EDUC 425: Inquiry into Teaching I I : Diverse Learners (4) Passing scores on at least one endorsement test (WEST-E) must be presented before


student can enroll in


BUR IV EDUe 430: Student Teaching in K-8 Education (I 0) and EDUe 450: Inquiry inro Learni ng and Teaching: Reflective Practice and Seminar (2) or EDUe 434: Student Teaching - Elementary (Dual) (6) and E ue 450: Inquiry i n ra Learning and Teaching: Reflective Practice and Seminar (2)

Includes the above elementary education sequence (5 1 semester hours) and the following special education coursework:

It! U ::::J "'C w

in special education, reading, and English as a second language­ can be obtained from the Administrative Manager in the School of Education. SPECIAL ED UCA TION ENDORSEMENT

eoutse work leading to the P- 1 2 endorsement - 26 semester hours SPED 322, 424, 430, 442, 450, 454. 459. and 460. SECONDARY CERTIFICATION AND ENDORSEMENT OPTIONS

All u ndergraduare students seeking secondary certification in a content area (except those seeking certification in music and physical education) are required to complete the following four­ term program of study. Profossimwl Educatio1l

Dual Elementary and Special Education - 68 iJours

c o

Note: Information about all state endorsements-including those

S PED 322: Moderate Disabilities and Transitions (4) SPED 430: Students with Emotional and Benavioral Disorders (4) SPED 442: Tecnnology in Special Education (2) SPED 450: Early Childhood Special Education (2) PED 454: Students with Physical Challenges and the Medically Fragile (2) SPED 459: Student Teaching in Special Education (6) SPED 460: Special Education Student Teaching Seminar: Issues in Practice ( 1 ) The professional education sequence forms the foundation of the program for all students seeking certification as an elementary education ( K-8) multi-subject teacher. Undergraduate students have several options for building a program upon the professional education sequence. including:


EDUC 390: Inquiry into Learning I: Investigation i n ra Learning and Development (4) EDue 392 Inquiry into Learning I I : Investigation i n to Learning and Development (4) EDUC 394: Technology and Teaching: Laboratory (2) PED 320: Issues of Cnild Abuse & N 'glect ( l ) HUB ll

EDUe 424: I nquiry into Teaching I : Diverse Learners (4) EPSY 368: Educational Psychology (4) SPED 424: Learners with Special eeds in the General Education Classroom (4) HUB III

One course from EDue 440-449 (4) E D e 425: Inquiry into Tc aching I I : Diverse Learners (4) Passing





Th ey may earn a residency elementary K-8 teaching certificate. This requires the completion of the professional education sequence for elementary education and 24-semester-hour academic suppOrt area. T h ey may earn a residenc' elementary K-8 teaching cerrificate and a P- 1 2 spe ial education endorsement. This requires the completion of the professional education sequence for elementary education students, the completion of coursework required for endorsement in special education, and the completion of a 24-semester-hour academic emphasis. They may earn a residency elementary K-8 teaching certilicate and qualify for a \VCliver in special education (allowing students to teach special education after graduation for five years under the assumption that they will complete cou rsework to earn endorsement in special education during this time period) . This requires the­ completion of the professional education sequence for


scores on

at least one endorsement test (WEST-E) must

be presented before


$tudent can encoll in student teaching.


£OUe 450: Inquiry inro Learning and Teaching:

ReHective Practice and Seminar Education (2) EDUe 466: Student Teaching - Secondary (Dual) (7) and PED 439: Student Teaching in Secondary School (5) or EDUe 468: Student Teaching - Secondary ( 1 0 ) Note: Special Education Majon ,·hou!d meet with Associate

Deal! prior to student reaching.

The profe -sional education sequence forms the foundation of the program for all students seeking certification in a content area (except music and physical education students). Undergraduate students seeking certification/endorsement in a content area (usually to teach in grades 5 - 1 2) have several options for building a program upon the professional education sequence. including: A.

They may earn a residency secondary teaching certificate with an endorsement in a content area. This tequires the

PlU 2006 - 2007

completion of the professional education sequence for secondary education students and a teaching major or academic major that meets state endorsement requirements. B.

They may earn a residency secondary teaching certificate with an endorsement in a content area and an endorsement in special education. This requires the completion of the professional education sequence for secondary education students, a teaching major or academic major, and coursework required for endorsement in special education.



Thev mav applY to the Master of Arts in Education with Resid en ' Certi fication Program. This 1 4-month cohort program leads to an MA degree with residency certification and selected endorsements including K-8, multi-subject and reading. Participants move through this full-time program as a cohort. As a part of their program, they complete a yearlong internship with a cadre of colleagues in an urban middle school.


If qual i fied they may apply to PLU's Alternative Routes to Certification Program. (For Information on these options sec the School of Education website or contact the Administrative Manager.)

Secondfll), teaching majors and minors have been designed to

align with state endorsement requirements and to meet specific

departmentaL Jfalldardsjar majo rs and mino rs. Co une and hour

requirements for teaching andlor academic majors vary according to

departmental requirement]".

CERTIFICATE IN MUSIC OR HEALTH AND FITNESS Undergraduates have the option of completing programs that lead to bachelor's degrees in music or health and fitness and residency teaching cerriticates. All individuals wishing to earn a Bachelor of Music Education or a Bachelor of ArtS in Physical Education with a residency teaching certificate must apply and be ,l(cepted into the School of Education. They must also complete the following courses. A.


Music education majors must complete EDUC 39 1 (offered every fall), EPSY 36 1 (offered every sp ring), S PED 320, and all course requirements specified by the Deparrment of Music.

PROFESSIONAL TEACHING CER17FlCATE Certificate requirements in Washington changed on August 3 1 , 2000. The following guidelines govern certification after that date: A.

All teachers earning cerrific;lrion in Washington after August 3 1 , 2000 will receive a Residency Teaching Certificate.


Within a five-year period, after completing the probationary period for teaching in one dis trier, teachers in Washington must earn a Professional Certificate. (\VAC I SO-79A- 1 45)


Qualifications for the Profess.ional Certificate include: 1 . To qualifY for a Professional Certificate, an individual must have completed provisional status as a teacher in a public school pursuant to RC\Xf 2SA.40 5 .220 or the equivalem in a state board of education approved private school. 2. Candidates for the Professional Certificate must complete an approved Professional 'ertiflcate program, which has been colbboratively developed by the college/university and rhe respective Professional Education Advisory Board (PEAR). 3. The candidate must successfully demonstrate competency in three standards (i.e. Effective Teaching, Professional Development, and Leadership) and the 1 2 criteria relevant to the three standards. (WAC 1 80-79A-206(3) WAC 1 80-7SA-500-540 The Professional Certificate is valid for five years. It may be renewed through the completion of 1 5 0 cluck hours. The clock hours must be related to: 1 . The six state salary criteria used to identif), appropriate clock hours 2. One of tbe three standards required fo r the Professional Certificate.

Srudenrs seeking a Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education must complete EDUC 390 and 392, S PED 320, and all requirements specified by the School of Physical Education.

PREPARATION FOR TEACHING IN CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS Students who may be interested in preparing to teach in private or Christian schools will begin their professional preparation by ail requirements for the Washington State Residency Certificate. In addition, they will take the Religion minor (Teacher Education Option) noted under the Religion department course offerings, and add a private school practicum to their program.


EARLYAD VISING OPTIONS During first or sophomore year, prospective education students planning to enter the School of Education should meet with the Administrative Manager andlor the Associate Dean in the School of Education to discuss the various options listed ab()ve and to determine their program of srudy.

CERTIFICATION/ENDORSEMENT OPTIONS for Pers01lS "Who Hold a Baccalaureate Degree Fr01ll a Regionally Accredited Institution Persons who hold a baccalaureate degree (or higher) from a regionally accredited institution and who wish ro pursue teacher certification should make an appointment with the Coordinaror of Admissions and Advising for a planning session. Options for these individuals include: A.

They may apply to a certification-only p rogtam. (Typically classes in such a program would be taken in the undergraduate program.)



Teacher wh() held a valid Initial Certificate as of August 3 1 , 2000 will be allowed to have ont more renewal of their Initial Certificate before rhey must meet requirements for the Professional c:rtiflcate.


Teachers who hold a Continuing Certificate as of August 3 1 , 2000 will not be affected by changes in certification requiremems.

m c.. s::::: n Ql -

o ::::J

Note: Information about the \'(Imhington State Pro/essional Certificate and Pacific Lutheran University;' Professional

Certification program is available ill the School o/Educatioll Office.

Individuals wi>-hing to discuss options should con tact the Admillij-trative Mal/agl'r.

PLU 2006 - 2007



If du'T£' is arq q1lestion about whetha a course not listed below can be JIIbstitutedfin' an endorsement requ iremen t, the candidate must

he School of Education offe rs p ro fession a l development

prolJicU evidence that the course covers a partimlnr essential area of

programs that allow educators to ear n pro fess i o nal and/or

stud)� Evidence might include (but is not limited to) a catalog courS(

National Board of Profess ional Teac h i n g Standards Cenificates.

Up to 4 semester hours from these programs can be applied ro a

master's degree program. Curr nt

e m phas

is /o p t ion in


Note: After Septembl'T /, 2005 candidates must pass WEST-E exa ms in app rop riate l'11dorsemellt eXflIll>'.

The School of Education also offers certification-only programs


in educational administration and programs that will enable teachers


add additional endorsemmt in shortage areas such as

opccial education, read i n g , l ibrary and media se rv ices, English as

a second language, and speci t, c content areas.

Derailed information about these options can be found in the Graduate Studies section of this catalog. Information about current and anticipated graduate and professional o pti o ns can be obtained from the Administrative Manager in the School of Education.

ARTS - V;st#ll Arts State CmiONe7IU!1I1 requirements: 1 . Skills and techniques in mul tip l e media (painting, sculpture, drawing, computer, p ho ro grap hy) 2. omp sitian and production us i n g design principles 3. Analysis and interpretation of art 4 . Social, cultural and historical contexts and connections 5. Material, equipment, and facilities sa fe ty


SecomJary telUhi1lg major leading to an endorsement in Visual Arts (all lev"ls) - 36 semester hours Art 1 60: 1 80 or 1 8 1 ; 1 96, 226, 250, 296, 33 1 , 365. 440

Washington. Pacific Luth e ra n University's School of Education

BIOLOGY Stnte Endorsement &qlliremetlts:


ndorsement rcquirements re established by the Scarc of

currently is authorized to offer the following endorsements:

I . Boranyllab

2. Zoology/lab

Early Childhood Educa tio n (in conjunction with coursework at an approved comm unity college) English/ Language Arts (5- 1 2) English as a Second Language (K- 1 2) (in conjunction with the Washington Academy of Languages) Elementary (m ulrisubject, K-8) Health and Fitness (K- 1 2) History (5- 1 2) Mathematic� ( 5- 1 2)

M us i c

3. Genetics 4. Microbiology or Cell Biol o gyl la b 5. Chemisrryllab 6. E co l o gy 7. Evolution 8. lab safety. p ractice, and management 9. Lab, i nq u il-y - b ased expe ri ence 1 0 . Contemporary, h istorical, technological, and societal issues and concepts

horal (K- 1 2) G eneral (K- 1 2) Instrumental (K- 1 2) Science (5- 1 2)

SecomJary Teaching Major Leading to an Endorsement - 32 semesur bours

Science, Designated

CHI::M 1 0 5 or 1 1 5

mOL 1 6 1 , 1 62, 313; 328 or 348; 332 or 407; 340; 424 or 475

Biology (5- 1 2) hem i stry (5- 1 2)

CHEMISTRY State Endorsement &quiretnen.ts: I . General principles of ch emi st ry -

Earth Science (5- 1 2) Physics (5- 1 2) Social Studies (5- 1 2) . Special Education (1'- 1 2)


Visual A rts (K- 1 2)

3. 4.

World Languages, Designated


C h i nes e ( K- 1 2) French ( K- 1 2) erman ( K- 1 2) Norwegian ( K- 1 2) Spanish (K- 1 2)

Note: The

fact that the

6. 7. 8.

chool of Education is authorized


certain endorsements does not i n d i cate that Pacific Lutheran University has a specified program of study leading to these



Teaching: Project LeaD.

program for educators includes Master of Arts in Classroom

c o

descrip tion, syllabus, letter rom the instructor, portfolio, or

p resen tation ofCO 11rSl' products.

endorsements. Listed below are ge n era l endorsement requirements fo llowed by a list of teaching majors, teaching minors, or programs of study

th a t lead to an endorliemellt.


inorganic, p h ys i cal, and analytical/lab Organic chemistry/lab uantitative analysis/lab Biochemistry/lab Physic; laboratory safety, practice, and management I b inquiry-based experience Relationship of the concepts of science to contemporary historical, technological, and societal issues

Secondary Teacbing Major Leading to an Endorsmlent - 62

snlllsl tl!l' "ours

CH E M 1 1 5 , 1 i 6; 232, 332; 234, 334; 338, 34 1 , 342, 343, 344, 403

PHYS 1 55, 1 54 , 1 63, 1 64

&quired sIIpporting c:oursework: MATH 1 5 1 ; 1 52

PLU 2006 . 2007


HIV preven tion, and abuse p reven tion) .

StIlfe Endorsement Requirvmumts;:

P/(llSe ,-et reqllirements for Bachelor ofArts in Physical

1 . Physical geology

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Educdtion (BA PE) with Certification Ill/ria Physical Education.

Historical geology £nvironnlental issues rdated to eanh scimce;

HISTORY State Em/orummt Requiremellts:

ceanography Astronomy M eteorology


Lab safety, p ractice, and management

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

bb, inquiry-based experience

9. Relationship of the concepts of science to contemporary, historical, technological , an I societal issues

Secondary um:hing Major Leadi11g fo an Emwrsemellt - 48 semester hours S 1 02; 1 03 or 1 04; 1 05, 20 1 PHYS I t O, 1 25 , 1 3 5 Four hours from MATH 1 40 or higher or CSCE 1 44 �E


acific Northwest history

nired Scates history

Wo rld history Civics/political science/Uni ted States government G eography Economics

Secondary Teacbing Major Leading to an Elldorsement - 32 semester hours H I ST 30 1 , 460 or 4 6 1 Four scm

hours fro m upper-division Geosciences coU[ses

CHEM 1 04 or 1 20

r hours from HIST 1 07, 1 08 or 2 1 5

European History Four semester hou.rs of upper-division electives in non­

ENGLISH/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS St4te E,uiorleme1lt Requireml!nts: I . Reading

Western bistory from HIST 335, 337, 338, 339, 340, 344

Eight seme ler hours from H IST 25 1 , 252, 253

2. Writing 3. Communic3rion 4. Linguisrics



Eight semester hour upper-division electives i n U.S.!

MJfIHEMA'ITCS Stille EJ,dorsemmt Requiremnlf.s:

American, British, world, multicultural, and adobcent literature

Secondary Teaching Major LeadiTlg to II Primary Endorsement - 40 semester hours

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Geometry (Euclidean and non-Euclidean) Probabil ity and statistics Discrete mathematics Logic and problem solving History of math or fo undations of math

ENGL 2 1 4 or 2 1 5

Secondnry Teachirlg Major Leadillg to or 41 semester hours

COMA 2 1 2 and 2 1 3 o r 3 1 2 ENGL 24 1 , 25 1 , 3 0 I ,403

IT! c.. c: 1"1 �

Calculus (integral and differential)



Elldorseml!nt - 40

MATH 1 5 1 , 1 5 2, 203, 253, 3 1 7, 3 2 1 , 33 1 , 34 1 , 433;

THEA 250 or 4 5 8 Four hours fro m ENGL 224, 2 2 5 , 227, 326, 328

3 5 1 or 356

Or PHYS 1 53 , 1 63

Four hours from ENG L 2 1 6, 2 1 8 , 230, 233, 343 Four hours from ENG L 22 1 , 325, 327, 34 1 , 374

MUSIC ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANG UAGE (ESL) State Endorsement Requirements: I . Language acquisition theory 2. 3. 4. 5.

horal music, General music, Instrumental Music


Cross-cultural teaching and learning strarcgies

Li teracy development (reading, writing, listening, sp aking)

History and theory of ESL

reqllin'memsfo,. Bachelor ofll11tSiC taufation

under Aiusic.

PHYSICS St4te E,uiorsetrumt .Requirements: i . Ceneral principles of physicsllab

Instructional strategies fo r ESL

Information regarding specific course requirements can be obtained from the Administrative Manager in the School of Education.

2. Lab safety, practice and management 3. Lab. inquiry-based experience 4 . Rdati onships of the concepts of science co contempora ry, historical, technologiGlI and societal issues

Sec01uiary TeaclJing Mnjor Leading to an Endo rsement - 38 semUfer houTS

HEALTH/FITNESS StIlte Endorsemeflt Requirements: I . Foundations of health and fitness 2. Safe living, including first aid and CPR 3. Scientific foundations for health and fitness (anatomy, exc:rcise phYSiology, kinesiology/biomechanics, psychomotor maturation and development, and motor learning)

4. Movement, activities, and application with attention to special needs populations

5. Coordinated health education (alcohol and other drugs, diseases, injury prevention, human relationships, nutrition,

PHYS 1 53 , 1 63 , 1 54 , 1 64, 223, 33 1 , 336, 354 MATH 1 5 1 , 1 52, 2 5 3 .

READING State ElIdorsnnetll &quiremetzts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

As�_ssment and diagnosis of reading skills and deficiencies Strategies of how to teach reading Language acquisition/integration 'ociallculwral comexts for literacy Reading process including decoding, encoding, and studenc

PlU 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7


response to child and adolescent literature 6. Beginning li teracy (reading, writi ng, s pell i ng, a nd communication) 7. Readi ng in the content areas 8. Li teracy for a se co nd language lear ne r 9. Meta -cogn it ive s rr at e gi es 1 0. Risk factors for readi ng di fficulties and intervention srrategies for students experiencing readi n g d i ffi cu l t ies . Info rmation regarding spec{fic cOllrse requirements can be obtained from the Administrative MalZger ill the SchooL of Educatioll.

I . A p ri m ar y endorsement in bIology, c h em is try, earth science,

or physics (as described under designated sciences) 2. A mi ni m u m of one course from each of the other designated sciences.

SOCIAL STUDIES State £"doTsemnrt Requirements: I . Pacific Northwest history

2. United States history, including ch r onolo gi cal, thema t ic , multicultural, ethnic and women's history 3. World, regional, or country history 4. G eog raph y ; 5. Political science, civics, or government 6. Anthropology, ps yc hol ogy, o r soc io l ogy 7. Economics

Secondary Teaching Major Leading to all Endorumnu - 40 semester hours

H IST 460 or 46 1 Eigh t semester hours ftom H I ST 25 1 , 252, 253 Four semester hours from H IST 1 07, 1 08 Four semester hours from H IST 335, 337, 338, 339, 340, 344 POLS 1 5 1 Twelve seme s te r hours, four from each of the fol lowi ng lines: Any anthropology course other than A H 1 02 or 2 1 0 Any psych ol ogy other than PSYC 1 0 1 SOC! 1 0 1 o r 330 Four semester hours EC 1 30, 1 5 1 , 1 52

SPECIAL EDUCATION St�1f� Erulorsement Requiremmt.s: I . Excepti on al i ty

2. Curriculum modification and adap tat io n 3. Inclusion 4. A ment i nclu d in g behavior a nalys is , I ndividualized Education Plan ( I E P) , acco mmodations 5 . Legal issues 6. Specially designed instruction in all content areas 7. Pro-s oci al skills and behavioral problems 8. School , family, com m u ni ry pa r tn ersh i ps 9. Tra nsi t io n 1 0 . Organization and management systems I I . Methods in early childhood education 1 2. Collaboration with para-educators

P-12, See page 68 for SpeciaL Eductltiol/


I . Communication - speaks, understands, reads, and writes in

2. 3. 4. 5.


variery of contexts and situations Culture Interdisciplinary i n tegra tio n Language acq u is i tio n t heo ry Methodological study

Chinese - 28 semester hours

CHIN 1 0 1 , 1 02 , 20 1 , 30 1 , 302, 37 1 ; LANG 445.

French - Secondary teaching major kading to an eltdorsement - 32 semester hours

SCIENCE Stau Endo rsemnu Requirements:

c o

WORLD LANGUAGES State Endorsement Requirements:

mtiorsemellt requiremmt.

II/formation regarding the Special EILllcation waiver can be obtained FOnt tbe AdmilListrlltJlIe lv/anager in tbe SchooL of Education.

FREN 20 1 , 202, 30 1 , 302, 3 2 1 , 42 1 , 422; LANG 445.

German - Secondary teaching major kading to an Imdorsemmt - 32 semester hours GERM 20 1 , 202, 30 1 , 302, 32 1 , 4 2 1 . 422; LANG 44 5 .

Spanish - Secondary teaching major kading to an endorsement - 32 semester hours SPAN 20 1 , 202, 30 1 , 3 2 1 , 325 Ei g h t semester hours from S PAN 42 1 , 422, 43 1 , 432; LANG 445

Course Offerings - Education (EDUC)

EDUC 205: Multicultural Issues in the Classroom - A

Exa mi na tion of issues of ra ce , class, gender, sexual orientation,

etc as they rdate to educational p ract ic es . (4)

EDUC 262: Foumlations of&meation

I ntroduction to teach i ng; historical, philosophical, social, politic-'ll , ethical and legal foundations. Federal and state leg isla tio n for s p ec ial populations. Concurrent with EDUC 263. (3)

ED UC 263: School Observation

Graded observation i n schools. Concurrent with EDUC 262. ( l )

EDUC 385: Comparative Education

Comparison and i nve s ti ga t ion of materials and cultural systems of education throughout the world. E m phas is on applyin g knowledge for greater u nd e rsta nding of diverse populations in the K- 1 2 e d u cat io n al system. (3)

EDUC 390: blquiry into Leanting I: blvestigati011 into Leanting a,td Development

Investigation into t h eori es of learning and development and into historical and current practices, values, and beliefs that influence effom to shape l ea r n i ng in educational se t t i n gs . Topics include: self as learner, theories of l earn i ng , others as learners, exceptionalities, technology, value s, l i teracy and facrors influencing learn in g and l i teracy (fieldwork included). Concurrent with EDUC 392. (4)

EDUC 391: Foundations ofLearning

I n ves t i ga tio n into theories of lea r n i ng and development and into historical and current practices, values, and beliefs that infl u en ce effortS to s h ape l ear n i ng in educational settings. Topics i nclu de : self as learner, theories of learning, others as learners, excep ti onal i ti es. technology, values literaq and factors i nfl ue nci ng lear n i n g and literacy. Limited to music education maj ors . (3)

PLU 2006 - 2007

EDUC 392: Inquiry illto Lear";7Ig ll: Im1estigtUW7I into Learning and Development Comin ued i nvest i gat i on i n to theories of learning and devdopm�nt and into nistorical and cur rent praCTices, v alues , and belicfs that i n fluCtle(' tTorts to s h a pe l ea rn i ng in t"duuti o na l secrings. Topics inc lud e: self as learner, t he or i es o f l ea rn ing, others as l e a rne rs, excep tionalities, tec h n o l ogy, va l ues , l ite racy and fiiCtorS i n fl ue nc i n g learning and l i terac

included). Concurrent witn EDU


Laboratory in wh ic h students explore in s tr ucri o n al uses of

te c h nol ogy and develop and apply va r i o us skills and

com pet en cies . Concurrent wirh EDUC 390. (2)

EDUC 406: MatlJtmuuics iTJ K-8 Education xplo rati o n of ma th e ma ti ca l p r i n ci p l es a n d p rac ti ces consistent with CrM curriculum sca n da rds . For e l e men ta ry students. Practicum included, concurrent with EDUC 408 and E D UC 424. (4) EDue 408: Literacy in K-8 EducAtion Participation in [ne deve lopm e n t of appropriate c urr i c ul ar s rrategi es and instructional methods for su pport i ng t n e d i ve rs ity of learners' language/literacy growt h . Fo r el e me n ta ry srudents. I' rac t i c u m included, concurrent witn EDUC 406 and EDUC 424. (4) EDUC 410: Science/Health in K-8 Educat1011

Strategies fo r teach i ng science by us ing i n qui ry methods and problem-solving tec h n i q u es will be em p l oyed to exp l o re

interactive curricula fro m an en vironmental po i n t of view. I ss ues

of n ut r i t i o n and health. Pncricum induded, concurrent with

EDUC 4 1 2 and E D U C 425. (4)

EDue 411: Strategiesfor La"guagelLiteracy Development

5 1 1 .) (2)

EDue 4 12: SociAl Studies in K-8 Education •


o n d rawi n g connections between the content of s ocia l

studies cu rric u la and the li ved ex pe r ie nces of hu m an lives.

Practicum included, Concurrent witn EDUC 4 1 0 and EDUC 425. (4)

EDue 4.13: umgll.lter lgelLi ncy Development: Assessmem and

1,lStructiott (

ross-listed with E D U

5 1 3 .) (4)

EDue 24: Inquiry into TeacbiJlg T: Diverse Leamers


EDUC 427: M.dti.culturnJ Children's Literahtre (Cros ,-l i s red with EDUC 527.) (2) EDUC 428: Children's Literature in the K-8 Curriculum (Cross-listed witn EOUC 528.) (2)

390. (4)

EDUC 394: Hchnology and Teacbing: LaborlUory

(Cross-listed with E D UC

ED UC 426: Special Topics ill Children's Literature (Cross-listed with E D U C 526.) (2)

on gene ral p r i n cip les of instructional des ign a nd del ive ry

with special e mp hasis on read i n g and lan gu ag e, ass es sm en t,

ada pta t io n, and classroom management. For e le me n t a ry and

seco n d ary students not m aj o ring in music or physical educatio n . For eleme nt ary students, con cu r re n t w i t h E D U C 406 and

EDUC 408. (4)

EDUC 425: lTU}fliry into Teaching II: Diverse Leamers

Exccn s i o n and exp ansio n of ideas i n t rod uced i n 424. Cominued

emphasis on i nsrructional des i g n a n d del ivery with


fo c us o n

re ad i ng a nd l a n gua ge , assess m e n t , ad a p ta t i o n , and classroom

management. For cleme.n t3.ry and sec o nd a ry students outside of mu s i c and p h ys i c a l education, concurrent witn EDUC 4 1 0 and EDUC 4 1 2. (4)

EDUC 429: Adolesce1lt L iterature in the Secondary Curriculum (Cross-listed with E D U C 529.) (2) ED UC 430: Studmt Teaching in K-8 Education - SR Te ac n i ng i n c lassr o o ms of local pu b l ic schools u n der the direcr supervision of School of Education fac u lty and classroom teach ers . P rereq u i s i te : S ucc es s fu l co m plet i on of E du cat io n courses Terms I - I l l . C o nc u r re n t with EDUC 4 50. ( 1 0) EDUC 434: SmderJt Teachh'g - Elem mtary (Dual) - SR Designed fo r persons who do dual student teacning. Ten we eks of teaching in classrooms of local p u b l i c schools under tne direct supervision of School of Ed ucat i o n fac u l ty and classroom tea c hers . P rereq u is i te: S ucces sfu l c om p l etion of Education courses Terms I - I l l . Concurrent with E D UC 450. (6) EDUC 436: Alternate Level Studn,t Teaching - Elementary D esi gn ed to g i ve some knowledge, understanding, and study of c h i l d ren , subject mat ter fields, and materials in the stu de nt's al ternate teac h i ng level p l us student tea ch i n g on that level. Students wno nave c om p lete d secondary preferred - level student teach i n g should enroll in this co u ts e . (6) EDUC 437: Altenzate Level Student Tea.chi"g ­ Secondary - SR

m c.. c: 1"\ III -

o �

D es i g ned to give sOme knowledge, understanding, and st ud y of children, s u bj ec t mattet fields, and materials in tne studen t's alrernate t ea c hi ng level plus s tude nt tea chi n g on that level. Students who have com ple ted elementary preferred le vel student reach ing should enroll in this course. I n d epend en t s t udy card required. (6)

EDUC 438: Strategies for Whok Literacy Instruction (K-12) (Cros s- l i s te d with E D U C 538.) (2) EDUC 440: Art ill the Secondary School Instructional s trategies, l o ng- and shoTt-range planning, curriculum, and ot her considerations specific to the d isc i p l i n es . (4) ED UC 444: El1glish in the SecoruJary School I ns tr uct i o nal s tra tegies , long- and snort-range pl ann i n g, curriculum, and other co n s idera ti o ns sp eci fic to the d is ci p l in es . (4) ED UC 445: Metbods of Teaching Foreig71 Languages and E"gJish as a Second Language I n s t r ucti on a l s tra teg ies , long- and sh o rt - range p lan n i n g , curriculum, and other considerations s p e ci fic to tne d i s c i p l i n es . ( Req u i red fo r fo te i g n l an g uage endotsement.) (4) EDUC 446: MatiJematics ;.J the Seco"dary School (I) I nstr uc t io n a l strategies, long- and short-range pla n n i n g, curriculum, and other considerations specific to the

d isc ipl i n es. (4)

PlU 2006 - 2007


EDUC 447: Scinue in the Seconddry School (4)

EDUC 490: AC'luisitio7J and DevelDpmtrnt ofLanguage

Instructional strategies, long- and short-range planning, curriculum, and other considerations specific to the disciplines. (4)

EDUC 448: Social Studies in the Seconddry School (4) Imtructional srrategies, long- and short-range planning, curriculum, and. other considerations specific to the disciplines. (4)

Investigation of how youug childre.n acquire their first language and what they know as a result of this learning. (Cross-listed with EDUC 5 1 0.) (2)

ED UC 491: bulepemknt Study (1 to 4) EDUC 493: Effective Tutoring Methods

EDUC 449: Computer Scimce in the Seconddry School (4) Instructional strategies, long- and short-range planning, curriculum, and other considerations specific to the disciplines. (4)

EDUC 50: ltU[lliry into Learning and Teaching: Reflective Practice Seminar A seminar for all education students (except music and physical education) focusing development of professionalism and competence in inquiry and reflective practice (elementary and secondary) . Taken with student teaching Term IV Hub. (2)

EDUC 456: Storyte/litlg A combination of discovery and practicum in the art of story­ telling. Investigates the values and background of storytelling, the variou types of and forms of stories, techniques of choosing and of telling stories. Some off-campus practice. Demonstrations and joint srorytelling by and with instructor. (2)

EDUC 457: c o

The Art:J,

Media, and Technology

Students use a variety of techniques, equipment, and materials to explore ways of seeing and expressing how they see and experience rheir environment. (2)

EDUC 466: Student Teaching - Seconddry (Dual) - SR Designed for students who do dual student reaching. Ten weeks of teaching in classrooms of local public schools under the direct supervision of School of Education faculry and classroom teachers (taken wirh SPED 439, 5 hours, and EDUC 450, 4 hours) (secondary smdents). (7)

ED UC 495: Internship (1 to 12) EDUC 496: Laboratory Workshop Practical course using elementary-age children in a classroom situation working out specific problems; provision will be made for some active participation of the universiry students. Prerequisites: Conference with the instructor or the dean of the School of Education.

EDUC 497: Special Project Individual study and research on education problems or additional laboratory experience in public school classrooms. Prere'luisiu: Consent of the dean. ( 1 -4 )

Educational Psychology See the Educational Psychology (EPSy) section of this catalog to view cOllrse ojforings.

Special Education See the Special Education (SPED) section of this ctltawg to view cotlrse ojforings.

Graduate School

EDUC 467: Evaluatioll Evaluation of school experiences; problems in connection with development, organization, and administration of tests (standardized and teacher-made) . Required of fifth-year students. Prerequisites: student teaching or teaching experience; EDUC 262, �DUC 2 5 3 , EPSY 36 1 . May be taken concurrently with student teaching. (2)

See the Graduate School ofEducation section .for graduate-level courses ill Education (ED UC), Educatiollal Psycholog]1 (EPSy) and Special Education (SPED).

Educational Psychology To view ClJrriclllum requirements, please go to School ofEducation

EDUC 468: Studmt Teaching - Seconddry - SR Teaching in public schools under the direcrion of classroom and universiry teachers. Prereqllisites: formal application; senior standing; cumulative GPA of 2 . 50 or h i gh er. Concurrent with ED C 450. ( 1 0)

EDUC 470: Curriculum, Materials and Instruction for Teachillg English as a SecDnd L4llgr44ge Application of language teaching methodology to various instructional situations. (Cross-listed with LANG 470) (4)

EPSY 361: Psychologyfor Teaching Principles and research in human development and learning, especially related to teaching and ro the psychologic:1-1 growth, relationships, and adjustment of i ndividuals. For Music Education Majors only. (3)

EPSY 368: Educational Psychology

lssues and skills i mportant i n conferencing and parent-teacher relationships. (2)

Principles and research i n human learning and their implications for curriculum and instruction. For secondary students who are not seeking certification in physical education or special education. Taken concurrently with EDUC 424. (4)

EDUC 485: The Gifted Child A study of the gifted child, characteristics and problems, and school procedures designed to fUrther development. (2)

See Graduatt' School ofEducation section for graduate-level

EDUC 473: ParroJ- Teacher Relationships


A practical course for students interested i n applying theories of learning to one-on-one tutoring situations and receiving training about group dynamics and communication sryles for presentations and group sessions. Readings, role-playing exercises, research, student presentations, class discussion, and continuous written reflection. ( I )

Educational pjychowg]1 courses, page 166.

PlU 2006 - 2007

Engineering Dual-Degree Program



www.,uci.plu. eduI3-2program

• •

The ngineering Dual-Degree Program at Pacific Lutheran Universiry p rovides students with the opportuniry to combine a liberal arts education with rigorous study in engineering. Students who complete the program earn twO degrees--one from PLU and the other fro m an engineering school. For the well prepared studenr, the total length of study is five years-three years at PLU and twO years at the engineering school. and the program is often referred to as the Th ree-Two Engineering Program. Most subdisciplines of engineering arc available to students in the dl.! :U -degree program. Formal agreements exist with Columbia Universi in New York City and Washington University in St. Louis. At both schools, three-two studenrs form a community. They share residence facilities and often are enrolled in many of the same courses. PLU students who haw participated i n the three-two program report their rich cultural and academic experiences at botb scbools and ate routinely very pleased with their decision to have participated in the three-two program.

• •

The particuiar courses cho�en will depend on the intended subdiscipline and the engineering school's enrrance require­ ments. Students should consult with the program director before choosing their electives. 2. For the BA IN CHEMISTRY: Completion of organic chemistry (CHEM 232, 234 , 332, 334) and physical chemistry (CHEM 34 1 , 342, 343). C.


Th three-two student is awarded a PLU degree when the PLU

requir�mc:nts are satisfied and the p rogram of study at the engineering school is completed. The PLU degree that typically is awarded to three-two students is the Bachelor of Arts in physics. The BA in physics is well recognized by engineering schools and is the mO.t frequently awarded degree by four-year schools with three-two programs. The physics degree can be selected by three­ twO studenrs in all engineering subdisciplines, but studenrs wishing to study chemical engineering may wish to consider the option of obtaining the BA in chemistry from PLU. Occasionally, PLU students choose to transfer to an engineering school thar does not participate in the three-two program. PLU nonetheless recognizes these studenrs as panicipanrs in the th ree­ twO program and awards them the appropriate BA degree upon successful completion of their program at the engineering school. Individual departments do not p rovide advice on the dual-degree program. All p tospective dual-degree students, regardless of their intended engineering subdiscipline, should consult with the three-two director (in the Physics Department) very early in their academic program. PLU and the participating engineering schools recommend that thr e-(W students use their time at PLU to secure their academic foundations in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Math skills are particularly impottant to develop, and poor math skills are [he most frequen t reason prospective engineering studetlts fai l ro succeed i n the program. PL U requ;re11lnJ 1s: In order to earn a PLU degree in the dual­

degree program, the following requiremenrs must be satisfied:


om plcrion of the following science and mathematic, courses - 44 semester hours requ ired M T 1 5 1 , 1 52, 253 ( 1 6 houts) MATH 35 1 or PHYS 354 PHYS 153, 1 54, 1 63, 1 64, 223 ( 1 4 hours) C!-LEM 1 20 or 1 25, 33 8 (8 hours) C CE 1 3 1 . 1 44 (6 hours). •

BA in physics or chemistry 1 . For rhe BA IN PHYSICS: Completion of an additional 1 2 semester hours of electives in science and mathematics from the following courses: MATH 33 1 , 356 PHYS 233, 33 1 , 333, 334, 336 CS E 245 CHEM 34 1 may be substituted fo r PHYS 333.

Completion of the general university requirements as specified in the catalog, except that the following general requiremenrs are waived for all dual-degree studenrs: I . Completion of a minimum of 1 28 semester hour n the PLU transcript; 2. Completion of a minimum of 40 semester hours from courses numbered 300 and above; 3 . The requirement that at leasr 20 of the minimum 40 semester hours of upper-division work must be taken at PLU; 4 . The requirement that the final 32 semester hours of a student's program be completed in residence at PLU; 5. The requirement that the senior seminar/project be completed at PLU. Senior projects from the engineering school (a characteristic of ABET-accredited schools) will satisfy the PLU senior project requiremenr for dual­ degree studenrs upon approval of the project by the appropriate PLU department chair.

THE ENGINEERING SCHOOL PROGRAM The course of study at the engineering school will depend o n both the school and the subdiscipline. Between Columbia University and Washington University, approximately 20 different engineering subdisciplines are available to dual-degree students. These include the more common subdisciplines (civil, chemical, electrical, mechanical) and others such as operations research, applied mathematics, geological engineeting and systems science. Details are available from the PLU program director.

o C QI o n> Ie �

n> n>

ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS For admission to theit engineering program, both Columbia University and Washington University require a cumulative PLU grade point average of 3.0 Ot higher and grades of B or berrer in pertinent mathematics and science courses. Students who do not meet these requirements are considered on a case-by-case basi�. Although students who ch oose to transfer ro another engineerIng school may be able to gain admission with slightly lower grades than those required by Columbia University and Washingron University, all prospective engineering students are well advised to use the higher standard as a more realistic indication of what will be expected of them i n the engineering school.

• •

For more information, contact the dual-degree program director in


www.mci.plu. eduI3-2program.

Department ofPbysics or visit the program website at

PLU 2006 - 2007




Periods lind Surveys - at •


English olTcr� excellent preparation for any future requiring

i n tegrative t hin ki ng , .� kill in wr i t ing , disternment i n rea di n g. an

appreciation of human expe ri e nce and a est hetic values, and the processes of critical and creative exp ress ion. Busi ness, go ve rn me nt , n:chnology, t'd ucation, and publishing are areas where our graduates freq uently make their careers. .ers em p h;

EN L 362: E n gl i s h Romantic and Victorian Literature ENGL 37 1 : Studies in Ame rican L i terature, 1 820- 1 920 •

ENG L 373: 20 th- Ce n r u ry American Fiction and Drama •


C\ C w

our l ives. St uden ts co nsi der i ng E ngl is h with an e m ph as is on literature as a major. bu t wh

are still undecided, might begin with a 200- leve l

course. Even though no 200-level course is requ i red fo r m aj o rs,

at leasr fo ur semester hours

L 428: Seminar: Critical Theory

EN ' L 45 1 : Seminar: Aut hor ENGL 452: Semi nar: Theme, Genre

Senior Seminar Project: The caps to ne: senior seminar p roj ect is a general university req uirement in all programs and majors . Srudents will customarily satisfy this presentation req u i reme nt in E n gli sh in their seminar co urse as a culmination of their u nder gra duate educa tion, i n the se ni o r year. Under certain circumstances, students may substitute an approp ri ate 300-level cou rse taken in the senior year. D.

Writing - at l eas t four semester

hours of any wriring

course a t t h e 200- to 400- levels


Electives -

eight semester hours

ENGLISH MAJOR: Emphasis on Writi11g The w ri t i n g emph asi s at PLU has been des i g n e d for a bro ad

spectrum of students, fr om those wishing to focus on fi ct i o n and poetry, to those interested in more pragmatic types of wri tin g, to

students may request that one appropriate 200-level course be

those set on exploring theore ti c a l issues in rhetoric and

substituted for one sim ilar Periods and Surveys c ourse at the 300 level. Stud litS are encouraged to take: ha k esp eare ea rl y in the



Foreign Lmlgunge Requirenlent


All Englis h majors must complete at least two years of a foreign language at the u n ive rsity level, or the equivalen t (See College of Arts and Sciences Foreign La ng ua ge Requi rements, Option I).

Foreign ulJIpAge Requirement

Major Reqllirements

Cou rses offered t h rou gh orn::, p ndence, on-l ine, and independent studies are not accepted to meet the literature

All English majors must co m p lete at least two years of a foreign la n gua ge at t h e university level, or the equivalent (sec College of Arts and Sciences Fo rei gn Language Req u i rements, O pt io n I ) .

At l ea st 36 semester hours in E ngl ish (excluding Writing 1 0 1 ) , distributed a s follows: A.

Writing - at least 20 semeSter hours in writing,

Mlljor Requiremmrs

least 1 2 hours u pp er- div i si o n

At least 36 and u p to 44 semester hours in English beyon d \'V'ritin g 1 0 I . at least 20 ho ms of which must be upper division. The following course d istriburions are required of ma jo rs with a n

I . At lea st 1 2

emphasis on l i ter tun:::


Semi_r EN

ENGLISH MAJOR: Emphasis on Literature


Literature and Di.fference EI GL 34 1 : Feminist App roaches to Literature ENGL 343: Post-Colonial Literature a n d Theo ry ENGL 374: American E th n i c Literature

FACcn:rY: Albrecht. Chair; Barot, Berg man, Campbell, Carlton, 'yler. Jansen. Kaulrnan, Ma rc us, Mas n . D.M. Martin, Rah n ,

The English major with a n emphasis on literature i n troduces students [Q the great li te rary traditions of Britai n . North merica, and tht: English -spt:a.king world. The major in l iterature places cour es organized by historical pe ri od at the heart of the . t u d ent's pro g r a m, al l o w ing students to read the gre at works that defint: the periods, and to explore the ways in which cultural contexts shape th e l i terary imagination. Srudents who select the empha s i s on li terature can expect to learn how sensitive readers engage texts through their own speaking and wr iti n g, fo l lo wi n g thei r insighrs into the rich p leasu res of literary language and gr ow in g more sophisticated in constructing effective i n terpretive arguments. They wiU also be i ntroduc d to the ways in which major critical traditions frame our approaches to l i tera tu re and define: th issues that keep li[erature [ll(:ani ngful and releva n t in

L 372: 20th-Century American Poetry


the Caribbean.


Late ENG L 367: 20 th -Ce nru ry British Li terature::


Robinson, Rooney, Seal, Ski pper, B . Tem pl e- r h urs to n .

Middle ENGL 36 1 : English Restoration and 1 8th-Century

in literature and writing, as well as oncentrations in children's literature a n d publishing. The Engli h D ep art men t also supports the study abr oad programs. and we offer smdy tours to such places as Europe. Austra l i a . and 0


ENGL 3 5 1 : E ng li s h Medieval Literature ENGL 3 5 2 : Chaucer ENGL 3 5 3 : E n gl is h Renaissance Literature


Our program

least fou r semester hours from

eac h of the fo l low i ng l i nes:


semester hours, from at least two of the

following l i nes:

bnllgi_tive Writing ENGL 227: Imaginative Writing I

Shakespeare -

four semester hours

ENGL 30 I : Shah'speare:

El GL 3 27: Imaginative Wr i t in g I I

ENGL 326: Writing for Children PLU 2 006 - 2 0 0 7

w i th at

Expository Writing

ENGL 22 1 : Res earch and Writing ENGL 323: Wri tin g in a Professional Serr i ng ENGL 328: Advanced Composition for Teachers

CT'Ultivl! Nonfiction

"NGL 224: Travel Writing EN L 225: Aurobiographical Writi n g EN , L 324: Free-lance Writing ENGL 325: Person al Essay

• • •

2. Senior ProjecIISem;7IRr: T h e senior project, generally taken in me senior year, i n cl u des a capsrone presenratio n consisten with the ge neral un ive rs i ry requ ireme n rs (at least four semesr r hou rs in the followi ng) ENGL 4 2 5 , 426: Wri ti n g on Special To p i cs ENGL 427: Imaginative Writing I I I ENGL 428: Seminar: Critical Theor y 3. Elective (at least four se m e s te r hours from l ines 1 or 2 above)


L itn-a rurt! - 1 2 se mes te r hours, with at least fo u r hours upper division

Studenrs are e nc o u raged ro ta ke Literarure courses which conrribute to rheir goals as wtiters, and which expand their e x per i e n ce with t he h isrory and genres of wri t i ng . C.


equivalenr) ; ar l easr 36 and no more rhan 44 cred it hours i n English; a n d all rhe s pe ci fic re qui reme n rs for [ he major either in literarure or in wr i ri ng. 5ra.<: certificarion for tf'achers also mandares the following requi re m ent s, which are an overlay [0 rhe major. Courses raken [0 satisfy the ma j or can also be co u rs es rhar sarisfY rhe t:I(t' certification requirements.

-at leas t four semester elective hours in English

beyond Writing 1 0 1

English literature: one course

Americall literatrtre: one course Comparativi! liuraJurt: one course (EN J1. 2 1 4 , 2 1 6, 2 1 7, 2 1 8 , 232, 233, 34 1 , 343,

appropri:Hc seminar) Linguistics or structure of la"guage: one c o u rse (E CL 403) WritingiCompositi01u one course (ENGL 328 is es pec iall y re co m me n ded)

Pr ospec t ive teachers may rake EDUC 529: Ado lesce n t Lirerarure in the S eco nd ary Curriculum as an e1ecrive in rhe English major. ELEMENTARY ED UCATION

Srudents p repari ng [0 reach in ele men t ary schools fo llowi ng rhe La ng uage ArtS c ur ricu l u m , musr rake 24 semesr er hours minimum i n Engl ish , and are advised [0 foHow rhe strucrure of the En gl is h major in satisfYing stare certification req uire m e nrs . Consulr your advis o r i n rhe School of Education. GRADUATE PROGRAM Master of Firu Arts i" Creative Writing (Low-Residency) See GmdufltI, Section.

MINORS Minor (Emphasis on Liuraturt!) : 20 semester hours (exc l ud i n g WRIT 1 0 1 ) , diStributed as follows: four hours of S h ak es p ea re, e i gh t h ours from Peri od s a nd Su rveys (see Literarure Major Req u i re me n rs) , and eight hours of electives.

Minor (Emphasis on Writing): 20

semester hours (excluding WRIT 1 0 1 ) , wi th at least 1 2 semester hours in upper division, distributed as follows: 1 2 se mes ter hours in writing, fo ur semesrer hours in literature, four semester hours of elective. Minor (Emphasis on Publis"ing and Printing A rts) :

separate listing under Pu bl ish i n g and Prinring Arrs.

All literature in Literature.


fidfill (he geneml lmiven-iry core requirement



Lower-Divisio" Courses

The foLlowing courses we re designed for srudenrs who are

not English majors, and for srudenrs co n s id e ri ng an Engl ish maj o r, to sa ti sfY the general un iversity req u i reme n r in l it era {l1 rc. Upper- division courses in l i rerarure offered by rhe De par t me nt of E ngl is h will sarisfY rhe general universiry requ i re me n r in lirerature as weIl, bur rhe following cou rse� are particu larly reco mmended. These lower-division courses in l i tera tu re give primary ane n rio n to rhe ac r of readi n g in differenr conrexts and genres. The courses e m pha s iz e for studenrs the ways in which framin g rhe readi n g exp e ri e nce by di ffere n r kinds of qu es tio ns reveals differenr texrs, and enric h es rhe im agi na rive exp eri e nce of rea di ng, leading more to insighr on rhe part of the reader rh a n final answers.


Special Competence in Children's Literature: St ud e n rs c omp l eti n ENGL 333 and e i gh t semester hours from ENGL 326, 334, 3 5 5 or orher app roved courses (all with g rad es of B or higher) will be recogn ized for sp ec ial competence in children's l i te ra tu re . Prospective Teachers: Srudenrs prepa ri ng to

reach English i n secondary schooLs should arrange fo r a n advisor in borh English and Education. Please also see the School of Education section of [his catal og .

1 . Topics in LiJn-ature ENGL 2 1 3 2 . Ge1Jrt!s ENG L 2 1 4, 2 1 5, 2 1 6, 2 1 7, 2 1 8 3. Traditions ;,1 LiuratllTe ENGL 23 0 , 23 1 , 232, 233, 234, 24 1 , 2 5 1


Srudencs p rep a ri ng [0 te ach in junior or senior h igh school may earn either a B ac helor of Arcs in English wirh ce rt i fica ri on from the School of Education, or a Bachelor of Arcs in EduCJrion wirh a reaching major in E ngl is h . The English major with an em phasis in l irerarure and rhe E ngl is h major wirh an emphasis in writing rna)' both be p u rsu ed by prospective reachers. Secondary e ducari on srudents musr fulfill all req u i rem e nrs for the En gl i sh major: O pr i o n 1 of rhe Forei gn Lang uage Rcquiremenrs (two years of a foreign l an gua ge at the universiry level, or rhe

COU 7,.""


Upptn'-Divisioll Courses

Designed particularly for upper-division srudenrs, us ually bur nor exclusively wirh rhe majo r in mind. 1 . Britis}) Literature ENGL 30 1 , 35 1 ,352, 3 5 3 , 36 1 , 362, 367 2. America1l Litf!ralllre E GL 37 1 , 372, 373, 374

PLU 2006 - 2007


3. Special Studies G '33, 334, 335, 34 1 , 343, 428, 45 1 , 452, 49 1 , 597 C.


Writi"" umguage. and Theory

WRIT 1 0 1 , EN ' 22 1 . 2 24, 2 2 5 , 227, 323, 3 24, 3 2 5 , 326, 327, 328, 403, 42 1 , 425, 426, 427, 428

Publishing atuf Printing Arts ENGL 3 1 1 , 3 1 2, 3 l 3, 3 1 4

ENGL 2311 M.nrlerpieces ofEuropeaTI Literature - LT Representative works of classical, medieval, and early Renaissance literarure. (Cross-listed wirh etAS 23 1 .) (4)

ENGL 232: Womms Literature - AJ LT

A variable-content course tbat focuses on the act of reading and interpreting texts. (4)

An introduction [0 fiction, poetry, and other l iteratures by women writers. Includes an explorarion of women's ways of reading and wriring. (4)

ENGL 214: Poetry - LT

ENGL 233: Post-Colonial Literature - C, LT

ENGL 213: Topics in litn'ature� Themes and Authors - LT

A �udy of poems and conventions of poetry from the classics ro

modern projective verse. (4)

£NGL 215: Fiction



xamines th" development of short fiction, concentrating on themes and techniques of the genre. Stresses the Euro-American tradition. (4)

ENGL 216: Topics m Literature: Emphasis 011 Cross-Cultural Perspectivts C LT (4) -

variable-cont nt course that fo uses on litt'rature form non­ uro-American societies. Because course ropics may vary considerably, course ma)' be repeated for credit with approval of depanment chair. (4)

ENGL 217: Topics in Likrature: Emphasis 071 AiLerTlative PerspechVlS - A. LT (4) e on literamre thar fosters an \ riabL -content course that foc awarenes.> and undersranding of diversity in the Uni ted Srates. Because course ropics ma vary considerahly, courses may be repeated fo r credit with appro al of deparrment chair. (4)


ENCL 218: Drama - J:r An introduction ro th

basic dements of drama (plot, character, language) and on the traditional genres ( rragedy, comedy) (4)

Strategies for wriring academic research papers are pracriced, including developing appropriate research ropics, locating and using a vari"ty of rei 'ant sources, substantiating generalizations, and using paraphrase and citation accurately. (2 or 4)

Writing about rravel, while traveli ng or upon rerum. Students k.:ep travel journals, produce shorr travel essays , and read selecred t ravel writers. (4) -


R ding autobiography and writing parts of one's own, with an emphasis on how wriring style and personal identity complement each other. (4)

ENGL 227: Inuzgi11aJiIJe Writmg 1 - WR

A b ginning workshop in wrIting poetry or shorr fictio n .

Includes a swdy of rechniques a n d forms [0 develop crirical standards and an understanding of the writing process. P1Ynquisitt: WRIT 1 0 1 or its equivalent, Advanced Placement, or consent of instrucror.) (4)

ENGL 230: Co"temporary Literllture - LT Emphasis


£NGL 234: Enviro1lmmlal LiterlU'Urt - LT Examines representarions of nature in literature, and the ways i n which h uma ns define themselves and their relationship with narure through rhose representations. Focuses on major tens from various culrures and h isrorical periods. Includes poetry, tlctio n, and non-fierion. (4)

ENGL 239: Environm!!1lt Il,uf Culture , rudy of the ways in which environmental issues are shaped by h uma.n culrure and values. Major conceprions of nature, including non-Western perspectives and issues in eco-justice. Crirical evaluations of l iterature, a rt'S , ethics, co ncepmal frameworks, hisrory, and spirituality. (Cross-listed with RELI 239.) (4)

ENGL 241: Ammcnll TraJitUm.s in Literature - LT Selected themes that distinguish American literarure from British traditions, from colonial or early national roars to current branches: for example, confronting the divine, inventing sdfhood, coping with racism. (4) -


Selected themes that define British lirerature as one of the great l irerarures of rhe world, from Anglo-Saxon origins ro post­ modern rebellions: fot example, identi ty, society, and God; love and desire; industry, science, and culrure. (4)

ENGL 301: Sl]akespear� - LT

ENGL 224: Travel Writing - WR

ENGL 225: Autobiographical Writi1lK

\'{Iri ters from Africa. India, Australia, New Zealand, anada, and the Caribbean confron t the legacy o f colonialism from an insider's perspective. Emphasis on ficrion. (4)

ENGL 251: Britis" Tra"itiollS i1l Lileramre

ENGL 221: Research muf Writing - WR


as Toni Morrison, Leslie Silko, Nicholson Baker, Joyce Carol Oates, Corma McCarrhy, and Amy Tan. from rhe emergence of post-modernism [0 the most imporrant current fiction. (4)

t he diversity of new voices i n American ficrion such

Srudy of represenrati (! works of the great poet as a central figure in the canon of English l i terature. (4)

ENGL 311: The Book in Society A crirical srudy of the role of books in our history, society, and daily lives. (Cross-listed wirh COMA 3 2 1 .) (4)

ENGL 312: Publishing Procedures A workshop introduction to the world o f book publishing, involving smdents i n decisions aboU[ what to publish and how to produce ir. (Cross-li,s ted with COMA 322.) (4) ENGL 313:

The Art ofthe Book I The combination studio course and seminar explores the visua.1 properties of language. (Cross-listed with ARTD 33 1 .) (4) ENGL 314: The An of the BO(Jk II Individual projecrs to explore further typography and flOe bookmaking. (4)

PLU 2006 - 2007





r; tI


ENGL 323:

Writirlg in

Professunull Setting,s



Students working in professional settings analyze the rherorical demands of their job-related writing. (4) ENGL 329: F-rte-Lmu

Wriring -

ENGL 353: E"glish Re7U1issante LiterlUUre - IT


A workshop in writing for publication, with primary emphasis

on the feature article. (4)

ENGL 325: Penmal Essay - WR


Surveys the lively drama, neoclassical poetry, gothi fiction. and early novel of a period marked by religious controver ' and philosophical optimism. (4)

- WR

A workshop in writing fiction and non-fiction for children and teenagers, with an introduction to the varieties of contemporary children's literature. (4) ENGL 327:

lmagi7U1tive Writi"g 11 -


An advanced workshop in writing poetry or short fiction. Some

attention \ UI be given to procedures for submitting manuscript for publication. (4)

ENGL 328: AdtJatlced CompositiOfl for Teachers


Studies the Golden Age of English literature. Selected p ees trom Wyatt to Marvell, including Sidney, Spell: r, Slukespear(', Donne, and Jonson; selected playwrights fr o m Kyd to Webs ter; selected prose from More to Bacon and Browne. (4)

ENGL 361: RestorahOll arlli 18rlJ-Qmtury Literature - LT

Studt:ms write �ssays on topics of their choice, working particularly on voice and style. (4)

ENGL 326: Writitlgfor

intellectual, social, and political circumstances of their production in 1 4 th-century England. (4)


Students are i ntroduced to philosophi I, social, and pragmatic issues confronting teachers of writing. Required for certification by the S cho ol of Education. (4)

ENGL 333: Childrnz's Literature - LT

An introduction to a rich literary rradition, with analysis in depth of such aurhors as H . C . Anderson, Tolkien, Lewis, Potter; Wilder, and Lc:! uin. (4)

ENGL 334: Special TDpics ;71 Childre7ls Literature - LT

Content vari each year. Possible topics include genres, themes, nistorical periods, and tradition . M ay be repeated for credit with different topic. (4)

ENGL 335: Fairy Tales aFld Fammy - LT

Fairy tales are told and interpreted; in terpretive models and tneories from several psychological traditions are explored. Fanta.sy is looked at both as image and as story. (4)

ENGL 341: Fnnitlist Approaches to Liter(lture - A, LT

Introduction to a variety of feminisms in contemporary theory as frameworks for reading feminist literature and for approaching trad i tional literature from feminist positions. (4)

ENGL 343: Vokes ofDiversity: Post-Colonial Literature a"d Tiuory - C, LT

Introduces per5pectives of post-colonial theorists as a framework

ENGL 362: Romannc and Victorian Liurah,re - LT

A survey of the richly varied writers of 1 9 th-century E ng!a n d seen in the context of a rapidly changing socia l reality-from romantic revolutionaries and dreamers to earn' t cultural critics and myth-makers. (4)

ENGL 367: 20th-Cenhlry BrilislJ Literature



A survey of England's li terary landscape from the rise of modernism through mid-centUlY reactions t COntempo rary i n novations. (4)

ENGL 371: StJldies in Americal1 Literature, 182tJ... J920 - I.:r

The mutual influence of literary tradirions and American culrure in idealism, realism, and naturalism. (4)

ENGL 372: 20th-Century American Poetry - IJ

Major voices in American poetry from I"rosr s nd ffiior, Williams and Pound, through the post-war gener3.tion ro recent poets. (4)

ENGL 373: 20t/J-Cmtllry Americnn FictioTi ami Drama - LT Major authors and forms, both conventional and elIperi mental. (4)

ENGL 374: American Ethnic LitQatures - A. LT

Attention to the literatures and popular tradition r Amer icl's ethnic communities. Includes African and Asian Americans. Native Americans and Latino/as. (4)

ENGL 387: Topics i1J Riletoric, \Vritillg, alld CII/lure

Provides writers with a grolJllding in Rhetoric, the an of sha p lll g discourse to respond to cultural context and to produce cultural and social effects. Strategies for generating discourse, appealing ro audiences, and crafting a style will be studied in ligh uf th ir historiCl.l origins, theoretical assumptions, sociai and et.b ical impl ications, and practical utility. Reco mmended fo r wriring majors. (4)

ENGL 403: The E"gIisIJ Latlguage

for understanding the relationship of colonialism and its legacies to th� works of wtiters from Africa, the Caribbean, and other ex­ colonial territories. (4)

Studies in the strucmre and h istory of English, with emphasis on syntactical analysis and issues of usage. (4)

ENGL 351: Etlglish

Guided work i n an individual writing project. A 1.111 of study must be approved before the studen t may regist r for (he course. ( 1 -4)

A sur ey of the first

Medieval Literature - LT

periods of English l iterature: Old English, including the epic Beowulf, and Middle English, ranging from the romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight to tne begi nn ings of English drama in Everyman. (4) twO

ENGL 352: Chlmcer - LT A study of Geoffrey Chaucer's major works, especially The Canterhury Tales and Troilus and Criseyde, and of the

ENGL 421: Tutorial ;" Writillg - WR

ENGL 425: Writi"g 0 11 Special Topia - SR,


Writing in a wide range of academic ,m d ariYe g res determined by their particular educational go:ili, ,[udenrs '" ill shape their papers to m ee t rhe rhetorical demands of plI blicalion� relevant to their academic or pro�essillnal fumre. (4)

PlU 2006 - 2007



427: Imaginative

Writing III - SR, WR

to environmental issues through a multidisciplinary and integrated approach. These courses involve the construction and interpretation of arguments from a variety of perspectives:

An advanced workshop in writing poetry or shorr fiction. Some :menrion will be given to procedures for submitting manuscript for publication. For seniors only. (4)

ENVT/GEOS 1 04: Conservation of N a t u ra l Resources ENGLIRELI 239: Environment and Culture

ENGL 428: Sem;,um Critical Theory - LT, SR

Is. ucs in

literary studies and in rhetorical theory are discussed in movemenrs such as read er- response , cultural studies, feminism, and deconstruction. Recommended Ii r prospective graduate studenrs. (4) rei tionship to i n fl u en r i al




- eight semester hours Select two courses from the following, which e mph asize the understanding of sc ie nti fic reasoning and arguments. the interpreration of data and relationships in the na t u ral world. and t he scientific conrexr of environmental issues. The courses must be from differenr departments: BIOL 1 1 5 : Diversity of Life BIOL 1 1 6: I nt roducr o ry Ecology Bt L 424: Ecology BlOL 426: Eco l ogi cal Methods H EM 1 04: Environmental Chemistry EOS 332: Geomorphology GEOS 334: Hydrogeology

Semillar: Theme, Genre - LT, SR

.oncenrrated study of a major literary theme or genre. as i t might appear i n various periods. authors. and cultures. The course includes careful attenrion to practical criticism. the

framing of critical approaches through l iterary theory, substanrial library research, and a major wriring project. (4) ENGL

2. The Environment and Society - eight semester hours Select two courses from the following, which foCLls on the undersranding of the institutions within which envi ronmen t al decisions are made and investigate the implementation and i mpl i cati ons of environmental dec isio ns . The courses must be from different departmen ts: EC N I I I : Principles of Microeconomics: Global an d

491: Independent Studies

An inrensive course in reading. May include a thesis. Intended for upper-division majors. (4) to +J C cv


c o


> c w

Environmental Studies 2 53 . 535.75'56

Environmental EC N 3 1 1 : Ene rgy and atural Resource Economics ECON 3 1 3: Environmental Economics POLS 346: Environmental Politics and Policy


The Environmental Studies Program at PLU examines the relationship between humans and the environment through a wide variety of perspectives within the university curriculum. The integrative approach of the program. essential to the developmenr of an understanding of the global impact of human civilization on the natural environmenr of our planet. encourages students to blend many perspectives on environmental issues inro their program of study. The program. in keeping with the broad liberal arts objectives of the universiry, offers a major or a minor in Environmental Studies. Stu den ts have the opportunity to link environmenral themes to any area of the curriculum they select in their complementary major or minor. The program is overseen by an interdisciplinary faculty committee. Students inrerested in the Environmental Studies major or minor should meet with the chair of the Environmenral Studies Committee.

committee of faculty administers this program: Swank. CIJair; Aune. Bergman. Foley, Garrigan. McKenna, Mcf...e. nney. furs, Sc. clair. Teska. Whitman. FACULTY: A



Foundations for EnvironmentaL Studies

- four

semester hours

:fle'Lt One <>(-rtl tOllu\v,ng cuurses. Hil� ' InrnkfuL


3. Th� E'lvirollment IJlld Snuihility - fou r semester hours

Select one course from the following, which examine rhe ways in which nature exists in human consciousness.

values. and perceptions. Students receive guidance in careful reading, thoughtful writing, and sensitive attentiveness to nature and to environmental issues: ENGL 234: Environm mal Literature PHlL 230: Philosophy. Animals and the Environment REU 365: Christian Moral Issues (Environmental Ethics only) C.

- four semester hours Select one course that integrates and applies environmental concepts within a special topic area. Courses listed in the specific line requirements may be used 3.1 an elective if they have not been used to sati.lf)r that line requirement. This course should be selected in consultation with their program advisor: BIOL 333: Comparative Ecology in Latin America ECON 3 1 5 : Investigating Environmental an d Economic Elective Courses

Changes in Europe

ENVT 325 Ecology: Community and Culture in Australia ENVT 487: Special Topics in Environmental Studies �\,� �

� b semester ours, completed With grade o-t L or hlgner.


Students are required to ta ke course that provide an in-depth study and exposure ro environmental issues within disciplines. I . The ElIvironmntt lind Science

451: Seminar: Author - LT, SR

Concentrated study of the work, life. influence, and critical reputation of a major author in the English-speaking world. The course includes careful attenrion to the relations of the author to cultural conrexts, the framing of critical approaches through literary theory, substanrial library research. and a major writing proj e ct . (4) ENGL

Discipli,t.ary Breadth


H IST 370: Env i ronm en tal History of the United States INTC 24 1 : Energy, Resources, and Pollution INTC 242: Population, Hunger. and Poverty or addi-t10nal' app roved" courses trlat meet outcomc,/ obJectlves

PlU 2006 - 2007




- eight scrne>ter hours All maj rs must c mplere the following courses. It is expected that they will hav comp leted all of the other requirements before th final courses. ENVT 350: Environmental Methods of Investigation ' NVT 499: apsrone: Senior Project

ENVT 325: Eco/(}gy, Community and Culture ;" AUJtralia

Adtlancui /tltegrative Courses

Students live in the community of rystal Waters, Australia and study permaculture design, participate in community life. and explore Australian cultures and ecosystems. (4)

Additio nal Requirements: • •

A minor or major in another discipline.

An internship is required. either for the capsrone project or

as a separate experience. Students must complete a Learning Agree ment and receive approval for their imcrnship by the chair of Environmental Studies. A minimum of 20 hours of up per-division credits is required in the major.


E,w;ronmenf Imd &ience - eight semester hours

Select twO cou rses from the foll ow i ng which examine the scientific foundations of environmental problems. The courses mUSt be from differem departments: BIOL 1 1 5: Diversity of Lif, BfOL 1. 1 6: I ntroductory Ecolo BIOI, 424: Ecology BI 426: Ecological Method CH F.JvI 1 04: bwironmenral hemistry fu'l '/GEOS 1 04: onservatiun of Natural ources GEOS 332: Geomorphulo ' GEO 334: Hydrogeology

Studer l' m<1j ring in a natural science discipline and who h a ve taken a higher-level he m i. try course (CHEM 1 20 Ot above) will be allowed to ub titute another course in can ultation with the Environmental Studies Commi ttee.





Environment and SOcitty - f ur se mes te r hours Sele t o ne course from the following which pu rs u e rhe stud}' of institutions where environmental perspectivcs and pol icies arc applied; ECON I I I : Principles of M icroeconomics; lobal and Environmental ECON 3 1 1 : Energy and Natural source Economics EC N 3 1 3 : En ironmental Economics POU' 346:' Environmental Politics a nd Policy

Env;rom11n1t ami Srnsibility - four semester hours

Select one course from the � ll owin g which examine values. pl'rcepaon, and expression as they relate to environmental i ues: ENG L 234: Environ mental Li terature E GLlRELl 239: Environ ment and Culture PHIL 230: Philosophy, Animals and the Environment I N TC 24 1 : En e rgy. Resources, and Pollution RELI 65: Chrisrian Mural L ues (Environmental thies o n ly) ENVT 350: EmtirOntlllmtl1/ Methods of/nllestigatiJJn


sem ', ter



Course Offerings - Environmental Studies (ENVT) ENVT 104: umservatio" ofNatural Resource! - NS, 511-1

ENVT 487: Special Topics i1l En ll;l'o1lmentni Studies Selected topics as announced by the program. Course will address current in terdisciplinary issues in environmenral studies. ( 1 -4) ENVT 491: bukpnultllt Studus

Opportunity to focus on specific topics or issues i n environmental studies under the supervision o f a faculty member. ( 1 -4)

20 semester hours. completed with grade of C or h i gh er. A.

ENVT 350: bwirommmtal l';fethods of In vestigation Study of a watershed usil1g and integrating techniques and pri nciples of environmental sciences, political science, economics. and ethics. Includes laboratory. Prerequisites: Lines 1 -3 completed or consenr of instructor. (4)

Principle.s and problems of public an private stewardship of our resources with specific reference to the Pacific NOlThwest. (Cross­ listed with G EOS 1 04.) (4)

ENVT 495: IntenlShip in E1lviromnentni Studies

An internship with a private or public sector agency,

organiz<ltion, or company involved in environmental issues. By consent of the chair of Environmental Studies only. (4) ENVT 499: Capsto"e: Senior Project - SR

An interdisciplinary research p roject of the studen t's design that

i ncorporates materials and methods from earlier courses and has a focus reHecting rhe specifiC in terest of the student. A subsrantial project and a public present:l tion of the results are required. Prerequisite: ENVT 350. (4)

French Iii view cun'icululIl and ('ourse requirements, please go to Departnzmt ofLanguages & Litaattt re, page 96.

Geosciences 253.535 .7563 www.mci.pl... edulgeos

The geosciences are distinct from other natural sciences. The stud), of [he earth is inrerdisciplinary and historical, bringing knowledge from many other fields to help solve problems. Geoscientists investigate conti nents. oceans, and the atmosphere. and emphasize both rhe processes rhat have changed lnd are changing the earth through time and the results of those processes, such as rocks and sediments. Our ['lst-ris ing human population is dependent upon the earth for food, water, shelter and energy and mineral resources. Study in the geosciences requires creativity and the ability to in tegrate. Geologists observe processes and products in the field and in the laboratory, merge diverse data, develop reasoning skills that apply through geologic time and create and interpret maps. The field goes beyond pure research science, and includes applied topics like the relationships of natural events such as earthquakes and volcanoes with human societies. The Deparrment of Geosciences recognizes that it is no longer sufficient JUSt to have knowledge of the ['lcts of the field; successful students must have quantitative skills and be able to communicate clearly through writing and speaking. Laboratory

PlU 2006 - 2007


experiences are an integral part of all courses. Many courses involve the use of microscopes, including the department's scanning elecrron microscope. Computers are used in mosr courses to help srudents understand fundamental phenomena, obrain current informarion, and communicate results. Fi e ld rrips are included in many courses. Pacific Lutheran U nive rs i ty is located at the lead ing edge of wesrern North America, in the Puget Lowland, between the dramaric scenery of the Olympic Mountains and the Cascade Range. Pierce County has diverse geology, which is reflected in elevations that range from sea level to more than 1 4,000 feet. Geo sci ences gradua tes who elect to work after com p l e t i n g a FLU degree are e m ployed by the U.S. Geological Survey, natural resource companies, governm<.: ntal agencies, and private- sec t o r geo techni cal and environmental consu l ti ng firms. Graduates who combine geosci ences with education are employed in primary

and secondary education .

• •

PHYS 1 25 , 1 26 ( 1 35 and 1 36 labs) OR PHYS 1 53, 1 54 and labs MATH 1 5 1 and either MATH 1 52 or CSCE 1 20 At least one additional CH M course is recommended for preparation for graduate school BIOL 323 and additional courses are recommended when paleontology is a major interest

BACHELOR OF ARTS MAJOR - 32 seme.lter hours i n Geosciences courses include: GE S 20 1 P lu s ar least two lower-d.i vision from GEOS 1 0 1 , 1 02, •

• •

• • •

Careers in geosciences often require post-graduate degrees. Many B.S. majors have been successful at major research graduare schools.

FACULTY: Whlrman, Chair, Benh�un, Foley, Lowes, McKenney.


(1) V C 41

V III o III '"

DEGREE OFFERINGS The BachllUJ r ofSci.ence degree is intended as a pre-professional degree, for srudents i n te res ted i n graduate school or working in geoscien ces . The Bachelor of Arts degree is the minimum preparation approp ri ate for the field and is b es t combined with other degree p rogra ms , such as m aj ors in social sciences or the m i nor in Environ m e ntal Srudies.

The department strongly recommends th a t all students complete MATH 1 4 0 or higher before enro l li ng in 300-level and higher courses in geosci e nces. Students should also note that upper­ division courses are offered on a two-year cycle. Early declaration of majors or minors in geosciences wi ll facilirate development of ind iv id u al programs and avoid scheduling conflicrs. All

courses taken for the major musr be completed with a grade of C- or higher.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE MAJOR - 42 to 44 semester hours in Geosciences; courses ro include: One course from G EOS 1 0 1 , 1 02, 1 03 , 1 04 , 1 05 or 1 06 EO 20 1 , 324, 325, 326, 327, 329 and 335 Plus two courses from GEOS 328, 330, 33 1 , 332, 334 or 350 ne semester hour of S 390 One semester hour of GE S 498 Two semester hours o f G EOS 499 Geologic Field Experience: Students completing the B.S. degree in G o s c ie n ce, are required to take a departmentally approved field camp from another college or university (minimum of four semester credit hours). S tudent would n o rmally take this during the s u m mer, after their j u nior year or a fter their senior year depen di ng upon their level of p repara ti on . This field experience may be a traditional field geology course or a fie l d- based course in Hydrology, Environmental Geology or eophysics, ere. Srudents must have approval of the department chair before enrolling i n the Field Experience. •


NectJSary supporting courses illclruie: CHEM 1 1 5 •

1 03 , 1 04 , 1 0 5 , 1 06 Eight semester hours from G E 324, 325, 326, 327, 329 Eight semest e r homs from GEOS 328, 330, 33 1 , 332. 334, 335, 350 One semester hour of GE S 390 One semester hour of G E S 498 Two semester hours of GEOS 499 Geologi Field E xp e ri en ce : Students completing the B.A. degree in Geosciences are recommended to take a departmentally approved field camp from another college or

university. Students would normally take this during the summer, after their junior year or after their senior year depending upon their level of preparation. This field experience may be a tradi tional field geology course or a field-based course in Hyd rol ogy, Environmental Geology or Geophysics, ete. S r u den ts must have approval of the department chair before enroll i ng in the Field Experience. Required supporting courses include: CHEM 1 04 , 1 1 5 Options reflect a srudent's in rerests and are discussed with an advisor


See Schoo! ofEducation. MINOR 20 semester hours of courses in Geosciences, co m pleted with grade of C or higher. Required: G EO S 2 0 1 and at least three upper division courses (a minimum of eight u pper-d ivi s ion semester hours). DEPARTMENTAL HONORS Tn recognition of outsranding work the designation with Departmental Honors may be granted to Bachelor of Science graduares by a vote of the faculty of rhe Deparrment of Geosciences, based upon the studen t's performance in these areas: A.

COIl1'se work: The grade point average in geoscience courses must be at least 3.50.


Written work: From the time a srudent declares a m aj o r in geosciences, co p ies of outstanding work (e.g., labo ra rory reports, poster p resenta tio ns, written reports) wil l be kept for later summary evaluation.



Oral com,mmication; St ud e n ts must evidence ability to communicate efh�ct ivdy as indicated by the sum of their participation in class discussions, seminars, help so ions, and reaching assisrantshi p wo rk . Other activities: Positive considerations for honors include involvement in the department, doing independent

PLU 2006 - 2007


r· g

1 c



research, geoscience-related employment, and participation

distriburion of igneous rocks, at microscopic to global scales.

in professional organiz.arions.

Includes labs. instructor.



20 1 . 326, or consent of


Course Offerings - Geosciences (GEOS)

GEOS 325: Structllral Geology - NS, SM FaD

The form and spatial relationships of various rock masses and an

Jilnuary Term

processes to understand mountain building and con tinental

introduction to rock deformation; consideration of basic formatio n; laborator)' emphasizes practical techniques which


enab lt: srudents to analyze regional structural patterns.

Summer - AlteniRk �ars

Includes labs. ins trucror.

GEOS 10J: Our Changing Plallet - NS,


Prerequisite: GEOS 2 0 1

GEOS 326: Optical Minerawgy - NS, SM


Theory and practice of mineral studies using the petrographic

. ploration of earth systems, including cycles in and connecrions

among the:: lithosphere, hydrosphere, aunosphere and b iosphere.

microscope, including im mersion oil techniques, production of thin sections, and determination of minerals by means of their

Discussion of changes in and human impacts to these systems that

optical properties. Includes labs.

have taken place through time. Includes labs and field trips.

consent of i nstrucror.

GEOS 102: GtmO'itl Oceanography - NS, Oceanography and it relationship


O t consent of





20 1 or


GEOS 327: Stratigraphy and Sedimentation - NS, SM

other fields; physical,

Formational principles of surface-accumulated rocks, and their

cnemiCll. biological, climatic, and geological aspects of the sea.

incorporation i n the stratigraphic record. This subject is basic to

Includes labs and field trips.

field mapping and strucrural interprerat ion. includes labs.


Prerequisite: GEOS 20 1

GEOS 103: EarthtpUlk�s, Volcal1oes. nrul Geo/Qgic lfAurds - NS, SM

or consent of ins tructor.


GEOS 328: PIlU011l0Wgy - NS, SM

Study of the geologic environment and its relationshi p ro

A systematic study of the fossil record, combining principles of

humans, with emphasis on geologic featu res and processes that

evolutionary dt:velopment, paleohabitats and preservation, with

create hazards when encroached upon by human activity,

practical experience of specimen identificarion. Includes labs.

including earthquakes, volcmic eruptions, landslides and

PTt!7V!lfUisite: GEOS

avalancheS, and \olutions to pro blems created by these hazards. Includes labs and field trips.

GEOS 104:



Consideration of the mineralogical and ltxtural changes that

ofNatural &sources - NS, SM

resources with special reference to the Pacific Northwes t. I ncludes



trips. (Cross-listed with ENVf

105: Meteorology - NS,



20 1 ,

Maps as a basic tOol for communicating spatial information. An introduction to cartographic pri nciples, processes and problems,

with emphasis on selection, presentation and i n terpretation u f

information. Includes discussions of tOpographic maps, Global

GEOS 106; Geol-Ogy ofNational Parks - NS Srudy of the signific.ant geologic features, processes, as illustrated by selected

Positioning Systems, digital maps, remotely sensed images and and history

auona! Parks. Relationship between

human history and geology and the impact of geology on our lives will be included.

experimental studies. Includes labs. Pre'IY'luisites: G EOS


aerial photographs. Includes labs.

Prerequisite: Previous science

(geosciences preferred) or consent of instructor.


GEOS 33J: Maps: Comptlter-aUkd Mapping and Analysis

Computer-based Geographic Information Systems, digital maps,

GEOS 201: GeokJgic Pri,u:iples - NS, SM

and data sources. The creation, interpretat ion, and analys� of

A survey of geologic processes as they apply to the evolution of

digital maps from multiple data sources. Analysis of spatial

the North American continent, including the i n teraction of

information from sciences, social sciences, and humanities ming

humans with the.ir geologic environment. Students parricipate

sets of digital maps. Incl udes labs.

actively in classes that i n tegrate laboratory and field study of

(geoscience preferred), math or computer science course or

roc ' , minerals, fossils, maps and environmental aspects of

consent of i nstrLlCtOr. GEOS

geology and emphasize developing basic skills of geologic inquity.


This course meets state "ducation certification requirements for content in physical and h istorical geology. I ncludes labs and field trips.


GEOS 330: Maps: Images ofthe Earth - NS, SM

of meteorology. Examination of the impacts of severe weather on nvironment. Includes labs.

rocks undergo during orogenic episodes, including physical­ chemical parameters of the environment as deduced from

(I) ::s n (I)

326 or consent of instructOr. (2)

1 04.) (4)

A full, balanced, and up-to-dare coverage of the basic principles humans and lht:

or consent of instructor. (4)

GEOS 329: Metamorphic Petrowgy - NS, SM

Principles and problems of public and private stewardship of our labs and

20 1





Previous science

or familiarity with maps

GEOS 332: Geomorphology Study of the processes that shape the Earth's surface with emphasis on the effects of rock type, geologic structure, and

GEOS 324: Igneous Petrology - NS, SM

climate on the formation and evolution of landforms. Includes

Applied and theoretical srudy of the genesis, nature, and


Prerequisite: GEOS 20 1

PLU 2006 - 2007

or consen t of instructOr.




GEOS 334: Hydrogeology - NS, SM

Global Education Opportunities

Study of the: hydrologic cyde, investigating SurE1CC and groundwater flow, resource evJlu,uioll and deve/opmt'm, weUs, water quality and geothermal resource:;. fmphasi� on water

253. 5.� 5 .7577

problem in the Pugcr Sound area, with additional example;<;

www.plu.edll/� wangetr

from diverse geologic environment�. Include la bs. Prerequisite:

G EOS 2 0 1

or consem

GEOS 335:

i n�r ructor. (4)


PLU is committed to a vibrant array of global educational opportuni ties, l inked ro its mission and vision of educaring to

Geophysirs - NS SM

achieve a J USt, heal thy, sustainable, and peacefu l world.

Study of the physical nature of the earth, its properties and p rocesses, employing techniques fro m seismology, heat flow,

Both on- and off-campus opportunities abound. Academic


as development, global resources and uade, and h u man rights as

gravi ty, magnerism, and elec:rrical .: nduCtivi ty. Emphasis on

the eanh's

formatio n, � t ruC[urc, and plate

tecronics p roces�es as wdl

gtophysi.:al exploration techniques.


Includes labs. Prerequuites:

,EOS 20 I . one: semester of

majors and m i nors p rovide on-camp Wi study o f global issues such

well as specific c u l tu res and societies. Departmenta.l courses and multidisci pl i nary programs are described in detail in their

calculus. physics (high-school-level o r above), o r consent of

respectilre sections of this catalog. Please. notc among others the

instrucror. (4)

offerings in anthropology, histo ry, international busi ness (under business), languages and l i teratures, pol itical science, and the

fo llowing multidiscip l i nary programs� the Americas, Chi nese

GEOS 350: Marine Geology - NS, SM Study of the 70% of the

C ::::II

+-' ...

o � � o c o


rrh beneath the ocean�, focusing o n

t h e extensive discoveries " f t h e past few dccades. Emphasis o n ma.rine sedi ments, 'edimemary processes, plate tecronic

p rocesses, and the historical geology of the ocean s. Incl udes labs.

Prerequisite: C EO

1 02,

GEOS 390: HelJ Trip


20 I , or consent of instructor. (4)


U . S . Trips take p lace duri!lg spring bl't'3k


at end of spring

semeHer. Prerequisite: G EOS 20 I or consent o f instructor (300level geology courses preferred). ( I )

of special i m�rC$t



by regular courses. Requi res regular supe.rvision by a landty member.

( 1 --4)

GEOS 495: • c ra


-fo r a January term, scmester, academic year, or summer term. undergraduates; consult the \X/ang Center fo r I nternational Programs for comprehensive and more detailed i n formation.


Offered every fal l semeS ter, this study away program is based at Sichuan University i n Chengdu. The curriculum is centered around Chinese culture and language, business, and global srud­ ies courses and includes unique study travel opporrunities i ncluding an educationa.l excursion to T i ber. Service learning

llltenuhip (l to 12)

assignments and pan-time international in ternships provide oppo rtuni ties to apply knowledge gained ill the classroom .

GEOS 497: ResellrCb Experimental o r theotetical inve tigation, in dose cooperation with a faculty member. Open to upper-division students. ( 1 --4)

GEOS 498; Seminar -

Off-campus programs span the globe and [he calendar. I'LU encou rages majors i n all fields to participate i n off-campus study


GEOS 491: hldept!'1U!ent Studies :lr.a.'


The following oudine suggests the types of programs available ro


Field and on-campus �(lJdy of major geo l o gi c , i te.s in weStern

luvesrigation or research i n

studies, environmental studies, global studies, ,m d Scandinavian


Discussion of p r o fessional p pers and i n troduCtion to d i rected

research for the Capstone project. Required of all maj o rs in their sen ior year. December graduates should complete tbe sequence

(498-499) in thei r final ful l year. ( I )

Smdcnts may arrange to spend the ful l year at Sichuan

University. No prior Chinese language study is required.

Students carn up to 1 7 semester credit hours.

Engl.nlld Located in thc Bloomsbury

istricr, this program - o ffered every

fal l <lnd spring rerm - uses London as its classroom. Students explore the ci ty's. excep tional resources through an interdisc i p l i­ nary study of l iterature, hisrory, poli tical science, [heater, and an. Academic and cu ltural le<lrn i ng is enhanced through extensive

GEOS 499: (,'apstone: Seminar - SR Culminating experience a pplying geological methods and theory through original l i terature o r field or laboratory research under thc guidance o f a faculty men tor, with written ll1 ' d oral presentation o f results. Required o f all maj o rs in their senior year.

Prerequisite: CEO, 4 9 8 . (2)

co-curricular activities, weekend study rours, l iving with


family, and optional service learning. S tudents e:J.rn up to

B r itish


semester credit hours.

/lIternatiomJ huenuhips

PLU offers i nternship opportunities to selected locations around

the globe, providing students the chance to apply their on-cam­ pus cu rriculum in an i nternational work setting. I n ternational internships c<ln be completed concurrently with



To view cun'iculum alld cOline rCCJf;irements,

Dq){lrtment o('Lflnglltlges 6- Literature, page

program (depending



study away

the study away fo rmat and location) o r

F f





independently w i t h supporting u n iversity couc,e work. Eve r y

please go to

year PLU students explore career poss i b i l i ties and enhance their


ski l ls by completing semester-long i n ternships in England, Namibia, and beyond.

P LU 2 00 6






with unique opportunities to explore the islands and learn about


Every january a wide variery of off-campus "j-term" courses led by PLU faculty take srudents around rhe globe to destinations ranging fro m N ah Bay to New Z e ala nd. In january 2006, PLU received national attention when it became rhe first U.S. university to have students studying on aU seven continents at the same time. Nearly 400 s t u de nt s participate ann ually in these intt'nsive .I-term learning experiences, which fulfil l many degree requirements. The application process occurs during the preceding spring semester, with remain i ng openings filled during summer and early fall. See the Wang Center website for current offerings: www.plu.edulwangcenterlclUalog.

the varied heritages of rhe country's mul ticultural society. During January students rake a core course, which varies from year to year, and begin preparations for the Carnival celebrarion. From February ro mid-i\'lay srudents rake a second core course, Caribbean Culture and Society, and choose two addirional courses from the regular offeri ngs at the Un iversity o f the West Indies. Because of the d i rect enrollment feature at UWI, this program is suirable for a wide variety of academic majors and minots including srudies in the natural sciences. Students earn up to 1 8 s e m es te r credit hours. OTHER PROGRAMS


Designed for advanced Spanish language srudents with an intere t in Latin American Studies and offered in fal l semester, PLU's newest program - based in Oaxaca - explores the intersection of development, cu[tute, and social c hange through the lens of the dynamic and evolving context of contemporary Mexico. Student learning is deepened through home s tays, educational excursions, and the opportunity for academic internships. Prerequisites: complerion of S pa nish 202 (30 1 preferred) . Students earn up to 1 G semester credit hours. Norway

Based at Hedmark University oilege i n Hamar, this fal l term program begins wirh an orientation in Oslo, Norway. All cours­ es are taught in Eng[i sh . Student learning focuses on Norway's democratic model and its successful implementation glo ball y with respect to aid for developing cou n tries and conflict resolu­ tion. Field study ex p eri e nce and research papers allow for analy­ sis and reflection on a topic related to the student's academic area. PLU's i n novative tripanite relationships with institurions in Norway and Nam ibia afford students unique comparative [earning opportuni ties. No prior orwegian language study is required. Srudents earn up to 1 6 semester credit hours.

Spai" Students take upper-intermediate and advanced level Spanish at the Cemro de Lenguas Modernas at rhe University of Granada. Wirh i ts Moorish past, rich cultural heritage, and natural beauty, Granada provides an excellent serring to build Spanish language skills. The program is offered every fall and spring semester. Prerequisites: completion of Spanish 202 for fal l term; comple­ tion of Spanish 3 0 1 for spring term. Students earn up to 1 G se mes t er credi t hours in the fall and up to 1 8 in rhe spring, which includes .I-term.

Sponsored ProgrnT1U

Hundreds of PLU studen[S participate i n the featured programs listed above every year. However, sometimes a student's particu­ lar academic goals are better served by a different program. Through collabo rative partnerships wirh other universities and agreement wirh study abro3.d program providers, PLU offers an array of s em es t e r-long study away programs with courses in a wide variety of academic disciplines. Short-term study away pro­ grams are also available during the summer months. PLU awards academic credit for approved programs and locations. For details call the \X1ang Center for International Programs at 2 53-535-7577. Or, visit rhe on-line study away catalog at www.plu. edulwnngcenterlcatalog. Non-spo1lSored Programs

Oppo rtunities to study abroad are made available through many other organizations and colleges in the United States. Some U.S. students choose to enroll direcdy i n an overseas university. In these cases, special arrangements must be made i n advance for appropriate credit transfer. PLU financial aid is not applicable. Academic P!A1l1ling for Study Away

With appropriate planning, it is possible for qualified srudents in almost any major to successfuJly incorporare srudy away into rheir degree plans. Prior to srudying off-campus on semester or yearlong programs and on shorr-rerm sponsored programs, stu­ denrs work with their academic advisors ro determine how courses taken and credits earned will fit with [heir academic goals and transfer back ro PLU. Using a pre-depanure academic planning worksheet, the student's intended course of study is documented, approved by the appropriare academic chair, and flIed with tbe Wang Center.

" o C" Q.I m C. C n Q.I ...


"C "C o ... ... C �

Application Process Tal1Za1lia

With a focus on post-colonial issues in Tanzania and Africa, rhe program begins in late-July with an in-depth orientation at Arusha and basic training in the Swahili language. Through [ec­ tures by local experts, visits to rural and wildlife areas, and tClChing conversational English to school children, students lVork to develop an understanding of this region of rhe world. During fal l semesrer, students select three or four courses from the wide offerings available at the Universiry of Dar es Salaam. Al[ unive rs i ty courses are raughr in Eng[ish. Studenrs earn up to 16 sem es te r credit hours. Trinidad and Tobago

January to mid-May, this study away program provides studenrs

Because off-campus study requires an addirional level of inde­ pendence and the ability ro adapt to other cultures, the applica­ tion, selection, and pre-departure review process is rigorous and includes a comprehensive evaluation of student records. Applicarions for off-campus srudy must be pre-approved by rhe u niversity. Students musr submit applications to the Wang Center by the relevant application deadline, which is typically six to twelve months prior to the program start dare. Application materials include, bur are not limited ro, an official tranKript, an essay, teners of recommendation, and an applica­ tion fee. Consul t wirh the Wang Center for application require­ ments and deadlines by calling 2 53-535-7577 or visiting the web site at wluw.plll.edulwangcenter. The university reserves

PLU 2006 - 2007


the right ro decline an application fo r off-campus study andlor to cancel the parLicipation of an accepted student before depar­ ture or during the program.

Grading Policy and Credits Studen s participating on approved study away programs rece ive PLU credit and tener grades for r he i r coursework. Courses, cred­ its and grades are recorded on the l'LU transcript. However, study away grades are only calculated into the PLU G.P.A. fo r courses taught by PLU fac u lty and fo r students graduating w i t h honors and in the School of Business. Study away cou rses are not pas.Hail.

Program Costs 1I11a Finll1lcilll Aid

III (II c: ::J

o Q. Q. o c o

� \J ::I "0 W � .c o

COURSE OF STUDY Students electing the Global Studies major are required to declare a primary major before they declare a Global St udies major. No more than [\vo courses (eight semcster hours) can be take n in any one discipline to fu lfill the req u i re me nt s for the issue concentration for the Global Studies major. In addition, students may nor apply more:: than [\vo courses (eight semester hours) from each other major or minor. FACULTY: The G lobal Studies omminee administets rh is program: St. lair, Chair, Co tten , Crawford, H ames , Manfredi, Marti nez-Carbajo, Nosaka. MAJOR REQUIREMENTS

Financial aid ma be appl ied to all PLU approved programs. This i n clu des Stare a nd Federal financial aid (with the ex c ep t i o n of wo r k study), university grants and scholarships, and government loans. \Xfh ile abroad, students continue to be billed by PLU and are expected to m a in tai n their payment plan arrangements. Tui tion remission benefits apply to the cost of study away tuition on PLU approved programs, but not to housing and meal charges. Tu ition �xchange benefits apply only to the tuition component of these P LU -direc t ed progra ms: Norway, hina. Mexico, Tri n idad, and I n ternational Internships. Tuition exchange benefits do not apply to any other study awa programs offered through third parry providers, con orria, etc.

Grllnu for Global Involvement The \'(Ia n g Cen ter fo r International Programs awards grants on a competitive basis to students in terested in ad va nced research and experiential learning in a global c mext, building on previous international experien ce.


