1973 Summer Session

Page 64

F u rt her support ing evidence i n the form of perso n a l reco mmendations w i l l be required f r o m those persons named by t h e appl i cant o n t h e appl icat ion form. Students apply ing for admission to graduate study shou ld submit the completed appl ication blank (ava i lable from the Graduate Office) plus an official copy of transcri pts of a l l previous col lege work . This sho u l d be done before the f i rs t semester o f registration in graduate co u rses. I n order to i n sure consideration for ent rance in a given term, appl ications sho u l d be made by July 1 , December 1 and April 1 . A ten-do l lar no n 路ref undable application fee should accornpany the application . This is a service fee and is not appl ied to the student's acco u nt . C h ecks o r money o rders should be made payable to Pacific Lutheran U n iversity and sent to the Dean of G raduate Stud ies.

Approval o f admission to the Division of Graduate Studies does not i mply admission to ca ndidacy for the degree. F i nal admission approval is determ i ned by the Dean of G raduate Studies in consultation with the appropriate Graduate Council Committee. I n summary , the fol lowi ng items must be o n f i l e before a n app l i cant may b e considered for admissi o n : (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5)

The completed a p p l icatio n form. The $ 1 0.00 no n-refu n dable appl icat ion fee. A n off icial copy o f transcripts o f all previous col lege work . Test scores when specif ically requested. a . Adm ission Test for Graduate Study in Busi ness scores ( Master of Busi ness Administration appl icants o n ly ) . b. M i l ler Analogies Test (Master of Arts i n Education appl icants o n l y ) .

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