1957-1958 Catalog

Page 54


For those who choose to do thei r fifth year wo rk at Pacific Lutheran Col l ege, we sh a l l consider their desi res and needs in the ilight of the evidence from the school system in which they had experience a nd from evidence of their pre-service p repa ration. Some of the wo rk taken d u ri ng the fifth year may also apply toward the M.A. degree for those who meet the req ui rements. A student m u st not p l a n that these two s h a l ll coi ncide. The program as set u p for the fifth year s h a l l take precedence and m ust be f i n ished fi rst. Students completing the req u i rements for the Standard General Certificate a re eligible for the Bachelor of Education degree. REQU I R EMENTS FOR THE MASTER OF ARTS Ad m i ssion Req u i reme nts A grad uate of any accred ited co l lege or university may be accepted fo r adm ission to g raduate study if his und ergrad u ate record is satisfactory. This record m ust be better than average in genera l ed ucation a n d superior i n the fields of speci a l i zation i n which the student wishes to concentrate i n his g rad u ate work. An appl icant whose grade poi nt average d u ri ng his l ast year of co l l ege was below 3 .0 w i l l not be considered for g raduate status until he has demonstrated his a b i l ity to do g raduate work. A m i n i m u m of one q u a rter or sem ester's work with a g rade poi nt of 3.0 at Pacific Luthera n Co l lege wi l l be req u i red before the student can be con足 sidered for gradu ate status. H is accepta nce to graduate status is determined by the Dean of the CoL lege and the Chairman of the Education Department. General Req u i re ments 1.

A minimum of one year's teachi ng experience.

2. A m i n i m u m of 30 semester hours of work taken in resi足 dence with a g rade point average of 3 .0 in both the major and the m i nor. 3.

Six semester hours of grad uate work may be taken at a nother i nstitution provided that a pprov al has been g iven by h i s Gradu ate Comm ittee.

4. The m ajor must be i n the department of ed ucatio n. Twenty to twenty-two hours, i ncluding a thesis or research as speci足 fied below, a re req u i red. Candidates m ust concentrate a m i n i m u m of 1 0 semester hours i n one of the fo l lowi ng fields: ( l ) Classroom Teachi ng (elementary or seconda ry), (2) Ad min istration and Supervision, or (3) Guida nce. 44

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