Global Studies Core - 16 se mes ter huurs l . ANTI-l/ HIS1 /POLS 2 1 0: Global Perspectives - The World in hange (4) 2. Select [\Vo cour es from the fo l l ow in g rhre : ANTH 1 02 : In troduction to Human C Itural •

Diversity CON



Principles of Mi croeco nomics:

Globa.! and Environmental (4) H IST 2 1 5 : Modern WorLd H is tory (4) 3. GLST 499: Res earch Seminar (four semester hours) •


Issru Arell Co1lt�er'tratiolu - 16 semes rer hours Four courses must be taken from one of the five concentrations outl ined below. At least three of the fo ur courses counted toward a co ncc:n tra rion must be at the 300 level or higher.


Langruzge Students must demonstrate proficicnLl' in a language relevant to their coursework nd at a level onsistent with Option 1 of the Colle of Arts and S cien ces foreign language requirement. This may be accomplished through p ro fici ency examination or through tbe equivalent of 1 6 semester hours o f coursework.

POIf-gradUlltio1l Opportunities PLU graduates p u rsue their global in terests in many ways after they complete their degrees. These include Fulbright awards, Rotary scholarships, and Wang Teaching Fellowships in China. Contact the Wa ng Center at 253-535-7577 for more details. D.


Ojf-Campus Study Component are required ro participate in an off-campus study program ove rseas . While abroad students must earn eight semester hours of credit related to the global studies core or the student's global studies concenaation. At least fo ur credits must be re lat ed directly to the studen t's global studies concentration. For example, this study abroad r eq ui rement could be met by taking [\"0 appropriate J- rer m courses, or by eight semester hours of appropriate coursework taken during a semester abroad. nguage study coursework does not necessarily count for tbis requirement; coursework must deal with the contemporary world and its issues. Obtaining prco- app rova l for credi t is encouraged. Local internships related to an area concentration and involving a cross-cultural serting may be allowed in exceptional circumstances. The Global rudies chair must approve except ions. M ajors

Global Studies 253.535 .7662

www.plll.edl.;�g/st h

l a bal Studies Program aims to encourage and enable ro achieve global literacy defined as a multidisciplinary approach to contending p e rspec ti ves on global problems, thei r historical origins, and their possi ble solutions. To this end, the lobal Studie s program offers courses and experiences designed to equip students with the factual knowledge and analytical skills necessa ry to comprehend, and en ga ge with, foundational questions of global a n alysis (e.g., rhe commonalities and variations be[\veen human cultures), identifiable global themes (e.g \var and peace, economic development, globalization and trad environ mental sustainability) , and the specifics of particular conremporary global problems (e.g., regional conflicts, weapons proliferation, environmental degradation, movement for poli tical in tegration and autonomy, the AIDS crisis) .





Senior Research Project The senior project i, a gene ra l u n ivcr; it )' requirement in all programs and majors. Students wiil normally sa t is fy this requirement by completing a research project or paper in GLST 499.

PlU 2006 - 2007

BUSA 20 I: Value Creation in the Global

MINOR REQUIREMENTS - 20 semester hours l . AN I'HfH I STfl'


2, Se.lcct

LS 2 1 0; Global

Environment (4) BUSA 352: G l ob al M an agt: me n t (3)

Pe rs pecti ves - The

BUSA 408: I n ternational B u s ine1;s Law and

in C h a n ge (4) one

BUSA 460: International M a rketi n g (3)

course From the fo llowing three:

ANTI-! 1 02: I ncroduction to Human Cultural

o mm u n i car i on Abroad: Studies in Culture (4) ECON 33 1 : I n te rnat i o n al Economics (4) POLS 3 4 7 : Po l it ical E co no m y (4) POLS 38 1 : Comparative Legal Sys te ms (4) POLS 383: Modern European Politics (4) COMA 393:

Diversiry (4)

ECON I l l : Pri n c ip les of lvficroeconomics: G lobal


nv i ro n men G1. 1 (4)

H1ST 2 1 5 : ivlodern World History (4)

3 . Three co urses in one o ncenrration, at least two must be at

the .) 00 level or higher.

Srudems must cake one semeSter of 200-level college co ursewo rk in a fo re ign l a n guage or demo nstrate equi val en t p rofi ci en cy. Studenrs must take at least four credit hours of s tu dy abroad coursework rdared to the contemporary worl d and its issues . For ex:unple, one a p p ro p ri ate January Term U- Te rm) course that would apply tow:trd me srudem's c )[lcentr:ltion.


Trannuztional Movetnmts Imd Cull7lrai Divert;ty Courses: ANTH 330: Native N ort h Americans (4)

ANTH 360: E r hn ic G rou p s (4) p ec ia l Topics in Anr h ropo l ogy (When th e topic is: Fi rs t Nations) (4) ENGL 232: Women Writers of rhe Ameri cas (4) ENG L 343: Voices of Diversity: Post-Colonial

At'1TH 387:

Li terature and Theory (4)


F REN 22 1 : French Literature and Films of the

Dev�lop11l(mt arId SocialJmtiu

Am er i cas (4)



333: Economic D evel op m ent :

Third World S t ra tegi es (4)


NGL 233. P M-Colonial Li t era tu re (4) History and Devel o pm en t (4) 40; Mod


Japan (4)

!NTC 244: Post-Colonial I ssu es (4)

I NTC 245: 1 iSlory ant! Pe pect ives on D evelo p m ent (4) POLS 380: Pol i t i cs of Global Development (4)

SOG 362: Famil ies i n the Americas (4) SPAN 30 1 : Advan ced

(when crosslisted w i t h Internatio nal


75: Law, Polirics, and Revolution (4) COM .'104: I nt e rc u l tu ra l Communication (4) COMA 340: C{)nfiict and C o m m u nica t io o (4) ANTH

380: Sickness, Madness, H e-J.l t h (4)

nty. Power a n d Exc h a n ge (4)

exper ien ce , research, and writi ng on iss u es related to the studen t's

issue concentration in Gl o bal Srudics. Lo cal internships that involve transnational issues and constituencies will also be cons ide red . Pnreqlluite; Prior cons e nt of th e chair of the Global Studies ommi rtee and of the supervising PLU fac ul ty member. (4) GLST 499: CapJtonel R�SUlrch Se'm;lJ.dr - SR

ECON 323: H ea l rh Ec.o nomic� (4) f NTC 242: Popul. ri n, H u nger, and Pove rty (4) PHED 362; Healing .'\rrs(4) RELl 230: Rel igion and Culwrc (When the ro p i c is: ReligI o n , Hea l i n g, arrd the Body) (4)

Globalisulcion and Trade


and s u p ervised by a PLU fac u l ty member, rhat combines fI eld

fo r GI ,bal J ustic e (4)




Cour�e Offerin s - Global Studies (GlST) GLST 495:

World Health

ANTH 377: M


A proj ect, usually undertaken dUiing a s t udy- abroad ex.p erience

POLS 3.3 1 : I n re .r na r io n a l Relarions (4) PO 332: international .onflict Resolution (4) PO LS 4 1 : A lvanced lnr ern :ni on al Relations (4) REU 230; Rdigion and Culture (When r he to p ic is: Rel igion , Vi Itnct: and Colonialism) (4)


c: c..

but rhat are n or tau g h t regul arl y en o ugh ro be listed here.

Rl!spons�s 10 llItenuttio,ud Vio/n,ce and Conflict


VI ...

·Students may pet i ti on the Chair of Global S t u d ies for the



(\"Xfhen cross-listed with the I n ternational Core) (4) HIST 344: Andean H is to ry (4) PSYC 335: Cultural Psyc h o logy (4) S PAN 34 1 : Latino Experi e nc.e in the US (4) RELI 227: Christian Theology (When the ropi I : Theologies of Liberation a n d D emocracy) (4) RElI 230: Rel igion and Culture (When the topic is: Rel igio n and Cu l t u re in Indian Country) (4)

inclusion of courses that meet issue concentration requirements

Civilization (4)

fNTC 32 : Quest

(When c ross- l is ted with the International Core) (4)

ram m a r and Co m pos i tio n

sr.!\! . 322: La t i n American Culture and


FREN 30 I : Advan ced Grammar and Compositi o n GERM 30 1 : Advance d Grammar and Composition

H I T 335: Ceillral America and the Caribbean: HJ5T

Ethics (.3)

Req u i red of all s t u de n ts majoring i n

iobal Studies, this is a

capstone seminar rhat culminates in the wri ti ng of an

exten s i ve research paper. �r�quisite: ANTHfHISTf POLS 2 1 0. (4)

Greek To view curriculum and course requirements, pleasl' go to Department o.f'Languages

PLU 2006 - 2007

6- Literature, page 98.


body with the psychology of human behavior. To pics to be

Health Education

covered include: stress and iLlness, pain perception and management, emotional f.'lctors in the prevention. development

To tlieU! curricubml requirements, please go to School of Physical

and treatment of chronic disease, mental health, and death and

Education, page 122.

dying. (3)

Course Offerin s - Health Education (HEED)

_ _ _ _ _ _

HEED 366: Health Psycbology This course examines how human physiology and psychology

HEED 262: Big Fat Lies - A

interact and influence personal health choices and behavior

Investigation of body weight as both a source of social p rejudice

change. Topics surveyed include behavior change models; n icotine,

and as a health issue. Issues of body image, social expectations

alcohol and drug use and abuse; stress and stress management;

and ideals, and discrimination are addressed in the first half and

psychological factors in the prevemion, development and

ropics such as metabolism, dieting, heart disease, diabetes and

treatment of chronic disease; death and dying. (4)

cancer are addressed as they relate to obesity in the second

HEED 382: bzjury Prevention-Advanced

half. (4)

An advanced study in the recognition and treatment of specific

HEED 266: Food mId Health (Fall 2006)

athletic inj uries and vulnerable body structures. with emphasis

Examination of the role of d ietary choices in the maintenance of

on evaluation, modali ties of treatment, rehabllitation, and

health and prevention of disease. To pics covered include: basic

current issues.

Prerequisite: H EED 28 1 . (2)

nutritional science, food se/ecrion/menu planning, lifespan

>. ...


.... 11'1

nurrition, energy balance, sports nurrition, and nutritional

HEED 395: Comprebensive School Health

analysis rools. (2)

This course explores the i mcgrated nature of comprehensive school health programs. Students will usc their health knowledge

HEED 266: Nutrition, Health

& Performam:e

and resources to effectively communicate essentiaI health content

An examination of the role of d ietary choices in the maintenance

with an emphasis placed on environmental health, intentional

of health, the p reven tion of disease and the optimizing of

and unintentional injury prevention, consumer health and

physical performance. Topics covered include: consumer

sexuality education. The course addresses program planning,


nutrition skills, basic nutrients and nutritional science, energy

implementation and evaluation based on the needs of the learner.

c:::: o

balance, sporr and performance nutrition including the use o f

Prerequisites: P H ED 279.

supplements and ergogenic aids. lifespan nutrition. global

HEED 266 and HEED 366. (4)

HEED 425: Healtb PrmnotionlWeliness Intervention Strategies

nutrition and food safety. (4)

HEED 281: Injury Prevention and Thl!Ttlpeutic Care

Examination of strategies for improving the state of well ness

Prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of all common inj uries

through healthier lifesryles. (2)

sustained in athletics; p hysical therapy by employment of devices. (2)

HEED 491: Independent Studies Prerequisite: consent o f the dean. ( 1 -4)

HEED 292: First Aid

HEED 495: Internship - SR

electriciry, massage, exercise, light, ice, and mechanical

Meets requirements for the American Red Cross S tandard First

Pre-professional experiences closely related to student's career and

Aid and Personal Safety. (2)

academic i nterests.

Prerequisites: Declaration of major,

sophomore status, and 1 0 hours in the major. (2-8)

HEED 295: School Health (Fa.ll 2006) Examination of the integrated nature of comprehensive school

HEED 499: Capstone: Senior Seminar - SR (2-4)

health programs. Attent.ion is given to curriculum development and teaching straregies for health content, as well as the importance of creating a healthy school environment for learning. (2)



HEED 360: ProfessiolUll Practicum Students work under the supervision of a coach, teacher, recreation supervisor, or health care provider.


Departmental approval . ( l or 2)

Through the study of history at Pacific Lutheran Universiry students gain an understanding and appreciation of the historical perspective. Opportunities fo r developing analytical and

HEED 365: The Agi"g Experience: Worlds ofDiffercmce - A The way in which people's location in the social sysrem, the historical periods they live during, and their personal biographies shape the aging experience. Students will learn how these influences may affect rheir lives and those with whom they



interpretative skills are provided through reselrch and writing projects, internships, class p resentations, and study tours. The practice of the historical method leads students off campus to their hometowns, to Europe or China or the American West, and to communiry institutions. both private and public. The


} (

work. (4)

department emphasizes individual advising in relation to both

HEED 366: Health Psychology (Fall 2006)

holdings include significant collections in American, European,


Integration of the study of biological fi.lI1ctioning o f r.he human

and non-Western history. Career outlets fo r majors and mi nors


self-directed studies and regular courses. The universiry library

PLU 2006 - 2007


either direl! or upportive in busi ness l aw, teac hi n g . p u b l ic


media , and other occupations.


FACULTY: . icksen, Chflil'; Benson, Carp, DiStef:!no, Halvorson. H a mes , Kang, Kraig" bania.

HIST 205: Mamie Middle Emt 10 1945 - C, S1 co u r.e on the histOr of the M i dd l e East from the t i m e of Muham mad in the 7 th cen mry through \'Vo rld

An inrrodllctory sU[V<'Y

BACHELOR OF ARTS MAJOR Mini m u m of 3:! �em Stt'r hours. in c l u di n g : • • •

FOll r semester hours - American field

Four semester hours Four ,em


War I ! . (4)

ropean field

h o u rs - non-Western field.

Students are 0. eeted to work closely with the de pa r r m e nt 's Facu l ry advi ors [0 i n s u re the most personal ized programs and i n s tructi o p sible. Majors are urged to meet the fo re i gn language requirement of the .:im es under either Option I or O pt ion I ! .

�ollege of Ar� a n d



m el

mJj rs who



preparing ror p u bl i c school teaching can

l h i sto ry re q u i re me n t by e n ro l l i n g in H i s tory 460.

All majors are required to nke fo u r semester hours of historical :::arch and four semester hours o f se mi nar c red i t. om pietion of rhe sem i n ar course satisfies the core requirement for a senior semi n ar/project.

methods and

For the major at leJSt

PLU, i nc l u d i ng

16 semester hOllrs m us t be com p l e red at and 494 or 496 or 4 97.

H I ST 30 1


20 ...em



)u rs

w i th a m i n i m u m of 1 2 from c o urses

numb 'red above 300.

The minor in histOry t:mphasizes a program focus a n d a program plan, which is a rranged

by the s tu de n t in

, 1lS1IIrarion wim a d epartment a l advi sor.

For rhc m i nor at 1= 1 2 ,<!mcs ter ho urs must be co mp let ed at PLU, i n cl u ll i ng eight of urper-division courses.



Schoof of&iIlCfltioll.

Course Offerin.�--,..:=.:.::..:..<-J..:":'=-'-'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

European Field


i 07, 1 08. 32 1 , 322, 3 3, 324,

325, 328, 329, 332, 334, 360, 364 , 497 Ntm- Western Field HIST 1 09, 05, 2 1 0, 2 1 5, 220, 23 1 . 1 0, 335, 336, 337. 338, 339. 340, ' 44 .,..,...,. --, .---==- . .3 0 , 4� 9,.:: 6-;--;::-:-�=-=_ � Ail F ields K IST :\0 1 . 40 1 ,.....:.:.� ..: �

_ _ _ _ _


,-\nal ysi$ uf institutions and ideas of selected civili7�1tions. Europe


.he Rcnai>SaIlct



present. (4)

HIST 220: Modem !Atm American History - C, 51 I nt rod uc ti o n to modern Latin American hiswry, from 1 8 1 0 ro the presen t. (4) HIST 231: World �r Two ilJ Cbina andjapa1l1 /931-1945 - C, SI An inrroduction to the cx:pcriencc o f \':V'o rld Wa r II on the home (ront in East Asia. W ha t happened in ,hina and Japan during the war yea ? How were the C hi ne se and J ap a n ese people mob i li zed for war, how did they survive the a tro c ir i es . and how did the wi d es r � ad use of m a rt i al violence al t; r the d ev e lo pme n t of Easr ian soci ' t its, cuiLures, and politics? These are some of the questions [har wil! be c flsidered as w construct the history o f WorlJ \'(far [ I in China dnd Ja pa n t h ro u gh a variet), of media i n cl ud i n g memt1irs. fihns, sc h o la rl y works a nd conremporary li terature. (4) -

C, S1

ns h i p with China have outsiders im ag i n ed Tiber, and how have stereo type!; affected intc:tn tional relationships? Students will explore tht pr�sent cri is s! r n m i ng fr rn hi na's occ u pati on of Tibet, and al tl confron t the powers of m yt h , rhe emcrg nee of C hi n a a s a world power. and the agonies of globalization. (4)

and the Wes t . How

H IST 2 5 1 , 2 5 2 , 253, 294. 305 , 3 5 2 , 355, 356, 357, 359, 38 1 , 4 5 1 . 46� 461 . 47 1 , 494

HI. T 108: History of Wes:terll Civilization - SI

HIST 215: Modem World History - C, S1 Surveys maj r fea t u res of the pr i n c i p a l ex i s r i n g civili7..a tiuns of the wo rl d since 1 4S0: East A�ia. India and south rn Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe. 'estern civil ization, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. (4)

The his tOry oFTibet, '>mphasizing fibet's r lati

American Field

HIST 107: History of West� Civilization - S1 An alysi s of i ns t i tut i o ns ,In ideas of s leeted civilizations. Mesopotamia, E pr, the Hebrews. ,reece, Rome, th" rise h ri s t ian it )', and Medi eval Europe. (4)

HlST 21 0: Global Pers-pemfJes: The WorU in Change - C. S1 gl bal issu : modernizati n alld development; economic change and i nrernarional trade; diminishing res o urces ; war and revolution; pea � and justice; and cultural d i versity. (Although cro s-list d with A..I'\JTH 2 [ 0 and POLS 2 1 0. students may receive h is to ry credit only when this c ourse is regi (cred as a his to ry class.) (4) A survey of

HlST 232: Tibet in Fact ami Fiction

Courses iil the epartment of H is to ry are offe red in the fol l owi ng fields:

_ _

HlST 109: Emt Asia" Societies - C, S1 A h ist o rical overview of the rraJirional cultures, traditions, a n d lives of rhe p eo pl e of" China and J a pa n . Discus. ion of the lives of peas an ts , emperors, merchants. and w"rriors in each sociery. (4)

HIST 251: OJ/OIl;al American History - SI The history of \ hat became the nitcd -taleS, from the settlement of A m eri ca ro the:: de non of Thomas J effers o n as rhe th ird President of the Uailed Stare i n 1 800. It wil l pay parti cul a r anen tion to t1uee periuds - the years of settlement, the era of ad j ustm e n t to a n imperial system around the turn of rhe 1 8th c en t u ry, and the: revolt a ga i n st that system in the second half of the 1 8rh century. which c u l mi n a ted in the c rea ti o n of the American union p h a s izes certain themes: rhe origins of ra ci sm and slav,ry, the courst: of the rel igious im p u l se in an i n c reas i n glv secularized �ociety, and fi nal l y, the i d eo l ogic al and constitutional aansltion from roy:!l gove rnment a n d the rights of E ngl ish m e n to rep ubl icanism, and popular sovereignty. (4)

PlU 2006 - 2007


HlST 252: 19th-Century American History - S1

HIST 328: 19th-Century Europe - S1

rom Jefferson to Theodore Roosevelr; i nrerpreration of era from social, polirical, economic. and biographical viewpoinrs. (4)

The expansion of European civilization from 1 800 ro 1 9 1 4. (4)

mST 253: 20th-Century American History - S1 Trends and evenrs in domesric and foreign affairs since 1 900; amuence. urban growth. and social conrrasrs. (4)

HlST 294;

c o


World War i; revolution and return ro "normalcy;" depression and the rise of fascism; World War [ I . (4)

HIST 332: Engkmd: Tudors and Stuarts - S1 Political. social. economic. legal. and cu1tural developments. (4)

United Suues Si"ee 1945 - S1

·elect-·d topics in recem U.S. hisrory such as rhe Cold War. the Civil Rights M vcmenr. rhe Vietnam War. rhe Women's Movement. Warergate. and the Iran-Contra Affair. Enrollment restricred to firsr-year students and sophomores. (4)

The Revolutions of 1 848 and unification of Germany; Bismarckian and Wilhemian empires; Weimar Republic and the rise of National Socialism; the Third Reich. (4)

mS T 301: InlToductio1l to Hislorit:ai Methods and &seare" - S1

HIST 335: Latin AmerU:arJ History: Cemral A",eriw 6- the CaribbeaJ/ - C, S1

Focus on hisrorical merhodology. research rechniques. and the writing of hisrory from a wide range of historical primary sources. Required for all hisrory majors before raking rhe senior semin,lr. (4)

Survey of rhe major aspecrs of Central American and Caribbean hisror ' from colonial ro modern times. Use of selected case studies ro illusrrare the region's hisrory. Study in inter-American relarions. (4)

mST 305: Slavery in the Americas - A, S1

HIST 336: Southern Africa - C, S1

The compararive hisrory of slavery in Africa. rhe Caribbean. and rhe Americas wirh special arrention ro rhe Unired Srares. Co mpa ra rive perspectives on Atlanric slave trade. rhe origins of slavery and racism. slave rrearmenr. rhe rise of anrislavery rhoughr. rhe maturarion of planrarion society. slave revoIrs. selecrion cQnflicr and war. and rhe reco nsrruction of society afrer emanciparion. (4)

mST 310:

Col/temporary ]npa"

mST 321: Gl'fek Civilizmion - S1

The polirical. social. and cultural hisrory of Ancienr Greece from

che Btonze Age L O rhe Hellenistic period. Special artenrion to the li rerature. art. and intellectual history of the Greeks. (Cross-listed with CLAS 32 1 .) (4)

HlST 322: Roman Civilization - S1 The history of Rome from the foundation of the city ro CE 337. rile d th o f Con (antine. Emphasis on Rome's expansion over th(' Mediterranean and on its constitutional history. Attention ro rhe rise of Christianity within a Greco-Roman context. (Cross­ listed wirh CLAS 322.) (4)

HIST 3.23: The Middle Ages - S1 Europe from the disintegrarion of rhe Roman Empire to l 300; reaJ ing and research in medieval materials. (4)

HlST 324: Rrnaissanee - S1 Europe in an age of transition - 1 300 to 1 500. (4)

mST 325: Rejom,ation - S1 Political and religious crises in rhe 1 6th century: Lutheranism. ZWll1g1ianism. Anglicanism. Anabaptism. Calvinism. Roman Catholic reform; Weber rhesis. the beginni ngs of Baroque arts. (4) HIST 327:

HIST 334: Modern GermAny, 1848-1945 - S1

Examinarion of rhe history of pre-colonial African kingdoms. Wesrern imperialism. settler colonialism. and the African struggle for independence. Emphasis on the period since 1 800. (4)

HIST 337: The History ofMexico - C, S1 The political. economic. social. and cultural changes thar have taken place in Mexico from 1 3 50 ro the present. (4)

HIST 338: Motlen, ChilUl - C, S1

- S1

Major domesric. polirical. economic. and socio-cultural developmenrs since 1 94 5 . Speci:tl ,mention given ro U.S.-Japan inreractions. (4)


HIST 329: Europe and the World wars: 1914-1945 - S1

The Vikings - S1

The world of the Vikings; rerritorial expansion; i nteracrion of the Vikings wirh the rcst of Europe. (Cross-lisred with SCAN 327.) (4)

The beginning of China's modern hisrory. with special emphasis on the genesis of the Chinese revolurion and China's posirion in an increasingly in tegrated world. (4)

HIST 339: Revolutionary China - C, S1

Beginning in 1 9 1 1 . an examinarion of rhe course of the Chinese revolution. Chinas liberation. and rhe changes since 1 949. (4)

HIST 340: Moden, ]Ilpan - C, S1 Study o f how Japan became rhe modern "miracle" in East Asia. Primary focus on traditions that enabled Japan ro change rapidly. the role of rhe challe.nge of the West in that change. rhe industrialization of'Japan. the reasons for war wirh the U . S and the impact of the war on contemporary Japan and its social and economic instinuions. (4) .•

HIST 344:

The A,ules

i" Latill American History - C, S1

The hisrory of rhe Andean countries (Peru. Bolivia. Ecuador) from the 1 5th through rhe 20th centuries. (4)

HIST j45: America" Business a11d EC01lOmic History, 16071877 - SI Surveys rhe hisrory of the American economy from pre­ Columbian Indian societies through rhe English mercantilist system, the American Revolution. the Indusrrial Revolution. rhe Civil War to rhe end of Reconstruction. Investigates influence of non-economic factors such as warfare. slavery. and rhe social sranding o f women on economic rrends. (4)

HIST 352: The American Revolution - S1 Study of the era of the American Revolution from rhe end of rhe Seven Year's War in 1 763 through Thomas Jefferson's defeat of John Adams in 1 800. Focuses on both American and British polirical, social. economic. and ideological conflicts thar brought

PLU 2006 - 2007

on th Revolution; the military strategy and tactics that won the war r. r the Americans and lost it for the British; the making of the Constiturion and the opposition to it; and the challenges that fucc: d the American people living in the new Republic. (4) HlST 355: American Popuklr Cukurt - S1

Study of motion pictures, popular music, radio and television progr:lms, comic strips and paperback fiction. Insights into the valu and ideas of Am rican culture ftom watcbing ir at play. (4) HlST 356: American Diplo11Ultic History - SI The practice, funcrion, and structure of American foreign policy with particular emphasis on rhe twentieth century. (4) mST 357: African Amtrican History - A, S1 Experiences, struggles, ideas, and contributions of African­ Americans as they developed within and strongly shaped the course of U.S. (and global) histor . It focllses 'imultaneously on major social and legal issues like slavery or Jim Crow segregation and African-Americans' actions and identities framed in the context of systemic white supremacism. It also examines and evaluates speers of daily life and personal experiences and expres:;ions o f individual African-Americans between the 1 7th Q!ll rury and contemporary times. (4) HI5T 359: History of WOlll.en ill thr: U11ited States - A, 51

A focused, thematic exa mination of issues and evidence related to experiences from the colonial period to the present. (4)

' wo men s

Pacific rhat API people shaped, racism and discrimination against API people, legal studies of API people, and recent social and political issues cen tral to API people in the U.S. (4) HIST 381: The V ietnam War and American Society - 51

Through rhe lectures, assigned readings, films and discussions, the course will explore the Vietnam \Var from the perspectives of the North and South Vietnamese, American elected officials in Washington, D.C., John Q. Public warching the war every night on TV; and rhe average GI fighting in the highlands and jungle. The lectures arc designed to provide an explanation of the origins and development of American involvement in Vietnam from President Eisenhower's decision to support the French to Presidem Nixon's Vietnamization policy and the peace negotiations. They will also examine the consequences and legacy of Am 'rica's involvement in Vietnam. (4) HI5T 401: Workshops - SI

Workshops in special fields for varying periods of rime. ( 1 -4) HIS T 451: American Legal History - SI

Dimensions of American law as is relates to changing historical periods. (4) HI5T 460: West and Northwest - A, 51

The American Wesr in the 1 9th and 20th centuries. Frontier and regional perspectives. Interprerive, ill ustrative history, and opportunities for off-campus research. (4) HIST 461: History of the West and Northwest - 51

HIST 360: HolocllUSl: Destruction of the European jews - A, 51

Investigation of the development of modern anti-Semitism, its relationship to fascism, the rise of Hi der, the structure of the German dictatorship, the evolution of" Nazi Jewish policy, the mechanics of the Final Solution, the nature of the perpetrators, the e� perience and response of the vicrims, the reaction of the outside world, anJ the post-war attempt to deal with an unparallded crime through tradirional judicial procedures. (4) RIST 362: Christians ;" Nazi Gumany This course will stud , the r ponse of Christians in Germany to Hitler and the Holocaust, analyzing why some Christians opposed the regime but also why a large number found Hitler's ideology and policies attractive. (4) HlST 364: Engklnd and the Seco"d WOrld �r 51 This course will consider England'- entry into the war, the eVJ01ation from Dunkirk, the Barrie of Britain. the arrival of American [roop�, the air war, the invasion of ormandy, and the implications of th" Holocaust, especially i n te mlS of the Kindertransport of Jewish children to safety in England. (4)

A direct, individualized study in one's hometown in the West or Northwest. (4) HIST 471: History ofAmerican Thought and Culture - 51

The hisrory of American thought and culture from 1 607 to the presem by carefully reading a number of texts and emphasizing trends in religious. political, intellectual, and social thought. It will focus on Prorestantism and Calvinism, the Enlightenment and republicanism, revivalism and reform, democracy and slavery, Social Darwinism, pragmalbm, Black social and political thought, Progressivism. the New Deal, and women's liberation. It will investigate such topics as man's relationship to God, the Protestant ethic and the success myth, human nature, anti­ intellectualism, America's place in the world, power, slavery, and democracy. (4)


HlST 370: Enu;ron71letltal History of the United States - 51

An investigation of the complex i nterrelationship between people and their environment. (4) f

HlST 380: Asia" American lutury 1 and Culture A, S1 Surve the experiences, struggles, ideas, and contributions of Asian American and Pacific Islander (API) people within the context of U.S. history. It tfongly focuses on API history in the three coastal srates of the U.S. West (including Washington State), but includes attention to API people in other regions. entral themes include economic exploitation and contributions of API people, cultural and social connections to Asia and the

HI5T 491: Independent Studies


HI5T 494: Seminar: American History - SI, 5R Prerequisite: HIST 30 1 . (4) HI5T 495: Intems/lip

A research and writing project i n connection with a student" approved off-campus work or travel activil)', or a dimension of it. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing plus one course i n histOry, and consent of the department. ( 1 -6)


Hl5T 496: 5eminar: The Third World -


SI, 5R

This research seminar alternates i ts focus from East Asia one year to the Caribbean/Latin America the next. Prerequisite: HIST 30 1 . (4) HIST 497: Seminar: European History - 51, SR Prerequisite: H IST 30 I . (4)

PLU 2006 - 2007


Individualized Major

Division of Hu anities

2 5 3 . 5 3 5 .76 1 9

253.53 5 .732 1 IIJ/vw.plll"edul /1111110. �

The Humanities faculty at Pacific Luweran University are excellent teachers and scholars who model the possibilities of rhe life of the mind. The Humanities cultivates an intdlecrual and ima inative connection between a living past, embodied in the d iverse array of cul tural traditions, and the global challenges of our contempo rary world.


o ra

The Division of Humanities at PLU invites students to develop critical and Aexible minds as pan of their becoming persons of commitment, vision, and action in the world. Drawing on the rich traditions of religion, philosophy, languages and l iterarures, students and faculty work together ro explore complex perspectives on a varie[}· of human concerns. Students in we Humanities are encouraged to develop the critical and reAective ability ro: • • • • •

"' :::I "0

> "0 c: • VI

GI c: ra


:::I :I:

embrace complexity and ambiguity engage other peoples and perspecrives appreciare rhe living past in the presenr and future engage traditions creatively and critically link theory and practice, and we public with the private seek connections among diverse cultures and academic disci plines understand rhemselves and consider what makes life wonh living

In short, study in the Humanities reaches ways of living, thinking, and being in the world. It helps students ro s iruare their beliefs within a wider frame of reference and ro undersrand and critically analyze assumptions, tradirions. trurhs, and histoties. Study in the Humanities assists students to sec their responsibility for the quali[}' of the lives they lead. It challenges students to realize the importance of participating in a larger and broader service to the common good. FACULTY: Oakman, Denn; facul[}, members of the Departments of English, Languages and Lireratures, Philosophy, and Religion.

Supen'ised b ' the Facul[}' Council for Individualized Majors, rhis program offe j unior and senior students rhe opponun i[}' to develop ami complete a personally designed, interdisciplinary, liberal arts major. The course of study culminates in a senior thesis, to be agreed on by the council. the student, and his or her advisor. Successful applicants ro this program will normally have a cumularive grade point average of 3.30 or higher, although i n exceptional ca.�es , they may demonstrate rheir potential i n other ways to the Faculty Council for I ndividualized Majors. Admissiol1 to the l,u/iuidUlliized Progro.m Admis,ion to rhe program is gram d by the conncil on th basis of a derailed plan of stud)', proposed and writren by the student, and submitted to rhe council any time after the beginning of the second semester of the student's sophomore year. The proposal must oudine a c mplete plan 0 srud)' for the time �maining until the granting of a degree. Study plans may include an)' of the rraditional elements from a standard BA or BS degree program.

Once app roved by both the faculty 'ponsor and the Faculty Council for Individualized Majors, th tudy plan supplants usual degree requirements, and, when completed, leads to conferral of the BA degree with Special Honors. STUDY PROPOSALS Study proposals must include the followin� A.

A St4tement of Objectives, in which the student describes wllat the degree is expeCted to represent and why the individualized cours!! of srudy is morc appropriate d,an a traditional degree program.


A Program o/Study, in which the student describes how


A Program ofEva/lionon, in which the student describes rhe nireri· to be used ro nleaSllre achievement of the objectives and specifi the topic of the senior thesis.

Ai; a division within the College of ArtS and Sciences, the

Division of Humanities offers programs in each constituent department leading ro the SA degree. Course offerings and degree requirements are listed under: •





D. A St4tement ofRevi�w, in which the student describes how previous course work and l i fe experiences have prepared him her for rhe individualized study program.




Committed to the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge, the Humanities supports and participares in rhe following programs: Chinese Studi�, Classics, Environmental Studies, Global Srudies, the Il1lcrnational Core: I n tegrared Studies of the Contemporary World, Internarional Programs, Legal Studies, Publishing and Printing ArtS, Scandinavian Area Studies, and \'V'omen's and Gender Studies.

rhe objectives will be attained rhrough sequences of courses, read ing programs, regular course work, independent srudy, travel, off-campus involvement, personal consultation wirh facu l[}' m 'mhers, or other means.

Letters ofRecot1tme1uuurol'. The study proposal must be written in close consultation with the chair of the Faculty Council for Individualized Majors and with a faculty member who agrees to act as primary sponsor and advisor [0 the studcn throughoLlt rhe course of s tudy. The faculty sponsor must comment on rhe feasibility of the proposal and on rhe sntdent's abilit), to carty it Ollt. It is strongly recommended that a secondary faculty sponsor be asked to co-sponsor and endorse the proposal.

All subsequent changes in the stud), plan or the senior thesis must be submitted in wriring ro rhe Facul[}, Council tor Individualized Majors for approval. Further information is available from rhe Academic Advising Office.

PLU 2006 - 2007


are offered each semester: I NTC 326: The Quest for Global Justice: Systems and Realiry I NTC 329: Personal Commitments: Global Issues

International Core 2 53. 35.7630 www.pltL�du/� itltlcore.


The i nternational Core: L ntegrated Studies of the Contemporary World is designed as an alt<:rnative way to satisfY core curriculum requirements. Con isting of interdisciplinary and some t am-taught courses, the ! rogram explores cont(,mporary issues and their historical oundations using an integrated approach. The program str es critical thinking and writing. FACULTY: Selected from disciplines including Anthropology. An, Biology, Earth Scien.: �, Education, English, H istory, Languages, M athematics, Philosophy. Political Science, Religion, and Sociology. INTER1VA T[ONAL CORE COMM[TTEE: R. Brown. Chair,

Alexander, Byrnes, Grigson, Grosvenor. Halvorson, Sklar. Torvend. INTERNATIONAL CORE REQUIREMENTS:

Seven courses, 28 semester hours distributed as follows:



With prior approval, an appropriate semester-long course abroad may take the place of the 200-level International Core course. (Sec the I nternational Core study abroad policy at www.plu. e.dul� intlcore. )

All International Core courses are open to Core I students as space is available. (Core II students have prioriry in enrollmenr.)

Course Offerin s - International Core (INTC) [NTC I l l: Authority and Discovery - 11

Considers social and poli tical ideas, the renewal of the ans, religious reform, and the emergence of modern science up to and during the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment. (4)

bJtn-nlltiomzl o,Te I l l - 1 12: rigi ns of the Contemporary World (eight semester hours) Normally taken sequentially in the first year. Explores from a global perspecrive the historical roots of contemporary values and traditions.

INTC 1 12: Liberty and Power - 11

Four 200-ie.ve.l [nte.r1UZtumal Cor� courses

[NTC 211: Twentieth Century Origins of the Contemporary World - [2

( 1 6 selllester hours) Normally taken in rhe second and third years. May include on 30 I modern la nguage course (Chinese, French, G�rman, N rwegian, Spanish) d signed for I NTC credi t ,tnd/or one study abroad sem t r-Iong course, subject to the chair's approval . A wide r a n ' e o f the following 200-level courses, o r similar new courses, are offered each ear: I NTC 2 1 1 : Twentieth Century Origin, of the Contemporary World I NTC 22 1 : The Experience of War INTC 222: Prospect� for War and Peact: I NTC 23 1 : ('nder, . ualiry, and Culture TNT 232: Topics in Gender 233: I maging the Self I TC 234: Imaging the World INTC 24 1 : Energy, Resources, and Pollution INTC 242: Population, H unger, and Poverty I NT 243: Conservation and Sustainable Development INTC 244: Post Colonial Issues INTC 245: istory and Perspectives on Development INTC 246: Cases in Developmen t (USU3Ily J-Tcrm abroad) INTC 247: Cultures of Racism [ NT 248: Twentieth Century Mass Movements C 249: Human Rights INTC 25 1 : Lultural lobalization C

To acquire a common background, International Core/Core I I students take the required INTC 1 1 1 - 1 1 2 sequence in their first year, before taking 200-level courses. Exceptions can be made fo r transfer students or for students who shift from Core I .

OTle. 300-leve.l course (four semester hours) to be taken

after or with rhe last 200-level course. One of the following

Examines developments in literature, science, politics, and industrialization are explored through the Enlightenment, the American and French Revolutions, the I n dustrial Revolution. Romanticism, Darwinism, Socialism. and Impetialism. (4)

Investigates how life on earth and - through scientific! technological innovations - the eanh itself witnessed fundamental change during the 20th century. Major event� will serve as touchstones for explaining processes leading from nationalism to posrmodern globalization, as expressed through political, economic, biological, artistic, and other lenses. (4)

n o .... /'I)

[NTC 221: The Experience of War - 12

An international survey of 20th-century warfare, drawing on poetry, novels, war memoirs, art, music. and film, and srrt'ssing the experiences and decisions of people who have participated in war as combatanrs or civilians. (4) [NTC 222: Prospects for War and Peace - [2

A study of the international instirurions and simations (political, economic, rel igious. psychological, historical) that keep the modern world on the brink of war and make a stable, JUSt peace so elusive. (4) [NTC 231: Gender, Se.xuality, and Culture - A, [2

Uses interdiscipli nary. multiculrural, international, and feminist perspectives to examine issues such as socialization and stereorypes, relationships and sexualiry, inrerpersonal and institutional violence. revolution and social change. A strong focus on U.S. contexts complemented by selected comparative examples from inrernational contexts. (4) INTC 232: Topics in Gender - [2

Current topics in gender studies with selecred comparative examples from international conrexts. (4)

PLU 2006 - 2007


[maging the Self- I2

{NTC 233:

A snit!S )f e."ercu;

i n the visual and literary arts drawn fro m

Ji/ rent world c ul tures that reve:tI how th self is discovered and CllostructeJ through imag , dreams and other forms of t:.xpress ion . (4)

lNTC 234: ll11agillg tile World - 12

An cx plo , ( ion or how humans in di fferent parts of (he world perce ive:. interpret, and shape their own worlds. (4)

INTC 241: Energy. Resources, and Pollution - 12

Cunsider.; worldwide usage of energy and natural resources, and the .kgr�ldat i(}n GILL5e J by pollution using scientific, social sciemil\c, and ethical approaches. (4)

INTC 242: Populat;OIl, Hunger. and Poverty - 12 ExamUlts po p u Jat io n growd\, food supply, and povetty n::Lare [0 global en ironmen ral pro b le m s . (4)



n,ervarion and \usrainable development in a global s abour how hi.srotical, political, socie tal, <.:.::o n o mi , biological. and poli tical factors affect mn rempor:u y re aurce managemclH and policy. Laboratories, set within the context of conservation biology. include computer SlIuu latio n s and field .studies. (4) [cwurces. c

"'C c:: ra VI

<11 en ra ::s C'I c:: to ...I • <11 ... o u ra c:: o

... to c:: ... <11 ...


'cry. Com pa raLivc: studl

/NTC 244: Po t-Coiollw Issues - I2

An exploration of the flow of cultural expression and shifting

personal and ethic identities and values created by today's accelerated global interdependence. Case studies and background readings will reveal the complexities and tensions inherent in the exchange of language, music. i magery. and other cultural expressions, and its impact upon the way people throughout the world experience their evetyday lives. (4)

INTC 326: Tile Ques-t for GLobalJustice: Systems and Reality - 13

Uses sysrems (holistic) modds ro comprehend the search for j ustice by humankind in the past, in the present, and for the future. (4)

Explores po�t-co tullial issues such as political instability.

Examines the place of religious and philosophical commi tments and traditions as resources in social action and movements designed to transform uffering. Analyses particular global problems in depth from multiple ethical and disciplinary frameworks. Asks students to identifY and articulate their own assumptions about what constitu tes effective ethical action. (4)

Languages and Literatures 253. 535.7678

rdatiuruhips to 13nd. media and publications procedures and

www.plu.edul lAng

national identity i n ,!:leeted regions o f the world. (4)

In-depth understanding of world cultun::s and an ability to speak languages other than one's own are increasing demand in today's competitive workplace. These skills are viewed as essential to successful leadership and full participation in the integrated yet culturally diverse world of the twenty-first century. The study of languages and literatures at PLU is a setious J.Cademic enterprise as well as an exciting and dynamic cross-cultural adventure. While advancing their proficiency i n a language, students develop critical and aesthetic sensibilities in addition to highly sought after cross-cultural skills and experience. Additionally, students develop an enhanced appreciation of their own language and cultu ral history. All students of languages are strongly encouraged to participate in one of the numerous study abroad courses offered during the January term as well as fall and spring semester program.s. For further information, see the Global Education section in this catalog or vi i t the Wang Center for International Program's Study Away Catalog.


devdo p rnent of racial st 'reotypes, and formation o f

INTC 245:

limo'] and Perspectives 0" Deveklpment - C. 12

Traces the origins, models, perspectives, and contexts for

I n terpreti n g rhe phenomenon of development in selected areas of me wo rld . (4)

TC 246: II


Development - C, 12

CastS it,

f)c o pl .: in tht" Developing World think and act to bring

abo u t wcial dJ3nge, and the value they give it is (he focus in

t h is cour�c

that I

generally taught abroad. (4)

[NTC 247: The Cukures ofRAcism - A, I2 forms of racism and their manifestations in

Lxamines d i fferent

cO IIIH ries wiLh troubled histories such as the United States of

America, rhe: Re p u b li c of Somh Africa and elsewhete. (4)

{NTC 248: Uses


Cetltury Mass Moveml!tltJ - 12

omparative approach to study the histories of ideological nd re l i g i o us movements occurring during and after World \'Var II. Porcnriai examples fo r i nvest igat i o n include the Nazi pe rsecu t i o n and extermi nation of European Jews and related hriso,w res is nee, the American civil rights movement, and r e n t po p uJar moveme nts in A frica. (4) a

INTC 249: Hlllllan Rights - I2


INTC 251: Cultural Gklbalizat;on - 12

INTC 329: Personal Commitme1lts, Gklbal lsslles - 13

lNTC 243: COlI.sO'vatioll Imd Sustainable Deve/opmellt - 12, SM A n exam i natio n of the rela[lonshi ps among people, natural so

strategies that can gai n real political legitimacy and achieve actual protection. (4)

' xllmi n s h um3n rights practic�s and instruments, both western '1-lId n on-w ·s tf'rn . 6'0111 historical, philosophical, contemporary, poli ti , and pragmaric perspecriws. Challenges .students to rbirtk shrc:wdly abO Ut particular int rnational human rights

The department offers a wide range of courses, not only in languages at all levels, but also in cultures, literatures, and linguistics, both in the original language and in English translation. Instruction is given in American Sign Language through the Department of Communication and Theatre ..

FACULTY: T. Williams.

Chair, C. Berguson, R. Brown, E. Davidson, Holmgren (on leave 2006-7), M . Jensen, K. Christensen, A. Lange, M. Ferrer-Lightner, P. Manfredi, P. Martinez-Carbaj o, E. Nelson, C. Palerm, J. Predmore, R. Snee, T. Storfjell, S. Taylor, B. Yaden; assisted by P. Blaine, ]. Li, and P. Loucas.

PLU 2006 - 2007


senior project: a research paper, i n te r n s h i p, o r othe r a pp roved

Literature &quirement - LT

assi gn m en t at an o pe n dep a rt me n ral forum. (2)

All dep artme n tal

language and in

Persputives 011

proj e c t. The srudent presents a summary of the c om ple ted

l i terature courses, offered both in the origi nal

nglis h tra n s l at i o n , meet this requiremem.

muersity: CrolS-Cu/turai Perspectives - C

Prospective Teachers Srudenrs preparing co teach in a j unior or senior high s c h ool may earn either a Bachelor of Am degree i n French, G erman ,

All l an g uage courses numbered 20 I and above i n c l u di n g C H I N

No rweg i an, or Spa n ish alo n g with certifIcation fro m the School

3 7 1 , F REN 34 1 a nd LANG 2 7 2 meet this requiremem. All fi rs t -yea r ( l 00 l e vel ) foreign l a n guage courses (exc l u di n g American Sign Language) nO( prev i ous l studied also meet this

of Edu cat ion , or a Bachelor of Am in Education d eg ree with a

req uiremc:nr.

Perspectives Oh Divernty: Aitenuuive Perspectives - A SPAN 34 1 will meet th i s req uirement. Bachelor ofArts Majors and Minors C5 in Chinese Studies, Classics, French, German, Norwegian. Scandinavian Area Studies, and Span is h . M inors are offered in h inese, Chinese Studies, French, German, Greek, Lati n, No rw egia n , and Sp a n ish.

teaching major or minor in French, German, Norwegian, or

S pani sh . S ec o n dary teaching minors are also avai lable i n Chinese and Latin. Elemenrary te ach ing majors are available in all of the above l a nguag es . All srudenrs are requi re d co take LANG 445 (Meth odologies) and LANG 446 (Theories) fo r certification. See the School of Education seerion of thi� c a ta l og for certif-I cation re q uirements and the Bachelor of Arts in Education requ i re m e n ts .

The d ep a rtme n c offers maj

English lIS a Second Language The School of Education and [he Dep a rrm e n r of Lan guages and Literarures h ave part ne re d with the \Vashingcon Aca demy of

[0 offer a summer program lea d i ng co a ce rti fi c a te in Tea ch i n g English as a Second La n gu a ge . This eight-week i n tensive summer institure is offered late Ju n e t h ro u gh early A ugust. Pros pe c r ive teachers can comp l e te additional requirements co obtJin an ESL E n dorsem e n t. For more i n formation, p l ease contact Iang@Plu. edu or 253-535-8330.


All m aj o rs must complete


apscone: Senior Projecr within th e

d epa rtme n t. Majors must complete at least 1 2 semester hours in resi dence at PL , four of which must be t ake n either in the senior yea r or upon return from a study abroad program. M i n o rs m u s t c om p l e te at least eight hours in residence.

FIELDS OF STUDY: Specific requirements (and va ri a ti o n ' from the above) for specjfic majors and minors Jre listed bel ow.

ak �'s l



Courses in t h e Department of La nguage s a n d L i tcra c u res are

offered in the fo l l owi n g ge n eral fIelds in add i ti on co e l emen ta ry,

Language Resource Center The l an g u ag curriculum at all l ev els fearures use of P LU's state­ of·the-art m u l ti m ed ia La n gu age Resource Cen rer, located in the Mom'edt LibDry. Advanced s r ude n t have the opportunity co work as ass is t an ts i n the ce nre r, gaining compurer expertise while accel e ra t i n g their l a nguage skills. PlAcement in Language ClAsses Studenrs planning co conri nue the s t u dy of French, German or Spa n is h must take a language placemenr tesc in their lan g u a ge of imerest p 'or co reg i s ter i n g for courses at PLU. The pl a cem e m test can taken o n l in e at www.plu.edu/",Irc or in person at the Language Resource Cenrer on t h e 3rd floor of Mortvedt Library. The test takes approximately 20 m i n u res co complete and issues prompt feedback on p l a ce m c: n t recommendation. S r ud e nt s should fol l ow the placem e nt recommendation they receive. Advanced PlAcement Credit Srudenrs with scores of 4 or 5 on the AdvanLed Placemenr Examination in areas represe n ted in the Department of Languages and L i teratu res can receive fo ur additional semester hour pon comp l eti on of the course (w i ch J grade of C o r bener) inc which they plac e c h ro ugh PLU's placement oc:amination. Advance pl ace m e n t credit is not awarded fo r l OO­ level courses . Senior




Srudenrs majoring in a foreign l an g uage enroll in 499 con llrrenrly with another upper-level course in the m ajo r. The instrucror ()f the l a m r COlli e n orm a l ly supervises the studenr's

intermediate, a n d advanc ed la n guage:

Cultural History A.

In English CLAS 250; Classical M ytho l ogy CLAS 32 1 : Greek Civilization ,LAS 322: Roman Civilization SCAN 1 50: I n rrod uc t io n (0 Sc an d i navi a SCAN 32 ! : Topics in Scandinavian Culrure and S oc i e ty SCAN 322: Scandinavia and World Issues SCAN 327: The Vi kings SPAN 34 1 : The Latino Ex per i en ces in the U.S.


In Respective Language FREN 32 1 : French C iv i l i z at i o n and Cuhure G ERlV! 32 1 : German Civilization co 1 750 G ERM 322:German i vi li zati o n Si nce 1 750 SPAN 32 1 : C i vi l i za t i on and Culrure of Spain S PAN 322: Lati n American Civilization and Culrure

Literature A.

In E"glish C H [ T 372: Chi nese Literature in Tr an sl at i o n C H I N 23 1 : Masterpieces of European Literature CLAS 250: lassical Mythology F REN 22 1 : F re nch Literature :lOd Fi l m of the A m e r icas LAN 27 1 : Literature and S oci e ty in Modern Europe LANG 272: Literature and Social Ch a n ge in Lati n

P LU 2006 - 2007




SCAN 24 1 : Scandinavian Folklore SCAN 34 1 : Topics in Scandinavian Lirerature N 422: 1 9th and 20th Cenrury Scandinavian Literature In


CLASSICS Major: 40 semester hours.

See the Classic,. (CLAS) section ofthi,. catalogfor course offerings

Respectiv uwgt.ulge

FREN 42 1 . 422: Mas terp ie ces of French Literature F REN 43 1 , 432: 20th C<:ntury French Li terature ERlvl 4 2 1 : Ge rman Literatute from the Enlightenmt'nt ro Realism GERl\i1 422: 20th Century Germ lI1 : Literarure S PAN 325: l n troducrion to Hispanic Literacy Srudies S PA 42 1 : Masterpieces of panish Lirerature S PAN 422: 20th Century Literature of Spain SPAN 423: Special Topics in Spanish Lirerature and Culture S PAN 43 1 : Latin American Literature. 14 92- 1 888 S PAN 432: 20th entury Larin American Literature S PAN 433: Special Topics in Latin American Liter t ure and Culture

and de,.cription ofthe classics major, page 55. •

Minor in Greek

20 semester hours, which may include 1 0 1 - 1 02.

GREK 101, 102: Eleme1ltary Greek

Basic skills i n reading classical, koine, and patristic Greek. (4, 4) GREK 201, 202: Intennediate Greek - C Review of basic grammar, re ading in selected classical and New Testament authors. (4. 4)

Course Offerings - Lan uages (lANG)

GREK 491: Independt!1lt Studies

lANG 271: Literature ami Society in Modern Europe - LT

Readi ng and discussion of works in En lish translation by aurhors like Flaubert, Ibsen, and Thoma Mann olten enriched through selected film adaprations. Emphasis on social memes, including life in industrial sociery, the changing statuS of women, and class conAiet. (4)



LATIN - LATN Minor in Latin

20 semester hours, which may include 1 0 1 - 1 02

Course Offerin s - Latin (LATN) "'0 c: ta

lANG 272: Literature and Social Change i1l Latin America -


LATN 101, 102: Elementary Latin


Readings in English translation of fiction from modern Latin America. Discussions focus on social and hisrorical change and on lirerary themes and forms in works by aurhors such as Carlos Fuentes and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. (4) lANG

445: Methods for



Basic skills i n reading Lati n; an introduction to Roman literature and cultute. (4, 4) LA TN 201, 202: Intermediate Lati" - C

Review of basic grammar; selected readings from Latin authors. (4, 4)

Teach;1Ig Foreign Langflages and

a Second Language

Theories and related techniques for t caching languages K- 1 6 within their cultural context, i ncluding direct memods. content­ based instruction, proficiency orientations. and the integration of technologies. Atrenrion given to variations in app roach for those teaching English as a se cond language. No pr�requisites. Required for teacher certifica tion in a language and fo r minor in English as a Second Language. Strongly r commended for elementary major i n a language. ( ross -listed w i rh [DUC 445.) (4)

LAIN 491: Independent Studies



CHINESE - CHIN Minor in Chinese

20 semester hours which may include CHL 1 0 1 - 1 02.

Course Offerings - Chinese (CHIN) LANG


Theories of Lallf.1Ulge Acquisition CHIN 10/, 102: Eleme1ltary Chinese In rroduction to Mandarin Chinese. Basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and wriring. Laboratoty practice required. (4, 4 )

Principles of language acq uisition with spe-ific cla�sr om applications. Special atrenrion gi ven to lhe needs of ditfercnr language groups in acquiring English. :omparison of sound systems and structures of languages S1. tea c hers are most likely to encounter. Requited fo r minor in English as a Second Language. (4)


lANG 491: IndepeTIdmt Stlld;es


lANG 492: lndep/mdent ShU/ies


lANG 598: Non-thesis Research p,'oject

CHIN 201, 202: Intermediate C/Jines" - C

Develops further the ability to communiclte in Mandarin Chinese, using culturally authentic material. Laboratory practice required. Prerequisite: CHI 1 1 02 or equivalent. (4, 4) CHIN 301, 302: Composition and Conversation - C Review of grammar with emphasi s on idiomatic usage;

(1-4) PLU 2006


FREN 241: Frmch Language and Caribbean Culture in

reading of contemporary authors as models of sryle; and conversation o n ro pic s of student imcresr. Conducted i n Chincoc. Prerequuite: CH IN 202. (4)


See FRE 1 4 1 . May be counted towards Ftench major or minor. Prerequisite: FREN 20 I or permission of i nstructor. (4)

CHIN 371: Chillue Literature in Translation - C, LT An i n troduction ro the most important works and writers of Ch inese l i terary rraditions, from early ti mes ro rhe modern p e riod . Poetry, prose . drama, and fi ction included. Film prcsc!l�acions supplement the required readings. No knowledge of Chinese req uired. (4)

FREN 301, 302: Composition and C01zversation - C

Advanced grammar, s rylis ri cs, compositio n, and conversation within the historical context of Francophone cuL ture, history, and l i t e rat u re . Prerequisite: F REN 202. (4, 4) FREN 321: Civilization 41ui Culture - C

CHIN 491; Inikptmde1lt Studies (1-4)


Development of French sociery from early times to the present, as portrayed in art, mllsic, politics, and literature, within their socio-hisrorical context. Prerequuite: F RE N 202. (4)

Major in French

FREN 341:

CHIN 492: Indeptmdent Studies (1-4) •

A minimum of 4 semester hours beyo nd F R E N 1 0 1 - 1 02, including F REN 20 1 -202, 30 1 -302, 32 1 , 499 and three 400level courses, one of which must be completed in the senior year.

See FREN 1 4 1 . May be counted towards French major or minor. Prerequuiu: FRE }01 or permis s ion of instructor. (4)

MitlOr it, French

FREN 421, 422:

20 semester hours, excluding FREN 1 0 1 - 1 02 and including F 'N 20 1 -202, 30 1 , and two addjtional upper-division courses.

Literature -

FREN 101, 102: Elementary Fre" ch

Essemials of pronunciation, inronatio n, and structure; basic skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Lab att e nd a n ce required. (4, 4)

Masterpieces of French


FREN 431, 432: 20th- Century Frellch Literature - C, LT

Social and aesthetic importance of selected 20th-century writers from France and other fra ncophone countries. May include Gide, Camus, Same, Becken, Aimee Cesaire, Miriama Ba, Ousmane Semben e. Prereqltisite: F REN 302. (4, 4)

FREN 141: FNmch La"guage and Caribbean Culture in Marti" ique

Offered on the campus of the Universite des Antilles et de la Guyane in Martinque. includes daily intensive language study, a home stay, excursions and activities related ro the history and culture of the French West Indies, meetings with writers and poli tical figures, and a fieldwork projecr. M ay not be counted rowards French major or m inor. Prerequisite: F REN 1 0 1 or permissi0l1 of instrucror. (4)


(1) �


C �

FREN 491: Imkpendet/t Studies (1-4)

(1) VI

FREN 492: Imlependent Studies (1-4) FREN 499: Capstone: Smior Project - SR (2) •

Review of basic grammar, development of vocabulary anc\ emphasis on spOntaneolls, oral expression. Reading selecrions which reflect the cultural heritage and society of [he Francophone world. Lab attendance required. (4, 4)


Social and aesthetic importance of works representative of major periods from the Middle Ages thtough the nineteenth century. May include Christine de Pizan, Rabclais, Montaigne, Moliere, Pascal, Voltaire, Rousseau, Hugo, atld Baudelaire. Prerequisite: FREN 302. (4, 4)

Course OHerin

FREN 201, 202: Intermediate French - C

Fre1lclJ La1lK'uzge Il1ld Caribbea1l Culture

in Martinique - C

GERMAN Major in German

A minimum of 34 s emest e r hours b eyond C E RM 1 0 1 - 1 02, including GERM 20 1 -202, 30 1 -302, 3 2 1 -322, 499, and two 400-level co urses

FREN 22 1 : French Literature and Film of the

Americas -


Minor in Genllan


hrough literature and Elm, a study of the t.xperience of migration, integration, conflier, and ethniciry in the Ameri c as from a Francophone perspective. To include today's geographical areas of Quebec, Nova Scotia, United States, Haiti, M ar ti ni que, and G u adelo u p e. Special anention given ro issues of gender, color, h istorical heritag e , bnguage, and economic status of French and Creole speakers in the Caribbean and North America. Class conducted in English. All literature translated inro English; films with English subtitles. (4)

20 semester hours, excluding G ER M 1 0 1 - 1 02 and including - fuV! 20 1 -202, 30 1 , and two additional upper-division courses.

Course Offerings - German (GERM) GERM 101, 102: Elemrntary Genllan

Basic skills of oral and written communication in classroom and laboratory practice . Use of materials reflecting contemporary German life. (4, 4)

PLU 2006 - 2007


GERM 201, 202: IntermedUite GeN1Uln - C Continued practice in oral and written communication in classroorn and laboratory. Use of materials which reAect contemporary life as well as the German cultural heritage. (4, 4)

Major in Norwegian A minimum of 34 semester hours, including NORW 1 0 1 - 1 02, 20 1-202, 30 1-302, and SCAN 4 2 1 or 422. Minor in Norwegian 20 semester hours, which may include NORW 1 0 1 - 1 0 2

GERM 231, 331: Language, Art alld Culture in the New Germany This interdisciplinary course based in Cologne, Germany cornbines German language instrucrion and an aurhentic home stay experience with language immersion and close cultural study of the three main German-speaking counrries, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. (4, 4)

Course Offerings - Norwegian (NORW) NORW 101, 102: Elemmtary Norwegian Introduces rhe studc:nts to the pleasure of speaking, reading, and writing a foreign language. These skills are developed through a conversational approach, using songs and other cultural materials. (4, 4)

GERM 301 302: Composition and Conversation - C I ntensive review of grammar with emphasis on idiomatic usage; use of contemporary authors as models of srylt:. Conversation on topics of student interest. Prerequisite: GERM 202 or equivalent. (4, 4)

NORW 201, 202: IntermedUite Norwegian - C Develops a command of the language while further acquainting students with the Norwegian cui rural heritage. Reading selections introduce Norwegian folklore and daily life. (4, 4)

GERM 321: German Civilization to 1750 - C From the Middle Ages ro the Enlightenment. A survey of German culture and its expression in creative works of art, music and literature, with particular emphasis on Martin Lurher and the Protestant Reformation. Prerequisite: GERM 202. (4)

NORW 301: Conversation and Composition - C Increases student ability for self-expression, both orally and in wriring. Contemporary materials are selected as models of style and usage. Prerequisite: NORW 202. (4)

GERM 322: German Civilization Since 1 750 - C From the Enlightenment to the present. This survey covers representative works and trends in German politics, philosophy, literature, art and music, with emphasis on the Age of Goeth and Beethoven. Prerequisite: GERM 202. (4) GERM 401: Advanced Composition and Conversation - C Emphasis on idiomatic Gtrman using newspapers and other current sources for texts. Strongly recommended for students planning to obtain a credential ro teach German in public secondary schools. Students should take this course in the junior or senior year. Prerequisite: ERM 302. (4) GERM 421: German Literature From the Enlightenment to Realism - C, LT Representative works of German literature from about 1 75 0 t o 1 890, including Sturm and Drang, Classicism and Romanticism. Reading will include such authors as Goechl::. Schiller. Buchner, and Keller. Prerequisite: EfuY! 302. (4) GERM 422: 20th Century Gennan Literature - C, LT Representative works ftom Naturalism to the p rl::s ent, including Expressionism and Socialist Realism. Works from both east and west, and will include such authors as Brecht, Kafka. Thomas Mann, Rilke. and Seghcrs. Prerequisite: G ERtY! 302. (4)

1 00


NORW 302: Advanced Conversation and Composition - C Emphasizes the finer points of structure, style, and good taste. Prerequisite: N O RW 30 1 . (4) NORW 491: Independent Studies (1-4) NORW 492: Independent Studies (1-4) NORW 499: Capstone: Senior Project - SR (2) •

SCANDINA VIAN AREA STUDIES MAJOR IN SCANDINA VIAN AREA STUDIES 40 semester hours. A cross-disciplinary approach ro the study of Scandinavia. See the Scandinavian Area Studies section of this catalog.

page 1 40. •

SPANISH Major in Spm,ish A minimum of 34 semester hours beyond SPAN 20 1 , including 202, 30 I . 32 1 , 322, 325 and three 400-lcvel courses.

In addition, students must complete LANG 499. At least rwo 400-level courses-one focusing on Spain and another on Latin America-must be completed at PLU.

GERM 491: Independent Studies (1-4)

One 400-level course must be completed in the senior year.

GERM 492: Independent Studies (1-4)

Majots are strongly encouraged to pursue at least one semester of study in a Spanish-speaking country on a program approved by the Spanish faculty.

GERM 499: Capstone: Senior Project - SR (2)

PlU 2006 - 2007

Majors may not normally fulfill the requiremenrs for the

Latino literature and film. Course content i s en riched

major through the election of 300-level courses during their

through telated service learning experience. Readings are in

senior year.

English. May count toward major, but not toward minor in Spanish. (4)

Minor ;'1 Sptmish

20 emester hours, including:

SPAN 401: Advanced Spanish Grammar - C


emphasis o n syntactical differences berw<:!en English and

SPAN 202, 30 I , 325, and rwo additional upper-division


Spanish. Strongly recommended for those who plan to

Course Offerin

teach Spanish at the

Essenrials of pronunciation, inronation, and SUuC[ure; basic

In listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Lab

attendance required. Studenrs with more than t\vo years of high school Spanish must

secondary level.

Prerequisite: S PAN 30 l . (4)

SPAN 101, 102: Elementary Spanish skills

Study of Spanish at the most advanced level with

enroll i n S PAN 1 02. (4, 4)

SPAN 201, 202: Intermediate Spanish - C A continuarion of elemenrary Spanish; reading selections

SPAN 421: Masterpieces of Spanish Literature

- C, LT

A concen trated study of major writers and movements in

1 8 98. Prerequisite:

Spanish literature from its origins to SPAN

325. (4)

SPAN 422: 20th-Century Literature of Spain

- C, LT

conremporary materials. Lab attendance required. (4, 4)

novel, essay, and poetry of Spain from the "Generation of 1 898" to the presen t. Prerequisite: SPAN 325. (4)

SPAN 231, 33 1: Intensive Spanish in Latin America - C

SPAN 423: Special Topics in Spanish Literature and

which reflect the Hispanic cul tural heritage as well as

An in rensive Spanish course offered in a Latin American counrry and geared to studenrs at the inrermediatt



- C, LT

An opportunity to pursue an in-depth study of a specific

(equivalent to SPAN 20 1 or 202) and advanced (equivalenr to 30 1 ) language level. ourse incl udes four and a half hours of lass per day for a four-week period, a home stay, a service

writers or the relationship of film to other types of cultural

project, excursions, and guest lectures on a variety of topics

Prerequisite: SPAN 325 . (4)

related to the hi�tory and culture of the host country. 231 or 33 1 levels is determined by

Placemenr at the SPAN

the stud nr's background and experience in Spanish.



Advanced grammar, stylistics, and composition; conversation based on everyday si tuations,

currenr evenrs, and perrinenr literary selections. Prerequisite: SPAN 202. (4)

Development of Spanish society from early times to the present as

reflected in architecture, painting, and l i terature, 30 I (or concurren r enrollment) . (4)

within their socio-historical con rex t . Prerequisite: S PAN

SPAN 322: Latin American Civilization and Culture - C Hi torie, artistic, l i terary, sociological, and geographic elements shaping the development of the Latin American

30 1 (Ot concurrent

enrollment). (4)

genres from the colonial period to the end of the 1 9th century. Prerequisite: S PAN 325 . (4)


C ....

SPAN 432: 20th-Century Latin America" Literature

- C, LT

Development of the literature of Mexico. Central and South present. Prerequisite: S PAt'J

( l 888) to the

325. (4)

tl) '"

r­ � -

SPAN 433: Special Topics in Lati,l American Literature and Culture - C, LT An opportunity to pursue an in-depth study of a specific aspect or topic in Latin American l i terature and as Latin American women writers, Latino

culture, such narrative, Ot Latin

American fi lm and li terature. May be repeated for cred it with different topic. Prerequisite: S PAN

325. (4)

SPAN 499: Capstone: Senior Project - SR (2)

SPAN 325: Introduction to Hispall';c Literary



- C, LT

America from the Modernist;! movemcnt

SPAN 321: Civilization and Culture of Spain - C

� � c.. r-

SPAN 431: Latin American Literature, A study of representative

SPAN 301: Advanced Grammar and Composition - C

Studies -

production. May be repeated for credit with different topic.


1 02. (4)

region. Prerequisite: S PAN

aspect Ot topic in Spanish li terature, such as Spanish women


Acquaints students with techniques of literary analysis, as applied to examples of narrative, poctry, drama, and essay i n the Spanish and Latin American li terary traditions.

Reading, writing, and speaking-intensive. Ongoing review of advanced grammar. Prerequisite: SPAN 30 I , 32 1 , 322. (4)

Latin To view curriculum requirements, please go to Department of

Languages & Literature, page 96.

SPAN 341: The Latino Experiences in the U. S. - A, LT Exploration of the histories, experiences, and contributions of the Latino peoples i n the United States as they appear i n

PLU 2006 - 2007


Legal Studies 253.535.7660 luww.plll.edll/�legalstdl

Legal Studies is an i n terdiscipl i nary minor program of study focusing on the nature of law and j udicial process. Consistent with the purposes of the American Legal Studies Association, the Legal Studies Program at PLU provides alternative approaches to the study of law from the academic frarriework of the Divisions of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Schools of Communication and Art and of Business. The facul ty teaching within the program emphasize the development of a critical understanding of the fu nctions of law, the mutual impacrs of law and society, and the sources of law. Students completing a minor in Lega.! Srudies p ursue these objectives through courses, directed research, and internships in offices and agencies involved i n making, enforcing, interpreting, and communicating "the law" i n contemporary American civil society. FACULTY: Dwyer-Shick, O'air, Hasty, Jobst, Kaurin, Klein,

Lisosky, MacDona.!d, Menzel, Rowe. MINOR

20 semester hours i ncluding PHIL 328, POLS 1 70, and 1 2 additional semester hours, selected i n consultation with [he program's chair.

ANTH 3 7 5 : Law, Politics, and Revolurion - C, S I BUSA 303: Business Law and Ethics BUSA 304: Business Law and Ethics for Fillancial Professionals B USA 408: Internationa'! Business bw and Ethics COMA 42 1 :Communication Law ECON 3 2 5 : lndustrial Organization and Public Policy - S2 P H I L 328: Philosophical Issues in the Law - PH POLS 1 70: Introduction to L.egal Studies - S I POLS 37 j : Judicial Process - S 1 POLS 372: Constitutional Law - S I 1'01 373: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties - S I POLS 374: Legal Studies Research - 5 1 POLS 38 1 : Comparative Legal Systems - C , S I POLS to I : I nternship in Legal Studies - 5 I SOc[ 35 1 : Sociology of Law - 52

(3) to provide a nucleus of essentjal courses which will develop the breadth and maturity o f mathematical thought for continued study of mathematics at the graduate level, (4) to develop the mental skills necessary for the creation, analysis, and critique of mathematical topics, and (5) to provide a view of mathematics as a part of humanistic behavior.

Chail� Benkha.lti, C. Dorner, Heath, Meyer, Sklar, Stuart, \'(Iu, Zh u. FACULTY: B. Dorner,

Begi1l7ling Clmses

Majors in mathematics, computer science and engineering, and other sciences u Llally take MATH 1 5 1 and MATH 1 52 (calculus) . Math 1 5 1 is a ls o appropriate fo r any student whose high sch<.)oI mathemaxics preparation is strong. Those who have had calculus in high school may omit MATH 1 5 1 (see Advanced Placem�nt section) and enro l l in MATH 1 52 after consultation with a mathematics faculty member. Those who have le�� mathematics background may begin with MATH 1 4 0 before taking M A T H 1 5 1 . MATH 1 1 5 provides preparation for MATH 1 40. Business majors may satisfy the requirement for the busi ness degree by taking MATH 1 28, 1 5 1 , or 1 52. (Math 1 1 5 provides preparation for lvlATH 1 28.) Elementary education majors may satisfy the requirement for the education degree by taking Math 1 23 . ( Math 1 1 5 provides prepararion tor MATH 1 23.) For studenrs who pLin ro take only one mathematics course, a choice from MAT H 1 05, 1 07, 1 23, 1 28, 1 4 0 0r 1 5 1 is advised, depending on interest and preparation. Plncemrnt Telt

A placement test and background survey are used to help i nsure that students begin in mathematics courses that are appropriate ro their pteparation and abilities. Enrollment is nor permitted in any of the beginning mathematics courses UvlATH 1 05, 1 07, 1 1 5 , 1 23 , 1 28, 1 40, 1 5 1 ) until the placement test and background survey a re com pie! d. The placement exam is avai lable at http://banweb.plll. edu/plslpaplbxskmpic.p_matbilltro.



253.535 .7400

] 02



www.pllt. edu/�mIlt..

(Jee Gmemf University

Mathematics is a many-faceted subject that is not o n ly extremely useful in its application, but at the same time is fascinating and beautiful in the abstract. It is an indispensable tool for industry, science, governmenr, and the business world, while the elegance of irs logic and beauty of form have intrigued scholars, philosophers, and artists since earliest times.

All mathematics courses (except MATH 099) will satisfy the mathematical reasoning requirement (line two of the general university requirements) . At least four semester hours arc needed. All mathemarics courses (except MATH 099) will satisfy the natural sciences, computer science, mathematics (NS) CUR Core I: The Distributive Core. At least four semester hours are needed. A course cannot simultaneously satisfy mathematical reasoning ( M R) and science and scientific method (SM) G U Rs.

The mathematics program at PLU is designed to serve five main objectives: ( l ) to provide backgrounds for other disciplines, (2) to provide a comp rehensive pre-professional program for those directly enrering the fields of teaching and applied mathematics,

In fulfi lling the Math Reasoning Requirement, students with documented disabilities will be given reasonable

PlU 2006 - 2007

accommodations as determined by the Coordinator for Students wirh Disabilities and the appropriate faculry member i n consultation with the student.

Also strongly recommended u one of thefollowing:



42 semester hours of mathematics. eight or nine hours



(see CoLlege of Arts and Sciences Requirements)

All mathematics courses (ex ept M ATH 099) will satisfy the logic, mathematics, computer science or statistics parr of Option III of the College of Arts and Sciences requirement. A course:: cannot simultaneously satisfy Option m of the Col lege of Arts and Sciences requirement and a general university requiremenr.

Required: MATH 1 5 1 , 1 5 2. 253, 3 1 7, 33 1 , 34 1 , 433,

Eight semester hoursfro7m MATH 32 1 , 342, 348, 3 5 1 ,

455. 499. 356. 38 1 , 480. •

Required supporting: C CE 1 44

and Olle of the following:

CSCE 348, 37 i ;

Advanced Placement

The policy of the Mathematics Department regarding mathematics credit for students who have raken the AI' Calculus exams (AB or BC) or the International Baccalaureate H igher Level Mathematics Exam ( I B H L) is as follows: Exam



4, 5




4, 5 4.5 6.7



with instructor ifplanning to


See School of Education section

of this clltalog.

MINORS Minor in Mathematics


151' 151 15I 1 5 1 and 1 52 MATH 1 1 MATH 1 'i 1 and� take

CON 345 ; I'HYS 1 53 , 1 63

MATH 152.

If a student has taken calculus i n high school and did not take an AI' exam or I B H L exam, then the student may enroll in MATH 1 52 after consultation with a mathematics faculty member. I n this case no credit is given for MATH 1 5 1 .

20 semester hours of mathematics courses, including: MATH 1 5 1 . 1 52. 253 or 245 and eight hours of upper-division mathematics courses, excluding MATH 446. Minor ;n Statistics

A minimum of 1 6 semester hours ro include: CSCE 1 20 or 1 44; STAT 34 1 , and at least eight hours from among the other statistic courses (MATH 342 and 348 arc strongly recommended).

the Statistic;, section ofthis catalog for m o re detail. Stfltistics the statiscics minor may not be simultaneously cOllnted {/j' elective credit for the Bachelor ofScience major.


courses taken for


MinOT ;n Actuarial Scinlce

The foundation of the mathematics program for majors is: The three-semester sequence of calculus (MATH 1 5 1 ,

A min imum of 24 semester hours chosen from the following courses: BUSA 302, 304, 335, 342

1 5 2 , 253) •


Introduction to Proof (MATH 3 1 7) and Linear Algebra (MATH 33 1 )

Students with· a calculus background i n high school may receive advanced placement into the appropriate course in this sequence. Upper-division work includes courses in introduction ro proof, linear algebra, abstract algebra, analysis. geometry, di fferential equations, statistics and numerical analysis. See the description of the courses and the major (either Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science) for more detail. Students majoring in mathematics should discuss scheduling of these courses with their advisors. For example, IvIAT H 499 extends over !wo semesters beginning in the fall semester; May g'raduates begin this capsrone course i n the fall semester o f the senior year, while December graduates must begin this course in the fall sc.-mester of their j unior year.

N 1 0 1 , 30 1 . 323. 343

Students who have taken calculus in high school but do not have credit for M ATH 1 5 1 do not need to take MATH 1 5 1 for the mathematics major or minor. However, they still need ro complete the number of hours in mathematics stated in the requirements.

Course Offerin s - Mathematics� (MATH) L__ __


__ __ __ __ ___

MATH 099, 1 05. 1 1 1 . 1 1 2, 1 23 , 1 28, 1 40,

1 5 1 , 1 52 , 2 5 3 . 3 1 7. 33 1 , 3 4 1 , 38 1 , 433, 446, 4')9 ja/Jua Term MATH 1 07, 1 23 . 203 � � � ----� � Sprhlg M A rH 1 05 , 1 1 5 , 1 28. 1 40, 1 5 1 , 1 52, 24 5 , 253, 32 1 , 33 1 , 342, 348. 3 5 1 , 356, 455, 480, 499 Altentate Ye�rs dd Years: MATH 203. 3 4 8 , 3 5 J ; Even Years: MATH 342. 356

Required: MATH 1 5 1 , 1 5 2, 253, 3 1 7, 33 1 , 3 4 1 , 433,

4 5 5 , 499 Required S'lpporting: CSCE 1 44

PLU 2006

n '"

At !east 12 semesCer hours must be from mathematics and at least four from economics.



Q.I ...

Math 33 1 , 342. 348, 3 5Ci . Also strongly recommended: Math 253.

34 semester hours of mathematics. four hours supporting •

... ::r rt>



1 03

A grade of C or

h igh er is

requ i red in all prerequisite

L Llrscs.


plac ment test and background survey are required b fo re

reg i stering for beginning mathematics courses i f prerequisites


TH 1 1 'i. Cannot be taken for credit if MATH 1 5 1 ( o r the

q i ill " m) has been p revi o usly taken with a grade of

e u

higher. (4)

have not been c ompl e ted at PLU.


MATH 140: AIM/ytic Geometry tmd Functions - MR, NS MATH 099: Intermediate Algebra A review of h i gh

school alge h ra ; solving l i n ea r c<.j uat i o n s and quadratic eq u ation s , fac to r i ng , si mpl i t)r i ng expression\, ex po n e n ts , and graphing. Des igned for st ud e n ts whose mathematical p reparati o n is i nadequate fo r MATH 1 1 5 . Docs n o t count toward g raduat i o n . Available through C h a l le nge Program only. (4)

MATH 105: Mathematics of Personnl Piwmce - MR, NS

Empha s izes financial rransauions i m po r t a nr to individuals and

families: ann uities, loans, i nsurance, i n t e res t, inve s t me n t, time value of money.

PLU mad1


log i ca l rea so ning. D esigned to increase awareness of a p p l i ca t i o n s of mathematics, to en han ce enjoyment of and self-confidence i n ma t h e m a ti c s, a n d t o sharpen critical t h ough t i n mathematics. To p ics selected by the i n s tru cto r. Prerequisite: PLU m a t h en trance req u i re m e n t. (4) VI V

MATH J JJ: College Algebra - MR, NS


A rev iew of algehra emphasizing pr b em solv i ng ski lls .


Q,I .c ....



Appr op r iate


preparation fo r

Appropriate a s pre p ar ati o n

for MATH

(Fall 2006 only)


(Pall 2006 (m()I)

ex po n en r ial functions, identities, gra p hi ng , solution of t riangles . in

algebra bur do not know I I I or a t leaS[ (\'{o years of

trigo n o me t ry. Prerequisite: M ATH

high school


MATH 1 15: (Begin...


Colk� Algebra. ""d Trigolloml!try - MR.


rational, trigonometric, logarithmic

and expo nen t i al functions.

tri onomerri func tio ns, ide n r i t ies,

graphi n g and solution o f tr i angl

. Approp riate

TH 1 23, 1 28 and 1 40. Prereqllmte:

a. �


sys t emat i c a nal ysis of arithmetic;

grade of C or higher in MATH

the 20th century. The evolution of the


concep t. o f n u m b e r. measurement, demonstration, and the

variou� b ranch e,; of mathematics i n the contexts of the varied

ul(Ures in which they arose. Prerequisite: MATH nsen r of i nsrrucror.

1 52 or



o f rdev


to comp ut e r scientists and co mpu te r

engl l1ec:rs. inclu di ng quan ti fie d logic, sets, relations, functions, t.:asoning.


Prereqllisiu: MATI-[ 1 5 2 (4) MA TH 253: Muhitlariabk

An I ntToducl i n


CaIc"I/lS - MR.


vectors, partial derivatives, multiple

and vector analysis. Prerequisite:

M AT H 1 52. (4)

o r i n rere� t ; prim ari ly for s rudents awarded advanced placement. Admiss ion o n ty by de pa rtm e n ral invitation.







M A"rn 1 5 2 . (4)

or a

MATH 321: Geometry - MR, NS

Foundations o f geo mcrry and ba. i c theory i n E ucl i dea n ,

rroj<,ctiv�. a n d


n o n - Euclideall geometry.

MATH 1 5 2

or consent of instrucror.



calculus. Concepts developed stressing applications, particularly


plon"s mathematical to p ics , including while fam ilia rizing students with proof­ � l>l l.:u It epr, uch as mathematical grammar, l ogical equivalence, pro o f b contradiction, and proof by i n d uc ti o n . modern mathemati cs.

placement tCSt

Ma t r ix th eo ry, lin ear p rog ram mi n g, and i nrruducri( l n


ind uc t io n , proof by contradiction, and

di ' crc t math ma tics ,

Linear Models and Glte-lilus, Atl 11ltrodut'tion -

to business. Prerequisites: Two years of


l n r roduccs the logical methods of proof and abstraction i n

i n tu i ti ve approach to

on the math i 1 5 . (4)


pr:Jic.lIe Cllculus will be ta ught and appl i ed.

- MR, NS


algebra and geometry. I n tended for elementary teaching majors.

Prerequisite: A <.j ua l i f)r i n g score

ad ventu re of ideas that is mathematics from

as t

c u l tures

MATH 317: Itllroduction to Proofin MiUhematics

Conceprs underlying traditional co mput a ti o n a l techniquD;

1 04



MATH 123: Modern Elementary Mathematics - MR. N.




placement exam and (\vo years o f hi gh sc h ool algeb ra.

1VfATH 128:

A stuJy in the

S up<:rvi�ed swd y of ro p i cs selected to meet the individual's needs

n o tio n of fun ction is i n troduced vi a exa m ples fro m po l yno m i a l ,

fo r M

MATH 203: History ofMadmnatics - MR, NS

MATH 29/: Directed Study

A re view of algebra emp h asi z ing pro hl em 'olving skills. The


with appl i cati o ns. Em phasis on de r ivatives. Prerequuue: Math analysis or p re­ calculus in h i �h school or M AT H 1 40. (4)

i ntegrals,

Spring 2006)

\'i/e also ex p l ore inver

Calculus - MR, NS

rccur..i o l1 , (orn b inarorics, and pro b ab i l i ty. Tools of l o g ic al

rigonometric, i nverse trigonometric, oga rit h mic and

who are proficienr


function , li m i t�, derivativc:s and i nteg rals

MATH 245: Dis{:rete Structures - MR, NS

1 4 0 . Prerequisites: T\vo

MA TH J 12: Pl4ne Trigonometry - MR. NS

For students

MATH 151: Introduction


MATH 1 1 2, 1 2 3 o r 1 28 .

yea rs of high schoo l alge h ra . (2)

mathematical writing a re emph as ized . P re pares studcncs fo r cal c u l us. Prerequisites: MATH 1 1 5 or eq u ivale nt hLgh school mate rial . (4)

so l v i ng , and

series, with appl i c at i o n s . Prerequisite: MATH 1 5 1 . (4)

Mathematics and modem s oci ety E m p h as i s o n n u merical and


graphs ,

Cllnrillllariol1 o f 1 5 1 . Tech n iq ues and applications of in tegrals, i m p ro pe r i n t�m l s , ord i n.a r y d i ffe ren t i a l eq ua ti o n s and power

1VfATH 1 07: Mathematical Explorali01Js - MR. NS

o l


1VfA 1'8 /52: Cakrt/IIS II - MR, NS




Di ffe re nt types of fu nct i o ns , their p r op e r t ies

t!Spetial l), trigo n o metri c fu nctions. Algebraic skill, prob l em

sc hoo algebra o r

MATH 33 1: LillUlr Algebra - MR. NS Ve<.:tors and abstract vector spaces. matrices, inner product

PlU 2006 - 2007

spaces, l in ear

transformations. Proofs will

be e mph as i zed..

Prenquisites: MATH 1 5 2 and one of MATH

3 1 7. (4)

245, 253. or

MATH 341: Il1troduction to MalhtmUJtica/ Slatistiu - MR, NS

Data desc ription, pr o ba b i l i ty, discrete and co nt inuous R.nliom variables, expec t at i on , special distributions, srarem nrs of law of l a rge numbers and central limit theorem, sa m p l i ng distribmi n�. theory of point estimators, confidence intervals. b ypo t h· is rests. regression (rime permitti ng) . (Cro ss- l i s t ed with TAT 34 1 .) Prerequisite: MATH 1 5 2. (4) _

MATH 342: Probability and Statistical Theory - ldR. NS Continuation of MATH 3 4 1 .

include: J o i n t a.nd conditional distributions, correlation. fu nctions of random variables, moment generating fu nctions, inference i n re gr 'ss io n and one-way ANOVA, Bayesian and non-paramerri inference. con vergence of distributions. (Cross-lLted with STAT 342 .) Prerequisite: MATH 34 I . (4) opic.� may

MATH 348: Applied Regression Analysis and A NO� - MR, NS

Linea r a n d m ul t iple regression with infercn e and diagnoHics; analysi of variance; e x perime nt al design with ra uomiz.arion and blocking. ubstantial use of t3tistical software and emphasis on exploratory data analysis. (Cross-l isted with 'iTAT 348.) �quis;te: MATH 34 1 or consent of i n s t r u c t o r. (4)

MA TH 351: Diffirultial Equatio"s - MR, N.

i n t ro du ct io n to differenrial eq u a ti o n s cmphaslL1 !tg rhe appli e d aspect. First and second order difFc remi,l.l equations, systems of differential eq uatio n s , power series olutions. rlon­ linear differemial eq ua t i o n s , numerical methods_


. Prerequisitt: ATH 253, 3 3 1 ; 3 1 7 or 433 (with MATH 433 may be taken conCUff

conscm of i nstrucror

cnrly) . (4)

MA'I1l 480: Topics it, Mathematics



Selccted to p ics of current in terest or from: com b i natorics, complex a n a ly s i s , dy n a m ical systems chaos and frac ta l s. graph theory, group representations. number theory, operations resear b, partial differential equations, topology, transfotm methods, abst , a algebra, a n al ysi s . May be taken mote rhan once for �r rut_ Prereq uisites vary depending on rhe topic. ( I -4) MATH 491: bldeptnldent Studies

Prerequisite: consent of d e p a t t me n t chair. ( 1 -4)

MA TH 499: Capstom: Se"ior Sem;lIar - SR

Oral and wriw�n prt'sentatio n of information learned in individual research under the direction of an assigned i nstructor. isc!Jssion of methods fo r communicating mathematical knl>wleJ ge. Lam [wo -emcs ters begi n nin g in the fa l l semester; May gr:t du a te should start the course in [he fal l of their se n i or year ,U 1d Dec mber grad uates should be in rhe co u rse in the fal l o f lh�ir j u n io r year. Final presenrations given during spri n g �eme�ter. f>rt!nqIUsite: Senior (or second semesrer junior) m3th major. (2)

... :r (1)




�quisitt: MATH 253. (4)

MA TH 356: Numerical Analysis - MR, NS

and appli arion in the context of so l u tio n s of differcmial equations. matrix t heo interpolation, approximations. n u m eri cal difTerentiation ant! integration and Fourier transforms. Prerequisites: M 111 1 5 2 and CSCE 1 44. (4)

Numerical theory

linear, no n l i n e a r,


MA TH 381: Semi"ar in Problem Solvi"g - MR, NS

!:Signed to imp rove advanced problem solvin ski lls. A go.l l is pa rt i c ip at io n in the Putnam Competition. Pass/ Fail only. M ay be taken more than o n ce for cred ir. f>rt!req1lisite: MA H 1 ') 2

or consent of instructor. ( I )

MATH 433 Abstract Algebra - MR, NS

The algebra of axiomatically defined objc ts. such as grou ps. rings and fidds with emp h as is on th e o ry and proof. Prerequisite: MATH 3 1 7. 33 1 . (4) MATH 446: Mathematics ;', tbe Secondary School

M rhods and materials i n s ec onda ry school math teac hing. Basic

mathematical concepts; principles of nu mber o peration.

tdauon, of arithm nc, a lgeb r a ,

proof, and problem solving in the conte t and geometry. (Cross-listed with 0 C 446.) Prerequisite: MATH 253 or 33 1 . (4)

MATH 455: MlluJtmUJt;cal Analysis - MR, NS

The o ret i cal

treatment of t o p i cs in troduced i n elemcmrary

253 .535 . 7602, 877.254.700 I wlQtlJ.plll.edlll�mus;c

he music pro gra m

PLU strives to provide ever}' student at t he u n i ve rs i ty with a mean i n gfu l and enriching arts experience, ra.n ing from non - major private l e ss o ns or ensemble participati n to core courses to four distincrive academic majors nd tWO academic min o rs . Ne. rly one qu, rtcr of the undergraduates at PLU participate in music annual ly. The program is accredited by the N:ltional As so c i ation of Schools of MU$ic and irs grad uates go on to distinguished and satisfying ,'a r rs i n re ac h i ng and performing. at

ell ... n 11'1 •

Faci l i ties fi.J f . ploting the musical arts are outstandi ng. The

Mary Raker Ru sell Music Cenrer, with its xq u i s i t e Lagerquist Concen Hall. provides srate-of-the-art focus to music study at PL . 'v1edia-rich classrooms and l a bs augment studios and individuai practice sp. ces. Privme study i n keyboard is available in piano, organ, and harpsichord. Other private study includes voi e and all string, wind, and percussion instrumenrs, taughr by regularly pe rforming m us ici a ns . Professional-quality experience is available to qualified per fo r mer s in band. orchesrra, choir, jazz, and chamber ensembles.

Chair, BeU-Hanson. Beegle. J. Brown, Farner, Joynet. Lehmann, Lyman, Nance. Poppe, Powell, Renning, Tege l s, Vaught Farner, Youtz.; assisted by Agen r. Anderson, Bl o omi ngdale, Bowers, E. Brown, Brunson, Buchanan. Burn , Campos, Chung, C l i n e, Club b. Daverso n, E.rick�on, I'. Eva.ns, Grinsreioer, Habedank, Harry, Hesla-Kopta, Houston, B. John�on, C. Johnson, M. Joyner, S. Knapp, Kl1nz. Ly man, B McDonald, R. M i l l e r, Nole, n, Parks. F. Peterson , FACULTY: Rob bins.

PlU 2 006 - 2007

1 05

Pettit, Reid, Rhyne, Rine, Scanlon, Seeberger, Sojka, Spicciati, Stremel, Treat, Vancil, Walker, \Vetherington, Winkle, Wooster, Zopfi

Six additional semester hours, including MUSI 1 03, 224, and 427 Jazz srudents may fulfill the ensemble requirement i n the: University Jazz Ensemble ( M US I 375) Vocal Jazz Ensemble (MUSI 378) Or combos (MUSI 3 8 1 )

For introductory course,' to thefield ofmllsic, see the descriptions of MUS! 1 0 1, 1 02, 103, 1 04, 105, 106, and 120. Srudents intending to major in music should begin the major music sequences in the first year. Failure to do so may mean an extra semester or year to complete the program.

B. Jazz study in combination with an outside, nomnusic field (Bachelor ofMusical Arts degree) 62 semester -

hours. Jazz srudents may major in music under the BMA degree while combining music srudies with a non­ music academic minor or second major.

Following is the program for all entering first-year students who intend to major i n music:




Music u ndamentals' : 1 1 1 , 1 1.3 2'+2 --,------;----4 or Musi c: and Culture: 1 20' 4 Theo ry: 1 24 3 Ear Trainin g : 1 25 , 1 26 Keyboarding: 1 1 5, 1 1 6, 1 2 1 , 1 22 (pe r placement) , These courses are prerequisite to M USI 1 24: Theory I. All first­ year students should register for M US] I I I and 1 1 3 . A placement test will be given during the first class meeting, and, based on the test outcome, students will be placed in either M US I 1 24 , 1 1 3 or retained in I l l . , H alf-semester courses. , Class size limited.


Jazz study in combination with nonjazz (classical) perfonnance study (Bachelor ofMusic degree) - 80 semester hours. Instrumental jazz students may major in performance (see Bachelor of Music below) in which up to half the srudio instruction and recital l i terarure can be in j azz (see academic program contract for details) .

UNDERGRADUATE MUS/C MAJOR DEGREES Entrance Audition To be admitted to a music major program, prospective srudents must audition for the music faculty.

Declara.til11l ofMajor MUS/C M/NOR •

General 22 semester hours including: M U S I 1 20 One of the following: MUSI 1 1 5, 1 1 6, 1 2 1 , 1 22 or 202 (one semester hour) M U S I 1 24 , 1 2 5 , 1 26 Four semester hours of Private Instruction (MUSI 202-2 1 9) Four semester hours of Ensemble (MUSI 360-384) One of the following: MUSI 1 0 1 - 1 06, 234 , 33 3, 334 0- 1 semester hour of music elective.

Specialized 32 semester hours, including courses required in the General M inor (22 semester hours), plus: Four additional semester hours of Private Instruction ( M US I 40 1 -4 1 9) Six additional hours from one of the Bachelor of Music concentration modules (see beluw) or in Jazz (see below).

JAZZ STUDY AT PLU Srudents interested in pursuing the academic study of j azz at PLU have three options:


1 06

Students in terested in majoring in music should complete an academic program contract declaring a music major during their first semester of enrollment in the program. They will be assigned a music faculty advisor who will assure that the student receives help in exploting the various majors and in scheduling music study in the most efficient and economical manner. Majors can always be changed later.

Ensemble Requirement Music majors are required to participate every semester in one of the music ense.mbles specified in their major. (Exceprion: semesters involving study abroad and/or srudent tcaching.)

Keyboard Proficiency Basic keyboard skills are required in all music majors (BM , BME, BMA, BA). Attainment of adequate keyboard skills is determined by successful completion (letter grade of "C" or better) in MUSI 1 22 Keyboarding I I .

Language Requirement Vocal performance majors are required to take at least one year of language study (two regular semesters) in French or German (see department handbook).

Specialized Music Minor in Jazz - 32 semester hours,

Music Electives

including: Courses in the general minor (22) Four additional semester hours of private instruction

M U S I I I I and/or MUSI 1 1 3 may nOt count for music electives in a music major degree program.

PlU 2006 - 2007

Music Core requiremenrs must be fu l fi l led by cnrol lmell( in

Grades anJ Grade Point Policy A.

Only grades ole or

s p eci fi c courses and may not be taken by m e an s o f i ndependent

hi g her i n music courses may be


counred toward a music major. Courses in w h ic h the

s t ud ent receives

lower than a C mus t bt� rcpeated, unle s

su bs t i tu te course work is autho rized by the department.


MAjors must manllai" " 2.5 cumulative grade poilrt 11"n"l1ge in academic music courses (pri vate lessons and

Maximum of 44 semes ter hours including:

MUSIC CORE: 26 semester hours. plus Four semester hours of ensemble

en sem bles excluded) to remain in the p ro gra m (see d ep a rt m c m h a n db o ok ) .

Six semester hours ((wo courses) from M US I 336, 337, and/or

3 38

Four se meste r hours of private instruction from

. Music l;1ajor Assesnnnil

M US I 20 1-2 1 9

Studcms pursuing Bachelor of [v!usic (BM), Bachelor of Music

Education ( B M E ) , Ba ch elo r of Musical Arts (B MA) or Bachelor of Am in music (EA) degrees will have their progress and

p o tential as sessed at the end of the:: fi rst , sophomore, junior, and

senior )'ears. As ess m nrs are made by the music fac u l t y via progress reviews, juries, and public presentations. Outcomes are pass/fail; students who fai l an assessment will not be allowed to continue in the music p rogram (see d e pa r t m en t handbook).

MUSIC CORE The follow;"g core is required in all mtlsic degree programs: 4 2




26 The Music Core isfimdmlll!7llal to the p ursuit of the music rTUljor find should be completed in fbefollowing seque7lce: YEAR 1 Fall


Two semester hours o f private instruction from

Musr 4 0 1 -4 1 9

Two semester o f Senior P roj ec t : Research paper and public

presentation (M USr 499). See departmell( handbook for details).

In addition to req ui remen ts listed above, BA degree candidates must:

I . Meet Coll ege of Arts and Sc i ences re q uire mell(s (Opt i on I, I I ) ; and 2. Take a non-music arts elective course in either visual ans, theatre or dance.



Bachelor of Music Education: K- 1 2 Choral Bachelor of Music Education: K- 1 2 I nstrumental ( Band) Bachelor of Music Education: K- 1 2 Instrumental

s: c: VI




All BME degre es include rhe fo l l owi ng music education core courses:

M U S T 1 1 1 / 1 1 3: Fundammtals - prerequisite to

U ! 1 24

MUSI 1 1 5 / i 2 1 : Key b oard ing placement

M US} 1 20: Music and

lass ( I ) per

ultu re (4) ( i f preferred,


2 M US I 343: Materials and Methods fo r Secondary 2 General Music M U 1 345: Conductin g I '-;::-MUSI 346: Conducting n M U S I 347: Adaptive Music MUSI 348: Practicum in Music I:d ucation M U S � 44 '5 : Conducting..!.!L 1 MUS I 44(,: C n duning IV ����--�----------------� M U S I 469: Student Teachin g S e m i nar 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


er laceme n t :':" y-=M U SI 1 24: T h eo r -:r"( 3:-:-)---'M U�, r 1 26: Ea r Traini ncr II ( I ) M UST 1 20: Music and Culture (4), i f not taken n..o. h;c: ..:i..: l ll L

_ _ _

_ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _

Total Semester Hours:


School of Education Sequence: I n addition to the music courses listed b el o w, all music education majors are re qu i re d to take the following courses in the School of Ed ucat i o n :

School o Education COlli EDU


39 1 : Fo unda tio ns of Le a rn i ng

EPSY 36 1 : Psy c ho lo gy for Teachi n cr


'I 333: H i s to ry I I

USI 334: 20rh Ceotur



3 l _ , e.... _d ;-.J l. c t __________ S P ED 320: Issues in Chiid Abuse a n g'-.

M usic

E":DU 4 8: (U��� Teaching TotaJ Semester Houl's: PlU 2006 - 2007

__ --�econdar)'



1 07



Sophomore, junior and Sellior asse,.,-ments required. to student

Completion ofall mmic requirements required prior K-12 Choral (Elementary or Secondary Emphasis) Music Core

teaching. School of Education sequence required. 26

6 15


2 2

MUSI 44 1 : Methods and Materials o f K-9 -Music lI---" -" - 2 ��USI 444: Materials for Secondary Choral Music 2 M USI 453: Vocal Pedagogy

Total Semester Hours:


- -------- . ------�.-.----

Fint�year, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior assemnents required. Completion o/all music requirements required prior to student teilChing. School ofEducation sequence required.


Large Ensemble'-'-' -


lrfusic Education Core


lass Voice


-----L a-:b MuSi"24 1 ; rring :-

_ ___ __



First-year, Sophomore, junior, and Senior aSJ"essmellts required. Completion ofall music requirements requ ired prior to student teaching. School ofEducation sequence required. •


MU�?L?3 7 : An_�I�it:g J\:!l:!�.i!: MUSI 338: Researching Music MUSI 390/39 1 : Intensive Performance Study MUSI 499: Senior Project· ' Music Electives


4 4 3

T�t;;iS;me.st" Hours:



Senior Project: Research paper and public presentation (see

departmCllt handbook for details).


����_f:..;. ()r..:. e.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

___, ,...-....,. _


Music Private Instruction (see concentrati�ns below) j�z..I: t semesters') .. Music Ensemble (see concentrations below) �USJ�?: Makin,g...N : !.=. .:...: us :.:. ic =-. M USI 337: Analyzing Music l\iLJ"?I]l�: R��arching Music MUSI 90/39 1 : Intensive Performance Music Concentration Module (see below) -----.Music Electives

22· 8 3 3 3 4 7 4

Total Semester Hours:



_ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _


First-year. Sophomore, junior and Senior assessments required. •

Consecutive folUspring semesters; continllous non-jazz study

throughollt the program required.

Instrumental (ORCHESTRA) Music Core





M USI 370, 3 7 1 , 380: L�Eg�Ensemble*·· M USI 38 1 : Chamber Ensemble MU I 202-2 1 9, 402-4 1 9, 499 : " " Private Instruction: Principal Instrument (6 semesters')


Music Education Core


M US I 204: lass Voice , :.!. 1 )_�=M USI 2 4 1 /242 : String Lab '(-'. 1,2 -. �SI 243: Woodwind Laboratory (I) M U�r.J �� �:_��?���_ rL._ _ ( 1 ",-,) -"M USI 427: Percussion Laboraroty (I) MUS1 4 5 5 : String Pedaj;.9EI, 2=-,----------= -MUSI 456: Methods and Materials for School Stringc..s_-=2=-..____



Consecutive jaIl/spring semesters.

· · ·Minimum four semesters ofMUSI 370. 371

_ _


Total Semester Hours:

8 4 4 3 3

For vocalperformance: language study required (see above)

COllSecutive folUspring semesters.

.. Senior Project: Halfrecital.

1 08


. .

M USI 243/244: Woodwind Laboratory (I, I) M USI 245/246: Brass Laboratory 4 (I, I) �"�1"247: Percussion Laboratory ( IL Music 447: Methods for School Band Music 2 M usic 448: Methods or School Band Music:------=2

Tow Semester


Music L�:.ge Ensemble M USI 202-2 1 9: Private Instruction: (4 semester��) MU [ 402-4 1 9:Private Instruction: (4 semesters )

M USI 3 8 1 : Chamber Ensemble -'--------=-· ·-=P MUT202-2 1 9, 402-4 1 9-, 49·-= : -,. 9riva te 6 _Instruction : Principal Instrument (six semesters*) M US! 204:


First-yem; Sophomore, junior, and Senior assessnlCllts


Musf370,"371. 380:


outside ofmusic.

Senior Project: Halfrecital.

Music Core


Minimum four semesters ofMUS! 380

Cognate required: an academic minor or second major

Consecutive foil/spring semesters.

K-12 Instrumental

Senior Project: Halfrecital.


M USI 42 1 : Advanced Keyboard (private study) MU r 440: Methods and Materials for K-9 Music r �1USI4 43: Methods for Second-;;:;'-y boral Music


ConsecutizJe foIl/spring semesters.


Music Education COTfl


M U I 360-363: Large Ensemble MUSI 204/404/499: Ptivate Instruction Voice (six semesters")



Private instruction: M USI 327/499 (Senior Project) ( 1 6); principal instrument M US! 202-2 1 9/40 1 -4 1 9 (8); module (7): M US I 345, 346, music electives (4).


Private instruction: M USI 205-2 1 9 ( I O) . MUSl 40 1 14054 1 9/499 ( 1 2) , including M USI 499 (Senior Project: full recital); ensemble: M US 1 370, 37 1 , 380; module (7): M USI 345, 346, 358, 38 1 (2), 454 or 420.


Private instruction: M US I 203/403/499 (Senior Project: full recital) (22); ensemble: including MUSI 38 1 ; module (7) : M USI 2 1 9, 345, 346, 3 5 2, 358, 454 or 420.

P l U 2 00 6 - 2 0 0 7

Piano Private instruction: MUSI 202/402 ( 1 0) . MUSI 20 1 / 40 1 /402/499 ( 1 2) ; including M US ! 499 (Senior Project: full recital); ensemble: large (2). MUSI 3 5 1 (2). MUSI 383 (2) . piano elective (2); module (7): MUS! 2 1 9 . 345. 358. 430. 43 1 . 45 1 . 452. I-Vice Private insrruction: MUSI 204/404/499 (Senior Project: full reciraJ) M US ! 3 5 5 . 356 (22); ensemble: MUSI 360-.:363; module (7) : MUS! .:345. 353. 358. 366. 453. Course Offerin s -=.. !v1 c:cuc.s.: ic >.;. (M ,,. U ;;.S;. .; I .. L... ) c:.c:-,-

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

MUSI 101: 11ztroduction to Music AR -

Introduction to music literature with emphasis on listening. structure. period. and style. Designed ro enhance the enjoyment and understanding of music. Not open ro majors. (4) MUSI I02: Understanding Music Through Me/CJdy - AR Introduction to the musical arts through exploration of melody as a primary musical impulse in a variety of musical styles. Designed to enhance the enjoyment and understanding of all music rhrough increased sensitivity to melody. Not open to majors. (4) MUS] 103: History ofJazz - AR Survey of America's unique art form: jazz. Emphasis on his tory. listening. structure. and style from early developments through recent trends. (4) MUSI 104: Music and Technology AR Survey of the impact of technology on the musical arts. from the evolution of musical instruments and the acoustic space through rhe audio/video/computer technology of today. (4) -

MUSI 1 05: The Arts of ClJi7UZ AR, C Exploration of a number of Chinese art forms. primarily music but also including calligraphy. painting. tai chi. poetry. Beijing opera. film and cuisine. (4) -

MUSI I06; Music of Scandinavia

AR, C Survey of Scandinavian music from the Bronze Age to the present. with primary focm on the music of Norway. Sweden. and nmark. (4) -

MUSI 1 1 1: Music FuntLlmentals 1- AR

evelops skills in reading and notating music. Rudiments of mu;i "I theory: key signatures. clefs, and major scales. Requires previous musical experience and the ability to read music. Partially fulfills the general university requirements in arts; may be combined with MUSI 1 1 3 in a si ngle semester to complete [ he general university requirements in arts. (2) MUSl l 3: Music FuntLlmentals II AR A continuation of MUSI I l l . Minor scales. intervals. triads and diatonic 7th chord�. Partially fulfills the general university requirement in arts; may be combined with I I I in a single semester to complete the general university requirt'mcnt in arts. Prerequisite: {US! I I I or consenr of inStruCtOr. (2) -

MUSI 1 J 5: Introduction to Keyboarding AR Beginning skills in keyboard performance. Requires no previous -

keyboard experience. Prerequisite for Music 1 1 6; intended for music majors or minors in preparation for keyboard requirements in the music core. Consent of instructor required. ( I ) MUSI 1 16: Basic Keyboarding AR A continuation of MUSI 1 1 5 . Prerequisite: M USI 1 1 5 or consent of instructor. ( I ) -

MUSI 120: Music and Culture - AR. C I ntroduction to ethnomusicological considerations of a variety of music traditions. Requires no previous music experience. Required for music majors and minors; prerequisite course for MUSI 1 24 ; corequisite (fall term): MUS! I i 1 / 1 1 3 or consent of department chair, (�pring term) : MUS! 1 24 or consent of department chair. (4) MUSI 121: Keyboarding I - AR Developmem of keyboarding skills. including sight-reading, group performance. and harmonization of simple melodies. Prerequisite: MUS! 1 1 6 or consent of instructor. ( I ) MUSI 122: Keyboarding II - AR A continuation of MUSI 1 2 1 . Prerequisite: MUS! 1 2 1 or consent of instrucror. ( I ) MUSI 124: Theory 1 - AR An introduction to the workings of music. including common­ practice harmony. jazz theory, and elementary formal analysis. Prerequisite: MUSI 1 1 3. or consent of instructor. (3) MUSI 125: Ear Training I - AR Development of aural skills. including interval recognition. sight-singing. rhythmic. melodic and harmonic dictation. ( 1 ) MUSI 126: Ear Training II AR Continuation of MUS! 1 25 . Prerequisite: MUS! 1 2 5 or consent of instrucror. ( I ) -

MUSI 20 lA, B, or C: Private Instruction: Jazz - AR Prerequisite: two semesters of non-jazz study (MUS! 202-2 1 9) or permission of the Director of Jazz Studies. ( 1 . 2. 3 or 4) MUSI 202A, B or C: Private Instruction: Piano AR (1, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 203A, B or C: Private Instruction: Organ AR (1. 2, 3 or 4)


MUSI 204A, B or C: Private and Class Instruction: Voice - AR (1, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 205A, B or C: Private Instruction: Violin/Viola AR (1, 2, 3 or 4)


MUSI 206A, B or C: Private butructio1J: CeUo/Bass ­ AR (1, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 207A, B or C: Private Instruction: Flute ­ AR (1, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 20BA, B or C: Private Instruction: Oboe/English Horn AR (1, 2, 3 or 4) -

PLU 2006 - 2007

1 09

MUSI 209A, B or C : Private instruction: Bassoon AR (I, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 210A, B or C: Pn'vate Instnlcholl.' Clarinet ­ or 4)

AR (I, 2,

MUSI 21 lA, B or C: Private hutructi01l: Saxophone AR (I, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 212A, B or C: Private Instructio1l: Trumpet ­ AR (I, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 213A, B or C: Private Instruction: Frl?1lch Horn ­

AR (I, 2, 3 or 4)

MUSI 214A, B or C: Private blStnlCtio1l: Tromb01le ­ AR (I, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 2I5A, B 01' C: P,,;vlue IttstruchOtl: Baritone/Tuba -

AR (I, 2, 3 or 4) MUST 216A, B


C: Private Instructioll: PercllSsi01l - AR

(I, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 217A, B or C: Private and Class Instruction: Guital' - AR (1, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 2IBA, B or C: P,';vate Inslnlction: Harp ­ AR (I, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 2I9A, B or C: Private hlStruchon: Harpsichord ­ (I, 2, 3 or )


MUSI 225: Ear Traini"K III - AR A continuation o f M US [ 1 26. Prerequisite: M USI 1 26 or consent of instrucror. ( I ) MUSI 226: Ear Traini1lK IV - AR A continua tio n of MUS[ 225 . Prerequisite: M US ] 225 o r consent of instrucror. ( I ) MUSI 234: Music History 1 - AR The evolution of Western music from the ea rl y Christian era through the Middle Ages , Renaissance, and Baroque eras. Prereqrlisite: M US ] 223 or consent of insrrucror. (3) MUSI 240: roumiahons ofMusic Education Introduction ro the basics of tc aching music, including philosophy, content, ;tudent characteristics, and the nature and organization of musical learning. For students preparing ro become music specialists ( musi c education majors only) . (3) MUSI 24I, 242: Strillg Laboratory Methods and materials of teaching and playing string instruments in the public schools. ( I , 1 ) MUSI 243, 244: Woodwind Laboratory Methods and materials of reach i ng and playing woodwind instruments in the public schools. ( 1 , 1 ) MUSI 245, 246: Brass Laboratory Methods and materials of reaching and playing brass instruments in the pu b li c schools. ( l , 1 )

One Semester Hour: Private Lesson

MUSI 247: Percussion Laboratory Methods and materials of reaching and playing percussion instruments in the publi c schools. ( l )

Fall and Spring Semesters: One half-hour private or two onc­ hour cla;s lessons per week ( 1 2 weeks) in addition ro daily p ractice. January: Two 45-minure lessons per week in addition ro daily practice. Summer: six hours of instruction ro be announced in addition ro daily practice. Students in piano , voice, and guitar may be as - signed to class instruction at the discretion of the m usic faculty.

MUSI 327A, B or C: Compositioll - AR A systematic approach to contemporary musical composi t ion; students creare and notate works for solo, s mall and large ensembles. May be repeated for additional credit. Private instruction; spec ial fee in addition to ruition. ( 1 , 2, 3 or 4)

Two Semestel' Hours: Prit,ate Lesson Fall and Spring Semesters. Two half-hour lessons per week ( 1 2 weeks) i n addition to da.ily practice. Summer: 1 2 hours of instruction to be announced in addition to daily practice.

Three or FOllr Semester Hours: Private Less01l

MUSI 333: Music History II - AR The evolution o f Wesrern music in the Classic and Romantic eras. Prerequisite: M U S [ 234 or conse nt of instrucror. (3) MUSI 334: 20th-Cl?1Itury Music - AR The evolution o f \'Vestern art music in the 20th century in response to new theoretical constructs, new technologies, and popular and cross-cultural influences. Prerequisite: M U S ] 333 or consent of instructor. (3)

By permission of department only. Specialfee for all prilJate instruction in addition to tuition.

MUSI 223: Theory II - AR A con tinuatiu n of M U S ! 1 24. Prereqztisite: M US ! 1 24 or consent of instruc ror. (3)

1 10

MUSI 224: Jazz Theory Laboratory - AR I ntroduction [0 jazz harmony, structure, style, and i mp rovis a tion . Prerequisite: MUSr 223 or consent of i ns tructo r. (I)

MUSI 336: Makillg Music - AR Continued study, developmenr and application of music skills rhrough composirion, counterpoint, improvisarion, conducting, and orchestrarion. Prerequisite: M US[ 224, 226, or consent of instructor. (3) MUSI 337: Analyzillg Music - AR Applicarion of theorerical knowledge roward developing analytical skills in a va rie ty of musical cultures, styles, and ge nre. Prerequisite: MUSI 224 or consent of i n s rrucror. (3)

PlU 2006 - 2007

MUS] 338: ReseArching Music - AR

opera to musical comedy including in-depth study of selected

In troduction to the main


�earch tools available for gathering

information :lbout music. Applications in formal research, ctiticism, p rogram and liner notes, and vetbal presentations


MUS] 355: Diction I (Englishlltalia,,) - AR

explored, Prerequisite: M USI 1 20, 1 24 , or consen t of

An in troduction to the I nternational Phonetic Alphabet ( I PA)

ins tructor. (3)

and its practical applications for singers of English and Italian texts.

MUSI 340: Fumumentals ofMusic Education - AR


diffe rent grade levels, including improvisation laboratory.

MUS] 356: Diction II (FrencblGerman) - AR Continuation of MUSI 355 with applications for singers of

Prerequisite: MUSI 240. (2)

French and German texts.

MUS1 341: Music fo,> Classroom Teachers

MUS1 358: Early Music Laboratory - AR

Methods and p rocedures i n teaching elemen tary school music as

Exploration of solo and small ensemble l i terature from the

etailed planning of curricula fo r various musical skills at


well as infusing the arts in the curricu lum. O ffered fo r students

Baroque period and

preparing fo r elementary classroom teaching (non-music

performance practices, and period instruments. Rehearsal and

educ:ltion majors). (2)

rlier, focusing on range of repertoire,

performance augmented by listening, rese;1rch, and writing.

Prerequisite: M USI 234 or consent of instructor. ( 1 ) MUS1 343: Methods and Materials for Secondary General Music Methods and materials for teach ing general music i n the secondary school. (2)

MUS] 360: Choir of the West - AR

A study of a wide variery of choral literature and technique through rehearsal and performance of both sacred and secular music. Auditions at the beginning of fall semester.

MUS1 345: Conducting 1 - AR


In troduction to basic. patterns, gestures, and conducting

M.US] 361: Umversity ClJorale - AR


A ,tudy of choral literature and technique through rehearsal and


performance of both sacred and secular music. Auditions ar the beginning of fall semester. ( I )

MUS1 346: Condllcting II - AR Conrinuation of MUS! 345; observation of advanced


conducting students in laboratory ensemble.


MUSI 362: U,ullersity M.m's Chorus - AR


The study and performance of repertoire for men's voices.

MUSI 347: Adaptive Music

Emphasis on individual vocal and musical development.



Techn iqucs and srrategies to meet the needs, i n terests, limitations, and capacities of smdents who have restrictions

MUSI 363: Ulliversity Singers - AR

placed on their musical activi ty- ( I )

The study and performance of repertoire for women's voices. Emphasis on ind ividual vocal and musical development. ( I )

MUS1 348: PractiCflm ill Music Education Field experience teach ing in elemen tary, middle or j u nior high

MUS] 365: Chapel Choir -AR

school; p rovides laboratory experience in teaching prior to full

Repertoire experience with appropriate literature for ongoing

student teaching experience. Prerequisite: MUSI 340;

church music programs of a liturgical nature. Regular

reco mmended: e n roll Fall semester preceding student

performances fo r un iversity chapel worshi p . Participation

teach ing.

without credit available.


MUS1 349: Electro7lic Music Practicum - AR

MUS1 366: Opera WorkslJop - AR

Application of electronic techn iques to compositional p rocess. Assigned studio rime on a regular basis. Special fee in addition to mition . Prerequisite: Consent of ins tructor.



Production of chamber opera and opera seen

. Participation in

all facets of production. Prerequisite: Consent of ins tructor.


MUS1 368: UI,;versity Choral Unioll - AR

MUS] 351: Accompa7lY;'lg - AR

Rehearsal and performance of major works in the

Practice i n accompanying representativc vocal and instrumental

choral/orchestral repertoire. Open to the community as well as

solo li terarure from all periods. Special fee i n addition to tuition.


or 2)

PLU students; membership by audition. Special fee in addition to tuition.


MUS] 370: Utliversity Wi7ld Ensemble - AR

MUS1 352: Organ ]mprovisatio71 - AR Basic rechniques of improvisation. particularly as related ro

Study and performance of selected wind and percussion

hymn tunes. Private insrruction: special fee in addition ro

literature using various sizt' ensembles. Membership by

MUS1 353: Solo Vocal Literature - AR Survey of solo vocal literature. (2)

MUS] 371: University C01l/�e7'l Ba7ld - AR

tuition. PrereqIUs;te: consent of instructor.


audition. ( I )

Study of selected band literature through rehearsal and

MUS] 354: History ofMusic Theatre - AR A general survey of the evolution of "Drama per Musica" from

performance. Designed for the general university student.

Prerequisite: having played instrument through at least junior

year of high school or consent of ins tructor.

PlU 2006 - 2007



MUSI 375: University Jazz E1u�7nble - AR

MUSI 406A, B or c: Private Itutruct;on: CeUo/Bass -

cudy of s leaed big band LiteraUire through rehearsal and performance. Membership by audition. ( l )

AR (1, 2, 3 or 4)

MUSI 376: Jazz LAboratory Ensemble - AR

AR (1, 2, 3 01' 4)

Scudy of the basic style of playing jazz through rehearsal and performance. Membership by audition. ( 1 )

MUSI 408A, B or C: Private butruction: Oboe/English

MUSI 407A, B or C: Private Instruction: Fluu -

MUSI 378:

Honl - AR

VocalJazz E1u�7IIble - AR

(1, 2. 3 or 4)

Study of selected vocal jazz li terature through rehearsal and performance. Membership by audition, concurrent regisrration Ul M US I 360, 36 J , 362 or 363 required. ( 1 )

AR (1, 2, 3 or 4)

MUS] 380: Univ"sity Symphony Orchestra - AR

AR (1, 2, 3 or 4)

MUSI 409A, B or C: Private Instruction: Bass oon -

MUSI 4IOA, B or C: Private Instruction: ClArinet ­

Study of selected orchesrral literacure through rehearsal and per formance. Membership by audition. ( 1 )

MUSI 4I IA, B or C: Private ltutruction: Saxophone AR (1, 2, 3 or 4)

MUSI 38I: Chamb" ErJs�ble - AR

Reading, rehearsal and performance of selected instrumental chamber music. Selections offered in string, brass, woodwind, early instruments, guitar, jazz and world music. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. ( 1 )

MUSI 412A, B or C: Private Instruction: Tmmpet ­ AR (1, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 413A, B or C: Private ltutruction: Frmch Horn AR

MUSI 383: PUmo Ensemble - AR

Techniques and practice in rhe performance of two-piano and piano duet literature; includes sight reading and program planning. ( I )

(1, 2, 3 or 4)

MUSI 414A, B or C: Privttte Instruction: Trombone ­ AR (1, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 415A, B or C: Private Instruction: Baritolle/Tuba -

MUSI 390: Intouive Performance Study: Ensemble

AR (1, 2, 3

Tour - AR

Intensive study and rehearsal of tour repertoire; off-campus tour of major performance venues; special fee in addition to tuition. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. (4) MUSI 391: Intnuive Performa"ce Study: Conservtttory Expmence - A R

In tensive scudy and pracrice of solo repertoire; special fee in addition ro tuition. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. (4)



MUSI 416A, B or C: Private butr/letion: Percussion AR (1, 2, 3 or 4) MUSI 41 7A, B or G': Private l1lStruCti07J: Guitar ­ AR (1,

2, 3 or 4)

MUSI 418A, B or C: Private Imtruction: Harp ­ AR (1, 2, 3 or 4)

MUS1 395. 396. 397: Mmic Cent"' of th� World

·Exploration of music and other arts in environments off campus. Offered January Term to facilirate study abroad, or in cultural cenrers of the United Stares. (4, 4, 4)

MUSI 419A, B or C: Private Instructiom Harpsichord ­ AR (1, 2, 3 or 4) One Sonest" HOllr: Private Instruction

MUSI 40lA, B or C : Private Instructi01l: Jazz - AR

Prerequisite: two sem sters of non-jazz scudy (202-2 1 9) or permission of the Director of Jazz Studies. ( 1 , 2, 3 or 4) MUS! 402A, JJ Or C: Private Instructiorr: Pimlo -

Fall and Spring Semesters: One half-hour private lesson per week ( 1 2 weeks) in addition to daily practice. January: Two 45minute lessons per week in addition to daily practice. Summer: 6 hours of instruction to be announced in addition to daily practice.

AR (1, 2, 3 or 4) Two S�ester HOllrs: Private Instruction MUS1 403A, B or C: Private InstructUm: Organ AR (1, 2. 3 or 4)

Fall and Spring Semesters. Two half-hour lessons per week ( I 2 weeks) in addition to daily practice. Summer: 1 2 hours of instruction to be announced in addition to daily practice.

MUS] 404A, B or C: Private Instructiotz: liOice ­ AR

1 12

(I, 2, 3 or 4)

Three or Foltr Smuster Hours: Private Instruction MUS] 405A. B or C: Private Instruction: ViolilllViolA ­ AR (1, 2, 3 or 4)

By permission of department only.

PlU 2006 - 2007

MUSI 447: Methods of School Band Music

Specialfoe for all private instruction in addition to tuition.

The organizarion and admi nisrrarion of the secondary school band program.

MUSI 420: Private I1lStrudion - Ped4gogy Methods and materials for teaching specific instrum�ntal media in the studio; special fe� in addition to tuition. (2)

Prerequuite: M USI 340. (2)

MUSI 448: Materials fOT School Band Music Survey of wind-percussion lirerature appropriate for the various age and experience levels of students in grades 4- 1 2. including

MUS! 421A, B 0" C: Advanced IUybOIlTd Skills - AR

Focused study of sp�cial ized keyboard skills requir�d in various

music major program . Private instruction: special fce i n addition t o ruition. May b e repeated for addirional credit.

Prerequuit.e: Successful complerion of Keyboard Proficiency Jury and BM or B M E J u ry. ( I . 2, 3 or 4)

sources and research rechniques.

Prerequisite: M USI 340. (2) MUS1 451: Piano Pedagogy I - AR Teaching rechniques for prospective teachers of piano, including rechniques for individual nd group instruction. Methods and marerials from beginning to in termediate level. ( I )

MUSI 427A. B OT C: Advtmced OrchestraJion/ Arranging - AR

MUSI 452: Piano Pedagogy n

Continuation of M USI 336 on an individual basis.



Teac hing rcchniques fo r prospective teachers of piano, including

Prerequ;rite: M US I 336 or consent of instrucror. May be repeated for additional credit. Private instruction: special fe� i n addition t o tuition. ( I . 2 , 3 o r 4)

rechniqu�s for individual and group instruction. Methods and materials from in termediate to advanced levels. ( 1 )

MUSI 453: Vocal Pedagogy - AR MUS1 430: Piano Literature 1 - AR

Physiological, psychological, and pedagogical aspects of singing.

Study of representative piano repertoire from the 1 8 th and early


1 th century. ( I ) MUSI 454: Instnmlental Ped4gogy MUSI 43J: Pinno Li'eratuTt! II - AR

Methods and materials for teaching sp�cific instrumental media

Stu y of representative piano composirions of the late 1 9 th and

i n the studio. Offe.red on demand for string, wind. guitar. harp,

20th century.

organ and percussion. (2)


MUS1 455: String Pedagogy

MUSI 440: Methods and Materials fOT K-9 Music I

Teaching rechniques for ptospective teachers of strings with

Srudy of skill acquisitions, music concepts, and analyzi ng th� range of available tesources, including erhnic music and computer assisted instruction. Offered For music education majors only.

Prerequisite: M USI 340 . (2)

matetials from beginning through advanced levels.



MUS1 456: MltiJods and Materials for School Strings The organization and administrarion of school srring programs,

MUSI 441: Methods and Materials for K-9 Music II

elementary through secondary (2)

Continuation of M U I 440, including em phasis on Orff-Schu lwerk and Kodaly techniques. Offered fo r music education majors only.

emphasis on individual student instrucrion. Merhods and

MUS1 469: Studmt Teaching Seminar

Prerequisite: MUSI 440. (2)

Student teaching experiences shared and analyz�d; explo ration of related issues regarding entering the public school music

MUSI 443: Methods ofSecond4TY Choral Music The organization and administration of the secondary school choral program. Prtrr quuite: MUSI 340. (2)

teaching profession. Concurrent enrollmenr with EDUC 468 requ i red. (2)

MUS1 491: Independent Studies

MUS! 444: Materials for Secolld4ry Chorai Music

Prerequuite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for additional credit. ( 1 -4)

urvey of choral literature appropriate for the various age and experience levels of students in grade� 4- 1 2, including

MUS1 499: Capstone: Senior Project - SR

sources and research techniques. Prerequisite:

A culminaring project

MUSI 340. (2)

of substantial ptoporrions. presented i n a

public forum, underrakcn in the senior year. For the Bachelor o f


MU, 1 445: Conducting III - AR Refi nement of patterns, gestures, and conducting techniques; application to appropriat� vocal and instrumental scores.

Prereqllisiu: MUSI 346 or consent of instructot; Section Instrumental; Section B-Choral.


degree. t h e project integrates musical studies with a b roader

liberal arts context; for the Bachelor of Musical Arts degree, the project integrates musical srudies with the cognate field; for Bachelor of Music Education and Bachelor of Music degrees, the projecr consists of a juried recital. Private instruction; special fee in addition to tuition. Prerequisite: consent of instrucror. ( 1 -4)

MUSI 446: Coruiucting I V AR -

Continuation of MUSI 445; application and development of kills in laboratory ensemble.


USl 445 or

consent of instructor; Section A - Imtrumental, Section B Choral. ( I )

PLU 2006 - 2007

1 13

courses suitable for satisfying general unive rs ity requirements or

Division of Natural Sciences

Core [ requirements may be found i n the l istings for each of the d epa rt men t s in the division.

253.535.7560 www. nsci.plu.edu

NSCI 210: Natural History of Hawaii - NS, SM

The Division of Natural Sciences ful fi l l s a two-fold purpose, preparing its majors for careers as science professionals and providing all students the grounding in the scientific awareness vital for being a citizen in the modern world and participating in a democracy.

C'I c:

o Z •

To meet the first purpose, the six departments in the division offer rigorous programs in biology, chemistry, geosciences, physics, mathematics, and computer science and computer enginee ri n g . Inquiry-based learning is emphasized in laboratories, resea rch courses, and capstone projects. The division-wide undergraduate research program supports one-on­ one investigations with faculty in which students are immersed in a ll aspects of actually "doing" science. To meet the second purpose, both major and non-major courses address the basic philosophy and methodologies of science. This encourages an awareness of the limitations of science as well as an a p p rec i a tion for its benefits. Courses also attempt to place science and tech nology i n its larger socio-cultural con text, connecting developments in one discipline with those i n another and with influences outside the sciences. Regardless of their major, students will find in the Natural Sciences Division a faculty devoted to teach ing. Opportunities for close interactions abound, and the development of the whole person is a central concern.


Q.I u c: Q.I

u VI

FACULTY: Alexander, Dean; faculty members of the

Departments of Biology, Chemisrry, Computer Science and Co mpute r Engineering, G eosci ences , Mathematics, and Physics.

As a division within the College of Arts and Sciences, the Division of Natural Sciences offers major programs in each department leading ro BA and BS degrees, minor programs, and core courses that fulfill general unive rs ity requirements. The departments provide supporting courses for interdisciplinary programs within the sciences and for other schools of the university. Courses for BA in Education degrees with majors and minors in [he natural sciences are available; see the Education section of this catalog for specific degree requirements. See also the sections on Environmental Studies and on the Health Sciences (under Pre-Professional Programs) for related programs. Descriptions of specific course offeri ngs a nd degree requirements offered within the Natural Sciences are li s ted under:

Biology Chemistry Computer Science and Computer Engineering Geosciences Mathematics

The Hawaiian Islands are an active museum of geology and tropical island plant and animal life. The islands, the most isolated in the world, have native plants and animals-95 percent of which occur nowhere cIse. Students are expected to part ici pa te actively in daily lectures and fieldwork involving the ge ologi c formation of Hawaii and its subsequent population by plants and animals, stressing the impact of human inter v e nr io n. (4)

Norwegian To view CltrricuLlim tlnd course requirements, please go to

Department of Languages & Litemture, page 96

School of Nursing 253.535 .7672 www.plu.edu/�nurs

The School of Nursing is a professional school that combines nursing science with a strong foundation in natural sciences and the liberal arts. It prepares u ndergraduate students for generalist nu rs i ng practice; builds upon undergraduate educational expe ri ences to prepare nurses for advanced pracrice in designated speci al t i es ; and responds ro the education needs of pracricing nurses to remain current, competent p ractitioners or ro revise the focus of their practice. The school exe mpli fi es the university's mission of educating for lives of service and carc in an environment thar encourages inquiry, diversiry, lifelong learning, and spir i t ualiry as vital elements in rhe human qu r for wholeness. Nursing's educational programs offer dynam ic learning opportunities that challenge students to develop skills, attitudes, values, and roles which facilitate individuals, families, and communities to meet their health and well ness needs. D egree programs within the School of Nursing include the

Bachelor of Sci e nce in Nursing for basic nursing students and licensed practical nurses, and ADN-RNs, the Master of Science in Nursing program for BSN prepared registered nurses, and the Entry-Level MSN for non-nu rs i ng baccalaureate graduates.

A program leading to Educational Staff Associate certi�lcation is available for school nurses through Continuing Nursing Education (CNE). Course work is offered in collaboration with the Office of the Washington State Superintendent of Public Imrruction. Workshops and short courses for nurses and others involved in health care arc frequently offered throughout the year by NE.


1 14

Course Offerin� Natural Sciences (NSCI) The following course is offered under Natural Sciences. O ther

Also i ntegraJ to the School of Nursing is a Wellness Center that i nc ludes a nurse-managed, practitioner-staffed clinic. The center provides nursing services to the community, as well as serves as a prac tice site for undergraduate and graduate students.

PLU 2006 - 2007




d A S

FACUIIY: 1: M i l l e r, Dnm; B3.rron, Bell, Carr, Dar!- , Dolan,

Dubois, Gas p ar, H usr on . Ki rkpa tri c k . Lizzi, M aloney. McCann. Mi'J:. Ison. R.: naud, Roberts, Roth, Sales, Schafflcr, Schaffner, S hulrz, Stene, Stewart, Wint r, Wolfer, Wood, Zaichkin. AccrediUltions af1d Affiliarions

The School of N u rsing at Pacitlc Lutheran University is a member of the American Association of .o ll eges of Nursing. The BSN a n d M programs are ap p roved by the Was h i n gro n S ta te Nursi n g Care Qu a l i ty Assurance o m m i ss ion an d fu l l y accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. The S ch o o l is part of Psi Chapter-at-L.rge of Sigma Theta Tau International, the Honor Society of Nu�ing. Undergraduate Programs

The Basic u n derg radua te program is d esign e d for students who do not hold licensure in practical o r reg is t e red nurs i n g . The LPN ro B N p ro gram is desi g ned fo r persons holding L P N l i ce n s ure. The school collaborates with over 1 00 health agencies ro p rovi de optimal cl i nica l l ea rning experiences for its students, under (he supervision of it faculty members. l;raduates wh o s u cces s fu ll y complete either program will have ear n ed Ule Bachelor of Science in ursing degree. and are e l i gib l e ro sit for the CLEX-RN. t h e examination for lic e ns ur e as reg i ste red n u rses in the S tate of Washington. They are p re p a red ro bepn p ro fess i on al nursing posit i o ns throughout the health care sys tem. The unde rgrad u at e p ro g rams p rov i de a strong foundation for graduate study in nursing. High School Pr�llratioll Applicants a re exp ecred ro have com p le ted a pro gram in high school that includes: four years of English; rwo years of ma them a t i cs (preferably al geb ra and ge umetry); two years of social sciences; rwo years of one fo reign language; and two years of I a bora ro ry sciences (incl u di n g chemistry).

Liberal Arts PouI/tUItion An u n der sra n d i.n g of a n d an a p preciati o n fo r the integration of liberal arts and the an an d science of n u rs ing are necessary fo r sue es in the B program. Applicants are expected to have co m p l eted at I ast 1 2 semester credits of liberal arts courses prior ro beginning the n u rs i ng program, i n such a reas as literature. philoso p hy, religion, writing hisrory, anthropology, po l i tica l science and fine arts.

program, Basic, LPN to B sequence, or the ADN ro FlSN sequence, must make formal application ro both the university and the School of Nursing. Applications for admission ro the n u rs in g major are available from the School of N u rsi n g. All application marerials, i nc l u d in g o ffic i al transc r i p ts , are reviewed by the School's Recruirment, Admission, and Progression (RAP) Co mmi t t ee and evaluated according ro the admission criteria.

Un d e rgrad uat e students des i r ing admission should submit their applications by March 1 fo r any term in the fol l owi ng year. The selection of studenrs for admission is competitive because the number of available spaces each semester is limited. Srudents who have applied by the March 1 dea dl ine are notified by the end of April. Lf there are more a p p l i ca nt s for any term than can be :l ommodared. q ua lifi ed ca n di dat e s a re p l aced on a wa i t list or ad m i tt ed to a later term. Students are admitted to the term of their choice insofar as it is possible. Perso n s on the wairlist for the year who are no t admitted because of a lack of space, but who continue to desire admission to the nursing major, must submit a new a p p l i cat i on to be considered for the following year. Individuals whose a p p l i cat i ons have been r�ccivt'd after the p riori ty deadline, March 1, for all rerms, will be considered on a space available basis. All p ro s p ect i ve or pre-nursing stude n ts are urged to seek early academic ad vi sement in order ro enroll for appropriate prerequisite courses and avoid unnecessary loss of ti me . The School of N u rsin g reserves the righ t of curriculum and pro gra m modification and revision. Admission Criteria

Applicants musr be acc e p t ed by the u n i ve rs i ry before

Lu th e ra n U n ive rs i ty welcomes applications from all students who

have demon s trat e d capacities for s u cc ess at the bacca laureate

level. Students who present appropriate academic records and personal q ual i ties are admined ro either summer, bll, J a n u a ry, o r sp ring terms, as appropriate. App l ica t i on procedures and o the r details re found elsewhere in this cat a l og . Admissioll to the School ofNursing Students seeking admission ro any undergraduate nurs i ng



BASIC BSNILPN TO BSNIADN TO BSN Applicanrs must have been admitted to Pacific Lutheran University before considerarion of admission ro the School o f N urs i ng. Admission t o the School of u rs i n g i s a selective process. Meeting minimum requ i reme n ts does not guaranree admission. Admission to the u niversity does not imply nor guaran tee admission to the School of N u rs ing. Minimum criteria that a p pli ca n rs must meet to be co ns i de red for admission to the Basic or LPN ro BSN programs of s tudy i n th e School of Nu rsi n g include the foll o wi n g : A.

S at i sfa c to ry complerion, or pen d i ng satisfactory co m p le ti o n, o f s p ecifie d p re req u isit e courses at PLV, an aecr dited community college, or another accred i ted u n i ve �i ry.


Com p l etio n , o r pe n d i n g com p l e t i on , o f a t leasr 3 0 semester credits (or 45 quarter credits) ar the college level, which is s op hom o re class standing;


Competitive grade point averages (Because admission is c om p et i ti ve , th e grad e p o in t ave rages for admitted students a re us u a l ly significantly hi g h e r than the minimum): l . A m i n i mu m gr ad e of 2 . 00 on a 4.00 scale i n each n u rs i ng prerequisite and co-requisite course. 2. A minimum cumulative grade poi nt average of 2.75 on a 4.00 scale in the prerequisite a n d co -req u i s i te co u rses . 3. A m i nimum PLU cumulative grade po i n t average of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale. (For transfer students who matriculate to PLU and the School o f N u rs i ng simultaneously, the cum ulative t ra n s fer grade point average as determined by the Registrar's Office is used.)

Admission to th� University

consideration for acce ptan ce by the School of Nu rsin g. Pacific

z c:

PLU 2006 - 2007



No more than one repeat of any single pterequisite or corequisite coutse. Applicants who have either repeated courses, both general and nursing specific, due to failure, or have withdrawn from courses, are considered less competitive.


Completion of the universiry math entrance requirement (intermediate algebra at the college level with a minimum grade of 2.00 on a 4.00 scale, or completion of two years of college prepararory [high school] algebra with average grades of 2.00 on a 4.00 scale).


Physical and mental health with emotional stability sufficient ro meet the demands of generalist nursing roles and ro provide timely, safe patient care.


Fluency in speaking, reading, writing, and comprehending universiry-Ievel English.


Civil, adminisrrative, and criminal hisrory clearance in all states as well as any other applicable territory or country.


Submission of all tequired application documents ro the School of Nursing by the designated deadlines.

Continuation Policies All the nursing courses have prerequisites and must be taken in sequence and/or concurrently as identified in the studenr's school-approved curriculum plan as well as the catalog. A. en c:

A minimum grade o f 2.00 o n a 4.00 scale (C) must be achieved in all required nursing courses. A student receiving a grade of less than 2.00 in any course that is a prerequisite ro anothet nursing course may not continue in rhe nursing sequence until the prerequisite coutse is repeared with a grade of 2.00 on a 4.00 scale Ot above.


No course can be repeated more than one time. Failure in two nursing courses will result in dismissal from the School of Nursing.


Incomplete grades in nursing courses must be converted to a passing grade (2.00 on a 4.00 scale or above) before the first day of class of the subsequent term.

D . Students taking approved withdrawals from nursing courses may return to the School of Nursing in accordance with policies listed in the Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook on a space-available basis, noting that they may be subject to new program requirements. E.

1 16

The School of Nursing reserves the right to withdraw nursing students who fail to achieve and maintain academic or clinical competence, Ot who do not demonsttate professional accountability Ot conduct. Unsafe and/or unethical practice constitutes grounds for immediate dismissal from the clinical component and/or the program.




Other policies regarding progression/continuation are found in the Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook.

students must comply with confidentialiry according to HIPPA, School of Nursing, and univetsiry regu lations.

Nursing students are being developed as professional role models and are tesponsible fot optimal health practices. Specific health足 tdated documentation and certification are tequired before

beginning the program, and must be current rhroughour the course of study. It is the tesponsibiliry of each student to provide appropriate and timely documentation as required. Students failing to comply with any of these requirements may be dismissed rom the nursing program and/ot be subject to monetary fine. It is the student's responsibiliry ro reporr to the School of ursing any changes in his or her physical Ot psychological health. English Prqfidemy A certain level of English proficiency is necessary for academic success in nursing and for patient safery. Students who are identified by the unive iry as needing the English as a Second Language (ESL) sequence of courses will be required ro take rhe ESL courses before consideration for admission to the School of Nursing and/or to take and achieve passing scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). In addition. before their applications to the School of Nursing will be considered, all students for whom English is not (heir first language must also take and pass additional tests of English pronunciation. comprehension, grammar, and Auency. Test fees afC the responsibiliry of the student. Guidelines and policies can be obtained from the School of Nursing. All students for whom English is not their first language should also be aware that tbey may not be able to complete the program of study within the usual time frame. Non-Majors Enrolled in Nursing Courses Students who have nor been admitted ro the nursing major but who wish to enroll in nursing courses must obtain permission of the School of Nursing Recruitment, Admissions, and Progression Committee, the course instructors, and/or (he ean. Additio,raJ Costs A user support fee is charged to each srudent's accounr each semester. This fee supports the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies in the practice Jabs and Learning Resource Center, as well as com purer materiaJs and software. The fee is paid with ruition following registration for specific courses. In addition to regular universiry costs, students must provide their own transportation between the universiry campus and the clinical areas begi nning with the first nursing course. Public transportation is limited, so provision for private transportation is essenti;tl. Students are required to carry professional liabiliry insurance in specified amounts during all periods of clinical experience. For Basic srudents, this insurance is available under a group plan at a nominal cost to the student. LPN and ADN students must carry their own protessional liabiliry insurance. Health requirement fees, laborarory fees, student uniform and any ne sary equipment ate the responsibiliry of the student. Programs ofStudy PREREQUISITE AND CO-REQUISITE COURSES TO THE NUR ING MAJOR Each prerequisite and co-requisite course listed below must be completed with a minimum grade of 2.00 on a 4.00 scale in order to be considered successfully completed.

PlU 2006 - 2007

j J

Banc students must uccessfully complete Biology 205 and

20 ,

hl!ll1 istry 1 05, and Psychology 1 0 1 befo begiI1ning the nursing program. A m i nimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 is required in these courses. Basic students must also successfully com pl et e Bi oiogy 20 I and Psychology 320 before progression ro second semester sophomore-level nursing co urses; in addili n, they must also suce sfully complete ratistics 23 1 before enrollment in Nursing 360. LPN stu4nW m ust successfully complete Biology 20 I , 205, and 206; Chemistry 1 05; and Psychology 1 0 1 and 320 before beginning rhe nursing program. A minimum cumulative CPA of 2.75 i required in these courses. LPN students must also successfully complete Statistics 23 1 before enrollment in l ursing 360. ADN studen� must successfully compl e te Biology 20 I , 205, nd 2 06 ; Chemistry 1 05; Psyc hol ogy 1 0 1 an d 320; and rJtisrics 2 3 1 before begi nning the nursing program. A minimum cumulative G PA of 2.75 is required in these cour ses .

�quis;u and co-requisite courses

4 Second Semester -J3I L 206: Human Anatomy �nd Physiology II . CHEM 1 05: Chemistry of Life C U R or Core Inquiry Seminar 1 90: C U R or Core

4 4 4 4


First Semester SIal 20 1 : In troducrion to Microbiology PSYC 320: Development Across the lifespan STAT 23 1 : In troducrory Sratistics N U RS 220: Nursing Competencies I

4 4



P H ED Physical Acrivity

JanlUlry Term N U RS 220: Nu rs ing Competencies I (When offered and if no r complered in previous Firsr Semesrer)


BIOl 20 I : Introducrory Microbiology


l 205: Human Anatomy and Ph 'siology [

BIOl 2 06 : Human Anatomy and Physiology I I

HEM 1 05: C h mistry o f Life ( rganic and Biochemistry) 1 0 1 : Inrroduction to Psychology PSYC 320: Development Across the lifespan STi\T 23 1 : Introductory Statistics p. Y

All courses named above are offered in academic depanments other than the School of N urs i ng , and are thereb administered by those res pect ive deparcmenrs in regard tll scheduling, evaluation, grading, etc. For the BS degree to be awarded, all studems must meet both nursing and u ni ve rs ity requirements.

Second S�ester N U RS 2 60 : Professional Foundarions N U RS 270: Health Assess m e nr and Promotion N U RS 280: Pathological Human Pro esses C U R or Core P H ED Ph>: sical Activity :

THIRD YEAR FiNt Semester N U l ' 320: N ursi ng .:: o.:.: :m c:J p :::e� I� T C:.:: re c::: ie =.n: .:.: ::::s� -,,--..,. ---, : N U RS 33 0: Pharmacology and Therapeuric Modalities N U RS 340: S i ru a r ions with Individuals: Adult Healrh I N RS 350: Situations with Individ uals: Mental Health __



__ __


hold neither practical nor registered nursing licensure) is designed to

The curriculum plan for the Basic student (those who

foster growt h and professional accountability on the part of students. Nu ing ( N U RS) cou rs es must be raken concurrently and in indicated in the fol lowing sample curriculum, and i f sequenc the srudent i , en rolled full l i m::. normally extend over six semesters. Basic students who have completed transferable nursing credit from another ac c red ited insriturion, and/or who hold licensure as certified n ursing assistants, sho uld seek advisemenr from rhe Admissions Coordinator regarding the possibIlity of completing the sequence wirhin five semesters and one January or slim mer term (when offered). Currently licensed certified nu rs ing assistants with a minimum of one year's ex perience rna ' be eligible to compl ere ursing 220 through ctedit by examination.

FIRST YEAR (PRE-NURSING) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

4 4 4


PHED 1 00: Personalized Fitness Program '-'-_______

PHED Physical A tivicy

Second S�ester NURS 360: Nursing Research and I nformat ics NURS 365: CuI r ural ly Cong ruent He a lth ca re NURS 370: Situarions with Families: Childbearing N U RS 380: Situations with Families: Child rearing

FOURTH YEAR First Semester NUR

420: Leade rs hip and Resource ManaSE.m ent

NU RS 430: Situations wi rh Communities


440: Situations with Individuals: A ulr Health I I I URS 44 1 : Sit ua rio ns Seminar

January Term G U R or ore

�� F�t S�es_ter � BIOL 205: Hu man Anatomy and Physiology [ PS 'C lQ..l : Introduction to Psychology WRIT 1 0 ) : I nqu iry eminar:

JanUllry Term G U R or Core

SeC011d Senlesfno NURS 460: Health

are >::srems an d Pol icy

NURS 499: C apsto ne : Nursing Sy nth es i s R

PlU 2006 - 2007

r Core




' U RS 480: Professional Foundatio ns I I



2 2

6 4

1 17

minimum of 128 semester credit bOlli'S is requiredfor the bac­ calaureate degree. The sequence ofrequired nur.iillg courses comprises 10 semester credit hOIlTS.


Cenerai unilJersily and other specific reqllirrJrll(nts neededfo r compLetion ofthe baccaUlureate dRgrec are I/ot listed here. Applicants to the LPN to BSN sequence are strongly mcol/raged to seek advising for assistance with their compLne programs ofstllr0'.


The LPN to B SN sequence o f study is desi ned to ptovide career mobility fo r [he experienced licensed practical nursc desiring [he Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. Tne program validates [he prior knowledge and clinical competence of [he L P N , enabling p rogression [nrough [ne BSN curriculum wi th i n five semesters, fol lo wi ng completion of prerequisire courses. LPN students are strongly encouraged to make maximum p rogress toward comple[ing university re q u ire men ts before

beginning tne n u rs ing sequence.

PREREQUISITE COURSES 4 B [ OL 20 1 : Introducrory Microbiology 4 BlOL 205: Human Anatomy and Phys io logy I 11 4 .,'_ �10 �Q.6: Human Anatomy and Physi l o�,_ _-· 4 CHEM 105: Ch e m is t ry of We 4 PSY 1 0 I : Introduction to Psychology 4 i fespan PSCY 320: Developmen t Across tne L-----�-----_ _ _ _

::I Z

[ n tne ADN to BSN program, students may earn up to 30 upper-division credits t hrough the Professional Portfolio \'<forkshop course, designed to guide the s tuden ts in earning col lege credits by documenting registered nurse employment expenences. Upon successful completion of the BSN d egree with a 3.0 [,LU grade point a verage , and successful completion of tne Graduate Record Exam (GRE), (he student may begin an ex-peciited applica[ion process for (he MSN program . (See Graduate Studies.)

4 ..... B[OI. .��Lnrroductory Mi c ro biology BIOL 205: Human Allatomy �� [ --- 4_ �._�_�x�i::) lOID'_:c:_ -, _ B IO 20 : Human An at o my and Phys. i o L o gy [ [ 4 4 C H EM 1 05 : Chemistry of Life PSY 1 0 1 : I ntroduction to Psycnology 4 PSY 320: Developmenr Across the LiFes pan 4 4 �AT23 1 : I ntroductory Statistics _

First StmU!ster

III ...

T h e ADN to BSN program begins with tn e foundation of the knowledge, skills and experience of the registered nurse and builds an expanded framework fo r advanced nursing practice in today's health care delivery sys tems. D esi g n ed for tne registered nurse with a[ least onc year of direer care nursing experience, this program enables students to earn both a bJChclo r's degree and a mas ter's deg ree in n ursing.

Prere Itisite Nursin Courses


en c


4 N URS 260: Prof, sional Founda.tions N U RS 270: Hea l th Assessment an-.,.d P- ro -rn-o-t:io-n-----4-:-URS 280: Patho l ogical Hu ma n Processes:...4_ -; STAT 23 1 ; Introductory Sratistic, 4 __ _ _ _ _

Second Semester 2


Prere uisite General Un;lJersi Re ,irl!1l11!71t CDUI·ses :..:.:c'---­

Matn Entrance Requirem m (minimum C PA of 2.0 o n a 4.0 scale) Fo re i g n Lmgua ge Entrance Rcguiremem Fine Arts: Art, Music, or heater 4 �--------------� 4 Literature Phi1�sopJ1j' (excludes logic or critical thinki ng) 4 Pn ys i ca l Education: Four differenr activity COUf. es, including PHED 1 00 (See School of Nursing for �c: .exemptions to the PHED re�.:.rl�:)'__ 4_ --= ocial Science, Line I : History, Antnropology, o r P Ihical Science 4 4 Writing _


Sicuarions wi th Individuals: Mental Health



4 4


_ _ _

For consideration for admission, applica nts must ha'ue: Second Semester


.. .




Achieved a minimum (undergraduate) cumulative G PA of 3.00 o n a 4.00 scale for admission to undergraduatc study. and co ntinuation to graduate study.

. _._--

e_n_l_ l n_ar

__ _ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __



Final Semester

NURS 460: Hea[[h

1 18

Tursing Sy mh es i s

2 2 6


Completed each nursing prerequisite course with a minimum G PA of 2.00 on a 4.00 scale; cumulative GPA average in aU prerequisite and corequisitc courses must be a minimum of 2.75 on a 4.00 scale.


Ac h ieved j un io r class status (accumulation of 60 or more


Obtained unrestricted licensure a s a registered nurse in the state of Washington.

se me s t er ho urs) .

PlU 2006 - 2007

1 tp

A '"'






For co n tinua ti o n to graduate srudy, com pl et i on of the


MSN application process.

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING ConSlilt the graduate section 0/thLr catalog for details 0/ the program


leading to the degree 0/Master a/Science in Nursing and/or contact


the School ofNursing Graduate Program


(See Graduate Studies for JvISN Co/me Sequences.)



NURS 399: P ro fessional Portfolio Workshop


NURS 420: I nt roduction to Leadership and Management 4



a baccalaureate or h i gher degree in an academic discipline other than nursing. Those i n terested are strongly advised to seek ea rly

First Semuter


A cohort program designed for those who have previously earned

ursing Situations with_ommuniries

advisement from the School of Nursing at 253.535.8872. See G raduate Srudies section of this catalog for fu rther details.



Approved Elective


of Nussing Continuing Nursing Education

O ffice (253. 535.76 83).

Workshops and Short Courses

4 4 2


ursing Synthesis



Con tact the School of Nursing Continuing Nursing Educat ion Office (253.535 .768 3). The informtltion contail/ed herein refleclS an accurate picture 0/ the programs o/study leading to degrees in Ntmingfrom Pacific Lutheral/ University at the time o/publication. However. tlJe university reserves the right to make necessary changes ill procedures, policies, wklldar, curriCllltlm, fwd costs.



is a complex system, which now represents



the U . S . G ross National Product. Many di sc ipl i nes ou tside o f

nu rs i ng req u ire fam iliariry with systems and issues within health care. The Health Services minor is designed ro support non­ nursing majors, including biology, busi ness, che m ist ry, social work, etc. Students seeking a Health Services m i no r must receive approval and advisement from the School of Nursing prior to

For stlldmts admitted to the JlU/:ring major, regular status or provisional, all nursing courses are sequential. Successfol completion ofall courses in one semester is prerequisite to enrollmellt in the next st'll1ester :' courses. All students admitted to the nursing lIlajor must adhere to the Cllrriwfulll sequence as outlined hy their app ro ved academic pmgram contracts.



R�quirement$ - Minimflm 18 semester hours

All courses un less otherwise specified, are open only to accepted nursing students.

N U RS 1 00, 460 P H I L 223


important words. their origins , derivatives. and abbreviations.


Fo c u ses on utilization of terms

ANTH 1 02, 380 H EED 365 URS 365 PHED 362


applied to anatomical,

phys i o lo gical . and pharmacological topics. Pronunciation of terms emphasized. Knowledge from this course can be applied to any health care p ro fessi on . Open to non-nursing majors, req ui red for Health Services mi nor.



or 2)

NURS 220: Competnlcies I

E ON 323 N

100: Medical Tenninology

Provides sound basis fo r individuals i n health care to learn

At least th ree courses from:

Focuses on the cote knowledge and competencies of therapeutic

RS 420 and 530

communication, and technical skills associated with hea l th management. Prerequisite: Admission to rhe School of

P/�sl'ologic Functioning

Nursing. (4)

NURS 280. 330

PHED 480

NURS 260: Proftssional Foundations I Applied Health Cart!

Focuses on nursing

HEED 266. 28 1

process is introduced as a framework fo r cri t ical thinking and


caring. Open

RS 270


as a

profession and discipline. The nursing

non-nursing students with pe r mi ssi o n of URS 220. (4)

PHED 384

ins tructor. Prt!requisite:

No more than eight semester hours from any one department

NURS 270: Heolth Assessmmt and Promotion

will be coun ted roward the minor.

Focuses on the core knowledge and competencies necessary to

PlU 2006 - 2007

1 19

perform health assessments and promote healch across the l i fe

span. PrerequisiJes: prior or concurrent with NURS 260

and 280 .



achievement o f Junior

NURS 380: Nursing SitJlations with Families: CiJiUrearing Focuses on the co re knowledge and c

280: Humpn Parhological Prou/$U

Focuses on human respon, e, to maj o r forms of pathophysiology.

Prn-t!quisite for majors: BI OL 20 1 , 206 and

H E M 1 0 5 . Non­

majors must receive permission from the ins tructor.


Focuses on the theory and practice related to pre-surgical, surgical, and post-surgical nursing care perioperative surgical nu rse. (4)

m petencies

necessary to

app l y the nursing process t() situation, wirh infants, children, adolescents and their fam i l ies. Prerequisitel: NU 340, 350, achievemen t o f J u n ior II status. (4)

320, 330,

NURS 3991 Nurs;'lg Port/olio Workshop

NURS 312: Prnoperative Nurnng as

we l l as the role of the

PortFolio writing designated to prepare regis tered nurses to comp le te a portfolio documcmin

n the core kn()\Vledg� and competencies of advanced

technical skills associated with health management.

Prer�quisiu$: NURS 260, 270. 280, achievement of Junior I status. (2)

prior experiemial learn i ng

acquired i n nursing practice. Open to ADN on l),.

NURS 320: CO'lIpetencies II Focuses

Prerequisites: NURS 320, 330, 340, 350, II status. (4)





NURS 420: IntrotWctioll to LetuieNl:tip and Ruoura Managnnnzt ill Nursing Focuses o n core knowledge and competencies related to begi nning leadership and resource mal13.gement skills.

Prerequisites: N URS 360, 370, 380. achievement of Senior I

status. (4)

NURS 330: PhflT71UlCology and Therapeul'ic ModAlitiesfor Nursing Focllse bn pharmacological p ri nc ip l es of maj o r drug classifications, t he rapeut i c

Focuses o n the core knowled ge and competencies necessary to

modalities, and alternatives to

pharmacological i n rerventions. Prerequisitefor

280, achievement of Junior I


permission from the ins tructor. (4)

11'1 Jo... :::s :z

NURS 430: MINing S;tuatiollS with Communities

majors: NURS

Non-major must receive

NURS 340: Nuning Situn.tions willi IndillidwJs: Adult Health I

client. Prior or concurrent enrollment in NU

achievement of enior I s t.




NURS 440: Nur.<ing SituatiotlS with IndillUbmb: Adult Health ll Focuses on the core knowledge and competencies necessary


Focuses on the core k no wl edge and competencies necessary to

apply the nursing process to situations with individuals

apply the nursing process

experiencing complex alterations in health. PrereqtJisil�s:



situations with individuals

h eal t h . Prerequisites: Prior or concurrenr enrollment ill NURS 320 and 330, achievement o f Junior I status. (4) experiencing selected alterations in


situation$ with ind.ividuals



RS 330, achievement of Junior I

NURS 360: Nursing Research a1lJ Informatics Exammes p ri n c i p l es of nursing and health care r

Care - A

Focuses on core k nowledge and competencies neces s a ry to give

cul rurally congruem care to people from diverse populations.

Compares belief:, values, and practices pertaining to heal th, care non-nursing studems with

instructor permission. Prerequisite for majors:

ac h ievemen t of J unio r n

statu s .

URS 270,


NURS 370: NursitJg SituntWm with Families: Cb;Uhearillg ocuses on the core knowled� and .ompetcncies necessary ro apply the nursing process


eth i cal

pen ro non-nursing

students with per m i ssi o n of the i nstructo r. Prerequisite for

majors: NURS 260, Senior I I . (2)

An exploration and application o f nursing knc."v!eu ge and roles


practice. Prereiuisites: Pr ior or concurrent wi t h N U RS 340 o r 3 5 0 and STA 23 1 , achievement o f Junior I I stams. (4)

expressions, ;rnd weLl-being. Open t

in fluence health care including trends in health policy and

NUBS 478: EI#!ctiv� Clinical Experietue

technologi�, and databases that support ' id enc -based nursing

NURS 365: Cttltura1/.y C01lgruent Healtll

Care SystenlS tmd Policy

issues relevant to health care delivery.

exp eriencing mental health issues. Prerequisite: Prior or co ncurrent enrollment in N

NURS 44h SenioT Seminar

Analysis uf the social, political, legal. and economic facrors that

Focuses on the core knowledge and competencies necessary ro apply the nursing proc

360, 370, and 380, achievement of Senior I SUI[uS. (4)

NURS 460: Hulth

NURS 350: Nursing Situations with lndividwJs: Mental Health

1 20

apply the nursing p rocess to s i tuations with the community as

siruations with childbearing fam i l ies.

in a selected clin ical environment. Pass / fa il option. Open to

students who have completed their j u n ior-l eve l nursing courses or have received permission of the fClcuI ty. ( 1 -4)

NURS 480: Profasional Foundations lJ Critical evaluation of role transition into pwfess ional nursing.

Prerequisite: Concllrrent enrollment i n achievement o f Senior I I

St:l.t us .



URS 499,

NURS 491: l1ulependeru St.wUes Prerequisite: Permis ion of the dea n . ( 1 -4)

1 S


NURS 493: interns/Jip Abroad ( 1 -4)


NURS 4!J9: Capstone: NUNing Sytubuis - SR


Synthesis of core knowledge, competencies, profess ional values,



PLU 2006 - 2007

md leader.ihi p skills in nursing imariolls mt' n ro red by a professional n urse

preceptor. furequisitn: NURS 420, 430,

440, 44 1 , pri or or oncurrent enrollmenr i n N RS 460 and 4 80, achiev menr of Senior I I status.


)(t thr Cmdl<ilu School of Nuningfor

tolerance fo r the considered upinions of others. Through [he coll ecti ve ex plo rati on of, and reasoned argument over, difficult ideas, stu �nrs develop autOnomy in lheir decision-making. Philosophy is vital ro the formation of meaning and purpose in

grtilluate level courses.-

students' lives and p rovides an indi pensabl e framework for developing a sense of vocation - \'(1]10 am I) What va l ues should we hold? What really is the common good to which I might contribute? What kind of l i fe should I l i ve? I n s hor t , the active study of philosophy is essenrial "to empower students fo r lives of


tho ughtful inquiry, service, l ea de rsh ip and care - for other persons, for the co mm u nity and fo r the earth . "

253. 3 - . 72 1 3

University Core &'luirement

www.p.".ed.lI�phiI Philosophy is the parenr academic discipline that gave birth to rod:!y'- va riety of .lfts and sciences. It examines basic issues in all fields and explores conn erions among diver


areas of l i fe. In

philosophy the most fund a me nta l and enduring of qu estio n s are addre ed� How un humans gain k n owledge about thei r world? What l irrulS are there to that knowledge? Wha t is the ulti mate nature of rhe universe? In particular, wh a t


the nature of the

human person, and what role or p u rpose is ours? How should we live? Are th re moral, :ltsthc:ric, and religious values that can be adopted rau mlly and u ed


guide our decisions? Study i n

phi los p h y acqu a in r srudenrs with major rival views of the world, encourag




thlnk prec ise ly and systematical ly, and

helps t hem to se life cri tical ly, :!pprt: iati ely, and whole.


Chair, Cooper, Crom,

The Core I require me nt of four em� teI hours in ph i losoph y except for P H I l 233:

may be satisfied with any cour se off, Formal Logic.

The ini tial course in philoso p hy is customar ily P H I L 1 2 1 , P H I L

1 25, o r a 200-level cour.�e rhat p rovi des


more focused tOpic but

is still at t h e in troductory l eve l (PH I L 220, 223, 228, 230, 238,

253). The 300-level courses are suited for tudenrs with particular i n terests who are capa b le of working ar the upper­ division level. Courses offered through corropondence, on-line, and i ndependen r studies are nor a




meet core

requiremenr in phi losoph y.


1 6 s e meste r hours of a pproved philosoph y courses; fo r transfer Hogan, G.

students, at least 8 hours must be taken at PLU. Students considering a minor should discuss their pe rso nal goals with

Johnson, K:llIrin, Menzel.

departmental facul ty.



Courses in philo philosophy






LO su


phy help srudents who


a c�nrral element rn a quality liberal arts education; po rr their u ndergradu



rk i n other fields,


philosophy program. Transfer tudents will norm al l y take 1 6 o r more of their 3 2 hours at PL

with the in tention of [ aching i n the field.

d ep a r tme nt chair and choose a depar tm e nt al advisor. •

in critical t hinking , problem solving, research, analysis, interpr ration, and writing. It also provide critical perspect i ve on deep apprec iation o f ideas and issues that have i n trigued including those central to the

\liIcstt:rn i n rellecutal heri t.:lge. This prepares stud ntS for a great of r",ponsibil ity, especially when co u pled

\'ariety of p . i r i


with spc ializ

rr:lining in other disciplines. Those wi th the

highe, t pot ntial


ach" ncernent gen e ral l y hal'

specia ltz d rraining; rather, they bring


more than JUSt

their work breadth of


members and p rese n te d to the department.


primary sources. Honors majors in phi l os o phy arc'


discussing three or fo ur i mpo r ta n t works under the pt'rsonal be obtained at an early date from the d partm en t chair. It is best that the read ing program not be concent rated inro a

t ai n ed e)Caminarion of the basic concepts of life, such as , know l 'dge, goodn , and the self. By scrutinizing

single semeste r, bm pUr.iued at a leisurely pace over an extended period.

, assu mp t i ns, J nd impl ications, they are able to explo re 0


supervision of deparrment facu lty. The reading list should

Plnlo$opby Requiremnlt

uestion '

Completion of the de partm e ntal re ad ing program of to comp l emen t their regular cou rse. by reading and



P H I L 493: Honors Research Project, ulcluding an honors thesis written under th supervision uf one or mor e fac ulty

Students who take philosoph y engage in a sy.t matic and



In addition to the above requirements fo r the major :

skills i n cri tical t ho ug b t and communication.


Students must be a declared philosoph y m ajor in o rder to be e l igi ble for d e p a rtmental scholarships.


P r.ipeCllVe, intellecrual nexibility and depth, and well-hon ed

Why a

. Students i n tending to

major in phi losophy should fo rmally declare this with the

n dergrad u a te study in p h i loso p h y is not meanr to train specifically for a first Job. I ns tead , it serves to sharpen basic skills


On approval of the department, one co urse (4 hours) in philosophy if i t has a di reer relationship to the studen t's

in prepararioo for graduate srudy i n law, r h eology, or medicine.;

humanity t:broughom the ag

o '"0 ::r '<

Minimum of 32 semeste r hours, including P H I L 233,

another field of study may be used for a dou bl e major in

their study of phi losophy

or (4) a re considering graduate vork in philosophy itself, usually



330, 332, and 499. •

rure, hisror " po!i r icai scienc ', re ligion , the sciences,

education, or business; (. ) plan to




-c ::r

meaning. thou ght, and acrion. They acquire

hisroriClI perspective on the d i versity of human though t and


At least a 3.3 !fade poi n t average in ph i l osophy courses, including at least a B in P H I L 493.

P l U 2 0 06 - 2 0 0 7


PHIL 253: Creation and Evolutioll - PH PHIL 121: The E'xa",i7,ed Life - PH Introduces philosophy by considering perennial ropics and issues, such as what makes an acrion right or wrong and whether belief in God is reasonable. Includes a focus on developing skills in critical and systematic thi.nking. (4)

PHIL 125: Ethics alld the Good Life - PH Major moral theories of Western civilization, including contemporary moral theories. Critical application to sdected moral issues. (4)

PHIL 220: Women a1,J Philosoplry - A, PH

An examination and critique of hisrorically important theories from Western philosophy concerning women's narure and place in society, followed by an examination and critique of the writings of women philosophers. hisroric and contemporary. (4)

PHIL 223: Biomedical Ethics - PH c o ... ta v ::s "C LI.I

>­ .c C­ O 11\


An examination of signifIcant controversies i n contemporary

biomedical ethics. of major moral philosophies. dnd of their interrelationships. (4)

PHIL 225: Busiruss Ethics - PH Application of moral theories and perspectives of relevance ro business practices. Exami nation o f underlying values and assumptions in specifIC business cases involving, e.g., employer­ employee relations, advertising, workplace conflict, and environmental and social responsibilities. Pass/fail options do not apply ro business majors either declared or intending ro declare. (4)

PHIL 228: Social alld Political Philosophy - PH An examination of major social and political theories of Western philosophy (including Plato, Hobbes, Locke, ousseau, Mill, Marx). Includes feminist and non-Western contributions and critiques. Can count for a Political Science minor. (4)

PHIL 230: Philosophy, Allimais, and the Envirollmmt - PH Examines issues such as resource distribution and consumption, obligations to furure generations and the nonhuman life. Various moral theories are examined and applied to ethical issues such as preservarion of endangered species, animal experimentation, factory farming. resource consumption, pollution, and population growth. Concepts such as wilderness, nature/narural, and consciousness are also addressed. (4)

PHIL 233: Formal Logic Principles of sound reasoning and argument. Development and practical use of formal logical systems, with a focus on symbolic logic. Includes an introduction to inductive and abductive reasoning. Not for philosophy core requirement; countS toward Option I I I of the College of Arrs and Sciences requirement. (4)

PHIL 238: Existmtialism a"d the Mea"i,lg of Life - PH An introduction to the philosophical movement known as

1 22

Existentialism. The coutse will explore themes central ro human experience (such as alienation, guilt, suffering, joy and boredom ) , with a goal of asking how existentialism engages these ideas relarive to the question of human meaning. As an introducrory course we will survey specifically the major rhinkers of rhis tradition and illustrate how existentialism connects to other areas such as religion, psychology and literature. (4)

Examination o f the controversy surrounding the origin of life. Includes a historical introduction ro the controversy; investigation into the nature of science, faith. evidence. and facts; and critical evaluation of three major origin theories: creationism, theistic evolution, and non-theistic evolution. (4)

PHIL 291: Directed Studies (J-4) PHIL 328: Philosophical Issues in the Law - PH An examination of philosophical issues i n law using actual cases as well as philosophical writings. Topics may include the narure of law, judicial reasoning, rights, libcrt}', responsibiliry, and punishment. Prerequisite: One previous philosophy course, or POLS 1 70, or permission of instructor. (4)

PHIL 330: Studies in the History ofPhilosophy - PH I n-depth study of major figures, texrs, and topics in a selecred historical period. These may include: ancient, sixteenth to eighreenth century, Kant and the nineteenth century. May be repeated for credit. (4)

PHIL 332: Themes ill Contemporary Philosophy - PH In-depth study of selected themes and issues in 20th- and 2 1 st­ century philosophy. These may includes: Analytic, Pragmatism, and Continental. May be repeated for credit. (4)

PHIL 350: God, Faith, and Reasoll - PH Classical and contemporary views of traditional issues regarding the nurure and rationaliry of religious belief, with a focus on monotheistic religions and a unit on religious pluralism. Prerequisite: One course in philosophy or religion. (4)

PHIL 353: Topics in Philosophy - PH Study of selected topics in philosophy, such as value theory, science, meraphysics, epistemology, feminism. film or healrh care. May be repeated for credit. (2-4)

PHIL 491: Illdepentietu Reading alld Research Prerequisite: departmental consent. ( J�) PHIL 493: HOllors Research Project The writing of an honors thesis and tlnal completion of the reading program in primary sources required for the honors major. Presentation of thesis to department majors and faculry. (4)

PHIL 499: (Apst01le: Advallced Seminar ill Philosophy - SR Explorarion in a seminar format of an important philosoph.ical issue, thi nker, or movement. Topic to be announced at rhe time course is offered. Prerequisite: Three philosophy courses or consent of instrucror. May be repeated once for credit. (4)

School of Physical Education 253. 535.73 50


Physical Educati011 Program The universiry's physical education program seeks to ingrain in each srudent a fundamental respect for the role of physical activiry in living. Insrrucrion is offered in approximately 30 different physical

PLU 2006 - 2007


e duca t i o n a

tivities. The activity program i s u n iq u e ly

MA H 1 2 8 or 1 4 0 (four sem es te r hours)

chara<.:rcrrzed by a timely response ro s tud e n t in terests in

l' H ED 277. 480. 486 ( 1 2 se mes te r h ours)

recreational opportuni ties available in the Paci fi c Nor rh wes t.

P H E D 4 9 5 ( fo ur semester hours)

The school's professional programs pre pa re p ros p ec ti ve leaders for

P H YS 1 2 5/ 1 26. 1 3 5/ 1 36 (ten semester hours )

careers in physical education, exercise s c i enc e , health & firness

PSYC 1 0 1 , 320 or 4 1 5 (ei g h t se mes te r ho urs)

P H E D 499 (four semester ho u rs )

managemenr, pre-physical t h e ra py, p re-a thletic trai n i ng , and recreat i o n .

Pre-Athletic Trailling Concentration


- 52 semester bOUrl

B I 0l 1 6 1 . 205. 206 Ours r a nd i n g modern 5porrs faci lities include an al l-weat h e r 400-

me ter track, an cour rs ,


C H EM 1 0 5

Iym pic-style s wi m m i ng pool , six l igh t ed rennis

H EE D 266. 28 1 . 3 8 2

n i ne-hole golf co urse, twO gymnasiums, ra cq ue t b a l l and

squash co u r rs, a firne


P H . 0 277, 3 2 <i , 4 8 0 , 486

center, and an al l-purpose ast ra- t u rf field

PH ED 495 (four semester hours)


PHED 499 (four se m e ste r hours) PSYC 10 I

FACULTY: Evans, illl .;'rim Dean; G e h ri n g , H acker, Kerr,

STAT 23 1

McCo n n I I , Moor!'. Stringer, Wells; and Turner, Athletic Dircct01�

Assisred by G i rra rd . ]. johnson, Keirn. Krc�ier. loomis . McCord. . 'icholson. Nor en . Rigell, T ho m as. Wells, Wes te ri ng . Gt7lerlll Unil,ers;ty &qu;rroltnt


Four o ne -se m es t er hour courses ( P H E D 1 00-259). which must include PHE o

1 00. are req ui red fo r gr ad u a t i o n .

may be cou nred tOwa rd g radu at io n . Students arc e n co u raged to select a variety of act i vi ti e s at appropriate s kil l levd s . All p h ys i c a l cs . re a

graded on the basis of A, Pass, or

coed ucational basis.

Four conccnrratioO.l are a va i la b le under the BSPE D egree

62 slmUster bours

PHED 495 (four semester hours)

P H E D 499 (four $em es t c r hours) P l us two sem este r hours of approved decrives.

Students mllst have a current First Aid and CPR certificate before their i n te r n sh i p . Candidates fo r the BA Recreation (BARee) d egree must meet the C ol l ege of Arts and Sciences fore i g n language req ui rem e n t .

C H E M i 05


H EED 366

- 61

MAll-1 1 2R

1 40 P}I ED 277. 324, 326. 344. 383, 384, 478. 480. 486 PH ED 495 (four seme ter hours required) P H E O 499 ( o u r se meS te r hOllrs required) ST T 23 1 or

Beaub 4lui Fil1less Ir!"nagenumt Corzeenh'4tiorl -

63 semester bours


l 205, 206

Biology 205. 206 (eight semester hours) PHED 275 or 2 9 8 (two semester hours) P H E D 277, 279, 29.1. 294. 297, (ten se mester homs)

PHED 322 (four se m este r hours) PHED 326, 386. 478, 480. 486. 490 (23 semester hours) RECR 296 ( 1:\'10 se mes ter hours)


P}{ED 277. 293. 324. 326, 344, 383. 384, 386, 480, 486

- 35 semeSTer bOllI'S

I'HED 495 (fo u r semester ho u rs requ i red)

Initial K- t 2 te a c he r certification in Health and F i t n ess must m ee t the requi rements established by t h e School of Ed u ca tion for Teacher Certitlcation in a ddi t io n ro the above requirements for the BAPE with certification. ANTH 1 0 2 01' 2 1 0 EDUC 390. 392 EDUC/PHE D 468, 4 5 0 PSYC 1 0 1 SPED 320 WRI [0 I

IU'CR 330. 483 Pre-PIJ]$ical Tbt'Tapy COllcl!1Itration -

76 Jemeslel' boUT!

L 1 6 I , 1 6 2 . 2 0 5 . 206. 323 o r app roved al ternate (four se m ester hours)

Two from CHb

1 05 . 232/234 (eight to nine

scmeswr hours) H ED 28 t , 382 (four

o ::s

H EE D 266, 395. 366 ( 1 2 semester hours)


75 10


semester "ours required to meet tbe state endorsement i"

H E · D 266, 327, 366


m c.. C n QI

Heallb and Fil7ress

C H EM 1 0 5

T'HED 49<) (four semester hours req uired )


277, 279. 324. 326, 344. 386 RECR 296, 330. 360 (rwo semester hours). 483


B I 0 L 1 6 1 , 20 - . 206


MA 336


s tro ng l y e n c oura ged to co m p lete a minor in a related field.


Exercise Snellce Cotll�entr"tion -

45 snnester hours

BLiSA 305 or approved alternate

In addition to the req uirements li s t ed above, studems are





more than e i g h t of rhe o n e- se mes ter hour PE activity course,

cciucation activity cou Fail and are [a ugh t on

In ad d it ion to the req u i re m ems listed above. candidates fo r tht, BSPE deg re e must me�r the ollege of Arts and Sciences fo reign l a ngu age requirement.


hou rs )

Plus a valid fi rst aid card

PlU 2006 - 2007



1 23

Students receiving a BAPE with certification are not required


fulfill the College of Arts and Sciences foreign l anguage requirements. All courses in the maj or and minor fields are used for teache r certification must have grades of C or higher.


L 205. 206 (eight semester hours)

H EED 266. 395. 366 ( 1 2 semest er hours) PH ED 275 or 298 (two semester hours) H ED 277. 279, 293, 294. 297, (ten semeste r hours) P HE D 322 (four semester hours) P H ED 326. 386. 478, 480. 486. 495 ( 23 semeste r hours) RECR 296 (twO semester hours)

In addition {Q the requireme nts listed above. candidates for the B PE degree without teacher certification must meet the College of Arts and Sciences foreign language requi rements and a Senior Seminar (PHED 499 - 4 hours).

MINORS Aquatics Minor - 1 7 semester hours

c o

... RJ u = "'CI w

P H ED 2 1 6. 275. 33 1 . 344 PHED 495 (four semester hours) RECR 483 Plus [\"'0 semester hours from the following: PHED 200-2 I 9 or 360 (twO semester hours) First aid and CPR certificate requ i red .

Exercise Scimce Minor - 19 semester hours PH E D 360 ([\vo semester hours) PHE 383. 384, 480. 486 ( 1 3 semester hours) PHED 495 (four semester hours) Designed primari ly for biology maj ors and BAPE students. Not designed for education or BSPE maj ors . First aid and CPR certificate requi red .

Minor -16 semester hours

HEED 266, 366. and 395 Electives: four semester hours from following: PHED 3 1 5. 324, 362, 293 H -ED 1 90. 28 1 . 382, 360 or other approved by program coordinaror.

PH 234. 386. 390 H EED 366 PSYC 3 I O. 320, 330 (four semes ter hours req uired) PSYC 1 0 1 is a prerequisite to 3 1 0, 320 and 330 S elec t from the following: (four semester hours) : H EED 262, 365 . PHED 308, 3 1 5 . 324, 362. 4 1 0

Sports Miznagemem MitIor - 1 8 to 19 semester hours PHED 44, 386 PHED 495 (eig h t semester h.ours) RE R 485 Select from the following: ([\VO or three h.ours): P H E D 326. 33 1 . 384. 4 1 0 First Aid and C P R certificate required Designed prim arily for students with a major in business. communication or economics.

RECREATION See the Recreation (RECR) .rection of this catalog to view offirings. page 137.


Course Offerings - Physical Education (PHED)

PHED 100: Personalized Fitness Programs - PE

To stimulate srudent interest i n functional personally design ed programs of phys ical activity; assessment of p hysical condition and skills; recom me n dation of specific programs for maintaining and i mproving physical health. Should be taken as a first-year studen t. ( I )

PHED 150: Adaptive Pbysical Activity - PE


293, 334, 344 360 (two semester hours) 383, 384 495 (four semester hours) RECR 296 Dc路igned primarily for business, biology. BAPE . and BAR stude n ts . First aid and CPR cer ti fi ca te required.

Physical Activity Minor - 17 or 18 semester hours Select from the following (two or three semester hours): P H ED 275, 293. 294, 297, 298, 322, 326 or RECR 296


An individualized activiry program d es i gned ro meet the needs interests. limitations, and capac i t ie s of students who have had restrictions place d on their physical activity. ( I )

PHED 151-199: bulividUAl a"d Drutl Activities - PE 1 5 1 ( Beg i nn i ng o l f), 1 53 (Archery). 1 5 5 (Bowl i n g) , 1 57 ( Personal Defense ) , 1 62 (Beginning Tennis ) . 1 63 (Beginning

Health and Fitness Management Minor - 19 semester hours

1 24

Sport Psychology Minor - 20 semester hours

HEALTH EDUCATION Health Education (HEED) section ofthis catalog to view courSt' offirillgs, page 90.

PHED 279, 334. 344. 36 1 (twO semester hours), 390. 4 1 0 H E _ D 28 1 Plus tWO {Q four semester hours from the following: P HED 08, 36 I (twO semester hours) or PH E D 370-379. 386, 4 1 4. or 478 First aid and CPR certificate req u ired .

PHED 279. 324. 334. 386 478

PHED 279, 344 RE R 296. 330, 483 PHED 495 (four semester hours) First aid and CPR certificate required.

See the

Coac/};'Jg Minor: - 17 to 19 semester hours

Healtll EJ,teation

Recreation Minor - 17 semester hours

Badminton). 1 64 (Pickleball). 1 65 ( Racquerball/Squash), 1 66 ( Racquetball/Pickleball), 1 67 (Roller Skating). 1 68 (Ice Skating) , 1 70 ( Skiing), 1 7 i (Canoeing) , 1 7 2 (Backpack ing) . 1 73 (Basic Mountaineering). 1 74 (Equitation). 1 7 5 ( Snow- board in g) , 1 77 (Weight r ining). 1 78 (Body Toning). 1 80 ( Bicycling), 1 8 2 (Low-Impact Aer oh ics) , 1 83 (Power Aerobics) . 1 84 (Water Aerob ics ) , 1 86 (Step Aerobics) . 1 9 1 (Intermediate Golf), 1 92 ( I ntermediate Tennis). 1 93 ( i nrermediate Badminron), 1 94 (I nterme diate Equitation). 1 9 5 ( Intermediate Racquetball/Squ. h), 1 97 (Advanced Weight Tra i ning) . (I each)

PHED 200-219: Aquatics - PE 200 ( i ndi v iduali zed Swim Instruction) . 20 I (Swimming for Non颅

swimmers), 203 (Synchronized Swimming), 205 (Skin and Scuba

PlU 2006 - 2007


Pi Pi


A p

Cc pe FlJ

Diving), 207 (Basic Sailing), 2 1 0 ( l n rermediate Swimming), 2 1 2


onditioning wimming), 2 1 4 (Advanced Swimming), 2 1 6

(Lifeguard Training, 2 cred its), 2 1 8 (Kayaking).


PHED 310: Socioeconomic Injlue7Jces on Health ill America - A Examination o f the culture, social environment, and pressures that


create a health vulnerabiliry with the American population. (4)

PHED 220-240: Rl�tbms - PE 220 (Mav menr Te hniquc I ) , 22 1 ( ai Chi), 222 (Jazz Dance �vel l), 223 (Yoga), 224 (Currenr Dance), 225 (Ballroom Dance) , 226 (Folk nd Social Dance), 227 (Line Dance), 230 (Movemm t Techniq ue II), 234 (Relaxation Techniques), 240

( Da n ce



PHED 314: Team Buildingfor High Performance Teams Activities designed to facil i tate the development of team camaraderie and effectiveness. Creative, fun, challenging, and appl ied team building activities, combined with traditional training rools to help create learning experiences for students to


actively enhance team cohesion and group productiviry. (4)

PRED 241-259: Team Acriuities - PE 24 1 (Basketball ,1l1d Softball), 243 (Soccer and Volleyball), 244 (Co-ed Volle},ball ) , 245 (Team Handball) , 247 (Lacrosse), 250 (Direcred Spons Parricipation) , 259 (Independent Study/Activiry). (1 each)

PHED 315: Body Image - A

PRED 275: Wain Safety butruction - PE

PHED 319: Tramping the Tracks ofNew Zealand - PE

Topics incl ude: the connection between women and food, cultural definitions of beau ry, eating diso rders, nutrition, and biosocial factors affecting weight. (4)

The American Red Cross Wa ter Safery Inst rucror's course.

Bac.kpacking several of New Zeabnd's world renowned Hacks

Prerequisde: Swi m

and hiking up ancient volcano craters, to glacial mountain lakes,

towards P

G UR. )

test required. (Fulfills one semesrer hour


and along sandy oce.an beaches. (FulfilLs one semester hour towards PE GUR.) (4)

PHED 277: Foundations ofPll)'sical Education The relatiomhip of physical education ro education; the

PHED 322: Physical Education in the Elnnentary School

biological, sociologi cal, psychological, and mechan ical principles

Organization and administration of a developmental program for

underlying physical education and profession I



Should be the initial

taken in the School of Physical Education. (2)

grades K-6; sequential and progressive programming; large repertoire of activities. Observation and/or practicum in public schools required. (2 or 4)

PlIED 279:

Teaching Physical Activity PHED 324: Physical Activity and Lifespan

eneric t a hing and managemem strategies, design of instructional materials and techn iques tor implememing them,

The emphasis in this course will be on the role that physical

and sn-aregies for working with diverse learners in physi , 1

activity plays in successful aging. An understanding of the


s .rtings.

This course is


prerequisire for all teaching

influence of social learning on physical activiry behavior through

methods cou�es and should be taken prior to or in conjunction

the lifespan and effective strategies for health promotion and

with the Education H ub. (2)

activiry programming with adult populations will be addressed. (4)

PRED 293: Teachirlg Metbods: Fitness Activities

PHED 326: Adapted Physical Activity


pplication and evaluation of f[ (ness activities, such as:

o �

Emphasizes the theory and practice of adaptation in teaching

aerobics (water, high- and low-impact, step, slide), weight

strategies, curriculum, and service delivery for all persons with

training, cali thenies circuits, continuous interval training.

psychomotor problems, not just those labeled "disabled." (3)


PHED 279. (2)

PHED 331: Aquatics Manage11Umt To pics include training and supervising personnel, financing,

PHED 299: Teaching Methods: Invasion Games mes

in which a team rries to invade the other ='s side or

tcrrieory by putting an implement ineo


goal. Acrivities will

programming, pool maintenance and operation, swim meet management, and safery and emergency procedures. Study of

include: baskeeball, Soccer, lacrosse, hockey, and football.

pool chemisrry, filter operations, and maintenance. Visitacion ro


local pools. (2)

P H ED 279. (2)

PHED 297: Tuu:h;"g Methods: Net Games

PHED 334: Scientific Basis for TraitJing

Players attempt ro send an object into the playing area on the

Presents physiologic and kinesiologic applications ro physical

other side of a net or barrier. Activities include vol leybal l . tennis, badminton, picklebal l, and racquetball .

PHED 27').


sex, age, and ergogenic aids to athletic performance. (2)

PHED 298: Teachi7lg Methods: Target anJ FieUillg GAmes rarti ipants stri ke, hie, kick, or throw at targe

or objects.

Activities include golf bowling, archery, softball, kickball, and track and field.

training. Topics include the development of muscular strength and endurance, and the relarionship of nutrition, environment,



PHED 279. (2)

Role of law in sport and physical activi ty, negligence, tort and risk management as it relates to legal issues in school. SpOrt, and recreational settings.


PHED 360: Professional Practiculll

PHED 308: Sporn Motivatiotl Conceprs include: models of winning, closing rhe potential perfurmance gap, building winning attitudes, and setting goals. Fulfills coaching minor requirement. (2)

PHED 344: Legal Aspects ofPhysical Activity

Students work under the supervision of a coach, teacher, recreation supervisor, or health care provider. departmental approval.

PlU 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7


or 2)



PHED 361: COMhing Practicrtm Smdenc.s work under the supervision of a coach. Prerequisite: depart.mental approval. ( J or 2)

PRED 480: Exercise Phynology Scientific basis for training and phvsiological eRect of exercise on the human body. b.b required. Prereqltisi'$e: BIOl 205, 20G. (4)

PIlED 362: Healing Arts of the Mind and Body - A, PE Designed ro introduce alternative therapies of mjnd-body processes. H istory, roots, practice, and culmral significauces of several therapi and practices. (Fulfi l l s one semester hour wwards I'E G UR.) (4)

PRED 486: Applied Biomechanics/Kinesiology Opportunity to increase knowledge and understanding abom the' humall body and how the basic laws of mechanics are in tegrated in efficient motor performance. (3)

PHED 370-378: Coaching Theory Techn iques, systems, training methods, strategy, and psychology of coachjng; PH D 370 (Basketball), 37 1 (Football), 372 (Cross Country/Track and Field), 374 (Soccer), 378 (Softball/Basebal l). (2 each) PHED 383: Exercise Testing and Prescription Provides students involved in the promotion of physical activity with the basic knowledge necessary to safely conduct exercise, health and firness assessments in a variety of communjty serrings. Topics will include: history of assessmen t and i ts role in physical activity promotion; purpose and methods for pre-evaluation and screening; assessment and evaluation techniques; prescriprive p rogram development for health and fitness; bio-psycho-social implications of assessment and evaluation. (3)

c o

PHED 384: FOllntiation$ ofHealth and Fitness Managument Provides students involved in the promotion of physical activity with the hasic knowledge necessary to understand how health and fitness are managed in a variety of community settings. Topics will include: historical and philosophical basis of community-based health and fItness management; organizational assessmellt and evaluation issues; strategies for behavioral change; sua(egies for program development, implemenration and marketing; �peciflc examples of different community-based health and fitness management programs. (3) PHED 386: Social Prychology of Sport and PI'Ysical Actiuity Questions of how social psychological variables influence motor behavior and how physical activity affects the psychological nuke up of an individual will be explored. (3) PHED 390: Applied Exercise artd Sport Psychology A practical, individually-orien ted course designed to teach athletes, (rainers, coaches, and teachers a comprehensive variety of skills and techniques aimed at enhancing sport performance. Psychological topics include: managing anxiety, i magery, goal setting, self-confIdence, attention control, injury interven tions, self-talk strategies, and tcam building. (4) PHED 401: Workshop Workshops i n special fIelds for varying periods. ( 1 --4) PHED 410: Coaching-the Person and the Professiotl Personal and professional requisites of successful sportS programs. (2) PHED 462: Datlce ProductiOll

An advanced choreography course combining choreography,

costllme design, staging, and publicity techniques for ptoducing a major dance co ncen. (2)

1 26

PHED 478: Motor Learni11g atld Human Peifonnance Provides basic theories, research, and practical implications for moror learning, moror control, and variables affecting skill acquisition. (4)

PlU 2006

PHED 490: Curriclilum, Assess ment, mId bl$trllcri071 An integrated and instructionall a l igned approach to curriculum design, assessment, devdopmcl1t and i m plementing instructional suategies consisten t with \V'ash ington Essential Acadt'mic learning Requir rne nts. I ntended as the final course prior to a culminating internship, a practicum in the school setting is required in conjunction with this six-semester hour course. (G) PHED 491: bldepemlellt Studies Prerequi.riu: consent of the de'1I1. ( 1 -4) PHED 495; lntenlShip SR Pre-professional exp 'rien ' closely related to stlldent's career and academic interests. Prerequisites: declaration of major, junior stams, and ten hours i n the major. (2-8) -

PHED 499: Capstolle: Sellior &mit,ar


SR (2-4)

PHED 501: Workshops ( 1 --4) PHED 560: Practicu", ( 1 or 2) PHED 591: 11ldependellt Studies ( 1 --4) PHED 595: Illtenl$hip ( 1 --4)

Physics 2')3.535.7').34 IIIWU� md.plll. eduJpl'Ys Physics is the scientific stlldy of the material universe at its most fundamental level: the mathematical description of space and time, and the behavior of matter from the elementary particles to the universe as a whole. A physicist might study the inner workings of atoms and nuclei, the size and age of the universe, the behavior of high-temperature' superconductors, or the life cycles of stars. Physicists use high-energy accelerators to search for quarks; they design new laser systt'ms [or applications in medicine and communications; they heat hydrogen gases to temperatures higher than [he sun's core in the attempt to develop nuclear fusion as an energy resource. From astrophysics to nuclear physics to optics and crystal structllre, physics encompasses some of tht' most fundamenral and exciting ideas ever considered. FACULTY: louie, Chair, Gerganov, Greenwood, Rush, Starkovich, Tang. PHYSICS MAJOR The physics major offers a challenging program emphasizing a low swdent-teacher ratio and the oppo[(unity to engage i n independent research projects. There are cwo introductory course sequences, College Physics and General Physics; the General Physics sequence incorporates calculus and is required for the Bachelor of Science major. •



t P 4 C P fr Pl


C' R. CI C M


1 53, 1 54, 1 63 , 1 64 , 223, 33 1 . 332, 333, 336, 354 , 356,


499A, 499 B .

Strongly recommended:


4 0 1 and 406

Chemistry 34 1 may be substi tuted for Required supporting course s:


_ _ _ _ _ _

CSCE 1 3 1

MATH 1 5 1 , 1 52 ---=-'::;:":: · 1 54:164; 233, -----..- - . -Sop homore P H YS 234 , 3 5 4 MATH 253 Junior PHYS 223, 333, 356 . .

PHYS 333


ws:.: A typical appliedphysics program is as[ollo-'-::c.:. First-year PHYS 1 5 3. 1 63

MAT H 1 5 1 , 1 52 ,



CHEM l i S , CSCE 144

---·-· S PHYS enio;


33 1 , 334, 499ft

CSCE _ 24 5_____ ___________ _ � Sophomore





1 53 or 1 2 5 ; 1 54 or 1 26 ; 1 63 or 1 3 5 ; 1 64 or 1 36 ; 223,

499A, 4 99 B

1 1 0, 1 2 5, 1 3 5, 1 54 . 1 64 , 233, 33 1 ,

333, 336, 356, 40 1 499A

PHYS 1 26, 1 36, 1 5 3, 1 63, 223, 234, 3 2 1 ,


, 499B

332, 334, 354, 406, 499B

6_ , __ . .__ S_ ._ u_ m_ ,�er _ __�HYS �!_ 1 2 5 , 1 26, 1 �} _ Alternate =Years :PHYS 32 1 , 332, 406,

Plus eight addi tio m l , upper-division semester hours i n physics.

PHYS 110: Astronomy - NS, SM

Mit OR

evidence. Evening observing sessions.



Requ i red supporting courses: MATH 1 5 1 , 1 ') 2, 253.

Plus 1 2 addirional semester hours in physics (excluding 1 1 0) , of which at least eight must be upper division.


I l l . (4)


Colkge Physics 1 - NS,


An i mroducrion to the fundamental topics of physics. Ie is a

non-calculus sequence, involving only the use of trigonometry

Applied Physics Also available is a major in Applied Physics, which includes a substantial selection of courses from engineering to provide a to

Stars and their evolution, galaxies and larger structures,

cosmology, and the solar system. Emphasis on observational

1 53 or 1 25 ; 1 54 or 1 26; 1 63 or 1 3 5 ; 1 64 or 1 36

chal l enging

_ __ __ __ _

Course Offerin




and highly versatile degree. Applied Physics can lead

researc h or advanced study in such areas as robotic�-with

applica r ion in Space exploration or joint and limb prosthetics;

growth of single-crystal metals, which would be thousands of

and college algebra. Concurren t registrarion in (or previous completion of)


1 3 5 is required.

(or equivalem by placement exam). (4)

PHYS 126:

Colkge Physics II - NS,

Pnnquisite: MATH


An i ntroducrion to fundamental topics of physics. It is a non­

calculus sequence, involving only the use o f trigonometry and

rimes stronger [han the besr steels now available; mechanics of

college algebra. Concurrent registration in (or previous

fluid flow; photovoltaic cell research fo r solar energy

PHYS 1 25 . (4)

material fa i lu re , such ,,-s m et al fatigue and fracture; turbulence in

development; or applications of fluid flow and thermodynamics [0


s r ud)'

of planetary atmospheres "-nci ocean currents.

White many Applied P hysics g rad uates p u rsue p rof, . i o nal in industry immediately after graduation from

carec fl'

pro n




1 36 is required.


Basic labo ratory experiments are performed in conjuncrion with


also provides excellent preparation fo r graduate study in

the College Physics sequence. Concurrent regis tration in 1 25 is requircd. ( 1 )

PHYS 136:


Colkge Physics II Laboratory

Basic laboratory experiments are performed in conjunction with


1 5 3 , 1 5 4, 163, 1 64, 223,

completion of)

PHYS 135: Colkge Physics I lAboratory

arly 11 fields of e ngi nee r i ng .


1 40

3 1 , 334, 354, 356, 499A,


.ollege Physics sequence. Concurrent registration in PHYS

1 2 6 is required.



.SeE 1 3 1

Plu, fou r courses,

PHYS 153: Olle

of which must be upp e r division, sdecred

from :

CSCE 2 4 5 . 3 4 5 , 346

PHYS 133, 234, 333; 234

PHYS 336

may be subs rituted for

Generlll Physics 1 - NS,

including classical mechanics, wave motion, electricity and

magnetism, and optic). Concurrent registration in (or previous

completion of)



A calculus-level survey o f the general fields of physics,



l S I . (4)

1 6 3 is required.


CHEM 34 1 may be substituted for Physics 333

PHYS 154:

Required suppor#ng courses: CH EM 1 1 5

classical mechanics, wave morion, electricity and magnerism, a

(SCE 1 44 o r 240


1 5 1 . 1 52 , 253.

General Physics II - NS,


A G.1.lculus-Ievel su rvey of the general fields of physics. including nd optics. Concurrent registration in (or previous completion of) PHYS 1 64 is required.


1 53 . (4)

PLU 2006 - 2007

Prerequisites: MATH

1 5 2,

1 27

PHYS 163: General Physics I Laboratory Basic laborarory experiments arc performed in conjunction with the General Physics sequence. Concurrent registration in PHYS 1 53 is required. ( 1 ) PHYS 164: General Physics ll lAlborarqry Basic laborarory experiments are performed in conjunction with the General Physics sequence. Concurrenr regisrration in PHYS 1 54 is required. ( 1 ) PHYS 223: Elementary Modern Physics - NS A selected treatment of various physical phenomena which are inadequately describe.d by classical methods of physic;. Interpretations which have been developed for these phenomena since approximately 1 900 are presented at an elementary level. Prerequisites: PHYS 1 54 and MATH 253. (4) PHYS 233: Engineering Statics - NS Engineering statics using vecror algebra; conditions for equilibrium, resultant force systems, centroid and center of gravity, methods of virtual work, friction, kinematics of particles. Prerequisite: PHYS 1 53. (2) � u C � u


ItS u o Q. •

11'1 U

PHYS 234: Engineering Mechanics of Solids - NS Mechanics of deformable solid bodies, deformation, stress, constitutive equations for elastic materials., thermoeiasticity, tension, flexure, torsion, stability of equilibrium. Prerequisites: PHYS 1 54, 233. (4) PHYS 321: Introduction to Astrqphysics - NS Application of physics to the study of stellar structure, galactic astronomy, and cosmology. Introduction ro observational techniques. Qualified students may wish ro combine this course with observational work at PlU's W. M . Keck Observatory. Prerequisites: PHYS 1 54 and MATH 2 5 3 . Concurrent enrollment in PHYS 223 is recommended. (4) PHYS 331: ElectromalJletic Theory - NS Electrostatics, dipole fields, fields i n dielectric materials, electromagnetic induction, and magnetic properries of matter, in conjunction with the development of MaA'\veU's equations. Prerequisites: PHYS 1 53, 1 54 and MATH 253. (4) PHYS 332: Electromagnetic Wavu and Physicol Optics - NS Proceeding from Maxwell's equations, the generation and propagation of electromagnetic waves is developed with particular emphasis on their application to physical optics. Prerequisite: PHYS 33 1 . (4) PHYS 333: Engineering I1Jermodyrunnics - NS Classical, macroscopic thermodynamics with applications ro physics, engineering, arid chemis try. Thermodynamic state variables, cycles, and potentials; flow and non-flow SYSTems; pure substances, mixtures, and solutions; phase transitions: i ntroduction to statistical thermodynamics. Prenquisites: PHYS 1 53 and MATH 253. (4)

1 28

PHYS 334: Engineering Materials Sdence - NS Fundamentals of engineering materials including mechanical, chemical, thermal, and electrical properties associated with metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, and semiconductors. Focus on how useful marerial properties can be engineered through control of microstrucrure. Prenquisites: PHYS 1 54 ; C HEM 1 1 5 . (4)

PHYS 336: Classical Mechtnlics - NS Foundations of classical mechanics with an emphasis on applications to astronomy and celestial mechanics. Topics include applications of Newton's laws to particle morion in inertial and non inertial frames; systems of particles and rigid body dynamics; calculus of variations, lagrange's equations and the Hamiltonian formulation of mechanics. Prerequisites: PHYS 1 54, 354 or ivtATH 35 1 (or consent of instrucror). (4) PHYS 354: Mathematical Physics 1 - NS rdinary differential equations, laplace transforms, functions of a complex variable, and contour integration are developed in the context of examples from the fields of electromagnetism, waves, transport, vibrations, and mechanics. Prerequisites: PHYS 1 54 and MATH 253. (4) PHYS 356: Mathematical Physics II - NS Fourier analysis, boundary-value problems, special functions, and eigenvalue problems art: developed and illustrated through applications in physics. Prerequisite: PHYS 354. (4)

PHYS 401: Introductiol1 to QJ4antum Mechanics - NS The ideas and rechniques of quantum mechanics are developed. Coreql�isite: PHYS 356. (4) PHYS 406: Advanced Modern Physics - NS Modern theories arc used to describe topics of contemporary imp rtance such as atomic and sub-atomic phenomena, plasmas, solid-state, and asrrophysical events. Prerequisite: PHYS 40 1 . (4) PHYS 491: fndeptmdent Stud;es ( 1 -4) PHYS 497: Rewm:h ( 1 -4) PHYS 498: Research ( 1 -4) PHYS 499A: Advallced Laboratory 1 - SR Selected experiments from both classical and modern physics ate performed using stare of the art instrumentation. With 499B meets the senior seminar/project requirement. ( I ) PHYS 499B: Advallced Laboratory II - SR Continuarion of PHYS 499A with emphasis on design and implementation of a project under the guidance of the physics staff. With PHYS 499A meets the senior seminar/project requirement. Prereqltisite: PHYS 499A. ( 1 )

Political Science 253.535.7595 www.plu.edu/�pols The student of polirics seeks to understand how gowrnments are organized and structured, how political processes are employed, and the relationship of structures and processes to societal purposes. Since polirical activity may embody and reflect the full range of human va/ues, the study of politics includes realities of politics while at the same time asking how well political systems work, what purposes are and ought to be served, and what effects resulr from political phenomena. Political science encourages a critical understanding of government and politics in the belief

PLU 2006 - 2007

that a knowledgeable. inrerested. and aware citizenry is needed in a democratic society.


Ol ufs.

Com:UrrtlTlt Attain11lc,nt No more than eight semester hours taken to satisfY other major

Kelleher. Chail� Chavez. Dwyer-Shick. Grosvenor,

or minor requirements may also be applied to the political science major. No more than four such semester hours may also be applied to the political science m i nor.

Courses in political science explore various wpics in American j:\0vernment and politics. international relations and foreign

policy. comparative gO\'ernme.nt and area studies. p litical

A minimum of

philosophy and theory, and public policy and law. The

semester hours for the minor must be taken in residence at PLU.


semester hours for the major and eight

d parrnlent provides pre-pro essional training leading to careers in leach ing, law, government, and related fields.


The study of politics touch

economics, political science. sociology. or statistics.

24 upon other disciplines which

,emester hour" including POLS


(required) and



i nqwre into human behavior and development, ranging from hi wry and philosophy to psy holog)', communication. and

This minor offc: r - an interdisciplinary study designed to support


-cultural studies. Students of political science have the

many major programs whose content has implications for public

opportunity to combine the olcademic study of government and

affairs and is particularly useful to students contemplating careers

politics with pracrical

pericnce by participation in one of the



in public service or graduate study in public administration, public affairs, and related programs.

i n ternship programs sponsored by the department. parrmenr sponsors or otherwise encourages active student

The Prtblic Affairs minor includes thejO/loWillg �quirenun ts:

participation in political l i fe through class activities and through ch

such campus organizations

Young Democrats and the

Young Republicans.





A t least five additional courses from three o f the following

Gover nment and Public Policy

groups (cou rses which are taken as part of a major program may not also COUnt roward the Public Affairs minor):

There are no prerequisites for political science courses. except as noted. Prior consultation with the instructor of any advanced major or minor i n

Political Science

polit ical science are requested t o declare the major o r minor with

minor is selected

course is invited. Students wishing to pu

l: a

- minimum of eight semester hours if this

." o -

the department chair as soon as possible. POLS



36 semester hours

Requjrtlti courses:



L'i 1 0 1 . 1 5 1 . 325. 499 ( 1 6 semester hours) •

DistributiolUJ requirement: and Group


(eight em

Group A -

Group B -

Economics -

minimum of eight semester hours if this minor is


1 0 1 , 1 02 :


Itltenuztioll�1 Reuu;ons, Comparative Govermnent, and Poli-tical Thought






semester hours selected from the

47 1 )

may be substituted fo r POLS


However. students must pre-plan this option with the appropriate faculty i n tern supervisor. in consultation with the


32 1 : 327: 325:

Sociology SOC I S

departmental advisor. I n some instances, an i nternship (POLS

N I l l : Principles of Microeconomics: Global and Labor Economics Public Finance I ndustrial Organization and Public Policy

minimum of 4 semester hours if this minor is


Major programs should be planned in consultation with a or


Principles of Macroeconomics and


Political Science curriculum.


he Legislative Process

lef hours)

EUctille,: Minimum of 1 2


P litics and the Media


One course from each of Group A

326. 33 1 , 332, 338, 347. 380, 38 1 , 382. 383. 385. 386


American Government State and Local Government

Am.nicall GOllernme7lt /nul Public Po/icy P LS 345, 34 . 354, 361 . 363, 364, 368, 37 1 . 372. 373


450. 458. 4 4.

151: 354: 363: 364:


Social Problem

I 4 1 3: Crime and Society

Statistics - minimum of 4 semester hours if this

minor is

selected STAT

23 1 :

I n troductory Statistics

On approval by the Public Affairs advisor, up to eight semester

departmental chai r.

hours may be earned through participation in an i n ternship

MINOR Minimum of



semester hours including P

LS 1 0 1 and POLS

M i n o r programs hould be planned in consultation with the

departmental chair or a designated adviser.

program as a substitute for courses listed above (except POLS


Internship opporruniti


offered through several

departments, and through the Cooperative Education Program. and provide students with actual work experience in diverse

PlU 2006 - 2007

1 29

public and private agencies. Students interested in internships are llfged to consult with their academic advisors and with intern faculty advisors at an early date. Students i nt<:rested in the Public Aftairs minor should declare [he minor in the Department of Political Science and consult with me departmeflt's Public Affairs advisor.

MINOR IN CONFLICT RE OLUTION Requires 20 semester hours as follows:

Four required courses: PO

33 1 : International Relations (4) POLS 332: International Conflict Resolution (4) MA 340: Conflict and Communication (4) COMA 44 1 : Conflict Management (4)

POLS 331: b,ternatiollal Relations - S1 A systematic analysis of the international system highlighting patterns in state interaction. (4)

POLS 332: International COllflict Resolution - S1 This course will study several examples of peace processes and compare them with conflict reductionlresolution models. At any given time in recenr years, over thirty violent conflicts, most of them internal but some also external, tear J.parr societies, produce extensive suffering, and threaten regional stability. Several strategies have been tried, some relatively successfully, to end such violence and begin the long, difficult process of achieving peace. (4)

POLS 338: American Foreign Policy - S1

One elective - chosen from the following, or another COllfSC selected in consultation with the minor's faculty coordinator: POLS 2 1 0: Global Perspectives (4) OMA 304: Intercultural Communication (4) MINOR IN LEGAL STUDIES

20 semester hours. For additional information, see Legal Studies.

The role of the United States in international affairs. An analysis of the major factors in the formulation and execution of the United States foreign policy and its impact on other powers. (4)

POLS 345: Government alld Public Policy - S1 An integrated approach to the nature of public policy, with emphasis on substantive problems, the development of policy responses by political institutions, and the impacts of policies. (4)

POLS 346: Environmental Politics and Policy - S1 PRE-LAW cv u c: cv u V"I "' u .....

o Q..

An examination of environmenral problems from political perspectives, including inrernational and domestic political contexts and methods of evaluating policies. (4)

For infonnation, see Pre-proftssiona! Programs.

BACHELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION For information, see Schoo! ofEducation.

POLS 347 Political Economy - S1

Course Offerin s - Political Science (POLS

lopics include the development of capitalism, socialist approaches, international issues, regional examples, and methods of study. Prerequisite: POLS 1 0 1 and ECON 1 0 1 Ot 1 02 or I l l . (4)

An examination of the ways that politics and economics coincide.

POLS 101: Introduction to Political Sdmce - S1 An introduction to the major concepts, theories, ideas, and fields of study relating to politics and govern mental systems. (4)

POLS 151: American Govermlllmf - S1 A sllfvey of the constitutional foundations of the American political system and of institutions, processes, and practices relating to participation, decision-making, and public policy in American national government. (4)

POLS 170: Introduction to legal Studies - S1

An examination of me nature of law, judicial process., and participant roles in the legal system. (4)

POLS 210: GlobaL Pel'spectives: The

World i" CPa/lge


Governmental structures, processes, and policy at state, local, and regional levels of the American system. (4)

POLS 361: Political Parties and Elections - S1 Study of parry and electoral systems with particular emphasis on American parries and elections. Examination of party roles in elecrions and government; parry financing; interest groups and political acrion committees; and voting behavior. (4)

POLS 363: Politics and the MeJia - S1 C, S1

A survey of global issues: modernization and development; economic change and international trade; diminishing resources; war and resolution; peace and justice; and cultural diversity. (Cross-listed with A H 2 1 0 and H IST 2 1 0. ) (4)

POLS 231: Current InternationaL lnues - S1 A survey course i n international relations with emphasis on current events. (4)

POLS 325: Political Thought - S1 A survey of the origin and evolution of major political concepts in ancient, medieval, and early modern times. Can count for a Philosophy major or minor. (4)

1 30

POLS 354: State and Local Government - S1

POLS 326: Recent Political Thought - S1 A cri[ical examination of the major ideologies of the modern world. (4)

The role of mass media in American government, politics, and policy. Attention to political culture, public opinion, polls and surveys, press freedom and responsibility, and governmental regulation, secrecy, and manipubtion. (4)

POLS 364: The Legislative Process - Sf A study of theory, organization, and procedure of the Congress and other legislative bodies in the United States. (4)

POLS 368: The American Presidency - S1 Study of the nation's highest political office in terms of the roles and expectations of the office, styles of leadership, presidential decision-making, powers and limitations, and the interaction of personality and institution. (4)

POLS 371: flu/idal Process - S1 An examination of legal processes in various adjudicatory settings. Primary at[ention given [Q judicial processes focusing on Amt't.ican civil and criminal law. (4)

PLU 2006 - 2007


1 [



g P


Ir o.




er cc

POLS 372: Constitutional Law - SI


The: constiuHional basis of governm e n tal powers in the Uni ted

An internship with a government deparrment or agen cy. By

Stares with special e m phasis given to j ud icial review, separatio n of

departmental consent only.

powers, fed�ralism, interstate com merce, and political and


Intentship in Public Administration - SI

( ! -8)

constitutional restric tions on governmental power. (4)

POLS 464: Imernship in the Legislative Process - S1

POLS 37.

directly w i th legis lative partici p:mts at rhe national. state o r local


An o p portunity to study the p rocess from the inside by working

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties - SI

The consritutional basis of rights and liberties in the Uni ted

level. By de partm em consent on ly. ( I nterns hi ps with the

States with speci al emph a.,is given to freedom of expression and

Washington State Legislature are open only to j u n iors and seniors

association, religious free dom, righ ts in criminal proceedings, due

wi th 3.t least one year at I'LU.) 0 - 1 2)


, and equal p to tection. (4)

POLS 471: 11Itn'nslnp in Legal StUdies - SI

POLS 374: Legal Studies Research - SI

An internshi p with a p r ivate or public secror agency or office

Introduction to various methods of legal an a lysis, research, and

engaged i n legal research, li tiga tion ,

writing. (4)

depanmental consent o nly.

POLS 380: Politics of Global Development - SI


Des igned to pro vi de i n fo r m a tio n , concep ts, and al te rn ati ve

By department consent o nly.

perspect iws needed to study development as a global issue wirh i n the international pol i tica l conten. Examp les o f h o w general world tr e nd s manifest themselves in speciflc countries will be covered



well as case studies ()f successful dtvdopm�nt

Study of legal systems around the world




law cnforcemenr. By

bUJepDlIknl Sttu/ie.s

( I -4)

CapSTone: Senior Semi1lAr - SR

"t:J o

I ntensive s(t1dy i nt o wpics, concepts, issues, and methods of

inquiry in

po l i tical science. Emphasis


student research,

writing , and p rese nt ati on. By departme n tal consent on ly. (4)


POLS 381: Comparative Legal Systems -




0 - 4)


rhey actually work

Pre-Professional Studies

wirh i n their re sp ective policical, eco nomic, social, and cul tural contexts.


The following pre-professional srudies do not constitute academic majors, but are programs of study designed to fac i lit ate

POLS 383: Modem European Politics - SI

A study of the o r igi ns and d eve lopmen t of the European Union and an examination of the governmen ral systems and poli tical cultures of key European stato:s, including France, Germa ny, I raly, and rhe United

Kingdom. (4)

fu rther graduate or p rofess ional work afte r co mpletio n of a disci p l inary major at PLU.





www.llSci.plu. edlllhsc

POLS 385: Canadian Government mul Politics



The governmental system and pol iti cal life of Canada, with special attention to the constitution, politi cal parries, nationalism and separatism in Quehec, self-government of native peoples, and comparative study of C anadian and U . S . poli tica l


The Di v is i on of Natural Sciences healrh sciences commi ttee advises students aspiring


ca ree rs in the health sciences.


Con tras ts the h i .l tory aild aspirations of the Arab Na ti on s with the reality of E uropean dominance and its legacy, rhe formation of the present Arab states and

Israel. (4)

o ::s III

programs arc available in the Rieke Science Center.

Dentistry, ldedicine, and Veterinary Medkirll! The overwhelming maj()rity of students entering the professional

POLS 401: Workshops and Special Topics - SI ( 1 -4)

schools for these career have earned baccalaureate degrees,

POLS 431: Advanced International Relations - SI

background includes

Examines various theories of international conRiC[

well as study in [he so cial sciences and the hu m a nities . There arc

managemen t, including i n-depth a nalysis of h i s torical examples .

no pre-professioml majors for medicine, denti. try or veterinary


medicine at PLU; rath e r studenrs should select the major which besr matches their interests and wbich best p re pares them for

POLS 33 1 . (4)

al ternative careers. In addition to the general university

POLS 450: Internship in Politics - SI

majo r, the following are generally required fo r admi,sion to rhe

( 1 ,8)

in International and Comparative

ttl '"

p rofess io nal p rogram : B I O L 1 6 1 , 1 62 , 3 23 CHE1vI 1 1 5, 1 1 6, 320, 33 1 , and 332

( al l with laboratories)

Politics Internship overseas or wirh a US age n cy or organization that engages in i mer na tional issues and activities. By departmental consent on ly. ( 1 - 8 )

c::: c..

requiremen ts and the courses needed to compl e te [he student's

Internshi p i n the pol iti c a l dimensions of non-governmen tal

455: Internship


tho ro ugh p repara tion in the sciences as

gov e r nm ellt al organizat io ns are also considered. Prel'equisite:



securing a broad educational background in the process. This

The develo pment of i n ternational law and imernational

organizations. By departmental consent o n ly.

(1) 11"1


commit tee. Catalogs and brochures for mJ.ny schools and



Students having such interests are encouraged to obra i n a health

additional information is ava ilable rhrough the healch science

POLS 386: The Middle East -


sciences advisor early in their program. Sum marized below are pre-professional requirement. for many health science areas;

cultures. (4)

• "t:J

MATH 1 40 PHYS 1 2 5 and 1 26 0r PHYS 1 53 and 1 54 (with a p prop riate laboratories)

PlU 2006 - 2007


Check wirh a health science advisor for exceprions or for addirions suggesred by specific professional schools. Medual

Physical Therapy


The university no longer offers a medical rechnology degree, bur conrinues ro provide academic prepararion suirable for admission ro medical rechnology, hemarology, and clinical chemisrry programs. Minimal requiremenrs include: BIOL 1 6 1 , 1 62, 323, 328, 407, 448 CHEM 1 1 5 , 1 1 6, 320, 33 1 (wirh laborarory 333). 332 (wirh laborarory 334) MATH 140 Recommended courses include: BIOL 332, 348, 44 1 ; CHEM 403; PHYS 1 2 5 , 1 26, 1 35 , 1 36 .

The requiremenrs for admission to schools of physical rherapy vary. However the basic science and marhemarics requi.rements are generally uniform and include:

Optame.try A1rhough cwo years of pre-opromerry srudy is rhe minimum required, mosr srudenrs accepred by a school of opromerry have complered ar leasr rhree years of undergraduare work. A large percenrage of srudenrs accepred by schools of opromerry have earned a baccalaureare degree. For rhose srudenrs who have nor complered a baccalaureare degree, complerion of such a degree musr be done in conj unction wirh opromerry professional studies. The requiremenrs for admission ro rhe schools of oprometry vary. However, rhe basic science and marhemarics requiremenrs are generally uniform and include: IU I: o \1'1 \1'1 QJ




0.. QJ




L 1 6 1 , 1 62, 323

CHE.M 1 1 5, 1 1 6, 320, 33 1 (wirh laborarory 333),

BIOl 1 6 1 , 1 62, 323 CHEM 1 1 5 , 1 1 6, 33 1 ; MATH 1 40; PHYS 1 25 and 1 26 (wirh laboratories) In addition ro the principles of biology sequence, applicanrs must complere courses in anatomy and physiology. This admission requirement is met by eirher the combinarion of BIOL 205 and 206 or rhe combination BIOl 3 6 1 and 44 1 . Biology majors should take BIOL 3 6 1 and 44 1 , the clear preference of several schools of physical rherapy. In addition to the science and marhematics requiremenrs, the various schools have specific social science and human itie.s requirements. Check with a health science advisor regarding these requiremenrs.

332 (wirh laborarory 334) One year of college marhemarics, including calculus (ar I asr rhrough MATH 1 5 1 ) PHYS 1 2 5 and 1 26 or PHYS 1 53 and 1 54 (wirh appropriare laboratories)

LAW 253.535.759 5

wluw.plu.edul /egalstd �

In addition, ea h school of oprometry has its own specific requirements. heck with a health science advisor.

Pha771UlCY Although rhe pre-pharmacy requiremenrs for individual schools vary (check with a healrh science advisor) , the following courses are usually required: one year of general chemistry wirh laborarory; one year of organic chemistry, wirh laborarory; college-level marhemarics (ofren including calculus); one year of English composirion. Other courses often required include microbiology, a.nalyrical chemistry, statistics and inrroductory courses in communicarion, economics, and political science. For example, the University of Washington School of Pharmacy has approved the following courses as being equivalent to rhe tlrst rwo years of its program leading to the Docror of Pharmacy degree:

1 32

Acceptance to schools of physical rherapy has become increasingly competirive in recem years, and students interesred in physical therapy are strongly encouraged to meer wirh a health science advisor as early as possible to determine prerequisites for specific schools. All physical therapy programs are doctoral programs. Therefore, porential applicanrs should plan on completing a baccalaureare degree in conjunction with sarisfYing admission requiremenrs. The School of Physical Education offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Educarion with a pre­ physical rherapy track.

BIOL 1 6 1 . 1 62, 20 1 or 328 CHEM 1 1 5, 1 1 6, 320, 33 1 (with laboratory 333), 332 (wirh laborarory 334) MATH 1 28 or l S I ; STAT 23 1 WRIT 1 0 1 A second course i n writing; electives from humanities and social sciences. Total credirs should nor be fewer rhan 60 semesrer hours.

Prepararion for law school at PLU is an advising sysrem rather rhan a curriculum of prescribed major/minor or otherwise organized courses. The primary reason for such an approach is that the admissions comminees of U.S. law schools generally recommend rhat applicanrs be well and broadly educared. They rend to seek applicants who are l iterate and numerate, who arc crirical thinkers and articulare communicators. In essence, they value exactly whar a sound liberal ans educarion provides­ indeed, requires. Therefore, regardless of rheir declared majors and minors, srudents considering law school are encouraged ro demonstrate proficiency in courses selected from across the disciplines and schools while undergraduates ar PLU. An appropriate curricular program should be structured from a mix of rhe srudents' personal academic interests, their professional inclinations, and coursework aimed ar developing inrellectual skills and resources apt to generare success in legal study and practice. Recent successful PlU applicants ro law schools have taken such diverse courses as those in the anthtopology of contemporary America, social science research merhods, American popular culrure, English Renaissance literature, newswriting and argumenration, recent polirical thought, international relations, free-lance writing, intermediare German, animal behavior, neuropsyc.hology, public

PlU 2006 - 2007

finance, logic, and moral philosophy. Diversiry and challenge are crucial


preparation for the srudy of law.

The basic course consists of two hours of academic instrucrion and military training per week each semester of the fIrSt and

However, pre-law students are also advised to take courses, chosen in consultation with the pre-law advisor, that will help them


identify, develop, and explore perspectives on the

character of u.s. law. Courses in U.S. government and history,

j udicial and legislative processes, research materials and meth ds, and internships may be particularly useful in this regard. Finally, students with an i nterest in rhe law a.re encouraged



in the activities of PLU's chaptet of Phi Alpha Delta Fraterniry

International, a professional service organization composed of

I w and pre-law students, legal educators, attorneys, j udges, and government ofllcials. Regardless of their major or mi nors, students interested in pre­ epartment of Political Science.


as sophomores can

compress the basic course by attending additional academic instruction. Thete is no mil itary commitment for non­ scholarship students in the basic course. The advanced course consisrs of additional academic instruction and physical cOllditioning plus a four-week advanced summer training at the Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) at Fort Lewis, Washington.

'::'::":==-=--=��:l-"---=-:'==..lc..:S::.::cience Basic - (MI LS) An introduction to the United States Army. Includes an introduction to military science and its organization, leadership, land navigation, map reading, operarion orders, and the

The obj ective of the military science instrucrion within Army ROTC (Reserve Officer Tra.ining Corps) is

mil i tary science courses.

MILS 111, 112: Introduction to Military Science

MILITARY SCIENCE (ARMY ROTC) 253.535. 8740 www.plu. edw�rotc


second years. Students beginning the

Students are furnished with uniforms and selecred textbooks for

law advising and activities are invited to register with the Pre-Law Center in the

FACULTY: Major Boice, Chair



demically a.nd physically qualified college womt:n and men for

rhe rigor and challenge of serving as an officer in the United Stares Army-Active, National Guard, or Reserve. To mat end, the program stresses service to country and communiry through the development and enhancement of leadership competencies which

traditions of the United States Army. Provides a look at the military as a profession and its ethical base. Course includes Army Physical Fitness Test and training. (2, 2)

MILS 211, 212: Introduction to Leadership A continuation of basic oHicer skills. Areas of emphasis arc team building, squad tactics, operarions orders, land navigarion, ethics

support and build o n the c ncept of service leadership.

and p rofessionalism. total fitness and m i litary first aid. (2, 2)

Army ROTC is offered

Course Offeri'!9s - Military Science Advanced - (MilS)


PLU students on campus. The lower­

division courses are open to all studen ts and are an excellent source of leadership and ethics training for any cateer. They do not require a military commitment fo r non-scholatship students. The lipper-division courses are open to qualified students. ROTC is traditionally a fou r-year program; however, an individual may complere the program in two or three years. Contact the PLU Military Science Department for details. Parricipation in the introductory Mili tary Science courses at PLU is open to ail students. Students may choose to conrinue in rhe advanced courses wirh the goal of receiving a commission after successfu l completion of the p rogram and receiving a universiry degree. Students seeking a commission are often recipienrs of an ROTC scholatship. Being commissioned in the mili taty and/or receiving a $Cholarship i nvolves meeting requiremenrs established by the United States mili tary. For specific requirements in contracting or scholarship eligibili ry, students may contact the Military Science Department. Financial assistance in the form of two-, three-, and four-year scholarships is available to qualified applicants. Scholarships awarded are $20,000 for tuition plus a book allowance of $900 and


monthly sripend of $250-$400. Students in upper-division

courses not on scholarship also receive a $350-$400 stipend. To be commissioned an officer in the United States Army, a graduate must complete the miliraty science curriculum, including successful completion of a four-week advanced camp during the summer before rhe senior year. Addirional information on the Army ROTC program may be obtained by writing Army ROTC, Pacific Lurheran University, Tacoma, \'IIA 98447.

.." ... � ,

.." ... o


MILS 311, 312: Leadership and Management A survey of leadership/management and moti vational theories. An orientation on the competencies required for the small unit leader. I ncludes tactics, communications and land navigation. (3, 3)

MILS 411, 412: Professio nalism ami Ethics Covers Army values, ethics, and professionalism, responsibilities to subordinares, self, and coun try, law of land warfare, and the resolution of erhical/value dilemmas. Also covers logistic and justice systems and the interaction of special staff and command functions. (3)

Note: A maximum of24 semester hours eamed in ROTC programs

rna)' be applied toward a baccalaureate degree at PLU. Srudents receiving more than 1 2 semester hours of R TC credit toward a PLU degree are required to take one of the following: H I ST 23 1 : Wo rld \'liar Two in China and Japan, 1 93 1 -

1 945 - C, S I (4) HIST 329: Europe and the \'IIorld \'liars, 1 9 1 4- 1 945 - S I (4) H I ST 352: The American Revolution


S I (4)

H IST 356: American Diplomaric History - S I (4) H I ST 38 1 : The Viernam \'liar and American Society - S I (4) INTC 22 1 : The Experience of War - 12 (4) INTC 222: Prospects for Wa r and Peace - 12 (4) P H I L 1 2 5 : Ethics and the Good Life - PH (4) P H I L 3 53: Special Topics: Focus on Milirary Ethics or \'liar - PH (4)

RELI 365: Christian Moral Issues - R2 (4)

PLU 2006 - 2007

1 33


Philosophy: orienration in hisrory, conrenr, and methods. At least three semester-long courses.

The psycho log), program is designed to meet the needs of a variety of studenrs. To this end, two degrees are offered: the Bachelor of Arrs and the Bachelor of Science. Either degree provides a solid foundation in psychology, and either can serve as preparation for postgraduate study or employment. However, for (hose srudents who intend to pursue rhe docrorate in psychology following graduation from PLU, the Bachelor of Science degree is likely to provide an especially strong preparation. The Bachelor of Science degree is also an excellent pre-professio03l degree for those srudenrs who plan ro enter the fldds of dentistry, medicine (all branches, including psychiatry) , public health, or veterinary medicine. Many in business, education, nursing, and social work find a double major with psychology to be a valuable addition ro their training.

Natural Sciences: preferably physics, chemistry, and biology. At


Srudenrs inrending to ,m end seminary should complete the requirements for the Bachelor of ArtS degree. Besides the general degree requirements, the Association of Theological Schools recommends the following:

English: literarure, composition, speech, and related srudies. At least six semester-long courses.

History: ancienr, modern European, and American. At least three semester-long courses.

least two semester-long courses. Social Scimces: psychology, sociology, economics, political science, and education. At least SLX semesters, including at least one semester of psychology.

Chah� Anderson, R.M. Brown, Graham, Grahe, Hansvick, Moon, Moritsugu, Shore, Taylor, Toyokawa.

BACHELOR OF ARTS MAJOR 36 credit hours in psycholog), includi ng: PSYC 1 0 1 , 242, 499 One of PSYC 3 1 0, 320, or 330 One of PSYC 440, 442, 446 or 448 •

Foreign Languages - one or more ofthefollowing: Latin, Greek, Hebrew, German, French. Studems who anricipate post­ graduate srudies arc urged to undertake these disciplines as early as possible (at least fQur semesters).

Religion: a thorough knowledge of Biblical conrenr together with an introducr.ion ro major religious traditions and theological problems in the conrext of the principal aspects of human culrure as outlined above. At least three semester-long courses. Srudenrs may well seek counsel from the seminary of their choice. Of the possible majors, English, philosophy, religion and the social sciences are regarded as the moS( desirable. Other areas are, however, accepted.

A faculty advisor will assist studenrs in the selection of courses necessary ro meet the requiremenrs of the theological school of their choice. Consult the Religi.on Department chair for further information.

• • •

At least two semester hours from PSYC 495, 496, or 497 16 semester hours of elecrive psychology courses STAT 232 (psychology class) and accompanying lab are required.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE MAJOR 40 semester hours in psychology including: PSYC 1 0 1 , 242, 4 8 1 One o f PSYC 3 1 0, 320, 330 >[wo of PSYC 440, 442, 446, 448 One lab section selected from PSYC 44 1 , 443, 447, 449 At least rwo semester hours from PSYC 495, 496, or 497 14 semester hours of elective psychology courses STAT 232 (psychology class) and accompanying lab 20 semester hours in mathematics and narural science are required. Of the 20 hours, at least four semesrer hours must be • •

• •

• •

in mathematics and at least eight semester hours in biology. Those students who, after graduating from PLU, plan to enrer schools of denristry, medicine, public healrh, or veterinary medicine should note the specifiC pre-professional mathematics and science requiremenrs in the appropriate sections of this catalog.

Psychology 253.535 .7294 WWw.plll.edtllrpsyc

1 34

Psychology is a scienrific discipline that seeks ro understand human and nonhuman behavior. Ps),chology is also a profession (hat seeks to change behavior for the b rrerment of humankind. Through its curriculum, research activities, and use of communit), resources, the Department of Ps),chology provides studenrs with a balanced exposure to psychology as a scienrifIc discipline and profession.

MINOR 20 semester hours, of which:

The major in psychology (a) inrroduces students to scienrific methods of psychology, to theories and research findings from the core areas of psychology, and to the hisrory of ps),chology; (b) provides students with opportunities ro explore advanced ropics in scientifiC and professional psychology, conduct psychological research, and gain exposure ro the pracrice of psychology in community settings; and (c) helps prepare students for postgraduate work in psychology or in related professi.ons, such as social work, education, medicine, law, and business. The major is an excellent general preparation for employmen r in a variety of settings.

The minor in psychology is designed ro supplemenr anuther major in the liberal arts or a degree program in a professional school, such as business, educ:uion, or nursing.

At least 1 2 semester hours must be taken in residence. If a staristics course is used as parr of the 20-hour requirement, thcn it must be STAT 232 (psycllOlogy class) taught by a member of the psychology department.

PSYC 1 1 0 , 1 1 1 , and 1 1 3 do not counr tOward the major or minor.

Cotlrse Prerequisites A grade .of C- or higher must have been earned in a course in order for it ro qualify as a prerequisite and to apply rowards the major.

PlU 2006 - 2007



Expmential Learning

PSYC 330: odal Psychology - S2

All Psychology majors are required to take a minimum of two semester hours of PSYC 495, 496 or 497.

Capstone Psychology majors are required to complete a capstone project and present this project as part of PSYC 499 (for BA majors) or PSYC 48 1 (for BS majors) at the Psychology Research Conference held every term.


PSYC 335: Cultural lTychology - S2 The study of the relation bet\ e n culture and human behavior. Topics include cognition, language, i n telligenc.e, emotion, development, social behavior, and mental health. Prerequisite: PSYC 1 0 1 . (4)

PSYC 345: Com7llUIJ;ty Psyc/Jology - S2

PSYC 101: llltroduction to PsychoLogy - S2 An introduction to the scientifiC study of behavior and mental

processes. Topics include learning, memory, perception, thinking, development, emotion, personality, mental illness, and social behavior. (4)

Intervention strat gies that focus primarily on communi ties and social systems. Particular suc:.s on alternatives to traditional clinical styles for promoting the well-being ot communities and groups. Prerequisite: PSYC 1 0 1 . (4)

PSYC 360: Psychology of Language - S2

PSYC 110: Study Skills Effi

The study of how an individual's thoughts and behaviors are inAuenced by the p resence of others. Research and theory concerning topics such as person perception, attitudes, group proc.esses, prejudice, aggr�,sion and helping behaviors are discussed. Prerequisiw PSYC 1 0 1 . (4)

i e techniques for college study. Note-making, study

methods, examination skills, time management, educational planning. Class work supplemented by individual counseling. (May not be applied to core, language, or psychology major or minor requirements.) ( 1 )

PS YC J 1 1: College Reatiulg Improvement of college-level reading skills. Previewing, skimming, scanning, rapid r"ading, critical reading, and study reading. (May not be applied to core, language, or psychology major or minor requiremen ts.) ( I )

PSYC 113: Career and EducatWnal Plamling: Findhzg Your �y Personal decision-making process applied to career and educational choices, self-assessment, exploration of rhe world of work, educational planning, reality testing, and building career­ rdated experience. Does not meet general un iversity requirements or psychology major or minor requirements. ( 1 )

PSYC 221: The Psyehology ofAdjustment - S2 Problems in personal adjustment to everyday issues. Exploration of possible coping solutions. Prerequisite: PSYC 1 0 1 . (2)

PSYC 242: AtWanced Statistics and Research Design A continuation of Statistics 23 1 and accompanying lab taught by

members of the psychology department. Topics includ" single- and multi-factor experimenral designs and analyses of variance, multiple regression, quasi-experiments, surveys, and non-parametric statistical techniques. Students will learn to use computer programs to c;ury out statistical analyses and wiU have the opportunity to design and conducr their own research s l Udy. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: STAT 232 and accompanying lab taught by members of the psychology department. (4)

PSYC 310: Personality Theories - S2 Strategies tor the study of personali ty. Review of theories and research. Discussion of implications for counseling. Prerequisite: PSYC 1 0 1 . (4)

PSYC 320: Development Across the Lifespan - S2 Biological, cognitive, social, and emotional development from conception through adulthood to death. Prerequisite: PSYC 1 0 1 . (4)

The study of language' as a means of communication and structured human behavior. Topi s include biological foundations of language, psycholinguistics, peech perception and production, sentence and discourse comprehension, nonverbal communication, l anguage acquisition, bilingualism, language disorders. Prerequisite: P YC 1 0 1 . (4)

PSYC 370: Gender and Sexlwlity - S2 Study of the socia\, biological and cultural factors that contribute to human sexuality and gender-related behavior. Topics include sexual identity, typical and atypical sexual behavior, reproduction, communication, inti mate relationships, masculi nity and femininiry. Prerequisite: PSYC: 1 0 1 . (4)

PSYC 375: Psychology of WOmen - A, S2 Exploration of psychological issues pertinent ro women. Includes such topics as sex differences; psychological ramifications of menarche, child bearing. menopause, sexual harassment, and rape; women's experiences with work and achievement, love and sexuality, and psychological disorders. Prerequisite: PSYC 1 0 1 . (4)

PSYC 380: Psycbology of �rk - S2 Integrating career planning into the study of human behavior in work settings. Application and extension of psychological principles to the individual operating within an organization conrext - including measuring and facilitating job performan(e, worker motivation, human factors, and group processes. Pr�r�quisite: PSYC 1 0 1 . (4)

PSYC 385: COl/miller Psychology - S2 Social psychological princi ples applied to consumer attitude­ formation and decision-making - e.g., perception of advertisements, influence of reference groups and opinion leaders, and learning ef ts upon repeat purchasing. Emphasis on audience, message, and media factors. Prerequisite: PSYC 1 0 1 . (4)

PSYC 395: ReslUlrch LaborlUory Exp"rienc" in evaluating and conducting research in a designated area of psychology. May be offered from time to time as an elective to accompany various 300-level courses. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. (2)

PSYC 401: Workshop Selected t o pi cs i n psychology as annoul1c"d. ( 1 -4)

PlU 2006 - 2007


PSYC 405: Workshop on Alternative Perspectives - A, S2

PSYC 447: ExptrimetlUzi Research Laboratory in Perception

S lected wpics in psychology as announced which help fulfill the universiry requirement in alternative perspectives. ( 1 w 4)

Experiments and demonstrations of perceptual events. Emphasis on methodology in perception research. Prerequisite: PSYC 446 (or concurrem enrollment in PSYC 446). (2)

PSYC 410: PsychologicRI Testing - S2 urvey of standardized tests; methods of development, standardization; limitations and interpretations of tests. Prerequisites: PSYC 1 0 1 , STAT 232 or consent of instructor. (4)

PSYC 415: Abnormal Psychology - S2

M dels of psychopathology. Diagnosis and tre. [ment of abnormal behaviors. Prerequisite: PSYC 1 0 1 i STAT 232 or consent of insuucwr. (4)

PSYC 420: Adolescent Psychology - S2 Physical development, mental traits, social characteristics, and interests of adolescents; adjustments in home, school, and communi ry. Prerequisite: PSY 320. (4)

PSYC 430: Peace PsychokJgy - S2 Theories and practices for development of sustainable societies through the prevention of destructive conflict and violence. Focus upon nonviolent management of conflict and pursuir of social j ustice by empowering individuals and building cultures of peace. Prerequisite: PSYC 330 or consent of instructor. (4)

PSYC 435: Theories and Methods of Counseling a1,d Psychotherapy - S2



Study of the neuroanaromical and neurophysiological mechanisms of behavior and mental function. Topics include perception, voluntary action, spatial processing, language, memory, emotion, social behavior, and consciousness. Prerequisite: PSYC 1 0 1 , 242. (4)

PSYC 441: Experimental Research Laboratory in NeuropsyclJokJgy . Experiments and demonstrations related to n uropsychological phenomena. Emphasis on methodology in research on the brain and behavior. Prerequisite: PSYC 440 (or concurrent enrollment in PSYC 440). (2)

PSYC 442: Learning: &searclJ and Theory - S2 A critical overview of the research data on human and animal learning, and of the theoretical attempts ro understand those data. Prerequisite: PSYC 1 0 1 , 242. (4)

PSYC 443: Experimental ResearclJ Laboratory in Learning Experiments and demonstrations related w conditioning and learning in humans and animals. Emphasis on methodology in learning research. Prerequisite: PSYC 442 (or concurrent enrollment in PSYC 442). (2)

PSYC 446: Perception - S2

1 36

PSYC 449: Experimental Research Laboratory in Cognition Experiments and demonstrations related to human cognition. Emphasis on methodology in research on cognition. Prerequisite: PSYC 448 (or concurrent enrollment i n PSYC 448). (2)

PSYC 481: PsychokJgy Research Seminar - SR An advanced course providing students the opportuniry to design and conduct ongoing research and review current re-search in psychology. Directed toward helping students perform research studies that may be suitable for submission to journals or presentations at conferences. To maximize the effectiveness of the course, students are encouraged to give advance consideration to areas and designs for possible research. Prerequisites: PSYC 1 0 1 , 242, and consent o f insrructor. (2)

PSYC 483: Serniuar - S2

Introduction ro basic methods of counseling and psychotherapy, and examination of the theories from which these methods derive. Prerequisites: PSYC 3 1 0, 345, 4 1 0, or 4 1 5 ; or consent of instrucror. (4)

PSYC #0: Human Neuropsychology

PSYC 448: Cognitive PsyclJokJgy - S2 The study of human thought. Topics include attention, perception, memory, knowledge and concept formation, language, problem-solving, and reasoning. Prerequisites: PSYC 1 0 1 , 242. (4)

The study of our interactions with the physical world and the nature of our understanding of it. Includes such topics as color vision, dark adaptation, hearing music and speech, taste, smell, pain, and sensory physiology. Prerequisites: PSYC 1 0 1 , 242. (4)

Selected topics i n psychology as announced. Prerequinte: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit. (2-4)

PSYC 491: Independent. Study A supervised reading, fidd, or research project of special interest for advanced undergraduate students. Prerequisite: consent of supervising faculty. ( 1 -4)

PSYC 493: History and Systems of PsychokJgy Historical development, contemporary forms, and basic assumptions of the major psychological theories and traditions. Prerequisites: one of PSYC 440, 442, 446, or 448; and one of PSYC 3 1 0, 320, 330. (4)

PSYC 495: InternslJip A practicum experience in the communiry in the clinical, social, and/or experimental areas. Classroom focus on case conceptualization and presentation. Prerequisite: Sophomore sranding plus one course in psychology and consent of the dttparrment. ( 1 -6)

PSYC 496: ResearclJ Practicum Research experience under the direct supervision of a faculry member, students may design and/or conduct research in a desigl13.tcd area of psychology. May be repeated for up to 8 creditS. Prerequisite: PSYC 1 0 1 or consent of instructor. ( 1 -4)

PSYC 497: Teaching Apprenticeship Teaching experience under the direct supervision of a faculry member. Course provides the opportunity to learn how to effectively communicare information, understand classroom management, and develop reaching skills. Students will serve as a teaching assistant for a psychology course. Prerequisite: Grade of B or better in class you will be a TA for, a minimum 3.0 overall G.P.A., j unior standing at time the course is offered, consent of instructor. May be rcpeated for up to 4 credits. ( J -4)

PLU 2006 - 2007

PSYC 499:



Seminar - SR

Required for Psychology majors ea rnin g the B.A. degree. tudents will complete and present a project at an on-campus Psychology Research Conference held fa ll and spring terms. The project may be adapted from an upper-division psychology cou rse, or as advanced res ea r c h or internship project. completed by the student (see the Dep artme n t's handout on the capstone for more details and p roj ec t opti on s) . Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of instructor. (2)

Up to two GOurses (eight semester hours) can be counted toward both a PPA minor and ()[her requirements, such as ge ne ral univt:rsiry req ui re me nts . another minor, or a major. To earn a minor in Publishing and Printing Arts, students must acquire practical expe ri e nce in publishi ng-related wor k outside the classroom.

Publishing and Printing Arts 253. 535.724 1



For 30 years Pacific Lutheran Universiry's Dep ar tme n t of English has offered a way to help students t ran sl a te 11 love of boo' inro an exciting professional c a reer in publishing. One of only a few such programs in the coumry. rhe distinctive interdisciplinary curriculum in Publishing and Printing Arts (PPA) is highly respected by emp l oyers because it combi nes p re - pro fessi on al skills and expe rie nce with the solid foundation of a liberal am education. This s i x-cou ts e minor is designed to give students with talents and interests in writing. graphic des ign , communications. or business a head start into [he world of publishing and a broad variery of rdated professions. The PPA program readily co m ple men ts majors concerned with language and the written word, such as English. languages, education, public re lat i ons , j o u rnalism , marketing, and graphic design. Bur students m joring in a wide spec tru m of disciplines-from biology ro music to anthropology-have discovered the value of a P PA minor, too. It both helps ro connect them to publishing career opportunities in those fields and provides a r ich er understanding of the complex roles that writren communications of all SOrtS play in our lives and in Out modern world. FACULTY: S. Robinson, Directo r. PUBLISHING AND PRINTING ARTS MINOR

Th�e core course! are required -

Approved courses in Art: A R11J 226. 326, 370, 396. 398, 426, 470, 496 E L 3 1 4 0 r OMA 323

12 semester bOlrN

RECR 296: uacbing Methods: Recreation Activities

Learning ro plan and implement a variery of recrea tiona l activitie�, including outdoor education. Prerequisite: PHED 279. (2) RECR 330: Programming and Leadership in Sport alui Rer:reatio1l

Examines the principles. p roce dure s, techn iq ue s , and strategies essential to success fu l ly program and l ead experiences for diverse populations in Sport, fitness, recreation and le is ure service organizations. (4) RECR 360: Professional Practicum

Students work under the su pe rvision of a coach, teacher, recreation supervisor, o r health care provider. Prerequisite: departmental appro va l. ( I -2)

RECR 483: Maluzgemrot ill Sport alld Recreation

Examines the: principles, pro ced ur es, te c h ni que s, and strategies essential ro s uc cessful l y manage human res ourc es, finances and marketing in SpOrt, fitness, recreation and le isu re service organizations. (4) REeR 491: Ilu/epmdent Studies

RECR 4!J5: Internsbip - SR

In addit!on ro the a bove 1 2 s em es te r hour core, students take uuee dective courses ( 1 2 sem es t er hours) selected ftom at least two of the following categories: WritinglEditing

All Engli h writing courses beyo nd WRIT 1 ° I , including ENCL 403 Approved courses in Commu nication: COMA 2 1 3, 230, 270, j l l , 320, 323, 329, 360, 420)

Approved courses in Business: BUSA 203, 308, 309, 3 1 0, 363, 365, 378, 467, 468 or in Communicarion : COMA 36 1 , 42 1 , 422, 46 1

Course Offerings: Recreation (RECR)

Prerequisite: consent of the dea n. ( 1 -4)

ENGL 3 1 1 1C MA 32 1 : The Book in Sociery ENCL 3 1 2/COMA 322: Publishing Proce d u res GL 3 1 3/ARTD 33 1 : The An of the Book I


To view curricufum requirements, please go to School 0/Physical

Education, page 122.

Pre-professional experie n c es closely rel a ted to student's career and academic inrt::resrs. Prerequisites: declaration of major. so ph o m o re status. and ten hours in the ma j or. (2-8)


o �

RECR 499: Glpstone: Senior Seminar - SR (2-4)

Religion 253.5 5.7776 wluw.plu.edul�reli

Religion is an attempt to understand the meaning of human existence. Different religious and c u h u ral communi ties express that mea ning in many ways. For Chrisrians meaning is revealed in the love of Cod in Jesus Christ. located within an ELCA­ rel ate d universiry, [he Department of Religion stands within Ch ristian contex t.

PLU 2006 . 2 0 0 1

1 37

In a university setting this means the crious academic study of the Bible, of the history of the Christian tradition, of Christian theology, and of world religious traditions. Critical study calls for open and authentic dialogue with other religious traditions and seeks to understand a common humanity as each tradition adds its unique contribution. It calls for a critical yet construct.ive interchange with contemporary society. Filully, it calls for a sharing of insights with other disciplines i n the university as each sheds light on the human condition.

MINOR (Teacher Education Option)

To these ends the Department of Religio n offers a wide range of courses and opportunities. Furthermore i t calls students, majors and non-majors alike, to consider questions of meaning, purpose, and value in a society that all too often neglects these questions.

1 6 semesrer hours with no more than eight in one of rhe lines l isted above. Transfer minors under this option must take at least eight semester hours in residence.

Course Offeri ngs - Reli i�....JRELI),--REL1 121: The Christian Traditioll

'Brien, Peterson,

Transfer students emering as juniors or seniurs arc required to take four semester hours from religion lines I or 2 only, unless pres nting eight transfer hours of religion from other regionally accredited colleges or universities. Courses offered through correspondence, on-line, and independent srudies are not accepred to meet rhe core requirement in Religious Studies.

The Core I requiremeJlt in Religious Studies (eight semester


Biblical Studies (R1) REU 2 1 1 , 2 1 2 , 330, 33 1 . 332


Chrutiml Thought. History, alld Experience (R2)


Integrative Imd Comparative Religious Studies (R3) -

REU 1 3 1 , 1 32, 230, 23 1 , 232, 233, 234, 2 3 5 , 237, 239, 390, 39 1 , 392. 393

Cross-CuJJ.urai: RELl 1 3 1 , 1 32 , 232, 233, 234, 235, 237, 247, 34 1 , 344, 347, and 392


Alternative Perspectives: REU 236, 257, 3 5 1 , 354, 3 5 7, 368 and 393


RELl 131: The Religions of South Asia


C, R3

Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism - their origins and development, expansion, and contemporary issues. (4)

RELl 132: The Religions ofEast Asia - C. R3 Confucianism, Taoism, Chinese and Japanese Buddhism, Shinto, and the "new religions" of Japan - their origins, development, and contemporary issues. (4)

RELI 211: Religion a"" Literature of the Old Testament - R1 Literary, historical, and theological dimensions of the Old Tesrament, including perspecrives on contemporary issues. (4)

RELI 212: Religion a"" Literature ofthe New Testammt - RJ Literary, historical, and theological dimensions of rhe New Testament, including perspectives on contemporary issues. (4)

RELl 220: Early Christianity



Origins, thought, and expansion of the Christian Church; rise of the Papacy, expansion in Europe and the growth of Christian involvernen t in culture, to the end of the Papacy of Gregory I (604 CE) . (4) -



RELl 221: Medieval Christiallity R2

Penpectives O tl Diversity Requireme'lt



RELI 1 2 1 , 2 2 1 , 222, 223, 224. 225, 226, 227, 360, 36 1 . 362, 364, 365, 367, 368 C.

_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _

The study of selected theological questions and formulations examined in their social and historical contexts. (4)

hours) specifies that four seme�ter hours must be raken from each of two lines, as follows:

1 38


Frenz, l hssen, Killen, Komjathy, Oakman. Trelstad.

Eight semester hours are required for students entering as first­ year students or sophomores. Four lower-division hours should be taken before the end of the sophomore year.


Intended primarily for parochial school teachers enrolled in the School of Education.

FACULTY: Torvend, Ch(/iI� Batten, Breazeal e. Crawford, hnitsis,

Uuiversity Core Requiremtmls

c o

24 semester hours; at least four hours in each of the three l ines. Transfer minors under this option normally take 1 6 semester hours in residence.

3 2 semester hours with at least (our semester hours in each of rhe three lines, plus 499. Sixteen of the 32 semesrer hOllrs for rhe major must be taken in upper-division courses (numbered 300 or higher). Transfer majors will normally take 20 semester hours in residence. Majors should plan rheir program early in consultation wirh deparrmental Faculty. Closely relared courses taught in orher departments may be considered ru apply toward the religion major in consultation wirh the chair of the d epanment.

A study of the ideas, practices, forms of community among Christians from 600- 1 350, with an emphasis on how they undersrood their relationship to God, each other, and the natural wonder. (4)

REL1 222: Mothrn Church History



Beginning with the Peace of Westphalia ( 1 648), interaction of rhe Christian faith with modern politics, science, and philosophy; expansion in the world, modern movements. (4)

RELI 223: Americall Church History



Interaction of religious and social forces in American history, especially rheir impact on religious communities. (4)

REL1 224: The Lutheran Heritage - R2

Lutheranism as a movement wirhin the church catholic: its history, doctrine, and worship in the context of today's p luralistic and secular world. (4)

PlU 2006 - 2007

RELI 225: Faith and SpiritwzliJy - R2 Ref1ection on Christian lifestyles, be l iefs, and commitmems. (4) IU.'LJ 226: Christian Ethics - R2

Introduction to the personal and social ethical dimensions of Christian life and thought with attention to primary theological po 'itions and specific problem areas. (4) RELl 227 (247, 257): Cbrutian Th�ology - R2 Su rvey of selected topics or movements in Chr is tian theology d esign e d to i n tro duce the themes and methodologies of the discipline. (RELl 247 for crossculrural C U R and RELl 257 for alternative pers pecti ve U R) (4) RELl 230: Religion and Culture - R3 Explores the i nt errelati on and interaction of religion and culture in a variety of world re ligiou s traditions. Incorporates re cogni ze d methodologies in academ ic relig ious studies. (4) RELl 231: Myth, Ritual, and Symbol - R3 The nature of myth and its expression through symbol and ritual. (4) RELl 232: The B'ltMhisf Tradition - C, R3 I ntroduction to the history and p ractice of Buddhist tradition in its South Asian, East Asian, and Western cultural contexts. (4) RELl 233: The &ligion-s of China - C, R3 I ntroduction to the major religious movements of China. (4) RELl 234: The Reiigilms ofjapan - C, R3 I m roduction to the rel ig ious tr:1ditions of Japan. (4) RELI 235: Islamic Traditi01lS - C, R3 An introduction to the hist o ry, teachings, and practices of Islam, (4) RELJ 236: Native American Religious TraditiotlS - A, R3 I ntroduction to a v ari ety of Native American religious tradi tions, emphasizing the way in which religion works to construct identi ty, promote individual and collective well being and acts as a means of responding to colonialism. Approaches the topic using academic religious studies methodologies. (4) RELl 237: judnum - C, R3 Hisroriml development of Judais m's Elirh and commitment from early B iblical times to the present. (4) .BEL1 239: Env;romrumt and Culture - R3 Study of the ways in which environmental issues are shaped by human culture and values. tvlajor conceptions of nature, including non-western perspectives and issues in eco-justice. Critical evaluations of literature, arts, ethics, conceptual frameworks, hisrory, and spirituality. (Cross-listed with ENCL 239.) (4) REL1 330: Old Testament Studies - R1 Major areas of inquiry: the prophets, psalms, wisdom lirerature, mythology, theology, or bibl.ical archeology. (4) RELI 331: New Teslamtmt Studies - Rl Major areas of inqui ry: in terrestamental, synop ric, Johann i ne, or Pauline lirerature, or New Tes tament rheology. (4)

RELl 332: jesus of History, Christ of Faith- Rl Hisrorical survey of "Life of Jesus" re.search; form and redaction criticism of the gospel tradition ; the religious dimensions of Jesus' life and tho ught. Pre1Y�qtlisite: One lower-division RELI course or consent of instructor. (4) REL1 360: Studies in Chu1'ch Minutry - R2 The church in human service: the congregation, the church­ related coll ege , contemporary contexts of world mission. (4) RELl 361 (341, 351): Church Hutory Studies - R2 Selecred area of inquity, such as American-Scandinavian church history, religious experience among American minor ity communities, and the ecumenical movement. ( RELI 34 1 for cross cultural C U R and RELI 3 5 1 for al ternative p e rsp ectiv e C U R) (4 ) REL1362: Luther - R2 The man and his times, with major emphasis on his writing and creative theology. (4) RELl 364 (344, 354): Theological Studies - R2 Selecred topic or movemenr within Christian theology. (RELI 344 for cross cuirural G U R and RELI 354 for alrernative perspe c ti ve C U R) (4) REL1 365: Chrntian Moral Issues - R2 In-depth exploration from the perspective of Christian ethics of selected moral issues such as peace and violence, the environment, se x uality, political and econo mic systems, hunger, and poverty, (4) RELl 367 (347, 357): Major Religious Thinkers, Texts, and Genres - R2 In-depth study of major figures, texts, or gen res in Christian and non-Christian religious tradirions, focusing especially on the theology and re ligiou s thought of these traditions. Fulfills either line 2 or 3 as appropriate. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. (4) REL1368: Femhlut and Wotnanut Theologies - A, R2 A study of major theological rhemes and issues through global women's perspectives on gender. (4) RELl 390 (393): Topics in C011Jptlrative Religions - R3 Historical study of specifIC non-Christian religions such as the traditions of India and China, Judaism , and Islam, (RELI 393 for alternarive perspective C U R) (4) RELl 391: Sociology ofReligion - R3 Mulri-cultural investigation of religious experience, belief, and ri rual in re larion to rheir social settings wirh particular attention to new forms of religion in America, (Cross-listed wirh SOCI 39 1 .) (4) RELl 392: God, Magic, and Morals - C, R3 Anthropology of religion, (Cross-listed wirh ANTH 392). (4) RELl 491: Independent Studies I ntended for reli gion majors, advanced and gradu a te students; consent of the department is required. ( [ -4) REL1 499: Capstone: Res�arch Seminar - SR Discussion of common readings and a major research and writing p roject with public presentation around the student's area of i nteres t. (4)

PlU 2006 - 2007

1 39

should be submitted to the Scandinavian Studies director for approval toward the major.

Scandinavian Area Studies 253.535 .73 1 4

www.p/u.edu/ scan �

Scandinavian Area Srudies is an interd isci p l in ary program that ofters a unique perspective on Scandinavia past and present. while developing useful analytical, cross-cultural and communicative $kills. Students can easily combine their study of Scandinavia with other majors drawn from disciplines from many university departments. The program reflecrs both the Scandinavian heritage of the univt'rsity and the dynamic profile of the Scandinavian cultures within the world community today.

Scandinnvian Stud-iell Committee: Berguson, Chair and

l'rognrm Director; Hegstad, Grosvenor, Reiman, R0nning, Storfjell, Trelstad.

Srudents enrolled in the Scandinavian Area Studies program are expec ted to demonstrate the equivalent of: •

• •

Two years of Norwegian, Swedish or Danish l anguage instruction ( 1 6 semes ter hours) Eight semester hours in Scandinavian cultural history Four semester hours in Scandinavian l iterature

c: ra > ra c: "C c: ra v V\


101 , 20 1 , 30 1 : 302:

1 02: Elementary (4, 4) 202: Intermediate - C (4, 4) Conversation and Composition - C (4) Advanced Conversation and Composition (4)

Cultural History: (All courses taught ill English) SCAN 1 50 Introduction to Scandinavia (4) SCAN 32 1 : Topics in Scandinavian Culture and Society - S 1 (4) SCAN/POLS 322: Scandinavia and World Issues (4) SCAN 327: The Vikings (4)

SCAN 24 1 : Scandinavian Fol.klore - LT (4) SCAL"J 34 1 : Topics in Scandinavian Literature - LT (4) SCAN 422: Scandinavian Lirerature in the 1 9th and 20th Centuries - LT (4)

Students will choose from an approved list of additional Scandinavian and cross-disciplinary courses in accordance with personal interests and goals and in consultation with the program director Four semester hours in cross-discipl inary course Two semester hours in a senior project Eight semester hours of electives

With the approval of the Scandinavian Studies director, selected January-term, summer, experimental courses and an internship may be included in the major program. No more than eigh t semester hours may be offered to meer borh the Scandinavian Area Studies major and general university

requirements or requirements for a second major. Such cross­ application of courses must be approved by the Scandinavian Studies di rector. he cross-disciplinary courses listed below ofter an opportunity to view rhe Scandinavian countries in comparison with other world regions. T hey are regular departmental offerings in which srudents enrolled in [he Scandinavian Area Studies major focus [heir reading and work assignments to a significant extent on the Nordic region. Students must consult with the program director concerning registration for these courses. Students are encouraged, though not required, to study in Scandinavia as part of their program. Financial aid ap p l i es to PLU's partnership program, "Contemporary Global Issues: The Norwegian Approach,"



Literature: (All courses tallght ill English)

MAJORS A tOUrl of 40 semester hours •

Students interesred specifically in Norwegian l angua ge and l irerature study are refe rred to the descriprion of the Norwegian major under [he Department of Languages and Literatures. All core Scandinavian courses are taught our of this department.

that takes p lace ea h fall semes te r at Hedmark University College in Norway. Study opportunities are also available at a varietv of other institutions in Norway, Sweden and ' Denma rk. Appropriare coursework completed abroad

Cross-disciplinary Courses Sometimes A,&plic:able to the Scandinavian Area Studies Major Consult with the program director to determine applicability. ECON 335: European Economics Integration (4)

ENGL 334: Special Topics in Children's Literature (4) HIST 325: Reformation - SI (4) MUSI 1 06: Music of Scandinavia - AR, C (4) POLS 33 1 : International Relations - S 1 (4) POLS 380: Politics of Global Development - SI (4) RELI 36 1 : Church History Studies - R2 (4)

��se Offerin -:: Scandinavian Area Studies (SCAN) SCAN 150: Introduction to Scandinavia Introduction to the cultures and societies of the Nordic region, including the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, lnd Sweden, and [he autonomous regions of Aland, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland. A brief geographic and historical overview is followed by an investigation of contemporary Scandinavian societies. Topics for reading and discussion include culture and identity construction, imernational peace building and development, and the perspectives of recent immigrants and the indigenous Sami and Greenlander peoples. Films, art. and literature supplement course readings. Taught in English. (4)

SCAN 241: Scandi1Javian Folklore - LT Through reading of myths, folktales, ballads and legends, the course critiques the role of folk narrative as an expression of identity and world view in traditional and contemporary Scandinavian societies. Examples of fol k perfo rmance in music and film supplement the readings. Course is conducted i n English: readings are i n translation for non-majors. (4)

SCAN 321: Topics in Scandinavian Culture and Society This course concentrates on special topics such as the development of the Welfare State, Scandinavia and the European

PlU 2006 - 2007

Umon, Nordic colonialism, and the role of migrations in the changing society. May be repeated for credit for different topic areas .

Division of Social Sciences


253.535 .7669

SCAN 322: ScandinavUz and World Issues - Sl his course traces the involvement of the Scandinavian countries

in world organizations, such as the United Nations and the roles the count ries have played in world politics. The focus will be on


N rdic approach to democracy, aid to developing countries

The faculty within the Division of Social Sciences seek to provide a challenging education in the social sciences that critically analyzes the past and the present social history and srructures of human interaction. Instruction is vibrant and relevant to the

and peace making, as well as i n itiatives, projects and activities in

rime and world in which we live and encourages responsible

which Scandinavians are currently involved around the world.

citizenship fo r today and tomo rrow. Through classroom learning

Cross-listed with POLS 322 . (4)

and applied settings such as supervised internships, students i n

SCAN 327: The Vikings - Sl

developing the analytical tools with which to provide solutions to

The world of the Vikings; territorial expansion; interaction of the

a diverse range of social problems.

the social sciences acquire a n understanding o f society while

Vikings with the rest of Europe. Course taught in English (cross­ listed with H I ST 327).


The Division of Social Sciences fully supportS interdisciplinary programs. The programs in Global Studies, Legal Studies, and

SCAN 341: Topics in Scandinavi4n Literature - LT

Women's Studies are housed within the division. In addition,

Selected literary works provide an in-depth study of topics such

Social Sciences faculry also participate actively in other

as women's literature, film and the novel, conflict and peace, and

interdisciplinary programs including Chi nese Studies and

im migrant literature. Course is conducted in English; readings

Environmental Studies.

arc in rranslation for non-majors. May be repeated for credit for different topic areas. (4)

SCAN 422: ScandinavUzn Literature in the 19th and 20th Cmturiu - II

Represen tative works are studied within their social, historical and literary COn texts. Readings include drama, l1.ovels, shorr stories and poetry. Course is conducted in English; readings are in translation fo r non-majors. (4)

AJso administered within the division, the Center for Economic Education serves to broaden knowledge of economic pri nciples among K- 1 2 teachers and their students in the Pacific Northwest. The Forest Foundation Severtson Undergraduate Fellowship supportS students conducting research i n the social sciences.

FACULTY: Peterson, Dean; faculty members of the Departments of Anthropology, Economics, H istory, Marriage and Family

SCAN 491: 1ndepmdmt Studies ( 1 -4)

Therapy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Social Work.

SCAN 4!J2: Independmt Studies ( 1 -4)

As a division within the College of Arts and Sciences, the

CAN 495: Int£rnships (2-4) SCAN 499: Capstone: Sn,ior Project

VI o 1"\

Division of Social Sciences offers programs in each constituent -

department leading to the BA degree. Additionally, a


A res earch paptr, i n ternship or other approved project. Open only to Scandinavian Area Studies majors. (2)

BS degree is

offered in psychology and an MA degree is offered in Marriage and Family Therapy. Course offeri ngs and degree requirements are listed under:

For courses in Norwegian, go to Languages and Literatures, page 96.

Anth ropology Economics

MAJOR IN NORWEGIAN A minimum of 34 semester hours, including N O RW 1 0 1 - 1 02,

2 0 1 -202, 3 0 1-302, and SCAl'\! 34 1 or 422.

History Marriage and Family Therapy Poli tical Science



20 semester hours, which may include N O RW 1 0 I - I 02

Sociology and Social Work

VI o 1"\ o

o � '<

III ::I c.. VI o 1"\ III

See also sections specific to affiliated degrees and prograllls for

Sign Language

Chinese Studies, Environmental Studies, Global Studies, Legal

To view curriculum requirements, pleme go to Communication and Theatre, page 56.

Studies, and Women;' and Gmder Studies.

Sociology and Social Work

S:..: I G:.:..; N:s.. ) Course Offerin s - Sign Languag e--,(�

_ _ _ _ _..._. _ _

SIGN 101,


102: Sign Language - A

An inrroduction to the structure of American Sign Language and

to the world of the hearing impaired. Basic signing skills and sign

language vocabulary; finger spelling; the particular needs and problems of deaf people. (4,


www.plu.edul�soci Sociology and social work, as distinct disciplines, are concerned with understanding con temporary social issues, policies, and

solutions. While sociology emphasizes research, in terpretation,

PlU 2006 - 2007


and analysis, social work emphasizes intervention and practice. The disciplines share an interest in human relationships and ex.perience, contemporary family life and family po l i c i es , ethnic diversity and race relations, poverty and social stratification, social justice and community organization. Both disciplines encourage hands-on learning through field placements, internships, and service l ea rn i n g projects. Students may major or minor in either sociology or social work, minor in sociology, or complete a douule major in sociology and so c ia l work. Social work majors are encouraged to minor in sociology.

FACULTY: Gregson. Chair; Jobst, Leon-Guerrero, Keller, Moran, Renfro\\', Russell (Social \'V'o rk Director), Suarez. SOCIOLOGY

ro u o V'l '"C c: ro >. C'l o o u o V'l

Sociology examines the processes and structures which shape social groups of all sizes, including friends, families, workplaces, and nations. The study of sociology provides students with unique interpretive tools for understanding themselves and others in a changing world. So c iol o gy has broad appeal to those who are i nterested in deVeloping p rac ti cal skills and analytical talents. Some of the p rac ti cal pursuits enabled by sociological training are in the areas of program development, counseling, research, criminal justice, management, and marketing. The academic preparation is valuable ro those interested in pursuing degrees in law, administration, social work, theology, or the social sciences. The department's curriculum offers a variety of courses in sociological analysis while permitting an optional concentration in the specialized areas of family/gender or crime/deviance. The curriculum is deliberately f1ex.ible to permit students to study individual subject areas, or to pursue majors or minors in the field. Students majoring in business, nursing, education, and computer science find the sociological minor particularly useful for broadening their understanding of social rules and relationships, programs and solutions, and continuity and change. The faculty is attentive to the individual needs of students in their efforts to provide academic excellence ro a diverse studenr body.

Minor: 20 semester bOllI'S, including: SOCI I O I 1 6 semester hours o f sociology chosen i n consultation with the department STAT 233 may be included in the minor Sociology minors are required to attain a minimum grade of C- in sociology classes Continuation Policies To remain i n the major. junior and senior level students must: maintain a minimum 2.50 overall grade point average, and maintain a minimum 2.50 grade poi nt average in sociology courses. • •


Transfer Student Policy The department accepts, for transfer credit from another co llege or university, only those courses equivalent to SOCI 1 0 1 (Inrroducrion t o Sociology) and SOC! 240 (Social Problems). I f studenrs wish t o have additional courses considered for transfer to either their major o r minor requiremenrs, rhey must first meet with the deparrmenr chair. The studenr should bring to this i nitial meeting the fo ll owing: A. B. C.

College/university transcripts College catalogs Course syllabi and other supporring materials (from the term when the conrse was completed)

Declared majors/minors will be required ro fill ou[ one petition per transfer course.

BACHELOR OF ARTS GmeraJ Major - 40 semester hours, meluding: SOCI 1 0 1 , 240; 330 or 362; 397, 496, 499 1 2 semester hours in sociology approved by the department at the 300 and 400 level STA r 233 for Sociology and Social Work majors Major witb Collt:l!lltratiol1 it, Fa11lilylGet,der - 40 semester bours incl,uling: CI 1 0 1 ; 330 or 362; 397, 440, 496, 499 12 emestcr hours in sociology chosen in consultation with the deparrment STAT 233 for Sociology and Social Work majors

1 42

Revised requirements for those majori1,g in both sociology and social work - 80 semester hOllrs i1,cluding: SOCW 245, 250, 350, 360, 460, 465, 475, 476, 485, 486. and 499 SOC! 1 0 1 , 397. 4%, 499 16 elective credits (recommended courses include: SOC! 240, 2%; 330 or 362; and 462) STAT 233 for Sociology and Social Work majors BIOL I I I and PSYC 1 0 1

MAjor wiJiJ Concentration in CrjmelD�iance - 40 semester hours incbuJing: I 1 0 1 , 336, 397, 4 1 3, 4%, 499 12 semester hours of sociology chosen in consultation with the deparrment STAT 233 for Sociology ane! Social Work majors

HONORS IN SOCIOLOGY Departmental honors are awarded by vote of the sociology faculty to outstanding majors. Criteria fo r selection include a high grade point average, election to Alpha Kappa Delta, International Sociology Honor Society, and ex.ceptional performance in senior seminar. Prerequisite Note: SOCI 1 0 1 or consent of instructor is prerequisite w all 300- and 400-level courses.

Course Offerings - SociologyJSOCI)

_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

SOCI IOl: Introduction to Sociology - A, S2 w the discipline of sociology. Features an analysis of contemporary American society with emphasis o n the interconnections of race, class, and gender. Sociological concepts include socialization, social roles, stereotypes, power, and srratification. (4)

An inrroduction

PlU 2006 - 2007

SOCl 240: Social Probknu - A, S2 Critical examination of poverty, dj sc riminati on , drugs, crime, h o me l ess ness, violence, and family breakdown. Course addresses c ntemporary social problems, an analysis of their social roots, and all evaluation of the policies designed to eradicate them. (4)

SOCI 296: Social Stratification - S2 An examination of the forms, causes, and consequences of social stratification. The course fo cu ses on inequality based on class, race, a nd gender, exploring how and why individuals have different access to society's valued resources, se rv ices, and positions, and the consequences of these opportunities (or blocked opportunities) for different groups of people. Prerequisite: SOC! 1 0 1 or 240. (4) SOCI 310: Jamaican Society - C, S2 This is an off-campus cou rse offered during January term. Students spend approximately three weeks in Jamaica app lyi ng sociological principles to Jamaican society. The course focuses on Jamaican institutions such as the family, the economy, government, and education. Race, class and gender stratification are examined in a Jamaican context. Instructor consent is required. (4) SOCI 326: Delinquency andJuvenile Justice - S2 An examination of j u ven i le deli nq u en cy in relation to the family, peer groups, com munity and institutional structure. Includes consideration of processing of the d el i nqu ent by formal age nc ies of contro l . Prerequisite: S CI 1 0 I or consent of i ns t r u ct or. (4) SOCI 330: The Family - S2 An examination of (he institution of the family from hjstOrical, multi-cultural, and c()ntemporary perspectives, with e mphas i s on how families and family life are affected by social forces su ch as the ec ono m y, race and ethnicity, religion, and law. To p i cs include: relationships, love, authority, conflict, sexuality, gender i ssues, child rearing, communication patterns, and violence in rhe context of fumily life. Prerequisite: SOCI I 0 1 or PSYC 335 o r consent of instructor. (4) SOC! 36: DevUnICl! - S2 a variety of nonconforming, usually secretive, and illegal beh:wior, suc h as corporate crime, drug deal i ng, prostitution, industrial spyi ng, child abuse, and suicide, with emphasis on the conflict of values and life-experiences within a society. Prerequisite: SOCI 1 0 1 or consent of insrructor. (4) A general introduction to

SOCl351: Sociology ofLaw - S2 An examination of the social control of law and legal institutions; the influence of culture and social organization on law, legal c hange , and the administration of j u stice. Includes exam p l es of how law functions withi n the major theoretical models. �tpUsite: SO I 1 0 l or consent of instructor. (4) SOCI 362: Families in the Americas - A, S2 A cross-cultural examination of family life in the United States,

anada, Central and South America, and the Ca ri bbean , with a as the economy, culture, and religion shape family life. Includes discussions of race/ethnicity, social class, and sexual orientation. Prerequisite: SOCl 1 0 1 or ANTH 1 02 or consent of instructor. (4) s peci al emphasis on how social forces such

SOC! 387: Spt!ciai Topics iIJ Sociology - S2 Selected topics as announced by the dep a r t me n t . Prerequisite: departmental consent. ( 1 -4)

S0C1 391: Sociology of&Iigion - S2 An investigation of the American religious scene with particular em p ha sis on the new re ligi o us movements, along with attention to social senings and processes which these new rel igio n s reflect and produce. Prerequisite: SOC] 1 0 1 or one religion course or consent of ins tructor. (Ctoss-listed with RELI 39 1 ) . (4) SOCI 397: &search Methods - S2 An overview of the methods to expl ore , describe, and an alyze the social world. General issues in the design and impl e menta t i o n of research projects, as well as specific issues that arise in conducting interviews and field observations, constru ct i ng and administering surveys, analyzing existing data, and planning program eval ua ti o ns . Required for j unior sociology and social work majors. Prerequisite: SOC! 1 0 I , junior status. Instructor consent is re q u i red . (4) SOCI 413: Crime mul ociety - S2

An examinatio n of criminal behavior in contemporary s oci e ty in

relation to social structure and the c rimi n al izat io n process with part i cu l a r attention to the issues of race, ge nder, and class. Prerequisite: S Cl i O 1 or 336, or consent of instrllctor. (4)

SOC! 440: Sex, Gender, Q1ui Society - A, S2 An a nalys i s of sexu:l l i ty and gender from individual and cultural p e rspe ct ives . ender stereotypes and socializ,ltion; transsexuality and cross-gender systems; communication a n d relati o ns h i ps ; sexual atti tudes, behaviors, and lifestyles; work and family issues; violence; gender s tr a ti fica t ion and feminism. Prerequisite: SOCI 1 0 1 or \1V'MST 1 0 1 , or consent of instructor. Core course for \'V'omen's Studies minors. (4)

'" o n

SOC! 491: buiepmdent Studies Rea di ngs or fieldwork in specitic areas or issues of soc io logy under su perv is io n of a faculty member. Prerequisite: departmental consent. ( 1 -4) SOCI 495: Internship Students receive course credit for working i n community organiza tio ns and integraring t hei r e xp e rien ces into an academic p roject. Placements are l ually arranged by the student and may include the public school system, p riva t e and public social service organ izati o ns, criminal justjce system age nci es , local and state governmental agencies, and businesses. De pa rtm e n t al consent is required. ( 1-4) SOCl 496: Major T"eorie.� - S2 An analysis of influential soc i ologi cal theories of the 1 9th a nd 20th centuries with attention to the classic theories of Marx, Durkheim, and \'V'eber, to the recent contemporary schools, and to the underlying patterns of thought which both unite and divide the s ocio log i c al tradition. Required for senior majors. Prerequisite: 1 6 hours of sociology including SOCI 1 0 1 and 397, senior status, declared major or minor. Instructor consent is re qu i red. (4) SOCI 499: Capsto1Je: Senior Semi7Ulr - SR Students design and carry t h ro ugh an inde pe ndent research proj ec t invo lving the collection of data and the an a lysis of findi ngs . Studenrs demonstrate their mastery of the field by relating their r�earch to the existing body of sociologica.l literature and knowledge. Required for senior majors. Prerequisites: I 397, 496; STAT 233; senior sta tus; decl a red major or minor. (4)

PLU 2006 - 2007

1 43


Within a program that is firmly based in the liberal am. rhe social work major is design d ro prepare student - for heginning professional social work practice. Social work has both a heavily multidisciplinary-based body of knowledge and its own continuously developing knowledge base. The complexi!), of social issues and social prohlems that confront rhe modern-day social worker require this broad theoretical perspective. Social workers are involved in areas that are influenced hy political, economic, social, psychological, and cultural factors. To that end, the program stresses an understanding of social science theories and methods. The curriculum provides a foundation for understanding the interaction of individual, f:l mily, and communi!), systems, as the basis for generalist practice. Students learn a multi-method approach to social work practice that enables them to address a wide range of individual, family, group, and communi!)' needs. Students enhance their commitmenr ro informed action ro remove inequities based on race. ethnici!)" culture, gender, social class, sexual oriemation, disabili!)" and age.

"' v o VI "C r:::: "' >足 en o o v o VI

The social work faeul!), place J. high value on the integration of academic and experiential learning. The program provides fieldwork experience in communi!), settings. Social work majors have access ro a rich varie!), of social service agencies in Tacoma and Pierce Coun!)' that provide field-learning sites. Students work with experienced, caring supervisors who help make these placements valuable learning experiences. Students are prepared to work in a varic!), of settings, including child welfare. health, mental health, corrections, aging, and communi!),-based agencies.

A personal essay which addresses (a) interest in social work as a career, (h) life experiences shaping an interest in social work, (c) professional social work goals. and (d) an evaluation of personal strengths and limitations (details may be obrained from Social Work Program) ;


A summary of work and volunteer experience;


Two letters of recomm ndation that evaluate and document the applicant's potential for success in social work education and practice;


Washingron State Patrol Criminal History clearance (Applicants with a criminal record will be urged ro explore their prospects for registering as a counselor or later being licensed as a social worker with the State of Washington);


\'V'rirren agreement ro comply with rhe National Association of Social Workers' Code of Ethics (a copy of which is available from the Social Work Program);


Personal interview (may be requested).

Any falsification in rhe application for admission is grounds for dismissal from the program. Applicants who are not admitted to candidacy for the degree may reapply without prejudice. Application materials are availahle directly from the Social Work Program in Xavier Hall, may be requested by calling 253.535 .7294 or arc available on the Social Work home page at the PLU website.

Co,lIinU4tiOll Policie$ Social work majors should consult with a departmental advisor to plan their course of study. The facul!), encourage students ro take advantage of learning opportunities that emphasize multicultural awareness and diversi!)" including study abroad. The social work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work ducation. Admission ro the Social Work Program: Students seeking the Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work must first apply and be accepted into th program . The social work program welcomes diversi!), and invites interest and applications from persons who seek to participate in a profession committed to helping people, now and in the future. Students may begin taking social work courses before being admitted to the program, bur only admitted students are allowed to take 400-level courses. Students will be admitted ro the Social Work Program for fall semester only. The priori!)' date for applications is April 1 0. though applications will be accepted until available positions are filled. Enrollment is competitive based on intended graduation dare. Admisnon is determined by facul!), evaluarion of student

applications on the basis of the following criteria: A.

1 44


To remain in the program, a student must: 1 ) maintain a 2.75 grade point average in social work courses and a 2.50 overall grade point average; and 2) demonsrrate behavior which is consistent with the N SW Code of Ethics and Universi!), Code of Conducr.

Bachelor ofAres Major including:

36 SelMsln' "ollrs in social work,

SOCW 245 , 250, 350, 360, 460, 475, 476, 485, 486 and 499 12 semester hours in sociology, including SOC\'V' 1 0 1 , 397 Four elective credits Additional requirements include ANTH 1 02 or 334. mOL 1 1 1 , PSYC 1 0 1 , STAT 233 (must be completed via the sociology class at PLU).

Sod4l WOrk Minor 18 stmlestn- hours hIe/ruling: -

SOCW 1 90 or 20 1 Eight hours from the following: SOC\'(! 275, 323, 380, 01'385 Four hours from the following: SOC! 330, 362, 397 or STAT 233 (Sociology) Two hours of SOCW 375.

Course Offerings

Transcript that documents the completion of at least 40 semester hours of prescribed course work with a minimum grade point average of 2.75. I n addition, the student must show successful completion of the following prerequisites: ANTH 1 02, B IOL I l l , PSYC 1 0 1 , SOC! 1 0 1 , WRIT 1 0 1 , and the PLU math entrance requirement. (Note: grades below C- do not transfer);



Social Work (SOCW)

SOCW 101 (190): Introduction to Social WOrk A, -


An introduction to human need and the field of social work. Provides an overview of services, models of service delivery, and professional social work values. Students visit agency settings and meet with social work practitioners. A volunteer experience in the field is a required component of this semi nar-s!)'le course. (4)

PlU 2006 - 2007

anUAry on the IrJi - A, 52

SOCW 175: J

An inren


conceptual framework of generalist social work practice.

c:xperience of communiry work on Tacoma's H illtOp

District and/or Tacoma's east side where students learn first hand about poverty dnd participate in communiry projects.

\VJfore - A

SOCW 320 ClJild


Application of the ecological systems perspective to direct practice. Provides studenrs with the opportuniry to learn intenrional in rerviewing skills and apply those skills within various models of practice and across cul tures. Assists students

Global Perspedive

toward mas tery in assessmenr, goal setting, conrracting,

An examination of child welfare., including child abuse and neglect;

development of inrervention plans based on theory and


assessmenr information, evaluation. and termination. Must


Ifare service�, including CPS, permanency planning. foster

care. ad prion; and the currenr

tus of child well-being around the


wodd , explori ng the impact on children of such issues as poverry,

war, nutrition. HIV/AIDS, access to education. access to health care,

care for orphans, Street children.

SOCW 325


245. (4)

SOCW 375: Social Services in the Community Completion of a m i n i mum of 50 hours of work in a communiry setting. Th rough written work, studenrs reflect on their experiences. their personal growth. and the mission of the agency.

Service Leam i"K in Tobago, C

Explore strengths and needs ofT. bago and effec ts of his mry and

colonialism o n the developmenr of communiry problems. Through service learning. i n reraction with agency staff and comm uniry members, readings and reflections, develop an

understanding of the meaning of service in another culture and n one's own C'rhic of meaningful


register concurrently for lab. Prerequisite: SOCW

service. (4)

May be repeated for credit up to SOCW

2 semester hours. Prerequisites:

1 75 . 245 . or 360. ( 1 )

SOCW 387: Special Topics in Social Work Selected topics as announced by the department. Topics relevant to current rrends and issues in the field of social work.


socw 245: HUmAn Bi!havior lItui tbe Soci41

SOCW 460: Social Work Practice II: Families and

Examination of the biological. psychological. cultural, social, and

Grounded i n the framework of generalist social work practice, the

Groups - S2

Enll;ronme1Jt - S2

spiritual influences on human behavior and development. Provides

all ec

logical systems perspective for applying

second social work practice course exam i nes theoretical models and practice skills for assessment and intervention with families and groups. Emphasizes the importance of culturally sensitive practice.

developmenral theory to individuals, fam ilies. groups. institutions. organizations, and communities and for

Explores how the meaning and definition of f:1.mily differs across

environment. Explores meaning and i nterpreration of

development. Prerequirius: SOCW

cultures. In troduces studenrs

understanding various sys tems in the cbnreXt of their developm with



family, and c mmunity from differenr perspectives,

emphasis on ethniciry and g nder. Studies impact of

social 3rld economic fo rces on individuals and systems from a

global perspective. Vol unreer experience is required .



cial work majors.

EX"p!oration of inrerdependence of social. cultural, poli tical, and economic fac rors i n the histo ry, theory, and practice of social wdf�


with special reference to the developmenr of the social

work proftS! ion in res ponse


global social problems.

Examination of the relationship amo ng rhe social welfare systems, the problems and issues addressed by social services. and the role of the professional social worker. The impact of political ideology and process on service del ivery is also discussed.

(4) -

245. 360. (4)

SOCW 465: Social Work Practice III: Macropractice - S2 � rounded in the framework of general ist social work practice, this course develops skills for practice with groups, assess ment, intervention, and change st rategies at organizational. communiry, institu tional and global levels. Studenrs complete a com m u n i ty assessment and examine commun iry developmenr from a global perspective.


An in-depth examination of contemporary social wdfare

structure, functions, pol icy, and programs. legislative process, social justice a nd strategies for political advocacy are discussed.

income mainrenance, health. mental health, child welfare. and

housing and horndessness in the U . S. and other counrties.

Prerequbite: SO


250. (4)

with SOC\V

:E o


CW 245, 350. 360; to be taken concurrently 460 and 485; requires consenr of i nstructor.


SOCW 476: Field Experience II Conrinuation of SOCW

475. Studenrs receive more advanced

field assignmenrs in a social service agency setting. Must be taken

465 and 486. Pass/Fail. (3)

This seminar provides students with the opportuniry to learn about the inrake and assessment process at various social service agencies. Studenrs develop a plan ro monitor and evaluate their practice in their field experience setting. Must be taken concurrently with SOCW

475. ( 1 )

SOCW 360: SoriAI Work Practice I: Interviewing and

SOCW 486: Field Experience Seminar II

111.terpersonaJ Helping - S2

Studenrs learn abour the strengths perspective as i t relates to

An i ntroductory practice course that provides studenrs with the

under supervision . in the delivery of social work services.

SOCW 485: Field Experience Seminar I

meworks to social work pol icy in such areas as

'" o n

Prerequisires: S

policy implemenration. especially as they affect services to theoretical

::::s c..

Students are assigned to a social service agency and participate.

concurrently with SOCW

vulnerable populations. Introduces srudents to applications of

SOCW 475: Field Experience I

An examination of the impact of administrative and

organization I Structures at various governmental levels on social

o o \C '<

Prerequisites: SOCW 245. 250, 350, 360, 460. (4)


socw 350: SociAl Policy II: Socinl Policy Analysis

group dynamics and group

organ izations. and communities. Emphasis on macropractice

SOCW 250: Social Policy I: History ofSodtJ Welfare - S2 Social policy course required of all


'" o n

social work practice and prese nr a case from their field setting.

PlU 2006 - 2007


tudents i mplement a plan evaluating their own practice and learn about the applicabiliry of research to social work practice. Must be taken concurrently with SOCW 476. ( I )

SOCW 491: buJependnu Studies Prerequisite: Consent of i nst ructo r. ( 1-4) SOCW 499: Capstone: Senior Seminar - SR Students examine the evolution of their own person al sryle of social work practice, the theories and models for p rac tice which they have develo ped , the ethical and value foundation which underlies social work, and how these are integrated with their personal and professional experiences and prior coursework. The product of this final synthesis is p resen ted to the class and is open to o thers within the universiry co m mun i ry. Prerequisites:

OCW 460 and 475. (4)

Spanish For curriculum and cours� offirings information, see Department of La/lguages and Literatttre, page 96 c: o

Special Education To view curriwlum requirements, go to School ofEducation, pag� 69.

Course Offerin s - S ecial Education (SPED) v CIJ Q, VI

SPED 195: Individuals with Disabilities - A An introductory c o urs e focus i n g upon persons with disabilities. I n tended for students outside the School of Education. (4)

SPED 201: Observation in Special Education Programs Ob ervati on i n special education programs, schools, and co m mun i ry set ti n gs. ( I )

c: 10 Q, VI

SPED 320: Issues of Child Abuse and Neglect IS! ues of child abuse, neglect, harassment, and violence. Includes identification and rep o r ti ng procedures, and the legal and professional resp o nsib i l ities of all mandated reporters. ( 1 ) SPED 322: Moderate Disabilities and Transitions Exploration of issues rel ated to identification of and service delivery to this po pul atio n . Spec ial ized instruction, management techniques, and i ss ues of transitioning from sc ho o l s to communiry. A field experience component will be required. (4) SPED 395: Introduction to Language Development and Disorders

Introduction to language disorders, assessment, and intervention. of language development and normal langu age

Focus on theories acqu is i tion. (2)

SPED 399: Practicum in Special Education E 'perience with children and youth who have special needs. 1 hour credit given after successfi.ll completion o f 4 5 clock hours and specific course competencies. Prerequisite: Consent of insrructor. (I or 2)

1 46

SPED 403: Parent/Professional Partnership in Special Education I·"kthods for communicating e ffec t ively with parents of special needs children. (2)

SPED 404: Co n1l1IUnicl1%;on and ColUzboration Focus on knowledge and skills necessary for effective collaboration and supervision with parents, professionals, and para-educators. (3) SPED 424: Learners with Special Needs i,l the General Education ClASsroom This course focuses on developing teacher candidates' understanding of th e perspectives on learning and school and classroom expe riences of leJrners with special needs. Topics include working with other professionals, families and communities, critical inquiry into the differential placement of students, t he deve lo pment of individualized educarional plans as a team, and the implementation of these plans. Required of all education majors and taken concurrently with 'Ierm II courses. EDUC 424, 408 and 406. (4) SPED 430: Students with EmotiOlUlI and Behavioral Disabilities In-depth exploration of issues related to the identification of and service delivery to students with emotional and behavioral disabilities. Emphasis on spec i a l ized management techniques needed ro teach this population. A field experience will be required. (4) SPED 439: Student Teachi71g iI, SecoTuiary School Teaching in special education programs under rhe direction and supervision of school and university personnel: 8 weeks. Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4 50 and 466. (5) SPED 442: Technology in Specinl Educatiun Current i sues and uses of computer technology for learners with s pec i a l need . Emphasis on computer assisted instruction, and assistive tech no logy services and devices. (2) SPED 450: Early Childhood Special Education Currenr issues related to young child with special needs. Focus on instructional methods, materials, curriculum, and assessment of this pop ulat io n. (2) SPED 454: Students with Physictd Cbalk"ges and witb the Medically Fragile Examination of knowledge and skills needed for meeting the psychological, social, and educational needs of individuals who are physically cha ll en ged and/or medically fragile. (2) SPED 459: Student Teaching in Special Education

Teaching in a K-8 special education setting; 9 weeks. Concurrent enrollmen t in EDUC 434 and 450. (6) SPED 460: Special Education Student Teaching Seminar: Issues in Practice A seminar for special education student teachers focusing on current issues i n the profession of special education. Taken concurrently with student teaching Term IV Hub and EDUC 450. ( 1 ) SPED 475: Supervising Para-Professionals and Volullteers Emphasis on the effective management of para-professionals and volunteers in the classroom. ( 1 ) SPED 485: Tbe Gifted Child

A study of the gi fted learner's characteristics and needs. Focus

i n s tr uct ional procedures

PLU 2006 - 2007

designed ro further development.



SPED 489: Special Topics ( I



For studlmts illterested in other social sciences: STAT 233, 34 1

SPED 490: Development in £orly Childhood Special

ECON 344 or STAT 232 (Psychology stud

Educatitm Implications of normal and atypical child development for the learning process, including hands-on experiences i n early


CSCE 1 20 or 1 44

childhood/ special education serti ngs. (2)

For studnlts interested in narnral sciences:

SPED 491: /7ldependmt Study ( 1 ro 4)

CSCE 1 20 or 1 44

STAT 34 1 , 342, 348

��.l:Irse 0f!�E!!.!gs - Stati��� .J�!AD

PED 497: Indepmdem Srndy

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Projects of varying length related ro rrends and issues in special education and approved by an appropriate faculry member and the dean. ( l or 2)

STA T 231: Introductory Statistics - MR Descriptive statistics: measures of cenrral tendency and dispersion. Inferential statistics: general izat ions about populations from samples by parametric and nonparametric techniques.

SPED 499: I"dividuaJ Differences - Elnnelltary (2) See Graduate


choose STAT 232)

School ofEducation section 011 graduate-level courses

for Special EducatiolZ.

Methods covered will include estimation, hypothesis testing, corre.lation analysis, regression, chi square, and ANOVA analysis. Includes a required computer lab. Students should register for the lab corresponding to their lecrure section. (May not be taken for credit after STAT 34 1 has been taken.) (4)


STAT 232: Introductory Statistics for Psychology Majors - MR

253. 535.7598

Descriptive statistics: measures of central tendency and dispersion.

Statistics (STAT) , a branch of appl ied mathematics, studies the methodology fur the collection and analysis of data and the use of data ro make inferences under conditions of uncertain ry. as

i n business, indusrry, and government.

corresponding to their lecture section. This section is inn:nded for Psychology majors. Prerequisite: PSYC 1 0 1 or equivalent. (4)

Departments of Economics. Mathematics, Psychology, and ociology. The program is administered by an I nterdiscipli nary ommittee headed by the Statistics Program di recror,

who is appoi nted by the dean of the Division of Social Sciences.

The statistic minor is administered by the Department of Mathemadcs. member fr



statistics faculry

any discipline.

II> -

n II>


required computer lab. Students should register r, r the lab




Data desc ription, probabili ry, discrete and continuous random variables, expectation, special distributions, statements of law of

Minimum of 1 6 semester hours

large numbers and central limit [heorem, sampling distributions,

AT 34 1 At least eight semester hours from the other statistic courses CSC E 1 20 or 1 44

theory of po int estimarors, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, regress ion (time permirring). (Cross-listed with STAT 34 1 .)

Prerequisite: MATH 1 52 . (4) STAT 342: Probability and Statistical Theory - MR, NS

Typical Progrmns for a Millor a

statistics minor will vary with

the in terests o f the student. Some typical programs lead ing statistics m i nor are listed below:

For students interested ill mathematics, graduate or professional work iTI statistics, or an actuarial career: STAT 34 1 , .3 42, 348

CE 1 20 or 1 44

For stuAnlts interestl'd i" economicl or business:

. SCE 1 20 or 1 44

analysis, regression, chi square, and At"lOVA analysis. Includes

STA T 341: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics


E ON 344

I nferential statistics: generalizations about population From

samples by parametric and non parametric techniques. M thods

Sociology majors. �quisite: SOCI 1 0 1 or equivalent.

Economics, Mathematics, Psychology, and Sociology.

STAT 23 1 , 34 1

Descriptive statistic�: measures of central tendency and di;-p =iOh.

corresponding ro their lecture section. This section i5 intendt:d for

FACULTY: Selected fac ulry from the Departments of

Th" statistics courses chosen fo r

STA T 233: /7ltroductory Statistics for Sociology Majors - MR

covered will include estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation

tudents in terested in a statistics minor are

encouraged to discuss course selection with

VA analysis. Includes a

required computer lab. Students should regi.� ter for the lab

The statistics program is offered cooperatively by the


covered will include estimation, hypothesis testing, correl ation analysis, regression, chi square, and Al

'tatistics plays a fu ndamental role in (he social and natural sciences, as well

Inferential statistics: generalizations aboU[ populations from samples by parametric and non parametric techniques. Methods

to a

Condnuation of 34 1 . To pics may include: joint and conditional disrributions, correlati on, fu ncrions of random vJriables, moment generating functions. inference in regress ion and one-way ANOVA . Bayesian and non- parametric inference, convergence o f distributions. (Cross-listed w i t h STAT


�quisite: Sl AT

34 1 . (4) STAT 343: Operations Research - MR Quanti tative methods for decision problems. E.mphasis on l i near programming and other determ i nistic models. (

ross-lis ted with

ECON 343.) Prerequisite: STAT 23 1 or equivalc-nr. (2)

STAT 344: Econometrics - MR i nrroduc[ion to the methods and tools of econometrics as the

PlU 2006 - 2007

1 47

basis for app lie d research i n economics. Specification, estimation, and test i ng in the classical linear regres sion model. Extensions of the model and a pp l ica ti ons ro [he analysis o f economic data. (Cross-listed with ECON 344.) Prerequisite: STAT 23 1 . (4)

THEA 230: Movemrnt I - AR B eg in ni n g movement awareness course. This course p rovi d es a basic in troduction to dance language a nd concepts. (2)

STAT 348: Applied RegremoTI

I n termedinte movement awaren -

and AnAlysis and ANOVA


Linear, m ult i p le and nonlinear re gression , regression diagnostic; and violations of model assumptions, analysis of variance, ex p er i mental design including randomization, and blocking, multiple co mpa risons , analysis of covariance. Substantial use of a s ta t is ti cal computer package and an emphasis on explorarory an al ysis of data. (Cross-listed with MATH 348.) Prerequisite: STAT 3 4 1 or consent of instrw:;ror. (4)

instructor. (2)

THEA 250: ACti11g 1 - hmdamentnls - AR This is an in tro du c tory c o u rs e t o act in g. Students perform several

sce nes a n d m ono l o gu es and learn the basic s kil ls of scene

selection, mem or i zat i on , im ag i nat io n, ch aracte r, p rese nta tion ,

and delivery. (4)

255: Stilge Teclmology - AR

Basic theory and p roced u re of all backsrage elements in the

STA T 500: Applied StlltistiCAI Aludysis

theatre, cOStume . scenery, props, lights. makeup, and

(\Vill not count fo r s tat isti cs minor.) An i ntensive introduction ro

management. (4)

statistical methods for grad ua te students who have n ot p revio usly

taken I ntrod uc ro ry Statistic;. Emphasis on the appl ica tio n of inferential statistics ro co ncrete situations. Topics covered include measures of location and variation, probabiliry, estimation, hypothesis tem, and regressi on . (Cross-listed with ECON 500.) (4)



Dramlltit Literature - AR

This course surveys dramatic literature from its origins to the

present day. Students examine the various genres of dramatic l i te r atu re prod u ced by a wide variety of c ult u res . (4) THEA


320; SlIlge Makeup

Special ized work in pl a nn ing and a p p l i c atio n of techniques, from straight makeup thro ugh ag in g, three-dimensionaL and s p ec i a l effects. (2)

For curriculum in{Omlation, see Department of Communication and Theatre, page 56



_ _ __

.. _____.___

THEA 160: Introduetion to Theatre - AR

T h is i n t roducrory course to theatre surveys the ge nera l nature of'

dramatic prese nta ti o n , i nc l ud i ng elements of dramatic structure, rypes of drama, and the contributions of the ac to r, direc ro r, desig ne r, technician, and audience. (4)

162: History ofAmerican Film - AR

330: Script AtlalY$is

Students engage in i nte ns i ve discussion of the maj r theories of

drama and apply those theories to the analysis of sdecred plays a n d prod uc t i on s from a number of historical p e ri o d s. (4) THEA 345: Playwriting

Students will exp eri m ent with monologues, dialoglLc, scenes, characters, and act io n. The course will i nclude analysis of sc ri p ts on paper and in pro duct io n . (4) THEA

350: Actillg n - Scene Study - AR

Concentrates un the d evel opme nt and grow t h of the motion

The students gain practical <:xperienc<: in the art of the actor


through p er form an ce of pa r t n e red scenes fro m modern and contemporary theam·. This co u r�e focuses on the i mporta n c e of ana lys i s and the e.xamination of current acting theory. Prerequisite: T H EA 250 or consent of ins tr uctor. (4)

picture in the Uni ted S tates from 1 8 9 5 to the p resen t. (4)

163: History of the ForeiJPl Film - AR

Concentrates on the de vel o pme nt and growth of international film. (4) THEA


in terms of phonation, resonarion, articulation, e tc. ,


oral interpretation. (2)



ghting Design - AR




devices, ro computer comro l kd li ght in g i ns tru me n ts an d d es i gn . Students will gain practical experience in h an gi ng and foc u si ng

HJice II - StIlge Diakcts - AR

Theatre Practicum

One semesrer hour credit may be earned each semester, but only 4 semeste r hours may be used to meet u n ivers i ty requ i rem ents. Srudents put classroom theory to p ractical application by individually completing a project relating to an a�pect of theatre.

An imrrucror in the area of interest must approve rhe p roject and agree to p ro vide gu idance. Requ ired of all Design/Tech

Stage l ightin g From the d eve lop men t o f ele c t ri c ity and l i gh t i ng

lighting instruments, color theory, electrical [heory, and area

Des i gn ed for the actor. This course studie� stage dialects through ear training, memorization and read i ngs, and the use of the International Phonetic Al p hab e t . Pre req uis ire: THEA 220 or consent of inst ruc tor. (2) THEA


THEA 355: Li

Voice I - Voice and Articulation - AR

De igned for the actor. This course focuses o n voca l p rod uct io n


course. This course i ncl u d es

improvisation. Prerequisite: THEA 230 ur consent of


STA T 491: lndependem Stutires - MR ( 1 -4)



an introducrion to movement observation, composition, and


Course Offerin s - Theatre

THEA 235[ Movement 11 - AR

M ajo rs .






lighting to suggesr locale. A final p roject consisting of a fully


realized lighting de s ign will culmin att· the course. (4)



359: Actingfor the Non-Al:tor - AR

S pecifically des i gned for those who have n o u ris h ed


curiosity to

explor e the art of ac t i ng but have been intimidated by a lack of

k n owl ed ge or prior experience. minors. (4) THEA



o pe n to theatre m aj or s or

Theatre History I

This course survey� the history of theam:: From its or igi ns r h ro ugh the end of the 1 8 th centu ry. Students will examine theatre as an institution that both reflects historical moments and

parr ici p J.tes in the for m i ng of social values and ideas. (4)

PLU 2006 - 200 7





si c(

p 1 [r

THEA 365:

This cou



HisTory II

by regular courses; open to qualified junior or senior students.

the his[Ory of meatre from the end of the

1 8 th century through the present day.

Requires pre-registration approved by a departmental sponsor.

tudents will exam ine

theaue as an institution that both reflects hi [Oric:!1 moments and participat

in the fo rming of social values and ideas.


by regular courses; open to qualified junior or senior students.

11IEA 387: Topirs in Theatre

Requires pre-registration approved by a depanmental

theatre faculty and guest anists to explore areas of exp r� and interest that are not normally taught as part of the curriculum. aumor, theme, genre, performance style, culture, or technology.

(2-4) THEA 425:

Independent Studies

by regular courses; open to qualified junior or senior students.

( 1-4)

Theatre Practicum

ter hour may be earned each semester, but only fo ur

Women's and Gender Studies

semester hours may be used to meet university requirements. pm d· sroom theory to practical application by


individu,Jly completing a project relating to an aspect of theatre. An instructor in the area of interest must approve the project and [0


provide guidance. Required of a.ll Design/Tech Majors.

450: Acting III -




program at PLU is a vibrant, diverse, and suppo rtive community of feminist women and men, worlcing to enhance and reinforce

language, interpretation, and enhancing audimce appreciation

the individual goals and strengths of each student. This

and understanding. Advanced techniques in text analysis,

multiplicity of resources and talents allow our courses to draw

focusing on scansion, the study of Shakespea re's folio, and in­

depth scene study and performance.


and 250 or consent of instructor. (4)

THEA 453:

Costume Design


[HLA 220


and focus on the pursuit of social justice.

costume design incorporating history, patterns, and

Scenic Design

Development of the anisti






and tedlnical abili ties in the field of

CnHlive Dramatict AR -

hniques, and

theories of creative dramatics. In tended fo r elementary and majors, religiou� leaders, youth and camp counselors, day care workers, oci al and psychological workers, and community ted in working with children.

Film Seminar: Approaches to Film Theory



THEA. 470:

Play DirectUm

low-income women, while anomer student with expertise in social

student is requi red to di rect a variety of scenes; a final project,

�quisites: THEA 250 THEA 491:

m.e .

and 255, or consent of instructor.


work and public policy might assist an organization worlcing to reduce domestic violence, or a student interested in feminist

theater could work with the Women's Center to shape PLU's annual production of "The Vagina Monologues"!

The Women's and Gender Studies program gives students the important tools, resources, and language needed fo r personal

Independent Srudit!S


program's emphasis on combining inquiry with experience. For the

example, might work in a program that offers pre-natal care for

- AR

COnt mporary scene, will cul minate the

The Women's and Gender Studies senior capstone exemplifies our

that fits creatively her or his unique vocational and academic

critically, and incl udes intensive study that is both practical and


under-represented communities to creating visual arrwork, visiting a prison for women, and learning how to initiate,

in terests. One student with a background in nursing or biology, for

theor tical in itS approach to the art of play direction. Each 0

nature of our program invi tes Women's and Gender Studies students to sample many topics and learn through a variety of

faculty mentors to design an internship or service learning project

or consent of

This cou rse examines the role of the director, historically and

cons' ting

C\ I'D ::s a. I'D ..,

capstone, each Women's and Gender Studies major works with

enhan ing percepti on and insight in terms of cinematic


QJ ::s a.


film directors' styles (contrasting and comparable),

inst ructor.

I'D ::s

mediate and engage in an ongoing discourse about challenging


Examination ot 12 fi lms, incorporating an analytical approach of

Prerequisite: TI-IEA 162

the imponance of dialogue and collaboration in feminism,


intellectual and life experiences, from reading the literatures of

junior high school teachers or prospect ive teachers, theatre

comprehen ion.

each person's gender, sexual identity, class, and race. Reflecting


discussion, and other forms of inquiry. The multidiscipli nary

Designed to acquaint th� student with materials, t

THEA 460:

traditional social insti tutions, such as religion, arts, science, law,


classroom activities include a rich mix of group-based projects,

preparation of models, rendering, and drafting. (4)

theatre lead= inter

Wo men's and Gender Studies courses offer critical analysis of education, medicine, and the family, and their relationship to

design by incorporating varied periods and styles as well as

THEA 458:

upon many different academic areas, explore themes such as gender and sexual identi ty, emphasize critical examination of racism, classism, and other fo rms of inequity and discrimination,

Development of artistic and technical abilities in the rield of

THEA 455:

253.535 .7296

www.p/u.edu/�wome7Utu At the core of the Women's and Gender Studies (WMGS)


This is an advanced course in acting designed [0 focus on



Investigations or research in area of special in terest not covered Requires pre-registration approved by a depanmental sponsor.

One em


sponsor. ( 1 -4)


C ncenrra.ted study of a major theauical period, movement,


mEA 492: Independent Studies Investigations or research in area of special interest not covered

This course will be offered as needed, and it wi l l allow the


( 1 -4)

r research in area of special intetest not covered

empowerment, especially useful since it is easy to feel overwhelmed and resigned in the face of i njustices. Upon completion of this

P l U 2006 - 2007

1 49

Group D:

program, each PLU Women's and Gender Studies graduate is prepared

303: Gender & Com mun ication (4) 23 1 : Gender, Sexuality &. Culture (4) PH ED 3 1 5 : Body Image (4)

creatively and effectively pursue social justice in her or



his own way. As teachers, scientists, volunteers, anis , writers,


entrepreneurs, or f., mily members, our graduates are making positive changes in the way gender and sexual identity are unders[Qod globally in the

2 1 st century. We invite you to join our


Electives -

eight semester hours

community o f scholars and agen[S of social change. Students must complete two additional courses beyond the

FACULTY: Womens tIIdies EwcutiIJe C'ommirtee: Kraig, Ch{/il�

core courses required. These may be selected fro m:

Breazeale, Lisosky, Marcus,


Additional W1v!GS core courses not [aken to satisfY


Courses from an approved list publ ished in the


Courses from any discipline for which at least

klar, Taylor, Trelstad.

the Program Core Courses requirement

MAJOR The Women's and Gender Studies major is a mul tidisciplinary and in rerdisci p l i nary complemenrary major. Con ferral of a baccalaureate degree with a major in Wo men's and Gender Studies requi res completion of a second major fro m any

and/or sexuality. This allows the integration o f

discipline in the university. Students are encouraged

Wo men's a n d Gender Srudies perspectives into courses

both majors simultaneously and




plan a program aware of the

that are not explicitly or entirely structured around those perspectives. Consent o f the instructor is

Wo men' and Gender Studies major al lows application of courses

"'C ::r


... Q.I "'C c: Q.I l?

Gender Studies chair about this oprion before the

(Core I and Core I I)

course begins (when possible) and will b e assignments

32 semester bOUN,

the \Vo mcn's and Gender Studi('s major.

ro the \Vomen's and Gender Studies


2 0 1 (four semester hours)



Two courses each fro m the Women/Feminism approved program core course list (eight semester hours)

E. ecmive

Commi rtee for approval upon completion of the

Two c.ourSe'S each from the Gender/Sexuality approved


Capstone Experience: Women's a7zd Gender Studies and 'VOcation: four semester hours

program core course list (eight. serne ter h o u rs) •

Two elective course' approved by the \V'MGS program chair

This requirement can be satisfied in t h ree ways:

or from the list of approved WM GS courses •

Completion of the \Vomen's and

cnder Swdies and Vocation

Capstone Experience (\VMGS 495 or WMGS 49 1 , four


Students are requi red to complete a minimum of fo ur upper­

WMST 201:

Service learning refers to tho;;e b road

I n t roduction



that enable rhe student to gain awareness, to develop

Wo men's and Gender

ideas, and to pursue social j usrice. Student identif)' a faculry sponsor approved by WMST, arrange fo r a service learning experience through the

Program Core Courses - 1 G semester hours

e n ter for

Public Service or directly with the site of the service, then develop, wirh the approval of the WMST

Students must rake one class each from the following four areas (one ('"leh from Group A and


experiences with groups, in agencies or organization

Studies - four semester hours


49 1 : Independent Study: Service

Learning- SR)

division courses in the program core and electives.


\Vi\'!GS Service Learn ing (Four semester hours rotal of WMGS

semester hours)





required. Students should consult the \\fomtn's and

fto m the second major and for genC'ral university rcquiremenrs

"'C C rtI


60% of

the assignments center o n women, fem i n ism, gender,

po si bilities for applying individual courses to both majors. The

'" Q.I

Wo men's & Gender Studies section i n class schedules

spo nsor, a learning con tact that includes learning

, roup B under both

objectives specific ro women, feminism or gender.

Women & Feminism and Gender & Sexuality):

Service learning contracts also require the app rovaJ o f the agency o r organization supervisor.


Group A:


ENGL 232: Wo men's Literature (4)


E GL 34 1 : Feminist Approaches to Literature (4) RELI 368: Feminist & Womanist Theologies (4)

495: Inrernship-SR)

In ternships are pragmatic, employer based experiences in which students apply knowledge they've al ready

Group B: HIST 3 - 9: History o f Women i n the U . S . (4) P H I L 220: Wo men and Phi losophy (4) PSYC 375: Psychology of Women (4)

acquired, build competence, and test values in setting l i ke those in which they may seek employment. Students identif)·


faculty member approved by

WMST, arrange for an i n ternship through the Center fo r Public Service o r directly with the site of the


service, then, with the approval of rhe \VMST sponsor,

Group C:

1 :; 0

WMGS Internship (Four semester hours rotal of

AJ'\!TH 350: Women & tvfen in Wo rld Cultures (4)

develop a learning contract that includes learning objectives specific to women, fe minism or gtnder. Internship learning con tacts also require the approval

70: Gender and Sexuality (4) S CI 440: Sex, Gender & Society PS YC

of the agency or organization su pervisor.

PLU 2006 - 2007


2b. WMGS Internship concurrent with another, non­ WMGS internship (Two semester hours o f WMGS 495, plus at least rwo internship semester hours from another discipline) Some fields of study allow or require students to complcte an internship in which they i ntegrate knowledge, demonstrate skills and act upon values learned in the classroom with curren t practice in an agency or organizational setting. For such an inrernship to count toward the WMGS major, studenrs must select a faculty member approved by WMGS and develop a learning contract that pertains to the internship in the other major but reflects WMGS skills, knowledge. and applications. The student must then arrange for two additio nal internship credits in \'<fMGS 495 with the sponsoring WMST faculty member. I nternship learning contracts also n:quire the approval of the agency or organization supervISor and the PLU faculty member supervising internship within the discipline. Earning credits from both WMGS and another department may not always require additional hours at the si te, but the learning contact will require additional research, reading and writing to incorporate content specific to women, feminism or gender. Requests for credit toward the Women's and Gender Srudits major and minor from transfer courses must be approved by the Women's and Gender Studies Executive Commitree. Submit syllabus and course assignments to the \X!omen's and Gender Studies chair. At least 17 hours of the major and 1 0 hours of the minor must be cumpleted at PLU.

required to submit the syllabus and relevant assignments to the \'V'o men's and Gender Studies Executive Committee for approval upon completion of the course.

Cou�e Offerings -_'vYomen's

WMGS 201: IntroductiQ1l to WUlllm� and Gender Studies - A An interdiSCipli nary introduction to the tnemes, issues, and

methodological approaches that are cenrral to the study of women, feminism, gender construction, and sexualiry. Open to all students; required for WMGS majors and minors. (4)

WMGS 491: Indtpmdent Studies - SR Readings, research projects, or st'l'vice learning projects in areas or issues of Women's and Gender Studies, under the supervision of a faculty member. With approval of WMST chair, may be used ro satisFy W'Tv1ST capstone requirement. ( 1 -4)

WMGS 495: ITlunl$hip

20 semester nours. including: WMGS 20 1 (Four semester hours) Two program core courses (eight semester hours): Four semester hours from Group A or B : \X!omen and Feminism and four semester hours from Group C or D : Gender and Se.>(ualiry. Select from the Program Cure courses as listed above under the WMGS Major. Two elective COurses (eight semester hours) approved by the WMGS program chair or from the list of approved WMGS courses.



A pragmatic, employer based experience in which studenrs apply knowledge already acquired, build competence, and test values in settings like those i n which they may seek employment. fnternships require the approval of a \'V'MGS faculry member who will superv� . the work of the agency or organization supervi or who will direCtly supervise the student. With approval of WMGS chair, may be used to satisfY WMGS capstone requirement. (2-4)


... -

253.535-8709 FACUUY:


and Gender Studies.. JW��

Kaufman, Direcror

Students must complete rwo additional courses beyond the core courses required. These may be selected from: A.

Additional WMGS core courses not taken ro satisfY the Program Core Courses requirement.


Courses from an approved list published in the Women's & Gender Studies section in class schedules.


Courses from any discipline for which at least 60% of the assignments center on women, feminism, gender, and/or sexuality. This allows the in tegration o f \X!omen's and Gender Studies perspectives into courses that are not explicitly or entirely structured around those perspectives. onsent of the instrucror is required. Students should consult the Women's and Cender Studies chair about this opcion before the course begins (when possible) and will be

WRIT 101:

Writing Seminllr - pw, WR

See ,ennal Uni rsity Requirements, The First-Year Experience. (4) WRIT 201:

Writing Sem;1Ulrsfor J"ternntiotlal

Students - WR

Organized thematically, th!:!it.' courses emphasize both the mechanics and process of writing. Students are placed in EN L 20 I or fNGL 202 according to ability. (4) WRIT 202: Advanced Writing Seminar for 11ltenzational Stl4dents - WR

Organized thematically, this advanced course emphasized both the mechanics and process of writing. Students are placed based on ability. (4)

PLU 2006 - 2007

1 51


S T U D I E S RN to BSN program, refer to the MSN Sequence for Licemed

253.53 .7 1 26 www.plu.edulrprovost

Registered Nurses in the Nursing section.

This section contains in/ormation about Pacific Lutheran U"ivers;ty gradfUlte programs.

I/) Q.I "'Q ::::I VI Q.I ItJ ::::I "C ItJ

253.535.7 1 5 1 , 800.274.6758 www.plu.edu

Pacific Lutheran Universiry offers graduate programs in advanced p rofessional .dllcation wirhin a context of the liberal arrs tradition. Masrer's degree p rograms in business, creative writing, c:ciucation, marriage and family therapy and nursing challenge students ro incrc:lse their undersranding and compet<:>n e in rheory, research and practice. Graduares are prepared ro become thougluflll and effective leaders in their professions and communiries. Graduate students have the opportuniry to "tudy in unusually close and supportive working relationships with full-time doctorally prepared faculry and professionally qualified part-lime practitioners. The un iversiry Provost, who also serves as Dean of Graduate Studies, coordinates the work of the programs thaI provide graduate-level instruction. MASTER'S DEGREES OFFERED The Master ofBusiness Administration is accredired by the 'SB International - The sociation to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

The Master oj Firu Arts it, Creative Writing is a low-residency program i n the fields of poetry, fl rion and creative nonfiction intended for independent adults who wish to develop and pursue careers as writers. The Master ofArts ;'1 .Education is accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and offers concentrations i n classroom teaching and beginning certiflcation. The MllSter ofArts (MarriAgt mId Family Therapy) is accredited by the ommission on Accrediration for Marriage and Family Therapy Education of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. The Master of Science ;11 Nm'si,zg is accrcdired by the ommission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and Washington State Nursing Care Quali Assurance ommlSSlon and offers concentrations in are and utcomes Management and Family Nurse Practice. r



For information


Ell lry-Lďż˝/iel AISN program, refr to MSN

sequence for non-nursing BAIBS gmdualcs. F'o r information on the

Pacific Lutheran Universiry welcomes applications from s tudents who exhibit capacities for success at the graduate level. Applicants muse present evidence of scholastic abiliry and demonstrate qualities of good character in order to be accepted for admission. The Dean of Graduate Studies reserves the right to admit, deny or withdraw admission for any applicant/student based on an individual's meeting these criteria. Admission decisions are made by the Dean of Graduate Studies upon recommendation by the committee responsible for graduate admissions in 'each academic unit. Applications for admission are evaluated without regard to race, color, creed, religion, gender, national origin, age, mental or physical disabiliry, marital seatus, or sexual orientation. .

Students seeking admission to any graduate program must hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university. For all graduaee programs, except Business, a cumulative undergraduate grade point aveeage of at least 3.0 (on a 4 .0 scale) is required for admission as a regular status graduate student. Those students with an average of less than 3.0 may be granted provisional status and will not be considered for admission to regular status until they have demonsrrated their ability to do graduate work by completing a minimum of 8 semester hours of work with a cumulative grade point a\'erage of at least 3 .0 . For requirements in Business, see "Classiflcation of Seudents". At the minimum, all application evaluations are based on scholastic qualifications, a statement of ptofessional goals, letters of recommendation, and preparation in the proposed field of study. Some graduate programs may require additional evidence for admission including, but not limited to, autobiographical statements, personal interviews, standardized tests, or oeher evidence of professional accomplishment. Listings for each program detail these additional admission requirements. Applicant;" must request from each prroiol/Sly attended institution of higher leaming (undergraduate anti grtlduate) an official tramcript to be -,em by the institution directly to the Office ofAdmission at PLU

P LU 2 00 6 - 2 0 0 7






P (

o h

R gl pďż˝ in

Refer ro individual programs for application deadlines.

Provisional -

Applic:uion packets are available from the Office of Admission. I n sum mary, the following items must be on file in the Office of Admission before an applicanr will be considered for admissio n:


A Statemenr of professional and educational goals.


A re ume.


The $40.00 non-refundable application fee.


An official transcript from each institution of higher

begill until they have

Office ofthe Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies. /memational studmts Lacking adequate English skills are not officially admitted.

attended. All transcripts must be sent directly to

Two letters of recommendation.


TOEFL test scores for al l international studenrs (see national studenrs section for details). Busi ness also

Additional ly, specific p rograms require the following:

Master ofBusiness Administration: GMAT. Masur ofFine Arts in Creative Writing: see



Masur ofArts in Edueation:


for MAE with Residency Certification) and inrerview with admission team. •

Masur ofArts in Soci4l Scilnlces (Marriage and Family Therapy): Aurobiographical smemenr; personal i nt rvit'w fo r finalists.

Students holding a bachelor's degree who wish

to p ursue course work with


inrention of qualifYing for an

advanced degree at PLU are classified


non-matriculared students.

hours of SOO-level courses. A non-matriculated student may take an

accepts IELTS scores.

Non-matrit:ulated -

A non-matriculated student may [ake a maximum of nine semesrer


Stlccmjit/0' compLeted their bachelor's degree

alld officiaL transcripts with the degree have bem received by the

the Office of Admission at PLU from the institution

prerequisites may be granted provisional status.

provisionaL statIIS studellts with the conditioll that work canllot

providing the transcript.


because of grade point average or lack of completion of specific

completing their ulldergraduate work Inay be admitted llJ regular or

The completed application form.

i nt

have been met. Srudents who fail to qualifY for regular status

NOlet Students who have appliedfor graduate studies before



I.n some programs, newly admitted students are

assigned provisional tatus until certain program prerequisi tes

unlimited number of continuing education hours.

Full-time -

Graduate students enrollc::d for eight or more

semester hours in fall or spring semester are considered full-time.

Half-time - Graduate studenrs enrolled

for at least four but less

than eight semester hours in fall or spring semesrer are


considered half-time.

Cha7lge ofStudent Status Provisi011R1 to Regular -

Student status will be changed from

provisional to regular after rhe fo llowing conditions have been met: satisfactory fulfillment of course deficiencies; satisf.'lCtory

Master ofScience hI Nursing: GRE.

completion of eight semester hours of graduate work wirh a

Al l records become part of the applican t's official file and can be neither returned nor dupl icated for any purpose. An offer of admission is good fo r one year in all programs except fo r Marriage and Family Therapy, Master of Arts in Education, and Project Lead. Admitted students who have not enrolled in any course work for one year after the semester fo r which they were admitted must reapply.

cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher; or sarisfacrory completion of departmental or school requirements.

Non-matriculated to ReguiarIPro/Jisional -

Srudent starus will

be changed from non-matriculated to regular/provisional after the non- matriculated student comp letes the normal appl ication process and is accep ted into


regular degree program.


earned during non-matricul ated classification may count toward a

graduate d gree, but only as recommended by rhe faculty

advisory commi ttee and approved by the dean of graduate studies after the student has been admi tted to a degree program.

Policies and Standards

No such credit can be coun ted that carries a grade lower than B­ .

B ore seeking admission ro a graduate program, students are

advised ro sp a

personal in

1n all cases,


letter indicating change of status will be

forwarded to rhe rudenr, with a copy to the advisor andlor

Interviewing ofApplicants

program direcror.

k with the program direcror. In certain programs, rview is




part of the applicarion

process. See specific program requirements fo r details.

To allow ample time for visa and other clepa ture procedures,

Classification ofStude71ls

supporting documents on file in the Oftlce of Admission no less

international applicants should have their application and all

A student may be admi tted ro a graduate program with regular

than four months before a proposed date of en try. The foUowing

or provisional student status, and may enroll as a full-time or

documents are necessary before an application

half-time student.


Ihgular - Those students approved unreservedly for admission ro

in the MBA program, which requires a minimum of 2.75).

be processed.

Formal application for admission and starement of goals with the $40.00 non-refundable application fee (which cannot be waived fo r any reason).

graduate study are granted regular status. An undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 or higher is required for regular status (except



Official transcripts with English translation from each college or un iversity am:nded in the United States. home

PlU 2006 - 2007

... OJ c.. C III ...


VI ...

C c..

", '"

country, or orher cou ntry. All rranscriptS must be selH directly [0 the PLU ffice of f dmission from the in�titution providing the transcript. C.



l\vo lettets of recommendation fro m school officials or persons of recognized standing. Applicants rransferring from a U.S. college at university should request their international student advisor [0 send a recommendation.

Demonstrated proficiency i n the English language through attaining a minimum score of 2 1 3 on the Lomputerized Test of English as a Ftm:ign Language (T EFL). lnternational students lacking adequate English are not ofllcially ad mincd. Prospective M BA students who arc lacking required English proficiency may, howev{'[, contact either bby \V'igst[Om in the PLU School of Business (dbby. wigslT011t @plu.edll) or Michelle Vandetbilt at Embassy ES (mllanderbilt @shuiygroup.com) fur more information regarding ESL instruction and conditional admission [0 the PLU M BA program. Studenrs with a bachelor's degree from an English­ speaking college or universiry are not required [0 take the TOEFL. The School of Business requires 3 Tl. EFL score of 230 on the computerized test and also accepts the l ELTS with a score of 6 . 5 . Official scates from specific tests as required for certain p rograms or concentrations. See individual master's programs fo r funher informarion.

International students are required to submit a non·refundable $300.00 advance payme nt following an ofFer of admi5sion. This payment is the student's acknowledgment of acceptance and is credited to the student's account to be applied (()ward expenses of the first term of enrollment.


An I-20 form (Certificate of Eligibility for Non-Immigrant Student Status) will be issued only after ali documents have been received, the application has b" � n revi�w"d, the student has been offered admission and accepred, a certification of finances has been received, and the $300.00 advanced payment has been received. Certification from banks and embassies is permissible. A financial statement form is available on the \'\feb or from the Office of Admission upon request. The 1-20 form shoul.d be taken to the U.S. Consulate when tequesting a visa to come to the United States for a graduate program. International students are required by immigration regulations to enroll as full-time srudents (a minimum of eight credit hours per semester). They are also required to submit [he appropriate medical forms to the university's Healrh Service. Students may also be required to have J. physical exam. Before enrolling for classes, all imernational students are required to have health and medica! insurance, which is obtained through the universiry after arrival on campus. International graduate students must also report to I nternational Student Services at 253.53 5 . 1 794, upon registration for purposes of immigration and univer,iry record-keeping.

Faculty Advising

1 54

Upon admission each student will be assigned a faculty advisor rC$ponsible for assisting the student in dtrermin ing a program of study. When appropriate, the advisor will chair the student's advisory committee. Students are encou raged to meet with their advisors early in their programs.

Hours &quiredfor the Master's Degree A minimum of 32 semesrer hours is required. Individual prograrns may require more than the minimum number of semester hours, depending upon prior preparation and specific degree requirements. Any prerequisite courses taken during the graduate program shall not count toward fulfillment of gtaduate degree requirements.

Transfl!r of Credit Graduate work from another institution may be accepted for transfer upon perition by the smdenr and approval by the program ditectot. Eight semc.ster hours may be transferable to a 32-semester-hout program. In degree programs requiring work beyond 32 semester hours, more than eight semester hours may be transferred. In any case, the student must complete at least 24 semester hours of the degree program at Pacific Lutheran University.

Time Limit All requirements for the master's degree, including credit earned before admission, must be completed within seven years. The seven-year limit covers all courses applied to the master's degree, credit transferred from another illstitution, comprehensive examinations, research, and final oral examination. The seven-year limit begins wirh beginning date of the first course applicable to the graduate degree. (See also Satisfactory Progress Policy.)

Residency Requirement All candidates for the mastet's degree must complere 24 semester hours of Pacific Lutheran University courses.

lmmuniution Policy All graduate students are required (0 provide a universiry health history form with accurate immunizarion records of measles, mumps, rubella, and tetanus-diphtheria (0 Health Services. Students born before January 1 , 1 957, must provide documentation for tetanus-diphtheria (Td) booster within the last 1 0 years. All international students ate tequired also to have a tuberculosis skin test. This test will be done at Health Services after arrival at the university. The cost is $20.00. Students with questions or concerns about the immunization policy should contact Health Services at 253.535.7337.

Courses Taken on a Pass/Fail Basis If a graduare student's program includes a cou tse where students may elect a lener grade or the pass/fail option, graduare srudents must opt fot the letter grade.

Courses Acceptable for Graduate Credit All 500-numbered coLltses described in this catalog are graduate level. In some graduate programs, a limited number of 300-level and 400-levd courses may be accepted for graduate credit. (See Degree and Course Offerings for graduate course descriptions.) A maximum of four semester hours of continuing education credit may be accepted tOwatd a master's degree. The School of Business does not does not accept continuing education cour�ework. This applies to continuing education credir taken at PLU or transferred fro m another universiry. All courses accepted for the master's degree are subject to the approval of the program director and the dean of graduate studies.

PlU 2006 - 2007


c e c



S T Sl

P S. IT'

1', b� ar

Etltry-Level MlUter ofSarn e ofNursing

collecrion are paid by studenrs (see Tu irion and Fees secrion).

All requi red undergraduate level coursework in Nursing (or irs

The second merhod is a research paper. If a program requires or

equival nt in rhe Enrry-Levd Master of Science i n Nursing Program) is cOI'lSidercd part o f rhc ELMSN graduare program.


abstracr of 1 5 0 words or fewer, no larer rhan three weeks before

C,'tdit for Seniors

If, during the bsr s�mc:�rer of the senior year, a candidare for a baccala.ure;ue degree tll1ds ir possible ro complere all degree requirements WIth a regisrrarion of fewer rhan 1 6 semesrer hours of undergraduate cred ir, regisrrarion fo r graduare credir may be permi

students elect reseJrch paper options, one original paper musr be submitted ro the Provost and Dean of Graduare Srudies wirh an

ible. However, rhe roral regisrration for undergraduate

requirements ,l I1d elecrive graduare credir shall nor exceed 1 6

graduation. Research papers will be' microfilmed ar PLU and placed in rhe PLU library collecrion. Microfilming fees are paid by students. Theses and research papers musr be submi rred ro rhe Office of rhe Provosr and Dean of Graduare Studies nor larer rhan rh ree weeks before graduarion. All theses and papers presemed musr be clean,

semesl r hOllr� during the semester. A memorandum sraring rhar

error-free, and follow rhe APA Sryle Manual. Details are available

all baccalaureat

from rhe Un iversity Archivisr, who reviews all manuscriprs ro

requ irements arC' being mer during rhe currenr

mester must be signed by rhe appropriare deparrment chair or

school dean and prescnreci ro rhe dean of graduare srudies ar rhe time of su h a hIgher d

istration. This registrarion does nor apply roward

re r e

un less ir is larcr approved by rhe srudent's

graduare program advisor and/or advisory commirree.

Ir is rh �lUdent', responsibility ro formally peririon rhe graduate cror or 'chool's dean for transfer credir, change of

program or advisor, or any exceprion ro policy. Petirion fo rms may be ob

ined from advi�or;.

The mmi mllm �randard acceprable fo r rhe masrer's degree is a credir will not h · given for any class in which rhe grade earned is ,-.

A srudeut who e grade point average falls below 3.00 is �ubjecr to dismissal from rhe program. In such instances, the recommendation fo r dismissal o r conti nuance is made by rhe stud


Exami1!4tions Written comprehensive examinarions and/or oral examinations are required in all School of Educarion graduare programs. These examinations normally will be scheduled no larer rhan rhree to comp rehensive examinarion must be passed no larer rhan rhree

grade point av rag� of 3.00 in al l graduare work. Graduare-Ievel a

programs is paper pr se nrations or culminaring projecrs in specific courses designed ro comprehensively i nregrare a program's marerial

six weeks before commencement. In any case, rhe final wrirren

StaluJards of WOrk

lower rhan

The rhird merhod of fu lfilling research requirements used in some

while promoting independent research and study.

Petitiolls program's di

ensure rhar rhey conform ro universiry requirements.

adv i sory commi rree and acred upon by rhe dean of

graduate studies.

weeks before commencement. The oral examinarion


r the

rhesis or research is conducted under rhe direcrion of rhe student's advisory commi rrec:: .wd must be complered successfully no later rhan three weeks before commencement.

GrtuilUltiOfJ All courses musr be completed, fi nal grades n;(orded, examinarions passed, and rhe�is/research requirements fulfilled in order for a degree ro be awarded. Graduate students musr apply for graduarion by rhe fol iowing dares;

Academic Probation A srudenr pursuing rhe master's degree who fails ro mai ntain a (umui ari


grade point average of 3.00 may be placed o n

academic probarion. \X'hen such acr ion i s raken, r h e studenr will be notified by Icrrer from rhe Direcror or Dean of the individual

Graduatioll Date


>-D 1ebe ncer May 2007

program . A graduate srudent on probarion who fails to arrain a cumular ive grade p o i nt average of 3.00 in rhe next rerm of enrollmenr may be dism issed from rhe program. A graduare stud nr cannot cumuiarivt:

0 ,

til e

a mas rer's degree wirh less than a 3.00

point average in all graduare-Ievel work.

The thesis/research paper(s)

mwt be signed by the major adlli­ committee before SIIbmissioli to the Office of the Provost and Dea/! of Gmdlltlte Studies.


sor fllld have


read b)1 the entire

Them dnd Research Requiremerlts

Graduation Applicarion forms arc available in Srudem Services,

Stud nr· ate required ro presenr evidence of abil ity ro do

on rhe i n formation wal l.

indep n ent research. This can be demonstrated in rh ree ways. See :leh program seer ion for explanarion of research oprions wirhin each graduare program. The first merhod is a rhesis. Those srudents wriring rheses musr submit their original these.� fo r binding and microfi l m ing by Pro Servi

ucsr of Ann Arbor, .

lichigan. In addition,



ubl ishing form and an abstract of 1 50 words or fewer

musr be 'ubmitted !'rovo t and Dean of

on rhe Regisrrar's Office Web sire and ourside Srudent -ervices

Resp01ISibi/;ti�s and Dl!Ild/iues Ir is rhe responsibiliry of each graduate srudenr ro know and follow rhe procedures outlined in rhi, caralog and ro abide by established deadl i n •

irh rhe publishing fec, ro Office of the raduare Studies, no larer rhan three weeks

hefore graduat ion. Fee; fo r microfilming, publishing absrracrs, ,nd binding ortgin�1 rh eses fo r the permanent PLU li brary

. See individual masrer's programs and

concen rrarions for specific degree requiremenrs. Upon ace prance, meet with me assigned advisor as soon as possible ro estab lish rhe program of study. •

Register fo r rhesis or r earch paper as required. Deadline: the lasr acceptable regisrrarion dare is rhe semester in which rhe student expecrs ro recei\'e his or her degree.

PLU 2006 . 2007


Apply for graduation. File your application for graduation with the Registrar's Office. Students are responsible fo r ordering their own cap and gown.

Em'oilment Stahu '-'''Mb,;mumlT enn --------..

Note: Ifa student foils to complete the necessary requirements for graduatioll, the applicatioll fol' graduation wiLL not automatically

Full-time 3/4-time 1 I 2-cime

be forwarded to the next commencement tUlte.

c c

.... ro �






Take comprehensive written and/or oral examination under the direction of the major advisor or advisory committee. Deadline: no later than four weeks before commencement. Submit theses and research papers in final form to Office of the Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies three weeks prior to graduation. At this time the binding/microfilming fee must be paid.

c ...

In other programs, tuition charges are determined by a cohorr price rather than semester hours. Information on the tuition charges for individual programs is available from the deans or directors responsible for those programs.


.... VI ro

� •


_ __

Financial Aid 2 5 3 . 5 3 5 . 7 1 34, 800.678.3243 www.plu. edul�faid

Financial assistance for graduate studenrs is available in the forms of Federal Perk i ns, Federal Stafford, Federal Nursing, and Graduate Plus loans, graduate fellowships, federal or state work study, and a limited number of scholarships. To apply for assistance, students must complete the Free Application for F eral Student Aid (www.fafsa.ed.gov) . Students must be admitted to a graduate program before an offer of financial aid will be extended. Applications and information may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office or by visiting our Web site. A limited number of graduate fellowships are available. Conract the Office of the Provost or individual graduate program directors for applications and information. The priority date for submission of applications for the academic year beginning in September is April 1 5 th; fellowships are awarded on a rolling basis.

1 6

6 4

Minimum/YeAr 6 1

12 8

cancelled and may jeopardize deftnnent Jtatus. •

In some programs, tuition charges for graduate students are determined by the number of semester hours for which a student registers and are based on a semeSter hour rate.

__ ___


Note: Len- thall halftime enrollment will came a .itl/dent form

Tuition and Fees

Tuition per semester hour for 2006-2007 $73 1 .00 0 __ Thesis bindin !microfilmingi�,!lbject to change) _. 1Z.2:.2._ Thesis �_opyrighting $45.00 � Research a er or project microf:� J}_g.OQ Graduation fee $75.00

graduate students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.00. Minimum credit requirement for graduate financial assistance:



Maximum graduate financial aid lime allowed: 1 . The maximum number of full-time graduate credit hours rhat may be attemp ted is 72, and the maximum time allowed to complete a graduate degf'ee is 4.5 years. 2. The ma..xi mwn number of part-time graduate credir hours that may be atlempred is 72. and the maximum allowed to com pl e te a graduate degree is 7 years. School ofBflsilUM

Master of Business Administration 253.535.7330

www.plll. tdulmbn

Andrew Tu rner, Ph.D., Acting Dean, School of Business Diane MacDonald, ] . 0 . , AJsociate Dean, School of Business Abby Wigstrom-Carlson, Director of Graduate Programs, School of Business MBA PROGRAM

The MBA program is founded on the cornerstones of leadership, innovation, global awareness and ethical responsibility. Students represen t all sectors of business including entrepreneurs and family business leaders. The M.BA program offers courses �v1onday through Thursday evenings to serve the working com.munity. The classroom environment is enhanced by a faculty with industry experience as well as academic credentials. Students may enter the program at any term througho ut the year.

The MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Colle iate Schoob of Business (AACSB) Inrcrnational. AACSB Int.:rnational is [he premier accrediting agency for degree programs in business. Ai\, ' B International accreditation assures quality and promotes <!Xc Hene and continuous improvement in business education. The PLU MBA program has been accredited since 1 976 and was the Irst AACSB-accredited MBA program in the South Puget Sound region. MBA Emphasis Areas • •

Enm:prcneur -hip and Closely-Held Business Health Care Management Technology and In novation Management

Satisfactory Progress Policy

Graduate and professional students must meet the same satisfactory progress requirements as undergraduate students in o rder to continue receiving financial assistance, with the following exceptions: Minimum grade point average: Each graduate program monitors the grade point average of its students. In general,

In addition to the general management MBA track, PLU offers an M BA wirh the option of completing an area of emphasis. To pursue an area of emphasis students complete the core coursework then choo,e from specifically designed elective courses. For morc information about the C'mphasis areas, please visit the School of Business MBA Web site.

PLU 2006 - 2007

The GradU4te Management Admission Test

Post MRA-CertificlIU ill uch1lo10gy and InnovatirTll M.afUlgnrumt

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a test of

Individuals hol d i ng an M BA degree may apply for and enroll in <l

post-MB A (;� ITificate


a compurer-adaptive test rhat is avai lable, year-round, at test

echnology and Innovation

M an ageme n t (TIM) . This certificate updates the skills and abi lities of BA degn:e holders. There is a reduced applicarion pmc· and the MAr is not n:qu i red. For more information, sec the fo llowing section on Degree Requirements or the School


Goals of the PLU MBA


"Ii pre pa re students ro adva nce in professional management I . Applying so phisticated, practical, discipli ne-based knowledge in a holistic fashion; and communication and teamwork.

MAT directly at 800.462.8669, or by visiting the Web sire at

http://www.mba.com/mbaiTaketheGMAT MBA DEGREE REQUIREMENTS

Prerequisite: Statistics


I . Cope successfully with llncertainry and environmental dynamics; and

2. Drive innovation and change within organizations. C.

which tanges between 200 and 800. The average student in rhe

45 semtster hours

2. Developing competencies in critical thinking, To equip srudcn

major areas: verbal, mathematical, and analyrical writing skills. A score is earned in each area. and candidates receive a total score.

Information about rhe GMAT may be obrained by calling

and leadership roles by:


centers throughout the world. Candidates are examined in th ree

P L U M BA program earns a GMAT score of 520.

of Business MBA Web site. LeanJing

apritude rarher rhan a resr of busi ness knowledge. The GMAT is

To imbue students wirh:

MBA Core


36 semester hours

COMA 543: Conflicr and Negotiarion (3) BUSA 509: Global Business Perspectives (3) BUSA 5 1 0: Legal, Ethical and Social Responsibili ries of Business (3)

I . A gl ob a l perspective;

2. An appreciation for the s t r� ng th and utility of diversity; and

BUSA 5 1 1 : Accounting for Decision Making (3) BUSA 5 1 5 : Organizations and Leadership (3)

3. A ense of in regrity and ethical responsibil ity.

BUSA 5 1 7: Understanding and M anagin g

Fi nan cial

Resources (3)


B U SA 5 1 9: Informarion Sysrems and Knowledge


p ro"ram is competitive and sdection is based on

severn I criteria in c l ud i ng wMk experien ce and

poten t ial



BUSA 52 1 : Supply Chain and Operations Management

contribution ro rhe classroom experience. The Graduate

BUSA 523: Managing Innovation (3)

Admission Committee bases decisions on a holistic asSessment of

BUSA 590: Strategy and Global Competitiveness (3)

the ind ividual merirs of each appl icant. For questions regard ing

admission to the

2 3 .5


program, contact rhe M BA director at


The £>LU graduate applicarion. Prin t rh application: www.plu.edulaamissio,,/apply/applicaliolu.blmi A cu rrent r e sume Jetailing work experience and communiry All official transcripts from higher educarion institutions (no

exceptions) •

A 300-word � ta ( e m en t of Prof, sional fficial GMAT S or

(Graduare Management Assessment

Test) •

Two lett


Select from the flllmuing Business

'" '"



::s BUSA 5 3 5 : Financial Investments (3) BUSA 538: Advanced Managerial Accounting


11\ ...

III ....

BUSA 542: Leading Organizarion Change (3) BUSA 549: Strategic Management o f Human Capital (3)

o ::s

B USA 5 5 5 : Knowl edge Management (3) must

BUSA 558: New Venture Managemenr

also whmit:


1-20 Evaluation Documems

BUSA 563: Health Care Marketing (3)

Declaration of Finances


SA 562: Healrh Care Regularion. Law and Erhics (3)

BUSA 564: Managing Services Markering (3)

An imervi� v ith the M BA Graduat Admission Cummi[(ee d.

Applicants ar" evalu.'lted individually. based on a presentarion of fac tors indicating equivalence


BU A 560: Managing Health Care Enterp rises

TOEFL o r IEI.:fS score report


:= 11)

BUSA 553: Tra nsnational Management (3)

$40 Application Fee

may be reque

tD C

::t> Q.

MBA Ekctives (Nine semester hours)

BUSA 550 : Leading Family and Closely-Held Enterprises (3)

of rec.ommendation

Inter7JntionaJ applicants


BUSA 540: Effective Busi ness Negori arions (3)


o -


BUSA 522: The Global Environment of rhe Firm (3)

service •


One of the following two courses:

or ECON 520: Economic Policy An:�lysis


BUSA 5 1 3: Marketing Management (3)


admi ss io n standards, a promise of

BUSA 570: Technology Management (3) BUSA 575: Electronic Business and Commerce (3) BUSA 577: P mj eer Management (3) BUSA 578: Darabase Applicarions in Business (3) BUSA 587/588/589: Special Topics ( 1 -4)

success in graduate school. quali ries of good chara ::t:c:r, and poten tial

BUSA 5 9 1 : Independent 5rudy ( 1 -4)

conrnburions to the educational mission of graduare study.

BUSA 595: Internship ( 1 -4)

PlU 2006 - 2007

1 57

By taking an appropriate set of identi fied electives, a student may

organizational capabilities fo r business success across borders and

earn an emphasis in Health Care Managemenr, Entrepreneurship

cultures. On-campus course followed by an international

and Closely-Held Business or Technology and Innovation

experience prior to graduarion.


Management. Srud

III ar

BUSA 509: Global Business Perspectiu�s: Internatio7lal


not required to have an area of emphasis.

Pass/Fai l .

MBA EMPHASlS AREAS Health Care Mallagement Emphasis - Nine semester hours B

decision-making. Provides a framework o f rhe legal environment

And. six Sl'mP.fur hOllrs fi'om thefo/lowing: c o









i n which business decisions

SA )42; Leading Organization Change (3)



Suarcgic Management of Human Capital (3)


555: K nowl dg<' Management (3)



BUSA 562: Heal h

are Regu lation, Law and Ethics

Health Care Markering


B USA 558: New Venture Management

BUSA 538: BUS A 549: BUSA 575: B SA 550: BUSA 5 5 8 :


Advanced Managerial Accounting (3) Strategic J'vtanage ment of Human Capital

Leading Family and Closely-Held Enterprises ew Venture Management

(3) or




continuously experiment, improve, and increase

meet performance requirements and organizarion cultu ral fir.


BUSA 517: Understa71di7lg a71d Managing Fina71cial Resources Row forecasting, planning, budgeting, valuation models, cosr of r:Hio analysis, compurer simularion, financial feasi b i l ity


assessment, balance sheet analysis, dererminants o f interest rares, and the i mpact of business cycle Ructuations on shareholder value. (3)


BUSA 519: Information Systems and Knowledge Management


Exam i nes the strategic role of information systems in enabling

Post MBA-Certificate in Teclmology and Innovation MAntlge7IlenJ (TIM)

decision-making and organizational effectiveness. Examines the applicarions o f information systems ro knowledge crearion,

To view a current lisr of req uirements for the T I M Certification program, please visir the School of Business M BA \Xfeb site.

PLU MBA in the past five yea.rs,

previous TIt'l! coursework may be counted toward completion of the certificate requirements.

sharing, and in tegrar ion. Discusses a broad range of rechnologies including collaborarion, content management, database, enterprise, and decision suppOrt rools.


B liSA 509,

BUSA 521: S1tPPly Chain and OperatiollS Mawzgement

Manufacturing and service operarions, and technologies within

the en terprise and across the extended vJ.lue chains. Topics

RUSA 509: Global Business Perspectives

project management, integrating extended operations,

include operarions and quality management, value chain strategy,

" u l tural and environmen tal contexts for global business. Developin g perspectives, personal com petencies, and



A-'l Course Offeri" s - B u�iness ( B_U_S_

_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _



capital, leverage, and risk and return. Additional topics include

BUSA 577: Project Management (3) BUS 578: Darabase Applications in Busi ness (3) App roved B U SA 587/588/589: Special Topics ( 1 -4) BliSA '595: Internship ( 1 -4)

[ f a student has received a

promote collaboration and problem solving, and enable

Adva.nced treatment o f corporate finance rop ies including cash

<"I'tdits.fj·olll thefollowing:

SA 575: Electronic Busi ness and Commerce


cultures thar dfcctivdy engage rapidly s hifti ng exre rnal realities, organ izario ns


BUSA 5 '5 5 : Knowledge Management (3)

Students will examine theoretical concepts and apply

capabilities. >ompcrencies fo r develop ing and managing people ro

Teclmology and Innovation Mallagement (TIM) Emphasis Nine um¥ster hours

And, six

understanding and applying customer­

The leader's role in crearing organizational designs, processes and

( 1 -4)

BUSA '570: Techno logy Management


directed marketing srraregies fo r achieving organizational goals.

BUSA 515: Organizati07u and Leadership


Electronic Busi ness and Com merce (3)

B USA 595: I mernship

BUSA 513: Mtrrketi1lg Management

and ideas in business , public, and non-profit organ izarions.


Approved BUSA 5 87/588/589: Special Topics ( 1 -4)

making (3)

contemporary approaches ro the marketing o f services, products

the fol/owing:

SA 535: Financial Investments

fi nancial and managerial accounting topics,

A practical approach

BUSA 5 50: Lead ing Family and Closely-Held Enterp rises (3) O R



fo cus is on using accounting to support ethical business decision­


A I/d, si.x semester hours fom

environments as well as the economic environment. (3)

An examinarion

Entreprt!1lt!1lrship and Closely-Held E7lterprises Emphasis Ni7u enl�ster hours

orr-he {Ollowing two

made. Explores impl ications of

including financial reporting, budgering, and cost behavior. The

5 9 5 : In te rnship ( 1 -4)



busi ness decisions that inc.orporate concern for natural and social

BUSA 511: AccoullIingfor Decisioll Maldllg


App roved BU A 587/588/589: Special Topies ( 1 -4)


BUSA 510: Legal, Etbical lZ1ld Social Responsibilities ofBusi1less Explores legal, ethical, and social i m plicarions of business

-A 560: Managing Healrh Care Enterprises (3)



internarional operations, current issues and the synergistic role of sysrems.


PLU 2006 - 2007

BUSA 509, 5 1 1 . (3)

B E: cl; ec as ou

BUSA 553: TransnAtio1Ul1 Ma1Ulgement

BUSA 522: Th� Global Environment of the Finn ::.x amination of the context within which individual firm

Examination of ways in which traditional app roaches to

decisions mu�t be made. Topics include globaliza tion , diversiry

globalization - multinational adaptation, worldwide technology

within and a mo n g nations, the regulatory environment of the

transfer, and global standardization - may be synthesized into

finn. (he social, pol itical and economic as pects of trade, the flow

transnational strategy. Changes required in organizational

of cap i ta l , det

configurations, capabili ties and p ractices fot successful operat ion

rm i n a ms

of inflation and interest rates. business

cycles, and related issues. Employs statistical and case a nalys is of how :iggregale events have firm specific impacts.

of the transnational firm. �quisite: BUSA 5 1 5 . (3)

(3) BUSA 555: Knowledge Ma1Ulgement

BUSA 523: Managing bmovatio1l

Provides a global and holistic petspective for leveraging

Mul tidiscipl i n ary approach ro theories and praccices of managing

knowledge through the integration of organizational theo ry,

in novation and change fo r sustainable compt:titive advan tage .

Focus is

the planning and implementation of innovltions.


people, business p rocesses and technology. Provides an integrated approach in managing an enterp rise's intellectual capital.

t�chnolo<7ies. pro esSts. or sySt ms that pme significant

Examines the implementation of knowledge management in


busi ness and non-profit o rganizations. Prerequisite:

and the necessi ry fo r fundamental change in the

tnganization' d�sign, culture, and i ndusrr

Prn-equi.rit�.. E ON

BUSA 5 1 9. (3)


20 or BUSA 522. RUSA 509. 5 1 0 , 5 1 3 ,

'1 1 5 . 'i T 7. (3)

BUSA 558: New Venture Ma1Ulgement

BUSA 535: Fi1wncial l" vestments

effective business start-ups whether independent or within larger

In d pth evaluation of fundam<:: n tal prin c ipl es governing the

organizations. Prerequisite: B USA 509, 5 1 1 . (3)

Examines the entrepreneurial skills and conditions needed fo r

valuation of individual inv("stments and po rtfolios. Topics include valuation models. business cycl<::s . real estate, commodiry prices,

BUSA 560: Ma1Ulging Health Care Enterprises

determinants of interest rates and earnings, behavioral finance,

Surveys pol icy and operatio nal issues facing managers in the

risk and return, investment stra tegy, global markets, pension

rapidly changing health care environment. Explo res challenges of

funds, and demographic influences on markets. Prerequisites:

managing in health care settings, including hospitals, medical

practice organizations, long-term care facilities and clinics.

N 520 o r BUSA 522, BUSA 5 1 7. (3)


Discusses health care related otganizations such as health

538: Advanred Mmuzgm4i Accoun ting


insurance companies, consulting firms, managed care

Fo us on the strategic and supporting roles of management counting fo r decision-making, managerial planning. and operational COntrol. Famil i :uiry with Micrmoft Excel or other

o rganizations, pharmaceutical companies, and other organizations that support the health care industry. Prerequisite: BUSA 5 1 5 . (3)

spreadsheet software is required . Prereqllisite: BUSA 5 1 1 . (3)

o -

BUSA 562: Health Care Regulation, Law and Ethics

BUSA 540; Effictiv� Business Negotiations

Survey of the legal, tegulatory and ethical dilem mas confro nting

pproachts negotiating complex busi ness transactions fro m an

health tare managers and the impl ications of these issues from

organizational v ie w point in a global COntext rather than solely a

the perspectives of administration and governance, external


stakeholders, and patients. Topics include labor rdations and the

a pp roach .

The focus is to demonstrate the strategic

nature of thinking l i ke BUS


1 5.


impact of state and fedetal employment laws; the public health

n eg o tiat O r. Prerequisite:

regulatory environment and the organizations and systems that im pact business decisions; and strategies fo r managing third parry

BUSA 542:

payments. (3)

Uaditlg OrgaJJization ClJange

Leade com petencies and p tac t ice s fo r analyzing needs for or

nizalional change, creating a shared vision, cmEting

BUSA 563: H�alth Care Marketing

irnplemencuion plaru for mul tip le interventions, developing

Marketing principles applied in for-profit busi nesses are also

enabling structures and proc :ss<::s . enlisting poli tical suppOrt a n d

essen tial to the success of public and non-profit organizations.

inv Iving people, and for evaluating :ll1d institutionalizing

This course is designed to provide knowledge and skills fo r

ch nges. �quisitt!: BUSA 5 1 5 .

effective marketing of public and non-profit health services


organizations, including hospitals, medical clinics, and

BUSA 549:

Strategic MAnagemellt of Humall Capital

!.>sues and practices in the strategic m. nagement of human pit'll. Human resource strategy formulation, i mple mentation,

nJ valli, tion in terms of return on investment and other impac

s ,)n

fi rm performance. Human

developing and sustaining


reso urce

best p ractices fo r

h i gh-i nvolvement workforce to

achieve competitive advantage. Prerequisite: BUSA 5 1 5 . (3)


fumily firms including fa mily dynamics inside and


outside of the b us i n ' . Prerequisites: BUSA 509, 5 1 0 . (3)

o :::I

GOP and employment. and comparably in other developed economies globally. Developing economies, such as 111dia, are moving in the same direction. Services include marketing, operations and human resources contexts. This cou rse addresses service excellence, listening and responding to the service

I, fairness, and e q uity issues; succession; unique

QI ...

Services now constitute more than 75 percent of domestic U.S.

service characteristics and qualities. the demand for services and


11\ .... ....

BUSA 564: Ma1Ulging Services Marketing

Explores issues unique to managing, working within. or advising economy;


professional services. (3)

BUSA 550; LetUiillg Family and Closely-Held Enterprises closely held businesses. Role of closely held firms in global

l> CL

customer, attention to the service deliverer, providing services by telecommunications and the Internet, and chal lenges and strategies to improve service quality. Pr"equisit�: BUSA 5 1 3. (3)

PlU 2006 . 2007


B USA 570: Technology Management

Examines the critical role that technology plays in achieving organizational effectiveness and competitive advantages. Topics include planning, developing, sourcing, and controls of technology and systems, technology transfer and commercialization, technology road mapping, technology integration, marketing of technology, science and technology policy, and global issues in technology management. Prw-equisite: BUSA 5 1 9. (3) B USA 575: Ekctronic Business and Commerce

en c: ...

Q.I > ta Q.I





III +oJ ...

« Q.I c: u..


The course discusses the managerial, technical, and organizational challenges of designing and implementing electronic busin 5S and commerce as a critical transaction and delivery systems for products and services throughout the entire value creation network. Prerequisite: BUSA 5 1 9. (3) B USA 577: Project Management

Study of project management principles and techniques including planning, network building, project con trol, reporting and closing to address the unique conditions and challenges associated with designing and managing major non-repetitive undertakings. Prerequisite: BUSA 5 1 5. (3) B USA 578: Database Applications in Business

Analysis, design, and implementation of database systems for business applications. Topics include data models and database systems, database design concepts, data warehouse and data mining, databases administration, and database markering. The emphasis is on how database applications support managem�nt decisions, business operations, and customer services. Prw-equisiu: BUSA 5 1 9. (3) B USA 587: Special Topics

Division ofHumanities

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing 253.535.73 1 7

www.plu. edul�mfa

Douglas Oakman, PhD, Dean, Division ofHumanities Stanley S. Rubin, PhD, Program Director Judith Kitchen, MFA, Assistant Program Director Purpose

An in novative process-oriented program in the fields of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction intended for independent adUlts who wish to develop and pursue careers as writers. The program offers a substantial range of on- and off-campus experiences, including the mentorship of nationally known writers and editors. The three-year course of study is collaboratively structured to fit the student's own needs and experience. It is designed to be well suited to a lifestyle of professional and/or family responsibilities. Participants will attend four intensive 1 0-day Summer Residencies consisting of workshops, lectures, and mini-courses and will desi-gn a personal course of study with a ch osen men tor for the following academic year. The program includes three years of one-on-one work with mentors in chosen genres. The emphasis will be on the creative process in all its phases, as well as on critical understanding. By the time of graduation, students will be expected to have produced a collection of work in one or more genres of a quality worthy of publication. Prerequisites

Bachelor's degree, or equivalent professional certification. For students with backgrounds in fields other than English or writing, further study of l iterature may be required.

Selected advanced topics. ( 1 --4) B USA 588: Special Topics Selected advanced topics. ( 1--4)


Applicants for admission to the Master of Fine ArtS in Creative Writing will:

BUSA 589: Special Topics

Selected advanced topics ( 1 -4) B USA 590: Strategic Management in a Global Context

An integrated study of business strategy formulation and implementation under conditions of continu:ng economic, technological, and competitive change in the global marketplace. Explores industry, competitive, and company analysis. Emphasis on path-finding to identif)· strategic choices that create sustainable advantage. Prerequisites: ECON 520 or BUSA 509, 5 1 0, 5 1 1 , 5 1 3, 5 1 5, 5 1 7, 5 1 9, 52 1 , 522 (3)


Send a portfolio representing your best work (! 5 pages of poetry, 30-40 pages of prose)


Send a one-page review of a book you have recently read


Send a two-page statement of your background in writing, your reasons for wanting to enroll in the program, and what you hope to accomplish

Individualized reading and studies. Minimum supervision after i n itial planning of student's work. Rarely granted and requires prior approval of M BA director and consent of instructor. ( 1 -4)


BUSA 595: Internship


Application of business knowledge in field setting. Credit granted determined by hours spent in working environment and depth of project associated with course of study. Pass/fail. ( 1 -4)

Hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent professional certification (Students who already have an ,viA in writing or literature may be allowed to complete the program in two years and three residencies.)


B USA 591: Independtmt Study

1 60


Send two letters of recommendation :lttesting to your ability to complete sllch a course of study, your ability to work independently, and/or your character and achievement Upon acceptance, furnish a transcript of undergraduate work

Application Deadline

Program enrollment is smaU and selective. Prospective participants are encouraged to apply as C:lriy as possible. PLU 2 006 - 2007

ENGL 504: Sum71Jn" Residency #1

Applicants will be considered on a year-round basis, with the

� llowing cycle: •

I G hours of required workshops. 20 additional hours of lectures and mini-courses (topics in genre/topics in craft) , readings.

ly Admissi n - November


30 (Decision by January 30) February 1 5 (Decision by April 1 5)

Regular Admission -

Late Admission - There will be ongoing consIderation of

Design an independent course of study with a mentor for the upcoming year.

applicants fo r any remaining places. When all places have been filled. subsequent applicants will be


ENGL 505: Summer Residency #2

I G hou rs of required workshops. 20 additional hours of lectures

considered for admission to the next year" class. Selected

and mini-courses (topics i n genrelropics in craft), readings.

re,idency as non-matriculated workshop participants.

upcoming year.

appli an ts may be offered admission to the earl ier year

Design an independent course of study with a menror for the

ENGL 506: Summer Residency #3

Application Fee


I G hours of required workshops. 20 additional hours of lecrures

(nonr fundable)

and min i-courses (topics in genreltopics in craft) , readings. Design an independent course of study with a mentor for the

Program Requirements

upcoming year.

Successful completion of three years of creat.ive menrorship. four 'umm�r residencies, submi well


successful off-campus fleld experience. and

ion of an acceptable thesis consisting of a critical paper as

as an

original portfolio of fict ion. nonfiction, or poetry (work

may be in more d an one genre). The critical paper should arise from the areas of study

d will usually be completed during the

third year. It should serve as th basis for a class to be taught by the

graduat' g st udent during the final residency. Each thesis will be rea





memhers and the director.

will also give a puhlic reading from their

raduating students



ENGL 507: Summer Residency #4 Teaching a class based on critical paper or outside experience. Public reading from creative thesis. Participation in workshops and classes. Graduation.


ENGL 511: Writing Merztorship I One-on-one correspondence with a professional mentor in a genre or genres of choice. Approximately week on creative:: and ctitical writing. original work.

24 required texts (4 credits fall, 4

critical writing.

MFA Degree Requirements: (36 Itmmtn" hours)



hours of work per

mailings. Emphasis on

with approximately

40 pages of

credits spring)

ENGL 512: Writi1lg Mentorsbip II

Course Offerin s - Creative Writin (ENGl)

One-on-one correspondence with a professional mentor in a genre or genres of choice. Approximately

MFA Sum7nn" Residency

week on creative and critical writing.

An intensive ten-day residency during which students attend

emphasis on original work.

workshops, lectures, mini-courses in writing and design an





hours of work per

mailings. Continued

required texts with app roximatdy

page::s of critical writing. Implementation of a field experience

independent course of study with a mentor fo r the upcoming


year. Workshop -

Director of the program, who will act as advisor on the project.


hours. To pics in Genre-/Craft





hours) to be se::t up in collaboration with the

(4 credits fall, 4 credi[s spring)

Pacult}, will include distinguished wrilers, edirors and li tcrary agents. (Three credits per residen cy,

1 00

o -

semester hours required

for graduation)

ENGL 513: Writi"g Mentorship III


One-on-one correspondence:: with a professional mentor in a

MFA Writing Mentorship

genre or genres of choice:: . Approximately 1 5 hours of work per

m c.. C n \l) ....

week on creative and critical writing.

ne-un-one correspondence with a professional mentor in a genre


genres of choice. Each student spend� approximately

hours per week o n creative and


ri tical writing. At the

mpletion of the pronra m , the studenrs w i l l produce a critical

pa er plus a book-lengrh thesis. First y

r -

8 mailings. Second

year - 5 mailings plus field exptrience. Third year - G mailings, critical paper. pi total

thesis. (Four ro

of 24 semester hour

ighl semester hours per year,

required for graduation)

An oursid experience to i ntroduce studenrs to varied aspects of the writing life, to ongoing opportunities fo r community service and p� fessional development, to voices and approaches other

than those of our faculty, to an independent writing life. May

include residencies at arts colonies :llld summer wo rkshop . 5tudy abroad, community service projects, teaching or appropriate

( l 00


pages) .

3 mailings. Emphasis on


ENGL 599: Thesis One-on-one correspondence with a professional mentor i n a genre of genres of choice.


o ::)

mailings. Emphasis on organization

of creative thesis (book-length manuscript), final revision, planning for public presentation (class or lecture).


School ofEducatio 1l

Field Erpn-itmce

inrern hips.

critical paper

hours. Requi red for graduation)

253.535.8342 www.plu.edul�educ FACULTY: Michael Hillis, Director o.fGraduate Studi�s. School of Educatioll Purpose

Graduation Ihsidency Special pre·gra uation session leading to awarding of degree. Zero credit hours. Required.

Master of Arts in Education

The purpose of the graduate programs i n education is to provide


qualified persons with opportunities to develop their skills i n

PLU 2006 - 2007

------ --------�-- �

teaching and prepare themselves for educatio nal leadc:rship and service roles requiring advanced preparation. The major trdds of concenrr3tion arc designed ro provide maximum f1exibility in an experience-orienred environment. Graduate conccnrrations arc offered in Oassroom Teaching, Residency CeniflLarion, Educarional Leadership, and Liter3.cy Educ:uion. Requirements for each concenrration are l isred separarely following rhis section. section.

enhancing rheir leadership and insttuctional roles. During the program, PLU faculty and MA srudenrs collaborate in the investigation of fIve important themes: Inquiry and Action, Ambiguiry and Knowledge Power, Privilege, and Difference Advanced Cognition, Development, and Learning Individuals, Communities, and Organizations Leadership


These themes guide [he crearion of a personalized professional projecr and p rovide the basis for grappling with important quesrions that frame the work of educators in coday's classrooms, schools, and communities. Candidares for the degree will work side by side with candidares seeking ccrtitrca[ion as principals. All candida res completing rhe program will be eligible ro apply during the initial five years following [he 1 3-month program for a one-year program leading to certifICation as a principal.

The SchClOI of ducation is accredited by the Narional Council for rhe Accreditation of Teacher Educarion C CATE) . Coord;,mting MtUf�r's

Degree with

C(J'rhmling fwd

Projem(JIIlJ Ctn·fifo-htion Program

c o



Students holding an Initial or Residency Ccnitrcate may coordinate the Master of Arts in Education degree with the requirements for Continuing or Professional Cerrification. Graduare students pursuing the Continuing or Profes.s ional Cerr ifi _ ,He should discuss their programs with the program coordinacor or rheir advisor in the School of Education. Srudents intending to work mward a m:u;ter's degree must complere formal application for admission to the omce of Admissions. Studenrs intending to complete requirements for the Professional Cerritrcate muSt complere a formal application to rhe School of Education. Admuswn

• •

Prerequisites Beyond rhe general prerequisites, applicants must hold a valid reaching certificate and should ordinarily have successfully completed one yeat of teaching or relared professional experience. A grade point average of ar least 3.0 and Graduate Record Exam (G RE) or other admission test p proved by rhe faculty coordinator and completed in the past fIve years arc required. Students not meering some of these requirements may be granted provisional status.

for regular admil>sion to muster's degree programs and ro p rofessional cerritrc3te programs, applicants must have completed a BA or B degree from a regionally accredited institurion of higher education and must submir reco mmendations and test scores from appr priare screening resrs. Students may be required to have a personal interview with the director of graduate programs before admission. (See individual concentrarions for tests and prerequisitt:S specific to the concentration.) Studenrs admirted provisionally must fulfill the following requirements in order ro be granted regular status: completion of 1 2 hours of graduate course work with a minimum grade point average of 3.0.

ReqJlired Courses - 28 semester hours


EPSY 5 1 2: Group Process and the I ndividual (2) EPSY 563: Pracricum in Group Process and Leadership (2) EPSY 565: Advanced Human Development (4)

Students must take a comprehensive exam ination over course work. Comprehensive examinations are arranged by each program's coordinaror. An oral examinarion over course work and/or research may be scheduled at the discretion of the student's advisory committee no later than rhree weeks before commencement. CLttS 'ROOM TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP - 32 semester /Jours




545: Inquiry and Acrion, Ambiguity and Knowledge (2) 550: Leadership I ( 1 -4) 55 1 : Leadership I I 0 -4) 5 52: Leadersh i p I I I ( 1-4) 553: Leadership I V ( 1 -4) 586: Sociology of Education (3) 599: Thesis (3 or 4)

Educationnl Psyc/Jology

Elective Courses -four semester /Jours Candidates may take/transfer i n an approved elective.

Pri1lcipal Certification Program

Offered as Projut LeaD



Recognizing rhat all educators in roday's schools, hmh reachers and administrators, must work rogether as education leaders, PLU faculty have de igned an innovarive p rogram [(J enhance the ,kills of 21 t c nrury educatOrs with a focus on leadership. Project LeaD is for practicing educators who arc committed ro

The principal and program admi nistratOr program educares creative, energetic, reform-minded adminisrrators for the leadership positions in Washington schools. Cmdidares i n the cerritrcate only program work side by side wirh candidates seeking masters degrees in classroom teaching and educational leadership. As parr of the program all candidates will invesrigate trve rhemes: Inquiry and Acrion, Ambiguity and Knowledge Power, Privilege, and Difference Advanced Cognition, Deve\opmenr, and Learning I ndividuals, Communiries, and Organizations Leadership •

• •

PLU 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

These themes frame the focus of study each semester.

long inrernship in a public school. For the intern experience, students are clustered at si tes selectcd by the university as

Required Courses:

representative of programs reflecting specific attention to current

E D U C 5 5 0 : Leadership I ( 1 -4)

trends in education.

E D UC 5 5 1 : Leadership II 0-4)

EDUC 5 5 2 : Leadership III 0-4)


E D UC 5 5 3 : Leadership I V ( 1 -4)

For regular admission, applicants must have completed a

EDUC 55 4: Leadership V ( 1 -4)

baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution of

EDUC 598: Internship (2)

higher education. A minimum grade point average of 3 . 0 and official scores from the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) or other


admission examination approved by the director are required.

DIRECTOR: M i chael Hillis

Applicants are invited to meet with the program director before

The M A with Certification Program is designed for qualified

questions about the program and admissions procedures.

submitting the completed application in order to clarify

candidates who possess a baccalaureate degree in the liberal arts and seek a Lareer of service as teachers. Course work leads to the Master of Arts in Education: Classroom Teaching degree and Washington State Residency Teaching Certificate with endorsemems in grades K-8 (Elememary Education) and grades 4- 1 2 (Subject Maner Specific) . Candidates complete an

Admission Procedures I nterested candidates should submit application to PLU's graduate studies programs. Applications are available from the OHice of Admission. Screening of applicants and admission to the incoming class will begin January 3 1 and continue until the

imernsh i p in the public schools.

class is full. Enrollment in the MA with Residency Certification

Full-time studems entering the program may expect to complete

Program is limited and admission to the program is competitive.

all requirements in 14 months (full-time student load). A strong

Application and admission p rocedures include:

emphasis in the program is placed on developing the skills necessary for the integration of curriculum across grade levels


Completed application will consist of the following:

1 . Graduate Appl ication Form including:

with specific attention to the middle level (grades 5-8). The program is distinguished by active and early involvement in the

Studems entering the program in the same term will progress

Statement of Goals

through courses and practica together, which allows them to


during the year; check the School of Education website

and participate in practica during the day.

fo r the dates. 3. Transcripts from all colleges attended

Concentration Objective

4. Official copies of GRE or MAT scores

The p rimary aim of the program is to educate teachers who are

5. A passing score on at least one West-E test.

ready to assume a variety of roles in 2 1 st-century schools. Faculty B.

specific themes that servc as a focus for individual and group


Program Overview Students enrolled in the MA with Certification Program begin studies in mid-June and complete program requirements the following August. I n addition to course work required for the residency certificate. students complete an inquiry project culminating in a thesis as well as comprehensive examinations that allow MA cand idates to demonstrate mastery of the program's core values. The inquiry project,


Selected appl icants will be invited to the campus for a group i nterview where they will also complete a writing sample.

projects and intersect with the functions of teachers as leaders, inquirers, and curriculum/instructional specialists.

(1) 11'1 •

o -

:J> ... .... 11'1

Applications will be reviewed by a committee in the School of Education.

functions as leaders, inquirers, and curriculum/instructional specialists. Course work in the program is designed around

V\ .... c: Q..

Educator Skills Test Basic. Six test dates are available

public school p rograms, students should be able ro take courses

work with students to de\'e!op understandings and skills for their

... III Q.. c: III .... (1)

2. A passing score on all three sections of the Washington

share insights and experiences. B ecause of the involvemem in


Two recommendations with at least one academic reference

schools and by membership with a cohort group of peers.



Applicants will be notified of the commi ttee's decision.


Accepted applicants will return a confirmation card and

m Q.. c: t"I

III ....

non-refundable $300 deposit.

Required Courses Program requirements include successjid completion of the foLlowing courses: EDUC 5 1 1 : Strategies for Language/Li teracy Development (2) EDUC 544: Research and Program Evaluation (2) EDUC 55 6: Secondary and M iddle School Curriculum (3)

empirical study gtounded in the internship

experience, is designed to assist MA candidates in becoming familiar with the purposes, theories, and processes of educational inquiry. The intent is to provide the opportunity for program participants to explore an educational topic i n a systematic way in order to enrich their understanding of the topic, and generally. the

EDUC 560: Practicum (2) E D UC 562: Schools and Society (3) EDUC 563: Integrating Seminar (3-4) EDUC 564: The ArtS, Mind, and Body (2) EDUC 565: The Art and Practice of Teaching (6) EDUC 568: Internship (6) EDUC 599: Thesis (3)

strengths and limitations of educational inquiry.

EPSY 560: Communication i n the Schools (3)

An important program component is the completion of a year-

EPSY 583: Current Issues in Exceptionality (2-4)

EPSY 566: Advanced Cognition, Development, and Learning (3)

PLU 2006 - 2007


Cour�e Offerin s - Educati().n (EDUC)<-

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

EDUC 501: Workshops Graduate workshops in special fields for varying lengths of time. ( 1 -4)

Enuc 516: uacher Supervision Identification and development of supervisory skills for teachers who work with other adults in the classroom. ( I )

Enuc 526: SpeciAL Topics in Children's Literature EDUC 503: On-Campus Workshops in Educatio" On-campus graduate workshops in education for varying lengths of time; enrollmenr subject to advisor's apptoval.

Students explore the various themes of social issues found in children's literature through discussion groups and the construction of text sets and thematic units used in elementary and middle school classrooms. (2)

EDUC 505: Issues in Literacy Education

c o

..... ro v � "'C w c

.... o

II) Q.I "'C �

Initial course required for all smdents in the master's program in literacy education. Overview of historical and current theory, practice, definitions, and research in language and literacy acquisition and development in and out of schools. Required of any track option selected. (2)

EDUC 506: Foundations ofSchool Library Media Center MAnagement



ro � "'C ro

Exploration of multi-cultural issues in the context of children's literature. (2)

Enuc 528: Children's Literature in K-8 Curriculum Investigation of genres of contemporary children's l iterature and development of a personal repertoire for classroom usc. (2)

Functions of the school library media center with particular

Enuc 529: Adolescent Literature in the Secondary Curriculum

media specialist within instructional and administrative arenas. (2)

Genres In adolescent literature and exploration of strategies for integration of young adult materials across the middle and secondary school curriculum. (2)

emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of the school library

EDUC 507: Principks ofInfonnAtio" Organiultion, &trieva4 and Service Exploration of a broad range of data and i nformation in primary and secondary sources, including document, bibliography, full­ text, statistical. visual, and recorded formats. (2)

Enuc 530: Children's Writing

EDUC 508: Prillciples ofBibliographic Analysis and Control

Enuc 537: Media and Technology for School Library Media Specialists

The organization and strucmre of a broad range of information fonnats with an emphasis on the analysis of standard bibliographic components prescribed by national bibliographic databases. (2)

Current theory and practice in the teaching and learning of writing in elementary classrooms. (2)

The management of media and technology services i n the school library media center. Special emphasis on emerging technologies used in K-1 2 instructional programs (CD-ROM, i nteractive video, distance learning, computer technologies) . (2)

EDUC 509: Foundations ofColkction DevebJpment Enuc 538: Strategies for Whole Literacy Instruction (K-12)

The philosophical bases and parameters of collection development in the school library media center. (2)



Enuc 527: Multicultural Children's Literamre

EDUC 510: The Acquisitio'l and Development of Langtmge and Literacy Investigation of how young children acquire their first language and vhat they know as a result of this learning. (2)

EDUC 511: Strategies for Langtmge/Literacy Development

The developmemal nature of literacy learning with emphasis on

the vital role of language and t e interrelatedness and interdependence of listening, speaking, reading, and writing as language processes. Prerequisite: EDUC 5 1 0. (2)

£Due 513: Lallgtmge/Literacy DevebJpment: Assessment and 11l$truetion Undcrsranding of a wide variety of strategies and tools for assessing and facilitating students' development in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. PrerelJuisite: EDUC 5 1 0; highly recommended to be taken at the end of the track sequence. (Cross-listed with SPED 5 1 3.) (4)

£DUC 515: Professional SeminAr: Continuing Leve4 Teachers The preparation and sharing of selected topics related ro the

minimum generic standards needs of the individual participants. Required for the continuing level certification of teachers. (2)

The use of language as a tool for learning across the curriculum, and the roles of language in all kinds of teaching and learning in K-1 2 classrooms. Strategies for reading/writing i n contenr areas, thematic teaching, topic study, and integrating curriculum. (2)

Enuc 5#: Inquiry in Communities, Schools, and Classrooms Knowledge of evaluation techniques, including portfolios, and of research design; abiliry to interpret educational research; to identifY, locate, and acquire typical research and related literature; to use the results of research or evaluation to propose program changes and write grams. (2)

Enuc 545: Inquiry andAction into Social IsS1U$ and Problems Seminar synthesizing inquiry into social problems in educational and communiry settings. Critical examination of contemporary social issues that affect the success of youth and adults. (2)

Enuc 550: Leadership I Introduction to the role and function of the principalship with emphasis on team building and inrerpersonal professional relationships and ethical decision-making. Prerequisite: Admission to the graduate program or permission of graduate advisor. ( 1 -4)

PLU 2006 - 2007

EDUC 551: Leadership 11

ED UC 585: ComparoJive EdU£JUion

The principal as an instrucrional leader who oversees curriculum, srudent achievement, and assessment, and supervises tcachers in their work. ( 1 --4 )

Comparison and investigation of materials and culrural systems of education throughout the world. Emphasis on applying knowledge for greater understanding of the diverse populations in the K- 1 2 educational system. (3)

EDUC 552: Leadership III

The principal as a manager of resources and community relarions. Local. state, and federal issues in school finance and communicating with school stakeholders the mission and services of the school . ( 1 --4) EDUC 553: Leadership IV

The principal as a developer of personnel. Study of contemporary federal, state, and local statutes, regulations, and case law rdated to working with personnel issues, including legal principles in hiring, firing, in-service and staff development, support services, and contract negotiation. ( 1 -4)

ED UC 586: Sociology of Education

Viewing the educational system as a complex and changing social institution. Emphasis on value orientations from diverse human populations and their impact on K- 1 2 educarion and educational issues. (3) ED UC 587: History ofEd,lCation

A study of great men and women whose lives and writings have shaped and continue to shape the character of American education. (3) EDUC 589: Philosophy of EdllClZtWn

EDUC 554: Leadership V

Philosophical and theor tical foundations of American education well as the social philosophy of growing diverse populations in the K- 1 2 schools. (3)

The principal as a change agent. Study of current issues in adminiStration. ( 1 --4)


EDUC 556: Secondary and Middle School Curriculum

ED UC 590: Graduau Semi,ulT A workshop for all M.a.Her of Am candidates in the School of

A variety of facts of secondary and middle school programs: finance, curriculum, discipline, eva luation, classroom management, the basic education bill, legislative changes and special education. Critical issues i n the education scene today. (3)

Education. Candidates should register ror this seminar for assistance in fulfilling requirements. No credit is given, nor is tuition assessed. •

EDUC 560: Practicum

EDUC 5951 Intenuhip in EdtIClltional Administration Students will register fo r 2 ,emester hours in each of two

Guided instructional assistance and tutoring in schools. Designed

semesters. I n ternship in educational administration jointly

fo r MNCert Program. (2)

planned and supervised by the School of Education and public and/or private school administrators i n full compliance with state requirem�nrs. Prerequisites: Admission to the graduate program or to the credenrialing program: completion of educational administration concentration; consultation with advisor. (2, 2)

EDUC 562: Schools and Society

Individual and cooperative study of the socio-cultural and cultural, political, legal, historical, and phi losophical foundations of current practices of schooling in America. Prerequisite: Admission to the MA/Cerr Program or consent of instructor. (3) EDUC 563: Integrating Seminar

EDUC 596: Gradu.ate Seminar

o -

l> � '" ;:,

Students work cooperatively and individually to i ntegrate education course work, field experience, and individual perspective during graduate degree programs. May be repeated for credit. (1 --4)

Students register for 1 semester hour in each of two semesters. Professional semi nars are scheduled and presented by candidates, their university professors, and professional colleagues in rhe schools in partnership. Prerequisites: Completion of coursework in educational administration concentration. ( 1 , 1 )


EDUC 564: The Arts, Mind, and Body

EDUC 597: Independent Study

o ;:,

An exploration of methods to facilirate creativity and meaning­ making in the c1asHo m through visual, musical, non­ verbal/physical movement, and dramatic arts. (2)

Projects of varying length rdated to educational issues or concerns of rhe individual participant and approved by an appropriate faculty member and the dean. ( 1 --4)

EDUC 565: The Art and Practice of Teaching

EDUC 598: Studies in EAucatio1l

Through applicarion projects, micro-teaching experiences, and reading representing different perspectives, parcicipants will pracrice and assess a variety of options for designing, implementing, and assessing lessons and units that integrare mathematics, science, social science, language arts, and physical education in K-8 classrooms. (6)

A research paper or project on an educational issue selected jointly by the student and the graduate advisor. Prerequisites: Admission ro the graduate program; EDUC 544, 545; minimum of 26 hours of cou rsework leading ( 0 the MA; consul ration wirh rhe student's advisor. (2)

ED UC 568: Imenuhip ill Teaching

The thesis problem will be chosen from the candidate's major field of concentration and must be approved by rhe candidate's graduate committee. Candidates are expected to defend their thesis in a final oral examination conducted by their committee. (3 or 4)

Internship in classroom settings. Fourteen weeks of teaching under the direct supervision of cooperating teachers and university supervisors. Designed for students in the MNCcrt program. (6)

m c. C n Q.1

EDUC 599: Thesis

PLU 2006 - 2007


Course 9fferin



Edu(atiol1� �ycholo9.,,--,-,:.:....::;...:.J

EPSY 501: Workshops Graduate workshops in special fields for varying lengths of time. ( 1-4)

EPSY 569: Career GuidatlCe

EPSY 512: Group Process and the Individual A human in teraction laboratory to facilitate the exploration of the self concept through the mechanisms of interpersonal interactions and feedback. Emphasis placed on the acquisition of skill in self-exploration, role identification, and dimate-making. (2)

c: c

EPSY 535: Foundations of Guidance The focus is on developing an understanding of the "rvices and processes available to assist individuals in making plans and decisions according to their own life pattern. (4) EPSY 536: A.ffectit1e Classroom Teclmique.s E xp lorat i on of various techniques designed to facilitate understanding of self and others; methods for working wirh students. Prerequisite: student reaching or gradu·ate sratus. Laboratory experience as arranged. (2)


EPSY 550: Beginning Practicum Learn and practice the basic counseling skills in a structured an d closely supervised environment. Clients used in rhis pra(ticllm will be relatively high functioning and will us ua ll y be seen in an observation room. (3) EPSY 555: Practicum In addition to those skills learned in Beginning Praclicllm, karn and pracrice various counseling approaches, skills and techniques with individuals from diverse populations in community or va rious school settings. Prerequisites: EPSY 550 and EPSY 56 1 . (3) EPSY 560: CommUllicmion in Schools The study of the theories and concepts of those helping skills needed to facilirate problem-solving and personal and academic growth with applicarions to the classroom and to interactions with professional colleagues. Prerequisit�: Admission to MAJCerr program. (3) EPSY 561: Bask Rebui01lShips in Counseling

A study of the theory, process, techniques, and characteristics of rhe counseling relarionship. (4)

EPSY 563: Practicum


Group Proc


and Lelldership

A human interacrion laboratory which explores interpersonal operations in groups and facilitates the development of self­ insight; emphasis on leadership and development of skill in

diagnosing individual, group, and organizational behavior patterns and influences. Students will co-facilitate a laboratory group. Prerequisite: EPSY 5 1 2. (2)

I 6

EPSY 566: Advalll:ed UJgnitioll. Development, and Learning The [lldy of p rin ( i p l es and current thought and research in wgnirio n, development, and learning. Prerequisite: Admission to the MfVCert program or consent of instructor. (3)

EPSY 565: Advanced Human Develop 71U!11t Considerarion of the implicarions of the theory, concepts, and research from psychology on development, motivarion, learning, and instruction. Emp hasis will be on exploring idea.s ,I nd processes that are directly rela ted to classroom reac hi ng. This course will help reachers understand rhe skills nee:J�d for teaching and become more aware of the complexities of learning and insrrucrion. (4)

A study of careers, theories of choice, and guidance techniques.

(4 )

EPSY 570.. F;�ldwork i" Counseling and Guidance culminating practicum of field experience in schools or agcn ies usi ng theory, skills, and techniques previously learned. 'rudents in(orporate consultation experience following the Adlerian m dd . (4) EPSY 575: Me1ltnl He(JltI� Basic mental heal t h principles a s related t o interpersonal relationships. Focus on self-understanding. Laboratory expt:: rienc 5 as arranged. (4) EPSY 578: Bmauiorai Problems Adlerian concepts provide rhe basis for observarion, motivation, Ina liflcJrion, and life style assessment. Skills for assisting people in developing responsibility �or their own behavior. Laborarory expericnce as arranged. (4) EPSY 583: CUTTenf I,sues ill ExCeptiOludity cha crerisrics of exceptional students and current issues involving the ducJro r's role in dealing wirh rheir special needs. (2-4)


£PSY 597: lndependetlt Study Pmjtus of varying length related ro educarional issue.s or conccrns of rhe individual participant and approved by an appropriate faculty member and the dean. ( 1-4) EPSY 598: Studi.e.' in Education per o r project on an educarional issue selected jointly by the srudent and the graduate advisor. It will be rev iewed by rhe studen t's graduate commirtee. (2)

A resca.rc.h

EPSY 599: Thesis The thesis problem will be chosen from rhe candidate's major fie l of concentrarion and must be approved by the candidate's graduate c:omminee. Candidates are expected to det<:nd their thesis in a final oral examination conducted by rheir committee. (3 or 4) Course Offe rin s - Spe ia! Education (SPED)

SPED 501: OjJ-Campus Workshops ill Special Education Off-c:unpus graduate workshops in special eduC"arion for varying l�ngths of ri me . ( 1 -4) SPED 503: On- Campus Workshops ;11 SpeciAi Education n-campu. graduare workshops in special educarion for varying lengths of time. 0 -4) 'PED 513: Langu�ge/Litl!1'm:y Development: Assessment and Instruction ndersranding of a wide variety of straregies and roo Is for asseSSing and facilirating srudellts' development in reading, writing, lisrening. 'lIld speaking. (Cross-listed with EDUC 5 1 3.)

PlU 2006 - 2007

SPED 52th

Teaching Students with Special Needs in

SPED 534: 17ll'iwion and Students witll Bellavior

Elemen tary Programs


Introduction and overvie v of s e rvices fo r s t ud ent s with s peci al

A focus on mana ement p r ocedu res fo r s t uden ts witn benavioral

subsrantive legal issues in sp eci al education. program modification. and classroom management. (2)

SPED 535: Inclwion mId Studellts witll Mild Disabilities

needs i n el em en ta ry programs. Includes procffiur I and

disorders in i n c l u si ve classrooms. (2)

A fo us o n instructional pr o cedu res fo r students wiLh mild

SPED 521: Teaclli1Jg StudnIts witll Special Needs ill

disabi lities in the incl usive classroom. (2)

SecondAry Programs In trod uction and overview of services fo r s t u de nts wirh s p e c i a l needs in secondary programs. Includes p roc ed u ra l and substantive legal issues in s pecial education, program mo di ficatio n , and class room management. (2)

SPED 522: The Role ofHealt" Profmi.onals ill Special Educatio71

Introd uction of health professionals in the s c h oo l to le a rn e rs wirh special nee ds . To pics include roles of p a re n ts as well as medical concerns, early intervention, t ea mi ng, suhstance abuse, and suici de prey n t i on . (3) SPED 523: Educati07JaI Procedures for

StuLlents wit" Mild

SPED 537: IslUes in LanguLlge Acquisition and Disorders Cur re n t issues and pp roaches in assessin g and remed i ati ng children's la n g u age disorders. (2)

SPED 538: lsmes j" Early Childllood Special Education

Current issues relared to young children wirh specia l needs.

(Cross-listed wi th SPED 338.) (2) SPED 539: Admi"iJtratW1I ofEarly Childhood/Special Education Programs

I n-de p r h study of the administration of early childhood programs. (2)


SPED 540: Advanced Strategiu and Tecll7liques for Teaching

An i n t rod uction to reac h in g p ro ced u res for s tu de n ts witn

m i ld disabilities. Includes concepts in charactetistics, ass ssmen t. a nd instrucrional practices. (3)

;." P-3 Grode Settin�

SPED 524: EducaholWi Procedures for Studr"ts

SPED 54J: AssesmmJl ofbifmlts and Presclloolers

Developmmtal Disab;lities

An exami na ti on of the emod nal, so ci al , ph


ical, and mental

characteristics of ind i vi d uals with moderate disabili ties. Includes

Current p ra c t ic es in educational s t ra te gi es

and curri cu lum modifications to meet the needs of the early l ea r n er. (2)

Formal and informal assess ment tec hn i ques used to mee t the

needs of c h il d re n and t h ei r families in i n teg rated s ettings . (Cross­ li sted with SPE 34 1 .) (2)

assessme n t and instruction from medical, psychological , social, and educational viewpoints. (3)

C'I ... OJ Q. C OJ ... IT)

V"I ...

c Q. IT) VI

s: OJ

VI ... IT) ...

SPED 555: Supervising Pilraeducators in Scllool Settitl�

SPED 525: ProcedureJ for StudEnts ,vith Bellavior Disordl!Ts

bcamines th e roles and responsibilities of supervisors of

lea rners with behavior disotders. Includes study or . lc ad e m i c and

pr fess ion a l ,

An examination of ins t ru tional an d managemt!f1t p ro ce du re s for b ehavioral cbaracteristics of t hese

students. (3)

pa raed ucato rs and support s taff. Em pn a s is on ernical,

and legal res pons ib il i ties of tnc su pervi s or. DiS ' - io n of administrative prac ri ces rnat i mp rove teamwork and sraff deve l o p ment. (2)

SPED 526: Advanced Pract;cum in SpecinJ Edumt;on Experience with children and youth with special needs. Credit

given after successful completio n of 90 c10Lk nours


speci fic

co urse com petencies. PrerequiJite: SPED 520. 5 2 1 or

SPED 568: Internship i" Special Education Int<:rnsnip in special education settings. Fourteen weeks of rea c h i ng un..!\::[ the direction and supervision of coo p erat ing

eq u ival e n t . (2)

t ea 'hers

SPED 530: Assessment of Students Ivilll Special Needs Examines the: use of asse sment information fo r making

educational decisions about students. (2)

and university superv iso rs. Designed for s t ud ents in the certification p rog ra m. (6)

m aste rs witn

... ... VI


m Q. C f"I OJ ... o ::s

SPED 575: Collllboriltion and Team Building

collabofiu ion in regu la r and s p ec i a l education. To pics incl ud e p rotes si on a l teams, co-teaching conceprs, sraff d eve lop m e n t, scheduling, coordinating, prob lem so lvi n g, and conflict

i ndivi d uals

managemen t in educational settings.

IIIITo d uc t i o n [0 the physical, social. and ed ucat ion needs of

with severe a n d p rofound disabilities. (2)

SPED 532: Education lind Trailli"g of lndiuiduab


Examines tne c o m mu n icar ion skills necessary for effective

SPED 531: Severe- lind Profound Disabilities

Severe and Profound Disabilities

o -



SPED 576: Communication Skills for Collaborative Con.mltatitm i" Special Education . m p ha s i s

on the in terpersonal s ki ll s necessary for the c o ns u ltin g

I n-d ept h st u dy of ed u ca tional prescri p tio n and progra mm ing fo r learners who are seve re ly and profoundly disabled. E m p hasis on teachi ng srnlregies a n d curriculum mo di fi ca tion as [hey apply to t h is popula t io n . (2)

educators. (2)

SPED 533: Inclusion and Students

SPED 577: The Illclusive Classroom

with Moderate Diulbilities

A focus on meet i ng rhe academi c and adapr!ve behavior skills '1f students within tne regu l a r education dassroom. (2)

teacher in sp ec i al ed uc a rio n . Exp l o rat i o n of the variables

involved in developing coope r a t io n be twee n pr o fess io n a l

I n troduction co the pri n ci ple s a n d p ractices of i nc l us i ve

education. (2)

PlU 2006 - 2007



SPED 583: Current Issues ifJ Exuptumality

The characrerisrics of exceptional studenrs and current issues involving rhe educator's role in dealing wirh their s pecial needs. (2 -4)

SPED 588: Legal, Ethical, ana Administl'anvl! nSlleS in Special Education

Invesrigarion of spec i al ed uc ation admini srra ti ve pracrices, pupil placement procedures, srudent sr a ffing, program reimbursement procedures, and federal funding models. (2)

SPED 590: Research in Special Education Review of current research on selecred topics in special educarion. ( 1 )


SPED 595: Special Education: InternsJJip Projecrs of varying length related ....




in special education.

SPED 596: Technology and Special .Eduention Examines rechnologic al advanLcmenrs as they apply to rhe

educarion of learners wirh special needs. (2)

Projecrs of va ryi ng lengrh relared to (rends and issues in special educarion and approved by an appropria re facuIry member and rhe dean. ( 1 -4 )

SPED 598: Studies in Educatum A research paper or projecr on an educational issue selecred joindy by rhe srudcIH and the gr aduat e advisor. It will be reviewed by rhe student's graduate commince. (2)

SPED 599: Thesis



"'C :::J Vl QI

"' :::J "'C "' ....

The p rogram is fully accredited by the Commiss i on on Accrediration for Marriage a nd Fam i ly Th e rapy Educarion of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAJv1FT) and also complies wirh Washington Start licensure requ i rements for marriage and family therapisrs.


SPED 597: Independe1l1 Study

perspective . Students pa rticipare in an intensive 20-hour-per­ week, four or five semester clinical experience which includes 500 hours of rherapy under close supe rvision in an on-campus clinic an d in a communiry placemen t . The on-cam pus cl inic a nd four off-campus sires offer al l students a man;}ged care clinical experience. Academic courses are scheduled ar 3:00 p . m . to allow srudents to work full-rime during their first academic year while they prepare for their clinical experience. B ec a use faculty recognize rhar adulr students bring expertise wirh them, students are highly involved in learn ing via exercises, classroom discussion, and real-life acrivities. The program is secular i n narure and emphasizes rhe appl ica t io n of rheory to pracrice, r igorous evaluarion, and direct supervision of one's cli nica l co mp e ten cy.

The thesis prob l em will be chosen from the ca ndidare 's maj o r field of concentration and musr be ap p ro ved hy rhe ca ndidare's graduare commirree. Candidares are expe cr ed [0 defend rheir thesis in a final oral ex a mination conducted by rh ei r comminee. (3 or 4)

DivisWn ofSocial Sciences

Marriage and Family Therapy 253.535.8782

Applican t s who have a degree in fam i ly studies, human services, psy cholo gy, so ciology, social work, or the equ i va lent are nor req uired to meer any program p rerequisites. Applicants who do not have a degtee in any of rhese areas are req uired ro comple te a minimum of 1 5 semesrer hours (22.5 quarter hours) in fa m ily socia.! sciences, hum a n s e rvices , p s ychology, sociology, or social work.

Admission The MFTH program is lo o ki ng for i ndividuals who have profess ional goals consistenr wirh rhe program, volunteer or professional experience in the social services, the ability to h a ndle the academic rigor of the program, and the perso nal qualities required of couple and family rherapi s ts. Our goal is to h ave a studenr body highly diverse in spi ri ru ality, age , race , ethnicity, gen der, sexual orienration, and also inclusive of internarional students. To be considered fo r adm ission, applicants musr: have a bachelor's degree, submit tra nscrip rs of all undergraduate work, have a specific interest in MFT, prov i de a currenr resume, obrain two leners of recommendarion , co m plete an applicarion, and prepare a career sratement.


The comprehensiv e career starement (maximum of five double­ spaced typed pages) should address rhe follow i ng q uestions:

FACULTY: Norris Perers


n , Ph.D., Deem, Division of Social Sciences, Charles York, Ph.D., Chair, D e p a rtment of Marr i age and Family T herapy, David Ward, Clinic Diln·to r Faculty: Che ryl Storm: Practicia SlIpervisors: Callison, Concanon, Firzparrick, Lewis, Lun d b ec k , Tschimperle

present dev elopment and your desire to be a couple and family therapist? B.

'X'hat are your professional career goals after completing your degree ?


What are your s treng rhs that will help you achieve your professional goals?


What do you consid e r t o b e areas for pe rso n al growrh rhat may need the most anention d uring your training as a ther­ a pist at Pacific Lurheran Univers iry ?

'/Is 1 visit with interns from tv!FTH programs, 1 realize what ([

superior t'ducatiol1 1 receivedfrom PLU . . . other programs only touch on smali amounts ofwhat we studied. . . "

- Kathleen Maxey, MFT Graduate



The pri ma ry objecrive of the Marriage and ramily Therapy (MFTH) program i� to rrain clinicians interesred in counseling children, adulrs, couples, or families w i rh a wide range of m ental health ptoblems, ranging from the chronically mentally i l l to troubled children , ftom a marr i age and tamily therapy

Wnar signi ficant life events have mosr i nfluenced your

This statement replaces the required goal statement on the application Jonn. Based on a

PlU 2006 - 2007

comm i rtee review of ap p lica n t s' wrinen marerials, a

pool of applicants to be interviewed is established. The primary purpose of the i n terview is to determine the fit berween the applicants' professional goals and the purpose and mission of the MFT program.

Emphasis on understanding and evaluating rather than

conducting research. (4)

MFTH 507: Comparative Marriage and Family Therapy Intensive comparative study of the theoretical rationale of the

Applicatiqn DetuiJim for Fall

prominent schools of thought within the field of marriage and

App\iq:ation file completed in Office of Admissions: January 3 1 In terview Notification: v l !id February through end of April.

I n tervi� date: To be announced.

fa mily therapy. Pm-equisite: MFTH 503. (4)

MFTH 510: HUmAn SeXUAlity and Sex Therapy An overview of the nature of sexual health and the treatment of

Advance Deposit

common sexual dysfunctions. Prerequisite or co-requisite:

Accept d applicants must make a $300 advance payment to

confirm their acceptance of an offer of admission within th ree weeks of their acceptance date.

M FTH 503.


MFTH 511: Psychosocial Pathology: Relationship to MarriAge

and the Family

Requirements - 45 semester hours

Exploration of the treatment techniques and assu mptions of

MFTH 500: Human Development (4)

dysfunctions as divorce, family violence, delinquency,

biding family therapists regarding such psychosocial

MFTH 503: Systems Approach to Marriage and Family

Ci) ..,

Therapy (4)

adolescents. Prerequisite: M FTH 503. (4)

M FTH 504: Family Development (4)

M FTH 505: Social Science Research Merhods (4)

MFTH 512: Professwnal Studies in Marriage and Family

M FTH 5 1 0: Human Sexuality and Sex Therapy (2)

Study of professional ethics and Wa.�hington State laws which

MFTH 507: Comparative Mar riage and Family Therapy (4)

MFTH 5 1 1 : Psychosocial Pathology: Relationship to


and interprofessional cooperation. (3)

M FTH 5 1 2: Professional Studies in Marriage and Family Therapy (3)

t1) VI

MFTH 519 Practicum 1 (2)

Prerequisite: M FTH 507 and 5 1 2; may be raken concurrently

MFTH 5 1 9: Pracricum 1 (2)

M FTH ';20: Theory I (2)

when schedule allows.

MFTH - 22: Theory II (2)

MFTH 521: Practicum 11 (2)

M FTH 52 I : Practicum II (2)


VI ,.. c: c.

affect clinical practice. includlng family law, legal responsibilities,

Marriage and Family Therapy (4)


QI C. c: Q/ ,.. t1)

psychoso matic symptoms, drug addiction, and disturbed

Practicum I I I (2)

s: Q.J .., ...

MFTH 523: Practicum 111 (2)

M FTH 524: Theory I I I (2)

M FTH 525: Practicum IV (2)

M FTH 526: Development of a Personal In tegrated Theory (2)


MFTH 525:Practicum IV

The four semesrers of practica are part of a continuous process roward developing specific therapeutic competencies in work with individuals, couples, and fa milies. The practica present

M FTH 527: Extended Practicum V (2)


." QI

competency-based program in which each student is evaluated

M FTH 599: Thesis (4)

rega rding: I ) case managemenr skills; 2) relationship skills; 3)

perceptual skills; 4) conceptual skills; 5) structuring skills; and

professional develo pment skilk Practica requirements include



1 00 hours of supervision of 500 client contact hours. Faculty are

MFTH 500: HUmAn Development Individual personality developme nt, normal and abnormal

manifestations, over the life span. (4)

AAMFT-Approved Su pervisors or the equivalent and use l ive

supervision and video tapes of student sessions as the primary methods of clin ical supervision. (2)


MFTH 501: Grmiuate Wo

Graduate workshops in special fields fo r varying lengths of

time ( 1 -4)

MFTH 527: Extended Practicum


For srudents who wish to complete their required practica in five rather rhan fo ut semesters. This course is an exrension of the

MFTH 503: Systems Approach to Marriage and Family

previously described practica courses. (2)


MFTH 520: Theory I (2)

for treatment strategy and intervention. (4)

MFTH 522: T/Jeory 11 (2)

An in troduction to the systems paradigm and post-modern ideas MFrH 504: Family Development Exploration of how family life cycle stages are affected by divorce, remarriage, ethnicity, feminist issues, and other

MFTH 524: Theory 111 (2)

The three semesters of theory taken in conjunction with MFTH

5 1 9, 52 1 , and 523 constitute an in-depth study of one approach

unplan ned events. (4)

toward marriage and family therapy wirh an emphasis on

MFTH 505: Research Methods in Marriage and Family Therapy Basic research concepts including fo rmulating research questions, research design, analysis of data, and theory construcrion.

applying theory in practice.

MFTH 526: Development ofa Personal Integrated Theory

The fo urth semester of theory taken in conjunction with L .FTH

525 is an in-depth study of the sruden t's preferred ideas, style,

PlU 2006 - 2007


methods, and values. Students develop an integrated persohal approach to marriage and [1.mily therapy that synthesizes their learning in the program. (2)

( 1 -4)

The Master of Science in Nursing program is fully accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) . Both the Family Nurse Practitioner and the Care and Outcomes Manager curricula meet the requirements for several nationa.! certification examinations, including Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner-Fan1ily, Clinical Nurse Specialist (various specialties) and Certified Nurse Educator.

MFTH 591: Directed Studies ( 1-4)

MSN Application Priority Deadlines

MFTH 590: Graduate Seminar Selected topics as announced. Prerequisite: consent of instfllctor.

BSN to MSN: March 1st for admission to the following fall semester

MFTH 595: Graduate Readings Independent study card required. ( 1-4)

MSN candiMfe>' may apply for admission at any time during the year; however, application and admission well ill advance ofthefoIl entry Mte will enhance the applicant's potentialfor arrangillgfawllcial assisttIllCl:. Entry-Level MSN: January 15th for admission to the following

MFTH 598: Research Project ( 1 -4) MFTH 599: Thesis (4)

sum mer (June)

SchooL ofN1l7'smg III ...

� z

Master of Science in Nursing

Criteria for Consideration ofAdmission to the MSN Program

253.535 .7672 www.pLu.edu/�nurs Terry W. M iller, RN , Ph.D, Deall and Proji:" or, School of Nursing



The Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree prepares professional nurses for advanced roles such as family nurse pracririoner, clinical nurse specialist, clinical nurse educator, and clinical nurse leader. The program also prepares the graduate for doctoral studies. The MSN curriculum is evidence-based and practice-oriented, and consists of a comn1on core (theory, advanced practice roles, evaluation and ourcomes research, leadership, and advanced health promotion), specialty didactic and clinica.!/ practicum experiences, and a capstone course (scholarly inquiry or thesis). Each MSN student completes coursework leading to either the Family Nurse Practitioner concentration or the Care and Ourcomes Manager concentration. The larrer may be further differentiated through focus areas, including clinica.! nurse specialist, clin ical nurse leader, informaticist, or clinica.! nurse educatOr. Tht: School of Nursing offers two program options leading to the Master of Science in Nursing degree. The standard Master of Science in Nursing program is designed for Bachelor of Science ,in Nursing (BSN) prepared registered nurses. The Entry-Leve Master of Science in Nursing program is an accelerated program designed for students with a prior non-nursing baccalaureate degree to gain RN licensure and complete the MSN degree in 36 months of study. The graduate level portion of the Entry-Level MSN program is identical to the standard MSN program. Graduate-level nursing classes are structured to accommodate the working nurse. MSN core and concentration requirements may be completed in four to five full-time semesters over two years. Part-time study is an option for students in the BSN to MSN route; Entry-Level MSN students must maintain full-time status throughout their entire program of study.

The following arc [he minimum criteria for consideration of admission to Master of Science in Nursing program (BSN to MSN and Entry-Level MSN options) . Admission to the School of Nursing programs is selective; meeting minimum criteria does not guarantee admission. •

• •

• •

• • • •

Accreditation The School of Nursing is a member of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and is approved by the Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission.

Completion of a baccalaureate degree from a ftllly accredited college or university. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 ('B') on a 4.0 scale for all college work. Minimum grade of 3.0 CB') on a 4.0 sca.!e in each prerequisite course. Submission of PLU Graduate Application forms and non­ refundable fee. Submission of School of Nursing Graduate Application Addendum packet, which includes: Questions Relative to Licensure; Policy/Procedures for students who have attended another school of nursing; \Vashington State Patrol Disclosure Affidavit and non­ refundable $ 1 5 fee; Policy/Procedures Regarding English Proficiency; and Physical/Psychological Expectations of Nurses Preparing for Professiona.! Practice. Official transcripts from each college or university attended. Official Graduate Record Exam (GRE) results from within five years. Minimum scores: - BSN to MSN applicant minimum scores: 450 in both the Verbal and Quantitative sections, and 4 . 0 in Analytical \Vriting section. - Entry-Level MSN applicant minimum scores; 500 in both the Verbal and Quantitative sections, and 4 . 0 ill. the Ana.!ytica.! Writing section. Profession a.! resume. Professional statement of goals. Two letters of recommendation. Fluency in spi:.>aking, reading, writing and comprehending graduate-level English (see policy and procedures in the Graduate Application Addendum ) . Any applicant who has previously attended any school/college of nursing must submit additional documentation (see policy and procedures in the Graduate Application Addendum). Civil, administrative, and crimina.! history clearance in all states, as well as any other applicable territory or country.

PlU 2006 - 2007

Program Prerequisites All prerequisite courses must be compbed at an accredited college or university with a minimum grade of 3.0 CB') or higher on a 4.0 scale before beginning the nursing program. Prerequisites vary for the tWO MSN options: BSN to MSN Applicallts:

I m roducmry Statistics (including inferemia.i and descriptive)

Entry-Level MSN Applicants: •

• • • •

lmroducmry Statistics (including inferelHial and descriptive) Human Anatomy and Physiology I (with lab) Human Anatomy and Physiology I I (with lab) IlHroductory Microbiology (with lab) Lifespan Developmemal Psychology

Advance Deposit There are limitations on the numbers of students accepted ilHO the MSN programs and concemrations each year. Applicams accepted into the program arc required to make a non-refundable advance tuition paymelH to confirm their acceptance of an offer of admission within tWO weeks of their acceptance date.

study. Students do not receive a BSN degree, but following successful complerion of the first 1 5-months of study, they are eligible to sit for the NCLEX-IU-J for WashingtOn State Rl l icensure and to continue in the MSN program. A l i mited cohort is admirted each year in June, and admission is competitive. The ELMSN program is clinically and academically intensive to assure the student of adequate exposure to the RN role and responsibili ties, as well as to develop an advanced practice role (clinical leader, clinical educator, family nurse practitioner o r clinical specialist) a t completion of the ELMSN program. Students are expected to complete the entire 36-month program with their cohort. Please note: Students withdrawing from the ELMSN program after RN licensure, bur before completing the graduate degree. may nor be able to sustain licensure in the State of \Xfashington and other states .

Enhy-Level MSN Prt-Licensure Currindum (55 set1USUr "ours) Prerequisite Cours�s

Program Requirements

All admitted nursing studems mllst provide valid documemation

of rhe following by designated dates and before enrollmem in any practicum/c\inical course:

• •

Introductory Statistics (including inferential and descriptive) Human AnamOlY and Physiology I (with lab) Human Anatomy and Physiolugy II (with lab) Introducmry Microbiology (with lab) Lifespan evelopmental Psychology

Summer - Year One


I mmunization and heal rfl status;


CPR certification;


Comprehensive personal health insurance; and


Civil, administrative, and criminal history clearance in all states, as well as any other applicable terrirory or coumry.

In additioll to these reqllirmlellts. all BSN to IvISN alld Entry-Level MSN students in lvfSN concentration cormework IlItlst also provide documentation of


Unresrricted licensure as a registered nu rse i n the state o f Washington; and


Professional liability insu rance.

Fall - Year OTle


N RS 260: UR 220: 1 lursing Professional Foundations [ (4) Competencies I (4) U 270: Health Asses ment U RS 330: Pharmacology and and Promotion (4) Therap utic Modalities (4) U R. 340: ituatioos with N URS 320: Nursing I ndividuals: Adult Health I (4) Competencies II (2) N RS 350: 5>ituations with NURS 580: Advanced Individuals: Mental Health (4) Pathophysiology (3)

o V\ n

Summer - Year Two

Advising The Graduate Admissions oordinator typically completes initial advising and program planning with applicams and admitted students. M SN appl icants are strongly encouraged to seek advising prior ro applying to the program.

N U RS 370: Situation:; \ ilh RS 480: Professional Famili es. : hildrt'�_ng (OB) (4) Foundations II (2 )___ :-;-,---;N URS 430: Situations N U RS 499: Cursing Sy nrh 'is (6) with Communities (5) URS 440: iruarions with Individuals: Adult Healt� .:..:; 1 I, .:(" 4:. ,) -,-,..,.___. . .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

No,,-Matricuiaud Students BSN-prepared registered nurses may enroll in up to nine semester credirs of MS courses on a non-matriculated basis with School of Nursing approval. Non-matriculated students are nor guaranteed admission into any School of Nursing programs. For morc information on non-matriculated status, see p. 1 53.

Optioll for nOli-nursing baccalaureate degree graduates: Entry-Level Master of Science in Nursillg Program The Entry-Level MSN (ELMSN) is a cohort program designed to prepare candidates with a previous bachelor's or higher degree to gain IU-J licensure and the MSN degree. The sequence of study recognizes the academic success of the non-nursing graduate by providing a focused immersion into nursing followed by graduate

After completing the pre-licensure curriculum and upon successfully obtaining RN licensure in \Xfashington State. students continue the Entry-Level MSN curriculum with specialization in one of two Iv! N concentrations. Admission to the ELMSN program does not guaranree progression into either the FNP or the COM concentration. The advanced practice portion of the curriculum is st ructured for the student to be able to work part-time as a registcred nurse while completing the remaining credits required for the MSN degree.

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING CONCENTRATIONS Care and Outcomes Matuzger (COM) Concentration This course of study al lows students ro focus on care

PLU 2006 - 2007


management, using an oUlcomes approach skill set necessary for being responsive in a continually changing health care environment. The program prepares the student for an advanced role as a clinical nurse specialist, clinical nurse educaror for schools or agencies, or clinical nurse leader/administrator at the systems level (e.g., cas", manager, utilization review coordinator, J'isk manager, or nursing informaticist).

en c:

This concentration prepares students to provide quality, cost effective care in a defined context, to participate in the design and implementation of an evaluation and outcomes model, to assume a leadership role in managing health care tesou rces, and to integrate clinical and evaluation competencies for care and outcomes management. Successful completion of the COM concentration in the clinical nurse specialist or clinical nurse educator focus qualifies graduates to sit for national certifYing examinations in their respective spccialries (i.e., Clinical Nurse specialist (various areas) or Certified Nurse Educator).

Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Concenlrati011 C1I u c: C1I



This course of study focuses on clien t-centered clinical practice, and prepares nurses to respond to rhe ne<::ds of today's and tomorrow's health care consumers, to manage direct care based on advanced assessment and diagnostic reasoning, to incorporate healrh promotion and disease prevcmion inrerventions into health care delivery. and to recognize: [heir po[emial fo r professional growrh. responsibiliry and autonomy. Successful completion of the Family Nurse Practirioner program qualifies students ro sit for narional Advanced R<::gistered Nurse Practirioner certifYing examinarions for family pracrice. making rhem eligible under Washingron Srare law for ARN P licensure.

Clinical Nurse Educfllor (3 semester credits)

NURS 550: Curriculum, Instruction and Evaluation (3) •

Clinical Nurse 'Peci4list (1 seme.lter credits)

NURS 580: Advanced Pathophysiology (3) N U RS 582: AdvaI1Ct:d Healrh Assessment (2) NURS 583: Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics (2) •

CJillical Nurse Leader (5 s�mester credits) URS 580: Advanced Parhophysiology (3) NURS 582: Advanced Health Assessmenr (2)

AdditionaL cour.res may be takm for other COM role specializations

Family Nurse Practirumer COllct'1llrat;on (21 semester credits) Required COllNes (21 NU NURS RS NURS NURS

580: 582: 583: 584: 585:



Advanced Pathophysiology (3) Advanced Health Assessmenr (4) Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics (2) Family Nurse Practitioner I (6) Family Nurse Practitioner " (6)

NURS 523: Role of the Advanced Practice Nune Facilirares [he developmem and transition imo the advanced practice role through rhe analysis of legal. erhical, professional. social and practice perspectives. Roles of consulram, researcher. administrarot, and expert clinician are explored. (3)

Idemificarion of health risks and protective straregies for diverse popularions. (2)

NURS 525: TiJeort!ti 111 FoundAtions

Pr-elJuisite Course Introducrory Srarisrics (including inferemial and descriptive)

MSN Core (14 semester credits) 523: Role of rhe Advanced Pracrice Nurse (3) 524: Advanc<::d Healdl Promotion (2) 5 2 5 : Theoretical Foundarions (3) 526: Nursing Leadership and Managemem (3) 527: Evaluarion and Outcomes Research (3)

Preparation for cririque. evaluarion, and use of a range of relevanr theories that provide guiding perspecrives for rhe provision of diem-centered. dinically measurable advanced nursing practice. (3)

NURS 526: Nursing Lelldership a1Jd MAtulgement Introducrion ro policy, organization, and financing of health care. Preparation for provision of quality cost-effecrive care, participation in the design and implemenrarion of care, and assumprion of the leadership role in managing resources. (3)

MSN Capstone (2 to 4 semester credits)

NURS 527: EvaiUlltion MId Ou/comes Research

NURS 596: Scholarly Inquiry (2) or NURS 599: Thesis (4)

Prepararion for the cririque and use of new knowledge ro provide. change, and evaluate advanced nursing pracrice focused on cliem-cemered, clinically demonsrrable care. (3)

Concenlrati01J Coursework (19 to 23 semester credits) Outlined beLow

&quired Counes (19-23 semester credits) NURS NURS URS NURS NURS

530: 53 1 : 532: 533: 538:

NURS 530: Resource Mll1Iagement Managemem of resources in the planning, coordinarion, and/or delivery of healrh care wirh an outcome perspective ar rhe sysrem level. Financial and human resources and sysrems managemem will be examined from a qualiry perspective. (3)

Care and Outcomes Manager Concentration


NURS 524: Health Promotion



RoIL SpecUJiZ4lion Coursers) (3-7 crediu; see below)

Resou rce Managemem (3) Care and Outcomes Manager Practicum [ ( 5 ) Care and Ourcomes Manager Practicum II (3) Informatics in Nursing (2) Program Developmenr (3)

NURS 531: Care a,1d Outcomes Practicum I Direcr and/or indirect care given in a defined specialty setting wirh focus on evaluarion and outcomes. Prerequisite: NURS 523. Variable credit wirh School of Nursing approval. (J -5)

PLU 2006 - 2007

NURS 532: Care and Outcomes Practicum II

pharmacotherapeutic managcment of simple and complex disease

Dir ct care or indirect clinical management, supervision, or

processes. Includes ethical, legal, and procedutal aspects of


prescriptive authori ty. Pre- or co-requisite: N U RS 580. (2)


achieve client goals by implementing approaches,

intervemioos. outcomes, and eval uation method. Pre- or co­ requisite: NURS 538. Variable credit wirh School of Nursing

approval .

(I -3)

NURS 584: Family Nurse Practitioner I

AppLication of theory and research in the management of health problems across the lifespan. Demonstration of diagnostic

NURS 533: Info,matics in Nursillg

reasoning related

Enhancing clinical practice, research and education through the

Prerequisites: N U RS 582, and Pre- or co-requisite:

in tegration of computer science, information science and nursing

NURS 583. (6)

science. (2)


health care conditions. Seminar and clinical.

NURS 585: Family Nurse Practitioner II

NURS 538: Program Dl!Velopment

Application of theoty and research in the management of

Integratc theoretical models. clinical parameters, and program

increasingly complex health problems across the lifespan.

planning principles through the consITuction of a detailed

Demonstration of diagnostic reasoning for a wide range of acute

program for care and outcomes management. Cl inical

and chronic conditions. Seminar and clinical. Prerequisite:

co mpom:nt present. Pre- or co- rtlquisite: N U RS 530 and

N U RS 584. (6)

prerequisite 53 1 . (3)

NURS 591: Independent Study

NURS 550: Curriculum a"d Imtruction

Opportunities for advanced study in selected topic related to

amination of the theory and practice of curriculum planning, developmem, implementation, and evaluation. Theoretical and philosophical principles of the tcaching/learning process. Analysis of adult teaching strategies and the process of self and student evaluations. (3)

student's area of interest. Consent of dean required.


Application of advanced practice nursing i n clinical specialty

( 1 -6)

NURS 596: Scholarly Inquiry in Nursing Practice

NURS 580: Advanced Pathophysiology

Focuses on notmal physiologic and pathologic mechanisms of disease. Primary components of the foundation for clinical assessment, decision making, and management. (3)



NURS 593: Advanced Specialty Practice

practice. Prt'requuite: completion of all core requirements.

" ... QJ Q. C QJ

Development and submission of profess ional paper or project related to one's area of specialization based on an evaluation and


C Q. ttl 11'1 •

outcomes model. Capstone course. (2) NURS 599: Thesis

Faculty-guided application of the research process. May involve

NUBS 582: :Nivallced Health Assessment

Development and performance of the skills needed for advanced

replication of previous st udy, secondary analysis of research data,

health assessment of individuals, families, or communities

an evaluation project, or an original invcstigation. Prerequisites:

throughout the lifespan. PrtIrequisites: Basic health assessment

Completion of core courses, approval by School of Nursing.

skills. (2-4)

Minimum program requirement is four credits. Once entolled.

NURS 583: Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics

o the academic year until thesis is complcted. Capstone

o -

mllst continue to enroll for at least onc credit each semester Focuses on the pharmacokinctic basis for and


( 1 -4)

z c ... 11'1

17 PlU 2006 - 2007



Board of Regents Ownership, Support, Government: The

\II eLI u



to .... \II c

university is owned and ope ra t ed by Pacific lutheran University, Inc., a Washington corporation whose purpose is higher learning. T he PlU corporation meets annually on the PLU campus ro e l ect regents and ro conduct other business. The co rpo rat i on consists of 1 25 de l egates from the six synods of Region I of [he Evangelical lu t he ra n Church in America. The 37-member Board of Regents includes members of ELCA congregations, representatives from the Alumni Association, at-large members, b ishops from the synods of Region I, and the university president. The policy making and governing body o f

• \II C eLI en QJ c: o "C .... to o CO

[ h e University i s the Board o f Regents.

On (he basis of recommendations made

by tht: presiden t , it charts a course for the univ rsit}' and s t rives ro p rovide essential funds. be studenr b o dy and the faculty have non-vo ti ng representatives who meet with the board. The installation of new Board of Regents Officers occurs each Ocrober. The Board of Regen ts for the Academic Year of 2006-07 will be installed in Ocrober 2006.

Officers 200 5-2006 Cynthia Edwards. Chair Robert Gomulki�wicz, Vice C hai r James Hluhagen. Secretary

KAren Phillips, Mercer Island, WA, ElCA Martin PiM, Ketch i ka n , AK, ElCA James Stauffer, M isso ula , MT, ELCA Susan Stringer, Be l levue , \V/A, Alumni Andrew Tumer, Seattle, WA, Regent-at-Large

Peter �l1Ig, Pe bb l e Beach, CA, Regent-at-Large

Bishop Martin Bishop ElC

We/ls, Spokane, WA,

2004-2007 Term Robert Gomulkiewicz, Redmond, WA, Regen t- a t- L a rge (Vice Chair) I edina, WA, Regent-at- La rge Bishop Robert Hofstad, facoma, \,\IA, Bishop £LCA James Hushagen, Puyallup, WA, ElCA (Sec re ta ry) Kathken Jacobson, Bend, OR, El A KAtherine Johnson., S hore l ine , WA, ElCA Beverly Knutzen, Shelron, WA, Alumn i Michelle Y. Long, Castro Valley, CA, Re.gent-at- la rge

Roberta Goodnow,

KaJhken McCallum Sachse, Coeur d'Alene, !D, ELCA

Larry Neeb, Fenron, MO, At-Large Kim NesseUJuist, Kenmore, WA, ElCA Lisa Ottoson, Spanaway, \\1A, Alumni Eiken TeUefsoll, Gig Harbor, WA, EL �A

2005-2008 Term


Dale lktU01l, Portland, OR, £LCA Bntce Bjerke, Seattk, \'l/A , At-brge David Greemuood. Monte Sereno,

Loren ]. Anderson, President, PlU,

Richttrd Hik/alJl, longbranch,

']acoma. WA

Cyllthia Edwards,

CA, A t- Large

2006-2007 PLU Adviso lAura E Miljovski, Vi ce President for Student Life and Admission

Patricia O'Con1le11 Killen , Acting Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies President fo r Development and University Relations Laura ). Polcyn, Assistant ro the P res i den t Sberi]. Tonn, Vice President for Finance and Operations Elizabeth Brusco, Anrhropology, Fac ul ty Eritz Md<enna, Phi losop hy, Faculty David Robbins, Music, faculty Anne Spilman. AS P lU President, Student Shelky Jo/msol', ASPlU Vice President, Student Tova Emry, ASPLU Director of Finance, Student

Stephen J ComUs, Vice

Church Officials Evangelical l.utheran Church ill America

Bishop Mark S. HarlSon Carlos Pelin. Vice-Presiden t Rev. Lowell G, Almen, Sec reta ry ClJriseitlo Jaeksoll-SkeuofJ, Treasurer

Divisionfor Higher Education (md SchoofJ ReI!. Sumky Olson, Executive Di recto r Ame Selbyg, Direcror for Colleges and &n

ni versi ti es

Mark Wilhelm, Asso ci ate Executi\'e



for Educational Parmerships


Administrative Offices


2003-2006 Term University

Place, WA,

ll.CA ( h ai r)

William Foegt, Vashon Island, WA,

1 74


Regen t-at- La rge Roe Hatlen. Apple Valley, M N , Regen t -:1 t-Large DnrcyJolmson, Mercer Island, WA, ElCA Anne Long, Bellevue, WA, ElCA

Estelle Kelley, Porrbnd, OR, At-large Mi�hael Keys, Anchorage, AK, ELCA Donald Morken, Be l levue . WA, At -La rge

Knut O1s011, Lakewood , A, ElCA Bishop Richard Omumd, Great Falls,

President Loren J. Anderson, President lAuraJ. Poley", Assistant to the Presi den r Vicky L Winters, Executive Assoc iate to the President

MT, Bishop £LCA

Carol Quigg, Spokane, WA, ElCA Jeffrey Rippey, Porrbnd, OR, Alumn i Andrew Yee, Bellingham, WA, ELCA PLU 2006 - 2007

Nil/ley). Connor, Campus Pas ror G. Sepper, Campus Pasror


Academic leadershiEc-

_ _

.._..... _ ......._

QjJia ohhe Provost

Patricia O'ConneD Killen, Acting Provosr and Dean of Graduate Srudies LeAnn D. Evey, Administrative Associate MarieJ. Wutzke, Institutional Research Analyst Carol A. Bautista, Systems and Assessment Coordinator

WIngC LnterfOr InternationalPrograms Neal W. Sobania, Executive Director Susan M. Mann, Associate Director of the Wang Center; Director, Srudy Away Charry L. Benston, Assistant Director, Program Administration Amy E. Fox, international Internship Coordinator

Multi-disciplinary Programs Roberta S. Brown, Chair, international Core Program Paul Manfredi, Chair, Chinese Studies Program Solveig C. Robinson, Chair, Publishing and Printing ArtS Program Claudia Berguson, Chair, Scandinavian Area Studies Program Duane D. Swank, Chair, Environmental Srudies Program Priscilla A. St. Clair, Chair, Global Srudies Program Susan Ad4ir Dwyer-Shick, Chair, Legal Srudies and University Pre-Law Advisor Beth M. Kraig, Chair, Women's Studies Ptogram Stephen Woolworth. Chair, First-Year Experience Program

College of Arts and Sciences Division


Douglm E. Oaimr.tltJ, Dean James M. Albrecht, Chair of English Tamara R. WiDiams, Chair of Languages and Literatures Greg Johnson, Chair of Philosophy SAmuel E. Torvend. Chair of Religion SusatJ E. }Dung, Director of the Scandinavian Cultural Center Bridget E. Yaden, Director of Learning Resource Center RonIl D. Kaujintm, Director, Writing Center Division

ofNatural Sciences

Angelia G. Alexander, Dean Dana Garrigan, Chair of Biology Craig Fryhk, Chair of Chemistry Kenneth D. Blaha, Chair of Computer Science and Computer Engineering Jill M. Whitman, Chair of Geosciences

Bryall C. Dorner, Chair of Mathematics Richard Louie, Chair of Physics Ann F. Tolo, Administrative Associate Matthew W. Hacker, Network Systems Administrator Terrence D. Nicksic, Laboratory Supervisor, Chemistry Division o(Social Sciences

Norris Peterson. Dean Elizabeth Brusco, Chair of Anthropology Karen Travis. Chair of Economics Robert P. Ericksen, Chair of History Charks York, Chair of Marriage and Family Therapy Ann Kelleher, Chair of Political Science Michelk Ceynar, Chair of Psychology Joanna Gregson, Chair of Sociology and Social Work Kathy RusseD, Director, Social Work Program

School of Arts and Communication Edward S. Inch,Dean John Hallam, Chair, Art Peter Ehrenhaus, Chair, Communication and Theatre David P. Robbins, Chair, Music Lind4 C. MiIkr, Administrative Associate, Music Pamela A. . Deacon, Manager of Music Performance and Outreach

School of Business Andrew Turner, Acting Dean Diane MacDonald, Associate Dean Abhy Wigstrom-CarlsotJ, Director, Graduate Program and External Relations Deallna Steiner, Coordinator, Undergraduate Programs

School of Education Paula H. Leitz, Associate Dean Michael HiDis, Director, Graduate Studies Tony T. Abo, Administrative Manager

Sch��1 of Nurs�


__ _______ _

Terry W. Miller, Dean Patsy L. Maloney, Director, Center for Continued Nursing Education Dana L. Zaichkin, Director, Well ness Center Audrey E. Cox, Advisor, Admission Coordinator Susan Duis, Advisor, Admission

School of Physical Educati.c>:.:: n'--

_ _ _

AtJthony Evans, interim Dean PlU 2006 - 2007

Colleen M. Hacker, Assistant Dean

I)�p��!,!!�nt of Athlet!�s



__ __.. __._ ..

Laurie L. Turner, Director Jennifer L. Thomas, Assistant Athletic Trainer; Senior Woman Athletic Administrator Steve Dickerson, Head Men's Basketball Coach James A. Johnson, Head Men's and Women's Swimming Coach. Director of Aquatics and Summer Swim Program Craig L. McCord, A,sistant Football Coach GeoffS. Loomis, Head Baseball Coach, Assistant Athletic Director Gary W. Nicholson. Head Athletic Trainer Gilhert]. RigeD, Head Women's Basketball Coach Scott E. westering, Head Football Coach Rick E. Noren, Head Softball Coach, Athletic Facilities D irector Michael]. Keim, Assistant Football Coach, Director of Intramurals and Club Sports




Administrative Areas Information and Technology Services

< 1'1)

Chris D. Ferguson, Associate Provost, Academic and Information Services Margaret E. Crayton, Director, Academic User Support Gail L. Egbers, Chair. Reference Department Keith E. Folsom, Director, Systems and Communications Diane F. Harris, Director, Circulation and Building Services Kirk Isakson, Director, Multimedia Services Francesca Lane Rasmus, Director, Library Technical Services Layne E. Nordgren, Director, Instructional Technologies Kerstin E. Ringd4hl, Curator of Special Library Collections, Archivist Chris D. Sll1ltiers, Director, Administrative Computing

o -

Kristin H. Plaehn, Registrar Kelly Gaspar Poth, Graduation Administrator Kevin Berg. Evaluations Administrator Beth Crippe", Evaluations Administrator

n 1'1) 11'1


Patricia E. Roundy, Dean. Student Academic Success

Alison M. Navanrtte. Assistant


Academic Advising

Leslie J. Foley,

Director, Academic


Rutb Rogers.

Director, Career

Academic Di rector,

Cran4All, Director, Center fur

Richard A. Seeger, Director, Student uccess

M. Dam�. Transfer Advisor Cyntbia L. Riley, Academic Advisor OliviA M. Jackson, Assistant Di rector,


Academic Assistance

Kelly A. David, Career Counselor Pmn Martin Manager, Student ,



C1I > ..... ra ...

..... VI c


"'C <t

Employment and State Work Study


Tweeten, Director, Services for

Students with Disabilities


Wilcox, Senior Admi nistrative

Assistant!Wild Hope Project Manager

Jay Barber, Assistant to


Academic Internships and Center for


Systems Director,

Financial Aid

Financial Aid


W. Loffer, Senior Financial


Aid Adminisrrator

Barbara L. Zettel. Senior Financial Aid Administrator

Admission and Enrollment Services LAura F.


Vice President,

Admission and Student Life

Susan M. Drake, Director Bonney L. Atwood, Student


Admission and Financial Aid

. Olsen Krengel. Director,


Lissa K. Hendrix, Student Services Counse.lor

Jacki F. lAntz, Student Services Counselor PecchiA, Student Seryices



. Cheryl A. Hansen, Director. International Admission

Joelk Pretty,

Director. Tranfer


David P. Gerry, Associate Director. International Student Services

Cbristopher E.

Anderson, Assistant

i rector, Admission

Mel4nie Cunningham, Associate Director, Multi-Cultural Recruitment

Erika M. Am/emm, Associate D i rector, Information Specialist!

Morga" E.

ffice Manager

Forrey, Senior Admission


Pbilip Betz, Admission Counselor Jetid S. Cbang, Admission ounselor Daniel Donoholle, Admission Counselor Cory M.

KAntoTowicz, Admission


Gwyneth La1Jg, Admission Counselor ulTUlrA L. Schaps. Admission Counselor Jen1Jl� Steffinson Admi'sion Counselor ,

Janet C.



i rector,

Donor Relations

KPLU-FM Kerry Swanson, Interim General Manager Martin ]. Neeb.


M Emeritus

T. Coh" . Assistant Station


Nancy K. Knudsnl, Assistant Station Manager- evelopment

BallmAn, Assistant Station Datal

i ft Processing

BrendA J. Goldstein- Mnmg,



DiAna Buti, Office Manager

Nick Francis, Music D i rector

Erin A. Hnmessey, News Director Lowell E. Kiesow. hief Engineer Earnest Terrell Holli7ls Financial ,

Planning AnalySt

Neshell D. Henkel Cbabot,


Coordinator, Student Services Counselor

BrieAnna R. Bilks.

Major Gifts

Coordinator Ullillersi�y Communications

Develo ment and Universit Relations Stephen Comils, Vice

President fur

Development and University Relations Assistant to the

Operations and Research

Allison S.

Hunter, Assistant Di rector,



Vice President

IVtrl A. Stumo, Associate Vice



D irector, Gift Planning

Laura E.

Pauume Campbell.


Sharon Powell,


PAge, Senior D

Manager-Finance and Op rations

Student Services Center

Marcia E.

Dougl4s L.


Public Service


1 76

Joan M. Riky. Associate

Sean L. Garnes.

Public Service


Associate Director


Academic Internship


So/tis, Director ROnAM M. NoboriluzwA, Senior


Advisor/Career Counselor

lone S.


CynthiA L. Simpson,


Mnxine Herbn-t-Hiii,


Development Di rector,

Corporation and Foundation

Lorie J. Staab, Associate

Development and Student

Aubree A. &binson,

Teri A. Moore,

Financial A id

Ramstad Com mom and Advising

Robn-ts, Director

Alumni and Parent Rel<'ltinns

lAurtdee Hagen, Director Erik L. Me/ver, Assistant Director, Programs and Services

Jacob HimmeblUlll, Assistant Director, Special Events and Outreach

Gregory W. Brewis, Executive Director

Debbie J. Jenkins Director, Printing A my Cockerham Director, News ,

and Info rmation

Simon K SU1Jg, Art

JordAn P. Hartmmr,

Director University


Steve E.

Hansell , Print Publications


Toby R. Beal,

Web Content Manager

erations Finance and� 0 = = � Sheri]. and

TomJ. Vice President for Finance perations

Ginger J. Peck,

Manager. Office of

Finance and Operations

Congregation Rf'l<'ltiollS

John Kaniss. Associate Vice President

Lee Klu th

Jennifer M. WllmboMt.




James A. Plourde, Executive Director Heather N. Dewey, Develo pment Director, Annual Fund



Director, Major Gifts

Monica R.

Hurley, Development

Director, Major Gifts

Edgar lArson,


Health and Safety Manager


David E.

onstrucclon Manager

Executive Director -

Charitable Estate Planning

PlU 2006 - 2007

Blt(jfl(.U Qffice Robert K. Riley, Controller

Patriela A. O'Donnell, Director of Financial Services

Erikn L.

Borrell. Manager, Student

Account Receivables

GemmA DuI4y. Senior Accountant Terri L. Mitchell. Accounts Receivable, Cash Manager

James M. Albrecht, 1 997-, Associate

Farilities Mauagement

David L. Kobler, Direcror of Faci liries

C. Mark AluiersoJl, Direcrori Psychologist


Joan1le R. Ito\ Ps ' hologist


Mary Si71l01lson, Psych iatrist

Brt�e C. BrolUsard, Mainrenance Lori PralJ. Cleaning Services Manager Sara J. Paz, Grounds Maimenance


RDb"u. Manager. Cash


Jeffrey M. Smith, PM Operarions


Nancy M. R4hn, Manager, Producrion

Jennifer J. Stok, AM Operarions


Linmz L Nyland.

tanager, Catering


Laurie M. Rogers, Physician's Assistant Rosaliee A. Bunnester, Licensed Pracrical

1m Phillips. Direcror

Gretrhen Cosgrove. Assistam Director Auxjliary Servic(,s

Mark R. Multkr. Director

Angie R. Zurcher. Dirccror. Booksrore Gary L Citlotto,

,olf Cou rse Manager

Vakrie J. Seely. �I!anager, Concierge and


Stude/It /.ire

Admission and Srudem Life

Phyllis L Meyerboff, Administrative


Residential Life ----Tom A. Huelsbeck, Assistant Dean,

Campus Life;

i rector, Residential Life Director Sbelky L. Griffiths, Resident irecror Stephanie A. S�e7lli, Operarions Manager Josb Akxlmder. Resident Director Co urtney Bailey, Resident Director Amy Irish, csident Director Heather Melver, Resident Direcror Lace Smith, Residenr Direcror AlJisoll B. Stephens, Resident Director Joey weber, Resident Director Services for Students with Disabilities

Student Em 10 ment Pam Martin. >!anager, Studen t

Employment and Stale \X'ork StUdy

PatricUJ Roundy. Dean, Srudem

Eva R. Jolmson, Director. Student

Cam us Safety anE Information . Marsha K. Stril. Director


Taylor. Operations Supervisor

TbomlU W. Higdon, Operations


]ef:fny S.


Michael T. Mo ore,

pcrarions Supervisor perations


Career Develo ment RUlh Rogers, Direcror, Career

Development and Studem Emplo 'mcnt KelJy A. David, Career Counselor Aubree A. Rob;,uoll, Academic Advisor/ areer Counselor

B.S., Juniata College, 1 962; M .A., University of California, Davis, 1 966; Ph.D., University of Washingron, 1 979. Dana

D. AnJerso1l,

1 984-, Professor of

Psychology; B.A., Antioch College, 1 97 1 ;

Loren j. AnderI01l, 1 992-, President; B.A.,

Student Involvement and leadership-'

; Direcror Ricbard A. Seeger. Direcror. Srudem Academ ic Success

1971-, Professor of

Biology; Dei/II, Division ofNalltllJl Scienres;

Rich Bailey. Physician's Assisrant

Stl/dent Academjc Sl((ce.<S

Academ ic Suc

Alzge/in G. Alexd.7ldez·,

Rick Co oley, Licensed Practical Nurse

Ruth I. Tweeten, Direcror

Laura R Majollski. Vice Pres idem for

1 985; M .A., Ph. D., Rutgers Universiry, 1 989. 1 995.

M .A., Ph . D . , Ohio Stare Universiry, 1 974, 1 98 1 .


Matthew j. LamS1wl, Associat

Human Re.rolln·, Services


i rector, Physician's


McGin"is. Direcror

Wendy S.

Health Services Center SUSail A. Doll,

Dining SmJim'

Erin M.

EliMbelh �. Barton, Psychologist

Professor ofEnglish; B.A., Amherst College,

Involvement and Leadership; Director, Diversiry Cenrer Angelica Z. Hambrick, Associate Director of Mul[iculrural Aff.1irs Frederick E. Eastman, Associarc irecror Allison B. Stepbms, Assistant Director, Orientation and St u de nt Involvement Jeff Olsell Krengel, Associate Director of S I L. Conduct and Leadership Lace M. Smitb, Programs Coordinator

Faculty James A. Albers, 1997- 1 998, 1999-2000, Visiting Assistant Professo r; 2000-, Faculry Fellow in Business; B.S., Sr. Louis Un iversi ty, 1 962; M . S . , Univcrsiry of Toledo, 1 96 8 ; M .A . , G Iden Care Universiry, 1 980; Ph.D. Michigan Stare University. 1 97 1 .

PLU 2006 . 2007

Concordia College, Moorhead, 1 967; M.A., Michigan Start: Un iversiry, 1 968; Ph.D., Universiry of Michigan, 1 97 1 . Bradford W. Andrews, 2005-, Visiting

Assistant Professo r ofAnthropology; B.A., Fr.

Lewis College, 1 986; M .A.. Ph.D., The Pennsylvania Srate Universiry, 1 995, 1 999.

AmI J. Auman. 2002-, Assi.rtaJ/t ProfeSJ"or




ofBiolog)'; B.S., Pennsylvania Stare

Universiry, 1 996; Ph. D . , Universiry of Washington, 200 1 .

John Plllli G. Avila, 2004-. Visitillg

AJ"Sis[,uzt Professor ofArt; B.A . , Valparaiso

Un iversiry, 2000; M . F.A., The School of rhe Arts Institute of Chicago, 2004.

j. Thaddeus Bartlowe, 1977-, Professor of Business; B.A., Univetsiry of San Francisco.

1 966; M .A., Ph.D Universiry of M ic h i ga n , 1 97 1 , 1 973. .•

ElIrUJru R Barot. 2005-.


Pro(es.w ofEnglish; B.A., Wesleyan

Universiry, 1 992; M . F.A., Iowa Writer's Workshop, 1 998.

o 1"1 rt) '" •

'TI Q) 1"1 c:

Michael D. Bartanen, 1 979-, Professo r of Communication; B.A., M . A .. Western Washington Universiry. 1 974, 1 976; PhD., Universiry of Sourhern California, 1 98 1 .

Alicia j. Batten, 2000-, Associate Professor

ofReligion; B.A., McGill Un i versi ry, 1 989;

rV!.A., Ph.D., Universiry of Sr. Michael's College. Toronto School of Theology, 1 992, 2000.

Amy Beegle , 2006-, Assistallt Professor of Music, B.lvJ. £. , Universiry of New Mexico,

1 99 1 ; M .A.M . E Universiry of St. Thomas, 200 1 ; Ph . D., Un iversiry of Washington, 2003. .•

Michtul D. Behrem, 2005-, Visitillg Assistant Profe.<sor of Biolog)'; B.S.,

California Polytechnic State Universiry, 1 996; M.A., PhD., University of California at Santa Barbara, 2003, 2005.

1 77

Joanne M.

BeD. 2002-, Clinical ASJ"lstallt

Professor of Nursi ng; B.S.N., University of

Maryland, 1 968; M . . N., Emory Univ rsir)" 1 976.

20 02-, Associate Profossor ofMusic - Orchestra; B . M . ,

Jeffrey L. BeD-Hamo" ,

University o f Iowa, 1 978; M . M . , University o f Norre Dame, 1 980; D.M.A., University of Iowa, 1 997.

Stet/en R.

Benbam, 1982-, Professor of Geosciences; B.S., \'(/ashingmn Stare

University, 1 968; M .A., Ph.D . , Indiana University, 1 97 1 , 1 979.

&ubid Benkbahi. 1987-, Professor of


airrise, Diplome D'Erudes Approfondies, Docmrar de I'Universire, University of Pau, France, 1 9 8 1 , 1 983, 1 986.

ofMusic (Voice); B.M., Loyola University,


Jeffrey A. ClApp, 1999-, Associate

Michael Broul1I, 1982-, Pro.fessor of

PlJcholog)'; B.A., Seartle University, 1 967;

M .Sc., University of Calgary, 1 972; Ph. D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1 974.

Roberta S. Brown, 1979-, Professor of French; B.A., Stanford University, 1 967;

M.A., University of regon, 1 969; Ph.D., University of a1ifornia, Los Angeles. 1 98 1 .

Elizabeth E. Brusco, 1988-, Professor of Anthropology, B.A., Bosmn University,

Carllon L. Benson, 1996-. Associate

Ro-'d S. Byrnes, 1998-, Associate

Chorus A. Bergmall, 1977-, Professor of English; B.A. (Economics), B.A. (English), University of Washingron, 1 969, 1 970; M .A., Ph.D . , University of Minnesora, 1 973, 1 977.

Claudia J. Berguson,

2003-, Assistant

Professor of La nguages and


B.A., Concordia University; M .A., nive 'ity of Minnesora, 1 987; M.A., Lesley College, 1 992; Ph . D . , University of Washing ron, Seartle, 2003.

Eli Berniker, 1982-, Profossor ofBusiness; . . , Wayne State University, 1 9 6 1 ; Ph. D., University o f California, Los Angeles, 1 98 5 .

Professor of Education; BA, M.Ed,

University of California. Los Angeles, 1 984, 1 98 5 ; Ph.D., University of Denver, 1 993.

KJztJJlyrl A. Breazeau, 2001-, Associate

Professor of Religion; B.S., Northwestern State Uni �rsity, 1 973; B.A., Centenary College, 1 97 8 ; Iv1Div, Iliff School of Theology, 1 988; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School, 1 996.

John T. Carlson, 1975-, Professor of Biology; B.A., Carleton College, 1 966;

Ph. D . , University of Minnesota, 1 976.

Susan Brow" Carlton, 1991-, Associate Professor of Englis/;; B.A., Mount Hol),oke College, 1 97 1 ; M .A., Butler University, 1 982; Ph.D., Purdue University, 1 99 1 . E.

Wayne Carp, 1986-, Professor of

History; B.A., M.A. , PIc . D . , University of

Pennsylvania, 1 97 1 ; M.S., University of Maryland, 1 975; Ph.D., The Catholic University of America, 1 995.

Michelle CeynAT, 2001-, Associate Professor ofPsycholog}; B.A., University of

Northern Colorado, 1 992; M.A., Ph.D., University of Montana, 1 99 5 , 1 996.

Patricia Chastain, 2000-. Assistant Professor of Education; B .A., MEd, Ph.D.,

University of Washington, 1 987, 1 992, 1 998.

JartlU E. Brink, 1970-, Professor of Co mp uter SClen�e and Computer

Maria Luisa Chavez,

Engineering; A.B., Hope College, 1 965;

California Stare University, 1 992; M.A., California State University, 1 995; Ph.D., Washingron State University, 2002.

M.S., Ph.D., Iowa State University, 1 967, 1 970.

ofPhilosophy, B.A., Gordon College, 1 976;

M.T.S., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 1 979; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1 98 1 , 1 988.

Myri4m L. Cotten, 2002-, Assistant Professor of Chemisl1J; B . S . , University of

Paris IV, 1 99 1 ; M . S . , Ecole Superieure de Chimic Organique er M inerale, 1 993; Ph.D., Florida Srate University, 1 998.

Craig Cornwall, 2006-, Visiting Assistant Professor of Art; B.A., Brigham Young

University, 1 976; M .F.A., University of New Mexico, 1 986.

University, 1 995; M .A., Vanderbilt University, 1 997; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2002.

Mary Ann Carr, 1997-, Clinical AfSociate Professor o.fNrmillg; B.S.N., University of

Professor of Militaryl Scit!llce; B.S., West Point, 1 989.; M.S., Long Island University, 1 997.

Keith J. Cooper, 1984-, Associate Professor

M.A., Portland State University, 1 976; Ph.D., University of Oregon, 1 98 1 .

California, Berkeley, 1 972, 1 973, 1 9 8 1 .


Lutheran University, 1 990; M .F.A., Mankaro State University, 1 993.

Suzanne J. Crawford, 2003-, Assistant

niversity of Minn ora, Morris, 1 978; M.S. (Math­ emarics), M .S . (Computer Science) , Ph.D., University of Orc:gon, 1 98 1 , 1 984, 1 989.

Gillian Schweitzer Boice,

Professor of Theatre; B .F.A., Pacific

Thomas J. Campbell, 1984-, Professor of English; B.S., University of Oregon, 1 968;

Kenneth D. Bi4ha, 1989-, Profol'sor of Computer Scienu; B.A.,

2005-, Asst'stant Professor of German; B.A., Arizona Stare

University, 1 984; M .A., Brigham Young University, 1 99 1 ; Ph. D . , University of Texas, 1 998.

Professor of History; B.A


Kirsten M. ClJristensen,

1 992; M.M., The Julliard School, 1 998; Mus.D . , The State University of New York at Srony Brook, 2003.

1 974; M.A., Hunter College, 1 982; Ph.D., City University of New York, 1 986.

Colorado College, 1 983; M .A., Indiana University, 1 988; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1 996.

1 78

James L. Brown, 2005-, As:,-istant Proje"sor

2006-, Assistant

Professor ofPolitical Science; B.A.,

PlU 2 006 - 2007

Pro./essor of Religion; B.A., Willamerre

Michele A. Crayton, 1977-, Professor of Biology; B.S., M.S., University of

Missouri, Kansas City, 1 967, 1 969; Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1 974.

Michael R. Crom,

2006-, Visiting

jllSl1'UCtor of Philosophy; B.A., University of

Colorado at Denver, 2000; M.A., Southern Illinios University at Carbondale, 2002; M.A., University of Oregon, 2004. H.

Evren Damar, 2004-, Assistant Professor of Economics; B.A., Carnegie Mellon University, 1 998; M .A., Ph.D., University of Washington, 2000, 2004.

GWenJolyrl K. Darks, 2004-, Clinical Assistant Pro.fessor of Nursing; A.S., DeAnza College, 1 990; B.S., University of Missouri, 1 998; M.S.N., Pacific Lutheran University, 2004.

Emily Davidson, 2003-, Instructor of Spanish; B.A., Pacific Lutheran University,

1 998; M.A., Middlebury College, 2000.

Paul H. Davis, 2004-, Assistant Professor of Chem istry; B.S., University of Tennessee, 1 99 5 ; Ph.D., Stanford University, 200 1 .

Brill n E. Desmond, 2005-, Assistant Professor of Theatre; B.A., College of William and !'.'1ary, 1 982; M . . A,. George

Mason Un iversity, 1 997; Ph.D. candidate, University of California, Santa Barbara (elCpected 2006) .

Dimut DiSuj'ano, 2006-; Visiting Assistant hoft sor ofHistory; B.A., The

Colorado College, 1 993; , 1 .A University f Montana, 2000; Ph.D., University of Colorado, 200 5 . .•

Patricill L. Dolan.

1994-2000, 2005-

Clinical Assistant Professor afBiology


Robert P. Ericksen, 1 999-, Professor of

History; B.A., Pacific Lutheran University,

I %7; M.A State University of New York at Stony Brook. 1 969; Ph. D . , London School of Economics and Political Science, London Universi ty, 1 980. .•

Anthony j. Evans, 1 988-, Professor of

PhysicaL Education; Acting Dean of Physical Education; B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Oregon, 1 968, 1 %9, 1 972.

Audrey S. Eyler. 1 9 8 1 -, Professor of

Eng/ish; B.A., Houghton College, 1 964; M.A. , Alfred Universi ty. 1 968; Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1 978.

Nursing; B.A., M.A . . State University of New York at Buffalo. 1 976. 1 982; Ph.D., Kent State University, 1 990.

Professor ofMusic; B.M., Temple

Bryan C. Dorner,

University, 1 968; M.M New England Conservatory of Music, 1 97 1 .


Professor of

Mathematics; B.S. (Physics). B.S.

(Mathematics). Oregon State University. 1 966, 1 969; M.S., Ph.D., University of Oregon. 1 97 1 , 1 977.

Celine A. Dorner,



Professor oflv!athematics; M.S., University

of Oregon , 1 974; Ed. D .. Seattle

University, 1 998.

janet R. Dubois, 2003-. Clinical Assistant

Professor ofNursing; B.S. N . , Valparaiso,

1 986; M . N .. University of Washingron, 2003.

Susa1l Dwyer-Shick, 1 984-, A" ociate Professor ofPolitical Scimce; B.A Western .•

Kathleen A. Vaught Farner, 1 978-, .•

Kentucky, 1 998 ; M.F.A., Arizona State Universi ty, 200 . GAil L.

Eghers, 1 992-. Associate ProfesJ'Or,

Library; B.A., Midland Lutheran College, 1 97.3: M.A. L.S. , University of Denver, 1 973.

Pliler C. Ehrenhaus. 1 998-. Pr�fessor of

COl/llllUJllcatlon; B.A . . University of Wl�consin, Madison, 1 973; M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1 975. 1 979.

MAry j. E!14rd-Ivey, 1 997-, Associate

Profissor of Bio/iJgy; B.Sc.. M.Sc.. University College, Dublin, 1 987, 1988; P h . . . Un iversity o f British Columbia, 1 994.


Instructor, Religioll; B.S.,

Visiting Port/and State

University; M .A., The University of Chicago, 1 997; Ph.D., candidate. The University of Chicago.

Craig B. Fryhle,


Professor of

Chemistry ; B.A., Gettysburg College, 1 979; Ph.D., Brown University. 1 98 5 .

Dalla A. Garrigan.

1999-, Associate Professor ofBiology; B.A., St. Olaf College,

1 988; Ph.D., University of Utah, 1 994.

Patricia H. Gaspar,

1987-88, 1991-,

M.N., Emory University, 1 975, 1 978.

1 968; M.M., University of Michigan, 1 974.

Margaret Gehring, Visiting Professor of

A11JIltuia E. Feller, 2005-, Assistant

Profissor ofCommunication; B.A., University of Denver, 1 990; M.S., Portland State University, 1 99 5 ; M.S., Ph.D., California Institute of Integral Studies, 2000. 2002.

Chris D. Ferguson.

2001-, Assoria!/'

PrOliost jo r Academic and Information and Profissol; Library; B.A., Saginaw (MI) Valley State University,


Marin j. Ferrer-Lighmer.

Professor ofArt; BLA., University of

Amud M. Frenz,

Professor ofMusic, B.M., Oberlin College,

SIJamnugalitlgam Easwaran. 2005-.

Spencer Ebbingll, 2006-, AJSista nt

1 996; M.A., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2003; Ph.D. candidate, University of Southern California (expected 2006).

Clinical Assistallt ProfisJor ofNursing; B.S .N ,

1 973; M .L.S., University of Texas at Austin, 1 979; Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton, 1 979.

Peradeniya, Sri Lanka; M.S., Ph.D., Clemson Uni\rersity. 1 98 5 . 1 992.

2006�. Visiting Assi.<tant Professor of Communication, Director of Forensics; B.A., WIllamene University,

Richard A . Farner, 1 976-, Associate

Michigan University, 1 967; A.M .. Ph. D . , University bf Pennsylvania, 1 969, 1 979; J.D., University of Puger Sound School of Law, 1 986.

Assistant Profi"Jor of Computi'r Science and Computer Engineering; B.S., University of

Melissa Franke,



!nstructor ofSpallish; B.A., Pacific Lutheran University, 1 997; M.A., University of \'(fashington, 1 999.

Antonios Finitsis,

2006-, Assistant Professor of Rdigion; B.A., National and

Capodisrrian University of Athens, 1 996; M.A.. University of Chicago, 1 998; Ph.D. candidate, University of Chicago (expected 2006).

Bruce W. Finnie,

1989-. Associate Professor ofBusilleJS; B.S Augustana .•

College, Sioux Falls, 1 970; Ph.D., University of Nebraska, 1 975.


Phpical Educatio n: n.s . . State University of New York at Buffalo, 1 987; M.S., Smith College, 1 990; Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 2002. Beatrice Geller,

1984-, Associate Professor ofA rt. B.F.A., New York University. 1 974;

M . F.A., Rochester Institute of Technology, 1 979.

Bogomil Gerganov,

2006-, Assistant Professor ofPhysics; B.S., Sofia University

(Sofia, Bulgaria), 1 993; M.S .. Cornell University, 1 997; Ph.D Cornell University, 2000. .•

1980-, Professor of Educatioll; B.S., University of Neb raska,

Kent P. Gerlach.

1 967; M.A., University of South Dakota, 1 972; Ed. D . , University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1 980.

Linda K Gibson.

1389-, Associate ProfeHor ofBusiness; B.A., Texas Christian

Univetsity. 1967; M.A.. Ph.D .. University of Missouri, 1 985. 1 989.

Christina Graham, 2006-, Visiting Assistant Professor ofP,),cho/()gy; B.S . . Pacific Lutheran University. 1 999; M.A., Arizona State University. 2002; Ph.D., Ariwna Stare University. 2005.

Duncan Foley,

jon E. Grahe,

M . S . , Ph. D . , The Ohio State University. 1 973, 1 978.

1 992; M.A., Ph.D., University ofIoiedo, 2000, 2004.

Michele L. Folsom.

William G. Greenwood, 1981-, Professor 0fPh)"'ics; B.S., University of Washington,

1.986-, Professor of Geosciences; B.A., Antioch College, 1 97 1 ;

2002-. Senio r

Lecturer ill Computer Science and Mathematics; B.S., M.A. . Pacific Lutheran

University, 1 988. 2002.

PlU 2006 . 2007

2005-, AJ'SOciate Professor of Psychology; B.A., Shippensberg University,

1 972; M.S., Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1 974, 1 978.

1 79

joanna Gregson,

1998-, Associate

1979-, ASJ'ociare

Gregory S. johnson,

1999-, Associate

Profts"or of Busi ness; B.A .• The College of

Proftssor of!,hilosophy; B.A., Carson­

Washingron Universiry, 1993; Ph.D . . Universiry o f Colorado. 1 998.

Idaho, 1 963; MBA. Washingron Srare Universiry, 1 965; Ph.D . . Un iversiry of Washingron, 1 978.

Newman College, 1 986; M .Div., M.Th., Sourhern Seminary, 1 99 1 , 1 994 ; Ph.D .. Universiry of Oregon. 1 999.

Michael R. Hillis,

Neal johllsoll,

Peter C

Grosvenor. 1996-. Associate Proftssor ofPolitical Science; B.A., Universiry

of Wales, 1 983; M.Sc.. Ph.D., London School of Economics, 1 985, 1 996.

Gregory E. Guldin,

1979-, Proftssor of

Anthropology; B.A., Brooklyn College,

Ciry Universiry of New York, 1 97 1 ; M.A., Ph.D., Universiry o f Wisconsin, Madison, 1 973, 1 977.

CoDem M. Hacker, 1979-. Proftssor of Physical Education; B.S., Lock Haven Srare Colleg e , 1 97 8 ; M.S., Universiry of Arizona, 1 979; Ph.D., Uni crsiry of Oregon, 1 992.

john S. Hallam,

1990-. Associate Proftssor

ofArt; B.A., Searrle Universiry, 1 970;

M.A., Ph.D., Universiry of Washingron, 1 974, 1 980.

Michael Halvorson,

2003-. Assistant

Proftssor of Histo ry ; B.A., Pacific Lurheran

Universiry, 1 985 ; M.A., Ph.D., Universiry of Washingron, 1 996, 200 I .

Gina L. Hames,

1 997-. Assistant Prufessor

of History ; B.A., M.A., Easrern

Washingron Universiry, 1 986, 1 989; M.A., Ph.D .. Carnegie Mellon Universiry, 1 992, 1 996.

Christine L. Ha1lSvick,

1979-, f'ro.fessor

of Psychology; B.A., Sourhwesr Srare

Universiry, 1 97 1 ; M.A., Ph.D., University of Windsor, 1 97 5 . 1 977.

Susan Harmon, 2006-, Associate Proftssor ofBusiness; B.S., Universiry of Alabama,

1 980; M.A., Universiry of Alabama, 1 98 1 ; Ph.D Universiry o f Alabama, 1 998. . •

Diane M. Harney, 1992-, Associate Profi'ssor of Communication; B . S . , Indiana Universi ry, 1 984; M.S., Florida Srare Universi ry, 1 987; Ph.D., Purdue Universiry, 1 992.

judy K Hassen, 2006-,

Clin ical Assistant

Proftssor. Educatio n; B.A., M.Ed .. Ccnrral

\'V;lsh ingron Universiry, 1 973, 1 980.

George Hauser, jr. , 1987-, Asso ciate Proftssor of Co mp u ter Science and

Compmer Engineering; B.S. (Physics), B.S. (Compurer Science), \Vashingron Srare Universiry, 1 97 1 , 1 972; M.S., Un iversiry of Oregon, 1 980; Ph.D., Universiry of Rochesrer, 1 988.

1 80

Larry P. Hegstad,

Proftssor ofSociology; B.A., Wesrern

Danul J. Heath,

2002-, Assistant

!'roftssor ofMathematics; B.A., Sr. Olaf College, 1 987; M.A.. Ph. D., Universiry of California, Davis. 1 994.

1997-, Associate Proft,,-o r

of Educatioll; B.A.E., M.M. Wesrern

Washingron Universiry, 1 986, 1 99 1 ; Ph. D., Universiry of Washing ron, 1 994.

Breruinn }. Hogatl.

2005-. Assistant

Profssor of !,hilosophy; B.A . • Gonzaga

Unive iry, 1 993; M.A., Ph.D., The ew School for Social Research, 1 999 , 2 005 .

janet B. Holmgren.

2001-, Assistant

Proftssor of Gmllall; B.A., La Salle

Universiry, 1 989; B.A., M .A . , Universiry of Vermonr, 1 992, 1 995; Ph. D . , Un iversiry o f California. Irvine, 2000.

David R.

Huelsheck. 198 9-,

Pl'oftssor of

B.A., Universiry of Wisconsin, Madison, 1 974; M.A., PhD. Washingron Srare Universiry, 1 980, 1 98 3 .


Lynn E. HU1micutt, 2003-. A,'sociatt' Pro.fos,·or ofEconomics; B.A" Oregon

Srate Universiry, 1 984; M.S., Ph.D., Un iversiry o f Texas ar Ausrin, 1 995, 1 997.

A4ron C. Hllston,

2005-, CliniCtlI

AssiJtallt Professor of Nursing; B.A., B.S.,

2004-, Visiting Assistallt

Proftssor oftconomics; B.S., Universiry of

California, 1 982; M.S., Oregon Srare Universiry, 1 987; Ph .D., Universiry of Washingron, 1 993.

David L. joyner, 2000-, Associate Proftssor ofMusic; B.M . . Universiry


Memphis, 1 978; M.M., Universiry of Cincinnari, 1 980; PhD, Universiry of M e mph is , 1 986.

A. Tosh Kakar,


Assi,·tant Proftssor

of Comp uter Science {llld Comp l/tel' Engineering; B.S., Stevens Insrirute of Technology, 197 1 ; M.S., Arizona Srare Universiry, 1 983; PhD, Washingron Srare Universiry, 1 992.

Wmqing Kallg,

2006-. Visiting Assistant

Proftssor of History; B.A., Institure of

lnrcrnarional Relations, Beijing, China, 1 987; M.A., Universiry of Denver, 1 992; M.A., New York Universiry, 1 998; M.A., Universiry of California. 2000; Ph.D. candidare, Universiry of California, expecred complerion 2006.

. o l lege , 200 I; M.S.N., Yale Universiry, 2004.

Rona D. Kaufman,

Brendn L Ihssen. 2005-, Visiting Assistant Proftssor of ReLigion; B.A.,

Universiry, 1 992; M .A., Universiry of Maine, 1 994; Ph. D . , Un iversiry of Michigan, 2002.

The Evergreen Srare

Concordia Universiry, 1 990; M.Th., Pacific Lurheran Theological Seminary ar the Graduare Theological Union, 1 995; Ph.D . , Universiry of Sr. Michael's College. 2004.

Edward S. blch,

1986-, Professor of

Communication; Dean, School of Arts

and Communicarion; B.A., Wesrern Washingron Universiry, 1 982; M.S., Universiry of Oregon, 1 984; Ph.D., Universiry of Washingron, 1 992.

Sharon L jansen, 1 980-, Pl'oftSSOI' of English; B.A., California Lurheran Universiry, 1 972; M.A., Ph.D., Universiry of Washingron. 1 973, 1 9 80.

Mark K. jensen,

1989-, Associate

!'ro(essor ofFrl'1lch; B.A., Princeron

2002-, Asshtallt

Proftssor of English; B.A., Penn Sran:

Pauline M. Kaurin,

1997-. Visiting

Assista1lt Proftssor of!,hilosop!ry; B.A . ,

Concordia College, Moorhead, 1 99 1 ; M.A., Universiry of Maniroba, 1 993; Ph.D., Temple Universiry, 1 997.

Ann Kelleher,

1981-, !'roftssor of !'olitical

Science; B.A., Hope College, 1 964; M .A. .

Northeasrern Universiry, 1 966; Ph.D., Universiry o f Denver, 1 973.

joDee G. Keller.

1989-, Associate

Proftssor ofSocial Work; B.A., Hope

College, 1 974 ; A.M., Universiry of Chicago, 1 976; Ph.D., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1 987.

Stephanie A. Kerr, 2003-, Visiting 11IStructor of !'h;'sical Educatioll; B.S .. M.S.,

Universiry, 1 974; M.A., Ph. D., Universiry of California, B er ke ley, 1 983, 1 989.

Washingron Srare Un iversiry, 1 986, 1 989.

Richardj. jobst,

Provost an d Dean of Graduate Studies,

1967-, Associate

!'roftssor o.fSociology; B.A. . Universiry of San Francisco, 1 964; M.A., Universiry of California, Davis, 1 967.

PlU 2006 - 2007

Patricia O'Connell Killell.

1 989-, Acting

Proft"sor of Religio n; B.A., Gonzaga

Universiry, 1 974; M.A., Ph. D . , Stanford University, 1 976, 1 987.

Laura F. Klein, 1919-, Projessor of Anthropology; B .A. , M.A., Ph.D. , New York University, 1 968, 1 970, i 97 5 . Louis KomjiUhy, 2004-05; 2006-, Vi.itillg Assistam

Professor of Religioll;

B.A . • University of California, 1 993;

Ph. D . . Bosron University, 2005.

Ikth M. Kraig. 1989-, Professor of

Jan Patricia Lewis, 1989-, Profissor of Education; B.A., Oregon Stare University, 1 976; v ) l .A.T, Lewis and Clark College, 1 979; Ph.D., University of O regon , 1 989. Rhonda S. Lizzi, 2005-.

Profissor ofNursillg;

Clillical Assistam

B .S . l ., M.S. N . , Lorna

Linda University, 1 974; 1 979.

History; B.A.. San tancisco State

Joanne M. Lisosky, 1995-, Associate

Washington U n ivers i ty, 1 98 1 ; AM, University of Chicago, 1 984; Ph.D., University of Washingron, 1 987.

University of Nevada, Reno, 1 98 5 ; M.A., So u thwe st Missouri State University, 1 993; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1 997.

University, 1 979; M .A., Western

Donald E. Lncky, 2005-. Instructor 0/ Matlmllatio� B.S., U nivt: rsity of Washingron, 1 968; Ph.D., Washingron Stale Universi ty, 1 975. Arthur M. Land, 2002-,


Pro ssor

Visiting Assislant of om77lllflicatilm; B.A. , M.A.,

Univ rsity of Georgia, 1 982, 19 3. Francesca R. Lnne Rasmus, 1998-,

Asso riau PI'OfiSSOI', Libmry; Direcror of

Technical Se rvices; B . A . , Macalester ollege:, 1 985; M. LlS " Dominican University, 1 994. Almekathrin Llmge, 2005-, Visiting

A"istl1ni Profimor of Language; 1111d

Lim'mures; Zwischenprufung ( erman

eq uivalent of BA) , Humboldt University, Berlin, Germ any, 1 990; M.A., Ph.D.,

Brown U niversity, 1 999, 2005 .

ChuJo Christopher Lee, 2006-, Associate B . - .. Korea University, 1 984; M B.A., Ph.D., S int Louis Univcr.lry, 1 987; 1 996.

ProfiJSor ofBt/,;int'JS;

ChuJJg-Shing Lee, 199



ProftSSOI' of Businm; B.A., National

Taiwan University, i 980; M.A., Univrm;ity of Maryland, 1 985; D.Se., The Geo rge Washingron University, 1 997.

&thryrl Lelmumn, 20UI-, Associate Profissor ofl!,1u.sic; B" . , Pacific Lutheran University, 1 976; M.M., We;,rminster Choir College, t 980.

Paulll H. Leitz, 1989- 1 990, 1 994-,

Associate Professor ofEducor ion ;


Uni ersity of California, Davis, 1 97 1 ; M .A. , California State Universi ty, Sacramento, 1 97 ; Ph. D., U niversity of Wash ingr n, I 88.

ProfesJ'or a/ Cllmmlmication;


Henry Loughman, 2006-, Visiting Assistant Pr�fes,-oT o/Theatre; B . A . , M . F.A. Candidate, San Diego Stare University, 1 992; 1 997. &chard N. Loui�, /991-,

Professor ofPh)'sic,,;

A ssociate

A.B., Harvard Co ll ege ,

1 990; M . S . , Ph.D., Cornell University, 1 993, 1 997. Brian E. Lowes, 1968-, Profissor of Geosciences; B.S., University of London, 1 957; M , S . , Queens Universi ty, 1 963; Ph.D., Uni ve rsity of Washington, 1 972. Zachary 4Jrman, 2006�, Assistant Proftssor ofMusic; B . M . , The College of Wooster, 1 997; M . M . , The New England Conservatory, 1 999; D . M .A. candidate, University of Iowa Diane B. MacDonald, /981- , Associate Dean,

School of Bu,-iness, Associate Profissor


B . A . , M . B . A . , Loyola

University, Chicago, 1970, 1 974; J.D.,

John Marshall Law School, 1 980.

John L. Main, 1 911-. ProfeHor ofBio/{)gy; B . S . Ed . , M.S.Ed., Chadron Stare College, 1 96 5 , 1 966; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1 970. Laura F. Majollski, 1996-, Vice President for Admission lind Student Lift; B.S., Duke Universi ty, 1 97 ; M.A, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1 978; Ph.D., Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminaty, 1 982.

Anml Y. han-Guerrero, 1993-, ProJfsso r o/Sorj% gy; B . A . , Pacific Un i vers i )', 1 98:); M.A., Ph.D" University of California, Los Angele , 1 988, 1 993.

Patsy L. Makmey. 1994-, AfSOciate Professor ofNllrsmg; Director, Center for Continued Nu rs i n g Learning; B . S . N . , University of Maryland, 1 974; M .A , M . . N., Catholic University of Ame ri ca, 1 984; Ed.D., University of Southern California, 1 994.

Jerrold Lerum, '913-, Profissor 0/Blolog),; B.A., Luther ol lege, 1 963; M .S., Univers ity of i consin, Madison, 1 965; Ph.D., Nonhwe tern Uni ver ity, 1 973.

Paul Manfredi, 2001-, Assist(lnt Profissor o/Chinese; B.A, Long Island Univt:rsity, 1 992; M .A., Ph.D., Indiana University, 1 998, 200 1 .

PLU 2006 - 200 7

Lisa Marcus, 1995-, Associate Profi.,·sor 0/ B.A., University of Wisconsin, Mad i son , 1 986; M.A., Ph.D., Ru tgers University, 1 989, 1 99 5 .


Dennis M. Martin, 1916-, Proftssor 0/ English; B.S., Edinboro State College, 1 964; M.A., Purdue University, 1 966; Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 1 973. A. Paloma Marti,zez-Carbajo, 1999-, Assistant ProftJsor ofSpanish; Licenciarura, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, 1 992; M .A , Ph.D., University of Washi ngton, 1 996, 2000. Andrea Clark Mason, 2006-, ViJiting Assistant Professor ofEnglis/;; B .A., Colgare University, 1 998; M . F.A., University of Idaho, 2002. Cherie L. MeCann, 2004-, Clinical

AJsistant Professor o/Nursing;


M . S . N . , George Mason University, 1 999, 2003.

Karen E. McConnell, 1998-, A.l'sociate Profissor of Physical Edllcatlon; B.A., M.A, University of the Pacific, 1 990, 1 994; Ph.D., Arizona State Univer�ity, 1 998. Susan J. McDoIUlld, 1915-, AJsistant ProjesJor, Library; B .A . , M.LS., Universi ty of Washington, 1 969, 1 970.


Maureen E. McGill, /911-, Associate Professor of Da nce; B . F. A . , University of Utah, 1 974; M .A. , Western Washington University, 1 977. Erin McKenna, 1992-, ProfiHor of Philomphy; B.A., Claremont McKenna College, 1 987; M . A" Ph.D., Purdue University, 1 990, 1 992. Rosemary A. McKenney, 2002-, Ass istant

Profissor of Geoscience>' and Ellvlronmental Studies; B . S . . Oregon State University, 1 98 5 ; M.S., Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, 1 992, 1 997. David E. McNabb, 1 919-97, 2004-,

Visiting Profissor ofBusine»�


California State University, 1 965; M.A., University of Washington, 1. 968; Ph.D ., Oregon State University, 1 980.

Paul T. Menzel, 1911-, Profissor of Philosophy; B .A . , College of Wooster, 1 964; B . D . , Yal e University, 1 967; Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 1 97 1 . N. Christian Meyer, Jr. , 1910-, Professor ofMathematics; B .A., Reed College,

M.A., Ph.D., University of Oregon,

1 967, 1 970.

1 %6;


Tnry W. Miller, 1998-,

Peter Ng'ang'a, 2006-, Assistant Professor

Laura J. Polcyn. 1975-, Assistant to the

ofEconomics; B . Ed., Arts. Egerton

University, Njoro, Kenya. 1 994; MA

President; B. B.A . • M . B .A., Pacific

B.S.N., University o f Oklahoma, 1 972,

1 974; M . S . N . , Ph.D University of Texas, Austin, 1 977, 1 99 1 .

(Inrernational Studies). Ohio Un iversity,

Seattle University. 1 986.

Professor of

Nursing; Dean, School ofNursillg; B.S . • .•

1 998; M.A . ( Economics). Ohio University, 1 999; Ph. D .. Southern Illinois

Emily B. Mize, 2001-,

Clillical As,·istant

University. 2005.

Professor ofMusic; B.A.. University of PacifiC University, 1 990.

College, 1 976; M.N . • University of

Akiko Nosaka. 2005-, Assistant Professor of

Washington, 1 998.

Anthropology; B.A., Chuo University,


Tokyo. 1 986; B.A . • Pacific Lutheran

Proftssor ofMusic (Band) ; B.S .. University

Christine Moon, 1989-,

Profe.rsor of

Psychology; B.A., \Vhitman College, 1 97 1 ; M.A.. PhD., Columbia Un iversity. 1 983.

1 98 5 .

Powell, 2005-, Assistant

of the Pacific, 1 987; M.A., University of

Pennsylvania State University. 1 993, 1 997.

Cincinnati, 1 995; P h . D . , Un iversity of North Texas College of Music, 2002.

Douglas E. Oalnna1l. 1988-,

Professor of

Religion and Dean, Division of Humanities; B.A., University of Iowa.

Professor ofPhysical Education; B . S . , U niversity of Oregon. 1 978.

1 975; M . Div., Christ Seminary-Seminex. 1 979; P h . D Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, 1 986.

Mary Moran, 2005-,

Kevin J O'Brien. 2006-, Assistant

Visiting Assistant


University, 1 990; M.A .• Ph. D . , The

Bradford L . Moore. 1980-. Associate Portland State University, 1 974; M.S . •


Catherine Pratt, 1983-. Assistant Professor of BlISinm; B.A . . Brigham Young University. 1 983; M.A., Pacific Lutheran University, 1 993; Ed . D .• Seattle University, 200 I .

James R. Predmore, 1977-, Associate Professor ofSpanish; B.A., Swarthmore

Proftssor ofSocial Work; B.A., University

Proftssor of Religioll; B.A.. Earlham

College. 1 967; M.A .• Middlebury

of Missouri. 1 982; M.S .W., University of

College, 1 999; M.A . • Union Theological

College. 1 969; Ph . D . , University of

Georgia. 1 988, AB D.

Seminary, 200 1 ; Ph . D . candidate, Emory

Washi ngron. 1 977.

Jolm N. Moritsugu. 1975-.

University (Expected 2006 ) .

Professor of

W. Sid


1 9 7 1 ; M .A. . Ph.D .. University of Rochester. 1 974. 1 977.

Political Science; B.A., University of

Laurie C. Murphy. 1997-. Associate Proftssor of Computer Science and Computer Engineering; B.S., Delta State University. 1 986; M.S., Vanderbilt

Professor of

Washington. 1 974; M.A., P h . D .• The Pennsylvania State Universi ty. 1 976.

1 979. Carmina

Palerm, 2005-, Assistant

Professor ofSpanisb; B.A. University of California. 1 993; M.A. , Ph. D .. Stanford University. 1 994. 200 I .

Gera/J M. Myers, 1982-,

Professor of

ElISiness; B.S . • University of MassachusettS. 1 965; M.S., University of Missouri, Columbia. 1 975; P h . D . , University of Iowa, 1 983.

Brian Naasz, 2005-,

Olufo, 1982-.

Carol A. Ptak. 2005-,

Prychology, B.A., University of Hawaii.

University. 1 988.

Visiting Assistant

Professor of Chemistry; B.S .• Seattle University, 1 982; P h . D . • University of California at Berkeley. 1 986.

L. Richard Nance. 1992-. Associate Professor ofMlISic; B . M . E . , �vl .A.. West Texas State University. 1 977. 1 982; DMA. Arizona Scate Un iversity. 1 992.

Eric D. Nelson. 1996-, Assistant Professor of Classics; B.A., Pacific Lutheran

DanielJ. Peterso1l. 2005-,


Assistallt Professor of Religion; B.A .. Sanra Clara Universi ty. 1 994; M.A. U niversity of San Francisco. 1 997; M. Div., Theology. Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. 2000; Ph.D .• Graduate Theological Union, 2005.


Professor/Executive in Residence ofBusiness; B.A., Stare University of New York. 1 978; M. B.A . , Rochester Institute of Technology, 1 98 8 .

Suzanne Rahn, 1981-.

Associate Professor

ofEnglish; B.A.. Scripps College, 1 966; P h . D . , University of Washing ron, 1 98 5 .

Judith IlAmaglia, 1982-.

M.A . • University of Colorado, 1 968; P h . D . , University of Washingron. 1 9 82.

Mark A. Reiman. 1988-, Associate Proftssor ofEconomics; B.A., Pacific Lutheran Universi ty. 1 979; Ph.D .• University of Washing ron, 1 98 8 .

Leon E. Reisberg. 1981-,

Norris A . Peterson, 1981-,

Professor of

Economics; Dean, Social Sdmces; B.A., Pacific Lutheran University, 1 97 5 ; Ph.D.,

Texas. 1 97 1 ; M. Ed., Un iversity of Arkansas, 1 972; Ed .D., University of Kansas, 1 98 1 .

Kien-QJtoc Va" Pham, 2002-, Assistallt


University of California, Berkeley, 1 995; D . B .A.. Golden Gate University. 1 996.

Professor of

Education; Dean; B.S. Ed. , University of

University of M i nnesota, 1 98 1 .

Professor ofBlISiness; B.S., M . B .A..

Professor of

BlISiness; A.B., Smith College, 1 966;


Renaud. 1994-2201, 2004-,

Clinical Associate Professor of Nursing; B . S . N . , University of Connecticut. 1 972; M . S . N .. Un iversity of Colorado; Ph . D. , University of Washington. 2000.

Universi ty. 1 982; M .A., P h . D . , University

Judith M.S. Pi"e. 2006-,

of Washington. 1 98 5 . 1 992.

Assistant Professor ofAnthropology; B.A ..

Da"iel Renfrow. 2006-, AHistant

Kansas State University; M.A., Un iversity

Professor ofSociology; B.A., Eastern

Paul Nelson, 2005-,

Visiting Assistam

Proftssor ofEducation; B.S . • Northern Illinois University, 1 9 59; M.A . •

1 82

Donna Poppe. 1998-99, 2000-, Assistant Northern Colorado, 1 974; M . Ed . , Seattle

Professor ofNtming; B.S.N .• Walla Walla

::::J V I'U u..

Lutheran University. 1 974, 1 979; Ed. D . ,


of Washington; P h . D . , University of

Kentucky University. 1 999; M.A., Ph.D . •

Washington. 2002.

University of Washingron. 2002. 2005.

David P. Robbim, 1969-,

Northwestern University, 1 963; Ed D . ,

Kristin H. Plaehn. 2005 -,

University o f Illinois at Urbana­

B.A., Tex.as Lutheran University, 1 984;

MlISh� B.M., M . M . , University of

Champaign. 1 968.

M .A.. University of Denver. 1 987.

Michigan, 1 968. 1 969.


PLU 2006 - 2007

Professor of

Steve" Rohn-ts, 2005-, Clinical Assistant Pro/i'ssor a/Nursing. B.S., Un iv e rsi ty of

tah , 1 9 8 1 ; M .S. N . , , cattle Pac i fic Universi ty. 2005. Solveig C RobillSOIl, 2001-, Assistant Proj.'sror


B.A., Gus tavus

Adolphus C o llege, 1 983; M . A., P h . D . , Unive

icy o f Ch icago, 1 987, 1 994.

Kathlun M. Rooney, 2006-, Vis itillg

ASSj'/fwt Profissor ofEllglish;

B .A . , T h e

Geo rge Was h i n g tOn Universi ty, 2002;

.F.A . , Eme n:o n College, 2 00 5 . Svtmd}ohll RlJlming. , ( 9-,

Professor ofAJlISic;


B . M . , Pac ific Lu theran

n i vc rs i ry, 1 9 89; M . M ., M . M .A . , D . M .A. , Yal e University, 1 99 1 , 1 993,

Mn-1ill Simps011 , 1997-, Asso ciate

f>roji:ssor ofBwiness;

B.S., University of

B . S . N . , M . S . N . , California State

Lutheran Un iversity, 1 967; D . B . A . ,

University, 1 98 5 , 1 993.

Golden Gate Un i vers i ty, 1 99 5 .

Elizabeth M. Skwtlzic, 2005-, Visiting A.isistant

Pro(esso r ofBiology; B . S . ,

Nat i o nal AutOnomous University of Mexico, 1 9 8 1 ; P h . D . , Texas A&M University, 1 994.

}asoll E. Skipper, 2005-, Visitillg Assistant Proftssor ofEnglish; B.A" Un iversi ty of

No rr h -Iex�, 1 999; M . A . , Miami U ni ver si ty at Oxford, Oh i o, 200 1 ; Ph.D., Wes tern M ich igan Universi ty, 200 5 .

PaJriria E. Roundy, 1986-, Dealt fo r Studl'rif ACtldanic , /teee;:<, Di rect r

oflv!athematic.>; B . A . , Swarrhmore

1 972; M . . , Ph. D . , Un iversity

njve rs i t "

of Pitrsbur h, 1 974, 1 979.

Clifford G. Rowe,

1980-, Profi.uor of

(olnmlll/iet/lion; B . A . , Pacific Uni ersity,

1 958:

l'vl.�.J . .

Nor thwesccrn U ni ve rSIt y,

i 963. DanA E. Rtuh, 2003-, ClinicaL [/lSmICIOT

of f>i})'s;rs;

B.S. , U nive rs i ty of Puget

Sound, 1 974.

RusseU. 1999-, Program Social l,Ylor/,;; /I.uistmlt I'roftssor of

IVltlllun Z. DimTor,

Social WI,Jrk; B.A., Loc k Haven U ni v e rsity,

) l 74; M.S. W. , Ph.D . , Un i ve rsi ty o f . (lfth Caro l i na , Chapel H il l , 1 9 79, 1 983. RuJ:h ScllafJler, 1996-, Assistant Prf.lji:ssor of Nursing'. B.S . . . , M . S . N . , Pacific nive r$i ty, 1 63, 1 9 93; M . A . ,

Lutheran Ba l l

tare Un ivc:rsiry, 1 984; Ph. D.,

Uni ve rs i ty of San D iego, 200 5 .

CArolyn W. SchrJtz, 1974- 79, 1982-. Profes30r


B . S . N , University of

I ll i nois, 1 9G8 ; \iI .A. • Pa cifIc l .utheran

n iversi ty, 1 974. W . D . , Seattle n i vcrsity, 1 981 . Dnv", O.


English; B.A. , St.

Pmfessor of Olaf Col iege, I ()68;


A.M. , Ph. D., University of ,hicago,

1 96'1, 1 977. Richard A.


Co l lege, 1 995; M . S . , Ph . D . , U n i ve rs i ty of Orego n , 1 997, 200 1 .

}lIlie Sl1Iitb, 2006-, Assistant I'roftHor of Biology; B .A. , Saint Ambrose Universi ty,

1 9 94; M . S . , P h . D . , New tv!exico State Un ivers i ty, 1 997, 200 5 .

Matthew J. Smith, 2001-, Assistal1t P1'Ofi'.rsor ofBiology; 8.5., Humboldt State

U n i ve rs i t )" 1 9 90; P h . D . , U n i vers i ty of Connecticut, 1 9 97. Rochelle E. Snee, 1981-, Associate Pro/;'SS(jT of Classics; B.A., U ni ve rsi ty of Maryland, 1 969; M.A., Ph.D., U ni versi ty of Was hi n g ton , 1 972, 1 98 1 .

Neal W. Sob,mia, 2005-, Executive

Director of the Wang Centn; Proftssor of HiJ·toiJ'; B . A., Hope Co lle ge, 1 968; M.A.,

Ohio Universi ty, 1 973; Ph. D . , University of London, 1 980.

:amput(/' Science and Computer Engineering. B.A., \'V'es tern Washington

Univcrsiry, 1 97 1 ; l"LA., U n i vers ity of Utah, 1 975; Ph.D., Utah Srate Un ive rs i ty, 1 978. PrisciUa Anne St. Clair, 2001-, Asso (" iate

ofEcol/omi,'s; B .A., Wake Forest

U n i ver s i ty, 1 9 88; P h . D . , U n ive rs i ty uf Wash i n gton , 1 9 9 5 . Suven P. Starkovic/J, 1994-95, 1996-,

1 973-, Sm il)/' Ildvisor,

Associate Pio.fc'sso r


And rews Universi ty, 1 989; M.A., P h . D . , University of Wisconsin, 1 99 5 , 200 1 .

Clleryl Lu Storm, 1985-, Profissor �(

University of M i nn e so ta ,

ofPhysics; B.A., O regon

Sludtnt Aca.u.mic Success; B . A . , M . A . .


Ph.D., Univers i ty of Wash ington, 1 966,

o f Orego n , 1 98 5 ; Ph.D., U n iversity of

1 9G5, 1 974.

Victoria, 1 992.

Wemlelyn J. Shore, 1999-, Associate

Mithtui Stasinos, 2005-, Assistant

nivcrsi ty, 1 976; M . S . , U n i versi ty

I � 72;

M .A . ,

College o f St. Thomas, 1 977; I h. ' Purdue University, 1 98 2 .

Allison Stringer, 2006-, Assistant

Proftssor ofPhysical Edumtiol/; B.A.,

Co l lege of William and Mary, 1 98 5 ; M . A . , P h . D . , University o f Min nesota,

1 988, 1 997. }4frey L. StUArt, 2001-, Associate

Proftssor ofIYfatiJell1atics; B.A., Pomona

Col lege , 1 980; M . A . , P h . D . , U n i ve rs i ty of Wisconsin, Mad ison, 1 98 1 , 1 9 86.

Alicia Suarez, 2006-, Assistatlt Proji:ssor ofSociology; B .A . , M.A., P h . D .

Candidate, Indiana University, 1 999,

2002, Expected 2006. Duane D. Swallk, 1970-, ProjeSJor of

U n iversity, 1 964; Ph.D., Montana State Un ive rsi ty, 1 9 69; M B A. Patiflc Lutheran

U ni vers ity, 1 9 82. Sara }. Swett, 2004-, Clinical AssistaNt ProfisJ'or ofNursing; B . S . N . , Pacific

Lu theran Univers i ty, 1 9 98; M . S . N . , Pacific Lutheran Universi ty, 2003.

Profissor of

Ph)'sics; B . S . , M .A., U n i ve rs i ty of Washington, 1 9 58, 1 9 59; P h . D . , Columbia University, 1 96 5 .



Taylor, 2005-, Assi.,tdlll

Profi.,-,o,. ofPsychology; A . B . , Smith

College, 1 986; Ph.D., Un i vers ity of

Mich ig an , 1 9 93. Scott Taylor, 2005-, Visiting A ssista n t Proft,rsor of French; B . A . , M.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1 994, 1 99 5 ;

P h . D . , Florida S tat e Universi ty, 2003. Paul Tegels, 2002-, Assistant Profissor 0/ /\1usic - Universif)' Organist;

rga n

Pedagogy Diploma, Organ Performance D ipl o ma , Steddijk Con,ervJtorium, The

Profmo>' ofP'Jchology; B . A . , Coe College,

Profos,ror �fArr,

1 986; M.S., Ph.D .. U n ive r ' ty o f

Uni versi ty, 1 99 1 ; M . F.A., New Yo rk

England Conservatory, 1 984; M .A.,

Academy of Arr, 1 996.

D.M .A., U ni ve rsity of Iowa, 1 994, 1 9 97.

kia h (lma. 1 98 ' , 1 9 9 1 .

"TI Q.I n c::::

Chem istry; B . S . , Was h i n gt D n Stare

Kwong- Tin Tang, 1967-,

RichardJ. SpiUman, 1981-, Proftssor of


Troy A. StorfjeU, 2005-, ASJ'istant

Profissor ofScandinavial1 Studies;

Marriage and Fallli0' Themp)'; B . A.. ,

lessiCJl K. SklAr, 2001-, Assisttlnt Profissor

Amdnnic Advl.,ing; B . A . , Bucknel l

Clinical Assistant Proftssoi ofN/ming.

San f ra n c isco , 1 964; M . B .A., Pac i fic

1 997.

o of

SIIaron L. SteWlITt, 1993· 1995, 2002-,

B . S . Southern Utah

PlU 2006 - 2007

Ne th e rl a n d s, 1 980, 1 982; M . M . , New

1 83

ofMarriage and Family Therapy; B.S.,

of Comp uter Scimce and Compu ter

Wit\varersrand. Johannesburg, 1 97 1 ; M.S.Ed . , Ph.D., Sourhern Illinois Universiry, 1 979, 1 98 5 .

Brigham Young Universiry, 1 999; M . S . , Virginia Polytechnic Instirute a n d Stare Univcrsiry. 2002; Ph.D., Texas Tech Universiry. 2005.

Engi neering; B.S., Universiry of Puget Sound, 1 992; M.S., Ph.D., Oregon State Universiry, 1 999.

Profesw' of

Biology; B.S., Universiry of Idaho, 1 972;

M.S., Ph.D., Michigan Srare Universiry, 1 974, 1 978.

Vuiva Thirumurthy, 2005-,


Professor of Education; B.A., Srella Maris

College, Universiry of Madras, I ndia, 1 97 1 ; Bed Annamalai Universiry, I ndia, 1 983; 'LEd., Ph.D., Srare Universiry of New York, 1 994, 2003.

Sheri]. Tonn, 1979-,

Professor of

Chemistry; Vice President for Finance and

perarions; B.S., Oregon Srare Universiry, 1 97 1 ; Ph.D., 'orrhwesrern Universiry, 1 976.

Smnuel E. Torvend. 1999-.

Jatut Weiss, 2005-.


Assistant Professor of

Education; B.A., Lewis and Clark, 1 978;

M.S., Ph. D . , Sranford Universiry, 1 982, 1 99 1 .

Robert M. Wells, 2005-.


American Universiry, 1 989. 1990; M .A., Georgetown Universiry, 1 997; Ph.D., Universiry of Maryland, 2005. Visiting Assistant

Professor of Phys ica l taucation; B.S.,

Universiry of Minnesota, 1 97 1 ; M . S . , P.eD . , Indiana Universiry, 1 973, 1 982.


Christopher Wheekr, 2006-, Visitil1g

ProfeJSor of Religion; B.A., Pacific

E-..:eClltille Director in Public Relations;

Lurheran Universiry, 1 973; M. Div., Warrburg Theological Seminary, 1 978; MA., Aquinas Insrirure of Theology, Dubuque, 1 980; Ph. D . , Saint Louis University. 1 990.

B.A., M.A., Universiry of Oregon , 1 967, 1 %9; Ph. D., Universiry of Iowa, 1972.

Teru Toyokawa. 2002-,

Assistalll Professor

of Psychology; B.A .. M.A., Waseda Universiry. Tokyo, 1 989, 1 99 1 ; Ph.D., Pennsylvania Srate Universiry, 2000.


M. Tral'is, 1 995-96. 1998-,

Universiry of Puget Sound, 1 986; M .A., Ph.D., Universiry of Washington. 1 990, 1 99 5 .

Marit Trelstad. 2001-,

Assistant Professor

l iege. 1 989; M .A . , Lurher Norrhwestern Theological Semi nary, 1 994; Ph.D., Claremont Graduare School, 2000. of Religion; B.A., Sr. Olaf


Turner, 2006-.

Actillg Dean,

School of BUJ'iness; B.B.A., Pacific

Lutheran Universiry, 1 973; Ph . ., The Warron School of the Universiry of Pennsylvania, 1 9 8 1 .

Gknn A. Va" W)!he, 1979-.


Pr�fessor of Bminess; B.A., Universiry of

Sourh Dakota, 1 968; �v1.Div., Westminsrer Theological Seminary, 1 974 ; M .A., Universiry of Iowa, 1 977; Ph.D . . Univcrsiry o f Washingron, 1 99 1 .

Dean A. waUow, 1992-.


Pr�fessor ofNursing; B.S.N., Murray State

University. 1 972; M.S.N., University of Kentucky. 1 978.

Stephen T. Woolworth, 2003-,


Professor of Education ; B.A., M.Ed.,

Professor ofCommlmicatiOil; M.A., B.G.S.,

Tom Wells, 2005-,

Sylvill H. Wood, 1993-,

Universiry of Colorado, Boulder, 1 99 1 , 1 994; Ph. D., Universiry o f Washing ron, Seartle, 2002.

Dane W. Wu, 1994-. Associate Professor of Mathematics; B.S., M .S . • Xiamen

Universiry. China, 1 982, 1 985; M.S., John Carroll Univcrsiry, 1 99 1 ; Ph. D . , Universiry of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1 994.

Bridget E. Yaden, 1996-,


Pro.fessor ofSpanish; Director of the

Associate Professor of Economil's; B.S.,

1 84


David B. �rd, 2005-. Assistam

Professor of English; B.A. , Universiry of

Willillm R. Teska, 2000-,

::s V 1'0 u..

David A. Wolff, 1999-, Associate

Barbara Tempk- Thurstotl, 1 990-,


Professor of Chemistry; B.A., Augustana College, Sioux Falls. 19 84; Ph. . , Universiry o f Wisconsin, Madison, 1 989.

Jill M. Whitman, 1988-,

?roftssor of

Ceoscimcl.'S; B.A., Middlebury College,

1 978; M.S., Universiry of Miami, 1 9 8 1 ; Ph.D., Universiry of California, San Diego. 1 989.

Language Resource Center; B.A., \Vestern Washingron Universiry, 1 99 1 ; M.A., Ph.D., Universiry of Washington, 1 994, 2002.

Neal A. Yakelis, 2005-. Assistant ProfesJOr of Chemistry; B.S., Allegheny College.

1 997; Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2003.

Suzanne Y. Yerilln, 1995-. Assistant Professor ofEducation; B.A., George Mason

Genevieve R. Williams, 2005-,


Profe,rsor, Undergraduate Rrsearch Librarian; B.A Smith College, 1 996; M .LlS., Universiry of Washington, 2005. .•

GregoryJ. Williams, 1985-,

Professor of

Education; B.A., Universiry of Puger

Sound, 1 969; M . Ed., Western Washington Universiry. 1 979; Ph.D., Universiry of Washington, 1 98 5 .

Tamara R. Willillms, 1994-,


ProfeJSor ofSpanish; B.A., Queen's Universiry, 1 979; M .A., Pennsylvania State Universiry. 1 98 1 ; Ph.D., Universiry of 'chigan, 1 989.

Frederick Wolf 2006-,

Clinical Assistant

Profi'ssor of BMiness/Executille in Residence;

B.S . . Universiry of South Carolina. 1 974, M . L.S., East Tennessee State Universiry, 1 978; M.S Universiry of Denver, 1 990; D.B.A., Nova Southeastern Universiry, 2000. .•

University. 1 973; B.S., M.A.T., Universiry of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1 982, 1986; Ph. D., Universiry of Washington, 1 995.

Cathken L.

Yetter, 1986-, Assistant

Pro.fessor of Education; A.B., M . L.S.,

Indiana Universiry, 1 967, 1 969; Ed. D . , Seattle Universiry, 1 995.

Cbarks D. York, 1981-.

Professor of

Marriage al1d Pamib' TheraPJ'; B.A .. Washington State Unillersity, 1 966; M .S.W., California State Universiry, Fresno, 1 968; Ph.D., Purdue Universiry, 1 980.

Gregory L. Youtz, 1984-,

Proftssor of

Music; B.A., B . M . , Universiry of

Washington, 1 980; M . M . , D.M.A., Universiry of Michigan, 1 982, 1 986.

FeTtl H. Zabriskie, 2001-.

College, 1 974; M .B.A., The Wharton School, Universiry of Pennsylvania, 1 975, Ph.D., Universiry of Washington, 2002.

Dana L. Zaicbkin. 1997-, Cynthia Wolfer, 2001. 2003-,



Professor of Bminess; B.A., Connecticut


Assistant Profi'ssor ofNu rsing and Director

Assis tan t Profi's'Sor of Nursing; B.S.N . •

of lKielll/ess Cemcr; B.S.N., Pacific

Russell Sage College; M. S.N., Universiry of North Carolina, 1 987.

Lurheran Universiry, 1 980; M.N., M.H.A., Universiry of Washington, 1 99 i .

PLU 2006 - 2007

Mn ZJJU, 1998-. Associate Proftssor of

Mat!Jmlntics; B.S., Ts inghua University, Beijing, 1 98 5 ; M .S. ,

'hinese Academia

in ica. Bei j in g . 1 988; M.S .. Ph.D . .

Un iversity of Washington. 1 990, 1 994



_ _ _ _

Tri n i ty Lutheran Seminary, 1 980.

Pastor; B.A., Uni versity of M i ch iga n . 1 97


B.A., Concordia College, 1 992; M . S . .

M i n ne"polis, 1 977; Ph. D . . Clin ical

Iow3 State Universi ty, 2000.

Psychology, Un iversity of Washington,

!rwo/t'l'7fl ent and Leadership and Ditllmiry

Center, B.A. E., Pacific Lu the ran

University, 1 990; M.Ed., Un iversity o f

Washington, 1 997.

Alene L Klein, 1 978-, Associate Director.

Dennis G. Sepper, 1995-. Campus

,ol/nseling Ilnd Testillg Services; B.S.

1 97 5 . 1 978; Ed . D . , Seattle Universi ty,

Seminary, 1 980.

Administrative Facul


C. Mark Anderson. 2002-, Director of

Co umeling and Testing; B .A_. M .A . .

Pacific Lutheran U ni ve rs ity. 1


1 76;

Ph . D . . University of Washington, 1 98 3 .

lone S. CrmulAlJ, 1 993-. Dirutor of

1 987.

Davit! Kohler, 2002-, Directo r. Facilities Mallagt'mml; .A.A, Lehigh County

Co mmun ity

liege, 1 9 7 1 ; BSEE,

niversity oflexa.s, Ar l i n gt o n, 1 9 8 5 .

Washington. 1 978; M.S .. Antioch

Martin ] Neeb. 1981-, Genaal Manager.


B.A .• M , Div., Concordia

Semi nary, St. Louis, 1 9 5 5 . 1 9 5 8 ; M .A . ,

Colga te Universi ty. 1 992; M .A., Bowling

Saint Louis Universi ty, 1 9 9; P h . D. .

Green Universi ty, 1 997.

Northwestern Un i ve rs ity, 1 967.

Leslie]. Poky, 200 1-. Dirmo r of Academic Assiml7lce Ctnter, B .A. , Pacific Lutheran Uni ve rsi ty. 1 988; M.A.T.. University of Puget Sound. 1 99 1 .

Davia GunoviclJ, 1983-. DC11clopmCllt Dim·tor - i'v/ajor


B.A. E ., M.A..

Pacific L uthera n Universi ty, 1 982. 1 99 5 .

lAY',e E. Nordgren, 1979-. Director. MultimedialLibmry Systems; B .S . , Pacific

Lutheran Univ

ity, 1 976; M.S.,


University of SoUthern California, 1 979.

Jtmnifer Olsen-Krengel, Director of AdmisJ"ioll; B.A. . St.


ol lege, 1 994.

Teri P. Phillips, 1 (99-. Director of Humall Resoltr c('s; B . A . , Mich igan State

Lau,.alet! Hagen. 1978-. Director of All/rlmi and Parent Relations; B .

. E.,

M .A.E., Pa 'fle Lutheran Univenit}', 1 975, 1 978.

Maxj" e Herbert-Hill. 2001-, Directoi;

A ad01lic Internships/ ooperativ�

Un iversi ty, 1 9 8 5 .

RohO't Riley. 1998-, Associate Vice Presideilt for Finallce & Controller, B.S.,


ollections. Archivist; B.A.,

Was hi n gton . 1 990.

TIJomas A. Huelsheck. 1990-. ,1ssistallt

Wi�consin, 1 987; M.S . • Bowling


D. Sanders,

1 981-. Director of

AdminiSlTalllJe Computing; B.B.A., Pacific

ResitUTlJial Lift; B . S . . University of


State University. 1 990.

Lutheran University, 1 977.

Kay W. oltis, 1 984-, Director of

/(j,.k Isakson, 1977-. Director of

Fillt/ucial Aid and Studmt Employmmt;

Multimedia Production; B.A .. Washington

8. S . E. , SOllthern Illinois U n i versity.

Srate Un iversi ty, 1 974.

Pacific Lutheran Universi ty, 1 992. 1 998.

Emeriti and Phased Retirement ------SeNe"; AdaeIJi, 1967- 1999. Ps),chology Harry S_ Admns. 1 947- 1 993, Physics

Barbara Ahna, 1987-2002. Business Shirley Aiken, 1974-2006, Nursing

Charles D. AIUUruJ1I , 1 959-1991, Chemistr)'

Carbondale. 1 98 8 .

P L U 2 006 - 2 0 0 7

� c..


VI ...

... QI ..... < /'I) "TI QI t"I C '<


D. Stua,.t Bancroft, 1967- 1968. 1971-

o t"I

2006, Bllsiness



E. Banuit,

1978-2000. Bwille.'s

Ke7Ineth E. BatkO', 1 966-1 999, JVfathenltltiO"

ttl 11'1

W,uiam Benlar, 1973-200j, Theatre LutIJer W. BekenUlin-, 1 976- 1992, Vice PresidC1lt for Development


Paul F. Benton, 1 969-2002. F.rlglish Arturo Biblarz, 1 977-2005, Sociology Cllristopher R. Browning, 1974- 1999, History

Stanley L Brne, 2004-2009. Economics Judith W. Carr, 1979-2002. Special

Acad{,/J/ic ProgmlliJ and SlIlIImer Studies

Gary A_ CIJase, 1970-2000, Ph),sical Kenneth E.

Inform a ti on Systems, Unive rs i ty of

D�all of Campus Lifo, Director of

Scandinavian _ulture ("'enter, B.A., M.A.,

KffStin Ringdahl, 1 965-, Curator of

>ertirlcate, Record� Management and

niversity, 1 990.

Susan Young, 1 987-. Director.


Pacific Lutheran Lniv rsity, 1 98 2 ;

Un i vers i ty. 1 9 70; M . Ed . , Seattle

Lutheran U n i ve rsi ry, 1 'l') 1 , 1 994.

B.A . • Pittsburg State Un iversity, 1 978.


Education; B .. '. Washington State

Research Analyst; B.I . , M .A" Pacific


Un ive rs ity, 1 995.

Vice President; B.A. ,

Marie]. WtllZke, 1987-, Institutional

MerriLy'. Allen. 1982- 1988. 1991-2000.

College . 1 9 4; M .A .• Columbia

Katbleen K. FarreU, ",000-. Special

Universi ty, 1 979, 1 98 I .

Director of the \lmllg emter; Dirtctor of Study Arvay; B.A., University of

University, 1 968.

Laurie Turner, 2005-, Director of Athletics; B . S . , M . S . , Washington State

Susan M. Malin, 1996-, Associate

Center for Public S�rvice; B.A., Smith

Assistant to tb�


M . .A . in Ed. Pacific Lutheran University,

M_Div.. Trinity Lutheran

President for Admissions alld FilU1I1cial A id;

Elected Stud i es) , University of Minnesota.

Eva R. JoIJnson, 2000-. DirettOl; Student


. Di v. ,

KiJrJ A. Stumo, 2004-, Associate Vice

olll1seling and Testing; B. E.S.( Bachelor of

Seattle. 1 9 86.

Nancy]. COl/nor. 1 9 5-. Campus Pa.<tOI� B. '.E Minot l le C lIege. 1 976; 1

Joanm lt�, 2001-, Psychologist,

lJristopIJersoll, 1958-1991,


Marie Chunuy, 1 974- 1 998, Education Dentl" Cox, 1972-2006. Art

-. ttl


ttl = .....

David P. Dabl. 1969-2000. Music Carrol E. DeBoUler. 1964-1 968, 1 9701991, Educatioll

MichaeL .B. Dollinger, 1981-1998, JVIathema tics

lArry A. Edison, 1982-1998. Computer Stience

Lokm G. Espeseth, 1964- 1989, Associate Registmr

1 85

Louiu Sf11ui Fal�' 1969- 1 998, Spanisb

M. JoupiJine Fktcher. 1 963- 1 991, Education

Frobnmayer, 1 980-2005, Music Roger Gard, 1974- 1 997. Music

Arthur Gee,

1968-2003, Biology

R41ph D. Gehrke.

1 975- 1 990, IMigion

R Giddings. 1962- 1996.


Gilberts(m, 1954-1984, Music

WillUzm H. Gilhertson, 10 C o

Social Work

... 10 C

Lawrence B. Gold,


Fern A. Gough,

(1.1 ...

Kate Gries/Hlber,


David H. Hansm,


> •

Virginia K.

Marlis M.


1988- 1998, Library

/971 - 1 995. NUl1ing 1984-2006. Music 1 974-2006. Biology


1 967-1998,




1 975-2006, MlISic

1968-2005, Physical

lAurence D. Hrustis, Che mistry Ingram,

/961 - 1 9 99,

1 975-2005, Religio n

JoAnn S. Jenseu,

/ 967- 1 999, Biology

Robert ]. Jensen,

1 968-2004. Economics

Ric/lard R Joues,

1969-2006, EIIglish

1 95 '- 1 989, Ellglish

Lucille M. Johnso1l,


Dauid T. Keyes, GumUzr J. King,

1 969-2006, Art 1 960- 1 991, Business

Calvin H. Knapp, Jerry Kracht,

1 959-2000. Mwic

1.967- 1968, 1969-20UO.



Luisa R. Lacabe,

1 992-2004.

Spa nish

Jerome R LeJeum,

/ 972-2001,

DlIvid E. Marleu

Robert L Mu/Jer,





Physical Education

1 958- 1 99 1 .


Dwight Oberholtzer,

1 969- 1 995,


1 967- 1 298, Ph),J'icaL

Edut:dIiO Il

DlIvid M.. Olson, 1 968- 1 996, Physical


Prall/din C.


Lhuh, N.

Olson, / 967-2001, Nursing

Helm; Owens,

1985- 1998, Edllcation

William E. Park". 1 970-2000, Therztre Cleo M. Pass, 1990-2000, Nursing

Ame K.

Ped�rsoll, 1 956- 1 989, Educalion

Gary D. Peterson, 1967- 1 998,


1971- 1999, Religion

Barbllra Pauls/Jock,

Paul M. Reigstod,

1976- 1 997,


1 947- 1 948, 1958-

1 990. bIg/ish

F. Rhoades,

1 980- 1991. Nursing


1975- 1998.


Moshe Rtm!1ljeJd,

1 986-2000, Computer


EMoll L Jo/m A.

Christopher Spicer,



/ 974- 1991, Busi ness

/ 958- 1 99 1 ,

Sociology/Social W'orl?

PlU 2006 - 2007

1 978-2003. Deall.

Joa" D. Stiggelboul, Robert L. Stivers,

1973- 1991, Nun'ing

1 973-2005, Religion

Stucke. 1967-1 983, Nursing

N. Swenson.

Steve D.

1 968-2000,

TIJrfuher, 1980-2005. BlIS in ess

Fred L. Tobin.son,

1 966- 1 991. 2003-

2006, Chemistry


Audun Ann



1967-2005. Norwegiall


1972- 1991.

Joseph W. Upton II, Engineering David L. Vinje,


1 .988- 1 996,

1970-2000. Economics

Lenora B. Weirick,

1973-1 980, 1 982-

Paul M. Webster,

1 969-2001, German

Do,utld R. W�mworth,


Econom ics

Forrest Westering,

1 972-2004, Physical


Margaret Wickstrom. 1.951-1978, ReLigion, DirectO/; Foreign Swdents and Special Progmms

1987-2004, Bnsil7m

David Yagow.

1 976-2003, Smior

Cba1Jg-li Yiu, and Physics

1 973-2005. lvfllthematics

Assistant to the Provo.rt.




1980- 1 992, Nllrsing

Dw;g"tJ. Zlllauf

1 949- 1953, 1 959-

1985, 1 990- 1998, Btlsllless

Visitin I nternational Scholars


Walter E.


School ufthe Arts, Co mll/unic,uioll

William F. Yager,

1971 - 1.998,


A. Levinsobn,

1988- 198:;. 1 9:;0-



Sara A.

Wallace H. Spe1lcer. PoliticaL Science

1987, Nursing



Lytnan T.

/ 955- 1991,

ComntllfliCfltioll an d The(/fre

£arl W.


L. Nesset, 1967- 1 998. Chemistry

Phillip A.


1 998-2005, Englij'h

1963- 1975, Edllcation



1 998.

1 987-2005, Education

GIl7J1mljMyrbo, 1970- 1993. Philowph)'

Karl R.

Lundeen, Religio n

Moe, 1965 - 1 998, Education

1 966- 1983, 1 986-

1 999, Psychology


F. Milkr, 1 970- 1 995, Economics

1979-2004, BlISiness

S. Erving Severtson,


McNab b , 1979-1 997, Business

Richard D,


F. Thomas Sepic,

Doris G.

Loueae L. McGraw. 1 995-2005.



1 86


Jon] Nordby, 1 977-2001. Philosophy

Hendricks, Jr., 1973- 1987, Vice President for Final/a and Operations

David L. Hoffoum ,



1 970- 1999, Social

Perry B.


... (1.1

&therin� M. McDade, 1 989-2006.

Alice J. Nllpjlu.

V. Hefty, 1973- 1994. Nursing

Paul O.

1 997. FdllCfltioll

/971 - 1 991,


Paul E.

1.966- 1999. Histol)'

Mmjorid. MmiJers, 1 964- 1 966, 1 968-


Vernon R. Hanson,

Joh" O. Her:wg.


ArthuI' D. MllrtillS0n,


1 984-2006. Art

... c (1.1


1968- 1 99 1 .



D. Moira Mansell, 1982- 1994. Nllrsing

Richard F. McGimlis. 1 972-2005,

Gordon O.

en c

198 1 - 1 994, Nursing

Dtmnis J. Martin , 1 915-2006. Biology

Mira ,.


CYllthill Mahoney,

Wu Xiao Ming Visiting Re.<eai'cb Scholnr Sichuan University Chengdu, China

Part-Time Facul Current part-time JIICldty h:fOrmation !na), bf found in thl! Office ofthe Provost or in Humart Resources.

A D M I S S I O N 253.535.7 1 5 [ ,




Pacific Lutheran Universiry welcomes applications from students who exhibit capacities for success at the baccalaureate level. Applicants mu t present evidence of scholastic abiliry and demonstr<te qualiries of good character in order to be accepted for adm ·sion. The Ass o c iate Vice Presidem of Admission and Financial Aid reserves the right to admir, deny, or withdraw admission for any applicant/student based on these criteria. Applications for admission are evaluated without regard to race. color, creed. religion, gender. national origi n, age, memal or physical disability, marital status, ,exual oricm:J.tion, or any other staws protected by law.

Students who have not satisfied one or both of these requirements may still be admi rted but must make up the deficiency as an additional degree requirement. Additional study of both mathematics and foreign language is advisable for certai n areas in the: arts and sciences and in some professional programs. Those who follow the above p reparatory program will End most curricular offerings of the universiry open to them and may also qualify for advanced piace:ment in some areas.

ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS (First-yenrITrmufer StuMtlO) In evaluating appl ications, the Office of Admission interprets grade point average and cbss rank in rdation to the qualiry of the curriculum that the applicant has pursued in high school and at the baccalaureate level. Iior example, a standard high school program in preparation for college should include the following:

English: 4 years

Mathtmllltics: 3 ye,Lrs: (algebra, 2 years; and geometry, [ year) ForeiiJIl Lallguage: 2 years Social Sttuiies: 2 years LAborlltory Scinues: 1 ·.:ars Fhoe, ViSluz/, or Pnformillg Arts: 1 year Ekctiues: 3 years (selected from the areas listed above, as well as courses in computer science. speech , and debate.)

Minim-mn E"trllnce Reqlli"e:ments:

Two years of college prepararory mathemarics (exclusive of computer science) with an average grade of C or higher, or an approved course at the college b I , or demonstrated equivalent p roficiency. A.

Two years of college preparatory mathematics means twO years of high school algebra or one year of high school alge­ bra and one year of high school geometry. Taking the alge­ bra and/or geometry courses in middle or junior h igh school is acceptable provided they are high-school-Ievel courses. If a student is admirted to PLU with a deficiency i n mathematics, that deficiency i s removed b y completion of approved COllrses as d rerm ined bi' the I'LU math place­ ment exam.

Two years of one foreign language i n high school, with an average grade of C or higher, or one year at the college level or demonstrated equivalent proficiency. Courses in American Sign Language may fulfi l l this requirement.

Students arc admitted to either the fall or spring semester. Acceptance to the fal l term carries permission to attend the previous summer sess ions. Acceptance to the spring term carries permission to attend the previous .I-Term session. The following application priority dates are recommended: Fall Semester-February I ; Spring Semester-December 1 5 .




o ::::I

APPLICATION PROCEDURES (First-year and Transfer Students) Students planning to enter as first-year students may submit application materials anytime after completion of the junior year of high school. Admission decisions are made beginning October 1 . Candidates are notified of their status as soon as their completed applications have been received and evaluated. Transfer students who began their higher education at other regionally accredired colleges or universities are encouraged to apply for admission with advanced standing. Over 400 students transfer to the universiry each year with an average grade poi n t in excess of 3.00 (B). Candidates must have good academic and personal standing at rhe institution lasr attended full-time. The recommended minimum grade point average to be considered for admission as a transfer student is a 2.50 cumulative grade point average in college-level work from regionally accredited institutions. In reviewing an applicant's file, the Office of Admission examines the grade poinr average, academic progress, essay, and recommendations. For applicants with less than sophomore standing (30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours), secondary school records and standardized test scores will also be considered.

Credentials required are: A.

Formal App lication: Submir the PLU Application for

PLU 2006 - 2007

1 87

Admission available from high school counselors, any Washington state community co llege transfer center or the PLU Office of Admission. Students may also apply online at luww.plu.edu. B.


accompany the paper ap p lica tion or be mailed separately. This nonrefundable service fee does not apply to the srud en t's account. Make check or money order payabl e to PLU Office of Admission.


Tr41ucripts: Official tran scrip ts must be submitted for al l high school and college course wo rk. Tran scrip ts must be sent directly from the school to PLU. All accepted students must submit a final high school tra nsc r ip t that indicates satisfactoty completion of high school and attainment of a diploma. The university accepts the General Equivalency Diploma (GED) for those srudents who may not have completed a traditional high school program (i.e. home school programs) .

A completed International Srudent Application w i t h a nonrefu n da ble u.S. $40.00 application fee for the pa per appl ica ti on. The application fee will be waived for a student who applies online.


S c h o o l Reco rd s : I . Documentarion of completion of secondary school. For incoming freshmen international students, official secondary school records are required. 2. An official school record ( transcript) with Englisb translation from all col leges or universiries anended in the Unired States, home country, or orher country. 3. Documentarion of any English as a second language program attended.


English Proficiency measured by one of the following: I . Tes t of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) wirh a minimum score of 5 5 0 (paper test format) 2 1 3 (computer-based) , 7 9 (interest-based) or 2. Two q u art e rs or one semester of college-level En gl ish writing with grades of B or higher


One academic reference from school officials or others in position to evaluate the student's ability to succeed in a

/acommentiatiom One academic recommendation must be

completed. The form is included in the application p acket. E.


$40.00 Applicatioll Fee: The application fee will be waived for a tudent who applies on ine. A $40 fee must


Credentials required are:

Test kquirement: All entering first-year students and t

nsfer students entering with less than s o p homo re

baccalaureare program. In addition, transfer studcnrs from a

standing (30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours) must

submit scores from e i t h e r the Col l ege Board, Scholastic e.ssment Test (SAT) , or me American College Test (ACT) Assessment. Registration procedures and forms are available at high school counseling offices.

c: o VI VI


Perso1l4i Essay: Appl ic ants will also include one essay with

their application. cation packet. G.

hoice of topics is included i n the appli足

Statnnenl o/ Good Standing (transfer students 011Iy):

Must be submitted by the Dean of Students or by a school official from the most recent institution attended. H.

Opportunities: I n cl uded in the a pplica tio n packet is information on Merit Based and Artis tic

FLU Scholorship

Achievement Scholarships. Srudents are also encouraged to indicate their intent to apply for financial aid via the FAFSA.

Qu al i fi ed first-year s tuden ts are enco u raged to apply for the Regents' and President's Merit Based Scholarships.

EArly Admission u:llified first-year students i n teres te d in accelerating rheir formal education may begin work toward a degree after completion of the junior year or first semester of the senior year of high school. Exceptional students who wish to enroll before complering all required uni ts in high school must have a letter submitted by a recognized school official who approves early college admission and gives assurance that a high school diploma will be issued after completion of speci fied college work. O nly students h ig h ly recommended for Early Admission will be

U.S. co llege o r u n iversity must have a reference from the international student advisor.


A co m pl e ted I n ternational Student Declararion of Finances.


Personal Essay on one of two top ics listed on the essay form.

EVALUATION OF CREDITS The Regis trar's Office evaluates all transfer records and provides advising materials designed to 'lssist students to compl et e u niversity requirements. These materials include a su m mary of core req uire ments completed and the toral hours accepred. Individual schools and departments determine wh ic h courses sa tisfy major requirements. Tra,ufer of Credits Earned While in High School The un iversity awards credit to high school srudenrs for cerrain courses complered before high school graduation. The university may award co llege credir to high school studenrs who have completed courses in approved programs, as described below.


Advanced PlAcemtmt Program (AP): Students who co mp lete advanced placement or credi t toward graduation through the examination program of the Co llege Board may receive credit for such courses. Inquiries should be addressed to the Registrar's Office.


International Baccalaureate (IB): A maximum of 30 semesrer hours may be granted for com pletion of the I B Diploma. A maximum of 5 semester hours per course may be granre d for cou rses identified on an I B Certificate if a grade of 4 or higher is awarded. S t u de n rs are advised to cooracr the Regi s trar's Office for s pec i fic de ta i ls .

considered. Generally rhese srudents rank near the top of their class and present high aptirude test scores.


APPLICATION PROCEDURES (ltltn714tio1l4i Studmts)

1 88

Rutmitlg Start Program: Accepted students who have c omple t ed courses under the Washington State Running

I nternational students who are qu al i fied academically, financially, and in English proficiency are enco u raged ro jo i n the university community. Application deadlines are July 1 for Fall Semester and January 1 for Spring Semesrer.


Start Program are considered fi rs t-yea r students with advanced standing. Students who parricipate i n this program will be awarded college credit i n a manner consistent with PLU's policy on transfer of credit from other institutions.

PlU 2006 - 2007


Olbu Programs: Students

applied toward expenses of rhe first semester. Fall applicants payment by May I. I f circumstances necessitate cancellation

other insritutions. The universiry reserves the right ro make

o f enrollment and the Office of Admission is notified in

decisions on an individual basis.

writing before May 1 , the $200 will be refunded. The spring seme.ster January 1 .

Courses must be lisred in the official college catalog, be a


Courses completed with a grade o f C- or higher at other

not be calculated inro the PLU grade point average. Courses


Residential Life Information Fonn: This payment.


Official Final Transcripts: All

complerion of their fll1al high school term and attainment

A student may transfer a maxi mum of 96 semester or 1 44 quarre r hours. Of these. the maximum transferable from a

of a diploma.


acceptable ro the PLU Health Services Office.

(DTA) from an accredi ted Washington state communiry j unior standing and will have satisfied all general universiry requiremenrs except fo r 4 hours in religion (from line



Rettlrning Students A.

A student's admission to the universiry is valid for six years. Students who do not attend the universiry fo r a period o f

2) , 4 hours in Perspectives on Diversi ry, the 2-4 hour senior

time that includes either a fal l or spring semesrer must apply

seminar requirement, and the College of Arts and Sciences

ro return ro the u niversity as described below.

req uirement. The DTA does not auromatically satisfy the

mathematics or foreign language entrance requirements.

Lutheran Universiry may perition

any college attended during their absence. Before


registering, reen tering students must resolve ptevious

department o r school ro

financial obl igations ro the universiry and have a current

accredited course work or may petition a department or

admission. Applicants for readmission ate required ro

The univetsiry allows up ro 20 semester hours of United

submit a complered application and official transcripts from any college attended during their absence.

Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) credit, up

Application forms may be obtained from and submitted

to 20 semester hours for mil itary credit, and up ro 30

to the Office of Admission. Students who are read mirted

seme�ler hours of Col lege-Level Examination Program

ro the university must meet the requi rements of the

(CLEP) credit, providing the rotal of the three does not

current PLU catalog to earn a degree.

exceed 30 semester hours. Official transcripts bearing American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations should be submitted for evaluation.


An academically dism issed student may apply for reinstatement by submitting a letter of petition ro the

For i n formation on the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), refer ro the Credit by Examination section under Academic Procedures. The universiry docs not grant credit for col lege-level General Equivalency Diploma (GED) tests.

director of advising. The petition is acted on by the Committee on Admission and Retention o f Students. A student whose petition is approved will be reinstated on probation and must participate in the probationary semester plan. Refer ro (he Academic Status section fo r a description of probation. A srudent whose petition is denied may apply again for reinstatement after one semester has elapsed unless

Offer ofAdmissio n

Advam:e Paymenr: A $200.00

Students who wish ro return ro the u niversity after the six-year admission period expires must reapply for

Stares Armed Forces I nstitute (USAFI)/Defense Activiry fo r


o :::s

health cleatance from Universiry Healrh Services.

school ro receive credit by exam ination.

Fitudizing an


address, degree information, and official transcripts from

rned in non-accredited schools are not

waive a particular requirement on the basis of previous non­


» Q.

Center. Reentering students must provide their current

transferable. Students who have matriculated at Pacific


Students who wish to return within the six-year admission period reenter through the Student Services

O,bu Educatiotud Experiences


Before acrual entollment each new

an accurate immunization record. This information must be

Students who complete the di rect transfer associate degree college befo re matriculation ar PLU will be admitted wirh

Medical Requirement:

student must submit a Health History Form complete with

two-year school is 64 semester or 96 quarter hours.


first-year applicants must

submit an official final transcript to confirm satisfacrory



form musr be

completed by all students and returned with the advance

from all institutions are sLlbject ro course-by-course


fo rm must be


regionally accredited colleges or universities normally will be accepted for graduation credit with passing grades and will

New Student Infonnatioll Fonn: This

completed by all students and rerurned with the advance

accredited college or un iversiry. and be posted on an official college or universiry transcript.


must postmark rhe

re fund date fo r the January term is December 1, and fo r

Olber Universities

parr of the regular college curriculum of a regionally



offered admission before May

consistent with PLU's policy on transfer of credit from

TrallSfu of Credirsfrom A.

who have completed college

courses while i n high school may receive credit in a manner

informed orherwise. A dismissed student may petition for reinstatement only once per semester. • An academically dismissed student may be teinstated

advance payment is

necessary in order ro confirm an offe r of admission. This

after one semester if the student presents new evidence of potential academic success.

payment guaran rees a place in the srudent body, reserves housing on campus if requested, holds financial assistance

Students who have been dropped fo r academic or

that may have been awarded, and is requi red before class

disciplinary reasons and then reinstated must identify a

regisrration. It is credited ro the studen t's account and is

faculry member wil l i ng ro act as a sponsor and advisor.

PLU 2006 - 2007

1 89


5rudenrs are ex p ec red


meer all requirements for r he

u n d erg rad u a r e d eg ree wirhin a six- year p er i od . 5rudenrs who

NON-MATRICULATED (Noll-Degree Seeking) Studellts

remain ar PLU for longer rhan six years musr meer rhe

5rudents who are nor o fficially admined

requ iremenrs of rhe mosr currenr PLU caralog in ord e r ro earn a

accrue a maximum of nine

d eg ree . Srudents who are readmined [0 rhe u n iversiry musr meer

be granred by individual depamnents in conjuncrion w i t h rhe

r he req u i re men ts o f rh e current PLU c a ra l og [Q earn a d eg ree.




the un iversity may

semesrer hours. Exceprions may


F I N A N C I A L 2 5 3 . 5 3 5 .7 1 34

rhe name of (he scholarship a n d rhe ye8.rly amounr. In most


cases, PL

may be requi red by federal regulations ro adjusr a

financial aid package. Loans a nd wo r k s r u dy will be adjusred

Recogn izing rhar many srudenrs who want ro arrend Pacific Lurheran Ullivrrsity would be umble ro meer all expe nses of enrollmcm from personal or family s ou rces, the un iversity arrempts [0 provide financial ass i srance


all eligible srudenrs.

Any srudent app roved fo r enrollment or currendy en roll ed may requesr financial aid. Approximarely

90 p erce nr of [he un iversi ry's


a lasr reson.

Financial assisrance is available to a l l qual ified srudents regardless

of race, color, creed, re l i gi o n , gender, n a tio nal origin, age, men tal or phys ical d is a bi l i ry, mariral srarus, sexual orienration, o r any orher sc ams protected by law.

srudtnrs receive help in rhe fo rm of g i fr assisrance (thar is,

Applicatiolďż˝ Procedllre

deferred loans, o r employment. In many cases a financial aid

To ensure rimdy processing o f your FA.F SA, file onl ine at

s ch ola rs h i ps , ;lrrisric ach ievement awards, o r granrs) , low-interest award will be a combination o f rh ese fo rms of assistance.

The ofter of fi nancial aid i., b ased on the cos r of 3nendance. which is rhe universiry's esrimare of h o w much i t cosrs srudenrs in various circumsrance ' ro anend I'LU. A srudenr's resources are subrracted from rhe p rojecred cosrs


derermine financial n eed .

Several differenr budgers are used , rakin g inro accounr a srudenr's


Applications musr be submined by rhe

Following priority-funding ddlcs for Pl.U

Prioriry D a re - March !


to meer priori ty-funding dare.

Parenrs' conr r i b u r io ns arc computed Fo r all dependenr students

Ellter;'lg Transfer Studtmts:

sruden t's education. The u n i ve rs i ry also expects srudenrs (and their s po u ses, i f married)


co n r rib ur c roward ex pe n ses .

rhey quality, as funds permir. If fi na ncial circumsrances ch ange , srudents may conraer rhe Financial Aid Office


discuss rheir siruarion wirh a financial aid

strongly recommend" FAFSA c o m p le e i o n b y March


meet p r i o r i ry -fu nd in g date.

PLU Co1ltilluing Shuknu: Pri o r i ty Dare - April 1 PLU srrongly recommends

AF A complerion by April 1 ro

meer p r i o r ity- fu n di n g da re .

adminis rraror at any rime. If st u d en ts or their families have unusual ci r c u m s r ances

no ngly recommends FAr-SA com p ler io n by March

Pr ior i ry Date - V i !arch 1


A l l applicants are offered t h e maximum amounr of aid for which

be comidered fo r

Entering First-l'6ar Studmts:

rransporration. and personal expenses.

fo rmula fo r derermi n i ng parc n ra l ability ro contribure toward a


maximum fun d i n g.

ruirion, the cosr of books, s upp l ies, housi ng, food,

by the federal processor. Ir is based o n a federally established

(such as affecr

loss of employment or major medical ex p en se,s) rhar might

the need for srudenr financia.l aid, the Financial Aid O ffic e

should be contacred. Unusual circumstances m u s t be described i n writing, with r h e sruden r's name, smden t I D number, a n d a l l pcrrinent dollar amounrs i n d i c a red .

1 90

first. S c h o la rs h i p s and grants will be adj u s red o n ly

A n appl i c a t i o n For tl nancial aid may be compl ere d ar any rime,

bur failure ro meet the prioriry dare may resu l r in a re d u c ri on of

aid evcn rhough need is demol1$tr.Hed. The financial Aid Office will consider all applicanrs fo r any award for which they m igh r be eligible. Aid awards 8.re fo r o n e ycar a n d most are renewable provided reapplicarion is complered on rime, fimncial need

Srudcnts who receive scho la rs hips from so mces o u ts ide rhe

co nri n ues , and s ar is fac r ory academic p ro gress is maintained. Aid

universiry m us r inform rhe Financial Aid Office i n w r i ri ng wirh

is not automarically renewed each year.

PlU 2006 - 2007

NotifictUion ofAward De isions



Award decisions for firsr - year and transfer students who meer rhe priority dare will be scnr actual norificarion begin­ ning in 1arch. Financial aid decisions for continuing PLU srudents are made during April and May. Norificarions are sent our beginning in June.

YalUialing the Aid Offer

Aid offers musr be validated by returning the signed Offer of Financial Aid. First-year and rransfer students musr also submir rhe $200 advance payment required by rhe Office of Admission. This should be done as soon as possible, hut must be received by May I . No advance p:lyment is required fro m conrinuing srudents. All srudenrs musr complere a satisfactory payment ,ur:lOgement wi th rhe rudenr Services Cenrer. Applicanrs who do nor return their ac �pr nce of an award by the reply dare specified will have (heir awards cancelled. If an applicant later decides to reapply, the application will be reviewed with the group currenrly being processed. Aid, with the exception of College Work Srudy and Washington t:lte leed Grants, is credired to the student's aecounr when all paperwork has been completed. Half of the award is disbursed each semester. Parents and students are responsible for the charges i n excess of the award. In some cases aid is awarded in excess of direct university charges to help with living expenses. To expedite a refund srudents can request remaining fu nds from their acco unt by contacting the Student Services Center. Under federal regulations, adjustments to an award package must be made i f a student receives additional awards of aid from sources external to the universi ty. In every case, however, the Financial Aid flice will anempt to allow the student to keep as much of the award package as possible. By treating aid received from external sources in this way, addirional awards from the universiry's resou rces can be made to other qualified srudents. Rights alld RespollSibilities

The basic responsibil ity for financing an education at PLU rests with srudents and their families. [n addition to expected contributions fro m parents or guardians, students are expected to assist by conrributing fro m their savings and summer earnings. Financial assi>rance from the university is therefore supplementary ro the efforts of a student's family. [t is provided fi)r students who demonstrate need. Additional rigbts

aTld respollsibilities

offinancial aid

recipitll ts illclude:


Accept and sign (either electronically on Banner \'V'eb or via original hard copy) your i nitial Financial Aid Award Lener each year.


NotifYing the Student Services Center in case of a change in cred i t hours attempted; a change in marital status; a change in residence (ofF-campus or at home); or receipt of addition­ al ourside scholarships.


Providing a copy of their parents' income tax return ( Form ( 040) andlor a copy of their own i ndividual income tax return if requested.


Complete en trance interview if first-time borrower of the Federal Perkins, Nursing or S rafford loans.


Have the righr to decline at any time any portion of an aid award.

Satisfactory Progress policy

The policy of the university is to allow srudents to con tinue receiving ri nancial assistance "S long as they are in good standing. To do otherwise could cause a severe hardship on students who must devore their efforts [0 achieving satisfactory grades. However, no institutional grants will be :Iwarded to studen ts with ClImulativ� grade point averages below 2.00. Moreover, federal regulations require that after four rerms or more of arrempted enrollment, students below 2.00 cumulati,'e grade point avenge will have their federal financial aid revoked. Pacific Lutheran Un iversi ty's Schools of l3usiness and Education require a minimum grade point average of 2 . 5 0. To be given priority for most types of financial aid, an applicant must be enrolled as a ful l-time student. For Federal Financial Aid programs, a full-time student is defined :IS any person enrolled fo r a minimum of 12 credit hours or more per semester. Adjustments in an award may be made during the year if an aid recipient has nOt enrolled for a sufficient number of credit hours. However, each financial aid recipien t must maintain satisfactory academic progress in the course of study he or she is pursuing in order to continue to receive financial assistance awarded by [he Pacific Lutheran University Financial Aid ffice. The followitlg requirmums are


expected ofeach filurllcial aid


To make satisfactory progress toward a degree, an undergraduate student must complete 24 semester hours of credit each Clcadcmic year. For (his purpose, an academic year is defined as the fall semester and the spring scm te r. Financial aid is awarded for 34 hours to complete a bachelor's degr�e in four years.



For ful l-rime undergraduate students receiving financial aid, the maximum numher of credit hours that may be attempted is [ 92 and the maximum time frame for completing a baccalaureate degree is six years. Even if a student changes his or her major or academic program, only 1 9 2 credit hours may be taken qualifYing for financial aid, and the maximum time frame of six : years for receiving a d ree is enforced. Some financial aid programs (e.g., most uni ersity gift aid programs) allow aid to be

o/Jollr academic yearsfor elllt'ringjirst-)'ear two .v,'ars for enu-ring h"{lI1sfer students or (( maximum

awarded a maxilllum students, a/ld 0/153 hOllrs.

For parr - time undergraduate srudenrs, a minimum of 1 2 credit hours must be completed each academic year and a degree must be achieved within J maximum time frame of 1 0 YC'lrs. (The maximum number of credits allowable is 1 92.) Undergrtu/1lIffe Nud-Based Credit Completion &quirements Enrollmellt


�ini",zml per



Full- time 1 224 3/4 time 9 18 1 1 2 rim ---6 12=----: -aLes,; than 1/2 time' AI · ""' Icre""7 d:iu;-n-1tt-d= Al -:""" Ic red'''irs n"m ledparr

Less thall 112 time mrollmmt applies to the Pell Grant Program only. Less thlln 112 timt· mrollment will calISe a students loan to be «

canceled alld may jeopardize defi'mwif

P l U 2 0 06 - 2 0 0 7



Sarisfactory progress is reviewed for financial aid purposes afrer

Scholarships, Grants, Loans

rhe end of spring semesrer. For Washington Srale Need Grams,

& Wock Study

the \'Vashington Srare Wo rk Study Program, Educarional pponunity Grand (EOG) , Washington Scholars, Wave, TRIO , and any orher Scare of Washington funded program, sarisfactory progress is reviewed ar che end of each semesrer.

Your Aid Pacugt! Students are usually eligible fo r several different types of aid from

The following grades do nor indicare successful complerion of academic credir applicable toward a degree: incompleres (I),

withdrawals (W), a n d grades of E and F.

various sourcp ; therefore we offer a financial aid "package" of fu nds. Fu nds you are offered will depend on a number of factors, i ncluding your sratus


an undergraduate. or graduare student,

rhe funds avaibble ar rhe rime you applied, and the amount of

Any courses in which grades are received arc, however, included

financial nc<?d. An expecred family contribution is derived using

in rhe ma.x imum number of credirs rhar may be arrempred ( 1 92)

a federal formula applied to your FAFSA informarion. AI you

allowable for achieving a degree (six years) .

commonly awarded funds.

and are considered to be wirhin rhe maximum rim... frame

All credirs earned by examinarion, which are applicable toward a

review your offer, refer ro rhe following explanation of mosr

Scholarships and Grants

degree, will be included in rhe limirarion on credirs rhar can be

Scholarships and grants are "gift assistance," funds that do not

arrcmprcd while eligible for financial aid.

have to be repaid. A student's package includes gift assisrance whenever guidelines and funding levels permit. Where applicable,

Once a course has been complered successfully, rhe credir hours e

rned arc counred coward rhe maximum number of hours rhar

D("pendent, Regents, erc.) cannot be awarded in excess of the

successfully complered more rhan once, ir is coumed only

PLU tuition COlt.

maximum number of hours thar can be taken under findncial

« � v r: I'D c

insutucionally tlmdc:d resources (Clergy Dependent, Alumni

can be raken under financial aid digibiliry. I f a course is once toward a srudenc's degree requiremems and toward rhe


rhe combinarion ofTuirion Remission and/or other

aid eligibility.

following crireria:

The universi ty's curriculum includes very few noncredir cours� or courses whose credir hours are not applicable rO


degree. If

a ny such GOUrSeS are taken by financial aid recipients, rhe hours will be included in rhe limiration on credits thar may be ;l.rrempred and will be considered wirhin rhe rime frame .lllowable for achieving a degrte.

u.. In rhe event rhar

PLU grants or scholarships arc awarded for fall and spring

semesrers only. '10 receive this assisrance you musr fulfill all of the




Entolled i n a minimum of twelve non-repeated credit hours each

H ve ftnancial need, unless orherwise noted.


B e a n undergraduare student, unless otherwise noted. Maintain sarisfactory academic progress as defined in rhe caralog.

,he will

be placed on financial aid probarion. Failure ro regain sa t i sfacrory financial aid academic status will resulr in the cancellarion of financial aid. nce unsarisfacrory financial aid progress has heen derermined,




srudent fails to meer rhe crireria for

sarisfactory progress during a particular semesrer, h�

Be admitted to PLU as a matricularing srudent.


*Institutiolltl/0' colltrolled schol,z r.rhips (lJId grant.r are provided by the ivCl's it), il!!tilor donors to the un i versity. If it is dctfmzined that all or a portion ofjour award is provided by a designatedfimd or dO/WI; an updated offer offiflilncia l aid will be .rent to you, i'C/1aming your .rcholanhiplgrarzt ttwmd with thsfimding i source. Im

studenrs receive official noriflcation. Srudel1Is who h:lve had rheir aid denied due to unsatisfactory progress may apply fo r

E1I7'0llment maximum for nmewal

reinsratement Gy submitting a lerrer of peririon to rhe Financial


Aid Office.

Students whose fitl4ncial aid bas been de1lied may p.mtiOl1 for


They may complere one semester of full-rime enrollment

They may submir


appeal to rhe Financial Aid OHlce

documenting rhe unusual circumsrances which have made ir impossible to make sarisfactory progress during rhe semesrer in quesrion.

credits will receive

'ophomores transferring


credits will receive rhree

Junior�/Seniors transferring


credits will receive two

years or four �emesrers of P LU gift.

PLU SCHOlARSHIPS AND GRANTS (ACADEMIC, ARTISTIC, ENTITLEMENTS, AND DONOR FUNDED) The maximum PLU gifr amount esrablished for each student at rhO' rime of admission may b e mer by one or more of rhe

Summer sessions may also be used as rerms during which a student on financial aid probarion may regain sarisfacrory

1 92


or eighr semesrers of PLU gift.

years or six semesrers of PLU gift.

Llsing rheir own financial re-sources, or B.

Firsr-year e ntering and rransferring fou r yea

reinst8ttnnent of their aid i1l Om! oftwo ways:

ofPLU Gift Assistance is as

academic sratus. However, students enrolling in summer s �sions for rhis pu rpose musr use rheir own financial resources and are ineligible for financial aid rhrough rhe university.

following I'LU funding sources:

Rcgt:nt's Scholarship

President's S hoLmhip

I'LU Academic Scholarship Lontlrmand Award

PlU 2006



Travel Grant Artistic Achievement Award Faculty Merit Award PLU rant ational Merit Scholarship Phi hera Kappa Scholarship PLU Achievers Matching Grant Alumni ependent Grant Clergy Dependent Grant Lutheran Confirmand Scholarship



This gift amount is guaranteed fo r up ro thrce additional years of continuous undergraduate enrollmenr, provided [he student maintains Satisfacrory Academic Standing. If a student transfers credit hours from another school, then the number of terms that gift can be received will be for less than three years. Exam Ie: 1. Sraie Smith


$ 1 2,000 PLU Gift Award

Aid Package $500 $ 1 ,000 $3.000 $5 ,500 $2,000

Alumni Dependent Grant Clergy Dependent Grant Artistic Achievement Award PLU Academic Scholarship National Merit Scholarship

$12, 000

Total PLU Gift Amouut

Clergy Depend nr rant PLU Achievers Matching Grant PLU Academic Scholarship

$5, 000

Total PLU Gift Amount

freshman and transfer students, based on academic standing at the time of admission . Student must be U.S. Citizen or permanent resident and receive an offer of admission by March 1 . Renewable for three years of continuous undergraduate study for students who enter FLU as freshmen provided a 3.30 cumulative PL GPA is maintai ned . Renewable for three years of continuous undergraduate study for students who enter PLU as rransfer provided a 3.00 cumulative PLU GPA is maintained. financial need is not a determining factor. transfer students. The award is a merit award that is inclusive of all university gift assistance. Students must maintain a 3.0 CPA and can be renewed for a maxi mum of 2 years depending on the transfer status of the student at the time of admission. Financial need is not a determining factor. Separare application is required by the Admission OHlce.

PLU GRANT. are awarded to replace PLU merit funding in whole or in part when a studen t's GPA falls below the 3.30 CPA requirement. Rtnewable for up to th ree years.

All or a portion

0/the above .fimds may be renamed at all)' time during your mrollment to hOllor a major contributor a/scholarship fonds at PL U

Design ted Scholarshi p s (finuhd by the

PLU ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS are awarded to admi tted

PRO VOST MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS are awarded to incoming

2. Sam Jones - $5,000 PLU Gift Award

Aid Package $ 1 ,000 $2,000 $2,000

citizen or permanent resident . Application for admission and scholarship materials must be postmarked by December ) 5 . The &ge1/ts ' Scholarship i s awarded to cover the full COSt of tuition up to l 7credits per term (fall and spring) for the academic year and 5 credits in J term. Renewable for three years of continuous undergraduate study provided a 3.30 cumulative PLU CPA is maintained. The PresUknt's Scholarship is awarded for the academic year. Amount varies. Renewable for three years of continuous undergraduate study provided a 3.30 cumulative PLU GPA is maintained.

University or donorl)

Designated (named) scholarships will be awarded throughout the academic year ro students who fit specific, donor-de. ignated criteria. Donors, who have contributed to the PLU endowment fund have created these named scholarships. In most cases, a named endowed scholarship will replace a Hudent's exi ring PLU need-based and/or merit gift award. Because it is th rough the generosity of these donors that PLU can offer the level of gift assisrance awarded to our students, we encou rage all recipients to write letters of apprecia tion to these donors.

PLU Funded Merit Based Award (not tkperu/nl t upon financial 1ued) REGENTS' AND PRESIDENT'S SCHOLARSHIP are

awarded to freshmen i n recognition of outstanding academic achievement, leadership and service in high school and in anticipation of continued excellence at PLU. Students who met the following basic requirements are invited ro apply: 3.8+ ,I'A at the time of admission; 1 2 5 0+SAT and/or 28+ACT; and US




granted to selected transfer students with a 3.60+ GPA, 45+ hours (60+ quarter hours) of transferable college course work and proof of PTK membership. Students must be admitted by 1arch ) . The award is renewable for one year during the undergraduate period of study if a 3 .00 cumulative PLU GPA is maintained. Financial need is not a determining factor. Three awards are given each year. seme: rer

NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS are offered for $ 1 000-

$_000 to NM -PSAT finalists (National Merit Semi-finalist Qualifying Tesr-Pre-Scholastic Assessment est) . Finalists should inform the National Merit Scholarship Corporation of their intent to enroll at PLU. Winners of J PLU-sponsored National Merit Scholarship will receive scholarship and grant assistance (from all sou rces) that ranges from one-half to full tuition per year and is renewable for up to three additional years of undergraduate study. This amount includes the $ 1 000 -$2000 National Merit Scholarship. Financial need is not a determining factor. International Grants are available to graduate and undergraduate international students artending Pacific Lutheran University. These grants are awarded at a minimum of $4,000 annually depending on academic merit. International Grants may be awarded ro full-time students for a maximum of 4 years of undergraduate study and/or 2 years of graduate study. Financial 11 d is not a determining factor. The Americas Grant is available to citizens of countries in North, Cenrral and South America (excluding United States and permanent residents).

PlU 2006 - 2007

1 93

INTERNATIONAL GRANTS ar" available [() graduate and undergraduate imernational srudcnrs attending Pacific Lu theran


Un iversi ty. These grants are awarded at a m i n i mum of $4,000

undergraduate students who arrend PLU. Through the PLUMS

an nually depending on academic merit. I n ternational be awarded


,rants may

ful l - t i me students for a maximum of 4 years of

undergraduate s[lldy and/or 2 years o f graduate srudy. financial

PLUMS applications are required each year. Applications

need is not a determining factor.

available on the PLU-Financial Aid web site:




c i tizen's of countries

in the . 'orth, Central and south America (exclud i n g United Sta tes and permanent residents) , ] . The Americas Grant is awarded in th amount of $7,500 annually and req'ui res students to live in


PLU residence hall. financial need is not a


available to citizen> of Denmark, F i nland.

Swt�den who are arrending PL


The Nordic Grant is awarded in r h amount o f 5 7, 500 annually

and requires s tudents to l ive in a PLU residence hal l . This grant is awarded for a motximum of

4 years of undergraduate study

and/or 2 years grad uate stud),. Fin:mcial need is not


hrtp://www.plu.edu/-faid/forms.html. Applications may be

submined after March I each year. PLUMS has l i m i ted fu nding

and will be awarded o n ly until the current year's funds 3re depleted, o r August 1 5 th each year. Church payments must be payable to PLU and received by the Financial Aid Office on or

PLUMS. Financial need is not


determining factor.


to $2,000 per year are

available to students with 3.00+ C PA and demonstrated leadership or active i nvolvement in


multi-ethnic context.

Separate application is required. Con tact Student Involvement and Leadership (253) 5 35-7 1 95 . Fil13ncial need is not a

determilling factor.

determ in ing factor. Tu ition Remission: Employees of the

ALUMNI DEPENDENT GRANTS are awarded to fu ll-time dependent students whose parent(s) atrcnded PLU ( P LC) fo r tWO semesters o r more. Financial need is not



to fo ur years. Employees and their dependents are not eligible for

NORDIC GRANT is Iceland, Norway


before October 1st each year. PLUMS is available to students up

determi n i n g factor.


program PLU will match scholarships provided by church congregations or organizations with i n the church, up to $ 1 000.


determi n i ng fac tor.

u niversicy are eligible fo r up to 90% and their dependents arc eligible for up to 75% tuition remission.


a university gift resource. Students

CLERGY DEPENDENT GRANTS arc available to dependent

receiving Tu i tion Remission may be awarded additional mer i t

children o f regularly ordained min isrers who arc actively serving a

a n d need-basd institutional gifts, but only up t o r h e COSt of

Christian congregation full··time. The grant amount is $ 1 ,000

tuidon. Receipt of Tu ition Remission may serve to adjust Or

per year ( $ S O O/semester) fo r fo ur years. Financial need is not a

elimi nate other institutional aid previously awarded. Financial

detennining factor.

need is not a determining factor.

CONFlRMAND A WARDS arc awarded


new incoming

PLU Funded Need Based Awards

fres hmen who are confirmed membe rs of ch urches participating in the PLU Congregation Partnership Progra m. Students must

c mpletc the nece ary application materials by Jan uary I st of their senior year in h igh school. These $ 1 ,000 awards are

renewable for a maximum of 3 years of undergraduate study and arc not dependent upon financial need.



application is necessary. PLL Faculty recommend individual students fo r selection . N tihcation is made in the spring �emester fo r the following year. The award is renewable fo r one year during the undergraduate period of srudy. Fi nancial need is not a determining factor. whose

permanent residence is out.side the states of \Vashington and :IS

part of the financial aid

package and are renewable fo r a maximum of three years. Financial need is not a determ ining fae mr.

demonstrared financial need.


matching gift fund that is

available to students receiving scholarships from any Dollars for Scholars chapter. PLU is a Matching Partner School and matches Dollars for Scholars chaprer awards up to $ 1 ,000 for students with need. Matching funds are l i m i ted. Matching Funds Request


PLU applies outside grants to un met need. I f the need is mer, PLU w i l l reduce the self-help portion of the aid package first. Dollars for Scholars is a program of ScholarshipAmericia.


to students with financial

need (who may not qualifY for other institutional scholarships). Students must maintain at least a cumulati\'e 2 .00 PLU CPA.

ARMY ROTC SCHOLARSHIPS arc ava i lable to full-rime u ndergraduates. Students must fi le

requ i res a 3.00 cumulative PLU C PA, on time submission o f

Forms must be submi tted by DFS Chapter. for consideration.

ACCESS GRANTS are o n ly awarded to new freshmen Oregon . These grants are awarded

awarded to srudents on the

FAFSA, (see prioricy funding dead lines pg. X) each year, and

available to 24 students who

have completed 45 credit hours or more at PLU. N


basis o f academic achievement a nd financial need. Renewal

FAFSA and meet a l l PLU

C;PA standards. Up to ful l t u i tion and room/meals possible. Call

Note: FAFSA must be submitted in a rimt'0' manner each ),ear to reestablish euidmce offilltlncidL need o r rieed-based aid. f

PLU's ROTC () Hice for i n formation (253) 5 35-8740.

Federal and State Funded

ARTISTICA GrnEVEMENT AWARDS ure granred to students who have excep tional abilicy in the fields of An, Dance, Drama, . rel1sics, and Music. The award requireli recommendation by a

1 94

PLU facu l ty member each year and is renewable on the basis of recommendation and participation. Financial need is not a determ i ning factor.

FEDERAL AND STATE FUNDED GRANTS Federal Pell Graut is a federally funded grant •

program to

assist students who have demonstrated significant financial need. Students taking 12 hours o r more per semester receive a

PLU 2006 - 2 00 7

full g ra nt ; 9- 1 1 h ou rs receive 3/4 gra nt" 6- 8 h o u rs 1 /2 grant, s than 6 hours · pproxi matdy \ /4 gram. [f yo u have

and Ie

been s leeted fo r veri ticat i o n , o




Pell G ran t will remain an


must maimain a 3_30 c u m u l at iv e PL

visit wUJ/u. hecb. wll.govIPay;ng/;'uiex. asp

a federal l y fu nded grant ,lwarded

US ci ti zen s. the grant is year studen ts who are enrolled fu ll time i n a 4-year degree p rogra m and h av e maintained a 3.00 � rA. The major fields of s t u d y who q ua l i �' fo r this gran rc 'omputer Scie n e, Engineering, Tech no lo gy, Life Sciences, Pel l

Loans Student loans allow you to

ra m recipi nrs who are

obligations are de sc ri bed in t h is section and i n the p romiss o ry notes. Please read carefully so you un de rs t a nd all yo u r

respons i b i l ities before you accepr a loan.

Marhema rics, P hysi cal Sciences, and D esig na ted Foreign

Washi"gto tl

eli ibl


Need Grants rw.NG) are avai lab l e [Q ems of the Stare o f Washi ngton who attend PLU.

These grants are imended fo r studcms wirh h ig h need. Grants

at awarded ar P LU in accordance with the Was hingtOn State Higher Education Coordinaring Board p o l ic i es . Students )emesr

r receive a Fu ll gra n t; 9- J \

eligible for rhe Wash ingmn State Need Granr,

p u rswng a degree


Federal Perkills Loa1l (funding is l i m i red) o


s r u de n t must

program. Funding may also be a vai l. ab l e for t h os e students 5 credir h o u rs .

enrolled in ei t h e r 4 or

Repaymem: A fixed i n teres r rate of 5%. There is a 9-month


the s t u de n t graduares, withdraws, or drops

begi n

at \ 2 months. Deferrals available fo r


bo r rowers .



Prom i ssory Note. The promissory no res will b e available fo r up in the Srudent Services Cen ter after

a re awarded to transfer st u d e nrs with an Ass o c i a r 's Deg re e or

state funding. Srudems m ust apply

note, complete an online entrance inrervi ew, and rerum the

per year is p ri or

process are handled t h rough

the firsr week of classes. The studenr musr sign rhe prom issory

subject to


the H igh er Education Coordinating Board . . ppl icanrs must be p la ce bo un d of Xla h i n gron Srate.

promissory note::

c o m p le t e the online entrance counseling. An email w i ll be sent to these borrowers wirh instructions on h o w to comp l e te this.

All loans not signed fo r wi ll be cancelled. Priority i s gi ve n

htt p ://www.h ·cb.wa.uo / Payi ng/i ndex .:u.p.

undergraduate students. The

mainta i n a PLU cumulat ive

high s c h oo l graduate, and mus t

PA of 3.0 each term.

The award

is fo r twO years (4 semest rs) and the a mo unt varies each year depending on �t.tre fu n d i n g. (See SAl�) Do wn l oad applications fr o m www.wth. wa.gov. TRIO - A State: Need Grant Prog ram is avai labl e who have comphed any s p ec i fi L rRl

to s tud en ts

Federal Nursillg Loa1l (fund i ng is l i mited) •

Ill S .


program. Re ci p ie n ts

wi l l re p l a ce Wash mgmn 'tate Need

Gra n t eligi b i l i ty. S a t i s fac tory Academic P ro gres s (SAP) is reviewed after every semesrer.


c re::d i t hours)

in School of Nursing (except pre - n u rs i n g) . Preference gi ve n


Amou1lI: Up to $4,000 Re paYlll ent : A fixed in teresr rare of 5%. There is a 9- mo n th grace period after rhe student graduates, wirhdraws, or drops to less th a n half-rime anendance. Principal and i nterest payments begin at 1 2 months.

and other TR[O or early intervention

TRIO award

Eligibility: S t ude n t enrolled at l eas r haIt�time LPN studcnts.

p rog rams include: Upward Bound, "! alent Search, GE. R U[�

N ISr, S,\>fAK


loan may be fo rgi ven for

cancellation conditions exist.

mu.st d e m Jnsrrare fi na ndal need. Funding is l i m i l e d . TR[O

pr g

to tal

tcach i n g in low-income pop u l ation areas, reach ing the disabled, o r teac h ing in a federal Head Starr program . Additional l oan


Community and Tec h n i ca l Col leges. Appl icant musr be a a

borrowers that

beyond with t h e studenr loan office are only req u i re d to


h o u rs per rerm. (See SAP) Do wn l oa d applications from

Wa shington Srate res ident,

if accepting the loan. Repea r

signed a Masrer Promissory Note during the 2003/2004 year or

tudents must be e n roll ed at least 6

Washingto1l AWllrdfor Vocarioluzl Exr�I/eI1ce (WAVE) is ava i l ab l e (0 students wh o have co mp l e ted at l ea s t one year in . vo ca t ion a l program approved by the , . t � B o ard fo r


Commellts or Co"ditiollS: Rec i p i e n ts are req u i re d to sign a ne w bo rrowers to pick



srudent s ta r us ,

economic hardship, selecr volunreer services and o

Wasbington StaU Educational Opportunity Grants (EOG) for


less than half-rime at te nd a nce . Pri n ci p al and i n terest p ay men ts

attending PLU. Eligi b i l i ty req u i re m e n rs and the selec rion

Amount: Up to $4,000 fo r each year of undergraduate s r udy and up to $6,000 fo r each year of g rad u at e or professional

grace p e ri o d

in Theo l o gy. S a t i s bcro ry Academic

juni or standing. Th amount of $2,500

Eligibility: A t least half-time (6 cred it h ours ) un dergraduate

study. o

Progress (SAP) is rt: i wed afT r every semester. Please co n rac t the Financial Aid Office w i th any qu tions about this


or (4 credir ho urs) graduate students wir h high need.

h o u rs receive 3/4 grant, 6·8 hours receive 1 12 gra n t and less t h a n 6 ho urs arc nOt e l i gi b l e. The grant can be received fo r a maximum of ten seme -rers or fifleen qLlJrtcrs. In o rd er to be nor be

Need Based L


rakmg 1 2 hours or more pe r

pos t po ne paying fo r your col lege

ex pe ns es until you have complered your ed u catio n . Loan

awar d e d to 3rd and 4th

1 · ngl.lages.

made assuming the

occur, ),our award ma), be reduced or eliminated

se ond3f)' school c u rri cul u m . A 3 .00 CPA must be maimaincd



anticipatedjimds will be available. ShouLd a reduction in funding

students who are enroll full time and p a rtic i p :ued in rigoro us


GPA. The Washi ngton

fro m each legi s la t i ve district each year. For more i n fo rm a ri o n All t1ioards from fideral and state source,·


federally fu nded g ;tnt awa rd ed (0 Pell ,[" nt reci pient w h o are US citizens. The gum is awarded to 1 Sf and 2nd year

fur renewal in the 2nd year. NationaL SMART Grant is

s r u d e n ts who are

Scholars P rogrJ. m h o n o rs t h ree gradu at i ng high school seniors

F�deral Supplnnentai EducatiolUlI OpportulliJy Grants are t; rally fundtd grants awa rded on the ba s i s of high financial need. Award ing of t h e SrOG is usually made fi rs t to rec i p ien ts

Federal Academic UJmpetitivelles$ Graltt (ACG)


State Legislative adjustment. To re n ew each year the s r u de nr

es t ima t e u.ntil the verificarion p roec.< � is co m p le t e d .

of t h e Federal Pell Grant.

Washingto ll SchoMr's Award is available

" Wash i ng ton Srare Scholars" for up to fo ur years, su bj ec t to


or Conditions: Recipients arc requi red to sign a The p ro mi sso ry notes will be ava i bb l e fo r new borrowers to pick up in t h e Srudenr Services Cenrer a ft e r

Pr om is s o ry Nore.

P l U 2006 . 2007

1 95

the first week of classes. The student must sign rhe promissory note, complete an online entrance interview, and return the promissory note if accepting the loan. Repeat borrowers that signed a Master Promissory Note during the 2003/2004 year or beyond with the student loan office are required ro complete the online entrance counseling and come inro the Student Loan Office ro sign for the additional funds to their existing Master Promissory Note. An email will be sent ro these borrowers with instructions on how ro complete this. All loans not signed for will be cancelled. Priority is given to undergraduate students.

Nurs� Fllallty Loan •

Program Eligibility: NF LP loans, up to the cost of tuition and fees, are awarded to students enrolled full-time in an eligible advanced degree program (masters or doctoral) in nursing. Loan recipients must agre L O complete the education program, and following graduation, may cancel up LO 85% of the NFLP loan while serving as full-time nurse faculty at a school of nursing. When the repayment period begins on the loan, the school is n: ponsible for coUecting payment from the loan recipient.

Non-Need Based Loans Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loall Eligibility: Student atrending at least half-time (6 credit

Federal Family Education Loans

"C « ttl

u c: ttl &:: 1.1..

ne or more of the Federal Family Education Loans may be listed on your offer. This means you may accept or reject these loans separately. Federal Stafford or PLUS Loans are obtained from a lender via an electronic application certified by the Financial Aid Oflice. After we have certified your application, first time borrowers (and borrowers switching lenders) must complete and sign an application/promi'sory nore. To do so, go straight to your lender's electronic application/promissory note by c1iclcing on their web-link from our preferred lender list round on our web site. ( PI ase note: I f you previously bortowed a FFE P loan ar T'LU within rhe pasr three academic years, you will nor need to sign another promissory nore.) Contact your lender or our Student Services Center if you wish to complere a paper application. Loan funds are electronically transmitted to the university by all lenders found on our Lender List. We strong/v recommend you choose a lender from this list to: Avoid the 2% loan origination fee that will reduce the funds your receive (depending on lender) Avoid the delay in processing your application due to pos(3.1 delivery between you and your lender. Avoid standing in line in the Student Services Cemer to endorse (sign) your paper check. Receive botrower benefits that could reduce the cost of your srudent loan. •


mapping-your-future. org.

Subsidized Federal StaJford Loan •

1 96

Eligibility: At least half-time (6 credit hours) undergraduate or (4 credit hours) graduate students. Amount: Up to $2,625 per year for freshmen; $3, 500 for sophomores: $5,500 for juniors and seniors; and $ 8 , 5 00 for graduate srudents.

hours) or a graduate student anending at least half-time (4 credit hours) who does not quali�' fo r all or part of the maximum Subsidized Federal Stafford Loan. Amount: Up to $2,625 per year for freshmen; $3,500 for sophomores; $5, 500 for juniors and seniors; and $ 1 0,000 for graduate srudents. Repayment: A variable interest rate which changes annually and cannot exceed 8.25% and monthly principal payments begin six months after the you graduate, withdraw. or drop below half-time attendance. Unsubsidized means you are responsible for the accruing interest on the loan, which begins on the date the loan is disbursed; however, interest payments may be deferred until you enter repayment. Comments or Comlitions: Financial need is not a requirement. You arc responsible for selecting a lender from the Lender List. You have the option to select a lender not on the list. However, be aware that doing so will usually result in a more expensive loan, a delay in receipt o f your loan funds, require you to endorse a paper check in the Student Services Center, and your loan is unlikely to have the financial repayment incentives available through our lenders.

Federal PLUS Loan EI;gibility: Parents of dependent student. Amount: Parents may borrow up to the full COSt of their

rf you are borrowing the FFELP for the first time, you must complete an entrance counseling session before loan funds can be released to your account. Not completing a session will result in the loan funds being returned to your lender, causing a possible delay in setrling your account and possibly incurring additional finance charges. The entrance i nterview can be completed at

Repayment: A variable i nterest rate which changes annually and cannot exceed 8.25% and monthly principal and imerest payments begin six months after the student graduates, withdraws, or drops to less than half-time attendance. Comments or Conditions: The federal government pays the interest on your loan on your behalf until you emer repayment. You are responsible for selecting a lender from the Lender List. You have the option to select a lender not on the list. However, be aware that doing so will usually result in a more expensive loan, a de.!ay in receipt of your loan funds, require you to endorse a paper check in the Student Services Center, and your loan is unlikely to have the financial repayment incentives available through our lenders .

student's college education minus the amounr of any financial aid the student is receiving. Repayment: A va.tiable imerest rate which changes annually and cannot exceed 9.00% and monthly principal and interest payments begin within 60 days afrer the final disbursement of funds. (Interest begins accruing from the date the funds are first disbursed.) Comments or Conditions: Financial need is not a requirement of this loan program. However, parents must have an acceptable credit record to qualifY. Either (or both) parems may borrow this loan for the student. The parent is responsible fot selecting a lender from the Lender List. A separate Loan Application & Promissory Note will rhen be mailed to the parent. Both student and parent must sign the application and then mail it back in the return envelope provided. To request a PLUS loan, complete a PLUS Loan Request Fotm, available from the Student Services Center or the Financial Aid Office. You may also go directly to your chosen lender's web to apply for a PLUS pre-approval and/or

PLU 2006 - 2007

application. \'i.ie will be notified of your on-line p re-approval

(jun iors and seniors) will often be offered State Work-Study,

Plus Loan

which atrempts ro place you in a position off campus, related

Graduate •

Eligibility: Graduate students attending at least half-time (four credit hours). To be eligible, student must complete the

your career or academic area of in terest. Federal Work Study

Eligibil ity for this program allows you to work at any on campus

the maximum Federal Stafford Loan before borrowing a Grad

job. Campus jobs will normally pay between $7.63 and $9.00

Plus loan.

per hour. They are convenient, do not require transportarion and

A m.ormt: Cost of attendance minus any other financial aid


Repayment on the loan ptincipal begins within 60

days of the loan's final disbursement for the year.

Ctnn1/lmts or

usually offer flexible schedules. Paychecks are avai lable for pick up at the Busi ness Office (see published pay dates) around the 25th of each month. Yo u may not exceed 20 hours per week when classes are in session and 40 hours during vacations and

ConditWns: This loan has been an 8 . 5 % fi xed

interest rate set by the federal government. However, lenders have the option to offer a lower in tere�t rate and many do. You

breaks. The average PLU studen t works 13 hours per week. Before you can work on campus, you must complete Federal 1-9 and W-4 forms. A Passport, Picture 10, and an original Social

are responsible fo r selecting a lendet from the lender l ist (list is

Security Card or Birth Certificate (original or certified copies) are

available online at www.plu.edu) . You have the option to

the documents presented most often by students to complete the

select a lender not on the list. However, be aware that doing so

1-9. A complete list of acceptable documents is listed on the back

may delay your receipt of you loan fu nds, may require you to

of the 1-9 fo rm. These fo rms are to be completed in the Student

endo rse a paper check in the Student Services Center, and

Employment Office. These forms only

your loan may not offer in terest rate discounts or repayment

time while emp loyed as

incentives which lowers the cost of the loan available through

d1C lend rs on our lenders list.

or career interests.

to be completed one


complementary program to your academic

Eligihility: Independent student or dependent student whose

Before you talk to a State \Vork Study employer, you must obtain a referral form from the Student Employment Office, Student

Up ro $4, 000/year for freshmen and sophomores

and $5,000 for j u niors and seniors. Repayment: A variable interest rate which changes annually and cannot exceed 8.25% and monthly principal payments begin six months after the student graduates, withdraws, or drops to less than half-time attendance. Unsubsidized means you are responsible for the accruing interest on the loan, which begins on the date the funds are fIrSt disbursed; however, in teresr payments may deferred until you enter repayment.

Commmts or

C01u1itiollS: Financial need is not a

requirement. You are responsible for selecting a lender fro m the Lender List. You have the option to select a lender not on

the list. However, be aware that doing so will usually result in a more expensive loan, a delay in receipt of your loan funds,

require you ro endorse a paper check in the Student Services

Center, and your loan may not have the financial i ncentives

Services Center or the Financial Aid OHice. Stare Work-Study is used to employ PLU students with fo r-profit are made with rhe intent to give you an opportunity to work in a position that is within or related to your career or academic interest. The program offers to reimbu rse an employer up to 1 00% of your earnings if rhey create a position that has academic relevance or career interest for you. Because of the

Eligibility: All

between $ 8 . 5 0 and $ 1 2.00 per hour. Students can work a maximum of 1 9 hours per week when classes are in session and 40 hours per week during vacation and breaks. Remember: •

You may nor begin working until a.l l the appropriate employment fo rms are processed.

Alternat ive Loans are

aid. Please see the PLU Financial Aid Web Site

http://www.plu.edulfaidlapplyldownloadahle-documentsl. Work StwiJ The primary goals of Wo rk-Study are to help you earn part of your financial aid through employment that will prepare you fo r

a career when y u graduate. Unlike all other aid, earni ngs will

not be deposit�d ro your account. Earnings are paid by check just

like dny pan time job.

Veterans Affairs and Vocational Rehahilitatioll Pacific Lutheran University's academic programs of study are approved by the \'V'ashington State Higher Education Coordinating Board's State Approving Agency (HECS/SAA.) fo r enrollment of persons eligible to receive educational benefits under Title 38 and Tide 1 0 USc. Veterans, widows, widowers, and children of deceased or disabled veterans who wish to inquire about their eligibility for benefits should con taCt the Regional Office of the Veterans Administration. Federal Building. 9 1 5 Second Avenue, Seattle,

Your Offer of Financial Aid will list your Wo rk-Study eligibility.

If you

Work-Study eligibility is neither a guarantee nor an not provide job placement services.

provided fo r al l students, including those not qualifYing fo r

Tid IV

You must be enrolled in at least six credits and maintain sarisfactoty academic p rogress to work assignment of a job. The Student Employment Office does

worthy criteria

Commmts and Conditions: Various


reimbursement and the paraprofessional nature of thl;' positions,

tudents meeting lender specific credit

AmO""t: Varies


salaries are normally higher than campus jobs. Most jobs will pay

Altenuztive LoIUIS


and non-profit employers in the local communi ty. Job referrals

available with our lenders while you are in repayment.


student employee at PLU.

parents are denied a PLUS loan.



Washington State Work Sttldy State Wo rk-Study is

Adtlitional UnTuhsidized Federal Stafford Loan


Ftee Application fo r Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and accept

received by the student.

will generally be on-campus. Eligible upper division students

application by your lender.

have been offered Federal \'V'ork-Stu dy, your employment

WA 98 1 74. Persons wirhin the State of Washingron may relephone 800.827. 1 000.

PLU 2006 - 2007

1 97

Students should ga in admission to me un iversity and see the

u niversity's Veterans Afhirs Coordinator before making

application for benefi ts. Students are required to register at the

Veterans Affairs Coordinator's Office located in [he Student

Services Center (Room 1 02, Hauge Administration Building), before each term to tns ure continuous receipt of benefits.

Dorothy and Powell Cone Memorial/Lutheran Brotherhood Endowed

l a r s h�jp h� o= N u r� n g�� ---- ---------­ �� �...,.__ �Irene O . Creso Meri r Award

Prote�o..rJ)av id P. Dahl Endowcd�ic Sch!!l�r:s_ h,. i p �_____ ----, E. John and Lorene E . Dahlbe.rg Jr. 'Endowed S cholmhip Margaret Melver Dakan Endowed Scholarship

Carl Dalk Memorial

cholarship Fund

Georg" L. Davis/Lutheran Brothe;h� End()wed

J. Walter and

Named Endowed/Restricted Scholarships

lara Davis Scholarship

Harold B. and Frances

_ .J:. _ ... � _ __ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _

. ..

chnla rship Fund

__ .

" oo"C d:--::C' t;he'r-h. Dawson/Lutheran BroEld -"o,,,ed7 ' cholarship in the Liberal

__ ___ R�nald and Marg;;;t D�;;glass

ndowed Scholarship

Ead E. and Martha L. E kstron:: Endowed S holarship

Eco nomics Excellence Endowe_d . cholarship . ....,Capt. W. Larry and Mrs. Janice D. Eichler cholarship Fund

The Reverend and Mrs.

Phyllis L. Ekstrom Music Scholarship

Anthropology Alumni Award

Carl and Ethel Ericksonl..L':I[heran Brotherhood Endo wed Scholarship Endowment Challenge ranr

ane Aram \;holarshif>..£..u.ll�__


Arbaug,h En\'lronmenral Scholarship


George E. Arbaugh Philosop hy Scholarship

Cli lTord and L)'diJ. A rntson cholarship i n Entrepreneurship

Cliffo rd and L)'d ia Arnt�1n Scholar.� in Sales and Marketi!'.IL__ HeJvig Arthur Memoria


<C ro

V c: ro c: u..

A RAJLutheran Brotherhood Endowed Scholarship

Ester W. Aus Elemt'tHar EduCJtioll Scholarship Marguerite and Wilmer Batr �c:holrush !f.'--;:-:-;--:--c _ _' ;:-;----;- ;-:h.,e o.._ la ::..r.....sh Elbert H . , II and Janice M. Bakcr Endowed Music S ::.,. c_ ___ "'i ___ ; _ ___ The Bangsund Fam ily cholaTship (Cli ffo rd an� ��na)__ Bank of America Foundation Scholarship Don F. Bayer Memorial

I ..

�:sillg Scholar h_i..._ p___


Peter and L)'d ia Beclrn:t.an Endowed SdLola[ship Paul M. Bellamy Musi



liFton E. and Edith M. Benson

I mpai red

�lenora E. Be tge

cholarship for [he Visually


. _. _ _ Alfred and Alice B,sh p/Luciler:lJ) Brolhcrbood Endowed Scholarship Hla.!{\:-Webber Endowed Scholarsh ip

Frieda Bhlndau Endowed . cho :,:.;::;: l aI :..:'.:.: i '--______ h:.< t:;;h;;:-;;; JDillie Q�;j� B�;; Education Scholarship

Erwin and AJice Bolduan Scholarship

__ .. _-


Yanda Bortell Endowed Scholar hip

Havana Bradner Memorial Scholars..:h.� :ip ::..._ .. _. ___ ._ ________...._..... .__...___..._... JQruno Breiland olarshi F und - -----Agnes B rodahl Music Schola��hip c:::.... -Betty Brown Scholarship Buchanan Family Endowed ScholarshiL-

rha.rdt and Virginia Buchtinck "ndowed Sch.olarship in E�.'�c�tion.._ Chest r Buhl Endowed Vocal Music S:.�()larship . __" __ Dr. and Mrs. W. E. BUIll S Fund Bur7.l aff Memorial cholarshi Dr. Howard Leywcllyn Bredy Math and Science Education Endowment


and Linda Evanson Endowed Scholarship

ver,on � chol a � ;-;- --; ___________ :---; -;- ...,..Anthony I. Eyring Liberal Af[:.; ,--, ,-= ; S:: (c:.: hc:.: o.:.: la:.: rsh .:.:i p_ ____ � � -:-c:- ,.-..,...,Faaren Family/Lutheran Brotherhood E ndowed Scholarship

faculty Memorial

d'-:-:____________ choJarsh ip F.:: u.:.: n.::

c:.:i'f.h:.:. u.: .:rc h S:.:ch:.: ­ o::.: la rsh p c::�:_= :.;: T:;; 7--;-...,.__ -;-- ---Faith Lutheran Q1.ll.':.':.� of Po :�Ia nd Scholarsh ip-;::;F und Fairbanks Lutheran

s:.,: h:..t ip =--___________ The resa Ferguson Endowed Schola::,::r.;,:

�arri cia Fisk Scholarsh ip Geor


i p__________ h:.: Fomess Memorial Lcadershi'p __S a r.::c:.: :..:c:..: oc:.: l :.,: ll � L.c. Foss Memorial Scholarship

Henrietta Button.. �a�t�._�s i ng S ch o l ar:..:. n"' h.:J u;.:. d ______ s.:.: ip F"' .,.-;; :;:--;-;-:Richard E. an� Lorraine K. eiger End owed S hOWrslti p AJan and B".....r.�_a Gibson Scholarship


ilbenson Scholarshir:p _________

John M . Gitb��-;�;-Fo dation Scholarship c



Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell, Malanca, Peterson & D:lheim Scholarship

Alice and Stewart Govig Scholarship

Clarence A:. .�l1d Olga Grahn Scholarship Otis


Grande/Lutheran Brotherhood Endowed Schob��;p , n


James I\t!' Gri bbon choLuship - A l len mote

Fern �. Grimm/Lutheran Brotherhood Endowed Scholarship f2A and ESthe!J'���s()n Gronberg Endowed Scholarship


Donald and Virgi n ia S. Haas Scholarship

cholars�iL P______________ Maria Hagness E ndowed Scholarshit:. p _ __-;-;: :-;-:-;---...,._ -;- _ -Frank H. and Nellie L. Haley Memorial_ Endowed Scholarship

han Endowed Scholarsh ip

CheneyJ'oundarion Educational Scholarshi� Walter H. Clu��temen :>cholarship

Ruth A. Christian Endowed Scholarship for Ed. ucatio n

hrislOpherson/\\Jalter Pilgrim Endowed Scholarship in

Lyman H . .lass


...,.- _. .... ....,. _

bridge/Lutheran Brotherhood Endowed Scholarship ._._._ . _ ._ _


1 967 Endowe.d Scholarship (Descendants of Class)


----. t':ca io n uhood End���;;:-d -Ed·-

���ge;. :�;(�:::�� �:e��� ����


Re[ jgi ol1___


fuchs Foundation Schola[ship

Gulsrud Famdy Scholarship

. " Bob" Carroll Memorial Scholarship



and Carlotta.. Flink SchoIarsh . i.

-L-;dlars -;h Phylaine V. and Kenncri;-CF�I� o, vcd -;-;::- c--;ho;"C'ip :: oc:.:n :cE ;: n e

-;;--;---K�-;; ��d:; C-;·;f�;;;;�\1�i;rsch0 Ia r hip B.

1 98

E. Eidbo Endowed Scholarship

EIE U<=f S cholarsh ip

Scholarsh i p EndO\�n c:.:l: e.:.: n..:.. t___.

9laf HalvOLsen Scholar hip

c ;h-o ars_ Johann" Marie Hansen Endowed Memorial S_ _l...,. ip _____ . h.... ...,. ;Nels Marcus Hansen .ndowed Memorial Sch�l_a,.r' :.... ,h �i L P______ Jennie Lee Hansen Endowc::d Presidents chularsnip


Arthur H. �nd Jennie Lee Hansen En Jowt:d S c,h_ ll-, la_ rs :..· h ._ . i.. p_ ___ . _ .,--;: W. H . ��� �k� eminary · tLlc!.:tl� Sc� ob_rs :...:... h. ;.iL p_:..:. F� u"n'd=_______ Brian Harshman lVlemorial Scholarsi1iE..,

PLU 2006 - 2007

lv!arv and Domrhy Harshman Scholarship Lc:lCic [sb ipl thlerics )


B j ug Harstad

Endowed choLmhip Hauge Endowed Scholarship Eriing'lI1d Clara Haugo c hohtr<fllr Tom . nd Tyne H�ukebo cndowlll,m r Walter A. Heuh C ha ri rable Trusr PE


--� � �-� � � � -----

James Hollowa)' Music Scholarship l he Hoover Pamily Endowed Schobrship Hopper M � el_ n� o_ rll � 'I I � � � aroline H o vl:JJld�=E ndow-ed Sc h ol a r s h ip




__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __

Huber Memorial

Scho,-, h,-,, I."3(� s_ i '---


__ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ __



En dow m e nf ror High Education


cholar�h-:ip :t: : __:_=c,___,___ __ ,___ __., __ A rhle tics and Physical

Achievers in

Knudsen Family ndowed Scholarsl;ip Glad s M . KnlllLUl EndowlOd Scholarship Ruby and Elner Knu=n Endowed Scholarship Gary and Mavis Koch Schobrship John and Edna Korsmo cholarship Hilda S . Kramer Musica l Apprecia t ion cholars�i Qr. Robert Alan Kraus Memorial Scholarshi£. :::-:----;' :-:Howard. Eugenia and Jon K.vinsland Endowed Schobrship William W. Kilworrh cholarship [ W l::)awnell l.amb Schnlmhip Louis and Leona Lamr Scholarsbip Harry r. and Irenc I . . Lang Endnwed Sc hola rship eorge Lanning llilemoriallLurheran Brotherhood .ndowe:d Scholarsh ip Dr. John . Larsgaard/Lutheran Brotherhood Endowed Scholarship Qr. Charb Larsc�Il/ Lurhe::l�rot hetho��:'!..dowcd Sch ol arsh ip Ebb;! and E. Arthur Larson Nursing Sc. hohrshT I<:1.:n and M a ry L 'c Endowed Organ Scholarship OrLmd o and Myrt le Lee/Lurheran I r.<:r h e rh ood Endowed Scholarship Guy J. a n d L ouise Lee-SOlan Scholarship Paul Liebel! Stholarshi (Math ' maria) - "- " -----------------J ;:-:- -:- --:h'"tvlon ica Sa �;-L igh tdl kmoI "1-;-;:_ c h t , la ": i p Rob.:rt a.nd Maxie: Lillie: Endowed Scholarship Ernest and Jennie Liming and Art and Erhel Cummings Endowed Memorial cholarship Mr. and Mrs. \'If Hilding Lindberg Endowed 5l'holarship I sabel Lindberg Trust H ildrd Linder Endowmenr Richard E. and Anita Hilbland Londgren/Lutheran B roth erh ood ::.:l:.c En do\ cd S cho a:.rc':.h.:.a =-:...,.,.--, .. -;::----;' :-----:-=-:-, :iP . A!tred anel Alrhea Lu n d/Lutheran Brotherhood Endowed Scholar.shi E:: lar�nc<.: ami Gmcc.!-undhcrg ,ndO\v -d Scholarship Gene and Marian Lundgaard/Luthcran Brotherhood Endowed Scholarship __

_ __ __ __ __

_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _


__ __ __ __ __ _ __






LUtlu![ Jltemori.il/L, S hrcib�r Brorherhood


d�91a';'; rsh ip ';';"' '-==--7--------

Fund to t Lurh e ra n S I ud c·[\l '·

�berr K. M e rto n Prize in Sociology Miliea r\, Order of the Purple Heart Award Fred and Carolrn Mil18 Memorial �cholarship Lila Moe Endowment SchoLmhip._ ,---Ricil<1rd D . Mo ' . ch,)lars��_��,,_'� A n"__ Eltnice Moller ndowed �choIarship �t harine E. Monroe Scholarship Poresnn Wb(: M onsen MelllOri,,1 Pi"no ·ch"' o.:.;la;::r"' sh.:.:"" ip '-!:illian ..:. j IOITis Memorial Sc"'_ I 'o __ l a-.: rs_ h...J ip


__ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ _

_ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __


__ __ _ __ __ _

, I�


__ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __

:Mo rrvcdr Volu n u rr Ser vice Awa rd

1 ,rUl la),-





c==:..:c.: ;-:� D,;;�; l , o n�cmc Il t-'-A a-" id and



MYlOr.l. Schobrship

1 99

PLU 2006 - 2007

Myers Teaching Scholarshi 1

Richard P. Neil> Memorial Fund

c1- ;;rar�.h ;::;jp_ .lO ___

===;:.:: :"::===='�:=:':=-=:=:'::':':::':':':': :1:------------

"'C c:( u c: ." c:.


,Iobal Undemanding

Eimer L Alaska


Mary Louise Rasmu


Scholarship fo r Srudent from

Tyler Memorial

lursing ScilObr�hip Kml lJfe:r M 'moria\ Scholarship

David Ulldand Memorial SdloL'lrship

1i:��n Valle M emori al

S"-�::: Ia"" rs,,h� , ip F--:-c-_________

Li llda Van _� e m!:!:i'.lcI �<:h?l�rshi L



----=, -:Archur H. Vingerud Endowed Scholarship Fund Dr. Roy a nd


h_ o I___ loria Virak Endowc d --'__ 3___ rs_ h.:.J ip '-________ Sc

\XIadd H I m.lerlie S �olarsh i f:'.£l!I1.::; d;______

Ina H. Wake Memorial cholarship poe and Lu c i l l e Weathers Endowc�.. .:S r:.: sh .::i ,l;;p-----­ ::.::c h.:: o.:: la:.:. 7



West oast Crocery Endowed Sc:holarsh ip \'<1< tern Washington Fair A5."'ciation Scholarsh ip Wick Family/Lul hcran Brorherhood Endowed Scholarship Margarer Wickstrom Endowed Schol9rship fo r I n ternlltional James 'i. Willidr. Memorial Endowment for Music



Mabel Wing Sci-lOl al] h:.< ::; s� ip_


-- _ _ - ___. --,- -, ,-

Ran dall Yoakum E n:: do: 0.::; w:.: c:: d..::S:.: ·c;;,: h:.: h"' ip o.::; la.::;l'S ____ .::;c:; ::--:----:-_,..,... Ralph and Ce!eslcnc Yode�._ Me�orial cholar�____________ Shirley Zu rfluh/Lurheran Brorherhood (Business)

PLU 2006 - 2007


ndowed Scholarship


T U I T I O N ,





Credit Hours

Summer 2006

1 or more

Fall o r Spring

Full Time

I - II

n.Q al:-;l-= o.:.. r.,:,� pc:..: ri.:. g. -= F.::c

Cost 445 pe r credit hour un less otherwise noted $73 1 p e r credit h o u r 1 1 , 7 2 5 --c t ('.:. r_ -- .. :$ e r._s em e:.:. s:..;. . ..,.. -,, -:---__---",..._ '-':...:..:. ::::c: p.:.:: =, $ 1 1 ,72 5 per semester + $73 1 per credit hour tor ea h


2_ -c1:::---,:. 1 7:-.;. ---=-.,. __--:=: Y= e s,--____ Yes More than 1 7

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Fall or


J -Te r m


Credit by Exam i nat i o n


(Students who


Credit by

Examination are charged the following in addition to tuition)

$73 1 per credit hour. If regis t ered fu l l time fo r Fall or 200









Full Time

'TI tD tD II>

Cost .. :; $ 4 4 P er c red i t h our :-,:..,:'=:-" $ 687 pe r credit �our _

o :. 1 ...: 0:..:r:..: :..:.:. r.: e .: .m .:.. I or more

_ _

or Spri[�J.i

-I C

Sp ring, cred i ts 1 -5 are a t no additional cha rge

GRAD UATE TUITION RA TES 2006-07 Credit Hours

Fall . J -Term

_ _

credi t hour o ver 1 7

or more


- E D U / E P Y/S' PE D S::. mm :..:. ::. = e r__::. -:-u::..: ;:,-:,-,;,=",-==,.:..:..:..c::.=LI mmer All other D epa rt ments

_ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I or more

$73 1 per credit hour

Disclaimer: tutUlltJ enrolled ill a PLU coho rt program are charged the cohort price per credit holtrfor cohort program courses and the ,"[antiard undergmduate or graduate p rice per credit hOllr for courses not included in the cohort program. Please contact the StlIdent Service (ellter jor cohort program pricing information. Note: Study Away students pay a program pe {not PLU tuition}

Intematiollal Programs fin- complete detttiis..

specific to the individual prograll/ site>'.



Lute Card Fee

These fees are charged


addition ro tuition. The class schedules

for each term list� the i ndivid u al course fee amounts.

A one-time Edu cational P lacemen t Fee of $ 4 5 is charged in rhe laS[ term of the Bachelor of Am in Ed ucat io n (BAE) p rogram. Graduation Processing Fee

is charged ro


ro rep lace IOH or sro len

fee of S I 5 is charged




fee of $ 5 .


o :::I

On the



an orientation

p rogram expected of all


srudents. Select On th e Road trips include nominal fees that are noted at the time of rri p registration. \'Vhen requesting to

baccalaureate and master's degree

participate in On the Ro ad trips with fees, students agree

at the time

Student Involvement an d Leadership.

during the term the application is subm itted is charged. The fee


Orientation Program Fee

ca.ndidates. This one-time fee is charged ro the student account

the fee

If an

ID card has been damaged. it must be brought ro the Lu t eCard

Desk and replaced for

Educational Plncement Fee

75 fee



Coune Fees


Contact the Wallg Cmterjor

and is due and payable for lost d iplomas is $55.

Health Services Fees Health Se rvices wil l charge a student ' s acco unt, or


incur that the trip's fee will be billed ro their stude nt account by

Private Music Lessof' Fees

a s tude n t


pay di rectly, for immunizations. lab work and p rescriptions_

These fees

are charged

I credi t hour

_ _ in addition to t ui t i ?n _ ---,___ _ _. ::.;". .

we Regittration Fee

2 o r more credits per medium

Students adding or withdrawing from course(s) after the last

Parking and Vehicle Registrl1tio11 Fees

day of the listed add/drop deadlines for a speci fie term or semester will be assesed a 5 5 0 Late Regi s trat i o n fee per transaction. These dates are listed in cl ass schedules for each semester or term.

$ 2 00

$400-"-- '-

Parking on the P LU campus is by decal only. Students must

20 1

register their vehicles within 48 hours of the vehicle being

PLU 2006 - 2007


brought to campus. Registration decal rates are published at plu.edu/�csin/. Failure to register will result in a fine.



AlternAtive. Transportation Subsidy PLU encourages students and with benefits faculty/staff to use alternative transportation by subsidizing the cost of a transit pass and by providing carpool and b icycle parking. PLU pays $36 a month to the eligible commuter towards the purchase of a transit pass. A description of the transit benefit program and application are online at http://www.plu.edU/�lutecardllransit-benefit.html Apply for a carpool parking pass by registering your carpool at Campus Safety. For more information on using alternative transportation, see http://www.plu.edu/�ehs/ho71U.hmJ.

Unpaid Fines Unpaid fines such as those for parking violations, overdue l ibrary

c: o ... ttl



o c: ... C tV


>­ ttl � ""C c: ttl

materials, etc., will be charged to the student account. Students must pay these fines as i ncurred to avo id interest charges and financial holds.

TRANSCRIPT INFORMATION 2 5 3 . 5 3 5 .7 1 3 5 www.plu. edu/�ssvc/lranscript.html

Services Center. There is a $5 fee for each o fficial transcript. Unofficial transcripts (up to two at a time) are issued at no charge. To reques t an official transcript, a student may fill out the 1ranscript Request Form in the Student Services Center or download a copy of the fo rm at the \Veb site listed above. Processing time is flve working days from the date the request is received. Requests by e-mail or phone cannot be processed because of the requirement for a signature. Requests may be faxed to 253. 538.2545 with a signature and payment. Transcripts cannot be charged to a student's account. I f an account is on any type of hold, the request will be mailed

back with information regarding the appropriate office to

c: o

Double Room (2 or more eo Ie) Single/Single ( I person in a 1 erson room) Single/Double ( J p rson 111 a �1erson worn)



(Studellts living in tmditiollal residence hrliis mUJt choose jimn mea! £ml/ # ���_�r #3.} � PIon #1: 20 meals/week $ 1 ,635/semester __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

$J60 January term $ 1 ,575 /semester $340 Jan uary term $ 1 ,J 50!semester rm �$�3�3_0_� 1 a nu_a_r� y_t_ e_ $720/semester $ 1 75 January term

Pian #2: 1 5 meals/week Pion #3: 1 0 meals/week

__ __ __ � � __ __ � � __ __


of classes.

Room and Meals All single full-time ( I 2 semester hours) students must live on campus i n university housing unless they are: (a) living with their parent, legal guardian, or child, or (b) at least 20 years old or have completed 60 semester credit hours by September 1 (for the next fall semester) , or February 1 (for the next spring semester) Except for residents of South Hall, all students with an active housing assignment are required to be enrolled in a university o

meal plan. o

Summer room pricing is listed at www.plu.edul�rliflchooselsummer-housing.


Meal Pian.<

Meal FIIIII #4 is rlvrli!,lble on{y 10 lilling in Kreidler or SOl/lh Ha!!s.

Medical withdrawal insurance is available to all srudents through an independent carrier. Applications are available in the Srudent Life Office and must be submitted to the carrier prior to the start

$2, 1 30/scmester

South Hall is an alternarive residential oprion with various aparrment sizes, styles and costs. Contact the Residential Life Office for information and applications. Limited housing is available on a daily fee basis during winter break. Students may remain in their rooms during spring break. Applications for single rooms and other ,s pecial housing requests should be addressed to the Residential Life Office at 2 5 3 . 5 3 5 .7200 or e-mailed to rlij@plu.edu.

P U m

resubmit the request.

$ 1 ,755/semester

Although there is no J-Term charge for students residing on campus for Fall or Spring semesters, students must cancel their J ­ Term housing if they are residing on campus fo r less than 7 days during J-Term. Students with an active housing contract for J ­ Term must have a meal plan. for J - Term room costs only, contact the Residential life Office.

contact. It is the student's responsibility to resolve rhe hold and

All students are strongly advised w have medical insurance. Information on insurance choices can be found at: www.plu.edul� healthl.


Room Charges


Unofficial and official transcripts are processed by the Student

Summer meal rates are listed at www.plu.eth';�/utet:ard and then select a Meal Plan Opt.ion.

#4: 5 meals/week

Flexible PLUs Plan

_ __ __ __ __ __ __

commute;- sludent.' rind siudents


Commuter students a lld I'Psidenls o/Sollth Hall have Ihe option 0/ purchasing blocks 0/25 meals. l'vleaL, may be used at all Board Flail lJe1l1/eS rlnd are avai/ab!ejor lISe until ilia) 25, 2007. Students ma)' purcf,rI-'f as mrtn)' blocks 0/2 5 meals as the), wish, but alice purchased, they are lZollrefimdab!p unless the studentfonna!!y withdmws from the university. Rights and Respomibilities Upon admission to or registration with rhe university, the student and/or his or her parenr(s) or legal guardian, agrees to accept responsibility and the legal obligation to pay all tuition costs, room and meal fees, and any other fees incurred or to be inCllrred fo r the student's education. In addition, the student and/or his or her parent(s) or legal guardian is requi red to complete and submit a Payment Contract to the university each academic year. The university agrees to make available to the student certain educational programs and the use of certain university beilities, as applicable a n d as described in this catalog.

PlU 2006 - 2007

A failure ro pay when due all u n ive rs i ty bills shall release the un iver si ry o f a ny o bl igat i on to continue to p rov i d e app licab l e educational benefltS and s e rvi ces, i n cl u d i ng ,

Missl!d Paymtmts •

the r igh t fo r furrher regist ra ti o n, sratements of honorable


or di plomas . The srudcnt shall also be de n ied admi trance to classes a nd the USt of

dismissal, grad e repo r tS , t ranscr i p ts

universiry facilities in the event of defau lt.


Payment biformation Payme n t may be mad e in t he fo rm of cash; p ersona l . busin ' , or cred i t card (VISA or MasterCard) . C red i t card paymen ts may be ma de by telep h one 24 h o u rs a d ay o n the Business Office secured line at 2 5 3 . 5 35 .8376. M ail payments with bi l l ing statement remittance stubs to PacifiC Lutheran Universiry, Attn: Busi ness Office Cash ier, Tacoma, WA 98447 or d el ive r payments to the PLU B usin ess Office in Hauge Administration B ui l d i ng, room 1 1 0. C h ec ks should be made payable ro Pacific Lutheran U niversiry. Please do not mail cash.


c as h ie r's check; money o rder ; wire; or d eb i t o r


Quest io ns regardi ng the student bill should be d i rec ted



$75 d is co u nt , per semester (faU and sp r i n g) , from tui t ion and wiU be a p pl ied to the srudent account if the specific criteria fo r e ligi bil iry of the discount is met a n d a Lure Dis co un t Form is s u b mi t ted . The Lure Dis count Form is mailed with the Fal l Srudent Pre-Bill Sratement in July a nd the Sp ri ng S rudent Pre-Bill S t a t e m ent in November.

other costs

Payment Options Payment ill Full Pay men t in ful l mus t be ma d e by the 2 5 th of th e month (bll, J-Term & S p ri ng) or by the first day of each Summe r tcr m p reced i ng each term

S tudent g rants , scho l ars hi ps, loans and oth e r

resources listed on the Offer of F i na nc i a l Aid exceed to ta l u n i vers i ty cha rges fo r the acad em ic year.

Monthly Payment

Interest-ftee mo nth l y payments made to Tuition M anagemen t Systems (TMS), our t h i rd - p arry administrator. E n ro l lment fee for the ei gh t or ten- m on th annual p lan is $80. E n ro ll m e n t fee for the four or five- mo nth sem<ostct plan is $50.

The llniversiry

h as the righ t to cancel a TMS pay ment p l an after payment is missed. A 1 . 5 percent mo nthly in terest charge or a minimum of $2.00 will be assessed by the un ivers i ry on the canceled pl a n am o unt . the second mon thl y


collection cOSts, a t t o rney fees, an d interest incu rred and

allowable u n der federal and \Xfashingron state s ta t u tes and laws w i l l be cha rged to the student by the co ll e c tion agency and a re the

responsibility of the stude nt to pay.

A srudent acco un t that has been sent to

collections will h ave a after the accou nt is paid in rerum to the Universiry, he/she

fu ll. I f the stud en t wis he s must pay in full all of


th ei r estima ted charges prior to regi s t ratio n . Clearance ttl return to the Un iversity is issued by


o ::l

the Accuunr.s Receiva ble Department.



for fal l , December 1 fo r the January term, and Ja n ua ry I for spring. Requ es ts fo r a refun d must be made in writing to the Ad m issio ns OHlce.


Retu rn i ng students wan ti ng to r eserv e a room for the f()l l o wing year must sign a Housing C o ntra ct. Cancellations must be submi tted i n wr i tin g to the Resi dent i a l Life O ffi ce. Cancellations received by June I will not be subject to a pcn al ry. 'ancdlations received be[Ween June 2 and July I will be subj ect to a $200 pen alty c h a rge. Cancellations recei v ed after Ju l y 1 wi ll be subject to a $400 pena lty c h a rge .

Credit Balances

::l o


Ql .... o ::l

[f a c redi t balance occurs o n

Financial Aid and Other Resources Cover Costs


Fa i lu re to make payment as agreed u po n in the payment contract will result i n a financial h ol d being placed on rhe s tuden t ac count . It is the student's res po ns i bi lity to see t hat all financial aid accepted on the Offer of F i n a n c i al Aid is c re di te d to t h e i r student account. Financial aid incl udes but is no t lim ited to loa n a pp licat io n s, verification fo rms, ent r an ce counseling, etc. Student accounts that are 60 days delinquent may be refe rred to a th i rd- pa rry collection agency. Srudents cu rr en t ly enrolled who have been sent to a collection agen cy will be withdrawn from the university effective immediate/yo Srudents will receive a \'(/ gra de on their

their offer of admiss ion . The payment is refunda b le until tv1ay



a 1 . 5 percen t mo n t h ly in t e re st

A $200 adva nce p yment is re q ui red of new s t udents to co nfi rm

Lute Discount



permanent Collection Hold, even

St u d en t Services Center. The u n iversi ty must be contac ted in wr it i n g within 60 days of the state me n t date of the first bill on which the error a ppea red . After 60 days it is p res u med that t h e re were no errors and the b i ll i n g was correct.


are su bject

uanscri pts. o


BiUing Questions

Past due bal a nces

ch a rge or a m ini mu m of $2.00.

bur n ot l i m i ted ro,

a student acco unt, the un ive rs i ty calcu l a tes a n d issu es re funds acco rd i ng ro pe rt i ne nt federal, state, banking and un iv ers i ty regulations. Tirle IV, H EA program fu n ds are refu nded a cco rdi ng to the Code of F ederal Regula tio n s 34 F R Ch. VI S ec tio n 668. 1 64. Bankc ard payments are refunded, to the extent of the o ri gi nal paymen t(s), back to th e bankcard t h at made the or igi nal p ay mem (s) . Checks are issued for all o ther refunds. Refu nd requests are p rocesse d by the Student Services


Student Holds

There are 26 rypcs of hol ds that are p l aced on student acco unts nd records for diffe rent circumstances. Each h o l d prevents basic niversity privi leges, such as, but not limited ro, the ri gh t to register, add / dro ppi n g classes, cash checkl, or rece ive copies of unofficial/official tra nscri prs or diploma. Listed below ate the types of holds that a re p laced on acco u n t s and the offices to con tact re gard ing them.

PlU 2006 - 2007


Types ofHold




No Address Hold ---



,'\.9de�.�_._. Registrar, Residential Life or tudent Life Acad��ic Stand_I_ is_t_ r_ · n... g '--_R _e.... g .... :ll . . . . _._ .

.___.........._ _..._ _ _ _ _ _ _

��.��!!l.�cJ'.!?bation ._�c.;:4��i<:. �4_0.si�L Collection Accounts Receivable


Collection Paid Collection .

....._--_._._-.--_._._._--_._... _..

Perkins Loan/Student Loans Write-OffiAccounts Receivable


--_._ ..._....


Non-Srifficient hmis Hold

Accounts Receivable


.._-_.__._ . _.-

-_.. ._ ._------

Credi t Balance . Exit Interview

. .___...__._.._.___

Accounts Receivable ---- -- . - -

.-.---...-------�-..--. --- .--..

Student Loans Financial Accounts Receivable In School Prom Note Accounts Receivable Admissions International Junior Review Registrar





- . -- .- -------


--"-_..-.-._-.---"_.._...__....'._"_." -_..._._._..._..._------_.__..._-....._--_.-..-

---_._-.._------_._..._.._.......-..... ._..__..._---.-_.__._--_..__...._.._--_.-



c::: Q


Health Services

Ut of School Prom Nore

Accounts Receivable

No Address Non-SuffIcient Funds

Payment Option


Q c:

Persona non grata Pre-Collection

Residential Life

Studenr Life ranscript



..._....._-_.._ - ---

QJ QJ ..... c: Q ...

Any student who has written three non-sufficient funds checks or has had checks returned for other reasons will be permanently placed on a Non-Sufficient Funds Hold. Any student with this hold is prohibited from writing checks to any Universiry department.

Payment Option Hold All students are required to sign a payment contract and select a payment option for each academic year they attend. The Payment Contract form may be obtained through the Student Services Center.

Studenr crvices Cenrer

Pre-Collection Hold

Accounts Receivable Residenrial Life

Any student with a delinquent smdent account balance who is nor registered for a fmure tcrm will be placed on a Pre-Collection Hold and assessed a $25 .00 pre-collection fee.

Campus afety

Student Life Registrar

Withdrawal From

Student ervices Center

Accounts Receivable

Academic Hold


All students are required to keep a current permanent address with the universiry. If mail becomes undeliverable, an address hold will be placed.

The Registrar's Office, Student Life Office or Residenr.ial Life Office can place an account on academic hold. Registration for classes is precluded until any pending maner with those offices is settled.

Collection Hold The collections holds will permanently remain on a student

account. Any student wishing ro return to rhe universiry must pay in full all of their estimated charges prior to registration. Clearance ro return to the universiry is issued by the Accounts Receivable Department.

Credit Balance Hold Any student with a credit balance o n their student account who is not registered for a fmure term or is listed as a graduating senior will be placed on a Credit Balance Hold. The Revised Code of Washing ron ( RCW) 63.29 Uniform Unclaimed Property Act requires the universiry to forward all unclaimed student account balances to the Washingron State Department of Revenue unless the student requests a refund or donates their credit balance to the university.

Fi_ncial Hold


Official FuB Withdrawal Norice of withdrawal from the Universiry must be given i n writing t o the Student Services Center. ral requesrs are not acceptable. Charges will remain on the srudent account until written notice is received.


Fall & Sprillg TuitiOlz 1 . 1 00 percent tuition refund prior ro the first day of class 2. Refunds prorated on a daily basis beginning the first day of class until 60 percem of the semester has elapsed 3. Once 60 percent of the semester has elapsed, there is no tuition refund


Summer 6- J- T enn



Medical Hold

A medical hold prevents a student from registering if Health Services has not received the Medical History Form or if the student does not have the necessary immunizations.


Tuition and fees will not be refunded for single comse withdrawals occurring after the last day ro add/drop without fee for a term. These dates arc listed in the class schedules for each term. If the student does not wish ro continue a course after the add/drop period, the student must withdraw from the course. The student must obtain the instrucror's signature on an Add/Drop/\Vithdraw Form and submit it ro the Student Services Center. A $5 0.00 late registration fee is charged for each transaction after the last day ro add/drop .

If a student account is past due, a financial hold will be placed.



Tllitio1l: 1 . 1 00 percenr refund up to the last day ro add/drop withom fee for term (dates listed in Class Schedules) 2. No refund after the last day ro add/drop withom fee for term (dates listed in Class Schedules)

Fall. f- Term & Spritlg CQurse Fees: I . 1 00 pcrcenr refund prior ro the first day of class

2. No refund beginning the first day of class

PLU 2006 - 2007


Summer, Pall, J- Tt!Tm & Spring Hounllg and Melli Plans:

Order of-Return of Title IV Funds:

2. Meai plan refunds prorated on a weekly basis

a.i d not used by the student. then the return o f Tirle IV aid will

1 . Hou$ing refund, prorat�d on a daily basis

If the withdrawal date results in a percentage of Title


occur in the following order:

Met/itaJ Withdrawal Students may also withdraw complctel)' from rhe university for a term for medt a.l reasons. The student must complete a Medical

\Vir:hdray..'ltl .Pe�ition . provide written evidence from a physician and


personal explanation to the vice president fo r Admis ion

and Student and in n

Life. This

must be completed in


timely manner

case later than the last day of class in any given term.

If granted, the grade ofWM will appear on the studen t's transcript. Physician clearance is required prior



For more information contact Student Life, 1 05 Hauge Adm inistration Building, 2 5 3 . 5 3 5 .7 1 9 1 or


Policiu and Procedw'es &lating to the Return of Title IV and Institutioflal Fi1lAttcial Aid Funds ifa Student WitlJdraws from tIJ� Ulliversity The university calcub.tes and returns Tide Fede;:ral Tide I V policy 34CRF 668 . 2 2 .



funds according to

he amount of Tide


funck ( ther [ h an Federal Work Study) that must be returned to

the Title student



p rograms is based solely on the length of time the enrolled before withdrawing. This policy is effective


Unsubsidized Federal Stafford loans


Subsidized Federal Stafford loans


Federal Perkins loans


Federal PLUS loans


Direct PLUS loans


Federal Pell grants


Federal SEOG grants


Other assistance under [his Title for which a rerurn of funds is required, to include Washington State Need Grants.

Procedures for Obtaining a Refund Upon Full Withdrawal From the University A.

Office via the Studenr Services Center, using

for complete or full withdrawal from a semester in which a

student rcceive:, Tide



have used



tuition allowed ro be refunded for that time period during the term (as determined by the Regist rar's Office and the

funds is dependent upon the date a

Un iversity Tuition and Course Fees Refund Policy) .

studem withdraws during the semester.


WitIJdrawal date is d.efined as one ofthefollowing: The date the student began rhe withdrawal process;


The dart: the student otherwise provided the school with official notification of the intent to withdraw; or


I V Funds

if a Student

." I'D I'D V\ Q) :s Co "'C Q) '<


I'D :s


:s o ...




Note: Please be aware that a tuition refond due to withdrawalfrom the Ilnil,ersi�)' can adversely affect what is owed to the university b), the student.

A tuition adjustment is applied to

o :s

the student account,

but aid is also adjltSted, sometimes creating a Larger owing baLance.

For the student who does nor begin the un iversi ty's

I p rocess or notifY the school of the intent to


Examples of t h e Return of Title

Withdraws are available in the Financial Aid Office.



The Registrar's Office makes a tuition adjustment, if applicable, to the student account for the percentage of

II aid recti\' d fo r the semester.

The return ofTicle

IV policy 34CFR 668 . 2 2 . Aid

will be revised according to published federa.! policy.

fund� wi ll be returned to the ederal p rogram based on the length

per ent of the semester hali elapsed, the student is considered to


Financial Aid processes the student withdrawa.! request according to the Federa.! Title

60 percent of the semester has elapsed, a percc'ntage of Title IV of time the student was enrolled before withdrawal. After 60



federal funds.

For fall :md sp ring semester only, if a student wir:hdraws before

Student requests withdrawal approval from [he Registrar's

o :s

Students should check /lJitfl the Financial Aid Office to detemzine the effect a withdrawal will have on their student account.

w, the midpoint of the payment period or period o f

enrollment for which Tide I V assistance was disbursed (unle� the university can document a later date); If attendance is taken, the withdrawal dace is determined from the


,dance records

The IIn;versity 1I1io., A.

Duermine dllte of withdrawal




the ptrcentage of aid deemed t o have been used

by the student


a1cu.lat(' the percentage of aid not used by the studen t,


which must be returned ro federal progWTIs.

PlU 2006 - 2007



FAMILY EDUCATION RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT Fami ly Ed ucation Right s and Privacy A

L uth e ran Un i ve rs i ty, telephone 5 3 5 . 7 1 9 5 , for maners relat­ ing to the student grievance proce dure .


In accordance wirh the family Educational Rights and Privacy

Act of 1 974, po p ul a rly known as the " Buckley Amendment" and carrying the ac ron ym "FERPA," Pacific Lutheran Un iversi ty has

adopted a policy to p rotect the p rivacy of education records. This act also esta bli s h es the righ ts of parents and c u rr


Iy enro l led ,


Or the Assistant S ec reta ry for Civil Ri gh ts, U.S.

D ep artment o f Education, Switzer Bu i lding, 330 C S rre e t

S.w., W3.Sh ingto n , D.C. 20202.

eligible sruden ts to i n spect and revi ew th e i r educat ion reco rds ;


misl ead i ng data t hro u gh informal a n d fo rmal heari ngs. Parents

Colleges and universiries a re su bj ect to Graham-Leach Bliley Act (GLB) provisions related ro administr:ltive, tech nical , and ph ys ica l safegu a rding of student and custome r financial

a nd p rovid es gui del i n e s for the correction of i n acc u ra te o r

and c u rren t ly t: n tolled , eligi b le srudents will be not ified of their FERPA rights annual l y by p u b l ica ti on i n the Smdent Ha ndhoo k . Interested p a r ties may review the po l icy in the Office fo r Stud en t Life, H auge Admi n i strat ion B ui l d i n g , Room 1 0 5 .

information. The FTC has additional details o n rhe GLB Aer, the Co m mi ss ion's Pri vac y Rule at \VwwJtc. gov/privac)'- Quesrions

about proced u res at Pacific Lu theran U nive rsi ty can be direered ro the Vice President for Finance and Ope ra tio n s at

POLICY ON NON-DISCRIMINATION Paci fi c L u the ran U nivers i ty does not discrimi nate on the basis of race, colo r, cree d , rel i gi o n , gender, national o r i gi n, age, men tal o r

p h ys i ca l disab i lit , marital stams, sexual orientation, or any other stams p ro tected by law i n th e educational programs or activities which it operares, and is req u i re d by Title L of the Education y

Amendments of 1 972 and the regularions adop ted p u rs uan t

2 5 3 . 5 3 5 .7 1 2 1 or fiop@Plu.edu.

HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITYAND ACCOUNTABILITYACT Under the Health Insurance Po rta b i L ity a nd Acco u nta b ili ty Act of 1 996, Pacifi c L u the ran U n ive rsi ty adop ted a pol i c y a n d p ro c ed u res ro protec t the pri vacy of "p rotec ted health

thereto, by Tide VI :lnd Ti t le VI I of the Civi l Righ ts Acr of

information" (PHl) such as m ed i cal and cou ns e l i n g re co rds . T he

to d i scrim ina � in such manner. The re qui re ment s not to

Ope rat ions, 2 5 3 . 5 3 5 . 7 1 2 1 .

1 964 , and by Sccrion 504 of rhe Rehabilit"<lt r o n Act of 1 973 nor

discriminate in educati o nal programs J.nd activities extends to

e mployment therein and to ad m i ssio n thereto.


Inquiries co n ce rn in g the application of said a c t s and publ.ished

regula tions ro this un iver s i ty may be re fe r red A.

u n ive rs i ty's privacy officer is th e Vice President fo r Finance and


Pacific L uthe ran Un i versi ty is committed ro p rov i d ing equal opportunity in education for all students wirho ut regard ro a pe rson's race, color, na tional ori gi n, cree d , rel igio n , age, gend e r,

The Director of H u m a n Resou rce Services, Pacific L ut her an

U nivers i ty, relephon e 5 3 5 .7 1 8 5 , fo r maners rel a ti ng ro

sexual o rie n tation , me ntal or physical dis a bi l i ty, or any other status p rotected by law. The unive rsity c o m mun i ty will not

e mp l oym e n t p o li ci es a n d p rac tices. promot i on� , fri nge

tolerate any discrimination, harassment, or abuse of or toward

benefits, tra i n ing , a nd gr ieva n c e procedures fo r staff

any mem b e r of the universi ty co m m uni ty.

employed by the university. The university holds as basic th e i ntegri ty a n d we ll be ing of every


T h e office o f t h e ProVOSt, Room 1 03 , H:luge

perso n in the co m m u n ity. It is commi tted to prov idi ng an

Admin istrat i on B uildin g, Pacific Lutheran University,

educational environment which is fai r, co ns is ten t, ca rin g , a nd

tel e phon e 5 3 5 . 7 1 26, for maners relating ro student

adm ission�, curriclllum, and financial aid. C.

The Student L i fe Office, Roo m 1 0 5 , H auge Admi nistration

B uild in g, Pa c ifi c Lu the ran U n ive rsity, telephone 5 3 5 .7 1 9 1 ,

fo r rn arrers rega rd i ng adminisrrJ.tive pol icies re lat in g ro studen ts a n d s t ude n t s e rv ices .


The D i recto r of Co u n se l ing and Testing Ser v i ces. Room 5 3 5 .7206, for matters re l a ti ng ro the a pp l i ca ti o n of Section 504 of the Reh a bi l iration Act.


com mirted to p rotecting the righ ts of its community members to engage in dial og and to express ideas in an environment which is free from harassment, discrimination, and ex p loi tati o n . This freedom of ex p ressi o n does not, however, entail the freedo m [0 rh reate n , intimidate, harass, or abuse. The un iversity prohibits any ac tivi ties which cause or threaten

1 06, Ramstad Hal l , Pacific Lutheran University, te l e pho ne


su pportive of intellectual and personal gr owth . Furrher, it is

The DI!3n for Ca m pus Life, University Cemer, Pacific

phys ical or mental harm , su ffe ring, or exhaustion; which demean the dignity and pe rsonhood of any i nd i v id u al ; or which inte rfere

with one's acade m i c p ro gress. Exa mp l es of such actions are verbal threats or abuse, harassment, i n ti mi da t io n , t hrea te n ed o r actual ph ysical assault, or co nsistent d i s regard o f the rights and welfare

of others. In par ti c ula r, th e u nivers i ty will see as a violation of

PlU 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

this policy, any behavior which communicates a message that is

Article V, Section 2 of the University's By-Laws. PLU further

threatening, i n ti midating, or demeaning or which causes physical

reserves the right to make employment decisions based on an

harm to a person or to persons because of race, color, national

individual's job performance, merit and/or qualifications.

origin, creed, religion, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, mental or physical disabili lY, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local law. Any person or persons who are found to have violated this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up ro and including suspemion, expulsion, or termination.

This equal opportunil)' policy shall similarly apply to all aspects of educational opportuni ty, including recruitment, enrollment, advancement and evaluation. The University will not tolerat� any discrimination or harassment toward or by any of its Employees or students. Any written, oral,

POLICIES ON EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, AFFIRMATWE ACTION, ADA, AND SEXUAL MISCONDUCT PYluzmbl.e: Pacific Lutheran Un iversity is commi tted to providing an educational and employment environment which is fair, consistent, caring and supportive of professional and person:d growth. The University is funher committed to protecting the rights of its community members ro engage in dialogue and express ideas in an environment which is free from harass ment, discri m i nation and exploitation. Freedom of expression docs not entail freedom to thr<:3 ten, i m i midate, harass or assault. The University communi l)' will not and does nut tOlerate such behaviors. Final ly, the University is commi tted to expanding and maintaining diversity i n its student, faculty, staff and ad min istrator populations and to acco mmodate, whenever possible, persons with disabil it ies.

physical or visual communication that is demeaning, degrading, intim idating, or otherwise directed at a person or persons because of race, color, gender, national origin, marital status, age, religion, mental or physical disabili ty, veteran status, sexual orientation or any other status that is protected by federal, state or local law will be considered a violation of this pol icy. Any perso n, or persons, who are found


have violated rhis policy

may be subject to disciplinary action, up to, and includi ng, suspension, expulsion and/or termination. Individuals who believe that they have been subject to discri minatOry action or harassment or bel ieve that discriminatory action or conduct has taken place, are strongly encouraged to con tact any member of the University Dispute Resolution Commirree or their supervisor. The University strictly prohibits t h reats, i ntimidation or retaliation of any kind against a

To honor and implement these commitments, the University

person who reports a violation of this non-discrimination policy

Boa rd of Regents has adupted policies on Equal Opportuni l)',

or who cooperates with an investigation of alleged violation. Any

Affirmative Actiun and Acco mmodation of Persons with

such conduct will itself constitute a violation of this policy and

Disabi l i ties as well as a policy prohibiting Sexual Misconduct,

may subject the offender(s) to disciplinary action.

including sexual harassment, scxuaJ assault, anJ ccnain consensual sexual relationships. The success of these pol icies


req uires the cooperation of every member of the University

Pacific Lutheran U n i versity is com m i tted to en larging and maintaining the representation of ethnic, gender, cultural and

co mmunity. Specifically, each member uf the University communil)' is expected tu read the policies and follow [he directives set forth therem. rhe p rocess of providing equal employment and educational opportunity as well as providing wurking, learning and l iving environments free of harassment, discrimination and inti midation requires that every member of the University co m m u nity respect the rights of others and report violarions of the University's policies. Failure ro report violations may inhibit the Universi ty's ability to take prompt, corrective action.

economic diversity among its Em ployees, as well as among its srudent popularion. PLU is further committed to the reasonable

'< " r::: c.. t1)

acco m modation of persons with disabilities, whether students or Employees. [n furtherance of these goals and in accordance with state and federal law, Pac ific Lurheran University has adopted an Affi rmative Action Plan that reflects its i n tent to provide appl icants, Employees, and students equal opportunity in all aspects uf employment and education and to provide a working and learning environment free from u nlawful discri mi nation and harass ment.

Throughout these policies, reference to "Em ployee(s)" shall mean any regular or temporary member uf the Universi l)!s wurkforce including facul ty, administration, and staff.

In accordance with the plan, the University has appointed an Affi rmative Actiun O fficer who is respons ible for implementing and moni tOring rhe goab �er forth i n rhe Affirmative Action Plan. The Affirmative Action Plan is regularly reviewed and may

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY POUCY Pacific Lutheran UniverSity is co mmi tted to providing equal opportunity i n employment and in education for all mem bers of the University com munil)' without regard to an indivi dual's race, color, creed, religion, gender, national origin, age, mental or physical disabil ity, marital stams, sc:xual orientation or any other

be modified from time to rime to serve the needs of the PLU community consistent with rhe University's affirmative action goals. The current Affi rmative Action Plan may be reviewed ar any time by contacting the Human Resource Services Office.

sta tus protecred by law.


This equal opportunity policy shall apply to all aspects of

As stated i n the EquaJ Opportunity pol icy, Pac ific Lutheran

employment, including hiring, cumpensation, benefits, transfers,

University will nor discrimi nate against any student because of

promotions, training, education. reduction-in-force and

the presence of a mental or physic31 disab ility. As part of its long­

termination. To the extent permitted by applicable law, PLU

range plan, the Un iversity has committed the financial and

reserves the right tu h i re Lutherans or other C h ristians for facul l)'

human resources necessary to provide access to the University

or administrative pusitions whenever such choices are deemed

facilities according to the reco mmendations and req uiremenrs of

necessary for carrying out the educational and religious goals

the ADA. Where a student with a disability is able to perform

consistent with Article [] of its Articles of Incorporation and

essential academic/ program requirements ur job fu nctions, the


PLU 2006 - 2007

state and federal law to investigate those allegations, stop

University may b e obligated ro provide reasonable accommodation ro the needs of that student, unless such accommodations would provide undue hardship to the University. Students with medically recognized and documented disabilities and who are in n eed of special accommodation, have an obligation ro notifY the University of their needs. Students in need of accommodation should contact the Direcror of Services for Students with Disabilities in the Counseling and Testing Office. Students with disabilities who want to appeal a decision

the harassment if it is found to exist and take measures to ensure a working and learning environment that is free of sexual harassment. For the purposes of this policy, sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors ot other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: •

individual's employment or academic progress;

Counseling and Testing per the guidelines outlined in the Policy, Procedu res and Guidelines for Nondiscrimination on the Basis of

educational performance or advancement;

Introduction I n accordance with its equal opportunity policy, Pacific Lutheran University prohibits any discrimination in educarion or employment on the basis of gender. Moreover, PLU is committed ro providing an environment in which students and Employees can work, live and study free from aU types of sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct has a serious negative impact on the quality of the education and work experience. The range of sexual misconduct i ncludes sexual harassment, intimidation, coercion, sexual assault, and certain consensual sexual relationships.

Q.I "'C

As set forth below, the University does not and will not

::::I '"

or Employees. The University will work ro prevent and

tolerate sexual misconduct by or against any of its s tudents eliminate such behavior by providing a comprehensive education program to promote awareness of acceptable and

>. ....

non-acceptable behaviors .


-. Q.I >

applicable fed ral and state law. If this policy is inconsistent with any applicable law, it is the University's intent to follow applicable law.


This policy applies when the conduct prohibited by this Employee population and any othet member of the student body or Emp.loyee population. This policy also applies when the prohibited conduct occurs between a member and a non-member of the student body or Employee population, such as an off-campus vendor, independent contractor, work-study employer, in ternship supervisor, prospective student or volunteer.

or offensive working, learning or campus residential environment. Sexual harassment may occur when there is a difference in institutional authority between persons. It may occur between persons in equal positions, such as co-workers, colleagues and peers. It occurs wirhout respect to gender, age, appearance or status. It may occur between persons of the same sex. I t may occur if the sexual conduct of others in the education, work or campus residential environmenr has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with another's academic or work performance or environment. Sexually harassing conduct can include unwanted jokes, comments, gestures and non-verbal conduct. Anyone who is uncertain as ro whether particular conduct violates this policy should contact any of the people or resources named

I ndividuals who believe this policy has been violated, or who observe potential violations, are strongly encouraged ro seek redress of their concerns by contacting any member of contacting their supervisor. Violation of these policies shall result in disciplinary action including the possibility of suspension, termination of employment or expulsion from the University. Any form of reprisal, actual or implied, whether academic or related to employment, wiII be treated as an aggravation of prohibited behavior and will not be tolerated. The University is committed to providing all members of its community with educarion and training abour the nature of

The University may impose sanctions if the prohibited conduct occurs on University premises or in connection with a person's participation in a university-sponsored organization, program or activity, or if the conduct poses a risk of harm to any member of the campus community, including but not limited ro any of the harmful effects

sexual harassment, its damaging consequences and procedures for handling complaints. Training is particularly essential for persons in supervisory roles who may face personal liability if they fail to take appropriate action when they become aware of instances of sexual harassment. Retaliation against anyone reporting or thought to have

encompassed by the definition of sexual harassment.

reported sexual harassment is prohibited. Such retaliation is

Sexual Harassment

considered i ndependently of whether a charge or informal

considered a serious violation of this policy and will be

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which is prohibited by Title

20 8


Such conduct or activity creates an i ntimidaring, hostile

the University Dispute Resolution Committee or by

Policy Scope policy occurs between any member of the student body or


in the Sexual Assault paragraphs of this policy.

This policy is intended to meet the requirements of

c :I

Such conduct or activity has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual's employment or



Submission to or rej ection of such conduct or activity is used as the basis for employment or evaluation;

Disability for Students Attending Pacific Lutheran University.


Submission to such conduct or activity is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an

regarding accommodation should contact the Director of

VII of the Civil

Rights Act of 1 964,

Title IX of the 1 972 Education Amendments and the laws of the State of \Vashington. When the University becomes aware of allegations of sexual harassment, it is bound by

complaint of sexual h arassment is substan tiated. Encouraging others to retaliate also violates rhis policy. The University is dedicated to the prevention and elimination of sexual harassment in the workplace, in the

PLU 2006 - 2007

Campus Safety and Information

campus residential environment, and in the learning environment. The University cannot take corrective action, however, when it does not know about inappropriate behavior. Therefore, it is very important that violations of rhis policy be reported as soon as possible.


b. On-Campus Faculty and StaffServices: An Employee who has been the victims of an

incident of a sexual assault committed on campus or in connection with a University-sponsored activity or event, or by a member of the PLU community, are/is strongly encouraged to contact Campus Safety and Information, Human Resource Services and/or counseling through the University's Employee assistance ptogram.

SeXUlli Assault Sexual assaulr is a violation of individual rights and dignity that wIll not be tolerated by Pacific Lutheran University. Sexual assaulr is not only an act of violence, aggression or coercion against a single individual, but it is also an attack on human dignity, a value essential to the University community. For these reasons, Pacific Lutheran University strongly encourages victims to report sexual assaul t incidents to appropriate university and governmental authorities as outlined in this policy. This policy applies to all members of the campus community, -students and Employees, and is subject t enforcement via the applicable university policies and/or procedures including the Studem Conduct System and the Grievance Policy and Procedures. - as to any incidents which occur on campus or in connection with any University-sponsored activity or event. Members of the University community who are sexually assaulted in an off­ campus, non-University setting may seek assistance from any of the University services set forth in Sections l (a), (b) , and (c) below.


VICtim Rights and Services Sexual assault victims hm/e the right to: •

Respectful treatment from all campus authorities; On-campus medical assistance, which may include testing for sexually transmined diseases, H IV and pregnancy as well as referral to outside medical resources; Confidential counseling; istance in changing housing and academic situations if such changes are reasonably available; Pursuit of disciplinary action through the Pacific Lutheran University Student Conduct System as outlined i n Section 4(b) ; Pursuit of action via the University Grievance Policy and Procedures as outlined in Section 4(c); Assistance in the pursuit of criminal and/or civil charges within Pierce County as outlined in Section 4(d); A victim's advocate. a. On-Campus Student Services:

Students who have been victims of sexual assault are entitled ro a variety of services on and off campus. The following campus offices are available to pro vide victim services: •

For counseling and support:

Counseling and Testing Campus Ministry Women's Center Student Life Office Residential Life Staff •

For medical assistance:

Student Health Center Campus Safety and Information •


file a flnnal compfLlint:

Student Conduct Coordinator Dispute Resolution Officers


Off-Campus Assistance:

The Sexual A.�saul t Center of Pierce County offers a 24-hour crisis, i nformation and referral line at 253.474.7273 or 1 . 800.756.7273. The Center exists to serve victims of sexual assault and abuse, their families and friends. Legal and medical advocacy is available, as well as support groups for victims, their friends and families. 2.

PLU Services for Alleged Perpetrators Members of the PLU community who are alleged to have committed a sexual assault against another member of the PLU community are entitled to all rights given within the University'S Student Code of Conduct. Faculty Constirution and By-Laws, Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, and Grievance Policy and Procedures, as appropriate. Such individuals are also entitled to PLU services which may offer them physical and emotional support, consultation and/or referral.

3. SeXUllI Assault Tennjnology Sexual assault can occur against both males and females and may be perpetrated by an assailant not known to the victim, or may occur when the victim knows his or her assailant, such as in the case of acquaintance or date rape. At Pacific Lutheran University, sexual assault includes, but is not limited to ( I ) non-consensual sexual contact, including forced sexual contact, and (2) forced sexual penetration, and may occur by a person individually or in concert with others. {I.

< ttl ...

'" ....

'< C\ C c... ttl

NOIl-corlScnsua{ sexual contact, including forced Sl'xual

contact, includes any harmful, insulting or non­ consensual physical contact of a sexual nature (including touching, fondling, exposure, disrobing, etc.) that is committed against another person without his/her consent, including any such act accomplished by means of actual or implied force, threat. coercion or helplessness. Forcing or intimidating a person to rouch another person's intimate parts shall also constitute non-consensual or forced sexual contact. b. Forced sexual penttm tioll includes intercourse (vaginal penetration), sodom}', oral copulation or penetration with any object by the use of force, threats, coercion or by taking advantage of a victim's helplessness. c. Because the University hopes to educate the community in order to prevent violations of this policy, it should be understood that: (i) Alcohol and/or other drug use, intoxication or any impairment of the accused does not absolve one of responsibility for sexual assault. (ii) For purposes of this policy, "consent" means that at the time of rhe act of sexual intercourse or other sexual contact there are acrual words Ot

PLU 2006 - 2007

c: :::l


b. Student Conduct Procedures

conduct indicating freely given agreement to nave sexual intercourse or orner sexual contact. In situations wnere tne victim is inupahle of giving consent, or is unable to resist sexual advances due to alcohol/other drug use or other impairments, the accused wiLl be held responsible for sexual assault. Silence will not be considered as evidence of consent under such circumstances. (iii) Force or coercion is defined as: The use of physical force or physical violence;

A student may pursue action rhrough the Student Conduct System if the alleged assault was committed by another PLU student. Should a victim choose to pursue a disciplinary hearing through the student conduct system, he/she should contact the Student Conduct Coordinator or Campus Safety and Information. The hearing procedures and rights afForded victims and alleged perpetrators in the Student Conduct System arc outlined in the Pacific Lutheran University Student Handbook.

or •



QJ c::

VI ...

G.I > c:: ::::>

The use of threats, including but not limited to, physical threats, abduction, extortion or retaliation directed againST the victim or another when the victim bel ieves there is an ability ro execute such threats; or The use of verbal comments or non-verbal behaviors or gestures to inrimidate the victim or another when rhe victim believes thar rhere is a present ability to execute such threats. Threat is defined as an expression of intention to hurr, desttoy or punish the victim, anorher perso n, or rheir properry.


An Employee who has been sexually assaulted by another member of the University community may pursue action through the University Grievance Policy and Procedures. To pursue such action, he/she should contacr any of the University dispute resolution facilitators: Michelle Ceynar (253.535 .7297) , Tom Hudsbeck (253.53').7202), Fran Lane Rasmus (2 5 3 . 5 3 5 .7 1 4 1 ) , Teri Phillips (253. 5 3 5. 7 1 87) , Leon Reisberg (253.535.7280) or Richard Seeger, chair (253.535 .75 1 9).

4. Reporting Sexual Assault Pacific Lutheran University strongly encourages vicrims of sexual assault to report incjdents. Filing a report with the University, the Pierce Co un Sheriff or the Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Pierce County is not a commitment to pursue legal recourse/press charges. Criminal, civil and University action occur independently; a victjm may pursue action in one or both systems concurrently. The University is not required to delay on-campus proceedings pending results in the criminal or civil systems. Because the defi nitions of sexual assault and the burden of proof required for responsibility arc different in the campus, criminal and civil systems, an alleged perpetrator may be found responsible on campm, while in the criminal or civil justice systems, a different result may occur.

d. Off- Campus Reporting

Victims who wish to report and/or pursue criminal or civil action are encouraged to seek assistance from any of the following resources: Campus Safety and Informarion Services, 253.535.79 1 1 Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Pierce County Administrative Offices, 2 5 3 . 597.6424 24-Hour Crisis/Information and Referral Line, 253 .474.7273 or 800.756.7473, TTY 2 5 3 .274.0448 Pierce County Sheriff, 2 5 3 . 5 3 5 . 79 1 1 Tacoma Police, ext. 253.535.79 1 1 Local Policy Agency (if away from campus) 9 1 1

a. On-Campus Reporting

Victims of sexual assault which occurs on campus or in connecrion wirh a University-sponsored activity or event are strongly encouraged to report the incident, as soon as possible, to campus officials, including faculr:y members and/or Employees of one or more of the following: Campus Ministry Campus Safety Counseling and Testing Health Cen ter

2 10

Residential Life Student Life Women's Center Human Resource

Pacific Lutheran University is committed to respecting personal dignity and will mainrain confiden tiality as appropriate and in keeping with the law. Employees outside of the above-refer('nced dep,m-ments must inform Studenr Life (as to students) or Human Resource Services (as to all others) of any sexual assault matters brought to their attention. Sucn reporting may be done without identification of the individual(s) involved.

GriezJance PoliC)' and Procedures

As an alternative to (b) above, a student may choose to pursue action through the University Grievance Policy and Procedures if rhe alleged assault was committed on campus or in connection with a Universit),-sponsored activity or event by another member of the PLU community.


Penalties for Sexual Assault Members of rhe University community who violate the University's ban on sexual assault will be subject to strict discipli nary action by the University, up to and including suspension or expulsion for students and terminarion for Employees.


Consensual Sexual Relat;(mships Primary responsibility for maintaining high standards of conduct resides with faculty and supervisors, since they exercise significant authority and power over others. A consensual sexual relationship between an Employee (fac­ ulty, staff, or administrator) and a studenr, or between a supervisor and a subordinare Employee, does not necessarily involve sexual narassment or sexual misconduct. In such cir­ cumstances, however, the University's responsibilities to its

PlU 2006 - 2007

students and Employees are potentially cornpromioed by the likelihood or even [he appearance of a conflict of interest. Consequently, this policy stricrly prohibits consensual sexual re!Jtionships between an Employee and a student whenever the Employee is in a position o f professional responsibility with respect ro the student. This policy, further, stricrl}' pro­ hibits consensual sexual relationships berween a supervisor and 3. di rect subordinate Employee. For the p u rposes or this policy, an Employee is in a position of professional re ponsibility with respect to a student when the Employee is currently i n a position to make o r infl uence a decision or (0 confer or withhold a benefit rdating to tne studen t's education, employmenr, or campus-sponsored activi ty. This includes, but is not limited to, staff/student, faculty/student, coach/player, supervisor/student wo rker, and adviso r/advisee rdationsnips. For tne purposes of" this policy, an Employee is in a direct subordinate rel ationship with a supervisor if the Employee rcporrs to the supervisor, if the supervisor evaluates or directs the Employee's work, or if tne supervisor is in tne direct cna.in of command of the person to whom the Employee reports. Tne University strongly discourages consensual sexual relatio nsh ips such as those berween an Employee and a student (even in tne absence of a current professional re ponsibilit with respect to the student) and between a faculty member or supervisor and an Employee in a posirion of less authority (even in the absence of a direcr repo rting relationsnip as defined abm'c) . Wnile this policy does not pronibit consensual sexual relationships such as roes , they are strongly discouraged. Because all sucn reiarionsnips potentially involve a violation of equal opportuniry law, it may be difficult, if not impossible, i n any subsequc m proceeding t o defend against a sexual harassmen t cnarge wnete the defense is based on the complaina n t's consent to the relationsnip. Moreover, those persons i nvolved i n such relationships must be aware that the relationship may be viewed by others as exploitative or as creati ng actual or appatcn t conflicts of interest, tnercb), I:r ring potential difficulties for one or borh parties. fNCLUSlVE LANGUA GE

Pl.U supports rile effom of faculry, students, staff, and administratOrs to employ and augment the inclusive language guidelines of their pro fess i ons or disciplines. and to reflect upon the cultural conditions which have made such guideli nes integral to co ntemporary language use. One set of guidelines is that of the Evangelical Lutheran Church i n America ("Guidelines fo r Inclusive Use of the English Language," 1 989), wnich provides

examples of lauguage rnat incl udes and affirms groups which have often been misrepresented i n or left out o f discourse. Inclusive language avoids s tereotypes or biases such



based on gt'n der, race, physical ability, sexual orientation, class,

nJ.tionality, religion, family, and status. Inclusive language directs our artenrion ro the nuances of social reference and calls us to add re.)S all ind·i viduals with respect. S11JDENT RIGHT- TO-KNOW

The Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Acr, Public Law 1 0 1 -542, provides that institutions of h i gher education disclose information about campus safety policies and p rocedures

to currc' O[ and prospective students nd employees. Putsuant to that re quirement, Paci I e Lutheran Universiry has developed a Campus Safety and Crime Prevention Guide that reports institutional securi ' policies and crime statistics. The current reporr is 3vaibble on the PLU Web site at www�plu.eduJ�slif!cs/. GRIEVANCE POLlCY AND PROCED URES



Pacific LU[heran University is committed to the internal

re,olution of disputes arising witnin the university communi ty. To thar end, the Pres ident has appointed a University Dispute Resolution Commi ttee that incl udes rcprt'senratives from the faculty, student life, human resources and academic administration. Tnc Commi t tee dppo i n tmenrs snail each be for a mi.nimum (wo-year term. The niversity Dispute Re.s olution Co mmittee (UDRC) is charged with reducing confliCts and helping members of the community resolve disputes appropriately, expediently and fa irly. The commirrec dot;.� so by educating the community abou r campus policies and dispute resolurion options; coordinating dispute resolution services; i nvestigating grievances when appropriate and advocating for review of u niversity policies and procedure.s wnen necessaty. It is the intenr thar the University Dispute Resolution Commi ttee 1>.: a resource for all members of tbe PLU community. The D R · may assist any facul ty, administrator, staff or stlldem who needs consulration or referral to resolve an on-camplLS onHicr, or who desires conflict resolution services. Tht· U D RC also processes all formal grievances as allowed by tbe University's Grievance "Policy, except those thar I·dare to facul ty tenure or discipline. or which ornerwise arise under the fac ulty constitution and bylaws Or which arise under the Student Conduct System. The UDRC shall have authortty to l!.stablish separate policic's and procedures for certain rypes of grievances. Subject to faculty approval, the U DRC shall also have authority to enact special policies and procedllfe� fo r resolution of grade disputes and issues of acad"lllic disnoncsty. The University Dispute Resolution Committee has the authority ro appoint additional commi rcee rnembers on an as needed basis, for example, when one or more UDRC members would be unable to parrieipate in a specifiC man r or when an additional member would assist in serving rhe rnission of the University Dispute Resolution Committee.

" c: c. �

The un iversity encou rages communi t), members to resolve their dispu res lr the earl ieSt and mosr informal level (i.e. by

talkin g di rccri)' with the ind ividual(s) involved; through facilitated cOllversatiun and/or through conflict mediation) .

\Vnen informal resol u tion is not possible, every member o f t n e uJ1iversit), communiry, whether faculty, student, administrator o r staff, has the right ro file a grievance and access he grievance procedures established by the UDRC. Grievances may be i n itiated by contacting any member of the Commi[[e�. ;rievances fitst reported elsewhere i n tne community should be referred to the Committee fo r resolurion, except fo r grievances thar arise unda tne faculty constimtion and by-laws or under the Student Conduct System. If, at any time during a conflict resolurion or grievance proceedings, a participant believes that a member of

PlU 2006 - 2007

21 1

Committee to seek resolution. The Dispute Resolution Committee may discuss options for informal handling of the grievance, make referrals ro appropriate resources and support services, and. with the permission of all parties, may also arrempt to resolve the problem through mediation.

University Dispute Resolution Committee has a conflict or the appearance of a conflict, or that the dispute/grievance involves or potentially involves a member of the Committee, that member will be excused from any further involvement in the grievance proceedings. In such circumstances an additional U D RC member may be appointed by the remaining University Dispute Resolution Committee members.

At any point in the process. the grievant may send wrirrcn notification to the Dispute Resolution ommirree that the situation is resolved or that no further University action is desired. The Dispute Resolution Committee will retain records of informal grievances for a minimum of three (3) years.

The grievance policy and procedures will be published bi­ annually and distributed ro all members of the university community. B.


GJ r::: GJ "'C :::s \-'

>­ .... III -

GJ > r::: �


General Administrative Procedures The following administrative procedures shall apply to all grievances, with the exception of grade disputes, allegations of academic dishonesty, student conduct issues covered by the Student Code of Conduct and faculty grievances relating to tenure, discipline and other issues expressly provided for in the grievance procedure set forth in Article V1 of the Bylaws to the Faculty Constitution. All other maners, including, but not limited ro, disputes or complaints relating to discrimination and sexual harassment/sexual misconduct shall be handled in accordance wirh the following procedures. Neither voluntary nor involun tary terminations of staff and administrative personnel may be grieved nor are they subject to these administrative procedures. The University is committed to resolving all grievances arising under these procedures, including complaints of sexual harassmen t and/or misconduct, at the earliest and most informal leve!' 1. Informal Grievance Resolution A grievant may pursue any of the following options for informal resolution: a. Direct Resolution. The grievant may discuss directly with the respondent the allegations of the grievance and work with the respondent to resolve any concerns. b. Supervisor Resolution. If the action suggested in paragraph 1 is unsuccessful, ill-advised or otherwise inappropriate, the grievant is encouraged ro first discuss his or her concerns with the supervisor or department chair who is responsible for taking appropriate action. If the grievance directly involves the supervisor, the grievant may go ro the next level of supervision or may bring the matter directly ro the University Dispute Resolution Committee as set forth below. If a grievance directly involves an individual at the level of Vice Ptesident, Dean, Provost or President, the grievant should bring the matrer di rectly to the Dispute Resolution Commirree. The matter may be concluded by mutual consent at this point. Supervisors and chairs must inform the Dispute Resolution Committee when handling grievances, which involve potential violations of the University's policy on discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual misconduct. c. Uniz,ersity Dispute Resolution Committee. If there is no mutually satisfacrory resolution at an earlier stage. or if the grievant does not wish to bring the matter ro the chair or supervisor, the grievant may contact any member of rhe University Dispute Resolution

At any time during the informal resolution process, either parry, or the Dispute Resolution Committee, may request that informal resolution effo rts be terminated and that the formal grievance procedures be in itiated. Such request shall automatically suspend informal procedures. At such time, the Dispute olution ommince, or any subcommirree thereof, shall, within five days, hold a meeting with both parries to discuss options for informal resolution, including mediation. If no agreement can be reached as to informal means of resolution or i f informal procedures fail, then either party, or the Committee, may request that the grievance proceed in accordance with the formal grievance procedures set forth in Section B, below. 2. Formal

Grievance Procedures

Grievants for whom the matter has not been satisfactorily resolved through the informal process may file a written grievance with the University Dispute Resolution Committee within five ( ) working days afrer rermination of the informal process. If no informal resolution was sought, written grievances must be filed within 30 working days of the alleged Lncidcnt. The grievance shall include the grievant's written statement describing the alleged inappropriate action or misconduct. Upon receipt, the grievance shall be marked with the date received.

a. Filing the Written Grievance.

b. Determination o/ Whether Grievanct· i,- Subject to



PLU 2006 - 2007

Procedures. Within five (5) working days of the grievance filing date, the Dispute Resolution Committee shall determine whether the facts alleged in the grievance fall wi thin the purview of these procedures. If not, the grievant shall be: so notified in writing. No appeal may be taken internally of such determination. Notification to Respondmt. If it is determined the grievance falls within rhe purview of these procedures, the Dispute Resolutiun C mmittee shall, within three (3) working days of such determination, provide a copy of the grievance to the respondent, rogcther with a copy of thes procedures. Written Re,pOIlSC May Be Filed. Within five (5) working days after receiving a copy of the grievance, (he respo ndent may submit ro the Dispute ,e,o lution Committee a written response m the allegations raised in the grievance. The respondent is encburaged to provide a written response, however, failure to answer a charge or to participate in the investigation will not prevent the process from proceeding. Failure to

respond may result in the investigation proceeding

Either party may seek an extension of time.

solely on the basis of the grievanr's t",timony and

Reasonable extensions of time may also be granted


e. Investigatio" a/the erielJallce.

upon initiation of the Commi ttee at its discretion.

Within fifteen ( 1 5)

The Dispute Resolution Committee will not usually

working days of receipt of the responden t's written

extend the time:: for filing a written grievance except for

res ponse, or, if there is no written response, within

those situations in which the grievant al leges violation

tWenty (20) working days of notification to

of the University's Policies on Equal Opportunity,

resp ndenr. the Dispure Resolution Commirree or its designees shall complete an inv

Affi rmative Action, and Sexual Misconduct. When

tigation which may

appropriate, rime limits may also be extended from

incl ude inrerviews with borh parties and with those ident lHed by the parties as having personal knowledge of the facts relating to rhe grievance; review of written

one school year to the next. k. Grievance

rl!l.ponsts as appropriate; and/or review of any documents


investigation without a fo rmal grievance from any

or by persons with knowledge.

individual. In such cases, the Provost or appl icable

f Prelilll illary Report and Recommendations. Within five

Vice President will act as the grievant. In those cases,

(5) working days after completion of the investigation, lie ispute Resolll[ion Commi ttee will prepare a

the Dispute Resolution Committee will use the same notification and process guidelines as outlined in the

prel iminary written reporr which details the 0

ummarizes info rmation received,

and presenrs the Committee's factual findings and

formal grievance procedures.

I. Grievance Iltitiated by Dispute Resolution Committee. The Dispute Resolution Commi tte:e may initiare a

recommendations. Copies of the preliminary report

formal grievance at any time where an individual

shall be given to the grievant and respondent.

declines to pursue the formal grievance process and/or

g. Reb/lttnl State71lc1/fs. Should either the grievanr or the

where the Committee bel ieves the Universi ty's Policies

respondent dispute the findings of the preliminary

on Equal Opportunity. Affirmative Action, and Sexual

reporr or the recommendations, rebuttal statements

Misconduct may have been violated. [n such cases, the

may be filed with the Commi ttee within five (5)

grievance will follow the same notification and

working days of receipt of the prel iminary report. The

proce.dures ser forth above. The Dispute Resolution

Commi ttee may review the rebuttal statements and

Committee has the right, where appropriate, to protect

shall have the 3uthority to reopen it� invesriga tion and

the identity of a grievanr and to proceed with an

amend it� prelimi nary investigative report. if it deems

anonymous grievant. That right should be used only in

such acrion appropriate. Either party may also submit

rare circumstances, taking into consideration the

names of additional witnesses and additional

inherent difficulty to the respondent, and only after

information, additional evidence or documents, etc. h. Filial Report and Recommtmdations. Within seven (7) working days of receipt of any reburra[ statements or additional information, the

consultarion with the University's attorney. m. Recol'd Retention. The Dispute Resolution Committee is the custodian of all tecords developed during the

ommittee shall complete

investigation of a grievance. All records of the Dispute

a final investigative repon and recommendations. In

Resolution Commirre.e are cons idered confidential and

the event no rebuttal statements are submitted, the

except records relating to grievances involving

CopIes of rhe final investigative reporr and

violations of the University's policies on Equal

ommendatiom shall be given to the grievant, to the

Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Sexual

respondent and to the appropriate vice president, dean

Misconduct, which may be kept indefinitely at the

and/or department head. If the grievance involves a facullY member, a copy of rhe final report shall also be

discretion of the Commi ttee. 1/.

provided to the Provost. I.

Revie-w by Appropriate


Withm ten ( l 0)

The Dispute Resolution Commi ttee has no

part of its i nvestigative report, recommend a parricular sanction or course of corrective action. The actual

final report, the appropriate Vice President, Dean or

authority to impose: sanctions and other corrective

Provost shall assess the reporr, review any written

action shall remain with the Provost, as to faculty; the

statements, determine whether to accept the

Vice President of Student Life, as ro students; and rhe

ommendations, m : d take any responsive acrion. [ n

appropriate administrarive Vice President as to staff

the .:'vent the grievance and/or recommendations o f the

and administrative personnel. The authority imposing

Di�pute Rt: 'olution Committee directly i nvolve a Vice

sanctions shall report its action to the Dispure

President. Dean or ProVOSt, the Committee will designate an al ternate authoriry to assess the report and


authority to impose any sanction, however, it may, as

workin day� from completion of the Commi ttee's


Resolution Comm ittee in writing. o.

Falsified GrielJance. Deliberately filing a grievance with

det rmin any responsive :lctio n. Such action, if any,

false statemenrs is considered to be serious misconduct

shall be in accord with appl icable University policy.

and such offenses will be subject to the ful l range of

The grievant shall be informe:d of any corrective action

disciplinaty sanctions, including termination and/or

taken involving rhe r

j. Tim/' Limits.

:::l tl) 11'1

will be retained by the Committee for three (3) years,

COnlmi rree's preliminary repon slull be deemed final. 1'(

The Pres ident,

Dispute Resol ution Commi ttee conduct an

other evidence submI tted by the parties

i nvestigative pro

Initiated by Administration.

Provost, or any Vice President may request that the



Time limits Set fo rth in these procedures

p. Right ofAppeal. Either party may appeal to the

may be extended by the Dispute Resolution

President of the University the findings of the Dispute

Committee upon request and showing of good cause�

Resolution Commit tee's final investigative report. The

PlU 2006 - 2007


Dispute Resolution Committee may also request that [he President review


process. Any person who violates this policy may be

patticular grievance. Such appeal

subject to disciplinary action, including termination

must be filed in writing to the President's Office within ten

and/or e.,<pulsion.

( 1 0) working days after completion of


review by the Vice President or Provost in accordance with paragraph

9 above. The President may choose to

rhesc grievance procedures do not supersede existing

accept, reject, accept in part, or reject in parr the

procedures for reso lu tion

i nvestigative fi ndings and recommendations. The

dish onesty or matters arising under the Student

Pc sid nt shall have final authority. i nvestigative

Conduct or ::Iny grievance p rocedures set fo rth in the

mding and recommendations. The President shall

q. Artomeys.



or the

procedures are inrended to be a


must elect a t the outset which fo rum to use. [f

affeCted b

arro rney


be allowed to participate d i recdy in any pha.sc

e grievance 0

procedures, however. any parry




p roceed under these ad m i n istrative procedures

in lieu of alternate internal grievance procedures, then the grievance procdures fo r resolution of the same grievance.

his or her choice at his or her own expense.

Rďż˝/nlintion Prohibited. The University expressly

prohibits retaliation against any person who has filed

Code of

grievant may not subsequently p u rsue the alternate

a grievance is free to consuit with an

grievance, or in any way participated in the grievance

disputes, academic

be brought i n under an alternative procedure, the grievant

means of i nte rnal resolution on ly. As such, arrorneys

will n

of grade

Faculty Constitution and Bylaws. Where a grievance may

have final authority.


Alternative Grievance Procedures

im ilarly, if a grievant elects to p u rsue an alternate grievance procedure, the grievant may not s u bsequently




usc these procedures to resolve the same

grieva nce.



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Lv<ru.n Classes

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B�Legeod I\Io.mqtilir

. . . . .3 Bookstore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 lumbia Qrm:r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 IX.dopmenr & ni�ty Rd:u:iO!l5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 E= umpus - PLU CorrumU1iry Outreach . . . . . . . . . 1 7 Eastvo td H:ill!Tow�r 01ap0=! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 FJcilities" Man�=rJPlant Service; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 FJeutry louse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Fb� ResKkn.re HJII . . . . . .33 Harsmd Resida= Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2ei b.uge Admilliso::uioll B uikling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Health Sen'ices � nre.r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 l.-fincblie R.sidence Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Hang Residt:ncc Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1 Human Rc:IDurce Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 lngr.nn l-lall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 {(a:k Ol:tl-crvJrory . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Knorr House . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 dler i &sidcnce Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ugerquisr ru:m- Hall l..t't' House (Rarq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 M:lil Servia:s. hipping & Rec6ving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 M:uy &ireI' Russell Music nltT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 Math. Compwr.r Science, and Compurcr Engineering Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 9 McN:IDb Howe eROTO . . . . . . . . . . . .I Mcmori.d G)'lTlfl:lS ium . . . . 42 Morken Cen� fOr Learning & ... ...... 1edmology . . . . . . . . . .3 1 Monvcdt UbrJI)' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Music HOI.ISC . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .39 Name; Fi= Qn� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .421 . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Nesvig Alumni Caller . . . . . Ooon Auditoriwn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 nhl Residence Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Park Avmlll: House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Pflueger Residence Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3 Oll'le . . .



. . . 2..'3 PLU Noml\'JeS[ (Gifi 'hop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ramscld Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Rid<e Science Cc:nrer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Sc:tndinavian G.UrumJ Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 South Rtsidence Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Stnen Residence Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 "wimnling Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A l Residenre H.ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1 f nrury House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 Thniry Lutheran h urch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ni�i{y CenR:r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 niversity Printing & PubliaWoIlS . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 29 WJ.ng Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 8 Warehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 W� House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Women's Cen� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Xavier Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22


• The Office of Developmcru and Univen>iry Rdarions is locuecl at the ina:I�.rion . 0 Garfield ao:t and Ptlcific Avenue on che east side ofP:J.cil:ic ar 1 2 1 65 P:tcific �ue .south , T.1COma.




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aa=ible Parking . . . . . . . . . . .vlSiror Parking by Permit R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rts='I'!'1 tudent I':Irking F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J� f"JOIity/AdminJScaJfPJ1king



. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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. . . . . . .

SptcUI Pennit P:uking

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vwtor/Public Pa.rking by Permit

. .


. . . .

. . . . .

F.rru!tgency Phones

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

V��tor parking hy pennir only. AU visitolS must obmin a

isitor parking permir at Campus


I'l)' 1000teci in d,e

basement at dle nonh end of Hamad Ha ll.


parking slOlli may be wed by visitolli dwing non-working hours (5 p.m.-7 am.) and on \�ds (some 24 hr.

exception, are inclicmrl by signs). Ifyou pbn an extended vi.-.it, you mu:., obtain .1 remporary pt:mur from Campus fet}'.

Selected Campus Contacts

Area code 253

.53 1.6900 Glmpus Phone infOrmat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -35.7449 Campus SatCry (24 hOllf\) . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .535.744 1 Academic �ismoce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . .535.75 1 8 ;\dmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. 5.7 1 5 1 Alumni and Parent Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .535.74 1 5 Bl.!.'iiness Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .535.7 171 Church Relation, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535.7423 Con ce and Events CeIl rer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535.7450 Devdopmenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .535.7177 .Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .535.79 1 1 Sn ldalt rvices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 5 .7 1 G I . . . . .535.7337 Healrh enter . . . . . . . . . . . . Luu:cud and lnfoml.lcion Oe<;k . . . . . . . . . . . . '>35.7457 KPLU 88.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .535.7758 Ne\\>li and infoJT11arion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535.7430 Prc:sident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .535.7 1 0 1 Regisuar . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 35.7 1 3 1 Stndenr Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535.7 1 9 1 Summer �ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535.8618 Transfi:r Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535.7138

Unhumy SwitdlboanI

. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . .

VISit PLU by Bus

Irs easy ro visit PLU from any,,,,here in the Puger Sowld Semle and Iympi" route> re(juire a rrnnsfer in


Lakewood or downtown '] acoma. Direct: bus roures arrive ar the Parkland llansi.r Center, only tWI) blocl<s fiom the: PLU camptis. For help pbnning };)ur aip, call 253.581 .8000.

2 53- -36- 5 1 3

� I

' . , �



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